#also i will never get bored of fancy color palettes
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Day 13: olm
today I learnt how to do sparkles and I'm having too much fun
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inspectorcrayon · 3 months
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It's about time this gets finished- A compilation of Windell's skins that took months to complete. So why did I spend so much time drawing back sides to his skins? It's the skulls, baybe. Its always the skulls. Me rambling about design notes under the cut- It's Very Long.
Nostalgic Windell's design is in part, made to contrast regular Windell's appearance. Windell wears blue and Nostalgic Windell wore a brown jacket.
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This is what he wore in his last day on earth, right before he gets yoinked to the Constant. He has a festive look as he disappeared during a trip to a carnival. ------ Windell's Guest of Honour was designed really early on, along with his Survivor and Triumphant. Which was around 2017ish.
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GoH Windell never deviated much from his oldest design, I didn't really put much thought on his outfit other than 'Windell, but fancy'. He loves dolling up people but he's not really a fan of partiying himself, that's why he looked really sad here. ---- The Survivor skin was... It was a mess trying to make it not at all cluttered.
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I loved the idea of him looking stitched up and sporting a stubble along with other accessories, but I decided to drop that in his more recent designs because idk, I just personally didn't like how he looked in my new style. I'm just very uncertain with this design in general. The stitched pants was something I think is neat ig. ----- Roseate Windell went through a lot of changes because I didn't know what to do with him for a while??
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My main problem with his earlier deisgns was I was trying to make him feel 'distinct' like a proper skin from regular Windell. And I just struggle to give him a hairstyle that is not only not a pain to draw every time but also... actually nice to look at??.
I hit that sweet spot in his 2022 design and as MUCH as i LOVE his tentacle-like, spiny coat, it just doesn't look good when I imagine them as dst sprites. (It's not like I'm actually gonna make sprites of this skin but making sprites for his mod made me understand dst's design conventions(?) a bit more??)idk.
Roseate went from 'ew he looks really boring to me' to 'omg a personal fave'.
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Also he looks like this without his extra coat ----- Gladiator Windell... Fun fact: His armor is heavily inspired by Killer Queen from JJBA.
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It really shows in this old portrait pic. Simplifying his design was painful but it had to happen. I had no idea how to color him back when I first designed him so I just did the easy thing and colored him with Windell's existing palette. I made him grey in his final redesign because again, I didn't want him to look too similar to his usual look, but I doooo think the blue looks better on him ngl... -----
I love Snowfallen Windell (Even if his hair will give me grief one day) He took some inspiration from Elsa frozen.
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Though, he did have an older look. As with most of my 2020 designs, as much as I love the older version, his hair just doesn't look like a separate skin. Hence he changed radically in his redesign. The final design is in a way, a fusion between the older designs. ----- Contender Windell is a case of me designing a skin and ending up with a suit. As much as I adore suits, they can begin to look same-y after a while.
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I watched some WWE as a kid and I always found it hillarious to see suited people in the ring. Windell's first design here references that. Also there's the steel chair meme. I like the concept but he looked really plain next to the other contender ppl when I drew him fr. The 2022 design is the result of trying to fit him in with the others and I think he looked great. His final design didn't change much apart from the hair to further make him different from Windell's og hair. ----- Magmatic Windell The Magmatic skin set itself is a bit of a mess when it comes to theming. So I just took reoccuring design features and mashed them together for this.
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Fire nation fashion, gold(?) accessories and flre-like hair. There's little thought involved in the process. Though, the addition of the red tattoo-like markings on Windell made him better to look at ig. I dare say, this design warmed up to me. ----- So many horror icons... but which one would Windell embody? His Hallowed Nights is the Corpse Bride (but genderbent) and I had fun with this one.
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I know, I know this is yet another suit, but he has enough details to offset that. For a dash of irony, he's supposed to have drowned. :) -----
Windell is Irish (Welll, Irish-American to be specific) This is all the notes you'll need-
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His final design have better colors :D ----- I decided to go by a theme among my own ocs with the Merrymaker skins based on A Christmas Carol, since Maxwell is clearly Scrooge. Merrymaker Windell is another one of my personal favorites-
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He's supposed to be the Christmas Ghost of the Past. ----- Windell used to have a proposed mechanic where each skin has several designs and they get cycled every time he gets ressurected through a certain way.
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Victorian Windell's final design is heavily based on a particular alt of his og victorian design that I liked more. I just added stuff to make him look cooler :B ----- There is little in the way of customization in the Line Cook set. But whatever, he still gets a skull on the back of the fit.
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His frock used to be green too. ----- His Halloween Costume is of a tentacle. His favorite mob.
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I made his redesign also akin to a little gnome/witch. Also someone called him Gargamel once and that makes me smile to this day -----
Swashbuckler Windell already existed long before Klei released the set. He was part of a pirate au and he's supposed to be a pirate hunter.
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So ig he became canon when Klei decided to make that set. His cape had to go though. ;-; His final design was also partly inspired by P from Lies of P. ----- Moonbound Windell was a challenge to design as he's supposed to bounce off from his Tri design. This skin is supposed to be everything that Tri isn't and so his colors will have to be mainly white and I had to discard my first design of him
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I loved WX's and Webber's moonbound designs so that also bled onto Windell's. As Triumphant Windell is calm yet menacing, Moonbound Windell is an angrier Windell. Alter whispered forbodden knowledge onto him and that only Pissed Him Off. ----- Maquerader Windell is heavily based on the costumes they wore in Cats (The Broadway one). Particularly Mr. Mistoffelees. I hated doing his lineart, but coloring really endeared him to me. Now, he's also very much beloved. ----- So Klei releases either a Nostalgic skin or a skin that's really out there with it's theming whenever a character refresh happens. This is what Windell would have in that case- Windell's refresh skin would be themed around being a sailor, inspired by Ishmael from Moby Dick. It's kinda a what-if as well. What if Windell decided to confront his fear of the ocean head on, becoming a sailor and joining a group of whalers. He still hyperfixates on the ocean as he does in canon. Also here's an alt design for this particular skin-
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----- And last but not the least- Triumphant Windell OH BOY. Man has history- Way before Klei unveiled the triumphants, I had this idea for a really old rp where Windell decides to join the shadows like Maxwell as Their spy in exchange for shadowy powers and stuff. But the twist is, he Looks Like Everyone else to blend in better. I loved the idea, but then when the triumphants came around. Windell just looked so plain next to them and so I drew this doodle and that was before I became inactive in the fandom until 2020.
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His 2020 incarnation was from a joke I made about Windell's 'real' triumphant was this jock who is also a bully and he has an eldritch car that he uses to run over ppl in the Constant. Also he's voiced by Bo Burnham :B Shortly after that I released his non-joke Triumphant design, which was heavily based on his 2017 version. He also can turn into an eldritch creature made of needles and yarn. He's called The Yarn Man because of this. More on Yarn Man- (cw: there is body horror) My problem with Yarn Man is, his hair just changes in every drawing because I didn't know how to properly draw it. Until his 2023 version. _____ THERE YOU GO. THE WINDELL SKIN LORE.
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yinses · 3 years
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—hawks ft. established relationship + dom!keigo + exhibition + overstim
rating: 18+ a/n: thank you so much to @ultimate-astridwriting​ for allowing me to be part of this collab !! it was the shove i needed to get back into the fandom. hawks has always been my favorite hero so i hope to do him justice.
➳ impatient collab masterlist
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fist pressed against his cheek, he browsed over the sight before him, taking it all in without considering really any details. fighting a smirk, he cocked an eyebrow.
“i’m not feeling the color. change it for the other one.”
to be frank, he had no particular preferences for color, design, texture or any of that shit–though, he did have a weakness for anything with a pretty flare to it, the air of innocence that he loved to bathe you in with all the frills and fluff. however, it didn’t mean that he wasn’t fond of deciding which palettes suited you best. but he had a specific reason as to why he voiced that particular opinion of his.
sale’s representatives, all mascara-lined eyes and glossy lips, held your hands by your side  in a surrendering position as they paraded you in front of your boyfriend as though this was his own private fashion show. and in a way it was, he’d spent good hard earned money renting out the area for a few hours. enjoying it all from his throne placed perfectly in front of the changing rooms, watching how you were dragged in and out by the forceful employees with him picking out what items you wore.
the clatter of the sale’s girls dragging you back in the changing room again, drew him from his thoughts. you were a flushed mess, struggling to wriggle away from their sharp nails while insisting that you could walk on your own. overall, you'd have been rather accommodating to his whims. but you always were. and as such a good girl, he would reward you for it. for now though, he couldn’t resist giving you a mocking smirk when you tried to grab him and failed miserably at that.
back to the prison of hands again, he noted, as they closed the door behind them and made a fuss over what you disliked and what he wanted. as more girls pecked at you to stay still while they taught you how to wear the clothing properly. outside, keigo waited patiently for them to be done as his eyes travelled from one end of the store to the other, looking at the fancy lingerie and wondering what would actually be perfect for you. but then again, to be painfully honest, you made anything here look good.
and then there's also another fact that he had to come to terms with.
he liked you best without anything on.
with only your bare skin, lying amidst the fluffy pillow with silken sheets tangled around your body. legs demurely spread, hands placed above your head and looking as though you were begging to be dominated. that was certainly the very image of excellence that any man could ever ask for. wanton eyes, warm cheeks, slightly parted lips, panting–ah, but you would gasp wordlessly as he’d stolen your voice many rounds prior. keeping his eyes peeled on the floor, the man shuddered briefly and rolled his shoulders back to remind himself that he was in a store and any further acts of indecency would totally be out of the question. especially when he remembered how you straddled him last night, thighs over his torso. sinking in inch by inch, throwing your head back when he bucked up a bit too hard on you–
"mr. hawks, what do you think of this?"
there you stood, with your hands still raised again, eyes watering under the torment of these awful ladies. biting your lips with warmth tainting your cheeks, hair cascading over your shoulders and meeting the body that was hugged by a pair of lingerie. strapless and curvaceous mounds of yours, covered with a brassiere. a matching panty, complete with small laces forming gathers on the hems as they trailed invitingly towards to garter at your thighs.
he stared.
and blinked.
only once.
"sir?" one of the older females repeated, raising her eyebrows. "…what do you think?"
trying to cover up the fact that his awkward silence was making the room uncomfortable with anticipation, keigo casually leaned backwards and crossed his legs together. his wings fluttered in reflection of his thoughts, rising and falling with each new epiphany. dark eyes walked all over your body, drinking in how your breasts were perfectly pressed together and how your legs trembled when his eyes stopped at the ribbons of the panty. finally hovering over your face, where when eyes met, your blush darkened and you immediately dropped your gaze to your bare feet. he smirked at that sinfully innocent reaction of yours.
coy today, were you not?
without skipping a beat, keigo drew out a card and threw it over to one of the sale’s girls, who fumbled as she tried to catch it with her clammy fingers. eyes still locked at your face, knowing that with his stare alone he was making you feel uncomfortable. and damn, he still loved seeing you squirm around like a virgin on her wedding night.
"i'm taking everything that she tried on just now," he answered loftily, still seated on the cushiony sofa, leaning his head against one arm and letting the other one tap rhythmically on the armrest. when the employees all squeaked out a pathetic noise of agreement, keigo allowed his lips to curve upwards in a smirk as he drawled out the next order; "charge what you need on it, i don't give a shit. and oh, and don't forget to charge what it takes to buy this section for another hour. turn off the surveillance too while you're at it because this area's mine from the time being."
needless to say, their faces instantly decolorized. but they wouldn’t challenge his demands. the brief raise of his massive scarlet wings was an unnecessary reminder as they stretch languidly without threat. he was a hero after all. who were they to challenge a frivolous form of stress relief?
he had no doubt that they had an inkling of what would occur over the next hour or so. but he was certain the gossip would get lost in the rumor mill.
hawks was a rather eccentric individual. what isn’t he up to these days?
keigo had never saw the staff evaporating and clearing the area within less than a minute as they closed off the doors behind them, leaving this particular section untouched for the next event that was about to take place.
it really did not make you feel any better though.
"little dove."
he watched as you jumped, realizing his attention was solely on you now. you raised your eyes to his again, locking eyes with deviously glinting ones. right now, at this moment, keigo knew how much power he held over you, and damn well he was about to abuse his privileges to no end. leaning snugly against the soft backing of the sofa, he cupped his chin with his palm and arrogantly raised an eyebrow when you shuddered under his disturbing gaze. you looked much as though you were lost and backed into a corner with nowhere else to go. keigo smirked; haughty, superior, dominating you single-handedly, and his other hand rose slightly from the armrest.
a single finger curled inwardly.
a low voice
"come here, now"
you knew what came from that tone, but the words didn’t ignite the same spark as it did within the safe space of your home.
you only hesitated briefly, but it was still a second to long for his tastes as his lips already began curling down in disappointment. your heart rapped heedlessly against your ribcage, sent spiraling into an off-beat staccato as you quickly tried to alleviate the shift in mood.
never in your relationship had you considered denying keigo. not the man who laid out everything you could have asked for on a silver platter. it's just that-
your feet crossed the minimal distance necessary to appear agreeable though your face still twists in concern.
“really? …. you want to have sex …. here?”
fingertips grapple anxiously while your eyes dart across the empty but still very publicly accessible room.
keigo already look bored with the exchange, digits curling once more with something just outside of patience.
“yes, now.”
his wings flex in consideration, yet he doesn’t move to rise form his seat. instead he changes tactics.
“i just want to show a bit of appreciation for all the pretty things i just bought you.’’
it sounds backwards … as if those should be the words coming out of your mouth not his. but the hint doesn’t come any stronger than the easy grin that spreads across his lips. he even makes a show of lounging back against the cushioned seat, body open in invitation should you dare.
and bite you did, teeth nibbling at the bait as you approach. keigo remains still, though his eyes dance with barely contained excitement as you gingerly crawl into his lap, fancy garments already rubbing enticingly against his thighs?.
the flap of his wings welcome gusts of winds and gratitude as his arms curl around you. the hand at your cheek tilts your head up to meet his gaze. it was always so easy for you to get lost in those specks of liquid gold. but now there was hardly any left to admire with the way his pupils were blown wide with lunch.
a shiver tickles your spine and you’re vaguely away that he’s kissing the line of your jaw, whispering soft words of encouragement as his hips raise to rock subtlety. it all left you shuddering in peaked anticipation as your worries melted into the recesses of your mind.
the hand cupping the roundness of your face stops you before you can lean in for more, the nose brushing against the tip of your nuzzling there in brief affection as he garnered the fraying tips of your attention. “yes?”
the fog of arousal abated a little at the question as your conscious thoughts swam back into the surface to input the code that would spiral you into your deepest desires.
“yes,” you verbally consented as you leaned up into him for a needy kiss. keigo swept his tongue out, meeting the the soft upper palate of your mouth with languid strokes. a rumbling trill greets you when you nibble in response. keigo eagerly chases you into a fevor of song and dance, building your body up to the inevitable fall he plans to send you crashing down in.
when he breaks the kiss, his eyes drop to the price tag still resting innocently against the swell of your bosom. he snaps it away from the fabric, uncaring of the threat against its delicacy as he tosses the flimsy paper to the side.
there were plenty more where it came from. and he was yearning to get the real show on the road.
“now then. how could i possibly show my thanks?”
nails dig into his shoulders for purchase as you rock traction into the firmness of his lap. keigo meets the upward curve of your hips with a sneaky dive of his hand between your thighs where his hand warms the skin there. 
you expect him to dip right in, cognitive of the spare time the two of you had to play. but as a dangerous smile twists at his mouth, you realize this is hawks time, a reality that flows differently than everyone else’s. 
“trying to decide if i want you to keep these on or not. “ he contemplates aloud, fingers plucking at the elastic.” i mean it would be a shame to leave them out.”
you nod mutely, ready to agree with whatever favored progression. keigo’s gaze narrowed at the silent insinuation “what? you want to make this into a quickie? but we have so many outfits to try.” 
you already knew that, acutely aware of each and every article of clothing that had been zipped, tied or squeezed around your body. and you were grateful of each and every addition, would even gladly spend the next few weeks letting him fuck you in each variation against your shared mattress at home. 
what you wanted now was for him to come so that you could start that private show within your own walls. 
keigo chooses to go for an adorable pout, lips pulling on aged heart strings, yet managing to make them go taut all the same. he waits until your body soften from the tension, aiding the transition with slow strokes against your back and inner leg. 
“one pair.”
it’s your back that losses his touch in order for him to bring a single finger in front of your face. 
“let me ruin one pair with my come and we can call it quits.”
and you say okay. brining your pelvis back into an enticing dance as you meld that pout into an eager kiss. you were already dressed for the occasion and had all the tips and tricks in your inventory to help him reach his goal. one easy step and you could be on your way.
                                                   how naive you still were. 
eight pair now. he’d brought you near completion just as many times before halting the grind of your hips with a frown. he mad for a rather convincing curator, inspecting each and every pair of to the finest thread. 
‘too blue.’
‘too much lace.’ 
‘it just doesn’t feel right. ‘
‘why don’t we try something else?’
true to his word, keigo had been determined to find the perfect pair to meet him at the edge of nirvana, and dragged you from one painstakingly near orgasm to the next along the way. 
you whimpered desperately, pressing your forehead against his shoulder as you forced yourself to remain seated with him throbbing deeply within you. pulsing, hot, too hot. scorching you inwardly and causing strange sensations to sear through your veins. his hands were still on the armrest, they were not on you, they were not driving you crazy with their constant teasing and whatnot this time. because he was not doing anything to make you this crazy when you were already this crazy for him. 
his lips smirked against the shell of your ear, a moist tongue peeking out to leave a wet trail. you fought every inch of yourself to stop your hips from moving again. because of his command, you could not move. you could not bring yourself to move. simply because it was his desire and you could not deny him.
"close?" he murmured darkly into your ear, wispy breath tickling your neck. making a sharp sensation run down your spine, forcing you to arch against him and pressing your bare breasts against his chest. he knew it, he knew that he drove you this wanton for him, all desperate and wanting more.
and yes, you were too close.
too close until one more move, he could make you topple over the chasm of ecstasy without even doing anything to you.
"hmm," he whispered this time, continuing his words with a foreboding edge as his lips brushed against your neck, against your ear, over your cheeks and teeth lightly nipping at your bottom lip.  making you try to kiss him, but he pulled away just like that and watched in sadistic satisfaction when you gave an exasperated groan. "i was too. and then i saw a pretty olive green peeking out of that pile over there."
there was hardly any vigor left in you to groan. 
you pressed your forehead against his slick neck, letting your warm gasps leave his skin, as your head desperately twisted in pinpricks of denied pleasure at his command. it was all a game, one that you could end with a single uttered word from your lips. but you’d never been a quitter, something keigo admired in you. his desires took you on erotic journeys you would have never dared to attempt in prior relationships. perhaps you were becoming just as debauched as he was. 
 there probably wasn’t even fabric of that color lying around and if there was it they weren’t within his eyesight.  keigo was painfully teasing you with this, building up your desire to the most desperate extent because you could not stand anymore. and he knew it too. he throbbed against your walls, the sporadic pulsing sending shrapnel of lust into your loins, and you told yourself that if you were compliant to his orders, then he would surely reward you afterwards.
he would.
he always did.
"okay," he spoke up again, pressing his cheek against yours because he knew that you had if he didn’t end it now, then he wouldn’t get out of it what he wanted. bright eyes were still glowing deviously under the chandeliers of the store, making him appear feral. it provided a visual desire for you to nip his ear, to lick his neck and to kiss his lips.
"you can move now, dove. let’s finish this and go home."
what an alluring goal that was, twinkling encouragingly from finish-line.
you gulped harshly, feeling your legs too weak to push you upwards again.  because he stopped you countless times and made a pleasure overload overrun in your body, turning your limbs to jelly.
a simple shake of your head was all the answer that you could muster.
it was either that or you would faint from the sheer ecstasy.
that made him smirk devilishly again when he looked at you, taut cheeks, lust-darkened blue eyes, a trickle of sweat running down his temple from the amount of restraint he was putting on himself. you felt as though you were opened, taken, torn from within by this man alone when he chuckled, pressing those sinful-stained lips to your forehead.
"maybe if you would beg just right, i’d bother to move."
whining, you shake your head as every cry you knew spilled past your lips. you begged, to pleaded keigo to move so that he would put you out of this torture.  so that he could make you reach that blinding bliss, that your nerves would tighten and your toes would curl. so that you would clench around him tightly, that he could come together with you in this passionate endeavor.
too desperate, nerves tingling with his every wicked command, your shaking hands slowly rose and cupped his cheeks, feeling his soft, flushed skin under your touch and forcing him to look at you in the face. your lashes falling part way over your gaze. plump, bitten lips drawing closer and closer and closer to him and closer and closer and closer with every second.  him slowly moving forward to join his mouth with yours in a desperate kiss, and you suddenly paused, letting only your lips brush against his, not moving forward anymore.
his eyes hardened when he felt your words form at his lips.
it seemed as though playtime was finally over, for now. 
keigo adopted a fast and hard pace, thighs jerking up to meet your earnestly with each slap of skin. the force of his thrust jolted you into a haphazard bounce as you fumbled desperately for traction and stability. each pull and push of your joined bodies was accompanied by a tremulous whimper as you gasped and groaned against the shell of his ear. keigo knew the sweet vocalizations weren’t completely for his sake, but more of the aftershocks of the broken damn as they spilled through the cracks of your lips. 
he still hummed, pleased as his mouth latched onto a pebbled nipple protruding from the fine silk still managing to encase your breast. it was a combination of the gyration of your hips and his own weakening resolve that triggered his own orgasm as he finally let go with broken explicative. 
your own pleasure was brought to you without chase, almost a reward for your efforts as you withered through it. keigo’s quiet praises wash over you like aloe, softening the worst of the burnings sensations as your thighs quake in protest. he nuzzles his face into the side of your neck as his arms encircle you and drag you down with him.
the already too small chaise had to be uncomfortable for his wings with your additional weight but he never voiced a complaint as the rose and fell over your sweaty skin. neither did you, despite the sticky resistance of his spent coating the inside of your thighs. at least you wouldn’t have to walk home in this particular pair. not that you planned on walking period as you grumbled a demands that he would be flying you both home. 
he snickers all while peppering a series of kisses against your nose,” anything you want, little dove.”
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monitsou · 3 years
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characters: kenma, atsumu, akaashi
warnings: a bit of swearing :p
post note: so it’s been 6 years since i played ac :( so i just recalled the things that ac features usually had, pls tell me if i mentioned something wrong ! and reblogs are highly appreciated!
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you can’t tell me that kozume doesn’t daily grind? he probably would spend all day just catching fishes and foils around his island
he wouldn’t pay too much attention decorating his island though, he will just put everything in one place so he can see that it’s there ??
he usually completes his task but tend to get bored so he’s just free styling whenever he’s playing
actually likes tom nook, even though he’s almost broke from paying his debts
his island can look neat at some point because you would encourage him to put a little bit more design to it.
doesn’t care about the design of his villager’s house but he’ll still talk to them because it’s part of the game after all.
his character always goes for a comfortable look, like sweaters and sweats ‘cause he thinks it’s nice to have a miniature character of him.
you once gave him a custom design sweater and trust me, he never took it off <3
has a little corner of his island to drop off bells for you to receive whenever you drop by his island.
one time he dropped 20k bells and you cried for hours
eventually, kuroo would try to steal the bells and kenma threatened him that he’ll block the shit out of him ( and he did lmao )
he absolutely LOVES it when you update him about the new tiny details you placed on your island, he thinks it adorable <3
because kozume usually likes to play animal crossing at night, both of you would stay up late to do such things
this always leads to midnight walks across either your town or his, nonetheless he finds it pretty relaxing when you play with him while he tries to keep up to your enthusiasm over the game
this mf is annoying as hell, he prolly doesn’t know how the game works
“ angel! why’d they talk like that? am i on the wrong settings or — “
he can’t even catch fish ...
spends all his bells to the able sisters to get new fancy clothing and he tried making a design for himself but it didn’t turned out as great :/
so focused at talking to his villagers, it’s like how he’s talking to real life people ??
he’ll show off any kind of rare and expensive stuff that he got and maybe even shove his switch to your face
his island would look kinda messy at first but it gets better once you actually explore more, that’s because he likes to kinda surprise you and see your reaction at first 🙄
he always prepares a red carpet for you to walk on whenever you visit to feel how special you are even in games, however he removes it INSTANTLY if osamu and suna comes to tease him about it.
i can see his island theme having the color palette of yellow, beige and white, maybe a tad bit of maroon as well.
LOOOVES hyping you up !! when he sees you wearing a new hat, clothing or having new decors around your island, he’ll always have the best reactions to appreciate your work !
picnic dates are a thing with him !! he picked a nice spot to place the picnic decors to watch the sunset, it even has trees and flowers surrounding it for you to enjoy. ( i’m sobbing )
exchanging gifts and letters were always a thing ever since atsumu learned how to write postcards. it also happens once a week so prepare yourself for some fun stuff <3
he’ll sometimes write sweet messages but often it’s just bad jokes that still makes you laugh at some point.
let’s hear it from the best animal crossing player of all time !!!
plays animal crossing like a pro, and can manage to pay his debt while designing his island better than you ( JUST SAYING 😳 )
he likes taking his time while playing it, he doesn’t usually use time travel unless he really needs to.
his favorite part about playing it is how the music changes as the time passes, it really relaxes him after a day of work + bonus relaxing points if he plays with you !
his island’s color palette would include different shades of brown, beige, white, gray and maybe a bit of baby blue
his island looks so neat and organize! he’ll definitely have those nicely designed coffee shop with a library next to it ( it makes you want to quit tbh )
lowkey excited whenever he sees a balloon with a present floating in air or whenever he sees a bottle w/ a letter on the beach
he literally just appreciates every single thing and detail in the game
he often lets you visit his museum to look how far he’s gone by collection his fishes, butterflies and fossils.
and he’s highkey proud of it
always takes couple pictures near the aquarium and the !!! butterfly house !!! while doing cute poses and he’ll eventually make it his lock screen ( it’s too cute for him )
he would make a waterfall area that’s actually nicely built and he also placed it with his pastel colored flowers.
he also prepared a diner set that’s close to the waterfall so it would look so ethereal at night because of how romantic and peaceful it looks :(
he gives so much effort when designing areas and making clothes for you in particular.
and he would always invite you whenever he’ll have meteor showers because it’s a moment where you both wish on shooting stars with the most heavenly scenery <//3
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© ATSUMAKI — do not plagiarize my future and current works as well as posting it to other platforms.
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zarla-s · 3 years
Not counting the stardock bs with origins, do you feel that star control 3 or star control origins is the worse game?
Well, I think Origins is more fun to play than SC3... it’s hard to explain if you haven’t actually played SC3, but SC3 is just so boring. There’s practically nothing to do but fly around and set up boring little colonies, and sometimes do melee but I never really enjoyed it in SC3. You spend the vast majority of your time talking to people which is fine! But in terms of actual gameplay, Origins has more to do and is a bit more engaging on that front. I mean, at least in Origins you can collect minerals on planets. In SC3 you couldn’t even do that. In SC3 you are also heavily crippled by how much fuel you have (and it’s hard to get in SC3) so it’s very hard to explore, which thankfully was not a problem in Origins so it was much easier to go poking around in new places. There are some nice quality of life things in Origins too, like a quest log to remind you of what you were doing or being able to buy things at any alien planet you go to.
I think Origins is generally better to look at, although there are still a lot of ugly or stupid designs in it. SC3 has a very washed out color palette... things are often muted or gray, they don’t really feel like they have a lot of life to them. A lot of the puppets are... awkward looking, although some of them look kind of neat. But on the whole it feels kind of drab. Origins at least is more colorful, I can give it that much. Both of them suffer from limitations in expressing emotions with their aliens... the Origins aliens seemed locked into a generic idle animation regardless of what they were saying, and the puppets in SC3 only had a few different poses they could go in and out of. To be fair, SC2 had stationary pictures with a few bits here and there moving, but given the technical limitations at the time, it felt more understandable to me. The fancy 3d models in Origins feel weird when they don’t actually do anything to emote. I think the Tywom are the only race that even had a second animation? That feels like a massive waste of a complicated model. The puppets in SC3 at least had the excuse of being puppets.
I think the original aliens in SC3 are more interesting than the ones in Origins... most of the aliens in Origins either irritated or bored me, I can’t really think of any that made me smile at all. The only one I had any kind of fondness towards was the Pinthi, even though their incredibly slow voice-acting drove me nuts (see also: Trandals), and I didn’t even like them that much. They weren’t interesting, I just didn’t dislike them. In comparison, SC3 had its share of duds in terms of aliens (cough the owa cough), but there were some I thought were fun - the K’tang or the Daktaklakpak come to mind.
SC3 also had a thing where it actually did have aliens from SC2, and the characterization of the old races is a whole thing. Some of them I liked, some I did NOT like. But there isn’t much of an equivalent for that in Origins, except that Zoq-Fot-Pik easter egg which really ticked me off. There was one for the K’tang too, but only in name...
The plot in Origins sucks. SC3′s plot was a mess and very passive, but it’s way more interesting to me. SC3 talks a lot about how to define sentience, where it comes from, what it means, that kind of thing. It had an overarching mystery the entire plot tied into that you slowly unraveled step by step. All the races in it felt very connected to each other and were often all up in each other’s business. There was a lot of bickering among your own party, and a lot among the other party, which could be a bit tedious but at least it felt somewhat realistic - a lot of races just have fundamentally different ethos that would naturally lead them to get into conflicts with each other. I liked how slowly you sort of ate away at the Crux’s power base by taking away their allies one by one. I thought having them really get into trouble when you finally lure away their production base was a nice touch. You had to really work to convince a lot of them to join you.
The big mystery in SC3 is the entire point of the game, everything ties into it, while the Lexite “mystery” in Origins is just a macguffin to get you into space. And I guess you’re supposed to find it out in the DLC but if you put the answer to a supposedly important mystery in the DLC then that’s just bad writing. In a plot-heavy game, it kind of ticks me off that Origins presented this big mystery that affected nothing and didn’t go anywhere and wanted me to pay more money to resolve it. I’m not doing that. Eff that. I shouldn’t have to pay more money to finish the plot of the game I bought (well, I didn’t buy Origins, someone gave it to me as a gift, but you get the point).
The writing in SC3 could be dry and expositiony, but it felt like there was some thought given to the aliens and their history, and how they related to the Precursors, and their mindset and beliefs, and how they felt about others. Origins felt a lot more flippant and silly - most of the races barely seemed to care about or interact with each other at all. In SC3, you get to dismantle the Crux’s empire piece by piece through diplomacy and little quests, it’s a very satisfying progression as the dominos start falling. In Origins, there really wasn’t any of that. Two of the... god, I can’t even remember their name. Two of the... SCRYVE that’s it, the Scryve slave races fixed their deal OFF-SCREEN!! WHEN THE GAME WAS OVER!!! That is absolutely outrageous, particularly when the game harped on you dismantling the Scryve’s empire over and over. I never got the feeling I was doing that, and apparently I didn’t do that because THEY DID IT THEMSELVES WHEN THE GAME WAS OVER. It felt really sloppy and rushed.
I’m not saying the plot in SC3 was great, it had a lot of problems and boy the ending was anti-climactic and disappointing. It did try to tackle some interesting philosophical questions though (at least to me), and it felt more intricate than the plot in Origins. Everything did feel connected and it had a uniting theme throughout. Origins never felt cohesive at all. It felt like a bunch of random things sort of shoved into the same box. The Scryve empire felt so cursory, it didn’t even feel like it was there most of the time. That’s not something that happened in either SC2 OR SC3... the Ur-Quan were always a threat, and the Crux in SC3 was a constant obstacle to anything you wanted to do.
Come to think of it, Origins and SC3 both have some similar plot points - there’s a big mysterious galaxy ending threat you only really see near the end, you have to dismantle an evil empire by gradually winning over their allies - but SC3 did both of those things better than Origins did. I think the Ploxis in SC3 had a more interesting history and motivation for their evil empire than the Scryve did, too, as well as sneakier ways to keep that empire tied together. I also think SC3 had higher and more interesting stakes right from the beginning and a better general plot hook to get you invested in what’s going on.
The ships in both games weren’t very good, most of them were pretty ugly. I did like that Origins had multiple ships for each race though, like a scout or a freighter or a cruiser. The music in Origins was better, the music in SC3 SUCKS. It’s barely even music. After the great music in SC2 that was a massive disappointment. The melee in Origins is better I think. The voice acting in both games ranges from okay to bad, although in Origins I really felt like it actually dragged the writing down. Like, some lines I did think were funny didn’t land right at all due to the VA’s delivery, which instead made them come off as try-hard and annoying (I liked the Measured if only because they just sound so tired while they’re talking to you). I don’t really remember that happening in SC3 for me, but to be fair, SC3 wasn’t really trying to be silly or irreverant most of the time. sc3 is the straightlaced older sibling of the starcon family
I think what really matters (at least to me) is the story and characters, and for all its faults and stupid choices and plotholes (I can’t believe you just find the sun device on a random planet HOW DID IT GET THERE) and repeated conflicts from SC2 (the Ultron, the Sun Device, the Chmmr, the Ur-Quan), and even recycled dialogue at points... I think I like SC3 more than Origins. Origins does have some things going for it over SC3, but so much of Origins just low-grade irritated me. SC3 could be boring, but I didn’t hate anyone like I hated the Tywom. Like, I wouldn’t laugh gleefully about letting an entire race die purely out of spite in SC3 but I definitely did that in Origins. Some of the races in SC3 could be very annoying (the Exquivan, the Daktaklakpak) but not because they themselves were annoying, but mostly because they were doing annoying things (in most cases, blocking off planets I wanted to go to). It’s a small difference but it’s one that adds up for me.
I think Star Control Origins is the better game in terms of general gameplay and presentation. It has a lot of positives going for it in that department over Star Control 3, although it has its faults too (if you want to watch me react in real-time to said faults, check out my big video about it). In terms of story and characters and themes though, I like SC3 better, even if as a game it’s pretty bad.
(And of course, Star Control 2 is better than both of them)
As one final note - both SC3 and Origins have weird vore sequences, and I mention this not so much because of the vore itself but because of how weird that, of all things, is for them to share. The one in SC3 is a secret at least, the one in Origins is a plotpoint.
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spiralhigh · 3 years
ranking the sdr2 cast by how much their formal wear hits
this is just my opinion, but my opinions are great and i know what i’m talking about! this will be long so it’s under a cut
s tier is reserved for only the best of them all, the cream of the crop, the fit that i would gladly lay down my life for. s tier is the crown jewel. s tier is what everyone else should strive to be... but only one can take the prize.
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the undisputed champion. this look is everything to me. EVERYTHING. the red-trim cape with the fur. the contrast of the airy, gathered blouse with those skin-tight shiny (leather? vinyl??) pants. the pumps. the belt that screams disco style. the necklace accentuating the tasteful titty window. the red white and gold color scheme  are you FUCKING WITH ME miss owari this look could bring ARMIES to their KNEES in an INSTANT. whoever drew this deserves full creative control of the danganronpa franchise and i’m not kidding
a tier is for the fits that frankly own bones. they’re not as jaw-dropping and legendary as owari, but they’re still razor as hell and deserve to be met with riotous applause.
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kazuichi, i didn’t know you had it in you, but this FUCKS. the character of the pins on the lapels, the sneakers, and the mispinned tie. the absolute CLASS of the suspenders, watch, and tiny round glasses. the handsome slick in the hair now that the greasy beanie is gone. the tasteful highwater. he looks like the host of the larry king show if the larry king show was exclusively about ska bands and he has never looked better
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tell me this isn’t the cutest shit. the colors here are EXQUISITE. the bright notes from the blue on top, the way the soft pink is a perfect middle ground of the pink + white flowers on her sleeves, the subtle way the green in her bow matches the green in her collar, the white petals breaking up the sky blue that might otherwise look out of place? remarkable. stunning.
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the ELEGANCE is EVERYTHING here. the monochrome is offset by just a splash of red that ties everything together with her eyes and the flower in her hair, the checkerboard pattern is visually interesting but not distracting, and her hair in that loose ponytail with the little white ribbon? ugh. ADORABLE! but most of all, look at those BOOTS. those CUTE LITTLE HEELS on those SICK LACE-UP BOOTS..... QUEEN shit!!!
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rounding out our a tier is chiaki in this adorable little dress just LOOK at her!!! she looks like a little rose, a perfect flouncy skirt with a glittery mesh overlay, a fun and fresh over-the-shoulder collar, a fucking big old bow tied in the back?? i can literally feel the way this dress would feel in my hands. it’s simple and perfect and frankly a GORGEOUS color on her this is flawless
b tier is a perfectly respectable place to be. these fits lack the lustre and flavor of the a tier entries, but they’re still dressed to impress and they still look fine as hell.
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say what you will about teruteru (and i do) but this suit is ADORABLE and it fits in with his theme + talent better than any other mfer on this list. the tasteful white/brown/red palette gives it a flashy chocolate cookie look, which is amplified in the fun pattern on the jacket. the chef’s hat switching out for a little top hat and the way the cumberbund looks a lil bit like a chocolate bar is also VERY cute
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now on its own, the suit is just alright. a vibrant pinstripe blue three-piece with the classic red tie wouldn’t land the impostor in b tier on its own... but that FUR COAT, LUXURIOUSLY DRAPED OVER THE SHOULDERS does WONDERS to pull this look together. not only is it worn with “yeah, it’s real mink, no, you can’t touch it” confidence, but it also ties the otherwise arbitrary white loafers into the structure of the look. it’s subtle and class as hell.
c tier is full of looks that are... fine, but ultimately either are boring, lack cohesion, or have a confusing design choice or two that make it hard to get all that amped about. c tier is a passing grade, but nothing more.
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there’s a lot that’s good about this outfit, but there’s also a lot that doesn’t really work. let’s start with the good: the slutty loose bowtie and collar, the tight-fitting vest that ends before the hipbones so you can see the belt, the cute little ponytail? (chefs kiss) exquisite, all of it. but the suit itself is boring as sing, and who the hell decided to put the t-shirt symbol on the sleeves??? was it to add visual flavor to an otherwise bland suit? this does NOT have the black/white/red elegance that peko had.
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the silver and gold mob-boss look, complete with matching shoes vest and fedora, are a nice nod to fuyuhiko’s talent! the plaid is teetering on the edge between fun and garish to me, but the fact that it’s consistent and the only pattern means it isn’t too offensive. quick question though: why are his pant legs rolled up like that?? this isn’t a cute “cuffed at the ankle” look, dude looks like he had to wade across a pond to get to the venue. what gives
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out of everyone here, gundam’s suit might be the most boring of all. the scarf is just his normal scarf. the red tie and trim don’t do anything to tie the look together. the only mild point of interest is the asymmetrical vest, and i can’t even tell if that’s intentional. simply put, this “““fancy”““ outfit isn’t even in the same ZIP CODE as the level of ostentatious chuuni that gundam serves us every single day in his casual wear. maybe even worse than being ugly... it’s disappointing.
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now, look. is this dress buckwild and ugly as hell? yes. but you know what else it is? it is IBUKI MIODA’S DRESS. there might not be a single cohesive thing about this dress aside from its color scheme. the huge poofy ruffles of the skirt and arm things with the spiked bow and corset are baffling. the artist somehow managed to draw the awkward, clumping shape of the skirt to make it look exactly like an emergency cosplay sewn four hours before a convention. frankly, i can’t justify ranking it as a c! but i’m doing it anyway, because the sheer level of craftsmanship demands it, and in this house we respect diy queens that are totally off the shits.
d tier is for outfits that aren’t offensive, exactly... but like, they sure don’t look good! d tier is not a respectable place to be. those in d tier won’t be laughed out of the ceremony in shame, but they should really run their outfit by someone else first next time.
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now don’t get me wrong: i have nothing but respect for the titties-out look. keeping the shirt unbuttoned all the way down to where the lapels of the jacket end? that’s sexy as hell. however, this flawless idea has a confusing execution. why emerald green and orange? what’s with the... long-sleeved printed (hawaiian?) shirt? why the red pocket square? and the jacket itself, while fitted perfectly along the chest and midsection, has a weird, unflattering scallop shape flaring out at the bottom. i want to like this fit, but there are just too many bad choices.
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oh, hajime... literally nothing about this ensemble is it. the creamy manila suit might have had potential if there were literally any color variation in the vest (or potentially shoes) to give it a little more shape, or even if you just went with a white shirt underneath it! i could get behind a light, off-monochrome look! but that leprechaun-green shirt is downright perplexing to me. it looks like a mistake! did you get dressed in the dark? did you spill something on your other shirt? this is a mess.
f tier is inexcusable. f tier should never have happened. how does it get this bad. who did this? who’s responsible for this?
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y’know, the colors are pretty! i dig the white and teal! but... girl... what the fuck is this construction. the ruffles are all over the place. the bodice looks like it has less fabric than space it needs to cover. the bottom half of the skirt looks like it was sewn on as an afterthought because the top half was too short for dress code. what’s with the weird choker collar detached from everything else. why is the hairband a slightly different shade of green. so many decisions were made here and none of them are flattering
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yknow, i like the idea behind this. i can see what you were going for! the dress on its own might have worked, even! but everything else about it is just... so ugly. what the fuck is happening with those shoes??? the sheer black tights aren’t the sexy OL look you think they are. the collar of the dress looks like it’s... braided for some reason??? those earrings are so huge for no payoff, statement jewelry with nothing to say, and worst of all... that headband. GIRL. that headband and that belt...... there’s nothing here. also i love orange but it’s not her color.
and finally... the worst.
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what the fuck. what the fuck is this. this is straight up cheap rubber fetish gear. why is the HAT rubber? that skirt ruffle makes this look like fucking polly pocket clothes. why the fuck is she wearing that. the clothes are so bad that it makes her hair look like rubber too. was she dared to wear this? is this some cruel punishment? i don’t even know what to say. this is the worst possible outfit. there is not even one redeeming quality about it.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Okay, but like straight up, Chris 100% just stole some clothes from like a Goodwill that no one was gonna notice were gone (bc they're ugly, sweetie:/) and called it a day, but here is my question: his style in the changed future? Please make it better, even if it's just like Wyatt or Bianca going absol-fucking-lutely not, change you dumbass, like any headcanons about it being not that (or even still that and reactions, idk, man, i just love chris even tho he dresses so terribly)
it’s like tho. how did the sisters really let him wear so many ugly outfits. how did paige not ask him if he was dumpster diving for his wardrobe. why did phoebe not give him the old boyfriends pile of clothes to choose from. ladies. i will say, his looks did get better towards the end of s6 so maybe this did happen off screen. however, some of his fits are like so ugly it’s like i don’t even wanna gif them bc they make me so upset. another thing i will comment on real quick. bianca’s tits out leather vest look with like buckles. what was that. is that what the dark future fashion looked like. bc if so. did chris also own a leather vest. if that was the style, mark my words, wyatt owned like ten. just throwing that out there.
okay so like: chris’s fashion in the changed future. i am gonna say like the chris in my head like when i write him doesn’t actually look like drew fuller bc uhh he doesn’t. idk why but i decided somewhere along the lines that he was like. 6′4″. bc like. the vibes man. if u’ve ever met a skinny 6′4″ brunet with daddy issues you’ll know what i’m talking about. and like. i don’t think chris was like remotely well dressed in y’know like middle school but like who was tbh but like he was definitely one of those kids who like wore t shirts and basketball shorts everyday and i think the first person to like really intervene was piper bc like. okay yes the basketball shorts r conveintent bc like they’re cheap and chris keeps growing out of normal pants bc like. he keeps growing. but like. he looks so stupid in basketball shorts. and like they always look huge on him bc he has to find the balance of being long enough to reach his knees but like small enough to fit his waist and it’s like. he looks so stupid. piper’s just like no. i can’t have this. so i think we have piper to thank for the greatest improvement which was like the introduction of the skinny jean into chris’s wardrobe. i also think he’s the type to rarely buy clothes from himself so it’s like would he go out and buy himself skinny jeans who knows he doesn’t and yet they still make up the majority of his wardrobe so there. (gifts for chris are almost always either clothes or witch stuff.) i’m also saying his wardrobe is just like. boring. which honestly i wish s6 chris’s wardrobe was just boring bc it would have been a great improvement over what we actually got. but like. the color palette for his wardrobe is like black. slate grey. navy blue. a white t shirt. maybe a hint of green. but like. i don’t think he’s really gonna have like any colors in there (wyatt on the other hand has a Shit Ton of colors in his wardrobe bc wyatt is  fun and ten times more fashionable than his brother). i also think like the thing chris owns the most of is just hoodies. like i know chris wore a leather jacket once and people went yes chris wears leather jackets but like. does he really tho? think about it. i think his jacket situation is like 90% hoodies. he might own like one leather jacket but he is not the type of man who would go out and buy a leather jacket for himself. if he does own one he obtained it through some other means like a gift or something idk he’s one of the oldest so handmedowns aren’t really an option. (bc idk how many of y’all shop for like leather jackets but they’re not like cheap unless you’re buying them from forever 21 (rip) but chris is not shopping at forever 21 so it’s a moot point). and then the single most import part of chris’s wardrobe is the t shirt nothing more vital that the simple t shirt nothing fancy to little pocket on it no prints or patterns or logos just like plain t shirt. if he finds a tshirt that fits nice he’s gonna buy like five of them one in white one in black one in grey one in blue and then one wildcard color if the color is nice. a desaturated forest green or a desaturated burgundy. maybe a light blue. i think if anyone’s gonna bully him about his wardrobe it’s gonna be wyatt be like. witchcraft can be a messy side gig things blow up a lot there are lots of guts and strange colored goos but uhh wyatt has an orb shield. so like. if they’re vanquishing some demon and that bad boy explodes wyatt’s protecting his fit with a shield and chris is getting fucked over and every single time chris complains about it wyatt’s like ohmygod i’m so sorry here i’ll buy you a new outfit i have seven dollars in my pocket so that should be more than enough. i think chris definitely keeps trying to put wyatt in situations where his clothes get ruined by some magical means but he has yet to successfully pull anything off. in regards to the whole bianca situation i just like. i really want them to go to events. i want bianca do be like the dress code is cocktail. white tie. creative black tie. beach formal. smart casual. and every single time chris is like What The Actual Fuck Is That Supposed To Mean. and it’s like. i have no idea why chris and bianca would be on outings like this. but i would like to see it. also in regards to bianca / chris’s fashion i don’t think they start dating for like a Very long time again it’s sorta this enemies to lovers slowburn but i think they are often in cahoots together frequently but they are never an item until that day when they finally are when they have crossed the line into lovers territory and even tho they’ve like been in again like “cahoots” or whatever for like idk two years maybe more it is not until they official become an item that bianca starts stealing chris’s clothes. she’ll wear his hoodies all the goddamn time looking like ariana grande with the way they go all the way down to her knees she’ll take his t shirts and tie them up in front knots and where them out and about it’s happened before where she’ll literally take like his pajama pants and she has to cuff em to the nth degree so she can walk in them without tripping but like it Will Not Stop Her. and chris is like befuddled bc like a) sometimes he just straight up does not realize the t shirt bianca is wearing is actually his and he’s like where do all my clothes keep going how am i losing my clothes and b) bianca has had access to his wardrobe his whole time like if she wanted an oversized hoodie she could have taken it like sixteen months ago or she could just buy her own and he’s like explaining this to wyatt and wyatt’s just like huh you really have no concept of stealing your so’s clothes huh and chris is like no i don’t i don’t get it until he like finally obtains one of his hoodies back after it’s been in bianca’s possession for like four months and it just sorta smells like her perfume and chris is like oh : ) and like wearing it around his apartment minding his own business
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fanfic-inator795 · 4 years
RotTMNT drabble: It’s... probably a phase
((Had this silly idea a while ago, but I was suddenly inspired to write it out for funzies. Hope you all enjoy! ^v^))
No matter how many times he saw it, Mikey was sure that he was NEVER going to get tired of seeing the Hidden City. The unique architecture, the bright colors, the dragons and giant birds flying all over the place - it was AMAZING!
Not to mention all the various locations that he still had to see and explore - like the Hidden City Mall! Maybe for any other teenager, a mall would have been mundane - boring, even. But not for Mikey. Not when he had been given permission to explore the mall by himself as long as he remembered to text his fam every few hours, and especially not when it was so different than the malls he'd see on TV. In a way, it was like some of the shōtengai (or commercial districts) they had in Japan, according to their dad. Rather than being confined into one building, it was instead a long stretch of road that was covered with tiles on the ground, had large and open entrances and exits onto the street, and a curved roof above (making it seem a bit more 'indoor' than a marketplace or the Pirate Bazaar down by the docks).
"Coooooool~!" Mikey grinned, his pace increasing as he walked inside. There were plenty of different shops to browse through, from the specialty to the common. Some sold food and pharmacy others while others sold clothes, toys and knick-knacks. There was a shop full of scrolls and tombs, a shop for crystals and mystic gems, and even a pretty neat antique shop! But, as Mikey began heading towards a stand-up noodle bar for a quick lunch, a store that seemed to be covered in shadows quickly caught his attention instead.
The walls of the shop were painted black, with only covered candles providing any sort of life. The letters above the shop were written in Yokai-ese, but just based on the blood red color and the way they were written, Mikey could still tell that the shop was going for a 'hardcore' vibe. A bit intimidating maybe, but also interesting - interesting enough for him to walk inside, the orange of his bandana and the colorful stickers on his chest instantly making him stand out against the racks of black and dark colored clothing and the silver, spiky jewelry on display.
...Huh. So the Hidden City had goths and punks. Who knew?
Since the shop didn't have too many customers at the moment, it was that much easier for the two employees currently on duty to notice him. "Uhhh, you lost, kid?" one of them - a grey-furred hound with a pretty wicked nose ring and a black poncho with several chains hanging off it - asked, raising an eyebrow at the young box turtle.
"Oh, no," Mikey said, giving him a friendly smile, "I'm just browsing."
The other employee - a snake girl with purple scales and red highlights in her slightly spiked hair - chuckled. "You sure this is the store you wanna be browsing in?" she asked him, sticking her tongue out a bit, "There is a kimono shop just a few stores down that seems a little more... your style."
"Already saw it," Mikey replied, "And yeah, they were really nice! Really colorful too - but wayyyy out of my price range." He picked up a couple shirts, looking them over before putting them back. "But hey, this stuff is really cool too!"
"Hmph, oh really?" the hound asked dryly. Great, another poser. Just what they needed. "And just what is so 'cool' about it?"
"Lots of things!" Mikey grinned, "Though, I guess what I really enjoy about the goth style is how you guys are able to use a limited palette to not only express yourself, but still make something really unique and memorable! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE all sorts of bright and warm colors, but expressing yourself with only one or two colors that really mean a lot to you, and being able to focus on just them while still being able add so much style to that one palette is pretty impressive! And pretty cool too, if I do say so myself! I really love the way you guys use metals and stuff to catch the light and catch people's attention." He picked up a spiked collar, admiring it. "Plus, it just looks really sick."
"..." The two employees shared a look before smiling at each other. "Huh... I guess when you put it that way, it is pretty cool," the snake agreed, actually looking sort of touched by Mikey's comments, "I mean, for record, being goth is about wayyyyy more than just the fashion. But, hey, I can hang with someone who can respect and appreciate the aesthetic without being shallow about it."
"Yeah, and you know... if you like the style that much, I think you could pull it off," the hound added.
Mikey's eyes went sparkly at that. "Really?!"
"Sure, kid! We've got some stuff that would look great on you!" "Aaaand, I think we could let you use our employee discount too. Since you're, you know, cool."
"Sweet!" Mikey grinned, pumping his fist in the air, "What are we waiting for? Let's make me over! Goth style~!"
Splinter had been planning on texting his youngest during the next commercial break, but before he could even reach for his phone, he heard Mikey call out from the lower level. "Hey, Pop! I'm home!"
"Oh good, I was just wondering when you would get back," Splinter replied, "So, did you have fun shopping?"
"Yeah, it was great! You wanna see what I bought?"
Splinter chuckled. "Oh, I suppose." That was enough to make Mikey race towards the TV room, his steps quick and obviously excited. Sitting up a bit, Splinter wondered what it was his youngest could have bought. Some fancy and fun new hat, maybe? Orange did always like playing dress-up. All of his boys did, really. They must have gotten that from him. Or maybe it was something in his favorite color? Or maybe-
He heard a small grunt behind him as Mikey lifted himself onto the second floor. "Tada! Take a look at me!"
"Okay okay, let's see-" Splinter looked over his shoulder, and his eyes nearly bulged right out of his head. He sputtered a bit before finally managing to shout, "Who are you and whAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BABY BOY ORANGE?!”
Mikey tilted his head at his father. "Huh? Dad, it's me. I just got a new look"
Splinter narrowed his eyes a bit. It certainly sounded like his Orange, but...
Mikey's mask had been dyed completely black, only the tips of his mask tails remaining orange. He was wearing a black tank top with a spiked collar and long, fingerless black gloves. Hanging over his shoulders and shell, covering up his bright yellow spots, was a black trenchcoat. His dark cargo pants had been spray painted with orange at the bottom of each leg cuff, almost looking like flames, and heavy black boots tied it all together.
"Come on, Pop! Don't I look great?" Mikey asked, holding up a 'rock and roll' gesture. ...Or, at least he was trying to. It was sort of hard to do with only three fingers. "I saw this goth store in the Hidden City, and I just HAD to give it a try! Don't you think it looks cool?"
"Er, w-well, ah..." Mikey frowned, disappointment starting to creep on his face.
...Well, that settled it. He may have looked very VERY different, but this was no rebellious phase or sudden change in his otherwise cheery attitude. He was still his son - still the same box turtle Splinter knew and love. "I think you look very, ah, unique!" Splinter told him, "And, uh, veeeeery fashionable and cool!"
Mikey grinned. "Awww, thanks Dad!"
"Hey, are you guys screaming in he-WHOA!" they heard Raph say from the atrium, “Mikey? Is that really you?!”
Mikey laughed, amused at his oldest brother's expression. "Yep! It's really me, baby!" Thankfully, Donnie and Leo didn't seem as shocked, though they were still mildly surprised.
“Huh… You know, out of all of us, I thought for sure Donnie would be the one who’d have a goth phase,” Leo said.
His twin shrugged. “Eh, my natural aesthetic is more high school prep meets cyberpunk.”
As Mikey ran off to give his brothers a closer look at his new goth duds, Splinter gave a small sigh. He would always try to support his sons and give anything that they cared about - whether it be likes, hobbies or even fashion - a chance, and he would continue doing that for the sake of his boys and their feelings... But a small part of him couldn't help but hope that Mikey's 'goth phase' didn't last TOO long.
Later that night, he received a text from Draxum - and surprisingly, this one wasn't some complaint or request. From the Baron's perspective, it was actually positive!
"Lou Jitsu - I know we don't always agree, but for the record, I also approve of Michelangelo's 'new look'. Very intimidating... A good starting point for a young warrior... Plus, all the black fits in with his ninja side. A win-win as it were, right?"
Splinter could only groan.
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megucarecord · 3 years
Rating Genshin Impact Character Designs (Pt. 1)
Hey y’all! I’ve been thinking of doing this for a really long time and I decided to finally stop being lazy and do it. So this is going to be a review of all the playable characters in Genshin Impact from a design perspective. I don’t really have any prerequisites to make this list worth anything (unless you count one year of a fashion/sewing class in high school lol) but hey idk, seems fun?
Gonna be super long (10 characters) so putting everything under the cut.
Disclaimer: I don’t actually hate any of these designs, nor do I consider my opinions “fixing” them, this is just for fun. 
Character: Lumine
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I have a lot of conflicting feelings about this design. The hair and basic build are fine, very generic but that’s unsurprising for any character that is working at least partially as a pseudo self-insert. The color scheme is also very bland - and is one of the reasons I originally thought that Aether was automatically Geo traveler and Lumine was Anemo traveler. I think that adding more colors would’ve been a good thing, but also would’ve required a revamp of the dress itself, so maybe not the most practical thing, even if I think the dress is a bit too busy. The biggest changes I would make would be to get rid of the fancy part of her stockings as well as the extra flow/ruffled back of the skirt, which is just a bit too much considering the top layer of the skirt is already quite detailed (in a very nice way) and that could’ve just been extended. I also have to admit that though the scarf is very impractical and showy, but it reminds me of a costume from a series I like so I actually like it a lot, although you could definitely term it unnecessary.
Rating: 7/10
Character: Aether
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Okay ngl this character design kinda slaps. Firstly, I love that Aether has long hair, it’s a good contrast to Lumine’s cut (and contrast should be super important with characters that are siblings/parallels of one another) and idk long braids are kinda cool. I love that the outfit has distinctive colors, which give the character personality and keeps him from being washed out. The design is much more streamlined than Lumine’s, and although I’m not a huge fan of midrifts (a theme in this post I’m sorry) there’s not actually much I’d change in this design. Except maybe make the cape a scarf to better match with Lumine. This is definitely the superior design in terms of the siblings in my opinion and I think the lack of intricacy fits the image of “traveler” better. It’s not my favorite and there isn’t anything that really stands out in the design, but it’s really solid and I like it.
Rating: 9/10
Character: Albedo
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This design has a lot of potential, but I think in the end it’s just a bit too busy (which will be a theme in this game haha). I like the hair - in general I’m glad Genshin isn’t scared to try a bunch of different lengths and styles on guys because if not everything would become painfully boring. I also like the clothes for the most part. The boots are especially sleek, and I like that despite being a Geo character they gave Albedo a bluer, darker color scheme. I think it fits with his mysterious sort of quietly menacing vibe (this man is Frankensteining something I know it). But it really starts to get a bit too much with the coat. I think he needed a coat, again it fits the character, he’s in the middle of a frozen tundra and he’s also a magic scientist man, he needs some sort of coat. But I think the chain and the strap across the front is a bit too much. If I were the designers I would’ve continued with a sleeker theme, make the sleeves longer, the gloves shorter, if you wanted some ornamentation maybe a pack of vials on his belt. Overall very good design, greater color scheme, too busy. Also can we appreciate his banner art? It’s so good I love it.
Rating: 8/10
Character: Amber
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Okay first I’m gonna say her card art is super cute. Love the pose, love the style. All gut. Now let me say that this outfit had potential but then it sorta... fell flat. I like the color scheme for the most part, except the white cause idk white is boring and in the game it looks kinda latexy, but I understand wanting three colors and black might be too close to brown. That being said, I hate stockings. Stockings are just the worst, they’re impractical, hard to put on, uncomfortable, should only be worn with dresses. No knight of Favonius needs stockings. Might I suggest pants or shorts? Or like cool pseudo armor plates like with Lumine. Also though I do like the jacket and the leather stomacher design, I think a bomber jacket might suit the character better, because idk they’re cool and they make me think of Amelia Earheart, although that’s such a culturally distinct thing I can’t blame them for not thinking that way. Again the jacket is still very cool, love the stomacher, and love the cuffs.. The belt is lovely and like I said love the embossed designs, but ultimately this design is too impractical, and too bland to get away with being impratical for me. So... yeah.
Rating: 5/10
Character: Barbara
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Barbara! Our fav crazy nun. First I’m gonna thank her for having an attack of pure magic then I’m gonna say I hate the color white apparently because I also didn’t like it here. I’m pretty sure she’s supposed to be a novice (could be wrong), so I’d flip the colors, have the accents be white and the main color navy. But idk that’s just me. Overall I quite like her design. It’s a pretty good balance between simple and detailed. I don’t even hate the stockings. I’d say the least good part is the top, the bow and the weird collar is just... ehh? but I don’t think getting rid of the collar would help though. I’d say ditch the bow, make the dress connect to the collar, keep the off the shoulders cold sleeves. I really like the ruffled part of the top skirt. Idk it’s the best part of the design. The hat makes her look like a nurse not a nun though. maybe make the hair ties for the ponytails little veils, might fit better. Overall mostly nitpicks, it’s a strong design.
Rating: 8/10
Character: Beidou
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Firstly I’d like to apologize to the Beidou I pulled before never using her (forgive me ily); next I’d like to admit I don’t love her design. I haven’t really harped on the lack of armor on these characters - because I’m not sure how I’d integrate armor into all them without making them bland af, no one wants people running around in full plate armor how tf you supposed to climb in that - but I still wouldn’t’ve put her in a leotard and boots only when she’s a canonical fighter, without even the armor accents on most of the other character. I know that traditional qipao would probably be terrible to fight in, so I’m not going to complain about them slitting it - I actually quite like it I think it’s cool and sleek and fits her vibe - but I will complain about them putting her in a leotard underneath. As someone who dances I can assure you no one in their right mind would want to fight in a leotard, which yes I know isn’t the point and I can’t blame them for not thinking that way. Anyways, I think leggings/stockings and tall boots are quite cool so that’s prolly what I’d do, streamlines the whole design too, gives it a sense of connectivity (idk I’m weird and I don’t look at this character often so yeah). I like the top of her design, although I’d prolly replace the fur on the cap with a large collar, sort of pirate-y or Navy-like. Also let me just say I love the hair and eye patch. Fits her reckless sort of character to hate her hair whipping around, and the eyepatch really sells the concept of her having fought for years. The hand guards didn’t need to be flared, but I don’t mind them being there. Especially since handling a Claymore would definitely rip up your hands if you didn’t have protection. Also the boots though impractical are very cool so... yeah.
Rating: 6/10
Character: Bennett
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One of my main team and prolly the closest thing I currently have to a DPS I have conflicting opinions on Bennett’s design. I think it’s a pretty good design all things considered. His belt and all his packs would be busy if you didn’t know Bennett’s character, but considering he’s a wanna be adventurer, I think it works pretty well. Although I don’t know why his extra belt straps are so long... or even exist?? Idk kinda weird. His top is... ehh? I don’t really like it, I think partially because I don’t think Bennett would wear a midrift shirt like this (midrifts where there shouldn’t be midrifts or, as I like to call it, being MagiReco-d) and partially cause the color, though understandable in such a busy design, is kinda bland. I think that’s why the collar works instead of being too busy, we needed some color. If I had to changed the design I’d get rid of the midrift and get rid of those weird extra belt things. Also that one random dagger star thing on one side of his blue collar is just so weird and random and like why does it exist? But overall I like the design, and it doesn’t bug me when I’m playing with him. I think it’s a good example of how busyness can accurately portray a character. Well done.
Rating: 8/10
Character: Chongyun
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Another character who I own but have never played, though my friend has him on their main team and they look super cool. I’m not gonna lie I love this character’s design. Firstly the color palette is so good, the white feels like it works to offset all the blue hues - which I love that even the darkest parts of his design are blue not black - so it doesn’t feel bland or irritating, especially with the gold giving it a sense of luxury. I also like the choice to have a tunic that extends to the pants, I think having only white pants would be too bland - again white it a meh color for designs - so it really gives it some necessary details and color. I also like the jacket, again it gives the design a sense of detail while being simple enough not to feel like too much. Also I have no idea what the outfit would look like without the jacket and I have a feeling that answer would be Not Good, so... yeah. Some nitpicks; the left arm band thingie golden cuff is kinda too much and seems impractical and irritating. And... that’s it. I know the slippers are impractical, but I think they work, he is an exorcist not an adventurer after all. Overall, probably second favorite design in the game. Great job
Rating: 10/10
Character: Diluc
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Give Diluc a high ponytail, I’m begging you. Lol anyways personal preference aside (which is impossible this entire post is personal preference) I like this design. I think the color works and the whole outfit is a good reflection of Diluc’s character, closed off, luxurious while also a bit ragged and uncontrollable. Yeah. I like it. I do think the thing chain accessory is kinda random, and I don’t think there’s anything about the design that knocks me off my feet, but I do really love the design overall. Also the gloves, good gloves. Suggestions? High ponytailed Diluc. Nothing else. Also though he’s not in this post I like that this outfit is very streamlined and simple compared to Kaeya, it’s a good portrayal of their differing views and opinions through fashion. Because unlike with the traveller siblings I think these brothers have a dynamic where contrast is better than parallel.
Rating: 9/10
Character: Diona
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Okay so though I’ve never interacted with this character I skimmed the wiki and I love her backstory it’s hilarious. Also since I never interact with her I don’t have many opinions about her design except why does she only have one sock on? Honestly relatable moments. I think the extra ponytail is kinda weird and excessive considering the hat and I’d prolly make the hair orange to match the ears but overall very cute design. What do bartenders look like? Idk. Oh and also there are a bit too many colors roaming around, but I get it. Overall fairly generic but kinda cute. I still think midrifts are bad.
Rating: 7/10
And that’s it! I hope this didn’t come off as “lol these designs are gross and I’m superior and we should fix them” because no. No one should take any of these suggestions seriously. Except maybe the ponytail one lol. Anyways I hope at least one person likes this cause this took forever and I kinda burned out after a while. Next post if I make it will be interesting cause it includes my least favorite design. May you all have lovely playing and if you love a design I don’t honestly more power to you. Bye!!
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mxsinistir · 5 years
May I request a Good Omens Gabriel x Human! Reader please?
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Pairing: Gabriel x [y/n]
Warnings: n/a besides the fact that the bad writing ™ becomes worse writing ™ towards the end bc it’s 2 am while I’m writing this. 
Summary: Freelance London Photographer [y/n] is friends with the bookshop owner Aziraphale, and happens to be sitting in one day when a mysterious stranger enters to have a meeting with her friend. Suspicious, this artist is ready to find out as much as she can about the man. 
Word Count: 2390
(tried to keep this gender-neutral but tell me if I screwed this up anywhere bc I probably did)
Hope you enjoy!
The first time you met him was whenever you were inside A.Z. Fell & Co., discussing a book you’d just read and returned (since you were aware he despised the permanent purchasing of his collection) over two cups of hot chocolate.
The moment he entered, you were intrigued. You turned your head to watch him saunter in, and some part of you screamed deafeningly that whatever he was, he did not belong here. That was saying something since unusual people were not uncommon in the little London bookshop. You’d known Aziraphale’s eccentric friend Crowley for quite some time now. 
“Aziraphale,” His voice was hearty, one you should have taken comfort in hearing. But in addition to his picture-perfect, incredibly fake smile, it set your nerves on end. “May I have a word?” Part of you decided this was your chance to run from the off-setting visitor, but that would leave your friend alone with him.
“Hi, I’m [Y/n],” You shoved a hand into space between you, “I don’t believe we’ve met before.” He looked you up and down, your eyes unwavering until he met your stare. His eyes - your stomach flipped, oh god his eyes - bore into yours, and you nearly recoiled when you noticed the color. A glassy purple with no signs of contacts. Just unexplainably rich violet that made the hair stand up on the back of your neck. 
“Gabriel,” He said, shaking your hand with a grip that was just a little too strong. You were too proud to coddle your sore hand, though. “I need a moment with Aziraphale.”
“Sorry, can’t,” You couldn’t leave Aziraphale with him! What if something happened? You’d picked up that Aziraphale had been involved with some sketchy people before, and what if this guy happened to be a well-dressed gang member? Well . . . well dressed wasn’t exactly the way to put it. You didn’t know what look Gabriel was going for, but it just added to his overall wrongness. 
Besides, Aziraphale and Crowley had always remarked on your excellent intuition. Warning Aziraphale about bad customers, giving Crowley advice on problems he hadn’t explicitly explained, knowing that both your friends were thinking at a given time - and at this time, Aziraphale felt very, very anxious about Gabriel waltzing into his shop.
“What do you mean, you can’t?” He half-snarled, his fake smile faltering. 
“My bike got stolen earlier,” You explained, casually turning to drink the rest of your cocoa before it went cold. You also needed something to hide your growing smile. “I told the police to drop it off here when they found it.”“Are you sure you didn’t miss them during your chat?” He said, “I swore I saw a bike parked in the front.” You stepped past him, putting your nose against Aziraphale’s window. Sure enough, a blue bike was leaned against the glass pane. 
“Well, silly me - Guess they just left it and had better things to do.” You laughed, turning back to smile at Aziraphale and Gabriel. “See you later, Zira!”
You walked outside, planning on walking home. You weren’t going to take some random bike from in front of the bookshop just because some guy had snapped and made it appear for you.
You didn’t own a bike. 
The next morning, before you even had the chance to ask questions about the purple-eyed man, Crowley had come into your studio, mentioning that he was bored, due to Aziraphale’s sudden occupation with work. Aziraphale had never been truly busy since you’d known him. 
“Crowley, do you know a Gabriel?” You asked, not looking up from the photo you were currently editing the lighting of, trying to decide if you could amend the conflict between the clashing color palettes. If anything, Crowley just hoped that you were too occupied with your work to even notice that you opened your mouth to ask the question. A few seconds ticked by, and then you stared up at the redhead. 
“Yeah, I know him.” He said under his breath, “He’s a friend of Aziraphale’s. Definitely not a friend fo mine. I’d keep your distance.” 
“What does he do?” Even without being able to see his eyes through the glasses, you sensed the panic in them as he proceeded to mumble out an answer. 
“Paperwork,” He steadied himself, easing into the lie now. “Some company Aziraphale used to work for. I think he’s kind of a jerk, but he and Zira go way back, so I don’t intrude.” 
“Funny, I thought the bookshop had been family owned for a hundred years?” 
“Part-time job, maybe?” Crowley stammered out. You just rolled your eyes.
“Is Aziraphale in . . . is he in any danger with this guy?”“What? No, no, [Y/n], you’re just being paranoid.” You weren’t so sure. You’d never heard Crowley so nervous about the subject of someone, and you’d certainly never heard of him willing staying out of Aziraphale’s affairs. It was common knowledge that he was the nosiest man in London, especially when it came to his friends. “Seriously, Just stay out of his way and it should be fine.” He had a certain voice he used when he wanted you to believe things were fine, even if they weren’t.
“I’ll just ask Aziraphale since apparently, you won’t explain.” That little taunt was usually enough to make Crowley spill everything. Not for this, apparently. “He listens to you, Crowley. Just make sure he doesn’t get hurt.” 
Just because he didn’t say the promise doesn’t mean she didn’t see him make it.
The second time you saw Gabriel wasn’t at the bookshop, but on a bench in St. James’ Park. You were currently looking over some pictures you’d taken of the vibrant area, the photographs dotted with jogging passersby and fluffy ducks that reminded you of Aziraphale. You stood up to walk by, snapping a few more when your camera focused in on a not-quite-familiar face.
“Gabriel,” You said, curiously approaching the benched man. “Fancy seeing you here,”
“[Y/n], is it? Aziraphale’s . . . acquaintance.” Who the hell used the word acquaintance anymore? You thought. “Is there something you need?”
“Just came to clear my eyes - I’ve been staring at this one picture I took for Aziraphale last week.” You briefly explained how one of the customers had split their coffee on one of Aziraphale’s old wall paintings, which he had sat on the table to clean the walls behind it. He had been furious, and though you knew you couldn’t possibly replace the expertly preserved painting - ruined by only human clumsiness - you’d offered to gift a photograph to him. Though he was obviously still disgruntled over the lost air, he did say that even something modern would eventually become history. You’d gotten to work. “I’m supposed to bring it to him this evening.”
“I was planning to speak with him this evening as well, actually.” The man remarked.
“Well, if you wanted, you could com toe hang out at my studio for a while.” You had a feeling that no matter what, this man would try to keep up appearances. Meaning he would accept your offer, even if only not to appear rude. Thanks to some information you’d gotten out of Crowley, you now knew that you wouldn’t be in any real danger as a human inviting him to your studio. He, on the other hand, wouldn’t be expecting the onslaught of questions you had for him. 
“That sounds great,” He said with clenched teeth, and so you just smiled and packed up your laptop and camera equipment, making sure to walk beside him all the way back to your flat. 
The square footage wasn’t much - you were honestly surprised you could manage to fit two people inside at once. Beyond that, every inch of the place was stacked high with frames and camera equipment and printed portraits. Your bed was usually just the couch by the window, and even then, you more often than not just fell asleep at your work desk, head draped over crossed arms. 
“I’m gonna be a little bit - I’ve gotta play with some finishing touches, and then I’ve got to print it.” You explained - Aziraphale had given you a faux-gold 18 x 21 frame, nearly identical to the one bordering the ruined painting. “You can sit on the couch if you still want to hang out. You okay with music?” You asked casually, bringing him a glass of water. You may be suspicious of him, but your mother had always stressed the importance of hospitality. 
“Do you like music?” He thought for a moment, staring blankly before nodding as if he’d been assessing whether or not it was the correct response to say so. “Queen?” He looked even more confused but nodded again. You synced your Spotify to a small speaker and set it to shuffle, sliding into your chair as We Are the Champions began to play. You snuck a glance over at Gabriel while mouthing the words and concluded he was possibly the only person in the world who didn’t know the lyrics. If anything, that just confirmed your suspicions of the man. 
Gabriel, on the other hand, was just as confused by you as you were by him. When you’d first met, he hadn’t known how to react to you. You’d stood up to him with no background knowledge, purely because you thought he had ill intentions towards your friend. Humans were always willing to throw themselves at things for no reason, but you were different - you had a reason, and that reason was nothing more than intuition to protect those you care about. 
And now, you’d carelessly brought him into your apartment - if he could even call it that. It was a glorified storage closet, filled to the brim with art and junk and beauty. He’d never been exposed to such a mess; heaven would have never tolerated it. He couldn’t even imagine that Hell was this chaotically organized. 
He could barely focus on that. How could he anymore, when there was you to look at? Smiling truly and losing yourself in the music blaring, snapping your fingers with bad timing, singing the guitar riffs, and constantly standing up just to pace around while mouthing the lyrics. 
You walked around him more than a few times, asking him random questions while leaning far back to see what your photo looked like from afar. He eventually saw that it was of an eggshell white duck in St. James, curiously floating alongside a dark goose that had landed in the waters. He could have scoffed at the symbolism, wondering if you understood the irony of it all yourself. 
Gabriel had never seen so much life in one plac.e It radiated from you, from your camera, from your fingers. It felt raw and unexplainably human, and not in the way that disgusted him with its mediocrity. There was nothing mediocre about you. You oozed with some sort of high that no angel could ever dream of finding themselves on. Angels were too flawless for something as uncontained as the day-to-day life you lead.
During the middle of one of your lyrical outbursts, you glanced over at Gabriel. He was drinking tea now, staring out into London from your window, sunbeams casting over his dusty hair and stunning eyes. Without a word, you pulled your camera in front of you and stepped towards him, snapping photos of him a quick succession. He whipped around at the sound, just quick enough to see you smiling. 
“Stay where you are - the lighting’s amazing.” You said, steadily walking closer to the man. He truly was a vision in an element like this. You leaned back to observe the picture he’d found himself in. “Do you think you could give me one with your wings?” 
And just like that, you watched the Archangel Gabriel freeze to the core as you shuttered a few more photographs. 
“Come on, everyone knows Aziraphale isn’t human.” And of course, there was no way Crowley could keep a secret like that once he was sufficiently drunk. “And besides, humans don’t usually make this pretty of muses.” 
He unfurled his wings gently, being careful not to knock over anything. All three pairs appeared in pristine, white condition, though when the window light scattered them, they reflected a spectrum of glistening violet. 
He nearly asked to confirm that you were human, though he knew the answer. No one but a human could accomplish this - a demon nor an angel could live in such harmonious chaos with their own little world, dancing to the raw beauty of it all and flourishing in the flaws you did not perceive as such. 
Gabriel had never felt love - a sort of ‘love for all humanity’, of course, but not the thrumming in his heart he felt now, looking at you in your element, high on the artistry of what you saw in him. On what no one else had ever seen in him. 
“I could have a photoshoot with you, you know.” You said, looking at your camera screen. “You look great on camera.” 
“There’s still a few hours before I need to meet with Aziraphale,” He lied - he was two hours behind schedule, not that that mattered. “He’d told me about this bakery beside his bookshop that he apparently adores.” He didn’t even like food. It didn’t matter - he figured you would. 
“Am I being asked out by the Archangel Gabriel?”“That’s strong wording-”“I’m famished,” You smiled, and as you walked over to your computer, he expected you to print and frame your imperfect perfection. Instead, you just saved the photo and eased your computer shut. “I can make something here, though. I don’t want to leave. Does the Archangel Gabriel want to watch a movie?”
He was about to make a snarky comment about your sarcastically calling him that, but he paused as you did the unexpected. You settled down on your couch right next to him and smiled. That was enough for him to decide that his meeting with Aziraphale could wait till morning. To hell with Heaven questioning him - him of all people - being off schedule. He would deal with that in time.
Right now, all that mattered was that he was sharing in on an artist’s high, and he wasn’t ever coming off.
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ifdragonscouldtalk · 4 years
and they were ROOMMATES (a love story pieced together in bathroom tiles)
inspired by this post
Leonard still thought Jim’s decision to put him as the second officer was dumb as shit, especially considering he only had very basic and standard command training, but given that the admiralty was stupid enough to sign off on the assignment he was stuck in the position. He didn’t begrudge the larger, mostly private quarters though, especially after three years and some change of bunking with the adult-infant that was James T. Kirk and four years before that of Joanna and Jocelyn. It’d been awhile since he’d truly been on his own, and as he unpacked his meager possessions in a room that felt too large, he wondered whether it was going to be truly good for him. 
Anything was better than Jim waking up naked in his bed with a hangover though, he supposed. 
He did share a jack-and-jill bathroom with another high ranking officer, but that would most likely not be an issue. It wasn’t the communal bathrooms of the Academy dorms, at least, and he could guarantee some level of sanitization if he had any say in it, so there was that. He had complaints about how far the room was from Medbay, but Jim had already approved (unofficially, but who cared about the bureaucracy) his desire to put a cot in his office down there. Jim had conveniently forgotten to tell him who he would be sharing with, but his bets were on Scotty, and if that was the case at least he would have some decent alcohol and a decent person to share it with. He grabbed his bath kit to find someplace to store it, and pondered over rooming alone for the first time in years, although “alone” was a mislabel on a starship. He would never be alone; he’d probably be damn pleased he had this room to himself, at least the bathroom door locked. 
He reconsidered this conclusion when he saw Spock blinking at him placidly from the other bathroom doorway. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”
“Jim, this is damn unacceptable!” 
“Captain, the Doctor is quite upset at the room arrangements-” 
“Damn right I’m upset! Spock, do you want to share a bathroom with me?”
“That is irrelevant, Doctor, as the assignments have already been made.” Spock tilted his head in that way Leonard had learned he did when he found something about Humans particularly confusing, and he hated that he found it endearing, scowling furiously while Jim and the rest of the Bridge burst into laughter. 
“I’m so sleeping in Sickbay,” he grumbled to himself.
Spock thought he drank too much coffee.
Correction: Spock thought he replicated too much coffee. Leonard rarely got around to actually drinking it before it was cold, as evidenced by the cups that got strewn across the bathroom counter whenever he was inevitably called in early due to an emergency, or forgot to pick it back up after shaving, or put it down after wincing because he had just brushed his teeth, or he left it as he took a shower and forgot he had replicated it in the first place. 
It said something about Spock that, however much he logically complained about this habit, he still made his own habit of cleaning the cups and clearing them out of the restroom before Leonard got back to collapse after his shift, and always sneakily left a fresh cup of decaf on his desk for him to drink as he decompressed. 
Leonard was exhausted, sweaty and filthy and shaking, and all he wanted to do was take a long shower and collapse for about thirteen hours. His room smelled like stale coffee, and he stripped his uniform on the way to the bathroom, not caring at this point how much of his nakedness Spock saw. 
There were cups on the bathroom sink. 
Two, to be exact. One he had replicated before he got in the shower that morning, and one he had gotten after he had changed into his uniform and went to straighten his hair and do his make up. They were cold now, and as Leonard saw himself and the cups reflected in the mirror, his own ragged eyes watching him warily, a stain of green on the cut of his jaw where his mask hadn’t been secured properly, he felt tears well up in his eyes. 
Spock was in Sickbay, and for awhile there Leonard hadn’t known if he would wake up at all. 
The cups shattered against the side of the shower, and he tile was cold as he curled up and sobbed.
It probably wasn’t a good idea to hide his whiskey under the bathroom sink, but while his room could be inspected whenever they were at a starbase, it was less likely anyone would ever check the bathrooms. He expected Spock to find them and throw them out, because although not prohibited necessarily, alcohol on a Starfleet vessel was probably highly illogical, or something like that, but even if he had found the whiskey he hadn’t said anything. 
Which would’ve been great, if Leonard wasn’t far too sober and couldn’t even get the damn bottle open. 
He was sweating with how hard he had been straining, half ready to smash the bottle against the floor just to take out his frustrations in a different manner, when the door on Spock’s side of the room slid open soundlessly. The Vulcan stared at him, and Leonard scowled back, and he could’ve sworn there was amusement in Spock’s eyes as he took in the scene. He was prepared for a lecture: he wasn’t prepared for Spock to step forward, pluck the bottle from his hands, fill the glass he had left on the counter up to two fingers, and then screw the lid back on and hand it back, retreating once more. 
He blinked, looking down at the bottle again before trying once more to open it. The lid didn’t budge, and he felt himself baring his teeth. 
“Damn it, Spock, you ass!”
Leonard could admit he was jealous of Spock’s shadow palette. He was jealous of the fact that Spock had a fucking ten-step skin and hair routine in the mornings and still managed to get done in one-fourth of the time it took him to get ready. He was jealous of the fact that Spock looked good effortlessly, and Leonard looked like hell with a lot of effort. 
He was a little less jealous when he noticed Spock kept throwing glances at his shadow palette too. 
“I think this color would look good on you,” he remarked off-hand one morning as he put on his preferred shade of blue, pointing to a different color than what he was using with his brush. Spock raised an eyebrow at him in the mirror. 
“Yeah. You should try it, tomorrow.”
“Perhaps I will.”
He was a even less jealous when Spock bought a new pot of his fancy moisturizer and left it unopened on Leonard’s side of the sink.
Leonard didn’t notice the stares he kept getting all day as much, mostly because he hadn’t slept well the night previous and had accidentally used Spock’s shampoo, and didn’t know whether to be pissed off or jealous that his hair was now incredibly soft and smelled delicious. He pulled his sleeves up again as they slipped down, musing that at least the red alert last night had only been a false alarm and no one had been injured. 
All these thoughts quailed in comparison to Spock walking into Sickbay in a uniform shirt that was clearly Leonard’s. He looked under the weather, eyes weary, and Leonard knew this week had been bad for the Vulcan, his meditation routinely interrupted. They were passing through a politically unstable sector, and it meant a great deal of emergencies seemed to be finding them. Leonard would be glad when they were out of the damn place. 
The exhaustion on Spock’s face was the only reason Leonard didn’t start laughing hysterically when he realized the uniform, which was only slightly short in the arms and loose in the chest, bore a medical insignia instead of a science one. “Go to sleep, Spock, that’s an order,” he said with a shake of his head, cutting off whatever he was about to say. It was a testament to how bad Spock was truly feeling that he simply closed his mouth and turned on his heel, nodding as he went to do just that. 
They were both less amused when they realized no one had told them they were wearing each other’s shirts all day.
“Doctor, those candles are meant to assist in my meditation!” Spock sounded the most pissed Leonard had ever heard him, and the pounding on the door was getting louder and louder. He was surprised the Vulcan hadn’t simply tried to break in yet. “I demand you give them back! Leonard!” 
He pretended he couldn’t hear Spock, smirking to himself as he finally got started reading that medical journal he’d been wanting to skim, the candles making the bathroom smell vaguely of sweet spices and lighting it lowly. It was romantic and relaxing, and the only thing that made it better was that it was thoroughly pissing off Spock. 
He would admit he hadn’t expected Spock to override the lock and storm into the bathroom while he was naked in the bath, but he guessed he had been found in more compromising positions, and forced himself not to blush. “Mr Spock,” he managed fairly evenly, and even in the low light he could see the emotion burning in the Vulcan’s eyes. 
“Leonard, you have taken every single one of my meditation candles. What is the purpose of this?” Leonard opened his mouth to answer, but Spock plowed onwards, towering over him in the bath and making him feel incredibly small. “Is this the equivalent to some childish ‘pigtail pulling’ as Nyota has told me?” His breath left him in a rush. 
“Oh,” he said, and Spock blinked in surprise, breath also leaving him. They were close enough that Leonard could smell that shampoo that he liked so much over the overwhelming scent of his bubble bath, and his throat felt dry. “Yes, I suppose so,” he answered after a moment. 
He hadn’t thought Spock knew how to kiss, but he supposed he had interrupted his meditation, so he probably deserved some out of character kissing.
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fireintheforest · 4 years
Behind the Blue, chapter 19
After 6 days of holding doors for people perfectly capable of opening their own fucking doors, Toivon left the Hawkcroft estate through the back, out by the servants’ gate and walked to Evermor itself, ongoing until he reached the luxurious Marigold, where he met with Saufinril and both went to Saufinril’s room.
“So how exactly did you afford this room?” Toivon asked, turning to the Altmer as Saufinril closed the door behind them.
“One just sold some old knick-knacks one had.” Saufinril replied casually as he went to sit at the bed. Toivon arched his eyebrows.
“You sold your stuff?” he asked. Saufinril shrugged,
“One is going to get paid 4000 Septims anyway, right?”
“Well yeah but…” Toivon exhaled. This was an unexpected level of commitment to the job.
“…did one do wrong?”
“No. If anything, this is perfect in case someone comes snooping. I just…” Toivon looked around at the navy, lime green, gray and gold color palette, “didn’t think you’d spend this much money on an ugly room.”
“You had to sell your things for a small room? You got robbed.”
“Please. It’s the right size for someone that doesn’t spend too much time in it.”
“Three colors? I get it. Four? Kind of too much.”
“No, you’re just boring. You can do four colors no problem.”
“The curtains are hideous and the color combination is nuts.”
“The curtains are fine. And one likes the colors.”
“Also the wood doesn’t match, it’s all dry and odd shades of the same color.”
“It matches your skin.”
Toivon looked at Saufinril with mouth agape. Saufinril arched his eyebrows defiantly.
“That’s cold.” Toivon said, “Anyway, have you found anything?”
“Here and there, but nothing conclusive.” Saufinril admitted. Toivon sat next to him at the bed.
“Let’s,” Toivon rubbed his face, “let’s go to the base. From the beginning. Please.”
Saufinril nodded and said, “Hawkcroft. Emmanuel Hawkcroft.”
“Self-made man by piracy and backstabbing his mentor’s family.”
“Has two offsprings: Avelle and Louis. So probably married but one never saw a Mrs. Hawkcroft.”
“The client told me he married their cousin, Erin, I think? Eline, Edwen, I don’t remember.”
Saufinril frowned, recalling the banquet, the women he met, the stress of stealing the key, the garden interlude with Armellon, and said, “One was not introduced to any Erin or Mrs. Hawkcroft at the party. She would’ve been there, it was her daughter’s birthday.”
“Eh, maybe she divorced him or passed. So, married to Erin.”
“Wait, we don’t know her name. Why are we calling her Erin?”
“What are you going to call her?”
“Mrs. Hawkcroft?”
“Fine. Hawkcroft, backstabber and fraud, has two children with the missing missus. Filthy rich.” Now Toivon stood up and paced on the space between the desk and the bed where Saufinril sat at.
“He’s got his lawyer and medic well in his life, if they’re going to his daughter’s birthday and breakfasts and other events.” Saufinril commented
“Could you say they’re his friends?” Toivon asked
“Of what one has seen this week? Yes.” Saufinril replied
“Hahah that’s sad. Anyhow, he got La Zadine as an engagement gift to his wife be able to ask for her hand in marriage.”
“That’s highly sentimental.” Saufinril pondered out loud, “If he still has it and she didn’t give it away to Avelle or Louis, maybe it’s because it meant a lot to them, and if anybody knows it was stolen or someone tried to steal it it could raise alarm in the family and shame to Hawkcroft.”
“So the guards and the patrolling are all Hawkcroft’s ideas to keep the kids from finding out their family heirloom is in trouble?”
“Sort of. Also, sentimentality for his wife.”
“Okay, fair. The old man misses his wife. Clearly our client wants it as revenge for what he did to their family.” Toivon stopped his pacing, “Maybe it’s the same thing. We need to find out if Hawkcroft has enemies, people who want to get to him and that know of La Zadine.”
“We got our client, who knows of it because their cousin married him.” Saufinril nodded, thinking, “So this was within the family, not everyone knows of La Zadine.”
“No, everyone knows of La Zadine, that’s the problem. It’s a famous sapphire here.”
“But then he’d constantly be robbed for it, no? How can he live in such calm and bliss when everyone knows he’s the owner of a famous jewel?”
“Beats me.”
“Huh. Anyways, we need to know enemies. One can find that out.”
“Armellon is his friend, isn’t it?” Saufinril asked, “One thinks one can get him to talk to the courtesan.”
“Okay, right. In the meantime, I can ask Sorcise about why they’re not getting robbed every night of their lives, and of any other enemies Hawkcroft could have. She has to know something. This whole thing is starting to sound like a-” Toivon stopped short, his gaze going past Saufinril and to the wall on the left of the room’s bed. Saufinril turned his head and realized what Toivon was looking at.
“What’s that?” Toivon asked, motioning to the paper that was stuck on that part of the wall as he walked to it. Saufinril stood up and followed him, his mind racing on the explanation.
“Oh, that-that’s um, do you remember when we came here, there was a victim of a serial killer?” he asked
“The one that killed Altmer?” Toivon blurted out, still looking at the names.
“It’s alright. Yes. That one.” Saufinril cleared his throat, “It, well one began to investigate around a week ago. So far there’s already been eight victims.”
“Wait, eight? And they’re these?” Toivon asked, turning to Saufinril, who nodded.
“That’s the names of the ones that have been identified so far.”
“How do you get this information?”
“One told the mortician’s assistant that one was studying mortuary paths in the Isles and that one’s father was missing, so when victims are announced she lets one come in to ‘identify’ him.”
“…that’s morbid. And brilliant.”
“Thank you.”
Toivon looked at the list again, as if analyzing it closely. Saufinril cleared his throat and said, “One promises, this will not distract one from the job. It’s just,” Saufinril looked at the list, as a pair of young blue eyes pierced themselves in his memory again. And he realized he didn’t know how to express all the anger, grief for a stranger and yes, even fear, that the message of hate had left him. All he managed to say in a low volume was, “they were Altmer.”
Toivon didn’t look at Saufinril once, his gaze still on the writing in front of him. Not an inch moved.
Shit, Toivon thought, Saufinril had rented a room in this fancy hotel, hadn’t he?
“What do we got?” he asked, turning to Saufinril. Saufinril’s gaze quickly went to the paper and back to Toivon.
“What?” he asked, and could almost feel Lillandril’s slap on the back of his head for a half-assed formulated, obvious question, for staring and maybe also for letting his mouth hang agape.
“What, I can’t help you catch some serial killer?” Toivon asked
“No, no, just…one wasn’t expecting…nevermind.” Saufinril blinked as he cleared his throat, “So, the victims were only identified this week, at least by the last time that one went to the morgue which was two or three days ago. So!” the Altmer stood next to the Dunmer.
“So this is they.”
“In order, yes.” Saufinril pointed to the name on the topmost of the list, “Remember that Sorcise told us the first one was a girl everyone thought was the victim of a jealous lover? Termaena of Evermor.” Saufinril pointed to the next column, “the mortician told one that she was young but couldn’t specify age because well, men don’t know anything of mer.”
“But she was young. And they mentioned a jealous lover so she probably had suitors, a boyfriend, fiancé, you know?”
“Like, she was in a courting age?”
“Yes.” Saufinril passed his gold finger to the next cell of the chart he’d made, “The mortician said she was by the bank of the river, strangled and with a big cut on her head.” Toivon winced at that, but Saufinril continued, “Then the next victim was Coretar of Congrad Wastes, she couldn’t tell one his age either, but he was found on fields with plenty of stabbings and two hits on his head.”
Toivon remained silent as Saufinril numbered the rest: Ironyl of Lillandril, body was floating on a canal, skull bashed, missing for 24 hours, only recognized because of his clothes and marriage ring; Miirie of Evermor (Termaena’s mother), missing for 24 hours, body was found near where Termaena’s had been, slit throat, almost decapitated, a hit on her head; Horace of Levgny, had actually been found alive and unconscious near the entrance to the city, bleeding from a head wound, but died in the Healer’s Temple an hour later; Estoril Thromil (from the Thromils, Saufinril said with a sort of scandal in his tone even if Toivon could, really, not give a fuck), was missing for 19 hours, then was found with multiple stabbings and his throat slit; and the last one, Merveril Kaelock of Sea Keep.
“He was…” Toivon noticed Saufinril said this one in a really soft tone, very unlike the neutral one he’d been using with the rest of the deceased, “very young. Maybe in his twenties or thirties. The mortician said he’d been stabbed repeatedly, strangled, had his throat slit and hit on his head.”
“There’s kind of a theme going on here, isn’t it? With hitting on the head and so many of these bodies were found on or near the river.” Toivon mused
“One thinks whoever is killing, has easy access to the river or at least the pier to dump the bodies. Maybe they even own a boat.”
“Great! That narrows it down to anyone that lives or works by the piers. So, a lot of people.”
A nibble of annoyance bit the back of Saufinril’s neck at Toivon’s negative comment, but he couldn’t deny that it was true: fishermen, brothels, merchants, captains, sailors, anyone and everyone that frequented the river could be a suspect.
Toivon, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes at the list, and said, “…it was by surprise.”
“What was?” Saufinril asked
“The hit on the head. Listen, if I were to like,” he looked around and grabbed the fruit bowl from the bedside table and turned to Saufinril as he tossed a plum at him. Saufinril put up his hands as a reflex, but despite it the plum hit his forehead.
“What was that for?” Toivon asked in disbelief
“One?? You threw the plum!” Saufinril asked, in as much disbelief, “Why are you asking one what was that for? One should be asking that!”
“You didn’t stop it!”
“Well you stop it, then!” Saufinril replied as he took the plum and threw it back, harder than Toivon had tossed it. Toivon let out a squeak but slapped the plum back at Saufinril, who moved aside and grabbed a pillow, then threw it at Toivon. Toivon retaliated by grabbing an orange and throwing it at Saufinril. Saufinril knelt to grab the orange but got attacked by another plum, so he threw both at Toivon. When Toivon attacked again, though, this time Saufinril lifted a hand, let the energy rush down his arm like a lightning, and in no time a purple shield of strong magic energy emerged from his palm, covering him almost entirely.
“Hah!” Toivon said, holding back the apple missile that was about to be thrown, “I knew it!”
“What are you talking about?” Saufinril said, still clutching an orange
“This!” Toivon motioned at the shield, “You make a shield!”
“Of course one does! what do you think one is? A goblin?”
“Put your shield down so I can explain-”
“No.” Saufinril eyed the bowl of fruits, “You put the bowl down.”
“I’m not going to throw anything at you.” Toivon protested
“Alright, fine.” Toivon put the apple in the bowl and set the bowl on the table where it had been. Only then did Saufinril put away the shield.
“Why did you even start that?” Saufinril asked, grabbing the pillow he’d thrown and fluffing it while Toivon hunted around for the rogue plums and orange.
“I thought you’d pop the shield before!” Toivon said, “I thought it’d be, I don’t know, immediate! Like you’d do it at first.”
“Well, usually if this were a serious fight, one would!”
“Right. My point exactly. All jokes aside,” Toivon said, holding the fruits and taking them back to the bowl, “if they knew they were being attacked, they would’ve used magic to defend themselves.” He turned to Saufinril, who nodded, understanding dawning on him.
“The killer surprised them, then. He knew they could defend themselves with magic so they decided to not take a chance.” Saufinril hesitated, “But these are Bretons. They’re well adept with magic too. Granted, not as easily or naturally as Altmer, but still better than other races.”
“Then it’s someone that’s not that good at magic. Shit,” Toivon turned back to the chart, “bad at magic and prejudiced against the Altmer? And has access to the river without being seen? Kind of sounds like a profile.”
“Kind of.” Saufinril put the pillow on the bed, looking at the chart too, “one feels like we’re finally seeing a bigger picture.”
“Right?” Toivon said, turning to look at Saufinril, “you just feel like it’s clearer and there’s a path you can go down to.”
“Right!” Saufinril replied, looking at Toivon too. And for a second, he was back in Elden Root. He was back at the Den, at night, some years ago, when some band was playing and he’d broken up with his boyfriend at the time and returned from a disastrous visit to the Isles mere weeks ago. While serving a table with some men, Bosmer and two Dunmer, he’d lingered in the space, eavesdropping, and only realized he’d spaced out when he turned to one of the Dunmer, Toivon, and he was looking at him directly. Right now, for that second, it was that moment of that night again, and Toivon’s gaze felt as strong as the first time, and his heart shook just like that moment, eight years ago.
Then Toivon looked away. And he was back at the present, at this Evermor and the heist and the killings. And the slowly setting sun. Toivon, too, turned to the window.
“The afternoon passed really fast.” He commented.
“Want one to walk you to the front door?” Saufinril asked, unsure really why he had done so.
“Oh, what a gentlemer.” Toivon commented, amused.
“It’s the least one can do after you spent all afternoon in one’s bedchamber.” Saufinril replied, jesting back as they walked to the door.
“Will you pay a carriage back to my manor?”
“Not as gentlemer-y as I thought, then.” Toivon joked, opening the door and walking out. Saufinril was about to follow when he looked back and took a look at the room in its entirety. He frowned.
“The room colors look okay.” He muttered to himself, before leaving.
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kernigkrafts123 · 4 years
Since I was a child I have wanted to own a café. I would often visualise how I would make it. Right from the chairs and cuisine to the complimentary cookies I planned to serve with coffee, I had thought of every detail in my head!
I am partial to cafés the way I am partial to armchairs. Coffeehouses like armchairs are warm and cushy, and time flies when you are in one!
If you are about to actualize your dream of opening a coffee shop, read on for some really useful tips, tricks and advice that will help you, not just plan but also execute your café design smoothly.
1. Pick one thing that you feel passionate about
Whether it’s a cuisine that you enjoy making or eating, a theme that mesmerises you or if you are simply a coffee lover who wants to make delicious coffee for people, focusing on one attribute makes it fairly easy to define the others.
For example, if you feel strongly about Italian food, you can plan your food menu and decor around it. It will give you a great starting point! I’d recommend doing thorough market research to make sure that there is a lucrative market for your chosen cuisine in your city. No matter how much you fancy something, if there is no demand for it you are bound to fail.
You can also choose to open something classic, like a patisserie or a sandwich bar. If you are absolutely sure you want to open a coffee shop then you can plan a small food menu that includes accompaniments from your local cuisine while keeping the focus on different types of coffee.
It is always a good idea to keep a variety of food items that fall within your choice of cuisine, in the beginning because you will eventually find out what your customers love and come to your coffeehouse for. You will definitely be tweaking the menu as you come to realise what your best-sellers are!
2. Choose your decoration style wisely
It is easy to fall prey to trends, they look inviting and are easy to follow since they are everywhere but trends come and go. For example, Farmhouse Style and Shabby Chic are having a moment now but so was  Industrial, a style people are now getting bored of, visually. Classic style of decoration never goes out of fashion but it can seem basic.
To keep the look balanced, I’d suggest furnishing your coffee shop with a theme that goes with your cuisine while considering your target customers. The theme does not have to be directly related to it, people often associate pizza with movies, so with Italian cuisine on the menu you could style your restaurant with the classic Hollywood theme!
There is no limit to decoration themes as there are plenty to choose from so weigh in your budget before you choose. A decorative style like Shabby Chic could be more expensive as compared to a simpler style like Modern. Size matters too. Smaller spaces can feel cramped if there is too much going on or there are a lot of items kept for ornamental purpose. It will also cut down on the sitting space. Some themes I personally like for cafés are Rustic, Scandinavian, Contemporary and Classic.
You cannot beat a Rustic style coffeehouse. Exposed bricks, wooden floor and solid wood furniture with a touch of color in the form of upholstery, Rustic style evokes nostalgia that creates the perfect coffee drinking atmosphere, whether you want to get creative or catch up with friends.
Scandinavian and contemporary are great no-nonsense decorating styles that you can’t go wrong with. Scandinavian style complements smaller spaces well as it is a clean and minimal look with the right amount of color. Splashes of bright color in this style will keep your space from looking boring without overwhelming it! You can also go for a mix of two themes such as Rustic and Classic.
3. Choose quality furniture that will last
Solid wood furniture is definitely more expensive than other kinds available but it looks classy and lasts a really long time. The elegance that good quality furniture creates cannot be matched by Chinese quality furniture.
Make sure your furniture designs complement your space and style of decoration. If you have chosen Rustic style you can go for classic furniture. Rustic finish on tables, chairs and stools with leather upholstery looks extremely chic. The warm color palette automatically creates a welcoming atmosphere for customers. Have you ever noticed why you always gravitate towards cafes styled in Rustic-Classic interiors? This is exactly why! The earthy colors draw you in.
To take it up a notch, you can get Chesterfield sofas and sofa chairs. Since people love to sit in coffee shops for long durations it is advisable to use comfortable chairs and sofas with cushioning and upholstery. No one wants to go to a cafe and come back with their backside hurting. Also, leather contrasts with the rustic look beautifully creating an appealing visual space. Wicker is another popular style these days and could be a great addition to your chairs and stools. Wicker is a good choice for outdoor furniture as well, if you have some outdoor sitting as a part of your cafe do consider it!  
If you want something more fun that caters to a younger crowd, you can go for patterned upholstery. But stick to pastel or medium tones for Rustic style. Sofas and chair sofas are a must if your space is medium to large. People always choose them first. Small coffee shops can keep upholstered stools and chairs with simple designs. Large spaces can do a combination of styles such as bar stools, stools, chairs, sofas and matching sofa chairs (like in the image above). It makes the space more interesting and gives the customers more options to sit.
4. Make the space warm and welcoming
People often have their favourite coffee shops that they regularly go to. Most preferred coffeehouses are those that are friendly and hospitable. Small things can make a big difference and help you achieve this effortlessly.
Flowers, small potted plants or even candles on individual tables add a nice artsy touch. You can also keep some magazines and books for people to read. A lot of people come alone for coffee, especially if they want to work, reading a magazine would be a nice break for them. People who love to read adore places that house books and it also shows that you are thoughtful and are willing to take an extra step to make them happy. You can also keep a few board games for people who come in groups!
To store and display the books and games, you can get a sideboard or display unit. A high and narrow display unit will take less space and store more.
Another thing you can do for your customers is keeping indoor plants. Potted plants, plants hung in baskets suspended from the ceiling, on tables or on a separate buffet, the possibilities are endless! Research shows that nature can increase social interaction, reduce stress and enrich mental health! Adding plants to your cafe is an easy and environment friendly way to spread cheer and happiness in your coffee shop.
Lights play an important role too. Harsh lights can be blinding and make people uncomfortable whereas dim lights can cause inconvenience. I'd suggest designing your cafe in a way that brings maximum sunlight into it during the day. You can also use pretty lanterns and pendant lights too! Glass pendant lights with geometric shapes are really popular these days. Yellow light is warmer than white and hence recommended for coffee shops.
Something I’d strongly recommend is to do an informal feedback session before you officially open your cafe. A few trustworthy friends and family members is all it takes. Invite them over and take feedback on what could be done better. A good idea is to do this when you have some time left to make some changes. There will be certain things that you won’t be able to do anything about but it would be worth it if even one or two suggestions strike you as interesting and useful.
For more ideas and suggestions about creating your perfect coffee house write to me at [email protected] and to see custom made, handcrafted cafe furniture click here.
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4seasonswithiu · 5 years
[TRANS] 190302 ‘IU with Ghana’ Fan Meeting - Important Talk Compilation
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IU: It’s been a while since I last greeted all of you right? Did you all miss me? (YESSS) I think the weather has gotten a lot warmer~ I came lightheartedly and dressed prettily in spring outfit with big earrings and applied the trendiest lipstick color to meet y’all today. This venue gives off familiar vibes of the small-theatre concert that we had years ago. I also came with my mint microphone to match with the spring vibes, so I thought it’d be great if Ghana could release mint flavoured chocolate too. I think it’s gonna sell like hotcakes, don’t you think so? Who wants mint Ghana chocolate? (MEEEEE!!!!!!) Well I'm sure some of you don’t fancy the flavour, but if Ghana were to release it, I would do my best to promote it! As one of the loyal consumers, I could say that Ghana’s my soul food, so I hope to keep endorsing this if I’m ever given the chance to. My love for Ghana is quite obvious to be honest, you can definitely tell that I look a bit more excited in Ghana’s CFs as compared to the others. I was so happy upon receiving the offer from Ghana, you can say that i’m a successful fan! So I have a lot of affection for it, and i’m sure some of you feel the same way as I do too. Do you love Ghana? (YESSSS) Now, I’ll perform another song before we proceed to the next session, which is Palette. I bet this will be my last chance to perform ‘Palette’ before I officially turn 26 (internationally).
IU: How did y’all get to attend this event? Uaenas: Lottery-based system! The more you purchase, the higher chances you’d get. IU: But I’m sure there are people who just genuinely like Ghana chocolate and got chosen right? Guy: Yea, that’s me IU: It’s okay, I’ll just turn you into my fan through this event today~ Uaenas: /cheers/
Q1. Unnie, can you please reveal your account number by ‘mistake’…?
IU: You want me to reveal my account number…? What do you want to send me 😂 As much as I want to, I honestly can’t remember my account number, so I’ll just accept your heart today.
Q2. What’s the song that you’re into these days?
IU: Actually, I’ve been working on (composing) lots of songs these days. Nowadays, I’ve been listening to songs by Still Woozy, who’s a foreign artist and umm…. never mind, I don’t think you guys would know them as you can tell by now that I have weird music taste. But my fans have diverse music taste, so I really want to recommend a good song for them.
Uaena: Tell us about your new song!
IU: My new song is really good. (*cheers*) I think the album will turn out to be really amazing! No doubt my fans are curious about this so I’ll talk a bit about it. I’m working on a new album, well not really new since I’ve mentioned before at my concert that it’s been modified and revised for many times (just like BBIBBI), basically the ‘tone’ itself has changed.
*IU said she initially wanted to write a song to show her gratitude towards Uaenas, but ‘BBIBBI’ eventually digressed quite a bit from that and turned into a warning song instead, a song about what makes a good relationship between people.
IU: I’ve added a few things so I was worried, but it turned out better than I expected. I think the only thing left is for me to do well for my part. I think I'm highly satisfied with the songs and I think the album will turn out to be something I’m satisfied with too. You guys know I don’t really talk about things like this right? I tend to keep it to myself when it comes to stuff like this but I think you guys can really look forward to my new album!
Q3. Your favourite Ghana chocolate?
IU: For me, it’s the milk chocolate. But these days when i’m bored, I chew on some caramel chocolate too, it’s yummy!
Q4. Jieunie noona, I lost my wallet today. Perhaps can you sing a song to cheer me up?
IU: How can you get back home without your wallet? Where’s your house, do you have a transportation card with you?
Uaena: I contacted my mom… (the fan is a middle-schooler)
IU: Oh no.. you must have had you student ID and cash in it…is it?
Uaena: 3000 won
IU: Oh…you would have been able to buy two Ghana chocolates with that 3000 won, but it’s okay I’ll give you two of it instead.
Q5. I’m a fan from Busan, my boyfriend is a Uaena too! What do you think of couple fans?
IU: I think they would be so happy! Though it’s something rare, but I think it’s great to be a ‘couple fans’! They can relate with each other and watch my concert together.
Uaena: We are planning to get married this year!
IU: I can sing a congratulatory song at your wedding then!
Q6. Jieun unnie, which of your many projects will be released first?
IU: Not sure if I can share this here but it’s probably the long awaited short film series ‘Persona’! The release date has finally been scheduled, but I can’t say anything for sure as the production team has their plans. I’ve been told that ‘Persona’ will be available on various great platforms in April. Please look forward to it.
Q7. Unnie, can we replicate the Uaena soundwave ring and wear it?
IU: For your information, I gave 2000 limited soundwave rings to my fans at a fan meeting in celebration of my 10th debut anniversary. I think the fan is referring to that but honestly haven’t you guys been doing that (replicating the ring) for awhile now? 😂 Our staff have seen lots of people wearing it and asked whether they were Uaenas (who attended the FM) but the fans told them it’s the replicated version. But how did you guys replicate it exactly like the original version? Is it possible?
Q8. What’s the movie of your life?
IU: It’s among the recent movies that I’ve watched. Not too recent, but I watched a movie called ‘The World Of Us’ during the end of last year. It’s a story about kids and there was a great line that really hit me at the end of the movie. Can I spoil the movie? A young boy kept getting bullied by the kids and his older sister was like “didn’t I tell you not to play with them? So what did you do next?” and the boy replied that he just continued to play with them. So his sister got so mad and asked him why didn’t he fight back but the boy replied “if we kept fighting back & forth, when will we ever get to play together?” The line hit me so hard because it was that great to me! It’s a healing movie.
Translated by IUteamstarcandy
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caemidraws · 6 years
What advise would you give about designing unique clothes for fantasy human races? All the clothes you draw are so pretty and match the people wearing them so much 😍
I’m still awful at tutorials but I can also keep trying doodling them randomly!! So thank you and enjoy the Show:
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A fancy title is always good to start with. Feel the fancy. Make those lines flow but in a fancy way.
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This can be a little obvious, but it’s also Very Important: if you want your design to match your character, you may also want to think about:
your oc’s tastes. (and with this I mean Your tastes: what do you see your oc looking Good in?)
your oc’s body shape. Are their arms thin or muscular? Would they prefer showing those muscles or hide them? Would they be proud of a flat chest or ignore it for fashion? 
your oc’s traditions/culture/place they’re born/etc. (very,very,very poor) examples: very cold place=used to wear many layers of clothes; very hot place= pirate
does your oc Love flowers? Get inspired by their shapes and compositions, find yourself some flowers ref. Does your oc love the cold touch of death as they ride their horse down a mountain at the max speed? Add a cool cape that would look awesome in the wind.
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The colors you pick don’t need to be a lot, really! But that can depend on your OC’s personality and fashion sense. Personally, I’d prefer to wear only 1 or 2/max 3 colors at the same time. There are many useful sites for picking color palettes, but you could also use colors you see in nature (plants, animals, etc) or in art eras/movements (gothic art, renaissance, baroque, art nouveau, etc.)
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My Favorite Step!! Actually, there’s no need to add Many details, it could be just an earing, a ring, a nice hat or weird make up choices. (I suggest you to look at a bunch of art eras you feel your oc with and get inspired by them)
And…that’s it for tonight! I’m sure I’ve forgotten the Key to Character Design but hope the ‘tutorial’ was at least Not Boring to go through. Thank you for your patience with my tutorial and english skills and good luck with designing!! 
Never give up on Fashion!!! (be it questionable or not)
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pebbeul · 5 years
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To be honest, I hardly ever splurge on face palettes because you usually never get a 10/10 suitability for all the shades in the given palette. But fortunately, that was not the case with the Hourglass Ambient Unlocked Palette. This palette is rather “old news”, having come out in September 2018, but it still remains until now one of my favourites for travel, simply because it is such an easygoing, wearable palette.
The shades offered in this palette are a little more basic and suitable for everyday wear. They are especially suited to my skin tone: from the face powder, bronzer, blush, and right down to the highlighter. In fact, I can just use this palette on its own for a full face of makeup on the go. 
I don’t have much of an in-depth review about this palette, simply because it’s just a very normal colour palette for everyday use. The formula is smooth and pigmented (as expected of Hourglass), the shades are great for neutral makeup, and the overall palette is easy to store for travelling, with a pretty decent sized mirror too. Plus, the shades are also adaptable - you can use the blush/bronzer shades for eyeshadow to create a monochromatic look, which is slowly gaining popularity these days.
Shades wise, I would say that what wowed me the most was Soft Light - their face powder of all things. I love Hourglass face powders, don’t get me wrong. However, the one that I currently use (Dim Light) has a peachy-pink undertone that makes my face look a little redder than my actual skin tone, which is a little jarring. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Soft Light is actually a perfect match for my skin - you can hardly tell that the powder is there on my wrist - and it still retains that fantastic formula nicely set my makeup without caking it. I wish that Hourglass sold Soft Light on its own, but unfortunately they don’t, so I have to make do with ensuring that this lasts me for a long while. 
Another shade that I also particularly like is the Mood Flush blush. I might be a little partial because I love the Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush in Mood Exposure (which is similar to this shade), but I just love the versatility of this color! It looks like a cool pink in the pan, but swatches on a lot warmer and it just gives this pretty mauve flush that I can’t seem to find in other blushes. Plus, you can do a little touch for a subtle look, and pack on the blush if you want it to be brighter. 
The shades that I didn’t particularly fancy are Nude Glow and the Champagne Strobe Light. I was disappointed by Nude Glow because I had such high hopes for it. It was my initial favourite shade out of the 6 when the palette first came out. I actually made the decision to buy this palette because of this shade alone (oops!). On my swatch it’s a wonderful shimmery peachy pink that is a perfect in-between of NARS’ Orgasm and MAC’s Springsheen, but disappointingly in real life its glitter particles are very big and it makes the shimmer look slightly artificial. However, I managed to salvage this problem by mixing this ultra-glittery blush with the matte Mood Flush blush to minimise the overall glitter particles. The end result is actually quite nice when you mix these two, so do give it a go if you have this palette on hand!
My problem with the too-big glitter particles is also present in the shade Champagne Strobe Light. I liked the shade of the highlighter but the glitter particles were really too big. I felt as though the formula was more glittery than shimmery, which takes away that illusion of a naturally radiant glow that I love. I find that I don’t particularly reach for this highlighter a lot - I prefer using Becca’s Champagne Pop (liquid/ poured highlighter) for a more subtle highlight.
Overall, I would say that this palette is my best friend when I travel, but I don’t find myself using it as often as I would like to when I’m doing my makeup at home. It could be because I get “bored” with my products and I love trying new things all the time. Or maybe because I hardly use palettes because they are a little more “restricting” in the kinds of looks you can create. Either way, although I find that this palette is really good and it’s 10/10 in terms of shade compatibility, ironically, its main downside is that it could be too basic in its curation of shades which does get boring after awhile (as do all neutral makeup looks, lol). Therefore, just a word of caution here to girls who like to experiment with makeup, or if you like your looks to be bright and poppy: this palette might not necessarily be worth it in the long run for you.
Nonetheless, I would still recommend purchasing this palette because the shades are really easy to wear on a lazy day. If you’re a fuss-free casual makeup kind of girl, you really want to consider buying this because it’s an all-in-one package. Not to mention, for the price point for 80 USD, getting 6 good quality shades that are universally flattering is a steal. 
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