#also how would other people in her life react? I dunno
rainedroptalks · 5 months
Yeah sure “objectively” it makes more sense that Deb never cheated on Alice and that was just Blinky messing with her mind for his enjoyment but do you understand how funny that would be. Bill trying his best to comfort his daughter over this and having to bite back an “I told you so” every fucking second
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desceros · 3 months
this got longer than i meant it to, so tldr is these young men need to increase their experience bars to catch up to vi, nobody's maxed ??? i guess?? i rambled. uh. ANYHOW; gentle reminder that the boys were not in fact raised like typical humans, they have a very tight-knit social circle that very rarely grows or changes and their outside social interactions tend to be limited to yokai and other mutants just as bizarre as they are. Vi was raised presumably pretty standardly as a human in human society, regardless of the perceived pro-mutant thing given her some flavor. Her expectations are already set, she learned all this socializing biz growing up around other people learning probably around the same time, assuming she had like-aged peers as a kid- doubt that's been considered but if she's written to be neurotypical-coded then that's probably a fair take on her formative years. The boys did not get this social interaction with humans in public spaces and navigating relationships; even homeschooled children get outside to play with the neighborhood kids. They didn't even have yokai until they were 15. April was it until then. She's not exactly typical herself, either, so that's not much opportunity to learn how to treat people properly. all this to say, Leo and Donnie are both making the sort of mistakes you tend to make as kids, when it's less consequential because there's no predetermined expectation. I saw in another ask, Des, you said the bar couldn't be lower and I feel like that was true from the get-go with these boys; Vi's not just the best friend or love interest, she's also probably one of the, if not their very first human friend since adulthood (and no I do not count the Jones pair; one's feral ninja crazy and the other is apocalypse boy wonder, neither raise that bar, i will die on this hill). The boys are both learning character-building life lessons here. I for one am gonna be rooting for Leo to bounce back just as much as Donnie because these are not bad people, just inexperienced dum dums and I for one enjoy watching character growth in progress.
i'm really in a glass house about the Wow This Got Long tirade so you'll have no slings nor arrows from me, lmao
so, in symphony, i've tried to show that there's kind of a. hm. sliding scale of socialization that's happened with the boys. allow me to ramble on in detail since i know it's one of those things i've been perhaps a bit too sneaky about:
on one end of the spectrum, you have mikey. he's the one that goes out to the grocery store while dragging donnie along when he can, he makes friends that come to the party, etc. he's basically integrated at this point, as much as one can be as a ninja turtle that grew up in the sewer.
next you have leo, who i suspect talks to people and interacts with them as the face man, but he's still very sheltered. his sheltering, however, is by choice. hes not very interested in getting to know them. he's very closed off and protective of the hamato secrets, so he doesn't let people in. not unless they're useful.
next comes raph. i think early on, after krang, he probably tried to integrate. but he's, yknow, a huge-ass alligator snapping turtle mutant. he looks scary, and he's aware of how it comes across. he has a lot of encounters where people assume the worst of him. there's one line in chapter 14 that illustrates his stance on the situation, and how he's basically given up hope on the idea of integration:
“Honestly? I dunno. For years, we always lived in the shadows, never lettin’ humans see us ‘cause we didn’t know how they’d react. And now that we know, I wonder sometimes if we shouldn’t just stay down here.”
and finally, at the far end, we have donnie. if it weren't for his touch-aversion, i think he actually would have been next after mikey to integrate. we see him in the show going to april's school in the daytime in just his hoodie, talking to humans easily, and he's comfortable wearing pretty shitty disguises to go topside. but in symphony, because of his trauma (some of which we haven't explored yet i am so, so sorry to tell you), he self isolates so he doesn't have to Deal With People. crowds in particular are a No No, and the boy lives in new york. crowds are kinda hard to avoid. and you are correct! this has been detrimental to his socialization. he doesn't know how to communicate his needs to people. he never had to learn how.
but that's what's so... delicious about writing this fic for me. donnie having to grapple with the fact that he has to meet viola-chan in the middle, and viola-chan grappling with having to meet him in the middle. he needs direct, specific language. she needs authentic, affirming language. they're not mutually exclusive. but they are something that needs to be practiced, and hhhhhh. it's just so much fun to iron out!
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omgcheez · 1 year
Autistic Bruno headcanons/fic ideas go!
-gvr 💚
I dunno how fresh these are, but here I go:
Rubbing fabrics is one of his most common stims, but there are some others not seen in the movie. I don't remember who it was, but months ago someone said that they wanted to HC him flapping but felt bad because the way the fandom was... it's in the ol book of HC's now. you deserve flappy Bruno homie.
Sand is very texture™.
When he was a kid, Bruno spent long periods of time looking at the sand in hourglasses fall.
Being the gifted kid of the family allowed a lot of his quirks to get overlooked for a while. By the time he hit burnout, he was seen as a burden. this could probably be a general HC, but it was very much a double edged sword for him.
He advocated for Dolores at loud parties, and postcanon, the two will go to her room to enjoy a quiet activity.
His "Special rat" he mentions in OBB is his support rat that acts as not only a companion, but a comfort. He pets it and also trained it to lick his face and calm him down.
I've mentioned the HC of involuntary visions sometimes vetting tied to meltdowns. The swirlimg sand has unintentionally hurt people before, and out of context, a random villager probably would see it as scary.
This one is common I think, but Mirabel making Bruno textured a scarf,plush, etc? yes, she does that.
She is also one of the first people that really sat and listened to him to that extent. Second most would be Julieta, who was in general the nurturing big sister, though she took care of everyone. That line about holding him in the book until it relaxed and being ok with him not talkong until he felt comfortable is canon in my heart. She knew a lot what to do because of how gentle she is with Antonio and when it comes to emotional care, post canon especially she goes out of her way to make sure everyone, including him is okay.
Luisa gives some awesome pressure hugs, though she has to watch her strength, of course. Bruno can just give her a look and she knows.
If you let him talk about his rats or shows, he will be your best friend. It's not something that everyone necessarily understood, but post canon everyone, especially his family enjoy his shows and his enthusiasm. Something he loves just as much though is the actual process of making things. He can get into a full on trance making his art and sets.
Bruno being afraid of fireworks for the angst. :( It's another reason for him to get Dolores in her soundproof room though.
Julieta knows how his body reacts when he is happy, and is the most thrilled to see that as he is getting better emotionally.
The first time that they all ate together as a family again was chaotic and it was a learning experience. It took some tweaking and sometimes he will eat alone, but generally family meals are good now. :)
The silver lining to his gift is being able to have predictability in his life. He still isn't fond of when the future sneaks up on him or things don't go to plan like in the game where he freaks out and mirabel has to calm him down
He hides in tight corners and small spaces, and his new room has a little hiding spot. The family knows about it and the other spaces he has in the house but respect that
He hits himself and hair pulls when he's in a bad space mentally.
As he got older, a lot of his quirks were misumderstood by the villager and even his mother as him being moody or Noncompliant. Post-canon, she starts to listen to him more and gets to have a caring motherly role more often. She tries to check up on him and make sure that his limits aren't being puahed and that she isn't subconvipusly trying to make him someone else.
He asked Julieta to "fix" him at least once when he was older and frustrated with how sour everything had gone. He's a lot happier with himself, though.
These probably aren't the freshest ideas, but I might add more to the future. Anon, I would love to hear any of your ideas if you have them, as well as other people. Feel free to add in reblogs, comments, asks, or whatever you can think of
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razorblade180 · 9 months
So I am curious about how the people of Inazuma reacted to Itto and Sara getting together. Because unless I'm interpreting things wrong, Sara is technically a part of the nobility, whilst Itto is a commoner. A poor commoner at that. I could imagine it being a bit of a political scandal for a bit. Though I suppose if Raiden stepped in to give her approval of the two it could sway things in the couple's favor. I dunno, when I read your recent Ayaka x Aether story this thought came to me about it and was wondering if you were going to ever go into this or if it's not really something you're interested in exploring.
Never really gave it a thought but I don’t think it would that much of a problem. Sara is adopted, not a head in the clan, and also a Yokai. It wouldn’t be a surprise she is interested in other Yokai, just the fact it’s Itto lol. Plus I’d imagine even the most vocal of individuals think twice before sharing their opinion on the private life of Inazuma’s General.
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baronessofmischief · 1 year
Steven Grant is not a doormat
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I don’t venture into characters tags very often because there’s a lot I don’t like to sift through but I’ve seen a lot of 🎶 timid and shy and scared are you 🎶 takes on Steven that are just… blatantly inaccurate lol
I don’t know how much is infantilization and how much is just a lack of basic character analysis, but Steven isn’t afraid to socialize or deal with conflict. While he may not solve conflict with violence, it doesn’t mean he lets people walk all over him without some form of speaking up or pushback. There are things he wants and has shown initiative in pursuing. Steven Grant is a unique mix of assertive but polite.
He’s also unaware he has DID which means there are situations and complications in his life outside of his control, and people react negatively to that which continues to make life harder for him to handle as well as he’d like, but that doesn’t mean he’s pathetic or inept— Those are adjacent issues I’ve seen in a lot of fan portrayals and interpretations.
Steven is an active protagonist. He doesn’t have to be pushed to further the story because he takes initiative to do things that further the story itself.
Even within just the first episode, “The Goldfish Problem” was devoted to showing us who he was before his knowledge of Moon Knight, and even the smaller moments are evident of who he is as an assertive character.
He calls his mom to talk on the phone and update her about his life even though we get the impression she doesn’t answer and that’s something he’s accustomed to, but he still calls anyway
He points out to the guy setting up his stall outside the entrance to his building that oh yeah, you’re still doing that inconvenient thing (that annoys me) aren’t you, well, good for you, thanks for that, (wish you wouldn’t do that but whatever I won’t make a fuss because that would be rude) cheers
He greets his coworkers by name even when they ignore him
It’s great to see a character politely and effectively correct a kid’s behavior without actually making the kid feel bad because so many times when adults do that they effectively block any possibility of the kid listening to what they say afterwards, even if it might be something the kid would be interested in. We can see that Steven wants to have a teaching moment where he gets to share his interest with someone who may not care about Egypt yet, but because he took the time to engage with her she shows interest (and will likely show more respect for the exhibits moving forward)
He firmly corrects Donna when she gets his name wrong, pointing to the name tag
When the tour guide comes over to confirm their date for that weekend, the reason he hesitates is because he’s caught off guard. Anybody would be confused about a date they have no recollection of having a conversation about
There’s an important distinction between who a character is vs what other characters say about them: when Donna says she didn’t think he had it in him (to ask the tour guide on a date), and accompanies it with the question about him being vegan so what’s he planning to get at a steak place, she’s being critical even while trying to engage him in a conversation, and from how we saw her introduction (unpleasant tone criticizing Steven and getting his name wrong upon his entry), it’s understandable for Steven to bite back a bit with the clipped “I dunno, salad? Bread?” He’s not unsure about himself in regards to the date, he’s telling her to mind her own business. They don’t have a good working relationship and Steven doesn’t owe her his personal life. Someone who’s a doormat would have just rolled over and made excuses to try to get a critic like Donna to like them to keep the peace. Steven doesn’t snap at her, he’s just mildly irritated, and when her moment of good humor drops she leaves with another criticism as she goes. He’s not worried about Donna liking him because she’s already shown she doesn’t respect him.
When he’s doing inventory he purposefully brings up the fact that the marketing poster is inaccurate because to him, this is a museum, so having things be accurate is important even if it’s just to visually draw people in, and when Donna makes the remark about him not having the chance at tour guide, that does stop him and he voices how disappointing that is to hear, actually. He doesn’t necessarily keep his feelings in to avoid further conflict
He apologizes for being late and for the fumble with the box of stock, but he continues the conversation instead of meekly trying to please his boss and spend a bunch of time trying to get her to pity him
Though the street performer doesn’t speak to Steven, Steven still apparently likes talking to him, which I think is a lot more symbolic than people realize
He’s blunt with the lady at the pet shop because he rightfully doesn’t understand what the fish is going on with his magically able-bodied goldfish and that’s reason for him to be determined enough to go out hunting for answers. He knows he’s sleep deprived but Steven knows his pet: this is bizarre
The reason he doesn’t call the tour guide ahead of time to ask about the date they’re supposed to have because 1. He’s running late and 2. It’s evident he wants to be there so he’s taking the time to make sure he does everything correctly, but he still takes the initiative to reach out to her first, instead of making up some excuse to himself as to why she’s not there
It’s interesting because even outside of discovering Marc, the show plays on the idea of Steven “talking to himself” when the reality is that the people he’s talking to just aren’t listening to him, and that has overarching thematic implications further down the line when Harrow uses the idea of Steven / Marc talking to himself as a way to discredit him/the system (which would also further isolate them). There are numerous examples of Steven being shown asking for help and being denied that or ignored.
One of the running themes in the show that’s especially apparent in the first episode is that Steven is alone, but not for a lack of trying. Steven talks to a lot people/things that don’t talk to him (his mom, Gus, his coworkers, the street performer), in addition to initiating conversations with people who are antagonistic to him in one way or another. It does Steven a disservice to strip him of a very clear aspect of his character by making him this meek, trembling wallflower of a character just so you can have rough-assertive-confident-cocky Marc Spector as a contrast (while also not taking into account Marc’s own complexities).
Because of his willingness to push back and ask or demand answers, Steven is able to connect with Marc and start figuring out what the rest of his (and by extension Marc’s) life entails. From what starts to be revealed it appears that Marc has spent a long time pushing people out and pushing people away, but it’s Steven’s stubbornness, kindness, and resolve that helps the two of them connect and find balance in the end. The idea that neither of them is actually alone, whether by choice (Marc) or not (Steven) is important to the series and characters as a whole.
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 188 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: mowing the lawn.
MARTIN: "How much longer? Feels like we’ve been walking through suburbs forever." Martin reminds me of me so much sometimes. He also asked in that Vast domain of Simon Fairchild (MAG 174) how much further it is. I admit, I do the same. Not because I'm impatient, but because I don't know what's coming and that somehow freaks me out and I need to have an estimate time or distance (if it's not too long) how far a route's gonna be and how much time it takes. I always have a lot easier time on the way back because I already got a bit familiar with the route, so I know what I can expect.
JON: "Yes. Endless, cookie-cutter housing. Impersonal, alienating. A common expression of The Lonely even before the world went to hell." I think that's so funny, cause I would never associate suburbs with the Lonely. That is pure Eye for me.
JON: "Trapped behind identical doors and down silent streets of unknown neighbours. The suffering here is deep. And it’s private." Is it really that much different in the UK?? I mean, yeah, I live on the countryside, I think people are a bit more cozy and open to each other here. Your typical everyone-knows-everyone village. I feel like my house is the only thing Lonely in this neighborhood because I want it that way. I don't want to chat with neighbors, I don't even want to hear them chatting with each other everyday. And I hate that one house I don't have trees or hedges high enough for so they wouldn't be able to see into my garden from their balcony. I hate that they can watch me... So, Eye...
MARTIN: "You’re still full?" JON: "I suppose that’s one way to put it." Interesting, cause in MAG 163 it sounded like he needs to vent when he's full. That he fills up with all the fear around him and then he needs to make a statement to let it out again. So that would mean... he's still empty now? 
MARTIN: "So all that talk of wanting to be friends, she was just, what, lying?" JON: "No… That was real. She did want to be friends. But she also wanted us suspicious, off-balance, uncomfortable. She wanted to be able to hurt us." MARTIN: "Bit of a contradiction, surely?" JON: "Is it? She wanted to be our friend, she just didn’t want to be a good friend." Jon hitting the nail on the head. Nothing more to add.
MARTIN: "Huh. She couldn’t help what she was, I guess." JON: "She didn’t even try." This so casually said, but there is so much meaning for Jon behind this. Because he is also a creature of the fears now, but he tries to resist it very hard. So Helen was wrong. She said "You are no different from me!". Oh yes, he is. He is so much different. And he did already save people, so her "you can't save anyone" is also not true.
MARTIN: "Yeah, I… I dunno, really. She always seemed to know just the right thing to say, or the wrong thing, kind of. Like, sh-she had a way of getting into your head and making you feel like you didn’t know what the deal was. Like, like you were being stupid or something." JON: "Sounds about right." Again, bang on. Helen is so amazingly written, everything around her, also how people react to her or see her.
MARTIN: "Plus, I… I was a little bit jealous as well." JON: "Of what?" MARTIN: "Of Helen. Well, the real Helen. I found the tape when you were on the run and… I don’t know. Something about the way you two seemed to connect when she came in." I kind of can understand Martin's motivation behind this. Martin liked Jon, he had a crush on him. But Jon hated him for about a year straight. And then, this Helen walks in, spends only 20 minutes with Jon and they seemed to get along really well immediately.
JON: "We’re about to enter London proper. We should take a moment." MARTIN: "What’s it like?" JON: "It’s the seat of The Eye." You may say it's the... London Eye!! (*coughcough* *babycries*)
[MORE WHIRRING, AS SPOTLIGHTS FLARE INTO LIFE WITH A HEAVY KA-CHONK SOUND] Oh, without the transcript I would not have gotten that there KA-CHONKs are spotlights being turned on! Sounded to me like a robot walked over to them xD
"Most surveilled city in the world, so much so that you didn’t even notice most of the time." At least that bit about London got used.
"Did someone see? Of course they did, of course they were always watching, judging, knowing all her business. and there was nothing she could do to stop it. To keep them from being disappointed, to not hurt them. She just screwed up, and they all just watched her fall." That is something I'm also quite afraid of and I don't know why this statement doesn't do anything to me...?
Really like the soundscaping when Carmen gets pulled into the huge eye.
JON: "Well, let’s see if I’m worthy of your attention." Theater kid xD Fitting, in a way, since he's in the spotlight now.
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elf-osamu · 2 years
hii! can i request haruka hashida (bp) when reader meets his sisters for the first time? like how they'd react and stuff i think its a cute topic to think of hehe (gn reader please!)
hi ! since, to my knowledge, not many information about haruka and his family were disclosed (almost none, except the fact that he has three sisters), this scenario is purely based on my imagination so there isn't really anything canon about his relationship with his family 🚶🏻‍♂️ btw this request was so cute to write, hope you like it <3
also, i've tried to add some elements of traditional japanese houses to describe haruka's house (even tho i say only one thing about it 💔), however if i've written smth that it's wrong please let me know and i'll edit it.
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[ masterlist ]
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fluff, romantic relationship, haruka hashida x gn!reader, headcanons + scenario
warning(s) : none that i can think of, perhaps there could me grammatical errors but that's it ig.
words count : 1,201 words (I'M SORRY IF U WANTED SMTH SHORTER 😭)
[ ☆ ] ah, haruka hashida, a person who has a caring yet inscrutable personality indeed.
[ ☆ ] from what we've seen, he isn't the kind of person who shows his emotions, instead he seems to hide them.
[ ☆ ] this leads to the following question: how is like haruka around his family, especially his sisters?
[ ☆ ] imo, although he wouldn't disclose much information about his life — at least not on his own initiative (y'know, the sibling dynamic where one teases the other to get information/lh), i like to think that he has a good affinity with them — a genuine and strong fraternal bond built on the support of each others' activities and passions, also helping each other when times are tough. of course, little fights happen once in a while, but they are generally an united family, even though the youngest sister (and sometimes also haruka) prefers to be on her own most of the time.
[ ☆ ] well, let's begin, shall we?
“haruka... are you sure they'll react well? wouldn't it have been better to warn them of my presence? i... you know, i don't wanna make them uncomfortable,” you said, a bit nervous about meeting your partner's sisters.
it all started with a mere thought of yours, which however haruka wanted to transform into reality.
“from what you're saying, they already seem to adore me,” you jokingly commented after listening to your boyfriend telling you how his sisters were growing more curious about you.
“oh, rest assured, they do adore you,” he smiled, gently holding your hand while you two were walking through the streets of tokyo.
“i guess it'd be nice to meet them, one day or another. they truly seem lovely people,” you stated, unaware of what that sentence would then trigger.
and now here you were, on the way to their house. honestly, you should have expected this from your partner, he did that kind of things.
to be honest, you weren't really against it, however you didn't want to be a nuisance nor you wished to disappoint their expectations.
of course, he wasn't forcing you to go there; haruka asked you multiple times if you were fine with the whole situation, and you were — you just didn't know what to expect.
your boyfriend gently squeezed your hand, applying light pressure to reassure your almost tormented soul. “you don't have to worry, my dear. you don't have to demonstrate anything to anyone — be your true self, even if it can be difficult sometimes. they won't stop liking you,” he said with his quiet and thoughtful voice. “but, we still have time to go to your house, if that's what you want.”
“no, it's just that...” you sighed, a sheepishly grin appearing on your face. “dunno how they'll react”.
“you'll do just fine,” haruka left a soft kiss on your temple, while rubbing little circles on the back of your hand with his thumb.
[ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ]
after crossing the hashida house's threshold, you felt a welcoming air warming your chest, along with a scent similar to haruka's — except for the lack of oil paints' pungent smell, which was probably contained mainly in your partner's room.
you had never been to his house, because your dates usually consisted in outdoor activities, art exhibitions or museum explorations, in need of something which could stimulate your intellects; perhaps a couple of times you two had been to your house, discussing artists' paintings or books' plots, yet both of you managed to be yourselves doing something almost vitalizing such as admiring and surrounding yourselves with beauty. an artist's painting could captivated your spirits, allowing you to openly talk about the emotions it evoked in your souls — while simultaneously being critical about it. sometimes, it didn't inspire anything at all, and that was fine too; it was a new discovery for you anyway.
haruka and you took of your shoes and arranged them so that they didn't get in the way, proceeding to wear slippers — which you would have then to take off before you entered in a room with tatami floor.
“it's rather strange that my sisters haven't noticed our presences yet,” haruka commented just as the two of you finished washing your hands. “if so, i suppose they are in the living room, perhaps playing something. shall we join them, mh?”
you nodded, almost cheerfully, between excitement for meeting them and nervousness.
and, once you two entered in that room, a quite peculiar picture showed up in front of you: the older sisters were light-heartedly discussing about something involving the board game they were playing, while the younger one was patiently waiting for a twist in that too familiar situation. in fact, she was the one who noticed your presences first.
“haruka! you're home,” she said smiling, though refraining herself to get up and run towards her brother because she didn't know who was the person next to him — you.
while the other sisters stopped 'fighting', he returned the grin.
“[name], i present you my sisters,” haruka said, proceeding to let you know their respective names. “and, sisters, they are [name], my partner”.
[ ☆ ] from this moment, there could be quite a few scenarios to think of, but i'll stick only with one of them.
[ ☆ ] at first, they would be taken by surprise: they didn't see that situation coming.
[ ☆ ] but after a minute or two, they would break off their trance state and become really interested in you.
[ ☆ ] i mean, they have waited so long to make your acquaintance.
[ ☆ ] the youngest sister would ask you all kind of questions, wanting to know everything about you — she can be very friendly, if she wishes so.
[ ☆ ] she'd also propose to do a board game (or a videogame, which one you prefer) with you.
[ ☆ ] and if you're really good at them, a slight (light-hearted, of course) competition could arise :), she must win at all costs.
[ ☆ ] meanwhile, the older ones would ask you more about formal topics, even though a few questions about your hobbies would slip from their lips.
[ ☆ ] and if y'all have interests in common, oh, they would talk about them for hours.
[ ☆ ] imo they and haruka love listening to people's interests and stuff, so they would let you talk freely about your passions !! they love the spark in your eyes when you do so.
[ ☆ ] needless to say, they also love you!/p.
[ ☆ ] ngl, they would be so engrossed in knowing you that they'd almost forget about their own brother, always present in the room.
[ ☆ ] haruka, my man, i'm sorry for being a guest of such great importance/j.
[ ☆ ] jokes aside, he would be quite amused by the whole situation.
[ ☆ ] and also happy, 'cause seeing the people he cares about the most, peacefully talking with each other, in the same room, is an endering sight.
[ ☆ ] after all, haruka was right: his sisters adore you.
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[ do not copy, translate, repost, etc. | by @ elf-osamu ]
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ariawen · 2 years
First Contact
Alright, my first Tumblr writing! This is a Transformers AU fic incorporating elements from the lovely @skoff-the-artist who has given me permission to use ideas for the Cybertronians from her AU. I love what she's done and her art is so good, go give it a look! I'm also tossing in some ideas of my own, hope you like them! Characters: Orion Payne/Optimus Prime: The kind, heroic, and brilliant leader of the Autobots. Attempts to maintain a human civilian life to understand humans better. Bonded to a semi truck.
Celeste Asteria/Starlight: OC of mine. Human, but somehow gained the ability to project and manipulate energy. Projects a low-level energy field that can be detected by Cybertronians. Compassionate and sweet, but also determined.
Here we go!
Orion sighed, going over the data he'd received from Bumblebee's last scouting report. A strange energy field had been detected, coming from a human woman. She'd been oblivious to Bumblebee following her, thank the stars; he wasn't sure how she would have reacted to being followed by a cyborg who spoke in beeps. The energy of the woman had been similar to that found in some stars... it was strange to him.
Celeste opened the door to Sweetcourse Café, taking in the scent of baked goods. She loved this little place: it was off the main road of Icosa City, hidden away. She smiled at the clerk, Tyler, who nodded at her in greeting, his green eyes shining with familiarity.
"Hey, Cel," Tyler said as Celeste came up to the counter, brushing a strand of her long golden hair out of her face. "The usual? Hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate syrup?"
"You know me so well," Celeste replied with a smile, her azure eyes shining as well. She looked through the pastel-colored café, spotting a few people sitting at the booths, more at the tables, and one man with blue hair in a red shirt and black leggings sitting alone at a table in the back, poring over something on a laptop. "Who's that?" Celeste asked, gesturing to the man.
Tyler glanced in Orion's direction. "Dunno. He didn't order anything, but he's not bothering anyone, so I let him be. Not my place to judge anyway."
"He seems stressed about something."
"Yeah. What, you wanna say hi?" Tyler asked with a playful smirk. Celeste rolled her eyes, then flipped her hair.
"I mean... I guess he won't mind." Celeste eyed Orion. "Call me when my order's ready?"
"You betcha."
Celeste made her way over, tapping her knuckles on the light blue table Orion had been sitting at. He looked up, spotting the human woman in a blue shirt and black leggings, a blue messenger bag slung over her shoulder.
"Hey," she said, her tone warm and welcoming. "I noticed you seemed stressed about something; want to talk about it?"
"What?" Orion glanced from his laptop to Celeste. "Oh. Yeah. I suppose so."
"Mind if I sit, then?" Celeste inquired. Orion gave her a quick nod, and so Celeste slid into the chair across from him. "So, is it work that's got your pretty face all scrunched up?"
"I'm sorry?" Orion raised an eyebrow, to which Celeste smiled and laughed, then set a fair-skinned hand on the table.
"You have a pretty face." Celeste gestured with her other hand. "Interesting eyes, too. What's with the black sclera?"
Oh, scrap.
"I, uh- it's-" Orion stammered, trying desperately to think of an explanation. Humans weren't entirely aware of the Cybertronians yet, and he wanted to keep it that way. "Eye contacts?"
"That sounded more like a question than an actual answer." Celeste leaned back in the chair, setting her hands behind her head. "What?" she asked when she noticed Orion's quizzical expression. "Something on my face?"
"No, it's-" Orion stopped himself, trying once again to look for a sensible answer. This human was emitting the exact same energy readings that Bumblebee had sent in. She had to be the same woman. "Nothing."
"Alright." Celeste smiled again. "I'm Celeste, by the way. Celeste Asteria." She moved her hands from behind her head and leaned forward, extending her left hand to shake. Orion took it. They both noticed the other had a strong grip.
"Orion Payne."
"A pleasure, Orion."
"Do you always introduce yourself to strangers by sidling up and flirting?" Orion inquired, to which Celeste laughed again.
"Not usually. You're a special case," she teased, a playful smirk gracing her lips.
"Cel! Your hot choco's ready!" Tyler called across the café.
"Be right there, Ty!" Celeste called back, getting up from her seat. "Until next time, Orion." She sashayed over to the counter, leaving a very intrigued Cybertronian behind.
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jacksgreysays · 1 year
some more Cherry Magic thoughts/brainstorming/spring cleaning (2023-03-16)
previous Cherry Magic spring cleaning post, not required reading
As the title implies, this is just me doing some digital spring cleaning of my files. I should also clarify that I haven't watched the movie yet so, most of these thoughts are based on the series, the bonus Valentine's and Rokkaku eps, and sooome of the manga...
Here we go:
1) Adachi can see the future independently of his virginity induced telepathy—aka, he’s always been a magician but the whole “reading people’s minds” is a sudden and new ability that he doesn’t like and can’t control.
Again, based on the very first bit of episode 1 where the 29yrs 364days Adachi is in a crowd and turns to watch his future Christmas Eve self biking past. And maybe as a way to fill in some plot holes, like how did Adachi know where Kurosawa would be for the confession? And also, how did he know that 7 years ago Kurosawa was going to black out from drinking and would need some help? (Although, the idea of Adachi just hovering worriedly just off screen of Kurosawa’s drunken stumbling is a funny idea)
Seeing what his future self does? That’s normal. He grew up with that. It’s fairly manageable and doesn’t really impact his life much so long as he doesn’t overtly react to a vision (possibly why he keeps his expressions blank when he knows there are people around even though he’s naturally very expressive.) He’s already an imaginative and quiet person, people probably used to think he was quite the daydreamer.
But god forbid he suddenly get literal intrusive thoughts from other people. Do not want. Cannot control.
Some independently and slightly related thoughts:
1a) I say this not having read all of the manga and not having watched the movie, but, given Adachi’s canonical only non work contact besides Tsuge is his mother who only texts, may I posit: She’s a witch. Like, out in the countryside with her coven of witches. And Adachi was raised by the coven but he never really showed much talent or drive for magic—besides his natural talent to see limited slices of his own future—and he wanted to go to college and live in the city. But obviously they love him even if they don’t quite understand him.
All I’m saying is, eventually, when Kurosawa meets his in-laws its out in some Ghibli-esque forest town with a dozen or so witches who all treat Adachi like a treasured nephew or little cousin.
… And only his mom has a mobile phone to text him happy birthday because she only uses it to contact Adachi anyway and, I dunno, maybe they contact him off screen in little magical ways that he doesn’t bring up because he does canonically forget these sorts of things (ie “I’ve never received Valentine’s chocolate from anyone before” even though last year Kurosawa literally gave him some, although, to be fair, Kurosawa did it in the most calculatedly nonchalant way.) All I’m saying is that maybe sometimes he gets little origami creatures that are messages and messengers both or one of his cousins can set up the astral projection equivalent of a zoom call or he has a little compact mirror that is linked with several other compact mirrors that his various aunts/cousins can also have or they have cat familiars that visit sometimes (which is why Adachi is best friends with a cat person)
((And maybe the younger ones also have Switches and they play Animal Crossing together because it is very similar to the idyllic magical life they lead and Adachi does get homesick))
1b) Much shorter but: Adachi, bewildered by the telepathy and the fact that Kurosawa has a crush on him, didn’t realize that “Kurosawa’s fantasies” (ie, the bits with the angelic chorus and soft lighting and Adachi looking cute and/or sexy) were actually visions of the future.
Also, why is Kurosawa icon pic a goat?
I know fanon is such that the Kurosawa parents are rich and elegant (and mean?) But maybe Kurosawa grandparents have a farm and on that farm there is a goat (EIEIO)
It’s just a picture his grandma sent him because let’s be real, Kurosawa would be the kind of boy who loves his grandmother very much and also maybe learned how to cook from her?
Okay, here's a proper idea number 2:
As a little omake to the first chapter of the manga, Toyota-sensei drew the goddess of love giving telepathy to Adachi as a birthday present on a whim/because he hadn't noticed how loved he was by Kurosawa.
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And I just want to say, what if the goddess of love is Adachi's mother?
Consider: there were only two texts for Adachi’s bday, one from Tsuge because they’re the kind of friends who prefer to have stable hangouts so they only meet up on the same day of the week regardless of holidays and don’t really talk to each other on the other days of the week, and the other from his mother because she’s very busy what with being the goddess of love and she can’t always manifest a physical form so she sends a text instead. And also a gift. Of telepathy. [[see pic]]
So kinda like a worse cupid, I guess… almost literally. Does tsuge also see… something? I just really love their friendship and the idea that they both already have powers and then get virginity induced telepathy on top of that is hilarious. Or maybe Adachi can see who are meant to be (like the red string of fate) but he’s so bad at getting people together.
God I just really love Adachi and Tsuge’s friendship so much. I don't have an idea particularly related to this either, I just wanted to reiterate it.
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
Hey G.B. So, I have some questions about the answers about Alya, her romance with Olympius, and your Trakeena's Revenge rewrite from my previous ask I posted to you on February 19th, 2023. Like don't get me wrong, I thought it was cool you gave the LR x LG crossover a better personal stake than in canon and that Trakeena plays a bigger role in the rewrite than in canon, but there are some things that sparked some more questions in me about them, so I thought I would ask you for some clarification. Plus, I've been meaning to ask you for awhile now, Not to be a pesty asshole or anything, just asking out of curiosity.
When you talked about why you replaced Heather with Alyla's family in your "Trakeena's Revenge" rewrite, you mentioned afterwards, "Plus it doesn't sound too OOC for Olympius to do such a thing." And tbh, I found that part confusing, like how that doesn't sound too OOC for Olympius to do that despite being a villain. Is it because he's engaged to Alyla and he didn't want to upset his beloved because her family are technically his future in-laws, or because of the whole "evil has standards" trope? Or is it a mix of both (not wanting to hurt his future in-laws and the whole "evil has standards" trope)?
How does Trakeena have a bigger role in your rewrite? Is her motive the same as in canon or is it different? Does she help the demons the same as in canon or is it (possibly like the motive) different?
What kind of smaller arcs does Alya have besides her betrothal to Olympius being (as you put it in the ask itself) "the BIG one"? Or is that still being worked out that you can't answer this question at this point in time? It's ok if you can't, I completely understand and respect your decision on whether you want to answer this or not.
In the first ask I posted to you on January 12th, 2023, on one of your other accounts @hippoships, you mentioned how the romance between Alyla and Olympius was originally one-sided on Olympius' end and that it's possibly that you'll have Alyla reciprocate his feelings towards her. Don't get me wrong, I thought the story was cool and interesting, but there are two questions I've had for awhile now: one, how did Alyla and Olympius react to finding out about this engagement? And two, when Olympius kept trying to chase after Alya after being entranced by her beauty and power, was he genuinely in love with her or did he lust after her? I know the story mentioned that Olympius (despite chasing after Alyla) would spy on her and found her kindness to be off-putting, but I'm also curious if that meant he at first lusted after her and then developed actual feelings for her, or if he was only into her because of her beauty and power (as she had half of the Star Power) all along?
What made you want to change the ending of Lightspeed Rescue from the demons being sealed away after Queen Bansheera's defeat to them co-existing with the humans of Mariner Bay after Queen Bansheera and Alya's Uncle's defeat? Not trying to be rude or judge you or anything, just asking out of curiosity. And also, because I'd like to know the backstory behind your rewritten ending of Lightspeed Rescue.
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Olympius isn't above doing dirty things to get what he wants that includes hurting Alya's family. He IS still a villain after all
Trakeena has a slightly bigger role in that we find out how she survived and ended up in Olympius's "care".
One arc Alya has is the idea of rehabilitation. Since the demons are no longer controlled by Bansheera
Now Olympius was drawn to Alya via Star Power but he usually just lusts after her. Alya hates him bc he is a demon and has hurt her friends and innocent people. I did thought if having her and Olympius together because I wanted to do something different than shipper her with carter/ryan. So he may develop genuine feelings i dunno
What made me change was actually real life. . i became acab but rather than demonize Lightspeed,I wanted to make it more nuance. cuz it's clear the demons were just pawns for bansheera's selfish ambitions I thought it would be better for both demons & humanity to team up. after the battle the demons have nowhere else to go so Alya suggests they stay in Mariner Bay and help fix the damage. This is actually a set up to SPD where aliens and humans coexist;
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thefirstknife · 2 years
ok but what about mara saying she wanted to 'wield undren sov, lightbearer' if only people had done what she wanted (presumably send newly rezd crow back to her/let her mold him as she wanted) in season of the lost, and also assigning ownership of him to the guardian as if thats any way to speak of another person? none of crows severances were about resolving the issues with mara, and honestly a lot of what he says to uldren re: mara seems to be more about the lengths uldren went and how abhorrent he sees it, and later how he understands what a compromised mental state uldren was in which is what he forgives. ive honestly yet to see crow forgive mara in any way seeing as he hasnt even been reading her messages, though perhaps an argument could be made for him getting there eventually. i just dont see how mara who has consistently viewed uldren and crow as a tool/object that she is justified in claiming ownership of/manipulating to her own ends (good or not) being at all contrite in a sincere way. the way she reacts to crow in season of the lost is also a little strange to me. she goes from yelling at ikora about her apparent dispair of uldrens fate to fully acknowledging she drove him where she wished ('holding the whip', in her own words) + even wanted him to be a lightbearer so she could use him? i dunno, none of that screams 'sibling love' to me. good deeds or not, saving humanity or not, shes just... a bad person (which is interesting, because shes on the good side, but still) and imo it would be bad for her to have any sort of significant relationship with crow.
I've talked about this a lot and I think you're overly simplifying their relationship and events that led to this. I'll link to some of mine and other people's posts about these points so I don't repeat myself over and over.
Before I dump the links, I'll say that there is definitely sibling love between them, but not all sibling love is built on a healthy foundation or without tragedy. And the story of the Sov family is a story of tragedy.
Mara used to be fairly bad, but has recently gone through changes mostly due to the pressure of the threats humanity is facing and her realisation that she cannot win alone. There are still questionable choices and plans she makes, but I think that ignoring the fact that she's making them because she wants to save all life from the Witness is stripping both her and the story of their rightful complexity.
Links! Enjoy reading through this (there's also random drama here and there, for extra spice while reading. Not all of these are directly related to your questions, but they are informative when it comes to both Mara's and Uldren's characters):
xx - xx - xx - xx - xx - xx - xx- xx - xx - xx - xx - xx - xx - xx - xx
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Welcome to part two of whatever this is or as I like to call my Angry Bird Family Au, this time with the rest of season 2 and maybe some season 3.
Firsrly I want to stabilish some ground rules for my Gotham AU's:
1️⃣ Oswald doesn't gradually becames dumber. His loss of the strategic power he was known for in the early seasons had no narrative sense or explanation and soo doesn't exist.
2️⃣ Ivvy has her normal age. Now I like to belive that hers and Oswald relacionship would be different if she looked like a young teen, because we see how Oswald treats childrem (even though he dislike most of them) and I do think while he knows Ivvy is a kid the cognitive dissonance of seing an adult woman instead makes so he doesn't really sees her as a child.
3️⃣ I dunno if I have the hability to write DID in a realistic way and don't want to half ass some ableist bs like Gotham did, so Riddler is less of a second personality and more like a metaphor for Ed's gradual transformation.
4️⃣ All of this are minor notes, after all this is a mere "random au notes" post annyway. Also my explanation for Isabe-lah is completly insane but it's more than the show so fuck it.
5️⃣ Ed reacts in a more in characther way to Isabe-lah abeit still a completly stupid, insane and "we can see the tragedy for the start" way. [This will probably only be relevant in the next post of this AU, but hey, consider yourselfs warned]
6️⃣ Gabe doesn't betray Oswald. Now while I loved the whole scene, it doesn't make sense to me that during all the other times Oswald was in a similar low he stayed loyal, because there is no difference between the time he finally betrays Os and all the others. I will always go to the middle term route and say he did dislike Oswald and saw him as a freak but he was always sure Oswald would win and that time wasn't different. [Again won't come up this part, but still] (I do preffer to imagine Gabe was actually loyal and liked Oswald, but I think the "hates his guts but still belives him blindly" fits cannon better)
So let's go:
▫️We are back where we started and Oswald is still a fugitive and while Jason wants to follow him and hide, Oswald doesn't let him because he can actually be a responsable adult every full moon.
▫️While he bregundgly agrees to not follow Oswald around - as long as they have a way to comunicate (via burner phones and hidden letters in the right places) - he absolutely refused to go to Jim's again. He may like Lee, but he is not going to play "fake family" with a pig even less one that cleary sees him in a bad light already. (Sorry, Gotham!Jim fans, but this man totaly it's the to consider a kid an irredemable criminal. I mean he never tried to help Selina have a stable life or get out of crime, he treated her with kiddie gloves but never oftered real support or even acted a bit as if there was a clear connection between poverty and crime, he would probably blame Oswald for Jason's behavior hope keeping them appart would solve it and after seeing it didn't ignore all the other factors and see Jason as a lost cause, though in a softer way)
▫️After considering Gabe, Butch (who he is at odds with btw, because at this point he is dating Tabitha and recently lost his hand thanks to Penguin) and worse Zsaaz for posible homes for Jason (Oswald does not know many adults who don't hate him), the kid just stays with Ed. Helping Jason is the perfect alibi for why Edward would aid a known criminal and he is already there anyway and no one can really make Jason move if he doesn't want to.
▫️While Ed is a better option than small mob guard with not that much on the brains depart, guy who just lost his hand by Jason's father figure and hitman and Jim (if you ask Jason, other people would say Jim was fine) he still has no idea how to deal with kids and treats Jason as basically a small adult (with more rigths to ice cream). He does gives Jason homeschool program a hard update cause Ed thinks normal schooling is not advanced enough, gives him ice cream when he is sad, is real nice and buyed him a plushie penguin when he said he missed Oswald. He also sees no problem in bringing bodies from work to the apartment, let's Jason desapear for days like a cat (as long as he has a knife), has no rules (besides the homeschooling, don't mess with the bodies unless I"m surpervisin and that Jason caries a knife at all time and the last was an Oswald rule really) and ignores Jason's nightmares cause he is just the wrong person to have an emotional talk to. Jason thinks he is great.
▫️Then Oswald is catched and send to Arkham. Jason is furious. Specially when Arkham doesn't let him visit without the signature of his legal guardian (forged documents or not he is literaly trying to visit his legal guardian) and sad. While he can't visit he does send Oswald letter's and care packages. Strange confiscates most of them. But neither of them knows that. By this tine he also starts to visit Gertrude's grave with Ed and when he is mentslly ready by himself too. [Detail: he was also not allowed to see Oswald in the precint and Ed had to basicaly infiltrate the kid so they could say goodbye, so in this AU Ed get's a third infiltration at the GCPD and I can assure he used a dumb disguise this time too]
▫️ As his inicial plan was to let Jason stay with Jim, Oswald din't told Jason about what truly happened to Galavan. On otherhand he did tell Edward. As Jason ended up at Nygma, Ed told him and Jason decided to blame Jim for everything (I need to point out that not only Jason is a kid but Ed is very biased and that if Thalia was able to manipulate Jason against Bruce in the name of Joker being alive - and cannon ignoring the amazing convoluted reason the OG comic gave for it - Ed can do it too).
▫️Now while I think Nygma could've solved his Jim Gordon paranoia by forging some documents- like a resignation letter wrote by Ms. Kringle that just got lost in the mist of GCPD general chaos - he only has his paranoia and a eight years old who's moral compass has being broken to pieces by bad influences. Jason has no idea about the detals behind Kristen's death (or he would be rightfully mad at Nygma) so when he hears Ed talking to himself about planning Jim Gordon's dowfall he is "I'm in".
▫️Ed's plan goes mostly the same, except Jason helps to make Lee less suspicious by making her belive Nygma's odd behavior is because he had to take care of a kid and also acidentaly giving Ed the idea to fake Kristen's resignation letter (I will NEVER understand why Ed didn't do it, like he had all the means - btw, I say Jason accidentaly gave the idea cause Jason doesn't have the full Kristen picture or he would be kindda shaken cause she was a good person who kept getting the short end of the stick and he knew a lot of similar cases on the street).
▫️By hanging a lot around the GCPD - because of Ed - and being a very good spy thanks to his friendship with Cat and his street time he does hear Jim talking to Harvey about Oswald asking him for help and "lying" about being tortured , Jason is pissed and tries to tackle Jim for it (he is a child so Jim just stops him with one hand and holds the thrashing kid until he calms down, Harvey helps. Jason does thanks Harvey because he can be polite, but he just says "I hate you and I hope you suffer" to Jim (his accent is slowly fading as he hangs with Oswald and Ed just as it did after a while of him living with Alfred and Bruce in cannon). [This scene has no reason, I just really think it was a very low moment for Jim- he has some of those, enough to accidentaly subvert the "not all cops" thing he has going - and I needed the catharsis.] (Of course, for ny real hc catharsis is of Barbara Lee discovering this moments and desconstructing Jim as she starts to leave childhood and symbolicaly to question the systems of power she was raised and had faith in ultimately becaming batgirl and fighting for a system that can actually help opressed people and allow criminals to change. But that is me projecting into Babs as always).
▫️Next bullet point. Oswald leaves Arkham after being brainwashed, goes to Tabby and Butch gets some featters and goes to Ed. Things go mostly as cannon, except between Ed and Oswald, Jason always had his loyalty set (say all you want about cannon Jason, but for all his active antagonizing he is still very loyal to Bruce and the batfam, he won't follow them blindly but he will choose than at every shot), especially whe Oswald cleary needs his help. So he picks one of the books Ed gave him and his penguim plushie, laughs at Oswald's face when he says Jason should stay with Ed cause Oswald has no house, basically say "I was homeless for waay longer, don't care" and revenge be dammed (he does promises Ed he won't tell his plans for Jim to no one and wishes him luck.
▫️Elijah has a son and a grandson and Jason is very distrusting at first. But if the guy is danger, more reason for him to stay, right? Also he is eight and Elijah bribes him with age apropiated books and ice cream. He still absolutly refuses to have a separeted room from Oswald. Between the whole Galavan deal, Arkham and the brainwashing, the baby got separation anxiety and can you blame him?
▫️Brainwashed or not, Oswald is the best in helping Jason with nightmares and making him feel save (even through he won't actually kill the monster and will talk some bs about violence being wrong when Jason asks even for the imaginary ones, truly sad).
▫️While Jason does quickly grows to trust and like Elijah, the same does not apply to Grace and her kids and during their small period of bliss (and how long was it? A week? A month? Three days? Who knows, time is weird in Gotham) Oswald has to keep reprimanding Jason's manners though in the most soft tone posible. Elijah finds it funny. "I'm sorry for calling Grace an opportunistic whore, even though it was totaly called for and I totaly belive she is all that. But it was rude and I'm better than that. I'm also sorry for saying that Charles is dumb and any book he writes will be an offense to literature and implying that all the things I said to Grace apply to Shasa, the last one isn't even all true yes she is awfull and also an opportunistic whore but she doesn't look like a Dicken's villan."
▫️It doesn't change much. Except that when Shasta attemps her weird seduction plot, Jason and his plush Penguin are also in the bed because the aforementioned separation anxiety and it is an even weirder event to everyone involved. Also Elijah does talk to Shasha about it cause of course Jason would bable, this time it even was kindda inocently. He was just complaining about being waked up be Shasha being crazzy. She pretends Jason missanderstood the situation and she was just being friendly and calling them to breackfest. Oswald agrees because the whole thing makes him unconfortable.
▫️Things still go mostly the same. Grace tries to ofter only Oswald a home after Elijah death (because Oswald can do a DNA test and be recognized as heir but now she knows Jason is adopted he really isn't her problem) but stands the ofter to the kid because Oswald says that without Jason he won't stay (and starts questioning her because Jason isn't the known criminal) and she doesn't want to let loose threats.
▫️When I say things went the same I mean it. So yes, Oswald still cocked his step-siblings and fed them to Grace (I will always defend he didn't eat them himself cauee he was very disgusted by Pig's meatpies). Beforehand he did ask Jason to stay in the library because he is a tiny bit better at not exposing kid's to gruesome scenes than Ed. And Jason of course realized he was back and hugged him first.
▫️He also has his weird pos-brainwash breakdown but it lasts less time cause Jason is really concerned. So he clean the bodies, keeps Graces head and lives a kindda normal out outsied of the mob scene for a while, he does only come back a 100% after he sees Galavan is back, but this time he is functional until that moment. No roting corpses.
▫️Remember the whole "not exposing my kid to gruesome scenes". He does bring Jason to his "let's rocket launch Galavan" mission cause Jason also deserves revenge for Gertrud. I still think he is in the same level of parenting as Bruce (depending on the Bruce version even better).
Next step is the whole mess that is season 3. Get ready.
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stellaluna33 · 2 years
Ok I’ve been holding onto this thought all day. I’m no anti-logan person or anything but I’m not a huge fan of his either so when I say this, it’s sorta biased but anyways, I’ve been watching GG for the first time and recently have entered the logan x rory era which isn’t necessarily bad (but don’t personally ship them at least not yet) However, something in particular about them I just found so strange was the fact that so many of the supposedly big moments for a couple seemed so… anticlimactic, I guess?
Like I recently got to the episode where Logan gives Rory a Birkin bag (which is a whole other topic of mine) and she just felt like saying ‘I love you’ first and he couldn’t say it back yet but they did kiss. And that’s it. That’s just so strange to me b/c I’d assume it would be so much more build up towards Rory being the one to say ‘I love you’ first instead of someone springing it on her. There’s other moments as well that seem so casual when they’re so big which makes me feel a bit distant from the ship like.. gosh, I don’t know how to say it but it just feels like they’re there.
I dunno. Maybe time’ll prove me wrong?
Hi! Yeah, I don't know. I don't know if I've ever thought of it that way, but you're right! If you've read enough of my posts, I think it's probably pretty obvious that I'm not a big fan of Logan either... 😂 But I TRY to be fair... My husband is a lot more like Rory than I am, personality-wise, and so I was very curious to see how he'd react to Logan when he recently watched the show for the first time. The way it came out was that he HATED Logan at first, but gradually began find him more appealing and sympathetic and kind of charming (though I should clarify that we had to miss like the last quarter of Season 5 due to "technical difficulties"), which shouldn't surprise me (because he's RORY after all!) but I was a little disgruntled about. 😂 Because I just. Don't get it. So ANYWAY, all this to say, my opinion won't be unbiased either, haha. I also infamously dozed off and dropped my phone on my face when I tried to watch all of Logan and Rory's scenes to research for my fanfiction, so yeah, I think it's safe to say that I also found the relationship a bit... lacking. 😂. I don't know!
I don't know how other people view them, or even for sure what the writers' intentions were, but if I had to guess, maybe fans of that relationship see that casualness and emotional distance as a sign of... maturity, maybe? I would say that Rory's patience about him returning her "I love you" could definitely be read as a sign of maturity, her having learned from her experience with Dean and not wanting to treat Logan the way Dean had treated her... But yeah, overall, I confess I mostly just get a "going through the motions" vibe from them the vast majority of the time. I mean, I think they're fond of each other. Rory certainly seems devoted to him in her way. But there's just something missing. They're casual, but not in a way that makes me believe that they're just comfortable and natural together. It's hard to describe what I mean! But... Compare Rory and Logan's scenes with, say, Rory and Jess at their most comfortable, like the "22.8 miles" or prom conversations. There's just a relaxed and deep natural WARMTH there that makes them feel really comfortable, and I just don't get that feeling from Rory and Logan. This is probably where their fans would say that that difference was only because Milo and Alexis were dating in real life. I don't know, maybe there might be some truth in that, but it doesn't change the way I respond to each couple on an emotional level.
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fangaminghell · 2 years
I dunno if I ever said this outright, but Imani is pretty into fashion. I mean, I have her a denim jacket that she patches herself. I've always imagined her being more into bright colors, occasionally going maximilian type in her fashion. Hm. Maybe she would have a sketch book for her own designs. Some designs being based on the people on her life and her pokemon ( a Primarina based outfit is a yes). I think that's why she had such a drastic change from her chapter 1-8 outfit ( which I've decided to be Ariana's base outfit instead of something different) to her chapter 9 and onwards outfit. Other than wanting a change of pace, it's probably something she had in mind for a while now.
I can totally see her making outfit designs for her friends but also being super shy about it lol. Mainly because of how times have changed and things that made sense then are a bit different now, so she's constantly reviving things when she has the time. But also like. She used to only show Nancy her designs and they mean a lot to her so she's super nervous to how they'll react to it( I'm sure they'll love it, but she doesn't know!!!)
So yeah. A little Imani tid but for you guys.
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lythea-creation · 2 years
Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem reader (Chapter 11)
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Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
word count: 2.380
During training many of the tributes showed off to scare the other away.
Honestly it was intimidating to see the killing techniques I would soon be confronted with. Though I did not plan to give them a chance to use them on me.
Currently Finnick was showing me some useful knots. I got the hang of it quite quickly.
“You're a natural”, he complimented me with a bright smile.
“Thanks. Also for your help. You could use your time more efficiently.”
“You think so? Helping an ally is a good thing, isn't it?”
I reciprocated his smile.
“Talking about allies. Did anything happen between Johanna and you? You didn't say a word to each other since training started”, Finnick noticed.
I sighed. “Well. We don't have to pretend being in love anymore.”
Although it somehow had felt real.
“I dunno”, he responded.
“Was it seriously just an act? Johanna never bothers to call me, even though we are friends”, he enlightened me.
“She usually called to tease me or to yell at me.” I chuckled.
“Because she cares”, Finnick declared. “It's just her personality. She's blunt, but not the best when it comes to emotions. Everything ends up in rage, cause she is overwhelmed”, he added.
My eyes wandered to Johanna who was training with her axe.
“I'll go to the next station now”, Finnick announced before leaving.
I tried to ignore the possibility of Johanna liking me. It did not matter now. In a few days we would be fighting on the risk of our lives inside the arena. It would not change anything.
A few days later I was waiting for my interview while watching the tributes of the other districts.
All of them tried to make the Capitol cancel the Quarter Quell fruitlessly. Some cried and talked about the time we and the Capitol had had together. Others talked about their loved ones like Finnick.
Now it was Johanna's turn. I could already imagine how her interview was going to end up.
“There have been a lot of tears here tonight. But I see no tears in Johanna's eyes. Johanna, you are angry. Tell me why”, Caesar noted.
Johanna laughed sarcastically. “Oh ... well, yes. I'm angry. I'm getting totally screwed over here. The deal was if I wan the Hunger Games, I get to live the rest of my life in peace. But now you wanna kill me again. But you know what? Fuck that! And fuck everybody that had anything to do with it!” Johanna completely ranted which I could completely understand.
“Alright, then. One woman's opinion. Who's next?”, Caesar intended to distract from Johanna's furious outburst.
Many tributes later it was my turn.
“So, (f/n). We all know you as a caring person. But right now I'm not sure how to interpret your attitude. What was on your mind when you volunteered for the Quarter Quell?”, Caesar wondered.
“Well, Caesar. It's quite complex to be honest. I connect a lot with the Hunger Games. My little sister, Rue, had just died shortly before the Quarter Quell was announced. I knew that Johanna was the only living female victor of district 7 and could not stand the possibility of watching her death without being able to help her, like it had been with Rue.”
Seemed like I had touched the crowd.
“So it was an act of love?”, Caesar concluded.
I did not know how to react to that as Johanna and I had not definitely settled how to deal with our 'relationship' now.
“I can't stand watching people who are precious to me die anymore. But it's complicated as we will be opponents at one point of the Games”, I explained.
Though I had never wasted a thought on even hurting Johanna. Before it could come to a battle between Johanna and me I would probably be long dead anyway.
“It must be hard to go up against the person you love.”
“It's not only that”, I interrupted Caesar. “As mentors we know each other. None of the tributes is a stranger to us. Some of this year's tributes are also my friends. Would anyone of you even consider killing a friend? A person who helped you through your hardest times and the other way around?”, I addressed the audience.
They started discussing my question.
“This isn't about the Hunger Games or maintaining peace. It has never been the true purpose to begin with. Yet no one dares to talk about it or rather no one dared to. The citizens of the Capitol are fooled the whole time. Everyone is kept in the dark about the truth. How can you support seeing us kill each other for entertainment? If you think that murder is peace, then you must have lost your mind! Did you ever waste a thought on the people that provide you with all your luxury? The people that have to give everything to the Capitol without getting anything back but more work and torture! President Snow! I don't care! You're going to torture and kill me anyway! I won't play after your rules anymore! It won't end if you kill us! It won't change anything! The citizens of the districts finally realized that they have to stand up for themselves! It won't go back to how it used to be, no matter what you do! Citizens of the Capitol! Did you ever consider how your life would be without the people of the districts? You wouldn't have anything left! Your luxury would vanish, but not just that! Imagine working yourself for everything you want to have! If we didn't exist, you would be the people of the districts! It's up to you to decide whether to worship the other districts and treat them better or to become those people yourself!”
I had lost my calm demeanor. Shit! Though it was not like I regretted anything I had said.
What had happened with me? Rue's death had definitely changed me and since I did not have to worry about my family my opinion just broke out freely. Maybe the influence of being the leader of the rebellion in 11.
“Well ...”, Caesar for once struggled with his words. “That was unexpected.”
The audience was also shocked. They were completely silent.
I looked at the tributes noticing that they tried suppressing their smiles and laughter, except Johanna who was grinning proudly and amused.
If I had had the chance of getting any sponsors, I could forget that now. Joining forces with me in any way would appear rebellious thanks to my idealistic speech.
In the end it was Peeta causing the greatest uproar with the announcement of his and Katniss' baby. The Capitol did not manage to turn the lights off before we, all tributes, held our hands and moved them up into the air, showing our unity like Peeta and Katniss had always done.
When the darkness surrounded us we were pulled apart and back to our apartments.
An uneasy feeling spread inside of me.
I had not talked to Johanna since I had 'broken up' with her. What if that had been our last conversation?
My door was locked and knowing the Capitol there was no way out until they opened it again.
Frustrated I intended to get at least some sleep, but my mind was thinking of the most absurd ways of what could await me tomorrow.
So I ended up standing on the platform feeling exhausted and restless.
Three years had passed since my first Games, but one thing had not changed. The area of the arena would decide whether I even stood a chance.
The bright light blocked out my vision as I was moved toward the surface.
I immediately noticed the salty smell, though.
Regardless the direction I looked into I was surrounded by water. There were different sectors divided by straight lines out of stones, two tributes placed in each sector on a stone platform.
In front of us was the cornucopia and behind us a jungle.
Perfect! If I made it to the jungle, the other tributes would have difficulties killing me.
My eyes inspected the tributes near me, but I could not make out any of my possible allies.
My plan would not have changed anyway.
As soon as the countdown was over I jumped into the water behind me heading for the beach in front of the jungle. Now I was grateful that Johanna had taught me swimming in one of district 7's lakes. Otherwise I would have been way to slow, although the clothes were keeping me over the water somehow.
Behind me I was hearing the screams of the beginning bloodbath and the following cannon sounds.
It was hard to force myself not to look back.
Soon later I was on top of a tree.
I wanted to search for my friends, but only the careers were left at the cornucopia.
Disappointed, I decided to search for water instead. Maybe I would find my friends on the way.
I did not. And I did not have success with water either. The salt water at the cornucopia was the only water in sight.
Though there was something that made me feel relieved. Neither Johanna, Finnick nor Katniss appeared at the night sky. They were still alive. Ironically that fact made me sleep better than yesterday.
Pain filled screams woke me up again.
To my horror the voices sounded familiar. I identified them as Katniss, Peeta and Finnick.
As quickly as I could I jumped through the trees toward the voices, but they were far away.
A cannon sound made me panic.
After a while the screams shut down making me insecure.
I continued my way toward them, but more carefully.
My destination was still a good distance away from me.
After more minutes of jumping I noticed many monkeys in front of me. They did not look exactly harmless.
Cautiously I observed them.
Suddenly they rushed toward me, revealing their sharp fangs.
It was a race through the trees. Sometimes a claw managed to scratch me, but this was nothing.
Another cannon sound erupted.
To my surprise at some point the apes did not follow me anymore. They made aggressive sounds, but nothing more.
I gave myself a short moment to rest until I heard Johanna cry out for help.
My body became completely tense as I had never heard such a sound leaving Johanna's lips.
I barely noticed that the monkeys had vanished.
My body rushed toward Johanna's voice before my mind could even comprehend anything.
But no matter how close she sounded, Johanna was not here. That was when I noticed the Jabberjay.
Reluctantly I threw a rock toward it. As the bird moved Johanna's voice moved as well.
Several other voices joined. Finnick, Annie, Katniss, Seeder, Mary, Lilie, Seth, March, Taylor, Livia and even Rue.
I ran through the forest, desperately trying to escape. But at some point I hit an invisible wall.
I sank to my knees, hands over my ears. The sounds were horrifying. “Stop it! Stop!”
Even when the screams subsided I refused to move from my position.
After several minutes I shakily climbed onto a tree. It had never taken me that long.
I rested for a while on top of the tree. The sounds inside my head were all mixed up. I did not trust my senses right now and it did not help that I was already suffering from the dehydration. I needed to find some water and I definitely did not plan to return to the bloodthirsty monkeys.
So I chose to move to the other side.
The smell of blood that encountered me there unsettled me. Hence I jumped even faster.
When I had left the smell behind I noticed that the sun had risen again. Considering where the sun was right now it had to be morning, about seven or eight am.
In district 11 we had learned to read the sun instead of the clock as no clock was ever working at our home.
A whistling sound ripped me out of my thoughts. Not eager to find out what it was I hurried to get away from my current position.
But a strong gust of wind, hurled me away from the tree. The wind seemed to change direction frequently, hitting me against several trees.
I lost my sense of orientation as I was spun around for a felt eternity until I finally landed on the ground.
My whole body was aching.
I forced myself back onto my feet, afraid that another tribute might be nearby. The gamemakers had always loved to lure tributes to other ones.
But just as I intended to get onto another tree I could not manage to lift my feet.
Confused, I looked at my legs and noticed that I was sinking into the ground.
What the hell?! Was this my punishment for the riots in district 11 or my outburst during the interview? Or why was I stumbling from one trap of the arena into another without even meeting another tribute once?
I inspected the ground more thoroughly. Seemed like I was sinking into sand.
I tried pushing the sand away from my feet, only to withdraw my hand with a hiss.
The sand was burning hot!
I had to suppress a scream when the hot sand started filling my shoes as I sank deeper.
I looked around frantically searching for a way to escape while sinking further. I had realized by now that I sank faster the more I moved.
Not too far away I spotted a liana hanging from one of the trees.
I gathered all the strength inside of me to move toward it.
As I sank further into the sand the burning on my body increased.
My hands shakily took a hold of the liana.
Luckily my arms were strong enough to pull me out of the sand and onto a branch of the tree.
Without the high endurance level I had attained in district 11 I would have probably died by that sand.
The irony of Panem.
Next Chapter
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poltergeist-coffee · 6 months
Tubbo is a force to be reckoned with
If he got kidnapped he really would do live while he's kidnapped
Kidnapping vlog
The pactoiles brainrot is real(feel free to scream about them)
Insane duo mermaid au you say? 👀
Mermaids are one of the things that the brainrot never truly leave me, it aways come back every once in a while for whatever the reason is
But yeah, the world should stop being afraid of us, like, what could we possibly do?
There's nothing to be afraid:)
Very random, but people started calling Philza and Cellbit the archivists and I get so many the Magnus archives vibes from it
And I know very little about TMA but I like the vibes
Talking about Philza...
About the dead federation workers thing
I'm very... Divided(I hope that's make sense on English) about it, like, if qcellbit really did it I think some people would react in a similar way they did to qbbh about Ron(how is that guy btw? I haven't heard about him anymore) and... Y'know, he changed from the guy he used be and such
But at the same time I'm like "FINALLY", because, yeah fudge the federation:D
I dunno, perhaps if he really did it he could convince people it's just the federation trying to frame him y'know
But just time will tell
And you can probably tell to wich side I'm more inclined to
I crave the chaos
(Also I saw someone say "F bit, now it's just Cell")
Pac would swim his way outta this island if he wasn't scared of water too
At the same time I don't think the federation are above killing their workers to frame him
He's one of the most anti-federation people on that island and he got a very dubious past, sure he changed, but at the same time it would make the others wondee if he would do it, he hates the federation and after everything they've done to him, his family and the others Islanders, he would have a reason to do it
So yeah, both options are equally possible to me
"he's just like fr"
-Cellbit's discord about Cellbit probably
The devil work fast but Cellbit's discord work faster
I have found the headcanon of Cellbit's discord being some sort of entity or god(s) or something and nobody will it off me
Its just so cool
This reminds me I've said that I would make designs for the qsmp goddess and still haven't done it
I never have ideas to draw except when I do(at 3am)
How do you imagine them tho?
I could talk about it probably but it would definitely be really long because I can't write something short to save my life
Maybe on another ask:)
- 🍽️
tbh a kidnapping vlog from q!tubbo would be very very funny MKNSJHCKJA what can the federation do?? they already put him in prison?? double prison??? i think the federation really want tubbo of the island but have no way of doing it yet lol
insaneduo mermaid au are so silly… i love them so much
i tried to get into the magnus archives once but i got distracted and then never retuned to listening to it TT it looks so cool i want to get into it, especially the avatars/entities (?) like the web, the lonely, etc etc. i think you could so easily make a qsmp au with it but i’m not in it so i can’t be the one to do it TT
i heard that jaiden asked the uh federation/mods about her wings so maybe that’s how they can get them like out of canon kekw i know cc!philza would just not ask for his wings back tho JUST TO KILL US WITH ANGST!! HE KILLED NEARLY ALL HIS FANS SAYING HE KEEPS HIS BACKPACK ON BECAUSE ITS LIKE HAVING THE WEIGHT OF HIS WINGS BACK HE WILL KILL US AGAIN!! the crows are miserable
i don’t know what to think about the dead federation workers… maybe cellbit just confused what halloween decorations are and killed a man to decorate spawn with u-u i support him to do that halloween is my favorite holiday. i think with how his character is rn it wouldn’t really make sense for him to kill a worker all of a sudden? BUT if it is actually him who did it then i will support his crimes. i’ll defend him in qsmp court
CELLBITS DISCORD BEING A GOD/DEITY ENTITIY IS SUCH A COOL IDEA HOLY SHIIIIIT O-o maybe cellbit is a follower of this god because they really love puzzles/is all about mystery, that’s why they always make themselves known when there are enigmas on the server (like with q!bagi and solving it with her) (maybe the god feeds on mystery and knowledge? owo) it’s funny to think that tubbo always calls out to this god too, asking if he’s doing good and asking them for answers kamknfkns the deity is a little fond of q!tubbo because he’s silly.
ID LOVE TO HEAR YOUR IDEAS FOR GODDESS DESIGNS!! the only real idea i have is for mumza. she’s super purple and wears a huge hat like a qphilza with a veil so it hides her face. i think she might have some sort of galaxy aesthetic too because it’s pretty and she deserves that <33 she always has crows surrounding her too. I’ve seen a lot of cute designs for Mine and i think she’s be very pink like her irl lol. i think she should also get wings uwu
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