#also I said no more for today but technically we are tomorrow now and it means I made 4 ‘’today’’ and 4 tomorrow !
yoohyeon · 1 month
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𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕣 ℍ𝕪𝕖𝕛𝕦 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 ! 🩶
Mine - Do not repost!
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drvscarlett · 2 months
Let Him Cook Pt 6
Charles Leclerc x Masterchef! Reader
Let Him Cook Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
A/N: Thank you for that anon who gave me a message for the next part of the series. This one is dedicated for you!
taglist: @bookstore-of-dreams@barcelonaloverf1life@ririyulife@minseok-smaus@mehrmonga@sltwins@charlesgirl16@six-call@spideybv28@casperlikej@weekendlusting@janeholt3 @evie-119@leilanixx @randomgirlnumber-13@itsjustkhaos
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Cookies and Grand Prix
Y/NCooks just posted a photo.
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Y/NCooks Now that my masterchef duties are done. Its my first time going to a grand prix as Charles' girlfriend. I hope you like cookies
Y/NCooks I'll give you a cookie when I see you! User1 Ohmygod, this is the best. You are the best!
User3 I'm envious of everyone going to Monza this year, Y/N is giving out cookies
User4 The details are everything on those cookies
CarlosSainz55 Im technically a former ferrari driver so can I claim a cookie?
LoganSargeant can i have one too? Y/NCooks this is for everyone!! Make sure to drop by Carlos and Logan! Maxverstappen1 Expect me around! User5 Everybody is a ferrari fan!
"Okay mon amour, so there will be a big crowd when we arrive" Charles briefed you as you get closer to the venue "Make sure to stick close to me."
"Yes honey, I know. Hold your hand and don't let go"
Charles has been extremely stressed and he thinks it might not be a good idea to bring you to Monza for your first GP as a couple. However, you couldn't pass up the opportunity. You have seen how the people cheered for Charles when he won in Monza, the crowd was electrifying. You wonder what will happen if it happens again this weekend.
Besides, you have a basket full of cookies that you prepared to give for those fans of Charles that you will meet.
You were immediately greeted by a huge crowd calling out Charles name. It was no wonder that there was several security guards waiting at Charles' designated parking lot.
It was normal for Charles to stop to take photos and to sign some merch. What surprised the duo was that the fans were asking for Y/N and her cookies.
"We really waited for you guys so we can get some cookies" one of the avid Tifosi said
"I really hope the cookies give ferrari luck"you agreed.
There was a buzz in the paddock as you gave away several more cookies to the different fans you encountered. You managed to give Carlos and Logan since they were also waiting at the parking lot. You were so carried away talking to everyone that you didn't realize that you already ran out of cookies.
"Oh no, I didn't save cookies for your other friends" you concluded upon reaching the garage.
"That's okay mon amour, I'm sure they would understand that there is no more cookies" Charles assured.
And like a comical entrance, a man in full Red Bull gear enters the sea of red uniforms.
"What do you mean no more cookies?" Max asked "I did not just go through all the security details to not have cookies"
Grill the grid: eggs
It was a fairly easy challenge, the media team thought. They believe that there will be no harm to let the drivers cook since its just a simple hard-boiled egg.
There was a stove, a pot, 2 bottles of water, eggs, vinegar, salt, and pepper on the table. They also thought that it will be funny to put unnecessary spices and ingredients on the table so there is grated cheese, spring onions, cinnamon, carrots, and etc..
The drivers entered the room looking confused at the different set up of the Grill the Grid.
"We're giving people what they want, today were actually allowing the drivers to show off their cooking skills with this special episodes of grill the grid"
Charles is obviously happy. He was already raving about how there are different versions of eggs that he tried at home because of Y/N.
"I have already tried doing poached egg, soft-boiled eggs, french omelette, american ones" Charles enumerated "I think I'm the best at making scrambled eggs"
"Its just scrambled"
"There is a technique there" and Charles continued to ramble on the different techniques that he has used to achieve the perfect scrambled eggs.
On the other hand, Oscar is attempting to make a hard boiled egg. He admits to the camera that he did not have any experience of it but he definitely knows how it taste (obviously).
"So Oscar what is your game plan here?"
"Well, I'm planning to boil the water and I think I should add some vinegar and then maybe sugar and salt so the egg will be flavored" Oscar stopped as he heard the giggling on set "Wait am I wrong?"
"No, no, just continue"
"Okay so I think I'm gonna let the eggs cook once the water is rolling then I'm gonna wait for 15-18 minutes because I don't wanna serve raw eggs" Oscar continued.
The staffs are a bit shocked by the length of time. It was beyond overcooked but they wouldn't say anything to the Australian driver.
It cuts to Max who seems to be pretty confident with his skill. Its a simple egg, how hard can it be?
"Of course, we have to get the water boiling and then I'm going to put it in for 5 minutes and then get the egg out" Max explained.
If Oscar has a long waiting time, Max was immediately dropping the egg even before the water is boiling because Max believes that the water is hot to the touch.
"What happened, why is the egg still runny?" Max wondered
He cut off the egg and there was still slimy white and the yolks were uncooked. There was a frown on his face as he looked back at his pot, he thinks he is being sabotaged.
"I'm gonna do it again"
Yuki was excited to do the cooking challenge. He insisted that he will not just make a hard boiled egg but he will also showcase a soft-boiled egg. The staffs were ecstatic to see him running around to get iced water for his eggs.
"I make these weekly so I'm really confident that it will turn out well"Yuki has a permanent grin as he fishes out his soft-boiled egg.
"If you want a soft-boiled egg, boiling water with the bubbles and then 8 minutes on the clock. Then you put it in an ice bath and then peel it" Yuki narrates.
He opens his soft boiled egg and it showcases a jammy yolk and soft whites, the perfect kind of soft-boiled eggs. The studio applauds at Yuki's efforts.
Y/NCooks just posted a photo
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Y/NCooks since the episode is out, here is the list of photos sent to me by the crew. Guess which is which.
User6 i was seriously laughing when he said 18 to 20 minutes User7 For real, man thinks he is tenderizing meat
maxverstappen1 i demand a part 2
Charles_Leclerc "its so easy" maxverstappen1 shut up. i have been cooking now kellypiquet p is getting tired of eggs every morning user9 max is really serious to train himself on how to make eggs
User14 I just know that yuki is the one with the best looking egg, so smooth!!!
Y/Ncooks yes!!! User17 charles is the one with the unsmooth peeling Y/NCooks the man can't have it all, i guess
LandoNorris thank God they didn't send you my photo
Y/NCooks lando, i dont think anyone grabbed a photo since the fire department was called CarlosSainz55 you did what???? Charles_Leclerc and they call me as someone who can't cook when we have Lando here being a fire hazard LandoNorris Y/N THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE OUR SECRET User22 atleast team papaya are both needing lessons.
The cookie prank.
Max was still upset that he didn't get to have cookies in Monza. He was really looking forward to it so he wasn't the least suspicious when he allowed Charles inside his home since he brought him cookies.
It was wrong of Max to put down his defenses.
"I'm gonna get some water, you want anything?" Max asked
"No, I'm just gonna get comfortable here with your cats"
Charles stood in front of the cat litter box and he pulled the ziplock bag that he has. Inside the ziplock bag was another set of cookies that looks like cat poops. He laughed quietly as he sets up the scene.
"Max, do you know about that coffee made from poop?" he asked the Dutchman
"Of course, Kopi Luwak" Max replied "Why did you ask?"
Max walked out of the kitchen and he can see clearly how Charles picked up a poop from the litter box. He almost dropped the water that he is holding upon seeing that.
"What if we use cat poop instead" Charles wondered
The pure mortification in Max's face when Charles started eating the poop. It seems like his friend lost his mind after driving in Ferrari for all these years.
"You should try some"
"Y/N, CHARLES IS GOING CRAZY" Max immediately placed you on a call "I THINK HE NEEDS THERAPY"
"Woah slow down Max" you were out on a grocery run and now Max is screaming at your ear
"Hello mon amour"Charles greeted on the other line.
You made a mental face palm as you remembered how Charles insisted that you make very realistic cookies that looks like poop. Charles never opened it to you that he will be using it to prank Max. You started laughing at the shock in Max's face.
"Max, those are cookies" you defended
Oh what would you do with these boys.
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footygirl114 · 5 months
Celos (Alexia Putellas X Reader)
Hi, bet no one saw part 3 coming so soon! But well here it is, this slow burn build up is quite fun for me 😂😂
Links to Part 1 and Part 2
Your phone ringing the following afternoon interrupted your pacing of your living room. You had snuck out of Alexia’s apartment just as the sun was rising, it was easy considering hat you had slept on the couch not wanting to leave her alone, but also not wanting to cross any lines. You had left a note on the counter with a simple message of thank you, see you on Monday.
The panic set in as soon as you got into the elevator and once you made it to your apartment you immediately changed and went on a long run, and then hit the gym. You tried to tire yourself out and when you go got back to your apartment mid morning, you decided to deep clean your apartment. When that was completed, you had resorted to pacing your apartment. 
The working out and cleaning was able silence your thoughts, but as soon as you stopped the thoughts came back. You couldn’t stop thinking about Alexia. You were thinking about what could have happened to her, why you couldn’t protect her, and most of all how you were going to face her again without wanting to be close to her. You had to get the thoughts under control so you could work tomorrow and put back on the professional face to keep Alexia safe. 
When the phone rang, it startled you but also shook you out of the deep spiral you were in. Looking at the caller ID you immediately straightened up and answered the phone with a “Hi Michelle.” 
“Y/N, what the hell happened last night? I saw the news reports today and have been waiting for your call to update me.” Michelle immediately started in on you, her tone of voice made you aware that she was pissed off at you. 
You took a deep breathe and said “Michelle, I am sorry, I just needed the morning to decompress after last night.” 
The sigh she realises down the line makes you think she understands it but when she says “Y/N, you owe me more than that” you know she sees right through you. 
“Michelle, I did something stupid” You tell her, as you move to sit on the couch behind you. 
“Y/N” she says softly. 
Placing the phone on speaker and on the table in front of you run your hands through your hair and tell her what happened finishing with “I let her out of my sight Michelle, I let my guard down and I couldn’t protect her and she got hurt.” 
“She got hurt?” she asks you. 
“Well technically, she wasn’t the one who got hurt” you tell her, using the reminder to press your fingers around your sore face. 
“Y/N” she says with a slight warning in her voice.
You shrug as you say “I took a punch when I stepped in and neutralised the two attackers.” 
“Wait you didn’t say there was two?!” she asks you. 
You chuckle and reply “It wasn’t hard Michelle, they weren’t trained, the one just got a lucky punch before I could avoid it.” 
“I hope you can hear me rolling my eyes at you.”
You chuckle and say “I can.” 
“Can we circle back to how you think you didn’t protect her?” she asks softly. 
Leaning back against the back of the couch you cover your eyes and say “Michelle, did you miss the part where she was being harassed by two guys?” 
“No I didn’t, but you told me she wasn’t the one who got hurt. What I am hearing is that you protected her, you took the brunt of the anger and violence and she remained safe with not a hair on her head out of place.” Michelle firmly says. 
“But it shouldn’t have happened, I should have protected her.” You say again. 
“Did you check the surroundings of the room?” 
“Was there security guards on the doors?” 
“Have you ever followed a client into the bathroom under these circumstances?” 
“Exactly Y/N. You did everything right and you protected her exactly like you were trained to do. Now as your boss I am proud of you, and I am glad you work for me. But as your friend, want to tell me whats really going on?” she asks you. 
Groaning you stand up and start to pace again as you say “Michelle, I almost crossed a line with her. I have never let myself get this close to a client before and I am trying to draw the line but I cant Michelle. There is something about her that I am just drawn to.” 
“Y/N, sit down I can hear you pacing.” 
Immediately you sit down and place your head in your hands on your knees as you start “I’m sorry-“
“No, shut up Y/N. It’s my turn to talk and you will listen to me.” She says sternly. 
When you do not respond she takes it as silence and continues “You are the best employee I have, and I know that you are the most professional person out there. I know you have a past and you have seen some horrible things, and you have done some things you regret. But the one thing that I know is that you will do whatever it takes to protect your clients no matter what. Thats why I know you will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.” 
“Thank you Michelle.” you tell her softly. 
“Now that the boss of me is out of the way, I am just going to say, Y/N whatever happens, do not shy away from anything. Do not hide from your feelings and just embrace it for once, It’s time to finally do something for you.” 
“I will try Michelle, thank you.” 
“I have to go, but next time send me a text at least when you take a punch.” she chuckles. 
Chuckling back you say “Of course I can do that.” 
You finish off the conversation and when you hang up you feel a bit lighter but also a bit more confused. You know you need to take a step back and keep things professional but you also want to make sure that you try to do what Michelle said. 
On Monday morning you are waiting out front of the building leaning on the SUV waiting to take Alexia to training. When she walks out you have a second to admire her, the sun hitting the blonde in her hair in the right light, as she looks down at her phone. When she looks up and meets your eyes you are glad you have sunglasses on. She smiles brightly at you and you have to pinch your palm to remind yourself of the line. 
“Buen Dia Ms. Putellas” you tell her with a nod and you move to open the back door for her. 
“Hola Y/N” she says and moves towards you, she places her hand on yours on the door and she says quietly to you “I missed you.” 
You nod and have to look away as you say “we should go Ms. Putellas.”
She looks at you for a moment and silently climbs into the backseat. You close the door behind you and walk around the back of the car taking a deep breath to calm your mind and remind yourself to keep this professional. When you get into the car she’s looking out the window you are glad you cant see the hurt in her eyes. 
The rest of the week goes much the same why, you keep your professional persona on and are able to not respond to any of her flirting. Luckily she didn’t have anything going on this week and with a midweek game there was little time to spend with her since you were driving her to and from the field. 
On Saturday there was a lunch time game, which meant you were waiting for Alexia outside leaning on the car early Saturday morning. When the departure time came and went and she hadn’t come out to the car yet, you got worried. As you walk back in the lobby and move to get into her private elevator, you keep thinking about what could have happen for her to be late. 
Chewing your lip your mind goes to worst case scenario and you know have your self convinced she went out last night without you and has been kidnapped. When the doors open you immediately move off them and ask loudly “Alexia, are you here?” 
As you move into her apartment and down the hallway you are met with the sight of a half naked Alexia with her track suit pants on, but only a sports bra on top, she has a toothbrush hanging out of her mouth and her hair is a mess. She waves at you and moves to the bathroom to spit the toothpaste out and she yells out “I am so sorry my alarm didn’t go off.” 
You move closer and lean on the door way to her bedroom where the place is a mess, there is clothes everywhere and with a raised eyebrow you ask her “did Hurricane Alexia hit last night?” 
She chuckles and moves past you to her dresser to grab a hairbrush as she says “I cant find my warm up top” and she moves back by you to the bathroom to brush her hair. 
Chuckling you move into her room asking “the blue and red one?” 
“Yes” she says from the bathroom without looking your way. 
You move slightly and pick up her bed spread off the floor and pull out the shirt she’s looking for, you hang it on your finger and turn to her asking “this the one you’re looking for?” 
She turns and walks out of the bathroom with a smile and says “si, you’re a life saver.” 
She moves towards you and you move the shirt behind your back and say “I quite enjoy the view without the shirt on.” 
“Y/N come on, we’re going to be late” she says as she moves closer to you with a smile. 
You shake your head and say “We have some time, you are always ridiculously early Ale.” 
She moves even closer and stands right in front of you and asks “I guess I could just warm up in the sports bra” 
“No, thats not acceptable for the queen of football” you smirk at her and move one hand from behind your back to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.
She reaches a hand out to place one on your hip as she says “It would make for a good show” she places her other hand on your shoulder. She uses the momentum to pull you closer and she presses a kiss to your cheek and moves to your ear whispering “or I could put on this warm up shirt” as she pulls back with the shirt and pulls it over her head before you can realise she was distracting you. 
You stand there staring at her in disbelief as she moves and packs the rest of her stuff. Shaking your head you chuckle and say “you cheater.” 
“All is fair in love and war Y/N” she says and leaves the room chuckling. 
You shake your head following her out the door, you watch her gather her stuff and then head to the elevator. You follow her down as she has a firm smirk on her face the whole way. When you get outside you open her door and watch her in the car. 
You get into the front seat and before you can put your sunglasses on you meet her eyes in the rearview mirror and say “for the record, I prefer you without the shirt on” and you finish with a wink and then place your sunglasses on. 
She chuckles in the back and says “I will keep that in mind.”
A few hours later you had watched her score 2 goals in Barca’s 5-0 win, and you were now stood in the back of the media availability post game. She was sitting upfront beside the coach fielding questions from the media. There is one media person who has taken an extra dirty approach to asking Alexia questions. You keep an eye on her and when the time is up you move closer to Alexia to ensure she gets out safely. 
Before you can reach her the flirty media person beats you to her. You stay back, moving to stand behind Alexia, knowing not to interrupt, but you have to watch as the very good looking media person places her hand on Alexia’s forearm with a flirty smile. You watch as the media girls eyes light up and track down Alexia’s face, locking on her lips. 
You take a step closer and can see her hand rubbing circles on Alexia’s forearm. Your blood is starting to boil but when you hear Alexia laugh back it hurts more than you thought it would. 
Moving closer you look around and see the room is clearing out and Alexia’s coach is calling her over. As she moves away from the media girl she says “I will see you at the restaurant tonight at 7 then?”
The media girl smiles and says “It’s date.” 
Alexia moves towards her coach and doesn’t notice you behind her as those two words have broken your heart in two. You stand there watching as the media girl watches Alexia’s exit from the room. You continue standing there as the room clears out and all you can do is keep pinching your palm to prevent yourself from doing something stupid like punching the media girl. 
When you shake your self out of it you move to get the car and when Alexia comes out she’s talking on the phone in Catalan. You open the door for her and then continue to stay silent as you hope in the front seat you drive her home. She remains on the phone the whole time, and you park outside your building, she moves to open the door but you haven’t gotten out yet. 
She pauses her conversation and looks at you with a raised eyebrow “you getting out?” 
Shaking your head you tell her “I need to get gas.” 
She nods and says “okay I will be going out at 630.” 
You nod. 
“You okay Y/N?” she asks. 
You still haven’t looked at her but you shift the car into park and you say “I will be ready to drive you to your date, but first I need to get gas, and you should finish your phone call.” 
She takes the hint and closes the door, standing on the sidewalk she watches you drive away. You watch her in the rearview mirror and can’t help but wish it was this morning when you were winking at her in the mirror. 
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reverie-starlight · 2 years
{the video call incident ~ MSBY manager!reader}
{sakusa x GN!reader}
aka: you and sakusa are trying to keep your relationship under wraps from the rest of the team and break the news slowly. key word trying. gone wrong.
warnings: none, really, just humor/bantering/insults, fluff. also sakusa is sweet towards you. idc if you think he’s mean, I just think he’s so soft with his partner. miya twins and reader have been friends since before the timeskip but it’s only briefly mentioned. ONE suggestive line by Hinata... mildly suggestive at the very end.
notes: I ADORE this piece, it might be one of my favourite fics of mine. I kinda wanna do an MSBY manager series with the different guys... anyone interested? Also- every time I was mean to Atsumu in this fic I felt actual pain. I love him too much.
there is... a LOT of dialogue in this fic. just so you know.
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“Kiyoomi, stop,” you laughed as you pushed you boyfriend back slightly. 
He had an early practice the next morning (technically as his team manager you did, too) but he was currently standing in the front hall of your apartment, arms wrapped around you and pressing kisses to your face. 
“No,” he said in between kisses, smiling slightly, “why should I?”
You didn’t have a good enough reason to give him and he knew that. He continued his actions and you sighed.
“Kiyoomi, you and I both know that I’d be more than happy to let you spend the night, but if we show up tomorrow in the same car for the second time this month, the guys are going to get suspicious.”
Sakusa sighed. “I know, I just want to appreciate you a little longer. I feel bad for keeping my distance at practice today. Meian is probably onto us and I wanted to redirect his focus.”
You smiled at him. “I’m sure he’s already figured it out. Better him than the trouble trio.”
He hummed in agreement.
The two of you had been keeping your relationship a secret for the past eight months. You’d been the MSBY manager for a couple years now, starting around the same time Sakusa was recruited, and at the end of the last season, after a big game, he had finally asked you out. (“Adrenaline and high off of a win,” he had reasoned when you questioned why he chose that moment.)
The only reason it was kept a secret was because some of the team members were rather… excitable.
Namely Atsumu, Bokuto and Hinata.
You loved the team you managed, and you loved their personalities. Really, you did.
Despite that love, you might as well be those three’s babysitter.
Add your boyfriend to the mix and things got even more chaotic. However, you did love to see how he interacted with them. Something about it is what drew you to him in the first place. (Your friends had made it clear that your type was apparently slightly mean tall guys who turn to mush behind closed doors. You hadn’t agreed until you met Sakusa.)
That aside, telling the team would result in chaos. The trio would accuse you of betrayal, they’d stare at you both during any small interactions and it would ultimately disrupt the team’s dynamic.
So you both decided to keep it a secret until the end of the current season so they could digest the news easier and have everything be mostly normal by time the next game season rolled around.
You tried one more time to push him off and he sighed. He gave you three more quick pecks and unwrapped his arms from around your waist.
“Fine, I’ll go,” he said, reaching for his coat.
You were about to help him into it when he suddenly patted his pockets in a panic. “I left my phone in the living room, can I go get it?”
You nodded and he moved back into the main part of the apartment just as your phone started ringing. You rolled your eyes when you realized who it was. You swiped the accept call button and groaned when he popped up on the screen with messy towel dried hair and a hyper look on his face. Oh brother.
“What, Atsumu?” You really didn’t want to pick up at that moment, but you knew that if you ignored it he’d either keep calling non-stop or be all pouty about it at practice tomorrow.
Neither option was favourable.
“Y/n! ‘m bored. Ya gotta keep me company.” 
You frowned. “You couldn’t call Bokuto or Hinata? Or Sakusa?”
“Neither of ‘em picked up when I called. And omi-omi doesn’t pick up unless he already knows why I’d be callin’ so I didn’t bother.”
“Well I’m really sorry, Atsumu, but you caught me at a bad time, I’m busy right now,” you tried to sound sympathetic but it came off as rushed.
He was still your friend and you didn’t like ignoring him, but he really did catch you at the worst time.
Sakusa came back into the front hall looking like he was about to say something but stopped when he saw you were on the phone.
“But Y/nnnnn!” He rolled his eyes and let out an involuntary scoff when he heard Atsumu’s voice.
He clapped a hand over his mouth and looked at you with wide eyes.
You hoped the man on the screen hadn’t heard that but even if he hadn’t, the panicked look on your face and the way your eyes flicked to something behind your phone definitely tipped him off.
A wide smirk took over his face when you looked back at your phone and you started shaking your head.
“Do ya have a boy over, Y/n? Is that what this is?”
“Shut up, no I don’t.” you started but you were cut off.
You ended the call.
Sakusa slowly took his hand away from his mouth and looked at you. It was silent for a good three seconds before he said “That’s on me.”
“It’s fine, he doesn’t know who it was.”
“Do you think you can keep him from telling anyone?”
Both of your phones started buzzing at the same time. 
“Too late,” you said in unison.
Suddenly a video call from the group chat came through. “Shit,”
“Okay, Kiyoomi, I think it’s best that you go now, if you join the call from your place it’ll be less suspicious.”
He nodded. “Good idea,” he rushed to get his coat and shoes on and kissed you once before heading out. “I love you and I’m sorry if this goes badly.”
You returned his affection and locked the door before joining the group call. Hinata was there, too.
“Atsumu. I swear to god, you didn’t need to turn this into a whole thing. Hi Hinata.”
The orange haired boy beamed at you and waved. “Hi Y/n! How are you?” 
“Shoyo! Our dear manager has A BOY OVER.”
“Oh, are you dating someone, Y/n?” 
“I’m n-”
You rolled your eyes once again. “Because, Miya, not everyone is as invested in my personal life as you are.”
He gasped at the use of his last name and was about to throw something back at you when Bokuto joined the call on his evening jog. Just great. If Atsumu successfully managed to rile him up, Hinata would surely follow soon after. You needed to do damage control. 
Quickly exiting the screen of the call, you texted your boyfriend.
I need you to knock Atsumu down a peg, please join the call. 
Oh, my pleasure.
As you were texting him, you heard Bokuto and Hinata rambling on about tomorrow’s practice. The setter looked mildly annoyed that no one was paying attention to him anymore. 
“Bokkun!! Listen to me for a minute!! Y/n has a-”
At long last, Sakusa joined the call from what looked like the inside of the grocery store five minutes from his house.
“Omi! What’re you doing here? You never join our video calls unless Y/n makes you- wait where the hell are ya?”
“It was a misclick, don’t get too excited, Miya. And you interrupted my grocery shopping, if you must know.”
“Well don’t leave! You’re gonna wan’ to hear this.”
Sakusa sighed. “I’m sure I won’t.”
You had to bite back a smile at the faux bored look on his face.
Sakusa blinked. “Miya, why do you care so much about our manager’s personal life? Is your own that boring? Are you so unsatisfied that you have to live vicariously through other people’s? Just watch reality TV if that’s the case, I’m sure Y/n would appreciate it as well.”
You let a small laugh out at the sight of your setter looking like he was just slapped across the face.
Your boyfriend promptly kicked him out of the call, looking rather pleased with himself.
Bokuto on the other hand...
Aaaand now Hinata wanted in on the action. “YEAH, YOU CAN TELL US Y/N!”
Atsumu rejoined the call not a second later. “WHY’D YA KICK ME OUT? Y’know what? Fine. I’m adding someone else to the call.”
You gasped when a familiar contact picture popped up on the screen and the connceting dots appeared. 
“Oh for the love of- Your brother, Atsumu, really?? Don’t drag him into this.”
The other (and in your opinion at this particular moment- the better) Miya twin finally picked up. “Uh. Hi? Whaddaya need, 'tusmu?”
“SAMU, Y/n has a boy over.”
“Okay, and?” You’ll give him credit for at least trying to look uninterested.
“They come into your restaurant sometimes don’t they? Have they ever brought a guy with them?”
“Atsumu, please just drop it-” but your pleas fell on deaf ears. 
Osamu shook his head and you almost, almost thought you were in the clear until...
“They only brought Sakusa in one time last month... and Suna did mention that he saw them together when you were all in Tokyo for some matches.”
Both of the Miya twins were dead to you. You silently took back everything you said about Samu being the better one. Years of friendship down the drain. 
You thought he’d have your back on this one but you forgot that, at heart, Osamu is just as much of a little shit as his twin. 
“Osamu!” You shouted, betrayed. 
He shrugged. “Sorry, Y/n.”
Atsumu glared at the screen. “As if it’d be Omi-Omi. We’d definitely know if it was him. Y/n, it wouldn’t have come to this point if ya had just told us who’s with you right now.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m home alone right now, genius, he’s long gone. And it isn’t any of your business!”
At that moment everything you’d been working so hard to keep a secret crumbled before your eyes. 
Bokuto suddenly had a look of realization wash over his face. 
“Wait, if that’s the case, then could it be Omi after all? I ran into him while he was walking in the opposite direction of Y/n’s apartment building when I passed by on my jog ten minutes ago.” He said it totally innocently, as if you having Sakusa over wasn’t as big as Atsumu was making it out to be.
The call went silent for a solid minute before Atsumu started speaking. 
“Bokkun, what did you sa-”
Oops, there goes Atsumu again.
“I sai-”
Oh no, Bokuto too.
You and Sakusa stared at the screen in shock, waiting to see Hinata’s reaction.
Osamu just smirked and waved goodbye before signing off himself. 
Hinata just smiled at the two of you. “Congratulations! I’m really happy for you guys... do you congratulate friends when you find out they’re sleeping together?”
Hinata, your sweet sunshine friend was successful in unfreezing the both of you. “It’s not like that, Hinata-”
“Not normally, no.”
You glared at Sakusa (who was now back in his apartment without a mask) but he just smirked at you. “Kiyoomi.” 
“Alright, I’m sorry.”
“Anyway,” you tried again. “Hinata, we’re dating. We have been for a while.”
“Oh! That definitely calls for celebration then!” 
You smiled slightly before the banished returned to the call. 
“’kay, ya really need to stop doin’ that.” Atsumu said immediately. 
“Why was I kicked out, Y/n? You’re not mad at me are you?”
“No, Bokuto, of course not.” 
“Stop ignorin’ me!”
“Miya, stop being a pest.”
“Guys!! They’re dating! I was right.” 
You froze again. “Hinata... what did you say?”
“Don’t make me kick you out of this call.”
“Fine! I knew you guys were dating. It was kind of obvious.”
“What do you mean obvious, Hinata?” Sakusa asked. 
You shared a glance with him through the screen in confusion. You were both so sure you were hiding it well. Actually... you knew you were hiding it well, considering Atsumu and Bokuto didn’t catch on until now.
“Well, one day a few months ago I may have caught you two making out behind the gym. At that point I thought it was just that kind of relationship and figured it wasn’t my business. But then a few weeks ago, after Sakusa and Atsumu had gotten into an argument at practice, he called Komori-”
“Ah, Shoyo, let’s not-”
“You have my cousin’s number?” Sakusa hissed.
“He does!” 
“Bokkun, seriously, stop-”
“I’m not letting this go, Miya.”
“Hinata, please continue.”
“And Atsumu asked about his relationship status because he wanted blackmail or something. Then Komori said that his lips were sealed, he promised Sakusa he wouldn’t say anything to anyone. I put two and two together, Bokuto thought he was just being a good cousin and let it go, and Atsumu assumed Sakusa was just embarrassed about being single. After that I kinda noticed that you two seemed closer and assumed everyone else on the team knew too. I tried to ask Atsumu about it but he was dead set on not believing you’d date-in his words- ‘an ass like omi-omi’”
You stared at Hinata with wide eyes. “You knew for that long... and managed not to let it slip?”
He shrugged. “It wasn’t hard. I was focused on practice most of the time anyway, so it honestly just slipped my mind.”
Maybe you didn’t give Hinata enough credit. 
“Atsumu, you owe me a meat bun now since I was right!”
Or maybe you were justified with your initial feeling. 
“You bet on us being together?!”
It was going to be a long night. 
After explaining everything to the trouble trio about why you didn’t tell them, you were left on call with Sakusa.
“Well... that was certainly something.” He said.
“Mmhmm,” You looked at him. “Kiyoomi...”
He offered you a soft grin. “I’m already putting my shoes on. I’ll be there soon. Now you have no excuses for not letting me stay the night.”
You giggled and rested your chin on your palm. “I guess not. It’s a shame, really, you’re getting to be so clingy lately. Ever heard of the term personal space?”
“Oh please,” he scoffed. “says the one who literally will not let go of me unless I physically detach you from my body most days.”
“You guys are disgustingly sweet.”
“What are you still doing here, Atsumu?! I thought you left?”
“I snuck back in.”
“Well leave.”
“Sure. But I’m telling everyone how soft you are for our manager tomorrow morning.”
Sakusa raised an eyebrow. “You really think anyone will believe you without proof?”
The last thing you heard before Sakusa blew you a kiss was Atsumu groaning as he was kicked from the call one last time upon realizing he in fact does not have proof.
You woke up the next morning completely intertwined with Sakusa. 
“My love, wake up. We’re going to be late.”
You groaned and snuggled into his side more, shivering slightly when he traced lines on the skin of your back. He laughed and pried you off of him. 
“Mm no, five more minutes.” 
“Come on, Y/n/n, if we’re late you know we’ll never hear the end of it. We don’t have the luxury of secrecy anymore. Besides,” he poked you in the stomach and leaned in closer to you. “you’re the one who insisted on staying up late last night. I tried to tell you that this would happen, but you were just so needy-”
“Okay, okay, I’m up,” you cut him off, then mumbled under your breath “but I didn’t hear you complaining much.”
You shrieked when two arms wrapped around your waist and you were pulled against his chest. “I’m sorry did you say something, my dear?”
It didn’t matter if you were late or not in the end, because when you entered the gym, you were greeted with a round of applause and some whistles. And your boyfriend was weighed down by the endless teasing about his messed up hair and marks on his chest in the changing room. 
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desperate-daydream · 7 months
can I request Seth Clearwater x male reader
where male reader is Bella younger brother Seth age but he phases and becomes a shifter and nobody knows how or why Seth and male reader imprint on each other and just being cute and wholesome with each other but Jacob is giving male reader a hard time saying thing like Bella should have been to phase and if did she imprint on me and ECT but Seth put stop to that put Jacob in his place after he make male reader cry
🍎 Twilight
❀ Seth Clearwater x male (shifter) reader ⚣︎
A/N: thanks for the request and sorry for the long wait, I had a terrible writers block until today and then I just wrote the whole thing in one go XD, and I know ugh, self promo but I have a twilight story on Ao3 with the main being Bella’s twin and Jake imprinting on him (maybe some of you will like that too even if it’s not that similar to this story) (that’s also why it felt so weird to write Jake so mean XD I basically just finished a chapter from that story before writing this one, but I hope you like it)
tags/warnings: set in eclipse (aka the movie where Jake is kinda toxic), Jake is mean and has some issues, reader is Bella’s younger brother, also I wanted Bella to be a good sister, reader is a shifter and imprints on Seth
here‘s the link to the story on my Ao3:
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so that’s what imprinting feels like
“What happened?!”, Bella came jumping out of her car. Jacob had called her as soon as possible when Paul and Embry had found you in the middle of the forest. You had been scared - not just because there had been two giant wolves in front of you but also because you had just shifted into one too. They had managed to calm you down enough until Sam arrived. He had brought spare clothes from one of their “emergency supplies” that you put on after shifting back. Then they guided you to Jacob’s place. They had thought it would be the best idea since you had technically also grown up together with Bella although now you didn’t really have anything to do with each other anymore. And he was able to call Bella who had rushed over as fast as possible when she had processed what Jake told her. While waiting the other four wolves had already told you the essentialities of being a shifter and basically destroyed your whole world-perception. 
As nice and caring as he had always been, Billy stayed by your side. You had gained a better relationship to Jacob’s dad than to Jacob himself. Especially since you still spent a little bit more time with your dad and therefore also Billy - even if it was just watching a game in your living room. 
Bella came straight to you, only sparring Jake a sideways glance as she was too focused on you. 
“Hey”, her voice was quiet and soft, “oh god, you’re shivering.” She placed her arms around you and pulled you closer. You hadn’t even noticed it until she said it. 
“Just a bit much right now.”
“I know. Let’s go home so you can rest a little, mh?” You nodded. 
“Wait, we still have so much to do now”, Jake said persistently, “You have to tell Charlie too. And what if he shifts again and hurts you?”
Bella now turned completely to him. “You can still do all of this tomorrow. He needs to sleep right now.” 
Jake wanted to start again: “But what if-”
“Jake, let it be for now.” 
That’s all she said before getting up with you and walking to her truck together. 
“How did this happen?”, she asked on the drive home.
“I don’t know.” You put up your legs and put your arms around them even though you felt way too warm. 
“I wasn’t feeling good and wanted to take a walk because it usually helps but then.. I don’t know.”
You big sister sighed and looked at you shortly before focusing back on the road. “Let’s worry about it tomorrow. It’s getting late and you seem tired.”
You only nodded while your eyelids already dropped. 
When you arrived you walked straight to your room and the moment your head touched your pillow you were gone. 
“We’ll do it step for step”, you stood next to Sam who would teach you today how to control your shifting so you would hopefully not hurt anybody around you or yourself - not to mention keeping the secret of the pack. 
What he didn’t tell you then was that they’ve had a discussion just yesterday after Bella had picked you up whether or not they should officially include you in the pack since you were a new and special case. In the end they came to the conclusion that you would need and deserve the help and guide the others could give you. He also didn’t tell you that Jacob seemed a bit too disapproving of this new situation and that he guessed it had something to do with the thoughts he had heard from him that were once again centered on none other than your own sister. 
“Okay”, you nodded; also to convince yourself that everything would be okay. 
“Also, you’re not the only young member, don’t worry. Seth Clearwater, he is your age and has also shifted. You will meet him later at the fire.” 
You had already agreed to come when he and Billy had invited you and Bella to come. Bella had added another dimension to this whole situation when she had told you about the Cullens and the vampire that was going after her. She had calmed you a bit when she reassured that she was as good as always protected by either the vampire family of her boyfriend or the wolves. 
For the rest of the day you tried to shift on command and Sam and his fiancée Emily gave you a few tips on how to control your anger. 
Then you went to the fire where you saw your sister again who immediately asked you how it worked. You still stood a bit away from the others as you told her about your training when you heard a voice. It was directed at Jake so didn’t turn around until the person came to a halt at Jacob’s side.
“Hey man, I saved you some burgers but if you don’t hurry Paul will-” 
The boy stopped in the middle of his sentence when you turned around and your eyes met. Your first thought was: “Holy shit, he’s cute”. Your second one was: “So that’s what imprinting feels like”. And your third was once again: “Holy shit.”
Butterflies started fluttering in your stomach and the heat rose to your cheeks as you looked at the boy in front of you with wide eyes who still hadn’t closed his mouth. 
To your luck Sam and Emily were still next to you and immediately understood what was happening. Sam suppressed a chuckle and introduced you to each other.
“(Y/N), this is Seth, the boy I told you about today. Seth, this is our newest pack-member, (Y/N).”  
You saw his mouth form your name before he stuttered out a “hi”. 
You willed your body to move again and said “hi” back just as stuttery. 
“Uh-uhm..”, Seth started and was once again saved by Emily. “Why don’t we go to the others already.” 
You nodded and then followed the other boy your age closely. What you didn’t notice was the pissed expression that had appeared on Jacob’s face. All of you was focused on Seth.
You sat next to each other and soon the gossip made it’s round so soon after Billy was finished with telling the first legend everyone knew what just happened. 
Leah, who Seth had introduced as his older sister, looked at you with narrowed eyes but didn’t do anything else. 
Throughout the evening your hands had brushed together a few times which had sparked the fluttering in your stomach everytime. And you had probably inched even closer together after some time too. 
It was a bit awkward at first but it didn’t change the fact that you felt comfortable sitting next to him while listening and laughing with the others. 
You were sad when saying goodbye but then Seth gave you his number and asked you to meet up tomorrow which you had agreed to almost too enthusiastically to not be embarrassed. It didn’t help that Bella giggled the entire ride home about her baby-brother having a crush. 
“Naw, you grow up so fast.”
“Ughhhhhh, please stop.”
Bella laughed while pulling into their driveway: “Never, that’s my job as your sister.”
“You’re horrible”, you said drily while she just continued giggling. 
But then she changed the mood quickly. “You decided to tell dad tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah.. Billy and Sam are gonna be there too to answer questions. I’m still not the best at wolf-knowledge.”
“Mhm, it’ll be okay, don’t worry too much. If you want I can be there too.”
You nodded and earned yourself a short side-hug from Bella before you went to your rooms. 
You were close to emotional exhaustion after the conversation with your dad but it had a good outcome. Afterwards Edward picked up Bella and you went to meet up with Seth. Sam and Billy were so nice to take you with them to the Black’s home from where you would go to Seth. 
Billy went inside while you waved at him and went to go. 
But shortly before you arrived someone came to stand in your way. It was Jacob. And he didn’t seem to want to talk to you in a friendly way. 
You still tried to be nice; he was like Bella’s best friend so you really didn’t want to make him dislike you more than he apparently already did. 
You were perplexed when he almost spat it at you. You also didn’t have a chance to respond; he just continued talking.
“Why was it YOU?! Why did YOU shift?! It should’ve been Bella if anyone else were to shift at all! But no! It was YOU! If it had been Bella then she could imprint on me! But it was you! It doesn’t even make sense! Why would nature want YOU to be one of us?! You’re unable to do anything! You’re weak! And now you’re just supposed to protect others?! To protect Bella?! Hah!”
His accusations that in the end didn’t even really make sense but still hurt carried on. You didn’t actually hear anymore what he said. You were about to cry and just wanted to coil into yourself but at the same time you had to suppress the anger rising in you. Your whole body shook from the exhausting try to hold yourself together. A few tears escaped your eyes and Jacob was still not done, probably just repeating himself by now but that didn’t change the fact that he was more than angry. 
“Jacob! Stop!”, before you could register anything else a person appeared between you and the other. You felt relief wash over you immediately when you saw that it was Seth. 
“How dare you scream at him like that! Accusing him of being the source of your stupid self-centered problems! How dare you make him cry! Don’t you ever even come too close to him again!” 
Jake seemed to want to say something more but Seth turned to you, took your hand into his and gently pulled you with him. You only noticed that you were still shaking when Seth stopped after arriving at a clearing and pulled you into his arms. You couldn’t stop the tears from flowing and Seth pulled you closer while you clutched his shirt in your hands. 
After you calmed down you whispered a “thank you” against his neck where you had hid your face. 
“Of course”, he whispered back, “nobody is allowed to talk to or about you like that. Nobody." His arms tightened around you again and you felt his face hide in your neck this time. You smiled when you noticed him taking a deep whiff of your scent and then place a kiss there.
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cherrifire · 1 year
Archived in the Southlands: Martyn's Mix
Case #0211905-C
Original recording from Martyn Littlewood's personal supplemental tape.
[Martyn] Ello, ello! I'm Martyn Littlewood, also known as the Archivist. I reckon I've had that title for about 3 years now? And this is my new personal supplemental tape.
Word count: 2244
Be sure to read Case #0211905-A and Case #0211905-B before this one.
[AU Masterpost]
[Martyn] Ello, ello! I'm Martyn Littlewood, also known as the Archivist. I reckon I've had that title for about 3 years now? And this is my new personal supplemental tape.
But to start, this tape is NOT meant for research or theories. I get enough conspiracy theory rubbish at the Institute. Something destroyed the place I was living at with BigB and Grian. And if I have to think about that case one more time, I'll crawl into a grave and let the Buried claim me.
I genuinely just needed a personal tape of my own to ramble on to. Lots goes on in this massive brain of mine. I just need something to talk to and get those thoughts out. This could technically be used as a memory log? Something for me to just look back on later down the line. I actually used to keep a log like that before the Archives and I kind of miss it.
I'm going to leave this tape in my flat so I don't get it confused with the hundreds of other tape recorders floating around the Archives. Maybe I'll be able to catch some fun stuff of my new flatmate too.
Speaking of Ren, I'm going to try and convince him to grow more than just roses. He seems to know a lot about caring for flowers, so I wonder if I could throw him off his game with something completely different. Oh, maybe something we can eat would be cool! I'll mention it next time I see him.
Though, I'm not sure when that'll be. I've noticed he tends to go out a lot, but that doesn't surprise me. He probably gets invited to all sorts of parties and events. Probably for the best.
(a pause)
Oh, good grief! For the record, I am NOT turning this into a gross emotional audio diary either!
[Martyn] Someone knocked on the door today looking for Ren. I'd never seen him before but he said his name was Doc. The name reminded me of someone I used to know, but again, I'd never seen him before.
It's not unusual, people come by looking for Ren all the time. It's actually really sweet how many folks just stop by to check on him.
So sweet, it makes me sick. He's usually never here, but I always like to take messages and relay them back to him when I see him. It's hard to forget things nowadays, so it's not an issue. Though, I guess it doesn't really matter, since I like to change the message anyway, just because I can.
When Ren gets home, I'm going to tell him that Doc wants to make a diss track with him about Grian.
[Martyn] I wouldn't do it.
(Jimmy's voice is coming through a phone speaker)
[Jimmy] Martyn, I promise you, I'm quitting if you do it.
[Martyn] (laughing) Right, but I wouldn't do it.
(Movement is heard as Martyn starts to look for something.)
[Jimmy] (frustrated) No- but you're saying it like you are going to do it!
[Martyn] But I wouldn't though!
(something falls, making a 'thud' sound as it hits the floor)
[Jimmy] I can hear you rummaging through your things!
[Martyn] (wheezing) But I-
[Jimmy] If I walk into the archives tomorrow and you scare me with a stupid party popper again I promise you I will leave.
[Martyn] (wheezing) I just wouldn't though.
(another object falls)
[Jimmy] Martyn.
[Martyn] I wouldn't.
(something else falls. Martyn is probably doing it on purpose)
[Jimmy] STOP!
(Martyn laughs)
[Martyn] I think my favourite thing about Tim is that I could tell him anything and he'll think I'm messing with him. I told him today that I was looking into a case about a cult dedicated to darkness. His immediate response was:
(mocking) "That's not funny, Martyn, stop it!"
(Martyn laughs)
(a pause)
I’ve known him since we were kids, but Jimmy doesn’t know me enough to tell when I’m joking, I guess.
Ah, wait-
(a pause then a light knock on the door)
Come in!
(door opens)
[Ren] Hey dude, is there a reason your rent paperwork has a completely random name on it?
[Martyn] Oh, Martyn Littlewood isn't my legal name. It just sounds cooler.
[Ren] That checks out. I looked at the name on this thing and was like "who is this loser?" 
[Martyn] (laughing) I'm a different person now. My loser days are behind me.
[Ren] Well, thanks for letting me know, Phillip Watson.
[Martyn] Don't you dare!
(Ren laughs as he closes the door.)
[Martyn] If he starts calling me Phil, I swear to God-
[Martyn] That play Ren's been rehearsing, The Rise of the Red King–it's starting to grow on me. I remember helping him practice a little the day I moved in, but I'm forcing him to let me help more since I caught him rehearsing it on his own again.
He was in his room just repeating the lines quietly on his own. I imagine he was only holding back so as to not disturb me, but the unfortunate curse for the beautiful Archivist is I hear everything.
Which means I heard the awkward silence between each line he read out. So I took it upon myself to start responding, to fill that gap.
He said something like, "and as you know, every king must have a hand."
And I, charming as ever, poked my head in and said, "two is preferable, so you can hold things."
Then he continued, "I can think of no greater person than you." 
And the accent he chose for this character was like a mix between Scottish and Irish with like a bit of pirate. It was so bizarre. I'm doing the best I can to imitate it but I just can't do it like Ren. And I-
(door opens)
[Ren] Good afternoon, Martyn.
[Martyn] Good day, my liege.
[Ren] Martyn, will you do the honour of being the Hand of the King on this fine day?
[Martyn] Oh my word. Do I get a little pin badge?
[Ren] Definitely, dude.
When a kingdom is formed, loyalty must be proven. Later there will be a test for you. And if ye pass, it'll be ye and me to the end!
(Ren clears his throat and returns to speaking normally)
It's shopping, your test is grocery shopping. I'm heading out, did you want to come?
[Martyn] Only if you do that voice in public.
[Ren] You're insane, dude.
The King likes it. And you shall follow in his footsteps! Today, both our mettles will be tested.
[Martyn] Oh geez. I don't think my metal is very dense, so I'm gonna struggle.
[Ren] Alright, chat over. Let's get out of here, dude. But um- are you recording this?
[Martyn] Ah-! 3 years and I still always forget to turn these-
[Martyn] Good evening, my liege.
[Ren] Hand of the King. To what do I owe the pleasure?
[Martyn] The carrots, m'lord! It will be a bountiful harvest!
[Ren] Oh, dude! No way! Show me right this instant.
[Martyn] I took your teachings and successfully grew a small handful of carrots. Come see!
(a pair of footsteps then a sliding door being pushed out of the way)
(Sound of dirt shifting as a carrot is pulled from the soil)
[Ren] (excited, high-pitched) Oh! Dude! Look at that!
[Martyn] That's right boss, fresh produce right here in our garden. They're a little small, but size isn't everything.
[Ren] Let's get these out of the ground and wash them. We could make a carrot cake with these!
[Martyn] This is why you're the boss. I would have never thought of that.
[Ren] (laughing) But what's a King without his loyal Hand?
(the recording starts while Martyn and Ren are in the middle of laughing)
(there's the sound of cake batter being aggressively stirred underlining the recording)
[Ren] Martyn, you're wasting batter!
[Martyn] You said to mix well!
[Ren] Dude! Not that well! You're getting cake giblets all over the kitchen! Stop it!
(Martyn and Ren laugh)
[Ren] (mocking) Statement of Ren Diggity Dog
I have no idea what you actually do at the archives, but I bet that's what you sound like.
[Martyn] Dude! What are you-
[Ren] Yes, I'd like to talk about my strange roommate-
[Martyn] Ren, don't even joke like that! Now give it here-
[Ren] You always use this to record me anyway. Why? Is it your personal audio diary?
[Martyn] No! That's not what that is!
[Ren] Then what is it?
[Martyn] How about you just hand it back and-
[Ren] (laughing) You're deflecting, dude! Oh, this is definitely a diary.
[Martyn] (laughing) Ren, give that-
(all sound is muffled as if through a wall)
[Scar] Knock knock!
[Ren] Scar-
[Scar] Ren! It's been a while!
Oh man, I missed this place. It's been, what? Four months since I last saw you?
(a pause, then Scar laughs)
As talkative as always.
How's your new roommate? I haven't seen the Archivist in ages! Is he good?
(a door opens and Scar's voice is no longer muffled) 
Oh wow. There's a lot of interesting stuff in here.
(Scar hums something as he thinks)
(he starts to rummage through Martyn's things)
Ah! There it is.
Ren, you won't miss these, right?
[Ren] No- No, you can have them.
[Scar] Wonderful. Pleasure doing business with you, Ren.
(extended silence)
[Martyn] I thought I could trust him...
(a pause)
(Martyn makes a frustrated sound and tosses the tape onto his bed)
(fading as he walks out) Ren, did you touch the thermostat again!?
(door opening)
[Ren] Sorry, Martyn.
(Ren sniffs the air then he enters the room)
(extended sound of papers being rummaged through)
[Ren] There you are- erm, whatever you are.
Statement of Pearl Moon. Okay. I can work with that.
(a pause then footsteps approach)
[Ren] When did this turn on?
[Martyn] (whispering and panicked) Ren has been standing on the other side of my door for an hour now. Waiting...
I don't know what he wants. I know he's been taking Hunt statements, but I have no idea why. I can't even tell how far gone he is or why he's hunting m-
(a knock on the door)
(Martyn holds his breath)
(extended silence)
(distant footsteps as Ren walks away)
Yeah, fuck that. I'm not sleeping tonight.
(distant sounds of screaming, everything muffled as if through a wall)
(there's a collection of a dozen heavy footsteps all quickly getting further away along with the screaming)
(Ren and Martyn are also muffled through the wall)
(Ren is laughing, hysterical and manic)
[Martyn] Ren, get a hold of yourself!
(Ren continues to laugh)
[Martyn] Hang on, I'm just going to grab a few random statements then we can go!
[Ren] (distant) Take your time!
(sound of a small handful of papers being picked up)
[Martyn] It's going to be fine...
(Martyn takes in a deep breath)
(he releases his breath, quivering like he's cold)
(a pause)
[Ren] (whispering) Martyn passed out the moment his head hit the couch. The statements he read helped heal his wounds a little. They're still... bad, but at least he's sleeping through it.
Me, though? I think I'm going to be awake for a while.
So I'm trying what Martyn does. Talk complete nonsense into a tape just to turn thoughts into words. I had to grab his audio diary from his room since the one we had ran out of tape. I'm sure he won't mind this one time. Plus, I know he listens back through this one all the time and I...
I kind of want him to hear this.
I guess first, Martyn looks terrible. I'm staring at his filthy face right now from across the room. He's covered in dirt and his sweater is completely ruined. Although, I guess that's my fault. But he's been wearing that same sweater for months now. Good riddance, I say.
I'll find him a proper style when he's ready to go out again.
(Ren chuckles to himself then pauses)
Only if he wants to, of course.
(another pause)
I think... I think he's stuck with me now. After my... change, he said the hunt was over but... I know he only put it on hold. I can feel my blood waiting, itching for him to run so I can chase him down again. He said he wasn't going anywhere but...
[Martyn] (groggy and distant) Ren?
[Ren] Oh- Martyn. I'm sorry, did I wake you, my friend?
(movement as Ren gets up and walks towards Martyn)
[Martyn] No. I've been up this whole time. Listening.
[Ren] I didn't mean to keep you up, dude. My bad.
[Martyn] Can I have the tape?
(the recorder is passed to Martyn)
Ren, did you know the cold is typically an attribute of the Lonely?
[Ren] So what's your theory on the snow back at Dogwarts, then..?
[Martyn] My current theory is that you're too much of a social guy to be attracting the Lonely.
(a pause)
[Ren] Oh, Martyn...
[Martyn] I meant it, okay? I'm not going anywhere. I'm with you.
[Ren] It's you and me to the end.
[Martyn] Yeah. To the End.
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nhlclover · 1 year
dance with me | cole caufield
summary: your charismatic client gets the better of you during a team outing
request: yes / no
warnings: making out, mentions of alcohol
a/n: struggled writing this cause I had to finish it on my phone lmao
word count: 1.70k
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When I first started working for the Habs, I was warned about Cole Caufield.
I was warned about his bubbly personality, his never-ending source of energy, and the strong effect he holds on people. I vowed that I wouldn’t let him take affect on me and my job with the Habs as their nutritionist.
However, I greatly underestimated how charismatic he was. The moment I met him, he already began to take an effect on me. His constant smile had me weak in the knees daily and I looked forward to when I did weigh-ins with him, as that was an extended period to talk to Cole.
Cole and I often joked with one another, our jokes becoming more and more flirtatious. It became known across the team about our jokingly flirtatious relationship. However, Juraj became quickly aware of my true feelings toward Cole.
I also quickly learned that Juraj doesn’t know how to keep a secret because Kaiden, Arber, and Jake soon learned about my feelings. The group of boys had now decided to make it their mission to set the two of us up, no matter how many times I reminded them that we couldn’t due to our status as technical co-workers.
Our flirtatious relationship was already pushing the boundaries of what our relationship should be, I decided I shouldn’t do anything more to jeopardize it.
“You’re coming out with us tomorrow in Jersey, right?” Arber asks me.
We’re in the players lounge, the guys just arriving to the arena for the game. I’m in the process of setting up the team meal that includes pasta with grilled chicken, and a garden salad on the side.
“Uh no, why would I?” I ask.
“Because it’s a team outing.” He says.
I furrow my eyebrows at him, still not understanding what he’s getting at.
“Team outings include you, y/n.” Juraj said. “You’re part of the team.”
“I don’t skate on the ice, ergo not a part of the team.” I say, putting out the tray of pasta on the counter.
“Oh come on, have some fun with us.” Kaiden said.
I rebuff them again as I continue to set out their pregame meal. More of the team enter the players' lounge, including Cole, who greets me as usual.
“Hello, y/n. You look very nice today.” He says, coming around the counter, giving me a side hug.
“Ask Cole to get her to come, she can’t say no to him.” Arber says in a low voice.
“Cole, get y/n to come out with us tomorrow in Jersey.” Kaiden says. “She keeps saying no.”
Cole leans on the counter next to me, frowning. “Why aren’t you coming out with us?” He asks.
“Cause this is a team outing, and I’m not a part of the team.” I say to him, repeating what I told Juraj moments before.
“That’s such bull. Of course you’re part of the team.” He says. I shake my head getting stuff out of the freezer for the smoothies. When I turn back to the counter, Cole is standing right in front of me.
“Please come out with us?” He asks.
I sigh, all of the guys looking at me expectantly. “Alright, fine.” I give in.
They cheer as Cole grabs my shoulders and shakes me in excitement. “I am so glad you’re coming out with us.” He says softly to me. Cole’s voice sends a tingle down my spine.
“Told you.” Arber says under his voice, but just loud enough for me to hear, so I shoot a look in his direction.
That night, following the game, we fly out to New Jersey for the upcoming series. We have an extra day off in Newark the next day, so we go to a local club. I arrive separately from the rest of the team, making my way into the club. I find a majority of them sitting at a booth. My eyes are immediately pulled to Cole. He’s wearing a black t-shirt that’s tightly hugging his shoulders and chest. He spots me too, his eyes dragging up and down my body. The boys cheer at my arrival.
“Thought you were gonna bail on us.” Arber shouts over the music.
“I was thinking about it.” I tell him.
“Well let me get you a drink, and maybe you’ll stop being so tense.” He says, sliding out of the booth.
“Come sit.” Cole says, patting the now empty space next to him. I slide in, Cole’s arm immediately going to the back of the couch behind me.
“You look very nice.” Cole says, so only I can hear. I can feel a soft blush form on my cheeks as I shoot him a small smile.
Arber returns, setting down a drink in front of me that he tells me is a long island iced tea, before going back to the bar to talk to a girl he met.
I listen to the conversation the others are having sparingly, my mind rather going to Cole’s fingers that are lightly tracing my right shoulder. Each meaningless shape traced leaves a trail of goosebumps behind.
“I’m gonna go get another drink, I’ll be back.” Cole says, sliding past me.
I watch Cole go up to the bar, ordering something from the bartender and get introduced to Arber’s mystery girl.
“You’re staring.” Jake says, pulling my eyes off the dirty blond boy standing at the bar.
“No, I’m not.” I say looking back at the pair of them.
“Yeah, you were you were basically drooling.” Juraj joked.
I groaned, dropping my head to the table. “Stop being stupid, he clearly likes you.” Juraj says.
“No he doesn’t!” I say back.
“Oh so when he’s calling you gorgeous every day, he’s just fucking with you?” Juraj rebuttals.
“Yeah, we’re just joking with each other.” I say, taking a gulp of my drink, and finishing it off. The boys sitting across from me burst into laughter at my very obvious lie. I glance over at the bar again, watching Arber follow the girl to the dancefloor.
“Go ask him to dance.” Juraj says. “He’s alone, now’s your chance.”
“It would be wildly inappropriate if I were to date him, you know that right?” I say to the two boys in front of me. “I technically work for him you know?”
“Yeah, but whatever.” Juraj says. “You’d be cute together.”
I roll my eyes, swirling the ice in my drink, taking another sip. Cole is suddenly by my side, taking my glass from my hands and setting it on the table. “Dance with me.” He says, his question coming out more like a demand.
He takes my left hand, dragging me up. I look to Juraj and Jake, only for them to be waving me off with grins on their faces. Cole keeps a firm grip on my hand as he drags me through the club to the dancefloor that’s swarmed with drunk and sweaty adults. I spot Arber dancing with a girl at the same time he spots me. He gives me a quick salute and continues to dance with the girl.
Cole parks us in an empty spot on the dance floor, dropping my hand and putting his hands on my hips. He looks at me apprehensively, as if to ask if his hands are okay there. I give him a small smile and nod, his hands relaxing.
His hands guide my hips side to side in time with the rhythm. “Don’t fight the rhythm,” Cole says, swaying my hips for me.
I give in to him, swaying my hips on my own and letting my drink take effect, as well as the music. I let my hands raise above my head then slide them down, resting around Cole’s shoulders. He smiles, nodding in approval. His eyes scan my body, pulling me closer so that our hips keep knocking into each other.
Cole removes his hands from my hips, taking my arms off his shoulders. He grabs my hands, spinning me around and allowing us to sway to the music together.
“You look gorgeous tonight.” Cole says into my ear.
I laugh, throwing my head back into Cole’s shoulder. “What? You don’t believe me?” He asks.
“Cole, you tell me that every time I give your daily shake.” I say.
“And I mean it every time.” He says lowly. “C’mon, we both want this, let’s stop pretending we’re joking.”
I turn around, Cole’s hands automatically going down to my hips, his thumbs slipping under the waistband of my skirt. Cole and I always flirted, but I had assumed it was in a joking matter. At least for him anyways, as it was mostly truth on my part. But with Cole standing behind me, his hands gripping my waist tightly, I was now doubting that.
Cole reads the confusion on my face and a devilish grin appears on his face. He takes my hand, spinning me around so my back is against him again. His hand wraps around me, holding my middle.
“Don’t make me spell it out for you…” Cole says. His lips press a delicate kiss to my jaw. “You know I want you. And I know you want me.”
Cole’s low voice sends a shiver down my spine. I swallow, finding myself melting like putty under Cole’s touch. “But… I thought…” My words fail to form as Cole places another kiss on my neck.
“I’ve never not wanted you.” He says.
I spin around in Cole's grasp, placing my hands at the base of his neck, and pulling him in. His lips are warm and taste slightly like beer. Cole leans into the kiss, deepening it. My hands trace up his neck, running into his hair, tugging at the roots. This elicits a groan from Cole. His hands move down to my ass, gripping it lightly.
We can hear cheering coming from the direction of our booth, making the two of us smile into the kiss. Cole breaks away, his lips pink and swollen.
“Wanna ditch them?” He asks. I don’t hesitate in nodding, taking Cole by the hand and leading him out of the bar, back to our hotel.
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aotopmha · 27 days
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Oh hey, the second good scene with Zenos in Endwalker.
Exaggerations aside, I was so grateful for this scene because I'm one of those of the opinion that he should've stayed dead in Stormblood and all we've gotten out of Zenos within Endwalker up to this point is him wanting to fight you.
*Technically* that's all he is in Stormblood, too, but at this point he's been dragged along with the story for almost another 2 expansions.
I kind of at least want *something* more out of him.
And, well, at least now his one-mindedness got just a little more depth.
He basically says, well, people are all self-righteous assholes, who want to change the world in their image and call themselves heroes for it, so I'm at least not going to pretend and be honest about what I want, which is a fight with the WoL because fighting is the only thing that makes me feel something.
Loss of life is loss of life and bad regardless of the reason it happens.
The issue with this is that you can say it about every single person ever trying to do any good in the world and even more so for flawed people trying to do good in the world.
So should we just stop trying to do any good because everyone might have a personal or imperfect reason for it?
Yes, self-awareness is absolutely a very good trait to have when you aren't perfect and have made mistakes before and so is self-reflection regarding your actions, especially if it involves doing bad to do good, which can be a slippery slope.
But this is the repeat of the Elidibus scene in terms of morality: despite him giving you a lecture on the morality of your actions, he is also a perpetrator of multiple genocides.
Fact is, sometimes bad things have to be done in the name of good because there is evil in the world that does not listen to reason and needs to be stopped.
A response to this would be the idea of good and evil being relative to someone's flawed perspective, but I like to stay grounded and say, maybe killing millions isn't much of a matter of perspective, especially if they are all equally sentient.
I think therefore I am and all.
I've seen people bring this up in response to the characters forgiving villains and the like, but to me the key here is that Zenos could... y'know choose to just not kill lots of people.
Gaius backs his words with action. Fordola backs her words with action. Nero goes under this, too. Redemption is earned, not given out arbitrarily. This story is incredibly consistent with that at least, but even if it wasn't, people will always be imperfect in some way, so even Alphinaud still qualifies under this considering his mistakes and attitude during A Realm Reborn.
No, a good reason is not "better". Emet, Hermes, Elidibus, all had "good reasons", but not once was what they ended up doing framed as (or said to be) "good, actually".
You can empathize without excusing.
Alisae's response is also really good; Zenos will probably never actually find "true fulfillment" with the principles he laid out, a path of violence is generally also a path of loneliness, and the truth is he, too, seeks some sort of connection via wanting to fight the WoL.
Violence is just the only way he can express this wish to connect with someone.
I also like this scene for Jullus getting to say his piece.
A solid scene before the hell that is 80% of the lvl 88 quests.
(Finished all of the lvl 88 quests today, so more posts are probably coming about them. I'm also probably Endwalking tomorrow, depending on how everything works out.)
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depressedbagpipe · 1 year
Ka-Chaow (Charles Leclerc x female!reader)
Chapter two
Words: 3902 Warnings: google-translated italian, more mentions of alcohol, poor writing, me not knowing how the ferrari factory works A/N: alright so this has been long overdue so i apologize for that. also, i haven't been to maranello so everything i mention is basically from google maps. everything about the publishing industry i got from a random blog so just to be safe, don't trust anything i say about it ♥️ A/N (II): italics are phone calls, bold and italics are messages, just bold is the location, and (parenthesis) the translation for the Italian ;) Taglist: @heavengirls111, @roseamongthorns13, @mishaandthebrits, @charlesswife, @silscintilla
Series Masterlist Previous chapter <> Next chapter
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Chapter two
Maranello, December 2nd, 2022
‘Wait, wait, wait, so then you’re attending the races?’
‘And you’re getting double passes if you ask for them?’
‘And you know you’re my favorite daughter?’
‘I’m your only daughter.’
‘I’ll take you to Monaco.’
‘Dio, ti amo.’ (God, I love you)
‘Of course, you do,’ I giggled at my dad.
‘And how’s the trip so far?’
‘It’s… fine, I guess,’ I cringed, looking out the window.
The only sight I could catch from my balcony was the Ferrari factory in the distance, and the hotel’s parking lot on the other side. The views I had caught from the car ride from Bologna’s airport had been beautiful, but we hadn’t had any time to stop to look around.
‘Just fine?’ my dad wondered.
‘It’s not a holiday, papà, I’m technically working,’ I said with a sigh. 
I walked back and dropped on my bed, staring at the fancy ceiling of my hotel room. Although the flight to Bologna had been short, the lunch with Maurizio Arrivabene had been exhausting. Too many bottles of wine and too little discussion about the job, besides the promise of all the paddock access we wanted, as well as the finest wine bottles per Mr. Williamson’s request.
‘Still, you’re going to the track tomorrow, right?’ my dad asked again.
I moved my phone to my other ear, gently rubbing the sore nub after almost an hour of my dad’s nonstop gushing.
‘What time?’
‘We get there at 11 am, I think. I don’t know if the tour will be before or after the meeting with the execs, though,’ I bit my lip, checking the time on my wristwatch.
‘Mio dio, everything is so early here compared to home,’ my dad groaned, and I couldn’t help but laugh at his antics. (My God)
‘Well, not my fault you moved to London for love,’ I answered back.
‘Now you have to move to Italy in return so that we can complete the circle.’
‘Dad!’ I laughed loudly, despite my hand covering my mouth. It was a bit early in the evening, but I knew several guests at the hotel would not appreciate my yelling. ‘Alright, I’ll take you up on that.’
‘You better, chicken pie.’
‘Anyways, I think I’m gonna go. I’m actually exhausted.’
‘Too many emotions today?’
‘Yeah, and I gotta be up early for tomorrow.’
‘Wasn’t the meeting at 11 am?’
I frowned. ‘Yeah. But I still need to finish editing a couple of manuscripts. Do you happen to know anything about the types and uses of the cross symbol in Ethiopian religion?’
My dad took a couple of seconds to answer. ‘... No?’
‘Yeah, me either. Gotta learn a bunch of stuff for tomorrow.’
‘Well, call me when you know something.’
‘Will do,’ I laughed softly. ‘Buona notte, papà. Ti amo.’ (Goodnight, Dad, I love you.)
‘Ti amo di più, Principessa,’ with that, our conversation ended. (I love you more, princess.)
I stayed sprawled on my bed after throwing my phone on the comforter, closing my eyes for a few seconds. I knew I still had to unpack some clothes for tomorrow, recharge my laptop and work on the manuscripts, order dinner, make sure Mr. Williamson got the entire schedule right for the rest of the trip, eat dinner, and get a decent amount of sleep for the following day’s events. Despite my nerves, exhaustion was getting the best of me, and as soon as I felt myself drifting off, I willed my eyelids to open and my legs to move, standing up with a groan at my tired muscles. 
A couple of hours later I was already in bed, my fingers expertly typing away while my eyes begged me to finally close them and sleep. My laptop felt hot on my legs even over the sheets, but I couldn’t stop. Deadlines were approaching, and even though I willingly signed up for the trip, I still found the huge workload that still needed to be done frankly overwhelming, especially since I was working double during Mr. Williamson’s secret and unauthorized gap year. With a sigh, I kept typing until my eyes closed on their own accord. 
I didn’t even know at what time I fell asleep. It only felt like a few minutes until my phone was blasting the alarm as loud as possible. I carelessly reached for it with my eyes closed, hoping my fingers would find it early enough to turn the horrible sound off, but I only managed to slightly push the laptop away. Opening my eyes in a panic, I sighed in relief when I found no crack on the screen, the object still on my bed and not broken on the floor, but the alarm kept going, and not only that, but the hotel phone on my bedside table was also now ringing loudly.
Despite feeling like crying at that very moment, for not only was I not a morning person, but the extreme trauma of waking up mixed with the incessant noise coming from both sides of my bed was enough to almost send me into cardiac arrest. Grabbing my phone and quickly pressing the orange alert, I answered the call.
‘Hello?’ I asked, a yawn escaping my lips as I waited for the answer.
‘Good morning, Miss, this is Francesco speaking, from the front desk. Yesterday you asked us to please wake you up at 7 am,’ the worker spoke in perfect English.
I frowned, not remembering at all having done that, but then again, I didn’t remember most of the evening once I tried to recall how I fell asleep.
‘Oh, grazie, Francesco,’ I replied with another yawn. (Thank you.)
‘Would you like to have your complimentary breakfast sent to your room?’
I paused, enjoying the sound of that. ‘Sure, why not. What were the options, then?’
And that’s how I found myself having breakfast on the balcony, overlooking the blue horizon thanks to the lack of tall buildings around the hotel. I certainly missed the sky back in my London apartment, and it almost felt weird to have the sun shining so brightly on me so late in the year, but nonetheless, it brought some color to my cheeks as I feasted on the delicious biscuits I was offered. I allowed myself to calm down and enjoy the food, forgetting about my job and the likely still sleeping Mr. Williamson on the other side of the wall. As I waited for the breakfast to be brought, I had already taken a shower and gotten ready for the day and was simply enjoying the rather quiet life that the hotel’s location could offer. I did miss the people and the nightlife, but I already got a lot of it in London. 
Taking slow sips of my coffee, I finally got my phone out. I took a couple of pictures to send my mom, knowing she would be calling me in no time to check up on me and make sure I hadn’t caught a bug while I slept. Switching to Instagram, Alec’s face was the first thing that showed up. He had posted a video singing a new song, but I couldn’t will myself to listen to it just yet. His music was what brought us together in the first place, and for weeks I hadn’t been able to listen to his voice again. It was just too painful. 
‘Did you listen to his new song?’ I quickly texted Angela.
‘You won’t like it, though,’ she quickly responded.
I bit my lip. ‘Is it about me?’
‘Is it bad?’ my fingers trembled slightly as I typed, suddenly feeling nervous.
‘I mean, it’s not good.’
‘You’re so helpful,’ I groaned, shivering slightly all of a sudden. 
A cloud had passed directly over the sun, taking the warmth with it. I stood up and walked back inside.
‘Text me when you listen to it. But wait until you’re back in London.’
‘Don’t let it ruin your trip.’
‘Alright,’ I sighed and ended the conversation.
I shook my arms slightly, trying to find some physical way to let go of those thoughts, and swiftly got my laptop and sat down on the small desk by the window, and typed away my anxiety. 
I wasn’t a big fan of editing manuscripts, especially those about subjects I completely abhorred, but in the grand scheme of things, it somehow helped to leave my mind completely blank, making the time pass by even faster.
Before I knew it, it was 9:45 am. Another alarm went off, and with a final sigh, I saved my progress, put on some shoes, and left my room, only to go to the next door and promptly open the door with Mr. Williamson’s extra card. 
The sight did not surprise me in the slightest. He was still fast asleep on his bed, with the covers half-dangling from the sides and the mini bar half-empty. The room was completely dark save for the light coming from the open door.
I had to take a big deep breath before closing the door behind me and walking decisively towards the blinds, opening them wide, as well as his own balcony’s door, not even caring that the cold and wind could potentially make him sick. I was beyond the point of caring about his health when he clearly didn’t care about his.
‘Rise and shine, Stephen,’ I clapped loudly.
Mr. Williamson woke up with a start, groaning loudly.
‘It’s too early,’ he mumbled, flipping on the bed and pulling the covers over his head.
‘Hell, no,’ I said, grabbing the sheets and pulling them off from his body completely. ‘You’ve got an hour before the car arrives, so chop chop!’ I said as I opened his suitcase and started taking his belongings out, looking for some decent clothes. 
The night before coming to Italy, I had forced him to send me a picture of his luggage, knowing that, if it were up to him, he would show up in Crocs and Bermudas. It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had a meeting with him dressed like that.
Thankfully, Mr. Williamson listened to me and sat down in bed, still half-asleep, but at least I could work with that. I threw him his toilet bag.
‘Take a shower, God, you stink,’ I complained, grabbing him from one of his arms and pulling him up. 
I slightly pushed him in the direction of the bathroom, and he followed without another word. 
‘If you don’t come out in ten minutes, I’m getting in. And I’ll bring my phone!’ I warned him, hoping the warning would be enough for me not to see him naked. 
‘Jesus, you sound like my wife,’ he mumbled just before closing the door behind him. 
I looked around his room, and opted for taking the remaining alcohol from the mini bar with me, just to be safe. Even though the bottles were tiny, I didn’t trust my boss to somehow get wasted. I wasn’t about to risk my job and my career, especially in a foreign country. Out of habit, I checked my emails again, hoping to see Rosanna’s name somewhere with a publishing vacancy, but as usual, no new emails had been sent since that morning. 
My feet moved by themselves across Mr. Williamson’s room, putting his clothes on the bed, and even going as far as to call some room service for him. I was hoping the sleep and the shower would sober him up because I was anxious as hell about the meeting.
Not only was I a huge sports car fan, but the fact that we had been invited by Piero Ferrari himself to visit the factory, which I could now see from my room, and talk to all those developers who worked there with the same passion my father and I had, was completely mind-blowing. And I didn’t want anything to screw it up.
‘So that’s our proposal. Ink’n’Paper and Scuderia Ferrari, together, writing about the history and fame of our car. And we want you, Stephen, to write it,’ Benedetto Vigna finished his speech with a looming voice, staring directly at my boss with a light smirk.
Ferrari’s own CEO had welcomed us into the factory, walking us through the many impressive facilities, and showing us every detail of the place. To say I was awestruck would be an understatement. The museum was absolutely incredible, and the curators had even allowed me to take dozens of videos to send to my dad, which I knew was probably screaming and crying at the sight of them. 
The meeting had started an hour later under the pretext of getting down to business as soon as possible and with the promise of trying the Driving Simulator after lunch.
‘Well, certainly, I can’t say that I didn’t see this coming,’ Mr. Williamson replied, taking his glasses off. ‘And how were you thinking about doing this, Benedetto?’
‘We had a couple of ideas in mind, but I think it’ll be easier right now if you stay in Monaco with the team.’
‘Monaco?’ I blurted. ‘Sorry,’ I apologized in embarrassment, but thankfully Mr. Vigna didn’t seem to care.
‘It’s alright. No, we’re opening a new office in Monaco for the new season, and given that it’s certainly closer to Maranello than London, we think that the writing would be faster.’
‘What deadlines are we talking about here, then?’ Mr. Williamson asked.
Not an ounce of alcohol was in his system, at least that I knew of, and he was magically back to being the professional editor I had known him to be what felt like an eternity ago.
Mr. Vigna looked at his colleagues, all of them nodding amongst themselves. ‘Hopefully, we could have it by the winter break. You know, from a marketing point of view, every Ferrari fan out there would be definitely getting it for Christmas.’
Mr. Williamson took a sip of his espresso, carefully considering his options. Then, he looked at me. ‘What do you think?’
I widened my eyes. ‘Me?’
He nodded. ‘Yeah, you. You also work here, I want to know what you think.’
Any thought left my mind as soon as he said those words. Despite being used to taking over his meetings due to his many inebriated states, I was feeling rather intimidated by the situation. And, unlike Mr. Williamson, I had never published anything before.
‘Well, uh, technically December is a bit of a dead zone in the publishing industry.’
I spoke with a low voice, feeling anxious about debunking Mr. Vigna’s theory.
‘Is that so?’ he asked, but his tone was more curious than annoyed. 
That only encouraged me further. ‘Yeah. It’s usually September when we get all the workload. December kinds of get those less-interesting manuscripts from the bottom of the submissions box, and many workers just leave on vacation. We usually just… publish more volumes of the already best-selling ones, because those are the ones that get sold. The marketing would have to be insane if we want this book to make figures on Christmas.’
My comment was met with utter silence. I stared at all the people in the room, silently hoping for someone to talk because the embarrassment was already too high.
Mr. Williamson gratefully came to my aid, as weird as it sounded.
‘She’s right,’ he said, taking one final sip. ‘Either we push the deadline forward to September, or we spend a couple of millions on the marketing.’
Mr. Vigna seemed to consider our words after that. ‘Right, I certainly didn’t know that. Won’t September be too much of a short time for you?’ he looked back at Mr. Williamson, who quickly shook his head.
‘I don’t see why it’d be a problem. As long as we start as early as possible and are provided with all the materials we need…’ he looked up in deep thought.
‘And what do you need?’ one of the women at the other end of the desk spoke, pen already in hand, waiting to write anything down.
‘Certainly, we need access to any source of information about Ferrari. Whether is it the cars, the history, even the drivers, literally anything with the word “Ferrari” in it,’ he spoke. ‘Now, I got a tight schedule when writing biographies, and I need at least two months just to do the research. After that, the writing comes smoothly.’
‘Don’t forget the editing…’ I whispered loud enough for him to hear.
He waved me off. ‘It will take some time, though. You know I’m not that much of a Formula 1 enthusiast. I much rather prefer cricket,’ he said, standing up from his chair and buttoning his shirt.
With his clean suit and combed hair, he looked unrecognizable from the man I had found in his bed that morning. He looked put-together for the first time in months, and it brought me back to the first meetings of my internship, where everything he did was graceful and calculated. I felt oddly safe for the first time in months, knowing that, no matter how the meeting went, I had Mr. Williamson to guide us through the rubble and exit the building with an even straighter back and untouched dignity. I so wished every day at work felt the same.
‘But my assistant over here is, in fact, a remarkable connoisseur of the sport. What did you call it? Tifosi?’ he quickly looked at me, looking for confirmation. ‘She’s half Italian, in fact. I might have to delegate some of the work to her.’
I widened my eyes even more, his words leaving a huge pit in my stomach. My head felt suddenly numb, and my pulse increased as I recited his intentions.
‘In that case, Stephen, if you trust her to do the job, so do we. Obviously, if she agrees.’
I felt more eyes on me, and I gulped. I nodded slowly. ‘Yeah, I do.’
Benedetto Vigna smiled and brought his palms together. ‘Great! I’m sure you’ll be fine in Monaco,’ he stood up from his chair, signaling everybody to do the same. 
Mr. Williamson offered me his arm, given I was still in shock at Mr. Vigna’s words. Everybody started filing out.
‘Wait, what?’ I asked no one in particular.
‘I guess you’re going to Monaco,’ Mr. Williamson said as he lightly pushed me out of the room, pretty much in the same way I had done that morning to get him in the shower.
‘But… what about work?’
He frowned at me. ‘This is work.’
I didn’t have time to reply, for Mr. Vigna’s loud voice reverberated around the hall.
‘Now, I believed I promised you lunch and a Fiorano tour. Oh, and the Driving Simulator, too.’
Despite being a huge Formula 1 fan, I had never been to a race track. The only person I really wanted to attend a race with was my dad, and he was always a bit too busy, and the tickets were always a bit too expensive. Not coming from a large income family had definitely shut a few dreams down, hence why I had immediately started crying at the sight of the Fiorano track, where Ferrari tested their cars. Even though it was empty, the sheer sight of the huge lane was enough to bring tears to my eyes. Thankfully, the sun was shining down on us, and my eyes were hidden by my sunglasses, but I knew my face would soon become a bit too red for other people to notice.
Lunch had been fine, yet I was still thinking about Mr. Vigna’s words. Not only was I part of the project, but I had also been tasked with recollecting all information about the red Scuderia and its cars and history, all of it while I lived by myself in Monaco. I was dreading the conversation with my parents, knowing my mom would definitely not approve, as well as the high chances of me getting homesick as soon as I arrived at the small principality. 
But then again, maybe getting some time away from my life in London would do me good. Away from work, and Mr. Williamson, and Alec. I didn’t want to be the type of person that fled the country when they broke up with their partner, but I also knew that distance was my biggest ally at the time. I wasn’t completely sure how Mr. Williamson was gonna manage on his own while I lived elsewhere, but the thought of a quiet life for a few months in the quaint country was becoming more appealing by the second. 
I completely tuned out Mr. Vigna’s speech about the dimensions and characteristics of the track (not that I needed them, my father had made sure from a young age that I knew my blood was Ferrari red and Tifosi my middle name, although it certainly never was and it got us a very weird meeting with my elementary school headmaster after having written Tifosi as my middle name on several exams). If I had been paying more attention, I certainly would’ve noticed two familiar figures dressed in red polos walking toward us.
‘Charles! Carlos! Che bello che sei venuto!’ Mr. Vigna signaled the two men forward, and they quickly introduced themselves. (How nice that you came!)
‘¡Hola! Sono Carlos,’ Carlos Sainz Jr. extended his hand towards Mr. Williamson. (Hi! I’m Carlos.)
‘Nice to meet you,’ replied my boss, shaking his hand.
‘Hi,’ I smiled at him, trying to contain the excitement.
‘Hello,’ he gave me two kisses on both cheeks, and I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped my lips. 
‘Sorry, I’m a big fan,’ my face felt even warmer, but I still didn’t take my sunglasses off, the big black crystals at least hiding part of my cheeks.
Carlos laughed. ‘It’s alright, usually everyone that comes to Fiorano is,’ he winked, and moved aside.
I would be lying if I said I didn’t have favorites. I would also be lying if I said Charles Leclerc wasn’t one of them.
The slightly taller man stood right in front of me, smiling brightly. His head blocked the sun, allowing me to look at him in more detail as the rays fell around him, giving him an even bigger heavenly glow.
‘Ciao, I’m Charles,’ he too pressed two soft kisses on my cheeks, and I swear my heart stopped for a second when he came closer. (Hi.)
I took off my glasses and quickly introduced myself, hoping I didn’t sound like a lunatic gushing over her biggest celebrity crush standing right in front of her.
‘Ragazzi, l'intervistatore vi sta aspettando,’ a shorter woman came up behind the two drivers with a stressed look on her face. (Guys, the interviewer’s waiting for you.)
I frowned slightly, having the meeting cut short, but in hindsight, my heart was beating loudly in my ribcage out of nerves, and I didn’t want to make an even bigger fool of myself by standing there completely starstruck. 
They sadly left our group with a warm goodbye, and the rest of the day passed in a blur. 
Next thing I knew, I was on my bed, staring at the ceiling, failing to fall asleep due to the image of a pair of green eyes glistening in the sun embedded in my mind.
Next chapter
General taglist: @angiewhoohooo, @azaleaniath, @mishaandthebrits, @celestialcharles
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sirianasims · 5 months
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Chapter 34
So It Goes…
It was Saturday morning and things were becoming predictable.
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I had just gotten out of bed as Samuel entered the room. He came straight from the shower after sleeping on the couch again.
I missed him. Even when he was home, he just seemed so far away. By the time he came back from the hospital, he was exhausted. Every second of sleep was precious.
We barely talked. I couldn’t remember when we last had sex. A couple of months, at least.
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He was in an even worse mood than usual today. He glared at his phone before going to the closet to get dressed.
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“Samuel? Something wrong?”
Even with his back to me, his entire body radiated annoyance.
“Charlie? What’s with Charlie?”
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“He’s in Copperdale and he wants to visit us.”
There was venom in his voice as he pulled the belt through the loops of his pants with angry movements.
“Oh. But isn’t that a good thing?”
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“I guess. I guess I should be thankful that my brother finally deigns to grace us with his presence. Do you know how often I’ve heard from him since the wedding? Twice. To congratulate us on Hailey and Ivy. That’s all.”
“I know, but aren’t you still happy that he wants to visit?”
Samuel sighed heavily.
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“Sure. It just pisses me off that everything has to be on his terms. Always. He’s practically been gone since he moved out, doing whatever the fuck he wanted while someone had to be the responsible one. And then he thinks he can just walk back in like nothing happened and be all, hey bro, care for me to drop by for dinner?”
“Admit it, Samuel, you miss him. And he’ll get to meet the girls.”
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“I know. And of course I want him to meet my family. He suggested dinner tomorrow. And he even invited us to see his band play at the old warehouse tonight.”
“Tonight? We should go. I could ask Amelia to look after the girls, make it a date. We haven’t gone out forever.”
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“You know we can’t do that, Freya. I have another long shift, I won’t be home until early morning.”
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I said nothing. Of course. All he ever had was long shifts, and he didn’t even take the time off he was technically allowed to. I only saw him when he slept, and lately he didn’t even come to bed.
My husband was slowly becoming a stranger in the house, just dropping by for the occasional nap.
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“Freya? Are you mad? If you really want me to come home early, just say so.”
He always said that. But it was a risk-free offer. He knew that I’d never demand it. I tried to rearrange my face into something less pouty.
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“No. You know I can’t do that, your job is important. I just… I wish you felt that your family was just as important.”
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Samuel sighed.
“Ah, yes, because you always seem to think that I’m putting my job over my family. Of course you and the girls are more important to me than my job! But as you very well know, my job is also important, I have a lot of patients depending on me.”
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“Whereas we are fine without you, I guess.”
I regretted it immediately. I was stepping onto a well-trodden path and I didn’t have the energy to have this particular argument again.
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Neither did Samuel. He just turned away from me as he finished tucking in his shirt.
“You know what, I don’t have time for your shit right now. I need to be at the hospital in half an hour. And if family is really the issue here, why don’t you go see Charlie’s band? You’re his family too. Then you can ask His Highness what he would like for dinner tomorrow.”
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He stalked off. Less than a minute later I heard the car start.
The sun was barely up and my husband had already left in a huff. Great.
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I wondered if he’d come back.
I wondered if I wanted him to come back.
beginning / previous / next
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somebluemelodies · 10 months
really really really long ramble ahead about q!Foolish's federation situation bc i have thoughts. you've been warned :'D
(below the cut!)
i cannot get over how much shit could hit the fan with this whole q!Foolish situation. literally so many relationships could hinge on how things play out
firstly, we have no idea how q!Pac and q!Mike are going to react to q!Foolish when they see him next (likely tomorrow, as per what cc!Pac said at the end of the Tazercraft stream). they might get mad and take revenge, maybe try and use him to find and rescue Walter Bob... etc, etc. q!Foolish wants them to be released (little does he know...) and he hopes to still be friends with them even tho they may not want the same, but he really has no true idea what he's gotten himself into...
i don't think their relationship will ever be the same regardless of what info comes out, but that's essentially just the tip of the iceberg
what i'm most curious about personally is q!Cellbit (and q!Forever) finding out about how he lied about Richas's life being on the line. because i already know that ain't gonna end well. both q!Cellbit and q!Forever are fiercely protective of Richas. q!Cellbit absolutely despises liars and he already threatened q!Foolish while interrogating him
q!Cellbit places a lot of trust in q!Foolish. we saw that in how they bonded when q!Foolish was constructing the castle, and how q!Cellbit wanted to have him build something else for him just so they could spend time together. and it was really solidified in q!Cellbit telling q!Forever today how he has a hard time believing q!Foolish would lie and use Richas’s name to do so. he doesn’t find q!Foolish “capable” of betraying them somehow
q!Cellbit finding out the truth could seriously fuck with him and their relationship. so could him finding out about q!Foolish's actual federation job, but more on that later
q!Cellbit himself killing q!Foolish has potential problems of its own, namely with q!Roier and their relationship. i mean, that's his dad. but at least for me, it's hard to really gauge how q!Roier will react, especially now that him and q!Cellbit are married. i think its circumstantial, but i'm not too too worried about spiderbit
q!Foolish dying also has the potential for some major problems with q!Vegetta if/when he comes back. and i fear for Richas's life if q!Vegetta were to find out, but i digress, let's not go there-
i think a lot of people won't see q!Foolish the same way, at least for a while, if they find out he lied, but i think the bigger problem now lies in his job with the federation
if that gets out, that could burn a lot of bridges. i'll say when actually, because as much as i love q!Foolish, i don't think he can keep this a secret forever. i don't think q!Jaiden will say anything, but who knows, honestly?
unlike q!Cellbit's infiltration to rescue q!Felps and learn more about the federation, and q!Fit using his janitorial job to try and find the player data he wants, q!Foolish is doing this for himself and the federation. unlike both of them, and a majority of the Ordo Theoritas he's technically apart of, he's not anti-federation, he's not anti-Cucurucho, and at that, he's really not neutral, either
i find q!Foolish to be such an interesting character. he knows what he wants a majority of the time and he's willing to do pretty much anything to get what he wants. in this situation, he's aware of his actions having consequences but he does it anyway because it's what he believes benefits himself the most, regardless of what others may say or do. and that's such an interesting character trait, but it can be such a detrimental one, too
did q!Foolish get manipulated tho? to an extent, yes. Cucurucho called him "unique," and i refuse to believe that was out of genuine belief. he's never expressed major interest in q!Foolish until recently. i also don't think Mr. Mustard is alive anymore, quite frankly, if what was said about them eating said capybara is anything to go by. but q!Foolish is so desperate to become Cucurucho's friend and also save Mr. Mustard. he said it himself: he's willing to do just about anything. that leaves the door wide open, doesn't it? Cucurucho is playing a game, and q!Foolish is playing right into it
and if q!Foolish doesn't ultimately go on a traitor arc and he does in fact get used, it kinda sucks for him, really, bc we saw what happened to q!Felps thinking Cucurucho was nice and his friend, and q!Jaiden is probably getting used in a similar way, rather for the fact she's willing to do anything for the eggs
if q!Foolish does get used, and the others catch on to that (mainly q!Cellbit), i think that could be the saving grace for q!Foolish and his relationship with the other members of the island. because it wasn't all his fault, and i think people could see it through
but if not? that's a lot of irreparable damage, be it intentional or not. i'd love to see where that coud lead
that's really it tho. sorry for the word vomit :') if you made it this far, congrats!! what're your own thoughts about this situation? i'd love to see some other people's perspectives :D
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Valentine's Day
A/N- A little valentines Insta au even though it isn't technically valentines day anymore
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Liked by Jackharlow, Claybornharlow, Urbanwyatt and 14,738 others
Yourusername Woke up this morning to 2 flower bouquets at the front door, one for me and one for Paisley. Even though you've only been gone for a couple days, and are coming home in 2 days, we miss you. I love you so much, thank you.
Jackharlow: Love my girls so much. It's the least I could do for how much you support me and push me to follow my dreams even when I promised you I wouldn't have to travel for awhile.
Yourusername: Won't lie, it made me cry. Paisley's been carrying around the stuffed animal all afternoon. As soon as Clay came over she kept telling him "Daddy gave me."
Jackharlow: Yourusername Fuck, I want to come home now, I miss my girls so much.
Yourusername: Jackharlow 2 days, you can do it, we'll be at the airport waiting for you to land I promise.
Jackharlow: Yourusername I'm going to hold you to that.
Jackharlow: Yourusername I have a break in 20, FaceTime?
Yourusername: Jackharlow Of course, Paisley has been asking since she woke up from her nap to "See daddy? When see daddy?"
Jackharlow: Yourusername That's it, I'm booking the next flight home.
Yourusername: Jackharlow Stay, we'll come with you next time.
Urbanwyatt: You have no idea how stressed Jack was about picking the perfect flowers for you two.
Jackharlow: Urbanwyatt That was supposed to be a secret.
Jackharlow: Also, there's something else coming tomorrow for you, Paisley and the baby, but that's a secret.
Yourusername: Jackharlow You didn't have to get us anything but thank you, you spoil us so much.
Jackharlow: Yourusername Like I said, its the least I could do.
Jackfan74: Jack being stressed about the flowers is so cute to me.
Jackfan62: I wonder what he got them 👀
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Liked by Jackharlow, Urbanwyatt, Claybornharlow, Cozane, and 21,375 others
Yourusername It might be the first Valentine’s Day we’ve spent apart, but jackharlow still made it special. Even though I told him not to worry about doing anything yesterday flowers showed up for Paisley and I, and today claybornharlow and cozane show up with a cake because when Jack asked if I needed anything and I said cake, because the baby is craving it. I didn't think he would actually get one. Thank you for everything and Paisley and I love you so much.
Jackharlow: I'm glad the cake didn't get eaten before Claybornharlow and Cozane brought it to you and Paisley.
Yourusername: Jackharlow Paisley even shared with Claybornharlow.
Cozane: Yourusername But not with me.
Yourusername: Cozane She's a little hesitant about the tattoos still, but I think if you show up with cake you'll win her over eventually.
Cozane: Yourusername More cake, noted.
Jackharlow: Cozane One day she won't be scared of you 😂
Cozane: Jackharlow She did let me hold one of her dolls, so we're making progress.
Yourusername: Cozane And she was excited because "Cake matches his head."
Jackharlow: Yourusername That does sound like something she would be excited about.
Cozane: Jackharlow And then she had to put the icing on my tattoo, to be fair, it did match pretty well.
Yourusername: Also, Paisley helped me pick out the picture I posted, I showed her a couple different ones and she wanted this one because "Daddy's outfit looks silly."
Jackharlow: Yourusername I swear, having a 2 year old is the most humbling thing ever, people ask how I deal with hate comments, the real question should be how I deal with Paisley's comments. I love her, but damn she's brutal sometimes.
Jackharlow: Yourusername Also, I should add when I had it on she said she liked it because of the colors, and she wasn't complaining when it was cold and it was keeping her warm.
Yourusername: Jackharlow I guess she changed her mind. She really wanted me to post the MacBook reindeer antler photo.
Jackharlow: Yourusername I'll never forgive Urbanwyatt for showing her that picture.
Urbanwyatt: Jackharlow In my defense, I just wanted to see if she could tell it was you, I didn't expect it to become her favorite picture.
Yourusername: Jackharlow She really does love it.
Jackharlow: Urbanwyatt Yourusername Yeah, but now every time she sees reindeer antlers she points at them and says "Daddy picture?"
Jackfan46: Not Paisley terrorizing Jack more then online comments 😭
Jackfan39: sounds like she terrorizes Copelan just as much
Jackfan78: I’m curious who she doesn’t terrorize
Yourusername: Jackfan78 Urban, he’s her favorite 🙄 since she realized she could balance stuff on my stomach that’s been where she puts all of her stuffed animals.
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Liked by Yourusername, Urbanwyatt, Cozane, Claybornharlow, and 49,394 Others
Jackharlow Our 5th Valentine's Day together and every year no matter what I do seems to be enough to show you how much I love you. Thank you for always pushing me to follow my dreams, and helping me be the best dad and husband I can be. You deserve the world and more. I am so lucky that you choose me. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you and I love our girls. I can't wait to see you two tomorrow night, and I have a late Valentine's Date planned to make up for being gone.
Yourusername: Jackharlow I love you so much. You show me how much you love me every single day, I never doubt it for a second. Thank you for always putting Paisley, the baby, and I first when you have a million things other things you could be doing.
Jackharlow: Yourusername I always will, nothing matters more.
Jackharlow: Also, thank you Claybornharlow and Cozane for helping me with the surprises, and watching Paisley while Yourinstagram went and got her nails done.
Yourusername: Jackharlow Another thing I told you you didn't have to do, but thank you.
Jackharlow: Yourusername You're welcome, I knew if I didn't schedule the appointment in advance you wouldn't have went until I got home. You deserve a break after having an almost 2 year old by yourself for a couple of days and being 6 months pregnant.
Yourusername: Jackharlow You've been sending Clay over everyday.
Jackharlow: Yourusername You still deserve it.
Jackharlow: Claybornharlow You weren't supposed to tell her I asked you to go over 🙄
Claybornharlow: Jackharlow I DIDN'T also you're welcome.
Yourusername: Jackharlow He didn't, I just know you.
Cozane: Jackharlow Anytime, I'll just have to come prepared with cake for Paisley.
Urbanwyatt: I've never seen two people more in love, its gross.
Jackharlow: Urbanwyatt you’re just jealous
Urbanwyatt: Jackharlow Nah, you two have been grossly in love since you two were 15.
Jackharlow: Urbanwyatt We didn’t start dating until we were 16?
Urbanwyatt:Jackharlow EXACTLY, why do you think I set you two up 🙄
Jackfan39: I want someone to love me as much as Jack loves Y/N.
Jackfan13: Paisley's gotten so big 😭 I can't believe she's almost 2.
Jackfan84: That should be me 🫠🫠
Yourusername via stories
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Tag list @jackharloww @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @hoodharlow @itsyagirljaz @heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby
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pandoa · 1 year
Daisies ~ “it’s our little secret, alright?” and Rooftop view with Trey please!
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Daisies ~ “it’s our little secret, alright?”
~trey clover x gender neutral reader~
thank you for requesting! hope you enjoy, anon!
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♡the goods♡
“Psst, Boss” a voice coming from the tallest roof of the Heartslabyul dorm discreetly whispered to another as it called out to the figure walking towards it, “you got the goods?”
“The what?”
“The goods.”
“What goods—“
“You know what I’m talking about. C’mon. Hand ‘em over,” the shadow said as it emerged from its place behind a large pillar, reaching out its hands in desperation.
Trey quizzically stared at the individual's palms as they made adorable grasping movements by opening and closing their hands like a child, puzzled but amused, “Are you talking about… the tarts?”
“Yes, of course the tarts!” your familiar figure then skipped out into the rays of sunlight shining onto Heartslabyul’s open rooftop. “What else would we be doing here?” you questioned as your boyfriend, Trey, watched loose locks of your hair glide mid-air from the wind reaching the roof. The sun had been perfectly placed high in the sky as you and Trey were surrounded by multitudes of clouds and twittering birds flocked just above you both. The view from the Queen of Hearts’ dorm was one embraced in dream-like ambience as the wind kissed the tops of your fingertips, adeptly sending subtle chills to you and Trey with its mystique.
“Oh, right,” the Heartslabyul third year shot a bashful smile at your comment, “How could I forget?” The boy then non-discreetly reached behind his back to reveal a beautifully decorated tray of freshly made tarts that made even the critters flying around you halt at the sweet’s tempting aroma. You mesmerizingly gawked at the tart’s resplendence—stars practically glimmering from your eyes—as Trey watched your attention gradually drift from him to the tart resting in his hands.
“Here you go,” the green-haired boy then finally handed you the tray of sweets, cradling it like a baby. “Also,” Trey continued, “make sure you don’t mention this to anyone at Heartslabyul. Riddle advised me to refrain from baking another tart today so that we could save the ingredients for tomorrow’s Unbirthday party, so technically I wasn’t supposed to bake you anything today.” The Heartslabyul vice housewarden proceeded to scratch the back of his head as his eyebrows knitted in slight embarrassment, “It’s okay, though, I can just go buy more ingredients at Sam’s shop later. No problem.”
“Ooh~” you began poking at the boy’s side, “Are these the infamous relationship perks of being Trey Clover’s precious significant other~?” A playful grin then bloomed on your face as you teased at your boyfriend’s kindness. 
“Well, it has only been a week or so; I guess some sort of special treatment is perfectly fit for you now that it’s official,” Trey uttered, attempting to brush off your bantering comment with reason.
“It’s our little secret, though, alright?”
“What? That we’re dating now?” you confusingly looked back up to the third year, not quite understanding what he said, “You know that’s kinda’ impossible to hide, Trey. Grim is practically attached to me day and night; he’ll find out and blab about it to everyone soon.”
“I meant the tarts (Y/n). The tarts.”
“Oh. Right. I won’t tell a soul,” you said, guiding a hand up to jokingly sault your partner. “The tart dealing will be kept between us, Boss”
“Why are you acting like this is something illegal—”
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a/n: drug dealer trey arc but it's tarts
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annadoglover1 · 2 months
For the new hyperfixation Danganronpa. I used the THH cast and UDG casts for this and also Daiya Owada, for funsies. The game starts under the cut!
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My THH favs fighting to the death (like five seconds after the game started btw) and it is no surprise to me that the Ultimate Soldier won.
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BRO KILLED HIS BRO'S BRO! Damn Daiya can't catch a break even in a simulation.
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Literally how the fuck? His luck can even get him to kill the strongest woman ever?
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Mukuro committing the first child murder tracks.
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Yeah you fucking betrayed your Bro
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Literally how? Maybe because Byakuya was injured... didn't have any other options. This becomes the best day of Toko's life.
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Don't make a joke about his brains turning to butter, don't make a joke about his brains turning into butter, don't-
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Giving off Kiyotaka being the second mastermind AU vibes
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Oh my god stalking led to love. Tale as old as time...
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Aw she's even staying up to watch and protect her beloved Byakuya.
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Okay his camp got raided twice and now he was killed for supplies. I gotta know... did he have the good kush? This is the dollar store how good could it be?
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Am I surprised Byakuya committed the second child murder? No, not really.
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Oh shit Ultimate Despair is teaming up once again. We are fucked.
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Does this count as the third child murder? Yuta is more like a preteen but to me his is also baby. But the point still stands child murder Celestia still tracks.
The first event has started and it's one with a high body count. It is... Acidic Rain!
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Child murder four ig
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You can't swim your way out of this one bestie
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Mukuro I was rooting for you T-T
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Attempted child murder turns into a double kill because Monaca said "Fuck you. If you kill Monaca we die together!" Queen shit
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I am not really a Togafuka shipper but holy shit I am crying in the club
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I didn't cover everyone but a shit ton of people died. Below is who is left at this point.
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A depressing night after the rain leads to a betrayal the very next morning. Celeste is the only femme presenting character left in the game. Hope she can gaslight, gatekeep and girlboss her way out of this one.
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Final child murder of the game and technically Celeste's second child murder.
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Dumbasses could take care of themselves and died. AND BYAKUYA YOU LITERALLY HAD TOKO TAKING CARE OF YOU BITCHASS-
But you know what this means?
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Celsetia Ludenberg is the winner! Yay!!!
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Here are the final results. Can't belive Mr Daiya "I died off-screen for someone elses backstory" Owada was also the first kill in this game.
I want to do SDR2 and V3 at some point. Maybe tomorrow I am too eepy today.
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alexfromjersey · 11 months
warnings: none
a/n: 1.0k words...horrendous from me
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"and we have one last member of our group, Seven or Sev as we like to call her. Best friend since we were in diapers. We used to live next to each other until her mother married Ezekiel Reyes, a Kook who founded a very successful tech startup. She moved to the Kook side of the island. Even though Seven was technically a Kook, she never claimed the title nor did the Kooks accept her, not like she cared. Currently, she's spending her time at a juvenile detention facility on the mainland for a second-degree aggravated assault charge from her former stepfather. She was the most reckless out of all of us but she's also the biggest teddy bear in the world. You would think she would be a good girl considering she's the daughter of the Sheriff of the island. But Sev did whatever she wanted despite her mother's or former stepfather's occupations which didn't sit well with the Kooks or Ezekiel because they knew they couldn't use it to scare her. But it makes life difficult for her mother."
~ john booker routledge ~
A LOUD ALARM SOUNDED for a moment before the automatic doors opened in front of seventeen year old Seven Peterkin. The blue-eyed girl exited the brick building to see her mother Susan leaning against her patrol car. Sev walked up to her mother and they both stood in silence before a smile appeared on her face. Susan grabbed her daughter and gave her a big tight hug. A hug Seven definitely needed and missed.
Susan pulled away to get a good look at her daughter. Her hair was grown out into a little curly afro that suited her really well. Seven always had her hair either buzz cut short or faded with little hair on top. She never liked her hair long because neither her or her mother knew how to maintain it properly. While she looking over Seven, she noticed a faded but still noticeable bruise under her right eye.
"What happened to you eye?" Susan questioned.
"Oh I was playing in the yard last week. Things got a little too rough in the football game, took a knee to the eye while tackling someone" Seven answered.
Susan hummed in response, not really believing her daughter's story but decided to accept it for right now.
"You hungry?" Susan asked.
"Absolutely. I've been eating mushy mystery food for the past year" Seven said as her stomach, on cue, growled.
Susan chuckled and got in the car. Seven followed suit and got in the passenger seat. The mother and daughter duo made their way to The Wreck, Seven's favorite restaurant next to McDonald's. The duo caught up on lost time, it was like Seven never left the detention facility. Susan and Seven were super close. The two were dependent on each other.
They went through hard times together from Seven's biological father abandoning them a month before she was even born, when Susan married Ezekiel and moved them to the Kook side of the island against their wishes, to when Ezekiel started abusing Susan emotionally and physically, to Seven almost beating Ezekiel to death with a wrench, and her getting charged and sent to juvie. The duo has been through a lot together but they always stuck together no matter what.
After a long ferry ride back to the mainland followed by the drive to the Wreck, Seven's stomach was growling every chance it got. As they pulled up, Susan got a text on her phone, an important message.
"Listen, I gotta get back to work. Get something for today and tomorrow" Susan said and handed her daughter a $50 bill.
Seven nodded and exited the vehicle. The duo bid goodbyes and stay safe to each other before going their respective ways. A ding rang as Seven entered the slightly busy restaurant. She started to walk towards the cash register but a voice stopped her.
The brown skinned girl turned around at the call of her name. In front of her was Mike Carrera, father of her best friend Kiara and the owner of The Wreck. Behind close doors Mike had a strong dislike for Seven, more than the other pogues. The reason being was that Ezekiel and Mike grew up together, they were best friends just like how Seven and the other pogues are. I'm sure anyone with a pulse can guess whose side Mike was on when Seven nearly beat Ezekiel to death. He even advocated for Seven to be charged with attempted murder. That would of definitely landed her in big girl jail.
"Mr. Carrera...how are you?" Seven awkwardly smiled at him. Despite everything, the teenager was going to be respectful of her best friend's father because had it been anyone else...well her niceness would've faded quickly.
"What are you doing here?" Mike questioned.
Seven sighed, "I just wanted to order some food for my mother and I...sir."
Mike let out a chuckle and got closer to Seven. To him, Seven was like gum on the bottom on his shoe. Annoying and a nuisance to everyone around her. He despised that Kiara hung out with her.
"Don't think for a second, you're going anywhere near my daughter, not after what you did. You and the other pogues but especially you are a cancer to my daughter's life and I'll be damned if I sit here and watch you drag her down with you. I'm telling you one time and one time only. Stay-" Mike was suddenly interrupted by a loud shriek. The two turned towards the door to see Kiara and the boys who were stood there with shocked faces.
"Oh my god! Seven!" Kiara shrieked and ran to Seven. Kiara jumped into Seven's arms while the boys tackled her into a group hug. After a moment they all pulled away from the hug.
"Dude when did you get out? Why didn't you tell us?" JJ questioned happily.
Seven chuckled, "I got out a few hours ago and I was going to surprise you guys but that's not happening. So...surprise."
The four pogues took their time to look over Seven just like her mother did.
"Your hair is longer"
"Your voice got deeper and you don't have braces anymore"
"You as tall as me now"
"Were you working out in there? You got muscles now?"
These were the questions and statements they spitted rapidly at Seven. She couldn't help but laugh at them.
"Guys! While I appreciate all the compliments, I am starving. I need some food in me" Seven stated.
"Oh don't worry I got you. Sit down and I'll get you guys some food" Kiara spoke and walked to the back of the kitchen. The boys sat down at a table while Seven stayed at the register. Mike opened his mouth to object but Seven placed the $50 bill on the counter. Even though she really wanted to, she didn't say another word to the adult male before sitting down with the boys.
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moral-terpitude · 1 year
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed - 4
[Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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It wasn’t until around 11:30 that morning that your office door opened.
While disappointed, you were also relieved that it wasn’t Tommy. You weren’t in the mood for him yet.
It always seemed when things would go good for a few weeks that something would get all fucked up again and last night was no exception. (Or was it this morning? Technically? Who knew what to call it.)
Two hours of sleep in the night hadn’t been enough and there wasn’t much that was going to soften your mood now.
Lynnae was up your ass for all the paperwork she needed. You’d have to go get it out of storage at some point today. You knew right where it was, but not where it was in the unit.
There had been a request to audit three years worth of information for three different business, one for The Garrison, one for the betting shop, and one for the storage units themselves.
The link unfortunately being that they were all cash heavy businesses and you knew the implication: all of them were oh so easy to funnel money through.
Of course they were. You’d come up with the way to make it work, and all the paperwork to make it untraceable was airtight, with two of the businesses technically showing a loss for last year.
“Did he send you to do recon on my mood or are you bringing me paperwork?”
You didn’t look up as Lizzie sat in the spare rolling chair, crossing her legs. Frances must have let her know where you were.
How come no one ever knocked before coming into your office?
“Would you be mad if it was both?”
You sighed, leaning back in the leather chair, pulling your legs up in front of you.
“I need the acquisition information the most urgently.”
She huffed, tossing the folder onto your desk.
“Thank you.”
“How are the drunkards?” She chuckled, but you weren’t close to finding humor in it yet, just content that Finn would be suffering a hell of a hangover well into tomorrow.
“Ugh, don’t even start with me.” You sniffled, laying your glasses down on the desk, “I’ve been in here since 4 this morning and haven’t seen anyone so, I’m not sure.”
“Finn must have left. I heard him get a good reaming over the phone this morning. Pretty sure Tommy ended it with telling him to get the fuck out of his house.”
“Good. He deserves it. I’m going to have to go pull his weight today anyway. I’ve a whole list of storage units that he needed to clean out last week.”
You sat the cigarette down in the ash tray, reaching for the now cold cup of coffee.
“Digbeth, Sparkhill, Bordsley Green,” you flipped the paper, reading the rest of your scribble off the end of the list, “Hackney, Shoreditch, West End.”
“Tell Tommy he isn’t pulling his weight.”
“As long as it gets done Tommy doesn’t care at this point. Him and Pol have been going back and forth for months now on where to put him.”
There was silence for awhile as you continued to finish the email you started.
“How’s Aunt Em?”
Lizzie shook her head, giving her eyes a roll. Shifting the focus to different family matters wasn’t the best idea, but better your chaos than the Shelby chaos, if only for a bit.
“They said the early onset dementia will start triggering other issues any day now. I just wish the two of them could have patched things up before. Her memory is already going to shit.” Her nose crinkled as she spoke, reaching for your cigarettes and lighter.
You let out the exasperated sigh before you could hold it back, pinching the bridge of your nose before leaning back in the chair once again, “I tried talking to mom, when you first told me, but they’re all stubborn as shit. The whole lot of them.”
“It’s a wonder where we get it from.” She hummed.
A knock at the door and mumbled words thankfully dissolved the conversation before it continued into even more awkward small talk.
“Can I come in?”
“That’s my queue,” Lizzie whispered, leaning over to give your arm a pat. She opened the door, giving Charlie’s hair a ruffle, “Just leaving. She’s all yours.”
Charlie sighed, taking her seat and rolling close enough to rest his head on your shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Mom.”
The words shattered your heart into a million pieces. They must have been bickering enough last night that he didn’t hear Finn’s outburst.
You ruffled his hair, pressing your cheek to the top of his head.
“Charlie, you just need to be more aware. We just want you to be safe. I had no clue where you were. I much rather would have came and got you than have Uncle Finn drive you here just as sloshed.”
He snorted, righting himself with a half smile on his face. “You could have been dead in a ditch.” He mimicked Tommy, wagging his finger as he spoke.
You smiled before shaking your head, trying not to laugh, “Stop. It’s not funny. I know we’ve had this conversation before, but yelling clearly doesn’t work with your family.”
“If it’s any consolation,” he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, blonde fringe flopping around on his forehead, “I feel like a bin on fire in the middle of July.”
“Good.” You nodded, “As you should. You still smell like the distillery, too. Now, that’s all I have to say about it until we talk to your dad.”
He groaned, “Do we have to?”
“Yes.” You patted his shoulder, before putting your glasses back on, “Now, I need some help today. It’d probably be in your best interest, help win him over a bit, if you come help me.”
“Okay,” he shrugged, slowly rising from the chair, “I’ll go get changed.”
He closed the door to the office as he exited, and you were thankful for the return to silence.
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