maybeamooncalf · 4 years
I actually left gob RP for SO LONG after that crew went pointing fingers at others while abusing guildies and shit. Like the goblin community is WILDLY toxic but, thankfully, it’s coming to light and I have confidence to spot abusive people after my run ins with their ilk.
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maybeamooncalf · 4 years
Because this isn’t getting the attention it needs: Many of Dyna gearpunk’s defectors have come to me with ATROCIOUSLY horrible stories, including a final-fantasy house type situation that may be happening (Making herself a psychotic center of a guild house) in which a few attempts of sexual assault have happened with people half the GM’s age. This is including many many stories of just outright mental and emotional abuse of guild members by mods/gm.
 They are all very manipulative and control oriented. They have allowed some REALLY scabby people in their guild (Gobville who erps with minors and is an emotional abuser), and Quincei, a known sexual harasser. If it isn’t clear here BEWARE GEARPUNK. They are the WORST people I have ever had the displeasure of running into on WRA.
A certain female Goblin guild leader who’s name starts with D and has a Tin-Man accomplice should stop acting high and mighty when they’ve both tried to sexually assault someone irl who hung out with them thinking they were safe people.
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maybeamooncalf · 4 years
I’ll be real, having to shit on my alt-right mentor from 2007 onward was a blow I don’t wish on anyone. It sucks. It’s disappointing. But I’m glad to have that shit out of my life.
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maybeamooncalf · 4 years
I used to respect you so much, you taught me so much, but your opinions are legit not valid or realistic. You have lived a life of privilege, I’m aware of how your parents have floated you almost all your life, and it’s very easy for you to call anyone with real life experience an “SJW” and, honestly? It’s pathetic, childish, and comes from a place of uneducated head-in-the-sandism.
I used to be that way myself, but after actually hitting the streets and seeing the BLM movement, seeing the damage trumpers do here, and watching people literally dying around me while people like yourself think you’re memeing at the expense of others has pretty much shown me why this behaviour is weak and what idiots resort to when feeling threatened.
I hope you do grow as a person, and I hope you learn that calling others “SJWs” for shutting down racists, bigots, and terfs, isn’t cute. That’s sad af and well below what I thought you were.
I hope you find the right amount of echo on those alt-right platforms and get burned by the children you surround yourself. Just enough to know that your reality just isn’t real in the slightest.
Until then, I’m going to cut any and all ties or endorsements I had of you. This isn’t “LAWL”, we’re at war down here. It’s not a joke down here. But until you get real backlash and grow the fuck up, I have no room in my life or mind for someone who is, in all seriousness, a massive fucking spoiled idiot.
EDIT: It does not matter what someone has done for you in the past, the art they made or the actions they took to benefit you, when they go alt-right you have 0 obligation to give them support, benefit of the doubt, or platforms. I hope other people who have toxic people in their lives see this and can get some assurance knowing excusing them because they “taught you” means fucking nothing when they’re actively anti-human.
Fight back against this shit.
Speak your politics sir! Tumblr doesn't ban!
This is ironic considering that Tumblr is frequently lambasted for being a site that is full of SJWs
But what isn’t mentioned enough is that Twitter hands out verified tags like candy corn to SJWs even if they say truly threatening things and descend into shitfights while banning accounts like mine.
People were up in arms about Net Neutrality – what they don’t realize is that many social media platforms do not provide ANY neutrality (I’m looking at you, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and anyone else who de-platformed Alex Jones.)
I’m not even a fan of Alex Jones, but I liked to be entertained when friends sent me a video of him flipping out and going nutters. I don’t like having social media platforms deciding what I can or can’t watch.
So long as a platform is policing speech and implementing algorithms that promote one form of content over another or ban and issue strikes on a political basis, that platform will only let you use their platform the way THEY want you to use it, so long as it suits THEIR needs (you unwashed peons!)
So the main takeaway of all this is:
Have backup accounts on alt-media platforms like
gab.ai (Twitter alternative)
Minds.com (Faecesbook alternative)
BitChute (Youtube alternative)
Remember a decade ago when the internet was truly free and there weren’t a shitton of algorithms out there and you got truly organically-spread viral content and the YouTube trending page wasn’t a whole boatload of Safe For Kids faff?
We can have nice things again. Yeah, there’s not great app integration yet. Yeah, there’s not enough content yet. But that’s how it was before.
We have to start over because we weren’t vigilant and didn’t speak up enough and now it’s gotten to a point where if you DO say anything (I decided to speak my mind on Twitter 3 days ago) then it’s outcha go.
Really, all we have to do is spend more time there and stop rewarding these massive corporate coprophages for their bad behaviour.
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maybeamooncalf · 4 years
Tumblr: Yooo, here’s a dark mode!
Me: Why does it turn itself off when I reblog?
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maybeamooncalf · 4 years
Happy Pride!
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maybeamooncalf · 4 years
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So the generous and very cool @maybeamooncalf decided to pay one forward for an avatar, and asked that I hold a giveaway for the final slot of batch 2, which I think is a wonderful idea! Share the love!
All you have to do is reblog this post for an entry! :> that’s it! 
Any likes or follows afterwards are still greatly appreciated! Thank you and good luck! The winner will be drawn on Friday June 19, 2020 at 11:59 PST
Here’s the regular Plasma Pride commission post
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maybeamooncalf · 4 years
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Pride plasma friend over on twitter :D bi for the character and ace/aro for the actual person~
If you’re interested in one check the post here!
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maybeamooncalf · 4 years
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Optimus cocktail
Ratchet cake
Bumblebee pancake
Bulkhead salad
Prowl sushiroll
IDIOT Sentinel sandwich
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maybeamooncalf · 4 years
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I’m still alive over at Twitter.com/Apoxii
I’ll update here occasionally but tumblr isn’t my main anymore :)
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maybeamooncalf · 4 years
I dunno what happened, but this account legit STOPPED being accessible MONTHS ago.
Time to cry
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maybeamooncalf · 5 years
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maybeamooncalf · 5 years
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Friday, November 1st @ 2:30PM - 5PM PST
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The Inclusion Nexus @ Blizzcon!
Who is welcome?:
Anyone from the World of Warcraft-related Roleplaying Community!!
A quick rundown of the Information needed below!
Hey guys! Blizzcon 2019 is coming up quick and I want to throw another fun bash of sitting down, doodling, and chatting up other fun folks who Roleplay or just downright love making WoW OC’s as well! If you’ve got the time, swing on by!
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maybeamooncalf · 5 years
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Thank you to everyone who attended the Night of Frights event! 
The pet battles were epic, the feats of strength unending, the costumes the spookiest, and the art of a certain Meebz unparalleled! 
We’re so glad to see so many familiar and new faces at our events! We love helping to create a fun environment for all!
We look forward to seeing you at the next event! Until then: Happy Hallow’s End!
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maybeamooncalf · 5 years
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Art for @/leighhayleigh on Twitter of her character Natalie Nattz
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maybeamooncalf · 5 years
HEEEEY! Come get some art from some awesome artists and enjoy what the Cartel offers!
We throw super banger parties too <3
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The Velvet Cartel presents a Night of Frights!
Join us on October 25th at 5:30PM server time in Zeramas in Zul'Drak (21,74) for an evening of spooks, specters, and special prizes. Dress in your Hallow's End best and bring your favorite undead battle pet team to compete for gold, or purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win some frighteningly good prizes. All of Azeroth is invited to come and celebrate all things creepy.
This is a cross-faction event, but you must be Horde side to claim prizes, sorry!
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maybeamooncalf · 5 years
RECAP! To all you awesome people who are here to support us, your response is making us so excited!!! Thank you! We’re busy making a teaser and the official kickstarter video, we’ll share our progress as we keep putting out the word! ❤️❤️❤️ : : #studiokillers #cherry #goldiefoxx #dynamink #data1982 #jenny #news #staytuned #adventure #love #animatedband #audiovisual #fall #kickstarter2019fall #❤️ #404 #stars #illustration #freefall #wip #her #lgbtq🌈 https://www.instagram.com/p/B1y8LNWnNGP/?igshid=1gwfgcvwj0pr4
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