#ally wizard
dailyadventureprompts · 6 months
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Adventure: Cracking the Snowglobe
As the dark closes in and the cold weighs heavy on us on all, it’s important to remember that there is light and warmth to be had, if only we seek it out, and share it with others. Stories round the fire, good food shared with those we love, songs of hope sung in defiance of the bleak, all these things give the soul the tender it needs to burn on through the winter until the days begin to grow long again. 
Setup:  Decades after retiring from a busy life of adventuring, the local wizard Hypatia has fallen into a depressed bout of isolation, raising a barrier of magical force around her manor in the hopes of keeping out distractions while she works on yet another project she hasn’t the energy to complete.   Her old friend Moroz the outrider is having none of it, tired of being brushed off every when he visits and concerned about Hypatia’s wellbeing, he’s journeyed around gathering presents from all their old friends and allies as a reminder of the good times they spent together, and a symbol that people still care about her. His grand display of affection has been somewhat delayed when a gang of hobgoblins ambushed him on the road, stealing the majority of the gifts and leaving him for dead. 
When the party stumble across the scene of the ambush and follow the scatteres of red snow (and Toboggan, the distressed reindeer), they find Moroz crawling his way out of a ditch, alive, pissed off, and in need of some holiday helpers.
 Background: It has been some score of years since the wizard Hypatia walked the roads of the realm with her friends, using her magic and more often her wits to mend what’d gone astray.  She settled, as she had always wanted, into the life of a country wizard, persuing her own studies in a manor just far enough from town that neither she or the locals would bother one another unless the cause was worthwhile. While every shy accademic is due their alone time, decades and distance have not been good for Hypatia. More and more she has sunk into the lony existance she has made for herself, losing the strength to keep up correspondance with old allies, to visit the market for supplies, to even leave the little island she calls home.  She says she is working, but her work suffers too, the grand tretisies and formulations she hoped to write stagnate along with her mind, and frustration at being unable to focus on one thing she was good at has inspired her to cut herself off further, raising a globe of magic around her home and denying all visitors.
Moroz knows what it means to be alone.  The dwarven outrider has spent most of his life carrying messages between settlements and outposts for weeks at a time. He also knows how dangerous that loneliness can be, and that a life without other people in it is a life without hope, and the winter is not kind to those without hope.  The last time he saw Hypatia, when she came to turn him away from her door and raise her barrier, Moroz saw a look in her eyes that reminded him of travellers he’d found stranded in the snow, the look of slowly forgetting your reasons to live. He knows he must remind her, or he won’t see her again come the thaw. 
Adventure Hooks: 
The party could encounter Moroz on any wintry road (A mournfully bellowing Reindeer is one hell of a hook), but If you wanted to run this adventure as a oneshot, consider having the heroes be part of a search party specifically sent out to look for him after a snowstorm delays the local mail delivery.  
The hobs have taken their loot and fallen back to a deserted fortress half buried in snow. While most of what they’ve stolen are keepsakes destined to be sold off or tossed into the fire if the party doesn’t intervene, a few of the more interesting presents have some wizz-bang magical powers. Hopefully Hypatia doesn’t mind some of her gifts being used as powerups to help the heroes survive the dungeon.  
After they’ve recovered the majority of the gifts, Moroz and the party still have to break into the wizard’s warded fortress. The globe of force is highly impressive, but careful perception could reveal a few careful weaknesses.   There’s a boathouse left abandoned on the isle that happens to contain a forgotten tunnel leading into the manor proper (which just so happens to have a local river monster hibernating inside of it).    An eagle eyed scout might likewise notice that the dusting of snow on top of the globe isn’t uniform, and that there’s a thin spot riiiight above the manor’s chimney in order to let out the smoke. 
Once inside the party have other hurdles to face: the phantom servants that manage the grounds are also programmed to repel intruders… but they don’t seem to notice the sinister, shadowy entities that now lurk in the Manor’s unlit halls.  They’ll find Hypatia in a sorry state, having spent several days staring into the yawning mouth of a dark portal she doesn’t quite remember calling up.  After spending so long cut off, so long failing to achieve anything with the work that gave her purpose, despair overtook the wizard’s heart and the shadowfell called to her… she was not that long from answering it when the party intervened. They chose to care, and they ended up saving her life, and the life of her friend besides.  
After their tearful reunion Moroz decides to stay to help take care of his old friend, but extends an invitation to the party: The winter holidays are coming up and it is better to spend it with friends, perhaps they could help him decorate the manor, cook a couple meals, maybe head into town for supplies and get caught up in a snowball fight.  When the Festivities are done, Hypatia will extend the invitation even further: being alone is evidently bad for her, and she has so much space in her home it’d be a shame not to give the party a place to stay every time they stop in.  The party will have a new home base and a new reason to go out adventuring: what with Moroz retiring for the time being and needing someone capable to take over his role as outrider.  
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comebackali · 4 months
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boggysbitch · 4 months
beardsley’s commitment to being a cleric is honestly commendable because if i was playing kristen she would actually manage to find power within herself after having so many brush ins with divinity and learn that no god can make your life just right so she just had to believe in herself and find the ability to heal within (ie respecing as a divine soul sorcerer)
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adharastarlight · 2 years
James: I'm gay-
Sirius: Oh, thats fine
James: -for your brother.
Sirius: Go. Back. Into. The. Closet.
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easthigh · 11 months
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quinceañera gowns in disney channel shows
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20's Fantasy High: Junior Year episode 20
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#dimension 20#dimension 20 spoilers#d20 introductions#fhjy#fantasy high junior year#d20 fhjy#WOW dang. what a season#i'm glad the episode didn't end on like. as bleak of a note as it could have for the ratgrinders#being literal teens that were taken advantage of by adults that groomed them and all#was honestly REALLY obsessed by the implications of like how kipperlily's shatterstar was willing and the rest of her friends' weren't.#like there are so many fucking ways that could be interpreted#was she the last to go? was she the first? did she KNOW? was she complicit in it? did she do it by her own hand? what HAPPENED there?#i'm so obsessed. like holy fuck#also this is something vague i was hoping for but like- in the combat when ally said they wanted to go for oisin after he died at first#i was thinking of something like. that they might revive the ratgrinders whose shatter stars already left to have them rejoin the fight#on THEIR side for the purposes of saving the others? but that didn't happen and went on otherwise#i can't. fucking believe. that we got fucking blimey'd AGAIN. fucking insane#and now K2 canonically exists in the real world#fig has an army of inevitable automatons hunting her. fabian has a literal unborn nemesis. adaine has a wizard mom to kill.#senior year problems..... honestly i feel like the high level play this season was really fun to watch#and i think i'd really enjoy seeing a senior year too#what a season. i was IMMENSELY enjoying it for the majority of it that like Starkly dropped around eps 18 and 19 that left a bad taste#but i don't know. i feel like the finale managed to salvage some of that good that i'd really enjoyed over the course of the season#what a ride though‚ I did enjoy it a lot#see y'all next season!!
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p-ogman · 9 months
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Now, Into Darkness
[Cover for my Meta Knight playlist <3 :3]
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seekdestr0y · 9 days
idk if anyone did this already but i was just thinking about it so yeah whatever reblog for greater sample size as they say
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zimmbzon · 7 months
Things that happened in ONE episode of Fanatasy High (s1e7):
- Captain Bill Seacaster got the bad kids drunk and high, them made them skip school so Brennan/Bill could meta teach the players about DnD party strategy
- “Lunch Lad” - Emily
- Fig and the Sexy rat
- “It’s like Michael Cera talking to Michael Cera” - Ally
-“Are you my freakin’ dad?” - Gorgug to the grave keeper (is this the first “are you my dad?)
- The “I used a corn to masterbate the other night” inspiring speech
- “We’re thinking about starting a streetwear company and we’re wanting like real people to model for it” - Ally
And finally: “Jazzy Jeff” apropos of ???? - Ally
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king-k-ripple · 2 months
You have been visited by the Shadow Wizard Money Gang of Dream Land.
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They love casting spells!
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demontouched · 4 months
i really like that fantasy high isn't six* people entering brennan's world. it's seven people working to build and establish a world, and brennan was just the start. he had an idea, he shared it with friends, and said "join me, let's make this something beautiful together."
(*for the people who saw this before the typo fix, i'm sorry 😭 i didn't even realize. i'm very bad at typing.)
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 2 months
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comebackali · 4 months
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just ending with some casual wedding vows nbd
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Ally: Thatch , Teacher of the Heath
A marvellous mage outstanding in their field
Every group of heroes needs a sage to clue them in about their place in the wider campaign world and to set them on the correct path. For those too far from the big cities and their ivory towers, there’s rumours of a strange figure who dwells in a nearby village, a tutor made of sticks and straw who instructs children their letters between farm chores, and has an uncanny ability to predict the seasons. This construct is named Thatch, and they have been blessed with a mind that is seemingly all knowing.
Thatch is first and foremost a teacher, and while they’re happy to dispense fun facts and tidbits of information to anyone who asks, the party may need to ready themselves for some lessons if they want REAL lore. Perhaps the scarecrow will drag them to a disused farmstead and match them with chores they are most unsuited for, questioning them endlessly on their ethos while exhaustion and failure wear them down. Perhaps Thatch will send them on some strange errand, quizzing them when they return about all the choices they made and the perspectives of those involved. 
Players Might encounter Thatch at the local county fair, confusing them atfirst for a decoration or costumed attendant. The patchwork teacher was minding a few children for the night but the youngsters seem to have snuck off on them. Tracking the youngsters down gives the party a great excuse to scout out all the fun distractions later in that evening ( or to get the topography when the festivities are ambushed).
Background: Onceupon a time there was a farmgirl who dreamed of being a wizard. She had heard the stories about those great scholars who worked wonders and knew the secret names of all things. She was born with a curiosity about the world that she felt down to her bones, an ache that grew worse every year she attended the same country school that’d been teaching the same old lessons out of the same old books for what must’ve been generations.  Every year her parents, who loved her but had no money to send her off to some academy would buy her a journal for her birthday, a journal she’d fill up with questions in a few months and be forced to write in the margins to save space. 
Such an earnest desire for knowledge became a prayer, and that prayer was heard by the goddess Ioun, the knowing mistress, who loves all who wish to learn and sent a spark of divine kindness out into the world to give that farmgirl the teacher she deserved.  That spark took residence in a scarecrow and so Thatch was born, head stuffed with straw and cosmic wisdom , heart overflowing with a teacher’s love and desire to see their student thrive.
Further Adventures:
That first student’s name was Oroteia, and under Thatch’s tutelage she became a great mage, venturing out into the world to find the answers her younger self so craved.  Perhaps they’ll encounter her seeking out some forgotten library, ensconced in some great work of magic, or maybe she’s gone so far that they’ll need to break into her sanctum if they have any hopes of obtaining the aid of a powerful mage.
It has been many years since Thatch stirred to being, many children come and gone, their first student having long grown in to her own power as a mage and capable of finding her own way in the world. Thatch can feel themself unravelling, the blessing of Ioun coming loose from their cobbled frame. Perhaps they will fade into nothing, perhaps they will return to be part of the goddess and share with her all they have learned, perhaps the need will be great and they will burn themselves up saving their students, or lighting the way for the party to accomplish their great quest. Thatch is at peace with this, but Oroteia won’t have it and ever since her last visit years ago has spent all her energy devoted to saving her old teacher, delving into sorts of magic that perhaps she should not.
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fabledfirmament · 4 months
this might be a minority opinion but i actually love that mellori betrayed the wizard. go on girl be your own fully realized person and advance the plot in interesting ways
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essektheylyss · 2 years
It's been like a year and a half and it's still funny as fuck that, "I cannot proceed with this conversation sober, please fill my glass before we continue," is a canon Essek Thelyss character trait.
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