doctor-sews · 10 years
Id let you give me a "check up" any day B)
Good because everyone needs 20 shots right now immediately
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doctor-sews · 10 years
That's not how you say it--YOU KNOW WHAT, never mind.
What kind of person wanders around in the forest in the middle of the night?? Some sort of maniac, for sure! Alright kid let's go run and get him. Remember, hide when we get there! Go back to camp, or climb a tree if you can.
-stops at a fork in the forest path- Is he to the left, or to the right?
"mister mister my friend is dying I think and a bear wants to eat him. he needs help" he said panicking and out of breath.
It’s doc-tor, not mister! W-wait… did you say dying? D-dying?? BEAR?! I’m a doctor, not a bear wrestler! This isn’t what I signed up for! I think there’s a bear tranq kit around here for emergencies, though…  Ugh, as a doctor, I can’t abandon someone who’s dying, though… okay, I have the kit, let’s go. 
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doctor-sews · 10 years
It's not "mister doctor," Doctor is the title! Doctor Sews! Not mister ANYTHING! Whatever, whatever, there're more important things to consider now. You were right to come to me, that guy sounds really dumb.
-rushes out the door, stops, looks around-
Where am I going, actually...? Okay, normally I wouldn't put a camper in danger like this, but you've gotta show me where he is, kiddo. Go ahead and lead the way, just...stay back when we get there.
"mister mister my friend is dying I think and a bear wants to eat him. he needs help" he said panicking and out of breath.
It’s doc-tor, not mister! W-wait… did you say dying? D-dying?? BEAR?! I’m a doctor, not a bear wrestler! This isn’t what I signed up for! I think there’s a bear tranq kit around here for emergencies, though…  Ugh, as a doctor, I can’t abandon someone who’s dying, though… okay, I have the kit, let’s go. 
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doctor-sews · 10 years
How old are you?
Ugh… I always get a lot of flak about that. I know I look a bit young, but I’m a licensed doctor, and that’s all that really matters, right? I can even show you my certificate and everything.
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doctor-sews · 10 years
You mean you don't have anything, either? Christ.  This place is a mess.  I'm the camp doctor,name's Sews by the way, and I don't even have half the medical release forms, I'm not sure if everyone's vaccinated, and to be completely honest I'm about five seconds from going around to every cabin and give everyone their MMRs on the house.
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Hey, a responsible adult like yourself is already vaccinated, right? What's your name, just so I can check the records and be sure. 
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Wait wait wait. What allergy list? I just asked one of the nurses about it, and they didn’t have it either. I’m still waiting on that. Honestly, I’m just about ready to go and ask every counselor myself at this point, because this is ridiculous.
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doctor-sews · 10 years
"mister mister my friend is dying I think and a bear wants to eat him. he needs help" he said panicking and out of breath.
It’s doc-tor, not mister! W-wait… did you say dying? D-dying?? BEAR?! I’m a doctor, not a bear wrestler! This isn’t what I signed up for! I think there’s a bear tranq kit around here for emergencies, though…  Ugh, as a doctor, I can’t abandon someone who’s dying, though… okay, I have the kit, let’s go. 
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doctor-sews · 10 years
Ah, well, everyone does their run with GP, but I'm a specializing surgeon now.  That's why all the, y'know... (gestures to scrubs).  I live in the city, so there's no real use for cars.  Public transportation and my bike get me wherever I need to go.
Yeah, I figure I'll have to go make sure everyone's vaccinated.... what a pain, the filing system is a joke.  I think one of those release forms was filled out in crayon.  
I guess if that didn't happen, our job would be really boring, though! I hope we have a really exciting job this summer, haha! Just kidding.
Medical Cabin Staff Room
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doctor-sews · 10 years
Oh, good, yeah, the bus up here.  I mean, I have my bike, but I don't think that'll do anyone much good in an emergency situation.  Jeez, imagine me pedaling down this mountain with some sick kid sitting on my handlebars. 
Yeah, did you notice, too? I noticed the release forms are kind of.... disorganized.  Lots of allergies and vaccination records are missing.  I was going to go make sure some people whose forms are incomplete have all their vaccinations and stuff... better safe than sorry, right? Better safe than anything, actually, I suppose.
Oh, really? I guess I'll be spending some time over at the mess hall, after all, haha. 
Medical Cabin Staff Room
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doctor-sews · 10 years
Yeah we do a lot of reconstructive stuff for people who are in bad accidents.  Fun police? What...Oh, thanks a ton, the "staff" one, right? Nice talking to you, kiddo.  
campsammy replied to your post:Where is everyone getting the T-shirts…
go to the main station mister! you get a special staff one mister! I can show you?
Oh…yeah, sure, I don’t really know my way around here yet.  It’s my first time.  One thing, though, I’m not “mister,” I’m “doctor.” My name is Dr. Sews, and I’ve been hired as a doctor for this year.  What’re you called?
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doctor-sews · 10 years
Quite a bit, actually.  I've been through med school and I'm going to be part of an independent clinic next year.  It's actually kind of a specialty place for extensive plastic surgery.  
That's pretty neat, kid.  I knew I wanted to go to medical school from a pretty young age, too.  In fact, I probably wasn't much older than you. 
campsammy replied to your post:Where is everyone getting the T-shirts…
go to the main station mister! you get a special staff one mister! I can show you?
Oh…yeah, sure, I don’t really know my way around here yet.  It’s my first time.  One thing, though, I’m not “mister,” I’m “doctor.” My name is Dr. Sews, and I’ve been hired as a doctor for this year.  What’re you called?
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doctor-sews · 10 years
Oh, sure, if you want, we can keep it in the students' cabinet.  Some people prefer to keep their stuff here, but other people have to keep their medicine with them, like inhalers and such, so it's really pretty flexible.  
Yeah, alright, let's get to it, then.  Thanks.  I've just kind of always done it like this... I guess it's nothing special, really, haha.
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campsammy replied to your post:Where is everyone getting the T-shirts…
go to the main station mister! you get a special staff one mister! I can show you?
Oh…yeah, sure, I don’t really know my way around here yet.  It’s my first time.  One thing, though, I’m not “mister,” I’m “doctor.” My name is Dr. Sews, and I’ve been hired as a doctor for this year.  What’re you called?
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doctor-sews · 10 years
campsammy replied to your post:Where is everyone getting the T-shirts…
go to the main station mister! you get a special staff one mister! I can show you?
Oh...yeah, sure, I don't really know my way around here yet.  It's my first time.  One thing, though, I'm not "mister," I'm "doctor." My name is Dr. Sews, and I've been hired as a doctor for this year.  What're you called?
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doctor-sews · 10 years
Where is everyone getting the T-shirts...
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doctor-sews · 10 years
Oh...yeah. Okay, this is pretty different. Than what I thought it was.  I thought there'd be....a hospital! Like, a real one. Okay. 
Sorry, sorry, I'll get used to it.  It's just a bit of a shock.  Thanks, haha, I'm counting on you, too.  I can diagnose, but we still might have to drive kids over if we don't have the supplies to treat them here...which is pretty likely if this is all we have. 
Nice to meet you, Zel. Yeah, you can call me Doctor Sews or just Sews if it suits you better. 
*shakes her hand* 
Medical Cabin Staff Room
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doctor-sews · 10 years
Oh, jeez....it really is small.  Where's all the machines.... and, well, the supplies....  that medicine cabinet seems fairly well-stocked but.... where's everything else? Is it in another room? I've been hired as the doctor of a medical facility out here... but this is definitely.... not what I was expecting.  *holds up his phone, muttering* Is there even a wifi signal out here? 
Oh, but it's nice to meet you, though, let's get along well.  I'm Doctor Sews.
Medical Cabin Staff Room
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doctor-sews · 10 years
What's with this weird little building..... everything is wooden.... I think I got a splinter just looking at that door.....Hey, you! Miss, could you direct me to the medical facilities here?  I didn't see them on the way in.... is it maybe a bit further away from the rest of the camp? 
Medical Cabin Staff Room
Who’s been messing around the medical cabin? *grumbles as she sees three adult sized beds* Someone has to teach the kids this isn’t their personal dumping ground… *hoists her suitcase on one and starts emptying her clothes on the other* Well more room for me I guess ^-^ *flops down onto the third bed*
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doctor-sews · 10 years
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My name is Dr. Sews, and It looks like I’m going to be working here for the summer. Let’s all have a nice, safe, summer vacation, alright? Come by for anything like scrapes, poison ivy, allergies, sunburn, or severe lacerations. Just kidding! Mostly. Haha. 
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