#all that being said it makes me sad they never gave her another episode with cas
morethansky · 1 month
"The Cavalry Has Arrived" aka MY OTP IS CANON NOW
A truly absurd amount of meta and thoughts and screaming under the cut:
• I...loved it????? This is the biggest plot twist of all for me. Like I've said incessantly, I've had so many issues with the writing choices for this show, and I'm so grateful the brainrot set in so I could start watching it through a fandom lens and have way more fun with it than through a media critic lens and being a hater. But like...that was actually really satisfying to me within the parameters of where the show had led to in the last four episodes??
• As everyone on the planet probably knows by now, I would've been much happier if this show had led to the Batch choosing to do the right thing and joining the clone resistance, and if we never get another clone series, I will continue to be unbearable and salty about the lost potential of telling that story. But after Echo left and we stopped following his story, I gave that hope up. And ofc nothing about my criticism of this season is invalidated. But given the pieces on the board, I'd pretty wholeheartedly give the finale my stamp of approval!
• I'm ultimately glad that this show ended on a "We don't leave our own behind" note, because that's the clone energy and general Star Wars energy I'm looking for, and they did a great job of applying that theme to every non-villain in this episode, minor and unnamed characters included—but it's still so darkly funny for them to have continued to push this idea even though the first season is literally about them leaving their own behind and moving on. And then Crosshair calls them out on it. And then he just...leaves himself behind. Even in their first appearance in TCW, the Batch's entire vibe is that they keep trying to convince Rex to leave his own behind lmao. I just feel like the show wanted this adage to tie everything together, but then forgot to keep applying it somewhere along the way. But hurrah for this abundant use of it!
• My overall biggest criticism was that even within this one episode we got back on the rescue/captured/rescue/captured treadmill. It's the biggest plot crutch of the show. It's so goofy that Omega and Echo rescued both the children and the imprisoned clones by themselves. The setup made it so that by going to rescue Omega, Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair actually put her in more danger. And because they were there, more clones died, wtf!! But I do like the narrative flip—Echo and Omega were both saved by the Batch in their introductions in this era, and here are they are being the ones to save them in return. Omega and Echo also are the characters in the main cast who deserve the rescuer plotline the most, since they have been consistently portrayed as helping those in need no matter what.
• Hilariously, one of the most pivotal roles that the Forest Trio plays in regards to the GFFA at large is that they were essentially Rampart's rideshare drivers, thus enabling him to be there and force Nala Se not to hesitate to destroy Project Necromancer.
Rampart and Nala Se
• Hemlock saying his work makes him indispensable is fantastic dialogue; it just seems like some dickish thing he would say to shit on Rampart, but it ends up giving Rampart the idea to try to leverage his work to become indispensable himself, and in saying that line, Hemlock ushers his own ruin!!! This is the kind of script work I've been begging for.
• Also I was so right about Rampart being like a Kallus foil! That infamous shot of him in his sad, sterile room after Bahryn is mirrored here with Rampart sitting in pretty much the same position, except his path is the opposite from Kallus's.
• They did an EXCELLENT job with Rampart's fate. I was worried they were neutering him these last couple eps, even if the comedy was gold, but this was very well done. Everything that happens leading up to his death makes complete sense for his character, and it accomplishes the very key plot point of destroying Tantiss. At the start of the season I couldn't figure out how and why the Batch was going to end up delaying Project Necromancer for like thirty years, so I feel validated that they pretty much don't. Very typical of this show to not have the protagonists do the heroic work, but fuck it, I like this instance.
• The humanizing of Nala Se in this show has always been a bit of an interesting choice given that this is feels like such a direct successor to TCW and she was so clearly a villain there. But although they don't quite redeem her, her motivations and her fate were also artfully executed here. Her conversation with Omega pretty much takes into account every Nala Se scene in this show, which is a great way to wrap her character up. And I really like the mirror of Nala Se giving Omega her datapad in the season premiere, and Omega giving Nala Se a datapad here. Both times, Nala Se is determined to set Omega free.
• And I'm so glad there was a follow-up to the destruction of Kamino as well! Nala Se getting a bit of revenge against one of the beings responsible for the genocide of her people and destruction of her homeworld is not something I expected at all, and I love it. And the setup of Nala Se picking up the detonator and Rampart picking up the blaster is just fantastic, because you know from just those two shots that Rampart is willing to kill to gain Palpatine's favor for himself, and Nala Se is willing to die to make sure the being she loves will be free.
Echo and Omega supremacy
• Give me an Echo-led rebel show where he convinces all sorts of people in the Empire and the underworld to defect/help them, please!!! He's so good at it, completing Emerie's turn so efficiently! We have to assume Rex is also good at it given his cell and that he has clone spies and even undercover agents, but every time he sees Hunter he has tried and failed to recruit him lmao. Also REX'S NAMEDROP but him not showing up surely means...we'll see a continuation of his story soon after this...right??? Also this means Howzer still lives, oh, thank god.
• "Because it's exactly what I would do." Strategist Echo comeback yessss!! A nice little callback to the Techno Union arc that kicked this story off as well. And HELL YEAH Omega's relationship with Echo is my favorite out of all of her connections, and I'm living for their spotlight together this ep. I'm extremely invested in found family stories not relying on nuclear family narratives, and I love that you see throughout the show that Echo doesn't "raise" Omega like a kid—he trains her like a cadet. Like someone who he intends to be his equal, which is a nice and very appreciated contrast to others treating her like a precious sheltered baby.
• Their goodbye scene in "Truth and Consequences" is one of my favorites in the show, and I just adore that when Omega is upset, Echo doesn't coddle her—he reminds her of her duty to watch over the others, giving her a purpose and a reason to stand tall. When he conveys that he was worried about her and thinking of her while she was captured, he gifts her a weapon he designed and made for her during that time, so that she won't have to be defenseless after being defenseless for so long in captivity. It's so clone trooper, and I love it and the glimpses these details give us about clone culture and how the older clones cared for the shinies and the cadets and showed their love for each other.
• I also liked that Omega couldn't have escaped without Tech's training, since slicing was so vital. And all her stealthy stabbing is of course reminiscent of Hunter. And finally some emotional payoff for the ongoing bit about Wrecker being afraid of heights! I'm weak for inspirational Star Wars quotes, and this show hasn't had many, but "Just stay focused on what's ahead, not what's below," is a lovely one.
Forest conversations, my beloved
• The Kiners scored the fuck out of this episode!!! So many clever, thoughtful reprises. This is the first reappearance of Crosshair's theme that's played on the synths since he began healing! And then it segues into a soft violin tremolo version that makes me cry, and then it intertwines with "The Sacrifice" from Tech's death, ouchhhh. I have a lot of meta I need to write out about the tracks "The Reunion" and "They Always Work It Out" and how they say so much about Hunter and Crosshair, but I can't believe how well my analysis paid off in the cues in this scene! More on that in another post.
• Gosh, Wrecker's injury scared the shit out of me. But I love him so much and I'm glad he got at least a little moment, even if he didn't really have a story arc here. Or you know, in the entire damn show. And I ultimately liked that the purpose of it wasn't just to freak us out but to give them a plausible disadvantage and to give Crosshair someone to fuss over the whole time and act more recklessly because of it, thus reiterating this key character trait of his.
• I love Crosshair being worried about Wrecker and Hunter and them being worried about Crosshair. That's the squad content I crave and have been missing!! Unfortunate that it specifically has been happening when Omega is out of the picture. Writers, I swear to you, you can do both.
• Can't believe it took another half season for someone to say something about Tech's death, and it was Crosshair, who wasn't even there?? Cool line and sentiment, but man, so frustrating. I like this callback to his conversation with Rampart, though. "Depends on who's giving them" and in this first act he keeps trying to give those orders himself. Thinking of Rex on Umbara: "We're not programmed. You have to learn to make your own decisions."
• God the forest conversations in this ep and the previous one fed me so much. Hunter saying, "And so do those clones" had me literally jumping out of my seat and cheering. Baby boy, it took you so goddamn long, but thank you for finally actually giving a shit before the conclusion of your story. And "It's what I deserve," hnghhh that's the good shit, and it hearkens back perfectly to "I belong in here." And Hunter immediately telling Crosshair hell no made me very happy. And then later Hunter saying "Crosshair—" when he's worried Crosshair is still going to sacrifice himself, but Crosshair reassures him that he'll be right behind them... My heart! What a Crosshunt feast we got in this ep!!!
• Can't believe we also got so many Crosswrecker moments from the get-go and they kept coming! And my three precious little Techwrecker crumbs: the way Crosshair specifically chooses Wrecker to say the cutting remark about Tech to; the way Wrecker bows his head because that was right on target; and Wrecker being the one to watch Tech fall and to scream, "Don't do it, Tech!" in "Plan 99" yet the one to say with such conviction here, "We've always known the risks. And so did Tech." That's just so...finally accepting your beloved is gone ;_; Not really deserved by the text, which kept all but a total of like maybe one total minute of mourning off screen for some fucking reason, but.
Clone X, more like Clone Sexy
• There aren't nearly as many Clone X dudes as I expected?? I guess Crosshair's situation wasn't that rare after all? Or do they just run through them super quickly because Rex's team keeps taking them down?? Regardless, god, THEY ARE ALL SO SEXY. The way they animated their movements was so creepy and hot. And them not speaking was so eerie, I loved it. And then the moment that CX-2 did was so effective and terrifying!!! But remembering that those were clones in there is so, so heartbreaking.
• I really like that Echo really felt like both a clone trooper AND the resistance agent he is now this whole episode, and Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair actually briefly got to feel like commandos. The slick stealth and silent communication was also very sexy.
• MY GOD, I loved these action scenes. They were lit and choreographed so cool, they were super intense and had real consequences and close brushes with death, and the logic of the fight flow was really good, too. A character being incapacitated because they went to try to help an ally is always a wonderful driving force for action and gives it that crucial character-driven element that raises the stakes, and is great for making sure the main characters aren't too OP, and there was a ton of that here.
• Hunter and Wrecker getting shot by laser cannons and Hunter pushing Wrecker away from the blast made me shriek in terror AND THEN CROSSHAIR SHOOTING THE PILOT DEAD ON NO HESITATION NO ANXIETY NO TREMOR BECAUSE HOW DARE YOU HURT MY HUSBAND I'M FUCKING LIVINGGG. And then Wrecker stumbling over to Hunter and lifting the debris like he does in TCW. Boom, three pivotal character-driven action scenes in a row that divulge a key characteristic of each character! Excellently written and directed.
• Also I am SO SO SO HAPPY that we're getting to see this protective Crosshair come out in full force!!! This is the Crosshair who risked his life to try to save Mayday, who shouted hysterically when Hunter fell into the ice and was so desperate to get him out, who worried over Omega on Teth. I also really like this contrast with how he was about Echo—"Echo's on it." He knows Echo will get the job done and be safe and that's despite his former prejudice against regs. He's worried about Hunter and Wrecker and that's despite previously spending time trying to hunt them down. And when he suffers consequences, it's because of him worrying about them, and that's so delicious.
• Finally got to hear Crosshair screaming! And Hunter was already the screamer in this show, but goddamn does he get to scream in this episode. Thank you, directors, for this whump material! My man Steward Lee never lets me down.
• THE WAY THAT WHEN CROSSHAIR IS TRYING TO SAVE WRECKER HE REACHES FOR A DC-17 OMG!!!! I feel so validated! And just like with Mayday, he's incapacitated afterward...
• God the way CX-2 waits to be tossed the vibrosword and then leans down with it while Crosshair is already incapacitated is SO brutal, like this is not a battle injury. It's straight up what Anakin fucking Skywalker does to Count Dooku just before he becomes a Sith Lord, like holy shit, dude. This scene is so cool and I've watched it 10,000 times over the past 24 hours, but also why did he do that lol, is he just supposed to be particularly cruel?? Obsessed with tormenting Crosshair for some reason?? Also, these vibroswords are exactly how I've pictured Ahsoka's being in A Future for Us :D
• At this point I was like, uhhh, the messaging of Crosshair struggling with this psychomatic hand tremor since the first episode of the season and then the symptom literally being taken out of his........hands sure is a Choice, especially coupled with how they've treated Echo (or you know, not). When they showed him still with the symptoms later, I was very relieved, AND THEN HUNTER LITERALLY CURES CROSSHAIR THROUGH THE POWER OF THE LOVE AND FAITH AND TRUST HE HAS FOR HIM IS THERE ANYTHING MORE BEAUTIFUL IN THE WORLD???? But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Echo is the GOAT
• "You were helping us, Dr. Karr?" / "I am." I love this subtle line and how Emerie acknowledges that she wasn't sure of her loyalties before but is certain now. And I love that she says such a clone trooper thing, "You have my word," and then doing the clone shoulder pat, especially in direct contrast to the natborn kids hugging Omega just before.
• "Hey, kids. ...And other kids." is just so fucking 501st, I can't explain it. I'm just so ecstatic that they did Echo such justice in the end, giving a nod to everything about his character, even his dorkass cadet personality. And it wasn't just so he could die, thank god!!!
• Like Echo even got a DARTH VADER homage??? That's his mass-murdering general (affectionate). More on this here!
• Also is there anything more Big Dick Energy in the world than Echo eviscerating Rampart—who either the clones would recognize as a former vice admiral or at least see his captain rank plaque—with what may not be a theme this show really earned but is ABSOLUTELY a theme that Echo deserves and has shouldered for over two seasons...and then just straight up shoving him out of the way so that he can talk to his brothers???? And with his stormtrooper helmet—which is like Echo refusing to dirty his hands (including his new, long-awaited one) by touching Rampart oh my god??? Sexiest man alive.
• So the answer is no, there isn't. Fives is hollering from the afterlife. Half those clones immediately developed a crush on him in that moment. That one clone later placing a blaster in Echo's arms so gently confirmed this for me (remember the symbolism of Echo making the energy crossbow for Omega? He even gives her his borrowed blaster in this scene), but it's so sad that he died because of it, whyyy.
• Also I love the "Clones don't leave our brothers behind" riff on the "We don't leave our own behind" adage. It's very fitting that Hunter would put it that way because he only means his squad (+/-1), whereas Echo would see it as meaning his people.
• And I love how when Rampart first shoves Echo, the clone in front that Echo's been talking to prickles and makes brief eye contact with him, to be like, "Should we take him? I've got your back." I felt that girls (gender neutral) in the bathroom energy so hard.
• The clones helping each other out of their cells made me so emotional. And it's the same way that Hunter and Crosshair do later...
• Echo asking for volunteers, just like Rex did on Umbara..................
• I think this post is breaking and I'm still only two-thirds of the way through my rewatch, oops. And yesterday I stayed up until 8 a.m. after I put it on again after watching it for the first time... I'm so normal about this show. More tomorrow!
• Part 2!
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Draxum needs to apologise to a lot of people for the things he did before his redemption, & he gave Splinter a small apology in the episode in the episode Hidden City’s Most Wanted but there are still two people Draxum needs to apologise to specifically
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Draxum: I’m sorry for, you know, trying to turn you into a weapon, and a bunch of other stuff
Obviously he owes an apology to Leo for throwing him off a roof but there’s another person Draxum really owes an apology to & that’s Cassandra Jones.  
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Draxum: I have accomplished with one assistant what you couldn’t accomplish with an entire clan!
Casey: Assistant? But I thought we... were partners?
The moment Draxum thought he had secured leadership of the Foot he kind of betrayed Casey & tossed her to the side which is actually kind of sad when you think about how Casey spent most of the episode ‘How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will’ looking up to Draxum.
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Casey: I have been doing this all wrong!
Draxum: Indeed, waiting is for fools
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Casey: This must be a trap but if there’s one thing I’ve learned from you is that we get nothing from waiting!
Through the episode Casey is practically looking at Draxum with stars in her eyes & takes the things he says to heart as things that she should be doing & Casey looking up to Draxum throughout the episode isn’t just that Casey decided that Draxum was cool, throughout the episode Draxum uses language that would make Casey believe he viewed them as equals.
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Casey: Lookout support duty? We’re the lookouts for the lookouts?
Draxum: This is beneath us both
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Draxum: If we want to improve our rank we must handle this ourselves 
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Draxum: Trust me, our rank is about to skyrocket
Throughout the episode Draxum uses words like ‘us’, ‘we’ & ‘our’ to make Casey feel like they’re equals, that they’re working together & Draxum must have known how much being treated as an equal must mean to Casey because from the very start of the episode it’s shown that Casey isn’t treated with much respect with the Foot Clan.
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Casey: I can’t believe they promoted Jocelyn over me! I know her parents are big donors but come on!
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Casey: We’re here to get coffee for the entire Foot Clan, and a vegan coconut scone for the boss
Draxum: Draxum is no errand boy
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Casey: To become a full member of the Foot one must show commitment and patience, I have been in training since I was seven!
Even though Casey shows constant loyalty & dedication to the Foot Clan they don’t really treat her with respect, she’s been training since she was seven & considering that JJ Conway said that Casey is supposed to be the same age as April (around 16-17) that means she’s been training with the Foot for most of her life & yet she still has to watch countless others be promoted before her & has been stuck running errands for years.
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Draxum: Would you like to do the honours? 
The Foot have been making Casey run errands for years, making her be the one to get everyone coffee or assigning her as the lookout for the lookouts so when Draxum comes along & lets her be the one to retrieve a piece of the Dark Armour, something important, you can see how much it means to her.
Her eyes are practically shining at someone trusting & respecting her enough, to do a task that actually means something.
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And then Draxum calls her an assistant & shows her that he never thought of them as equals, he was just using her to get what he wanted which is why I think Draxum owes Casey an apology because he made her feel like she had finally found someone who she could trust, finally found someone who trusted her as well & he basically threw it in her face once he didn’t need her anymore.
And when they properly interact again in the episode Battle Nexus New York he’s so mean to her for no reason
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Draxum: Who even likes Foot Recruit?
Casey: Huh?
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Casey: Leap of faith! [Crash]
Draxum: Oh look, a ladder 
Casey & Draxum are the two redeemed villains of the Hamato clan & I need to see some form of resolution between these two because the closest we’ve got to that is Draxum & Casey being next to each other during the final attack against the Shredder
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If Rise ever gets a season 3 Draxum better give Casey an apology for how he betrayed her trust when they were both working together in the Foot Clan
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seaweedrain · 4 months
I wanna go off about Pentious and Cherri because I adore them
I saw a post in the cherrisnake tag explaining how the whole night club scene felt a little OOC, and I totally agreed! Until I thought... Is it? I agree with the person who wrote the post (here is link to post) that Pentious seems like the kind of dude who would be asking for her fathers permission to court her! I've honestly wanted to write fanfics just like this back when the pilot came out, he really does give off those types of vibes!
I feel like the first few gestures of buying her a drink was him being gentlemanly! But again, like the person who wrote that post said, the mans probably got a lil buzzed, lettin the drinks talk as he moved forward with his Rule Of 3 comedy moment! Again, I fully agree haha! However, I do think another side of his personality was showing during this moment!
Sir Pentious has a desire to be accepted by those he admires! He wants the V's to see him, he wants other Overlords to notice him and his work! He will act like them if necessary! He's hip and cool! Or at least he really thinks he is! That club was Cherris scene! He was invited out by her! He had to act like her! Right??? That would impress her, RIGHT?! Asking her to do things with him that didn't seem... like him? She'd like that, right? That's what she does! She brought him there, after all (only because Charlie told her to, but he never thought he'd make it this far!)
After talking with Charlie in those last few episodes (in the background), the girl probably gave him sound advice to be himself as he tried to confess to Cherri. Being like Cherri didn't work with flirting with her (altho I personally, think she thinks he's a cute silly), so he might as well be himself. Someone who isn't trying to fight with her and "enemies/arch rivals". As he fumbles and runs away, it does look like she's a little sad he didn't confess, although I've seen a few argue that she just looked confused. Even after Angel told her she could hit that, in my personal opinion there was a hint of sadness.
In the fun facts, it says Sir Pentious died in the 19th century. I know he's an inventor, but the fact that he wears a generals outfit makes me wonder if that was him just... Being a silly lil guy thinking back to his time where he could have been high up in the ranks for war, or if he actually was! How much has he been through in life? Was he unable to confess his love before dying? I went to the wiki and couldn't find any information, although even if there were, I'm not sure how much I'd trust from wiki or how much of the info might be considered outdated now that the show is actually out!
The idea that he knew he was risking his after life, about to double die, he didn't want regrets about confessing to Cherri, especially after failing to the night before. Whether he had a similar experience in the living life or not, I do adore that Sir Pentious was able to be himself at least somewhat. Cherri was clearly charmed.
I do see him as a character that would try to court her over time, something I could DEF write a slow burn about! But I do love that he was written as someone who WANTED to get these feelings off his chest! Maybe if he could have, then he could have woo'd her like a proper gentleman! Maybe if we had a longer season, we could have seen more of that. His different attempts, trying to act like others thinking that'd impress her. Not fully aware that being himself was actually the answer all along. Yes, being himself was in a 'life' or death situation and it PROBABLY wasn't exactly how he could have wanted it to go down, but he was nonetheless, able to confess. Not pretending to be someone he wasn't. Yes, he agreed he was out of his mind, but he was being crazy for sacrificing himself! There wasn't time to think, he just had to do. There wouldn't be regrets. He was doing this for his friends, for her, in hopes to keep them safe or buy time.
So I do wish he took his time with her. Was able to flirt, court, and awkwardly confess at his own rate (figuring out he didn't have to pretend he was just like her and could do everything she did, fumbling it lmao) I could see how someone could think this was a ship pushed too quickly and out of the blue- maybe if there was more time in the season it wouldn't have seemed that way! I'm biased, I've been shipping them since the pilot! However, with the screen time they did get, I think it was written well!
And who knows?! There are theories he will lose his memory now that he's in Heaven, he will have lost his memory (which would be VERY sad, but I also adore the drama). I've seen posts where Charlie goes up again or Emily reaches out and they find out Pentious is there! I wouldn't be surprised if Emily remembered The Rizz Master who failed to flirt with a girl 3 times in one night at a club. I do fear Sera is going to do something to him, prevent him from doing anything as the news sinners can come to Heaven shouldn't be known or smth idk... But, I like the opportunities for Cherri and Sir Pentious that they may have in the future!
For all Cherri knows, right now Sir Pentious is double dead! The shipping possibilities are endless with him now being in Heaven! I saw a cute post about them writing letters and sending them to each other via Charlie. I could see Pentious writing this long, elegant letter with a reply of "LMAO XD RAWR" and him LOVING IT!
I'd love to know others thoughts, I just wanted to ramble about them.
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mexicangela · 1 year
okay. so. about tedbecca.
this is long and i apologize i just have thoughts. first, the fakeout in the beginning was cruel. BUT i was willing to forgive because tbh it was kinda funny and i’m not convinced that the “morning after” tension between ted and rebecca didn’t make everyone, everyone, think for just a second that they had slept together. y’know, like, if there was never any chemistry there, why the fakeout to get tedbeccas excited/cut them down and antis worried? did the reason for ted, beard, and jane being there really make a ton of sense? no. therefore, it really does feel like it was just something they wrote in to be mean and, like. come on, guys. why be mean? second, their talk in the stands??? you gotta be fucking kidding me. rebecca welton poured her fucking soul out to ted and he didn’t have a thing to say about it other than that “i’ve already made my decision” bullshit? didn’t even offer her a hand or hug of comfort? how out of character was that? he seemed so stoic through the whole episode, like he was stunted. which, maybe has to do with his being sad about leaving but still it threw me off. jesus, talk about “subverting expectations” or whatever. also, the things rebecca was saying? “you go, i go”? the ultimatum of “either we both stay or we both leave” and then her saying they’d both go only to take it back in the end? be so fucking for real right now. the offer to pay him insane amounts of money then telling him there was really no kind of monetary compensation that could represent how much he meant to the club (and her), the proposed solution to bring his child and his child’s mother over to london for him to stay (it is one thing to offer to get henry over, but to extend the offer to michelle is something else)? those aren’t things regular old friends say/do for each other, i’m sorry. listen, i love my friends but that’s a lot to offer anyone. you really have to love someone to be willing to do all that and cry real tears while begging them to stay, to choose you, to choose the home you’ve made for yourself. third, the airport scene gutted me but AGAIN i was kind of at peace with it. it would have at least left it super open ended and allowed the fanbase to imagine what could have happened afterward, y’know. like the whole “rom-com leave-cute” thing was another mean thing to do because where was the rom or the com about that?? why do that? but like i said, i would have been at peace with it because, dear god, the way rebecca was looking at him (again, ted gave us almost nothing but whatever. not even a tear? ugh.). i mean, she was looking at him like she wanted to say “stay. choose me. choose your own happiness.” also i know she’s loaded but WHO BUYS A FIRST CLASS TICKET JUST TO GET PAST SECURITY ONLY TO SAY GOODBYE TO A GOOD PAL? doesn’t make sense to my little pea brain!!! sudeikis, make it make sense (unfortunately for me and everyone around me i still love him)! there really should have been an “i love you” and not even necessarily in a romantic way. these two are supposed to be soulmates, cosmically connected, there’s not supposed to be one without the other and all we got was…”thank you” and a head nod? like, yes, thank you. thank you for showing me warmth and kindness and grace. thank you for reminding me what my strength looks like. thank you for being there for me. yes, yes, yes, thank you! but an “i love you” really would have been wonderful and i’m actually sad they didn’t get to hear it from each other. fourth, the way nameless boat dude came back in like a fucking generic ass early disney prince was just lame. i thought it was lazy. here we have a rebecca who is devastated that this weird, funny, kindhearted american football coach who shoved himself into her life and her heart has just left to go back to kansas and this little dutch girl trips and suddenly rebecca’s found happiness? it’s frustrating. really, it is. like i’m happy rebecca has a shot at happiness and a family, but she just as well could have had it with ted, who is admittedly very similar to this dutch man. i don’t get it. this is where it well and truly lost me. fifth (this one’s a three parter, sorry), where’s ted’s happy ending? because i don’t think it’s a life of volunteering to coach children’s soccer. i know people have been implying/worrying that ted and michelle reconcile but i don’t see that happening. ted, at his core, is still the man michelle left. he’s still overly optimistic (although we didn’t see that in the finale, like what?), he’s still punny, and let’s be real, he’s still a mess. i didn’t see the resolution to his arc. in fact, returning to kansas feels like a regression. he literally ran from kansas. that’s the whole reason he went to richmond in the first place. what changed? why is he going back now? for henry, yes, of course, that’s understandable. and at the same time, within the show we’ve been shown that the bond of a father and child is not always enough to get dad to stay/be a good and decent father (i.e. ted’s father, i.e. james tartt sr., i.e. rebecca’s father). this isn’t, of course, true for ted and henry, but i think it’s a point to make concerning everyone saying things about the child-parent bond being end-all, be-all. for some people, that’s true. for others, it isn’t. it isn’t a jab at anyone or the parent-child relationship in general, it’s just the truth. this is a coin that has two sides, y’know. got off course there but anyway, henry also could have gone to london, which i think might have been the best thing for him anyway, he seemed to have a good time there and he would have had a whole band of new brothers with all the himbos. michelle isn’t a bad mother by any means, but she’s got her own shit to work through if the whole doctor jacob thing was anything to go by. i also don’t think the show did all that great of a job showing us that henry had this super deep connection with his dad, but maybe that was just me lol. regardless, i still understood the bond and its importance and of course ted wanted to be there for his child. that part does make sense. the way it was gone about felt like a disservice though. ted’s expression at the end there doesn’t scream happy. he looked rather sad to me, like something was weighing on him still. and i’m sure there was. i don’t think he’s at peace with himself yet, or happy. maybe he’ll get happy in kansas. i hope he does. but getting to see rebecca’s “happily ever after” and not ted’s hurt my heart. guess i was hoping they would actually subvert the expectations and have him stay in the home he’d made for himself instead of going back to the place where he lost so much. why did he have to give up his found family and the job he loved (and was still actively learning about!! offsides!!) and the best friend he made and the support system he found (which, no matter your age or your progress, you always need a support system) and the community that had come to love him andandand- all ted did was sacrifice to make other people happy and better and this feels like another sacrifice because his mom guilt tripped him by saying something he already fucking knew (sorry i’m not a fan of dottie). i just don’t get it. how is his happy ending going back to the root of all his problems and staying there? just sucks, really, even if it was always the obvious outcome. sixth, i’m just mad all the signs lead to nowhere. the matchboxes, the army man, the bantr fakeout (will never, ever be over this one), the hotel room fakeout where they cut from rebecca to ted in the room and then he opens the door and it’s sassy, the romcommunism, the soulmatism. it wasn’t all for nothing, of course. their friendship is so important and i love it, but this ending felt like a big fuck you to it too because ted was so…distant. it almost felt like he didn’t care that much that he was leaving rebecca and it makes me super upset. all of this is based on the one-time watch from last night but tbh i don’t know if i can handle watching the episode again right now. it really did hurt, especially the way rebecca looked at him at the airport. tbh nothing can convince me she wasn’t at least a little bit in love with him. and, yes, i know. henry is ted’s everything and that’s so admirable and it’s not all about romance, and it’s not. but just let me believe what i want to believe. let me find the joys in the media i consume and if it’s the hope that two attractive, single, middle aged leads could have gotten with each other in the end and figured out how to be happy together, then so be it. i just hate seeing the hate from all sides, honestly, and a lot of people are legitimately really mean about it when this show is all about being kind. ted lasso is a beautiful series and, at the end of the day, it’s just another piece of media that the audience is free to interpret and pick apart however they want to. me, personally? i will continue to live in my delusional little world where ted and rebecca figure out that they belong together/i will pretend the last 10 minutes of the finale didn’t happen. thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
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badassturtles235147 · 3 months
Things I would change in Shredder and Karai's relationship, and Splinter and Karai.
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Shredder and Karai
Ok, I'm going to start with Shredder. Frist, people like me, can obviously see that Shredder was being totally abusive towards Karai, in more ways than one and the thing I would change, I would change how we did not get to explore enough of Karai's childhood.
Am I the only one who, after watching the Lone Rat and Cubs episode, was like, "Huh, I wonder what Karai's childhood was like?"
I mean I get it, the turtles were the main characters, so we got to see their origin but, in my opinion, I think seeing Karai's origin, her childhood, would have helped and made up for all the things we don't know about her!
Like how did she become a kunoichi? How did she meet Shinigami? Did she have any other friends besides Shinigami? And we could have seen more of her and Shredder's relationship but nope! No. Karai doesn't get an origin or even an episode of her very own, no, she gets nothing but LeoRai. Barf!
So, yeah, I would defiantly explore more in Karai's life and her relationships in the Foot, mainly, Shredder and Shinigami. Sad as it would be, I would have liked to see, how neglectful, emotionally, mentally, or even physically abusive Shredder was towards Karai. And I would have loved, to see how she and Shinigami became friends, and get a little bit of Shinigami's story as well.
Another thing I would change, is Shredder's obsession over her. Shredder comes off way too obsessive and creepy, and I know you guys think I am crazy but, he honestly does come off as some sort of predator.
The way he says, "She's mine!" Is the same way, how he said Shen was his. It just feels like Karai was Tang Shen's replacement to him. I mean, honestly, I wouldn't put it below him because I truly believe Shredder is that evil and sick, but...no. No. I would have done it like Thanos and Gamora.
He still would not love her, just act like he did. At first, Shredder took Karai and kept her, because he wanted complete revenge of what Hamato Yuuta did to him and he wanted something to remind him of his victory, also a reminder of the woman he (so-called) loved.
In truth, Shredder hated Karai, and hated being around her. He would never speak to her unless absolutely necessary or when he punishes her. Every time he looks at her, he sees the face of the woman he killed, and she would also remind him of her father almost as much as she reminds him of her mother, which would just fill him with so much hate and disguised.
But then, when he saw Karai's potential, saw how useful and deadly she was, Shredder found a new use for her and so, he trained her as his weapon. A weapon he trusted most to get the job done. After that, Karai was almost always by Shredder's side. He still would see Shen or Yoshi in her, and when that happened, he would lash out, violently but he was slowly, shaping Karai into his perfect image and he hoped that soon, he would rid of all traits of Yoshi.
However, Karai was stubborn as her father was and she was fierce as her mother. No matter what Shredder did, Karai never lost herself completely, never gave him too much control over her. She was his perfect weapon, his favorite daughter, but she was never going to allow him to own her and her choices.
Last thing I would change, is that I would have not let Karai get captured by him so much! I am so sick of the whole, damsel in distress! The only one, I would keep is Vengeance is mine because I do like Karai's mutation and I think it's really cool, and different for her character. (Sucks that we didn't get to explore much of her mutation either)
Splinter and Karai
Ok, first thing I would change, is how these two have no relationship at all! Don't you guys want to get to know each other, make up for lost time?! Splinter, since episode two you have been saying how much you miss your daughter and regret what happened the night she died! Karai, you have been wanting your father's love and attention since we've met you, and you now have a father who is ready to give that to you! Like, what was the point of Splinter having a long-lost daughter if they were never ever going to spend any time together or have at least one episode of them, spending time together, like Splinter does with April!
When Karai comes back, saying she wants to rebuild the Foot and yadda yadda, I would want Splinter to one day check on her and then somehow, have Shinigami convince Karai to let him join on a mission.
They do some bonding, maybe a little bickering, and their father-daughter relationship start to grow from there.
I would have also liked it if Splinter got to tell Karai, how he met his mother and maybe a little background of his childhood.
Another thing I would change, is how after Splinter saved Karai from the brainworm, I wouldn't have let her fall. I mean, this man got a pile of steal metal pipes off of him, sending them flying when Shredder hurt Leatherhead and yet, he could not pull up his own daughter from falling down a drain? Give me a break!
No, I would have let Karai be saved and reunited with her family, and instead of going to Japan to get Shinigami, she stays with her family and calls her friend to come to New York because she will need her help for future battles.
Finally, the last thing I would change, is how Splinter does not help Karai through her trauma when she clearly has a lot. He probably just wants her to make the first step and come to him when she is ready, which I understand but I would have loved it, if Splinter helped guide her, like he always guides his sons in the right direction. Maybe telling her of some of the mistakes he made because when he first warned her of revenge, I swear, it sounded like he was speaking from his own experience with it.
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Thoughts on TBB 3x15
Here we go... one last time
Honestly thought I was going to be late to the episode but I actually work up at 8:01 am today so I am just a couple mins behind everyone else.
Am I prepared? Absolutely not.
Well that's an ominous noise. Always a good way to start 😰
The Kiner soundtrack is popping off as usual
I just need Hemlock to die
Indispensable? I'm not sure about that, mate. A lot of people have realised the Empire don't need them and I'm fairly certain you are on the list of people who can be ditched
Hahahahahaha the way the droid just starts looming behind her is kinda hilarious
Wrecker, bud, be careful...
Look at Omega sneaking around. She's so grown up! 🥲
"Because that's exactly what I'd do" He's such a proud mum
"Clone Force 99 died with Tech`' well there goes my heart. I think this also explains why we haven't really heard the Batch theme since season 2. That theme was for CF 99 and if that doesn't truly exist anymore...
"It's what I deserve" CROSSHAIR DON'T DO THIS TO ME
"Echo's handiwork or Omega's?" "Omega's." I'M DYING
Omega's theme in this soundtrack is just 🤌
Oh great. We have a whole group of Clone Xs to contend with.
I just need all of the Batch together so that we can get the theme. I know I said earlier that we probably never got it because of a lack of Tech but I still stand by the fact that we deserve to hear it one last time.
These CX soldiers almost feel like a parallel to the Batch. One slightly larger, more hand-to-hand combat oriented soldier, one who fights with blades, a sniper, ONE WHO IS VERY TECH SAVVY 👀
Fuuuuuccckkk Echo's seen them down
"Hey, kid. And... other kids." PLEASE 😭
"We'll meet you there" YOU BETTER DO
Echo and Omega teaming up is everything I ever needed ❤️‍🩹
Hemlock needs to die a slow, painful death
Rampart looking sus...
This feels like this isn't going as terribly as it could be and that scares me
Aw ☹️ bye, Nala Se. I never really loved you but it's sad to see you go
You know what I said 2 seconds ago about it not being terrible? I think I spoke too soon...
I'm not liking the position Echo is stuck in rn. That stresses me out 😥
We're not exactly in top form but hey, an attempt is being made
Soooo... I get the feeling CX-2 isn't Tech...
FUCK YES!!! Bye Hemlock 👋
Tarkin is not going to be a happy bunny
Oop we got a Project Stardust mention
I'm crying
Actually sobbing
That shot of them all sat by the tree 😭😭😭
I can't breath
GONKY!!! 🥹
Omega is joining the Rebellion? 🥺
Crosshair, Hunter and Wrecker all got to live to an old age in relative peace I'm in so many tears rn
Okay but if Echo isn't with the others at this point then where is he??? PLEASE TELL ME HE'S STILL AROUND
I'm not okay on any level
Okay, so overall, I'm relatively satisfied with the ending. I also cried about as much as I would have done if they all died so my emotions are still all over the place. Do I think every question we had came to a satisfying conclusion? Not quite. But I think we tied up enough loose ends for me to be content.
And I'm happy they got a somewhat happy ending. Knowing that they get to live a life in relative peace makes me happy, and we know that Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair at least make it another few years. Omega joining the Rebellion also seems apt. As an Echo girly I unfortunately don't feel quite as secure with where we left off. I don't have the same level of closure that I do with the others because we know that around this point in time, he isn't with Rex. But he also isn't with the Batch either. I hope we get to see more of him in future projects because I don't quite feel satisfied with this being the end of his story. He's doing too much for it to stop there.
Also... we were wrong about Tech. The level of delusion we carried throughout this season, my god. 😭 But it means I'm confused by some of their choices. The way they focused on being savvy with technology, the way he moves being similar to Tech, FUCKING DOMICILE??? Like, they have to have known that we would all go that way with our theories so why??? If it wasn't him they why was he written the way he was? I refuse to believe everything we thought was purely out of delusion. Does this mean I have issues with the way Tech's story ended? Yes. But overall I think the show wrapped up fairly well.
I'll try and drop some more thoughts later down the line once I've pulled myself together a bit, but for now I can say that I am content. Completely satisfied? Not really, but definitely content.
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Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 4 thoughts (scattered) and initial reactions (rambling)
Nothing is even proof read and my brain is faster than my fingers so
Also I have very long nails and often click the wrong button
Spoilers below the cut
(Update I rewatched and had more thoughts)
God I was so stressed now I need to rewatch because I know how it goes and I don’t need to be anxious
Batcher kicking crosshair’s seat lmaoooo
Needing to change outfits “isn’t this better?🥰” “No” 😂😂 we officially have ray of sunshine and grumpy black cloud dynamic (my favorite)
Also only being able to see his eyes 🔥🔥🔥 (even if it looks like he’s wearing a toilet seat- seriously what is that thing)
I love that omega’s pony tail has a little bump at the back, thinking about when I was little and trying to put my hair up by myself god it was such a lumpy and bumpy mess. I doubt anyone would have shown her how on tantiss only telling her she needs to keep her hair out of her face. She’s just a little girl who had to take care of herself all those months. Like the kaminoans were bald, the other clones were men. Where would she have even learned how to do a pony? Emrie? (Hunter? 🤭)
“I can take half of them out before they know what’s happening” “how about we try not killing everyone in sight? 🥰🤗” “booooooooo”
I just know Cross is secretly proud of his gambling sister kicking ass and hustling money
The captain gave me such gross vibes I just know he smells bad
Crosshair clicking his tongue at batcher idk it did something to me it was so cute
And then her licking him later like sorry crossy you’re a dog dad now
Speaking of dads: “I’ve never seen you or your dad before” *nick miller screams.* CROSSDAD! CROSSDAD!!! 🥰🥰🥰
I know Dee is the voice of Batcher- do you think he made all the animals sounds? Is he just in a sound booth making animal noises
Ugh sobbing at the reunion 😭😭😭 literally water works
Noooo what is this face off at the end everyone put your eyebrows back up in a relaxed position and unclench those jaws and fists
Does Omega’s glove have a bottle opener on it?
I can’t wait for the reaction to the new puppy 😄
Also guys, omega kept saying we need to contact Hunter and Wrecker (sad she doesn’t say echo :/) so I think Crosshair knows about Tech. Either she told him while she visited him or perhaps Hemlock told him as another form of torture, that his brother fell trying to rescue him (maybe that’s why he look soooo terrible in the hallway on ep 1) I’m sure omega confirmed it also
Also I was expecting the clone cadets to pop out, I know they said they were taking them to pabu but still
Imagine omega does meet them and gets a lil crush on one omg Hunter would lose it lmaoooo
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mazeofyeni · 5 months
(🔴) ... [ NOW PLAYING ] [SKZ CODE] EP.43 - 44 환승 아일랜드 (EXCHANGE ISLAND) !
💞💭: for the sake of the chapteres , who ever she ends up with pretend their partner went with someone else.
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♡... her outfit for the video !
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"hey." she waved to the camera , smiling. "It's been two years since i didn't get pick by anyone." she laughed , remember the christmas office episode. "and it's winter time, and its lonely." she shrugged. "who wants to be alone for christmas and the new year?"
[ she doesn't mean it , she's actually happy to be here ]
"hi." she walked into the cabin , unzipping her jacket. "how old are you?" han immediately asked. "im 22." she responded. "ah pretty." chan praised. "thank you." she smiled.
"sit right here." hyunjin offered her a seat , next to him. "thank you." she sat down , taking her jacket off. "here." chan gave her pillow to cover her stomach.
"how have you all been after leaving the company?" han asked. "i opened up a clothing store." she said. "ah you must know a lot about clothes?" felix asked. "no , her parents opened it up for her , she's rich." seungmin said.
"let her talk." han played along , since he and seungmin were supposed to exs. "neither of you speak." she laughed at their bickering. "it's new so i don't have many people." she continued. "come by and I'll give you a discount, thank you."
she listened to the rest of them answer. "then everyone enjoy your selves." seungmin pointed out the drinks on the table.
chan handed her a drink , taking a sip , watching the couch argue back and forth with seungmin. "anyways , help yourselves." he said once they were done.
"we'll be looking for new partners here today , i've completely forgotten my past pain." she gave him a thumbs up. "good job , you should never get back with and ex." she said.
"never?" felix asked. "never , no."
[ baby tiger is adamant about not rehashing old memories ]
"why are you here?" chan asked her. "because it's sad being alone , it's hard out here." he pouted. "so sad , i know how you feel." "plus i have to do everything myself if i have a partner i wouldn't have to do that."
"then get a maid." seungmin said. "i'd still be lonely , and my bank account isn't set up for that , i am broke."
"so you want someone to do things for you?" felix asked. "yes."
[ EXchange island / mini heart kids room ] [choose an anonymous answer to a question , if you pick each others answer , you're partners ! ]
"we had you all write answers to some questions in advance, should we take a look?"
hyunjin ended up guess her which ended up making them partners m, which everyone was really no shock from by anybody. "of course , he has the guide book of kaia." han made everyone laugh , the boys ears turning red.
she got into the front seat since hyunjin was the one who was driving. changbin and chan in the back seat.
"you've looked out the window whole time." hyunjin said. "why?" she shrugged , he held out his hand. "seriously?"
he nodded , she grabbed a hold of his. "look at her ears turning red." chan squealed , reaching in the front to squish her face. "ah cute!"
"i want to wat tangerines." she playfully gasped at him. "yah hwang hyunjin." he kept his eyes on the road , muttering another what."
"she's allergic to tangerines , if your partner can't eat them , then you shouldn't eat them either." changbin scolded. "would you stop eating tangerines for me?"
he laughed nervously , "i-i really like tangerines."
"they're having trouble already." changbin teased.
[ they're just joking , he can eat as many tangerines as he wants. ]
"i wont eat them around you , so you wont feel bad , okay?" she laughed. "okay!" chan shook his head , "compromise , thats whats it all about."
they finally arrived at the spot, finding all their seats , sitting down facing each other — laughing as soon they made eye contact.
"w-why?" he smiled. "it feels so awkward." she scratched the back of head. "am i too handsome?" he easily flirted back making the girl even more nervous. "mhm." this made his ears red.
"why'd you choose my answer?" she asked. "i wanted to choose you." he said. "ah with me?" he nodded , she laughed. "you're too flirty today." she said. "let's take a walk." he said. "okay , let's go." she stood up , and they started on their walk.
[ kaia: he's normally not flirty , he's normally shy .... i kinda like it when he's shy , i don't really like it when he's flirty *laughs* ]
they walked down the paths , looking at all the flowers and other things , talking and joking about random things , before she stopped. "let's take some pictures."
she stood in front of the flowers , while he took a bunch of photos. "ah , pretty!" he said. "come on , let's take one together." he held out her phone , standing next to him. "1.2.3" he snapped the photo. "great!" he said handing her the phone back. "they came out good." she said.
making their way up to the spot where seungmin and felix were , sitting down next to felix.
[next episode]
she sat down at the table , taking a sip of her drink. "so." he started. "let's break up." she said , his eyes widened. "what?" he said. "let's remain friends, okay?"
"why?" he asked. "do you like someone else?"
"no i don't like anybody else." she tried not to smile. "okay." he said. "let's be friends." he held his hand out , she took it, shaking it. "friends."
"let's go downstairs." she stood up. "okay."
[ like a scene from a kdrama ]
they all met back up downstairs. "did you all enjoy your dates?"
"i felt like that they werent the one." she rolled her eyes. "whats up with you." she laughed watching him put his arm over i.n. "i didn't dislike them , but they didn't feel like the one."
"hyunjin, could you take your arm off of him." jisung said. "it's been 5 minutes she said. "you're not partners yet."
for their next partner, she ended getting paired up with seungmin. "yah kim seungmin." she said. "let's be friends." he said before she could, everyone was shocked. "already , you guys didn't even leave?" they laughed.
[ please don't be mistaken kaia and seungmin and get along just fine ]
"can you even drive?" seungmin sat in the passengers seat. "you can't drive so how would you even know." she got into the drivers seat. "sit back and put your seat belt on."
she pulled out of the parking lot driving off. "you aren't that bad of a driver as i thought."
[ kaia: we don't really click like that , it's just no chemistry ]
she pulled into the parking lot. "is it enough room?" he looked out the window. "yeah i cant get out."
they made their way into the place after meeting up with everyone. she sat down at the table where they had placed the food , everyone digging into the different side dishes.
"how was your drive here?" felix asked her and seungmin. "boring." they both said. "we've declared our friendship but i don't even think we can be friends." her mouth dropped open. "im sorry." He said putting a piece of meat in the bowl. "don't be sad , okay!" she smiled, taking a bit of food.
"is it good?" chan asked her putting another piece of meat on her place, she smiled , nodded , he chuckled. "cute."
"who did you go on a date with." she pointed to hyunjin. "was it fun?" she shrugged. "it was okay, he flirts too much." she said. "i get flustered easily, and he flirted a lot it made me nervous." she said.
"she flirted back." he said. "ah so feelings were reciprocated?" changbin said. "i did , but im naturally like that." she explained. "he isn't like that, so it was a shock." she said. "ah so it was so hard for you to adjust." she nodded. "yes , exactly."
"let's play never have i ever." they all held there hands up. "hold a finger up if someone made your heart flutter." she put her finger down. "put a finger down if you changed your mind during this dinner." she put her finger down. "ah really?" jisung asked. "yeah , my heart was persuaded."
[ kaia: i choose chan , throughout the whole day he was caring for me and it made my heart flutter , i like when people are caring ]
they finally reached the point where they found there final pair , they played a game to decide who would go in order.
it was her turn so she stood up. "Im actually curious , because who could it be?" han said. "if it wasn't hyunjin then who?"
she walked around the table once , before circling back around her elders arm. "me!" he exclaimed. "mhm." he stood up , hugging her. "this is so surprising." he said. "let's go."
he ended up driving , she sat in the passengers seat , putting her seat belt on. "why did you choose me?" he asked. "because you cared for me a lot today." you said. "you fed me, you got my pillow to cover me , i like that." she said. "yeah?" she nodded. "i do."
[ bonus behind the scenes ]
filming one of her confessions. "yah! why are you saying i flirt too much?" hyunjin shouted. "stop interrupting me." she pushed him away. "stop fighting." he hugged her. "hyunjin stop it." she laughed.
sitting in the car with chan. "yah , kaia , did you choose channie hyung because felix was too caught up on changbin." I.n shouted. "Kaia , im sorry." she stuck her head out the window. "i don't want to hear it , that's why channie hyung is better than you!"
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todomemolesta18 · 6 months
I think people are overreacting when stella in circus episode just revealed tormenting stolas just because she want to or she enjoyed it. The episode itself it's bad they try to make stolas is always innocent but that's just come off make him more annoying than it has to be. The scene he supposedly stand up just seem he whining marry to stella and blame all that problem on her
Stella character is never treated with respect not from the show and not from the fandom. If the fandom actually can give much more proper backstory for stella why she end up being abuser do i have to explain in more further of how she wasn't even a character at all from the show. Also why is people react differently when loona being abusive they don't said anything but when stella did you talk how she is irredemable
I missed the days when the show felt complex and mature by having Stolas doing a big mistake by cheating on Stella and hurting Octavia... *sigh*
When I watched The Circus ep when it came out, my reaction was "whatever". I didnt care about Stolas and the abuse he had because Stella was so freakin cartoonisly evil. Another thing that bothers me is people acting like Stella screaming at Stolas because he cheated on her in their own bed it was a sign that she is abusive.
Bro... Even before we knew about her abuse... Like, I still tough it was a normal reaction! Stolas cheated on her on their OWN BED! And then after he has no shame!
Also, the double standard, yes. When Stella does it, she is a bitch, but when is Loona "aw, she had a sad backstory and has trauma QwQ" oh, so, if Stella had a sad uwu backstory too then you would excuse her abuse too?
I wanna clarify something here. Right now. Im not a fan of Stella. She is unidimensional, and an evil person because. The depth she could have was taken so Stolas was excused from his actions. Is not right what she is doing, but at the same time, is freakin hard to care for Stolas when the whole situation is so cartonish.
LOOK, if they wanted her to make an abusive wife, PERFECT. I do think is important to show that woman can be abusive too! But first:
-The show didnt hint at all. Her screaming and being angry doesnt mean she is abusive. In that moment it made sense that she was, I would be too. Hiring and assasing isnt abusive eather, or is a clue that she is. Ms Macberry did it in the first ep FOR THE SAME REASONS and fans LOVE HER. Stolas did the same thing, but they defend him because the show wobified him. Neglecting dad? Arranged marriage? Abusive wife? The man he loves doesnt love him back? He has depresion? Oh god...
-As I said, they did it so Stolas was completely innocent. Thats why lines like "i would be sorry if i hurt you, but we both know I didnt do that" or "cheating implies there was a betrayal; this woman never gave two shits about me" makes me so freakin annoyed. Because is where is more obvious why they did the abusive stuff. Not to add complexity or to send a message, no, just to excuse Stolas.
Aha, sure she didnt care; thats why she was angry and screaming at you, and trowing stuff, and calling you a cheater, and also hired an assasing because you cheated; NOOOO SHE DIDNT CARE, OFC NOT.
-Stella is a caricature of an abusive person.
In a different show, in a more mature one, like Bojack horseman or Tear along the dotted line, they would accept that the character is flawed. But here, is so... extreme. In the sense that Stolas has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG.
And the Stolitz stuff? I will talk about that in my next post.
Sorry if this was long, thanks for the ask, anon.
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juleshollow · 1 year
Reese/Dr. Kelly decision
(Episode 4 Spoilers)
This one is pretty straight-forward for me, but the choice I feel is "right" still leaves a guilty, sad aftertaste.
I give Dr. Kelly the tranquilizers.
I see it like this: when Reese starts to transform and Wayne arrives, you find yourself in the middle of a crazy dangerous situation that keeps getting worse. Unless you are Hot, you're powerless to stop it from escalating.
I was presented two bad options: help Dr. Kelly imprison her son again or let Reese murder his mother. I felt helpless because I didn't want any of those outcomes, so how could I make the most out of a situation that was so out of my control? By thinking ahead and picking the alternative that didn't have irreversible consequences.
I want Reese to be free AND happy. There are some things you can't go back from, and killing and eating your mom is one of them (seriously, he didn't need to devour her). No matter how awful Dr. Kelly's parenting was, that's something irredeemable that would clearly hurt Reese as well. Do you think Kaneeka and Stella would treat Reese as if nothing happened? Or that Reese wouldn't carry the guilt with him for the rest of his life? Would he internalize that murder is an acceptable solution to his problems, and weaponize his power again in the future? Reese transforms into something supernatural, but what he does with that power is what can make him a monster.
This turning moment makes me think of how all of Reese's story is about choice. Joan knew her son was different and she tells us that she had no choice but to keep him restrained for everyone's safety. But of course she had a choice. She couldn't know that he would harm anyone, she just feared it. It's the suffering that she inflicts to her son that makes Reese despise her in the end. I love that the game actually gives you the chance to call her out on that ("don't you think it's a self-fulfilling prophecy?").
She absolutely could have done things differently. She could have been honest with Reese about his nature (and how little they knew about it) and educate him to accept and control it. It's her fault that she didn't even consider it. Can you imagine having a super strong gym bro son and making him sick because "he could hurt someone with his powerful build"? That's basically what she does. She imprisons her son on the grounds of possibility, for a crime he hasn't committed and might never commit. She never trusted Reese, never gave him a chance. If she did, Reese could have been a fully functional Jersey Devil (or whatever kind of goblin he is) that used his powers for harmless purposes.
But Dr. Kelly's fear makes her narrow-minded when it comes to Reese. And in Episode 4 she tries to make us buy into her black&white philosophy - she frames the crisis as a situation with only two possible outcomes: either she tranquilizes Reese and locks him up, keeping everyone safe, or Reese kills her and rampages free to terrorize the town. NICE DICHOTOMY IDIOT, WHAT LIES OUTSIDE IT??
As I said, I want a different outcome and I won't let Dr. Kelly trick me into thinking that's impossible. So, despite being powerless to get my way in that moment, I focus on what I can do after. I cannot bring Dr. Kelly back from the dead. I can absolutely break out Reese later, and that's what I intend to do.
Reese transforms and becomes a bit insane PROBABLY because of the influence of the carving (so a bit my fault 😬 sorry I brought unearthly despair to your household, I'm a Scarlet). I hope that it will pass and I'll be able to reason with him when he calms down. I wasn't hot enough to appease you before, pal, I'll give it another try after your nap!
So my intention is to free Reese and maintain his innocence. Let's disrupt the self-fulfilling prophecy before it self-fulfills! There is a better way to do things and it's about time the Kellys hear about it.
I'm determined to do that, but it still feels awful to know that Reese thinks I betrayed him. I barely said a word to Dr. Kelly when she walked me out of the house, because she acted like we were sort of on the same page while all I could think was "you're still wrong and I'm going to get your son out of here as soon as I can, I just didn't want him to gobble you up".
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bubblegumfrosting · 2 years
Not Alone
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Type: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Y/n has dealt with self harm for awhile and feels like no one would understand. Her secret is exposed when she takes off her jacket in the upside down, luckily only Eddie saw and makes sure she is okay.
Warnings: Injury, blood, mental illness, self harm (does not go into details only mentions), drugs
A/n: I wanted to make this as a way to encourage others to seek help. Unlike a lot of other fics, this is not romanticizing self injury. This is a realistic take on how it feels to deal with self harm and how it’s important to seek help from professionals. If you are struggling with mental illness I urge you to seek help, you are never alone<33
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You weren’t thinking, I mean you were but all you could think about was Steve in front of you bleeding out. You handed him your jacket and Nancy tied it against the open wound on his side. You’ve struggled with self harm for awhile now and were only seen with long sleeves, it was the only thing keeping people from seeing the freak you are. I mean who hurts themselves? Psychopaths?
Everyone was too caught up in escaping the hell the five of you were trapped in to notice the various cuts littered on your wrist. At least that’s what you thought, Eddie has been suspicious of why you always wore long sleeves for awhile now. He assumed you were always cold but when he saw you nearly faint from heat exhaustion at gym class he knew it wasn’t a temperature thing.
The minute you took off your jacket his eyes immediately went to your wrists, when he noticed the cuts he felt his heart drop. Eddie knew what it was like to go through depression, before he saw the school counselor every week he self medicated with drugs and alcohol. No one talked about mental health, I mean it’s the 80’s for christ sake. You believed if you told anyone about what you did to yourself you’d be sent to the looney bin for sure.
After all the chaos and Nancy being put under Vecna’s spell, everyone sat around her as she explained what happened. You were seated on a couch in between Erica and Eddie. You were listening attentively to what she said but Eddie couldn’t help but noticed how you hid your wrists uncomfortably.
Everyone was too distracted by Nancy’s words to noticed how Eddie took off his leather jacket to drape it over your shoulders. You looked at him surprised and cursed yourself for not hiding your secret better.
“It’s okay.”, he mouthed silently and placed his hand on your knee. You blushed at the action and returned back to the conversation.
After the heavy discussion everyone dispersed and started brainstorming a plan for what to do next. You were comforting Nancy when Eddie walked up to you and tapped your shoulder gently. You turned to face him, you knew what was coming next.
“Hey, Y/n, could I…um talk to you outside?”, he asked awkwardly and you nodded.
“I’ll be right back Nance.”, you gave her arm a squeeze.
You followed Eddie outside and stood in front of him quietly, you started to speak but he spoke at the same time. Another episode of awkward silence followed.
“Thank you, for giving me your jacket.”, you looked down and kicked a rock.
“No need to thank me, I noticed you seemed uncomfortable.”, Eddie stepped closer to you and spoke, “Um can I ask something?”, you brought your teary eyes to meet his and nodded.
“Why do you do it?”, he asked softly almost a whisper.
Your heart ached at the question, “I-“, you paused and wiped the tears that were falling down your face despite your protests.
“Hey hey, come here.”, Eddie brought you to his chest and gently brushed your hair between his fingers, “I’ve got you, everything is okay, I promise.”. You started to sob into his shirt leaving wet tears on the material.
“I can’t control it anymore, it’s gotten out of control. Whenever I’m sad or angry I just need a release and-“, you pulled back but Eddie kept his arms at your sides, “I want to stop but I don’t know how.”.
“I’m here now. Okay? I’ll help you.”, he brushed a sweaty piece of hair out of your face and brushed tears away with his thumb.
“I see the counselor every week, I could go with you if you want?”, he looked at you basically pleading for you to say yes. Eddie knew that he can comfort you and be there when you need to vent but he also knew it’s important to seek a professional in these scenarios.
“Won’t she think I’m crazy?”, he let out a small laugh.
“Of course not sweet heart.”, you blushed at the name he called you, “You aren’t alone, so many people go through this type of stuff.”
“Really?”, you were surprised, you thought you were alone. Hearing that other people understood your situation made you feel better, “Okay..I’ll go.”, you sniffed.
“Good, I’m so proud of you.”, he said smiling.
“But..I’ll only go if you come with.”, you said while fidgeting with your fingers. Eddie brought his hands to yours and your nerves calmed down.
“I’ll be there.”, he replied.
You both started to speak and laughed noticing, “We aren’t that good at this are we?”, you laughed. Eddie dropped your hands and pulled his jacket over your body more.
“Might I say Y/l, you look dashing in leather.”, he kept his grip on the collar bringing you closer. Eddie knew he made you flustered and he enjoyed it. Your eyes slowly looked down at his lips, he had a smug look on his face but his gaze was gentle understanding how vulnerable you were. Eddie didn’t want to make the first move, he wanted you to feel as comfortable as possible.
“Do you want to kiss me?”, he asked softly. You look back up at his brown eyes and nodded dumbly. He chuckled and held your face in his hands as he placed a gentle kiss on your lips. He pulled back and looked at you, “You’re never alone Y/n, I’ll never let you feel that way again.”.
“Thank you.”, you said and he kissed the top of your head.
“What in hell did I miss?”, you turned to see Dustin gawking at the sight of Eddie and you, “You know what? I don’t care, as long as you don’t give her extra lives in campaigns!”, he said pointing and entered the RV, you knew he was going to tell everyone but you didn’t care.
Eddie and you laughed hysterically, he suddenly brought you into a hug and lifted you off the ground than spun in circles. When he set you down you both stood breathlessly.
,“Have you ever listened to Black Sabbath?”, he asked quizzing you.
“Thought you’d never ask.”.
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unnursvanablog · 5 months
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I certainly didn't think my first kdrama of 2024 would be Marry My Husband - it wasn't even on my to watch list but the hype on the kdrama side of tiktok and tumblr. And I needed some romcom pick me up in the darkness that succumbs me in January with the romcom queen Park Min Young.
I saw that Park Min Young was doing another office romcom and I wanted to check it out but then I saw that she was dying of cancer and I thought to avoid it because I truly don't enjoy that in my kdramas. But as I said I kept hearing good things and I was feeling a bit down and wanted a cute romcom to cheer me up and here we are.
I do think it's going a little overboard on the clumsy trope, and I was going to comment on some of the other kdrama romcom tropes such as the bitchy second female lead and the lost first love and how it's somehow the male lead but then as the drama went on it came clear that there seems to be something else there and I hope that things will continue to develop in interesting ways and we get a slightly more depth to both him essentially being a gift from her dead dad and the second female lead getting some depth and interesting character arc because at the moment she is very much just the worst.
The story moves quite fast or it flows really well. It's lingering on the scenes that it needs to stop at to introduce some emotions to the story but it's not painfully slow. I hardly noticed how the times moves while watching the first four episodes. And it sure does have a nice hook to it with her trying to change her fate and her trying to get her shitty bff and her shitty husband to get married instead.
I adore a lot of the side characters already and the blossoming friendships that seem to be forming at the office. I do think that's very much needed for this type of story. It can give us a bit of a break from the main plot if it starts to lag or become a bit too repetitive or something in the second half.
I do love how much this story is just focused on Park Min Young's character and we have hardly gotten to the backstory or such about the male lead yet unless he interacts with her. And I hope the drama stays that way and doesn't sideline her towards the end.
Park Min-hwan is such a shitty character and it's a bit odd to see Lee Yi Kyung play him after seeing him in his loveable comedy roles but damn he is doing a good job here (and he is a much talented and interesting actors than the male lead imho) but I do find that character to be very amusing at times and interesting. I am never rooting for him, but I am often intrigued while he is on screen if that's the right way to put it.
One can't go wrong with Park Min Young in an office romcom (even if I gave up on her last two office romcoms but 🤷🏻). I do miss her fuller cheeks, it's sad to see how much weights she has lost, but she is such a warm charm to her and she has excellent chemistry with her co-stars. Overally the cast is quite adorable and seem to mesh well together and make the characters interesting or very likeable. All except the main male lead actually.
Na In-woo has never really impressed me in any of his roles. He is just sort of there being tall and handsome and not much else. And I get that his character is suppose to be a bit stiff and wear oversized cloths that don't really fit him. But he is just sort of blank for me here. He is just kinda okay. I don't find him that charming ether, which stiff actors such as Cha Eun Woo can often be. Which is a shame, but maybe he will prove me wrong as the drama goes on, but to me he is the weakest of the cast and the weakest link in the drama. Thankfully the drama is so focused on Park Min Young's character and not as much on him, because I found most of his solo scenes ether just a bit boring or almost… stalkerish.
I get that he is sort of there to help Kang Jiwo and all that, but does he really need to hover so much around her? I wasn't sure what his deal was until we saw that heart on his chest that he dad drew. But I still need the drama to do a bit more with that to really make me start liking him. Because it's odd to have a romcom where the romance is the least interesting part of it (to me).
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filmfactors · 10 months
opinion on hunter from toh
WARNING: I probably won't get all my thoughts across perfectly. Sorry it's honestly taken me awhile to get back to this anon, I did have thought's but couldn't quite catch myself in the mood to write em! Now let's get started:
Hunter is, by all means, a character I personally should've liked. I did at one point! The Golden Guard easily had my attention, he was sassy and I love my masked characters. It's what they started doing with him that made me less of a fan over time, that and I have a personal grievance with the fandom. Being the rare Belos fan I couldn't go into his tag without seeing it mostly about Hunter all the time.
Obviously I'll state I do not dislike Hunter for having a redemption, rather, it's how Owl House redeems characters that make's him as fascinating as plain white bread. What is this method?
Redemption = Lack of bite, a total lack of genuine flaws... and a reason why their actions can be blamed on someone else.
Let's bring in Amity as another example: Upon her introduction we see her bullying Willow, alone. When Understanding Willow comes around, we see that it's claimed it was her parents, and even later, just her moms fault. Inner Willow says 'you let your friends pick on her for years' but we don't acknowledge Amity did the exact same for no good reason.
Once Amity is redeemed, do we see the attitude? Do we see her hesitations with Willow? Do we even see her trying to make it up to Willow? I am not counting Labyrinth Runners for this because sure we got some closure but it doesn't fix the base issue. Any sort of Amity's actually negative flaws are erased once she is Luz's cool girlfriend.
It happens to Lilith, with her complexes, she never again expresses negative feelings that aren't easy and palpable. She's never superior or with attitude, and she only cursed her sister thinking it'd only be a day. That's a whole other can of worms though.
Point being, Hunter is the exact same. We can blame all his negative attributes on Belos, and once he's good he can no longer have any of those. He's not sassy, or fun, and admittedly is just kind of an angst machine.
I often feel the point of redemption is that it is nice to see someone who did bad things, get help or help themselves. The belief even bad people can change, because in the end they are still human. It's not fun when all your redeemed characters are simply 'misunderstood.' When you can push the blame off of them and instead place it on someone else. Owl House's message is that people are complex, but fails to deliver on this.
An easy comparison to make is Hunter is Zuko, but he's absolutely no Zuko. They both follow a similar principle, it was a family member that led them down the path of ruin. Yet Avatar understood that at some point down the line, your actions are your own. Zuko is conflicted, and hurting but he still does actions that hurt others. He has to apologize, make up for it, etc.
Now I'll say Zuko's redemption is not and has never been the end all be all for redemption. I have a whole slew of thoughts on the matter, point being is that Hunter was this type of redemption. It fails to be anything much other than making Hunter the resident sad but bad boy, and the shows punching bag.
At some point all of his angst was just egregious punching down, as in by Thanks to Them. Flapjack, the possession... it didn't need to happen. In fact it hardly effected anything at all! It just gave Hunter more trauma and powers, but what did it do for the story? Hunter is barely in the finale. I guess let's watch some Boscha and Kikimora hijinks instead?
Moving on from the general issue of Owl House's writing, what else can be said about Hunter? Well he is a screen time leech. Consider, an episode like Labyrinth Runners. Technically a Gus episode, but he once again takes a backseat for other characters. Just like his one other episode! Hunter for some reason knows Willow better than him as well, just for some shipping fuel.
All that to say I don't hate the concept of this episode, I really enjoyed the Gus and Hunter interactions! I find their friendship to probably be Hunter's most compelling relationship outside of Luz. It's only a problem for the fact Gus' whole character is tossed aside by the writers.
He sees Belos' memories, his traumas, etc- what does this lead to? Making Hunter feel better. Gus never actually gets to do anything despite all the set up of his illusion powers, his episodes are overtaken by someone else or a ship. I'll admit this is not just a Hunter problem, but it contributes a lot.
All in all once Hunter was introduced, it left Willow and Gus further on the back burner. No matter what you say, there is an obvious lack of use of these two. Speaking of them, or more specifically Willow:
I'm actually okay with the concept of huntlow! I do not think it's nearly as bad as people in the critical tag claim it to be. It was rushed and not well written, but I felt the writers were on the right track for the idea. However, there have been some pretty bad faith readings of the pairing. Mostly for folks claiming that she 'didn't start liking him until he had powers' which is blatantly untrue.
Willow may not blush at Hunter, the tell tale sign someone in Owl House has a crush. Yet I feel you can pick up on the fact she has an interest in him in Thanks to Them, notably a pre-Hunter powers episode. I won't claim it's extremely compelling, but it's simple and it's cute it just results in some messy things for the sake of ship fuel.
My biggest complaint is that yet again, Hunter steals Gus' role of being a good friend to Willow in For the Future.
I feel there is much more I could say on Hunter, and his character, but I'm bad at writing all my thoughts without specific questions to remind me...
Overall just take it as I dislike Hunter, while also thinking he's one of the better characters of the series. He's got all the right ingredients to make a good cake, but the writers kept adding too much vanilla extract.
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
Someone posted the stream highlights on this thread.
I’m just going to only go through the one’s that were the most important to me or the ones I felt like talking about.
>“Viv was responsible for the dildo scene, Adam (the episode writer) had no knowledge of the scene”
Well that just makes me feel a whole lot better. (Sarcasm) Adam is still a shitty writer but to learn that this was VIV’s idea is….wow, I mean it makes sense, girl loves her mlm fetishization and is way too horny a writer for my liking.
>“S2E2 and E3 were hectic to make since they started being made at the same time as Hazbin Hotel started production, resulting in split teams”
Ah, and it shows, THAT’S why the animation in those episodes are so choppy and awkward and the quality drops constantly.
>“goofy Millie music scene coming up very soon”
I’d say I hope this has something to do with her character or something that will possibly expand on her personality but I doubt it. It’s probably some wacky country song or maybe another love song between her and Moxxie.
>“Viv consideres Stolas, as a character, is full of pain and emotion. Difficult to write. Very positive character (kind natured but very flawed) but is dealing with a lot.”
Of course Viv. He’s SO flawed and complex. That’s why his daughter is at fault for not seeing the fact that he’s miserable or appreciating his care for her. That’s why Blitz is at fault for breaking his poor uwu heart. That’s why Stella is at fault because she’s an evil bitch right?? Yeah, we can tell he’s filled with drama Viv, but I’m surprised he’s difficult to write for you since your viewpoint on him is so black and white. You call him complex and flawed but you never treat him that way. You just like to milk his sadness constantly and baby him to prove that he’s an innocent Uwu bean who’s done nothing wrong and only the characters AROUND him are at fault. Your words in livestreams about him are such bs.
>>“Viv states that eventually Stolas will become more involved in how he relates towards the other members of the core cast (Moxxie, Millie)”
Judging by the leaks I do expect Stolas to go live with IMP at one point since Octavia and/or Andrealphus and Stella kick him out, and maybe I’m speaking too early but….lmao Stolas and Moxxie and Millie have nothing in common. I’m not even interested in whatever they’re going to pull for this because their whole dynamic is that Stolas never gave a shit about Moxxie and Millie, seeing them as lower life forms and constantly disregarding them because he only cared about Blitz. See what happens when you have a powerful prejudice character and then retcon him into an Uwu baby? It gets weird. Don’t worry, I’m sure Viv will retcon the fact that Stolas was prejudice towards imps and act like it never happened too! Also I’m sure he’ll relate to Moxxie more, cause…ya know, Millie has no fucking character. That’s all we need tho, Stolas butting in to the MAIN cast and overshadowing the characters and dynamics that are barley developed. It’s going to be a disaster.
“>As noted above, Millie, Octavia, Stolas and Fizz have bits of personal experiences written into them”
I always knew that Viv poured her “personal experiences” into some characters and was a self insert writer at times, but lmao you’d think Millie and Octavia would be written with more respect if that was the case for them, but Viv doesn’t give a shit about them. Again, Millie has no character so I don’t know how that could relate to something of Viv. Stolas and Fizz tho? I could definitely believe lol.
>“viv adores crossovers, she hopes in the future she can have crossovers between HH and HB”
What??? I could have sworn Viv said that she wouldn’t do a crossover with HH and HB. Kinda thought the whole point was that Helluva was the indie one where Viv could make her own stuff and Hazbin was the actual big show. I dunno, I like crossovers too but I don’t think this one would fit.
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I felt like screenshotting the last part I wanted to talk about because it’s basically all of this.
1. This is PART of the reason why Viv’s world is so messy. Everything feels so scrambled because she wants to shove in a bunch of mythologies and texts and everything into one and that just makes your world less consistent and more confusing.
2. I don’t even know why Viv says these things because she never focuses on them anyway. Again, her hell is just an underwhelming city and there’s never a deep dive into the mythologies in the first place, aside from background shit or a name drop. Still, this is starting to become Zoophobia where she has too many ideas and is too ambitious and wants to dump a lot of things into one. It’s funny, I saw part of this livestream, and she willingly can openly admit that the comic was a mess and she poured too many ideas into it, but she just……does the same for Hazbin and doesn’t realize it—-
Okay I’m done. I will post a clip or talk about some of the stuff said in the OTHER livestream (the one that was a mess) but for now here are my thoughts. Honestly tho EVERYTHING Viv says in a livestream is a mess. None of the insight or attitude she displays there never comes into the show or even real life with her criticism shit fits and all. It’s all a joke ugh.
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
Dabi's dance
I'm losing my mind. The episode was SO GOOD. Have some scattered thoughts and reactions (spoiler-heavy stuff under the cut):
I had full faith that Shimono would do a stellar job with his voice acting but his performance went above and beyond my expectations. He gave me literal chills. The range of emotions he managed to fit into Dabi's lines? *chef kiss* The way he kept jumping between maddened elation and sadness, between righteous despair and chilling fury?? Stunning. Spectacular.
I think my favourite part was when he said "Why didn't you notice I was your son?" and managed to inject that simple line with contempt, hurt and disappointment at the same time. Incredible
Second best part was when Dabi went from yelling "You don't know anything, so let me break it to you" with seething rage and frustration to the chilling way he uttered the line right after, "You can never get away from your past". HHHHHHHHHH I think I lost my mind there. It was SO GOOD. The shift from frenzied anger to that ice-cold voice, coupled with the punch of that line gives you whiplash in the best possible way, and perfectly encapsulates the range of Dabi's emotions there. He's spiralling, yes, but he's not spouting nonsense because he's "crazy". He's furious because Enji thought he could move on without him, move on from Touya.
The close-up to his despairing pose when he says "I wanted to make you happy," a hand clutching his head and gripping his hair like when he was a kid, and his voice going all soft and kinda self-deprecatory... CHILLS
On a completely different note, the special hair dye remover changing Dabi's hair color like a magical girl transformation made me laugh. On behalf of the moon, he will punish you and send you into a flaming hell
THE DANCING. Okay, this one was a surprise. I went into the ep with 0 expectations for the actual dancing bit, having no idea how they would animate it and fearing a shitty adaptation, but I really liked what they did. His moves are exactly as awkward and frenzied as I expected them to be when I read the manga, but I feel like the anime better conveys Dabi's mental state through the whole thing (as it's supposed to, being a fluid visual media that conveys movement better than any stills ever could). Overall, his "dance" gave me the feeling of a puppet that got its strings abruptly cut off and moved like a broken toy. It wasn't a victory dance and it wasn't supposed to. The anime made it clear it was just Dabi working through his adrenaline. The first moves, the clapping, the arms moving wildly around with no clear pattern, the broad sweeping gestures, the way he seemingly doesn't know what to do with his limbs... it was the perfect depiction of Dabi letting out the energy building up under his skin, the same energy that draws on his emotions. He was drunk on a cocktail of conflicting feelings and his "dance" was a great visual way of showing that
Baby Touya was so small and precious TT_TT I felt my heart breaking for him all over again, and all the little glimpses we got crushed my soul. The card in the ending was a special low blow
Infant Touya struggling to stand on his tiny toddler feet *bawls*
Fuyumi and the flower... cries... now if only all of Bones' additions were good content like this...
Natsuo watching the broadcast on his phone... idk why but that scene punched me in the chest harder than it did when I read the manga. I'm gonna go cry
Fuyumi having colleagues right there with her as she watched too... another addition but I liked the detail of the guy looking worriedly at her instead of the screen
I'm not super thrilled that they added the still of Dabi looking like this:
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at this point of the story, because the original panel comes from much later, and it's supposed to depict Dabi from Enji's distorted POV, the way he pictures him in his memories. But I'm so happy about the whole ep that I'm gonna let this slide. Dabi should look a bit unhinged. It's his best flavor after all
Man, Endvr's fanboy is just as annoying as I remembered. "His lies won't shake our faith in our hero" WELL MAYBE THEY SHOULD. MAYBE PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE EXACTLY THE KIND OF PEOPLE DABI'S CALLING OUT. Wouldn't that be crazy
Ha! they didn't show Hawks slicing Twice's back open, lol. Just a still. But hey, they had to keep it pg I guess. Let it not be said that Dabi doesn't think of the children /j
Kaji (Shouto's VA) also did an incredible job. The sheer panic in Shouto's voice when Dabi was plummeting towards them gave me chills. My boy was SCARED and CONFUSED and barely keeping his shit together himself and my heart broke for him. Now I'm really looking forward to his performance (and Shimono's) in the next ep, knowing what's coming
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lola-andheruniverse · 2 years
A rant about TWD S11 and the amount of screen time for different characters
This is a BIG rant, so I'm putting a break here to not annoy anyone who don't want to read it. If you want to read it, there's lots of love for TWD characters and hate for AMC right bellow.
Okay, so I'm seeing a lot of hate to the amount of screen time Eugene/Josh McDermitt had this season. And I would like to point out how this makes me both sad and angry - and how it begins with Eugene but it's not about him.
So, Eugene deserves to be developed as any other character on the show. He's part of TF/main cast. McDermitt's on the show since S5! That's seven years of commitment! And McDermitt always gave us an incredible performance - so much that he had to quit SM on 2018 because he suffered so much online abuse from the fandom who disliked Eugene's arc with the Saviors. He could have left the show altogether but he stayed because he has love for his character and TWD.
But, as said, this is not just about Eugene - it's much deeper than that, I think. It involves all the main characters arcs on S11.
Other talented and marvelous actor who decided to stay with us until the end, dedicated years of his life to TWD and also got his share of online abuse? Seth Gilliam/Father Gabriel. Gabriel's arc was pretty chopped on S11. Remember all of his struggles with his faith on 11 A? It got mostly resolved off screen. And don't even get me started with his relationship with Rosita.
What about Christian Serratos/Rosita and Ross Marquand/Aaron? Fan favorites since their first appearances on S4 and S5. Legitimate TF members and two others main characters left to dry on S11! We've barely saw them!
Aaron's arc begun with him struggling to keep ASZ running, then they got him randomly involved with another weird cult-like group that ended up being Negan's new group because oh yeah he used to work on something like that before the world ended lets use that so GA can see we didn't forget this info about him whatever and now he is stranded in a horde with chances of being killed by a smart walker just, you know, because.
Rosita was supposed to be part of the CW rebel group and fight corruption inside the police force but we never saw that happening! And don't even get me started with her relationship with Gabriel. Yep, I'm repeating the phrase because COME ON!
Ok, GA didn't like their romantic relationship, but at least let us see they properly ending it and being a good example of respectful exes who are still friends and co-parents. TWD IS ABOUT FOUND FAMILY DINAMICS! GIVE US THE DAMN FOUND FAMILY DINAMICS! Oh, with this I also wnat to highlight that we should have seen more Aaron + Gracie and not those what three scenes they gave us in 24 fucking episodes.
My point is: Father Gabriel, Rosita and Aaron deserved to be featured as much as Eugene was this past season. Especially because none of them have spin-offs on the future. These actors had to say goodbye to their characters with only a handful of scenes. Characters they cherish and love, characters they brought to life for years!Seth, Christian and Ross stuck with them (and TWD fandom, a very difficult fandom, by the way) even when they were gifted shit arcs and/or minimum screen time. Most of them got screwed over by the storytelling season after season. McDermitt/Eugene got a few chances to shine on S11 and we are complaining??? We should be complaining about how Gabriel, Aaron and Rosita didn't had the same chances! Not hating on Eugene! They all deserved to be upfront this last season and have really meaningful and deep arcs to reflect their years and journeys. But nope. Sidelined, all of them, Eugene being the exception but mostly on 11C.
Lets now talk about the main MAIN characters of the show, shall we?
Lauren Cohan/Maggie and JDM/Negan got stuck together on a never ending fight for dominance that is STILL not resolved (and bordered on sexual tension. Why? Just..why??)! What's the point of having so much time wasted/dedicated on such angsty and tiring relationship?
I'm sure Lauren would have preferred to explore Maggie's relationship with her son and her found family and to fight to rebuild The Hilltop or face the consequences of being a leader who abandoned their people and came back to find almost all of them dead. We could have seen the motherly love, the undying grief for Hershel/Beth/Glenn, the struggle to reconnect with TF and The Hilltop folk, the urgency to prove herself worthy of the title of leader again. It would be interesting and play with Maggie's layers.
I don't know what JDM would've liked for his character but he must also be tired of Negan's never ending redemption arc. And I have nothing against Annie and the baby thing besides the fact that looks unrealistic as fuck after we saw him begging to Maggie to murder him so he could be with his dead wife on S9 + "Here's Negan" especial episode. Yeah, okay, he burned Lucille twice - wife and bat - on said episode so he got closure. I get that. A new wife and baby on the way off screen? Not so much. Joining a weird group with a rough leader that looks like a cult? Even less. By the way, you guys remember those people? Did they even got a name?
And then, obviously, Caryl. I don't have the energy to discuss anymore how incredibly wrong Caryl were handled this entire season. No energy. Just tired. All the missing opportunities. All the time spent apart. All the incredibly necessary heart-to-heart's that not happened. All the pointless Leah thingy - by the way, every single point of the Reapers arc (Gabriel and the other priest; Pope choosing Maggie because God or a bonfire told him to; Leah trying to recruit Daryl who wanted to save her after she tried to kill him multiple times, only so she could become Maggie nemesis without never seeing her before; everyone that was killed for shock value; Alden's death and its 3 seconds impact; Elijah mourning his sister and then being pushed to be Lydia's new boyfriend because we have to do something with this kid, yada, yada, yada) had no payoff whatsoever.
Anyways..what I'm trying to say is: every OG/main/important character of this fucking show suffered from mediocre storytelling throughout the entirety of S11. All of them.
Even fan favorites newbies got sidelined. Eleanor Matsuura/Yumiko is the only one who had personal reasons to not appear on 11A and 11 B (she had a baby). I'm not a Nadia Hilker/Magna fan but I hate how she was mostly forgotten this season. She's an interesting character and after being missing for most of S10, she got sidelined for S11 too. Angel Theory/Kelly and Cassady McClincy/Lydia are SO TALENTED and loved by everyone and were rewarded, respectively, by becoming a walking translator and an unwilling participant of the 'let's see who unnecessarily loses a limb this season' game.
I could go on and on and on but, again, no energy. And I think I wrote too much already. In short: Eugene is not to blame. Everyone should have had meaningful arcs like Eugene. He deserved every second of it. ALL OF THEM EQUALLY DESERVED IT. All of them characters are special and loved and deserving and should be treated with respect and celebrated after so many years of existence. AMC, Gimple and co. made the decision to waste their (and ours) precious time with Reapers and other groups and characters that I don't remember or weren't even given names, CW stormtroopers, an anti-capitalism narrative that was very important but lasted two episodes, impossible to understand time jumps followed by a creeping pacing also impossible to understand followed by more wtf time jumps, and lots of Carol scenes on the kitchen because obviously that's what we want to see her doing..cooking and baking! Ha!
It's not about the amount of screen time each character got. It's about the non-existent quality of it.
AMC plays dirty, guys, and all of us suffer the consequecences. Even side characters like Diane, who is owned some peace of mind after being a soldier for every fucking battle TPTB invents. If any side character deserves a happy ending is her.
I rest my case.
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