#all art school did was yell at me for ‘not drawing right’
hypogryffin · 8 months
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ok but like so you know how portable had that one yukiko cameo. so like OBVI the remake is going to have p5 characters appear also <-straight copium. anyway here are my pitches
Image ID:
Three pages of rough sketches with colour blocks. Image 1 has Maruki (coloured blue) standing awkwardly with a seemingly nervous smile on his face, looking younger and wearing Gekkoukan High School's uniform. A smaller drawing next to him shows himself and Rumi (red) smiling and laughing together. The text next to them reads "If Maruki was school-age at the time of P3's story he'd be about 22-25 years old [during P5 canon]". The number 22 has an arrow pointing to it that reads "1st year HS", and 25 has another that says "3rd year HS". The text continues, "Since he's supposed to be older (I think), it wouldn't make sense for him to show up". A wailing emoji with its hands up in the air is added next to the block of text. From there, an arrow with the caption "But!" points to another sketch of Ichinose (green) in Gekkoukan's summer uniform. The message continues next to another drawing of Ichinose, this time in the regular/winter uniform, "I do think Ichinose is probably the right age for it! Definitely not because I've been wanting to draw her recently nope no siree". Further notes continue down, reading "One or two [ear] piercings, none on the face" with a drawing of an earlobe, "Shorter hair" with a dotted line and a sketch of scissors depicting that her hair is about shoulder-length, and finally, "She'd still be in her stoic era so no smiles here, LOL." Additionally, back near the drawings of Maruki, there is another sketch of Rumi in Gekkoukan's uniform, with a note that says, "Were Maruki and Rumi canonically high school sweethearts? Or did I just hallucinate that information"
Image 2: A drawing of Zenkichi (dark blue) in an unbuttoned suit. He has his hair in a ponytail, and his arms folded behind his back. The text next to him reads, "Zenkichi, approximately mid-to-late 30s. / He can't be aware of the Dark Hour for [the sake of] continuity in Strikers, obviously, but he could still be reasonably(?) involved? I.E. assisting Kurosawa with something? Maybe related to a request from Elizabeth, a social link story(???), or main story things like [A block that reads "Spoilers" in all capital letters]'s death or Fuuka's "disappearance". I don't know, man." There are a few asides written next to it, reading "Maybe [he and Kurosawa are] friends" and "Investigating Apathy Syndrome?" respectively. Then the text continues, "Could be [Public Security], or maybe a career police officer (as in pre-promotion or something, I don't know I'm not a pig, myself". An additional doodle has the information "Akane would be about 7 years old" alongside a drawing of Zenkichi blabbering senselessly about his daughter, showing off a set of pictures, to the Persona 3 Protagonist (light blue), who looks awkward and has "Go away" written behind him as his internal thoughts several times.
Also, there is a sketch of Mitsuru (red) in plainclothes, smiling as she holds up two tickets, saying "I have received tickets to a gallery by Madarame Ichiryuusai, I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me there." The next drawing is of Yukari (pink) smiling and looking up from the book she's reading, though visibly apprehensive. She says, "Uh, yeah, sure, that sounds fun!" While her inner monologue yells "That sounds so fucking boring holy shit". It then cuts to her gripping the protagonist's shoulders, saying, "I need you to come with me to this stupid ass art museum I can't say no to Mitsuru-senpai." The protagonist says, "I, like, could not want to do anything less-" but is interrupted by Yukari adding, "I'll buy you dinner after and you can bring Aegis." The protagonist says, "Deal."
Image 3: A drawing of the lobby of the dorms. The protagonist (blue) sits on one of the couches with Koromaru (grey) sleeping with his head in his lap. The TV is on, showing a picture of someone standing at a podium with microphones pointed at them, and blares "Diet member Shido Masayoshi makes bold new proposal on foreign policy..." The protagonist watches, seeming disinterested. The next drawing is of the Big Bang Burger logo, with someone saying, "'Big Bang Burger'?", getting the reply, "Yeah, they just opened a shop last week. Wild Duck's got competition now, I guess." The next panel is of Ryoji Mochizuki (teal) and the protagonist standing together, revealing Ryoji to have been the first one to speak, now continuing, "Eeh, wow, that name is so lame!" as he smiles genially. He then turns to the protagonist, pointing to himself as he says, "Hey, you wanna try it? I'll pay!" The protagonist shrugs and says, "Sure."
End ID.
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redpanther23 · 1 month
second autobiographical essay below
The first sixteen years of my life I spent with my mom, and they were honestly the motherfucking worst.
My mom met my step dad larping when I was about 2, he was 16, and she was 26. She got pregnant, they got married, and he started sexually abusing me right away. When my brother was born, I couldn't stand him and was a complete cunt to him (sorry dude, I was a kid and I didn't know better.)
When I started school, I struggled to focus and did very poorly, and my mom and step dad would beat me and take all my things out of my room except for furniture, and lock me in there except to use the bathroom, for months on end, until they thought my grades were good enough. My step dad would come into my room at night and touch me. He would also jump out at me around corners and "wrestle" with me (pretending to wrestle for fun so he could squeeze my tits.) I would struggle and yell, and bite him as hard as I could, and my mom would punish me for hurting him. Sometimes he would do it in front of her, and when I complained to her, she would call me a liar. (His name again: Rigel Cameron Freeman.)
We moved pretty much every year because my parents struggled to maintain jobs. Mainly we lived in different parts of Gainesville, Florida, but we also briefly lived in Raleigh, North Carolina. At school I was usually the only non Christian kid, and I was a complete asshole because my family life was so horrible, so no one liked me and I was bullied constantly. I spent a lot of time in class, and all my time at recess, drawing and making up imaginary friends, or reading books about talking cats (I was very misanthropic, something I still struggle with.) When I was in late elementary to middle school, I made a few friends I still talk to. That was also the same time as my first suicide attempt (5th grade), and when I started self harming.
When I was 12 I dyed my hair red, and my friend's dad named me Red (their family were Irish and Cherokee.) I had been called lots of other names before that, basically something different by each relative, and the only thing everyone could agree on was that none of them suited me (and no one ever called me my government name.) After I was named Red, I dyed my hair every other color you can think of, but my name has stayed the same.
The same year, I moved to Miami, and that began a new isolated phase in my life that led to me becoming interested in magick. My mom had never lived in a major city before, and we ended up moving to a pretty sketchy neighborhood (gunshots almost every night, drive bys, etc.) In our home country (Mississippi) kids are simply expected to fend for themselves outdoors until supper. Now that I was trapped inside with my incredibly abusive family, I had nothing to turn to but the internet (something I'm sure many of us here can relate to.)
I became interested in magic through mythology. I had always found other pre-Christian cultures fascinating, since I wasn't allowed to learn anything about my own, and I discovered through Wikipedia and Google searches that people still practiced the pagan European religions of my ancestors. Through neopaganism, I began to learn about ceremonial magic extremely quickly, feeling as though it was the one piece of my life I'd been missing, finding that I had an innate understanding of something other than visual art for the first time. It wasn't long before I was ready to try my first invocation. I had always wondered if I had a "spirit animal," or a guide, which I knew must be part of my subconscious, and recognizing immediately that I could use ritual meditation to access this, I crafted my first ritual based on some uninitiated wiccan articles I had been reading, and what implements I had laying around. I set out a circle of stones, invoked the four quadrants with a candle at each cardinal direction, laid out offerings of oil, salt, and water, lit an incense cone, and two additional candles for the Mother and Father. My practice is very different now, but my results at the time were extraordinarily intense. When I closed my eyes, this is what I saw:
Dense forest, high on the mountain. It's foggy and overcast, but it's summertime. The rocks are covered with moss, thick and green. I look down at my sandy brown forepaws and know that I am a panther. I begin to stroll, and I can feel the power in my muscles. I'm strong and free.
I opened my eyes, and was back in my bedroom, surrounded by rocks and candles. Shortly afterward, my mom mentioned Scott Panther to me for the first time (I didn't remember meeting him as a baby.) I'm sure it will confuse some that my first experience with a native archetype, my family animal, was through a European style ritual. Hey, think how I feel! I should have been able to take peyote and meet a mountain lion face to face to earn my name, like any decent person. Unfortunately, since I was so isolated, I didn't have the privilage. My connection to the panther is extremely deep - some of my first dreams were of being a cat, and the first time I prayed (age 8) it was to "StarClan," which, for the uninitiated, is the clan of dead cats who live in the sky in the children's book series Warrior Cats (I still like to think my cat ancestors are up there watching.) I've always studied cat behavior and embodied cat energy, even before I had any vision, but in my life that was treated as something annoying and strange by the people around me, rather than the sacred mystical practice it was. When I had cats in my life, I prioritized them, often over my own health and safety. Even though I only have a dog now, I still consider cats to be my teachers. I can't say whether my conceptualization of reality and my experiences is native, or European, but I would guess it's a mix of both, like me.
I started high school at MAST Academy in Miami, a school for "future scientists." My family always discouraged me from drawing or playing music, often my instruments would be taken away or sold, or I would have nothing but lined notebook paper to draw on (I would only get things I needed for school.) Since all I had to decide a "career" on was my passion for non-human animals, I thought I might be a zoologist. It was a lot less horrible than most other high schools in a lot of ways, and a few of the teachers even treated me like a person (cheers.) I started visiting my dad a little during this period, he began teaching me about Jewish mysticism and Kaballah, what little I could understand, and I began to read from his collection of books on magick and the occult.
During my second year of high school, my mom and step dad moved to the Netherlands, and brought me with them. I was too young and shy (scared) to have any fun, and I just thought about suicide constantly. My mom would never stop yelling at me about everything, telling me how l worthless I am. I caught my step dad taking pictures of me as I got out of the shower, and my little brother told me he caught him watching me sleep through the window over my bedroom door (you could stand at the top of the stairs and look right through it.) I became paranoid he was going to start raping me again, like he did when I was younger, and slept with a knife beside me, when I could sleep. (Again, his name is Rigel Cameron Freeman, and he is a computer programmer who works in the video game industry.)
The only positive part of my life during this period was an online death cult I joined, called Les Fleurs de la Mort. I can't talk about our practices in detail, but it lead me to get really into gardening, which was probably the healthiest possible pastime for me. I don't think I've spoken to any of my fellow Fleurists in years, but if any y'all are reading this, meow.
After I turned 16, I got the chance to visit my dad back in Miami (court ordered), and I refused to return to my mom. I haven't heard from my mom or step dad since then, except for a handful of extremely rude emails from my mom before covid, and I hope that's the end of it.
Rigel Cameron Freeman, the pedophile who made my life hell and molested me constantly throughout my childhood, currently has sole custody of my youngest sibling, who's 9. (He was born after I left, and we've never met.)
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celestiall0tus · 10 days
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 27 - Reeling
Beginning || Previous || Next
            “We should have taken her to the hospital!” Chat Noir hissed.
            Gallic Chick ignored Chat Noir as she tended to Alix.
            “Well, she’s alive, right? Besides, with Gallic Chick’s Sublimation, we can get her right as rain in no time, right?” Porcelet pointed out.
            “She almost died! She needs medical attention!” Chat Noir argued.
            “Technically she did die, but I brought her back. You’re welcome,” Gallic Chick added.
            Chat Noir groaned and plopped down on Chloe’s couch. He drummed his fingers against his arm and tapped his foot against the floor.
            “Ugh! Porcelet! Take the cat to Carapace and see how the conversation is going with Nathaniel and that other boy.”
            Porcelet nodded and ushered Chat Noir from the room. They headed down a few flights of stairs to a new floor up to a meeting room. They stepped inside to find Carapace, Nathaniel, and the other boy.
            “Hi, Carapace. How are the talks going?” Porcelet asked.
            “Huh? Oh, uh, I haven’t started?”
            “What? Why?”
            “Oh, uh, waiting for someone else to, y’know, swing by and do it. Y’know?”
            Porcelet sighed. She sat Chat Noir down, then took her own seat. “Alright, let’s begin this. I’m going to start with you. Could you tell me what your name is?”
            “Marc Anciel.”
            “Marc, pleasure to meet you. I’m Porcelet. Tell me, what happened today that pushed you to accept a deal with Hawkmoth.”
            “Well, I was writing a story based off the drawings Nathaniel had made that were posted to the school’s website. His work is just amazing, and I felt inspired. Marinette found me and urged me to meet her in the art classroom. I ran out after embarrassing myself but lost my journal. I was searching for it when Marinette returned it to me after she read it. She said she had a plan for getting Nathaniel to read it without him knowing it was me. I just… I didn’t think she would have erased my name from the front and tell Nathaniel whatever she did.”
            “I see. Nathaniel, what did you do to Marc that really pushed him over the edge?” Porcelet asked.
            “Well, I read the journal, which was titled Diary of Bloody Bug with no author name. I… I assumed Marinette managed to get the actual diary of Bloody Bug. I read it and it felt like I was reading her life and adventures that I was overjoyed. I wanted to meet with her again. Then Marinette said I could meet with the author of the diary, and I thought it was my chance to see Bloody Bug again. Then I saw Marc and I just… I got angry. I… tore up his work in front of him.”
            “Oh, wonderful. Another insult to add to the list. First, you destroy a man’s passion project before his very eyes. Second, you tried to kill Alix!” Chat Noir roared.
            “I…! I wasn’t trying to do that. I just… wanted to get her back for humiliating me!” Nathaniel countered.
            “By drowning her?”
            “I… I don’t know what I was thinking when I was Evillustrator. Maybe Alix shouldn’t have thrown me into a fountain of freezing water in the freezing cold!”
            “Now, hold on, everyone, please! This isn’t the time to be pointing fingers when everyone is at fault,” Porcelet said.
            “What?” Nathaniel and Chat Noir yelled.
            “I agree with Porcelet. Marinette messed up when it came to the whole journal thing. Nathaniel messed up when he ripped up Marc’s journal. And, of course, Alix messed up with her temper,” Carapace added.
            “And Nathaniel needs to work on his too. Don’t put all the anger issues on Alix now,” Porcelet chided.
            Carapace shrugged.
            “Now, Marc, Nathaniel, let’s see if we can’t work something out. Nathaniel, you really liked Marc’s work, yes?” Porcelet asked.
            “I did.”
            “Good. And, Marc, you’d like to work with Nathaniel on his comic, right?”
            Marc looked away. “I would, but I’m not sure if I want to.”
            “Who would after all that?” Chat Noir remarked.
            Nathaniel opened his mouth, but Porcelet put a hand up to silence him. She trotted over to Chat Noir, grabbed his face, and squished it.
            “You. Are. Not. Helping! Please, keep your snide remarks to a zero while I work. The last thing we need is another Akuma right now.”
            Chat Noir grumbled but kept his remarks to himself.
            “Thank you. Now, Marc, why not give Nathaniel another chance? Things got a little… out of sorts, with Marinette’s involvement. Perhaps now, with the heroes, you two can try again. What do you say?”
            “I don’t know,” Marc muttered.
            “I don’t see why we should do this. I don’t need any help writing my comic,” Nathaniel remarked.
            Marc flinched and looked away.
            Porcelet put her hands over her heart, then smacked Nathaniel on the back of the head.
            “Ow! What was that for?”
            “Forgive me, but you are a vile, rude boy. Shame on you! Carapace, take Nathaniel home.”
            “And what about Marc?” Carapace asked.
            Porcelet bounced over to Marc and took his hand. “Come with me. We’re going to the restaurant floor, grab some ice cream, and just pig out. And we’ll talk about that horrible Nathaniel without him and the cat. Oh! What if we watch a nice rom com? Would you like that?”
            Marc’s eyes widened. “I… I would, but I’m sure you have better things to do than-.”
            “Oh, nonsense. Gallic Chick is busy, and the boys are going to leave. So, let’s just relax and gossip without them. What do you say?”
            “If that’s ok,” Marc whispered.
            Porcelet squealed and pulled Marc to his feet. “We’re off, boys, and Nathaniel. See you all later and stay out of trouble. And, Chat, go on back to-.”
            Chat Noir bolted out of the room back up to Chloe’s room. He burst in to see Chloe sitting on the couch with Orikko, Tikki, and Ziggy. He glanced over to the bed to see Alix still asleep on it.
            “What’s up, Cat?” Chloe asked.
            “How is she?”
            “Alive and resting. As she should be.”
            “Can you wake her up?”
            “I could, but I won’t.”
            “Wake her up. I need to talk to her.”
            “Do it.”
            “No! And you can’t make me, fleabag!”
            Chat Noir snarled, then turned away. “Fine! But I’m staying here.”
            Chloe rolled her eyes. “Yeah, sure you are. And under what authority do you have to make such a decision?”
            “I’m your leader along with Bloody Bug. I’m just as capable of taking away your miraculous as Bug is.”
            Chloe held the hand with Orikko’s miraculous away. “You wouldn’t really do that, would you?”
            “I will if you keep me away from Bug. If you try to cast me out while Bug is still here, unconscious, I will.”
            Chloe grimaced and forced a smile. “I’ll make sure to find a nice place on the couch for you. If you’ll just excuse me.”
            Chloe ran out of the room with Orikko with her. Chat Noir sighed and took a seat.
            “That wasn’t very nice, Chat Noir,” Tikki scolded.
            “Would you not do the same in shoes?” Chat Noir countered.
            “Not like that.”
            “She’s lying,” Ziggy butted in.
            “I am not!”
            “Yeah, you are. I’ve seen you lose yourself to passion before, just as Chat Noir did.”
            “That isn’t an excuse to let him do it.”
            “No, but it makes you a liar and a hypocrite.”
            Tikki deadpanned. “Whatever. Chat Noir, don’t do that again. You may be a leader, but a leader doesn’t abuse their power. You’ll do well to remember that, or you might be the one losing their miraculous.”
            Chat Noir’s ears pinned back before they drooped. They perked up when Chloe entered the room again with a blanket in hand.
            “Hey, Chloe? I’m sorry about that a moment ago. I just-.”
            “No, I get it. I was out of place myself. I just… I hoped once she woke up, we could talk. She told me once she was well, we’d talk. I don’t think she’ll be well, but I thought maybe she might be ready to talk after dying. It’s selfish, but I don’t want to wait any longer. I need to talk to her now.”
            “May I ask what about?”
            Chloe sighed. “I obviously know who Bloody Bug is. I… I didn’t want to accept it at first. I couldn’t accept this amazing hero that had been nothing but kind to me was also the same person that hurt me.”
            “What happened? How did she hurt you?”
            “It was some time after her mother passed. Something like four or five years ago, I dunno. I try not to remember a lot of the details, but there are things I’ll never forget. I insulted her and her dead mother and… and… and she attacked me.”
            “She attacked you?”
            Chloe nodded as she hugged herself. “I had never been more afraid than that day. I begged and pleaded for her to stop, but there wasn’t anything human in her eyes. That day, I saw a monster born of anger and hatred. So, it was… hard to accept the truth. It still would be, if not for Sabrina.”
            “Chloe, why did you insult Alix and her late mother anyway?”
            “I… I don’t know. I don’t even remember why I did it in the first place. I wish I did. Not that it’d make much of a difference now.”
            “It wouldn’t be related to your own mother leaving you, would it?”
            Chloe’s eyes widened as she turned and glared at Chat Noir. “How do you know that? No one outside my Adrikins and Sabrina know about that!”
            “Well… I… crap. Plagg, claws in.”
            Chloe’s jaw dropped when she saw Chat Noir was Adrien. She gasped and pointed a finger at him.
            “Uh, surprise?” Adrien asked.
            “Oh. My. God. How? I didn’t-! How!”
            “Uh, kwamis and miraculous, and all that?”
            “Oh, no! Adrikins, I’ve been so mean to you! I’m so sorry, Adrikins!”
            “Chlo, it’s ok. Mostly. You did try to steal Bloody Bug from me.” 
            Chloe chuckled nervously. “It’s all water under the bridge now, right? You won’t hate me, right?”
            “I never hated you, Chlo. I was annoyed, but I never hated you. You’re my sister, just like Alix.”
            Chloe’s shoulders drooped. “Sister? You mean… you’d never see me as more?”
            “No, Chlo. I’m sorry. I… I don’t really want to think of anyone like that right now. Not after Volpina and Heart’s Design.”
            “I knew it! They did do something to you. What did they do? Tell me immediately.”
            “I… I don’t think I’m ready, Chlo.”
            “You want to end up short fuse over there?”
            Adrien winced, then sighed. “No, but you can’t tell anyone. Not even Marinette or Lila. Promise me, please.”
            “I promise.”
            “Thank you. See, they… they… assaulted me.”
            Chloe gasped. She fumbled over the couch, grabbed her teddy bear, and held it up for Adrien. “Where did they touch you?”
            Adrien gulped as he pointed around to the chest, face, neck, arms, waist, and hips. He looked away, then up to see Chloe in tears. She tossed aside the bear and hugged him.
            “Oh, Adrikins, I’m so sorry those awful girls hurt you. I promise, I’ll make their lives extremely miserable for hurting you.”
            “Chloe, it’s-.”
            “It’s not fine! First, Alix dies. Literally dies that I had to resurrect her. Second, I learn that my Adrikins was assaulted by those girls. How can any of that be fine? It’s not. It’s ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!”
            “Chlo, I know it’s not fine, but I don’t want to think about it. It’s just easier to try and forget it.”
            “Then let’s have the best night ever!”
            Adrien tilted his head as Chloe called for room service and made arrangements for the pair of them and Sabrina. She hung up and headed for the door.
            “I’ll be back, Adrikins. And when I am, we’ll have the best night you ever had!”
            Adrien smiled as Chloe left, then frowned. He glanced over at Alix on Chloe’s bed. He stood and cautiously approached. He hesitated before he crawled onto the bed and curled up beside her. He glanced up at her still face as fear gripped his heart again. The memory of her life passing fresh on his mind. Tears fell from his eyes as he took her hand and pressed his forehead against her shoulder.
            “Please don’t do that again, Bug. I don’t want to lose you. I need you. Please don’t leave me alone. I don’t want to be alone again.”
            “I’m sorry I scared you, Cat.”
            Adrien gasped. He looked at Alix’s face, but she hadn’t changed. “Bug?”
            Alix shifted and pressed her free hand against her forehead. “I fucked up big time, didn’t I?”
            “You aren’t going to leave me, are you?”
            “No. I… I don’t want you to experience the same thing I am.”
            Alix shook her head and let her arm fall. “Not now. My head hurts.”
            “I promise. Now, hush.”
            Adrien cracked a small smile as he cuddled up to Alix.
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flamestar126 · 2 months
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Give me a "M"!
(click for better quality)
Bonus + related art + rambling under the cut
Originally I just wanted draw Dexter in a cheerleader outfit (an excuse to put him a skirt for pure funsies) and so I did! Which is art is below that i drew like a long time ago now.
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It was just Dexter at first but I am a dexdark shipper so I had to have him react somehow. Then I remembered there was a comic about an athletic Mandark so I added him in his outfit from the comic.
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Then my mind like it always does, wandered and created a short story to make sense of why they would be in this position in the first place.
After years and years of competing with Dexter relentlessly, Mandark had gotten into a rut during his high school years. He's absolutely frustrated that he's STILL second best to him.
(The time the art is placed is late hs years)
So what does a teen genius do? He explores outside of the science community and what do you know. . . he's actually not half bad at sports. He quickly abandons science for it. Mandark is thriving. Why didn't he try this sooner? And Dexter? He's so confused. Never thought his greatest rival would ditch him science for a mere physical activity. Determined to find the bottom of this he goes directly to the source of his confusion and asks. It goes as well as you think. Not at all. Plan B. Find a way to get close enough without raising too much suspicion. How? Cheerleading.
It honestly wasn't that hard to join. He's cute and flexible enough due to the battle he's faced through out the years. Plus a recommendation from his dear sister, Deedee, quickly received him a spot.
The idea seemed brilliant at the time. That is until he found out he had to wear a skirt of all things. Deedee secretly tricked as a little bit of revenge. It wasn't too bad in the end. He rocks skirt ngl. With the excuse of having come to rehearsals and games that involved Mandark, things have become much easier to keep a closer look on him.
His sudden presence certainly didn't go noticed. Mandark's eye often drifted to the redhead that cheered him on during events. And oh, what an ego boost. His former rival cheering on? Yelling out his number whenever he had the ball? Wishing for him to succeed? Even if it was for only the cheerleaders' expectation to do so. How addicting.
He cornered Dexter right after. "That 'M' for me, McPherson?" Mandark teased. Knowing the "M" was their school's name. "How kind of you." "In your dreams, Astronomanov." It continued on like for a while.
They lap it like fucking cream. They've missed this. The feeling buried was bubbling up to the surface once again. Stealing quick glances, the playful jabs, grins matching the other's.
Who made the first move? It wasn't clear. It seemed so natural to be in the other's presence. Both just eased into they didn't even noticed.
Meanwhile, the science department was taking heavy losses. They lost their best two students. Ended up begging the two come back.
Eventually Dexter and Mandark did return but as partners this time.
. . . Douglas? He was thrown out of the loop about the entire thing. He missed out a lot when watching from afar. No one told him they were switching sides! What the heck guys. :/
He wouldn't survived the switch anyway. He's athletic pathetic. Stay on your game boy, Douglas. It's better this way.
Details I didn't include
Mandark was indeed incredibly suspicious of Dexter's switch
He was a total tsundere about Dexter's outfit (he did like it)
They had a talk about why they made a switched. talk about it and sealed it with a kiss (maybe :3)
Mandark said science for geeks but he's a geek through and through. he couldn't resist science for too long
Sports department was crying after
They do the same thing in college but in different uniforms (already drawn but not sharing that here :>)
I'm definitely forgetting more details but i am drawing blanks here
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"You know there are male cheerleaders, right?"
"I like the breeze it gives." Half truth. Was told they ran out of male uniforms. <- Lie by Deedee
"Hm. If you say so." Gay panic
Inspired by a scene of Daffy Duck from Looney Tunes (2011)
Thank you for reading!
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fanficwriter284 · 5 months
(I’ve had this in the drafts so…I thought why not put it out there. It’s a short mini fic)
Gloria belongs to @twyz
It was a late afternoon, autumn leaves beginning to settle, a few crunching beneath two sets of kids feet. The set belonging to none other that the youngest Ray, Chelsea and her best friend Benny Adler. He was a bit nervous since Chelsea had invited him over to her house to work on a school project. He had been there once and had met her parents and the twins. Both seemed good and jolly…well Tiffany and Glen did, Chucky and Glenda had been yelling at each other arguing if water was wet or not, but there was one sibling he had yet to meet, Chelsea’s older sister Gloria. Gloria seemed nice from what he heard or more so interpreted from sign, from Chelsea. He hadn’t got to meet her since Gloria was volunteering at the schools Gardening Club after school.
The two entered the Ray house hold it was calm for once, Chucky sitting reading the novel Frankenstein sipping a warm cup of joe as his eyes traveled across the page.
“Oh hey kids. Welcome back Ben”
Benny stared for a moment reading the man’s lips before realizing he could simply flick his hearing aids on.
“H-Hi Mr. Ray…Nice seeing you again”
“Likewise kid”
“Pa we’ll be upstairs working”
Chucky’s eyes fell right back to his book, not really paying any mind to his surroundings.
“Alright Sweetheart have fun”
The two kids scurried off upstairs to Chelsea’s room. The room was neat, the walls painted a light periwinkle with one stuffed bear sitting upright on her bed.
Benny searched aimlessly for the paints until he grew bored of digging through Chelsea art bag. Lifting his two hands he signed to her.
“Hey Chelsea where are the paints?”
Chelsea couldn’t help but Chuckle at her own negligence.
“Sorry Benny! I left them in Gloria’s room. Could you go grab them please? Her rooms right across from mine”
The youngin simple froze, his feet let cement, he was terrified of entering new places especially that of someone he has never met. He tried to deny her ask but Chelsea had already been off drawing out the foundation…Now he couldn’t say no. Inhaling a great amount of air he pressed forward quickly exhaling, he gave a soft knock, waited for a moment and entered since he couldn’t hear if there was a given response. The room had been covered with paints and plant life, an art easel at the side of the room right by the window next to a large wooden desk where paintings had been drying off. He took a set closer noticing opened paint tubes and a canvas having a familiar looking canine painted on it.
Benny grinned at the sight of a fluffy Beau belly up taking a sun bath on Gloria’s carpet enjoying the warmth and comfort with his slobbery tongue hanging from his mouth. The young boy jolted feeing a light tapping on his shoulder, he flinched falling backward on his rear.
“Oh sorry!”
He took a moment to recollect himself seeing a fair skinned, lightly freckled girl, with hair similar to Chelsea’s only longer and lighter with a light blonde hue at the end. The boy could only reply with the sign “sorry” continuously before finding his voice.
“I—Its o—okay…s—sorry…I—I’m B—Benny”
The quickly jumped to his feet extending his left hand. It hadn’t crossed his mind that Gloria was most likely Right-handed unlike him and Chelsea. Much it his relief she gently too his hand she shook it.
“Gloria and you’re Chelsea’s friend. She’s told me a lot about you”
The youngster could only blush at her response. The mere thought that Chelsea talks about him to her sister, someone who she trusts with his life was baffling.
“Don’t worry all good things”
The whole commotion and conversation had awoken the snoozing wolf-dog, he stood shaking off his fluffy body sending fur flying everywhere and making a loud exit downstairs.
“Damnit Beau I just dusted, so what being you in here?”
“Um well…C-Chelsea a-and I are d-doing a p-project a-and we need paint….so-“
“Oh right! Here! She left her kit in my room yesterday” she gleefully responded hoisting the peck into his arms.
“T—Thank you a—and nice meeting you”
Gloria could only grin at his shy demeanor.
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starrclown · 5 months
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Pigsy character sheet! 🐷🍜
(It's a work in progress...)
Is it bad that my second favorite character is the main character's father?? Also, PIGSY IS MK'S FATHER!! NOT WUKONG!! Don't get me wrong, I love Wukong BUT HE IS NOT THE FATHER!! *Insert Jerry Spinger meme* Ya know a oneshot I'm working on, (and just a silly headcannon I've seen that isn't that popular but it's cute) is that Pigsy adopted both Mk and Wukong. Like he got used to Wukong and just decided "Yep I need another one." and Wukong is Mk's big brother. It's cute okay. (Also I'm pretty sure that Tripitaka was a father figure to some extent to Wukong. I can't fact check that because I've never read Jttw but I think it's cute that Tang would be a father too Wukong twice after Wukong lost his family. (I don't know, I like it.)
Anyway back to Pigsy. Pigsy is a very underrated character and I wish he just got a bit more outta him. Like I know he's in I think every episode but I just wish we knew a little more about him. Like does he have siblings? How did he meet Tang and Sandy? Why does he yell at Tang for being a freeloader but still provide him food?
(I know the answer, they're married/srs.)
These don't have to be episodes or anything but I wish we knew a bit more. Exept the Tang one. I do genuinely want to know how they met. We knew from a photo in Pigsy's kitchen that they graduated together but HOW did we get there?? Just curious. Anyways back to my drawing and why I added stuff I added!!(Stuff will change so be prepared)
☆ Why he is so scruffy/fluffy??
1. I like the idea that Pigsy is a mix between a boar and just a normal fluffy pig. His mom is a boar and his dad is pig. I don't think female boars have tusk but shut up okay!! Let me have this. I just like the idea alot that Tang is this polished, rich boy while Pigsy is this fucking scruffy wild animal.
(Same dynamic with Wukong and Macaque. Wukong is this fluffy, golden, heart shaped monkie and Macaque is this scraggily animal.)
☆ Trans Pig??
2. Yes. I whole hearted believe that Pigsy is FtM. So is Mk. I just have this silly idea that Mk came out to both Pigsy and Wukong as Trans (Pigsy first obviously) and they both responded "Same kid." (I like Genderfluid Wukong but that's still under the Trans umbrella so ehh.)
☆ Lil details you might not have noticed.
1. Mk's little front hair part that sticks out of his headband is in the same shape as Pigsy's ears.
2. Pigsy has rips in his ears because he used to get into fights at school. (Another oneshot idea i'm working on where Pigsy is being made fun of like always so Tang decides to one punch man his bullies. Yeah Tang gets his ass beat and Pigsy and Tang get emotional.)
I believe that while most of Megapolis is accepting of demons and monsters not all parts like demons. Especially back when Pigsy and Tang were in middle and high school. It's better now be he still has scars from it.
3. Pigsy's wedding ring is on his right hand on the drawing to the left. Pigsy has a pretty and shiny wedding ring from Tang while Tang has essentially a tinfoil for a ring because Pigsy's couldn't afford much. (Pigsy feels bad about it but Tang wears that thing likes it's gold so he obviously likes it ALOT.)
4. Pigsy has both darker and lighter parts of fur. I have no explanation for this. Let's pretend it's because boars are darker than pigs so his Mom's fur tone is shining through. (Also that stupid "Pigs roll around in dirt and mud joke.")
5. I know I've talked about my oneshots on Wattpad (that's aren't out yet cause I want them to be good.) But for a Freenoodles oneshot I'm working on I 100% believe that Tang brags about Pigsy.
6. I updated my Tang design! If you look at my Instagram you can see this ugly art I did for Tang and Pigsy and they alot diffrent then I drew them three months ago. (Yes I am slow when I update.) I really like the way I drew him. His hair is really fun to draw.
I think this is as much as I wanna talk about this drawing. I've gone on long enough and I wanna work on other art projects. Anyways live, laugh, love Pigsy 🐷🩷!!
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eugenoid · 3 months
Just got tagged in a game by @happy-mokka and felt like doing it right away
1. Were you named after anyone?
Yeah kind of
2. When was the last time you cried?
Literally just now because my father was rude
3. Do you have kids?
No, and I don't want to have them
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
None. Unless you count yoga I did in high school for a while I guess. Hopefully I'll pick up a sport some time in the future, or at least some sort of physical activity so my body doesn't fall apart too early. My poor back...
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I feel like I do it less often now. These days I prefer healthy irony at expense of nobody. I try to, at least
6. What's the first thing you notice about the people?
Idk. Just faces in general?
7. What's your eye color?
Some sort of weird greenish grey
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
If I had a better stomach for all the scary movies I wanted to watch, I would've picked that. But in reality, probably happy endings.
9. Any talents?
I have perfect pitch. Music teachers loved me. I think I have a good sense of humor too. Won't call my art skills "talent" though, considering how long it's taking me to get better at art
10. Where were you born?
You're not fooling me today, mr federal agent.
11. What are your hobbies?
Videogames I guess. Singing along to music, if that counts. I'm trying to make drawing into a career so that doesn't count as hobby anymore. Does interacting with fandoms count?
12. Do you have any pets?
Yeah, a cat
13. How tall are you?
Average height. Not telling you the exact numbers. Not today, mr federal agent x2
14. Favorite subject in school?
I feel like I didn't have a favorite subject - I hated everything school-related. But I probably preferred the classes where teachers didn't care if I fell asleep to the ones where they yelled at me for it. So sleeping was my favorite subject I guess? I was just really tired all the time, tbh
15. Dream job?
Ah... a marine biologist... specializing on sharks.....
But if we're being more realistic and down to Earth - perhaps any job that's not too demanding and provides me enough to be able to live comfortably and pay my bills
Tagging @someoneyoudontreallyknow @icecreamvi @ignite-art @reitziluz in case you're interested in filling out this questionaire. No pressure though!
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heliconcarpet · 2 years
Any Port in a Storm | summer
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Chapter : 1 of 5
Relationship : Trafalgar Law x Gn!Reader childhood friend
Summary : Before the warlords title, or while he became a mastermind of any crucial incident, like the downfall of two sea emperors, Trafalgar Law was only a boy who was looking for his dear childhood friend through North Blue into the New World. It's what he seeks that is seeking him.
" Why worry too much about the daisies, (Name)? " 
" And you! Why are you minding your time in the death frog? "
Law only shrugs his shoulders in response to your question. He is about to go back to focus on the unconscious frog aka the death one. You start thinking about how many pity frogs he caught just to fulfill his dream of becoming a famous surgeon. Although as a kid you admire Law's determination in surgery, perhaps the family environment influenced him a lot. Compared with Law, you'd likely work in the right brain area, which is all about the structural aspects of the imagination. You're way better at expressing yourself through painting. You once were Law's volunteer doing the frog anatomies doodle in his little notebook. It's almost full of your painting. Add a bright color here and there. Since then, you two almost proclaimed being a whole part of the brain, he as the left area, and you as the right area of the brain.
" Law, I was wondering if all my paintings had become real, like, they were alive out of the drawing book! " 
" Well, now you're going to tell me about having the magic crayons or your other painting tools? " 
" Imagine it, Law, in case your notebook with the colorful doodle I've made becomes alive. It does change the world! People would love every medical encyclopedia we made. Compare the dull explanation in the white - black bored medical books you always read! " 
" Brilliant, " Law, as usual, does not amuse in your artsy stuff. "Now, (Name), could you please give some color in these parts? Thank you. " He ended the little unlogical chitchat by passing his notebook to you.
Law did not understand art or the painting days you constantly blabbered about, but he did enjoy and be pleasant even, when you accompanied him on his medical nerd days. In fact, Law and you play side by side as a whole, a gestalt. You two are as simple as the purest childhood best friends you've ever had. Count the number of times you've been the adorable stickers, inseparable. The innocence of love, like in a daisy field, has bloomed.
It was a school holiday break when summer came in Flevance that year. You have some plans to visit the downtown area by 11 a.m with your mother. Specifically, the flower encyclopedia you've been dreaming of is going to be in your hands. You made a maximal effort to save money to buy it one day, and that day has arrived. Before leaving the house and heading to the bookstore, you might even do a little preparation by emptying some spaces in the rack. You grin from ear to ear until your face aches. You'd finished cleaning the rack when your mother on the first floor yelled at you, and the excitement you'd built since the morning vanished.
Your mother couldn't accompany you to buy your dream encyclopedia. It's enough to turn you into a whining baby when you complain about this and that to her, so she has a backup plan for you. She adds, "Why not ask Law for help, since the Trafalgar family were your neighbors?". Geez, it will always be the case that where there is you, there is Law, or vice versa. Law was already standing in front of your house's door minutes after your mother shut down the Denden mushi. Sometimes you wonder if the only time you have left is for Law's existence for you. In a hurry, she placed a straw hat with a hint of yellow ribbon on your head, saying only that it was a precautionary measure to keep you from the summer heat.
" (Name) Dear, watch your step! Don't give Law a trouble and direct to the home once you've done it. Thank you, Law. Please accept my apologies for unexpectedly requesting your assistance. Stay safe on the way to the bookstore! " She told me and greets Law.
" No problem, Mrs. (surname), well, we are going now! Come on, (Name)! " Law give a hand to stand on when you finish tightening the shoelaces. Your eyes meet Law's but notice how weird his mushroom hat position is. It shows how in a hurry he was when on his way to pick you up. At least you stopped Law's step by fixing the mushroom hat, until it looked like symmetry. 
" And, your hat looks neat now! ". As a kid, at 8 years old, you didn't understand how the gesture you just made caused his cheeks to turn red. Law makes a 'thank you' gesture with his mouth for mending his hat.
The bookstore you two went to was crowded with people. The majority of the visitors were middle-aged gentlemen dressed in a brownish-colored suit vest reminiscent of an old page book. Law, which had been by your side since both of you arrived, had vanished. You simply sighed and walked into the children's encyclopedia section, minding your own business. Your dream book is peeking between the other books beside them. Still euphoric, you grabbed it without wasting any seconds, then ran to the cashier. At the same time, you heard a quiet noise in there. Duh, it's Law.
" Uncle, please have the mind to give me more than half price for this book. It was said that the book was of secondhand quality! " said Law.
Law was a super tiny and loudest boy among the tall gentlemen around him. He was, as usual, a tough cookie for his will. You only saw Law in your distant memory, doing nothing. Your common sense before was right about him that you have to admire his determination to be a medicine's learner. The most recent book he bargained for was the animal anatomy encyclopedia's latest edition. He indeed won't miss it. You just chuckled and walked into the confused cashier, poking Law's left shoulder. 
" Uncle, please wrap my book and his belongings. I will pay ours. " You smiled at the man at the cashier. You nailed the pointless bargains that Law has created. Law's mouth hanging open, he probably doesn't expect you to be willing to pay for it as well. 
" Thanks, (Name). Glad I finally got this book until I forgot to put my full savings in my pocket. Don't worry about your money, do you? " He said it, making the happiest face he'd ever made.
" Don't worry, Law. You can return my money whenever you want. Or maybe you return it with an item costing as much as the price of your book? " 
" Oh, is that so? If you wouldn't mind, then! "
It was summer almost at noon. Your straw hat is being blown by the cool breeze. Your hat twirls back down, but then Law runs to pick it up. This time, like a repeated pattern, it's Law who puts the hat on until it looks fine in your head. You were both giggling at each other. Two kids with larger hats in their hats were basically always in charge of each other. 
" (Name), let's go to my house then! Lammy and my mother have a bucket of strawberry sorbet! ".
" So which one, young boy? daisy or marigold? " The flower shopkeeper repeated the options for Law to decide. Law, on the other side, seems in a deep thought. A colour that represents you will always be a yellow one. The marigold also had a burst of yellow color, but had the deepest shade compared with the daisy's yellow, and because of that, Law picked the daisy as the best. All of his memories recall your explanation of the aims of the daisy flower for medical treatment. At least, Law thinks, a part of his soul has been put into the daisy bucket he brought for you. Law brought the bucket with the reason that he was returning a book's money.
It's been two weeks since the post - bookstore holiday outing. Due to the fact that the first day of back to school will be the first day of the next month, Law needs to spend his last school break finishing a little promise to you. He is already on the way to your house, only two houses away from his. He'd imagine how happy your face would be when you saw the money turn into a bucket of daisies. Law knocked on the door and called your name three times, but there was no response inside. He began to suspect that since last week he hadn't met you even once. Actually, this daisy bucket agenda is also a part of Law's surprise. He went back to his house and asked his parents for information after a strange feeling hit him in the gut.
" I've already told you, Law, about a week ago, you only made yourself hectic with the new anatomy book. (Name) was moved from Flevance. " Law's father explains with a serious tone. Chuckling in disbelief at why his son was so careless.
There was a gulp in his throat that made Law feel sudden nausea. His surprise plan was in vain. He hadn't expected it, but sometimes there is always an error output from the many trials of plans. Too stunned, he then sat on a cold hospital floor, folded his small feet, but the warm tears hugged him in a coccon.
It was his father's hand that reached Law's crown of head, " It's fine to cry, Law. (Name) left you a handful of the drawing book. Open it whenever you want. From my vantage point, your pure bond with (them) grows stronger with the passage of time. It will be unbreakable. That's why it's something you must keep throughout your lifetime. "
At that time, the last summer of the year was in Flevance. The heat wave started to decrease the temperature in the cold air. This winter is going to turn this town into a white landmark again. The white town of the North Blue, their actual name. However, it's just a natural phrase. The warmth will surely greets here in the years ahead, and there will be a time when Law meets the daisy field again. Like the innocence of love, in a daisy field, it had bloomed against the harshness of the cold. Its roots swallow the deep ground below, beyond any measure. 
Meanwhile, somewhere in the New World, there is a spring island climate with a town less crowded than Flevance. The central town landmark has similarities with Flevance's. The bricks were the preferred building material, but unlike the Flevance's white-pale bricks, the brown-colored ones were more common. A similar type of moment, but with a different substance. It does, indeed.
" Come on, darling, our new house has been waiting for us! speeds up your walk! ". Your mother shouts from a mile away.
Actually, you slow down the step because the cough you just experienced has gone worse. If there's a chance to rip out your throat, you do it happily, only to give a few scratches.
The Flavence memory recalls, it was a moment when you had a bad cough and Law, without hesitation, took you to Mr. Trafalgar for further medical treatment. Right now, if only you could paint a memory of being alive. You just smiled, disgusted by the coughs you've had since leaving the Flevance. The coughs were alive somewhere in your body, they were alive, and faded, as well as your memory of the white town. 
" Come in, Mother! ".
Note :
Another pandemic-stay at home writing (two years ago). It's my very first time doing this kinda stuff, alongside with Sabo's before. So please bear with me.
A little inspired by making a painting come to life is from this one, If I Could Draw Life - Yoasobi
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turtle-steverogers · 1 year
Imagine after meeting Bucky, Steve finds out that it’s George’s birthday coming up. It’s the first one he’ll spend with the Barnes and little baby Steve knows he can’t afford anything so he decides to draw something as a present.
The day comes and baby steve is nervous but baby Bucky says there’s nothing to worry about, so when Steve gives it to George, he gets the biggest and softest hug and a kiss on the forehead because George knows how difficult things can be for Steve and assures him it’s the best thing he’s ever gotten.
It gets framed and Steve can’t really remember much the day but he remembers the feeling of safety and love. It’s alway out in display and when the war is over George sits with it near the fireplace alongside a photo of his boys because he lost both of his boys.
because he lost both of his boys.
YES HE DID. My god, this ask is making me scream and cry and yell.
Because can't you just imagine a tiny Stevie spending HOURS at the kitchen table, tongue poking between his teeth as he agonizes over a picture of Bucky and Becca and Mrs. Winnie, all sat out front on the Barnes' apartment building stoop. And maybe their noses all look a little funny and their smiles are a bit weird, because he's still learning to draw people, but he thinks maybe Mr. George won't mind so much.
Sarah watches her sweet kid work away at the drawing for weeks, getting it perfect, and he's so nervous once the day finally comes that he can barely get two words out once he's at the Barnes. And when he's nervous or things are loud in his head, he doesn't really like to talk. It feels too big, and what if Mr. George thinks his drawing is stupid? Sometimes his own dad calls his drawings stupid, especially the things he says are for girls, like ballerinas and stuff. Which Steve doesn't really get. Why do things have to be for boys or girls? He just thinks things are pretty. That doesn't seem like it's so bad.
But Mr. George lights up when he sees the drawing, then his eyes get a little wet and Steve feels his shoulders shrug up, because he didn't mean to make him sad, but then Mr. George is pulling him into a real gentle hug that only makes Stevie flinch at first and then there's a little kiss-- so gentle that Steve thinks the only other person who's ever been that gentle is his Ma-- being placed on his forehead and he tries to hide how big he's smiling, even though it feels like it could take up the whole room.
"Steve, you drew this?" Mr. George asks.
Steve shrugs, looking down at his toes, tucked behind socks that are a little too big on him. They're Bucky's old socks and Bucky's feet grow super fast so they're kinda big even though he's only a year older than Steve.
"Well, it's absolutely fantastic," Mr. George says, ruffling Steve's hair in a way he's seen him ruffle Bucky's. Bucky bounces in his own chair where he's eating some soup at the table.
"Yeah! Stevie can draw real good! He's, like, the bestest drawer at school. Ms. McEllen-- the art teacher-- said so and she's definitely right," he says, and Mr. George laughs a little.
"Well, I can surely see why. He's got some real talent, especially for a second grader," Mr George says, going to hang the drawing on their fridge. Steve tries not to feel too excited. He's not allowed to have things hung on the fridge at home.
Mr. George comes back over after the drawing's hung up and kneels down in front of Steve.
"That was such a heartfelt present, Steve," he says, not making Steve look at him in the eyes, because he never ever makes him do that. Steve thinks maybe he can tell he hates it. "Thank you so much for thinking of me, kiddo."
Steve shrugs again and whispers, "You're welcome," and then Mr. George hugs him again and Bucky is coming over and launching onto his dad's back and it's a big hug pile and Steve thinks this is the safest he's ever felt.
And nearly two decades later when the war is over and the world is celebrating, George makes himself a glass of beer and two egg creams-- his boys' favorites, even if they wouldn't admit it as they got older-- and sits near the fireplace, a few tears running down his face as he looks at the pictures of his two boys over the years.
Them on the front stoop at 8 and 9 years old, eating popsicles in the warm summer heat. Them at Coney Island, Steve tucked under Bucky's arm, laughing as Bucky gives him a noogie. Them with Becca on the first day of school when Bucky was going into high school, all three of them grinning.
Them standing tall, pictures separate-- which feels wrong. His boys could never stand to be apart. In uniform, expressions hard and brave. His brave, brave boys, taken too soon.
And next to all those pictures, the drawing, framed in polished wood, wrinkled and yellowed with time but far from forgotten. A show of Steve's place in their family, and a show of how big his heart was, even so young.
George stands to place the egg creams near their pictures, and sits again with his beer, raising his glass, even as anger bubbles inside him.
Goddamn the world for taking his two, sweet boys and damning them to cruelty. They deserved to live so much longer. They deserved to be soft and safe and home.
What he wouldn't give to bring them home.
At least, he thinks, they're together up there. It's a comforting thought, if nothing else.
Maybe they are home, if they're with each other.
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attaboy-art · 2 years
idk how to use tumblr so pardon if i did this wrong somehow, but for requests, could you draw hersh and des hanging out? (i've been desperate for bronev sibling content lately) also love ur art
okay so im gonna put these under a readmore because theres A Lot. so click below to see the art ‼️ but rhis was super super fun and i hope u all enjoy
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[Image ID 1: A digitally drawn mini-comic on a pastel red background of Hershel Layton and Desmond Sycamore. Panel one shows Hershel in the open door of his home, happily greeting Desmond, who is nervous and holding a suitcase. Desmond starts with, "Good morning, Professor. Sorry for dropping in so suddenly, but could I step in for a second?", and under his breath he says "Don't make a scene. Let me in your house right now." The professor replies, "Of course! Flora just made some tea. Would you like a cup?" and whispers back, "I don't know what you want but you better be normal about it." The next panel shows the door slamming behind Desmond, who is loosening his tie and looks disheveled. He drops the nervous act and angrily says, "Listen, Layton. I need to crash for a few days and you're going to let me. Do you understand?" The third and final panel shows Hershel silently stare, annoyed, for a moment, before sighing and conceding with, "I am a patient man." /.End ID 1.]
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[Image ID 2: A collection of fully colored digital drawings of Hershel Layton and Desmond Sycamore. On the left is Desmond and Hershel on their way to Gressenheller University to explain away one of Hershel's adventures. Desmond is wearing a casual black turtleneck and beige pants, while Hershel is in his usual attire. Desmond mockingly says, "Oh, don't worry. Your big brother is here to protect you from the scary school board." and Hershel responds with an annoyed "Mhm." The drawing on the top right shows Desmond sleeping on Hershel's couch under a white blanket that covers most of his body. He is wearing a purple satin sleep mask with closed eyes embroidered on top, black socks, and a deep blue satin bonnet. One of his legs is propped up on the armrest of the couch and the other is folded close to his body, and he has one hand on his chest while the other is under his blanket. The final drawing in the lower right shows Desmond, getting ready in the morning, looking in the bathroom mirror. He has natural kinky hair and one hand held out expectantly. He is wearing a white button-down shirt with the top few buttons undone and a loose tie around his neck. He's saying to an off-screen Hershel, "Layton, get me my iron or you're stupid." Hershel protests, "But I'm—" but is cut off by Desmond saying "I don't care. Get it for me. I'm older, so you have to." /.End ID 2.]
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[Image ID 3: An uncolored digital comic done in brown ink on a pastel red background. Panel one shows Desmond, sitting on his heels, looking triumphant with a monopoly board in front of him. He says, "Heh. You've lost, Layton. The Free Parking Spot is too far to reach in one roll, and I've calculated that your chances of landing on your one property on this side of the board are next to zero. Face it. I win." Panels 2 and 3 show Desmond and Hershel on either side of the board, with Hershel looking thoughtfully at it as he rolls the dice. Panel 4 shows that he rolled two sixes, and he exclaims, "Oh! Doubles!" before moving his piece, the top hat, through the crowded board and onto his property. Panel 6 shows Hershel happily saying, "Safe! How lucky." Panel 7 is a close-up of Desmond, unresponsive and silent on a solid brown background. Panel 8, the final panel, shows Desmond holding the board over his head and scattering money, houses, cards and more everywhere, while Hershel shields his face and turns away, yelling "Desmond!!" in shock. /.End ID 3.]
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goldenamberhoney · 1 year
Artist to Artist?
Warnings: Moody!Xavier
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x fem!reader
Summary: When Y/N joins the school, Principal Weems asks Xavier to share his shed.
“What, a new girl joins and I have to share my shed?!” Xavier exclaimed, frowning as he looked at the Principal of the school. “Xavier, I am giving this shed to you for nothing in return,” she explained, ignoring the scoff the boy gave at her words. “Mr Thorpe, enough with the attitude, she’s a nice girl and she’ll respect your privacy,” Weems said, ignoring his words of refusal as she walked out of her office, leaving the boy alone.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You had packed all of your art supplies into a little bag, which you slung over your shoulder, remembering the directions Weems had given you to get to the shed. Right…right…left. As you walked into the woods, you tried to ignore the eerie whistling of the night, a sigh of relief escaping your mouth when you saw the shed. A light was on in the window, so you decided to knock, a yell of ‘coming’ being heard from inside.
The door opened and a boy looked at you, his eyebrow raised, a small smile on his face. “Can I help you?” he asked, tilting his head. “I’m Y/N-“ you began but he didn’t let you finish. His smile dropped, being replaced by a look of disgust. “Sure, whatever, come in,” he said, opening the door before slamming it behind you, making you jump. “Can’t be in the woods if you get scared so easily,” he said, rolling his eyes as your deposited your stuff in the corner.
“I appreciate you letting me stay here,” you said, trying to start a conversation. “Trust me, I didn’t have a choice. If I did, you wouldn’t even know of this place,” he said, his tone rough as you blinked at him. “Go over there,” he said, waving his hand to the far corner of the room, not even looking at you. You both painted in silence, your paintbrush moving against the canvas so delicately, the bright blue butterfly coming to life.
You took a step back, admiring your work, a grin on your face. Xavier did the same, except with no expression as his eyes flickered to yours. Your painting was so much more intricately painted, the details of the wings was outstanding and immediately outshone his. Scoffing, he took the canvas off of the easel and threw it against the wall, making you squeak in fright. A string of curse words escaped his lips as he pulled a new canvas out and started again.
Quietly, you went to the discarded one and picked it up, seeing it Ute similarly matched yours. He didn’t acknowledge you, so you put it on your own easel and worked on it, drawing delicate and small details around the wings. After a while, you stopped and smiled at it. “Xavier..?” you asked, making him groan and look up. “What?” he snapped, clearly annoyed at you. “I fixed it,” you said quietly, handing him the painting.
He took it from your roughly, the canvas burning against your hand, which you ignored. His eyes went over each of the details, his eyes half-softening as he looked at it, his frown disappearing. “It was good to begin with,” you piped up, cheeks red and the awkwardness. “Yeah, yeah,” he dismissed, turning around so you couldn’t see the smile on his face. You left with a quick ‘bye’ before walking off.
The next day, there it was, hung above the mantelpiece.
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reanbowful · 1 year
Weak hero when someone they like does kyudo (Archery) and is the manger od the club (addition! is that they may or may not have a fun club they don't know about)
Hello and thank you for the request! Although, I’m not sure what a fun club is. I’m guessing it’s something like a fan club? (because that’s what I wrote in)
Also, I might’ve gotten a bit carried away writing the narratives for each character so it will just be 4 of them for this 😭 (I’ll try to keep them shorter next time!)
“wow that’s so cool”
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if you do archery
(gray, ben, alex, eugene)
gray yeon / yeon sieun
Gray doesn’t have a lot of expression on his face. So might not show it, but when you told him you did archery he was intrigued.
“Yep! It’s a Japanese martial arts form of archery.”
He would probably do an extensive research on the topic.
The next time you guys see each other, man is already a kyudo expert.
“Ashibumi, placing the footing. Dōzukuri, forming the body. Yugamae, readying the bow. Kyudo archers should draw their bows so that the drawing hand is held behind the ear. If done improperly, upon release the string may strike the archer's ear or side of their face.”
“Wow Gray~ Never thought you’d be so interested!”
Cue a blushing Gray.
“I had some free time.”
He won’t tell you this. But since your school is kinda like a sports school, they have this social media page where they would upload pictures and videos of their prominent students.
Curiosity has no bounds. So, when Gray clicked on the page and sees your face on multiple thumbnails of the videos that was uploaded, he proceeds to watch every single one of them.
His respect would grow for you with each videos that he watches.
He would smile to himself, watching as you draw your bow, when he saw a comment came up.
At first, he was just slightly amused. But when he clicked on the profile of the commented, he can’t help but let out a small chuckle.
‘Supporting Y/N from X school’s kyudo team.’
Looks like he’s got a few competitions.
ben park / park humin
Ben will be your number one hype man.
Believe me when I say this, but if you tell him you are doing anything sports related. At every event. Every competition. Every examinations. He will be there.
It doesn’t matter if there’s a typhoon or a storm, or a flood. This man will make sure he shows up complete with a custom printed shirt of your name. And a hand decorated bulletin board with lights and all.
When you hit an accurate shot, he would cheer so loud that he got scolded by one of the staffs.
“Oh, right. Sorry.”
“That’s my girl by the way.”
Now, while he is your number one supporter, doesn’t mean that you don’t have a bunch of other people filling in the auditorium just to catch a glimpse of you.
In other words, you are pretty damn popular.
At first, he sees this as an absolute win.
You’re so talented and he’s soo happy people are appreciative over your abilities.
He completely underestimated just how obsessed these “supporters” could be when it comes to you.
He didn’t think much of it when they first started. You were, after all, just another high school student like him.
Well, a star player and a national teams candidate.. but that’s besides the point!
It happened when he was getting some drinks by the vending machine when a few students from your school passed by him.
“Oh look, it’s that Eunjang boy.”
“Who? What’s someone from Eunjang even doing here?”
“Apparently he likes y/n or whatever. He keeps calling her his girl.”
“For real? Geez, what does she even see in him.”
“Who knows, maybe she’s just talking to him out of pity. I wish he would stop coming tho, he keeps yelling and distracting the players. Poor y/n honestly.”
Despite having a thick skin, Ben couldn’t help but feel self conscious. Was he really distracting you? What if you get in trouble because of him? He wouldn’t want that! No, but you would’ve told him if that was so. But, no! You’re way too nice for that..!
In his turmoil when he headed back to the auditorium, the school has concluded the competition and were in the middle of handing out awards.
Your eyes were scanning the crowd when Ben walks in. You instantly beamed and waved at him happily.
It was then that he decided, no matter what people say about him or the two of you. He will stay.
You were all that matters anyway.
alex go / go hyuntak
(this one is my personal favourite)
He was running errands for his mom, literally just got back from the store. In shorts and slides with groceries in his hand.
He saw that a new dojo just opened near his house, something about archery.
He could hear the sound of the arrows hitting the target with a thud whenever he passes by the place.
Alex never really had the chance to stop by since he was always in a hurry, but now that he sees it. The place looks fancy as hell.
There goes the sound of arrows hitting the target again.
Alex looked around to see no one guarding the front door, so like any other genius, he lets himself in.
To the right, one of the practice rooms is open.
He peeked a look in.
The room has high ceilings and wooden flooring. To the front of the practice room was an open grassy area with circular targets.
“Ahh.. that one was a bit lacking.”
It was literally like those kdrama shots when the guy saw their love interest for the first time realised the person they meet five seconds ago is the love of their life. That is Alex in that moment.
You had been practicing your shoots for an upcoming competition with another school.
Today is the friendly match day. Which explains why the practice room was open for public.
Though most of those that came would be from your opponent’s and your respective schools.
“Um, excuse me. Are you here to watch y/n?”
“Huh? What?”
The guy pointed at your figure, currently chuckling over missing the target to your friend.
“Are you here to watch Miss y/n? Because if you are, you need to be registered as a supporter for X school.”
“Oh! Oh, no, sorry. I was just passing by.”
“Do they always practice here, by the way? Do you- do you know?”
The man glanced suspiciously but shrugged.
“They practice regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. But since a competition is coming up, it’s everyday in the weekdays.”
Alex nodded with an “Ohh.”
He smiled to himself as he walk back home.
Everyday of the week, is it?
You might just found yourself a new supporter.
eugene gale / seo juntae
Eugene would be so starstruck!
He loves anything that isn’t school work, so that includes sports.
When you told him you were doing kyudo, he would adjust his glasses and lean in closer to you in order to hear more about it.
“Wait, so—it’s like archery but the bow is around two meters tall?!”
Like Gray, Eugene would search up more on the topic. It will be his new obsession for the rest of that week.
You would often find him murmuring to himself while taking notes, watching a professional examination or competition video.
Since you thought he was already in so deep anyway, you decided to bring him with you on one of your practice sessions.
As you lift your bow and release your shot perfectly, Eugene’s eyes would lit up.
All of the videos he watched pales in comparison to seeing the real thing.
Eugene hadn’t even realised he was spacing out yet when your figure approached him in his seat at the corner.
“So, am I as cool as those guys you watch on your phone all the time?”
“I- You were so cool!!”
(why does y/n feel like ben park lol)
“Anyways, I think I’m gonna grab a drink.”
The shuttle in him comes out.
“I’ll go get some for the both of us! What would you like?”
When he returned, he noticed a few younger girls wearing a slightly different uniform from you murmuring outside your practice room.
“Hi! Are you here to meet someone?”
The girls looked at each other and handed him a plastic bag full of snacks.
“Are you y/n’s manager? Can you give this to her for us?”
“Eh? Um.. I’m not her manager, but, I can give them to her for you.”
The girls beamed up and thanked him before leaving.
He guessed that he wasn’t the only one that got his heart struck by your charms.
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wait-still-rendering · 10 months
Monday, March 20, 2023
12:35 AM
Idk what prompted me to write this. But I do remember reading a story where a woman found a lover from her past life, but it didn't last---it was closure. Also, I had a dream about a guy I didn't know. We were talking in my old bedroom and then he asked me what year it was so I told him. He then told what year he was from and I think he said a year centuries away. It was strange, but kinda cool? Anyway I'm writing this on my phone. What is it about the notes app that makes me want to write entire novels lmao.
Summary: Unfinished business is meant for the dead, right? When Naminé Hoshida begins dreaming of a mysterious boy with a sad smile, she thinks nothing of it until she runs into him at a bonfire. The meeting leads to an onslaught of memories that overwhelm her and Naminé isn't sure if her feelings for the boy are the memories talking or her attraction alone. If she pursues him will it lead to love or will it lead to closure and ultimately, goodbye? AU. Reincarnation. RokuNami.
There's a boy in my dreams
His golden skin seems familiar
We don't touch, not once
But we talk and talk
He asks me what year it is
I tell him
He looks confused, so I ask him what year it is for him
He tells me
The year is different
Significantly different from mine
I remember waking up
And feeling as if my heart was shattering into tiny glass pieces
Maybe those pieces could be turned back into sand
And then I could rewind time
Like clockwork
Naminé Hoshida's eyes drooped lower and lower every passing second. This wouldn't be much of a problem if (A) she was not seated in the front row, (B) in the middle of a class lecture on the punnett square, and (C) about to drop dead.
From sleep, of course.
Naminé wasn't dying or anything.
Or least she hoped she wasn't.
Her vision grew hazier as the white walls and ugly motivational posters and lame science memes blended in with Mr. Highwind plain shirt and jeans. He was a strange man with cropped blond hair and blue eyes and he always wore the same variant of outfits to school everyday. Naminé wondered if he ever played fashion games despite his lack of style. Did he ragequit if a client didn't like the outfit he put together for them? It was a strange thought that flit through her sleep addled mind, but it kept her awake.
She caught a whiff of Mr. Highwind's signature scent---black coffee and cigarette smoke---as he lumbered over to a poor kid trying to inconspicuously eat their way through a bag of beef jerky. It smelled awful; both the mixture of smoke and coffee and the off-brand snack.
A series of giggles erupted from different corners of the room and a collective "oo" resounded off the walls as if they were back in 1st grade. Naminé’s eyes shifted to the window. Spring flourished, sakura blossoms swirling about in the warm breeze.
Destiny Islands was known for its tropical weather and assortment of strange fruit, but most tourists overlooked the sakura trees. The story of the paopu seemed much more romantic than trees that could be found in different towns. Still, a stroll with sakura blossoms falling to the ground on a beautiful spring day sounded like paradise.
A smile found its way to Naminé’s lips. This was already supposed to be paradise.
Sleep slipped into her body once more.
"Don't eat jerky in my class now!" Cid bellowed from the back of the room.
A jolt ran through Naminé. If it weren't for the yell, she was certain her papers wouldn't have gone floating to the linoleum floor. Abashedly, she scrambled to gather her doodles and drawings up before anyone could get a good look at her art.
Really, she chided herself, I need to invest in
a sketchbook.
Good fortune saved Naminé that day as all her fellow classmates were far more invested in the throwdown between the beef jerky kid and Mr. Highwind.
She shuffled through the lined papers before reaching the end. Hidden beneath her numerous doodles was a boy drawn out on proper sketching paper.
He looked golden---hair, skin, demeanor. If she could use one person to describe the sunset, it would be him. She couldn't leave him in black and white and so he became an array of colors amongst her other pictures. Stacks of doodling paper engulfed her drawing before she meticulously placed everything back in her folder.
She ran a finger across the paopu sticker placed in the center of her baby blue folder. Part of her debated on whether or not to add more stickers just as Mr. Highwind and the kid went out the door and to the principal's office. Naminé didn't think it was that serious an offense, but Mr. Highwind was, well, Mr. Highwind.
It was another typical Friday at Destiny High.
"You guys going to the bonfire tonight?" Kairi Sakamoto flipped her silky red hair, violet eyes brimming with mirth as she talked to her posse.
They were all pretty. Too pretty. Naminé felt a knot settle its way into her stomach as she caught sight of their laughing faces a few seats away from her. Xion Sato---captain of the girls volleyball team and bassist in her own band. Selphie Tilmitt---resident gossip and casual newspaper editor. Olette Hillbrooke---designated overachiever and president of the student council. Lastly, Kairi Tanaka---ringleader of the elite and first chair violinist.
"Of course! Do you think he'll notice me?" Selphie prattled on about her "secret crush" but Naminé was certain she had a crush on any half-decent looking guy within a 12-meter radius.
"I can't wait for the s'mores and paopu juice. And I'm sure he'll notice you in your new dress, Sel." Naminé saw Olette from the corner of her eye, skimming through her color-coded notes.
"And I'm ready for the chaos. Guess who's coming." A mischievous grin spread across Xion's face.
"No," Kairi gasped. "You're joking."
"I'm not. Pinky promise."
The four girls squealed.
"You gotta keep us filled in, Xi," Selphie said, popping a piece of gum into her mouth. "I'm part of the newspaper y'know. And," she added, leaning in close, "I'm thinking of starting my own blog."
Naminé, for what it was worth, had great hearing and knew how to look at people without them knowing. It was an essential skill for people-watching.
The girls continued to talk, this and that about makeup, and oh did you hear the latest drama? She's didn't deserve what happened. He's definitely cute. Stuff like that.
Class ended without Mr. Highwind returning and thankfully, it was 7th period.
Naminé was out the door in seconds.
If it weren't for what happened next, her life would have taken a completely different course. She knew that with certainty.
"Hey." Seifer Almasy was leaning against her locker, a smirk residing on his arrogant face. He towered over her before leaning in to say, "Wanna come over to my place? I heard girls like you are pretty wild in---"
"Seifer," Selphie said saccharinely, "do I need to teach you this lesson again, because I have my nunchucks riiiiggghhhttt here." She patted her sunshine yellow backpack, embroidered flowers stitched on.
How the hell did Selphie Tilmitt smuggle a weapon onto school property?
Also, was that really the one thing she should be worrying about right now?
A pair of hands pulled her back. It wasn't until they were in front of her that she realized it was Olette and Kairi. Xion stood next to Selphie, her hands concealing what Naminé presumed to be another weapon.
"Y'know girls might actually fall at your feet if you weren't a moronic asshole barely passing his classes." Kairi's hands were on her hips.
"Ohh, I'm so scared. What are a bunch of puny girls gonna do to me?"
"Want another scar for that face of yours?" Xion asked. Her voice grew low and Naminé swore Seifer started to sweat.
"We have enough evidence to get you kicked out of school. Then you can start your long and prosperous career of living off of Mommy and Daddy." She heard the smile in Olette's voice.
It wasn't long before Seifer was storming off to who-knows-where.
"Hey, you okay? It's Naminé, right?" Kairi smiled. Four pairs or eyes were on her and Naminé wasn't sure how to react so she nodded.
"I always see you drawing in class. And your notes always look so well-organized and cute," Olette said. "We're sorry about Seifer. He's such a pig. Honestly, I don't know what happened. He wasn't always like this."
"Yep, hopefully he doesn't show his face at the party tonight." Selphie smiled as if she hadn't just threatened a boy with her nunchuks. "Oh! Are you coming to the bonfire?"
The only word that left Naminé's mouth was, "Huh?"
"Yeah, you should come. It's a lot of fun," Xion replied, a gleam in her eyes. "We could help you pick out an outfit and then head out."
It was all a daze after that. She found herself in a light blue summer dress paired with the sandals she always wore on nice days, but then again, most days were nice on Destiny Islands. The dress was ... something else.
Cute, yes, but she wasn't quite comfortable with the amount of skin it showed, which, to be fair, wasn't a lot.
Naminé crossed her arms in attempt to cover herself more. Something about wearing even slightly revealing clothes in public resulted in heightened heart palpitations and burning cheeks. She could blame it on the setting sun or the weather drop or even the fact that she forgot to bring a jacket. (Oh, how she regretted leaving her jacket at home.)
The throngs of drunken teens reminded her why she never went to parties. Not that she was ever invited to any. Too many people, too much noise, too much drama. Or maybe she hated parties because she never quite fit in with any group and usually found herself in the corner, too afraid to talk to anyone or ignored by everyone when she tried to contribute to the conversation.
The girls surrounded her in a feeble attempt to make her feel included. It didn't work.
Then, she saw him, golden skin and all.
When their eyes met---a spark, a flicker, something, shot through her. He smiled.
Familiarity almost had her in tears.
Selphie nudged her arm and wiggled her eyebrows. "Someone catch your eye?"
"Huh?" Naminé's cheeks were stained red as she attempted to form an intelligent and articulate response, neither of which came to her. "He, uh, just looks familiar. That's all."
"Y'know, usually guys say that when they're hitting on a girl. Not the other way around," Kairi chimed in.
"He's coming this way," Olette whispered.
Xion started making kissy noises to Naminé’s dismay. Really, they should be more mature than this. The girls fell back. Probably to go watch them from afar in one of the bushes or something.
"Hey, I'm Roxas."
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flowercos · 1 year
A work of art (Peter Maximoff x Gn Reader)
You have been going to Xavier's School for gifted youngsters for almost a year now. In your free time you enjoy sketching in your sketchbook. You would sit outside on the soft grass. The feeling of the evening breeze blowing through your H/L hair was calming. You had recently picked up a habit of drawing the same thing over and over again, or rather the same person. Peter. You couldn't get him off your mind, so you did what you do best. Draw. Peter and you have had a little playful rivalry going since you arrived at the school. It was nothing extreme. Just a little push or joke here and there. At the end of the day you guys were definitely friends.
𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓱 𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴
You had just finished moving the last of your boxes into your room. Using your telekinesis, you lower the last box onto the floor. "A telepath, huh?" You turn around to see a silver haired boy wearing a Pink Floyd T-shirt in the doorway. He's leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed. You look up at him and he continues. "You must be the new student." "That's me!" You respond enthusiastically with a smile. "I'm Peter" He says with a thin lipped smile. "Y/n." You say proudly. You look away for a second to finish unboxing your art supplies. When you turn back around you see Peter with one of your sketchbooks that you had packed in your unopened backpack. "Wow. You're really good." He says flipping through the pages. "How did you do that?" "Do what?" He smirks knowing exactly what you're talking about. "Oh, so that's how it's gonna be?" Using your telekinesis you lift one of the pillows, you thow it at Peter, but it somehow hits you right in the face. You look at him with a clearly annoyed expression. "You should see your face right now!" He continues to laugh at you. "Seriously. How did you do that?" You ask again. "I'm fast." He winks at you. "You need help unpacking?" The rest of the day Peter helped you move in as you got to know him better 𝓔𝓷𝓭 𝓞𝓯 𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓱 𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴
𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓭𝓪𝔂
You were sitting in the grass as you normally do, continuing a past drawing of Peter. The courtyard was oddly clam and quiet. Just then you saw a certain silver haired boy across the campus. You glance up at him and back down at your drawing. Your pencil glides across the page capturing his eyes on the paper. You look back up to compare your drawing to Peter, but you notice he's not there anymore. "Whatcha drawing?" You turn around to see Peter looking down at you. Immediately you close your sketchbook, hiding the drawing from him. Your face turns a light shade of pink. He sits down on the grass next to you. "What are you hiding Y/n?" He gives you a teasing smirk as he pushes his shoulder into you. "None of your business speedyboy." You return his teasing. "You've really wounded me!" He puts his hand to his chest sarcastically. You laugh at this. "So do I get to see the masterpiece?" He persists "it's private" You respond "That just makes me more curious." He gives you a devilish smirk. You can tell he's up to something.
You look down and realize your sketchbook is gone and so is Peter. "Shit." You say aloud to yourself. You look around and spot him across the courtyard. He holds your sketchbook up and grins. "Peter! Give it back!" You yell at him. Your heart starts to race realizing the situation you're in. Peter, Your friend that you also happen to have feelings for is holding your sketchbook that contains drawings of him and a few paragraphs about your feelings. You start running towards him, but it's too late. You see him open the book and flip through the pages. His playful expression changes as he turns each page. His eyes are wide open as he focuses on each drawing. "Peter I can explain." You try to think of an excuse to explain why your sketchbook is full of drawings of him. At this point your face is bright red and full of embarrassment. "Y/n, do you mean all of this?" He says pointing to a small paragraph next to a drawing. It reads- 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖. 𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆. 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒄𝒐𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝒔𝒎𝒊𝒓𝒌 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒔𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒆. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒈𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈. 𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖.
He looks at you with the most sincere eyes. "Y/n, do you?" He asks again. "I-" You snatch the book from him. "Peter this was private." Your eyes start to tear up from the embarrassment. "Hey. No, no, no. Don't cry!" He starts to panic and places his hand on your cheek. "Hang on. I have something to show you." He places one hand on the back of your neck and the other around your waist. "What are you doing?" You ask him, confused. "Holding your head so you don't get whiplash." Before you get a chance to respond you're both in his room. "I have something I wanted to show you." Peter walks over to his shelf full of cassettes and grabs one. "Here." He hands the tape to you with a soft smile. You inspect the tape in your hands. It has your name on it. You look up at him. "What is this? Why is my name on it?" You ask him genuinely confused. "It's a mixtape. I made it for you a while ago but I pussied out and never gave it to you." You look at the tape again then back at his face.
"Why did you make this?" He smiles sweetly at you. "I thought it was obvious? I have feelings for you. I have for the longest time, but I was too scared to tell you." Now Peter was visibly embarrassed. "You-you do?" You look at him with a shocked expression. "Yeah Y/n. I do." He takes a step closer to you and puts his hand on your chin making you look at him. "What about you?" He says with a teasing smirk"Do you have feelings for me?" Your face feels hot as you get closer to him. "Shut up." You laugh and as you do, he rolls his eyes, pulls you in and kisses you. "I think I love you too." He says responding to the paragraph in your sketchbook. You run your fingers through his silver hair and kiss him.
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elfrixc · 2 years
i love kyu ― painting
some texts and writing underneath!
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"who are you so busy texting?" changmin asked when you giggle again over your texts.
you looked up. he wasn't looking at you though, he was busy, drawing dark lines with a ruler in his sketchbook to create what you assumed was a border.
his glasses ran down to the end of the bridge of his nose as he leaned over his word. you were caught in a gaze for a while before you remembered what he had asked you.
the nature of the question seemed suspicious but you disregarded it for the moment.
he has never asked these types of questions. he was normally just so easygoing and...not suspicious?
"oh, just my friends. they said something funny."
"ah..how are you going with your sketches?"
you looked down at your sketchbook to see a blank page staring right back at you as if making fun of you.
he giggled, however.
"i thought we were spending time together doing this."
"oh...yeah, we certainly are!" you placed your phone face down and picked up a sharpened pencil to begin sketching your idea for the portrait you were soon going to paint.
you knew you were going to ace the assignment. you believed you were gifted with artistic abilities, it's always been your strong suit and a way of expression. like how some people write, sing, dance―you liked art, you loved it.
you watched the grey lines etch gently against the paper, mindlessly sketching something as you had no idea yet of what to do. you would soon feel a spark that would carry you to a new level of understanding. but for now, it was just littered lines all over the page.
"don't know what to do?" changmin asked.
he peered over at you, pushing his glasses up as he flicked his pencil between his thumb and index finger. you've noticed that he always preferred to stand up when sketching a first draft. he told you that it kinda helps him. you didn't get it, but went with it.
"it'll come to me."
"it always does." he solidifies with a soft smile.
the eye contact you held was seconds long. however, those seconds lasted an eternity and the twinkles from the light fixtures above expressed the glitter in his eyes.
something pushed you over the edge.
"what did you think when you read my letter?" you asked right away, not expecting the words to fall out.
but the curiosity was killing you. you just had to know.
after the distance you had to endure from your first love with all those overpowering feelings which had to be coveted to avoid any mishaps, you wanted to at least know what he felt when he finally read between the lines.
a girl stumbled into the classroom.
"changmin! i am so sorry! i forgot to return your..."
she slowly looked over at you and you felt your dignity being crushed by the pure embarrassment. you'll never know now because you'll never find the confidence to ask him again.
your eyes widen as the girl hands over a neatly folded hoodie.
your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach.
you couldn't believe it.
"thanks, sumin."
"i gotta get back to class. i gotta metaphysics assignment to write." sumin said and she smiled at you slightly before running out of the class.
"it was raining the other day. she had my locker code and needed something to shelter her and i wasn't in school grounds―"
your phone started ringing on the table unexpectedly, making you almost want to cuss out of frustration.
you picked it up, seeing a caller id you were not expecting at the time.
"i kinda need to pick this up...sorry, changmin."
you ignored his worried eyes as you picked up the call.
"hyunjae! where have you been?! we've been worried sick."
"do you want me to spare you the details?!" he yelled through the phone.
"yes please. but, are you safe?"
"HAHAH…that depends. sooo, um...i've somehow ended up on jeju island after accidentally sleeping on the bus. which i found out was the wrong bus, so yeah. please send help..."
you stood there, speechless. "how even? you didn't even think to call us?"
"you bet i'm mad! just wait a second." you yelled, feeling your heart race.
lee jaehyun was a big problem on your ass if you were being serious. always on something crazy.
you expected eric to be the one who was hard to deal with when you first moved schools. oh, but when you met hyunjae, it was a whole different story.
"get your ass on the groupchat."
you hung up on him and a distressed changmin was gawking at you.
"sorry. i need to attend this. i'll see you another time."
you began packing up, knowing you had to go see find younghoon. he didn't seem like the most mature person on the earth but he was the oldest, there had to be some inner wisdom that was peeking from underneath his inner child.
"y/n..." changmin began quietly when you were shoving everything in your bag.
you knew he wanted to say something about sumin and it was tugging a smile on your face. but you stopped it. hyunjae was stranded.
"nothing. you should go. i'll talk to you another time."
"thanks, changmin." you bid him.
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i love kyu! ― ji changmin x fem!reader
summary: changmin (your ex crush) and you have lost contact since high school after you moved a town over. you meet again at university and you realise that those feelings you felt once are still there. now, you have to find a way for him to reciprocate your feelings.
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pbandjesse · 7 months
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Today was another very grey day. But it was also a nice day. I was to cold but I still had a nice time.
I had a lot of trouble falling asleep. I was up until at least 2. Which I did not enjoy. And then I had intense dreams that were to realistic and confusing. So I woke up in a weird head space.
But when I woke up I was determined to do the things I had promised myself I would do.
I went and got washed and dressed. And then I striped the bed and changed the sheets. Tried to make the space nice.
I did some dusting. And then vacuumed. I was a little frustrated with our vacuum and felt like to wasn't working as well as it should. But I did my best.
James had gone out this morning and put gas in the car and gotten me a bagel. Love them so much. I had my bagel and shared some cream cheese with sweetp.
I had checked on the mice first thing and they were crispy again. I swear I have washed them like 4 separate times today. They just keep standing in the milk!! Stop that! I'm going to start introducing some fruits and veggies. Try to start weaning them off the milk. I am worried about them still. But they seem strong right now. I changed the towels in there again. Trying to do that plenty since they keep getting the milk in everything and I don't like the smell. But I think they are going pretty good.
I would work on some knitting. And by the end of the day today I had finished all the squares I needed!! I changed the layout a little to be 6x6 instead of 5x8 and so I have some extra squares but I think it will look really nice. And I'm just thrilled.
This morning though I would only have time to make one and start a second. I laid out all the pieces so I could come back later and pin them (which James was lovely enough to do for me), but I felt super proud of the progress.
I also watched a documentary this morning about how dangerous duck boats are. I don't know if I had ever been in one as a child but I know I haven't as an adult. Which is shocking because I love being on boats. But they just seems so sketchy and now I know I was right to be concerned. Wildly dangerous.
Once my doc was over I headed to awah.
The parking pad is still being worked on so I had to park up the hill. But I was still there before 1230. When I came inside I was surprised to see Zoe and Naomi had beaten me. And apparently Naomi called me s few minutes before. I was like. Guys. I told you I will be there at 1230. No rushing me.
But we got inside and got things set up. Zoe and me took the sign outside and it got rained on so it bubbled up and looked very strange. Plus the arrow was pointing the wrong way. Oops. I had Zoe draw a new arrow on a piece of paper and stick it on there.
It was a fun class though. Water color paintings based on Alma Thomas. I was pleased to see Ireland and Naomi, student Naomi not assistant Naomi, and Jasmine. Everyone seemed to really like the project. We did have a new student who couldn't handle having art not on a school day and cursed and yelled a lot which freaked a few of the sensory sensitive kids out. Mom took him out and I felt bad. But I felt worse when I saw that Mary Ellen was crying a little. She said it reminded her of when her daughter was younger and how sometimes they just couldn't do things because it was a change of schedule and it wasn't something she could handle. You make life work the best you can but you really never know what life will hand you.
The adult class was really chill. Ari was funny and kept telling us how appropriate he was being. And apparently if he continues to be appropriate he gets to earn going to the thrift store to buy a book under $5. Which I was like. Oh dang I was to go to the thrift store too. So now we have that in common. It is always fun to find things in common with the people in my classes.
Zoe had to leave a bit early. But that was fine. Me and Naomi, with the help of Ari, Richard, and Lewis, got everything picked up. Lewis seemed to be in an amazing mood today and he spoke to me for basically the first time when he asked me to help him rubber band a deck of cards back together. And at the end he told me adios and wouldn't leave until I said it back. It was very sweet.
Once everyone was picked up Ari helped me bring our sign in after his dad told him to carry it for me. I think I alarmed the building correctly. And then it was time to go.
The walk up the hill was a little tough today. I was a little shaky cause I was hungry. But I got up there and wrote my notes and headed out.
I forgot artscape was still happening today. So I went the wrong way and had to go up and around to get to north avenue to go home. It took almost 20 minutes. It is normally a 6 minute drive. Very frustrated but I survived. And was home around 330.
When I got back here I checked on the mice and cleaned them up again. I changed and got on the cought to keep knitting. I would finished the last two squares by 515. I was thrilled.
James came home in that time too. And we decided to go to Golden West for dinner once I was done my second, and final, square.
Once I was done that we had a little celebration cheer and I got changed before we left.
And Golden West was fun but I didn't love my sandwich. I feel like.my taste buds have been weird the last couple days. Like everything tastes to much. Everything is bitter or overly sweet or just to strong. And they didn't have the vegetarian chicken I wanted so I got a vegan BLT which was fine but I really wanted something warm. And while our server was super nice and funny, he was also on his 3rd day every working there as a server and all of our food came out at wildly different times. Like I had eaten half of my sandwich befoee James got their tacos. James eats so fast so they still finished before me but that was crazy to me they would bring them out like that.
I enjoyed my fries and soda though. And they even brought me a tiny carafe of diet coke to refill my cup. I did not need a refill but then I felt wasteful so I drank more and gave myself a stitch in my side. Ah well. I still had a nice dinner with James. We talked about Christmas. And how we are going to do each other's stockings this year because we are our own nuclear family now. I also think it will be better. Special. More intimate you know ? Especially if we are thinking about trying for a baby now, it may be one of our last ones just us. And when baby gets here it will be more about them, so we should cherish this time in our lives before it changes again.
James was all high kicks and being silly on the way home. And when we got here we came inside and they worked on pinning my squares because they are an angel. While I cleaned duo the mice again!! Stop standing in the milk!!
Once James pinned everything I spent almost 2 hours sewing. And I have 4 of the 6 rows done already. So being done before the end of the week does not feel farfetched. Which feels really nice.
Once I was at a good stopping point I went and took a shower and now me and James are in bed. They are mostly asleep already. I'm only a little jealous they fall asleep so fast. But their sleep is not great still. I wish we both could get better rest. At least we are together.
I don't know what tomorrow will hold. I'm looking forward to a nice day off. I hope you all have a good day. Sleep well. Until next time!
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