#all about dermatology
forensicfield · 2 years
Dermatologists-Who are they & What do they Treat? Do They also help in Crime Scene Investigations? | Forensicfield
During a consultation, a dermatologist may notice skin changes that are indicative of potential abuse. These must be meticulously recorded, measured, and photographed. The number, location and pattern of the marks (morphology) are especially ....
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Hello praying people, I'm not doing well and would really appreciate your prayers right now <3
#long very boring and unnecessarily detailed tag monologue incoming‚ feel free to skip:#this is going to sound like a silly thing to be hitting rock bottom over#but i’m fairly certain i have a semi-rare skin condition known as sensitive skin syndrome#which is basically where skin gets progressively more sensitive#until it won’t tolerate the topical application of anything at all without getting irritated#usually it happens to people on the skin of their face and i have it there but i also specifically have it on my lips#(which apparently is extremely not normal; i found a dermatologist’s case study from like 2019 of one woman who had it on her lips#and according to this case study there were no other cases of people having it on their lips#in all the dermatological literature he had read)#i can’t follow the protocol which all the journal articles i’ve been able to find say is helpful for the rest of the face which is basicall#leave the area the heck alone for at least a year#because if i don’t apply anything to my lips for more than two or three days they will get so dry they crack and bleed#so it’s looking like one way or another i may be having to deal with dry burning irritated lips for the rest of my life#and i’m not dealing with the thought of that very well#i’ve already suffered so much anguish from extreme sensitivity on the rest of my face#and not being able to take proper care of the skin there#and this is just too much for me#i know God is allowing this for a reason but it’s filling me with so much frustration and panic and despair that i don’t know how to go on#but i must and i will#this isn’t a serious or a life-threatening condition but it’s looking like a pretty hopeless one and it’s hurting me badly#and i would appreciate prayers that it would just be healed or that i would know what to do#i think i will try going to my dermatologist but somehow i doubt she's even heard of sensitive skin syndrome#on a COMPLETELY unrelated note i'm just about to get my period and also for two days i've ''eaten'' nothing but vegetable smoothies#and those in pretty small amounts because they're disgusting#(do a detox my hormonal health doctor said)#(it'll be fun she said)#ok if you read this far you're so brave braver than any u.s. marine etc.#thanks for reading ily <3
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So, I have this dermatologist appointment tomorrow, and I'm feeling pretty nervous about it. Let me give you a little backstory on why this is such a big deal for me. See, ever since I was a kid, I've had to deal with health issues on my own. My mom always believed that going to the doctor for small issues was pointless, and I understand where she's coming from. I mean, why bother a busy doctor with something that seems trivial, right? 
But I think it's because of that upbringing that I developed this kind of aversion to doctors in general. It's not that I don't see the importance of seeking medical help when needed, but there's always this lingering feeling of unease whenever I have to face a doctor. Maybe it's the fear of being judged or feeling like I'm wasting their time, I don't know. But hey, time to put my big girl pants on and face the world, cause sometimes it’s hard getting things done when you’re naturally a loner. <3
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year
don't you think the money thing he said meant for the genre he choose and not the other way round?? Like not going full on pop commercial with radio hits when he had success with jho bty but changing his direction completely for his debut album. cuz we know he almost had an album ready with very different sound from leaked stuff like that's the way I do, help but then scrapped it. Atleast that's the story he is telling since he wrote that ig note in 2019. that was my interpretation. what do you think?
Yeah, I mean he said “I feel like I finally got my own way, making the music I wanna make. I hope some people find some respect in that idea ‘cos I could’ve had it the easy way and I probably would’ve made more money, but for me it was much more fulfilling to do it this way around”.
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lovphobic · 2 years
why do moms love to leave u on read when you ask an important question 😭
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reality-detective · 1 month
The Shocking Truth About Skin Cancer: What You’re Not Being Told About the Sun
Is everything we’ve been told one big fat lie? The answer seems to be a resounding yes.
While the public is constantly told to avoid the sun to prevent skin cancer, what they’re not telling you is that sunlight is arguably the most important nutrient for the human body.
And get this: avoiding sunlight can double one’s risk of dying prematurely, and it also increases the risk of all other cancers.
Sunlight also:
• is critical for mental health
• reduces the risk of breast cancer
• is vital for cardiovascular health
• increases one’s longevity
So, why all the fearmongering? The answer seems to be “follow the money.”
A Midwestern Doctor writes:
“A remarkably sophisticated public relations campaign was launched to transform society for the benefit of [the dermatology] industry.”
The demonization of the sun has “allowed the dermatologists to cast themselves as heroes and to stir up as much anxiety as possible about the sun—especially as a psychological investment they had to make constantly putting sunscreen on would make them more likely to go to their dermatologist.”
Moreover, the skin cancer fear campaign has created “a massive sales funnel by being allowed to do a massive number of routine full body skin exams (on otherwise healthy individuals) and hence have a huge pool of potential cancers to biopsy or excise (remove).”
Lastly, the war against sunlight has allowed them “to piggyback onto the fear the medical industry has marketed around cancer to justify charging a lot of money to do something questionable to prevent cancer and having every patient go along with it the second they hear the dreaded ‘c’ word.”
Read the entirety of this masterful article by A Midwestern Doctor here: 👇
So, there you have it. Now, you understand why they want you to fear the sun. 🤔
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gayou01 · 1 year
Astrology observations pt 28 (Taurus, Libra and Venus placements)
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t
-having Venus in the 6th house can indicate being known as the pretty coworker that everybody lowkey has a crush on, especially if Venus is in its home sign (libra or Taurus).
-Venus in the 1st house squaring or opposing the MC or Mercury can indicate having to deal with not being taken seriously in professional or academic settings because some people equate having a pretty face with being an airhead (when that’s obviously not true)
-Venus in Sagittarius’s reputation for being noncommittal stems from them immediately running away from people who are all-consuming, demand all their time and attention and do not respect their need to be given space. They want an equal, not an owner or a pet
-Having an MC or 6th house ruled by Venus can literally indicate working in a profession in which you get to beautify things, whether it’s interior design, cosmetology, dermatology, etc
-people with Lilith in Libra in the 1st house are usually very conventionally attractive and may lean into using their good looks to manipulate others and consequently believe that their physical attractiveness will get them everything they want all the time whether they openly admit it or not, especially if it’s conjoined to Venus
-there’s something about Taurus placements and muted greens, burnt orange and warm browns. These colors look particularly good on them
-if your 4th house cusp is in Libra or Taurus with its ruler in the 7th house (or conjunct Juno), you have a high chance of marrying your childhood sweetheart, or at least someone you were familiar with since you were very young
-people with Venus in Pisces are known to get lost in their partner and adopt their mannerisms, but no one really talks about how they tend to attract partners that project their guilt, misery and insecurities onto them
-Leo placements in general are known to have a lot of confidence and yet I find that Leo Venuses question their place in their partners lives a lot and need constant reassurance to feel sure of their partner’s love for them
-people with Venus in the 2nd house like to treat themselves a little too much and go overboard as far as spending money at times
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🌹Ice's Lazy Loc Wash Routine🌹
I wanna preface this with two very important things:
I do not retwist my own locs! It would take far longer if I did. I have the tools and the means, and I know how to do it. I just hate doing it 🤣. It takes patience and arm strength and I lack the will. When I have the money I just schedule a retwist. Usually about every three months (which is longer than usual)
This is the way EYE do it! This is one experience out of countless, so don't assume my way is THEE way. There are people that will probably scream at me through the screen. But alas... It is "lazy" Loc wash day for a reason. And I do still care for my hair, and it's healthy and thriving for seven years (as of this Wednesday) 👍🏾
Okay? Okay.
The misconception about locs is that they are dirty. They're no "dirtier" than any other type of hair, nor do they require dirt to lock. That's a lie, and a racist one at that.
That being said, locs will end up holding the weight of life lol. Skin, sweat, dust, pollen, smells (and for me, bc I have dermatitis, scabs); all those things will end up weighing your locs down. Some people will do an Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda wash to detox their locs.
However, I use this!
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Essentially it's water, apple cider vinegar, orange peel, and some essential oils in a spray bottle, so I can spray it directly on my scalp and locs and massage it in deeply. Let it sit for a bit. Because I only wash my hair every 2 weeks or so, it's fine, but I wouldn't do this if I was washing it more frequently as it could mess up my scalp pH. Again, I have painful dermatitis, so it helps me get closer to my problem spots. Does it burn? Yes. It's working 👍🏾
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Then I use this soap bar, which has things like coconut oil, aloe vera, eucalyptus, tea tree, almond, lemongrass, and more in it to scrub my scalp. You're supposed to rub it into your hands and scrub it in, so naturally I put the bar directly on my scalp. Be better than me. Smells AMAZING though and leaves my scalp clearer than it has ever been.
Medicated Shampoo
I use a medicated shampoo last. While that sits, I bathe 👍🏾 Bathe well, too 👍🏾 Please make sure your characters are bathing when they wash their hair 👍🏾
Once I'm done, I gently pull my locs apart (they WILL start tangling at the root IMMEDIATELY), then I wrap my hair in a beach towel. You're supposed to use t shirts because they're softer on curls, but I don't like water dripping on me while I get dressed. I put on easy to wear clothing. Tits loose clothing. I gotta be comfortable.
So if you know me, this is something I complain about ALL THE TIME. And it's how dermatology does NOT cater to Black patients! Even my shampoo says "for 30 days, wash every night". I'm Black with locs. My shampoos last for months bc that is impossible without me sacrificing my entire night, every night. Even if I had an Afro, we're still not supposed to wash our hair every night for fear of stripping the natural oils.
So I have to DEMAND I be given a medicated liquid solution. No petroleum based products!! A solution is the easiest way to reach my scalp. Does it burn? Yes. It's working. 👍🏾
So if your character has a skin issue (dermatitis, psoriasis, exzema excema eczema) on the scalp... Solutions are the easy way to go.
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I promise this isn't free ads lmao, I just happen to be experimenting with this company and I like what I've seen so far. This is a real lite oil spray with rose water and essential oils, and it cools my scalp.
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Aloe Vera, the goddess of healing. Also cools my scalp and addresses those burning, pink spots from my dermatitis.
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Drying depends on the length and thickness of your locs, and the temperature. Mine are shoulder length, pencil thick. Today I dried at real high heat (unintentionally) and it only took about an hour. At a lesser, safer heat, about two. This hair dryer bag is LIFE fr.
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If I don't have anywhere else to go (and I don't, bc I plan my loc wash days like this) I spray my scalp with oil one more time, put on my loc sock, and then I'm done 👍🏾
Total time today: about two hours. Normally 3 at a lower dry temp. Not bad at all.
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goldsbitch · 4 months
I gave so many signs
summary: First unrequited love is not the one to ever leave your mind. Y/N looks back at her missed connection with Charles Leclerc from the time they were just teenagers and regrets having him slip away.
song fic (disclaimer: rights belong to the respectable owners)
exile - Taylor Swift Lie to me - 5 Seconds of Summer (feat. Julia Michaels) Worst of you - Maisie Peters
warning: Present time, the past
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Coming back home to Monaco always brought a sour smile to her face. She loved growing up in this strange small town where everyone knew each other and celebrities came to show off and then went back to wherever, to tell stories of Monte Carlo.
They say that you get to experience three very different real loves in your lifetime - and only if you're lucky, it would be with the same person. Her first love was Charles Leclerc.
I saw you lookin' brand new overnight I caught you lookin' too, but you didn't look twice
Visiting family was the reason why she always came back, but going out with the few girls from high school who stayed there was a treat she dared not to miss. There is just something about hanging out with those people who helped one buy the first eyeshadow and with whom she pregamed at one of their step dad's dermatology office before going on trying to get into any club that would allow minors in. So there she was once again, at the old time spot, having a harder time to hold her alcohol since she'd passed the magic non hangover years. And to her luck, he walked in only a bare half an hour later than her.
Whenever she saw him, even after those years, it was like everyone else had dissapeared from the room. He seemed to age like wine.
It's 3 AM and the moonlight's testing me I know that you've been holding on to someone else And now I can't sleep
"Come here to me," she teased, moving closer to him. He tried to stop her and playfully pushed himself the furthest away possible the couch would allow. "Charlie, let me see!" she insisted and sat on top of him. She had to act quickly, there would be no way for her to keep the upper hand. He was just turning eighteen soon and the time in gym was starting to bring back results. "I do not have any hairline, Y/N," he gasped, annoyed. His tone changed. Back then she interpreted it as just him being done with her shit. Looking at it now, there probably was a different reason why he became more stiff. She sat on him, going through his hair and taking few photos, blissfully unaware. "I'll show this to you in a few years and we'll see! Ha!" Charles eyes were shooting arrows in her direction. She looked back at him, curious and not grasping the moment in the same way as he did. "What?" she asked simply. "Nothing..."
I can see you standing, honey With his arms around your body Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all
She laughed a bit at that memory as she sipped her drink and tried her best to avoid keeping looking back at him as he sat with his current friends and an absolute gorgeous girl laughing at his joke. She knew who she was. Sometimes she peaked at his socials and then blocked him again right away. She certainly knew he had her blocked.
They went to different schools and Charles had his racing activities anyway. So they'd spent a lot of time texting. A lot.
It was just one of the horrifically long school days where she doubted the point of her existence. Life had to be more than sitting in a pointless computer science class. She wanted to be a big lawyer girl boss one day, so why would she ever care about programming. There she was, staring at the assignment from the teacher who was stuck in 20th century anyway, having little to no clue what to do. As she'd usually do, she texted Charles. Bombed him with twenty texts demanding attention, before he finally responded. "OMG i thought someone had died" "i am dying charles" "no your not" "*you're" "i can go back to my race simulator if you keep being a little shit" "nooo, please dont go. you're my only hope. sorry, your. i get it, you got out of the school too early." "that's it, i'm gone" "noo, please stay, I'll be nice and say nice things about you" "i'm staying, go on" "you are absolutely gorgeous" "yes, agree. more" "you are soo funny, amazing, future heart breaker and your passion for racing is so inspiring" "i like this. more"
Second, third, and hundredth chances Balancin' on breaking branches Those eyes add insult to injury
They were inseparable, yet nobody knew. Always meeting alone, because they did not need anyone and their social circles didn't really meet together. Whenever he was back in town, the two of them would hit up their favorite café or hang out at his house and then go for a walk. The two of them walked around Monte Carlo as if they were suppose to be the cartographers creating the first map of that area ever. Those were the good old days that came to end very unexpectedly.
We always walked a very thin line You didn't even hear me out (Didn't even hear me out) You never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs)
His hands were shaking when he sent the email. But he just could not take it anymore. He was over the moon in love with her and didn't know how to contain it.
"there is no easy way to say this. i love you. sorry. i'm stupid and i know we're just friends. but i basically live only for racing and seeing you. i'm terrified of seeing you with someone else. if there is at least a cell in your body that feels the same, please let's meet up and talk about it. if not, do not reply and i will never mention this again and deal with it. i love you."
She was seventeen when she got his message out of the blue. A scared little girl who was petrified of feelings and anything relationship related. So she never replied to his email.
All this time I never learned to read your mind I couldn't turn things around (I couldn't turn things around) 'Cause you never gave a warning sign (You never gave a warning sign)
Charles had a very little hope that she'd feel the same - why would she, such an amazing person, kind, fun and totally glorified in his eyes, so he could not even imagine him being worthy of her. But what if? What if he was enough? With every day when she did not respond to his email, his heart sank lower. Still, the pain of the first rejection is a hard one to take, because it's usually from a scared unexperienced heart to another and the clumsiness causes great deal of accidental collateral damage one remembers until the end of their life.
You're not my homeland anymore So what am I defending now? You were my town, now I'm in exile, seein' you out
She texted him from school few days after that - a normal text, as if nothing happened. Both of them were too chicken to address the situation openly. So he opted for buring his feeling and she for playing like she had no idea. Deep down, she always knew, even before he emailed her. They texted, continued to meet up. But it was never the same again.
Flashing back to New York City I was done, but you undid me Classic me to run when it feels right
It was hard to get closure for her. After all that had happened and the mess the two made for each other was a hard lesson she remembered vividly. She glanced at your first love again - and finally she met his look, after almost two years of managing to missing each other while they were both back in Monaco. She'd daydreamed about bumping into him, the two chatting and smiling again. The world stopped again for few moments. He shot her an unsure quick half smile that said it all. She knew him too well for that.
And now I wish we never met 'Cause you're too hard to forget While I'm cleaning up your mess I know he's taking off your dress
It was her prom night and she could not be more excited. All her friends were here, family, even Charles managed to get in town to watch her dance and drink all night. She had the night of her life, perfect end to end this chapter of life. The excitement her eyes held was contagious. She spent the first half of her evening with the family and Charles, sharing few dances and laughs. If felt like the good old days. But one shot of tequila led to another and there she was, drunk as pirate and unhinged like a teenage girl. Charles did his best to keep her parents at bay, keep them occupied while he got one of his friends to take care of her. He was worried she might do something stupid, like walk up to the stage and fall down breaking all of her bones. Finally, her parents decided to leave without having to saying goodbye to her after Charles spent a good half an hour convincing them she was just in the back stage and that he'd get her home safe. When they were gone, he began to search for her, only to finally find her sitting on the stairs, making out with the friend he assigned to keep an eye on her.
So take me to every party and just talk to your friends Why don't you let me down, I'll let you do it again Go on and walk all over me, just don't walk away Give me the worst of you 'Cause I want you anyway
It was like being cut open alive and having people watch. There was nothing even remotely graceful about her actions, she was literally sitting on the floor having a battle of tongues with another drunk teenager while people had to walk pass her. It was embarrassing. Charles didn't know what to do. He wanted to run away and never come back, but he couldn't leave her there alone. He couldn't bring himself to stop the two of his friends, because he was just too sad and heartbroken to do so. He just stayed nearby and kept an eye on them. It was one of the longest nights in his life.
She couldn't remember the second half of her prom night and Charles would never speak of it, even though she begged him many times. He always became stiff and started to leave the room. She only kept asking, because it marked one of the biggest shifts in their friendships. He became cold, unresponsive and after few weeks, he stopped communicating completely.
You were my town, now I'm in exile, seein' you out I think I've seen this film before
Funny how people's faces change with years, but the eyes stay the same. The eyes and the look. Charles looked at her the second time this evening. It was like staring back at the eighteen year old boy who was drowning in his feeling.
It was one of her last nights in Monaco before leaving for university. Finally, her dreams were coming true. She was more than ready to get our to show the world she was a force to be reckoned with. She sent Charles countless messages before her final departure, at that moment, she was sure she'll never ever get back to Monaco and wanted to at least understand why he became distant. One evening, he finally agreed to meet up and talk. She was over the moon. Knowing that she could always turn Charles over, she left feeling confident - he was one the very few people she was sure shared the same soul as her. It was as if they'd never stopped talking. Jokes flying everywhere, the two of them strolling around, having no idea this would be the last time (and maybe, that was better for her at the time). There was so much to share, the two kept talking over each other for hours. Charles was happy when she finally stopped to take a breath for a moment. She looked him in the eye and saw a look she'd seen countless of times on his face. There was a shift in her mind and out of nowhere, she was kissing the boy she'd been unknowingly in love for years. She'd realize that she loved him only once she started dating a random guy from her college, expecting the same feeling Charles gave her. But it never came. Had she known, she'd have stayed with him. He tried to convince her to start dating him. Almost begged her to try it with him long distance. But there was a whole world for you to discover, places to be and versions of her that needed discovering. She had kissed only once. But it was a kiss of a lifetime. He blocked her on all socials after she rejected him again.
I never learned to read your mind (Never learned to read my mind) I couldn't turn things around (You never turned things around) 'Cause you never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs) So many signs, so many signs You didn't even see the signs
The girls were laughing at some joke she missed while digging in her memory for traces of her first love. Charles Leclerc. He was sitting few tables away from her. This time, her heart sank as he kissed his girlfriend on the cheek as they walked away from the bar. She wanted to run to him, to talk to him again after all those years. To tell him the same thing he once emailed her. To explain that she was just too young to notice she had the love of her life right next to you. But she knew all too well what his answer would be. And just like he had back then, she never wanted to hear it out loud.
And I know that you don't, but if I ask you if you love me I hope you lie, lie, lie, lie, lie to me
part 2
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ms-demeanor · 4 months
I have a Canadian friend whose mom is a chiropractor, but from what he and another Canadian friend described a Canadian "chiropractor" sounds more like a US "Doctor of Osteopathy". As someone who is very anti-chiropractor do you know if this is accurate? They seemed shocked by what I described of US chiropractors.
So in the post that I made about chiropractors, the link about chiropractors practicing medicine that they aren't qualified to and aren't supposed to, it's a link to research done in Manitoba.
NOWHERE are chiropractors supposed to do anything other than spinal manipulation; they aren't general practitioners, they aren't doctors.
US DO: Is able to prescribe medication, refer patients to specialists, provide treatment for a variety of disorders depending on their specialty (which can include everything from dermatology to cardiology).
Chiropractor anywhere: spinal manipulation and lies about what is covered by spinal manipulation unless they have a medical license IN ADDITION to being a chiropractor, which you can check with your region's medical licensing board (in most places you can look up a doctor in a government database and find out if they are licensed and qualified as a doctor).
Here is the scope of practice for chiropractors in Ontario laid out by the 1991 Chiropractic Act:
dysfunctions or disorders arising from the structures or functions of the spine and the effects of those dysfunctions or disorders on the nervous system; and
dysfunctions or disorders arising from the structures or functions of the joints.
And here are the treatments they are allowed to provide:
In the course of engaging in the practice of chiropractic, a member is authorized, subject to the terms, conditions and limitations imposed on his or her certificate of registration, to perform the following:
Communicating a diagnosis identifying, as the cause of a person’s symptoms,
a disorder arising from the structures or functions of the spine and their effects on the nervous system, or
a disorder arising from the structures or functions of the joints of the extremities.
Moving the joints of the spine beyond a person’s usual physiological range of motion using a fast, low amplitude thrust.
Putting a finger beyond the anal verge for the purpose of manipulating the tailbone
I really like that Ontario specifies the exact way in which a chiropractor is allowed to finger your asshole.
SO the thing is that looking at that list you might go "oh well it makes sense for chiropractors to treat lower back pain and knee injuries and such" but that's not what they *mean* when they say "dysfunctions or disorders arising from the structures or functions of the spine and the effects of those dysfunctions or disorders on the nervous system" because Chiropractic is an entire whole ass fake system of medicine so they consider *all* illnesses to be "disorders arising from the structures or the function of the spine." So they choose to treat asthma because they believe that asthma is caused by subluxation and they don't treat it with albuterol sulfate they treat it with spinal manipulation.
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teachugger69 · 5 months
a helping hand
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summary: when reader is expressing her frustration with her skin, spencer is there to help her feel better (basically)
content/warnings: negative opinions on acne, mentions of food
category: fluff! (I think lol)
word count: 1k!
a/n: i've been wanting to write fic's for awhile, but like actually writing them is HELL compared to just thinking of cute little scenarios in my head for fun 😭 soooo im just gonna post this one because i could care less for it (if i post one that i actually love and people don't like it, I WILL BE CRUSHED AND NEVER WRITE AGAIN.) but anyway! please give me tips/advice if you have any :)
For the first time in years, your skin was breaking out- and heavily, too. Sighing, you sat up on the cold bathroom counter, intensely observing your newly conceived blemishes. (for an extensive amount of time.) Growing up, your skin was never in that oh so desirable clear state that all the other girls had. Not that acne was horrific, but you just felt like the odd one out when everyone else looked like modes for Goop.
In the living room, Spencer pauses his reading to glance across the apartment to the bathroom, a bubbling feeling of concern growing in him. Placing his book down, he walked over to check in on you, leaning against the open doorway. "Is something wrong?" Your sweet boyfriend asked in a caring tone. Turning on the counter so that you were facing him, you shook your head. "No- I- I'm breaking out." You groaned, breaking the number one rule of dermatology as you touched your face. "Y/N... it's okay, that happens-" "No! Spencer, I can't be breaking out like... this. I look so... ugly. I've been sticking to a strict skincare routine for this reason, and-" before you could even take a breath, Spencer quickly placed a chaste kiss to your lips. "You're not ugly, nothing can make you ugly- even this breakout." He said softly as he finally pulled away.
Why did Spencer have to be such a sweetheart? He always found a way to make you feel better, and you hated him for it. The sweet boy kissed all the spots on your face that had been affected (which probably wasn't helping, but who were you to complain?) Blushing, you lightly push him away, making a false face of disgust. "I hate you." You giggled and rolled your eyes, making Spencer let out a sarcastic gasp. "I'll live." He leaned in to whisper into the crook of your neck, leaving featherlight kisses on your pulse point. His slender fingers sliding down to caress the silky purple PJ set he bought you so excitedly. "I think you're beautiful, Y/n, I wish you could see yourself through my eyes." The boy mumbled against your skin as he delicately tried to pull the waistband of your shorts down.
"Wait-" "What's wrong?" He asked softly and pulled away. "I just- sorry- I'm just trying to figure out why I'm breaking out." You sighed and scooted down the counter to look in the mirror again. Spencer watched sadly as he saw you looking at yourself in such a negative light. Your brows furrowed as you leaned in closer, observing all of the new ugly bumps on your face. It was only when you started you squish your skin together, attempting to pop a pimple, when Spencer quickly grabbed your wrists, pulling them away from your face. "Spencer!" You frustratedly groaned, looking up at him in offense.
"Sweetheart, as much as I don't want to support this ideology... if you want to clear your skin, touching the blemishes won't help- let alone popping them." Spencer says in an incredibly quiet voice, almost as if he was scared to say anything to hurt you any more than you already were. "I can't wait for it to clear up. I've been avoiding everything wrong for years- these need to go away." You complained but listened to the genius, knowing he was right.
"How about this- how about we retrace your steps- maybe we can narrow down why you're breaking out...?" Spencer suggested thoughtfully as his hand gently brushed through your hair. You thought it out- and it was such a good idea! You nodded enthusiastically and Spencer couldn't help but smile as he saw your mood instantly heighten. "Okay, well... my skin has only been like this for a few days." Spencer nodded, taking into consideration why your skin might be acting up- and then it clicked.
"Oh! What about that new foundation you bought?! The... Maurice one? I dunno... It was clear- and expensive." Your smile faded as you bit your cheek, wondering if it really was the cause. "Makeup by Mario, baby. But... I don't think it would be because of that- that foundation is really expensive- and it has so many good reviews." You defended- mostly because you didn't want to believe that the new $42 foundation he bought you was behind your skin nightmare.
Your boyfriend thought to himself once more before he spoke again. "I uh- I think I might know why, now." He said, timidly looking down at his hands as he fiddled with them. "Well... What is it?" "Baby, it's- I-" "Just tell me, Spence." "I think it could be your diet- uh- because recently you've been- well- treating yourself. I love that you're letting yourself indulge in those foods- but they're good in moderation, my love." You just looked at him for a few seconds before giggling to yourself. "That's what you were scared to say?!" You snort and look at the boy who seems absolutely relieved that you didn't take it the wrong way. "Well... yeah." He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'm glad you told me- you're like... the only one who can get away with bringing up my eating habits." Spencer let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. "O-Okay, good."
You hopped off the counter, leading the two of you out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. "Guess we're going to have to say goodbye to these..." You sighed as you grabbed a box of doughnuts- stocked with the chocolate frosted ones with sprinkles that your boyfriend loved so much. As the box hovered above the trash, Spencer yelped a childish "No!", before he quickly grabbed the box away from you. You giggled and looked up at your immature boyfriend with a judging face.
"Well... what if I said you look sexier this way That you look better and that you don't have to change?" He stammered- hands finding their way to your waist. "You're gonna seduce me- just so we can keep these doughnuts?"
"Maybe. Or maybe I just always think you look sexy- and the doughnuts are just a coincidence..." Spencer grinned slyly and let out a stupid little chuckle.
"You're really stupid for a genius, you know?"
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knightsickness · 7 months
besides criston what other characters do you think wouldve been canonized by the faith?
just did one for main series characters so i’ll do historical figures
most obvious + in the same category as cris where there’s a comparable real catholic saint baelor blessed who is a fantasy version of st louis the pious. louis inherited a court still full of charlemagne’s daughters and granddaughters and to exile them accused them of being whores to their father. i think he’s also meant to be angelo from shakespeare’s measure for measure religious zealot who exiles all the whores from the city then predates on a nun. need more info on baelor i knoww he was deeply sick but he’s also definitely canonised. has several associated miracles built the sept of baelor after receiving a vision very into religious fasting and giving alms all that crazy maidenvault shit and encouraging lords to keep their girls in chastity belts never fucked his wife ever closest thing to an existing in-universe saint
the faith hated maegor so fucking much basically anyone he ever interacted with has a good chance. definitely all of his wives bar tyanna. poxy jeyne poore and melony piper. every lord he ever killed HAS had a saint campaign based on that regardless of how well he lived
was going to say naerys and aemon (though i feel like it’d be a situation where she has a saint-cult of her own but he’s always part of the set. you might get a sept of st naerys or a sept of st naerys and st aemon but probably not just a st aemon) but i think it’d be funny if aegon unworthy blocked both of their canonisations on purpose much to the chagrin of the faith who had been planning them since naerys first floated frailly into the sept. could easily have been remedied later under a different king. popularity of saints often determined by how useful and relevant their patronage was and i think in westeros marriage mart culture naerys patron saint of enduring piety and wives of cruel husbands would do triple doubles
hugor of the hill comparable to biblical saints in terms of proximity to the seven and ‘historical’ figure in the seven-pointed star. supposed ancestor to the arryns also weeping alyssa arryn so saintpilled vv popular within the region
a ton of medieval saints were just prominent theologians usually the patron of whatever city they worked out of. barth probably but there would be a lot more
if any house is reenacting that one debacle where they called the faith to see a body was exuding a divine perfume and the faith said you’re trying to scam us you’ve sprayed the body with perfume and then vindictively buried the body in a dung heap it’s the lanns
disproportionate number of targ saints magaelle is a super obvious one i know the faith was punching the air when she contracted the disease she was self-sacrificially nursing that’s so good. i feel like there was a period where the creation of non-targ saints was banned after some scandal about status-grubbing houses trying to get saints in the family. there is one frey saint ever they constantly add things she’s the patron of and have some ghoulish relic like all her teeth glued together or her dried oesophagus
go back and forth on alicent definitely think the hightowers made an aggressive campaign. unflinching faith and duty to her husband (pointed septon voice) unlike some people. holy mother aspect and certainly placed herself at risk for faith ideals i could see her being a patron saint of oldtown (i’m sure oldtown has about fifty patron saints) however more proactive and ambitious than female saints usually are you aren’t meant to want worldly power
there has to be at least one septon a historic bolton flayed to death right. patron of dermatology and leatherwork
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ivesambrose · 1 year
2023 𝓜𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓼 🫧
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HAPPY NEW YEAR and my new year gift to you all. You thought I'd forget huh? 😉
Choose the gif / gifs you feel intuitively pulled towards the most ✨
To book a personal reading with me DM or email me at [email protected] with your name and query 🌙
Services offered
Winter & new years readings
Thank you for the tip 🌹
Gif 1
Themes :
Expansion, learning and exploration.
Messages :
You'll be feeling a lot more youthful and playful compared to the previous months. Like you've been serious and taking things to heart for so long and feeling like Eustace Bagge from Courage the cowardly dog most of the time but now you feel more like Bugs Bunny. This is the best analogy I can give.
Its your turn to inspire the people around you or those who get to meet you this year.
Some of you might pick up cooking as a hobby or profession or would want to start experimenting with recipes at home or better eating in general instead of eating out.
You'll be showered with compliments a lot this year so if anyone tries to dull your shine you know it's irrelevant.
You'll have some decisions to make in terms of career / study opportunities and you will feel indecisive at first as to which is the better option but trust in yourself to choose the best one.
You'll be getting out more or would simply be on your way to something that leads to a lot of financial bliss.
Things will take off soon and suddenly maybe even sudden travel plans and receiving everything at once that might seem overwhelming and you might get anticipation anxiety, certain jitters or just worrying about what's ahead or even improper sleep. But things will be alright. Keep your focus on the bigger picture.
Make that vision board for the love of God.
Romantically you'll have really high standards. Yet I see you nitpicking yourself. Stop that! (pretty please) I do see you being offered love by someone head over heels for you but you'll take your time opening up and be fixated on yourself and your goals for the most part so perhaps a slow burn in that department or you'll just relish in finding a sense of yourself and the career you've always wanted this year.
Gif 2
Themes :
Dreams, imagination, subconscious, spirituality.
Messages :
You'll be focused on the positive and positive only. Seeing things in your favour. Feeling more optimistic, manifesting friends with the same mindset and in turn finding more clarity. I see that some of you have literally put your foot down and decided that, "nope. Show me how good it can get."
You've matured so much and are at this point rather unfazed by the ups and downs life throws at you. You've always made or will be making peace with yourself. That you don't need to plaster a label on your personality and niche yourself down to be more palatable. You're a mix and match of several things and that's perfectly okay.
You may inherent some wealth. Some of you might move to a new house or redecorate your house in a way you've always wanted. You'll feel like you've achieved something tangible this year that you're really proud of.
There may be a moment where you look back at the past and judge yourself harshly. Please refrain from dwelling in this.
You'll be educating yourself on a certain topic you feel drawn to. Possible topics I'm seeing : how your subconscious works, neuroscience, mythology, language, music, skin (dermatology or cosmetology)
I see you letting go of your sorrows because you have faith that what's yours won't pass you by.
A lot of vivid dreams and possible precognitions. Learning to lucid dream as well.
Romantically I'm sensing there's someone that matches your energy. They will end up being your muse or you'll end up being theirs. You'll grow closer when you least expect it even though you'll intuitively see it coming.
Gif 3
Themes :
Overcoming a dark night of the soul, curiosity, collaborations and connections.
Messages :
Oh you're walking away. Literally. People, places, situations, mindsets, mostly manipulation. It's like you finally decided to pack up and leave and the right opportunity showed up for you to do it. I see relief after grief.
You may be managing two jobs/income sources/multiple daily life things. At first it might be difficult but you'll soon get the hang of it and also find time for yourself.
I see some of you getting into skincare and wellness. Even fragrances? Things that make you feel calm and are therapeutic. You have neglected yourself for a long time so now that you've finally decided to make yourself priority little things like this feel like therapy almost. As if you're pretending to be in a vouge beauty secrets video just for yourself.
I would like to remind you, if no one has. I'm very proud of you.
There will be a lot of boundaries you'll establish this year. Be mindful not to end up being too sharp tounged to people who really do mean well. Not everyone is out to get you.
Things are changing this year and even if this change feels uncomfortable due to its newness. Its something you've been wanting. Also, improved finances. Sudden windfall even. Making the right connections that lead you to your own growth be it personal growth or growth in business or otherwise. By the end of the year you'll feel like you have more than enough. That you don't need to feel on the edge all the time. Like the bright sunny morning has finally come after a long stormy night.
Gif 4
Themes :
Self expression, travel, foreign cultures and strength.
Messages :
I can hear Freddie Mercury sing, "I want to break free." loud and clear near my ears.
I see you rebranding and reconstructing yourself. It reminds me of Maxine looking at the mirror and saying, "I will not accept a life I do not deserve."
I actually see that something that has been challenging for you suddenly just being swept away. Like you really don't have to physically exhert yourself so much. Drop the baggage my loves. Not yours to carry this year.
Its okay to manifest or seek the easiest ways. Simplify things for yourself.
I see a lot of you just realizing your worth and falling in love with yourself. Looking the way you want, dressing the way you want, courting yourself and taking yourself out on dates to the point your standard is you yourself. Honestly? Truly? Love that for you.
You'll be very determined. Like nothing stands in between you and your desires. You know what is yours. Period.
You'll realize how a simple perspective shift and not forcing yourself to do something or reacting is the key to getting what you want.
Some of you will love to document moments for yourself a lot. Maybe invest in a Polaroid camera or digital or point and shoot camera for yourself.
There's so much creative spark around you, I just see you going at with no desire for perfection. Simply fun.
You'll reap your rewards especially monetary. And have several projects to look forward to. One symbol that might follow you are spiders or spider webs or little stars when something good is about to happen.
Romantically? Oh you will be pursued alright but why am I getting y'all just don't pick up on hints? I'm literally hearing the song Loco by Itzy for y'all. So you'll be having an impact on maybe many people but you'll be oblivious to it. I think you're choosing peace and harmony so you'll rather want to be around who feels the same and go with the flow.
If you're already taken I just see more harmony and cooperation in your existing relationship.
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ficsbyuzi · 12 days
All the ways lead to you - part 1
Characters: Aemond Targaryen, Inara Maegyr (Original female character) in a Modern HOTD AU
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Warnings : FICTIONAL PLOTLINE. Established relationship. Me swooning over Aemond Targaryen and writing this🤭 Inara being a sweet and awesome girl.
Note: This post and that a mutual of mine (@/elegantsplendour) remarked that this fic series has 'Succession' vibes. I wasn't aware of the show when I wrote this last year, and I still haven't watched it. Any resemblance to its plot is purely coincidental. Everything that is going to be re-posted here, comes from my delulu mind.
Inara's thoughts and a little background about her are in italics.
Word count - 1.2k
"You know me, mom, I can't just start working in some random hospital as a junior doctor," Inara spoke to her mother on phone, cradling it between her ear and shoulder as she watered her kitchen plants on a Saturday afternoon, “I am trying to find a job where I can practice both medicine and my art.”
"Where on earth will you find such a job, Inara?" Her mom questioned disapprovingly. "You will soon be a licensed doctor and able to practice medicine. You should start with a clinician job and save up for your MD tuition."
"Let me at least try, Mum. Maybe I can join some makeup manufacturing labs or intern with those big-shot skincare providers."
Inara heard her mom sigh and tut in response to her plans, a reaction she was quite used to by now. Yet, the conviction in her voice didn't falter as she continued, "I will definitely enroll in an MD program. Don't worry.”
As long as Inara could remember, she had always loved makeup. Even as a child, she would rummage through her mom's makeup kits and spend hours in front of the mirror, painting her own face and sometimes her mother's.
Her parents always wished to see her in the white coat of a doctor - a dream she shared with them. Cracking the medical entrance exams straight out of high school was a cakewalk, her sharp intellect paving the way for her.
Despite plenty of medical schools in Essos, the allure of studying abroad was too strong and liberating. The prestige of the renowned Citadel Medical School in Westeros had captured her attention long ago, and securing a seat there felt like destiny fulfilled.
While medical school required her to focus entirely on classes and books, her creative side yearned for exploration. Her love for makeup never faded, and after dedicating half her life to studying, she decided to follow her heart. A heart that always danced between two worlds, two passions, yearning to embrace both simultaneously.
As soon as she adjusted to her new life on a foreign land, she enrolled into a weekend certification course near her medical school. And, thus began her journey towards becoming a rare combination of a licensed medical practitioner and a trained makeup artist.
Days blurred into nights as she balanced the demands of medical studies with the pursuit of her passion.
Six years flew by in a whirlwind of learning and she was now nearing the end of her curriculum. After the sixth and last month of her hospital training and formal graduation, she would be a licensed medical practitioner. Thanks to her dedication to both medicine and makeup, she now stood as a certified makeup artist, with an expertise in skin care and prosthetics.
After freelancing a bridal makeup assignment a couple of months ago, she decided to take a detour from a predictable route towards advanced degrees or clinical positions straight after college. She planned to give herself a year of exploration into other career options before enrolling into an MD in Dermatology. And so she made up her mind on freelancing or finding a job that could extend her stay in Westeros, thereby allowing her to save up for her MD.
"Anyway, you've been so busy with everything else, you haven't even thought about finding someone. You're not getting any younger!" Her mom steered the course of the conversation to the topic she dreaded the most.
Oh boy, here it comes!
The inevitable discussion about her biological clock and society's expectations for single women was about to begin.
"Mom, please, I'm twenty four, not forty four!"
"Yes, and about time you started thinking of settling down!"
Rolling her eyes, Inara let out a sharp sigh.
"I have chores to do, mum. I gotta go," she cut the conversation short, trying her best to hide her rising impatience, “Bye! Love you!”
"Fine, But please think about what I said. Love you. ”
After ending the call, Inara continued staring at her phone's home screen. Smiling faces of her family stared back.
Her mom’s words still lingered in her mind, as she made herself a cup of chamomile tea and settled herself infront of her laptop.
She sipped her tea, smiling and recalling her mom's statement about doing tons of different things at a time. She had always loved to hustle. And, she loved how chimeric her career goals were. It wasn't an easy road, but she was determined to make it work somehow. Career satisfaction had always been her first priority; finding someone to date or marry, wasn't.
Inara's attention snapped back to her laptop screen, her eyes widening as she noticed the fourth and fifth unread emails from the top. Both arrived around the same time from the job search website she had signed up for.
The subject of the first email read:
Requirement of an assistant make-up artist on an upcoming TV Show.
The second one read:
Requirement of a physician / medical officer(s) on a TV production.
Universe works in the strangest of ways. All you have to do is ask.
She quickly opened both emails in separate tabs. They were from the human resources department of a television production house in King’s Landing. A period drama based on mythological history was in pre-production, and the HR team was hiring people on contract basis.
As someone who rarely watched television,or movies, she chuckled at the thought of working on a TV production house. Nevertheless, she decided to give it a try. With a few quick clicks, she accessed the links for both the positions and uploaded her resume. As she crafted cover letters for each position, wishful thoughts surfaced again. She let out another exhilarating chuckle, as a wave of nervous excitement crawled down her spine.
How fun and cool it would be, if I could somehow do both the jobs simultaneously.
A week later, as Inara was on her way home from the hospital where she interned, her phone rang. Seeing a number with the King’s Landing code, she gasped.
With her heart alight with anticipation, she answered the call. Clearing her throat, she adopted her sweetest and most professional tone before greeting the caller.
"Hi, Dr. Maegyr, this is Stannis calling from the HR department at Red Keep Productions. We've shortlisted your resume for the opening we posted about. Will you be available for an interview next week?"
"Hello, Mr. Stannis. Sure, I...I will be available!" She tried her best to mask the excitement in her voice. "Uh, I applied for two positions. May I know which one I have been shortlisted for?"
"Dr. Maegyr, your profile is one of the most interesting we've received so far. You have been called to interview for both positions. I can't say with certainty right now if you'll be hired for one or both roles as that will be decided based on your performance in the interviews." She could sense his smile through the phone.
"Thank you," she mouthed, looking up, her amber eyes sparkling with gratitude.
Part 2
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invece-sto-sdraiato · 2 months
My experience of watching House MD with my mom (a government certified dermatologist):
It was surprisingly such a bonding experience for us, now that I think about it. It was kind of our thing. I would ask her many questions about the technical stuff (biology lover here) and she would explain all of it to me. There were so many days when we would just discuss whatever happened in an episode, for hours. She didn’t mind any of the malpractice stuff (compared to what happens in Indian hospitals sometimes, house barely scratches the surface)
And I used to get so….idk exasperated at house’s cynicism towards others, while she didn’t give a thought about it. This is a woman who is currently in an administrative position (Associate Professor, to be exact) and she’s told me about the absolute shit some of her colleagues/subordinates have given her. I mean, she’s seen it all. She’s probably met people like house.
Coming back to the technics, she used to talk admiringly about how (mostly) accurate the med stuff was, and how there’s a lot of research gone into the writing of the show. And house’s discussion with the others using a whiteboard. I think that was what really made her like this show. I’ll elaborate.
This happened today:
Mom: “Last week, I was asking my students about the different dermatological diagnoses they’ve encountered in recent cases. And then, I asked them if any of them had ever watched House.” (She occasionally teaches post-graduate med students)
Me: “Really? Uh…. you asked them if they’ve watched House…of all the possible medical dramas?”
Mom: *eye roll* “Anyways, some of them said yes. And then I explained, how their method of determining the differential diagnosis is quite useful. Listing it all on a whiteboard, you know, it helps to clearly see where you stand and how to further proceed from there. And House gives the others freedom to express their opinions and doubts.”
Dad, suddenly: “He’ll list all possible diagnoses, and there’s times even when he has to strike out all of them. But none of them show any frustration and they keep brainstorming until they find the correct one. That can be so useful in daily life, you know?”
Me: “huh, I suppose you’re right.”
Dad: “They’re using something known as the ‘first principle thinking’ in psychology. It means that you refrain from making assumptions, and you go right to the basics, to find a solution.��
So. Idk what to say now. Maybe just that I have a lot of good memories pertaining to House. But obviously, being the teenager that I am, I was very interested in the hilson side of things (even if those two are seriously fucked up) but I also loved watching House for the technical stuff and used to get pretty excited if I even knew a bit about whatever illness was in an episode (a nerd’s a nerd 😅) sorry for the long post.
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blues824 · 1 year
Can you do obey me brothers with a mc who like qiqi from genshin impact(platonic ofc)
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He knows that you are a zombie, so he will try and adjust accordingly. He finds it adorable and efficient how you give yourself orders, but sometimes you probably shouldn’t because some tasks are too much. He likes how you keep an agenda so that your day is organized.
He will designate a spot in the HoL’s garden so you can plant herbs. You are still a practicing pharmacist, so you will do herbal remedies for the brothers. It’s not only cheaper than going to a doctor, but it’s also just easier.
You are also very polite, but lack emotion. It makes sense, since you are undead and therefore only follow orders like a mindless servant for their master, but you are your own master. Shouldn’t that allow you to show feelings? Well, besides annoyance since you pointed out that Mammon had a very punchable face.
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Big brother Mammon didn’t know you were a zombie until you told him. Honestly, he is kind of offended that you didn’t tell him, but you explained that you had never put it down in your notebook on orders you needed to give yourself to do that day… or any day.
He would help you gather the herbs you needed if someone within your friend group was sick. It was a surprisingly peaceful activity for him. Also, he’s happy that it’s easier and cheaper than going to a doctor since you were a pharmacist.
He once tried to give you an order to see if it would work, but instead of laughing you got a tad annoyed. You explained that since you freed yourself from the amber, you were your own master and therefore only followed your own orders. 
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You remind him of the zombie from ‘My brother/sister was taken away by a god and now I need to travel around to try and get strong enough to get them back!’ You even give yourself orders in the same way that the character from the game does!
He doesn’t really have a green thumb, so growing the herbs is all on you. He wishes that he was more interested in that type of stuff, but he will order seeds that you need online if you want. It’s the thought that counts, right?
He finds it unsettling that you show little to no emotion. Sure, you were the walking dead, but you could at least smile to make it less awkward. The one time he did see you get annoyed was when Mammon came asking him for money and you blatantly stated that the second eldest brother had a ‘punchable face’. It had Levi rolling and laughing on the floor.
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He also knew you were a zombie because he actually bothered to read the student profiles of the exchange students. It was fascinating how you operated by giving yourself orders based on the schedule you set up for your day.
He would also help with taking care of and harvesting the herbs that you needed to practice your pharmaceutical practices. You remind him a lot of Solomon in that aspect, and he is intrigued with the subtle differences. 
He would prefer to not show emotion as well, but since he is the Avatar of Wrath it’s nearly impossible for him to do that. He lets out an audible laugh whenever you get annoyed since it’s usually Mammon who started something. You even said that he had a very punchable face, and Satan agrees.
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He had no suspicion whatsoever since you looked alive. When you did order yourself to tell him that you were a zombie, he was so surprised. He thought you were a human, a sorcerer like Solomon was. Ain’t no freaking way. Then he realized that you had to order yourself to do things and the pieces pieced themselves together.
He would go to you for dermatological problems since you are well-versed in that field. He would help you with whatever you needed as long as it would help his beauty (also, as long as it didn’t get his hands dirty).
He’s slightly concerned when you don’t show any sort of emotion towards any of the things he’s excited about. I mean, whatever it is is a cause of joy! However, he burst out in laughter when you got annoyed at Mammon and said that he had a punchable face.
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He also didn’t really suspect anything about you. He just thought that ordering yourself around was either determination to get tasks done or to remind you of what you were doing, which is generally understandable. When you did tell him, he was shocked.
As much as I love him, please don’t ask him to gather herbs with you. He will most definitely eat them, even if you warn him that they aren’t edible. It’s even worse if it is a rare herb since it looks very appetizing to him.
He doesn’t really mind if you don’t show emotions. He’s typically very neutral as well, so he can’t say much against it. He will say that everyone (besides Mammon) erupted into laughter when you said that the second eldest was annoying and had a face you wanted to meet with your fist.
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He was definitely suspicious of you. He hasn’t read your student file (mainly because he was locked in the attic), but he knew that you weren’t human. At least not completely human. No one went around giving them orders like a master does to a servant. When you did tell him, he mentally slapped himself for being so dumb
He wouldn’t be excited to go collect herbs unless it’s to make a potion that will allow him to sleep better. If that’s the case, then he will gladly go foraging for whatever you need. Anything for a better night’s sleep (I felt that).
He’s mostly just annoyed at all of his brothers, so he feels you when he hears you say that Mammon has a punchable face. He, too, thinks that his older brother has a face that needs a good punch, but he didn’t expect you to say it out loud.
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