#affordable flight deals for christmas and new year
katyswrites · 1 year
'tis the damn season
Pairing: Steve Harrington/fem!reader
Warnings: Smut (18+), angst, friends-with-benefits, parental neglect/abuse, smoking, alcohol use, two fools who can’t just say what they feel
Wordcount: 9.1k
Childhood friends-to-lovers-to-strangers-to-lovers again, broken promises, and roads not taken, lots of angst, soft smut, illicit affairs, what-ifs, and it’s always been you. And it all leads to your hometown, during Christmas break.
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Part 4 | the warmest bed I’ve ever known
THEN, Spring 1988
“Wait, what?” Robin cried in disbelief.
You sighed, twirling the phone’s cord in your hand.
“Robin, look -”
“You mean I’m not going to see you at all? You’re killing me here -”
“Robin! It’s just… this is a really big opportunity. And, I’ve got my own place here now, and flights have gotten crazy expensive -”
You heard Robin laugh through the phone, then a sigh.
“You know I’m fucking with you, right?”
A small wave of relief washed over you - you had been dreading this call, so much that you’d been putting it off for over a week.
“You are?”
“Yeah! I mean - I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty bummed that you’re not coming back to Hawkins. I miss you like crazy. But, that’s so exciting… like, an internship with the New York Times? I mean, you’re really doing it - making it in the big city, all of that -”
You smiled, and flopped down on your bed, clutching the phone.
“Yeah, well, it’s not exactly glamorous - it’s an unpaid internship, and I’m taking extra shifts at the coffee shop to make it all work, with two roommates -”
“Yeah, but… it’s all pretty amazing. You’re really getting out, doing what you’ve always wanted. And I mean, me and Steve are still stuck back here -”
You twinged inwardly at the mention of his name, and were suddenly thankful that Robin couldn’t see you right then.
“Oh c’mon - don’t talk like that. I mean, you said the semester’s going well, right?”
Robin sighed, and you could picture the way she was probably rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, at Hawkins Community - but, I’m thinking of transferring next year. Not sure if I can afford it though.”
“There’s nothing wrong with community college, Robin. I’ve told you that like a million times -”
“It’s not the school itself, you know that. I just… you actually got out, away from Hawkins. The most interesting thing here is the movie theater, and only one screen is working right now, did you know that?”
You bit your lip, and searched for the words - you couldn’t argue with her there. But, Robin carried on, the way she often did:
“But, to be honest, it’s probably good that I’m sticking around here - without me here, God knows what would happen to Steve. I think we’re a little codependent, to be honest - did you tell him yet, that you’re not coming back for spring break, or the summer? I can, if you want, but I didn’t know -”
“Oh, uh - I mean, you can, if you want,” you answered quickly. “No need to make a big deal out of it, but, um… I don’t care if he knows, I guess. He’ll figure it out, when I don’t show up, anyways.”
You were aware that you were stammering, your heartbeat quickening and palms growing clammy at the thought of Steve. In the days following your argument, you had found yourself spiraling, thinking of nothing but Steve. There were a million times that you thought about calling him, or driving to his house, or even writing him a letter - but the idea of facing him again was enough to make you sick. In the end, you had headed back to New York in the new year, and subconsciously made a vow to never see him again. When you had received the summer internship offer, and the chance to renew the lease on your apartment, you had jumped at the opportunity. 
You hadn’t told Robin about what happened between you and Steve - it felt wrong to lie, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to talk about it. But you had somewhat assumed that he would say something - those two were inseparable. If she knew anything, though, she wasn’t letting it on. In fact, she was talking about Steve like things were completely normal, which was lending itself to awkward conversations like this. 
“Um, okay… by the way, just between you and me, I think he really misses you.”
You stiffened, and cursed yourself for your sharp intake of breath - Robin probably heard that.
“You think so?” you asked, trying your best to keep your tone steady.
“I mean, yeah - whenever I bring you up, he gets kind of weird… I can’t really explain it. He usually talks to me about these things, but… it doesn’t matter. I love him, but he can be such a guy sometimes, you know? But, I think he’s going to be sorry to hear you’re ditching us, that’s all.”
No, you thought. He’ll actually be thrilled to know he doesn’t have to see me again.
The thought alone was enough to make your eyes start to burn with tears, and you soon had to make a lame excuse to hang up the phone. And once again, you were alone. 
NOW, Winter 1988
For the two days following your conversation with Robin, where you had confessed everything, you find yourself spiraling. Maybe it’s just the run-in with Steve that had done this, the reminder that he’s real and here, only minutes away - in New York, it had been easy to keep him off of your mind. But, now, everything reminds you of him - driving past your old high school, the small Methodist church on the corner, the movie theater at the center of town, or the footprint of where Starcourt Mall used to be, bringing you back to that one summer when he scooped ice cream in that ridiculous sailor uniform. You feel him in the chilly winter wind, in the bare trees lining the sidewalks, in the smell of fireplace smoke drifting through the atmosphere on especially cold nights. And you hear him in the music on the radio, when that one Wham! song comes on, and you picture him rolling his eyes and smiling endearingly and you belted it in his face.
You had thought that being back in Hawkins would feel strange, after being away so long. But no, it’s worse - it aches. 
But, Christmas is on its way, and you throw yourself into holiday prep in full force. You decide to not think about Steve, to the best of your ability. You gather and wrap gifts, help hang lights over the fireplace, and finish addressing the last-minute Christmas cards that your mother forgot to send out. Then, comes the baking - you’re always tasked with it, making cakes and cookies and confections for all of the parties, including your special lemon cake, saved for an indulgent breakfast on Christmas morning. It’s what brings you to the grocery store in the afternoon, with a long list of baking essentials. The store is a bit of a zoo, with Christmas only about a week away, and you find yourself shouldering down the aisle labeled ‘Baking Needs.’ It’s slim pickings, and you inwardly groan as you have to get the more expensive brand-name baking soda. You’re so preoccupied that you’re intentionally drowning out the sounds of the people around you, scanning your handwritten list with a furrowed brow. 
Okay, you think, I’ve got the eggs, lemons, flour, sugar, unsalted butter -
It’s why you hardly see him, not until you’re looking up and moving again, nearly crashing your cart right into him.
“Oh my - oh, hey,” you say, your voice getting caught in your throat when you realize who it is.
Steve stares back at you, mouth hanging open, eyes wide. He looks just as he did a few days ago, a bit changed from the boy you last saw a year ago. But, he’s still Steve, and he’s standing in the middle of the grocery aisle right in front of you. The mundanity of it all somehow makes it seem more unbelievable, more exasperating. To his credit, he’s frozen in place, looking like he’s seen a ghost.
“Hey,” he replies softly.
You both stare at each other, almost filling the silence, then stopping - what is there even to say? Shoppers weave around you, muttering to themselves, crackly Christmas music playing through the store’s sound system. But you may as well be able to hear a pin drop, because you can’t find a single thing to say, and neither can Steve.
“I - um - what are you doing?” Steve asks. You glance down at you cart, full of chocolate and flour and absolutely nothing practical, then shrug.
“Oh, you know - buying stuff for Christmas baking. My parents are busy with work, and I’m the one who knows what to get anyways, so… yeah.”
It’s stiff, and awkward, and a ridiculous exchange to even be having. He just nods.
“Oh, yeah - the great Christmas baking extravaganza.”
Right - three years ago, Steve had been there to help you, letting you instruct him around the kitchen, and the cookies had nearly burned because you two got… distracted. You shake the memory, feeling sick.
“Oh - yeah. I think I’m making my chai cookies for your party, actually… your mom told my mom that she really liked those.”
He raises his eyebrows at that, curious.
“You’re - you’re coming to the party on Saturday?”
“I - well, yeah. I didn’t think I was, but… my mom was pretty insistent.”
Something flickers across his face then, something unreadable, then his expression hardens.
“Right, yeah -makes sense. I mean, that you’re coming because of your mom.”
His words are clipped, his voice sharp. Fuck.
You just wish, more than anything, that the ground will open up beneath you and swallow you up, if it means getting out of this encounter. But, miracles don’t happen often, so you have to swallow your pride and face him instead. You sigh, looking down at your cart. 
“Steve, I - that’s not what I meant. Well, I guess it is, but - I figured you didn’t really want to see me. And I’m not going to make you uncomfortable in your house, that’s not fair.”
Just silence from him, and you can’t look at him. You just find yourself focusing on a bag of flour in the cart, reading the label as you try to figure out something else to say.
“But, it seems the world just wants us to run into each other anyway, apparently,” you mumble.
“Hm, yeah, I guess,” Steve says coldly. Another moment passes, just the two of you in the grocery aisle - somehow, of everyone in the store, he’s the only one who truly seems like a stranger.
“Well, uh - I guess I’ll see you on Saturday,” you say quickly, finally bringing your eyes back up to meet his. “I - I’ll try to stay out of your way, though. It’s the least I can do.”
You make a move to keep pushing your cart, but Steve just sighs.
“Hey, wait -”
Despite yourself, you stop in your tracks, frozen. You look back at him, and there’s a question in his eyes, searching your face for… something.
“Yeah?” you reply.
“I, uh - are you free later today?”
You furrow your brow, and nod cautiously.
“Um, yes - I mean, I think I should be. I have a couple of other errands to run, but I don’t think it’s going to take super long -”
“You want to meet at Gateway? And like, get a coffee, or something?”
You feel your stomach twist and turn into knots - there’s something in his voice, the harsh edge softened just a bit, pleading for you. And he’s staring at you with those honey brown eyes, and you know one thing - if you say no, that’s it - the nail in the coffin. So you swallow, and nod slowly.
“Yeah - sure thing.”
He nods curtly, and glances at his watch.
“Okay, well - it’s noon, so want to say like, around 2?”
“Mm hm - that’s fine. I’ll meet you there, I guess.”
You let your gaze linger on Steve for a moment longer, then turn and walk down the aisle, pretending to look at your shopping list. You wonder if he’s still staring at you - but you don’t dare to turn around to find out.
You arrive at Gateway Diner at 1:56 pm. Steve is never on time for anything, that much you know - so you sit in your car for a moment, gathering yourself. You take a few deep breaths, shutting your eyes and resting your head against the wheel. You feel a bit sick, your mind in a haze ever since the conversation in the grocery store a few hours ago. Coming back to Hawkins was a huge mistake, Christmas be damned -
You take a moment to glance at yourself in the mirror, and sigh - if you had known this was happening today…
You fish around in your bag, silently thanking yourself for always carrying around a little concealer and mascara. You do your best with your finger to cover the dark circles under your eyes, hastily dabbing in the concealer until it’s deemed good enough. As you quickly run mascara over your lashes, you laugh to yourself, feeling like a fool - but, it doesn’t stop you, nor does it stop you from finally getting out of the car. You take one more deep breath in the chilly December air - you can do this.
When you enter the diner, your cold cheeks burn as they meet the warm air. It’s thick with the sounds of chatter and silverware, the smell of greasy food wafting from the kitchen. It had been so long since you had last been here, and somehow, you actually feel like you’re somewhere familiar for the first time all week.
You try to catch the eye of the girl behind the counter to be seated - someone new, she might even still be in high school - but before you can, you hear an all-too-familiar voice call your name. You whip your head towards it, and see Steve sitting at a booth by the window, waving in your direction. 
You nod and head over, each step feeling impossible as you grow closer to him. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve run into him, you realize - you’ll never quite get used to the sight of him, not anymore.
He already has a mug of coffee in front of him, halfway done, by the looks of it. He got here early, and waited, you realize with dread. Fuck.
“Hey,” he says, offering a small smile as you slide into the vinyl booth.
“Hey,” you parrot. He’s just staring at you, and you suddenly find yourself fidgeting. Unsure what to do with your hands, you just fold them flat on the table, suddenly making this whole thing feel like a business meeting between colleagues. No, worse than that: you’re strangers.
“Thanks for coming,” he says quietly. “I wasn’t sure you would.”
You shrug, staring down at the full cup of coffee sitting in front of you - he must’ve ordered it for you.
“To be honest, I wasn’t sure I would, either.”
It’s brutal, but honest - his face falters slightly, but to his credit, he recovers quickly.
“Well, I’m glad you did.”
Silence again. Heavy, awkward. You fumble with one of  the little creamers, pouring it into your coffee and avoiding eye contact as you busy yourself.
“So,” he starts, “uh - how’s New York been?”
You shrug, stirring the coffee with a spoon.
“Fine. I mean, good - really busy. I’m still interning with the Times. And, working at this coffee place downtown. But, it’s cool, because I’m actually doing stuff. Like, I don’t just grab coffee - I get to sit in on meetings, they listen to my ideas, let me look over stuff as it gets edited - I’m learning a lot.”
You find yourself rambling, carrying on with details he probably doesn’t care about, because somehow it’s better than that godawful silence. Steve, to his credit, is at least pretending to be a good listener - he’s looking at you intently, hanging on each word as you carry on about your apartment, your roommates, the breaking news article you practically stayed overnight in the office to help get published.
“- I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was exhausted, but it was worth it - there was this thrill to it, knowing that I helped to make that happen, and it was on the front page. Below the fold, but still -”
“That’s amazing,” he says quietly. You stop, and meet his eyes. He’s just looking at you, face soft, and something tells you he actually means it. Bastard. 
“Yeah. It’s what you’ve always wanted - for as long as I remember. So, that’s awesome, really. Did they put your name?”
You raise your eyebrow, confused.
“Your name. On the byline? You always said that was your dream - to have your byline on the front of the Times.”
You hesitate for a moment, completely caught off-guard - you don’t even remember telling him that. But he does.
“Oh, that. Well, no. But, I didn’t write it, exactly - I called some sources, did some editing, but… it wasn’t exactly mine.”
He shakes his head as he raises the coffee mug to his lips.
“That’s still not right - you deserve it. I’ll march down there and tell ‘em that myself.”
You feel something flutter in your chest, in a way that’s achingly familiar, because it’s so Steve. 
“Yes, well - I think I can handle that for myself, thanks.”
It’s meant to be a joke, but sounds more defensive than you intend - did you intend it that way? But, you can't think on it, because the wall is put back up. You can see it in his face, how it hardens, how he straightens up a bit - he was just starting to relax, both of you were, but that iciness remains.
Before you can say anything, a waitress is approaching, carrying a tray full of food. You vaguely recognize her - middle-aged, with a friendly face and massive perm. Is her name Joan, maybe? You feel just a little sad, starting to feel more detached from the town you grew up in than you ever have before.
“The full breakfast for you, young man - and a full stack for you, with extra syrup,” she says enthusiastically.
You look at Steve, and raise an eyebrow. He just offers a small smile, and shrugs.
“I ordered before you got here - I figured you’d never say no to pancakes, right?”
“I - yeah, no, that’s great. Thanks, Steve.”
You set yourself on pouring the side of syrup over the plate, and Steve just shakes his head.
“So I was right - you still like to drench everything in sight in syrup,” he says playfully.
“Shut up,” you retort, earning a chuckle from him. It’s slightly forced, but still nice to hear - you hadn’t been sure if you remembered what his laugh sounds like anymore. 
“Thanks, though,” you add. “I’m actually pretty hungry.”
You both sit in silence while you eat. It’s strange, how something can be simultaneously so uncomfortable yet familiar. The booth is the same, with its worn vinyl, the sticky tabletop, the smell of coffee and syrup and eggs settling wrapping around you like a warm hug. But then there’s you and Steve, the only unrecognizable thing in this diner - still technically the same people who had slid into this booth as teenagers, but a bit older, more hardened, and something irreparable separating you.
“So,” you say after a while. “Uh, I realize I talked a lot about myself, but… how are things with you?”
He glances up at you for a moment, and shrugs.
“Oh, you know - the same. Working at Family Video, hanging out with Robin, the kids - I guess they’re hardly kids anymore. But, you know me - not much to report.”
There’s an edge to his voice, and it takes you a moment to remember why. You had managed to block out most of your argument from last winter, because the memory of it riddles you with an immeasurable guilt. But, you remember now:
Uproot your life? Be serious Steve - you couldn’t take a week off from your minimum wage job, chauffeuring a bunch of teenagers, and maybe being Daddy’s punching bag?
You suddenly want to sink into the floor, because if Steve is intentionally giving you a cold shoulder, you can’t say you don’t deserve it. But, wasn’t him asking you to meet him here, his way of extending an olive branch? Or, was it just to get some closure?
It’s an elephant in the room, this great big thing making it impossible to be near him, making your stomach turn intermittently. So, it has to be addressed, eventually - it needs to be ripped off like a band-aid.
“Hey, Steve - I… I’m sorry.”
He looks up at you, meeting your eyes properly. 
“What for?” he asks quietly.
You sigh, placing down your fork.
“You know what for,” you say firmly.
“Do I?”
He’s playing a game, his words a little more biting. This is going to be even harder than you thought, you realize - and you had already been prepared for it to be godawful.
“I - last time I saw you… I said some things I regret. Some really shitty things. And, you didn’t deserve that. I -” you steady yourself for a moment, taking a deep breath to combat the heaviness in your throat. Your chest is tight, your palms clammy.
“I just, um - I’ve played that argument in my head, like, a million times. And, I’ve felt a lot of things. Sometimes I get angry, upset, or just plain sad. But most of the time… I just feel shame. Like, utter, fucking shame. So, it may not mean much at this point, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fix this but… I’m sorry.”
You do mean it, every word, and there’s something unbelievably cathartic about finally saying the words that have been playing through your mind for a year. You’ve played this conversation in your mind a thousand times, and for once, you think that maybe you’re not screwing it up.
Steve’s face is unreadable - you can tell he’s thinking, and listening, but it’s hard to gauge what he’s really thinking. 
After a moment, he simply asks, “Then why did you leave?”
“Why did you leave? When you didn’t come back this past summer, I - I thought you were gone for good. That I’d never see you again.”
He says it matter-of-fact, blandly, like he’s trying to stave off any emotion. You don’t really know what to say to that - did you think you’d ever actually see him again? Did you want to?
Honesty, you decide - at this point, it’s the least you owe him, even if you don’t actually know what the truth is.
“I - I thought I was, too. Gone for good, I mean. It wasn’t an actual choice - like, I didn’t think I wanted to stay away forever. But, you were right about one thing - I’ve always wanted to get out of Hawkins, and leave it all behind for something else. Any yeah, whenever I was gone, I missed you, Robin, my family… but then, when - well, when that happened… I got the internship offer, the chance to stay in my apartment, to start my life in the city. So, I decided to stay there. I ran, because… because I’m a coward. And, because I figure you hate my guts, and it’d be easier if you didn’t have to deal with me anymore.”
Because I couldn’t bring myself to face you, because I’d rather miss you than be hurt even more, because I -
“No,” he whispers.
“No what?”
“No, you’re not a coward,” he says firmly. “You’re a lot of things - Smart. Talented. Stubborn. Honest. A terrible singer, and a sugar addict -”
Despite everything, you find yourself laughing at him, because there he is again, the Steve you know.
“- but a coward? No, no way. Maybe you were scared but… that’s not the same thing, not really. I mean, you got out of Hawkins, you’re kicking ass at your dream job before you’re even done with school - that’s not a coward, got that? And… I don’t know how you could ever think that I hate you. Ever.”
He leans back in the booth after that, some tension visibly leaving his body as he gets it off of his chest. You just feel yourself freeze, your ears roaring, eyes burning.
“I - Steve, don’t -”
“I mean it,” he says. “I was hurt, and pretty pissed - maybe I still am, I don’t know. But hating you… that’s not something I could do.”
For not the first time in your life, you feel the sudden urge to protect this boy, to want to give him everything, to make sure nothing ever hurts him again. But you can’t say it, because it’s not quite a feeling you can put into words, unless -
“Promise?” you ask, perhaps a bit pathetically.
“Promise,” he says. 
With Steve, it’s easy to believe him, even if it’s only for a moment.
When you’ve both drank your bodyweight in coffee, cleared your plates, and exhausted conversation, you make a move to leave the diner. Steve insists on paying, dropping bills on the table as you both re-emerge into the cold December air. After the warmth of sitting inside, the outdoors bites your skin, flushes your face. You wrap your scarf just a little tighter, shoving your hands in your pockets as you both walk to the parking lot. 
The day is already starting to dull, and thanks to the peak winter season, you know that there’s probably only about an hour of daylight left. Neither of you speak for a while, not until you reach Steve’s car. The familiar red BMW makes you want to cry, and you suddenly feel stupid for even feeling so attached to something like a car. But, it’s not a car - it’s an extension of Steve.
“Well, thanks,” you say carefully. “I - I’m glad we got a chance to talk properly. To clear the air, I guess.”
There’s still so much to be said, so many questions you want to ask - but maybe you’d never really know the answers to those.
He just kicks at the gravel, scuffing his Nikes as he contemplates.
“Me too. I mean, uh - do you have anywhere you need to be?”
You shake your head cautiously.
“Um, no? I already dropped my groceries at home, but I’m probably not going to start baking until tomorrow… I think my parents are out tonight, anyways. Wait, why?”
He shrugs, leaning back against the side of the car.
“Well… wanna go for a drive?”
He asks it so simply, as if no time has passed at all. In your high school days, and when you’d visit for college breaks, going for an aimless drive was a frequent occurrence, just an excuse to spend time together. But now, it feels like more than that - a peace offering, an attempt at normalcy. 
“Oh! Um - yeah, sure. Why not.”
When you slide into the passenger seat, everything is the same - not that you had really expected anything else. The dusty dashboard, the worn-leather smell, the crackly radio - all the same, like you had never left.
“Where are we going?” you ask casually as Steve backs out of the lot. You pull off your big red scarf, tossing it into the back seat as heat wafts through the vents.
“Dunno. Wherever we feel like, I guess.”
The answer is the old parking lot adjacent to Hawkins High, tucked right between the school and an old Methodist church. It’s basically deserted, the middle of the work and school day making you and Steve one of the only cars here.
After he parks, the boy just sighs, leaning back in his seat and shutting his eyes. You let him just do that for a while, the Christmas music on the radio serving as the only form of company. You stare ahead across the street, at the old high school building. The girl and boy who walked those halls a few years ago don’t exist anymore, not really - instead, there’s the versions of you and Steve sitting here in this car, changed.
“D’you ever miss it?” you ask.
“High school. I mean, I know a lot of it is bullshit, and I think I’d die if I had to take another algebra test, but… do you ever miss parts of it.”
He thinks for a moment, before sighing and straightening up in his seat.
“Yes and no. I do think some things were a lot more simple back then. I mean, I was an asshole, but I kind of got my shit together towards the end. But, to answer your question - do I wish that my biggest problem was winning the next basketball game, or which girl I was going to take to prom? Yeah. Of course.”
You think about his words for a moment, and echo a similar sentiment - a desire for a life that was simpler, more carefree than you had realized at the time.
“We’re getting old,” you joke.
He laughs heartily, nodding in agreement.
“Oh, yeah - we’ll be in the old folks home, soon enough.”
You both laugh at that, the feeling and sound of it nearly foreign.
“Do you think we’re all going to end up like our parents?” you ask, voice a bit firmer.
He pauses again, staring straight ahead out the front window.
“No,” he concedes. “I hope not.”
The hours pass, the dusk quickly turning into the heavy cloak of night. The pair of you mostly sit in silence after that, occasionally swapping an old memory from childhood, laughing at a story from your high school days, occasionally wondering aloud where some of your former friends and classmates are today.
“I wonder if Tommy H. and Carol are still together,” you wonder aloud.
Steve groans. “Ugh, don’t remind me of them.”
“Why not? You guys were friends -”
“Yeah, that’s the problem. I wasted so much time with them, and people like them, just to be something I’m not. I just wish I had figured that all out sooner.”
“Why?” you ask. “I mean, I know they were kind of dicks, but… there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be popular in high school.”
“Maybe not,” he says. “But, I didn’t realize that what I really wanted - what I needed - was there in front of me, the entire time. And I didn’t need to chase anything.”
Your breath hitches in your throat, because you know what he’s getting at - you think back to that conversation years ago, in the haze of early summer, when he confessed to regretting distancing himself from you in high school. The same night he’d kissed you for the first time, when a lot of things happened for the first time -
You find yourself looking at the boy in the driver’s seat, and you want to reach across and just touch him - run your hands through his hair, brush along his face -
And you don’t realize that you’re leaning closer to him, you hand half-reaching out towards him. You catch it, pulling it back and settling it in your lap. But he’s looking at you with those big brown eyes, warm like honey, and they feel just a bit like home. And he’s leaning towards you, too, closer than he probably should be.
“Steve?” you ask, softer than a whisper.
You can feel the heat radiating off of him, contrasting with the cold fogging up the windshield glass, and he’s so close, the familiar smell of him becoming too much -
“I -”
Then, a screeching HONK, loud enough that you jump, your head nearly hitting the ceiling.
“Oh, fuck -”
“Jesus, sorry,” he says, realizing it just came from him, elbow pressed too hard into the steering wheel of his own car.
“It’s fine,” you say. Your eyes flit down to the clock on your dashboard, and you let out a shaky breath.
“Oh, wow - look at the time! I - I know my parents are out, but, it is pretty late -”
“Oh, yeah,” Steve says hurriedly. “Let me just drive you back,  I guess.”
“Sounds good!” you say, your voice a little too shrill, too enthusiastic. “Just bring me back to Gateway, actually - we left my car there.”
“Right, of course - I’ve got you.”
You two don’t say much else on the way back, letting Baby It’s Cold Outside and Sleigh Ride fill the silence instead. When Steve brings you back to the diner, you offer each other a curt nod, and you manage to get out a thanks again, I’ll see you at the party.
Before you can close the door, you’re stopped as he says “Hey, wait -”
“Are we - are we friends again?” he asks. His voice is soft, pleading, his eyes wide and shining through the dimness of the night. You cross your arms and pull your coat tight, thinking carefully about your answer.
You want to say yes, of course, I don’t think we could ever not be friends, Steve. But then you remember what he had said all those months ago - those three words, which somehow crossed a line more than any amount of sex ever could. It’s what stops you, makes you hesitate, even as the boy stares at you expectantly.
“I - I don’t know,” you admit. “I guess I just - I need some time still, to figure stuff out. I don’t know if things can ever go back to the way they were, but -”
“They can’t?” he asks, sounding a bit defeated. You sigh, kicking yourself internally. You’re barrelling down a familiar path, and this whole thing could blow up again in an instant. So you gather yourself, measuring your response.
“I mean - not exactly as they were, no. But… I do miss you, Steve. More than I realized. So… I think it’s a start,” you decide.
He thinks for a moment, then slowly nods.
“Yeah, okay - I can do a start.”
You both just stare at each other for a moment, and you ultimately decide to step back. Before slamming the passenger door closed, you add, “Well - thanks again. I’ll see you on Saturday. At the party, I mean.”
He nods curtly, offering a semi-forced smile.
“Yeah - Saturday.”
When you’re back in your car, and you’re certain he’s driven away, you let your forehead rest on the steering wheel, wishing you could just melt into it and never come out again.
It’s difficult to say whether you actually feel better after your day with Steve. Most of you says yes - apologies were made, the air was cleared, and for brief moments, it had felt as if nothing had happened at all. But, it also brought back memories - far too many memories. Little things, really - Steve’s laugh, they way his eyes glint in the sunlight, the smell of his cologne, the cigarettes he keeps in his glove box; the way he looks at you, the look he gets when you make a joke, the way he sounded saying I love y-
You’re pulled from your thoughts by the sound of your doorbell ringing. You glance at your bedside clock - it’s a little past 10pm, but there’s no way your parents could possibly be home yet…
You swing your legs over the side of your bed, shrugging on a sweater as you pad down the hallway to your front door. The doorbell rings again, and you roll your eyes - probably a last-minute late night delivery from out-of-town, because your mother always forgets something until a few days before Christmas.
When you open the door, the last thing you expect is Steve Harrington to be standing there in the dim porch light. His face is flushed from the cold, the flurries of snow dusting his hair, and he looks just a little too handsome. The sight of him makes you ache again, in a way you can’t quite explain. His eyes widen at the sight of you, as if you’re the last person he thought would be standing in the doorway of your own house.
“Steve! Hi! I, uh - what’re you doing here?” you ask with surprise. 
“Oh, um, you know,” he says, raising up a flash of red in his hand. “It’s just - you left this. In my car, I mean.”
You look properly at what he’s holding, and you make out what it is: your scarf. You hadn’t even realized it was missing.
“Oh! Um, thanks,” you say, taking it from his outstretched hand. Your fingers brush his, just for the briefest second. And, despite how cold his skin is, it feels like it lights you on fire at the contact. You pull back quickly, as if he’s actually burned you, and sling the scarf over your arm.
“Don’t mention it,” he replies, shoving his hands into his coat pockets.
You both stand there for a moment. Two. The wind howls a bit, and you both shiver.
“Was there anything else?” you ask, hardly daring to raise your voice above a whisper.
“Uh, yeah,” he says, but he doesn’t sound too sure. “I mean maybe?”
“No, I mean, yes - that’s all.”
You raise an eyebrow, crossing your arms.
“So, you drove out here in the middle of the night, as the snow is starting, just to bring me my scarf back?” you demand.
He just stares at you, long enough that you wonder if he somehow didn’t hear you. Then, he’s taking a step forward, and whispering, “No.”
You’re not sure who moves first, but he’s crashing into you, arms tugging you into each other as his lips find yours.
You gasp as he kisses you, surprised by how right it feels, how easy it is. Your hand is fisted in his coat, and he brings his hands to both sides of your face as you back up through the doorway, pulling him with you.
He kicks the door closed behind him, hardly breaking the kiss - it’s desperate, and messy, and nothing is gentle about it. He kisses you like he’ll die if he doesn’t, enough to knock the breath from your lungs. And you don’t want him to stop, not ever, not if it means that you’ll never have to lose him again.
You stumble your way through the house, until you’re searching frantically for the door of your bedroom, the pair of you barrelling through it in a whirlwind and slamming it shut.
It’s the first time you’ve stopped kissing since he came through the doorway, and you both just stare at each other, chests heaving, hearts racing.
“I,” he starts. “I swear, I’m just trying to -”
“I know,” you whisper, bringing one hand up to card your fingers through his hair. “I’ve always known, Steve.”
He furrows his brow, confused.
“Always known what?”
But you don’t answer, and just pull him in for another kiss instead. It’s gentler this time, just a bit sweeter, and he’s sighing into your mouth.
He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer, the kisses becoming desperate again. With every kiss, you’re trying to say a million things: I’m sorry, I missed you, I need you, I could never hate you, I lo-
But neither of you speak, because it’s just desperate moans and gasps, wandering hands and and tongues, and trying to touch anything, everything.
You don’t know when he shrugged off his coat, but you’re tugging at his sweater, perhaps a bit too desperately. He chuckles and steps back for a moment, pulling it off in one swift movement before bringing his hands to your head again, pulling your lips to his. It’s like you’re both addicted, unable to go more than a moment without touching each other. The distance and times is washing away, with every kiss, every brush of skin, every piece of clothing shed. 
He’s pulled your own sweater off of you, making a point to kiss the exposed skin of your shoulder and down the valley of your breasts, and you moan.
“Fuck, baby -” you gasp. “I - I”
“What do you need?” he asks, voice wild and desperate. “Tell me, anything you want, baby.”
“Just touch me, dammit,” you breathe, earning a laugh from him.
“I thought you’d never say that,” he growls, gently pushing you so you’re walking backwards. You let yourself fall as soon at the back of your knees hit the bed, and he’s hastily fumbling with the button of your pants.
In any other situation, you’d want him to take his time, to take it slowly, sweetly. But you don’t have the patience for that, not right now. SO you help him, popping the button and shimmying your pants down your legs, reaching around and unhooking your bra for good measure. As the straps slide down your arms and it falls off of you, he groans.
“Fuck - you’re so fuckin’ perfect, you’ve no idea -”
Your heart flutters at the praise, but you just pull him close to you, crashing his lips into yours again.
“Steve - please -”
“Yeah, yeah, okay,” he concedes, guiding you backwards. “Lay back, baby.”
You oblige, breath hitching in your throat as his lips wander along your throat, your breasts, swirling his tongue around your nipple. You gasp and arch your back, and the sounds you’re making only push him further, his lips traveling down, down, down -
Then he’s pulling your panties down your legs and kissing you everywhere - your ankle, the inside of your knee, your thigh, and then -
When he first licks a stripe along your slit, you let out a strangled cry, practically flying off the bed as you arch up. He practically growls, pressing his lips to his clit as he does, and you’re pretty sure you’re whimpering.
“Oh, fuck - Steve, that’s it - right there. I - ah! - add your finger there, yes -”
He’s working on you like it’s his job, lapping at you like a starving man. His tongue circles slowly around your clit, his fingers pumping in and out of you, and you hear the sound of your slick, your heaving breaths and pleas filling the room. You grip the sheets, bringing your heels to his bare back to press him closer into you.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he breathes into your cunt. “It’s so hot, baby - you taste so good -”
He’s speaking nonsense, half muffled as he licks at you, but the praise is enough for you.
You can’t even warn him, your orgasm hitting you embarrassingly fast. You come hard, screaming his name as you throw your head back and practically buck into his mouth. He continues licking at you softly, gently working you down from your high.
“That’s it, there you go - God, I love how you sound when you come,” he whispers, his breath fanning over your core. When it becomes too much, you gently tap his head, signaling him to come up for air. He pulls himself up slowly, hovering over you with a big grin on his face.
“Hi,” you breathe.
His chin and lips are coated in your slick, but you don’t care. You pull him down into another kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue.
“You doing okay?” he asks as he pulls back, taking a moment to brush some hair from your face. You nod, unsure if you’re able to speak quite yet. So instead, you reach downwards, fumbling with his belt and button, biting your lip as you fumble in the dark between you two.
“Whoa, okay, hang on,” he says, pulling back to stand up for a moment. He rids himself of his pants quickly, his boxers the only remaining clothing between you two. Then he’s hovering over you again, smiling as you start kissing him. You reach down and start palming at his clothed bulge, straining against the confines of his underwear.
He groans into your neck, and shakily places his hand over yours and pulls it back.
“Wait, wait, baby - as much as I want you to touch me… I think this is gonna be over way too fast if I let you do that.”
You feel pride surge in your chest, the idea that you can have that kind of effect on this beautiful boy above you. So instead, you say nothing, and move to sit up. You wordlessly guide him, coaxing him to lay back against the mattress so you can straddle him.
He’s looking at you like you might not be real, and in that moment, you’re not sure if he is, either. So instead, you help him pull off his boxers, letting his hard cock spring free. It looks nearly painful, and you want nothing more than to make him feel good, to give him anything he wants.
So, without much ceremony, you take his cock in your hand. He hisses at your touch, and as you raise yourself over him, you meet his eyes one more time - are you sure?
He just nods, and you lower yourself onto him, enveloping him inch-by-inch. You both moan at the feeling, moving yourself slowly as he stretches your walls. He screws his eyes shut and throws his head back, groaning at the feeling of you around him. After what feels like a painstakingly long time, he bottoms out, filling you so completely that you think you might cry. 
You sit there for a moment, both getting used to the feeling - it had been a while for you, and if you had to guess, it had been for him as well.
“Can I move?” you ask after a moment. He just nods, eyes finally flying open to focus on you.
You being rocking back and forth, slowly, and he looks as if he’s died and gone to heaven. Soon enough, though, you begin to pick up the pace, bouncing on his cock as he rocks into you. He shifts until he’s nearly sitting up, gathering you close to his chest and you continue to rock in his lap. He snakes his hand down to where you meet, rubbing fast, messy circles on your clit. The sounds filling the room are just the slapping of skin, heaving breaths, and a slew of dirty words falling from both of you, incoherent and out of control.
“Oh, fuck - baby, you feel so good - so fuckin’ warm and tight, just for me -”
“I - oh, God - you’re amazing. Your cock is so big, filling me perfectly -”
“So beautiful, riding me like this - I can’t believe you came so quick before, babe - can you do it again?” he whispers, mouthing at the skin behind your ear. You just nod, burying your face into the warm skin of his shoulder, meeting his thrusts as he fucks up into you.
Then he angels himself perfectly, hitting that spot inside of you, and you start to cry out.
“I’m close, oh god, Steve - right there, harder, please, fuck me harder -”
You feel his cock twitch inside you, and feeling just a little bit evil, you squeeze around him. He sounds as if you’ve killed him, pressing his teeth into your shoulder.
“Oh, fuck, I’m gonna -”
“Come for me, Steve,” you whisper. “Come when I do.”
He mouths at your neck, and as you feel the familiar hook pulling in your abdomen, it hits you - what both of you need, right now, in this moment. You slow your movements slightly, pulling back to look him in the eye.
“Steve?” you breathe.
You take his face in your hands, kissing him sweetly, completely in contrast with the way he was roughly fucking up into you. You’re both growing more sloppy, more desperate, chasing your respective highs.
“I - I love you,” you whisper.
That’s enough for both of you. You snap, throwing your head back and screaming as you squeeze and convulse around him. You’re seeing stars, the warmth spreading through you and your orgasm hits your like a train.
Steve follows a second behind, cock twitching and spilling into you as he cries out your name like a prayer, mumbling sweet nothings into your skin as you slow your rhythm, riding out your orgasms together. His hips stutter, then still, only the sounds of your rapid breathing and racing hearts to accompany you.
He still has his arms wrapped around you, chests flush to each other. Steve starts pressing gentle, open-mouthed kisses along your shoulder, his hand slowly rubbing your back. Neither of you say anything, not for a while - the wind howls outside, the snow falling a bit more now.
Eventually, he starts to soften in you, and you pull yourself off, clambering to the other side of the bed. He wordlessly reaches for the unmade comforter and pulls it over you both, noting the goosebumps forming on your skin.
You both just lay there, side-by-side, staring at the ceiling as you wait for your breathing to return to normal. It’s him who finally breaks the silence, because it always is.
“That was -”
“-amazing,” you finish breathlessly, turning your head on the pillow towards him. It’s a tiny bed, and you’re practically nose-to-nose. He’s smiling softly, still blissed-out from what happened only moments ago.
“So… what you said,” he says quietly. “Did you mean it? Like, really mean it?”
And he looks terrified, like your answer might break him, and it makes you want to cry. You want to crack open your chest and draw him inside, keeping him safe right next to your heart. You reach across and gently brush your fingers along his face, ghosting over his cheek and jaw.
“Yes,” you whispered. “Of course I did. I think I have for a long time, Steve.”
His face crumbles, and he sighs with relief, turning up to kiss your palm.
“Did you?” you ask, anxiety creeping into your chest. You’re not even sure if he remembers when he said it last year. He looks confused, but only for a moment.
“Wait - did I - I did, didn’t I?” he says, shaking his head incredulously.
“When I said that, I - it was in the moment, and I almost swore I didn’t - I’ve played that moment, that entire night, in my head almost every day. And - and never knew for sure if I actually said what I felt.”
You feel your heart flutter, your stomach doing somersaults.
“So - you meant it?” you ask cautiously.
He smiles again, big and wide, and gently presses his lips to yours.
“Yes,” he breathes. “I’ve loved you as long as I’ve known you. I was just waiting for you to catch up.”
“Since we were five?” you ask, feeling like the wind has been knocked from your lungs. He just nods. You nuzzle your nose into his, and softly whisper, “Well, I love you too, Steve Harrington.”
It’s loud, warm with bodies, and hazy from smoke - you make you way through the crowd, drink in-hand. You glance at the clock - it’s 11:57, where is he -
“Hey you!” a voice shouts. You laugh as RObin slings her arm around you, pressing a sloppy kiss to your cheek.
“Hey!” you laugh, pulling her close into a side hug. “Where’ve you been?” 
“Well, I was talking to Nancy, but there’s only so much canoodling with Jonathan that I can handle.”
You chuckle, glancing over at where the couple stands in the corner, practically devouring each other.
“Well, where’s Vickie?” you ask, searching over the crowded living room.
“She went to get more champagne, but I don’t - oh! Look, they found each other!”
You follow her gaze, and settle on Robin’s redheaded girlfriend - talking to Steve. You relax at the sight of him, even though he had been by your side only a few minutes ago. He smiles when you spots you, holding out an arm to wrap around you as you sidle up to him.
“Hi,” he says softly, quietly enough that you hardly hear him over the music. 
“Hey, you,” you reply, earning a kiss on the crown of your head.
“Is it almost time?” you ask. Robin glances at her watch, and practically jumps.
“Oh, gosh, yeah! Okay, everyone!” she shouts, scrambling to stand on a chair. Most of the room directs their attention to her, raising their glasses and letting out a few whoops and cheers.
“Alright people, grab someone pretty, make a few resolutions - and say goodbye to the 80s!”
Everyone cheers, and Robin looks down at her wrist again.
“Okay! Ten! Nine -”
Steve pulls you close by your waist, gazing down at you like you’re his whole world. Though, you know that there’s a good chance it’s true. He brushes your hair to the side, and whispers, “Ready for 1990?”
You know what promises the new year will bring - you, starting your full-time job in New York, in the apartment that you and Steve are getting together, with the promise of always coming back to Hawkins for the holidays. A life, that you’re building together, after so many years of dancing around it. It makes sense that you’ve ended up here, ringing in a new decade after being a part of each other’s lives for nearly as long as you’ve known.
“Five! Four! Three -”
You grin, bringing your hand to the nape of his neck.
“As long as it’s you and me, Harrington.”
“ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Robin screams, followed by a series of applause and cheers.
Steve meets you halfway, and kisses you like he always does, enough that you melt into him like you’ll die if you aren’t attached to him. There’s no need to run anymore. Because, as long as you’re with Steve, you’re home.
Author’s note: well, that’s the end of TTDS. I’m sorry for the wait, but I hope it was worth it! I’m diving into my new Steve series next, and working through my inbox for some blurb requests. But, if you’d like to request prompts/blurbs based on this story, I’d be happy to do that - I think it’s be fun to see other scenes from throughout or after the events of this story. I appreciate every like, reblog, comment, and message - I read every single one. Let me know what you think of the story! Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and I’ll see y’all in the new year!
Taglist: @cityofidek @decadentwastelandtrash @fallingwithoutcaution @selfdeprecatingnerd @scream-still-screaming @le-who-zer-her @freezaz123 @andrewgarfieldsupremecy @shireentapestry @divinelovers @thatstoomuchman @buckleysbitch @evansflowers @untoldshortsofthefandoms @godcreatoreli @hotelfohn @thesillynonsense @itsfloorcry @dullsocietyy @draynmelol @the-winter-spider @suniloli @livid-euphoria @iknowrocknroll @tsundere-exe @palmtreesx3 @boxofsmittens @bradleysgirl @etherealforever234 @jxackles
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wanderfulescapes · 10 months
Tips to find the lowest airline tickets 💻🌅How to avoid mistakes when booking cheap tickets 🎫 🛫
Planning a trip is always exhilarating, but the excitement can quickly give way to stress when it comes time to book flights and transportation. With varying ticket prices, seemingly endless fees, and complex booking platforms, sorting through travel ticket options can be overwhelming. Where do you even begin to find an affordable fare without spending hours searching every airline website? When is the best time to purchase airfare or train tickets for the lowest possible price? What factors into pricing and availability? In this guide, I'll walk through the key considerations for booking both domestic and international travel tickets. You'll learn insider tips on finding deals, dodging extra fees, timing your purchase, and maximizing flexibility. With strategic planning and research, you can master travel ticketing and lock in the best value seats for your next big journey or quick getaway. Let's explore how to take control of travel booking and make ticketing a breeze, not a burden.
Here are some tips on when plane tickets tend to be cheapest:
- Tuesday and Wednesday mornings are generally when airlines release sales and cheaper seats. Set fare alerts for midweek mornings.
- Tickets are usually cheapest 1-3 months in advance of travel dates, when airlines are trying to fill seats. Avoid buying last-minute.
- Flying on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays tends to be cheaper than high-demand days like Friday and Sunday. Flexibility helps.
- Traveling during shoulder seasons when weather is transitioning (spring/fall) is cheaper than summer and winter peak times.
- Red eye and early morning flights are often cheaper than midday and evening. An inconvenience for savings!
- Holiday periods like Christmas, New Years and Thanksgiving lead to price spikes. Avoid traveling a few days before/after major holidays.
-If you're open to it, check if there are alternate airports near your destination. Sometimes flying into a nearby city and then taking a short train or bus ride to your final destination can save you money.
Protip: consider looking for tickets in incognito mood to see the real prices of tickets. Otherwise, the price will go up everytime you visit the same site.
Being flexible on dates, willing to take red eyes, flying midweek, and searching extensively can lead to great flight deals. Signing up for price alerts and newsletters from airlines can help find the cheapest tickets.
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lingocurio · 1 year
So I need a little break from my chores and decided to start planning an imaginary trip to Paris while I have my coffee.
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I am the type that gets a kick out of being able to make my dollars stretch as far as possible, so I am looking at what the cheapest flights would hypothetically be.
So far I've learned that the cheapest flights, to anywhere generally, tend to be on Wednesdays. Of course!
As for time of year, this month (March) is the cheapest! Although in general you will find prices to be cheaper from late October to mid-December, then again early January to May (i.e. off-season minus Christmas and New Year's).
To get the best deals, you'll want to book your flight as far as four months in advance. The closer your date of departure gets, the more likely it is that you'll see prices go up. Unless you're super flexible and can leave on a moment's notice and are traveling alone, you might snag that single last-minute seat for a song. So the people that are either really organized and can plan far in advance, or the ones that are ridiculously spontaneous, will save the most money.
I thought that perhaps it might actually be cheaper to fly Toronto to London (since it's closer) and go to Paris from there, but that's not necessarily true. Seems like Toronto to Paris might actually be cheaper more often than not.
A city that popped up as one of the cheapest for Americans to fly into was Reykjavik, Iceland. That never would have crossed my mind! That got me thinking whether it would be more affordable to fly Toronto to New York, and then New York to... pretty much anywhere. Even though Toronto is Canada's largest city with the most international flights coming in and out, it can't compete with US hubs. New York city probably has the busiest routes in North America, and busier equals cheaper. I'll have to look into that.
Coffee break is over, back to reality.
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travelproguide · 17 days
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Navigating Peak Season: How to Book Flights During Holidays
As holiday seasons approach, the desire to travel peaks along with it. Whether it's a family gathering, a vacation to an exotic destination, or simply escaping the routine, booking flights during holidays can be a daunting task. With increased demand, prices soar, and availability becomes scarce. However, with careful planning and strategic approaches, navigating through the peak season can become a breeze. In this guide, we'll explore some tips and tricks to help you book flights during holidays efficiently and cost-effectively.
For more features please visit https://trailtravelz.com/
1. Plan Ahead
The cardinal rule of booking flights during holidays is to plan ahead. The earlier you start looking for flights, the better deals you're likely to find. Airlines usually release their tickets up to 11 months in advance, so keep an eye on prices and set fare alerts to snag the best deals as soon as they become available.
2. Be Flexible with Dates
Flexibility with travel dates can significantly impact the cost of your flight tickets. Try to avoid peak travel dates such as Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, and the days immediately before and after major holidays. Instead, consider traveling a few days earlier or later to find cheaper fares and less crowded flights.
3. Use Fare Comparison Websites
Take advantage of fare comparison websites and flight aggregators to compare prices across multiple airlines and booking platforms. Websites like Skyscanner, Google Flights, and Kayak can help you find the best deals by scanning through hundreds of options in seconds.
4. Consider Alternative Airports
If your destination has multiple airports nearby, explore flights to and from alternative airports. Sometimes flying into a smaller or less popular airport can save you a significant amount of money, even if it means a slightly longer commute to your final destination.
5. Sign Up for Airline Newsletters
Subscribe to airline newsletters and follow them on social media to stay updated on special promotions, flash sales, and exclusive deals. Many airlines offer discounts and promo codes to their subscribers, which can result in substantial savings on your holiday flights.
6. Utilize Rewards and Loyalty Programs
If you're a frequent traveler, make sure to take advantage of rewards and loyalty programs offered by airlines and credit card companies. Accumulated miles and points can be redeemed for free flights, upgrades, and other perks, making holiday travel more affordable and enjoyable.
7. Book Early Morning or Late Night Flights
Flying during off-peak hours, such as early morning or late at night, can often result in cheaper fares compared to prime-time flights. Additionally, these flights tend to be less crowded, offering a more relaxed travel experience.
8. Stay Flexible with Your Destination
If your primary goal is to escape the holiday rush and relax somewhere new, consider being flexible with your destination. Look for lesser-known destinations or off-the-beaten-path locations where you can enjoy a peaceful holiday without breaking the bank.
9. Avoid Last-Minute Bookings
While last-minute deals exist, they're rare during peak holiday seasons. Avoid the stress and uncertainty of waiting until the eleventh hour by booking your flights well in advance. Not only will you have more options to choose from, but you'll also secure better prices.
10. Be Patient and Persistent
Finally, patience and persistence are key when it comes to booking flights during holidays. Prices may fluctuate, and availability can change rapidly, so don't get discouraged if you don't find the perfect deal right away. Keep searching, stay flexible, and eventually, you'll find the right flight at the right price.
In conclusion, booking flights during holidays requires careful planning, flexibility, and a bit of luck. By following these tips and strategies, you can navigate through the peak season with ease and ensure a stress-free travel experience. Remember to start early, explore all your options, and stay flexible with your plans. Happy travels!
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happypeaceaman · 1 month
Navigating Peak Season: Tips for Booking Flight Tickets During Busy Times
As the travel industry ebbs and flows, there are certain times of the year when booking flight tickets becomes akin to navigating a crowded airport terminal during rush hour. Peak seasons, marked by holidays, festivals, and school breaks, often witness a surge in demand for air travel. Whether you're planning a holiday getaway or a business trip, securing affordable flights during these busy times can seem like a daunting task. However, armed with the right strategies and insights, you can still snag great deals and make your journey a smooth one.
For more features please visit https://trailtravelz.com/
Understanding Peak Seasons:
Before delving into tips for booking flight tickets during busy times, it's essential to grasp the dynamics of peak seasons. These periods are characterized by heightened demand, resulting in higher ticket prices and limited availability. Major holidays like Christmas, New Year's, Thanksgiving, and Easter typically see a spike in travel activity, as do school vacations and popular events such as music festivals and sporting competitions. Additionally, factors like weather patterns, cultural celebrations, and seasonal attractions can influence travel patterns and contribute to the congestion.
Tips for Booking Flight Tickets During Busy Times:
Plan Ahead: One of the cardinal rules of navigating peak season travel is to plan well in advance. As soon as you know your travel dates, start monitoring flight prices and availability. Booking early not only ensures access to a wider range of options but also increases the likelihood of securing lower fares.
Be Flexible: Flexibility is key to finding affordable flights during peak seasons. Consider adjusting your travel dates by a few days or even opting for mid-week departures, as these times often feature lower demand and consequently, cheaper fares. Additionally, remain open to alternative airports and routes, which could offer better deals compared to popular hubs.
Set Fare Alerts: Take advantage of fare alert services offered by various online travel agencies and airlines. These tools notify you when prices drop or rise for your selected route, enabling you to capitalize on discounted fares and avoid booking during price surges.
Utilize Incognito Mode: When browsing for flights online, use private or incognito mode to prevent websites from tracking your search history. Airlines and booking platforms often use cookies to monitor user activity and may adjust prices based on demand. By browsing anonymously, you can avoid potential price hikes resulting from repeated searches.
Consider Connecting Flights: While direct flights are convenient, they tend to be pricier during peak seasons. Opting for connecting flights, albeit slightly less convenient, can significantly lower your overall travel costs. Be sure to factor in layover durations and potential transit visa requirements when evaluating these options.
Join Loyalty Programs: Frequent flyer programs and airline loyalty schemes can yield substantial benefits, especially when booking during busy times. Accumulated miles, elite status perks, and exclusive offers may give you an edge in securing upgrades or accessing discounted fares unavailable to non-members.
Monitor Flash Sales and Promotions: Keep an eye out for flash sales, promotional offers, and last-minute deals announced by airlines and travel agencies. These limited-time offers often coincide with peak seasons and can provide significant savings if you're quick to act.
Consider Alternative Accommodation: In destinations where accommodation prices skyrocket during peak seasons, consider alternative lodging options such as vacation rentals, hostels, or guesthouses. Savings on accommodation costs can offset higher flight ticket prices, making your overall trip more budget-friendly.
Stay Informed About Travel Restrictions: Stay abreast of travel advisories, entry requirements, and COVID-19 protocols, especially if you're planning international travel during peak seasons. Regulations and restrictions can vary widely between destinations, and failing to comply could disrupt your travel plans or incur additional expenses.
Be Prepared for Crowds: Finally, mentally prepare yourself for the crowds and long queues synonymous with peak season travel. Arrive at the airport well in advance, pack essential items to keep yourself comfortable during transit, and maintain a positive attitude amidst the hustle and bustle.
Booking flight tickets during peak seasons requires patience, flexibility, and a strategic approach. By planning ahead, staying flexible, and leveraging available resources, you can navigate the challenges of busy travel periods and secure affordable fares for your next adventure. Remember, with the right mindset and preparation, even the busiest of seasons can be a rewarding and memorable experience.
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meshexpo · 9 months
Unlocking the Secrets to Saving Money on Flights with Google Flights
Are you dreaming of your next adventure but worried about breaking the bank on flight tickets? Whether it's the holiday season or any time of the year, finding affordable flights is essential for budget-conscious travelers. Thankfully, Google Flights has your back with a variety of features and insights to help you snag a great deal. In this blog post, we'll explore how Google Flights can be your ultimate money-saving tool for booking flights.
Get New Insights on the Cheapest Time to Book
The eternal dilemma when booking flights is whether to jump on a deal or wait for prices to drop further. Google Flights has recently upgraded its insights to make this choice easier for you. When you search for flights, you can now see when prices have historically been at their lowest for your chosen dates and destination.
For instance, if you discover that the cheapest time to book similar trips is usually two months before departure, and you're within that timeframe, you can confidently secure your tickets. Alternatively, if the data shows that prices often drop closer to the takeoff date, you may decide to exercise some patience before booking.
Turn On Price Tracking
If you prefer to wait for fares to decrease, Google Flights offers a handy feature called price tracking. This feature takes the guesswork out of monitoring prices. When you enable price tracking, Google Flights will automatically notify you if flight prices significantly drop. You can set up tracking for specific dates or, if you have some flexibility, enable "Any dates" price tracking to receive notifications about deals for the next three to six months. To access this feature, ensure you're logged into your Google account.
Snag a Price Guarantee
Imagine booking a flight and then discovering that the price has dropped shortly after your purchase. Google Flights has introduced a price guarantee badge on select flight results. When you book a flight with this badge, Google will monitor the price daily, and if it decreases, you'll receive a refund for the difference through Google Pay. This feature is currently available for select Book on Google itineraries departing from the U.S.
2024 Flight Booking Trends
In addition to these valuable tools, we've gathered some money-saving insights based on the latest data for 2024:
a. Best Time to Book Flights for Christmas: If you're planning a holiday getaway in mid-December, the best deals are likely to appear in early October. Contrary to previous years, where prices hit their lowest just 22 days before departure, the current trend indicates that prices bottom out around 71 days prior to takeoff. The sweet spot for booking Christmas flights falls within the 54-78 day range before departure.
b. Best Time to Book Flights from the U.S. to Europe: If a European adventure is on your horizon, it's essential to book your flight early. On average, the lowest prices for flights from the U.S. to Europe are available 72 days or more before departure. In fact, airfares for this route tend to rise as the departure date approaches, especially when you're within the 10-week window. So, if you're eager to explore Europe, don't hesitate to secure your flight as soon as possible.
With Google Flights' array of tools and insights, you can take control of your travel plans and ensure you get the best deals possible. Whether you're planning a holiday getaway or a spontaneous adventure, a little bit of planning and the right tools can lead to significant savings on your flight tickets. So, armed with these tips and trends, you're all set for an affordable and memorable journey. Bon voyage!
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The Best Time to Visit Dubai: Balancing Cost and Experience
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Dubai, the vibrant city of the United Arab Emirates, is a dream destination for many travelers around the world. With its stunning architecture, luxurious resorts, and exciting activities, Dubai offers a unique blend of traditional Arabian charm and modern extravagance. However, when planning a trip to Dubai, it's crucial to strike the right balance between cost and experience. In this blog, we will explore the best time to visit Dubai, taking into account the cost considerations, especially for travelers coming from India.
Dubai Trip Cost from India:
When it comes to planning a trip to Dubai from India, one of the primary concerns for travelers is the cost. From flights to accommodation, visa fees to local transportation, all these factors contribute to the overall expense of the trip. However, by carefully choosing the time of your visit, you can optimize your travel budget and make the most of your Dubai experience.
1. Off-Peak Season:
Visiting Dubai during the off-peak season, which typically falls between May and August, can be a great way to save on costs. During these months, the scorching heat and high humidity levels make it less appealing for many tourists, resulting in lower airfare and hotel rates. However, if you can handle the hot weather, you'll find that Dubai still has plenty to offer, including indoor attractions, water parks, and shopping malls with air-conditioning.
2. Shoulder Season:
The shoulder seasons, which are the periods just before and after the peak tourist season, can also be an excellent time to visit Dubai. From September to October and February to April, the weather is relatively pleasant, and you can take advantage of better deals on flights and accommodations. During these months, the Dubai Shopping Festival, held in January and February, offers significant discounts, making it an ideal time for budget-conscious travelers.
3. Peak Season:
While the peak season, which coincides with Dubai's winter months from November to January, may be the most expensive time to visit, it also provides a unique experience. The weather is pleasant, and you can enjoy outdoor activities such as desert safaris and beach excursions comfortably. If you choose to visit during this period, it's advisable to book your flights and accommodation well in advance to secure better rates.
4. Festive Seasons:
Dubai is known for its grand celebrations during festive seasons like Diwali, Christmas, and New Year. While these periods can be expensive due to increased demand, they offer a memorable experience with spectacular fireworks, cultural events, and dazzling decorations throughout the city. If you plan to visit Dubai during these festivities, be prepared to allocate a higher budget, but rest assured, the experience will be worth it.
read more:
When planning a trip to Dubai from India, balancing cost and experience is essential to make the most of your journey. By considering the off-peak and shoulder seasons, you can save on expenses while still enjoying the city's attractions. However, if you're willing to invest more, visiting during the peak season or during festive periods will provide a unique and unforgettable experience. Remember to plan ahead, compare prices, and make informed decisions to ensure a memorable trip to Dubai, regardless of your budget.
Must read: Dubai on a Budget: Affordable Tour Packages from India
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farescut · 1 year
Jet Set for Cheap: Score Affordable Flights from New York to Miami
Want to escape the fast pace of New York and enjoy a chill tropical holiday without having to leave the country? Go ahead and pack your bags for Miami!
Miami is an unmistakable hotspot for celebrities and tourists, renowned worldwide as a premier holiday destination. Bright and bustling with attractive people, it's one of the most frequented cities on the planet—and it’s easy to see why. After all, it boasts balmy temperatures year-round and endless activities to do. No bucket list would be complete without a visit to Florida's liveliest city.
And if you want to seize this opportunity to experience all that Miami has to offer, it’s time to book cheap flights from New York to Miami. Here are some tips on doing exactly that:
Fly into nearby airports.
Larger airports tend to have higher landing fees and operating costs, which can result in higher ticket prices. You may be able to find lower fares by flying to smaller airports located nearby. So if you want to book cheap flights from New York to Miami, consider flying into Fort Lauderdale or West Palm Beach, which may offer lower fares than Miami International Airport.
Be flexible with your travel dates.
Flights to Miami from New York are typically cheaper between late April to mid-June and from mid-September to early December. During these periods, the weather is still pleasant, but there are fewer tourists visiting the city, which can result in lower airfare prices.
It's also a good idea to avoid traveling during major holidays or events, such as Christmas, New Year's, Spring Break, and Miami Art Week. And if you can, consider flying midweek instead of on weekends, as fares are often lower on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Book in advance
You’ve heard this advice before, and it’s popular because it’s true. Booking your flight well in advance can help you find better deals. Buy your airline tickets at least a few weeks before your trip, or even earlier if possible.
Book cheap flights from New York to Miami using Farescut.com
If you want to get insider deals on flights from New York to Miami, book your airline tickets using Farescut.com. This website searches exclusive and unpublished airfares from over 450+ airlines, so you can be sure that you’ll get the absolute lowest prices. Try it today and see what deals you can uncover!
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tripruby · 1 year
Thailand March Holidays: Should I Go !!
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March is a great time to visit Thailand, its gorgeous beaches and tropical climate is really at its best. But before you book your flight, it’s important to understand the pros and cons of traveling to Thailand in March. From unpredictable weather to high tourist season, there are many factors to consider when planning a trip to Thailand in march. This blog post will look at the advantages and disadvantages of traveling to Thailand in this month, so you can make an informed decision about your upcoming vacation.
Thailand Weather In March:
When it comes to Thailand march holidays, one of the most important things to consider is the weather.
 March marks the beginning of the hot season in Thailand, with temperatures reaching as high as 38°C (100°F). This can make sightseeing and other outdoor activities quite difficult, particularly during the middle of the day.
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Overall, traveling to Thailand in March can be a great experience if you know what to expect and plan accordingly. Be sure to bring plenty of sunscreen, a hat, and lightweight clothing. Drink lots of water throughout the day, and take plenty of breaks in the shade. Finally, plan your outdoor activities for early morning or late evening when it’s cooler.
Flight Cost To Thailand:
When considering the cost of your flight, don’t forget that march is the second most expensive month (only after Christmas time). Some budget airlines may offer a lower ticket price, if you consider booking few months earlier.
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Overall, the cost of flying to Thailand in March will depend on your origin point, the carrier you select, and any additional fees or promotions that may be available. Looking around on the internet for the best deal will help ensure that you get the most for your money.
Additionally, be sure to check what kind of deals are available during peak travel season, like march or December in Thailand. Many airlines offer special discounts and promotions during this time, so you may be able to save even more on your flight.
Finally, if you are planning on taking multiple flights while in Thailand, consider purchasing a multi-city ticket which can often be cheaper than buying separate tickets.
Is Thailand Packed With Tourists In March ??
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For those who want to get away from the crowds, the best bet is to head out to other non commercial cities like koh samui. If your goal is to experience a more traditional Thai way of life, then you should consider visiting other remote villages and islands like Pai, Sangkhlaburi and Phetchaburi.
 The smaller villages and islands often offer a much quieter, more peaceful experience. However, due to their remoteness, these areas may not have all the amenities of the cities and larger towns.
The Cost Of Travelling To Thailand in March
If you’re considering a trip to Thailand in March, you’re probably wondering what the cost will be. The good news is that prices don’t spike up like the way they do during cristmas and new years. Also, there are many ways to save money on your trip, depending on your budget and travel preferences.
First of all, flights to Thailand can be quite affordable, as appose to traveling to more expensive places like Amsterdam or Australia. As mentioned before many airlines offer discounted fares if you book your tickets in advance. Also, if you’re flexible with dates and arrival locations, you can often find deals that save you even more money. Additionally, some online travel portals (like tripruby.com) offer deals that bundle flights, hotels, and other activities for a discounted price.
Once you get to Thailand, it’s important to keep in mind that the cost of tourism is generally quite low when compared to other destinations like Amsterdam or Australia.
Accommodation options range from budget-friendly hostels to luxurious five-star resorts. Rates for local hostels can start anywhere from $10, while rates for hotels can start from $30 going upto hundreds of dollars.
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Overall, traveling to Thailand in March can be an affordable or luxurious experience, depending upon your budget and taste.
Important Points To Remember For “Thailand March Holidays”
) March signifies the arrival of summer . As the heat begins to build throughout March, it’s actually the best time to hit any beach in Thailand.
) Leaving aside the weather, the month of March is also a popular time for festivals and events, such as the Thai New Year celebration, which offers a unique cultural experience.
) It is advisable to avoid Northern areas of Thailand like Chiang Mai and Nan as farmers in these areas burn their fields during this month, and the whole area can have a Smokey feel to it
) The end of March brings the start of the dry season, meaning less rain and more sunshine – again….perfect for enjoying Thailand’s beaches and outdoor activities.
) March is still part of the high season in Thailand, meaning every place you go will be packed with tourists.
) Depending on where you’re staying, mosquitoes can be a nuisance in this time of year – bring bug spray to help keep them away.
) It might be tougher to get a variety of accommodation in March as everything gets booked out pretty fast.
) March is also kite flying season in Thailand. Winds start to pick up around this time and combined with the dry, warm weather it’s an ideal month for kite flying.
) The best places to visit in March are the islands and coastal areas of Thailand like Krabi, Pahang Nga and Surat Thani.
The month of March attracts a lot of tourists from all over the world to Thailand. If your planning to hit Thailand in this month, then please read through this article again. 
Read The Original Post @ https://tripruby.com/thailand-march-holidays-should-i-go/
 To book cheap & discounted hotels in THAILAND: Visit our HOME PAGE : Compare Prices Of over 1000+ Hotels In Thailand.
Book Your Vacation With tripruby.com : Get UPTO 70% Of On Hotel Bookings !!
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europeincoming · 2 years
Planning to travel Europe as a Student, Europe Incoming have special Packages to offer
Who among college students does not occasionally daydream about going to Europe? There is a wide range of affordable travel options available to you, regardless of whether you want to spend a semester studying in another country, take a summer vacation across the pond, or simply take a holiday in Europe during the winter or spring break. We have compiled a comprehensive guide on how to travel Europe as a college student called Student Travel Europe. This guide includes information on where college students can go on a budget in Europe, tips for traveling on a budget in Europe, where college students can stay for cheap, and how college students can find inexpensive flights.
Where to look for inexpensive flights to destinations in Europe
The first thing you should do if you're looking for strategies to travel to Europe on a budget is to find a means to get a good deal on a flight there. It is possible to travel to Europe using a number of methods that are both cost-effective and considerate of passengers' need for legroom.
How far in advance should tickets for flights to Europe be purchased?
The best time to purchase flights to Europe will be determined, in large part, by your travel plans. It is recommended that flight reservations be made at least three to four months in advance, and no more than three and a half months. During the winter holidays (particularly Christmas or New Year's), as well as the high season months of the summer, tickets should be obtained in advance. September and the beginning of October are often the months with the lowest prices for booking a flight throughout the winter. The months of February and March are the best times to make reservations for summer travel.
Do you want to find the lowest airfares possible, regardless of when you travel? Make your reservations during the months of December and February for travel in the months of February and March. There is no question that you will discover prices that are lower!
How much does it typically cost to fly to Europe?
In general, flights departing from large hubs in Europe are available at lower prices than flights departing from airports located in rural areas. It should come as no surprise that the place from which you depart can significantly impact the cost of a travel to Europe. When traveling from the East Coast of the United States to a major hub in Europe, it is realistic to expect to spend between $400 and $600 in total travel costs. The price of a respectable ticket from the West Coast is often between $500 and $700. When flying into or out of a smaller hub, you should be prepared to pay a substantially higher price.
Continue to be priced above any reasonable bounds? You may be eligible for reduced airfare due to the fact that you are a student. Simply search for tickets offered by more than 220 different airlines, register with your.edu email address to receive a discount, and book your trip. Flights to Europe can often be found for somewhere between $200 and $400 for students.
The most affordable locations for students in Europe
It will be more expensive to travel to Europe's major cities than it will be to visit less well-known locations. Although Paris and Rome need to be at the very top of your list of places to visit before you die, there are many other locations that offer comparable appeal for a fraction of the cost.
Reasons why studying in Europe can be beneficial for students
Our team of European travel experts is very skilled in the art of crafting reasonably priced and all-inclusive Student Travel Packages for student organizations.
We are committed to sharing our knowledge and enthusiasm for travel, as well as providing assistance and genuine value, in order to design itineraries that give young people the opportunity to learn languages spoken in Europe, experience a diverse range of cultures, and further their education.
The areas in which we are able to provide assistance to students
1.Economical accommodation
2. Public transportation and transfers that are available at reasonable prices
3. Attractions and other forms of entertainment
4.Itineraries and guidebooks
5.restaurants and other possible dining establishments
1.24-hour support
2.Bespoke itineraries
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europeincoming5 · 2 years
Seeking a cheap plane ticket is the first step in finding affordable methods to go to Europe. Thankfully, there are several inexpensive and comfortable methods to leisure group travel to Europe.
When should you book your flights to Europe in advance?
Depending on when you wish to travel, there is no ideal time to purchase flights to Europe. Booking your flights at least six weeks in advance, but no more than three to four months, is a reasonable rule of thumb. Book your tickets a little bit early if you're travelling during the winter break (particularly during Christmas in Rovaniemi or New Years) or the busiest summer months (July and August). In general, September or the first part of October offer the greatest airfares for winter travel. The ideal times to book flights for the summer are around February or March.
Want the least expensive flights without regard to when you travel? Travel in February or March? Book in December–February. You'll undoubtedly discover lower costs!
How much does a flight to Europe cost?
Flights to major European hubs are frequently less expensive than to smaller, regional airports. Of course, the place from where you're travelling determines how much it will cost to go to Europe. A reasonable fare is between $400 and $600 if you're flying from the East Coast of the US to a significant European fit event hub. A reasonable price from the West Coast is between $500 and $700. Expect to pay a bit more if you're flying into or out of a smaller hub.
Still appear to be too costly? You can save money on flights as a college student, so don't panic! Simply register on StudentUniverse using your.edu email address, look for the flights you require from more than 220 airlines, and make your reservation there a savings. If you're a student, you can frequently get tickets to Europe for $200 to $400!
Or look for discounts before making a buy. Deals for particular airlines, locations, and more are available. For instance, if you already fly LOT, you may save an additional $30 on your travels to Europe.
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travelproguide · 17 days
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adsosfraser · 3 years
The Stone’s Toll - Chapter Five
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Read on AO3
Claire sat nursing her glass of expensive cognac. Neither of them initiated a conversation, preferring silence to the inevitable argument that would ensue. 
 It was Christmas Eve when she returned. Little over a month and a half in that soul leeching ward. Frank had decorated the house with holly, and ivy, and even some sprigs of mistletoe in an attempt for some normalcy. 
 “Claire, I’m sorry for what they did to you. I was angry at you. You not only chose to leave me once but twice over. You’d rather die than feel my touch. I wanted to feel anything but utter despair. I’m sorry it has taken me so long to return you home.” She offered no response. 
“Do you have any idea just how difficult these last few months- past few years have been for me Claire? How utterly exhausting it has been to deal with your loss and then now this? I don’t wish to fight you on any of this. Let us have a civilised conversation please.”  
 “How hard it’s been for you!” Her mouth hung open in shock. “You think these past few months have just been a fucking picnic for me!” She stood in her anger and seethed at the fireplace, back turned from her husband. 
 “Of course not, but did you ever stop to consider how I’ve felt about anything?” 
 “Did you ever consider my feelings when you were sticking your cock into one of your students?! God, did you give me one of their diseases?” Shock plastered over his face. “Oh don’t act so surprised, I’ve smelt the perfume and all those long nights at your ‘office’.”
 “Claire, be reasonable. You’ve only let me touch you once, and that was before I was intimate with anyone else. Not all of us are such mendacious sluts.” 
 “Oh and I’m sure you were an exemplary student of abstinence while I was ‘missing’, for fuck’s sake even during the war, because clearly me being the ‘mendacious slut’ that I am I wasn’t entirely faithful either!” 
 “I don’t wish to fight you anymore Claire, something has recently come upon my knowledge during my research, and it affects you. Please have a seat.” He gestured to the decanter on the side table and poured a glass for her.
 “It pains me to see you like this Claire. I can’t in good conscience force you to stay here and slip further and further away from me every day” Frank sucked in a breath and smoothed his hands over his thighs. “It angered me to see that you’d rather die... than be with me. That you chose his memory over me, a living, breathing human being, and I couldn’t even be sure he was real. Still can't. Can you not see Claire why it took me a while to finally decide upon your release?”
 The hazy buzz that normally surrounded her mind now had started to fade, if only slightly. Claire squinted at Frank and nodded. 
 He paused, calculating his next words. 
 “I’ve done some research with the Reverend. We’ve been in communication since you’ve told me what happened.”
 Frank adjusted his collar. He stared at the stack of papers to his right on the desk.
 “And well we certainly found evidence of your presence in the past, but there are other things.”
 Claire stared straight through him, she didn’t need to worry about her glass face showing something wrong. She felt nothing. This confirmation made no difference for the hell she had been through. The numb feeling had taken a while to crawl over her body the past few months and she welcomed it. It felt better than the suffocating dread and grief she originally felt.
 “I know I must let you go. Go to him I mean. It’s the least I can do for the pain I’ve inadvertently caused you, Claire. Please forgive me. It’s unbearable for me to live to see you this way, even if the alternative is to send you back.”
 “He’s dead, Frank. They all are.” Her lips thinned into a line. “I have nothing to live for.” 
 She cringed at her last choice of words. She didn’t want to cause him unnecessary suffering. But she was too tired to lie, to protect him from such verbal blows.
 “But Claire. He survived.” His white knuckles wrapped tightly around the armrest of the leather chair and he flexed his jaw. “This man, this Red Jamie was exonerated of his crimes, with a pardon from King George II himself. And his lands returned in reparation.” 
 “How-how can you tell me this? You know what I- God what you put me through. Why would you give me this hope?” 
 “I’ve also found one Alexander Malcolm and his,” he gulped, “wife Elizabeth Malcolm. But Claire, this is your hand on the document. A christening, where Elizabeth, where you’re stated as godmother in a church in Broch Mordha. But then there’s also this purchase of a croft on the Isle of Lewis, with the same signature as Alexander Malcolm.”
 “Please, Claire, allow me to make amends for whatever part I’ve caused in your suffering. If there’s some piece, some knowledge I can give you, it would ease my mind considerably. I don’t wish for you to waste away before my eyes, for the rest of our days in resentment.” His lips tightened into a thin line. “I met someone while you were away. The new assistant under me at Harvard. I think,” he paused, “I think I love her as you love your Jamie. Let us divorce and I’ll give you what funds I have.” 
 “You’re just- okay with that?” 
 “Claire, you haven’t been my wife in years, not really.” 
 “So that’s just it? I offered divorce when I returned, and finally accept when you’ve damaged me. My mind, my soul!” He winced at the sight of circled bits of skin on her temples. 
 “And I am regrettably sorry, darling.” He reached for her hand and squeezed. “I know this is what you’ve wanted ever since you’ve returned. Please, let me make this easy on you. I have the banking number for what covers the divorce settlement. It should be enough to purchase a flight to London, and then I know the inheritance from your parents and uncle should help you on your way to Inverness.” He slid over a paper card to her, detailing the whereabouts of the money he was offering her. She kept her arms crossed tightly over her sternum, not wishing to take any charity from him.  
 “There's another thing. Your son, the name they said you called out in your sleep every night. I have this death certificate of one Fergus Claudel Fraser. Marked March in the year of our lord Seventeen Forty-Five.” Tears sprang in her dry eyes at the mention of him. He pulled out a sheet from the pile of papers he collected and shoved it over to her side of the table. 
 “Why are you doing this Frank?” She couldn’t bear this physical proof that she had left her son to die without her. 
 “Here is one Fergus Malcolm, on the Isle of Lewis, a year after his ‘death’ and you're on this too. Or rather your alter ego one Elizabeth Beauchamp Malcolm. If nothing else, will you not live for him? Even if the proof of him amounts to nothing, that he really did die at Culloden? Please, take the money, and the papers. I’m hoping it can ease my conscience from all the torture you’ve endured.” 
 The last thing Claire wanted to do was ease Frank’s ego. She wanted him to suffer. But here was a lifeline, a way out and back to her family. She would see Fergus again if fate allowed. Her mind would never allow her to comprehend the other piece of hope before her. The one sure thing she knew was Fergus, he had been whole and alive the last she saw him. And there was something urging her to him. A panicked urgency. Her mind flashed to the nights after her therapies, when his presence in her dreams was almost so real she could feel his touch after she woke. She quickly signed the paper he offered. Claire Elizabeth Fraser. The wet ink shined against the thick paper. His suffering would have to wait. Her fingers began to twist the gold band on her finger but Frank stopped her. 
 “No, keep it. It will have value when you… return. The papers will be sorted by the time you’re gone, and we’ll both be free.” He swallowed sharply. “Know this Claire. I still love you, and I always will.” 
 He had a funny way of showing it, Claire thought. She didn’t dignify his statement with a response. She left him in the living room to pack, and as the sun rose the next morning her bed and dresser were empty. 
 Frank set aside some money for the divorce settlement into Claire’s own account. She withdrew the three hundred pounds without a second thought, and purchased a ticket to London. It barely covered the cost of a transatlantic flight, which was more of a luxury than anything, but she could afford to spend money, not time. A ship between would have lasted weeks, not hours. She was left with little over fifty pounds to find her way to Inverness. The only things she carried with her were her pearls, sgian dubh, the ring without its ruby stone, the copious amount of papers from Frank’s research, her old botany pocketbook, and a change of clothes, all packed into one small suitcase. Her things barely fit half the space inside it. The gold band hung around her neck on a chain now, instead of resting comfortably on her left ring finger. It clanged against the skin between her breasts with every sway of her steps. It was decided over a very pricey international phone call, she would go see Mrs. Graham.
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
And life will always be la vie en rose
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Mark Lee x reader // FLUFF, SMUT, SMUT
Themes: long distance relationship, established relationship, very domestic
Word count: 4k
Summary: The city of love with the person you love. Mark surprises you in Paris but the vacation was not going as expected.
Warnings: phone sex, unprotected sex, swearing, mentions of alcohol, drunk mark lee hehe
A/N: Inspired by Emily in Paris and Mark’s TVN short drama. requested by @mellowvoidexpertfriend​​ sorry it took me awhile :( and I hope this makes you happy. Thank you for requesting it! I wanted to give it a sad ending but figured you might hate me if I do that.
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Its been almost seven months since you moved to Paris for work and leave the life you’ve always been used to. Your family, friends, your boyfriend Mark, all of them knew that moving to the city of love for your career is a big step.
Although some of them did not agree with your decision that you’re choosing your career, at least you have your boyfriend’s support no matter what. Mark has been with you since you were just starting at your job, he’s always supportive and caring even though he has his own career to take care of. Long distance is hard, but there’s nothing Mark wouldn’t do for you.
“Good morning, Paris” he greets you with a bright smile, the perfect afternoon light hits his face perfectly. You miss seeing that glow in person.
“Good afternoon, Seoul “ you answered with a raspy tone. Still sleepy but happy to see Mark, even if it’s from your phone screen.
“Tired? I miss you” he says, smiling sweetly through the screen. He was still in bed, comfortably laid with his thick blue sheets and striped fluffy pillows.
“Yes. I have a lot of stuff to do in the office today. But I still got time, no need to rush this call” you stretched in bed.
“Want to have phone sex?” He was hesitating to ask you but Mark was really horny in the middle of a hot afternoon. Good thing mornings make you horny like crazy too, so you said ‘yes’ and the next thing you know is you’re both naked in bed, phone on the bedside table with a perfect view of your naked body.
“Run a finger up and down your slit” he commands. You can hear soft grunts from Mark already, pumping his semi-hard cock on the screen. “Yes baby, you look hot” he moans and you smile at his compliment.
“Oh I miss touching your boobs, the next time I see you I’ll grip those so hard- ah” he was having a hard time talking because watching you touch yourself was always too good and too much for him. “So good baby, pinch your nipples for me” he added. You moan and with your free hand, you lick your fingers and rubbed it on your nipples and made sure to let him hear your soft moans.
“Fuck- that was hot” he was going a little too fast pumping his cock, the sound of it was turning you on, and how Mark bites his lips and rolls his head back, watch you with half-lidded eyes. You just smiled, knowing that he’s your man and only you can see him like this. “What’s that smile for? I love it when you smile like that” you giggle at what he said.
“Baby, I’m near” it was a high-pitched moan and you curl yourself a little, trying to stop yourself from cumming so fast.
“Okay-fuck, spread your legs- yeah just like that” you followed what he said and you see his lower abdomen go up and down a little too fast, obvious that he’s stopping himself from cumming before you do. “Remember how I fucked you during your last night here- Ahhh. You were begging me to stop but I couldn’t cause your pussy is so good”
“Fuck Mark” you were still moaning deliciously, trying not to close your legs for Mark. His eyes were fixed to your body, your lips that he misses so much, how you work wonders with your own fingers.
“Oh! I will, Y/n. I will- fuck—you”
You came first then Mark, you watch his thick cum land on his stomach. Watching him look so weak and sweaty but still handsome. He caught you looking at him while you were cleaning your fingers, he winked at you and smiled which made you shy for no reason.
“I love you. Can I talk to you for a couple more minutes?” he requests, holding his phone near his face after he cleaned his cum.
“I love you too. Of course. We can still talk while I’m in the shower” he nod his head in disbelief. And smiled oh so sweetly to you before he tells you about his morning and how he had a dream of you. He was promoted last month, so there’s not much work for him these days because he’s basically a boss now. To be honest you feel bad for not being with him to celebrate for his promotion, talking to him for as long as he likes is the least you can do for him. Sometimes you’re talking to him while you walk to your office, or having lunch alone, virtual dates, or letting him pick what lipstick suits you on a certain outfit.
For almost a year, it was the little things that make you both even more in love with each other and no one is complaining.
“Hey Y/n, the boss wants to see you with your presentation now” your assistant knocked on your door, holding it for you as you gather your laptop and pretend that you’re not nervous.
“What if she hates my ideas?” you asked your assistant, walking together slowly to the conference room.
“The dragon lady will love it, don’t overthink it” she pats your back good luck and opened the door for you.
During your presentation, your boss had this I’m-bored-can-we-go-home-now face and it was bothering you while you were talking in front. Nonetheless, you delivered every single detail perfectly and smoothly that the other members of the board were impressed, and you hope the dragon lady is too.
“Good. Make it happen. Are we done here? Give her the company credit card and I want updates every week. Dismissed”
That’s your cue to breathe. Finally, you can relax. You were smiling from ear to ear for a minute then you remember all the work that you have to finish. Making this project happen-making this fundraiser happen, will seriously impress your boss and the other members of the board. You can’t afford to fuck up.  
Overworking doesn’t bother you at all, you don’t care if you’re the last one in the office and the first one to come the next day. You love your job and you value it. But to be honest, overworking is your coping mechanism. To stop thinking about home and Mark, just continue until you make it.
You got home and talked to Mark about the great news, of course, he’s very proud of you. Then you talked about the list of things that you have to work on for the project, and you wish you didn’t. Mark loves you, and that’s clear but he hates it when you overwork.
“Can’t you, make someone else do it?” easy for him to say because he’s a boss now.
“No, baby I can’t. This is my one way ticket to be the boss. If I make this happen, then okay, I’ll order everyone I see. But for now... sorry babe, it’s work for me” you said while unzipping your dress and moving around your room to change into some comfortable clothes. “Are you mad?” you asked, hoping he’s not.
“I can’t be mad at you, for loving what you do. I’m worried, that’s all”
After that call, Mark was dealing with some of his work as well and thinking about how he can rescue you from overworking. Well, he only had one effective solution. And that is to visit you in Paris and be with you so he can take care of you for a short time. He wasn’t going to visit until Christmas, but he couldn’t wait much longer.
He gave himself a week to think this all out and plan his surprise to you. He booked a flight, took two weeks off from work, and packed his bags.
You, on the other hand, is busy overworking tonight at the office. You feel heavy and exhausted, hungry but you just want to sleep when you finally get home, and Mark hasn’t messaged you like he normally does in almost two days. You feel awful, but Paris at night can quickly take away all youe exhaustion. Everywhere you look is beautiful.
As you force yourself not to feel tired on your way home, you saw a familiar figure who just got out of the taxi with a bunch of luggage. Am I dreaming? You slightly slap your face and walk slowly behind the man and wait for him to turn around.
When he did, you almost burst into tears.
It’s been seven months since you last saw Mark in the flesh.
“Hi, you look exactly like my girlfriend” he smiled and scrunched his nose, pull you into a hug, and kissed you in front of your apartment building. Paris is starting to feel like the city of love, finally.
You helped him with his bags up to your apartment, feeling so excited and happy that the tiredness that you’re feeling earlier was long gone. As soon as you reached your door and opened it, Mark put down the bags and crashed into your lips. Kissing you in the dark with only the light from your window.
“Oh, I’m never going to leave your side,” he said while hungrily kissing you. Removing your clothes one by one, making a trail of clothes until you reach your room, and pushed you on your bed. It’s been seven months since you last had sex with him and you’re sure that Mark will make you feel good tonight, as always. He may look innocent and cute always, but Mark knows how to fuck.
“We just have to be quiet tonight Mark- French neighbors. Don’t want to piss them with my moans” you warn him before his cold hand lands on your boobs, touch them softly and squeeze them tightly as he promised.
“Okay, let’s just keep our moans between us two” he kisses your lips as his way of saying, he’s going to start now. Kissing you down to your body until he reaches your pussy, to show that you're eager, you spread your legs widely for him and begged quietly. He used his pinky finger and slides it up and down your slit slowly. So slowly that it makes your legs shiver and your hips jolt, giving you goosebumps and making you sensitive already. He smiled at your reaction, happy that he has that effect on you.
“Wet” he murmurs and proceeds to kiss your pussy, like it was your lips. Feeling his hot tongue on your cunt, using it to fuck you. He spits on your cunt and let you feel it roll down your slit. It makes you sensitive and moans his name. He goes back in and licks you good, his hands run softly on your stomach, making you feel calm and confused. When he felt that you’re already on the edge, he watches you moan quietly, pinched your nipples, and did not released it until you’re shivering and shaking your legs uncontrollably.
You catch your breath until you see Mark above you, kissing your cheeks and reaching for your hands to intertwine it with his. “I just miss you, is it too much?” you shook your head with a smile and kissed your boyfriend back.
“My turn to give back,” you said weakly, but you’re already pushing him on the mattress. On your way to straddle the man you love and ride him good. You kissed him softly, grinding on his cock and spreading your juices on it. Brushing his nipples softly, which made him stop kissing you to let out a curse and tell you to don’t stop. It was too much for him but he likes it, overstimulating himself was his favorite and he drags you into that pleasure of his.
As you put his cock inside you, he grab holds on your wrist that he allows you to rest on his strong chest as you fuck him. Seeing you on top of him after for so long was toe-curling for him. The thought of it makes him blush, but also his view of your boobs in front of his face makes him smile too. He licks it once, “Oh- Baby, do that again?” you ask of him, he knew you would like it.
Your boobs are perfectly being sucked by Mark while you bounce up and down on him, rolling your hips at a steady pace. He lets go of your right nipple with a wet sound, feeling both of your nipples really swollen and sensitive. “Can’t hold on much longer baby, let me take over?” he was already on edge, you are too, but you let him take control and let him fuck you senseless that you were covering your mouth to stop yourself from moaning to loud.
“Bite me,” he said and you didn’t think twice, you bit his shoulder as you ride your high. He was cumming so hard too and his whimpers were muffled by the pillow behind you. You feel like he's going to crush your hand by gripping it so tightly and he feels like his shoulder is about to bleed.
It was a romantic night in the city of love. Both exhausted from sex but you two never kept quiet and talked to each other all through the night, watching the Eiffel Tower from your window, bodies covered with your thin sheets. You snuggle to Mark sniffing his armpit and making him giggle like a teenager, he tickles your legs and making you jolt and kick him a little too hard which made you both laugh so hard. You were away from each other for a long time, but your love stays the same and neither one of you is planning to ruin it.
The next day, Mark woke up with the smell of freshly cooked omelet and the zest of freshly squeezed orange juice. He looked at your clock on the bedside table, and it was almost lunchtime. He was quick to put on his glasses and find you, still naked because of last night’s intimacy but he doesn’t care. He feels home because you’re the first person he sees. Mark wraps his arms around you and rests his chin on your shoulder.
“I was wondering where did my shirt go,” he says with a raspy voice. It’s obvious that he’s still sleepy but he wants to spend as much time with you.
“Still sleepy?” you turn around after turning the stove off, “And still naked with only your glasses, huh? You look like a nerdy porn star” you tease him, slap his ass, and made him wear at least his sweatpants and come eat breakfast with you.
“You don’t have work today?” he asks, chewing his omelet and drinking his juice.
“I have but, I call in sick for three days. Wouldn’t want to waste time” you said, smiling and winked at him. “You know, I know why you’re here. And I want you to know it’s working” he chuckled and scratched his head, busted he thought. “But I can only leave work for three days, after that I promise you I will do my best to still be with you, and not waste your time here-“ you were talking too fast, rambling that he didn’t have any choice but to stop you from talking.  
“Understood, baby chill. I’m not here to sabotage your career, I’m here to take care of you”
In those three days, you and Mark enjoy Paris like a married couple enjoying their honeymoon. You’ve never enjoyed Paris like this, all thanks to Mark, the city became even more special and magical for you. You brought him to different French restaurants and made him eat a lot of good food and a lot of Watermelons, of course. You toured the city hand in hand, going to art galleries and taking countless pictures. The winery tour and your dinner date made Mark really drunk and it made him ten times even more funny. It was a struggle to bring him back to your apartment in his drunken state, but you love him too much that you even enjoyed his drunken company.
“I’m gonna ask you to marry me okay? Are you ready?” you help him step by step as you go up to your apartment, laughing so loud and disturbing your french neighbors, he was going on and on talking about marriage. “It’s true, check my pocket get the ring”
There's a huge part of you that secretly hopes that he’s telling the truth. Even if he’s proposing in his drunken state and couldn’t pop a knee, it’s okay. The staircase is still romantic for you and drunk or not, you love Mark with all your heart and soul. If Mark was telling the truth… you will say ‘yes’ and accept it will all your heart.
With all your bravery, you checked the pocket of his jacket and looked for a ring or a box. Honestly, you don’t know what you’re searching for. But there’s no ring. It made you disappointed but just laughed it all out and soothe his back because he’s about to throw up.
You reached your apartment, just in time for Mark to puke and curse every alcohol in the world. “Sorry if I’m a burden” he murmurs, resting his forehead on your toilet bowl while reaching for the flush.
“You’re never a burden. Feeling okay? Come on I’ll help you clean up” you kissed him on the forehead and left to get some clean clothes for him.
You spent the night taking care of Mark, enjoying how he hugs you so tight like he’s a child while he whines about how his head hurts. The night mostly consists of him whispering his apologies and never-ending I love you’s, while you still think about what he said earlier. Even if it didn’t happen tonight, the fact that he brought it up, finally, means that he was thinking of doing it someday. And that thought alone made you throw away your disappointment and hug him even more tightly.
Days go by and you juggle work and spending time with Mark and enjoy Paris. You feel bad letting him visit some great places alone or stay inside your apartment until you come home from work and go out finally. It was heartbreaking in many ways, but you didn’t have a choice.
On Mark’s first weekend in Paris, the first thing you did is wake him so early with loving kisses and go to the market with him. There, you and mark bought food for dinner tonight and promised you will cook for him. He was so in love with the city but had a hard time talking to French people.
“Wow, your French has improved” he praises you, “I read somewhere on the internet that the best way to learn the French language is in bed. Is there something I need to know, huh Baby?” he kissed your forehead to let you know that he’s only joking and completely well aware that cheating on him is beyond impossible.
“Fuck me in Korean then so I can learn it too” it made you both laugh, finding each other completely hilarious.
“Okay, I’ll fuck the Korean words out of you tonight”
The dinner you made was delicious, and it made Mark sad for a second because he realized he has to wait for a few months more to taste your cooking again. To light up the mood, you didn’t let him have a single alcohol tonight and made fun of his alcohol tolerance. And soon, after cleaning up from dinner, you two made love again.
He was balls inside you while you were making the pretties moans only for him to hear, he suddenly moaned Korean words which made you lost it and laughed so loud, your voices could be heard from your open window.
“Were you about to cum? I’m sorry, I just want to make you happy” he said, still inside you but not moving anymore.
“On edge, yeah. But I am, happy Mark. You came to Paris for me, even though I work my ass off while you’re still here. Oh, baby, I feel sorry.” You whine and nuzzle to the side of his sweaty face.
“Will you be happier if I ask you to marry me? Hmm?”
You were like a statue when you heard him talk about it again, and this time he’s sober. He kissed you back to reality, smiling nervously on top of you while waiting for your answer. “Hey” he kissed you again, giggling awkwardly.
“Of-of course I’ll be happy- are you proposing now?” you were stuttering and your hands were shaking as you reach for his face to cup it and kiss him. Tears in your eyes, pure happiness.
“While I'm still inside of you? No- I already have the ring, but with all that’s going on with your work right now. I just had to be sure, you want this. The last thing I want is to ruin our relationship and I’m sorry I had to say this to you while I’m still inside of you-“
You stopped him from rambling and talking too much, “Save it for breakfast. Now, continue fucking me in Korean” you both giggled again in no time. The night went on but it became, even more, sweeter for the both of you, more fucking in Korean happened and both of you slept like angels.
The morning after, you two made breakfast while trying so hard to keep your hands from each other. Obviously, the sweetness from last night hasn’t died yet. Marriage is not always a bed of roses, you’re aware of that, but you pray and pray that you and Mark stay the same like this for many years more.
“So that night at the stairs?” you asked him, taking a sip of from your coffee, eyes never leaving each other.
“I was serious but too drunk. I was going to talk about it with you that night, but…” you understand. Still, it made you happy. The morning was filled with laughter and kisses with Mark, talking more about marriage and the possibilities of having kids, shower sex, and him helping you prepare for work.
When you were just about to leave, “Oh! I almost forgot, fuck, Uhm- I need you to be my date tomorrow night. It’s the event that I’ve been working on, here” you hand him your credit card, “Sorry I can’t go with you. Buy yourself a nice suit okay? I’ll see you at dinner, I’ll be a little late, but I’ll make it to dinner” and again, you feel bad about treating him this way.
Mark is amazing in many ways, he bought a nice suit for your event tomorrow night and looked for a quiet french restaurant where he can propose to you properly. It was not hard, but talking to French people was not easy either. All he had in mind was, you deserved a romantic proposal.
Your most awaited day finally comes and everything is running smoothly. You haven’t seen Mark, because the dragon lady wanted you to get ready with her at the hotel where she was staying. “Have you seen Mark?” you asked your assistant, “I left him at the gallery. I told him you’ll meet him shortly”
After a few minutes of saying 'hi' 'hello' to the guests, you forgot that you were looking for your boyfriend and felt bad for doing that.
“Hey beautiful” he whispered behind you, and you almost spilled your champagne. You turned around and see the most handsome man on Earth, wearing a black and white suit with a slightly crooked bow tie. Your mind swims to the question, ‘will he be this handsome on your wedding day?’
“Wow- I’m speechless” is all you can say while admiring him like he's one of the paintings hanged on the wall.  
“You look expensively beautiful” he greets you with a kiss and you fixed his bow tie, asking for a kiss again that he happily gave. You showed him around and introduced him to your friends, exchanged laughs for a minute then you're around working again, leaving him alone. He watches you do your job, even if he’s left alone most of the time. Nonetheless, the event was a success and you’re soon to be promoted, the dragon lady told you herself.
“Baby, I’m sorry”
“What for? You were great the whole night” he helps you unzip your beautiful Valentino dress.
“How many times did we talk tonight, I feel bad” you whine and helped him with his tie while you’re all exposed, wearing only your black lingerie. He played with the strap of your bra and proceeds to palm your ass. You did the same because he has a much nicer ass, he chuckled and kissed you to bed. Just like that, Mark turned everything around.
It’s his last day in Paris today, he leaves tomorrow morning. And you hate it. The bed feels, even more, warmer with him in it, you’re not ready to let go yet. “Don’t worry. We have forever to make the bed warm. Right?” he tries to cheer you up. “Don’t forget the dinner tonight okay?” he added.
Your day went on with Mark and you two spend more time together talking about life and everything under the sun, laughing while eating watermelons, until you had to leave again for the company dinner. It was supposed to be a night filled with Mark and Mark only but your boss decided to throw a dinner celebration for a successful event the other night, and you can’t miss it because she told you, ‘Show up tonight. Don’t piss me’. with a sly smirk that you oh so hate.  
It was heartbreaking. You don’t know if the dragon lady knew that Mark was going to propose tonight or it’s just your life, ruining your perfect relationship with Mark. The dinner ended almost before midnight and you ran to the restaurant Mark told you not caring anymore if these Manolo pumps cost a fortune.
There, you saw Mark playing the piano while the restaurant staff was already cleaning up, fixing tables and chairs. It's been a while since the last time you saw him play an instrument, he knew you love it when he sings for you. You looked around the place and figured how he found a place like this in a country he's not familiar with. He was trying so hard during his whole stay, and you just watched and you let the people from work drain you until there’s nothing left for Mark.
He was still playing the piano sadly when you embraced him from behind, greeting him with a kiss. Feeling sorry for ruining the night he has planned for the two of you. He stopped and faked a smile, it was obvious and it pains you to see him like this. The space was quiet, and you notice that the staff were nice enough to give you two some privacy. He continued playing the piano and started singing the song his father used when he proposed to his mother.
You feel unworthy of his love.
Mark kissed you before he stands up, but all you wanted to do is say sorry over and over again. But you didn’t want to ruin the mood. You watch him bend on one knee, smiling shyly but you can say that he knows what he's doing. “Even if I already know the answer, and even if you become the busiest woman in Paris, marry me? Make me the happiest man alive?”
You were in tears, but you don’t know if it's made of happiness or sadness. There was a moment of silence that made him nervous and thought that maybe you changed your mind. It was making him nervous.
“Yes yes, of course”
Mark sighed in relief and let out a nervous laugh. He puts the ring on your finger and dried your tears before he kisses you. You see his sharp cheekbones appear from too much smiling and told you that his cheeks hurt.
That very moment made you realize that your job here in Paris and your boss, doesn’t deserve you. You can be amazing somewhere else, somewhere closer to Mark. In that way, you can be busy, yes, but you can come home to him every day and fuck in Korean the whole night.
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xseildnasterces · 3 years
just like fire.
I’ve done nothing today. I’ve been so unwell the last few days that I decided to take today off sick. I called the doctors and tried to arrange an appointment with the specialist, but they didn’t have an appointment until 20 November!!! I cannot wait that long. I’m ill now and need help now. I was told to message my nurse and tell her that I need to have an appointment sooner, so I have sent her an email and I shall now await a response. I cannot stay in this state until the end of November. If I don’t get help before then I might very well have shrivelled up and died or lost so much blood that I am severely anaemic. I’m still really worried and I am constantly concerned about the need for a colonoscopy. However, I think I have accepted that that is what is needed, and I just need to get it booked and find out exactly what is going on. Hey, I might even find out which type of IBD I have, or if I do indeed have both as suspected by my nurse. Lucky me!
I physically didn’t leave the apartment building today. I sat in front of the TV and coloured in. It was relaxing and helped with my stress and anxiety, that was until my dad called and told me that they had missed their flight. I cannot express the amount of stress that caused me. My parents had booked a holiday way back in 2019 for 2020. Of course, the pandemic hit, and the holiday was pushed to 2021. Despite neither of them really feeling safe going abroad right now, they didn’t want to lose the money they had spent on the booking. It makes me sad as they don’t have a lot of money and they had purposely booked in advance right back in 2019 because they wanted to save a little money, but anyway, they missed their flight and called to tell me and see if I could help. Unfortunately, there were no more flights today and they couldn’t really afford to pay for more flights. I offered to buy them as their Christmas gift (because they wouldn’t accept it otherwise), but because of my dad’s clinical anxiety it was easier for him to just get back in the car and drive home. I guess living so far from the airport was also part of the problem. It was hard to listen to my mum really upset on the phone, and hearing my dad, who surprisingly wasn’t going mental and instead just seemed really upset and stressed. I could tell him anxiety was peaking and the whole thing just caused me so much stress that my stomach was filled with knots and was giving me all the stress that I had been trying so hard to avoid. Stress is such a huge trigger for me and my IBD, so that really didn’t help. I haven’t spoken to my mum since she got home, but she said she will call me tomorrow. I just feel sad for them. They had waited so long for this and spent a lot of money so I can understand their upset and frustration, especially considering the reason for missing their flight was not their fault and was completely out of their control. I just feel so sad for them and yeah, stressed.
Other than that, I had group today. The group has changed over the last few months. One of the guys I felt I connected quite well with left and that was sad and stressful in itself. A new girl joined and although at first, I wasn’t sure how comfortable I felt with her she has really grown on me and I enjoy seeing her there. I spoke very little today. I felt stressed and I felt genuinely physically uncomfortable so I just sort of sat there and listened. If I am totally honest, I didn’t even listen that much the whole time. I just wasn’t in the mood, nor was I with it. I had individual yesterday and we discussed some of my biggest fears – death, getting old, and the unknown. All of this came from discussing my IBD and how I was feeling about it. I expressed my worries and concerns and how my mind always goes to the worst possible outcome – despite the fact you cannot actually die from IBD, but you can due from complications from it or from other diseases or illness’ that can be easier to catch when you suffer from a weakened immune system.
I’m wondering when I will get my third covid shot. The boosters are starting to get rolled out here to people who are extremely vulnerable, and due to my weakened immune system, it may not be long before I get my third one. I’m ready for it whenever! In the last year I have had so many vaccines! Both covid jabs, two HVP vaccines (1 more to go in November), and my flu jab which is now probably also ready for renewal. Hoping that this will aid me in my weakened immune state, especially considering I will probably find myself working in the office consistently until I go home a Christmas.
We currently have a super long weekend off. No work tomorrow, no work Friday and no work on Monday. Originally, I was supposed to be going away with H, M and F, but due to the tropical storms, hurricanes, my flare, and M’s work commitments we are no longer going. I think that’s maybe a good thing – even if I am a little disappointed, however, if we had gone, I would have pushed myself and probably ended up feeling even more unwell. We are still planning to meet up and have some day trips. Today I had such a great video chat with C and H and F joined and she was so happy to see me it was adorable. She has certainly had a wee growth spurt since I last saw her. I cannot believe how much her speech has progressed and how grown up she looked. I loved chatting to her, and it really did cheer me up.
The creepy guy from down the corridor is at it again. I honestly do not know what else I can do to make him leave me alone. I’m am genuinely scared to leave my apartment sometimes because the worry of bumping into him is real. I saw him yesterday. I was in the elevator last night and he pressed the button to stop it going up so he could come in. He didn’t recognise me at first with my mask on, but I knew it was him right away. He asked if we were on the same floor and then it clicked, and he realised it was me. He asked how long I had been back from the UK and I told him I had just got back, and I was currently quarantining…. AND THEN, AND THEN, he said, ‘oh well that explains it, I had been coming round and knocking on your door and no one has been answering’. I froze and didn’t really know what to say. Why is he knocking on my door? I said yes, I had been back in the UK for a couple of months and then walked away as quickly as I could. It was just so typical that today when I literally left my apartment for two second to go and collect a package from downstairs that as I was entering the lift he was exiting. He tried talking to me and again pressed the button to open the lift, so it didn’t go down. He asked how quarantining was going and I just said fine and pressed the button again. I was so full of anxiety I didn’t even want to go back upstairs in case I saw him again and found myself fast walking down the corridor back to my apartment. I wish guys would just get the message. I honestly cannot ever imagine a girl acting like that – not at all. I just hate it so much. I hate that I feel uncomfortable in my own apartment building. This is where I live, and I should not feel uncomfortable here. I need someone to come stay in my apartment and tell him to go away and leave me alone.
Last night I woke in the middle of the night – just like it seems everyone else in the DMV area did (there are even memes about it)! There was the most insane thunderstorm. The thunder woke me and the whole room was flashing from the lightening. It I wasn’t trying to sleep I would have loved to watch it. It has been stormy again today, and I imagine it will continue into the evening. This is the remnants of the tropical storms and everything that has been occurring in the South. At least we are lucky enough to not be dealing with the same tragedies and they are there.
[Blog title: Just Like Fire - P!nk].
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