moa-broke-me · 1 year
Will who isn't the perfect ray of sunshine everyone thinks he is
Who seems so nice. So charismatic and handsome and friendly.
Who, behind closed doors, is jealous, spiteful, violent.
Who seemed, to Nico, so sweet and caring. Like someone who could heal him, fix him.
Who started with infantilizing him, talking down to him, making him believe that his body and mind, his feelings of doubt, are not to be trusted. That they're self-sabotaging in nature, driving him away from the one good thing he has going for him all because of a little disagreement.
Who, when Nico rebelled, told him not to treat him like a child, would just excuse it with 'I'm only looking out for you, Nico. Since you have such a terrible track record of taking care of yourself.'
Who escalated to insults and put-downs, that seem like joking on the surface so that, if he ever stood up for himself, he'd just be treated as the resident sourpuss who can't take a joke. Nobody would take his complaints seriously, even if he started crying, nobody would think anything but 'classic Nico, always so sensitive, so insecure, it's honestly annoying'.
Who hit him for the first time when he was waking up from a night terror, still not fully aware of what's a dream and what's real, hoping to calm him down like they do in the movies.
Who blamed the stinging of Nico's cheek on adrenaline and the last tendrils of his flashback, causing phantom pains. He knew it was bullshit, and Nico suspected it was bullshit, but he never said anything because... Well, who's the expert on these things, Nico? Me or you?
Who Nico was scared to lay down next to, but still did, laying awake the rest of the night, wondering how he got to this point.
Who got worse from there.
Who, when he was no longer able to convince Nico it never happened, he just healed the injury before he went outside. Because nobody would ever believe Nico without the scars to prove it. Even /with/ the scars to prove it, most would think he was lying, trying to slander the name of the most beloved boy in the camp.
Who, when Hazel started getting suspicious of Will, told Nico she was probably just looking to break them up because she's homophobic. She's not, and she's never said anything that could be mistaken as such, but she's from an older time, and he points to that as proof. And Nico has no choice but to believe him, he just wants what's best for him after all.
Percy whose heart stops beating for a minute when he sees Nico in the shadowy corner of his bedroom, battered, bleeding, and passed out because he used the very last of his strength to shadow-travel somewhere safe.
Who picks him up, light and bony as ever from his worsening depression and from the nerve-racking stress this relationship has put on him, and holds him close, patching him up the way him and his momma would do for each other all those years ago, never once trying to wake him up. He needs all the sleep he can get, and this could be the last peaceful sleep he gets in a while.
Who puts him in his own bed and sleeps on the couch instead, but not before making sure his front and back doors are both locked. He didn't think Will could tell where Nico was, or would travel all the way to his apartment from camp, but he had to make sure the poor thing was safe.
Who couldn't sleep, not just because the couch is uncomfortable, but because every time he started to drift off, he could swear he started smelling beer and stale pizza, and his nerves jolted him awake again.
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maitso · 1 year
i find pretty weird how some people treat toa as only being 'the solangelo book'
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thegayestpersonalive · 2 months
I've been ranting about Percy Jackson for the past month and I think my mom is going to murder me if I keep talking about it... also the Wilbur Soot situation. FUCK WILBUR SOOT. HE IS AN ABUSER. DONT SUPPORT HIM. HE DIESNT DESERVE THE SUPPORT HES GETTING. SUPPORT THE VITCIM. NOT. THE. ABUSER.
Thank you for your time! And here solangelo <3
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
I'm already seeing people making 'Nico has a thing for blondes' jokes because of Will and Walker and i will NOT stand for it because A)Hair color is not a personality trait,B)He never showed attraction to Jason and they were super close for a long ass time by demigod standards and C)Percy is NOT a potential love interest for Nico,SHE is a trans woman and HIS FUCKING MOTHER!!!!!!!
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It's almost as if the entire point was to have Will act ignorant and small-minded only to realize the harm he was doing and trying to change. It's almost like people being able to grow and change was the entire point of the book.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
tw: mentions of abuse (in many forms...), mpreg (technically...?)
If I had a nickle for each mpreg fanfic wherein Nico’s abused by his spouse/partner and has to run away with their small child, I would have three nickles
Which isn’t a lot but it amazes me that it happened thrice. 
And now I wonder if there’s any other similar fanfic but with another protagonist (since ya know. I only read about Nico LMAO)... bc i’ve read a mpreg Percabeth before and frankly? Fanfics have everything
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No because WHY are yall saying Will is abusive? What did I miss? HOW is he abusive and 'doesn't respect Nico's personal space'?
Firstly, if this was about the fact that he touched Nico during the war with Gaia, HE'S A DOCTOR. HE HAS THE PRIMARY INSTINCT OF HELPING OTHERS ON THE BATTLEFIELD. Everything was fast paced for them so he didn't have time to ask Nico anything at all whether he was comfortable with touch or not. And WHERE did it say he didn't respect Nico's personal space? WHY?
Secondly, there's NO WAY he could be abusive to Nico. In Apollo's eyes, they're a power couple and literally made Apollo feel single, plus they're comfortable enough with each other to the point where they tease each other and stuff like that. Plus if he WAS abusive to Nico, they wouldn't be so comfortable with each other, man even Rick says that Nico has eyes only on Will. And if he's supposedly 'abusive to the campers', that's wrong, because he is a HEAD DOCTOR. HE CAN'T BE ABUSIVE AT ALL, and he's friends with almost if not all campers and is able to initiate even small talk with the scariest ones. People literally love him.
Yes Will's character isn't PERFECT, but he is NOT abusive nor does he not respect Nico's space. He's just an overworked head doctor who needs therapy like all other campers and loves his boyfriend.
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percabeth4life · 2 years
"For fucks sake I hate when people minimize real abuse by calling healthy relationships abuse just because they're different than your own" THATS LITERALLY YOU WITH SOLANGELO BUT GO OFF I GUESS
I have literally openly stated that s*langelo isn't abusive but go off bestie.
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glorified-red · 1 year
I'm seeing all the hate The Sun & The Star is getting on this hellsite and its so obvious that people aren't reading this book for what it is.
It's literally a children's novel written for children. The book is supposed to be easily digestible and stupid and explicitly written because kids books are supposed to be completely laid out.
Rick has always written dorky things in his books but he has also prioritized writing about real world issues and struggles. He's written about trauma, abuse, PTSD, depression, anxiety, etc. For years.
So here he is writing about deep rooted insecurities and self-doubt and learning to accept all those dark parts of yourself as well as others, AND tackling internalized homophobia and queer struggles, and we're upset the book is too focused on the relationship?
The entire point of this book is to teach the audience how to navigate a rocky relationship with compassion and understanding. It's showing that relationships aren't perfect, you can be upset with your partner and your partner can be upset with you but the point is that you talk about it and you try to do better.
Is it such a bad thing for young teens to be learning this?
Is it such a bad thing for them to see that love is effort? And can and will be flawed and that's okay??
This is the first time we've seen this topic discussed by Rick and I've never seen a book tackle this topic because we always see the Hollywood depiction of love---yet that's unrealistic.
This is showing that love can be flawed but still be oh so beautiful. That you can be traumatized and still worthy of love.
And I am so proud of Rick and Mark for not only showing a healthy attempt at a relationship but also showing countless times that those lessons apply to any relationship. They put significant stress on platonic and familial relationships and how that love is also effort, compassion, and understanding.
Yes, it focused on Solangelo a lot.
Yes, it had soooo many flaws that even I cringed and got disappointed at times.
But the fact that we got a book that finally lets two characters talk about their feelings is incredible, and the fact that this new generation gets this book??
If I had a book like this when I was young, showing me how to navigate conflict and that relationships CAN be hard?? My god, the healing that lesson could have done.
Perspective is everything for this book. Hell, perspective was everything in HoO. It showed that how characters are perceived is very different from how they perceive themselves.
Leo was literally always shown as comedic relief and nothing more until we saw how incredibly lonely and sad that kid was from his point of view.
Percy was always said to be intimidating and powerful, but in his perspective, he's a kid who has no clue what he's doing.
So yea, in this book, it may seem like these characters have shifted, but once again, Rick is relying so heavily on perspective.
Nico was edgy and depressed for as long as we knew him, even in BoO when we first got his POV. But now that he's accepted, loved, and healing, why are we getting mad that he's a dork again---how he was before all the trauma? Why are we mad that Nico is growing and healing and becoming himself again because he feels safe enough to do so.
Ofc he's gonna feel different than how he was written a canon year ago.
And this is the first time we've had Wills perspective. He's always been seen as this sunshine happy character but we FINALLY get some acknowledgement that he's deeply terrified. He's shown as a leader and camp counselor but he's got anxiety written in his bones.
He felt like a burden this book because he's a healer. He's absolutely terrified to be a fighter and yet we got to see him become one in his own way. He was out of his element but he was trying.
Because he's so goddamn afraid of losing someone else.
Call Will an asshole all you want, but Nico had been to Tartarus and the Underworld more times than he could count.
Will is literally walking into a place he's never been to before and is the complete opposite of anything he's ever known---for Nico. The comments he makes about plants and lack of sunshine? It wasn't him being a dick, he was him being genuinely confused because hes only ever known earth logic.
If I saw flowers blooming in a pitch black room I'd be a little confused too. He says the Underworld is depressing because it's literally draining his energy.
You yell at Will for not being open-minded yet won't comment on the fact that Nico hardly made an attempt either. Nico could have been more understanding about the fact that Will, a guy who's exploring this place that's slowly killing him, might not like the place at first because he doesn't understand it.
Because Will wanted to understand.
And the second Will finally began to understand the beauty of the Underworld, he was nothing but supportive.
You get mad at Will for making mistakes yet refuse to acknowledge that he learned from them.
The Sun & The Star tackled a hard topic that doesn't get talked about often. It portrayed a queer relationship and it emphasized characters who learned and grew. It's different from other Rick books because that was the point. (And it wasn't just Rick writing it)
This book was about accepting change within yourself and "daring to be different."
And the fact that you can't even accept a book that does the same just shows that the lessons this book taught went straight over your head.
I've never been more disappointed in this fandom. We begged for this book. We begged for queer representation. Yet here we are criticizing every little thing about it as if we aren't lucky to be getting this book in the first place---a book about two side characters.
This book had soooo many flaws but it wasn't a bad book.
Isn't that the point of it all? To love something even though it's flawed? That flaws dont necessarily mean it's broken and bad forever?
It's okay to hate a book.
That doesn't mean it's a bad book.
It just wasn't for you.
There are dozens of other books in this fandom to love and cherish, but don't hate this book just because it's different from what we're used to.
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apollosothertwin · 23 days
I have such a strong urge to go out to the toa tags and report all of the posts that aren’t toa. To anyone who sees this and is about to tag their non-trials of Apollo related post as trials of Apollo please don’t. (that includes solangelo things. Just because they started in ToA doesn’t mean that you should tag it with ToA. You have tsats now. Please use it) I get so annoyed when I’m just trying to search for content about Meg or Lester or anything and anyone in the Trials of Apollo series and all that I get is Percy Jackson because, as much as I love him and the rest of the pjo books, sometimes I just want to take a break and cuddle up with some cute sunflower sibs art, or a meta on the heavy abuse systems in the series. Don’t be selfish and tag for reach, please respect our fandom. Also, we’re by far the smallest of the main three series but we’re always welcome to have more members.
If you haven’t read ToA or maybe you stopped after the first book, I would highly recommend giving it another try. Trials is by far the most mature series and I know from personal experience as someone who originally didn’t like the narration and the fact the Percy wasn’t in it, the older you get the more you appreciate it. Also, if you aren’t reading it because you know of a certain death that happens in the third book, just know that he didn’t die for nothing. The scene made me cry, and I wasn’t and still am not really a fan of him.
Overall Trials has a very different feel from the other books, but that is part of the reason I love it some much. This allows us to have a very tight knit group of writers, artists, and just fans who love our blorbo Lesterpollo. If your post is actually about ToA, you are always welcome to tag it; we want to see! But if your post is just about pjo, hoo, tkc, mcgoa, tsats, or any of the other side books, please respect that we would like to have our own tags that can be utilized solely for the purpose of talking about The Trials of Apollo.
Thank you for listening to my Ted talk
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willsimpforanyone · 1 year
poly!solangelo x gn!reader smut
sure, i shall take the freedom and abuse it lmao enjoy
also will is southern because yes and y'all have a lovely grown-up house with a garden because this is fiction
Nico's hair was getting long.
It rested just above his shoulders, dark and shaggy and so delightful to run fingers through. I stared at him, head bent over some paperwork for his job. My fingers tapped the table, my head resting on one hand.
His t-shirt was loose and low-necked, exposing a plane of pale olive-toned chest, the faintest of bruises decorating his neck from a few days ago.
"Darlin', why are you eye-fuckin' our boyfriend?"
Both Nico and I jumped as Will wandered into the kitchen, bee-lining to the sink to wash the dirt from his hands. Nico flushed pink as he met my eyes.
I winked, and turned to my other boyfriend. "What? You jealous?"
Will laughed. "Honey, I know I look hot." He was right, his working-in-the-garden jeans slung low on his hips and he was wearing a t-shirt just a little small for him, showing a sliver of stomach at all times.
"I'm trying to be productive," Nico murmured, looking back down at his papers.
"We aren't distracting you, babe." I shrugged, slipping out of my seat and wrapping my arms around Will from behind. "Are we?"
Will shook his head, reaching for a towel and drying his hands. "We've never done anything wrong in our lives." He turned in my embrace, resting his arms on my shoulders. He was a little taller than me, so I had to tilt my head up a little to meet his eyes. "Hey there."
I grinned. "Hey. You do look hot."
He ducked his head down to touch his lips to my ear. "Wanna see how far we can go before Neeks breaks?"
"Oh, absolutely."
I slipped my hands under his shirt, feeling him shiver. In return, he cupped my cheeks in his hands and brought me in for a long, sweet kiss. I sighed in satisfaction, swiping my thumbs over the skin of his back.
Will pulled back, pressing kisses along my jawline. "So, what did Nico do to get you to look at him like that?"
Sighing wistfully, I glanced briefly over to the man at the table seemingly very focused on his work.
"His hair, it's so beautifully long," I murmured. "Would be so good to run my fingers through, maybe pull a little bit, we know he likes that."
Nico gave the smallest shift in his seat, but his eyes were staring at the papers. Will nipped at my pulse point and I gasped.
"And the t-shirt, I'm guessin'?" Will's hands slid into the back pockets of my jeans, pulling me flush against him. "He looks damn good in big shirts, don't he? All that skin showin', be a shame not to do somethin' about it."
I nodded and grinned, hearing the smallest gasp from the table. "He always looks so gorgeous with teeth marks, I think."
Will smirked, pecking my lips. "I have to agree, honey, if only he weren't so busy."
Papers shuffled on the table, as if someone were gathering them up and piling them neatly. The chair scraped on the floor and Will winked at me. He bent close to my ear again. "I think we won."
Nico stood up and cleared his throat, and I turned around to lean my back on Will's chest to look at him. He looked flustered.
"You can't- this isn't fair, you're both assholes." He crossed his arms. "I'm trying to work and you're... you're just..."
I reached out a hand and he folded instantly, almost tripping over himself to get to us. His fingers laced with mine and he tilted his head up ever-so-slightly to meet my lips.
Compared to his usual clothing, Nico was clad in soft sweatpants along with the aforementioned t-shirt, barefoot on the kitchen tile. He looked soft and welcoming and I smiled into the kiss.
Will kissed the back of my head. "Bedroom?"
I shook my head, breaking the kiss. "Sofa? Closer."
I recieved two nods and the three of us stumbled over to the sofa. I sat, dragging Nico on top of me so he was straddling my thighs. My fingers danced at the edges of his t-shirt. "This okay?"
He nodded enthustiastically and I ran my fingers up and down his spine with one hand, pulling him into a kiss with the other. Will came to stand behind Nico, bending over his neck and pressing quick kisses into the flesh. I could feel the heat radiating off Nico under the attention of both his partners.
Slowly, Nico took my hand and with a fierce blush put it to the back of his head.
"Want me to play with your hair, hm?"
He blushed harder. "Y-You were the one who wanted to, I'm just... helping."
"So helpful, sweetheart." I twisted my fingers in his dark waves, holding firmly near the base so as not to hurt him unecessarily. He keened, head leaning back and resting on Will's chest. I took the opportunity to lean forward and nip red marks into his skin, tiny flowers blossoming on top of the old ones.
Nico's hands twisted into my sweater and Will's hands reached down to ghost over the front of Nico's sweatpants. "Can I touch you, please, baby?"
Nico breathed out a "Yes," and Will dipped his hand beneath his waistband. Nico's head tried to jerk forward but my grip in his hair was firm and he ended up rolling his body forward, pressing further into Will's hand.
I touched two fingers to Nico's mouth and his lips parted, tongue darting out to lick at the tips before obediently taking them into his mouth.
Will cursed. "Shit, so pretty, huh? My tough guy all soft for us, just for us."
Nico nodded as best he could with my hand gently pulling at his locks and my fingers in his mouth. I shifted my hips against the sofa, eyes flicking between Nico's gorgeous expression and the obscene sight of Will jerking him off under his sweatpants.
Will pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Will you let me put my mouth on you, darlin'? You look so good, I wanna make you feel good, can I do that?"
Nico's eyes rolled back and I removed my fingers from his mouth so he could answer. "Fuck, yes, you can do that."
On slightly wobbling legs, Nico turned around until he was sitting on my lap with his back against my chest. I arranged his legs so he was spread open, sweatpants tugged off by Will who was now kneeling on the floor. I wrapped an arm around Nico's waist, makinng sure he didn't move too much.
Will licked a stripe up Nico's dick and I felt him jerk against me, inhaling sharply. I made eye contact with Will.
At the same time as he took Nico's dick into his mouth, I bit down on Nico's neck. He writhed against me, crying out and tangling his hand in Will's golden hair. "That was a dirty trick," he panted, barely getting the words out.
"We know." I sucked bruises into his skin, enjoying the feeling of his pounding pulse against my lips as Will drove him slowly crazy with his mouth.
Nico's breathing got heavier and faster and I moved my hands to the insides of his thighs to stop him closing his legs on Will. Nico's hands were everywhere, in Will's hair, clutching my arms, reaching back to hold my head against his neck, the boy was frantic with pleasure.
"Fu-fuck, I'm gonna- Will, I'm gonna come-!"
I clamped my hands down harder on his thighs as Will pulled off of Nico's dick, jerking him quick and dirty until Nico exploded, cum drenching Will's t-shirt.
His body went limp, collapsing totally into mine. I held him close, whispering praise and reassurance into his ear, how he did so good, so well for us, I was so proud of him, he was so fucking gorgeous.
Will vanished to quickly chuck his shirt into the washing machine, returning soon with some water and a damp towel. Nico took it gratefully, swallowing half the glass. Will remained kneeling, cleaning our boyfriend carefully and putting his sweatpants back on.
"You doin' okay, darlin'?" Will pressed a kiss to Nico's knee from his position on the floor.
Nico nodded. "Very okay." He raised an eyebrow. "Are your knees okay?"
Will laughed. "They're fine, so worth the ache."
Smiling, Nico bent forward to kiss Will sweetly before slipping off my lap and curling into the corner of the sofa with his water.
I turned to Will, and winked.
"Your turn."
genuinely one of the reasons i think i might be polyam is because i like writing polyam relationships so much
anyway thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoyed!
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iadoresolangelo · 1 year
I wrote a little soft Solangelo scene, enjoy!
If you ever saw Nico di Angelo, you would never peg him as a nerdy type.
It is true, that looks can be deceiving but Nico?
The emo guy Nico? The Hades son Nico? No.
Fortunately, after all the things that he's been through, opening up to new people has became easier for him.
"What do you mean, can my hair heal like Rupanzel's?"
Will was a little confused when this question came from his boyfriend. Still, it was warming his heart that Nico was thinking about it. Also, at what moment did Nico watch "Tangled"?
" I said what I said. You have healing powers... "
Will raised his eyebrow at that.
"... And you can glow. You are a son of Apollo, even if you say that you cannot sing as good as your siblings, that doesn't mean you cannot pull Rapunzel. "
"Pull Rupanzel?" Will was getting amused. "What do you mean " pull Rupanzel " ? "
Nico gave him a blank stare. "You haven't watched "Tangled"? It's, like, the best Disney movie. "
"Nico, of course I watched " Tangled", I just... " Will fell silent for a second, "I never thought of that actually. "
Nico was thinking about this conversation. What powers Will might posses, that he doesn't even know about about?
He knows that Will can glow, he can heal, as well as, sing ( Will always says that he cannot, in fact, sing but Nico doesn't agree) .
Should he talk to other Apollo campers about this? Maybe they will know. Or should he go straight to Apollo himself and ask him? No, that would look really strange.
" You can ask your dad." Nico broke the comfortable silence that fell between them in the dining hall.
"What are you talking about? " Will was stuffing his mouth with some sort of healthy-nitrucious-vitamin-balanced salad.
" About the Rupanzel thing. You can ask your dad whether you can do that with your hair. "
Will looked at him, " You're suggesting me to ask my dad about whether I can "pull Rupanzel "? "
"Yes." Nico looked back, face blank.
Will turned back to his salad monster, " Okay, I will try to reach him next time we eat. " A small smile was trying to break free from his lips.
Nico saw that, " Are you making fun of me? " He tried to keep his tone emotionless but small string of hurt betrayed him, and Nico's voice sounded strained.
Will immediately stopped abusing his fork and set aside his dish, " No, why would think that? " His soft gaze fell on to Nico's face.
Nico looked down, not wanting to have an eye contact just yet. " You started to smile, I thought you found my idea stupid. " His voice was really quiet by the end of sentence.
" Can I hold your hand ?" Will asked softly.
Nico nodded.
Will intertwined their fingers together and started to smooth out Nicos rough knuckles.
" I would never make fun of you, Nico" He still kept his gaze on Nico's face, unbothered by lack of eye contact. " I wasn't laughing at you, I found it cute, that's why I smiled. "
Nico finally lifted his head and met Will's gaze. "Cute?" Why would he be cute? There wasn't anything cute in what he said, it was pure curiosity.
" Yes, cute. " Will replied, smile forming of his lips. " You, asking me about whether I can "pull Rupanzel, was cute. It meant that you think about me and analyse my powers. "
Nico also started to smile a little. How can he not smile when a literal sun was talking to him so softly, while holding his hand, like it was a gift to touch him. He felt cared about every time he was near Will.
Nico squeezed Will's hand a little. " Can I hug you?" Will nodded and wrapped his other arm around Nico, while still holding his hand.
" No, sadly, I cannot "pull Rupanzel"."
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freddie-77-ao3 · 19 days
Gonna use the ask box for this 🙃 ask 1/? (I have so many questions, though you have answered so many already)
What are your thoughts on Trials of Apollo, and the characters?
go ahead and keep asking!!! i love your questions!!
gonna start smaller with characters:
lavinia: the jewish thing wasn't handled completely correctly (just a couple of small things there) but overall 10/10 character. i think she's hilarious and her official artwork ROCKS.
meg: i love her. she seems a little immature for twelve years old TO ME but i also had a... rather abnormal upbringing so that might explain the differences. overall she was a great character and i LOVE the demeter rep (my thoughts on how riordan treated demeter take five pages to clarify so-- basically) love seeing it-- demeter was a kronide and her kids should be treated as such! great character development. peaches was also hilarious (as was crotch-kicker mccaffrey)
lester: calling him lester to separate between godly apollo and post toa apollo. again, fantastic character development. he's so fucking funny. like he does some really dumb stuff at the start of the series (swearing to not use a musical instrument and stuff?? LESTER MAN CMON) his and meg's relationship is so sweet-- and kayla and austin with him? chefs kiss. love apollo kids getting some time with their dad.
jason: absolutely got fridged. i've already touched on my suicide theory so i won't go into that here but basically i think we shoulda seen jason similar to percy (very minor, doing his own thing behind the scenes) but alas.
piper: the shel thing was a bit sudden. don't get me wrong, i'm ALL for queer rep (i think there should be more of it in the books actually) but-- going straight from breaking up with jason to jason sacrificing himself for her to a relationship seems really unhealthy. i think she should have a chance to grow outside of a relationship.
reyna: joining the hunt was a bad end for her. since when was that an ambition of hers? she seemed genuinely happy in new rome and called it her home multiple times in HoO and going from that to the hunt? idk seems like rick doesn't know how to write characters NOT be in a relationship (piper, reyna, leo... they all get squared away)
leo: oh leo baby he didn't get to see jason before he died??? so heartbreaking. didn't belong in a relationship with calypso. the punching thing was weird when he came back to camp-- esp with a character who has a history of physical abuse
frank: i love the frank deciding his own fate thing but also idk seems like a cop out.
hazel: shouldn't have just become praetor i mean cmon. i love her but she's what, 14 now? no way.
will: solangelo flirting is hilarious 10/10. "do you want to be my buddy?" "significant annoyance" i can't breathe. also poor will for putting up with apollo in the hidden oracle because i could not help my dad learn how to use the toilet i'm sorry but that shit is crazy.
malcolm: why is malcolm going to battle without pants on so funny to me i just-- 10/10 i love him.
connor: such a dumbass. the hair grafts 😭. i feel bad that travis isn't there and then communication lines go down like oh buddy :(
cecil: see me RUNNING with the knowledge cecil can cook
other small stuff:
love the waystation, always been my personal hc that there's more than just that one but that's for another post.
percabeth finally making it to college!!!
the jackson-blofis family warms my heart <3
thoughts on the series as a whole?
i love it. definitely top three riordan series (tied with pjo and mcga)
i like that (like mcga) toa was more mature? like we finally see demigods with ptsd, we get queer characters, just... everything
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So I'm back on my percy Jackson bs again and I saw this one post on Tiktok claiming that Solangelo is "Klance Coded" and I simply had to laugh because that couldn't be any further from the truth...
Klance is Red and Blue, Fire and Water type polar opposites in both personality and aesthetics
However, not every polar opposite style ship is "Red and Blue Coded" there's also Sun and Moon, ( Or in Solangelo's case, Sun and Star) Light and Darkness.
so basically, and this might be controversial, but I know those who will get it will get it, what I'm trying to say is.....
Solangelo is NOT Klance Coded.
Solangelo is SORIKU Coded
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I can go into heavy detail, and I will!
Will is definitely a lot like Sora in that even when surrounded by so much bad happening or even when he's going through his own stuff, he still puts on a smile and pretends nothing is wrong. of course to his own detriment and also has self sacrificing tendancies. Overworking himself to heal others to the point of exhaustion and even down to the self esteem issues. Sora sees himself alone as worthless without his friends ("My Friends Are My Power") and Will feeling like Healing is the only thing he's good for since he didn't inherit any of the other natural talents most of his other siblings have as demigod children of Apollo. And the incident with Octavian probably didn't help either. They also have somewhat of a hero complex and struggle with dealing with the fact that they can't save everyone. Sora broke a major taboo in order to bring kairi back in kh3 because he didn't want her to die, and Will being a medic that had been through not 1 but 2 LITERAL WARS, one in which he lost several of his siblings and of course being a medic in general, no matter how hard you try or how good at your job, it's just a fact that you cannot save everyone that's put in your care. Also, Both Sora and Will are heavily associated with Light both literally and figuratively
And then we got Nico, who just like Riku was lost for so long in lieral and metaphorical darkness, both trapped in metaphorical labyrinths of their inner turmoil of thier feelings, their pasts, their trauma (wether it be losing someone they care about, or being abused and manipulated at the hands of a shifty adult figure for their own gain) , and feeling that they have no place of belonging. only to be brought back by the people that care about them the most and through their own self determination and strength. And also both characters associated with darkness literally and as a concept.
Riku and Nico also have a teensy bit of Angel character symbolism with Nico's last name being Angel in italian and Riku's original keyblade Way To Dawn having both a monster/demon wing and Angel wing at the hand guard and for the "teeth" of the keyblade
you could also argue Riku could technically be seen as a "Fallen Angel" type character since he was originally chosen to be a keyblade wielder by Terra but lost that right when he fell to darkness hence why the keyblade went to Sora instead, then Riku spent the next several games on a very angsty redemption arc.
And of course, Nico and Riku aren't strictly associated with darkness. Nico is a son of hades, a prince of the underworld, The Ghost King. However, he isn't all doom and gloom. He's still just a teenage boy that's secretly a giant nerd and is actually a a good kid.
Riku as well, has the power to wield both the powers of light and darkness and it was Riku's light inside his heart that sora reached out to that dark and stormy night on the beaches of destiny island that let him wield the keyblade in the first place
And don't even get me started on how Riku is 100% gay coded (don't beleive me? look up the "Riku Is Gay" video on youtube, grab a snack and enjoy. you're gonna be there a hot minute)
Both characters in both medias are opposites to each other but both also compliment and balance each other out. But not like Fire and Water. Like Light and Darkness. Not only hat, but the dynamic between Sora and Riku and between Nico and Will are kinda similar. not identical by any means, but enough to where I definitely noticed it.
If anyone else has anything to add to this, let me know! I had this lightbulb a few nights ago and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since!
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iatenicoshappymeal · 4 months
I was really, really busy lately, so I haven't been able to read much more of HOO, BUUUUUUUUT I have more comments and thoughts.
Percy is in Camp Jupiter
Annabeth is depressed, just like meeeeeeeeee
Leo is cute
Hera was probably Leo's babysitter or smth, and I'm the only one who thinks that's weird?
Hazel is a child of Hades ofc and died then came back to life
There's someone named Reyna or Raina or Rayna or whatever the heck it is and I really like that name
Piper can convince ppl to give things to her so she abuses the power
Jason has lightning powers
Piper Jason and Leo got attacked by giants
Festus Happy the Dragon dies
WHY ISNT NICO ONE OF THE 7????!!!!!!?!??!?!?!?!?!??
I keep on thinking Piper's name is Pipey McClean cuz I'm BLiNd
Did I mention that Leo is cute?
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Kind of controversial but why are people acting like TSATS is Rick Riordan's first queer book? Like Magnus chase who? Trials of Apollo?
Warning ⚠️: Long rant under the cut. It's not very tsats friendly so please scroll if you don't want to read.
Idk it just feels like sometimes the fandom doesn't really view queer rep as valid unless it centers around romance. Completely biased as a toa fan but toa had so much rep. The bi mc, the gay geysers, the kindly old lesbian couple taking in unwanted kids, ace characters, characters struggling with comphet, characters crushing on people of the same gender and none of it being taken as something out of the ordinary. It just wasn't centred around romance.
The toa fandom has always been pretty small and chill with activity spiking everytime a new book releases. Then suddenly when Tower of Nero came out there were so many people. So what changed, what brought in so many people who weren't even interested in the premise of the book?
It was Solangelo.
I like solangelo as much as the next person (minus the year of seething rage when they were dominating the toa tag) but the way that people discount an amazing series about change, growth and overcoming abuse with some of the best casual queer rep I've seen and consider the only thing of value being a minor mlm couple with a few pages of screentime leaves a pretty bad taste in my mouth.
Magnus chase is another book. Alex fierro isn't perfect rep (stop calling Alex slurs holy fuck) but it was revolutionary to have a gender fluid character in a children's series and this was back in 2016. Fierrochase is pretty popular but I wonder sometimes if Alex and Magnus would be as popular as they are if they never got together. They're still not as popular as solangelo but in good faith that might be because people became too fatigued to read mcga.
It just feels sometimes that these books are viewed as lesser queer books just because there's no shipping or it's not a (I'm so sorry don't kill me ) heart stopper esque gay couple. Idk if im taking this too personally as a potentially ace *slides nsfw art under desk* person whose gender is wonky but it's just my thoughts on this.
But I just feel like the focus should be on the countries banning and censoring the book instead of people with perfectly valid criticism of it. There are so many of his books with queer rep and most of the criticism I've seen have come from LGBTQIA+ people that like these books or at least put the same energy into scrutinizing them too. Idk why people assume anything bad said about TSATS was a bad faith reading done out of homophobia.
All that being said, tsats is definitely being marketed as the first queer book. It's banned not very accessible in my country despite all the others going through- which sucks. It's being treated like the first queer focused book Rick has written and it's coming out at a bad time for everyone but especially people in the US apparently. So I understand why any reactions would be taken as the fandoms reaction to the first queer book.
So who is more homophobic? The person who doesn't like a queer book or the person who holds a queer romance as the pinacle of queer? The answer : no clue man it's complicated and it's sucks that we're all so on edge in these trying times that we automatically assume the worst. There's nuance that a smarter person than me can elaborate on but I am not he.
Sorry for writing something so divisive during pride month but it is a conservation that should be had and what better month than one celebrating queer identity and representation. Hope everyone has a great pride month and stays safe.
Peace and love ✌️🏳️‍🌈💜
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