#aaah thank you anon!
yellowlikelemons · 18 days
You’re cute! Not just cute: adorable. Like a sweet little stray in a box on the side of the road. I’d love to pet your little head and coax you out with treats so I can take you home ❤️
Aww, please! I love sweets. I'm a little shy, but socialized well enough that you could pet me once I came out for treats. I'll be very nervous, but I won't particularly resist if you decide to pull me home with you. You seem very nurturing, I'm sure you could make me very comfortable even if it'd be a little jumpy with you at first 💛
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genericpuff · 6 months
Hi! Maybe this is a difficult question with no answer, but as a fan of Rekindled who might want to start their own comic, what do you suggest to avoid burnout? Do you start wiht writting the script right away, you doodle a bit,..? Thanks for reading, I love how you draw big noses, makes me more comfy with mine!
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no fr my dark secret is that i've been experiencing burnout with my main original project that I've spent the last decade working on for literally a year now. this isn't the first long hiatus i've taken, the longest one i've ever been on has lasted two years, and it's undoubtedly not the last i'll experience because the lump of salt and fat and tissue that is my brain often overworks itself into exhaustion like a big dummy
rekindled has been my reprieve from the burnout. it has been my vacation from years of working on the same project, meeting the same deadlines, drawing the same characters, over and over and over again since before i was in college.
if there's anything working on rekindled has made clear to me, it's that i'm still capable of drawing comics. the comic-making isn't the problem. it's just that when you work on the same project for years and trap yourself in an uphill battle, eventually your climbing gear is bound to break.
if there's another thing that rekindled has opened my eyes to, it's the insanity that i put myself through prior to rekindled that led to my burnout in the first place.
i get people telling me that they couldn't imagine doing what i do, that even before i had my assistant helping me out, i was still able to put out 30-40 panel updates every week.
but before that, i was putting out 70-90 panel episodes of my original work. every week. full color. full spread action scenes. no assistant. very little financial gain aside from a couple patrons on patreon and one dedicated viewer on twitch, which i was also streaming on 2-3 times a week.
and now that i've been working on rekindled and even finding myself often crunched for time with that, i have zero clue, no idea, a complete lack of comprehension of how i pulled off 70-90 panels a week for months on end. there's a reason it resulted in burnout and i know that now. this comparison is not for the sake of a flex - this comparison is to make it clear that much of what i do isn't the norm and isn't exactly a healthy standard. case in point, i sneezed while sweeping up yesterday morning and it caused a muscle strain in my lower back/hips and i've been working out of my bed since, i'm in a lot of pain and it might mean i don't make any money this week if it's not better by the time i have to do my appointments at my day job on thursday. my need to create my personal passion projects is often at odds with my bad habits of not taking care of myself 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。
when it comes to tackling burnout, your guess is as good as mine. really it just comes down to rest. when burnout - real, true burnout - hits, it's not just "man i'm bored of working on this", it's "i can't even think of looking at this thing let alone working on it", it's basically akin to depression and it's an awful thing that i wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy (even with Rachel, I don't want to psychoanalyze her mental health but it does seem like she's possibly been experiencing burnout with LO for years now and that really sucks for her if that's true). so the solution is just as complicated as the cause, it's not something that you can just rest from for a week and come back from, it takes real long-term healing.
when I found my way out of that 2 year hiatus, it was in spring of 2019 and I decided to just work on a random comic page that wasn't even in the comic I was working on. and then suddenly it was like a switch flicked back into the on position and i didn't even finish what i was working on, i just went back to my original project and i kept working on it until it was finally finished at the end of 2021. as suddenly and randomly as it had set in, it was gone. but i can't just do the same thing this time, it just doesn't work that way.
that said, through all this, i've learned that my need to create is not restricted to any one tangible thing, i'm not doomed or designed to stick with the same words, the same faces, the same ideas until the end of time. while i do try to keep up healthy routines for myself to ensure i'm looking out for my future self and their deadlines and their upload schedules, sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants. and in my case, the heart wanted to take a break from the self-reflective psychological analysis dark fantasy weebo stuff and just draw some pink and blue characters a little less ugly. the self-reflective weebo shit will still be there when i'm done with the pink and blue stuff, and i'll surely have loads of new things to unpack through it once i return.
there are still times when i'm working on rekindled and i'm feeling the creeping hand of my routine destruction digging its claws into my back. the reality is that 30-40 panels is still a lot for someone like myself who's doing this entirely for free, but my definition of normal for a while was so insanely inhumane that even what's still considered a lot by most people's standards feels sane and normal to me after what i put myself through.
i've learned to be more gentle with myself, and to loosen my own expectations of what i'm capable of to ensure i don't do anything like that to myself, by myself, again. i give myself room to create without expectations or the pressure of eyes watching when i can, and i remind myself that even if burnout rears its head again, and again, and again, the will to create is not gone. it's just tired, and resting, and growing, and healing as i am.
anyways that turned into a self-reflective essay post, to answer your question about making stuff ahead of time, i find that's more helpful with just like, planning out a structured story (so you don't write yourself into a corner) but whether or not it helps with burnout kind of depends. because it can just as also easily be the cause of the problem because constantly seeing the stuff you wanna be drawing so far away can be just as much of a morale killer as a motivator. some of the stuff i'm super psyched to write and draw with time gate is years away and that timeline grows longer the more the burnout goes on which makes the struggle feel even more overwhelming and pointless and defeating. so plan ahead, but keep it all within your means if you can. i find what works for me is planning out just general beat-to-beat plot structures (to ensure i at least have a plot skeleton going on so i know where i'm going) then i leave the finer details to when the actual episode i've planned gets closer to fruition and i can get myself in the headspace to write it fully.
also remember that just because you're really excited and motivated to work on your comic doesn't mean you should work yourself into exhaustion - it's a good thing if you're going through the mundane of your daily routine and the whole time you're hyped af to work on your hobby/personal project/etc. because that's what will keep you moving forward, so don't spend all that hype in one place by working and working and working until you're exhausted, because that hype is REALLY hard to get back after you've spent it all.
long post over! hope that helps! best of luck in your projects! ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
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in-hav3n · 7 months
For the past couple hours I’ve had this idea in my head. I was at a store and almost passed out cause I haven’t eaten and my iron was incredibly low. I’ve been thinking about James having a girlfriend with a similar condition and it’s gotten to the point that he’s always carrying around chips, skittles, or whatever cause he can just tell when she hasn’t eaten enough and is struggling. Like when he’s performing and his girl is watching from the side of the stage, facing and singing along until she gets to the point she’s about to pass out. Just the idea of James announcing a quick intermission so he can go get her food abs make sure she’s ok. Oddly enough, that happening to me got that idea in my head lol.
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"Paris, are you having fun tonight?!", James shouted in his mic after he had grabbed one of his favorite guitar from his guitar tech, ready to perform the next song. The audience instantly reacted with screams and shouts for their favorite band. James smiled and looked at his bandmates who encouraged the public to shout louder.
In the front, between the barrier and the stage, you were screaming as well, encouraging your boyfriend and the band. James caught you and winked at you, plugging his guitar, ready to start "Creeping death" and you gave him a big smile and a little wave back.
You weren't usually coming on tour but you accepted his ask to come for a couple of shows in Europe. You were there to enjoy the music but mainly to support your boyfriend and the guys who became real friends to you. Since tonight show was in a festival, James proposed you to enjoy the show from the floor instead of following it from the backstage area. And you regretted nothing! The atmosphere was far more interesting and thrilling than in the backstage where you would have been on your own.
The first notes started and you couldn't resist to sing loud, dance and head bang hard with the fans who knew who you were. It was absolutely magical until you started to feel some sensations. You stopped moving for a short time, analyzing what was going on but when the sensation disappeared, you enjoyed the song like a true metalhead.
But in the middle of the song, while you were shouting "die" with your body and soul, the sensation came back but stronger this time. You stopped moving and remained calm, hoping it would disappeared like it did earlier. It didn't work though and you started to feel weak, your legs becoming like jelly and some tingling in your hands. You blinked a few times, your heartbeat increasing a bit and you searched for any kind of support. But nothing went as you had planned...
Up on the stage, James couldn't see what was happening cause he was on the other side. It's Kirk who noticed first your strange behavior and searched to make eye contact with his friend. Sadly James was deep inside the song, playing with the fans on the right side and he wasn't paying attention to the rest. He decided to walk over him and when the frontman finally looked into his eyes, Kirk made a quick head gesture to show him where to look at.
James frowned and looked down to see you struggling to stand. He gasped off surprise and suddenly stopped playing. Lars and Rob looked at him, surprised and even pissed off. They didn't plan a break now! But Kirk mouthed to them your name and it was enough to worry them.
James walked fast over the mic as he pulled off his guitar. "We ehm...we're going to make a little break", he announced as he quickly jumped off of stage, walking over you. The staff and the front row fans looked at him with a curious glance, wondering what he was about to do.
"James...", you whispered when you saw him coming over, struggling to reach the barrier behind you. Some nice fans tried to help you but sadly they were too far from where you were standing. You had the time to feel his big hands around your waist when...
"I got you", he whispered as he caught you up, the precise moment when you were falling over. "Baby...stay with me...stay with me", he gently tapped your cheek to keep you awake, noticing you were absolutely pale. He angrily looked at the guards who didn't react earlier, but didn't want to waste time now. He could do that later. You were his priority.
James picked you up by your legs and lifted you in his arms to carry you bridal style over the backstage area. He knew what you needed. It wasn't happening for the first time.
He heard Lars speaking into the mic to the audience but he didn't pay attention to what he was saying. He was more focused to reach his room as fast as he can to give you something to eat.
"There you go", he gently said as he lay you down on one of the instrument's boxes. He placed your head carefully on it and searched for someone.
"Watch on her please!". The staff member quickly nodded as he understood he had to do what James Hetfield told him to do. James disappeared in his private room and came back right after with a big chips pack, ripping it almost to open it.
"Go find some Cola please and came back here as fast as you can", he said to the same guy who nodded again in a hurry before he ran away in another direction.
"James ?", you whispered, searching for him as you felt his presence next to you. You rolled your head to finally look at him. He was smiling with his big stature, holding your hand.
"I'm here", James took a chips in his hand and guided it over your lips. "You need to eat something baby. Open your mouth".
You obeyed and chewed when you felt the food in your mouth. You realized then what happened and you hid your face in your hands, groaning with shame.
"Don't tell me it happened again please...", you sighed of shame, mumbling in your hands.
"You frightened us all!", he chuckled softly, giving you more chips to eat.
"I'm so sorry James...gosh. How could I be so stupid...".
"Hey it's okay, I know it could happen. That's why I asked you to be in the front. So I could have an eye on you", he winked as he grabbed the Cola given by the staff member who was happy to help. James thanked him as he went away, going back to his task.
"You silly!", you answered with a slight chuckle, as you slowly turned on your side to sit down. When you felt a bit better, you managed to sit normally. James handed you the Cola can then and you took it to take a sip.
"Are you going to be okay?", he asked as he pushed his body closer, locking you with his two arms and hands placed on the box on each side of you.
You nodded as you gulped a big sip of soda. "I will. Thank you my guardian angel", you smiled at him as he moved to peck you lovingly, tasting the salt on your lips.
"I want you to stay here for the last part of the show okay? You'll be safe here". You nodded, as you grabbed more chips to eat.
"I'll be careful. I promise", you assured him and he gave you another peck, a bit longer this time. "Go metal up some asses rockstar!", you whispered against his lips with a giggle.
He answered with a knowing glance and kissed you one last time before he grabbed his guitar to go back on stage, knowing you were safe now...
A/N : Aaah this is so sweet and don't know why but I picture very well Death Magnetic James being such a cutie for his girl. Hope you like it sweet anon!
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shkika · 11 months
SoS' return as Saint being described as "voluntary torture" with the void worm enveloping her is...interesting to say the least. Did she strike some kind of faustian bargain with one to be brought back?
Not really!
The way I picture void worms working is that their task is to keep things down or guide creatures.
Sliver, in her attempt to come back to life, she tried to make the swim up, but couldn’t, because of them. Imagine a long daunting swim ahead. Dark and quiet and tiring. So so very long. Aah- do you remember just for how long we fast travelled deeper down with the help of a void worm? Sliver tried doing that alone. Only to get dragged back down. Again and again.
It was driving her mad. So in a desperate attempt to keep them from touching her, she destroyed herself. Literally! So there would be nothing to drag down. Then sort of ascended as another creature all together. It was a painful process as she tried to abandon who she was so that she could continue up uninterrupted.
She broke the rule of what can going back up by emerging as something else entirely.
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ofallthingsnasty · 14 days
I think doflamingo would have a good time with me because I'm like five seconds from doing something drastic and horrible at any second so like he'd be torturing me and I'd just be like "well no point in holding onto that 5% of sanity I pretended to have" snd just start like writing on the walls in blood and shit. Not even dark spooky stuff just "buy more eggs" and shit
fhdjhdsj Daddy's little terror (✿◡‿◡)
No, no you're totally right, he'd love that. Never a dull moment with you. I have a tendency for outbursts of white-hot rage and I'd probably tear up his walls and throw his stupid fucking wine around before having a little crying fit... As long as you're not being a wet and whiny little bore, he'll eat it right up. Even if it makes him angry, too, sometimes. Then you get to clean your mess with your tongue and a few days in solitude, but that rarely happens ♡
He craves entertainment, no matter how weird it may seem to others. Keep him on his toes, let it all out, he doesn't care - ultimately, he's always in control, no matter how much you twist around in his grip.
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colourstreakgryffin · 9 months
Hi, just wanna say you and your blog are amazing. Have a great day! <3
Awww! Thank you, love! 🥰
Nooooo~ you have a better day!
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psithurista · 7 months
lol omg so every friday i think of approach shift because i read the last chapter on a friday evening after work after cleaning my kitchen and i had made myself a cocktail and everything. like it was a Moment! and now the association between friday and approach shift is like basically permanent i guess 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️💖
This sounds legitimately so fucking delightful and pleasant and aaahh I am so honoured Approach Shift is part of such a lovely moment x
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meownotgood · 1 year
Hey super random but I’m really sorry I’ve spam liked a bunch of your Aki fics recently. You’re the best author I’ve seen for him and I literally LOVE how you write him. You’ve also written my favourite fic of him (last act - I’m a HUGE sucker for angst) so I just wanted to apologize and thank you for your amazing work 😅❤️
hey no worries! I don't mind spam liking at all!! thank you so much for giving my fics some support, and I'm glad you enjoyed them, I appreciate you saying that ^.^ 💗
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soapoet · 1 year
What kind of music do you listen to? Are you a kpop stan at all? Love love love your PACs btw 💜💜💜
now that's a loaded question! i listen to a wide variety of stuff. my playlist can go very quickly from tchaikovsky to taylor swift and from avenged sevenfold to anime theme songs :')
also, yes! i am a stay, but i also listen to bts, dreamcatcher, day6, n.flying, loona, itzy, blackpink, block b, mamamoo, bang yongguk, monsta x, iu, sunmi, everglow, ateez, aespa, twice, etc.
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chronicparagon · 1 year
O̴̥̊f̴̘̎ ̶͓͂c̷̬͊o̴̤̒u̵̧͠ṛ̷͆ș̶̋e̷̢͘ ̵̥͠i̸̥̊t̶̹̓ ̸͚̎i̷̲͛s̵͚̐ ̵̜̍D̵͇́ę̶̀a̵̟̾r̷̬͋!̸͍́ ̷̝̈́Í̵̳ ̷͈͘n̸̲̽e̴̡̽v̵̭̄è̶̝r̷̥̀ ̶̾ͅl̵̫̒e̶̯̋f̸͚͐ṫ̵̜.̸͚̂
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Cue the shrill screams from Harmony who makes a run for her room upstairs.
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chanrizard · 1 year
hello i just wanted to let you know that i LOVE you for editing those felix pictures and also u did an AMAZING job 🤍🤍🤍🤍
i hope you have a wonderful week
oh my this is so sweet?? i'm always worried they may look too yellowish/red because finding the right balance is never easy so hearing this makes me really happy, thank you so much anonie!
manifesting an amazing week for you too 💕
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poppydedicant · 2 years
So how does one romance Popshi? What's he look for in a partner?
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This is an excellent question because I myself haven't really thought of it completely, but, being the shipping fiend that I am, I must answer. I will give the answer that seems most accurate, as of now. Bear with me...
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To romance Popshi: Popshi doesn't really know what he is looking for in a partner and he doesn't really know how to truly romance, even though he sings about love a lot. I feel like, because of this, he's developed a "fairy-tale" like sense of romance. Receiving earnest gifts (flowers with cute symbolisms will always be welcomed, your favorite FOOD), lots of touches (hand-holding, intimacy, caretaking like fixing his twin-tails), no killing him or he'll hate you and yours forever, and just being outspoken, expressing opinions and even go against him if he goes against your code/inclinations. He kind of likes defiance, but he adores dominating, so that can go many ways. Basically, if you try to court him old-style AND/OR have the will to go against him and resist or enjoy his attempts at domination, if need be, you're hitting his heartstrings. What Popshi looks for in a partner: You don't really have to "romance" him if you don't wish to, to become his partner. In the end, his need for another boils down to having someone to return to, regardless of how bad things get, how bad he is. Even if it the union translates to endless fighting, he'd probably be on board. On the surface, he looks for someone who he can completely possess. Yet, above all else, and though he does not know this, he looks for simplicity, a permanent repetition, what his life lacks. To be able to look at his partner rest, to see their small imperfections and be able to wrap them up forever in his arms. I guess, indirectly, he looks for someone that can compel him to actually see them for who they are rather than how much fun they can give him. To make beauty out of chaos. Or rather, to possess and enjoy the innate chaotic beauty of another, regardless of who or how they are nor how dull or entertaining they may be.
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Aaaah, my answer feels so wonky. I wanted it to sound much more pretty, but this is basically it. TL;DR: He's a sucker for really cheesy, kind-of fairy-tale romance. In a partner, he looks for simplicity, a sense of permanence, and someone that can make him see beyond the surface, if possible.
I hope this was good! This may change a little as interactions develop, but the main idea I showed here should remain.
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mistninja · 2 years
They filmed underwater scenes for One Piece and filmed actors in water tanks similar to how Avatar 2 was done. I’m excited to see what they do!
:0000 omg thats so cool!! It must have been for the arlong park scenes i cant wait to see that!
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sunswan · 19 days
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 4 months
Had I seen that final reply to my ask I would’ve sent one simple request: for you to share the selfie you want me to look at when I cum.
Hmm, you can pick your favourite for next time 😘
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collectivecloseness · 6 months
are you still accepting Spotify wrapped mystery requests?? 👀❤️
Yeah I’m happy to :)! I’ve got a few more left, and one I’m *so* close to finishing right now, but I’m happy to have a few more, my ask box is open. I currently have 9, 33, 37, 68 (and probably 48 still) already requested and being worked on, and 11 and 20 done if you’re worried about a repeating number
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