#a poem a day keeps the demons at bay
cupandquillcafe · 4 months
Gel Pens
My boyfriend gave me gel pens He got them from his mother She gave him pens because she knew he liked to draw At one time I took my boyfriend's gel pens Of course, with his permission They're old; he never uses them He only draws in pencil
They remind me of a young age I used to write in purple Tell my journal stories And dot the i's with hearts
My boyfriend gave me gel pens I thought I'd learn to draw But something leads me back each time To my first love of writing
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jay-avian · 1 year
Find The Word Game
Oh boy, another tag game from @gummybugg ! I appreciate you helping me get involved in Tumblr :)
My words to find are heart, tear, flow, and up. (Majority of these will most likely be from poems.)
I want to challenge @awordchemist , @charlesjosephwrites , and @zestymimblo (cause why not) to find the words patience, mist, silver, and light.
Flow (The Unknowns Of Creation)
Creation’s unknown mysteries In histories are cryptic thoughts. Life and death, you can’t predict; A contradicting paradox. The cycle flows forever on, New life is drawn from nat’ral course. But nature has a hidden way To change the day through unknown source.
Tear (The Unknowns Of Creation)
To satisfy the vile demon, I gave up freedom and hid away Upon an island harsh and bare Which waves would tear the rocky bay.
Heart (Take Hold Of Your Flowers)
So take hold of your flowers and care for them with all your heart and soul. Some will last far longer than others. Some will last years, while others will last for a few minutes. Lilies, dandelions, roses; cherish every flower with the grandest fervor. And when they inevitably wilt, let them go. Mourn deeply, but quickly, for there are many more flowers to find in the garden.
Up (Anyone Can Love A Rose...)
Anyone can love a rose just as much as any other flower. Their vibrant colors call to our eyes, their delicate petals beg our hands to touch them. We keep them in our homes in hopes that they will liven up the living space, only for them to wilt within a matter of weeks, longing to be free from their cell. Then, they are no longer lovely.
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webheadedhero · 4 months
29. Who are your favourite characters?
okay well to no one's surprise, obviously the goat himself: pete. I could go on about why him but that'd be an essay.
but lets see, I'll name five others. this got long so i'ma put it under a read more.
tim drake aka robin aka red robin. he was actually the first character I ever wrote, I adore him. I love how damaged he is and he's so much fun to write in contrast to pete. pete who's outgoing, friendly, warm, etc. and tim is just cold, calculating, almost a sociopath fjaskljdlf.
katara from ATLA. I mean, how can you not love her growth from teaching herself the art and then going through the struggle in a sexist society and proving herself capable? I love seeing her slow growth from barely able to hold up a ball of water to becoming the most powerful water bender we've seen in the show. I actually really like how she keeps her caring side, but she has an edge to her too. she has her limits of what she's willing to do for someone and what she'll let go of.
luke skywalker. I know, kinda basic but what can I say? farmboy being thrust into a galactic conflict, finding out that he has a connection to the main villain. also the way he was so determined to turn anakin back to the light, his growth from being a whiny brat to being a stone cold badass?? I love his conflicts and struggles in the later books too. I love him bringing the jedi order back and reforming it because he learned from the mistakes of the old jedi order (which it was, the jedi order at the prequels was terrible and deserved to be destroyed #palpatinedidnothingwrong) luke trying to find where his jedi order is going to fit into the new galaxy too, learning to be a father and husband and mentor to his nephews and later his son.
samwise from lotr<3 tbh I could've put any of the hobbits on here but sam is just the best man. I love the fact that he's so young at the start of the journey, he's so innocent. you see him getting wowed by things like seeing the trolls turned to stone, i love him making the little poems of stuff that they see throughout their journey in the books. I love the idea that he's willing to go through all of this pain and turmoil with frodo simply because they are friends. it's such a beautiful thing and so heartwarming, the fact that someone is willing to put their life on hold and help someone else simply because of the bond they have as friends. I mean how can you not love the "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" like...come on.
another lotr one but gandalf. I love that he's so wise and patient and full of compassion. the fact that he was close with Nienna who's whole thing is making wisdom from grief and sadness and I mean, that's what gandalf takes with him. I love the fact that he sees true strength coming from small, every day acts of kindness. simple things are all it takes to keep darkness at bay and that's something that's so true. you'd be surprised how just being kind and showing a bit of outgoing love can help someone's entire day shift, you never know what people are going through. i mean also the fact that he's a badass wizard. I never understood why there was ever a debate over which kind of wizard you'd wanna be, one from harry potter or lotr? like bRUH FOR REAL? Yeah, lemme go to fucking hogwarts and study and take notes during class and take some fucking wizard SAT-NO! Bruh, I wanna be an immortal spirit who comes down to earth, you wield a sword called the FOE-HAMMER, you ride the king of the horses and you fight hell-demons for three days, kill them and then get all the xp and come back after you leveled up.
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rradhyaaa · 2 years
with emotions true, words together i weave
i cook up scenarios in which you believe
through them i euphorise, i yearn and i grieve
complete expression of thought, i achieve
let me be in a place gray
or under a splendid sunny day
my words keep the demons at bay
i fake alot to reach the end of the day
with my hurricane of thoughts, on the bed i lay
after everyone's departure, my poems stay
and feed my demons, only to drive them away
with the waves of life, up and down i sway
to avoid it's punches, this is my very own way
i hope my words co-operate and not go astray
or it will be a literal doomsday
~ aaradhya (30/07/22)
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crystalas · 2 years
Birthday Wish part 5
Chapter five: The nanny-bot heist
Ballora smirked as she watched the Glamrocks head towards the loading bay but as soon as they got close enough, she hit a button on a map and they all perked up as if they heard a sound and heading off in that direction.
The security of the Pizza Plex always sounded daunting to anyone who looked into it as the company themselves boasts about the hundreds of so security drones that they had on site. However, if you checked into it further; the main premise of the pizza plex security was that the drones would sound the alarm and the main animatronics would deal with the threat so really you just had to keep those five busy. Add in that she had just blocked them from the network so they couldn’t check the feed themselves or communicate [another thing that could easily be blamed on the storm] and she had them right where she wanted them.
So here she was playing a very elaborate game of Marco-polo with A.I robots all from the comfort of a security office.
 Moon hated being off the network, he felt like he was half blind. Moon glanced at Gregory who was busy cursing out his teacher for making him dissect a long-winded boring poem for reasons that were beyond him. The Day Care Attendant both thought it best to keep quiet about how sudden and jarringly they lost connection to the others. Wouldn’t be the first time the Wi-fi went down due to bad weather or shitty wiring…
Luckily his hearing was still working at optimal levels so he heard the main gate to the Superstar Day Care open.
<That can’t be Freddy> Sun said quietly <They were heading to Monty Golf before the network went down…>
“Gregory” Moon whispered killing the nightlight “Quickly and quietly go hide in the play structures”
Gregory nodded and rushed off clambering up the slide and making his way so he could peek out from the top of the play structure, he gave a gasp and ducked lower when he saw two flashlights dance around in the gloom.
“This is it” a gruff voice said pushing the gate open and looked around.
“Where is it?” another voice asked.
A flash light shone onto Moon who smiled and wave, he liked his toys to know what’s hunting them before the game began.
“Hold up I thought we after a yellow one? This one is blue!”
“Creepy fucking thing, how the hell is that allowed around kids?”
<Wow rude much?>
<They do know we can hear them, right?>
“Look Ballora said we’re after the Day Care Attendant and we found a bot in the Day Care…so…”
“Such naughty rude boys…” Moon purred lowering himself to ground so he could crawl around like a demon spider. “Naughty boys should be punished”
“Seriously who thought that thing should be near kids?!” Balloon Boy gasped but Moon was already racing across the floor like a skittering insect before leaping up and pinning Bon Bon against the wall of the Day Care.
“Aaaw I was hoping for more fun than this…” Moon chuckled darkly as he hoisted Bon Bon up so his boots dangled a few feet off the ground. Balloon boy stood there paralyzed in fear, they had been sent to captured a nanny boy they had expected something soft and harmless not whatever this thing was!!
“Don’t worry short stack, I’ll give you a head start just as soon as I’m finished with your buddy…” Moon smirked putting his hand around Bon Bon’s neck but froze when a sound broke the tense quiet.
Dewdrop had woken up and was babbling loudly before starting to cry. Moon spun his head around to look to make sure she was safe.
In the spilt second that Moon was distracted Bon Bon pulled out a stun baton and rammed into right where Moon’s ribs should be. The Day Care Attendant screamed with both Sun and Moon’s voice as their body was overloaded with electricity, dropping the intruder and falling to the floor twitching as their systems were forced to recalibrate. Gregory gave a sharp gasp before covering his mouth and hiding further into the play structure, rapidly tapping at his fazwatch but got no reply.
“What the hell is a baby doing here?!” Balloon Boy asked looking over to where Dewdrop was crying.
“Does it matter?” Bon Bon wheezed but gave a yelp as Moon started to move with juddering stops and starts. “SHIT! It’s still moving!”
Sun and Moon were rapidly doing the numbers were not liking the answers.
Probability of securing intruders: 98%
Probability of risk of lasting damage while securing intruders: 27%
Probability of risk of harm coming to children while securing intruders: 89%
Day Care Attendant, Priority one: PROTECT THE CHILDREN.
Moon staggered to his feet and saw the two men arm their stun batons expecting round two but instead Moon spun on his heels and ran the away from them and towards the ball pit, calling down his wire as he did.
“Gregory on the bridge now!” he shouted, Gregory wasted no time and got there as Moon leapt up grabbing the boy while securing the line to his back. “Keep your mouth closed so you don’t bite your tongue” Moon instructed.
“Seriously why are there so many brats here!? This place should be closed?!” Balloon Boy cried.
Moon leapt across the Day Care in a single bound using the wire to only slow his descent for a second, he rushed in and grabbed Dewdrop who upon seeing Moon stopped crying and reach up for him. Moon wasted no time bundling her into her blanket and held her close with one arm with Gregory clinging to him in the other. As Bon Bon and Balloon Boy ran around the corner Moon dashed forward and leapt into the air using the momentum to carry them across the Day Care walls and into the rafters.
“That thing can fucking fly??!” was the last thing that could be heard as they vanished into the gloom.
 Chica and Monty had searched all of Monty Mini Golf with nothing to show for it, Monty gave a growl and lifted up a table into the air as if the intruder would be hiding underneath. He placed it down and looked around some more. A new blip as one of the drones sent out an alert and Monty and Chica rushed off.
This time they’ll catch them!”
 Bon Bon and Balloon Boy searched carefully looking high in the rafters, guns now out as well as batons close to hand. There had come across a pirate style play area and was now searching it.
“It couldn’t have gotten far, I pumped plenty of volts into it not to mention it was carrying two kids!” Bon Bon declared.
“What are we gonna do about that by the way?” Balloon Boy asked.
“About what? The kids?”
“Yeah, we waited for this storm to hit so there WEREN’T any witnesses…”
“I wouldn’t worry, my guess is they were dumped here and if it comes to worrying about witnesses.” Bon Bon said coldly “We could mess up the bodies to look like the bot did it, this place has such a fucked-up rep as it is no one will question it and the company will be so busy covering their butts they won’t even notice they’re missing a robot…”
They walked past the pirate ship climbing frame where Gregory had stashed Moon and Dewdrop, all three were huddled up under the pirate ship silent as stone. A binky bobbed up and down in Dewdrop’s mouth as they stared at the pair of lights bobbing in the dark and the boots march quietly past. They listened out for the ‘clunk’ of the door closing and then waited for another minute their ears straining for any other sounds of danger.
“I think they are gone…” Gregory whispered.
“let’s stay put for now, get some distance between us” Moon whispered back, he laid Dewdrop down on the blanket as he fashioned a sling out of it so he could keep Dewdrop close to their chest. As they finished tying the knots around his neck he looked around. There were wrappers and a blanket here, it looked like it was lived in and Gregory knew about this hiding spot a bit too well for it to be a lucky discovery.
“Gregory, how did you know about this place?” he asked as he bounced Dewdrop gently to sooth her, the boy didn’t look up at him and started to fidget.
“Can you keep a secret? I mean even from Sun?” he asked.
“I can but I should mention that if you tell me that someone has been abusing you or anything along those lines, I’m legally allowed to go kick their butts” Moon said.
<No!> Sun snapped <Being a Mandatory Reporter doesn’t mean that!>
“Fine I can’t beat them up but I am legally obligated to report them to higher authorities…afterwards I will kick their butts!”
“Its nothing like that” Gregory said softly.
“Okay then!” Moon said “Sorry Mama Sun its Uncle Moon time now!” and with that Sun was blocked off to their side of the shared mental space. “Okay kid now its just you, me and the baby and she seem to be on the level”
Dewdrop gurgled and continued to suck on her binky.
“I…I…sometimes sneak back here and skip school” Gregory explained.
“Why is someone bullying you or something?” the boy shook his head.
“Nah I just…don’t like to go during certain days…”
“Such as?”
“Family events like bring your dad to school day…sports day…ya know…”
Moon felt his metaphoric heart drop, that was the elephant in the room that no one wanted to address. The simple fact that there will never be a chance to be involved in Gregory’s life beyond these walls, Freddy can’t go to father themed events, they will never be able to cheer Gregory on at a sports game or see him graduate. There was also the chance they will never see him grow up, corporate might decide to decommission any one of them at any time for reason they had no control over. Gregory might come in one day and find his family being sold off for scraps and be completely helpless to stop it.
“Skipping school is risky” Moon said “What if they ring home about it?”
“My home room teacher is pretty cool; she understands that Vanessa is more of a sister and I don’t have… …real parents…” Gregory whispered and looked away ashamed. “I know I can’t tell anyone that I do have parents and that they’re robots without looking like an insane lying moron…”
Moon brought Gregory into a side hug.
“It’s a weird thing we have, isn’t it?” Moon sighed, Gregory nodded and sunk into the hug, Dewdrop wiggled about in her sling so she could look at Gregory before giving a smile which made the binky fall out.
“What are we going to do?” he asked popping the binky back into her mouth, “I tried calling Freddy but the network is down.”
“Not sure…normally I’d take care of it but I don’t want to risk leaving you two alone” Moon murmured, Gregory looked thoughtful.
“Wait during that night all Sun had to do to get the other’s attention was to shout ‘security alert!’ and someone always showed up in minutes” Gregory mused “Why can’t we do that?”
“Well for one it’d give away our position to the clearly nasty people with guns” Moon said “for another it was because they were already hunting you and were probably nearby to begin with. And given when we last looked everyone was heading to the other side of the plex there’s a good chance they won’t hear us.”
“What if we made it louder?”
The Day Care Attendant looked at him.
“What if we got to the main stage, Freddy’s mic stand is on there if we got a hold of that and shouted really loud ‘security alert’ there then they’ll have to come running!”
“So will the intruders”
“Yeah, but that’s the beauty of it, once we’re done, we’ll go below to parts and services you can hide Dewdrop…”
“And you”
“Fine and me, put us somewhere safe and with Freddy and the others kick their butts!”
“Risky but it’ll have to do”
<Can I come back now?> Sun asked quietly.
<Yeah, we’re done with sharing secrets we’re on ‘planning daring deeds together’ levels of bonding now> Moon smirked to which Sun shook their digital head.
Moon got to their feet and with one hand steadying Dewdrop crawled forward and peeked around, the intruders had yet to reappear, they emerged from their hidey hole Gregory realised a glaring hole in their plan.
“Crap!” he hissed “We need power for the stage to work and the storm knocked it out!”
“I don’t think it did, the fact that these bozos showed up right after the power and network went down? It’s too convenient I bet they hit a main breaker or something”
“So, first thing first? Find a breaker?”
Moon picked Gregory up whom wrapped his arms around Moon’s torso, he called down a wire and connected it with ease despite having his hands full.
“How is that still working in a blackout?”
“it’s connected to the same back-up power the security system has, ya know seeing as I’m part of security!”
Gregory gave a hum of acknowledgement as Moon leapt up into the air, the wire going taunt as it took the weight. Once high into the rafters Moon began to bound across the metal beams in wide almost impossible leaps, what was in reality was a minute or two felt like exhilarating hours as Gregory felt like they were soaring over the entire plex. They landed as they approached the exit and came out on the balcony of Kids Cove on the second floor, disconnecting one wire and reconnecting another he already had waiting Moon hopped from one balcony onto the other until they were high above the main atrium.
Dewdrop had taken all this in her stride this was just a big game of ‘bouncing baby’ for her, Gregory however looked down at everything and giggled from the adrenaline rush.
“Moon, you have the coolest job here!” he laughed.
<Oh no, you’re going to utterly insufferable for days after this aren’t you?>
<Uncle moony for the wiiiiiiiin> Moon gloated internally.
 “What the heck is taking you two so long Balloon Boy?” Ballora snapped over the coms after sending Roxy and Freddy further into Fazer Blast. “It’s only a matter of time before I’m booted from the system or the robots wise up!”
“You need to update your intel more!” he griped back. “You said we were after a yellow nanny bot! Not some blue starry pants spider thing that can fucking fly!”
“Wait what?” Ballora asked.
“The thing had a moon for a face and red eyes! All demonic and shit!” Bon Bon butted in.
“That makes no sense that’s the nanny bot’s night mode, its early afternoon it shouldn’t be out…” she muttered.
“You knew??!!!”
“Unless…if it’s not time set, maybe it’s light sensitive? Jeez what a dumb feature for an indoor robot”
“Ballora!” Balloon Boy snapped. “Did you miss the part where I said the thing took off like bloody Peter Pan?!”
“No that’s part of its night mode, the moon phase doubles as a security feature its why we came in during the day!” Ballora snapped and she started to scan the feeds “Right I just saw it jump out of level 2 near the pirate area!”
“Great so how do we catch a flying robot?!” Bon Bon demanded “We can risk shooting it down!”
“Don’t worry” she said with a smirk as she began to bring the power back on “I’ll clip its wings.”
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thelunatheory · 3 years
Seorang Buruh Membaca dan Bertanya
karya Bertolt Brecht (1935)
Siapa yang membangun Thebes dan tujuh gerbangnya?
Dalam sejarah dapat dibaca nama raja-raja
Apakah mereka yang menggotong batu-batunya?
Dan Babylon, runtuh berkali-kali,
siapa yang membangunnya kembali, lagi dan lagi?
Tinggal di sudut manakah di Lima, kota bergelimang emas, para tukang bangunannya?
Pergi ke manakah, pada petang rampungnya Tembok Besar Cina, para tukang temboknya?
Roma Yang Agung dipenuhi lengkung-lengkung kemenangan
Siapa yang tegakkan?
Julius Caesar berjaya, atas siapa?
Dan Byzantium, tersohor dalam syair, apakah semua rumah di sana istana?
Di Atlantis yang ternama, bahkan pada malam ia ditelan samudera
Mereka yang tenggelam, masih memanggil-manggil budak belian
Alexander Agung muda menaklukkan India
Sendirikah dia?
Caesar mengalahkan suku Gaul.
Tak adakah satu pun juru masak bersamanya?
Philip Raja Spanyol berduka saat armadanya lenyap.
Diakah satu-satunya yang meratap?
Frederick II memenangkan Perang Tujuh Tahun.
Siapa yang turut menang bersamanya?
Setiap halaman, satu kemenangan.
Siapa yang memasak untuk pestanya?
Setiap sepuluh tahun, satu orang hebat.
Siapa yang bayar?
Begitu banyak perincian
Begitu banyak pertanyaan
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bitmeddler · 2 years
I've loved you from the moment I set eyes upon your words. I felt it from the start although I know that sounds absurd.
Your reasoning sublime, your brilliant mind beyond compare. I fantasize each night that one day I’ll meet you somewhere. 
I feel it in my body every single time I read. Your letters cause my mind to race, my heartbeat starts to speed.
But if we ever met in person, I'd be terrified to guess. So scared you'd think the me behind these words is just a mess.
I hesitate and think perhaps you won't like who you hear. That old self doubt that follows me, anxiety and fear.
If I stay behind my pen I can control the man you see. And through my letters show only the best version of me.
I dread to think you'd hate the real person that you'd get. It would destroy me if you told me you regret the fact we'd met.
But I have to tell myself that it would not turn out that way. For this, I’ll quash my demons, or at least keep them at bay.
So I make this choice knowing full well it might be bittersweet. And send a little note to you, inviting you to meet.
~From Poems From the Pacific
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kiwiwritescrap · 2 years
Part 3 (Parasite Au)
*falls from a high place* HELLO THERE
Well i guess i’ll keep running with this au, which I am calling the ✨Parasite au✨ (wow so creative) Very creative name choices aside, enjoy! (this series is going to rapidly spin out of control, but y’know that’s fine)
“Come on, there has to be something here.” Scar ran his hand along the spines of books on his shelves, scanning the titles. He already had about twenty books stacked on his desk, including the one Grian had given him. He pulled a promising looking one from the shelf titled ‘Demons And Cosmic Horrors: Explanations and Exorcisms’. He flipped through the pages, but found nothing useful except a bookmark that he had been looking for for ages. He set the book aside into the pile of notebooks and texts, sighing. Jellie leapt up onto the desk and purred. Scar scratched her head and kept looking through the shelves. Jellie meowed, then turned to the towering stack of books. Scar glanced over at her. “Jellie, don’t…” Scar started. Jellie pushed her head into the pile and knocked it over, spilling the books all over the floor. “Knock that over. Great.” Scar began to pick up the fallen books, and came across one that had come open when it slid off the desk. He had remembered going through it, and seeing symbols scrawled into the margins. What he didn’t realize was that the symbols were galactic. “Galactic… Jellie, you’re a genius!” Scar exclaimed, almost falling over. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, Scar. It could be nothing.” He stared at the symbols, and when he was about to translate them, he saw a message next to them that he had also missed. “If you are reading this, it is too late for my world. The key to destroying a parasite entity lies in this riddle, although I was unable to decode it in time to save my dimension.” Scar read. “Maybe…” He fixed his eyes on the galactic symbols.
ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ⎓╎リ↸ ||𝙹⚍∷ ∴ᔑ|| ⎓𝙹ꖎꖎ𝙹∴ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᒷ||ᒷ 𝙹⎓ ↸ᔑ|| ╎リℸ ̣ 𝙹 ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓭᒷᔑ ||𝙹⚍ ⎓╎リ↸ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ꖌᒷ|| ᔑリ ╎ᓭꖎᔑリ↸ ⎓ᔑ∷ ᓭᒷᔑ∷ᓵ⍑ ⎓𝙹∷ ᔑ ᓭ⍑╎リ╎リ⊣ ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑ∷ ||𝙹⚍ ᒲ⚍ᓭℸ ̣ !¡ᔑ|| ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ꖌᒷᒷ!¡ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ʖᒷᔑᓭℸ ̣ ╎リᓭ╎↸ᒷ ᔑℸ ̣ ʖᔑ||
Scar took a moment, translating. His galactic was a bit rusty, but he was able to translate it rather well. “To find your way, follow the eye of day. Into the sea, you find the key. An island far, search for a shining star. You must pay, to keep the beast inside at bay.” He read, writing the translation down on a separate piece of paper. “Well what’s that supposed to mean?” He sat the book down on his desk. He pulled his communicator from his pocket. “Grian? Do you hear me? I think I found something.”
“On my way over now.” Grian’s voice crackled from the device. A few moments later, Grian rushed into Scar’s study. “What is it?” He said.
“Look at this.” Scar handed Grian the paper.
“It’s a poem.” He said.
“It’s the instructions to defeat a parasitic entity.” Scar said triumphantly. “I don’t know what it means though.”
“Well let’s be logical.” Grian said.
“Going to be hard for me to do that.” Scar chuckled.
“Ha ha. Look at the first line. ‘To find your way, follow the eye of day.’ That has to be talking about the sun, right?” Grian asked.
“You’re right. And it says to follow it, so we go west. What about ‘into the sea, you find the key’?” Scar leaned on the desk.
“It probably means if we travel west, we’ll find an ocean that we have to travel across. ‘an island far, search for a shining star.” Grian said. “There’s an island that we have to get to. The star is probably referencing what we’ll find on the island.”
“And ‘You must pay, to keep the beast inside at bay?’ I’m going to guess it doesn’t mean diamonds.” Scar said skeptically.
“Sadly, no. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” Grian sighed. “What now?”
“I don’t know. We should start looking for the ocean as soon as possible.” Scar said. A question had been nagging him for a while now. “Do we tell the others?”
“I…” Grian paused. “Only if we have to.”
“Okay. Get some rest, it’s late.” Scar waved his friend out, then blew the candle on his desk out and climbed into bed, exhausted.
The next morning, he woke up and went outside, stretching in the early morning air. He walked over and greeted Grian, who was digging through a chest. Scar continued on the path, waving to Cleo and Joe, who were farming. Bdubs was talking to Gem and Impulse, holding a redstone-covered shulker box. Stress was tending to her flowers, and Xisuma was feeding his cows. Scar smiled. A scream split the air behind him. Scar whipped around. Curled on the ground, was Grian. He was twitching and convulsing, thrashing around. He opened his eyes wide, which were flashing between purple and brown. His wings were beginning to turn darker. The sound had drawn X, Joe, and Cleo over.
“What’s wrong with him?” Xisuma asked.
“I’ll explain later, but I’m going to need help. He’s hard to contain when this happens.” Scar said quickly.
“Contain?” Cleo said, drawing their sword. Grian was standing now, his back turned.
“Grian?” X approached him. Grian whipped around and struck him, knocking him away.
“That’s not Grian.” Scar said. Grian dove at him, and he leapt out of the way.
“We need to stop him!” Joe shouted.
“How?!” Xisuma yelled back. He was pushing Grian back with his sword, which worked until Grian ripped the sword from his hand and cast it aside. Scar waved his hand, a vine bursting from the ground and restraining Grian momentarily. Cleo tossed chains to X, Scar, and Joe.
“These should hold him!” She shouted. Grian tore the vine apart, then ran at Scar, clawing and biting at him. Scar barely managed to push him back using his shield. Grian went flying backwards and Cleo swung her chain, which caught around his ankle. Joe swung theirs, which wrapped around his other ankle. Cleo and Joe pulled Grian to the ground and X threw the chain he was holding, which restrained Grian’s right wrist. Scar tossed his and tugged on it as it locked around Grian’s left wrist. Grian thrashed, trying to free himself from the chains, but they held tight. The others had run over and stood, stunned.
“Stress, put him to sleep.” Scar said. Stress jumped a bit, then pulled a flower from her pocket and tapped the pollen on Grian’s face. He stopped fighting and collapsed, asleep.
“Now that that’s dealt with…” Xisuma turned to Scar. “What was that?”
“Well…” Scar began, then explained the situation.
“A demon? That can level our world and wants to kill you?!” Xisuma said, a level of shock and anger in his voice. “And you didn’t tell us?”
“We were going to!” Scar protested. “We found a way to stop it.” He said.
“Alright. Bdubs, Impulse, move Grian to somewhere secure. Scar and I have planning to do.”
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Bear with me: WEREBEARS
So here’s the thing. In my slow, mad, terrible and quite tedious descent into academic madness, carrying with it its load of essays, papers and source materials necessary for my master’s thesis in which I make everything as gay as a rainbow perfused with glittery iced-coffee as possible given the time period I am working on, I have come across an interesting piece of lore that I think has gone overlooked by fanfic authors in the wider genre of transformative works. Werebears. You know... Like a werewolf, but with bears.
So my research takes me first to the Indo-Europeans whose words for bears were euphemisms bypassing the very essence of the bear, using words describing it without naming it to designate them. Probably because they were afraid of them, big monstrous beasts towering over them with claws made of darkness and a matter as destructive as steel. The name, here, the true name, is something to fear, something to never utter and forget lest you conjure the very demon you seek to keep at bay, into the dark of the forests rather than in the midst of civilization. Based on that we may infer the fact that bears belonged to the domain of monstrosity and darkness, something to be concealed.
Then - OH! THEN! - comes the Saga of King Hrolf Kraki and the Anglo Saxon poem Beowulf, and Bodvar Bjarki, and Hott/Hjalti, the knightly duo, which is a theme widely used across the literary production of Europe in the XIth-XIIth century. The knightly duo (or duo chevaleresque) is this unit formed by two separate parts, aka, two knights, who, together incarnate the wholesomeness of the ideals of chivalry. Almost like a marriage. So what is interesting in Bodvar’s case is that he can turn into a gigantic bear. He is born from Bera and Bjorn, Bjorn, cursed to be a bear, Bera, cursed to love one. Here, the bear is heavily linked with mankind. Bears are our savage doppelganger in a way. We turn bears when we return to some form of primal savagery, to darkness and violence and chaos. Because bears can stand up on two feet and can grab things with their hands. They eat food humans eat and hibernate most of the winter, which humans did at the time (in a way). So bears = humans.
Bodvar himself emulate this dichotomy. He is a bear at night, a human during the day. BUT!!! This does not stop here!!! Bodvar, as established by the way he goes out of his way to turn Hott into Hjalti (which roughly translates as “warrior”) by having him drink some dragon’s blood needs Hjalti by his side.Bodvar roughly translates as “bear” and Hott as “man”. So not only does Bodvar illustrates in himself the dichotomy, but he also needs to express it in the world he has agency over. Because his nature is not of his own choice, but the way he exists in society is. So Bodvar needs Hott. Bear needs Man.
And just as a princess turns her bear lover into a prince, Hott allows Bodvar to exist within a society that fears and reveres him. 
So basically, werebears are creature of halves in search for completion to exist in the world. It’s deeper than Twilight’s impregnation. It’s the need for the human, rather than the need for a pack. It’s the need for one person while alone. Werebears needs a human (preferably one of their same gender) to be their doppelganger, their avatar in the world, lest they become that monstrous beast the Indo-europeans were so afraid about.
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cupandquillcafe · 1 month
Y'all ever had a migraine three days in a row? It's, like, super lame. I don't recommend it. And also, here's a poem about it!
cw: chronic pain
Streak Cyclical nature Could it be caused By my behavior? If there's a God, He must be mental To make a life That's Experimental.
Go again. Another day Slips through the blinds, Pulls me awake. If there's a Hell, How could it beat this? One mistake sends Me back to the abyss. Caught in the turmoil of pain causing symptoms. Relief only comes to me by intermissions. I'd kill for something just a bit intermittent And settle for pain that leaves me coherent. It stacks on itself and my vision is going. The dark is a friend, but in shadows, fear's growing. How long is the streak? How long will it last? How long? How long? How long?
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Creatures of Yuletide: Krampus, the Christmas Demon
He sees you when you're sleeping
And he knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
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Christmas season is full of magical beings and creatures that travel through our world. Jolly old men from the north, elves that sleep in our homes, goats that give presents, the holiday season is full of all sorts of weird and wonderful characters. However, Santa Claus tends to me the most famous among them, and the most remembered in popular culture. This was, until some years ago, when a forgotten Christmas character rose in popularity in pop culture as an antithesis of good old St. Nick. I’m talking about Krampus, the Christmas Demon from German and Alpine lore.
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One of the reasons why I believe Krampus became so popular recently is because he’s a scarier and less commercial alternative to Santa. In older posts I talked about how people used to tell scary ghost stories during Christmas and how Christmas once had this spooky side to it. Then one day it hit me that, in a way, Krampus is exactly a call back to these traditions. While not a ghost, Krampus brings back the scary atmosphere to the holiday. People tell stories about Krampus, they dress like him, they fright their neighbors in these costumes. People in general like to be scared, and in particular, even though they won’t admit it now, children too. Krampus is celebrated because he brings back the fun that overly commercialized Santa took out from Christmas.
Jeremy Seghers, organizer of the first Krampusnacht festival held in Orlando, said this in an interview to the Smithsonian Magazine:
"The Krampus is the yin to St. Nick's yang. You have the saint, you have the devil. It taps into a subconscious macabre desire that a lot of people have that is the opposite of the saccharine Christmas a lot of us grew up with."
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Krampus is mainly a holiday tradition from the Alpine region and Central Europe in general. His name is derives from the German word krampen, meaning claw. On the night of December 5th, the eve of Saint Nicholas Feast, Krampus, and Saint Nicholas himself go out in the streets to punish or reward kids. This makes him one of the Companions of Saint Nicholas, a group of holiday figures that would help him in punishing kids. While they do the punishment, jolly old Nick brings the kids gifts, in a sort of Good Cop, Bad Cop dynamic.
Our friend St. Nick fills the shoes of good children with fruits and sweets. Krampus carries birch branches for senseless beating the misbehaving ones. On his back he is often depicted carrying a sack or a basket. This is to carry the naughty kids to his layer for more torture later. He can also eat them, threw them out in the river to drown, or bring them straight to the depths of Hell. In some parts of Austria, Krampus presents the families with gold-painted twigs that are to be displayed year-round in the house, constantly reminding the kids of his ever-watching presence.
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What lovable fellow!
It was common in the 19th century to exchange Gruß vom Krampus, “Greetings from Krampus” cards that contained humorous rhymes and poems. In these Krampus is depicted looming menacingly over children. In others the creature receives sexual undertones, pursuing scantily dressed women.
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There is also the Krampuslauf, or, Krampus Run, where people dress up as him and parade through the street dressed in fur suits and carved wooden masks and carrying cowbells. This one is very important for understanding Krampus origins.
Now, no one really know where Krampus comes from. The most popular theory is that he was a fertility god from the Alpine Region before Christianity retconned him as demon. Scholars often link him, Pan, and the satyrs to the archetype of the Horned God. Some claim he’s the son of Hel, but I didn’t find any real or credible source to this.
What we do know is that Krampus has some connections to a goddess in the Alpine region called Frau Perchta.
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Now Frau Perchta is a very mysterious figure from the German folklore. She had many different names depending on the era and region. We don’t know a lot about her before Christianization, but what we do know is that in the folklore of Bavaria and Austria, she was a witch said to roam the countryside at midwinter, and to enter homes during the twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany. Good children would find a silver coin in their shoes. Bad children would have their bellies sliced open, their stomach and guts removed, and she would stuff the straw and pebbles in the hole left behind. She had two forms in which she could be encountered, beautiful and white as snow, or elderly and haggard.
Perchten is plural for Perchta. Originally, the word referred to female masks representing her, but the name come to refer to the animal masks worn in parades and festivals in the mountainous regions of Austria.
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A Perchten mask
In the 16th century, the Perchten took two main forms: Schönperchten, "beautiful Perchten", or the Schiachperchten, "ugly Perchten”. The beautiful Perchten came during the twelve nights of Christmas and festivals to bring luck and wealth to the people. The ugly Perchten, who had fangs, tusks and horse tails which were used to drive out demons and ghosts. Men dressed as the ugly Perchten during this time and went from house to house driving out bad spirits.
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From the Smithsonian Magazine: A man dressed in a traditional Perchten costume and mask performs during a Perchten festival in the western Austrian village of Kappl, November 13, 2015. Each year in November and January, people in the western Austria regions dress up in Perchten (also known in some regions as Krampus or Tuifl) costumes and parade through the streets to perform a 1,500 year-old pagan ritual to disperse the ghosts of winter. (DOMINIC EBENBICHLER/Reuters/Corbis)
People would masquerade as these devilish figures and march in processions known as Perchtenlaufs. The Church didn’t like these creatures and tried many times to ban these practices, but due to the sparse population and the rugged environments within the region, the ban was useless.
In Catholicism, St. Nicholas is the patron saint of children. His saint day falls in early December, which helped strengthen his association with the Yuletide season. A seasonal play that spread throughout the Alpine regions was known as the Nikolausspiel, "Nicholas play". In these plays St. Nick would make questions about morality and reward children for their scholarly efforts. Eventually the Perchtenlauf, in an attempt to pacify the Church, introduced Saint Nicholas and his set of good morals. Krampus, the in-chains helper of Saint Nicholas, was then born.
In 1975, anthropologist John J. Honigmann wrote that:
"The Saint Nicholas festival we are describing incorporates cultural elements widely distributed in Europe, in some cases going back to pre-Christian times. Nicholas himself became popular in Germany around the eleventh century. The feast dedicated to this patron of children is only one winter occasion in which children are the objects of special attention, others being Martinmas, the Feast of the Holy Innocents, and New Year's Day. Masked devils acting boisterously and making nuisances of themselves are known in Germany since at least the sixteenth century while animal masked devils combining dreadful-comic (schauriglustig) antics appeared in Medieval church plays. A large literature, much of it by European folklorists, bears on these subjects. ... Austrians in the community we studied are quite aware of "heathen" elements being blended with Christian elements in the Saint Nicholas customs and in other traditional winter ceremonies. They believe Krampus derives from a pagan supernatural who was assimilated to the Christian devil"
Is worth noting that this is exactly what happened to the Yule Goat. He was a pagan symbol, people dressed like him to keep winter spirits at bay, but the Christians demonized him. There are illustrations of Saint Nicholas or of Father Christmas riding the Yule Goat during Christmas and these were meant to represent the power of God over the power of the Devil. Krampus is represented in chains by the same reason. However, the Yule Goat came to become a gift-giver and a more positive force in holiday lore, with people dressing as goats to deliver gifts to their families in the 19th century. Krampus didn’t have the same luck. I really wonder if the Yule Goat and Krampus came from variants from the same or similar cultural traditions, but that took drastically different routes.
I must say that, although I'm more in the team Santa, I learned to love Krampus over the years. It’s undeniable the amount of fun he brought to those who wanted something a little more darker and creepier in the holidays, and as someone who identifies itself as 90% lover of cheesy, cutesy and sappy stuff and 10% lover of everything earie and macabre, the idea of a monstrous boogeyman in the shadows of good old Santa Claus is fun. I personally think there’s enough space for both, the terrifyingly scary and the joyful jolliness.
Fun fact: Krampus, the one people rescued from German obscurity to combat the overly commercialized Christmas, is now being criticized as being too commercialized. C'est la vie
Story time: In my country I once heard the tale of a guy that went as Santa to deliver Christmas presents to children in a poor community. He brought many gifts and toys with him. The children loved them, until there were no more gifts to be delivered. The remaining children and their parents became so angry that they chased away the guy, throwing rocks at him. The guy came to them with free stuff, helped as much as he could, and people still threw rocks at him and chased him away, almost seriously hurting him.
I admit, there are cases where Krampus is truly needed 🤣🤣🤣
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Art by Helen Mask
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bidisasterwrites · 3 years
A touch to the heart
The ever so silent Adeptus sat on the roof. His eyes gazed over the many mortals celebrating far below him. The occasion, he didn’t know. He couldn’t be bothered to find out.  He turned his head away from the commotion and laid down. It had been yet another day where the karma left an ache in his body. All he wanted to do was close his eyes and rest. But the noisy humans did not allow him to. And he didn’t feel like wasting any energy going somewhere quiet.  As he lay there enjoying the outside air, a warm glow caught his attention. His eyes flickered open and widened at the surprise of seeing a lantern. Xiao contemplated on what to do before reaching out to grab the lonely light.  After a quick examination, he found a piece of paper. Though he realized it was most likely something private, his curiosity shook those thoughts away.  To his shock, there was a little poem addressed to... him? The poem spoke of admiration and gratitude. It wished him good fortune and happiness.  The lonely adepti frowned at the oddness of it all. his frown quickly disappeared to make way for raising eyebrows. Suddenly there were dozens of lanterns floating through the night sky.  Xiao was so caught up in admiring the pretty lanterns, all decorated with their own unique designs. One of him fighting a monster. Another of his face was carefully crafted as to not miss a single detail. And more, telling stories of his achievements one by one. His feet hurried higher up the building. He didn’t want to miss a single one.  Caught up in his daze, he did not notice how the mortals had gone silent.  Silent, until a harmonizing sound left their lips simultaneously. They began to chant.  A tribute song for the conqueror of demons. The sound filled his ears. Soft voices among rough ones, Children happily singing with their parents and grandparents. The last of the Yaksha was pulled into old, barely forgotten memories, of friends, who once much like him seemed untouchable. Friends, whose spirits had left this world, who had left him behind. For the first time in decades, he longed for a home long gone. Tears welled up in his eyes, despite his attempts at keeping them at bay.  A wobbly smile graced his face. Perhaps he should complain less about mortals.
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sleekervae · 3 years
The Neighbour [0.7]
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The sun was high in the sky, bright and casting everything in a flattering golden light. The grass blades beneath Eva's body pricked at her fair skin and Remington's hair tickled her spine, the May heat was blazing but she was happy as she proofread her latest article.
Remington had his white heart-shaped sunglasses on, and Eva was sure he must've been asleep from how still he was. She broke her attention from her laptop and looked over her shoulder, stormy blue eyes gliding over the expanse of his torso and the many tattoos that were like a gallery to his world. A gallery that she had the pleasure of enjoying just for herself.
With a sharp intake, Remington stirred when he felt he was being watched. And when he saw Eva's delicate face looking back at him, he smiled back, face thick with sleep but he looked happy.
"What are you looking at?" he asked.
"Just checking on you," she replied coyly, "You comfortable?"
"Yes I am. Had no idea you made such a good pillow," he grinned, to which Eva simpered amusedly, "How's your article coming?"
"Just proofing before I send it," she said.
"How much you getting for it?"
"Seven hundred and fifty bucks"
He gave a stirring whistle, settling down against her flank and closing his eyes, "Make that money, Eva,"
Eva was quiet as he nestled down again, but she kept her eyes fixated on his body. She admired the way the light bounced over the sunscreen-slick film on his skin, and how effortlessly pretty and cool Remington looked in contrast to the lush green grass beneath him. The tips of her fingers brushed at the cooler blades beneath her chest, fighting the urge to reach over and touch the ink on his bicep.
And just like that, a new poem jingled in her brain and sprinted to her fingertips. The poem was drafted in minutes, and as Eva read it over and over to herself she was at a loss as to whether she should publish it to her blog. She knew Remington had looked at her poetry, and she wondered what he would think if she posted a piece about him. Or what his fans would think if they happened to find her blog. Would people even know it was about him?
Nevertheless, she took another glance at his rising and falling chest. In her lens she looked at him like a muse, a piece of art that she wanted to record and worship with her words. And that feeling made her nervous.
... But it also had her simmering with excitement.
"You're still staring at me," he suddenly said, a mischievous smile spreading across his face.
Eva rolled her eyes, though a sheepish grin spread across her own lips as she pushed her laptop across the grass, "Let me up,"
Remington's eyes snapped open again as he lifted his head so Eva could get to her feet, "You alright?" he asked.
"I'm just gonna' get something drink. You want anything?" she replied.
"I'm good," he threw his hands behind his head as he laid back down in the grass, "I'll guard your computer for you,"
Eva chuckled, "You're so brave,"
"Aren't I?"
Eva slipped her tank back over her bikini top, rubbing at the hot spot where Remington's hair had prickled over her skin. Her hand seemed to shake as she pulled back the glass sliding door, quickly slipping inside and finding Emerson sat on the couch with his notebook and variety of charcoals. Pepper was sleeping at his feet, but she perked up and tried to crawl to the top of the couch when she heard Eva's footsteps.
Emerson turned to his neighbour, "You okay, Eva?"
"Yeah," the small brunette replied, "Could I grab some water?"
"Of course," he smiled, "You know where the glasses are,"
"Thanks," she grabbed herself a glass of cold water and headed back for the door, stopping when she peaked over Emerson's shoulder and gazed in awe at the gothic victorian architecture covering two full pages in his journal, "That's so sick,"
"Thanks," he replied happily, "Did Remington tell you about our graphic novel?"
"He did. Did you illustrate everything?" she asked incredulously.
Emerson shrugged sheepishly, "I had a lot of help. I'll let you read the first copy that comes out, if you'd want"
"That would be awesome,"
It was then an idea stirred in the back of Emerson's head, "Do you write any fictional stuff?"
Eva shrugged, debating whether she should bring up her fanfiction hobby, "... I've dabbled,"
Emerson smiled, "Well, I'm planning to make these into a series. When we start drafting the next volume, would you want to work on it with us?"
Eva's heart nearly leapt into her throat, "You serious?"
"Why not?" he shrugged, "It's always more fun working with friends, anyway,"
Eva's face flushed, "Emerson, I'm honoured! I'd love to work with you guys,"
Over in the backyard, Remington shifted and sat up from his nap. He blinked his eyes a few times to get used to the sudden influx of light, then focusing in on the shadowy silhouette of Eva and Emerson in the house. He watched her smile, and the hand that wasn't holding a water glass came to rest on her chest. He wondered what they were talking about: probably art, the pandemic, the album party that was coming up this week.
Or was it possible that they were talking about him?
Remington took a glance at her macbook, the screen having just fell asleep. Curiosity got the better of Remington, he wondered why Eva kept glancing at him between her writing. He checked again and Emerson and Eva were still having their conversation, and Remington reached over and tapped the touchpad, bringing the laptop back to life. Eva's main page was her article about dog fighting and the people who ran these gambling rings, but Remington clicked on the open Tumblr tab. A draft of a new poem stared back at him, and before he knew what he was doing he was reading it word-for-word.
"You sleep soundly, protected by the company of
snakes, angels, and demons.
They guard your organs, flesh, and muscles.
Without moving eyes they watch the world pass you by
While you're none the wiser, drunk on beer and sunstroke.
The breath that leaves you fans over a crest of regality, valiance,
The summer grass tries to scratch away the frowns of the skulls on your arms,
You've come too far to continue to be sad.
At least, that's the impression I get.
I like your homage to the illuminati: that little triangle below your intestine
forever searches for lies and enlightenment.
Or maybe you just decided that it looked cool?
And I love that angel, clinging to your spine as you dive into the four corners of hell
Yet it drags you back to the surface, reminding you of the better qualities you have
that overshadow the bad ones.
Your body is a gallery, and I've bought myself a ticket.
I only planned to take the basic tour, a brief introduct --"
Remington quickly clicked back to Eva's article when he heard the door sliding open again, but Eva had caught him snooping. She looked down at him quizzically.
"What are you doing?" she asked, her standing figure blocking out the searing sun.
Remington glanced back at the screen, "Reading about the bastards who exploit defenseless animals and force them into fighting for monetary gain," he replied quickly, "Very profound work,"
Eva had the mind to know he was spouting straight bullshit, but she didn't press on, "Thank you," she set down her water glass and started to pull off her shorts.
"Your thirst quenched?" he asked.
"Yes, and now I'm going to go for a swim," she smiled, "You're more than welcome to join me,"
Remington sat back as her tank top fell to the ground, revealing the small flower tattoo on her ribs peeking out from the band of her bikini. Eva stood at the edge of the pool, shook out her hair, and dived head first into the crystalline water. Remington smiled to himself as he stood up, his heart thrumming as fast as a hummingbird could bat its wings when as the words he read fluttered behind his eyes.
She was writing a poem about him.
Eva emerged from the water just as Remington took a running start, and without warning, cannonballing into the water beside her. As she wiped the water from her eyes more had splashed over her head. Remington broke out of the water seconds later, laughing when he saw the scowl on Eva's face.
"You're so fucking chaotic!"
"You love me,"
The album was to drop this Thursday at midnight, and they were going to stream and celebrate its release at Sebastian's place with a party. A small party, with Daniel, Andrew, their mom, and their girlfriends.
And of course, Eva had been invited.
Remington assured her it was just going to a small casual affair, and all she needed to bring was her "gorgeous smile". Those were the words he used. Nevertheless, Eva had a constant flutter in the pit of her stomach as Thursday neared; annoyed because no matter what she pulled out of her closet she seemed to have nothing to wear, and popping advil because her period decided to pay her an early visit the morning of the party.
Remington continued to check Eva's Tumblr and Instagram pages now and again, wondering if she had posted the rest of that poem. He felt a little guilty about snooping, and he wondered what her reaction would be if she knew he had looked. Or perhaps she already knew that he had and she was only letting it slide because she didn't want to talk about it. And as he stood in the shower on the morning of the party, not snapping out of his thoughts until Emerson banged on the door loudly for his turn, Remington began to realize he wanted Eva so much more than he should have for a friend.
Pluto lay diligently at the foot of Eva's bed while she worked, wearing a face mask to hopefully keep her period acne at bay. She read through her most recent poems, a shiver crawling up her spine every time she read them. It was scary because within the last few days, she realized Remington had become the muse she examined and picked apart in her pieces. It wasn't that she hadn't written about boys before, she had, but they didn't elicit the same excitement Remington did when he touched her; or when he was even near her.
In the two and some months she had come to know him, Eva's world had grown so small and yet exploded so suddenly in such little time. Remington was a firecracker of wild colors that splattered across the folds of her brain and drew her into him like a moth to the light. She wanted to watch him move, work, and no matter what she wanted to make him smile. After listening to his music, she knew how badly he needed to be happy. And there was a part of her that wondered what it would be like; how would he be with her if they started a relationship? What's it like dating a rockstar? She imagined the day-to-day wouldn't be very different from how they were now: great friends just one step further on the scale of intimacy.
The more she thought about it, the more she wanted it. She wanted him.
Remington's tongue tingled as he approached the complex courtyard in the late evening, his gaze flying to her balcony to hopefully get a small glimpse of Eva. He smashed the call button for her apartment and waited for her sweet voice to pick up.
"Yellow!" she answered happily.
"It's your friendly neighbourhood psychopath," Remington smiled as he spoke into the speaker.
Eva chuckled, "Come on up! I got the door open,"
The front door clicked and Remington slipped inside, his mask over his face as he waved to the landlord who was too nose deep in his newspaper to give a damn about him.
He pulled his mask down and knocked first before entering Eva's apartment, first being greeted by Pluto who leapt out of his bed and began to rub himself against his pant leg. Remington scooped him up in his arms.
"It's good to see you too, buddy!" he cooed at the cat, "Are you coming to the party with us? Maybe if we ask nicely your mom will take you?"
Remington's attention diverted from Pluto when he heard Eva walk in from behind. Turning around, any words he had were suddenly stuck in his throat when his eyes fell over her. Just when Remington thought she couldn't look any more gorgeous, she blew all his expectations out of the water in a body-hugging black, white, and red plaid dress, white sandals on her feet and her short hair loose and wavy. She only had on mascara and some eyeliner, but in his opinion, Eva didn't need any more than that.
She was absolutely beautiful.
Her smile faltered when Remington hadn't said a word, not even a hello, "... You're looking at me weird," she said, bordering on panic as she glanced at her dress, "Do I look weird? 'Cause I can go change --"
Remington quickly snapped out of it, "N-No! You're fucking gorgeous," he gaped, "Sorry, I didn't mean to stare like that --"
"No, it's okay," she assured him, smiling sheepishly as her heart skipped a beat, "You look really good, too. Yellow suits you nicely,"
Remington chuckled, continuing to cradle Pluto as he glanced at his pants, "See -- me and Emerson got into a debate. I say they're yellow, he think they're lime,"
Eva shrugged, "Regardless, they're on the citrus spectrum," she grinned, going to grab her purse, "Are you sure I can't bring anything? Like a bottle of wine, or --"
"Nope! Seb's got all the alcohol we'll need," he replied, "You can bring Pluto if you want, though. Emerson's gonna' bring Pepper,"
"He's better off here where I know he'll be safe. Over there, I'll constantly be worried if he's trying to tear up the carpet or... or eating another shoe," Eva shook her head.
Remington shrugged as he set Pluto down, "Just as well, I don't think he and Pepper like each other," he said.
"Oh really? What gave that away?" Eva asked in mock disbelief, "The constant hissing, the yapping, the growling? The cat's staying here,"
"Sorry bud, I tried," he said to Pluto. The tabby spun his tail before striding off back to his bed.
Eva took a deep breath and stared up at the ceiling, "He'll be fine," she sighed.
Remington cocked his head, "You okay?"
"Yeah," she nodded quickly, "It's that time of the fucking month again and my stomach does not like me,"
He swallowed with uncertainty, "... It's just a period thing, right? You're not losing taste or smell or anything, right?"
"No, it's just a period thing," she assured him, "I'll be fine. I feel like shit, but I just need some fresh air and some good music,"
"Lucky for you, I can provide all of those things. And just to reiterate, you look fantastic," he said.
"You're sweet," she smiled, slinging her denim jacket on and clutching her purse, "Shall we?"
"We shall," Remington quickly held the door open for her, "After you, my lady,"
"Why thank you, kind sir,"
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thetamrieliclibrary · 3 years
Pocket Guide to the Empire, First Edition: Aldmeri Dominion
The Aldmeri Dominion is a relatively recent creation. [1] Formerly divided into he two realms of the Summerset Isles and Valenwood, the Aldmeri Dominion has its origins in CE830, when the heirs of the Camoran Dynasty began to fight over the Valenwood throne. When a faction of the Bosmer (Wood Elves) made overtures of peace to their longtime enemies in West Cyrodiil--territorial concessions in return for Colovian support for the faction's claimant--the Altmer (High Elves) of Summerset invaded the Valenwood Nations. Citing a stewardship clause in a treaty from a thousand years before, the High Elves quickly established a provisional government, the Thalmor, on behalf of their own claimant, Camoran Anaxemes, whose bloodline had struck the pact with the Aldmeri Council in the first place. As the Cyrodilic Empire was still in the shambles of the Interregnum, the Colovians were quickly driven back by the Aldmeri army. The other heirs of the throne were silenced, the Wood Elves thanked their cousins for bringing back stability, and the High Elves reminded Anaxemes the price of Summerset's aid: fifty years' fealty to the King of Alinor. The Aldmeri Dominion was born. [2]
The Thalmor strengthened its hold on the Valenwood Nations during the foundation of the Third Empire. Savage Bosmer tribes skirmished with the Estates along the River Strid, whipped to a frenzy by their High Elven masters. With the Empire now reunified under Tiber Septim, these attacks have subsided; but encampments wait on either side of the Valenwood border, awaiting a decisive battle.  On the occasions when the Elves probe the Empire's defenses, the Legions have sent them back in tatters. Indeed, the Colovians have taken to calling their enemy the "Old Mary" Dominion, for the womanly offensives of its Elven soldiers. The situation at sea, however, is another story, and the Dominion terrorises the southern waters from the Cape of the Blue Divide to the Topal Bay. [3] Their sorcery has made allies of a few Reachmen, the Maormer of Pyandonea, and, as of this writing, perhaps even the Elsweyr Confederacy. Though no formal declaration of war has been made, Tamriel is divided between the Empire and the Elder Races, and Tiber Septim has made it known to the Thalmor that he is the True Emperor of Cyrodiil, and heir to all of its former holdings. The Elves of Tamriel have yet to answer.
Considering we have endured their offenses for two thousand years, we know surprisingly little about the Aldmeri. (Only Morrowind, under Skyrim domination during the First Empire, and open to travel and trade during most of the Common Era, is somewhat better known.). The Elves of High Rock and Cyrodiil were either wiped out long ago or displaced into obscurity. As for the Elves of the Dominion, our knowledge of their regions is limited to brief Imperial occupations, or to the translations we have of their literature (see "The Scarcity of Elven Writings").
Of particular scarcity is information about either the High Elves or the Summerset Isles. During the Second Empire [4] ambassadors were allowed only in the capital of Alinor, and thus any description of the Altmeri homeland is confined to that city alone, and elsewhere (see Places of Note--Alinor). Furthermore, we can offer only this brief but reliable account of the High Elven people. It comes from the journals of Eric of Guis [5]. Reman's emissary to the Altmer, who lived among them ca. 1E2820:
"High Elves consider themselves to be the only perfect race. Over hundreds of generations they have bred themselves into a racially pure line, and are now almost identical to one another in appearance. The theory that the High Elves do not reproduce as quickly or as often as humans is false. Rather, and to my horror, they kill nine out of ten babies born to them in their obsession for purity.
"The Altmer despise other Elves as unsophisticated churls and barely consider the non-Aldmeri races at all. They pay their Imperial tithes, I'm sure, not for fear of war with the humans but rather to keep an invasion from "infecting" their islands.
"Breeding outside the pure line is a terrible, unthinkable crime, and taken as prima facia evidence of the tainted blood of the individual in question--if they were, they wouldn't have the impulse to do it. Exile to the mainland is regarded as equivalent to a death sentence, since there is no purpose to living outside their ideal society.
:They have a high regard for order and gravitate naturally towards wearing uniforms and speaking in formal patterns. Their trees and their livestock have been bred to be as standard and ideal as they are. They have no real names of their own, only combinations of numbers that, when aloud, sound to human ears as such. They feel no real tenderness for one another and have no concept of compassion.
"They are decadent and self-obsessed, and prize form and their own brand of manners or style as their main value. Aware of their aristocratic position, they surround themselves with riches and treasures, the works of great artists and the finest of everything, but have no real appreciation for any of these things. Each of them is concerned solely with himself, and as a result they do no real socialising; they meet and hold courts only to demonstrate their importance and power to each other. Rarely do they speak to the human ambassadors of Cyrodiil; when they do, their speech is full of riddles, or spell-words that enchant one to a satisfied madness."
Valenwood was claimed as a wasteland province of the Second Empire, and its geography is partially described in several Imperial surveys. Valenwood is noteworthy in that it has no cities or townships built by the Wood Elves themselves. Their strict "Green Pact" prohibits the use of wood or other vegetable derivatives as building materials, and they are too improvident to learn the use of stone. The Wood Elves permitted a few roads to be built by the Second Empire, but neglect their maintenance, as the Bosmer do not need roads to move easily through the thickest forest; these roads would be now overgrown were it not for the High Elves of the Thalmor, who have repaired and widened them for rapid passage of their arms to and from the coast. Much of the region is impenetrable mangrove and coastal rain forest, with few grasslands or glade areas until further north near the Strident Coast. Many of the human trading posts established by the Second Empire have been abandoned or claimed by the beastfolk--Centaurs, Orcs, and Imga--that share the forests with the Bosmer tribes. Humans, in general, have learned not to intrude in the forests of Valenwood. While they once depended entirely on the annual Stridmeet caravans of the Colovian  West, the Wood Elves now rely on the sea piracy of the Dominion for whatever they require from the outside world.
Concerning the Wood Elves as people, we must again turn to the prolific Eric of Guid. After a grateful dismissal from the Court of Alinor, he stayed with the Bosmer for a time at the capital city of Falinesti, during its summer migration. As the city strode along the coastal region of the Cape, Eric of Guis recorded much about Valenwood culture:
"No less abhorrent are the Bosmer than their kin at Summerset, but they are far more cooperative. The Wood Elves love the current human activity because it makes them feel important. 
"They are exclusively and religiously carnivorous. They cannot, or will not, eat anything that is plant-based. They eat game, beastfolk, each other, or meats imported from other regions. This part of the Green Pact is known as the Meat Mandate, and, among its other rules, it requires that a fallen enemy must be eaten completely before three days pass. The family members of the warrior that slew the enemy may help him with his meal. Needless to say, the Wood Elves do not like to engage in large battles if they have not undergone a suitable starvation period.
"Though they are excellent archers, the Green Pact forces their bowyers and fletchers to use bone or similar material, or to buy bows from other cultures. The use of woodcrafts created by another race is not forbidden, nor is the sale of their own Valenwood timber as long as it is collected by a non-Bosmeri.
"The Wood Elves, of course, cannot some anything of a vegetable nature. Bone pipes are common, however, and are filled with caterpillars or tree grubs.
"For a brief time the Colovian armies used Wood Elf archers, as in the War of Rihad two years past. The Bosmer proved to be too undisciplined and prone to desertion for further use. They would sometimes walk into the shade of a single tree and vanish. Their forest-coupling skills are remarkable. The title of their most famous poem, the Meh Ayleidion, means "The One Thousand Benefits of Hiding."
"At the trading posts of the Empire, the Wood Elves become very happy. Some creations of carpentry delight them to no end. Most of it has never occurred to them. They bring their own trade items: hides, river pearls, finger-bone charms made from the still-magically-charged hands of their dead wizards. They often buy woodcrafts that they have no use for or whose use they never bother to find out. Some of the bravest Wold Elven warrior use wagon wheels as shields, or as (they think) impressive headgear.
"While sometimes amusing, the Bosmer have a bestial side. They can resort to animal shapes if they need to, or water. Their most dreaded transformation is the Wild Hunt, which killed King Borgas [6] for the "iniquities" of his Alessian faith. The Wild Hunt is a pack of shifting forest-demons and animal-gods, thousands strong, which sweeps through the countryside killing everything in its path. The Wood Elves do not like to talk about the Hunt, and I gather they do not feel proud of this power at all--Gomini, my Bosmer companion of late, tells me that the Hunt is used for justice, but that also, "every monster in the world that has even been comes from a previous Hunt. Those Bosmer that go Wild, they not not return.""
The traveller is advised to avoid the lands of the Aldmeri Dominion. Though the Thalmor have representatives at the Imperial City, and the Cyrodiilic Grand Vizier Zurin Arctus is meeting with the King of Alinor, contact with the Bosmer and Altmer are often disagreeable to the common Imperial citizen. Avoid their books and magic. Wear the permitted weaponry when near their borders. If you are manly and able, apply for service in the Legions.
The Scarcity of Elven Writings
Much of the blame for this can be laid on the Alessian Order, which was tireless in ferreting out and destroying Elven writings during its long dominance. Today, we are left with the beautiful heresies of the Anuad, surviving only by virtue of their popularity and proliferation, and perhaps a dozen more works of lesser renown. This, though, does not explain fully the scarcity of Elven letters. We might turn to Dylxexes, an early human scholar, for another answer. After studying the financial records of the Direnni Hegemony, a High Elven merchant family that exploited the human kingdoms of its day, he had this to say: "These [records] may help to explain why so much of Aldmeri literature is forbidden, scorned, or untranslated, for I have seen [their] like before. The Direnni were either exceedingly paranoid or their system of economy so inextricably linked with dangerous theosophist numeral-symbolism that much of what is recorded here requires... sorcerous precautions on the part of the reader. [Hidden magic] is everywhere incorporated in their writings... signs and preternatural runes and [correspondences]... in expenditure columns, even, or margins [that] can be fatal to the uninitiated. Crucial pages were covered with the spittle of the previous translator, who had babbled idiotically over the text for days before catching fire."
The Great Apes of Valenwood
The Great Apes, or Imga, are native beastfolk of Valenwood. they see the High Elves as their lords and masters, and as a portrait of an ideal, civilised society. Great Apes go to desperate measures to emulate the High Elves: they wear capes, practice with the dueling sword, and attempt to speak with perfect enunciation and courtly manners despite their gravelly, baritone voices. Each Imga bears some kind of title, be it Baron, Duke, Earl, or the like, which they use when addressing the members of the Thalmor (needless to say, there are no landowning Great Apes). More extreme Great Apes shave their bodies and powder their skin white to seem more like the High Elves. They often cut themselves in the process, creating the truly pathetic picture of a naked white Ape, skin dotted pink with blood, strutting around the trading posts of Valenwood with mock nobility. The Imga feel that humans are beneath them as lesser beastfolk, and pretend to find their smell exceedingly offensive--a Great Ape holds a perfumed corner of his cape to his nose when Men are around.
Places of Note
A forbidden city for nearly fifty years, Alinor is both capital of the Summerset Isles and the heart of the Aldmeri Dominion. Human traders were only allowed at its ports, and they described the city as "made from glass or insect wings." Less fantastic accounts come from the Imperial emissaries of the Reman Dynasty, which describe the city as straight and glimmering, "a hypnotic swirl of ramparts and impossibly high towers, designed to catch the light of the sun and break it to its component colours, which lies draped across its stones until you are thankful for nightfall."
The walking city of the Bosmer king, Falinesti is south in the summer and north come Hearth Fire. It is the largest of Valenwood graht-oaks, whose magic was invoked at the dawn of recorded history. The Camoran throne is somewhere in the highest branches, as are numerous other dwellings. Wood Elves climb about its surface like termites, or carefully swing from level to level by means of thorny vines. Humans have generally been too unsettled by the city to stay there long, though Great Apes and Orcs are common. The Thalmor has decided to change the campital of Valenwood from Falinesti to Elden Root for the duration of the Aldmeri Dominion.
1. Of this pamphlet, this regime, this lunacy 2. I don't know where to begin pointing out the lies 3. !!! 4. My bones chill thinking of such rampant human trespass 5. Does Grandfather remember this fool? 6. Wood Elves of the Wild Hunt, 1e369, still about in Valenwood--Willy the Bitten returned to haunt Silvenar Grove, While King Dead Wolf-Deer stalks the Lynpar March.
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cameoamalthea · 4 years
Writing Nonhuman Characters and what makes “Otherworldly” Creatures Otherworldly.
A brief analysis of “The Last Unicorn”
The Last Unicorn is a book that depicts the magical creatures within it as truely inhuman and explores the difference in nature between a mortal, human bing, and immortal magical/fey being. 
The book begins telling the reader what unicorns are and their nature.
 Unicorns are immortal. It is their nature to live alone in one place: usually a forest where there is a pool clear enough for them to see themselves‌—‌for they are a little vain, knowing themselves to be the most beautiful creatures in all the world, and magic besides. They mate very rarely, and no place is more enchanted than one where a unicorn has been born. The last time she had seen another unicorn the young virgins who still came seeking her now and then had called to her in a different tongue; but then, she had no idea of months and years and centuries, or even of seasons. It was always spring in her forest, because she lived there, and she wandered all day among the great beech trees, keeping watch over the animals that lived in the ground and under bushes, in nests and caves, earths and treetops. Generation after generation, wolves and rabbits alike, they hunted and loved and had children and died, and as the unicorn did none of these things, she never grew tired of watching them.
The first paragraph establishes that they are outside the cycle of life and death, and since they can’t experience the cycle of life she is an observer. The story begins with the unicorn overhearing that there are no other unicorns in the world and she sets out to find them. Her only hint as to their fate comes from a butterfly who tells her “They passed down all the roads long ago, and the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footprints.” 
The unicorn leaves her timeless forest and enters the world to find the other unicorns. When the unicorn meets a human magician the book begins to contrast between the unicorn and humanity. 
Unicorns know nought of need, or shame, or doubt, or debt‌.
We also learn some lore surrounding their magical nature. When a harpy, another magical creature, is attacking the unicorn advises the magician:
“You must never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.” Her voice was gentle, and without pity. “Never run,” she said. “Walk slowly, and pretend to be thinking of something else. Sing a song, say a poem, do your tricks, but walk slowly.”
However, the book does not focuses more on the capacity of magical beings to feel. Although sapient, immortal creatures like the unicorn, do not experience the same emotions as humans. This is first illustrated in a scene where the magician laments the death of woman killed by the harpy.
“The poor old woman,” he whispered at last. The unicorn said nothing, and Schmendrick raised his head and stared at her in a strange way. A gray morning rain was beginning to fall, and she shone through it like a dolphin. “No,” she said, answering his eyes. “I can never regret.”  He was silent, crouched by the road in the rain, drawing his soaked cloak close around his body until he looked like a broken black umbrella. The unicorn waited, feeling the days of her life falling around her with the rain. “I can sorrow,” she offered gently, “but it’s not the same thing.”
Even primal feelings such as fear are not in the unicorns nature. Beyond being incapable of human emotions, she does not experience the same drives as animals which by nature have a fear response in order to avoid death. Yet, the unicorn does not fear anything.
 The unicorn had never been afraid of anything. She was immortal, but she could be killed: by a harpy, by a dragon or a chimera, by a stray arrow loosed at a squirrel. But dragons could only kill her‌—‌they could never make her forget what she was, or themselves forget that even dead she would still be more beautiful than they.
The unicorn first experiences fear when she meets the Red Bull. A creature older than the unicorn who herself is ancient. Characters describe the bull as a “demon”. The unicorn states that the bull recognizes her in particular as it’s query when they meet it did not know her. It does not recognize her beauty. Later, we learn from King Haggard, the Bull’s apparent master that. “He serves anyone who has no fear‌—‌—‌and I have no more fear than I have rest.”. The Red Bull then is a great old one, a primal force of pure fear that can only be mastered by one who does not feel fear. However, by it’s nature everything fears the bull. King Haggard is an exception because he is emotionally numb. Unable to feel anything, joy or pain. He is empty and restless. The only thing which ever made him happy was seeing a unicorn so he bayed the bull gather them for him. When the bull comes for the unicorn, the magician changes her into a human girl.  As she slowly gains humanity the longer she stays human, the inhumanity of unicorns is again highlighted. When rebuked for being cruel by ignoring the prince who become infatuated her she responds:
“How can I be cruel? That is for mortals.” But then she did raise her eyes, and they were great with sorrow, and with something very near to mockery. She said, “So is kindness.”
Over time, as she becomes more human her capacity for feelings grows. That is what it means to be human. The unicorn herself is aware of what she will lose if she becomes a unicorn again, how her nature will change. Telling the prince, who she has come to love, that:
“I will not love you when I am a unicorn, and you will love me only because you cannot help it. I will be more beautiful than anything in the world, and live forever.“
However, the fact she was human once has changed her. When the unicorn returns to her true form and faces the bull again the Prince gives his life attempting to protect her.  The unicorn now knows what it is to love, and can now feel the full weight of grief.  
Prince Lír leaped into the path of the Red Bull. For a moment, he disappeared entirely, like a feather in a flame. The Bull ran over him and left him lying on the ground. One side of his face cuddled too hard into the sand, and one leg kicked the air three times before it stopped. He fell without a cry, and Schmendrick and Molly alike were stricken as silent as he, but the unicorn turned. The Red Bull halted when she did, and wheeled to put her once more between himself and the sea. He began his mincing, dancing advance again, but he might have been a courting bird for all the attention the unicorn paid him. She stood motionless, staring at the twisted body of Prince Lír...  Suddenly the unicorn screamed. It was not at all like the challenging bell with which she had first met the Red Bull; it was an ugly, squawking wail of sorrow and loss and rage, such as no immortal creature ever gave. 
The implication here is although immortals can feel sorrow, no immortal being ever felt what the unicorn feels in that moment. Rage, loss, heartbreak. These are human feelings. 
Because the unicorn is so overcome with these emotions she no longer feels fear and is able to defeat the bull and free the other captive unicorns. She uses her magic to resurrect the fallen Prince, but cannot stay with him. She is a unicorn again, forever, and cannot belong to anyone or be with anyone.
However, the experience of being human has changed her forever.
I have been mortal, and some part of me is mortal yet. I am full of tears and hunger and the fear of death, though I cannot weep, and I want nothing, and I cannot die. I am not like the others now, for no unicorn was ever born who could regret, but I do. I regret.”
Through the books exploration of what mortals experience and what immortals do not, Peter S. Beagle brings to life an inhuman protagonist who feels otherworldly and is portrayed as fundamentally ‘other’. 
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eliasblaque · 3 years
the train across the face sucker punch of contaminants crash,
as if the beginning of the cosmos, liquid star and void space fused dueling biomes.
Welded by hands of at one moment or another a great distance, of time and experience, beat & drum,
heavy the bass
heavy the bass.
Resonated knowledge rippled across this perfect temporal vector reaching my line,
 my birth path into this reality we have lost one another in.
Before my decent into mothers womb your synapse fired telegraph, made sure of our paths smack hit touch, a meet cute of such. Some remote when, some separated where
 down on the planet.
Message of urgency
Message of urgency
 telegraph of the mind imprinted with your regale ruby seal of heat, valor, sin and in the cards drenched energies, a scent I'd follow subconsciously until the wise tarot counseled me into change. You spoke of your heightened favor of life and lust, that you breathed and exhaled good fortune how pleasant and strange.
That you would explore high and low for blues clues path back to your cherished golden hearted, armored creature. Fired back I did before going ghost and continued decent into corporeal physical feature.
Before what would possibly be a lifetime until I'd lay my gaze upon your soul property, post divine organic housing. I beamed the message your way, sealed by kings crest tagged with scent of lust and werewolf life force, it spent no time browsing and charged ahead. Dodged and weaved it did through countless galaxy & quasar. Singularity nor new star could keep my soul byte from breaching your 2 shot par.
 Magically etched words of my energy properties entwined via the sisters of fate. I told you how much I cared how much I'd miss you, that I'd follow your scent of valor, lust and sin. Oh how long it has been, oh how damn long it has been, many years decades centuries, oh ill fated mugen your spell finally broken. Utterly Obliterated, cast aside by our tethers of promise. Nightly in the midst of maddening insomnia, in my google of questions & quest of answer I call out in thought, inquiring whilst you rest fast asleep on my chest.
This native pondering, this lovely shard of thought, poem and light embedded in my soul next to your framed red telegraph, this almost chicken or the egg puzzling answer that will elude for all my days.
Which is it,
which is it.
Was it your energies of luck and fortune that I met you?! was it my energies of fate that you met me?!
Round and round mind all a carousel, clockwise tornado winds furious a blow like hell.
Highlighted beacon in my life, bringer of warm liquid gush, how did you find my ships pirate bay.
Which magical grimoire brought you to me so abruptly, exist half a world away.
Each night I beat myself rid of these questions and fantasies seeking the morning sun caressing your face.
Premeditated love, aforethought feels, I checked myself I wrecked myself after this nights batch of sleepless, heart beat now slow of pace. After the shores tide out calm, after my catalytic decent, loss of my cherished midnight blue wings and black regale charm. I clung to my ascension of the bed like my last ration in a desert of fruitless waterless disappointment. I'd Found my place next to you upon casting out my night demons. You cast your voluptuous spell of polyjuice potion.
I drank you dry
I drank you dry
We blended until the rising sun and breakfast notion.
Inhale}}}} {{{{{exhale{{{{ }}}} smile and sigh,
never more alone never more alone to simply hope and die.
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