#a motorcycle would simply make them too cool
aii-ki · 2 days
You belong to me — yjw : Biker jw + toxic (?) ✉ wc : 1.2k
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Note: luv jw also this is rushed and bad srry
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Jungwon was always there for you. Crying? He has tissues and ice cream. Stressed? He's calming you down and holding you. Boy treats you badly? He's beating him up the next day.
Granted he thinks you're unaware of him beating boys up for you but when every boy who makes you upset randomly comes into school with a black eye and isn't talking to you, it's not hard to guess who did it.
Anyone who knows him would say he was in love with you and knowing him for so long you just can't see it.
He's flirty and he's protective, but he's never once told you he likes you like that. This is why when he makes you feel the way you feel, it's ten times more agonizing.
"I just don't get why you still want him... have a crush on someone better"
"No one else wants to date me wonie."
"Say's who?"
"Says the fact that no guy beside you talks to me... I mean I'm surprised he even showed interest in me"
Jungwon smirked seeing that text pop up. He knew it was his fault that no one talked to you. Granted he didn't mean to do it, it's not like he threatened every guy in school. It just happened.
The way he lingered over your figure, the way he was wherever you were at all times, the glare he'd give to boys googling you. At this point, the boys gave up. If Jungwon was around they didn't bother talking to you, especially cause a lot of them assumed you were dating anyway. It annoyed Jungwon that this boy didn't think the same as the others.
"mmm date me ;)"
You were too in shock to reply to his boldness so you just waited till the 3 dots popped up again.
"I'm kidding"
You sent a rolling eye emoji back. Not planning on amusing the flirtiness
"Good night wonie"
"nooo you can't leave me baby :("
"It's 10pm... we both need to go to bed"
"mm orrr instead of sleeping.. i pick you up and we go for a drive" Whenever Jungwon offered to drive you around you knew it would end up with you sleeping over at his house, which was his plan, but you didn't need to know that
After contemplating for a while you agreed.
Not too long after you hear the roaring of his motorcycle engine, so you hopped out of bed and raced downstairs, trying not to wake your parents.
When walking to his bike the visor to his helmet was lifted up, you could see him smirking, looking you up and down.
He get's up off the bike and walks over to you, he places the helmet on your head, it was a pale pink helmet he bought specifically for you, perfect contrast to his sheer jet black helmet.
Finally on the freeway, you held on to Jungwon's waist, practically digging your head into his shoulder. You enjoyed riding with Jungwon, the shining city lights, the cool race cars that came out at night, the way Jungwon would take you to whatever store and spoil you. It was fun.
What you didn't expect was for Jungwon to take you to a street race. You knew he went to them but he had never taken you to one before. Jungwon could tell you were confused, he chuckled at your puzzled look. "I wanted to show you off a bit," he says with an attempted wink.
But it only left you more confused, "Show me off?" you take your helmet off
Instead of giving you a proper answer he simply just took your hand and walked you over to a group of guys, they were all rallying around a few expensive racing cars, "Here comes Jungwonie" One of them said in a teasing manner
Jungwon just rolled his eyes before speaking up "Everyone this is name" A few of the boys said hello and were kind enough but one kept silent. He looked you up and down as he leaned on the car behind him, his brows furrowed and his eyes narrowed "What are you doing with a boy like Jungwon?" followed up by a chuckle
Both you and Jungwon were slightly confused but you asked him what he meant. "Oh nothing, nothing I just," he paused for a minute "I don't want you to get hurt that's all" You turned your head slightly at his remark and he smirked as he continued "You're a cute girl you know? This just isn't the safest place" You looked at Jungwon with confusion, and Jungwon was looking at the man with a pissed-off look, tongue in his cheek, he threw his arm around your shoulder and started "Knock it off"
"What? I'm just letting her know she should be careful.. that's all." The boy stated as he started to walk away, ending off with a wink. You weren't sure what he meant by any of it, as it was pretty out of the blue so you asked Jungwon who was still glaring at the boy but he mumbled "Don't worry about it"
After that Jungwon kind of just dragged you around all night, talking to his friends, showing off his motorcycle, etc.
He had his arm wrapped around you practically all night but he let go of you for a split second to talk to some girl, as he did the boy from earlier grabbed your arm.
You yelped in shock as he spun you around to look at him, "Hey cuttieee" he dragged out
You let out a small hi as you kept glancing at Jungwon, hoping he'd come to intervene. "You know, I don't think Jungwon's the right guy for you.." You whipped your head back around to look at him with confusion "What do you mean?" He smiled "He's toxic, doesn't know how to treat a girl properly you know?" You looked at him with even more confusion
"Hmm, why don't I take you to my house? Hm? Show you what a real man is" He put his face close to yours, you could tell he had been drinking from the whiskey on his breath.
Starting to get nervous you politely declined and tried to wiggle out of his grip, just as he gripped your arm harder you heard a familiar voice from behind you "The fuck? Let go of her" When the boy didn't listen Jungwon pushed him off of you, and he tumbled backward bumping into a car "What was that for dude?" The boy questioned
Jungwon and the man started yelling back and forth, luckily the car engines were too loud for anyone to notice the situation.
Giving up Jungwon rolls his eyes, grabs your wrist, and walks off to his bike, thinking the guy gave up as well cause he didn't follow you two.
Eventually, after a while of driving you guys pulled up to your house, Jungwon walked you to the front porch, still holding on to your wrist, before you could open the door he turned you around and placed his hands on your face, slightly tilting your chin up, he kissed you.
He was slightly aggressive but not in a mean way, more so in an "I've been waiting for this" way.
It felt like it lasted forever, his lips were soft and it was sweet.
He finally let go, after a bit of silence he smirked
"Go inside, it's cold out here." Was all he muttered before walking off to his bike and leaving you at your door, blushing and confused.
Later that night, around 1am after you fell asleep, he texted you nothing but an "I love you"
Guess you really have to drop that crush of yours
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@ Aii-ki
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 10 months
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darlenicy · 6 months
Darcy and Riven – their story and why I ship them
In January 2023 I found my way back into the Winx fandom - more precisely, I created this Tumblr on January 28th, 2023 and since then I have been constantly passionate about this show from my childhood. Most of all, of course, for our three favorite witches. Accordingly, this year I have given a lot of thought and HCs to the Trix and their relationships. Today is the day that I'm going to write down all of these HCs and thoughts I have and tag them properly so that they're easier to find in my jumble of posts, reblogs and crazy fangirling. Well, have fun!
I got my first anon ask about Driven headcanons (hcs most of the time now) in march and therefore tried to order my thoughts on this topic as well. It actually became something of a definition of their relationship and how I see them in the show: This is how my bullet journal looks:
Riven is pretty badass. That's why Rivusa doesn't make much sense because ego-wise he would have gone after best-girl-Bloom. Or Princess Stella, but more Bloom, simply because Brandon (Sky) obviously found Bloom interesting.
Then there is Darcy. Not only is she the complete opposite of the loud, glittering fairy gang, but she also forms a stark contrast to Riven. She is powerful, yes, but above all she is calm, goal-oriented and come on in 1x8 we see how cute she is. Of course, Riven likes her power-talk in 1x9 but he surely is keen on her because she is a totally different type of girl than Musa or Stella.
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Oh, and an important thing that just came to my mind while supervising what I wrote and putting it into a post: DARCY DID NOT MIND-CONTROL HIM IN CANON!
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Her glowing eyes meant that she formed the connection with Riven, so that he could contact her mentally later on in the show!
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It's fkn 4kids who came up with the mind control because they tend to downplay everything for all American kids' sake. - Ok back to the post:
In terms of type, if comparted to the fairies, Darcy is mostly like Flora, but in contrast to the nature fairy, she has a much more self-confident demeanor. She is also the first to respond to Riven as a person and his needs (power, being recognized). Then of course there is the matter of rescue. Firstly: Thanks for saving my life and secondly: The woman can ride this flying motorcycle like a guy. Where can you find something like that? And unlike the Winx, who are constantly in trouble, Darcy (and her sisters) is beyond competent (in Season 1 after all, we know how the writing goes down, *sigh*). So, we have Darcy: a beautiful, competent badass BB who just saved his life and looks like an angel that fell from heaven - all in the specialist uniform too - sexyyy. So, it's an extremely attractive girl who also knows guy things and cares about him and really sees and perceives him as a person. She's not a self-centered good-time girl who makes him clean, so she doesn't have to endure her punishment alone (looking at you, Winx....)
But who exactly is Darcy? (she's my girl, my bb, my queen) Out of the Trix, she is probably the one who is least behind the world domination plans. Of course, she is still a member of the Trix - and of course not less power-hungry than her sisters. But she would be the one most likely to give up everything to live a quiet but fulfilling life with the person she loves. Isn't she? She is definitely the first to panic and to make mistakes as a result. We remember episode 1x5, where she immediately panicked when everything didn't work out as planned. She thought she would find Stella's ring in no time, that wasn't the case. Instead of keeping a cool head like Icy would have, she freaks out and starts attacking Bloom. Is it fear because she is running out of time and doesn't know what to do if her disguise is exposed? In any case, Darcy would have been expected to wear a more confident disguise. But in the end, she's the one most likely to panic and this episode shows that perfectly. Maybe that's also the reason why she has clever ideas, but often doesn't think them through. In episode 2x10 she tries to get Icy to put the feather in the scales, fearing that she might have made a mistake and get wiped just like Stormy, who had previously hit the scales with brute force. Icy states very correctly: You’re a backstabbing coward, Darcy. And I love you for that. And with that she the nail right on the head. Darcy is certainly the first of the Trix to get nervous. She certainly has a tendency to overthink, whereas Riven strikes first and thinks later (at best).
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Mind control is her specialty. She knows how to get into the minds of her victims to confuse and weaken them. At the same time, she also knows how uncertain and dangerous feelings can be. When it comes to having deep feelings for someone else, she is more likely to be the one who is insecure and cautious. Precisely because feelings are so uncertain, she probably tries to make decisions with her head rather than with her guts.
Their love story is iconic and cute. Basically, we have good girl and bad boy, but the good girl is one of the bad guys and the bad boy is ultimately one of the good guys. They haven't really fought against each other yet. Riven only knows that Darcy is one of the most powerful witches in Cloud Tower and that she and her sisters hate the Winx. Since Riven is skeptical of the Winx himself and has no deeper connection to them, he has little to do with this antipathy from both sides and perhaps only hears about it in passing from Brandon or Sky. So in 1x7 he doesn't pay much attention to the Trix. The fact that he turns on the light and exposes the Trix is once again Riven being Riven. He wants to be the cool dude and doesn't really care about the situation. He simply has no interest in the Winx's affairs and is only pissed when he becomes personally involved with Musa being thrown into his arms by the minotaur. Maybe that’s where his inner hero speaks? But first and foremost, he wants to praise himself. The first time he really notices Darcy is in 1x8, where she represents to him the complete opposite of the fairies, one of which had just shown him up (Bloom).
Darcy, on the other hand, is already interested in Riven in 1x7 and hides the whole thing behind the talk about the Prince of Darkness (seriously, WHO is the Prince of Darkness? Why is that never clarified?). One episode later, she's extremely worried that something might happen to Riven with Icy's, admittedly delicate, plan. bb obviously already has a crush on him. And no one can claim that Icy doesn't know this and is actively using it for her plan. I think that Darcy's feelings didn't matter to her at all, thinking she'd get over it sooner or later. But the fact is, even Icy sees the spark fly between them.
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So you could say it was love at first sight for both of them. It is also important for Riven that after all the disappointments and constant criticism he was exposed to at Red Fountain, someone finally recognizes him and his talents. While the Winx, especially Stella, just complained about him, Darcy supported what he was. Partly because she can take advantage of his ambitions, of course, and partly because she simply likes him. I think there are some things Darcy does simply for herself and not because it's part of the plan to rule the Magic Dimension.
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From Riven's point of view, what probably also speaks for Darcy is her maturity. She's not a little fairy to save. The opposite is the case. She is probably more experienced in other things too - but that always depends on the respective HC. Darcy can be a bad bitch and cute bb - both are accurate. For me though, she gives more bb vibes than bitch vibes. However, she appears much more mature and confident than the fairies. Speaking of bb (she's one, look at her!) -
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she's the type most likely to develop romantic feelings. Icy is too calculating and Stormy is just there for the passion (if you get what I mean). In 2x2 we have this scene "*sigh* To be young and in love...".
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She's also the one of the Trix most likely to feel something resembling remorse, if only for her time with Riven. On the other hand, in season 2 we have Riven, who immediately sees through Darcy's attacks - because he knows them. Very well. There is probably still a connection between the two. There could have been more hints about their relationship besides “cute” and “not cute”. There could have been one or two longing looks. I FELL ROBBED.
That’s basically how I interpret their story and why I ship them. I’ll come up with some headcanons these days as well. Stay tuned :3
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junosmindpalace · 1 year
hello! i saw you write for saiki k! if you write for him, could i request aren kuboyasu relationship hcs with a gender neutral reader? ty in advance ^_^
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-when you find out about arens motorcycle license, you’re excited as hell. And you want to ride around with him! And obviously he’s just as excited about it. He got the two of you cool matching helmets and he’ll give you a ride to all sorts of places on his motorbike. 
-he’d also tell you a lot about motorbikes on your rides as well, and definitely encourages you to get your license too!
-when he first started attending pk and found it difficult to resist picking fights or having an attitude, he’d simply look to you. Something about you soothed him instantly. He also hated seeing the confused and shocked look on your face when he’d act aggressive with others, so he tries to avoid it at all costs simply for you.
-this was before the two of you started dating or were even fully friends! From the very first day he met you, he thought you were kind and even pretty cool from the way you carried and defended yourself from some of the weird characters he encountered at school. 
-as the two of you slowly became friends, you helped him adjust to his new lifestyle and taught him about traditional teenager things he had never experienced, teaching him how to blend in more. 
-is surprisingly smooth. he’s not entirely clueless, and has surprised you with sweet romantic gestures such as buying you flowers and taking you out to cafes.
-sometimes will randomly drop some absurd detail about his past life as a delinquent that leaves you in shock (ever heard of dad lore? Its similar to that.)
-An insane artist, and so the first couple of times youve seen him sketching you’re in awe 
-you’d probably ask to keep one, and he’d smile and say “what? That’s nothing! Let me draw you something for real.” 
-(in his early crushing stage, he'd probably subconsciously draw corny doodles like little hearts and stars)
-always wanting to do something with you or for you. If there’s something you’re interested in, he’s gonna be there alongside you immersing himself in it
-dates are both planned and spontaneous! sometimes its just a chill night in or out, and sometimes you like to treat each other by doing something that the other likes or mentioned wanting to do
-was very nervous in the beginning stages of your relationship, and admittedly still gets shy whenever your relationship progresses.
-he’s a bit overdramatic when he first hears that you like him, going so far as to start imagining a family with you (cough like in s2 HAHA)
-but the two of you don’t rush anything and frequently communicate. sometimes the two of you will bicker but that's typically the farthest "fights" go. and most of the time they're pretty amusing.
-also like in s2, has the intention of marrying you in the future, but obviously doesn’t rush it like he did in his head before. he’s in no hurry, but he keeps the thought in the back of his head.
-not the biggest on pda but isn’t strictly against it either. he loves to hold your hand and does so whenever he can
-physical intimacy such as cuddling takes him a little while to get used to, unfamiliar with it all, but learns to adjust in a really short amount of time since it's you, and he would never want to make you uncomfortable. 
-(is a bit embarrassed and confused when learning to adjust though.) 
-big matcher of enthusiasm. When you’re excited about something, so is he, and vice versa. 
-a not so subtle flexer. He doesn’t always intentionally go out of his way to impress, but his skills like drawing and cooking definitely leave him a little surprised and flustered when you compliment him on them
-cooking sessions are not uncommon, especially when the two of you visit each others houses. aren is usually the one who directs and compliments you on your skill and/or kindly shows you how to do something you're unfamiliar with
-absolutely defends you with his life (both literally and not). Seriously does not tolerate any disrespect toward you
-consistently works on himself for you, determined to improve bad habits and detach from his past for a happy present (and hopefully future) with you.
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first aren request! i hope my characterization is okay! take this while i try to get back into the routine of writing.
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TFA X ROTTMNT crossover imagine Idea:
What if back when Splinter was Lou Jitsu he got spirited away in the TFA universe as a cybertronian thanks to a magical artifact long time ago before the first autobots-decepticons War, became a Gladiator against his will, meet Megatron and end up becoming "Friends" with him, build himself a reputation among Cybertronians and became a Well known History figure After managing to get his Freedom back and managed to get all the other Gladiator, Megatron included, free?
What if years After Lou Jitsu managed to get back to his universe and the ROTTMNT canon happen the turtles found the Magic artifact, end up in the TFA universe turned into cybertronians and two of them are warframes while the other two are civilframe?
I got way into this AU crossover the more I wrote about it and I just want to say that you, my friend, are a genius for coming up with it.
-Lou Jitsu's alter ego when he was a cybertronian was Splinter. Yeah, I'm basic like that. His alt mode would have been either a jet or a race car though I'm a bit partial to him having a car alt mode, simply because I could really see him turning into some flashy 80's sport car.
-Becoming a really popular gladiator not only for his fighting skills but also for bringing in his theatrics to the ring. They don't know that but whenever he wants to seem cool he says a one liner from one of his movies. The crowd ate it up every time. He's also really handsome as a bot so he's got a ton of fans.
-Ok but wouldn't be really cool if Splinter kinda revolutionized the cyber-ninja scene??? Like, up until his appearance it had kinda stagnated but when he shows up and shows up his amazing moves all the cyber-dojos go "YOOOOOO, THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME" and he basically starts the cyber-ninja renaissance. He also probably gets offered to become the leader of his own dojo but he declines the offer because he doesn't wanna abandon his new gladiator-buddies.
-Young Yoketron being his pupil??? Showing up one day like Genos in One Punch man and begging for Splinter to become his master??? YOKETRON YELLING "HOT SOUP" EVEN THOUGH HE HAS NO IDEA WHAT IT MEANS???
Prowl: Master, is it true that you trained under the master Splinter?
Yoketron: Yes, my pupil, I indeed did.
Prowl: Amazing, I've heard so much about him. What was he like?
Yoketron: He was... very wise. *flashback to Splinter forgetting how to use his brakes while in alt mode and crashing into a wall*
-Also, as for the brothers, if two of them are warframes then I imagine it being Raph and Leo. Raph because, well, he's built like a brick, it makes sense, and Leo because his weapons are the most lethal, made to kill. Also, Raph would be a tank while Leo would be a jet. Meanwhile, Donnie's alt mode would be like a microscope/telescope or something while Mikey would be a racer, either a motorcycle or a race car. I just want Mikey to have wheels on his pedes and rollerblade around while fighting.
-I also want some cyber-ninja dojo to 'discover' Mikey's talents, both as a ninja and spiritually, and taking him in. And Mikey can't tell them the truth, that he's already trained, so he has to pretend to be a newbie but instead he comes off as an actual genius, a prodigy only seen once every eon (he is a prodigy though so they're not too far off). Mikey shows them his 'magic hands' and the old coots practically faint.
-Meanwhile, Donnie gets similarly 'discovered' by the autobot Ministry of Science when they take notice of his remarkable intelligence and honestly? Donnie eats up the attention and praise. Perceptor and Wheeljack are fighting over who gets to mentor him and Donnie just does "Gentlemen, please, the answer is obvious; You both teach me everything you know. I want to know it all."
-Splinter, after becoming a mutant, turns into a cybertronian again but he looks really different so no one recognizes him. He's a beast-former now with a rat alt mode, about the height of Bumblebe (maybe even shorter). He kinda radiates this mystical air though, only perceivable to those with more spiritual senses, like Prowl.
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Edit: Added some ideas of what Bot-Splinter would look like, both before and after mutating.
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lyramundana · 11 months
Since @whatudowhennooneseesyou wants more and I’m a people pleaser, here’s another version, again based on another convo we had. 
This time is about my man, the icon, love of my life and the only person that makes me want to have children. His children only. My bias and the reason I got into Stray Kids. 
Christopher Bang
Now here’s the thing:
This man is a fuckboy. That much it’s obvious. Just look at his interactions with Stay and his messages on bubble. Not to mention he’s an aussie (and a former eshay) this men are the definition of “danger”, For fuck’s sake, his nickname among friends was “Mr Steal your girl”, which fits perfectly with a Libra’s description because that’s what they usually do: Stealing girls (and make anyone question their sexuality). 
Now there’s a wrongly extended misconception that fuckboys have to be “cold, sarcastic, too-cool-for-love type” type of dudes. That they go around wearing leather jackets, riding motorcycles and spend their days fucking everything that moves. But this isn’t it. A fuckboy is simply a man that gets off from being desired and having the people he wants at his mercy, specifically in bed. There’s not a settled manual of dressing and general behaviour to be one, the name says it all: A boy who fucks. Easy. 
Christopher it’s exactly that. He fools us with his good boy persona, acting all shy with pick-up lines but still fishing out for more. Showing off his muscles at every single opportunity he has (like that one concert where the members went to lift his shirt and he just let them, putting his hands behind his neck in surrender), but if you pay close attention, he doesn’t really hide his fuckboyish manners. I can’t explain it, but there’s something in his attitude, the way he speaks sometimes and acts, that screams “i make girls orgasm every week to relax”. 
“Does that mean I’m your daddy? MOvIng oN”
“You know what else is big?”
“Say please”
Do you need any more proof? I think not. Now back to my delulu intepretation of him:
Christopher is the type of bf that would feel that he must be the "caregiver" of the relationship. He's the one who leads, who provides, who looks after you. That's his role and you shouldn't ever take that away from him. You can take care of him for a change sometimes because he also needs some coddling and attention, but most of the time, he's in charge. I think raising his members by himself for so long has enhanced this side of him. He's very protective, very picky and a perfectionist, so his partner has to learn patience because this man can be mentally and emotionally exhausting for them.
In his toxic version, he's extremely controlling and possessive. He doesn't let you hang out with other boys, or anyone he doesn't approve of. He makes big decisions over your own life for you because "he knows what's best". He'll treat you more like an accessory that needs to look good on him rather than a person. In his mind, you belong to him and that's final. If gets hit on, he’ll accept it with zero regrets and may return the gesture. He’ll show it when he likes someone’s physically and may flirt with them, but you’re not allowed the same behaviour. He expects you to be always at his beck and call, but he’ll most likely never be completely loyal to you. Funny thing is that he truly believes he loves you and you should be grateful for all he does for you. He simply wants his partner to be the best version of themselves, and if that casually fits his standards of perfection, well, does it matter? Every single thing you do has to pass through him first. He’s the type to end fights with angry sex and call it “talking things out”. He’ll make sure you never move on from him. If you break up, he’ll be the ex that still calls you “his” and sabotages your love life. He’ll manipulate you to the point you’re totally dependant of him, his perfect delicate doll. Remember this guy is one perfectionist dude and he has very high standards, and as his partner, he expects you to meet at least some of them.
As a yandere, he’ll be pretty much the same, with the difference that he won’t look at anyone else and he’ll never be unfaithful. He’s a smooth motherfucker, and so he knows how to keep you with him subtitly without you noticing. He’ll isolate you from everyone else, planting seeds of suspicion in your mind and pushing you to overthink stuff and doubt everthing around you, becoming almost paranoid. He’ll deliberatly create situations than can be easily misunderstood so you come running to him for comfort, believing he was right all along, while he hugs you tightly and kisses your hair, smiling to himself at seeing you right where you’re supposed to be. He’ll use every dirty asshole trick during arguments to win. Gaslight, pulling out insecurities, emotional manipulation, everything. He’s mad at you for not behaving the way he wants to but he doesn’t want you to leave him either.  He’ll start fight with you with the twisted purpose of getting you to be vulnerable and having the excuse to put you in your place. He does everything for you and gets angry if you try to do stuff for him. Your autonomy is taken away and you can’t leave him. Ever. He has a way to make you feel so loved, so cared for, so desirable, that you won’t notice the darkness closing around you until it’s too late. 
As a normal person, he’s also territorial, but in a relatively healthy way. His caregiver complex is still off the roof tho. He feels like it's his duty (and also his joy) to take care of you and make sure you're content. This man, when he loves, he does wholeheartedly. He worships the ground you walk on, he sees you as a heaven sent angel just for him, he adores you and would give you the world if he could. He hates when you go to other people for comfort or advice, because in his eyes, who's gonna help you better than him? He lives off feeling needed, of having you rely on him. He doesn't let it get to the toxic point because he's mature like that, but there are times that he wishes he could hide you from the world and keep you to himself. If he's in a bad mood, the members know they only have to bring you where he is and suddenly it's all good. The bad mood might not always wear off, but at least he wouldn't snap at anyone if you're there.
He gets shy with other people's compliments, but with you? He pulls out the fuckboy manual. He loves to make you blush, push your body against him and whisper the most indecently, spiciest pick-up linea. Those wicked pick-up lines he's not allowed to use with Stay? You've heard all of them. His incessant need for control purrs when he has you all flustered and nervous under his hands, submitting for him. We treat it as a running joke but I truly believe this man is an Alpha in an alternative universe.
The type of bf to assert his claim over you by physical contact. Throwing an arm around your shoulders, grabbing you by the waist, pushing his hand in your lower back to guide you. He makes sure you're never far from him when you guys are out. Another dude staring at you too much? He moves right by your side or behind you to send him a message. He's another one that loves seeing you wearing his stuff. The type to place his coat/jacket on your legs or shoulders, not only to keep you warm, but also to mark you even further as his person.
Honestly most of your fights are because of his jealousy, because when it comes to other problems, he talks it out like a champ and communicates his feelings. The only thing that makes his blood boil is the idea of losing you, especially to someone else. He can't stand people getting close to what he considers his. Like I said, an Alpha.
If I don't stop here this post will never end. Feel free anyone to add your own opinion about the matter.
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s-i-n-i-s-i-n · 10 months
Carmen Sandiego
Outfit Ranking Season 2!!!
Here is a link to part 1
We will not rank the outfits that were already ranked in Season 1 and that also appear in Season 2. We will just look at them again because why not? Lets get them out of the way.
Dive suit Rate: Awesome
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Mumbai outfit Rate: Sexy
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Jammies Rate: Comfy
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Red Hoodie Rate: Cool
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Red Coat Rate: Hot!
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Now that we have seen the already seen awesomeness. Let's get into it.
Number 7: Hospital gown!
...does it count?
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I mean, quite unfortunate to be in a hospital. But at least they let her keep her makeup? Cmmon! Those lips are way too red to not be make up. The nurses were like: She's frozen but that doesn't mean she can't be glamorous.
Number 6: Training outfit.
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Always protect the face. She will break yours while looking awesome.
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Did you notice that triangles are a common thing on her clothes? Should we make a conspiracy theory about it?
Number 5: Russian outfit
A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism the Red Ghost! привет Comrade Carmen!
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She looks fashionably warm!
Number 4: Model dress.
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She looks great. Boob window and all. The slit on the skirt. But even more that that: She can fight in heels.
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And throw them too. I see she has a thing for throwing shoes.
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She looks nice! But if you ask me I prefer the Auction dress from season 1.
Ok now. The three first places!!! But before that, you know it: Three honorable mentions!
Honorable mention #1
The cutest baby ever. My goodness!
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She was the best toddler pick pocketer. Probably the only one.
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Honorable mention #2
Fashion's latest scream! A very elegant coat made out of... the remains of a glider. Kudos to Carmen for making the best out of an awful situation.
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To this day I hate Chief for this. Hate her deeply. Carmen might forgive her but I do not.
Honorable mention #3
Carmen's dream hats. They are imported. They are here because that hat is so iconic it made its way into the subconscious world.
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Third Place: Safari outfit.
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Oh my glob. Can she look cuter than this? I know it doesn't appreciate here but she is wearing a red belt. Can not be a Carmen outfit without red. Nice very nice outfit. She looks super cool.
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And my goodness, those legs!
Second place: Dubai Dress.
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This one was difficult for me. I almost gave it the first place, because she looks so damn elegant and sexy! She has a cape, A CAPE! She looks like a woman that anyone would obey at the snap of her fingers.
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And a hairdo! And the earrings! Little splashes of red.
Stunning! simply stunning.
First Place: Moto GP
I am biased. I love motorcycles. And I love Carmen. And Carmen in a motorcycle? What else could I ask for?
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I may be cheating here because I´m counting the bike as part of the outfit. She looks super hot on a Ducati, sue me.
Look at her going! Vrroooom!!!
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So fast. So skilled. So sexy. AAAAaaaahhh! Look at the technique! The counterbalance! She might not now how to drive a car but she surely knows how to ride.
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Rock and Ride!
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I made so many gifs and I am not sorry. Brrrrhaaaababababammmm! Rrrrev it girl!
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Akira style! So good so good. Hoo baby, that's hot!
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I'm just curious about where in VILE island could have she learned how to ride a bike. I'm not complaining though.
That's it folks. See you at Season 3 outfit ranking!
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ljones41 · 1 year
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"TOMORROW NEVER DIES" (1997) Review Recently, I had watched "TOMORROW NEVER DIES", Pierce Brosnan’s second outing as James Bond. Roger Spottiswoode directed the 1997 Bond movie. It co-starred Michelle Yeoh, Jonathan Pryce and Teri Hatcher.
  When I first saw "TOMORROW NEVER DIES" many years ago, I had a low opinion of it. I wish I could say that my opinion of the movie has improved over the years after this latest viewing . . . but I would be lying. TOMORROW NEVER DIES had some highlights, but unfortunately, it possessed more negative traits than positive ones. I think it would be best if I list both the good and the bad about this movie: Positive: *What else can I say? Michelle Yeoh. *I found Bond’s romantic scene with a Danish linguist rather sexy. *The film's foreign locations – Hamburg and Thailand (as Vietnam) - looked more lovely, thanks to Robert Elswit's cinematography. *Bond and Wai-Lin’s escape from Caver building in Vietnam proved to be one of the better stunts I have seen in the entire Bond franchise. *Thanks to Roger Spottiswoode's direction and Michel Arcand's editing, I thought the Saigon motorcycle chase was handled very well. *Pierce Brosnan gave a very natural performance, especially during his scenes with Yeoh. *Oddly enough, I rather liked Vincent Shirerpelli as Dr. Hamburg. He proved to be a more interesting henchman than Mr. Stamper. And his death proved to be even more interesting. *Mr. Gupta seemed like a pretty sharp and cool guy. *The movie's main theme song, performed by Sheryl Crow - what can I say? I realize it is not regarded as one of the best theme songs from the Bond franchise. But I have always had a soft spot for it, thanks to Crow's vocals and the lyrics she co-wrote with Mitchell Froom. I mean . . . the song did earn a Golden Globe nomination. Negative: *Brosnan's angsty scenes with Teri Hatcher seemed stiff and unnatural. And his voice sounded odd in scenes featuring Bond's attempt to suppress his emotions. *Why did the director Roger Spottiswode, have Brosnan shooting two machine guns at once during the final confrontation on Carver’s boat? The actor looked like a walking action movie cliché. *I thought Jonathan Pryce had portrayed one of the most overbearing and annoying villains in the Bond franchise. Only Sophie Marceau in the latter half of "THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH" may have surpassed him. *Is it just me or is the plot of this Bond movie seemed like an extended rip-off of a "LOIS & CLARK" episode from its first season? Perhaps the discovery of Teri Hatcher’s casting must have given screenwriter Bruce Feirstein an idea. *Why is it that nearly every sentence directed by Ms. Moneypenny to Bond came off as a sly, sexual joke? Their dialogue grew very annoying. *Spottiswoode managed to transform Bond and Q’s Meeting in Hamburg into a hammy production number. Q was simply in Hamburg to hand over an armored company car to Bond. What a bore and a waste of time! *Carver's top minion, Mr. Stamper, struck me as a second-rate version of Red Grant from "RUSSIA WITH LOVE". Where was Robert Shaw or Andreas Wisnewski when you need them? *The entire car chase sequence inside a Hamburg parking structure featured Bond using a remote control . . . ah, never mind! The entire sequence struck me as a bore. Even worse, it happened after the marvelous Bond/Kaufman scene. What a waste of my time. *Despite all of the gunfire exchanged and the other action during the final confrontation sequence aboard Carver’s boat, I thought it was too long . . . and boring. *Joe Don Baker seemed wasted in this film as C.I.A. liaison Jack Wade. *Bond’s Cover as a Banker – I am beginning to suspect that Bond makes a lousy undercover agent. By opening his mouth and hinting at Carver’s boat, he ended up exposing himself. What an idiot! *Teri Hatcher seemed wasted in this film. And her angsty scenes with Brosnan seemed forced - almost unnatural. TOMORROW NEVER DIES did managed to produce a few favorite lines of mine: Favorite Lines: "Believe me, Mr. Bond. I can shoot you from Stugartt and still create the proper effect." – Dr. Kaufman to Bond BOND: "You were pretty good with that hook." WAI-LIN: "That’s from growing up in a rough neighborhood. You were pretty good on the bike." BOND: "Well, that comes from not growing up at all." "No more absurd than starting a war for ratings." – Bond to Carver KAUFMAN: "Wait! I am just a professional doing a job!" BOND: "So am I." (Then kills Kaufman) Despite some virtues, "TOMORROW NEVER DIES" is not a favorite movie of mine. In fact, it is my least favorite James Bond movie featuring Pierce Brosnan. Unfortunately, director Roger Spottiswoode seemed unable to elevate Bruce Firstein's generic screenplay marred by an unoriginal plot and one of the hammiest villains in the franchise's history. Hmmm . . . too bad.
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whereiselsewhere · 2 years
Grand Theft Amor; M. Jeevas
In which you cash in a favour with Mello, and leave with his roommate’s number.
Category: Fluff, Crack, First Meeting, Fem Reader
Author’s Notes: So uh, im really sorry I lost the motivation to keep writing 😭 However I DID start a one shot. So, this is about 1/3 to 1/2 of what I had planned out. I hope you like it nevertheless. Maybe if you guys actually wanted it I can finish it sometime?? This has been sat in my drafts a while, but perhaps someone out there might still like what I did have. :)
Word Count: Not much-
The air is crisp and cool tonight. It’s late October, and despite how short of a walk this was, you’re slightly regretting not bringing any form of jacket. Oh well. This is an in and out job anyway. You half shuffle on one spot, waiting to be buzzed into the apartment block. It’s a little shifty down here, considering it’s a more tucked away road with no one seeming to be around. You’re contemplating pressing the button again, second guessing if you even had the right number, when the door unlocks, as if in perfect timing.
When your friend had their motorcycle break down, they’d come to you urgently for help. Instead of comforting them, like anyone else would have done, you’d had the idea to call on an old friend from a few years ago to see if he could do anything about it. He wasn’t a professional, as far as you knew, but he had a similar bike when you knew him and so that was the best you could do. You weren’t expecting much of a result or response at all, but alas, Mello actually came through. And so, here you are now, making your way up the stairs to his new apartment.
Though, the face that answers the door when you get up there is not one that you recognise. He’s a brunette in a striped shirt, with a thick pair of goggles around the top of his head. He’s definitely not a bad looking guy. Now you came to think of it, he somewhat resembles Mello’s description of a childhood friend he’d mentioned a few times before. His one hand is leaning near the top of the door, holding it open, while the other is stuffed into the pocket of his jeans. His eyebrows are raised and he’s almost smirking if you look closely enough.
“Is Mello here?” You ask, putting your own hands in your pockets, subconsciously mirroring his body language. A common sign of attraction, just not one either of you picked up on.
“Yeah, he’s here. Just give me one second.” He lets the door go and it slams fairly loudly due to the weight, and it’s followed by muffled shouting. Aside from that, you’re left in your own awkward silence. You take a short look around, then make the decision to stop and subtly listen in, to see if you can hear anything about yourself.
“Mell! There’s a cute girl here to see you!”
“Yeah, H/C haired girl! You didn’t tell me you had a date?”
“I don’t-“ You can’t make out the rest, but Mello’s roommate is snickering to himself as he opens the door a couple minutes later.
“Cute girl, huh?” You inquire, putting on an unfazed front to cover for the fact that simply one comment alone was enough to fluster you.
“Yeah.” He looks you up and down, completely and obviously checking you out.
“Do you say that to a lot of girls or is it just me?” You’re pretty sure it’s the first option, since he doesn’t even know you or why you’re here.
He dodges your question with one of his own,“Awfully inquisitive aren’t we?”
“It’s not exactly a complicated question, dude.” Yeah, calling him dude will swat away any interest in you. Nice going, Y/N.
He suddenly hunches over as he would have if you’d have punched him in the stomach, clutching at his side and hissing in fake pain. “It’s alright, I can take a bit of venom.”
“Oh please, it’s hardly venom. I’m just too lazy to return to favour for someone who will rinse and repeat with the next girl who comes along, ya feel?” You mentally hit yourself again. How badly are you ruining your own chances right now? It’s kinda laughable, and not in a quirky cute sense.
Luckily for you, he doesn’t seem to be too put off. “Oh, so you think I’m cute too?”
“I’ll plead the fifth on that one. Is he here or what?”
“Yeah, sure. But if you ever get bored of him, you’re always welcome in my company. It wouldn’t be with anyone else if you’d let me get to know you, I can tell you that much.” He steps aside and you find your way into the living room. You’re unsure whether you should sit down, so you end up just hovering there as the conversation continues.
“You don’t even know my name, but you never know, maybe I’ll take you up on that offer.”
Mello approaches from the hall as you stand to one side
“Sorry about him, Matt’s a total dick.” He narrows his eyes with suspicion, before rolling them and letting on a half smile.
“Pshh, it’s fine. I figured as much.” You smirk at Matt, somewhat teasingly. Diverting your attention back to Mello, you start slowly digging through your pockets for the money, “How much was it for the bike parts altogether?”
“Let’s call it 20,000 yen?” Mello responds promptly. “I wouldn’t usually just give This stuff out but I do owe you a favour.”
“Bet.” You nod, handing him the cash. “It’s very much appreciated.”
Mello disappears again, heading back out into the hall and leaving you with Matt. For a moment or two, it’s deadly silent, and just as you go to break it, he beats you to it.
“A girl who fixes cars, huh?”
You turn around on one heel to face him, “You wish. I’m not that cool. Just running an errand for a friend, I’m ‘fraid.” You shrug.
“Hm, that’s a shame. We almost had something in common.”
You take a glimpse at the TV, noticing the paused game menu looked familiar. “We might do. GTA, huh?”
“Yup. You any good or what?”
You respond with, “I’m alright”, though the cocky grin you’re wearing says a little more than that. “Nothing major, not like I’ve been playing since I was a kid or anything.”
“See, I knew I’d like you.”
Again, Mello emerges, carrying a rather large cardboard box in his arms. “I’d hang around and talk, but I’ve gotta rush out-“ He starts, but you cut him off, shaking your head. “Don’t worry about it, I’ve got it. I should probably leave too soon anyway.”
Mello breathes a sigh of relief that he hasn’t offended you and places the box on the nearby counter. He’s not always so considerate, but he subconsciously makes the exception for an old friend. It takes a weight off of your own shoulders too, to see that you’re welcome. You’d been hesitant to contact him at first, maybe typing out and deleting your message a few times. It’s good to see that it went well.
He grabs his coat and puts on a pair of boots he’d left by the door earlier, “See you soon maybe, Y/N.”
“Yeah, see ya.”
You go to retrieve the box, and Matt’s voice returns again. “Hm, nice name.”
“You think so?”
“Sure. Plus, now I know your name, maybe you’ll play for 10 with me.” He adds, trying to not seem so desperate, ultimately failing, however. He doesn’t exactly give you time to answer, after all, “Get comfy. Mi casa es su casa!”
“Do you know a lot of Spanish, by any chance?”
“Ha, nope.” He responds matter-of-factly. Well, it is a popular catchphrase, you suppose. So much for that conversation starter. Oh well, things don’t feel as stiff and forced by this point anyway.
He tosses the controller to you without warning as you take off your shoes and sit down on the sofa, with catching it swiftly in one hand. “Hey, I know where you’re at. Let me see if I can get this mission in record time.” You laugh, and you think Matt might be doubting you a little still, though he doesn’t drop any obvious signs of it. He’s only dropping more signs that he’s into you.
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mxddyhero · 2 years
Character relationship asks: Juza, Muku, and Kumon!!
AHH,, hi Percy!! Unfortunately, Kumon is kinda a squick for me, so I'll just be doing Juza and Muku. I hope that's okay!! >.<
describe their canon relationship/dynamic
Oh man... they are just two sweet boys who deserve all the good things in life. They think the world of, truly respect and admire each other. Best cousins fr,, I'm so glad they repaired their strained relationship and found something so meaningful to the both of them to bond over and be passionate about, giving them both so much confidence and new life. They're truly the sweetest, and support each other through thick and thin.
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
Honestly canon is my ideal version. The miscommunication when Juza first joined Mankai and didn't want anyone to know they were related at first was frustrating, but given how emotionally constipated Juza was at the time and how low Muku's self-esteem was, it makes sense and just made their reconciliation all the more cathartic <3
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
It's just so sweet dude like. They're so insecure but think the other is so cool and they're so alike but have no idea ahsvhsv,, it's so silly!!!
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
To Muku, it solidified that he is important as he is, and he doesn't need to be a track star or shoujo prince to have worth. Just knowing he can be an inspiration to someone like Juza, well that's just so cool!!! I think Muku always saw Juza as somewhat unapproachable, and now actively able to reach out to him and help him just by being himself is such a huge honour for him, and not a responsibility he takes lightly. He knows that while Juza is older, Muku has a lot more experience with people and he's willing to help him adjust however he can!!
And Juza thinks the world of his lil cousin, for being so brave and being able to take the steps he always wanted to in order to grow his confidence!! I think it was harder for Juza simply because he was used to isolating himself and never really had the peers Muku had (like in his track team etc.), so that initial step was the hardest but he's so glad he took it, even if it got Banri on his back. He's so incredibly proud of Muku, and doesn't hesitate to tell him that and will always go above and beyond to try to make up for his past misgivings (even if they weren't a huge deal, he wants to make ammends and properly).
favorite interaction they have in canon
After Picturesque closing night, when they told everyone they were cousins and Juza let Muku call him Juchan <3 that melted my heart soo much ue ue ue...
AND for the Beach event, when they reminisced about going to the beach as kids and really opened up to each other properly for the first time,, it was so sweet. It was the first event I played in en, and I was so in love with them just supporting each other.. like they are both so drastically different and yet so similar at the same time and neither of them realise it.
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Ngl, I haven't read Phantom Thief yet, I'm so behind ahsvhdv,, so maybe that'll change if/when I read the translation BUT either way those moments mean the world to me i hold them soo gently...
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
Honestly, I'd love to see Juza sitting in on a shoujo manga club meeting and them having him act out being a prince. I feel like because Sakyo and Juza are so similar and they're troupemates, Juza would feel comfortable enough to do so even with an extended audience of Kazunari (as long as he promises not to film it and post it to instablam). Like, yknow this one webmanga panel.
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I imagine it'd be a lil like that <3 it'd let Juza practice a role he doesn't get to often, and Muku already thinks Juza is so cool, he'd be so enamoured seeing him as a prince!!
I'd also love for the Muku Banri earn cash chat to be real, and Banri teaches Muku to fight. Like we already know Muku can shove Juza to the floor with his strength, boy is Stromg. Like Banri is just training with him in the courtyard and then has to run for his life because Juza is just stood there like 🧍‍♂️ BUT as soon as Banri scrams, Juza'd rush over to Muku and make sure he was okay and Muku would be like, "I'm so sorry Juchan, it's all my fault. I asked him to teach me so i wouldn't be a defenceless wet lettuce leaf..." and then Juza takes him for ice cream <3
They r so scrumbly I care them so much...
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cowboyhorsegirl · 1 year
Cybersix character ranking?
this is simultaneously so much easier and so much harder than trying to rank the succ characters bc there are so many characters in cybersix who I genuinely love and my ranking is literally just all my faves are number 1 and everyone else is number 2 😅
But if we're being thorough about it (and by thorough I mean just the characters I remember off the top of my head), then I think my ranking would go something like this:
Tie between Adrian/Cybersix & Lucas: I simply can't choose between them, I tried and I can't. They're both so good and such wonderful characters and I love them and their love for each other with all my heart <3
Dataseven: the existence of Dataseven appeals very specifically to the part of me who gravitated towards all the animated cat characters I grew up with and whose first favorite animal were snow leopards. Also he's cool as fuck with a great backstory. The realest catboy.
Lori: controversial take perhaps?? That Lori is so high on this list?? But idk I like that Lori is the person who Cybersix reveals their identities to, I like that Lori instantly hops on that motorcycle with Lucas and goes towards the bomb in an effort to try and help and/or save Cybersix without thinking twice about it, and I personally like that Lori has a crush on Adrian. Which is not to say that I like Lori x Adrian as a ship, but it feels very real for what reads to me as a closeted/repressed/unaware queer kid to have a crush on the most androgynous teacher in school you know? I think there's probably more depth to Lori than the show had time to explore.
Griselda: episode 12 ahhhhhhh!!!!! First of all I just have to say that my feelings towards seeing Griselda & Cybersix on screen together are exactly the same as my feelings towards Madame Hydra & Black Widow in EMH. Two extraordinarily pretty women who represent opposing ideals having a power struggle!! I mean not to be a lesbian but— Aside from that though, I think it's so interesting how Griselda seems to be an upgraded version of Cybersix, and one of the only villains who actually stood a real chance at beating him. I would have loved to see more of her character, more interaction between her and Cybersix. It's heartbreaking that the moment she seems to decide that Cybersix needs to be the one that lives, she resigns herself to being the one who has to die to allow that to happen. It makes sense to me why Griselda would think that in the narrative as I imagine that binary response may have been a holdover of her conditioning at the hands of Von Reichter. She's been ordered to capture Cybersix by any means necessary, so even though she's now realized that Cybersix is not her real enemy, she still can't let go of the notion that in order for one of them to live, the other must fail. Personally, I don't think she's really dead (and I also don't think either Cybersix or Dataseven are dead either) so I hope they all find each other post-canon and become a bad bitch triumvirate. My only gripe with Griselda is why is she named that?? Why isn't she also called a Cyber or a Data or some other type of Technocreature? Why does she get a real name??
Elaine: hot werewolf lady, what's not to love? I think Elaine should get to join the bad bitch triumvirate too (maybe the triumvirate is cybersix, griselda, and elaine instead of cybersix, dataseven, and griselda who knows we're just having fun with it). I like that she both bewitches Lucas body & soul and also that she indirectly turns him into a werewolf, like what can't she do! She has the range. I like her hair. I am a big fan and honestly I do support women's wrongs xoxo
Terra: 😢😢 I'm very sad about his story. Unlike Griselda, Cybersix, or Dataseven, I really do believe that Terra is dead. I love how many villains are redeemed because of Cybersix's kindness and compassion, and I believe Terra was the first of those villains (save for Dataseven who I think is in a category of his own because of his & Cybersix's shared history). And the way Terra was animated just lent to such an expressive character that made his death hit even harder, even though he isn't as human in his appearance. In any case, I'm pretty sure that he and Griselda are the only villains to sacrifice themselves for Cybersix, and the show did a good job of conveying the emotional weight of those moments for both Terra & Griselda.
Julian: I didn't mean for julian to be this far down on the list lmao i just kept forgetting to add him and now he's down here. But tbh he belongs in this spot, I like him but I'm just not as interested in him as a character. I do really like that his sleight of hand recurs throughout the series in the form of multiple different skills like his ability to pickpocket, do card tricks, and make string figures. I think that's a cool bit of character building and I love how they all consistently incorporate his dexterity. I'm very concerned about his living situation. I guess he's just a little subway boy now?? I also like that it seems as though Dataseven is his main pseudo parent figure lmao (if anything Cybersix is the cool aunt to Dataseven's exasperated guardian wrt Julian)
Yashimoto & Ikiko: ugh these two... Aside from the racist caricatures, I really did like these characters. I respect how Yashimoto doesn't take Jose's case at first and that he doesn't fold to Jose's initial intimidation tactics. It's endearing how much Yashimoto cares for his little sister and it's fun to see how clever he is when he realizes he can work together with Cybersix to get Ikiko & Julian back instead of carrying out Jose's wishes completely. Plus I think Ikiko is cute! I like her friendship with Julian!
Enrique: he's a cop (boo!) but Julian needs all the help he can get so I'm glad there's another adult around who cares about him (yay!). Anyone else think it was weird how Jose (& I assume by extension Von Reichter) both brainwashed Enrique and the other cops and gave them military-grade weapons, but after Enrique shed the mind control he still held on to the military-grade weapons? Just me? There's a not insignificant chance that I'm overthinking it.
The Tentacle Creatures: I don't actually feel any strong type of way about the various tentacle creatures in Cybersix, but if I had a nickel for every tentacle monster in this kids show, then I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice in the space of only 13 episodes🤨🤨🤨
The Fixed Ideas: cool name, cool concept. I feel as though these guys were probably more redeemable than Cybersix gave them credit for lol. I especially kind of like the Fixed Ideas as maybe a commentary on the way fascism packages up complex societal issues as an oversimplified and uncomplicated 'us vs. them' framework, which makes it easier to get people to follow along with your ideology (read: easier to follow your orders 👀). I'm not entirely sure if that metaphor was intentional in either the comics or the tv show (I'm not even sure if the Fixed Ideas were in the comics at all though I imagine they probably didn't make them up solely for the tv show), but that's how I read them and I think it's an interesting way to view those characters.
The Eye: I did not like the eye, I do not like eye gore, I am very squeamish about eyes, overall I was not having a great time in the episode (but that's more a me problem than a That Episode problem). I will give props to the episode for that one moment where Cybersix makes the eye hypnotize itself by holding a mirror up to it because that was both a cool lil moment of creative on-the-fly problem solving on her part and also bc it was animated exceptionally well. And I'm giving myself a pat on the back because I saw the scene of Lucas demonstrating how liquid nitrogen works and immediately was like 'Oh I know exactly where this episode is going' (yes I know it's a kids show but I still felt Very Smart for picking up what they were so obviously putting down).
Jose & Von Reichter: literally Nazis. Also Jose is annoying.
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nemorialex · 2 years
First Ride
For Alex’s 22nd birthday, their brother got them a bike. It would be a quaint gesture if it wasn’t a full motorcycle, which came with it’s own charging garage, and already-paid-for lessons to boot. Never, for one second, think that Zack Miller does things half-assed when it came to spending money or spoiling his family (unless he finds it funny.)
Alex unlocks the garage and flips on the light. In the middle under the spotlight is a simple, small motorcycle with a black teardrop shaped body and silver trimming. Alex didn’t know what sort of brand or make or model it was, and for the most part didn’t much care either. It was a bike! And that was just cool.
For a moment Alex simply sits on the vehicle. Unplugged, helmet on, engine off, getting a feel for the shape underneath them, treating it carefully like it was a slumbering beast they were hesitant to wake up. They’ve studied manuals and rules of the road inside and out. Aside from actually getting a test and being awarded a license (something which, while the right thing to do, still seemed questionable to them somehow...) they had everything they needed.
To say the past few days have been weird would lead to an odd spiral that leads to “the past entirety of their life has been weird.” That being said, Alex felt a sort of jumpstart as of late. A refresh. Something had knocked some sense into them and it was too soon to tell if it was nonsense or just the sort of kick they needed. It jostled them from confident joy one day and crushing anxiety the next. Which brought them to here and now, carefully starting up the engine and feeling it roar to life underneath them. They close their eyes. More than the rumble shaking their ribcage, they can sense the ripples it leaked into the earth beneath. Even on tiptoes, through boots, if they really focused, they could feel the echoes of this beast make it’s presence known farther out than could be seen. 
Their eyes flutter back open. That’s not why they’re here. They aren’t going to tap into something supernatural or profound here, or try to reawaken or stretch any ill-used powers on their part. They are here for the basic, deafening urge  that has been calling to them for a long time now, that they haven’t given into thanks to obligations or illness. 
They need to RUN. 
And with that thought they rev the engine once and peel out of the garage, barely remembering to hit the button to close the door on their way out. It is so, so much faster than using feet alone, and despite the fact that they’re just sitting and barely moving, their heart races with the pace of it. The helmet muffles out most of the chittering, purring song of the electronic beast, but they hear it regardless and enjoy the white noise. It’s not Nothing, but it’s nothing that their brain can focus on either. It’s a basic pleasure. An indulgence. 
Alex is careful to only take backroads and long stretches of straight-aways. The busy city and the twisting mountain paths were no place for an novice rider. For now, anyway. Despite the adrenalin of the moment, they were only going about 30 mph. There was a voice in their head praising them for remembering to be safe and to figure out how to brag to Frenchie about their level-headedness later. In the meantime, Alex would drive as long as they could stand or the battery would last, whichever came first. Then they’d carefully portal back to the garage and lock this marvelous machine away until another day. 
Another day perhaps very, very soon.
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the-firebird69 · 4 days
The large projects we started that has really kicked off a ton of events and other projects and Israeli mentioned is our legal project. By vital and goddess wife and for all my years I would never have expected them to latch on to this so hard but our son and daughter say it's either them or a goo and oya yeah We do understand and we see their repressed and this is a way for them to see what's going on and to get involved with all the details and it educates them and us as to how things were happening and it is a teaching tool as well but it is setting them straight and it started off everything. Starting a larger program that will encompass this particular topic and it will begin shortly we have a few hundred thousand lawsuits it's not what we are planning on doing we are going to ramp it up and we are having meetings in a series for it to begin next week. He should be commended and she for just an outstanding job and valor for what he's been putting up with. It's a massive number of threats and disgusting behavior and it is constant and right on his personage and it is a motivator a teaching tool and a training device and those things have to keep in mind to throw up And her son and daughter said that last three words or four words. True. Large projects we are kicking off and they are very effective we mentioned special projects on Friday and we'll list some of them is the stitch boat. It is about of great curiosity of people they're wondering how you can make a frame and bend things and so forth and use aluminum and they have this channel and then you frame on the inside and the channel stays rigid for the most part. And they're amazed there's a damn dancer there's an answer and they like it a stitch motorcycle frame is part of the program and it's going to come out too and it's for RTA as well as the stitch boat now we're thinking of sending cut sections of the metal it's prohibitively difficult to ship no but it's thus money for them to get it and easier than use templates and just simply cut it it takes less time and we've specified the material to meld which is very hard to ship otherwise. and it's gonna be great there's gonna be a ton of people doing it there were with the wooden one and there still are with the wooden one and they make the wood and they stitch it and they coat it with fibrillas that's the last thing you did and it works incredibly well and you joined it on the inside and you put the framing members in and you coat the inside and the framing members with fiberglass and people loved it they said this is a real boat no doubt about it and it was really really nice for a long time people dreamed about doing it. Now this is a new dream these boats are wicked cool and the melding material does sand and you put the sander to it real quick and it's very smooth and after a few days it hardens and you paint it and it's beautiful it comes out like a really really nice speedboat. The motorcycles go together very quick they go together faster than you would imagine the bolt ups are not very nice or safe they're not strong and the Chinese actually weld their bikes but this this is a great idea and we're going to try and get it approved and we're going to use it in our area and they'll see it. Another item that's going forward is a special project is a functional ebike most of these e-bikes don't go anywhere they go 7 to 10 miles and our sons it goes about 18 miles he says both of them actually but he has a beefy battery and it costs money.
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rafelix · 11 months
Who will fix me now? Dive in when I'm down? Save me from myself, don't let me drown
The bright light of his phone illuminating the dark of his trailer wasn't as offputting as it might have seemed, he'd been expecting it after all. At least, he'd been expecting a message - not the constant hum of vibration that signaled a phone call. Setting the half-empty bottle that he'd been drowning himself in, on the floor beside him, Rafe reached up behind him, snatching his phone from its charger, to see Sasha's name and frowned. She knew he hated talking on the phone, detested it, almost. Unable to unhear the time limit warning that would sound on the prison phones whenever he was given a call, he did what he could to avoid them at all costs. Such a truth only making him all the more curious as to why she'd thought to call instead of just replying to his last text.
He answered, "This better be life or death, Sash." A slip of the tongue as music drowned out everything he said. Her voice and a song she hadn't shared with him yet drew silence back into the darkness of his trailer as he listened. Sasha had never done this before, usually, he'd only be given a glimpse of the songs she'd yet to release after one too many drinks or if she couldn't quite figure out what might be missing from one of them and so the longer he listened, the more confused he seemed to become, "Sasha?" Pressing his shoulders deeply into the side of the couch, he pushed himself to sit up. "What am I listening for in this one?" Nothing. Just the click of the track ending. And the heavy sigh of another on the other end, as if they were trying to catch their breath. "Sash? The song began again and the call ended abruptly.
The low rumble of his bike died out as he pulled into Sasha's driveway eight minutes later and he briefly wondered if her fear and anxiety of the place after Harrison was killed - and outted as a murderer, should have been something he took more seriously. He didn't care that the kickstand didn't hold, the vintage motorcycle toppling over as he took the stairs to her front door three at a time. Nothing about this felt right; everything felt too still. His fist collided with the door, over and over until the force of it simply, popped the door open. Not locked? After everything that had happened, even with Izzy and Carter behind bars and Harry gone, Rafe knew there wasn't a hope in hell that Sasha would have stayed in this house without at least arming the locks and security. The music still played, echoing throughout the empty bones of the house and he didn't know what felt more wrong. That the house was warm and lit up like Sasha had been expecting someone or that she hadn't come running at the sound of him banging against her door - as if anyone could hear anything over the music. "Sasha? Are you here?" He shouted, heading towards the studio, poking his head into each open door he went past on the way, each empty room sending a cool shiver down his spine.
The door to her studio stood open slightly, the glow of light splashing across the tiled floor of the hallway and though he'd barrelled his way through the home, as he reached for this one, he paused. It was over, right? That's what the police - the media would have them believe, but nothing in Hidehill ever stayed buried. Fingertips pressed against the soundproofed door and stepped over the threshold.
It was louder in here, as the song started again, he almost winced against the sound as it rang out but no sooner had he moved to turn the volume down than his boot brushed caught against a microphone cord. And with it, the whole world stopped spinning.
Only feet away from where he stood, Sasha lay unmoving. Her lips were blue and the cord still coiled tightly around her throat.
He dropped to his knees, pulling Sasha from the ground to uncoil the cord as quickly as he could. Her skin still warm, but her eyes lifeless and cold. "Sasha? Baby? Can you hear me?" Hand shifted to either side of her face, as if willing her to take a breath, fingers pressing into the pulse point of her throat only to feel nothing but the steady thrum of death. It prickled heat in the corner of his eyes and swelled a knot in his throat so tightly that he almost cried out in solemn pain as he drew her closer to him.
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His arms curled tightly around her as everything within him broke. It flooded him, like waves crashing against a jagged and dangerous cliff face. Relentless, he felt the very life within him crushed underfoot as any warmth he might have offered her was wasted. "I'm sorry." He wheezed out between the hurtling ache in his chest as he cried, "I'm so sorry, Sash." He'd been so difficult, so jealous of the attention she gave to everyone else while he was right there - screaming internally to be seen - helped, heard. He'd done so much wrong by her; in lieu of all the things they'd been through together, he'd been angry and lost. He held her tighter, caught the scent of her shampoo, and felt a new wave of tension curl in his gut as another unruly sob tangled in her hair, "I love you." A sentiment caught between the press of his lips, and heard by no one.
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bikerssport · 2 years
Benefits of riding a motorcycle
They’re a Good Vehicle in Case of an Emergency
While learning to ride a motorcycle is a fun skill to acquire, there’s actually a lot more to it than just using it for a hobby. If, for whatever reason, you are caught in an emergency and only have a motorcycle as your source of transportation, your ability to ride becomes so much more valuable. Let me explain.
I once heard a story about a family that was working out in a field, miles away from any other house or phone. One of the family members, while using a hoe to till the dirt, accidentally stabbed his foot and began to bleed profusely. The only vehicle available was a motorcycle (the whole family had been carpooled there and dropped off). Luckily, a member of the family knew how to ride a motorcycle and drove it to the nearest town to alert a hospital to send an ambulance.
You never know what situation you may be caught in because life will throw us a few odd balls sometimes. This is a good way to be prepared in case you’re caught in an emergency situation. How grateful you would be if you could ride a motorcycle to end up saving your life or the life of someone else.
They’re Long Lasting
It’s difficult to put an exact life expectancy to a motorcycle; that entirely depends on the person who is riding it and taking care of it. Even with that considered, motorcycles still have a really long life expectancy with a little TLC.
I have restored over a dozen motorcycles, many of which were made anywhere from the 1960’s to the 1980’s and most of them didn’t require much engine rebuilding. That’s crazy for a vehicle to go 40 plus years without needing an engine rebuild!
If you provide your motorcycle with the love and care it deserves, it will give you back the love and care you deserve. Cars don’t last much longer than 20 years at best unless you’re willing to restore the engine and other complicated components that a car has.
Motorcycles are easy to take care of if you’re willing to give the few extra minutes every day. Making them last a long time doesn’t really require much effort. Keep them out of the elements by putting a cover over it and/or keeping it in the garage or shed, properly store it for the winter, keep it clean, and don’t constantly ride it like a madman.
Getting a Motorcycle License is Simple
If you haven’t already gotten your motorcycle license but you are thinking about getting one, don’t worry too much about what it will take to get your motorcycle license; it is relatively simple.
Every state is different with their requirements for individuals to obtain a motorcycle license. Generally, you need to get a permit first which requires a short written test and an eye exam. Usually the permit lasts about six months to a year. Once you get your permit, you’re free to practice riding around controlled areas such as parking lots, neighborhoods, etc.
Some states require that you take a motorcycle safety course. If your state does require a safety course and you successfully complete it you may not have to take your driving test or you get a discount on the fee required to get your license.
A motorcycle driving test usually doesn’t last longer than 5-10 minutes. It will consist of your instructor asking you where all your controls are and ask you to drive a specific way to demonstrate your ability to control the machine. It’s much less intimidating than getting a regular driver’s license.
It’s a Great Excuse to Get Close to Someone
Sometimes motorcycle rides are romanticized; you see movies or pictures of couples riding a motorcycle and you can see how in love they are. Here’s the thing though. It’s all true. Motorcycles can be very romantic.
If you’re wanting to ride a motorcycle simply because you want to look cool and pick up someone attractive and give them a ride, you’re not alone! That’s actually how I got started with riding motorcycles. I restored my first bike when I was in college and ended up taking several girls on dates with it. One of those girls ended up as my wife and we have very fond memories of our motorcycle rides together while we were dating.
Motorcycle passengers are usually left with no choice but to wrap their arms around you for safety reasons. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it if you’re rather fond of the person doing it. So go ahead, use this as an excuse to get those attractive people to ride with you.
They’re Easy to Fix
There might be some who will argue with me on this, but if you apply yourself just a little bit, you can absolutely fix your motorcycle yourself in most cases. I bought my first motorcycle when I was 22 years old and had literally zero experience with them. I fixed it up watching YouTube videos and reading online forums and was able to do all the fixes myself.
Motorcycles are not complex machines; they’re very basic and minimal and they were made that way on purpose. If fixing a motorcycle intimidates you, take a chance and try doing a repair yourself. You honestly don’t have much to lose. If you get stuck and have to take it in to the shop, well, you were planning on doing that anyway, right?
You only need a few basic tools to help you maintain your motorcycle. You don’t need to be a major gearhead to keep your motorcycle healthy.
Alongside the fact that motorcycles are easy to fix, once you get a better understanding of how they work, you’ll actually have a better understanding of how cars work, too. I started off restoring motorcycles and after I did so many, I became more comfortable with working on cars.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
YOO trailer dropped! What do you think of those legends?
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(This is a special edition review for the Scarlet and Violet trailer! After this, requests will go back to the usual oldest-first order.)
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You know, I'll be honest, I didn't think I'd like these guys much based on what our leakers said. Dragon (and psychic) weren't types I wanted to see more legendaries of, and I couldn't imagine the vehicle aspect in any way that didn't look either ridiculous or too inorganic. Plus I'm just not usually big on legendary designs in general.
So I was pleasantly surprised to find that I actually really, really like these guys. I'll have to find out more about both of them and let them sit with me for a while, but right now I'd say they're in my top 5 or so for legendary designs.
First, conceptually, I really like how both represent the past vs future (or rather, tradition vs innovation, I would wager) theme from the games. Like, you could never guess that Palkia and Dialga are space and time themed from their appearances, but here you can tell at a glance what they're going for, and that's always a good thing in my book.
And secondly, the way the motorcycle idea is integrated into both designs is super slick. The wheels on the chests actually look very organic, similar to how lizards tend to have neck frills and other protrusions to scare off predators. The handles being frills and horns is perfect, and even the seat is integrated in a way that you wouldn't notice it immediately. Also, the curved body shape in general makes them look very distinct visually.
I'd also like to note how clever the idea of ridable legendaries might be, depending on how Gamefreak handles it. One problem legendaries have always has is that you don't get them until basically postgame, and they're so OP when you get them that you have no reason to use or bond with them. If you can ride on these guys somewhat early on but can't catch them until later, it would be the perfect way to let players grow attached without giving them an uber-powerful Pokemon early on.
My only note in this regard is that I've heard the idea of vehicle form(s) tossed around, and frankly, am I the only one who doesn't want that? They already look like motorcycles, and can be ridden on as-is (assuming they can run on all fours in Koraidon's case). Making them Transformers overcomplicates things and simply doesn't feel needed.
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Between the two, Miraidon's probably the better designed, but Koraidon's probably my personal fav (mostly because I like the organic look more). Those huge feathers that serve as handlebars look really cool and compliment the flow of the design nicely, it's cool to see a dragon with feathers in general, and the design is pretty coherent as a whole.
Like a lot of legendaries, it's pretty busy visually. Thankfully, the repeated elements (like the feathers and the tire elements) make it read as a coherent whole despite this, which is also helped by the clear theme and unique design.
However, with that said, there are still a few details I think should've been scrapped:
That random white spot on the face
The white diamonds on the body. I get that they're meant to look race-like but it's a bit much
The black pads on the hands
The blue feathers coming off the elbows
That's really it though; the rest of it looks pretty amazing.
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Miraidon has the better design as a whole, mostly because it's got less details on it. In fact, the only thing that I think should've been simplified is the cluster of lines on the lower underbelly; the rest of it looks solid.
I really like the chest again here, this time going for more of a futuristic one-wheeled motorcycle instead of the traditional Harley. The plasma-like insides both work to make it look organic and inorganic at the same time, as do the sweet pixelated eyes.
I also like the built-in functionality on display, namely how the legs can unfold to form rockets/levitation devices. Both futuristic but also shows how much thought went into everything.
Overall, I'm pleasantly surprised with both of these two, and excited to see what the story behind them is.
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