#a lot of these characters take a bit of inspo from dnd
knightlight0800 · 16 days
i know y'all are inching to see the hero of light's newest friends, and i'll show you one of my favorites so far! (i've got like 3 left to make then i can show every one of them :3)
MEET LEVYN!!!!!!!!!
(the name means mist)
he/him prns
levyn is a fairy thats a wizard! when he was about 3 years old his mother passed away from inhaling too much poisonous mushroom spores during a foraging session (his father was absent), so he had to be sent to an orphanage. at age 7 he was fortunately adopted by a loving family. since he showed a lot of smarts, he was able to study to become a wizard and obviously he succeeded all at age 18. he's the youngest out of all the members :)
he can be very hyper around new people or nervous. his feelings can vary. he also exaggerates a lot and is rarely serious, but when he is, he doesn't fuck around. he's a silly guy overall :)
hope you like him!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mayakern · 2 years
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i felt like the dress i originally designed for vanetta (third image) didn’t feel quite right. the melding of multiple historical eras + modern sensibilities felt a bit clumsy and not regal enough, plus the silhouette just didn’t feel right.
vanetta is my newest dnd character and i’m playing her in a game where multiple characters from many different times and places have all been dragged together. vanetta is actually from an isekai romance novel that was written in modern day but takes place in a fake fantasy time period and she is the villainess of that novel (and also the OG soon to be crown princess/fiancée to the crown prince before the protagonist replaces her). because of this, playing around with stereotypes and the modern lens as it views historical fashion is an important part of her aesthetic, which is why i originally went for that 18th century skirt shape because i feel like that’s emblematic of our understanding of the ridiculous extravagance of the past, but at the end of the day i just don’t think it suited her as well.
i’ve included my brief sketch inspo/ideation in the second image but i figured out what i wanted pretty quickly so there’s not a lot there
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niamhthefae · 6 months
fantasy languages
hello there! are you a writer? or a dnd weirdo? do you want to create a weird fantasy language for fun? then that's why I'm here
so I'm going to take you step by step,through how I make mine using my main language for the world Rokhbhn (ro-weird throat noise-vun)
so, the first thing you need to do is work out phonics. are there certain letters that don't exist? double letters? is there anything you want to steal from other languages? for me this is the language that the fae type being's speak,so I wanted to take alot of things from the celtic language families,mostly Irish as I have the most experience with that. so I stole the double letters bh (V) and dh (W) as well as the Welsh LL. I also got rid of the letter w and q. w is represented with VV which almost looks like an uppercase W but not quite. I also made an original letter written as KH which is a little hard to explain,but think of a cat or a vampire hissing? it's a bit like that. very in your throat.
now you have an alphabet,you need to figure out if you're gonna go for the standard A B C D latin alphabet or some kind of custom lettering system. i really wanted my own lettering style, but alas,i am lazy as shit. if its just for a dnd campaign or for funsies then using someone elses for inspo or as your actual alphabet is ok as long as you mention who it actually belongs to. for a book people kight get anbit upset though. if not,you can search for fantasy alphabet on pinterest and get inspiration while you make your own. for this i decided i would use the elven alphabet (i think from the dnd manual? that was the credit on pinterest) :
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now if you have double or custom letters,you can either think of more symbols or double them up. I made my own
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now,you can get to actually making words.
one or two last things though! do you want masculine/feminine/neutral words? do you want formal and informal? and will you have tenses?
now you can make your words
heres a list of the basics that I started with
hello (formal)
bye (formal)
your/you're (ive made them the same word here)
their/there/they're (again,same word)
thank you
help (trust me,you will need this)
add a couple swears,the characters with this as their native language who speak common most of the time with the group will use these a lot. they don't necessarily need to be translations of swears,but you can do that. I have a few unique curses and swears and things.
brother (for the family trauma moments)
these are the basic ones I came up with first,then you can move onto more specific things,maybe "god" or "moon" or "chicken" are important words that you need for something. go ham,just make mouth noises until something sounds like it could be a word, and make up the phonics as you go
have fun! maybe I'll share some words and things from the one or two I've come up with in the future?
now go forth and make up silly little languages :)
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catsdoodleshop · 11 months
Which Project Should I Focus On Next?
I'll add some images and info about the new ideas under the cut
cyber meiker. big half body game with a bunch of body type options! but limited color palette and clothing options for first release. I want to add some fun background and foreground elements too.
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dnd/rpg series
Inspired by a *classic* dress up game...tbh might have to ask for a blessing of sorts to move forward with this one or modify it to distance it from the the original inspo a bit more
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Herosona/spider sona
Going to try for 3 base options, focus on suit design so there wouldn't be much for personal physical features like face, skin, hair. At least on a first pass. gotta keep that identity secret baby!
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grapefruit185 · 2 years
I am not good at writing!! I wish I was, but my thing is visuals, so I think of scenes and scenarios that my ocs get up to... with a basic story to back it up lol
The Difference in Distance:
Would be a movie that takes a lot of inspo from early 2000s indie films that are extremely pretentious and kindaa taking that piss out of them... but also not lol. I’d call it.. a coming of age story for boomers pushing 30 :P It’s a sort of meta film that the main character, Sam is creating with his super 8 and disposable cameras (lol). It jumps from the romanticized “movie” to “reality” and often the visuals are juxtaposed against one another to create the mood and tone of a certain scene. It’s set in Seattle in 2011 and follows the characters Sam, Leona, Florence, and Dante. They all decide to go on a trip around the country and end up learning a little something from one another. It would delve deep into insecurities, mental illness, nostalgia, and beauty in the mundane. I’ve had the idea that this could easily be a silent film with no dialogue, since it would rely heavily on visuals. And because of that, it’d be segmented into “parts” that would show a title screen with a poem or phrase that Sam wrote. The “movie” parts that Sam shoots would have Leona’s music playing over it, too. That’s pretty much it idk. It’s a very.... loose idea. 
Sam- He/him, bi, white. Used to be named Stellone and used to look like this. (him, florence, and dante are turning 10 next year holy....) He’s a writer and English class middle school teacher and lover of poetry, photography, and film making. 31 y/o who’s stuck inside his own head and struggles to go outside his comfort zone. Not for a lack of trying though, he just has a lot of anxiety. Is the husband of Leona, and adopted brother of Dante. 
Leona- She/her, bi, native american. 30 y/o singer songwriter of the band “Primrose” (includes her and 3 other people who’re old friends and neighbors). Used to be heavily involved in leftist politics and ran for local positions. Fell out of it after it got too stressful and got back into music, from when she was really into it in her teens. Though, she still incorporates some political imagery her song lyrics. And still occasionally helps out with others’ campaigns. Her and Sam both struggle with anxiety and find art as an outlet to express themselves and often collaborate on projects.
Florence- She/her, ???, white russian american. 24 y/o. She’s an enigma. Nobody knows what she does for a living or what she gets up to. Often she just shows up and causes problems on purpose. She struggles to take much of anything seriously and spirals out of control sometimes, though often ends up feeling guilty about it afterwards. Her and Dante are long time bffs. They are ride or die, even when they shouldn’t be. She owns an 80s vw van in which they use to travel the country in. 
Dante- He/him. Formerly known as Riley. Gay, Italian american ayy. 26 y/o. Part time Hollister cashier and taxi driver. Youtube vlogger in 2011. Materialistic. Turbulent, just like Florence. Does what he wants, when he wants. Often feels claustrophobic with things staying the same, and remedies that feeling with impulse buying. Sometimes it’s for himself, other times it’s to spoil his long list of friends, and his fam. He has two moms, who he loves very much and spoils them rotten.(.. i know italian american lesbians... unrealistic but it’s MY little world ok). As annoying as he sounds, he’s actually a really fun person to be around cause he’s always got something to say and somewhere to go. This extravertedness often helps Sam and Leona break out of their shell a bit... even if it ends up being a bit much at times.
(setting and character building often just end up blending together)
Risette- She/her, they/them. 29 y/o. Formerly “Rizzo”. A haughty French aristocrat who travels out west in search for adventure, but quickly realizes she’s stupid and actually gave up easy comfort. Now she’s stuck in a frozen desert called Folsom (setting like the mohave.. only cold) and needs to make her own way. She becomes a taxidermist/fur trader/shotgun surgeon who roams around the wastes on her reindeer-like mount named “Croque Monsieur”. She also sports new overtly american attire to blend in with the locals. She ends up becoming intrigued with the little town with its peculiar politics and “otherworldly” charm. Something’s up with Folsom.. and she’s gonna find out what.. Eventually she befriends a local named Roz. They both bond over art and travel and end up hitting it off. They team up to get the the bottom of the town’s strange history.
Roz- She/her. 27 y/o. She’s a woodworker/farmer/secret necromancer on accident. (Theme song is running up that hill by Kate bush😌) She moved out to Folsom in her early 20s in hopes of starting a woodworking shop, but ended up having to take up farming to make ends meet. She takes care of her brown and white spotted highland cow named Little Banjo. Her mom lives in the neighboring city of Limbo and Roz often travels to visit her, and vice versa. Her dad went missing when she was a kid and she's never really gotten over it. Roz is also very religious, but not a part of the local church. She doesn't agree with how politics and religion in her town are being enforced. It took a bit for her to really understand the impact that these town "leaders" had on their townspeople.. with the help of Risette, they start their investigation. 
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pendraegon · 3 years
WHOA your ocs are so cool!!! the merging of finnish and korean folktales is really really cool and i love the thought thats gone into everything, and especially their names! could you share a little on the worldbuilding you've done for them the glimpses you gave in your explanation sounded really interesting
anon hi!!!!! sorry for not responding to this sooner i uh. kinda forgot it existed bc i have a brain the size of a walnut<3
GOD im like. still extremely flustered by the fact that people are like..INTERESTED in my ocs? like. THEM? these freaks that i like. sprouted from my brain???? aosifja but also im like waaa of course i LOVE to talk about them thank u for asking it means a lot :pleading: :pleading: :pleading: (i’m on my laptop but jus timagine the emojis and a bunch of crying cats here)
OH so like it was much easier for me to come up with the worldbuilding bc it was all against the backdrop of the dnd campaign i was in at the time! the dm spoke about how the world they were creating and a little bit on like the belief systems in place and any tensions within various groups and i was like huh. okay. (i won’t get into it too much bc it’s not /mine/ to tell) but it’s legitimately AMAZING, if you ever want you should hit up rory @lesbianjiangcheng about their ideas on how to worldbuild bc [chef’s kiss]
but besides that everything else came from my own melon -- i think when ur creating characters it’s always like. bro you know what you like, the tropes ur into, the media or books that you like -- why not just play a puzzle and take a bit from everything and mash it into something new?? for me, i think everyone knows im into arthuriana and i KNEW i wanted to include the red hilt sword and then i was like oh shit. red hilt sword. red string of fate? and then it then snowballed into the fact that i wanted my oc to wear red armor or red silk or red something so that the red string/red hilt would be tangible and real and something undeniable. after that i was like, huh. well, i don’t want to fuck around the worldbuilding too much so how about an isolated village? and i of course, i fucking LOVE siblings and media that has strong sibling bonds, so i was like. of course jouka’s going to have siblings. (again since this was dnd) jouka’s a half-elf because i thought it would be a fun mirror in being a mixed kid and then i was like haha wait. what if jouka’s the oldest sibling but he has no power and right and duty? wouldn’t that be interesting? and so on and so forth aosfjdoas.
WAA I’M SO GLAD THA TLIKE THE FINNISH AND KOREAN MERGING SOUNDS COOL TO U TOO WAAA. im korean myself and ive always been interested in korean shamanism and i’m, let’s be real, i’m the kalevala’s bitch, so i was like i HAVE to include something or inspo from that as well. it like...it took me like a month or so to actually come up with everything and even then it took me ages to actually piece everything together nicely so that it all made sense and didn’t seem out of place or anything. like, for me i REALLY like joukahainen from the kalevala even though he’s like. he kinda sucks big time, and then i was like...well...the figure of seokga in korean shamanism is SO interesting (it also tied well into the whole moon/sun of the dnd campaign what with seokga being the person who destroyed the double moon and sun and introducing sin in the world). for me, it was super important to play INTO the tropes i like (“hero” turned villain, villain is actually the hero, the cranky overprotective brother who seems at odds with the world is the one who stands for justice and has a second chance at life which horrifies him because it goes against the fabric of the universe, the demure sister is actually the one with all the cards in her hand, the knife edge between love and hate and actually why can’t there be both?) but also emphasize the fact that this isn’t ALL that they are, that they’re all more than their sorrow and anger and joy and trauma and their past -- they all had to have someplace to go even if that destination was ultimately death. i have no idea if im actually answering any of ur questions but oajsfodiasck
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1 and 14 for All
dnd asks!
what influenced or inspired the creation of this character?
ori was. my attempt at branching out, i guess? both in terms of mechanics (martial fighter, she was my first charisma dump, low magic) and in terms of personality (grimdark backstory, openly angsty and broody from the get-go.) in terms of characters... yasha nydoorin, rogue xmen, prince zuko. among others. and then also. i like to structure my characters around fundamental questions. ori’s are: what is redemption when you didn't commit the acts that need redeeming? can destiny be something you run away from? conversely, can you run towards it? what drives someone to be A Tank? what does it mean to have your trauma (literally!) kept in your body? what are the physical and mental ramifications of magic influenced by emotion? how do you make a paladin out of a class that is distinctly anti-paladin? and also. this is long but i’ve thought a lot about ori. so. uh. her body and other parties by carmen maria machado as well as a lot of academic writing about body horror in general.
anthe obviously came out of critical role c2e95/96, like. that’s a given. which relates to the characters she’s based on--clarabelle is sort of the backstory base, here, more than caduceus. other characters are chidi anagonye, antigone (largely taking carson’s translation into account), and daniel faraday. questions: how do we go about admiring chaos and change when chaos and change hurt us profoundly? can we believe in luck when the world hurts us more than it helps? is chaotic good still chaotic (or good!) if we codify it? what's the deal with anti-necromancy vibes written into cleric class features? was family shatters fucked up or what? what does low-charisma mean for a character who expresses their feelings loudly? can rage be channelled healthily and/or ethically? and a lot of mary oliver poetry.
des is a bit less developed than the others--trying to get back into high-cha, is one thing! but in terms of characters, they’re based on hugo reyes, caduceus clay, and ricky matsui. and nol, a little bit, just for Aasimar Feelings. and also, of course, kyle mooney’s todd. questions for them... what does it mean to be fallen? (are we born broken?) is acceptance as a stage of grief necessarily healthy? what is adulthood in a D&D-type world? what is the difference between faith and a need to be held by something? is there a difference? and. in terms of writing... there is an absurd amount of emily dickinson in my inspo doc.
what is their favorite holiday?
ori doesn’t do holidays--culturally, she wasn’t raised with any of the holidays where she currently is, and emotionally, she just. doesn’t like them. they stress her out, trigger bad memories. anthe likes wild’s grandeur because there are flowers and also it’s her birthday and ALSO it’s melora’s day <3. and des likes the new year because it’s good to celebrate fresh starts.
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eldritch-elrics · 4 years
Do the primes for the original fiction meme!
aw shit this is from like 2 weeks ago and i COMPLETELY forgot about this, sorry about that
anyway! i will do this now
2. Do you like to show people WIPs or do you wait until it’s finished?
with really short stories, i like to wait until it’s finished, but usually i do send wips to a couple close friends if they’re interested. i like sharing stuff that’s just been written!
3. What is your biggest challenge with writing original fiction?
finding the motivation to keep long stories going is definitely tricky... also i have this (probably common?) problem where i’m over-familiar with my own writing style, so i reread stuff and go “ugh this is using a phrase/word/etc i always use” or something and then feel bad about it
5. Do you have any writing quirks (e.g. needing to write in a certain place, listening to certain music while you write, needing to get into a certain ZONE etc.)?
i write best really late at night, like after midnight sometimes
7. Do you do a lot of planning or write as you go?
a bit of both! i usually have a general outline, either on a doc or in my head, of how the story’s going to go and roughly how it will end. i find that planning too rigorously makes me less motivated to write the thing
11. Are you precious with your writing or do you find yourself ruthlessly editing it?
i’ve never edited as much as i feel like i should. i’ll definitely go back through and reword some things or add scenes but i don’t usually rewrite stuff unless i’m really feeling that it needs to be changed
13. What kind of writing would you like to be known for?
i’m not sure! maybe... scifi/fantasy stuff that makes you think
17. Where do you draw inspiration for your current story?
the first spark of inspiration for this story was actually from kirby (loosely), but currently i find myself drawing a lot of inspo from dnd in how i create my fantasy magic system
19. What was the first idea that eventually turned into the story? How much has it changed?
oh perfect question to follow that last one! i started by creating a cast of characters who all sorta fit into archetypes i liked. what eventually turned into the story’s plot came from wanting to experiment with the idea of a human being forced to share their body with some sort of eldritch creature (yeah that’s the part that originally came very loosely from kirby). that’s still what the story’s about (except it turned into a paranormal romance lol), but there’s a ton more to it now!
23. Would you want to live in the setting this story takes place in?
probably? there’s magic, there’s free healthcare and universal basic income, super smash bros still exists, yes there was an apocalypse but things are (mostly) better now
29. Do you get emotional about the events that happen in your story or are you more removed from them?
a bit of both i think!
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