#a bit of stranger things inspired story but with mythical creatures
pokemonlunarregion · 7 months
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Seel and Dewgong, top normal bottom shiny.
How to evolve: Seel to Dewgong level up to level 34.
Region: A region of eternal night as scientists created plants that could grow in moonlight, though there is some places that try to create artificial lights for the plants that couldn't grow in the moonlight. The moon still changing to different fullness percents with times there is no moon visible.
Region name: Lunar region.
Type: Psychic ice.
Ability: Seel: Forewarn. Dewgong: Psychic surge.
Description: These pokemon are nicknamed the mermaids of the sea. They prefer the colder seas away from towns or cities, even being spotted in areas with snow usually in water not fully frozen or under the ice. Though is able to slide along ice and snow as if its no problem without getting cold. It inspired the mermaid image as those who first saw them thinking that they were some kind of mythical creature... Until more was found and studied revealing it to be just a pokemon. One gym leader who preforms swimming shows when not tending to the gym raised one up and this one has become a star in swimming performances, which include swimming routines and even plays using swimming to help tell the story.
Seel is usually seen as playful and kind of cute, judging strangers danger levels from a distance before approaching. It will show someone it likes how it plays and will even have so much energy even kids get tired from it. It has a tendency to want to play like an excitable puppy. It usually is on the ground or swimming around unable to use its psychic powers to levitate in anyway. Its pearl on its tongue is made over time from its saliva and it sheds this peal to make a new one once a year. Its pearls are used in jewelry that though are pricy tend to be a bit more sturdy than some other beads used. It doesn't have any laws surrounding its pearl though most decent humans will wait for it to shed the pearl before collecting it. Those who try to take it before it sheds the pearl have found it a bit harder than thought as its tongue is rather sticky. If it has too much debris on its tongue it will pop its tongue inside, swirl its spit to clean it then swallow the debris. It pretty easily expels it out only about half an hour late. Some think it has a stomach of steal as it can do this with basally anything stuck to its tongue.
Dewgong is seen as the majestic mermaid of the sea more so than its previous evolution. It is able to use its psychic powers to be able to float around, its horn always swirling with magic as if ready at a moments notice. It has popularity from its trainer who is a gym leader though also partakes in swimming performances. Some people challenge this gym leader to battle just for a chance to get up close with the gym leader or Dewgong, with it usually being fans who do this sort of thing. It is able to sing a song that is quite beautiful that it can bring people to tears touching their hearts at its beauty. It doesn't always sing instead using a short cry, with some who researched it saying that they thought it was so no one would get hurt from being tranced into the song it can sing. It has kickstarted a few budding artists who when younger drew it from its famed performances that it was raised in doing; starting from a simple Seel.
Seel is seen as a very gentle pokemon. It can tolerate a lot though does know when things have gone too far. Its pearl when first noticed was believed that it was a way to lure wayward sailors out to sea, despite this being proven false years down the line as Seel prefers a seaweed diet. It also got another legend about its peal with some even causing massive fights just to own one of them, where the legend goes that a Seel's pearl is not only quite valuable but it can also suck away the negativity from ones self. This happened to the point where people made fakes ones to either keep with appearances or to keep up with demand. It still has a few surviving tales of it luring sailors to their doom.
Dewgong is seen as one of the more majestic poekmon of the region. It is believed that the magic around its horn never goes away so it can be ready at a moments notice. It has even slept with it still going. It has an ability to jump three stories in height out of the water. On a foggy night it jumped out soaring into the air catching the eye of a ship then crashing down. It noticed the ship and laid on a rock starting as the ship drew closer. It raised its tail spreading it out to look more intimidating to the unknown threat. It caused a lot of panic on board and many insist that it is where they first got their mermaid part about themselves in the human eyes. It tends to be kind though will flee if one gets too close and it is not comfortable with it. It gained an appeal in little girl things like clothes and toys and even bags. It is said that this is because the mermaid part is said to have been way scarier before then died down to be able to be marketed towards children, usually looking all cute and majestic.
Design inspiration: Unicorn horns glowing to use magic, spirals, animals wanted for a specific part of them like tusks, and fairy type pokemon.
Lunar region is a region that I have thought about making. I will be making more Pokémon and variants for this region.
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rierice8 · 1 year
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My intro and dni list!!
A note: this blog contains explicit adult content along with sfw things too. If you are a minor, I’d prefer you to not even interact with my sfw posts, to keep yourself away from the nsfw. PLEASE DO NOT REBLOG THIS POST!!
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About me!
I’m Rice, male, 19 years old, my birthday is February 1st 2004 and I’m a mainly dom switch with a thing for pretty lace lingerie (on me)
I’m bisexual and taken! Please don’t ask me about my boyfriend either, he's mine, hahahaha…I’m watching you..
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My interests are:
classical literature, sketching and drawing, writing short classical inspired stories (and fanfiction on the side), men, mythical creatures, vintage things and renaissance furniture/clothes, vtubers (nijiEN mainly hehe) photography, classical music, vocaloid, anime, history, music theory and music history, composing music, musicals, video games and playing instruments
I’m an ex competitive figure skater and fencer! Talk to me about those sports, its really been a while, I only do them for fun now but it used to be my whole life along with marching band (im still in marching band though haha)
I’m in uni as of now and I’m quite busy so I won’t ever be posting on a set schedule! Just whenever I finish things!
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My DNI list
-homophobic, transphobic, racist, anti semitic, misogynistic, just a general piece of shit kinda person
-Minors and people with no age in bio, female aligned/women, fujoshis/fudanshis, straight men
-people who sexualise minors, maps, pedophiles, people ok with pedophilia, pro shippers
-people who don’t understand that sex needs consent, people who don't know the difference between fanfiction and real life
-people over 35, I’m only 19, that's a bit weird
-people who sexualise being gay or a certain race
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Do’s and don’ts with my request box and dms!
-Do: ask me to write something, I’m always waiting for new things, don’t hesitate!!
-Do: rant to me about your fantasies with a certain character in my asks box, I may even write something from it!
-Don’t:rant to me about fantasies you have with me, that’s weird, you don’t even know me and I’m happily taken! Just cuz I write about it with characters, doesn’t mean I want strangers to do it to me in writing randomly!
-Don’t: dm me unless we're mutuals (I forgot if you can still do that) and don’t dm me inappropriate/pornographic stuff.
Do: send requests! My requests are open, I can't stress it enough, I’m so bored in between work and school please make me write things
Don’t: send me an ask and talk about another blog, this is my blog and respectfully, I’m the main character here cuz of all the work I put in! Think of it like talking about another streamer in the twitch chat of a different streamer, respect them by not doing that yk
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My hashtags:
#rice dying #rierhymes
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prince-snatcher · 5 years
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(Muridd and I have created a spin-off story of our characters, and Prince Snatcher is one of those characters. His name is Kristopher Jackson (aka Prince), and he’s a prom king theater kid that’s popular with the ladies. He also happens to be half vampire! This story also takes place in the 80′s~
Disclaimer: This is not another AHIT AU, it’s supposed to be an original story with some character inspiration, however I thought you all might appreciate him still!)
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The 20 Best Horror Movies on Netflix UK – Scary Films to Watch Right Now
Netflix is an ever-changing, constantly growing treasure trove of hidden gems and secret delights (here’s everything new on Netflix UK this month). Sometimes, a teeny bit too secret though.
Who hasn’t sat down to watch a horror movie and found themselves scrolling endlessly, either not being able to find something they’re in the mood for, or not really knowing what half the titles are, or if they’re any good?
We’ve scoured the full current catalogue available to watch in the UK now and picked out the best scary movies. It’s a mix of classic and new, and a range of slashers, horror-coms, mumblegore, monster movies and more to hopefully scratch that itch with ease.
We’ll keep this updated as and when titles drop in and out of the service.
Hereditary (2018)
If you haven’t seen this slice of trauma, the feature debut of Ari Aster, you probably should. If you have seen it, you probably won’t want to again. Toni Collette stars as a woman whose controlling mother has just passed away setting of a series of horrible events. Aster says the film was partly inspired by his own sense of his family being cursed – this a movie absolutely drenched in grief and pain with astonishing performances all round. It’s tough going, but it’s a masterpiece. Read our review.
The Platform (2019)
This existential Spanish horror made a splash at the start of lockdown with it’s tale of prisoner trapped in an enormous vertical prison with a platform at it’s centre which delivers food to the inmate floor by floor starting at the top, so that each floor only gets what the floor above has left over. It’s political, allegorical, it’s clever and it’s very violent.
The Endless (2017)
Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead’s gorgeous sci-fi horror stars the two as brother who escaped from a cult ten years ago and are drawn back in in search of answers when a strange videotape arrives. This is their third movie after Resolution and Spring and the two are only growing in strength as directors – The Endless is rammed with indelible imagery and deeply unsettling moments within a plot that is a joy to unpick.
What Keeps You Alive (2018)
Couple Jackie and Jules head to a remote woodland cabin to celebrate their first wedding anniversary but things go bad… Ok this sounds like the most generic slasher in the world but trust us it’s not. Twists hit early on (that we’d hate to spoil) and the tension ramps up fast in a very effective cat and mouse chase with a female bent. This comes from Colin Minihan who made Grave Encounters – this isn’t similar but both have a disorientating sense of place. Read our review.
Orphan (2009)
Released during the heyday of Dark Castle’s mid-budget horror splurge, Orphan is one of those genre films with an absolutely ludicrous (and therefore thoroughly enjoyable) twist, which we will not spoil for you. Peter Sarsgaard and Vera Farmiga star as a couple mourning the loss of their baby, who decided to adopt a little Russian girl called Esther from the local orphanage. Things quickly start to go very, very wrong as the pair start to suspect that wee Esther – who insists on dressing like a spooky doll – isn’t all she appears to be. Check out our review.
Insidious (2010)
The many sequels may have yielded diminishing returns but the first of this franchise, about a couple (Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne) whose comatose son appeared to be trapped in another realm by a evil spirit, is a very effective chiller. Horror genius James Wan directs, and the first half of this movie at least is pretty much guaranteed to make you jump out of your skin.
Annihilation (2018)
An all star cast including Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Tessa Thompson, plus the quality direction of Alex Garland wasn’t enough to secure this horror sci-fi based on Jeff Vandermeer’s novel a theatrical release in the UK. Nevermind, that just means you can watch it for free on Netflix. Portman joins a crew of women exploring the mysterious Area X where he husband ventured some time before and came back changed. It’s a weird, unfamiliar landscape of beautiful flora and terrifying fauna defying explanation until the strange, indelible finale (not sure what it means? Have a read of this explainer). And you can check out our review, too if you like.
Daybreakers (2009)
You’ll get a little bit of everything with this Spierig Brothers curio. It was the film that really got the directing team noticed and it’s not hard to see why. Set in a dystopian world where basically everyone has been turned into a vampire, one corporation thinks it’d be a bloody (sorry) good idea to track down all the surviving humans and…well, basically milk them. Ethan Hawke stars as a vampire haematologist who starts to think there might be another way for this story to go after he’s collared by a former vampire (Willem Dafoe), who can cure everyone. (Living) dead good. Check out our review.
The Bar (2017)
Slightly bonkers Spanish horror thriller which sees a bunch of strangers stuck in a busy Madrid cafe when snipers begin shooting anyone who tries to leave. Confusion and personality clashes abound in this economical single location chiller with a dark sense of human as the inhabitants slowly discover what’s going on, who’s responsible and try to work out if and how they will survive.
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Netflix UK: What’s New in April 2020?
By Kirsten Howard
21 underappreciated films to watch on Netflix UK
By Paul Bradshaw and 2 others
The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon’s love/hate letter to the horror genre felt like something of a game changer when it finally arrived (it was shelved for several years because of financial issue with original distributor MGM). Chris Hemsworth and Haley Bennett star in a double layer story about ordinary kids vacationing in a woodland cabin, with Bradley Whitford and Richard Jenkins as very particular kinds of bureaucrats up to something in the background. No spoilers, just watch. Here’s our review.
Cargo (2017)
Martin Freeman stars in this Netflix original developed from a short directed by Ben Howling and Yolanda Ramke. Set in the Australian outback, Freeman is a father trying to find someone to protect his child in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. More wistful and emotional than that sounds on paper, there’s a fascinating subplot about an Aboriginal girl mourning her father and the final set piece is unforgettable. Check out our review.
Lifeforce (1985)
A Cannon Films classic directed by late Texas Chain Saw legend Tobe Hooper, people are still discovering the ’80s madness that is Lifeforce. Originally entitled Space Vampires, it’s exactly what you’d expect, and so much more. Nude, energy sucking bat creatures are brought back to Earth after an interstellar mission finds a gaggle of them lying dormant in Halley’s Comet, and it all goes very badly for the planet. You can expect a scenery-chewing Patrick Stewart to pop up in between the tits and gore. Not literally! Although, sometimes literally.
Creep (2014)
No, not the one set on the tube, this ‘mumblegore’ horror is far weirder than that. Director Patrice Brice plays Aaron, a videographer hired by Mark Duplass’s Josef to make a video for his kid to watch after he’s died of a terminal illness. Or does he? Playing on the power of politeness and the awkwardness of male relationships this is a highly original, itchily uncomfortable watch. Creep 2 is also on Netflix, and also good!
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17 of the best TV series on Netflix UK
By Louisa Mellor
Underappreciated comedy movies on Netflix UK to watch now
By Mark Harrison and 1 other
Hush (2016)
Another smart sensory-based horror, this time from Oculus and Doctor Sleep man Mike Flanagan. This home invasioner sees deaf writer Maddie (Kate Siegel) attacked in her woodland retreat by a masked stranger. He uses her inability to hear to sneak around and terrorise her, but she has tricks of her own up her sleeve. Check out our review.
The Invitation (2015)
Karyn Kusama (Jennifer’s Body, Destroyer) just keeps knocking it out of the park (and she’s recently been attached to a Dracula movie from Blumhouse Productions), and with The Invitation she continued to secure her place as one of the best directors around. Here, Will (Logan Marshall-Green) and his girlfriend go to a party held by his formerly suicidal ex-wife, and discover that she seems to be happier than she ever was, but Will starts to suspect that rather than healthily coping with her mental illness, she may well have joined a doomsday cult instead, and be planning to kill them all. Paranoia and tension are at the max in this bad boy. Here’s our review.
Little Evil (2017)
Comedy horror from Eli Craig who made the wonderful Tucker and Dale Vs Evil. This time he’s playing on creepy kid tropes, particular those from The Omen movies. Adam Scott plays a man who discovers his new wife’s (Evangeline Lilly) son might actually be the anti-christ. And because it’s Eli Craig, of course it’s funny and very good natured as well as playing with the genre.
Gerald’s Game (2017)
Another Mike Flanagan offering here – what can we say? he’s damn good! – as Jessie (a spectacular Carla Guigino) and her husband Gerald drive to a remote house to try and spice up their marriage with a bit of gentle BDSM. One problem: Jessie is not into it. At all. Two problems: Gerald carks it, leaving her tied up with only her cunning to help her free herself from her prone, handcuffed predicament. Three problems: a mythical, supernatural killer may be in the house. Stephen King, you’ve done it again. Read our review.
Ravenous (2017)
Unusual Canadian zombie movie (in French) which sees remaining stragglers after an outbreak of the infected band together in disparate groups travelling to find other survivors. Ravenous sets up its infected as worshipping a sort of new religion of found items (chairs, TVs etc.) making comment on the zombification of society. It’s also funny and quite scary, so there’s that.
Veronica (2017)
Loosely based on a true story, Veronica is set in Madrid in 1991 and follows a young woman who messes with a Ouija board who thinks she’s accidentally summoned an evil spirit. Director by Paco Plaza, one of the two directors behind [REC], the movie gained minor notoriety when it first landed on Netflix because of a few viewers finding it overly scary. It’s true there are some seriously creepy bits (but you’ll be fine!).
The Perfection (2018)
Get Out‘s Allison Williams and Dear White People‘s Logan Browning star in this twisty, trashy but nonetheless enjoyable tale of two musical prodigies hothoused at a mysterious academy. It’s lurid and lavish (and it’s got some fairly dodgy sexual politics, we’d warn you) but great lead performances and a tricksy three act structure that keeps you guessing, make this an entertaining and unusual Friday night pick. Read our review.
Want more horror? Here’s our list of 81 genuinely creepy horror movies. Here are some horror movies it’s safe to watch with your kids. And here are some underappreciated Scream-inspired horror movies of the 90s.
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wizardsnwookies · 6 years
POTA080818 - Debates
“Well now, looks like you managed to get one of them at least.” Constable Murray motioned towards his deputy who eagerly took custody of the shackled man thrust towards him. “I’m assuming the rest didn’t come so quietly?”
“They put up a bit of a fight, but we managed.” Drenaris watched as the man was led inside the single holding cell inside the office. “Not much of a jail you have here.”
“Well, we’re not really the jailing type here.” Murray walked behind his desk and pulled out a small strongbox that rattled with the heavy weight of coin. “The people of Redlarch prefer a swifter more efficient justice. Usually that means either working the quarries or being fitted for a hempen necktie.”
Drenaris frowned at the small offering dropped into her hands. For four bandits it was almost laughable, had it not been for their collection of loot it almost would not have been worth the effort.
“That’s for three of them being dead mind you.” The constable noticed the slight frown, snapping the strongbox closed, just in case this stranger decided to get handsy. “I was pretty clear about getting them back alive if at all possible.”
Drenaris shot an icy stare towards Poh. If he noticed her it he didn’t seem to care what she thought of his actions, he was far too busy polishing his twin blades. “He mentioned a large group of them taking over Riverguard Keep. Know anything about that?”
“That’s news to me, ‘course there’s been a lot of stories flying around lately. Ghosts, plagues, masked strangers...then there’s all the excitement around the next caravan coming in. Everyone’s getting themselves ready, a lot of coin to be made.”
“It might be a good idea to have them taken care of then, I’d say.” Aviate’s didn’t bother insulting the constable with feigned coyness. He had seen quite a few lawmen in his day, and had developed a talent for sniffing out those few he would be wise not to trifle with. Constable Murray was one of those men.
“You go on right ahead, no one’s stopping you. I’m not giving you a copper in advance, and no more writs.” Murray nodded to the wagon, laden with ill gotten goods. “Looks like you made out well enough for yourselves. Bring me back some more to put to justice and you’ll be paid in kind.”
Aviate sat alone for a change. Poh had managed to slip out of the Tavern sometime between drinks, something that was becoming a bit of a regular occurrence. It would appear the creature was not one for company much. Meanwhile, Drenaris was up at the bar, questioning the innswoman about the rumors and whispers flying around town. After all, she was in the perfect position to overhear many a secret whispered a bit too loudly over a tankard...or several.
This left the pirate withe the perfect opportunity to inspect his custom order from the bakery. He almost felt sorry for having fooled the amazon. She was amusing in her own way, and certainly better company than the bird. However for now, he would let her go on believing that the two loaves of bread he acquired where nothing more than that.
Carefully he plunged a finger through the crust on one side, feeling for the waxed piece of paper carefully rolled and inserted before baking. Once the second had been retrieved he tossed the discarded bread into a soiled bowl on the table next to him that had yet to be bused and began reading.
Old maiden Mythera Madiver’s talking of seeing ghosts is a bunch of horseshit. An elaborate spook setup by goblins, nevertheless it must be dealt with.
Aviate snorted. He could have guessed that. He had seen a lot of things in his days, but an honest to goodness ghost was not one of them. He ignited the scroll on the candle in the center of the table while reading the second note.
Something’s going on in town. Can’t put my finger on what or who. All I know for sure is that someone or several someones are pulling strings from behind the scenes of recent events. Be watchful.
Interesting. Not quite the information he was hoping for but, it still warranted investigation. Unfortunately this was still his best, and only, source at the moment. He didn’t exactly have the luxury to pick and choose the leads he followed up on. But even as leads go, it was more vague than he would like. Out of the corner of his eye he caught movement, Drenaris was breaking with the innswoman and heading back to the table. Calmly, he burned the second note and wore a smile he wasn’t exactly feeling.
“Nothing we haven’t already heard from the constable, unless of course you want to go rescue a few whelps who got themselves lost hunting for a mythical treasure trove.” Drenaris slumped into a chair and took a large gulp of ale. She noted the absence of the bird and shrugged indifference.
“That might be profitable, if said treasure exists.”
“Mmm. I’m still of a mind to check out Riverguard. She we bother consulting with the bird?”
“I think we can guess his answer to be honest.”
“Blood first.” Drenaris nodded. “Either way, I think we should use some of what we earned today to buy a horse. We already got the wagon.”
“Agreed. A sound investment.”
“So is ale. Another round then?”
Three days had seen them on their way to Riverguard. Three days of relative quiet, broken only by the intrusion of an Ankheg into their camp one evening. Though eventually fleeing, it was enough to put all three off their nerves enough to pickup and resettle in the middle of the night, making the following morning quite difficult indeed. Though Aviate tried to hid his weariness with song, he felt as though he might sleep upright in the wagon with its gentle swaying.
“ -passion, and intensity. It is the very symbol of power and spirit that you only claim, yet have no right to.”
A muffled voice risen in anger sounded from around the bend in the road, waking Aviate from a light doze. Looking around he saw the sun was still high in the sky, barely hourse since they had left camp, they were nowhere near their destination.
“There is no physicality to the power you claim. Anyone who has swam in the bluest of waters can tell you the strength they feel pressing around them. The feeling of insignificance, of powerlessness in comparison to depths in which they are merely interlopers. And do we need to remind you that it takes but a bucket to extinguish your flame, yet no matter how hard it might try, water will never burn?”
The second voice was bolster with the cheers of others. There had to be at least half a dozen, perhaps more including the two arguing. By this point. Drenaris had stopped the horse to listen.
“What is that?”
“A debate, by the sounds of it.”
“Here?” Drenaris dropped the reins and leaped to the dirt road. Mindful of the loot stashed in the back, she was not about to bring the wagon any closer until this was investigated.
“You dare?! To extinguish the giver of life is liken to heresey. I should not be surprised your lot would be so ignorant and savage.”
Mounting the hill on the corner two groups lined the road ahead of them, two men standing dead center nearly close enough for an embrace, with nought but hatred in their eyes. Each was strangely garbed in thematic dressings. The elder of the two men whose voice roared like a campfire was dressed in heavy red robes embellished with embroidered flames of yellow and white. Behind him, his entourage was far more armored in glittering copper pieces over red tunics and trousers. The longswords in their hands continued with the dramatic themeing as magical flame danced over the steel which was somehow still a cool blue.
“Us, savages?! You people worship as liken to a noble’s wife, whatever glitters in your eyes, no matter how shallow and empty it may be.” The taller man opposite had a strange blue tint to his skin and was far less armored than their opponents. Instead he and his people chose simple netting with chest pieces and shields made of some kind of shell. Each one of them held a gleaming sword with a serrated blade constructed of sharkteeth. Water, being their obvious inspiration.
“Hey, can you guys argue somewhere else? You’re blocking the road.” It wasn’t meant to be a question as Drenaris’ stance not so subtly hinted. She was sure to thrust her chest forward, flexing the exposed muscles in her abdomen, arms akimbo to show off their thickness. No doubt, any reasonable man or woman would have let them pass. However, these men were not reasonable.
“Who are you to make demands of us? This path belongs to us, and now, so do you.” The sneer the blue man flashed revealed teeth that had been filed down to sharp points. Between the teeth, his tinted skin, and the dark, almost black irises of his eyes gave him the appearance of a shark walking upon two legs. He made to give an order before his arm was seized by the robed one.
“You? Have you forgotten why we are here in the first place? It is you who have staked a claim on our land. These three shall go with us and be taught the glory of the eternal flame, more allies against your mongrel band.”
Thus the argument began anew, insults and half formed philosophies being tossed back and forth with vigor and venom leaving the three otherwise ignored.
“FOOLS.” Poh mimicked.
“Perhaps that can be used to our advantage.” A wicked smile formed on Drenaris lips and she skidded her way down the slope with arms raised. “Gods, what nonsense is this? Clearly Flame is better, we’re going with them!”
“What??!” The shark man growled and all six heads of his followers shot in Drenaris’ direction. Their antithesis on the other hand, cheered in support.
“See?! Even one so common as this one can see the truth of the matter!” The flame priest took a step towards his opponent, emboldened by the sudden appearance of an ally to his cause. The tension between them had grown to an intensity that weighed heavily upon the travelers between them. Just one more push and the two sides would be at each other’s throats.
“Personally, I’ve always thought water was better.” Aviate shrugged, following the amazon’s lead. The result however, was not what was anticipated. The tension, while indeed had reached a breaking point, would explode unfocused dragging them all into one chaotic brawl.
“BLASPHEMY!!! KILL THEM ALL!!” The clash that followed was a whirlwind of fire and death. Steel struck out in every direction cutting both fire and water devotee with equal measure. In the end, the all bled the same color. 
Poh was taken with a flaming bolt from a crossbow, as he fell to the ground he uttered a vicious curse to the one who had invented such a contraption that had taken him off guard twice yet. Aviate craned his head over the crowd, he had lost sight of Drenaris in the outbreak. Yet he could hear her. Grunting and bellowing as she swung her hammer, sending red men flying to the ground. Pulling out his pipes he played an upbeat tune to lift her spirits and inspire the battle fury within her.
Men and women fell to the ground with each passing moment, bolts of fire streaking through the air, serrated blades opening wide gashes and spilling intestine into the dirt. Back on his feet, Poh was carefully picking off stragglers from the edges of the scuffle. Aviate watched him with begrudging respect of his talents. He was agile on his feet, his blades knowing exactly where to bite to cause the most pain, both swords wielded with equal skill. Looking back over the battle, the pirate could see that fate had come to favor flame on this day, more and more netted and shelled corpses littered the land than red robes and burnt steel. Both leaders lie dead, one slaying the other and collapsing together in a heap. Aviate smiled, the whole thing reminded him of a good day’s boarding of a selected vessel. All that was missing was the sea air in his lungs.
A cry snapped him back to attention as Drenaris took a flaming sword to the back and fell to her knees. She had fought fiercely, and he could tell by the looks of the men who had been previously engaged with her, she had inspired a sort of terrible awe in them. Who was this woman who fought like one possessed? If they lived past today, there would be a myth whispered about her, this Aviate had no doubt.
With their companion slumped unconcious, Poh reassessed the situation. Aviate could see the gears turning in that little bird brain of his. His grip on his swords shifted, weighing his options, not quite ready to make a decision one way or another. Eventually, he must not have considered it worth trying to fight any further. He dropped his stance, relaxing his arms to his sides.
“HAIL FIRE!” He mimicked.
“Indeed, how foolish we were to ever doubt it. Please, if you but spare us we would sooner call you brothers than enemies.” Always quick with the charm and a flourish, Aviate dropped to a deep bow. 
“Hmmph, and don’t your forget it.” A tanned looking woman sheathed her steel and callously stepped over Drenaris fallen body. “Very well, we have lost many today, worth it though it was.” She spit on the blue skinned man where he lay, crumpled on top of her commanding officer.
“Your companion, she will do well to follow your example when she wakes. Lest we have another body to burn on the funeral pire.” The woman eyed Aviate, he was stunned to see she stood a full inch taller than he. As such, her cold eyes cast downward at him. “Is that understood?”
“I shall slay her myself if need be.” His eyes snuck a glance towards Drenaris unconcious form. Self preservation was of utmost importance at the moment. Let them busy themselves burning their dead. In the meantime, the three of them would wait. Night was coming on, and terrible things tended to happen in the dark.
Buy Me a Coffee
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namjoontunes · 7 years
Lost and Found (BTS members x Reader)
Genre: Fantasy AU, Fluff
Summary: In a world where mythical creatures like dryads and vampires are commonplace, how will a household of supernatural humanoids react to their new kitten being a shapeshifting girl?
Warning: Blood and injury mention, but nothing bad
Word Count: 1.7k 
Author’s notes: This is my first BTS story, and really the first fic I’ve published to Tumblr. I was reading Silver by @dianas-world​ when I was inspired to write this, so if there are any similarities that’s probably why! I’m not really sure where this story is gonna go but I basically have the first 3 chapters (if u include the prologue) written already so you can look forward to those! I changed some of the “features” per se of some of the mythological creatures just to make the story more interesting or easier to write. The romance might take a little bit to get to but I promise it’s coming!  Main character is a shapeshifter, Jin is a dryad, Yoongi is a vampire, Hobi is an angel, Namjoon is a werewolf, Jimin is a kitsune, Taehyung is a fairy, and Jungkook is a dragon hybrid. Enjoy!
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Deep in the woods, down the winding road and by the side of the long dirt driveway, there was a chickadee, perched high in a pine tree. It’s right talon was supporting all the bird’s weight, as it’s left hung limply in the wind, mangled and bloody. It’s feathers were dull and ruffled, it’s stomach painfully tight, it’s mind tired.
The chickadee was staring intently into the window of the house opposite it, watching the boys inside go about their evening, as it had been doing for the past hour. They seemed kind. Their interactions with each other looked to be filled with playful love. But what was really fascinating was they all seemed to be just like the chickadee. Still, you can’t tell a lot about people by watching from a distance for a little while. Sometimes you just need to have faith.
And so, deciding to put its faith in the kindness of others, the chickadee flew down towards the house, landing delicately on the front porch. As it touched down, the chickadee’s form began to change, feathers shifting into fur, wings becoming legs, sharp talons turning into sharp claws, until finally a kitten about two handfuls big sat where the bird once was. Her back left leg was torn and mangled, just as the chickadee’s was, and the hunger in her stomach remained as potent as ever.
Staring up at the door, the kitten let out the loudest mew she could manage, hoping she could be heard over the commotion inside. Every inch of her body was on high alert, ready to run if things began to go south. The kitten meowed again, and then again, her voice soft and pitiful in the autumn winds.
Suddenly, the door in front of her swung open and she ran back a few feet as yellow light poured into the darkness. Standing in the doorway was a tall man, his face broken into a smile as soon as he laid eyes on the kitten. “Ha! I told you guys I wasn’t hearing things, there is a cat out here!” The man called back into the home.
Crouching down, he extended his hand towards the brown tabby, making kissy noises as he did so. “Come here kitty kitty, I’m not gonna hurt you.” The man was still grinning as he called out to the kitten huddling in the dark. As she considered her options, or lack thereof really, the kitten’s eyes were drawn to one of the reasons it had decided to take a risk and trust these strangers: the pair of white feathery wings sprouting from his back.
Her initial stakeout of the house revealed that the house contained multiple non-humans, much to her surprise. Supernatural creatures, humanoid and otherwise, were well known in this world, and you could find them in just about any town. But they were far from the majority. Non-humans were frequently looked down upon by ‘normal’ people, often labeled as dangerous and unnatural. As a supernatural creature herself, the kitten found solace in the company of other non-humans, and finding a home with what appeared to be seven non-humans seemed to be a gift from god in her moment of need.
As the kitten hesitated, more faces appeared in the doorway. It was hard to distinguish their faces against the bright light coming from within the home, but she could hear them speaking to one another.
“You weren’t kidding Hobi there really is a cat out here!”
“Of course I wasn’t kidding, you guys should believe me more often.”
“Awww it’s so cute can we keep it?”
“What if it has rabies Tae?”
“No it looks sweet I doubt it has rabies!”
“Can I go pick it up?”
“No Jimin you’re gonna scare it off. We’re probably already frightening it enough all crowding around it like this. All of you get out of here let Hobi take care of it.”
“Someone grab me a can of tuna or milk or something this poor thing looks like it hasn’t eaten in days”
The kitten had backed further away from the commotion, but calmed down a bit once the doorway cleared. Usually she tried to stay on her own, and being around so many people frightened her. But she knew she needed help, not to mention the promise of tuna made her empty stomach growl.
The angel, who the cat had deduced was named Hobi, was still smiling at her with his hand out, murmuring soft reassurances. Ever so slowly, the kitten hobbled over to him, watching carefully for any signs of aggression or ill intent.
“There you go. Poor thing, what happened to you? It’s okay now, we’ll take care of you.”
The tabby meowed quietly in response to his words. She had almost reached his hand when another figure appeared in the doorway, holding two bowls. The imposing horns on the person’s head signified some sort of supernatural heritage to the cat, but she couldn’t quite tell what.
“I got the tuna and the milk, hyung.”
“Alright put it down next to me and then get out of here, I’ll let you guys know when you can come see it.”
The unknown person did as he was told, and quickly disappeared inside the house. As the scent of tuna drifted over to the kitten, hunger overcame fear and she limped her way as fast as she could over to the bowl. Purrs erupted from her chest as she enjoyed her first real food in a few days.
The angel watched the kitten feasting with a smile on his face. He reached his hand down and gently placed it on her back, hoping he wouldn’t scare her away. She froze at first, debating whether or not to flee, but quickly went back to eating. The angel began to gently stroke the tabby’s fur, and she found herself enjoying his gentle touch.
After she had stuffed herself on tuna and milk, the kitten limped closer to where Hobi was crouched and plopped on the ground, her injured leg splayed out beside her as if to showcase it to him.
“Poor little baby,” he cooed to the kitten, frowning at her injury. “Here, let’s take you inside and see what we can do about this boo-boo!”
As gently as he could, Hobi scooped the kitten into his hands, being very careful of her leg. As he entered the house, the rest of the boys rushed away from the window where they had been watching and started grouping up around Hobi.
“No no no you all back up we still need to give this lil guy some space. It’s leg is hurt, Namjoon can you grab a pillow and bring it to the kitchen table?”
Now that the kitten was in the well-lit house, she could make out the members of the household in detail. The one Hobi referred to as Namjoon appeared to be a werewolf or some sort of dog hybrid, as indicated by the ears on top of his head and the tail wagging excitedly. As the tabby got a better look at the horned boy she guessed he was some sort of dragon hybrid. It was much easier to guess what kind of supernatural creatures they were from inside the house as opposed to up in a tree, and the kitten noticed a fairy, a kitsune, a dryad, and a vampire among those she hadn’t already identified. So many different heritages, all living together in one home. It made the kitten hopeful about her possibilities of fitting in here.
Namjoon came back with a pillow and set it down in the middle of the table Hobi was approaching. As carefully as he could, the angel placed the kitten on the pillow, making sure her injured side was facing up. He sat down in the chair closest to her and started examining her leg. Namjoon was still hovering around, his tail thumping against various furniture. “It’s so cute!!! Can you fix it’s leg Hobi?”
“I think so, but it might be a while before it will be 100% better.”
“So that means we get to keep it, right?” asked the dragon hybrid.
“A pet’s a lot of responsibility,” the vampire pointed out.
“Yeah,” the dryad agreed. “I’m not cleaning any litter boxes so if you want a cat you guys will have to care of that.”
“Me, Jimin, and Jungkook can take turns cleaning the litter box, right guys?” The fairy turned to the kitsune and the dragon, hoping they’d agree with his plan.
They both nodded in affirmation and the kitsune added, “Yeah, that’s a good idea! Can we please keep it, hyungs?”
Hobi and Namjoon looked at each other, and then at the dryad and the vampire boy. “What do you guys think?” Hobi asked. “I’d feel bad sending it back outside, and if Namjoon’s tail is any indication he’s already smitten with the little kitten.”
The vampire shrugged, watching as Namjoon playfully shoved Hobi. “I’m fine with it, it doesn’t seem like it’ll be too much trouble. And it is really cute”
“I agree with Yoongi. As long as I don’t have to clean any litter boxes, I’m fine with it staying,” the dryad concluded.
“Great! Well I’ll work on healing this little guy- err,” Hobi turned to the kitten, examining it closely before continuing, “This little girl, actually, and then we can figure out a name.”
The kitten had been starting to doze off on the pillow, but was jolted awake by hands touching her. “Shhh it’s okay little kitty,” the angel cooed. “You’re gonna feel a lot better in just a second.”
Hobi closed his eyes, his hands still on the kitten, and a sudden warmth overtook her. It felt like her fondest memories were flowing through her body, from her mother’s smile to her old friend’s laugh, seeing the first spring flowers and falling asleep near her loved ones, all of it spreading throughout her until she felt like her bones had become sunshine and her veins had turned into flowers.
After a few moments of bliss, the glow that had been radiating from Hobi’s hands dimmed until it was no more, leaving the kitten feeling at peace. Her leg, which had previously been raw and bleeding, was now a closed wound, though not completely healed.
“I did the best I could,” Hobi announced, “but it’ll still be a little while before she’s 100% better. Now, anyone have any ideas for names?”
The kitten didn’t hear the rest of the conversation, having drifted off into a deep sleep, her old memories still lingering in her mind.
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kazimirov-archive · 6 years
Cor: 7, 10 (u gotta pick another name !), 18, 27, 34, 42, 44, Brose: 3, 16, 18, 20, 29, 39, 40 Orlan: 47, 39, 18, 30, 17, 11, 5. :D also i gave them all 18 lol
1. If you could be a mythical creature, which would you choose?
“Oh. Hm. I don’t know if I’d want to be any fantasy creature that I can think of? Of course, elf is always the immediate reaction, but if we mean Tolkien’s elves, and I assume we are, they’re really kind of boring aren’t they? But I guess I’m also boring also. Or actually! a Water horse or hippocampus. They’re not super smart or anything, but there’s something infinitely cool about being a sea monster of sorts, but a sea monster that looks friendly enough to not be perceived as a threat.”
10. Do you like your name? Would you ever change it?
“I mean, yes? My parents gave me this name of course I like it. But if I had to change it, probably...jeong?? it’s weird to have it as a one character name, but one of the hanja for it means quiet or calm. i believe in choosing names for their meanings so having a name that actually fits me, and doesn’t just mean war horn would be nice. though i guess you could argue war horn does fit me since i think the horn players didn’t fight. they just played music and died, which sounds about right.”
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory.
“When I was little, my mom really tried to keep her Korean heritage alive for me. She spoke Korean to me and fed me Korean food and told me stories about her side of the family and their lives. I don’t remember very many details about my childhood, but I remember on several instances  sitting on her lap in bed as she went through Korean children’s books with me. She would point to the rabbit and ask, “Mwoya?” ‘What is it?’ and I would giggle and shout, “Naya!” ‘It’s me!’. To this day I mutter “naya” to myself whenever I see wild rabbits.”
27. Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?
“I don’t like the use of soggy here. Soggy has bad connotations. I like my cereal soft with a little bit of a crunch, and that is definitely not soggy.”
34. Do you address older people by their first or last name?
“Usually by their last. It’s very rude in Korea to address a stranger, particularly an older or higher ranking one, by their first name, so even though I grew up speaking Korean in America and Italy, you get into the habit of using last names anyway because the language is structured around that. And also both my parents and my aunt were very strict in regards to politeness, so last name was always safest.”
42. Where do you feel the safest?
“At home, wherever that may be. There’s something comforting about being surrounded by your own stuff in your own home and knowing that you belong there. I also find safety in certain people. Marcus, for example, is a very grounding person and I always seek him out in crowds or stressful situations because he makes me feel protected. Cesaire is also a very safe person to be around, but moreso on the ‘will neutralize any threats instantly’ end of the spectrum rather than the ‘chill person’ end.”
44. If you could travel back to any era, which would you choose?
“Well, we’re living in objectively the best era to be in, right? The best healthcare, the highest life expectancy, the most equality, and all that. So permanently? I would stay right here. But if it was just a trip, probably pre-colonial Africa or Asia or South America or something. It would be fascinating to see what those cultures were like before European influence, to see what they thought of religion and time and gender and all that. I’m not sure which one I would want to visit, though, I’ll have to think on that.”
3. If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
“oh oh oh! knitting. it’s really domestic i know but paris is SO COLD and i want to learn how to make everyone aesthetic mittens and hats and all that! alaina and i could match :D”
16. Who do you want to be closer to?
“everyone??? i want to be closer to all my friends i want to be the most important person in their lives 800000% of the time. but more seriously, probably asiel?? weirdly enough. we’re friends of course but i dunno the bond he has with alaina just seems really nice, even though i also have that bond with her i guess. i just want more bonds!!”
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory.
“when i was almost three italy made it to the final round of the world cup, literally for the first time in like 12 years. so like my family was PUMPED. and i was really little of course but i remember being forced to stay up super late and watch the game and my parents gave me espresso because italians i guess. and then we lost BUT we still got second place and it had been 12 years and ohmyGOSH the shouting and cheering was insane!! and i was the tiniest 2 1/2 year old ever so i was literally passed around like a trophy and hoisted up into the air as everyone celebrated. it was amazing. i still have a picture of me swimming in my cousin’s jersey.”
20. What can you see outside your bedroom window?
“uhhh the city? lots of cool buildings and stuff i guess? also the seine which i hate to admit it but is a much nicer river to look at than the tiber. still not as nice as my hometown, though. ((((but a million times better than new york so i’m not bitching.))))”
29. Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?
“uhhhh i don’t?? read??? i’ve never been much of a reader- i’m dyslexic and it’s just not my thing. the last thing i read was probably actually the bible?? i joined this online bible study and it’s been very interesting to compare people’s ideas about passages. but, fun trick i use: i have an audiobook of an italian translation, so it’s reading but only sort of.”
39. What is one thing you would want to teach your children?
“only one thing?? probably acceptance. acceptance of people’s differences, acceptance of life’s hardships, acceptance of your own existence, acceptance of truth even when it hurts. fighting is good and all, but being able to sit down and say ‘i accept whoever and whatever comes my way’ is really powerful. no that doesn’t mean you never stand up for yourself, you have to also accept that certain people and things might not be right for you, but it means that you are able to be at peace with life and if they come away with any lessons, i want it to be that.”
40. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
“i actually cracked and got one! i have my mom’s birthday on my ribs with my favorite bible passage under it. and and then alaina and i are getting ones, but the design and everything is a surprise!”
47. How would you spend your ideal day?
“my ideal days are ones when things go right. i like being able to sit back and relax and not worry about plans or people messing up. on a day when everything is going right i would probably spend it lying around with thelry and just relaxing and watching tv and maybe cooking some real food. y’know, maximizing the relaxation.”
39. What is one thing you would want to teach your children?
“to always fight for what they believe in. that’s what my mamma taught me and it’s been my driving force my entire life. never stand down and let people walk over you or let the bad guys get away with it, because if you do you’re just as bad as them.”
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory.
“i don’t have many positive ones, especially since my mom died when i was fairly young, but we shared a bed and i remember having her arms around me and she would be right there if i had a nightmare or wanted a hug, ready to pull me closer and chase all the darkness away. i miss that.”
30. How do you show someone you love them?
“with closeness. like emotional closeness and also physical closeness. i let myself be open with them and let them be open with me and spend as much time in their presence as possible. i’m pretty obvious.”
17. Do you miss someone at the moment?
“mamma, always mamma.”
11. Who is a mentor to you?
“there’s no one in particular, but i like to study revolutionaries and rule breakers of the past. they inspire to me to stand behind my beliefs and morals, but also to be smart and not just charge ahead aimlessly. i particularly like studying insurgents of the past, it’s interesting to see how they played the game from both sides. as for mentors in my real life?? weirdly enough, probably some of the bosses i’ve come in contact with. our morals are the exact opposite,if they even have morals, but they are ruthless in their execution.”
5. What was your favourite book as a child?
“we had a copy of fiabe italiane growing up and my mother used to read to me from it and i’ve always said it was my favorite book. the problem is that she would rework the stories to make them less gory, because she thought fiction shouldn’t be violent if real life already was, so when i finally read the book on my own after she died i was shocked! so maybe not fiabe italiane, but i’m not sure what else to say.”
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featheredbeardog · 7 years
World Building stuff.
CoCC is a weird fantasy/urban realism story, full of both mundane and fantasy critters where werewolves are often treated as either annoying stray dogs or cryptids that need to be found. The Mundane Realm is where the urban is, while the Fantasy Realm is where the weird shit happens. The technology level is roughly late 90′s/early 2000′s. Cellphones are a thing, but are probably tiny bricks or even flip-cover phones. Laptops exist, landlines are still used, and payphones still dot the world. The weird wonky fantasy world is just a bit more timeless with weirder technology, some more advanced than others. Some technology is primitive, while others are Atlantis-leveled (watch Altantis: the lost empire if you’re confused). No vehicles in the usual sense, or lawnmowers, or ipads or tablets, but definitely weird technology and magic co-existing.
Moonscale Prophecy is a six-book series set solely in a timeless fantasy setting, with villages and castles and fortresses and weird animal gods and celestial entities. Giant beasts that can be tamed and bonded with, talking animals, diverse sapient humanoid races, and a world domination conquest! The difference between animals and beasts vary. Animals are often just simple-minded creatures, while beasts are sapient to even having their own cultures and traditions. Technology is... magical but kind of primitive.
Whispering Timberwood is weird and massive, the world of Haven filled with anthropomorphic animals one typically finds on FA (though with less books and human junk and stuff), Vildmark having a bunch of wild beasts that look nothing like modern critters, The Gray Zone being the source of every silent film’s nightmares, and the titular location just being a weird dreamworld. Vildmark is technicolored in environment a giant wild ‘after man’ kind of world, Haven has some occasional odd colors but is mostly natural in color for a giant city that looks like it was built by humans, Gray Zone is... grayscale and unsettling, and Whispering Timberwood is black and white but defies all logic.
Title Pending/Untitled/The Movement/Recovery is an alternate future/scifi/recovering humanity story. Same basic world we live in, but a catastrophic event happened on 2000, which lead to something happened which resulted in a near mass extinction. It was originally technology getting confused about the resetting clock and somehow causing a massive global power-outage that lasted for like, twenty years or something, but something else happened that caused known countries to become divided (literally), so it’s kind of like a post-apocalyptic story but somehow enough people survived the world’s changes to make a decent recovery. There was some genetic alternation experiment going on which was disrupted by supposed alien sightings, which resulted in several subjects escaping, two of these subjects becoming the future founders of a large territory that would grow into Metropolis, a highly advanced city that looks like something out of a futuristic scifi movie with a huge budget. Next to Metropolis is Camelot, a territory just as large as Metropolis but is seemingly stuck in some kind of medieval bubble, guarded by a large lake with only access being a heavily guarded bridge. However, like Metropolis, the ideals and technology in Camelot adjusted to keep up with the times Metropolis was founded by two stragglers, Alhreiks Temple and Aquilina Altaira, both young teenagers who had just escaped from a laboratory. Using their new found abilities, they worked together to turn a seemingly abandoned wasteland into a thriving community, and later into Metropolis. Unfortunately a scuffle occurred, and Camelot’s ruler King Arthur III arrived to break up the conflict. The king decided to pick the future ruler of Metropolis, and after some measuring, gave control of Metropolis to the Temple clan, leaving the Altaira clan and their supporters furious. The Altaira Clan and most of their supporters disappeared the next day, nowhere to be found, leaving Metropolis to suffer from a crippled economy since Aquilina was the one who started the trading business that got Metropolis where it was.
The Pale Lady started as a short story written for my Creative Writing class, about a fourteen year old teenager named Hunter who seeks out her dad Arcadius/Orion after her mom Artemis is supposedly killed in an unknown occurrence. The biggest issue is she hasn’t seen her dad in a decade, and her dad isn’t exactly thrilled to take care of his daughter, who he supposedly used to have a strong bond with. Things get weird when a stranger trespasses and Arcadius repetitively chases it away, and when Arcadius’s best friend Angel shows up to visit, she tells Hunter all these different stories about mythical creatures, from the crafty fox that stole the sun to the silver-eyed deer that restored the drying river, the story of the Pale Lady and even sang the song of the Scarred Bear. She had just started telling the story about the mythical Dream Walker tribe, but didn’t get to cause Arcadius is kind of skeptical. Hunter ends up running off into the woods and gets attacked by a huge black grizzly bear covered with scars, leaving her with a nasty scratch on her chest and arm, but she’s just barely saved by a white bear, and brought back to the cabin by Arcadius, who treats the wound and heads back out to find the beast to ‘take care of it’. He ends up shooting the wrong beast and is turned into a bear as punishment.
“Oh great not another Brother Bear/Brave thing.”
*shrugs* Yeah, Arcadius is turned into a bear for some reason, his body is rapidly dying of old age now, and Hunter is after him under false assumptions.
So the world that The Pale Lady is kind of modern with a hidden touch of fairy tale mixed in. Things seem normal at first, but then weird shit happens, like a skinny pale lady who’s story has been told for hundreds of years, a huge black grizzly bear appears in an area where supposedly no bears have been sighted in for years, and bear!Arcadius is very rapidly dying of old age, like he could literally watch his fur turn white slowly and his body slowly deteriorating by the hour. The world is basic. Somewhere up in the northern cascade area by Monroe in Washington, but the base mythology in the story was heavily inspired by me flipping the middle finger to some awful movies that inspired me to want to try and make something just a little bit better, but also because why not. Most of the myths and tales in this story are inspired by my various visits to Blake Island as well as one assignment we had to do in ninth grade about Native American mythology under the guise of reading Touching Spirit Bear, where at one point we had to create our own ‘totem pole’ with animal spirits we associated with ourselves. Those two things are the reason why I enjoy Native American mythologies so much, especially since there are so many variants of one story. The Pale Lady myth and all associated beings and critters were inspired by the various stories I read up on, sometimes enough inspiration where people get inspired to look it up and find the original source of inspiration for themselves. The Pale Lady was a powerful shapeshifting entity who forced Arcadius to wear one of the skins she had been wearing as a punishment for his rash action. The only other mythical beast to appear in the story is the Scarred Bear, a massive beast covered with scars and back marred with spears and arrows who seems unusually hellbent on hunting... well... Hunter. The Ash Raven, a being bent on destruction and death, ALMOST made an appearance in Part 2 of the Pale Lady short story, but was cut from the story to save on word count. The Ash Raven was basically the grim reaper of this fictional mythology and was following Hunter because her wound was infected and slowly killing her. ...I think that covers the Pale Lady for worldbuilding June.
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creative-salem · 7 years
“Life After Midnight: Strange History, Salem Style” Q & A: Kristin Harris and Allison French
Q & A: Kristin Harris and Allison French on their podcast, “Life After Midnight: Strange History, Salem Style”
By Amber Newberry
In the shadowed corners of Salem, the local podcasters are whispering in the dark. As the creative community takes to the microphone, they fill our ears with unique talk-shows, old-school style radio-theater, discussion of historical tales, and explorations of everything from pop-culture and politics, to true crime and planetary science. My new favorite podcast, “Life After Midnight: Strange History, Salem Style”, features a unique and in-depth look at all things sinister. With episodes like “Murderous Purpose: Turning Murderers into Movie Stars”, I knew I was in for a trip down a morbid, and totally engrossing rabbit hole. I was pleased to have the opportunity to pose questions to local “Life After Midnight” podcasters, Kristin Harris and Allison French.
  Q: The purpose of your podcast, “Life After Midnight: Strange History, Salem Style”, is to explore the dark side and educate the masses on the macabre. What inspired you to start a podcast about the darker side of history? Why do you feel it’s important to remember morbid history and ensure stories of this nature are told?
  A: Kristin: I’ve always been intrigued by the folklore aspects of history, mainly stories that we hear and wonder about where they come from, what the origins of those stories are, and why we cling to them in our culture. From a very early age I was obsessed with ghost stories, stories about vampires and other mythical creatures, and especially those that had a darker story to them. I feel that there is something to be said for why society, as a whole, always takes interest in things that frighten us, and in some cases, almost idolize those things. They are an important part of our culture, and so Allison and I have set out to educate people about where these attachments come from, and in our research it’s been interesting to see where in human history the darker aspects or obsessions in human society have originated from. Allison: I think it’s been a long time coming for both of us, for sure. We both grew up being interested in things that were a little unorthodox. I had some bizarre paranormal experiences as a kid, but I still can’t really put my finger on where the obsession with this whole subcategory began. All I can really recall is that I’ve always been attracted to things that were on the darker side. It went from being the elementary school kid obsessed with Halloween, to being the high school kid voluntarily choosing the most tragic, eerie topic – that no one else wanted to pick – to do a project on in history class. I think part of it was sort of rebellion; there’s always something sexy about the stuff that’s controversial. But I also genuinely think I got a real high on diving headfirst into content that might give someone else nightmares. The more dark history I researched, the more I realized how important it is to know about some of these stories. I learned more about human beings & culture by studying the Manson Family than I ever learned from half of the content I was taught in grade school. And this is coming from a massive history nerd.
Ep 1 (Part 1): Welcome to Our Nightmare by Life After Midnight: Strange History, Salem Style
(This podcast is intended for adults and is NSFW.) Part 1 of our first episode, introducing ourselves to you & discussing the presence of Salem, Massachusetts in film & television.
Q: How do you plan the subject of your episodes? Is there research involved? A: Kristin: Really we just got together one day and decided that we both had so much to say about the weird shit we were obsessed with, and that we really wanted to have a go at making an academic endeavor into some of the themes discussed in the podcast. But we also wanted it to be accessible for a wider audience. Usually, to plan an episode, we think about something that has always intrigued us, whether it be Salem’s kooky portrayal in movies, serial killers who are idolized, why people believe in vampires, strange diseases people believe in, and things like that. Then we have to narrow it down a bit, and think of things within that topic that relate to each other, and then, yes, lots of research commences. Allison and myself will each pick two or three points within that topic to focus on, split up the work between us, and then come back and share our findings and fit that into an episode format, usually within an hour, but sometimes more, as we have a whole lot of crap to say. The research is very intensive, with both of us tracking down not only books from experts on certain topics, but also primary sources, court records, burial and death records, and things of that nature to make sure that we are covering all aspects of the topic from all sides. Allison: Just to add to what Kristin said – I think the most exciting part about planning episode content is the stuff you just kind of fall into. You start somewhere and then the next thing you know, the dots start connecting. For example, we were talking about our eagerness in doing an episode about some of our ‘favorite’ famous murder stories, but which ones do we pick? How do we tie them together? We sat down and basically just started having a conversation about these different examples, and suddenly one of just sort of said, “isn’t it funny how the media craze & sensationalism surrounding these crimes is what people remember the most about them?” And that was it – the episode topic just, sort of, was born. So I would say each episode is absolutely something we research heavily, but our favorite part about the episode preparation process is the details that come from discussion.
  Q: You mentioned discussing sensationalism revolving around crime and heinous acts, which was covered in your most recent episode, why do you believe people have such a strange fascination with the macabre?
  A: Kristin: I think that people use those things as an outlet to explore into their own thoughts. One of the things that I have studied in particular, while I was attaining my Master’s, was death in American culture. In studying this theme and realizing how that seems to connect with so much in our repeated popular cultural themes, I began to notice a pattern. And it is widely thought by many who study anthropology that death is one thing that is a definite for all humanity, and therefore, cultures from all over the world can at least connect on that one point. We are the first species to have a conscious awareness of the fact that we are going to die, inevitably, and out of that anxiety has come all of the ritual we see around the death of a person, all of the popular culture references to death, and the obsession in some parts of culture, with the idea of immortality. So, all of these things are, perhaps, some of the most important parts of our culture because they are, in a sense, a collective of personal beliefs that can be translated across almost all cultures. In the case of heinous acts, well, what is more terrifying than the thought that another person, possibly someone you know and love, could decide to end your life at any given moment? We already feel such a loss of control with the knowledge that death is imminent, add to that the prospect that even more control is taken away, and this intrigues people. We want to know why someone would upset that balance, and sometimes in a horrific and violent way. Allison: I couldn’t have answered that any better. I totally agree. I still can’t even really explain my own morbid fascinations. I will still read Creepy Catalog, in the dark, before bed, fully knowing that I am heading into the ‘big fucking nope’ part of the internet, yet I love every second of it. I get jumpy, and wide-eyed, and every simple creak in the floorboard is suddenly danger, but I keep reading. A sensation I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to explain.  But it’s the same thing with being fascinated by the macabre – it’s not an average part of everyday life, it’s the things that aren’t ‘the norm’, and whether we want to admit it or not, we crave that. Everybody’s a little weird in that way, they just won’t always admit it. When morbid stories or murders suddenly become high-profile, widely-reported news stories, everybody latches on, and the abnormal becomes the normal, which gives everybody something to hide behind. It’s suddenly not weird anymore because the newspapers say, “here”.
Our Books
Listed in Order of Release Date Shadows in Salem For anyone who knows the history, Salem, Massachusetts has more than a few stories to tell. Travel to the Witch City within the pages of these collected short stories, and know the captivating nature of one of the oldest towns in America.
  Q: Speaking of high profile history of a heinous nature, Salem is known for the infamous Witch Trials, but can you tell us about any other especially sensationalized crimes that took place in Salem?
  A: Kristin: In our episode “Murderous Purpose: Turning Murderers into Movie Stars,” we talk about the murder of Captain Joseph White that occurred in Salem in April of 1830. This was a highly sensationalized murder, reaching publications all over the United States. This was partly because it was a shockingly violent crime perpetrated against a well-known and wealthy member of Salem’s merchant class, but also in part, because of the involvement of Daniel Webster, who was a prominent prosecutor, to investigate the case. As this case unraveled, the Knapp brothers, who had conspired to have Captain White killed by a man named Richard Crowninshield, became stranger and stranger, which only added to the fascination. I won’t completely ruin it for you, and you can listen to the whole story on our podcast, but this case was so influential that a ballad was written about it; it was used as inspiration for “The Tell-Tale Heart,” written by the great master of Horror, Edgar Allan Poe, and some like to posit the rumor that the inside layout of the White mansion, (now known as the Gardner-Pingree house on Essex St. in Salem) was used by the Parker Brothers as the first board design for their game of Clue, when it was first released. Sadly, it’s been difficult to track down a whole lot of hard evidence about if that is true, but I guess some still think it’s a fun story to tell.
  Q: What are some of your favorite “macabre” locations in the Salem area? Is there a place in The Witch City you particularly enjoy haunting or that you find especially inspiring?
  A: Kristin: To me, as someone who had the privilege to work there for a few short years, the Witch House, here in Salem, will always be my favorite haunt. It’s one of those places that when you’ve had the opportunity on a cloudy, misty day when it’s quiet, to just sit in the house and absorb and appreciate the simple fact of where you are at that moment, it stays with you. It’s the only remaining home in Salem with a direct tie to the Witch Trials, as it is the former home of Jonathan Corwin, one of the magistrates that presided over the trials, but it is so much more than that. It’s a beautiful representation of 17th century architecture, but it has also seen almost every period in Salem’s history. It sits roughly in the same place it did, only being moved to accommodate the widening of the streets as they changed, but it is still on its original property, and when you think about all that’s transpired in Salem since the house was built and how many people have seen that house, it is pretty amazing. Allison: I’m not sure if there’s any one location within the Salem city limits that really triumphs over any others for me – there’s so many wonderful spots, it’s hard to pick a favorite. I think Broad Street Cemetery is a pretty powerful place, I always get a strange feeling of solitude when I’m there. I will admit that there are a lot of spots I’ve become a little too used to – not necessarily desensitized, but if they’re on my tour routes, they start to become, well, routine. I still get a little choked up every now and again when I’m near the Memorial, particularly when I’m standing by George Jacobs’ memorial bench & talking about him. But aside from all of this, one of my favorite things about New England and especially Salem, is how many spots you feel that ‘time warp’ effect. Salem has this magical way of allowing you to step back in time for a moment, as if the houses are trying to tell you stories.
Q: Why is podcasting important to the modern creative scene in Salem and beyond?
  A: Kristin: Salem is very much a city that clings to its history and its identity very fiercely, and there are people that cling to those things just as fiercely, but it’s also a city that continues to grow, to challenge itself and to be open to new avenues of information. There is a lot to be said for some of the interesting (to put it mildly) ways that information and history is shared in Salem, We feel that in an age where not everyone has access to some of these institutions, we are in a place that we can offer another avenue. Accessibility for history and education can come in many forms, and there are several companies here, like Creative Salem, that are really the forerunners of community engagement in the new age, and we hope that we can be the spooky side of that and continue to add to the creative and entrepreneurial movement that seems to be happening in town. Hopefully that can spread beyond the local scene, and we’d like to reach as many people as possible. In the future, we hope to have source lists for our listeners as well, so they can see this information for themselves. We try to mention all our sources in our episodes, but it will be helpful to have them written down for people.
  Allison: Once again, I couldn’t agree more. Salem is a highly creative city. Creatives don’t all listen or learn the same way. Presenting material in a podcast form is highly accessible to not just the world of so-called “good listeners”, but to a world of people – like me, honestly – who often need auditory stimulation in order for something to really be absorbed. It’s also about outreach. Podcasts from any given location are generally within reach for anyone in the world. Using this kind of creative avenue, we aren’t just getting our material out there, we’re making connections with people from all over – from one community of weirdos to the next!
Find out more about “Life After Midnight: Strange History, Salem Style” on their Facebook page    https://www.facebook.com/lifeaftermidnightsalem/
“Life After Midnight” logo by artists Kenny Harris: http://www.kennyharris.net/
Amber Newberry is Editor-in-Chief of Salem-based horror and dark poetry press, FunDead Publications. www.FunDeadPublications.com
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“Life After Midnight: Strange History, Salem Style” Q & A: Kristin Harris and Allison French
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“Life After Midnight: Strange History, Salem Style” Q & A: Kristin Harris and Allison French was originally published on Creative Salem
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