#Zenitsu agatsuma fanfiction
islands-0f-violence · 5 months
Kimetsu no... Isekai?
Synopsis: Modern Era MC is thrown into disarry inside the Demon Slayer universe. What could go wrong? Pairings: Various X MC/Reader
❝Under the harsh light of day, MC appears! Groggy and confused, our lovely MC has to figure out how she went from attending boring seminars to slaying demons within hours. With no memory to conclude how she got there--or why she got there--our MC adventures through the Taisho era with Tanjiro and company trying to figure out just why they're there, while trying to keep the story as linear as possible. Though, it's getting harder and harder to keep secrets as they keep piling up.❞
Chapter 1 [NEXT]
I winced at the bright light that suddenly enveloped my face. Covering my eyes from further abuse, I sat up in my bed and rubbed them out. I could've sworn I shut the curtains tight so this wouldn't happen. Upon placing my hand down on my bed, I felt a peculiar texture and immediately snapped my eyes open. Around me was greenery, something that isn't in my bedroom. I stumbled up from my bed—which happened to be made of moss—and looked around.
Where the fuck am I?
The last thing I remembered before dozing off was watching TenSura. Ah, what an anime. No! No time for that right now! I gotta figure out what happened. I felt around my person for anything but found nothing. I'm stranded out here with no phone or supplies.
Honestly, it's probably just a prank my friends pulled. Though this feels borderline too far, I suppose they wouldn't actually leave me for dead in the middle of some unknown place, right?
Sighing, I began to walk around. Well, not around, in as straight of a line as I could. I can't waste time going in circles. After a few moments of walking, I came across a dirt path. I'll be damned, I'm not completely lost. I still don't recall any dirt trails I'd personally know near me, though, so I just hope I'm not too far from home. Or a gas station. I really have to pee right now. I kept walking for quite some time and felt like I was getting absolutely nowhere. Suddenly, the trees and greenery around me got thinner and thinner. Once the trees had ended, I walked out into a nice field. On either side of the path I'm walking lies some sort of vegetable or something. Maybe rice? It's set up so weirdly… I don't think this is anywhere near my house.
Looking further ahead, there was a bright blob in the middle of the road. It wasn't moving and didn't look like any animal I'd seen, so I continued forward toward it. Maybe it'll have some telling of where I'm at.
As I got closer, my stomach began to twist. I felt such an intense wave of déjà vu wash over me, but I shoved it aside. Once I approached it, it became clearer and more person-sized? No, not just person-sized, but just a human! I crouched down beside them, they weren't making too much noise. Honestly, I was concerned because they were just trembling there.
"U-Uhm," I started out, but it felt like I haven't used my voice in days, "excuse me? Are you ok?" I went to reach out to nudge their shoulder when they stopped moving altogether. Their head snapped up suddenly and this man's amber eyes were locked onto mine.
And then he opened his mouth.
"AHHHHHHHHH! I thought I heard someone coming, but I thought I was crazy, but it turned out to be an angel sent from above!" In mere seconds he had pushed my back and was nuzzling my cheek, a sobbing mess. "You've got to marry me! MARRY ME PLEASE! I might die soon!" My face exploded in color as I tried to shove the strange man off of me. Looking around, there was no one here to help me so I panicked and began to hit him.
"Off! Get off of me!" He seemed to not care as he continued to cling to me and beg for marriage. I don't think I'm ready for that. As I continually assaulted him, I got a closer look at his face.
It was snotty, but I instantly recognized the blond and orange hair, the bushy brows, and—oh god—the haori. How could I not recognize this pattern sooner? My swings got weaker as I put the realization together and he seemed to quiet down a bit once he noticed, but I swung harder once I remembered cosplayers exist.
This man could just be pretending to be Zenitsu to cop a feel of random girls and blame it on his character! With this new fuel to my anger, I successfully kicked him off and scrambled backward onto my feet. I brushed my shorts off from the dirt path. He pulled himself back up and began to walk on his knees towards me, hands are done in a praying motion. "Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasemarryme-" he babbled.
"Ugh, just get away from me, it's pathetic you have to cosplay that just to touch a girl." He blinked, seemingly not understanding a word I said before he lunged. Screaming, I tried to turn and run off from his sudden attack, but he was too fast. Lightning fast. Does this kid do track in his spare time?
"You can't leave me here! I'll probably die on my next mission and if I do I'll never have the chance to marry someone so you have to marry me right now!" He was getting desperate, his fingers digging into my hips from how hard he was gripping. I was actually starting to tear up when suddenly his weight was forced off of me. I looked up and saw a man in a green and black haori, a box strapped onto his back and an irritated look adorned his face as he faced the blond.
Did I stumble into a cosplay reenactment scene and they used me as the girl? They began bickering, running through the same shtick as I slowly boiled with anger. Would it not hurt to ask someone's permission? Maybe I wouldn't have minded or even dressed up for it!
"This is so fucking stupid, next time ask someone before you involve them in your games." I snapped at the squabbling pair, effectively stopping their argument and I turned to walk off, hoping to find someone competent enough to help me.
"Stop! You're going to be my wife!" 'Zenitsu' reached out again, grabbing my shirt and yanking me back. I fell on my ass pretty hard and let out a groan. He squeaked and crawled over with speed to my side. "I'msosorryididntmeantopullyouthathard-" I held my hand up and stopped him, which to my surprise he did.
"A-Are you OK?" I looked up to see 'Tanjirou' reaching his hand out as if to help me up. I accepted and he pulled me up gently, even stepping in between me and 'Zenistu.' At least one of these guys has manners.
"Yes," I paused, contemplating asking him for directions. "Do you know how I could get back home? I don't know this area very well. We shouldn't be too far from [address], right?" His look changed to an uncertain one as he looked me over. This further puzzled him, I guess.
"[Address]? I haven't heard of anywhere like that near me. Which prefecture are you from?" Prefecture? Excuse me.
"Look, we're not in Japan so don't play with me right now. I'm looking for [address] in [State/Province]. You can drop the act." I swallowed as the boy in front of me struggled to understand. Even 'Zenitsu' was quiet, trying to figure out what I was talking about. Is it that hard to stop with the reenactment to help someone who's lost?
"But we are in Japan? What are you talking about?" I opened my mouth to further argue with him but stopped myself. I woke up out of nowhere in the middle of some forestry area. I don't remember getting there at all, not to mention I clearly remember laying in my own bed last night. To say I am confused is an understatement. I genuinely believe this is fake and there are cosplayers in front of me, but a part of me is scared. What if I'm actually here?
I shook my head, it's not possible. Looking back up at 'Tanjirou' who was waiting patiently for me, I reached up to run my hand through his hair. Before he could object, I already had his strands between my fingers and I felt over his head for bumps from possible wig caps. None. Leaving him red-faced and stammering, I turned to 'Zenitsu' who had watched the interaction with jealousy. I proceeded to do the same to him, which he absolutely enjoyed. But still no wig cap. I pulled my hand away to his disappointment and examined it for any spray-on dyes.
Ok, this has got to be either a really good dye job or my ass is in Kimetsu no Yaiba. And yet, for some reason, I felt calmer than I should. Maybe it's because I don't thoroughly believe it yet? And honestly, as excited as I am for an isekai, I at least want to know if it's real, y'know?
"I- Sorry, I just needed to know if this was… really happening." I covered it lamely. "What I mean is, I don't remember coming to Japan."
"How could you not remember coming?? You speak the language." The blond pointed an accusing finger at me. This puzzled me, I don't think I'm speaking Japanese. In fact, I don't hear it either.
"But your outfit… tells a different story." 'Tanjirou' commented, looking me over once more. I look down at myself to see the loose pair of shorts I sleep in and a random [design] shirt. There is literally nothing wrong with my outfit. Well, I guess unless I am in an anime set back in time, there is.
"Shut up! There's nothing wrong with her outfit!" OK, maybe this actually is Zenitsu. He giggled and crawled forward, reaching for my thighs when I slapped his hands away. "That's ok, I can wait for my… my…" I expected him to say wife, but it looks like he was going for something different. "What's your name?"
Of course, they wouldn't know your name, dipshit. "Sorry, it's [Y/N]."
"[Y/N]." Tanjirou tasted, slowing the pronunciation. "I knew your accent was strange, but this definitely backs up that you're a foreigner. My name is Kamado Tanjirou, but please, call me Tanjirou."
Not missing a beat, the blond beside him scrambled up and grabbed my hand, smiling. "I'm Agatsuma Zenitsu. Your future husband." I pulled my hand from his grasp and stifled back a laugh. Me? In this situation? Fanfiction could never beat this.
"You said you don't know your way around right? Well, more specifically that you don't know how you got here, you could come with me and I could take you to a nearby village?" That sounds like a shit idea, to be dropped off at a random village and just left. However, I could travel with them to their next mission and see if this place is actually real.
I opened my mouth to respond before Zenitsu butted in. "You! You got in my way once already, I'm not letting you again! We're going together!" He dramatically pointed at Tanjirou, seething at the idea of the two of us traveling alone.
"Fine, we'll go together then, but I do have a mission we need to complete." Zenitsu panicked and began to have a full meltdown again, to my and Tanjirou’s disappointment. After his scenic spazz attack, Tanjirou managed to hoist him up and get him to walk a way with us.
"Better now?" The redhead smiled at the other.
"Mm, yeah, but I'm hungry." I walked along the other side of Tanjirou, making sure I stood away from Zenitsu. Tanjirou reached into his haori, pulling out an onigiri and splitting it. He handed one half to Zenitsu and offered the other to me.
Not gonna lie, it looks good, but provided I'm experiencing this in real life, he's going to need it more than me. I shook my head, "Keep it, I feel nauseous. " I didn't lie, I do feel sick right now, but I'm not sure if it's just nervousness or not. Tanjirou opened his mouth to offer again, but I grabbed his arm and had him take a bite. He was surprised at my action but didn't bother offering it again. I know he was hungry, too, so I would keep chewing and swallowing as well.
"Eh?! Really, just eat in front of her?! Don't you have any other food!" Suddenly flustered, Tanjirou swallowed harshly and began sputtering.
"I-I'm sorry, this is all I had left-" I slapped Zenitsu upside his head for making Tanjirou panic. Not saying another word, Tanjirou finished his half, not trying to invoke anything like that out of me.
"Give it a rest! I'm not hungry, can't you listen?" I glared at the blond, who teared up in response.
"[Y/N]-chan, you've been hitting me all day! Why can't you hit Tanjirou like that?!" He brokenheartedly bit into his snack.
Tanjirou paled and looked at me. "Tanjirou hasn't been acting stupid! Also, it's only been like 20 minutes since we've met?!" The redhead was relieved to see I wasn't gunning him down. Tanjirou stuck his tongue out at Zenitsu before a crow circled above them and cawed out.
"Tanjirou! Zenitsu! Start running to your next destination! Run! Run!" Hearing that in person, yeah a little creepy.
"AHHHH- THAT CROW! IT JUST SPOKE TO US! crowsarentsupposedtodothatright?!" Zenitsu fell to the ground, having one of his episodes again. Instead of helping him, Tanjirou and I just stood there, staring at him with a blankly stare. Was it ever right for me to simp for this scrub?
( ˘▽˘)っ☆゚.*・。゚
The rest of the walk was decently calm, except for the occasional whining of Zenitsu wanting to stay back. We eventually reached our destination, which was a tall manor, mansion? Big home. Yes, that. I can't remember what happens here too well since it's been a minute, but there should he some kids around here. I scanned the area.
"I smell blood, lots of it." Tanjirou sniffed.
"Smell? I don't know about that, but I can hear something from inside… you hear it, right?" They looked at each other, and then at me. I looked back at them blankly.
"Huh? Did you ask me something?" They deadpan. Zenitsu begins to repeat it when Tanjirou interrupts him.
"Look, children. " We follow his gaze to the tree line where a young boy and girl stood, clinging to each other with wide eyes. Zenitsu is startled for a moment since he didn't hear them, but Tanjirou took the lead and stepped towards them carefully before crouching down to their height. I followed behind, hoping to not frighten them. "Hi! Is this your house?" The kids shook their heads and he continued. "Could you tell me what's wrong? I'm here to help you." After they showed no signs of speaking, Tanjirou pulled Zenitsu's sparrow out and presented it to them. "Look at what I have, it's a sparrow." It took a moment, but they relaxed and one of them finally spoke up.
"Th-There's a monster in there!" The boy choked out. "We were with my brother and a monster grabbed him! We followed them here with his blood but… he was hurt badly." The kids teared up. I wanted to hold them close and tell them it would be ok, but it felt weird. Like it wasn't my place.
"That was very brave of you two, to follow him all the way here. Don't you worry, me and my friend here are going to help him and reunite you three." The girl's eyes sparkled.
"Really?! You're going to save our brother!" Tanjirou gave her a kind smile and nodded.
"Hey, do you hear that? It's like drums." Zenitsu spoke up seriously, staring at the second-floor window. What happened here again? I listened closely, trying to hear what he was hearing but couldn't.
I got up and ran towards the house but by the time I got there, I was too late. A body flung itself from the second story and landed mere feet in front of me. I stared down at it, wide-eyed, feeling the blood spatter hit my bare legs and cheeks. I heard the other two run towards me, Tanjirou crouching over the body. I remember this scene, as he's the one who comforted him in his last moments. Could I have saved him if I caught him? Or was he too far gone before that?
"Hey! Are you OK?" Zenitsu turned me around to face him, I stared at him blankly for a moment. He had a look of concern and his hands were around both of my wrists. I shook myself out of it and gave a half smile.
"Yeah, just wasn't expecting that." That was a lie. "I just was trying to hear what you were hearing." What I really didn't expect was a legitimate dead body. I didn't expect the realness of the situation. If I enter that house with them, will I come out like this next? I'm just an anomaly. Anything could happen to me.
Zenitsu felt around his person until he found a spare cloth that he happened to have. He placed one of his hands under my chin to look up at him and used the cloth to clean off what splattered on my face. He had a soft smile while he was doing it, and damn I almost melted right there. Well, that was until he finished with my face and dropped down, wiping at my leg while placing his other hand firmly on my ass to hold himself up. "I'll get you cleaned up, [Y/N]-chan~" This ruined it and I planted my foot against his chest to push him away. He fell backward, losing his grip on the cloth he had and I used it to quickly get what he didn't before he sat back up. "So mean…"
I turned to Tanjirou who finished laying the boy in a respective way. He turned towards the kids and gestured toward this man. "Is this… your brother?" They shook their heads and he sighed in relief. "Then we still have time." He bowed to the body before getting up and walking over to the kids. He took his box off and handed it to them, smiling. "This will protect you. I and my friend are going in for your brother, so just wait here with [Y/N] and everything will be alright!"
Thank God, he didn't expect me to go in with him. Zenitsu, however, looks like he was just given a life sentence. "I don't know if we should Tanjirou! I can't fight!" He cried. I glanced over at the kids who stared at him in obvious disgust. Eh, maybe I do wanna go in. I could see him make a fool of himself in front of those kids. Tanjirou's only response to that was to grab him by the haori and drag him to the entrance.
"We'll be back, [Y/N]! Stay with the kids." He waved as he and Zenitsu entered the building. I sighed, looking back at the box of his sister and the children. If it weren't the day, maybe I would take a peek inside. I crouched down beside it, reaching out to examine the materials used, and suddenly the box shook, and scratching sounds emitted from it. I jumped, and immediately felt stupid since I expected it to happen. The kids screamed and dashed for the main door.
I got up and ran towards them after I realized they were making a b-line for the entrance. "No! Don't go in there!" I was a few inches short of grabbing the boy's kimono when the door slid shut. I stood there, mid-run and my hand outstretched where the boy once was. I can't go in there, I won't live! But I have to, what will Tanjirou and Zenitsu think about me if I let those kids run in there?
Actually, Zenitsu wouldn't blame me one bit.
But that's not the problem, it's immoral. I reached for the door and went to open it, but it wouldn't budge. I glared at it and tried again. Still, no movement. I took a few steps back from the door and looked at the frame and—there! The door was slammed so hard, it broke the door frame. The door is now jammed into the wood, and therefore not moving. Huh, I guess I don't need to go then. Kicking the frame in slight frustration, I made my way back to Tanjirou's box and sat on the ground beside it. Soon enough, there were scratches coming from the box again. I furrowed my brows. Does she need something?
"Hello?" She doesn't know me yet, so I don't want to just start calling her name. "Is there someone in there?" I was met with silence. I waited a bit longer to see if she'd respond, but it seems since she can't sense Tanjirou outside the box, she doesn't want to. Tanjirou… "Are you worried about Tanjirou? He's going to be OK, trust me! He'll be back soon." I stopped at that, not wanting to give her too many details. Just give her hope for his return.
After a moment, there was more movement in the box, with no scratches this time. She must've been stressed before with Tanjirou leaving her here. I hope that brings her some peace.
It felt like a good hour, but eventually, there was movement from the house. Zenitsu came barreling out of the same window as the guy from before. In his arms was the boy from earlier. I gotta admit, he looks pretty cool when he's doing selfless stuff. I ran over to where he was going to land and, again, fell short and watched as he hit the ground. Fortunately, I knew he was going to be OK already.
The boy, however, didn't. "Ah! Are you OK?!" He gasped out, pointing at Zenitsu's head.
I looked closer and winced at the stream of blood where his head hit the ground. "Yeah, I'm better than ever since I got out of there, why?" He rubbed his head sheepishly and then froze when he felt something wet. Bringing his hand back in front of him, he saw blood and screamed. "TH-THAT'S WHY!" I pulled the cloth he was using earlier and pressed it against his wound for him. In response, he giggled gratefully and flushed. Man's was just dying and now he's blushing. Great.
A crush suddenly emitted from the other side of the building and a boar-headed figure rounded the corner. "I sense a demonic presence!" And then the most guttural cackle came from him. He started towards Tanjirou's box.
Honestly, I could care less because of damn this man's chest. Stop, stop ogling him right now, [Y/N]. I can't stop. Stop. I can't stop. Stop. I can't- UGHSG, get to Nezuko now! I can't get distracted by him, he's literally targeting her.
I half expected Zenitsu to get up as he does in the story, but he's too busy begging to be babied further by me to do it. I groaned and sprinted towards the box, Zenitsu sitting up confused behind me. I blocked Inosuke's leg as he came to kick back the box. His foot met my crossed arms and knocked me back into the box. A corner lodged itself into my back and I gasped in pain. Jesus fuck, that hurt.
"You, woman, get out of my way!" He pointed a sword down at me, tip at my nose. I scowled and pushed the box back further, backing up with it. He brought his sword up to swing it down when suddenly there was yellow in between us. Zenitsu stood there, arms out. "St-Stop! Leave her and the box alone!"
"There's a demon in that box and if you don't move I'll have to take you with it." Zenitsu stuttered for a moment, aware that he was right.
"No! Well, I mean! I know that! I'll ask Tanjirou when I see him, I just haven't yet." He glanced around nervously.
Inosuke didn't like this answer and pulled his arm back. "I don't care! I'll take him and his box out!" He proceeded to punch Zenitsu, who recoiled back at me. I caught him and stabilized his stance so he didn't fall over. Inosuke continued his pursuit and kicked Zenitsu's legs out from underneath him and began to kick him while he was down. In reflex, I got up and tackled the boar. This pisses me off too much to be able to stop and watch.
He laughed maniacally as we rolled over each other, fighting for dominance. I swung at him at any chance I got, but it was like my punches weren't doing anything to him. I kept my stomach and face as protected as I could, but there was only so much I could do when being rolled around on the ground. I could hear Zenitsu yelling out, but eventually, Inosuke's fist met my stomach and I gasped for air, letting go of him. He took advantage of this and got another hit on the side of my face. My ears were ringing and I tried to make out voices from it but had a hard time focusing on them and trying to breathe. I could feel myself being sat up as I began to breathe again. My hearing was clearing and Zenitsu was snapping to get my attention.
"[Y/N]! [Y/N]! Can you hear me? Oh my god, are you alive?!" I looked around before answering him, seeing Inosuke knocked back and Tanjirou standing above him, seething.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. It just made things fuzzy for a moment." I tried to get up but immediately got pulled back into Zenitsu's lap.
"No! You shouldn't get up after getting hit like that!" My eye twitched.
"Zenitsu, I'm fine. It just, like, stunned me for a moment, I guess." I tried to pry myself from his grasp again to no avail. I glanced over at Tanjirou who watched us with disgust I know people could only hold for Zenitsu. His attention was snatched by Inosuke once again as he began to sit up.
"I understand! Fight me, with your fists!" Tanjirou sweat dropped and told him no. Inosuke ignored him and lunged at him, Tanjirou missing just barely. I wiggled out of Zenitsu's grasp while they had their squabble. Eventually, Inosuke's head was grabbed and Tanjirou slammed his head into the boar's. There was a sickening crunch that I even heard and I winced.
"DIDYOUGUYSJUSTBREAKYOURSKULLS?!" Zenitsu screamed, shaking his head back and forth at the scene. The boar head slowly came off Inosuke and I stared in anticipation. Blue hair and vibrant green eyes were revealed and I squealed. Of course, I clamped my hand over my mouth, but I don't think it matters since neither guy was looking my way. "EH?! A girl's face! How could someone with your personality be so pretty!"
Inosuke turned towards Zenitsu. "Got a problem with my face?!" He huffed.
"No! There isn't a problem! It's just that most people, including me, would consider it an attractive face!" Tanjirou smiled nervously. This seemed to rile Inosuke up further. I had no comments, I just wanted to soak up this moment and look. He caught my gaze and lunged forward again.
"You! Do you have a problem with my face? Stop staring!" He growled as Tanjirou and Zenitsu caught him halfway. "I'm going to fight all of you! Fight me! Headbutt me! Just fight me!"
"Stop! We can't do that!"
"Stop! It's taboo to fight with each other! Is it really that fun to you? To beat those who are weaker than you??"
The guy flexibly bounced back, doing a flip and landing in an interesting pose. "Fight me now! I'm flexible, strong! I won't take no for an answer."
"Stop bending like that! You've got broken ribs! That can't be good for you." They cry.
"There is no one else like me! Only I can do this! Aren't I awesome?! Aren't I?!" He smiled up at them in his scorpion pose. "Now fight me!"
"No!" Everyone yells.
"You know what! I'll tell you my name! Hashibara Inosuke! You better remember it!" He stood up straight.
"How is it spelled??" Tanjirou piped up.
Inosuke was taken aback. "Spelled?! Eh! I don't know how to spell, or read! I just know my name was written on my loin-ACK!" He paused. We watched as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell back.
Zenitsu screamed. "Is he dead?!" Tanjirou quickly knelt down beside the man and sighed in relief.
"He's just unconscious! I bet I gave him a concussion when I headbutted him." He smiled.
"A-Are you OK?" The girl spoke up, Tezuka? Teruko? Teruko I think.
"Yes! I was born with a really hard head, like my mother!" He smiled proudly. Teruko grinned at him and reached up.
"Could I touch your head?" He nods and lowers his head for her and she runs her small hand across it, even tapping it. "Wow, it is tough!" I lean in and reach out as well. Might as well do it, too, since he's offering. My palm came into contact with his forehead and he turned red. I ran my thumb across it and the red mark and smiled.
"Yeah, it's hard." Zenitsu began whining behind me, disappointed.
Tanjirou stared for a moment before he got up hurriedly. "I-I think we should start burying the dead. There were countless people in there." He started off in the direction of the house, before making Zenitsu give him his haori and taking his own off to make sure Inosuke was more comfortable. After that, he barely spared me a glance before taking Zenitsu with him inside again. Was I not going to help?
( ˘▽˘)っ☆゚.*・。゚
Yeah, I helped more than they wanted me to. How do I know this? The moment they brought the first bodies out, I helped with the burials and they kept trying to push me away. I proved stubborn and kept assisting where I thought I could. There was a sudden movement from behind us and we turned just in time for Inosuke to get up and face us.
“What are you guys doing?” he asked.
“We’re burying the dead, you should help.” Inosuke turned his head up in distaste.
“I don’t need to help, I see no reason to bury them.” I opened my mouth to say something since he was so rude about it, but Tanjirou beat me to it. Honestly, I preferred his response anyway.
“Oh, it’s OK, I see. You’re too injured to help, right? Please, lay down and get some rest. I wouldn’t want you to overdo it.” He gave a coy smile. I had to stifle my laugh. Way to go. Even Zenitsu looked impressed.
Inosuke growled and pointed at him. “No! I can do it! I can bury more bodies than you ever could!” And with that, he ran off back into the estate. With him hard at work, we got everyone buried properly. Paying one last bit of respect, we turned to leave. In the distance, Inosuke was rushing head-first into trees. Tanjirou’s crow circled above us, calling out and shocking the children.
“Go down the mountain!”
“Is that crow really talking?” Shoichi asked.
“Crows actually have higher intelligence than most people believe. It’s very possible.” I smiled down at him. He nodded in thought.
We walked for another 10 minutes before the path split and the three siblings took the left. They bowed and thanked us for escorting them down. Zenitsu caused a scene, dragging Shouichi down, and begging him not to leave us. After some convincing, we pulled him off and went our separate ways once the crow handed the ward to the kid. As soon as they were out of sight, Inosuke began to pick another fight with Tanjirou.
“Come! Fight me, you!” He pointed at the redhead. I groaned inwardly.
“Dude, can’t you calm down?” I poked my finger into his forehead, pushing him back.
“You! Weak woman, fight me as well!”
Ticked, Tanjirou spoke up again. “We have names you know! I’m Kamado Tanjirou, and this is Agatsuma Zenitsu and [Y/N]!” Inosuke laughed at this.
“Alright, Gonpachiro Kamaboko! I’ll beat you.” He stated seriously. Zenitsu and I could help it and laugh.
"Excuse me, who? I don’t know who you’re talking about!” Tanjirou whined.
“You! Gonpachiro!” In response to this, Tanjirou retorted with his proper name.
I sighed. “This is exciting.”
Shortly after that argument, we came to a gate with a Wisteria crest on it. I marveled at the size of it as the crow came back within distance and landed on Tanjirou. “Rest! Anyone who was injured, rest!” Tanjirou raised a brow, skeptical of the crow's comment.
“Huh, what about earlier when I was fighting with my broken rib and leg from the mission before?!” The crow looked sheepish and let out a dry cough. Inosuke popped up on the other side of him and grasped his tail, holding him up.
“Let’s eat him.” I gagged at the idea of it, and the crow itself screamed in discontent, flapping to get away.
The gate creaked open and an elder woman stepped through, a warm smile on her face. “Hello, welcome. You guys are demon slayers, right?” There were glances my way before they curtly nodded. Well, except for Inosuke.
He stood beside her, poking a finger into the side of her head. “What are you? A demon? Huh?? You look weak.” Steam escapes through his mask.
“Rude!” Tanjirou exclaimed, but the old lady seemed unbothered.
“Please, come in.” She turned to the side and entered the gates, walking ahead at an alarming pace. In hopes of keeping up, I quickly scrambled after her, and the others followed shortly. She led us to one room and gestured inside. The boys entered and before I could step foot, she stopped me. “Here, I have a separate room for you to change in.” Huh, understandable. She led me not too far down the hall to another room and handed me a clean yukata. It was just white with a faint, generic pattern in it. So simple. “When you’re done, you can come back down the hall to the left and I’ll have food prepared.” I nodded and she left before I could say thank you.
Once I had changed and put my scuffed-up clothes to the side, I stepped out into the hall. It was empty, except for the faint noises coming from Tanjirou and the others. I honestly didn’t know where I was going, but I didn’t worry too much as I had the sound of their voices to follow. I came up to a lit-up room with a crack in the door. I pushed it open to reveal four sets of food, Tanjirou and Inosuke were sitting next to each other while Zenitsu had the empty spot reserved beside him, waving me down. I tentatively took a seat beside him, causing him to squeal.
I picked up my chopped sticks and tried some of the food, a little clumsily, might I add. I liked most of it and picked around a few parts I didn’t quite enjoy. Across from me, Inosuke had his boar head off, eating away at his food with his hands. Huh, I wonder if they’ll care if I do the same. One day if I get tired of it, I’ll break down and do it, too. “She’s a monster!” He shovels a mouthful of rice and shrimp in his mouth and begins to speak again. “Granny’s a monster! She does things too fast!” Tanjirou recoils in disgust.
“Use your chopsticks!” Inosuke stops for a moment and grins before snatching some of his food off his plate. Zenitsu was clearly bothered at the sight, but kept his mouth shut in fear of falling victim, as well, I’m sure. Tanjirou went to put some more of his food on Inosuke’s plate, but I stopped him and proceeded to place what I had left on my plate on his. Honestly, it was mostly the things I didn’t like from the selection, so it wasn’t a loss for me. “Oh, I wouldn’t have minded, [Y/N]!”
I shrugged. “I didn’t like that anyways, might as well give it to someone who will eat it.” I took a drink of my tea. He nodded back in understanding and continued to eat. Zenitsu tugged on the sleeve of my shirt and offered his chopsticks to me.
“[Y/N]-chan! Feed me please~ I’m so tired.” I groaned and declined.
“No, thanks. I’m not interested. If Tanjirou and Inosuke can feed themselves, you can, too.” I huffed. He pouted and began to eat again, albeit dejectedly.
After everyone was finished, they went to the room they were originally in. There were three futons set up in the boy's room and I inwardly groaned. I expected this, but I’m too nervous to say anything about it so I’ll just suck it up. I walked back to my room alone and shut the door behind me. The room was scarcely decorated and a decently fluffy-looking futon was in the center of the room. I sunk into the bedding and turned over, thinking about today’s events.
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sorensouls · 6 months
My fav thing about the demon slayer fandom more specifically the fic writers and some artists all collectably looked at zenitsus (animie/manga) lack of character development and said "WE CAN DO BETTER" and did just that we have created more lore, backstory, character development not including aus for this Lil guy then the creator ever will and I love that ❤️
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shapeshifterrr · 5 months
... It's a Dream
Content: G rating / Zenitsu x Reader (fem)
fluff, lots of love, lots of appreciation for baby Zenitsu, pls comment that you like it I need good energy, hhhhh
Something gleams about this boy; in the sunlight anyone might mistake him for an angel asleep on his side in a field of peony and tulips. An angel with a blond hair resting sound and peaceful on the green grass, his palms curled softly beneath his chin, placidly his chest raises and lowers. There were a bunch of children playing not so far from here— their laughter echoes to a distance, vibrations of pure happiness reaching the soundless mountains; ascending the blue sky and its many fluffy clouds. “Zenitsu” A gentle voice— It’s from a girl who sat close to him above his head, calling his name. Her knees meeting the grass, moving her warm hand onto his hair softly ruffling it twice “Zen-Zen” to which he sleepily groans; still not awake. The girl chuckle as her eyes were fixed on Zenitsu; adoring him, it’s impossible not to find herself smiling when she looks at him. Similar to her regular thoughts about him ‘Something gleams about this boy’— Might be his sparkly eyes or his open warm heart… maybe his selfless soul or those generous hands; she wonders as she holds his sluggish hand then invite him to sleep on her lap carefully. Like a feather Zenitsu’s head rest on her thighs, sudden series of clouds intermittently covered the sun as she parts his hair on his forehead to then print a kiss. For a second he lowered his eyebrows, which she sensed and then kept her eyes staring at his shut eyes for a moment, his fingers were pressing onto hers; gradually holding onto her relaxed fingers. Then slowly he opens his tired eyes, realizing a face; beautiful eyes looking straight in his pupils, realizing how close his girlfriend was. Trying to keep his fluttering chest together; under his invincible compressed shy smile and rosy cheeks “(y/n)—” he whimpered, yet she responded in glee waiting for what he’s about to say. “…Aa-…Ee...” stuttering, his eyes are stiff staring right back at hers feeling his brain melting, and her smile unwavering; wide and loving. That cute face of hers tied his tongue, he paused for seconds as birds were chirping out of the blue— flying freely in the sky, many sparrows he recognized “What?” she awaits him to start talking.
“I heard you kissing my head” He said with a certain face, making sure she knows that he’s aware in his sleep, tempting her to hold his face and to kiss him again but this time on his cheek so softly, it has trembled his entire body.
“I can’t breathe, you’re too close!” He disclosed, hardly shutting his eyes then he sees her silhouette moving off him, his sighs of relief; hot and divided as it escapes his throat. To then notices that (y/n) being close or kissing him wasn’t the only issue and that his head was resting on her soft lap, and that his hand was holding her fingers, at then he froze and couldn’t further complain to ease his nervousness. Many thoughts were racing in his mind, stressing over whither he’s giving an impression of being too clingy, or if it’s pathetic to hold your girlfriend’s fingers while asleep, or if he’s too comfortable with her he’s becoming inconsiderate— cutting his dark train of thoughts with her caring voice“I told you not to sleep outside—”. He rouse up, sitting with his legs outstretched on the grass “You were so cute asleep on the grass~” elated she recalls, Zenitsu quietly and shyly grin with his hand on the back of his neck, his face was somewhat serious; subdued and shy as his eyes were deflecting not looking at (y/n) but then he’d glimpse at her on and on. “Zen-Zen, what’s wrong? was it another nightmare?” she worries and crawl right next to him, her hands hugging his arm; pushing his frame slightly as she transcends his personal space. Pervading through his walls easily, her head rests upon his shoulder of which was reclining slowly but surly. “It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it, I’ll keep holding onto you till you’re feeling better.” She says “You need another kiss, baby?” “S~Stop.” He turns away, barely catching his breath.
Softness and light were all he’s been surrounded with; ever since they were together (not long ago), his dark-side been fairly sedated by her love although he’d forcibly awaken his consciousness in fear of repeating his past or being a burden on her. However, he can’t think straight now as he feels his heart about to drop outside his chest from her serene breathes, he loves listening to her heartbeat gently regulating (Still can’t understand how she feels calm holding onto his jittery body.). He pouts coyly beneath his fingers, trying to shift his attention, looking at the kids from afar who’s screams were sort of entering his dream earlier few times. “Noisy” he mutters, (y/n) look up at him she didn’t even get what he’s complaining about but all she could think of was how beautiful he get’s when he’s annoyed too, she digs her fingers onto his unprepared chest and Zenitsu starts panicking “AaaaAAA (y/n)! I just woke up I can’t handle your cuteness.” And so, she returns her hand around his arm “Hehe” she giggles while he’s moaning “So mean” he blushes again.
Sweet breeze brushed on the couple, Zenitsu can hear the flowers they grew together swaying in the bushes, “We’ve done a good job with the flowers today.” He comments looking at their plants basking under the warm sunlight. (y/n) responds “Yeah… You’ve done so great today, I’m sure they are happy being taken care of by an expert.” “Me? An expert? Haha quit the joking” His denial and mockery of himself forced her to jump from her comfortable hug to look him in the eyes (very closely) and kept insisting “You’re good Zenitsu! You notice the weeds when they grow and pick them out, you always water the plants just enough not more not less, you cover the saplings from the birds to not eat them and—” her passionate talk falters as she remembers the last detail “You caress the flowers’ petals and smile at them” o/w/o. “I DON’T DO THAT” his face was insanely red as he disagrees, “YES, YOU DO~!” she response, finally happy she got to talk about her favourite thing he does in their fenceless garden. Holding both his hands, checking all the scars and marks on them, softly she tells him “Sometimes I forget that you’re a demon hunter, you’re so warm and soft, loving and caring. And I adore that about you, whither you think it’s embarrassing or not. I can't help but fall for you even more.”
Overwhelmed, he doesn’t understand what keeps a beautiful kind girl like her besides his forlorn self, he can’t put his finger on it but her unconditional love makes him emotional ever since they even met. The orange sun was cascading it's blessed light behind (y/n), there she is with her illuminated hair strands, bright eyes and smile. As he extends his arms around her, suddenly he finds his tears have ran swiftly already dropping off his small face, to him hugging this precious sweet girl was a privilege and a luxury he couldn’t even dream of and still can’t fathom to. “I’m sorry— you know I cry a lot it’s pathetic” he sobs nuzzling her cheek “But don’t worry, I just love you so much… it hurts”. “You frightened me” (y/n) relieved then takes his hand, which was embracing her, kissing it and holding it to her other cheek. “I told you over and over, it’s not pathetic to cry.” she reaches her thumbs onto his lower-lid and wipe his many non stopping tears “Shhhushhh” pulling his head, curving his upper back as she shove him on her chest tighter, and pacifying him like a baby which he commented on while being squeezed in her hug “I’m not a child T_T” She pat his head “There, there”
His arms gradually tightened around her waist, feeling comfortable enough to. Zenitsu hoping this isn't a dream, praying it isn't a dream.
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imkazz · 6 months
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phantomstatistician · 7 months
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Fandom: Demon Slayer
Character: Zenitsu Agatsuma
Sample Size: 3,506 stories
Source: AO3
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fanfictionlibrary · 11 months
Wind and Stars (Sanemi x OC) - Part One
A/N: This will be a little series about Sanemi training a tsuguko. Please let me know how you liked this part.
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Sanemi did not know why Ubuyashiki had called him to his humble home. Surely not to just enjoy tea together as they were doing right now. Ubuyashiki drank his tea with closed eyes, relaxing and enjoying the flavor. He had only looked at Sanemi once. And that was when they greeted each other before sitting down at the chabudai, kneeling on soft pillows. The shoji stood open, letting a warm breeze flow inside the washitsu and spreading the smell of flowers. Where exactly the smell was coming from – from outside where the flower garden bloomed or from the fragrance inside – Sanemi could not tell. He did not really care. All was alright as it was. Peace and the soft breeze – that was all he needed right now. A small repose from his activities as a Hashira, although he would never admit that. 
Relishing the calmness and the ease that Ubuyashiki exuded, Sanemi relaxed and drank his green tea. His scarred hands gripped the china diligently, and he found himself forgetting about the battle scars that adorned his face. He was so proud of them. They were a testimony of his strength. No demon, no matter how strong, could bring him to his knees. And he liked flashing his scars to all the demons he fought, sending a clear message: What do you think happened to the meek demons that marked me? Exactly the same fate that is going to be your undoing.
“Sanemi,” Ubuyashiki spoke softly, melting with the wind and releasing Sanemi from his reveries like he was a leaf trapped in a hurricane. “I am glad you could come today.” 
Sanemi indicated a bow with his head. “Oyakata-sama, your calling is my path.” 
Ubuyashiki smiled and took a sip from his cup. His daughter Hinaki suddenly appeared next to him, placing a plate with sticky rice cakes on the table. Sanemi hadn’t even heard Hinaki approaching. He had been so transfixed on his master. But even now, as the eight-year-old bowed and turned to leave without looking at either of them, her footsteps were quiet. Too quiet. She was so young but had already mastered the concept of dutiful hospitality by finding the right balance between being engaging and distanced. Her white head disappeared from sight as she drew the shoji that led to the hallway shut behind her.
Something about the Ubuyashiki women had always infused Sanemi with a sense of unease. 
“I have a new mission for you, Sanemi.” Ubuyashiki suddenly spoke. 
Startled, Sanemi directed his gaze to the wise man. “You want me to slay another demon? You could have just sent a crow,” Sanemi said, frowning. Noticing his mistake, he quickly added, “Although I feel deeply honored, Oyakata-sama, that you are having me.” 
The Wind Hashira’s eyes widened as his master chuckled delightfully, throwing his head back just a little. That was the most reactive response Sanemi had ever witnessed from Ubuyashiki.  
“No, no,” Ubuyashiki shook his head, resuming his usual stoic but friendly expression. “This time I don’t want you to slay demons. This time I want you to nurture a talent that will become formidable with your help. A great asset and addition to the Hashira.”
Dumbfounded, Sanemi stared at the black-haired man. His eyes narrowed before their widened in incredulous realization. “WHAAAT!!! You want to assign me a tsuguko? I thought choosing one was up to us.” He was so shocked that he accidentally tipped over his teacup, spilling its contents on the chabudai and the tatami mat. 
“You cannot refuse, Sanemi. It’s your destiny to train the Star Pillar. We need you. Both of you together.” 
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Grumbling and mumbling to himself, Sanemi arrived in front of the Butterfly Mansion. The place the future Star Pillar was currently staying to recuperate from the injuries she had suffered on a mission. Ubuyashiki had informed Sanemi that the young slayer had fought against a lower moon. Her injuries were not severe. Apparently, she had held her ground incredibly well. 
“She is a natural in need of the right instruction to reach greatness.” Ubuyashiki had said. “And wind usually flows in the right direction.” 
“That depends on the fucking weather!” Sanemi cursed loudly as he refused to step through the open front gate, recalling his master’s words. 
At this time of day, many people moved from and to the Butterfly Mansion: slayers, medics, and the occasional Hashira. Lately, the demons had been quieter, allowing for a more light-hearted atmosphere for everyone. So, most Hashira were nearby. However, Sanemi knew better than to be mollified by the suspicious lack of demon attacks. If they were laying low, then they did that for a reason. They were most likely following a strategy. And that everyone let their guard down, especially the Hashira, was part of the plan. 
“—gawa-sensei. Excuse us, but—”
“Huh?” Sanemi turned his head to the side, looking down at three little girls who shrieked upon seeing his scary expression and huddled closer to each other. 
“Shinazugawa-sensei,” spoke the one in the middle bravely. Her name was Kiyo Terauchi if Sanemi remembered correctly. “We have been calling your name several times already. First in greeting, but then… we…uhm.” 
“We were worried about you, Sir,” interjected Sumi Nakahara. “Your face looked so sullen, and you didn’t react…” Faltering under the Hashira’s gaze, Sumi looked to the side. 
“What!?” Sanemi crossed his arms. “You three little rats have a lot of free time to worry about adults. Worry about yourselves first! What were you up to anyway, huh? I thought you are supposed to help Shinobu out inside the mansion.” 
“Well, Shinobu-san sent us out to go grocery shopping,” explained Naho Takada, gesturing with her head to the heavy packages each of them was carrying. 
Skeptical, Sanemi raised his eyebrow, tilting his head to one side. Then, he rubbed the back of his head wildly and groaned, moving towards the girls and taking the loads they were carrying in his own arms. “Really, doesn’t Shinobu know that it’s bad for your young backs to carry such heavy weights. Let me take care of this.” 
Completely in awe, the three girls beamed at him. “Arigatō.” They smiled genuinely. 
Feeling uneasy, Sanemi looked away, scratching his temple. “Yeah, whatever.” 
Sanemi helped to unpack the groceries in the kitchen of the Butterfly Mansion. With the help of his muscle strength the shelves and cupboards were filled quickly. He didn’t even notice Shinobu entering the kitchen, looking mystified at the scene unfolding in front of her: The Wind Hashira helping Sumi, Naho, and Kiyo to prepare all the ingredients needed for cooking dinner. Placing pans and pots on the stove, getting knives and cutting boards, and placing them on the cooking island. It looked funny how the three little girls bustled around Sanemi, their small forms looking even tinier in contrast to Sanemi’s tall and muscly frame.
It was when Sanemi grabbed a potato and placed it on a cutting board, knife in the other hand, that he looked up, meeting Shinobu’s eyes. He froze immediately, blinking multiple times. The Insect Hashira smiled friendly at him, but he didn’t fail to notice the cunning darkness shading her eyes. Shinobu would so tease him with what she just witnessed for the rest of their lives. For once, Sanemi hoped that he was not going to get old. It came with his job anyway. 
“I did not take you to be the domestic kind.” Shinobu chuckled, lifting her hand to her mouth. The chuckle was laced with a malicious note that was hard to detect for those who were unfamiliar with Shinobu’s ways. She might be the Insect Hashira, she might call her home the Butterfly Mansion, but she was a sly fox. A loving and amicable fox tinkering with poison. 
Immediately, the three little girls exclaimed joyously how Shinazugawa-sensei had helped them, adding to Sanemi’s chagrin. 
“I see, I see.” Shinobu smiled, patting Sumi’s head since she was the closest to her. Then, she turned serious. All humor dissipated. Sanemi waited, tensing up. “So, I take it you have talked to Oyakata-sama? About your soon-to-be tsuguko?” 
Sanemi swallowed. Confused, the three little nurses and cooks looked from Sanemi to Shinobu. “So, you know.” That was all that Sanemi said. It was not a question. 
“Yes, I do. Since she is staying at my place and is my patient, Oyakata-sama informed me about his plan. Although, he clarified that it was not a plan of his. Just foresight. He emphasized he knew what needed to be done but that you would not respond to his wise explanations so well as to his orders.” 
“Wow.” Sanemi rolled his eyes. “Can you speak one sentence without insulting someone? You are not being as discreet as you think.”
“Oh, I don’t know what you mean.” Shinobu beamed too sweetly.     
“What does he mean?” whispered Naho to her friends. 
“I don’t know for sure,” said Kiyo. “But I think it’s similar to when Shinobu-san called Tomioka-sensei unpopular.”
Before the situation could escalate – a playful malice thickening the air between Sanemi and Shinobu – Aoi barged into the kitchen. 
“Shinobu-san, hurry!” Aoi yelled, running in place. Something was stressing her out exceedingly. “Kitiara has trained against our better judgement. Her fractured ribs make it hard for her to breathe. Her lungs! We need to check them.” 
Shinobu nodded, determined. “Sumi, Kiyo, Naho – dinner can wait. We have an emergency. Go!” 
“Hai!” The three girls sprinted out of the room in a synchronized manner. 
“Wait, who is Kitiara?” Sanemi asked as Shinobu made to leave. 
Seriously, she looked over her shoulder. “Your tsuguko, Sanemi. The one you are supposed to make a Hashira.” Without another word, Shinobu left the kitchen.
Suddenly, Sanemi couldn’t find it in himself to care about this Kitiara at all. Star breathing or no star breathing. He didn’t need someone to hold him back. Quietly, he proceeded with dinner preparations, wondering why he wouldn’t just leave and take on a mission. 
Right, Oyakata-sama’s will was his path. The way the wind sung and blew.  
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tuensartpages · 6 months
new chapter for 'listen and let me hear you' is up!! hope you all enjoy + this is just another fluffy chapter for yall!! merry christmas!!
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jinisnuggets · 2 months
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ᴾᵃⁱʳⁱⁿᵍˢ: ᶻᵉⁿⁱᵗˢᵘ ˣ ᴳⁿ! ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
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“Should things really be that way?” you heard your boyfriend yell from the other room, soon coming into yours with tears in his eyes.
“I'm sorry Zenitsu, it needs to be like this.” you felt guilt for what you had done, there was no way that Zenitsu would ever forgive you, if not even face your direction again.
You felt bad… you would never want this for yourself either and here you were breaking someone else's heart about it.
“You'll regret this…” he mumbled, anger filling every corner of his veins, turning around and making his way to the next door room.
No response…
“Zenitsu! Where are you going!?”
Still no response…
And just when you thought things couldn't get worse-
Goodness, you already forgot what went through your mind during the careless action, Zenitsu was stubborn, of course he wouldn't let it go until justice was served.
Your worst suspicions came true when you saw him walk into the kitchen… make his way to the fridge… and grab your mochi that you had left from the previous night.
“Zenitsu put that down! We can talk about this!” You pleaded, as Zenitsu brought a piece into his mouth and watched you cry at the loss of your well served mochi.
“Should've thought about that when you ate that ramen I left yesterday!”
“Look! I'm sorry!”
“I won't accept apologies anymore- I'm a grown man…”
“You're 16..”
“Shut up!!!!”
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sofya-fanfics · 1 year
Flower Crown
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Fandom : Demon Slayer
Relationship : Zenitsu x Nezuko
I got inspired by @creativepromptsforwriting​​​​’s March Prompts : Flower Crown.
I’m sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language. I hope you like it.
Summary : After picking flowers, Zenitsu sat next to Nezuko's wooden box and he talked to her. He described to her the flowers he had picked, the smells that emanated from them. He tied them together and a Flower Crown was formed.
Disclaimer : Demon Slayer belongs to Koyoharu Gotoge.
Zenitsu, Tanjiro and Inosuke were only an hour's walk from the Butterfly Estate. After an exhausting mission and several hours of walking home, they had decided to stop to rest.
Tanjiro had gone to fetch water, Inosuke was resting under a tree and after picking flowers, Zenitsu sat next to Nezuko's wooden box and he talked to her. He described to her the flowers he had picked, the smells that emanated from them. He tied them together and a Flower Crown was formed. He continued talking to Nezuko. He talked to her about everything that crossed his mind, without knowing if she was listening to him or if she understood him. But he did not care. Even if the conversation was just a monologue on his part and she was in her box, he enjoyed spending time with her.
He finished the flower crown before they resumed their journey. He put it away, trying to be careful not to damage it. He hoped to be able to give it to Nezuko in the evening, when it was safe for her to get out of her box.
But when they arrived at the Butterfly Estate, Zenitsu had fallen asleep before nightfall, exhausted from the mission they had accomplished and the hours of walking that had followed.
As soon as the last rays of the sun disappeared and night appeared, Nezuko got out of her box. She looked around her. She recognized the bedroom of the Butterfly Estate. Her gaze fell on Zenitsu, who was alone in the bedroom, lying in his futon. She approached him and watched him. He was sound asleep. She knew it was him who had talked to her earlier that day. She had recognized his voice. He sat down next to her and talked to her whenever he could, day and night. She could not answer him, but each time it made her happy. Of course, Tanjiro was always with her and he looked after her since she became a demon. He was her brother, the only family she had left and she loved him. But Zenitsu was different. When he spoke to her, she felt like she was human again. That the darkness she had been in since she was a demon was lighting up a little more.
She saw a flower crown next to him. It was this crown he had told her about earlier that day. She took the crown and looked at it. The flowers were daisies. She put it on her head and smiled. She gently stroked his hair to thank him.
“Nezuko-chan,” he mumbled in his sleep.
She continued to stroke his hair. Zenitsu did not wake up, but he was smiling, as if he knew she was near him. The door opened and Tanjiro entered the bedroom. Nezuko rushed to him to show him the crown.
“Is it the flower crown that Zenitsu made ?”
Nezuko nodded forcefully.
“It’s very pretty Nezuko. It looks good on you.”
He affectionately stroked her hair and went to bed. Nezuko could see he was exhausted. She went back to Zenitsu. She had decided to keep the crown, she hoped he could see her wearing it and show him how much his crown had made her happy.
The end
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sleepyxxhead · 11 months
Could you do how do a demon slayer comfort fic? You can choose a character! Love to see what u come up with 💕
A/n - Ofc! Tysm for the request :)) 
Genres - angst | fluff | comfort
Word Count: 215
Synopsis - When you have a nightmare, but Zenitsu sleeps just down the hall…
“Why didn’t you save me..?” 
“You’re weak.”
“How could you leave me?”
You woke up in a cold sweat, completely out of breath. Zenitsu stood above you, panicking.
“Y/n, are you okay?” He whispered, concern lacing his voice. “I heard you crying down the hall…”
“It was my fault,” you muttered. “How could I be so st-!”
At the speed of lightning, Zenitsu wrapped you in his arms.
“It wasn’t your fault! What are you talking about!” Zenitsu whisper-yelled through his tears. “What else could you have done?!”
“Everything!” You sobbed into his chest. “She’s dead because of me.”
He stroked your hair soothingly. “Y/n, don’t be so hard on yourself. She may be gone, but what can we do about it now? I’m sure she wouldn’t want you crying about it after all these years. So just…” He trailed off, struggling to find the right words. “Just live! Make the best of life for her! Do everything for your sister!”
Zenitsu looked down to find you peacefully asleep. He laid you down on your bed once again and tucked you in. Pressing a kiss to your forehead, he muttered, “It’s okay, I’m here.”
A/n - That's it! Tysm for your request :) Have a nice day cutie <3
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mania-sama · 4 months
rule #11 - my dream, my addiction
Rule #11 - My Dream, My Addiction - Fish in a Birdcage
Demon Slayer Pairing - Agatsuma Zenitsu & Hashibara Inosuke & Kamado Tanjirou, Kamado Nezuko & Kamado Tanjirou Tags - ptsd, nightmares, flashbacks, hallucinations, suicide attempt (not intentional - think mugen train), mild hurt/comfort, angst, self-harm (same thing), butterfly estate, post-mugen train arc Summary - Tanjiro has unhealed trauma from the Mugen Train Arc. It ends in nightmares and bloody necks. Word Count - 2,170 Cross-posted from Archive of Our Own Whumptober 2023 - Day 25: Nightmares | Flashback | "Why didn't you save me?" See my full Whumptober 2023 Challenge on Tumblr or Ao3
It starts with a nightmare.
Tanjiro stands on the snowy mountain of his birth, his sword gripped tightly in his right hand. His family quivers before him, doused in blood and grime from their gruesome deaths. Their breaths form crystallized ice clouds in front of them. The snow is stained a deep crimson-red.
A horrible sense of deja vu settles over Tanjiro like a thick blanket. Flakes fall on him from the trees shaking in the howling wind. It brushes through his hair and bites his skin in icy blasts. The stomachs, limbs, and necks of his family ooze blood like muddy sand slipping between fingers. They would be unrecognizable if the primary features of their faces had not been carefully preserved and mostly unharmed. Blood forths and spills from their lips all the same.
Tanjiro has been here before.
“Why didn’t you save me?” The youngest one croons, his hands reaching out as he stumbles across the snow to get to his older brother. Tanjiro trembles as he lifts his arm and presses his sword to his neck. He can’t afford to stay here for any longer. The more he sees their mutilated bodies and betrayed expressions, the more he wants to stay and nurse them back to health.
He knows they aren’t real. They can’t be. They’re all manufactured dreams of his worst fears to keep him asleep. He has to cut off his head. He needs to kill the lower-rank demon. He needs to cut off his head. He needs to be decapitated before it’s too late.
His blade presses into his neck, and his eyes snap open at the scent of his own blood. The blade drops unceremoniously from his hands and onto the empty space on the bed beside him. The only light coming into the dark room comes from the shining moon and stars, and the air is gentle with the new spring warmth. The beams above him are devoid of any blood or gore.
The room only contains him and the sounds of his gasping breaths. His neck stings, and he gingerly presses his hand to the new wound. It’s not deep by any means — only a surface-level scratch, but he’s going to have a hard time explaining this away.
Tanjiro catches his breath in the silence of his room. His palm becomes warm and sticky as the cut continues to bleed. Spring should be warm, but he feels an impenetrable chill settle deep in his bones. It’s the cold of the mountain the day his family died, and it’s the deep-seated regret that he couldn’t save them.
It’s just a nightmare, he tells himself. The demon has been annihilated.
It’s not as reassuring as he hoped it would be.
The nightmare occurs again the following night.
It’s only slightly different. Instead of being outside, he finds himself in the middle of the house. The walls are coated with his family’s entrails, and the ground is one large puddle of blood and intestines. His youngest sister crawls to him and asks why he didn’t save them.
The cut on his neck is deeper, and Tanjiro has a harder time explaining the injury to the girls of the Butterfly Mansion. He doesn’t lie to them, necessarily, just withholds bits of information that may paint a slightly different picture were they to know of them. He tells them he had a nightmare, and he gripped his sword in his sleep. When he woke up, he was startled and accidentally cut his neck.
That’s all. No lies. Tanjiro isn’t a liar.
The odd look Zenitsu gives him during training doesn’t settle well in his stomach.
It happens again. And again. And again.
Tanjiro starts to dread sleeping. Every time he closes his eyes, he’s transported back to that snowy mountain, his entire family standing before him, pleading and begging and screaming. Guilt fills his lungs, a feeling he’s become familiarized with the more days he spends at Nezuko’s side —  a breathing reminder of his past and continuous failures.
There comes a point when he becomes used to jolting awake to a blade stuck in his neck and sweating in overwhelming dread for the remainder of the night. He strikes the same place every time, so the wound never has time to fully heal before it's reopened. Subsequently, the scar does not go unnoticed, and his vague explanations are becoming less and less believable. 
He starts lying. He says there was a deadly bug on his neck, and when he was training, he tripped and struck himself. They were all accidents, he lies. Every single one of them.
Zentisu cornered him, once, and yelled at him for scaring both him and the girls. Insouke hasn’t said much, but Tanjiro knows he doesn’t express his emotions in the same way as everyone else. He knows soon, Inosuke’s strife will rear its head in a more obvious manner.
Sleep begins to evade him. His heart races when he lays a hand on his bed, and his exhaustion from the day disperses when he gently lays his blade by his side. Tanjiro changed scenery; he brought his blankets down on the floor in a makeshift mat and deposited his sword in the corner of the room. He thinks that this, though won’t rid him of his nightmares, will at least protect him from involuntary self-harm.
Nothing changes. 
His unconscious body unravels the blankets and walks to the sword. Dead asleep, he grabs his sword and pierces his neck at the same time he does in his dream. He falls to the ground, awake, and holds his bleeding, pulsing vein in his hands. The afterimage of his family dies before him. The demon takes their precious, short lives.
Tanjiro doesn’t know what to do, so he does nothing. He cleans the sword of his blood and prays the dizziness from blood loss will leave before he is “woken” for breakfast and training.
Avoiding sleep takes his bad situation into something much, much worse.
He only did it once. He told himself: “What would happen if I didn’t allow my mind to destroy myself unconsciously?” It was meant to be an experiment.
During training, when Insouke gets cut from the bark of a tree, Tanjiro smells the distinct pungent scent of iron. And, even though it’s the middle of spring, he stands on a snowy mountain. He meets the gaze of his mother, her mouth frothing with red, clotted saliva and pupils blown wide despite the glaring brightness of the winter sun.
“Why did you leave us?” She begs, her hands reaching out to grasp Tanjiro’s coat. “You let the demon eat us.”
He doesn’t have time to think. This lower-rank demon will not taint his memories of his dead family. They are the only things that remain of them. The snow gets into his stinging eyes, and he brings his blade to his neck. He presses, and he hears a panicked scream.
“Tanjiro! What are you doing? Tanjiro!”
Zenitsu wrestles Tanjiro’s blade out of his tight grip, and Tanjiro falls to his knees. He can’t breathe. His wound seeps down his neck in a thick, warm tsunami. His scraping fingers do nothing to staunch the flow, and he tries desperately to save himself through Recovering Breathing. His friend grasps his shoulders and shouts: “Inosuke! Help me! He just tried to decapitate himself!”
Tanjiro just tried to decapitate himself. 
He wasn’t asleep. Perhaps that allowed him to cut deeper than usual; his breathing became controlled, and his muscles tightened to make it all the way through his own throat. He still can’t quite catch his breath, and his life force steadily leaves him in dangerous waves.
Inosuke and Zenitsu carry him back to the Butterfly Mansion, oddly quiet in the concentration. Aoi and the young girls take him in immediately. They are worried, if not terrified, but care for him anyway. Tanjiro doesn’t die — in fact, he thinks he’s been closer to meeting his maker than he was when he cut his neck.
“What were you thinking? What were you doing?” Zenitsu keeps yelling, and Tanjiro doesn’t have an answer for him. He stares down at trembling hands, his chin straining against the fresh bandages protecting his wound. “All this time you’ve been doing this to yourself! Have you? Answer me, Tanjiro! Answer me!”
“I didn’t do it on purpose,” he says sullenly. Inosuke has made himself scarce, likely unable to comprehend Tanjiro’s apparent suicide attempt. “I’m not suicidal. I just… I’ve been having nightmares.”
Zenitsu doesn’t believe him. Tanjiro wonders if he even believes himself.
His blade only gets confiscated during the night. The girls believe his innocence when they see for themselves his sleep-walking suicides, and they appeal that Tanjiro cannot physically restrain himself until the damage is done. He remains a member of the Slayer Corps.
Inosuke doesn’t bring up the incident, not once, but he watches Tanjiro a little more closely than usual. Zenitsu remains angry with him, and his ire is only strengthened when it happens again.
They are assigned a mission to clear a demon terrorizing the families living on the lake. It has a special affinity for children under the age of ten. Preying on the weak is easy, a sign of weakness in itself. Tanjiro doesn’t know what the need is for all three of them to go there, but he does not question it.
He soon discovers the purpose when he’s face to face with the demon munching on a child’s bones. It only takes a second for his arms to lift the blade and slash.
Metal scrapes on metal, sending sparks flying and heat to break the snowy illusion. Tanjiro turns his head and comes face to face with two chipped blades stuck between his neck and his own sword. He releases the pressure, but still, Inosuke does not move.
“Sit this one, Conpachiro,” Inosuke says, his voice low and angry. “The Mugen Train runs through your mind. Chug, chug, chug! You are not dreaming anymore! That demon is dead! Dead!”
“I have—” Tanjiro doesn’t get a word in before Inosuke sucker punches him in the mouth. His jaw bursts with pain, and blood steadily drips from his lips.
“Fight, and you will die. Is this what you want? To die?” He breathes heavily out of his mouth, and his fist flexes, as if ready to send out another punch. “We are not worthless weaklings! Just leave this demon to us!”
Beside him, Zenitsu talks in his sleep. “Focus on saving yourself.”
Tanjiro knows why all three of them were sent.
Only two would be fighting the demon. One would be fighting himself.
Every time he sees the broken, half-devoured body of the young girl, he’s transported back to the mountain, back to the house, back to his dead family. When he gets a whiff of the blood being spilled, it’s the same.
He has a sick, twisting feeling in his gut. Deja vu. It’s the fight with the lower-rank demon, except everything has changed. The goal is not to kill himself with each “dream” he’s pulled into.
The goal is to stand in front of his family and beg for their forgiveness.
A snake sinks its teeth into his lungs, and he fights. He brings his blade to his neck every time, but Zenitsu or Inosuke is there to protect him. It prolongs the fight with the demon, but Nezuko pulls herself out of the box to participate. She protects the blindsides from the thunder and beast breathers as they stick their swords out to guard Tanjiro’s neck.
It must take him an hour, two hours, or three. But there comes a time when he stands before his family, throws his sword on the ground with as much effort as he can, and collapses onto his knees. He ignores the pounding of his heart and the thoughts in his head screaming at him to decapitate himself, that the lower-rank demon is winning, that all of his struggling and fighting will be for nothing.
He buries his head in the snow, and he says, “Forgive me.”
It only clears when Insouke roughly shakes him out of it, bringing him to the present. It doesn’t rid the grief tearing into his lungs, or the horrible, overriding guilt weighing him down.
But it does prevent his neck wound from reopening.
It’s not much. Tanjiro has the feeling that his nightmares aren’t over, that he’ll train tomorrow and he’ll be back on the snowy mountain. He knows that blood will drip from his pulsing vein.
But it’s a start. As long as his friends and sister are by his side, there may come a day when he no longer tries to kill himself. There may even be a time when he doesn’t throw himself into danger, where his remorse doesn’t drag his body into the nearest sacrifice play. It may be a pipe dream, yet a dream is better than nothing at all.
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xxninjacatboyxx · 7 months
AO3 Kaigaku Slash Relationship statistics 2023
(Inspired by phantomstatistician)
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Input data below reading line.
This pie chart isn't entirely accurate due to my own incompetency with making charts, however this is sufficient as a rough estimation of what the shipping %'s look like for the specific character mentioned above. Below is the inputted data for the chart made.
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anomaly-hivemind · 2 years
Sweater Holders// Tanjiro x Inosuke
Chapter Two, Chapter Three
Warnings: Vaginal Penetration, Body Worship, Dacryphilia( just a wee bit) Pet Names (Daddy, Princess, Sweetheart, Master, Darling), Oral (male and female receiving) Sir Kink, Praise, Aftercare, degradation (if you squint), lovebites/ hickeys
Bonus Chapter No. 1
Muzan x Ume
Recommended Songs: Play with Fire - Same Tinnesz, Daddy Issues - The Neighborhood, House of Cards - BTS
Muzan slowly sipped from his champagne flute, swirling the sparking, golden liquid around. He sighed, and his eyes narrowed as he scanned the crowd. 
How utterly dull, he thought while looking at the masses. So plain and boring, like they all had nothing going on in their lives. 
He desperately desired to be anywhere else than here, but work called for it. He was a top surgeon in his field and owned part of the hospital for which this founding celebration was. 
There was a spot of color that caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. He looked to see an extravagantly dressed young woman.
 Her long white hair was parted cleanly down the middle, with two strands framing her face. Two braids hung loosely by the sides of her head while two others were tied up into a strikingly high ponytail. Her tantalizing pose enhanced her luscious curves and divine figure. She wore a hot pink silk gown with intricate spiral beading across the bust and waist and a bewitching slit showing the smooth skin of her leg, adorned with a matching fluffy pink coat.
People watched her beguiling figure in amorous astonishment as she slinked, heading toward where Muzan and Douma sat. She wore a flirtatiously sly smirk on her face and a suggestive look in her eyes.
“Oh, it’s Ume. He had almost forgotten the man was there. Muzan, you remember my daughter, Ume, right?” Douma said beside him.
“Yes, I remember her,” Muzan said before taking a big sip of his champagne. He remembered her all right. How could he forget when he was the one who bought her the extravagant outfit that adorned her enticing body and many of the other luxurious items in her wardrobe. Dresses. Blouses. Diamond jewelry that nearly outshone her irresistible smile and expensive leather handbags. 
How could he forget her when she lay in his bed more than his own. How could he say no to indulging her when she asked so sweetly. 
“Hi, Papa! Hello Kibutsuji-san.” Ume smiled before sitting adjacent to the both of them. 
“I’m so glad you could make it, Ume. You look lovely. Are Gyutaro and Kotoha with you?” Douma asked her in his usual joviality.
“You know Gyutaro hates these kinds of events, and sadly, Ko-chan wasn’t feeling well, so she decided not to come.”
“That is truly a shame; I guess I should call her and check on her,” Douma said before walking away, seemingly looking for a place to call his wife as Muzan and Ume watched his retreating figure.
 A server walked to the table they were both sitting at with a tray of drinks and silently offered another drink; Ume took two glasses, handing one off to Muzan and the server promptly walked off to attend to the other partygoers. 
Ume peered at Muzan with a small smile as she took a sip from the glass. 
“That dress does look quite nice on you, Ume. You just couldn’t resist being the center of attention, could you? Although I bought you plenty of others, you had to choose more than one, didn’t you?” Muzan said, his eyes trailing down to her chest. The dress was low cut and exposed much of her breast.
“Well, My daddy bought it for me, picked it out himself; how could I not wear such a precious gift? Don’t I look nice in it?” she asked teasingly, placing her glass down. She looked him up and down as words dripped from her gloss-tinted lips and swirled into his ears. He was ready to get up and take the woman in front of him.
“You look lovely. Everyone here knows you look divine, although they don’t know you belong to me.” Muzan stood up from his seat, looking at Ume, dead in the eyes. “But you know this, yet you still wore this?” He took a moment to drink in her exposed skin before giving her a stern glare. “You know better. Come. I think I need to teach you a lesson, princess.”
He rented one of the event hotel’s rooms before leading her into the elevator. As the door slid closed, Muzan pressed Ume against the wall, grabbing her chin and tilting her face closer to his own. With a sweet look, she takes his outstretched hand as he leads her through the crowd undetected.
“You know, Ume… lately, it’s seemed like you’ve been trying your hardest to be bad, wearing those tiny shorts and going around without your panties. I paid a lot of money for those, you know,” Muzan said with a sly smirk. He squeezed the soft flesh of her waist as he pulled her closer before taking his time to feel what he would soon be reclaiming as his.
“I know I’ve been bad, but I promise I can be good.” Ume slipped her hands down Muzan’s chest. “Can you guess what I’m wearing?” Her hand traveled to the slit of her dress, pulling the dress up to allow him a look. 
He glanced down to realize that she was wearing a lacy black thong that sat high on her supple hips. 
Muzan glided his hands down her curves before slipping his hands through the slit in her dress and gently squeezing her ass. If the elevator had taken any longer, he would’ve had to take her right then and there with no regard for who would’ve caught them. Fortunately for the both of them, the doors slid open before he could start.
It took all their strength to detach from each other before walking to their room. The only thing that broke their reverie was the obvious notification sound of Ume’s phone. She sighed softly as she turned the screen on to see what it was.
“Who was that?” 
“Papa, he was just letting me know he left.”
“Good, that means no distractions.”
He was swift to take and silence her phone before placing it in the inner pocket of his suit. With nothing else to disturb them, they quickly latched onto each other, kicking off their shoes before stumbling onto the large bed. 
“Is this for me?” she giggled, gripping the silk sheets underneath her as he pressed kisses to her neck.
“Only the best for my Princess,” he said as he pulled himself away.
She pouted at his absence before grabbing his tie and pulling him back on top of her. 
“Ah ah ah. You’re not the one in control here.” Muzan smirks before pinning Ume’s hands above her head.
Muzan leaned down, loose strands of his hair brushing against the side of Ume’s soft cheek. He peppered soft kisses on Ume’s cheek before gently running his tongue along her earlobe, reveling in her sweet moans.
“Now, be a good girl and don’t touch yourself, okay?” Muzan whispered, nibbling her skin.
Ume readily nodded, and Muzan slid a hand under Ume and slightly lifted her off the bed to access the zipper. He easily pulled down the zipper as he pushed the dress down her shoulders. 
She held his gaze in hers as she propped herself up and slipped her bra off her body, revealing herself to him.
Muzan’s hand traced the outline of Ume’s thong, causing her to bite her lip and let out a small sigh. Muzan’s lips trailed across Ume’s soft skin, showering her with sensual kisses. He enjoyed her soft, sweet moans that filled the quietness of the gilded room. He teased her, riling more of a reaction out of her.
“Please,” she whispered, her hands tangling in his hair.
“Please, what, Princess?”
“Stop teasing me,” she groaned. He smiled, softly biting the inside of her thigh.
“Why? Tell me why.” He pressed a gentle kiss to her thong-covered cunt, her grip tightening on his hair.
“Daddy, please,” she whimpered. With a soft chuckle, he teased her with the tip of his tongue. She heaved a long sigh before he swiftly slipped her thong down her legs and pressed his tongue into her inviting cunt.
Ume exclaimed loudly as he dove in, attacking her cunt with such fervor that it took her breath away. Her legs squeezed his head as she lost herself in the feeling, but he immediately pulled away.
“No~” she whined.
“Keep them open for me, Princess,” he said, blowing softly onto her burning flesh. Her toes curled as she rested her legs on his shoulders.
He continued with his teasing, giving her short, small licks. Enough to make her feel good, but not enough to get her anywhere.
“You make me feel so good,” she moaned, covering her face. He stopped once again, glaring at her. “Muzan!” she exclaimed, her frustration clear on her face.
"Don't cover yourself when you're with me." 
"I’m sorry."
"Sorry, what.”
"I’m sorry, Daddy," she said with a sweet, innocent look.
“Good girl.”
Muzan goes back to work in riling up Ume with his persistent  tongue. He ran his tongue up, inching closer to play with her clit before giving it a sloppy suck. 
Ume's mouth laid agape as she let out choked moans, her chest heaving slightly and her back arching off the bed. Her legs wrapped around his head as her pleasure climbed. 
“That’s right, Princess. Let me hear that beautiful voice of yours,” he groaned. “Let me hear what no one else will ever hear.” 
She let out a small giggle. “Only to stroke your ego.” 
“You could be stroking something else if you're going to act like that.” He raised his eyebrows, ready to stop and get up from the carpeted floor.
“You can’t just stop!” she cried, warm tears threatening to fall down her cheeks.
“I already did, didn't I?”
“Wait, no, don't stop. Daddy, please,” she begged, reaching out for him.
Her wide eyes looked up at him in lust. “Please come back, Daddy. Come lick this pussy.”
“Who does it belong to?”
“It's all yours,” she moaned, spreading her legs wider.
He grinned. “Good girl.”
Muzan returned to his original position, but instead of using his mouth to please his girl immediately, he pushed a set of fingers into her painfully slow. He played with the pacing of his hand to see which speed and motion would get Ume to shake the most. He enjoyed the pleasing sounds that she let out for him and him alone.  
It was only then that Muzan placed his lips back onto her body. He bit down on her inner thigh, leaving love bites and hickeys up her leg while he worked his fingers in her. When he felt satisfied with the number of marks on her leg, he quickened the rhythm of his fingers as he pushed them into her deeper. Which got quite the reaction out of Ume; her back arching, and her whole body shook in pleasure.
Muzan took advantage of Ume’s pleasurable state. He latched his mouth to her clit and gave it a suck. Ume let out a guttural moan as she felt Muzan slurp up her juices. 
Muzan looked up at Ume with a smirk as he licked his lips. The bulge in his pants was so apparent that he didn’t even try to hide it away.
“Look at what you’ve done to me, Princess,” he said, gesturing down to his face.
She bit her full lips. “Please fuck me, Muzan.”
“I suppose you’ve been good enough,” Muzan said as he undid his pants. She was quick to stop him, sliding down to the floor.
“Allow me,” she said with a sultry smile. She slowly slid his pants down to the floor, pressing a soft kiss to his bulge before caressing his muscular legs. “You look so good, Daddy.”
“Oh, do I?” Muzan said, gripping her hair as she slid his boxers to the floor. “How about you show me what that mouth can do.”
She pressed wet kisses to his length, her beautiful green eyes looking up at him innocently. Her tongue caressed the underside of his shaft, the pleasurable feeling making him grip her hair harder.
“Oh, Princess~”
She moaned softly, using her sweet mouth to caress the full balls that hung underneath his shaft.
“I love pleasing you with my mouth, Daddy,” she said, teasing his tip. Muzan groaned, feeling the blood rushing through his cock.
“Don’t play with me, sweetheart.”
She smirked. “Yes, sir.” 
She surprised him as she opened her mouth and took his entire length down her throat. His eyes rolled back, groaning as he held her in place, enjoying the sounds that she made. Her hands gripped the front of his thighs as she choked on his dick before he pulled back, allowing her to breathe.
She looked up at him with tears in her eyes as he proceeded to fuck her face with wanton abandon.
“Your mouth feels so good, Princess,” Muzan groaned, earning a guttural moan from her. Her face turned red as he continued, the immeasurable pleasure almost too much for him before he pulled out of her mouth and let her go. “Get on the bed.”
“Yes, Master,” she moaned. “Please fuck me.” 
Muzan leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to Ume’s lips, before lining himself up with her entrance, rubbing his tip through her slick lips. “Tell me how much you want me.”
“Please,” she pleaded. “Fuck me, Master. Fuck me, Daddy. I need you to fuck me. I need you so much.”
“Oh, you need me, huh?” he said as he pushed into her in one strong thrust. Her heat nearly drove him crazy as he rocked against her. He listened to the wonderful moans that tumbled past her lips and drank in her glowing skin that only he would ever see.
She was his, and he would make sure that she knew it. He would make sure she knew it every single time that he was buried deep in her. He vowed to pound her until he was the only thought that her brain could muster.
His name would be the only name that she would ever call.
“Muzan~” she called. “You’re fucking me so good~”
He gripped her full hips as he drove into her. The wet sounds of her pussy filled the room as he pounded her tight hole.
“Ah~ Fuuck me!” Ume said, squeezing her breasts, rolling her nipples between her fingers.
“Yeah, that’s right. Pleasure yourself.”
“Harder, please,” Ume said breathlessly. She thrust her hips upwards, meeting his with her own, creating an intoxicating rhythm that neither of them wanted to break.
He watched her delicate hands grip the sheets as he pleasured her. He groaned, slowing down before pulling out slowly and slamming back into her. Her eyes flew open as she was bombarded with both pleasure and pain.
“SHIT! Aaah.”
The rhythmic combinations of Muzan’s movement thrusting into her overstimulated her headspace. Her vision felt like it was going in and out as he fucked her into oblivion.
 He couldn’t take it anymore. He gripped her thighs tightly as he lifted her lower body and began to hammer her cunt at an unbelievable pace. Ume’s eyes widened, and her mouth gaped as she struggled to breathe. He rutted her like he had never done before. She could feel him deep inside her and, with each thrust, an electrical shock that affected her entire body.
He wasn’t fucking her anymore. He was using her.
Muzan could see the beautiful agony on her face and her mouth widened in a silent scream. Muzan bucked his hips sporadically into Ume. He reached down to grip her shoulders for better leverage so that he could pound her even harder than he thought he could.
 His movements start to get sloppy and uneven. He knew he was close. He refused to back down.
In one swift motion, he flipped her onto her stomach and began to pound her from behind. She screamed, her head bouncing as he held a tight grip on her arms. He panted, sweat dripping down his body as release crept up on him. He leaned down and placed gentle, feathery kisses on her back, only in places that the two of them would ever see—no one else.
He rotated his hips, adamant about maximizing both of their pleasure before he finished. Her cunt had a vice grip on him, and he knew that he didn’t have much longer.
“Mu-Muzan. Too much,” Ume whimpered. He knew he was overstimulating her.
“Hold on, just a moment longer.” He said, out of breath. The mix of tantalizing moans from Ume and the hushed whispers of praises from Muzan were drowned out by the sounds of wet skin slapping. 
“Muzan, I’m- gonna- gonna cum!” Ume exclaimed. Her cunt tightened around him as he pounded her. Her body tensed as she released a long, drawn-out moan before she lost herself in her release and fell into a convulsing mess. "I love you, Muzan!"
 “Ah, Fuck.” Muzan groaned at her proclamation as he came. His hips continued to pound her soaking cunt as waves of pleasure rolled over him, the euphoric feeling taking over as hot ropes of cum filled Ume, warming her insides.
Muzan leaned down and pressed a kiss onto Ume’s neck before pulling out, cum immediately leaking out onto the bed. 
He flipped over and embraced her tightly, giving her a long, tired kiss before he flopped on the bed beside her and closed his eyes, his breaths heavy and sweat slipping from his brow. He allowed them both time to recover before moving to take action. 
“Okay, darling, let’s both get cleaned up.”
Ume groaned and rolled over onto her side, pressing her face into Muzan’s warm chest.
“But I’m so tired.”
“Yeah. Bet you won’t be able to walk tomorrow. Here, I’ll carry you.” Muzan got up from the bed and stretched his back. He then swiftly scooped Ume up, holding her in his arms and taking them both to the bathroom. 
“Thank you, Muzan-sama,” Ume said, scooting onto the bathroom counter.
“Anything for my spoiled little princess,” Muzan said, their foreheads pressed together as they stared at each other intimately. Their lips met for a soft, tender kiss.
“I Love you.”
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im00nlight · 2 years
Demon Slayer (18+) Douma X Akaza X Male!reader Sneek Peek
TW: Masturbation
Hakuji never cared for anyone after Koyuki passed, he continued to refine jewels in the rough in her name, taking whatever love he had for her he put into her legacy. One Day a boy walked in, he was large, and strong. Hakuji of all people saw the potential in this 19 year old. When Hakuji shook his rough,calloused hands, the sweat of a hot summer's day ran down his neck, his chest, seeping into his gray tank top. God he was ripped. After that they became closer and closer, although Hakuji could barely stand this boy’s obliviousness, he just couldn’t break away from his sweet smile. Sooner than later Hakuji found himself in your bed, right next to you. Your arms wrapped around his torso. He laid awake as you softly snored, your face damn near pressed into his neck. He couldn’t sleep, but he didn’t want to wake you.
Unknowingly Hakuji would find himself in the bathroom of what was then your apartment, stroking his cock to the thought, the feeling of your bulge rubbing in between his thighs when you moved. He palmed himself, whimpering as the moonlight shone through the window, cum shooting out onto his face, a burning sensation flooded his face as Hakuji realized what he had done. Despite his embarrassment, he cleaned himself up, going back to your room. He stared at you for a while, wondering what you would think if you knew what he had just done, yet he sat on the floor, holding your hand as he drifted into a deep sleep.
Hakuji had fallen in love with you without realizing it. He hadn’t seen you in months, no matter how many times he called your phone you never answered, and yet he couldn’t help but remember your face, your body, your everything, all of it was you.
…. To be continued
PS I wrote this for @doumabootyeater1 ‘s birthday so yea the full oneshot will be posted on the 13th of August as I have a full schedule on the 12th
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imkazz · 8 months
its sorta formatted like a season, one chapter as an episode, and i tried to mimick the storytelling vice of demon slayer, with all the humour and how the characters talk and interact with each other. i also tried to not make my oc too ooc, but with all the bashing hashira oc have gotten, im sorta nervous.
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Fandom: Demon Slayer
Character: Tanjiro Kamado
Sample Size: 4,646 stories
Source: AO3
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