#You do not NEED to share everything you write/draw online
sourisking · 4 months
I don’t like proshippers because I was groomed by one.
Not because I think freedom of Speach should be limited (have seen that argument from proshippers). Not because I’m a puritan (don’t call people that for thinking RPF is a little strange). And not because I simply hate shipping.
I was groomed by a proshipper, and it makes me hate all proshippers because they almost always act like she did.
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inklessletter · 3 months
I posted this on X, and I feel kind of disloyal not saying anything in here, since I feel Tumblr as my main online residence.
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I would like to expand here, where I feel safest, if you let me.
As I said, I'm not a writer. Not a talented one, at least. Maybe I could be if I work hard enough, but I have little free time and I have to diversify it since I've got plenty going on. I don't have like, the busiest life, but I work full-time and I have a little family, and friends, a dog and a house to keep. And when I'm not doing all of that, among all my personal individual hobbies, drawing is what takes most time.
And drawing--well, I can't draw a fanart without romanticizing the process. There is no fanart without a back story that I've got in my mind, that I always fall in love way too deep with it, and always have the intention to put into words, but English is hard for a non native speaker, and even harder for a impatient perfectionist. So it takes a lot of time and I am never satisfied with the results, which is massively disheartening.
So after more than a year making this fandom my home, and with, idk, twenty, thirty fanarts, that means that there are twenty or thirty stories that I've got safely and preciously stored in my heart that I barely shared with anyone.
I mean full fanfics, from beginning to end, maybe with a few loose strands that needs revisiting, but overall, completed stories. And I know I'm biased here, telling you that I love them, and maybe they're not good, but I do love them. I'm a romantic. Some of them explore the concept of home, or tropes like "the one that got away", or the survivor guilt, or keeping the balance between being who you are and acknowledging that you're wrong and rewiring some things. Some are just funny AUs, fluff or smut (I can't write smut for SHIT), some more basic, some not. Some are not even steddie.
But I love all of them, and I can't write them and they're dying with me.
So I've been thinking for a while, that maybe there is a writer out there that wants something to write but can't find inspiration, or a theme to talk about and if that's de case, and you feel like it, you can DM to me, that I will give you the whole idea, everything that I worked on and pass it on, so you can have an idea to work with.
It feels so silly being so absurdly emotional with this, since, well, it's just stories, I guess, about things and people that don't exist, and maybe they're not even good or worth to work on because it may be better works out there that treat those subjects more brilliantly, but I love them and they're important to me and if I don't do this, they're dying with me and I think that maybe those silly ideas deserve a chance.
So, well, yeah, if you are a fic writer that is looking for something to write about, you can reach me. Maybe we can help each other out.
Thank you for taking the time to read all this nonsense 💖
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batshaped · 10 months
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twitter stop fucking up for one second challenge (impossible)
here’s the thing. it feels like social media is changing lately. every social media site seems to be fucking up or getting worse in its own special little way. i recently read and thought a lot about this article which coins the term “enshittification” and describes the process by which every social media platform eventually becomes so greedy as to become unusable. it makes me wonder if the social internet is due for a big shift in the near future. 
for a long time, twitter was the best place for me. for all its issues, it had the audience that i could reach the easiest, that was the most invested in my art. i got (still get) a lot of awesome replies and really great analysis of my work on twitter, which i didn’t receive on any other platform. i was able to encourage those readers by retweeting their comments and theories to show that i liked hearing their thoughts. i could use the Moments feature to organize my art and make my comic easily readable in order. and anyone could look at my twitter, account or no.
ever since the site was bought out, twitter is getting worse. i can’t use the app on mobile anymore because every reply section is drowned out by blue checks and choked with ads. the Moments feature was disabled and people couldn’t easily read my comics in order anymore. and this is without even touching on the bigger/more serious issues the buyout has brought to the app. these are just the ways it has made my personal experience of being an artist on there worse. and now, apparently, you can’t even look at my work unless you have an account.
it’s been pretty common in the past year for the new management to implement a bad feature and then undo it after backlash, and maybe this too will be reversed. but even if it is unimplemented, the platform will continue to get worse. all platforms are getting worse right now. all of them are becoming untenable to use without 7 bespoke browser extensions to block ads, hide specific unwanted content, force chronological order, and so on. on mobile i don’t even bother. apps are unusable. 
on top of that, i have the personal issue of not being the type of creator who is particularly good at staying on top of more than one or two platforms daily. twitter has been my main for years now, so i’m pretty good about updating it very regularly. instagram is trailing behind, i usually remember to post there daily (especially as i’m remaking mine right now and posting my entire backlog) but sometimes i forget. and that’s kind of my limit. every other site falls by the wayside because i just don’t want to spend my whole day or life updating platforms. i know there are tools that can do it automatically for you but i don’t want to do it that way and then i’d have to figure out a new tool and get yet another account on yet another app and install yet another extension to use it.
i just want to draw. i don’t know how we arrived at this place where we need to be 700 other things when we are just artists. i draw and write, isn’t that enough? if i wanted a presence on tiktok i’d also have to be a video editor who pays close attention to trends and makes sure to transform my artwork into something people on that app are interested in. even if i just wanted to have a strong presence on say, twitter/instagram/tumblr/tapas/webtoon i’d have to take on another (unpaid) job as my own social media manager, meticulously managing my uploads across 5+ apps and making sure everything is up to date and tailored to what “works” on each particular platform. i already have a day job—i’m a storyboard artist. the art i post online is supposed to be made and given freely for my own enrichment first and foremost, and for the joy of sharing with others as a close second.
i wonder if we’re due for a mass rejection of this increasingly draining cable-wars-style model of spreading ourselves thin across multiple platforms just to reach the exclusive audience each one provides. i’m starting to feel done with that concept, but i still want to share my art. i want to hear my readers’ thoughts. i want to create things that connect with others. i want to do it without these ever-mounting obstacles.
what i’m doing about it is creating my own website at my own domain that belongs to me. i doubt i’ll be quitting social media when it’s done. social media is still where the audience i cherish lives. but you can bet that when that website is ready to be shared, i’ll be talking about it on every social media account i own. i’ll be telling everyone there’s a place to look at my art where you don’t need an account, you don’t have to struggle through a morass of ads, and you don’t have to line the pockets of a billionaire who bought a social media app on a whim. it’ll just be you and my art. alone together.
by the way, to @whatthehelljake​ i apologize for writing a fucking SAT essay on a screenshot of your reply. any exasperated tone here is not directed at you at all. it’s directed at this sea of obstacles that disrupt the simple concept of “i made art and i want to share it with you.” your reply is how i found out today that twitter made this change. i cherish the fact that you want to connect with my art so much that you alerted me to this. i wish that wasn’t necessary. i want to make my work on my own terms—and want you to be able to experience it on YOUR own terms.
all that to say, i think the website is going to be the main answer to this issue. i don’t see myself having the energy to update tumblr that much more often than i already do, though maybe i’ll try to pick up the pace a little now. we’ll see. holy shit if you read all this go drink a glass of water or something get up and stretch. ok thank you bye <3
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
I have two best friends.
Which is not an apt description.
Best friends is too small a term to describe what they are to me.
Chosen family. Ride or die. People I would drop everything for if they needed me. People I would protect with my last breath. People who know embarrassing details they will take to the grave.
Now that my mom and dad are gone, they are my lifelong companions. I trust them with my life.
I talk about Katrina all the time. But I tend to keep my friendship with Delling a little more private. I don't love either of them any more or less. There is no ranking system for my besties. But Katrina and I are basically like an old school comedy duo, so we have a lot more shenanigans to share. Shenanigans are easy content for a blog.
Delling is disabled like me. We have a lot of the same consequences from our health issues. Extreme fatigue most of all. Delling was unable to get disability benefits though, so they have to work a 9 to 5 job. And it exhausts them to the limit. They often will work and go straight to bed. If it were possible, I would talk to Delling every single day like I do with Katrina, but circumstances don't always allow for that.
So we have less shenanigans, but the same amount of love.
I'm also a little more protective of Delling at the moment. They are trans and for some reason a large portion of the "very online" people have decided to hate my best friend. And sometimes I worry about drawing attention towards Delling from the few trolls who still hate follow me.
Delling is almost always in my thoughts when I write about trans issues or argue with transphobes on Twitter. But I refuse to invoke "I HAVE A TRANS FRIEND" most of the time. For one, I don't advocate for trans people just because I have a trans friend. Though it does make the emotions I feel very intense sometimes. A lot of tears and anger. But I also don't want to sound like those conservatives who justify everything they say because they have a friend from a marginalized group.
There are certainly times people will be like, "Why would you mutilate someone and cut off healthy breasts??" and I wanna be like "Delling is much happier without boobies and I can see a huge difference since their surgery and you don't know what the fuck you are talking about with that mutilation nonsense. FIGHT ME!"
But I don't think I need to announce my bestie's private top surgery details just to win an argument on Twitter.
I'm just really happy for them and I am glad it helped. They struggled to get the surgery for so long and fought like hell to make it happen. People acting like it is this horrible thing make me so angry. When it finally happened it was... a relief. A weight lifted off their shoulders... err... chest.
After my dad died, Katrina was unable to get away from Florida to help me out. She was dealing with her disabled dog, Lucy, and her end-of-life care. That just isn't something you can ask someone else to look after for a few days. So Delling got permission to do remote work and drove down from the top of the country to help me. They came on the weekend of my dad's service and stayed a few days after to help me get the house sorted.
I'm honestly not sure I could have made it through that experience on my own. During the service, Delling just clung to my side as I tried to act normal when long-lost relatives offered similar grief platitudes over and over. And I kept introducing Delling and saying they were from the wrong state for some reason. I do actually know where Delling lives, but I guess my brain was not functioning in that situation.
Delling also helped me finish my eulogy literally hours before I gave it. And they helped me print out a bunch of photos of my dad that almost no one looked at. I'm so glad we spent all morning frantically doing that. *sigh* Though I'm hoping the photos will come in handy when I do an online memorial for my parents, so it was not all for naught.
There was a moment when a certain someone gave an impromptu speech at the end of the service about how she let my dad see his granddaughter for a couple of hours a year ago and how special that was, and Delling tightly squeezed my hand to help channel away my anger.
Ya know, those totally normal *yearly* visits all grandpas get to have.
Sometimes friends just know, ya know?
Delling and I also revamped the kitchen for my needs, which I have already turned into absolute chaos. And we had a fun shopping trip to Sam's where I bought tender beef jerky that was the toughest to chew jerky I've ever experienced. I guess the "tender" on the label was sarcastic.
All I know is that casually shopping with my friend was this beautiful bonding adventure where we just got to hang out and be together. It's weird the experiences that stick with you. Trying to pick out wholesale sushi with my bestie will be a treasured memory for the rest of my days. And I think that is kinda perfect in its simplicity.
There are not enough thank yous in the world for what Delling did for me. I wish they could have stayed a few months instead of a few days. I miss having them here in person. But they had a foster bunny to take care of and a job and a family. So I had to give Delling back to the top of the country.
I just wanted to write this in appreciation of my other best bestie. I love them more than anything. And I can't tell you all how special it feels to have someone who will drop everything, drive across the country (through tornado weather, no less), and keep you company during a very lonely time.
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kafus · 4 months
ok i've decided i want to infodump about vee and nova a little after all! because uhh not only am i impatient because autism but i also. want to dip my toes into talking about this. just days ago i was still terrified but now i am Tentatively Brave... if i can talk about it here casually like this then i should be able to write a more formal summary later some other time
i've tagged this post appropriately (at least i think i have, feel free to suggest if i should add more) but also a heads up here too before i keep talking that while i'm not going into graphic detail on anything there are STRONG themes of organized sexual abuse of a child, sexual abuse of animals, and grooming! (there are no disturbing visuals in this post, just text)
takes a deep breath alright so the deal with these two. back all the way in 2021, i decided i wanted to make "vent ocs" as in i just wanted some concrete/consistent designs i could use in vent art drawings that weren't a direct reflection of what i envision myself to look like or whatever. i was going through a lot in 2021, in december 2020 i had just gotten my first big repressed memory back and my life was in a whirlwind of change and heavily increased PTSD and DID symptoms, so i was using art a lot as an outlet. in the end i settled on this drawing, based on the design taste i would have had as a young person (god the quality is so old now LOL i've improved a lot but anyway)
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i was intending for these two to be just visual designs and nothing more than that but i got attached and actually ended up giving them a whole storyline and everything, which is something i admittedly hadn't done in a long time up to that point so that's cool.
the reason i preface explaining the premise of the storyline with this is because i think it's important to acknowledge that these two are intrinsically tied with my real life and the feelings i experience as a CSA/OA survivor. not because i think someone has to go through awful things to write or draw about them necessarily, but because i am passionate about expressing myself. it's important for me to be seen in some way, to be heard after years of silence. it is not safe for me mentally to share the exact details of my abuse online rn (and please don't ask for them!) but i also don't want these two to be removed from the message that i survived something and this is me making art about that in an abstracted and magical way with a fictional universe that brings me a lot of comfort. i hope this makes sense lol
oh and also with that in mind if you think for even a second any of this is a weird sex thing for me or some shit please stop reading this post and go do something else with your time. this is my trauma expression and i don't need to be compared to the people i was abused by when i was a literal toddler thank you!
AANYWAY so! premise! gonna be point blank with it! vee (not her original name but shh) is born as a normal 100% human girl, aka without the eevee ears and tail. she is groomed from a very young age (like, toddler age) and eventually abducted by her groomers which happen to be members of... well right now it's team rocket because i haven't spent the time to worldbuild a new villainous pokemon organization yet. roll with me here. she is taken to a remote facility out in the middle of fucking nowhere and is never returned to her previous life or family.
Why? well i'm glad you asked! the org is running a bunch of different experiments in this facility and one of them happens to be trying to enable humans reproducing with pokemon. this doubles as both a money thing and a power thing. they seek out a child as the victim of these horrible experiments because children are easily malleable. way easier to control a child than an adult who already has a firm identity/self.
vee is the child they chose. surgery is forcibly done on her to give her working eevee ears and tail, and also like, fuck with her body chemistry and stuff. she's biologically part eevee now. yes this is bullshit pokemon magic science LMAO but she is kept in this facility and chronically sexually abused for a few years by pairing her with various mons and trying to get eggs to happen.
the experiment isn't working though so they hypothesize that giving her a dedicated partner, especially of the same evolutionary line, would help, and they raise nova from birth as an eevee to take on that role. eventually the two of them are paired together. despite the acts they are forced to commit on each other and the abuse they endure, they actually become inseparable very quickly cause like. they don't have anyone else. and also they just genuinely care about each other. additionally at this point nova has evolved into an espeon and has telepathic powers, so him and vee can communicate linguistically with each other, so you know that helps
generally my current focus of this story is in the early years, when vee is 12 and younger, before they start realizing that shit is fucked up and they need to escape (up until that hypothetical point they have been successfully groomed into believing everything happening to them was not abuse/was normal). i have left out a metric fuckton of detail here just to get across the basic premise. i am constantly exploring vee's psyche, nova's psyche, it's like an in depth exploration of the mind of an abused child in horrific circumstances and god it's cathartic. i love these two so fucking much
btw i guess this art has more context now huh haha after i infodumped off the plot to my sister they looked at this art again and was like. OHHH THIS IS EVEN MORE OMINOUS AND HARD TO LOOK AT WITH CONTEXT. AND I WAS LIKE YEAH!!!! YOU SEE THE VISION!!! THE SYMBOLISM!! ETC!!!!
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uh yeah if you read this far thank you and i just wanna say i've been building up the courage to talk about these two for GENUINELY two years, it has been over 2 full years since that initial drawing, and i am nervous and jittery posting this but i do not want to die without having shared my work with the world and i'm willing to take the risks to get my voice out there. so you reading it is very much appreciated ur like my first step into being more confident as a survivor lol
oh and fwiw despite these guys being so correlated with my trauma it's not offensive to make headcanons or ask me questions about them or compliment darker art of them however you want, in fact i love that shit!! please i've been holding these guys back for two years i have so much to say that hasn't been said. as much as i am nervous i am EXCITED
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sonicexelle-junkary · 9 months
I actually wonder what inspired you the most to write HH.exe's story? Like what media did you watch or read to get an idea for the current storyline and concept? Were you ever scared to post it online? I love your work a lot!
I’ve answered this question before, but it’s been a while and I think I should explain this in more detail. (Gonna be a long post so bare with me)
The main thing that sparked the idea of the AU was the short comic We Need To Talk About Tails. Mostly the whole ‘sonic goes crazy over something’ plot line. The au went through a fair bit of revisions starting from that, but it fairly quickly turned into the idea of Sonic being a cannibal. It wasn’t until after Frontiers was released that I began to make some changes to the initial story, to make everything more cohesive and to make it make a lot more sense in the world of Sonic.
There are a few other various things that have inspired me in terms of writing, drawing and whatnot for the AU as well. Most of them are for the remake of it. A couple I’d include are:
RecoveryEXE- @misscloudiedays (EXE)
Stranger- @brutuusonic (EXE)
You Cant Run: Enchore (song)
Vita Carnis (analog horror)
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (book)
Scream (movies)
Creep1+2 (movies)
As well as a various amount of other things (EX. Poems or general fascination of certain things) that can be a bit too obscure to share a single link too.
I wouldn’t say I was scared of posting my work online initially, but eventually I did get a little anxiety with continuing to do so, as I do want to work in the comic industry eventually and my work here is free to the public. But I really love horror so I eventually just said ‘ah what the hell’ and now I’m doing what I want, but I am being slightly cautious of what I am doing.
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fernsnailz · 7 months
also if it's not bothering i'd like to ask you if you have any tips on how to make a zine/fanzine? i've been wanting to for a while but i am unsure how to and it feels kind of intimidating
yeah no worries! the good news is that personal zines are pretty easy to make because you can put basically anything into one and make it any length/size you want. they also come in a lot of different forms - you can make one that's just a digital pdf, post some loose pngs online, draw it out on some sheets of paper that you staple or fold together, have it printed at a professional printing service, or create an entirely new method that works for the zine you're making. it's up to you and depends on what resources you have or what zine you want to make - which is always the first step! start with an idea or general theme you want to make your zine about, which can be quite literally anything. is it a fanzine about some characters you like? a personal comic? a various collection of your art, writing, or other creations? again, can be literally anything.
i can help most with digital zines because that's what i've made and participated in so far. really the biggest hurdle with any zine is just making the stuff that goes in it - i was very ambitious to make dance in fire over 30 pages, especially since it was my first solo zine. i say start small, zines can be as few as four pages if you want. if you do want to make a longer zine, something i did that i highly recommend is finding old sketches or unfinished/unposted art that you can use as a starting point for some pages. or just keep them in an unfinished state! sketch pages are always a welcome addition imo.
another thing i recommend if you're making a long zine (though is entirely optional) is keeping a tracker with the pages you want to make or have already been completed. this is part of what my tracker spreadsheet looked like for dance in fire - just a way for me to log when things are done, what things needed to be changed, any info i wanted to keep written down. this was a HUGE help for me personally since i was dealing with a lot of pages of just. stuff.
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with digital zines, you don't necessarily have to make every page the same size, but i suggest sticking to one page size to keep everything cohesive. for dance in fire, every page is about 7x10in (with a little bit extra added for print bleed). once everything is done, there's a couple of different ways to combine everything into one pdf. sometimes you can export multiple canvases as a single pdf depending on the drawing program you're using - my version of clip studio can't do that, so i uploaded 37 individual pngs of the pages to an online pdf converter and just downloaded that lmao
last thing to figure out is where to host your zine - if you have a pdf, there's a few online file hosting platforms you can share them on. i used itch.io which is mostly for indie games and creators, some other people i know use github. these are good places to host your zine if you want to sell it, but you can probably also do that on ko-fi or patreon if you wanted? idk i don't have experience with those
that's all i got for now! there's some tricky stuff to figure out if you're printing a digital zine, but i'm still in the process of figuring that out myself so that might have to be a guide for another time lol
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krokuswrites · 7 months
My writeblr introduction
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Hello everyone,
I'm Krokus. It's nice to meet all of you.
I'm a writer and an artist, but I write much more than I draw and I rarely ever share my art online. I'm in my 30s and from Germany. I've been meaning to join the writing community here for a while by now and I'm glad to finally be here. I hope I can meet a lot of writers here and have fun talking and sharing info about our WIPs.
My projects are written in German, so anything I share here is translated.
Genres I love to read: Pretty much everything, though my favorites are romance stories. I also have a soft spot for thrillers actually.
What genres I write: Romance. Fantasy, contemporary, monster, you name it.
I only work on one project right now. Technically, I have a 2nd one, but I only work on that whenever I really need a little break from my main project, which doesn't happen too often to be honest, so progress on the 2nd one is very slow.
My main project is a fantasy romance and my 2nd project is a contemporary romance. I'll most likely do an intro post for them both soon.
I am also ask and tag-game friendly, so feel free to tag me or ask me about my projects, my characters or anything really anytime :)
I'll see you around :)
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nanistar · 1 year
do you have any tips on story writing / comic making? ive got something all plotted out but i just dont know where to start with executing it
hmmm this one is tough because i have a long history of starting and giving up on comics, even if i have a full script written out. i'm personally really bad at the whole planning-stuff-out thing. i tend to work in short bursts and write stuff maybe two or three scenes in advance.
i think my best advice would be: if you have something planned out, and you're excited to start working on it, just start working on it.
don't wait to find the perfect beginning, because in my experience, you'll eventually lose confidence or motivation if you wait too long. the worst thing that will happen is you might come up with a cooler idea later, but the good thing about webcomics is you can always start over, especially if it's early on. my "main" comic- something ive been working on since 2014- i have started and stopped about 6 times, and i have changed the plot/settings completely about as many times. i even wrote it out as a 100+ page novel for a creative writing class in high school. i actually started SBC with the intention of doing a short 1-2 year comic to kinda "warm up"
share some of your process online and with friends for feedback as you go with pre-planning. when i was building up the mojave clan concept, briskwater was intended to be the main character, with vulturepaw, a sunclan cat, having an unrelated but major side story but when i shared my first character sketches with my friend server, they all went bonkers over Saltburn so i changed my plan to focus on her. you don't have to share everything, but just having people initially interested in your story is a HUUUGE motivation boost. if you're having troubles scripting a start, don't script. think about openings to shows/series that you like and just start sketching stuff. i really like the foreboding prose-like openings of Fellowship of the ring and Avatar the last airbender, that tells you everything you need to know about the world itself, and mayhaps foreshadows a bit, but is still opened-ended enough that it can go anywhere. you can also start in media res; AKA start where the action all ready happened/is happening, and do a "teaser" of sorts, and then go back, sometimes called a Cold Open (tho that one is used mainly in TV, and some argue it's different but they're both functionally the same thing). think about how procedural investigation shows will often show you an obscured view of how the episode's victim gets murdered/kidnapped/whatever, and then it launches into the shows opening credits.
also finally, and i mean this so, so genuinely, it does not have to be perfect, and it wont be. you are going to be drawing SO many characters so many times, so many BGs ect, things are going to slip through the cracks that that's OK. you can take shortcuts, you can be lazy, you can have continuity errors. also give characters in the BG funny stupid faces instead of worrying about details because its fun to do
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sooo yah. that's all i got TLDR: look at intros to media you like, and steal their style. don't worry about getting it perfect. if you have even a slim idea of what you want, just go for it and it will come to you. if you don't know what you want.... also just go for it.
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also. my style of writing/comics works for me, but it might not work for you so take any advice i give with a grain of salt. ask other comic folk, like @razmerry and uh. ive been sitting here for 15 minutes but i literally forgot every other comic person ever. so sorry. but anyone who knows things feel free to add on.
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a-casual-kpopfan · 1 year
Last Christmas Prompt. 🫡
Pale Blue Dot - Jinsoul
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A/N: I know who you are…
This would be a good one to end the year with.
Dec 25th, 2022.
You open your eyes, your first instinct is to check the time. Your eyes swerve around the room, seeing the clock on the wall saying 2:07am. The grogginess started lifting and to your realization there’s a dim light coming from the other side of your bed.
“Sol?” You spoke up seeing the your wife sitting at her desk, writing out something. She hasn’t heard you the first time so you decided to sit up from your bed. “Sol?” You called out once again, this time grabbing her attention. “Oh, baby you’re awake?”
Jinsol ran over from her desk over to your shared bed to prevent you from getting up. “Yah, baby don’t get up.” Jinsol places her hands on your shoulders preventing you from getting up, instead laying you back down.
“Sol, I’m okay!” You try to convince your wife that everything is okay, you’re not having an attack of anything whatsoever.
It’s been 3 years since you’ve been married.
1 since you’ve been diagnosed with bradycardia, a condition when a heart’s resting rate is less than 60 beats per minute.
Meaning anything that exerts an excessive amount of energy, can lead to cardiac arrest, possibly worse.
Jinsol was scared, she was a full time astronomy professor at the South Korea college before she decided to change to doing part time in online teaching. You were in construction, labour intensive, definitely didn’t help your case of a slowed down heart.
She knew at any moment in time, your heart will fail you.
“You know I want you to save your energy baby, don’t waste it.” Jinsol smiles and pecks you on the forehead. “I’ll come to bed soon, I just need to finish some paper work.” You just agree knowing nothing will stop your wife. “Okay Sol, hurry up.” You smile and lean upwards, letting her lead down to leave a kiss on your lips.
“Merry Christmas baby.”
Jinsol goes back to her desk finishing her paper… Her application.
Dec 24th, 2023.
“I’m heading to the hospital now Sol, Sooyoung offered to drive me over there.” You tell your wife over the phone, she was called into the university, probably for student program reasons.
“Okay baby, you be safe okay? I’ll kill Sooyoung if you’re not in one peace.” Jinsol smiles as she’s sitting in her chair at the hospital. “You know I love you right?”
“I love you too honey.” Both you and Jinsol said your goodbyes, you were excited. You were moved up somehow on the queue for the heart transplant. “You ready?” Sooyoung opens the front door, ready to take you over.
“I can’t wait to go out with Jinsol again, have dates with her again. I can finally take her roller skating like how she always wanted!” You were so excited to see Jinsol after this done and over with.
Sooyoung didn’t say much. “I’m sure Sol will be happy too.” Sooyoung looked like she was trying to hold something back, like she knew something.
“Are you crazy?!”
“Take care of them Sooyoung.”
“Are you going to wait for Sol?” You’re sitting in a wheelchair, ready to be wheeled off for the surgery. “Yes, I’ll be waiting here.” Sooyoung smiles, trying to hide the truth for however long it takes.
You nod and you get wheeled off.
“GOOD LUCK!” Sooyoung waves at you until your pass through the doors to not be seen.
Dec 25th, 2023
You open your eyes, your first instinct was to look for the time. This isn’t your usual bedroom, this is a hospital room, white walls, thin bed sheets, a hell of an uncomfortable mattress compared to what you’re used to.
The grogginess started lifting up from your being, you notice on your chest a blue envelope with a drawing of a fish. You also look to your left a sleeping Sooyoung, but no wife to be seen.
You take the envelope and slowly open the it containing a letter and Jinsol’s engagement ring.
“Hello baby,
You made me the happiest woman on this planet and further beyond that. You gave me your heart last Christmas, the Christmas before that, the Christmas before that, all the way since we met in that car accident on that faithful day, it was still your fault you rear ended my car!
This Christmas, I give you my heart. For all those time you sacrificed yourself for me, all those times you put me in front of you. My best friend, my live, my partner. You were ever so perfect, like the one I always dreamed of as a child.
Please don’t hate yourself, this was a choice I made and I wish for you to live a fuller and happier life. Someone else in this world is here for you to make you happy, just as I once did.
Sooyoung was awakened, she looks up to see you sobbing in tears, holding your chest.
She knew you found out.
She saw the letter on your lap, only to read the last phrase of it, she got up from her chair to embrace you in a hug, you took her in and held her as tight as you could.
We’ll fly again tonight.
Whatever comes to might.
It’s going to be alright.
My Pale Blue Dot.”
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mrfancyfoot · 2 months
Healthy Reminder to Not Feed the Trolls.
I think especially younger fandom members and creators need to hear this because it's not advice that I see nearly as often anymore and part of that may be because my gen (Millennials) heard it a lot and often take it as Just Something You Know (though I think we also sometimes need the reminder). But we're older now and there are those younger than us that may not have the experience we do, especially if we just assume they know better (and younger and younger people are online now). It's part of Online Safety 101. I've linked to a couple resources near the bottom.
A troll is someone who shows up in a space and is purely there to upset someone and cause drama/chaos. All they're seeking is attention and the enjoyment they get from upsetting you. They do not care about facts, your feelings, or anything else you throw at them. They will argue in bad faith. They will commit the cardinal sin of Being Wrong on the Internet. They will accuse you of committing the cardinal sin of Being Wrong on the Internet. They will make fun of your favorite character, your art, your writing, you, your friends, your dog, any and everything. They will tell you that how you enjoy or interpret your favorite thing(s) is Wrong or Bad. They love to cause drama in and between groups. Peaceful coexistence is often what they want to disrupt.
Some spaces will unfortunately draw more trolls than others.
In this PSA, I'm not quite referring to the "trolling" term that is also used interchangeably to mean "joking" or "fooling around" with the intent to get a raise out of someone but not necessarily to upset them. Though that can easily lead to this.
Resist the Urge to Feed Them. ("Feed them" being "give them attention.")
Don't give them attention by responding to them or giving them any kind of space on your blog/page/whatever. That's what they want. That's what they live off of. They want the hate because it means they've gotten under your skin and in your head and that makes them happy. They may have an agenda, they may have no specific agenda.
This can be so hard because it's natural to feel the need to defend yourself, someone else, and/or the things you enjoy. It can feel good to correct or engage someone who comes at you swinging. But they often don't stop. They will keep leeching your time and energy, especially if you allow them to.
You lose nothing by not engaging them. They bring nothing of value.
Engaging them can bring drama and hurt in your spaces and this may not only affect you. This can tear apart fandom spaces, cause rifts in groups, and pit people against each other. And then you're all unhappy and you have these negative associations of interacting with something that previously brought you joy. It causes people to stop creating, to stop engaging with others in the fandom, and to even leave fandoms.
And that is the goal of many trolls.
If you feel the need to address something they've said publicly, do not link their post/message/blog/name/etc. You want to give them as little of the attention as possible - you're addressing the accusation/concern/subject/whatever specifically, not them. Don't even relate it back to them if you can prevent it.
Some very non-exhaustive examples of what can be trolling behaviors:
They leave nastygrams in your inbox/Ask box.
They leave negative comments or reblogs on your post.
They leave unsolicited "critique."
They'll tell you that how you interpret X is wrong.
"Your blorbo would never do that!"
"X should never be shipped with Y!"
Antis (the people or groups that don't agree with certain content and try to get others to stop making/sharing it [being anti-X doesn't make you a troll, but going into the space for X and telling those people that they're wrong for liking X is trolling/harassment])
Someone comes into your fandom niche and tells you all that You're Wrong
They may behave inappropriately or send inappropriate things
They don't always use provocative language - they may be very polite (all the easier to make you seem like the unreasonable one if they do get a rise out of you). Still trolling.
They'll do or say things to try to get support from others in order to turn it on you/someone or pit "sides" against each other
They may lie and/or try to spread rumors
"You/they made this with A.I!" is a common accusation towards artists/writers I'm seeing now that has absolutely been picked up by trolls and is unfortunately spreading (please always make sure that you are informed and don't jump on the hate wagon just because you see others doing so - do your own research and demand credible sources/proof [learn what "proof" is per context]). I've seen this kind of accusation disrupt artists' livelihoods just based on someone's say-so that others piled on with no credible claims.
It is okay to have differences.
People are allowed to be Wrong on the Internet, but that doesn't mean that they're owed a response or that you can't delete their comments. You can delete comments on your page just because you feel like it (though "I don't like it." or "This makes me feel uncomfortable." are perfectly fine, non-exhaustive reasons).
If you don't engage them, they will often simply go away. You're not fun if you don't give them attention. You're not going to change their behavior (please don't waste your time trying). Some may try harder to get you to notice or reply to them, but they generally won't stick around for long. They'll move on.
Curate your blog/social/fandom space. (You'll be so much happier and healthier for it.)
Do not engage them.
Block them.
Report them.
Delete their DMs, comments, etc.
Use the moderation tools that you have.
You are under no obligation to accept every 'friend' request, or allow everyone to 'follow' you or engage with you on social media or let into your Discord server or into your little fandom or Tumblr friend group, etc etc. If someone is causing drama, kick them out! Don't feel the need to keep giving them chances to behave, either. Don't be afraid to put your foot down and be firm.
If they pop their head back up (maybe even under a new name), block them again, report them again, delete their messages again. Do not engage. Move on. Dealing with trolls is often like playing whack-a-mole. Send them to the void with the spambots.
You will be happier not engaging them.
Honestly, the above works in similar scenarios, too (not just random strangers)!
Uncle Joe keeps ranting on your page and upsetting you and/or your friends? Delete his comments. Block/unfriend him. Don't feel obligated to keep troublesome family members involved on your social media. Or even in your life.
If the above is someone that you can't simply block (there are valid reasons), sites like Facebook allow you to make lists that you can use to control who sees which of your posts.
You may have to remind your friends, followers, or others in the fandom to not feed the trolls.
You are the moderator of your own spaces. If this is a public space or a private group space that you don't control, politely inform a moderator or someone who has the authority to deal with the troll (sometimes all you can do is hit a report button and/or block them).
Learn the moderation and safety tools that you do have for the platform/app you're using:
How to unfollow/unfriend someone
How to report and block someone
How to turn off read receipts for things like chats and emails
How to turn off online status
How to contact site staff
How to turn off reblogs/comments/etc
How to turn off anonymous/guest messages or comments
How to delete comments
How to moderate comments, etc, on your works (ex: AO3 has an option for all story comments to be approved before they're posted on your work)
How to privatize your profile
How to back up and delete your content
How to filter content
Thoroughly read through all settings (I recommend doing this periodically as settings frequently get updated or change)
Learn where and who you can turn to for help
Read the platform's FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), Rules, and Terms of Service (TOS)
And again, They will Argue in Bad Faith.
They may accuse you of not being fair, of not allowing them to participate, of leaving them out, of ignoring them, of not "liking" them, of being "mean" to them, of your silence "agreeing" with them or meaning they're "right." They may accuse you of being a bad person or condoning bad things IRL. They may accuse you of any number of wild things. They may say they're just "being the devil's advocate" or of defending their own fandom interests. They may call you names and insult you. They may say that they have private information about you that they'll leak/share or that they'll do X if you don't do Y - this is almost certainly a bluff, but this is part of why it's important to protect your private information and be careful about what you post online. They may say that something you've done is illegal and that they're going to report you to the police (again, very likely bluffing just to scare you). They may even say that they'll harm themselves. There's a lot of crossover between spammer/scammer and troll tactics (often they are one and the same).
That's what they do.
Don't take their words personally.
They just want to guilt you into allowing them to stay and continue causing drama.
It is okay to give people chances.
But you do not need to keep giving them chances.
In your spaces, you don't even need to give them a chance or an explanation.
I have become very liberal with how I deal with trolls. I block on sight in many cases. I don't give them ground to even start if it can be helped. But part of that is just due to experience - you gain the ability to recognise them pretty fast (a lot of it is simply pattern recognition), the difficult part is usually in how you choose to deal with them.
If someone is being particularly problematic, keep a paper trail (like screen shotting their messages with time stamps), but otherwise block+report is usually still the thing to do. If they are threatening harm to you, someone else, or themselves, report them (if you're a minor, tell a trusted adult). If you don't know what to do or you're scared, reach out to someone you trust for support. Trolling is a form of online bullying that can escalate to other forms of harrassment - a majority of the time, simply not engaging them helps prevent this, otherwise know that tools and resources are available for help. Just because it's "online" doesn't mean it isn't real or impactful or can't have "real life" consequences - there are agencies (like the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center) that you can file a report with or contact for help.
Have fun, be safe!
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mirkwoodmunson · 2 years
Tumblr media
eddie munson x f!y/n
1.4k words
it’s been two years. everything is calm. eddie, one summer morning in july, asks if you’d marry him today.
contains: fluff so much fluff, v2 fixit, established relationship ofc, almost everyone is in this one, non-traditional wedding but not really a wedding technically tw: cursing, alcohol a/n: just a fluffy little thing after a rough night, inspired by the song matrimony by tennis, one of my all-time favorites. also the ring thing is totally bill & ted 🫣🫶 usually i like to proofread but i tried to write this quick and post late before bed so if it’s wonky anywhere — that’s why disc: i do not give permission to share my content outside of tumblr; please reblog and do not repost; my content (even sfw) is not meant for minors; i am not responsible for the media you consume online
You didn’t even gasp or cry. There was no big reaction. No fanning or skipping in place or oh my god oh my god oh my god!’s You didn’t faint. You didn’t need to when it felt so natural, like it was meant to happen now.
But your heart swelled, oh, so so high into your chest when you woke up on the couch to see him on the floor in front of you, on one knee. Presenting to you one of those little plastic capsules you get from the quarter toy vending machines you see at the supermarket.
He presents it to you with such an earnest glint in his eyes, wide and puppy-like and nervous and excited, lips parted just barely as he takes low, deep breaths, trying not to seem like he’s out of breath but he’s very much out of breath.
You think about how cute he looks staring at you like that, then you wonder how long you’d been asleep so you could ask him to rewind the movie you’d been watching together, and then your eyes flick to the capsule in his cupped hands.
“Wassat, Eds?” You rub a fist into your eye, sitting up on an elbow. He just nudges his cupped hands towards you, brows knitted together, nibbling his bottom lip now.
You smirk and pick up the capsule, pop it open and dump the contents into your open palm. Eddie holds his breath.
In your hand is a plastic ring, thin neon yellow band with a bright pink plastic heart adorning it.
You look at Eddie, Eddie’s been staring at you. You look at the ring.
“It’s a placeholder, I promise, I-I’m saving up another three months at the shop for one I’ve been lookin’ at that’s perfect, baby, it’s perfect but— but then I saw the rings in the vending machine and I felt like— like it was a sign, y’know, and then you— god, you look so fucking cute when you’re nap—“
You hold his cheeks tight and kiss him quiet, grinning so wide it hurts, the ring already settled nicely on your finger as you grab him and pull him in.
“Okay, Eddie,” you pant, giggling breathlessly.
“Today??” He gasps, nudging his nose along yours and kissing and kissing and kissing you.
“Okay, Eddie,” you laugh, tugging him into another kiss.
He’s laughing and cackling and pulling you into him and collapsing back onto the floor and sliding his hands over all over you and kissing you all over your face as you laugh together.
Everyone’s there within a few hours of you radioing them, carpooling in a few vehicles; they all hop out in their casual best grinning easy smiles, running to you both eagerly with congrats! and you guys are crazy! and did you expect anything different? It’s Eddie and y/n!
Robin and Nancy whisk you away into the trailer, Eleven, Max, and Erica holding Eddie back as he watches them steal you from him, warning him not to peek until you were ready. Steve pats his back, and along with the other boys as well as Wayne they bide their time, Eddie attempting to chain smoke and Steve plucking away every single one — sorry man, Robin’s orders.
Dustin is choked up and weepy, happy for his friends, Mike and Lucas pretending they’re above it while harboring teary eyes of their own as Will commends the decision, eagerly beginning a drawing. Steve sips beer with Eddie and Wayne, Eddie’s can trembling in his hand but he can’t stop smiling.
“I’m marryin’ her, man.”
“You’re marrying her,” Steve toasts, lifting his can and chuckling as the other two follow suit.
Max and Eleven pester the other boys with questions of whose turn it’d be next. Mike, of course, looked mortified. Lucas, more like he was envisioning, smiling a little — hiding it — but playfully brushing Max off while Erica encouraged her teasing.
Inside the trailer is all soft giggles and quiet murmuring. Nancy had brought a gift at your request — something cute but not, y’know, too cute.
“y/n what does that even mean?” She had asked over her walkie.
“You know what I mean, Nance,” you snort, trusting her judgement, and clamp down the radio antenna.
On the other side of town Nancy rolled her eyes. She knew what you meant.
You slide into a dress she’d picked up on the way, a pale creamy color, simple and everyday — nothing fancy. She raises her eyebrows as you add another feature — Eddie’s Dio vest.
Robin sits you down and they fuss over your hair and makeup, Robin snipping little bits of hair ends away with Eddie’s kitchen shears to tidy things up, little puffs of Eddie’s hairspray here and there; Nancy dabs color into your lips and cheeks — a bit of mascara, a little dusting of powder.
They stand back and glance at each other before smiling at you.
“You ready, y/n?” Robin asks, lifting an eyebrow.
“Ready since this morning,” you reply.
They grin and each hold out a hand, which you take in both of yours as they hoist you up.
He can’t breathe for a moment when you come back out, hidden behind Nance and Robin for a moment before you appear between them, tucking some hair behind your ear as you smile bashfully. Suddenly it was hard to look at him, you felt shy under his adoring gaze.
Eddie stands slowly, the others rising as well, and Wayne comes up to take your arm.
“Git in place, boy,” he reminds his nephew, and Eddie physically snaps out of it before tripping over himself to the backyard, the party laughing and following after.
“When you’re ready, sweetheart,” Wayne grumbles warmly, smiling under his stubble. He pats your hand linked around his arm.
“Ready since this morning,” you repeat with a giggle.
Wayne leads you out back and everyone must have rehearsed when you were inside because they’re all standing together watching for you. Max comes up and places a sunflower in your hands, you recognize from her mother’s garden. She kisses your cheek and joins the party. It’s quiet save for the breeze and the birds chirping, and the thudding in your ears when you see Eddie, who stands away from the group with Dustin. Your heart soars to the moon and back and everything feels like it’s just been falling into place all day.
Wayne guides you forward, kisses your cheek before leaving you at Eddie’s side, Dustin standing with the two of you, sniffling and smiling shakily.
Eddie so very tenderly takes your hands into his and it feels like there’s a weight on your gaze, can’t make it up past his chest, but you feel his burning into you and it heats you up and makes you flustered, you fidget a little. But when you finally conquer the weight and your eyes meet you feel your soul take flight, your body relaxes and you soften into his touch with a feather-light sigh. Eddie looks like he can’t believe his eyes, whispers a soft ohh my god when you meet his gaze and he has to stop himself from kissing you too early, until Dustin says,
“Eddie just kiss her already.”
And he does with fervor, wrapping you against him and lifting you off the ground, you clutch the sunflower against his back. Your ears are suddenly filled with squeals and cheers and whistling and laughter and clapping.
“Man and wife!” Dustin declares, gesturing to your combined forms, happy tears running down his cheeks.
The party gathers around you both and you laugh. You laugh about how the world was ending a few years ago but how small of a problem it seemed now. You laugh because your family surrounds you and reminds you that the world is good and you are loved.
Maybe it wasn’t real a real wedding, it wasn’t official, maybe the ring was plastic, maybe it wasn’t what a wedding was meant to be.
But it was Eddie, it was your friends — the party. So what? So what if it would be a while that he could afford a “real” ring — you didn’t need it. So what if there wasn’t a officiant — you both adored Dustin to bits. So what that the most obvious place to do this was in the backyard of your trailer — this was your home. This was your family.
The love was there and it filled you so full, and that was all you needed; that’s all it took.
Later that night after the celebrations had dwindled down, Will gifts you both with the drawing he’d been working on all day — you and Eddie as your DnD characters, valiantly staring down a horde of demobats, weapons in hand.
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years
i have heard from people that you hate transgender people and want to forcibly sterilize certain disabled people
is this true?
I wasn't sure whether to publish this, because this kind of thing is triggering for me to read, and painful to try to defend myself against. I’m trying to understand why you felt this was appropriate to send to me. I’ll try to tackle this, but ultimately, you're going to have to make your own conclusions.
I understand that for a long time now, there has been a smear campaign led against me, because I create resources that teach people how to recognize and escape from abuse, and some people took great issue with that, and decided this needed to be stopped. I've received a fair amount of harassment, threats, hatred and online abuse, and I couldn't interact with any of it, after surviving so much abuse, to now struggle against it on my blog where I share resources, it was too much. I didn't engage, because I would never tell anyone to engage with abusers, it's triggering, it's hatred.
After the harassment campaign didn't work, and there was nothing they could say or do to me to make me stop, they turned their tactics around, and decided to harass everyone else. So, everyone who would reblog my posts, would get a 'this person you reblogged from, is actually a hateful monster, who hates transgender people, who is trying to forcibly sterilize disabled people', and I understand this is something so jarring and upsetting, most people would immediately want to get away from it, and not risk getting more of messages like this. It has a lot of shock value, lot of authority, lot of certainty, after all, would anyone go messaging abuse victims and trauma survivors and harass them, if what they were saying were lies? You wouldn't believe they'd have the nerve, or the audacity, to actually go around, and send such upsetting lies to trauma survivors, for the sin of sharing trauma resources among themselves.
And I have to live knowing this is going on. I have to sit here and pretend that it's okay for abusers to go over everything I've written in the last 7 years, to find words they can twist against me, to pull things out of context, to make up outrageous lies to convince others I'm some kind of monstrous hateful bigot, intent on sterilizing the disabled, hating trans people, living only to spread hate and violence in the world.
And even a few people believing it surprised me. I’m surprised even now that you felt you should bring this to me. Because I believed anyone reading my blog could tell what was in my heart. Because reading just a few of my posts, should make it clear where I stand. That it's absolutely unbearable for me to know that there are abused children with no resources. That I would do anything I could do to help vulnerable people who are being abused. That I'm a human being fighting with all I've got to create and maintain resources for those who have very little to none. It's insane to me to even consider that I would want those who have a different gender identity to not have those resources. It's insane to imagine that anyone writing a blog for abuse and trauma survivors, is secretly about sterilizing disabled people. Anyone reading my blog would know that.
The reason I'm not defending against these claims is because I already know it doesn't matter what I say. I've been a target of smear campaigns since I was a child. Getting defensive and arguing against abusers who are smear-campaigning you, only gives them more insight in what they can attack in you, it tells them what you're sensitive about, what will draw a reaction that can then be used to demonize you all over again. If I defend myself, I'm telling them 'here, that's where it hurts. here's where you should hit me next'. And beating any claims doesn't matter because they'll be back with worse, more insane claims that will again, have so much shock value and authoritarian sound about them, it won't even matter if they're made up, people will flinch away with horror at the mere implication.
Me writing for 7 years gives them so much material to twist and purposefully misinterpret and pull out of context. It can be done to anyone, no matter what you’re writing about. Because they don’t care what I’m writing about. They don’t care how much of their claims are truthful or not. It couldn’t matter less to them about who I am or am not. All that matters is convincing people that whatever I’m saying, nobody should listen. Everything I write should be forbidden and a taboo. Abuse survivors should not get any resources, and stay in abuse.
So no, I'm not going to fight back. I'm going to believe in the world and their ability to make sense of it for themselves. Do you believe it makes sense that the person writing resources for trauma survivors is a despicable, irredeemable monster secretly, out there sterilizing people, or do you believe that it's maybe more likely that people harassing trauma survivors in order to stop spreading abuse resources, could maybe have an agenda. Do you believe my blog would be filled with posts trying to help abuse victims to recognize and get out of abuse, if I was all about a movement of hatred and sterilization. Do you believe that people who claim themselves to not be abusive, to not be targeting abuse victims, to not be dangerous, are really what they say? Do you believe that as they're repeating the abuse to me that my parents have done all of my life? As they're treating me as if I'm not a human being, as if hurting me and harassing me is some kind of a game they play? As they're laughing among themselves about it? Do you believe it while they're wide-scale harassing abuse victims in order to stop the spread of resources?
Make your own conclusions. But don't bring the smear campaign to me and ask me to fight back. Don't ask me to engage with people intent on hurting me and destroying everything I've done. Don't ask me to give them a new reason to have a go at me. This is not a game to me. Please remember that I'm a person, and I don't exist to be thrown in a hole of hateful accusations for writing a blog to share information about abuse.
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zine-garden · 10 months
There are SO many types of zines, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of! Here is a list of common zine categories with links to either free to read zines, descriptions, or artist shops and zine distros to buy from!
art zine - Zines that are filled with art, photo, collage, etc. This could be a sketchbook zine, drawings under a singular theme, or a general compilation of art. This is the most common type of zine produced by artists!
Subject of Devotion, Sabrina Mellado (For Shortbox Comics Fair). This was a digital collection of sketchbook scans available for free, compiled on her website
comic zine - Writing and drawing a self produced and printed comic! Another popular category of zines for artists. Also: Diary comic zines, Auto-bio Comic Zines.
How to Survive a Haunting, Jade Zhang Duende, Elle Shivers
fanzine - Fan-drawings, comics, writing, meta, fiction, etc. compiled into a self-published work!
I know the internet has taken over what many people, especially in fandom, understand a zine to be, but anyone can make a zine and anyone can make a fanzine. At the zine library I used to help maintain, there was an 8 page mini that was just a bunch of Idris Elba pics with cute kaomoji’s saying “i love uwu idris elba <3”. The first media fanzine was published in 1967, for Star Trek called, “Spockanalia.” Seriously, all you need to do is be impassioned by a subject to write, collage, or draw something about it!
Stitching Together, Annie Mok (Available to read for free, but I encourage you to send her a tip as she has recently been in recovery from surgery and is also on food stamps https://ko-fi.com/heyanniemok/shop) Good Chicken, Natalie Mark (Me! Is self promo okay?)
info zine - A zine that shares information. This can be informational, or it can be an instructional zine such as a “DIY Zine” or a “Recipe Zine.”
Trans/Disabled Bibliography, Saul Freedman. I don’t have a link to this one, but it was a really wonderful and short zine of both citations and a love letter to the works cited. Instead, I have linked you to Saul’s zine page on his website 🤠 Patchwork Primer: how do we find what we’re not looking for?, kaythi and seiji. This info zine was created for an event I organized for people creating zines on the margins. I invited the two of them to co-program an activist book club for the event!
litzine - A “literary zine” can be a collection of fiction, poetry, prose, etc. that is self published and distributed as a zine. Also called “lit zine”, or “literary zine”. Some people prefer “chapbook”, or “poetry zine” for poetry.
My favourite litzines are not available anywhere online, so I will describe one of them for you? Todo Parecia de Cristal / “Everything Looked Like Crystal”, Laura Rojas is a collection of photos of the artist’s mom and her siblings growing up paired with journaling between 2015-18. They couldn’t bring photo albums with them when the moved to Canada from Colombia, and the photos had been mailed to her years prior to the making of the zine.
perzine - A “personal zine” focuses on the artist’s life, opinion, or thoughts in some capacity. A zine about yourself, your experiences, your life, a particular memory, your feelings, etc. This is my favourite type of zine!
Sonali Menzes/glittermagpie has some really awesome perzine and info zines about anxiety and mental illness. I have her zines, So you’re anxious as fuck, and You’re so Exotic. Keet Geniza/Make! Shift! Love! is another favourite zinester! I love Keet’s perzine series, Picking Bones, which are full of reflective auto-bio comics and prose. Your Whiteness is Boring: A Gender Perzine, Cleo Peterson.
political zine - Dealing with political topics, anarchy, communism, social justice, historical movements, and present day issues.
An Illustrated Struggle for Housing from Canada to the Philippines, Julie Guevara Autonomous Resistance To slavery and Colonialism, Russell Maroon Shoatz. (Note, the prices on Brown Recluse Distro are for BIPOC only, white people and institutions are asked to donate an extra $5 USD)
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neyswxrld · 7 months
Hi! I thought it would be fun to invite some peeps to share a lil about themselves if they so desire. Absolutely feel free to delete this without a second thought! ☺️ But if it pleases the jury…
What do you like to do most on tumblr — write, draw, read, etc?
Any favorite fics, with a tiny summary and why they’re so good? It’s ok if it’s your own! ��
Three of your favorite blogs to follow and why?
Favorite SW character and why?
Ok, I suppose I’m done interrogating. 🤓 Toodle-oo!
ohhh, hello, hello! 👋🏻
hehe thanks for the questions, i'll try to keep it short! i take that back
1. at the moment i don't really do anything else than reading fics and looking at fan art here, but i'll try my best to let people know how much i enjoy their stuff, hehe! (and who knows, maybe there are some things in progress at the moment so i can share some stuff of my own too, sometimes! 👀)
2. i think there are so many great fic writers here on tumblr! the fics are so different and all sound so interesting! i have a list on which i paste all the links to fics i wanna read so i don't lose them and it gets longer every day. 😄
but i think my favorite fic at the moment is Raising Dominoes by @superlarva! it has a modern setting, rex finds out he is the father of echo and fives and suddenly he has to raise two kids. even though there are heavy topics in this fic, there are also so much sweet, precious moments and i really like how well rex is handling things, even though he's still a little bit overwhelmed by everything, i think. the fic is still progressing but it makes my day, every time a new chapter is online!
3. three blogs i like follow and why? oh my.
i think @isthereanechoinhere96 is the first one who comes in my mind. i really enjoy to read the fics and there are always some new things posted! for example the eksy on vacation thingy! there's fan art and fics and other projects that are made with so much love and i appreciate that with all of my heart!
i think another blog i really like is yours, hehe.
i think you're such a good writer and i really appreciate your fics. i'm always happy to see, that you posted something new. and you share a lot of things. i always come across something new with you and you drop in so many inboxes and share your love and kindness and i think that is so nice! (@freesia-writes)
last but not least there's @arctrooper69. that was one of my first blogs to follow and there are so many new fics all the time. whether they are self written or some kind of reblog, but i always find something new i haven't already read there! so if you want to find good fics, go there and dig through that blog, hehe! 🤭
4. i think i don't really have a favorite star wars character. there are so many different figures in so many different media, that i always find someone new. but i think i'll decide for the clones here. they all have a big place in my heart and i can't really decide which one is my favorite, because they are all so unique and special and great! i totally depends on my mood and what i need today, buuut i think at the most times i'm an echo girlie, i mean look at his eyes. he's just a grumpy tooka that has his own experiences and values and lives upon them. he's great.
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kdinjenzen · 1 year
Genuine question: why do you feel you need a service to offer in order to create a Patreon? We love you. Patreon exists as a way to let online creators keep creating. You create for free, yeah, on Tumblr and such, but our payment wouldn't be for more content, it'd be security that you keep making content. Like a way to say thank you Kdin, for writing all these posts, for helping us, for listening, for being cool and online and giving parts of yourself to us to enjoy. You give us so much. Why can't we give you more? (I'm already subbed to your Twitch and watch when I can <3)
That’s a great question, and the answer is… I don’t really mind making an OnlyFans if people support the stuff I’m doing now enough.
But honestly? There’s so many social medias, so many “places to be found”, and “purposes” for each social media.
If I could, I’d love to just keep my focus on Tumblr and Twitch, do streams, make documentary style videos about hyper specific subjects in animation and video games and queer representation, and have that be everything I do and everywhere I do it.
Legit, if I could I would do that and VO full time if either of those things could legit pay my rent/bills.
But neither thing really does, so getting a full time job and doing streams AND doing VO is what keeps the lights on and the titty pills in hand.
I’m an artist, not in the “I draw or paint” way, but an artist in my own right and in many ways… and unfortunately the art I do doesn’t pay the bills.
So I gotta make end’s meet somehow, and if that means the “WE WANT AN ONLYFANS!” crowd, or whatever website, ends up being supportive and loud enough to make it a viable source of income to help me exist and create?
Yeah, I’m gonna go for it because I want to create and share and help others and make people laugh and think and so much more…
Does that make sense?
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