#Yeah that little person is slade
marysonla · 9 months
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dceuheadcanons · 6 months
Every batboy (just The Robins in this post) has their own Concerning Old Man.. It's like a theme at this point. Some can be seen as "ships", some are familial, some are just straight up abusers. Sooo buckle up!
Dick has Slade. We all know this. Slade literally abused Dick while he was his apprentice in canon, so.. yeah. They get together in the future in this blog's personal version of DC. I have a whole playlist of songs for them.. they are so unhealthy and codependent and I LOVE IT. I love some good fucked up angsty abuser x victim.
Jason.. he has The Joker. The guy that killed him. I think that they're sort of similar to Dick and Slade, but they never date and Joker doesn't even like Jason. But Jason has this weird love-hate for the guy. He was trapped with him and forced to obey him for two years before he was killed in this blog's personal version of DC. He'd gladly kill The Joker, but the second The Joker decides to give him orders again.. he's probably done for. Anyway I also think Jason sees Slade as a father figure but that's a whole other thing.
Tim has Ra's Al Ghul. Complicated. A lot of nuance but quite fucked up. Really really hard to explain? Especially since none of the people running this blog are like.. Tim superfans like we are with some of the others lmao. But you guys get it.
Damian has Luthor. Honestly hard to explain to anyone that doesn't know the full extent of our DC universe? But it's like a father-son thing. Luthor reminds Damian of his grandfather, that's why he gravitated towards him. Damian probably has a bit of an unhealthy kid crush on the guy too, but never says anything about it. Damian uses the fact that WE and LexCorp are connected as an excuse to see him. (Bruce very openly doesn't like Luthor, but they can't separate the companies completely. So Damian offers to go to meetings in place of his father.)
Anyway yeah!! Hope you liked this little Concerning Older Men post. I love how traumatised the babies are. It's so fun!! Poor them, but.. It's entertaining.
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punkeropercyjackson · 25 days
Objectively Miles and Jason are the best dynamic you can get out of superhero crossovers.They're written in ways that would fundamentally make them like eachother on first meeting because of their countless similarities yet significant differences and make for a really deep,equally beneficial and even realistic as much as you can be with superheroes dimensional hoping relathionship(and unlike a lot of certain other Jason hc relathionships,it's based of Miles as a person instead of black hair and blue eyes and superpower fantasies)
So Jason while not the nicest person has no reason to beef with Miles like he does often with others and that makes him give Miles a chance to get to know him and he'd have zero regrets because of what a chaotic little shit yet absolute sweetheart he is and he'd see his Robin self in him too-'You're like me....The me that died'.And Miles has so much banter game and nonchalantness to lack of manners(gracias por la confirmation Gwendita /lh)he'd get along with Jason easily and find his goth boyloser attitude funny and enjoyable to be around.They also have complimentary interests,Miles is an anime nerd and an artist and Jason is a classical literature nerd who's implied to keep secret journals that're written poetically and they have the uniting factors of being gamers and loving fast food so they can combine them and share their hobbies as bonding including parallel play and going to New York arcades and Batburger together and obviously Miles gets Jason to do graffiti with him and Jason convinces Miles to read his favorite books and they get real silly with all of it
There's also the obvious factor of Jason being afro-dominican('THAT'S NOT CA-'Shhhhh,i know you're one of those headass niggas who thinks Jason is a horndog with nothing but edge and that he actually likes Roy and 'Kori' but are a Jayrose and Jaytemis anti and i bet you think Slade is hot too,your Jason opinions are about as canon as that scene we shan't speak of even Grant Morrison regretted and said was ooc but that you still joke about cause you're racist)so like how Miles being afro-puerto rican made it so he has no problem befriending people of all ages thanks to the strong sense of community that's normalized in latino cultures,them being an intergenerational friendship came naturally.Jason wasn't always perfect due to lack of experience with kids but he didn't do damage and it was pretty much just him being a dumbass and Miles fumbled a bit too because a 19 year old is different from a 16 year old,a 14 year old and his mentor in his 30s he's also buds with but it was all gags and they're almost mentally linked.Jason has shoulder length dreads and Miles decided to get them too after he gained a supernatural white streak like him(spoilers!!!)so they could match and uses the fact Jason sobbed a lil over it as blackmail because he recorded it
Jason is 'Big Guy' and Miles is 'Little Man'.They're absolute MONSTERS on the battleground together and a terrifying ass proffessional instigators amature investigators duo.Jason turned Miles into a black death metal fan and Miles' tricked Jason into letting him try out makeup looks on him so he'd be trial run instead of Miles making himself look like a pretty clown.They're Animal Crossing partners(visiting eachother's villages and all that other good stuff).Miles is an 'Us!!!' type of guygirl and Jason loves it,he's like 'Yeah dude we are those two decorated cookies,you're so right'.Miles found a crazy ass Shakespearen item on a mission and gifted it to Jason and Jason bought Miles a replacement collectible.Jason uses Miles' head as an arm rest and Miles is the exception to the 'Don't touch the battle jacket' rule.Miles hates Bruce on the basis he contributed Jason's trauma AND is a rich white dude and Jason would want Jefferson and Rio as his parents if he didn't already have Talia
And obviously we need to adress the Spiderbatelephant in the room that Jason,y'know,dosen't follow the no kill rule and did some pretty bad shit in Utrh.I'll be honest,i'm not all that interested in doing a deep look into it because it's fictional superheroes but Miles is unaware of it for a long while and at first Jason just didn't feel like telling him the full details but as that while passed,Miles naturally influenced him into becoming good again with no effort and he came pretty close to killing too a few times because Jason influenced him back into chanelling his rage instead of surpressing it to be The Nice GuyTM(including giving him the guts to stand up to his bullies to the point they're scared of Miles)and that led to a moral crisis for Miles and time apart but it dosen't last that long because this is comics babie and also to me they're too edgy to be pg but still somehow is siblings protagonists-coded.Miles G showing up also fucks with Miles' head in this context and Jason ain't getting off easy either when Arkham Knight drops in the ruin things a lil more.Meows Morales and Pawson Todd(who's not a cat but a werewolf)and Lego Miles and Lego Jason and at least 5 other respective variants brighten things up though
Stan the Flowerghost Brothers with me.Thanks
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artbyblastweave · 11 months
Just finished watching the new Blorbo-generating Superman show everyone is talking about. Some preliminary notes:
This isn’t a knock on the show’s quality, but this rendition of Clark, Lois and Jimmy very much feel like they’re being written as close to children or teenagers as possible without actually retooling the show to be My Adventures With Superboy. I think we’re still living under the shadow of the hammer which fell upon Infinity Train for having “no child entry point.” This is in contrast S:TAS, which I described once as being a show about Adults With Jobs in a way very few contemporary shows are; they were in a cartoon but they themselves weren’t cartoons. 
Downstream of this, the dialogue/spoken humor, from the power trio in particular, constantly skirts the line between grating and endearing; it’s very much in what I think of as the She-Ra Register (indeed, the two shows share a producer) and the She-Ra-Register was hit or miss for me in the titular show.  (I like it a lot more here, though- In MAWS’s favor, the 23-year-old characters aren’t bouncing-off-the-walls whilst in a literal war zone.) This is less true of the villains, Livewire and Slade in particular- they don’t speak more realistically, necessarily, but they feel more grounded, like refugees from a grittier cartoon. I like this rendition of Livewire a lot. 
Unpacking Livewire a little more. Livewire’s implementation here is interesting. Livewire’s original character concept- a radio shock-jock who picked fights with Superman to drive ratings before getting powers and fighting him for real- was topical and novel upon its release, but I’ve never felt a great deal of attachment to it because it felt like the shock-jock component ran out of stuff to do in the story after her first appearance. Therefore I don’t mourn its absence here.  Livewire as originally envisioned is one of a handful of supervillains (along with Mysterio) whose schtick would actually be even more plausible in today’s society than at the time of their creation; the internet being what it is, she could plausibly remain a content creator of some stripe without getting deplatformed even after turning into a supervillain. But I like the Livewire we got- a woman who just wants to get paid but instead is going to have to live in a superhero setting for the rest of her life.
Deathstroke is interesting as well. Deathstroke’s personal timeline is something I don’t think about a ton due to the omnifluid chronological soup where every comic hero has been their current age forever, but in a timeline that’s being written from scratch to make sense, then yeah, he would have to be a young gun concurrently with the rise of the first wave of superheroes, in order to be a seasoned, renowned freelancer when the Titans are active as an independent team. His showing in the pilot strikes a great balance between Genuinely Cool (the fight sequences) Pointedly Unlikable (any time he opens his mouth) and Skeevy Sadist (the interrogation sequence with Livewire at the end of the pilot.) I really hope they don’t try to do an anti-hero thing with him.
One thing I appreciated about S:TAS is that it took its sweet time getting Clark into costume; the entire first episode was just about the fall of Krypton, it was the Jor-El Show, and in my opinion this did a ton of legwork towards grounding the destruction of Krypton as a meaningful tragedy. MAWS’s pacing felt a little pinched in comparison, particularly because it’s basically a loose remake of the SATS pilot that’s 22 minutes shorter. But one thing I think it knocked out of the park was the scene where Clark investigates his spaceship. in SATS it was basically one additional point on his upward trajectory towards superheroism; it gives him some needed context and he gets over the shock very quickly in no small part because Jor-El’s message is legible. By contrast, the scene in MAWS where young Clark discovers the ship is much more of a character beat. You find this gigantic alien construct lurking just below the surface of your beloved childhood home. Interfacing with it produces an image of a strangely dressed man speaking in an unintelligible language, and then the ground nearly swallows your adopted parents (it’s not NOT a metaphor!) No shit he didn’t want to revisit this until he was an adult and his hand was forced! And, to loop this back around to the start of the paragraph, I’m really, really on board with an inscrutable Jor-El and a deeply visually alien Krypton instead of having all of episode one be The Jor-El show. Not totally sure I want this to turn out to be a Light Hope/Viltrum take on Krypton That Was, but there’s some compelling ambiguity here! I’m very tempted to read something into the fact that he’s missing an eye, and that Krypton seems to have been destroyed by some sort of weapon being deployed against the sun.
Also it’s interesting that they seem to be going with Kryptonian Tech Diaspora as a Unified Origin For Superhuman Weirdness, if Livewire’s Kryptonian-powered harness is anything to go by. I’m a sucker for assembling disparate elements of comic-book mythology into a unified whole! And I’m intrigued by the implications that there’s been some form of R-and-D on recovered Kryptonian materials- Superman coming in at the tail of Krypton’s impact on the planet. I wonder if they’re going to do a Transformers: The Animated Series move, where the generally higher level of tech at play in Metropolis is downstream of salvaged Krypto-tech.
To circle back to the power trio- one thing about Lois that I’m realizing is that the secret sauce is that every version of her has to be, on some level, in some way, a little bit of a jerk. In versions where she’s an accomplished reporter (S:TAS and even the original comics) that translates as her being dismissive (sometimes justifiably so) or really competitive.  MAWS Lois is an interesting spin on this- arguably she’s using people to get what she wants, but it’s not calculated, there’s no component of needing to defend her position against a challenger- it’s just rooted in the myopia of thinking her plan is the best plan and wanting her new friends along for the ride/to share in the spoils, before running headlong into the reality of Clark’s anger at being deceived. It’s a self-centeredness that’s much more conducive to a considered character arc- as much as I liked S:ATS, it wasn’t really a character-arcy kind of show for the supporting cast. It was a show about Superman. Much more of a triumvirate effect going on with Clark, Lois, and Jimmy, by contrast.
On this note- also interesting is the distinction between the origin of the name “Superman” in S:TAS and MAWS. Lois comes up with it in both versions, but in S:TAS she’s being cynical about it- she namedrops Nietzsche, and she has to be brought around. In MAWS she’s much more openly enthusiastic about it, but she’s also at a point in her career where she has much more to gain by hitching her wagon to the Superman narrative. Interesting distinction.
Jimmy is compelling! I’m curious what they’re going to do with him- they’ve gone a step beyond “cub reporter” to “cub reporter who’s also a conspiracy buff.” Moreover he’s a conspiracy buff in a setting where that’s a completely appropriate way to engage with the world, which can be a hard needle to thread. It’ll be interesting to see how much of a punching bag they make that element of his character. He’s also got a very good claim to the title of “Superman’s Pal-” they start the series knowing each other before the costume is a twinkle in Clark’s eye. That’s a compelling angle to work, one I like more than him being noticeably younger/less experienced than Clark and Lois.
I actually forgot about the Newsboy legion! Just like in general. Deep cut. They’re cute.
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anawrites3 · 10 months
A little snippet of "omega Dick being courted by Slade and Joey at the same time" story because it's getting longer than I thought 😂💕
A bit of soft boys, moments before a tragedy (🔪🦌)
Joey carefully pressed himself against Dick's back. If he noticed the way Dick's breath stuttered, he didn't show it, just gently wrapped his fingers around Dick's wrist and guided his hand towards the bouquet. When Dick's fingertips brushed against the pink rose's petals, Joey let go of him to sign,
'The pink rose is a symbol of elegance and nobility. It also means admiration towards the person you give it to'
Dick watched his hands move, mesmerized. Yes, he saw Joey sign plenty of times before but now, pressed so close against his chest, it felt different. In every little move Joey made you could clearly see that he was an artist, everything about him told you that if you just knew how to look.
"Yeah?" Dick murmured, leaning his head back to rest it against Joey's shoulder. "So you admire me for how noble I am?"
Joey smiled against his cheek. 'I do. And not only for that'
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stxleslyds · 1 year
31DOD - Day 11. Favourite Trope
Unlikely friendships/team-ups.
I absolutely live for this shit, and embarrassingly it is also kind of a guilty pleasure of mine. If Dick needs to work with dubious men I am always game. There is something so fun about it, mostly with Dick being the way he is... almost chameleon like when it comes to personalities and using his abilities to up his little shit behaviour to levels not yet known to man. Tiger, Slade, Constantine... whichever one he is forced to hang out with is just a delight but... I am a simple woman and I have favourites.
Yeah. I am going for Midnighter.
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Dick just got there and is already done with his bullshit. I love it.
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This shouldn't be as funny as I think it is. They match each other's level of little shit behaviour so well. I def want to see more of them in the future (sorry Dick, but it is so much fun).
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I mean... listen, I am a very simple woman. Is this fun? Yes. Is Dick not having fun? Yes. But this isn't about him.
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And, whether he likes it or not... he enjoys himself, and I bet it is fun to sometimes shed the Nightwing persona and be something else, someone without that much burden on their shoulders.
Midnighter #4 (2015)
I, once again, understand why people don't vibe with the Grayson era but... It was such a fun experience to me, to see Dick in a completely new environment and absolutely kicking ass.
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🧡 kissing in bed / lazy kiss / cuddling
Oooh nice! Hmm, lets see, no specified ship so I'll just kinda doodle whatever!
This is from a concept I have for Jason being Slade's Dom, which is a nuclear codes level secret that they absolutely do not share, because Slade struggles with feeling like being a sub is shameful and makes him weak. Meanwhile Jason thrives on being trusted so deeply by someone equally as paranoid as him and loves loves loves having Slade all to himself and finds it very fun that everyone around them assumes he's calling Slade Daddy when in actuality Jason's got him wrapped around his little finger and can have him eagerly bent over his knee with a word.
So yeah, without further ado, have a soft and fluffy mildly nsfw snippet under the cut!
Shifting leaf patterns of dappled shade and afternoon sunlight play across Slade's pale skin and the bed they share.
Jason caresses over his thighs, up across the wide band of delicate white lace sitting at his hip, over his side. When he reaches Slade's chest he gently scratches through the thick white hair there, moving down across his abs and along his trail until he reaches the lace underwear again. He dips his fingers just barely beneath the fabric, admiring the way it sits across his partner's frame.
Slade is turned away from him, keeping Jason and the lace firmly in his blindspot. Too embarrassed to look, and comfortable enough to let Jason do what he pleases without supervision. His cheeks are dusted pink and Jason takes deep satisfaction in knowing that he will be the only person to ever see him like this.
Jason kisses his shoulder, "I know you said you wanted to throw them into the sun the second I was done tonight, but is there any way I could convince you to keep these?"
"Don't want someone finding them."
He hums lightly, "We can always just say they're mine, can't we?"
"...I dislike subjecting you to the ridicule I'm avoiding. I have no idea why you even like this stupid shit so much, I look like a gorilla raided a bridal shop."
"No. You don't." Jason says with simple unyielding confidence. He shifts to loom over him and punctuate each statement with a kiss to his neck, "You look beautiful. It fits your curves perfectly. Makes your pretty thighs stand out."
Slade scoffs with obvious skepticism, "And the mess of bodyhair?"
"Matches the lace."
He makes a noise like he's charmed and he's mad that he's charmed. He presses his face further into the pillow, further away from sight, and opens his legs, turning his body towards Jason.
"So, so pretty for me. And for only me. No one else. My beautiful man, all dressed up in the lace I picked for him..." Jason gently strokes his shaft through the thin fabric.
Slade turns and kisses him full on the lips, soft and deep, eye shut tight, before breaking away, turning away again, and murmuring, "Okay. We can keep it."
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hesaykise · 2 months
Shifting woah o.o
Okay y’all, yesterday I made a post that I was going to tell you my shifting experience. :0
So yeah…I actually experienced a shift which was so interesting…lemme not babble anymore and get straight to the point (since that’s probably why you’re reading this :3).
Disclaimer: I am not a professional nor am I experienced in anything related to shifting/manifestation or anything of the sort. Everything I write down is purely from my own experimentation.
The shift that I experienced yesterday (4/18/2024) was mostly with the help of a video from slade - Obelisk. (There’s something in slade’s videos I swear 😭😭)
ALSO, I listened to MOON HOUR on YouTube as well. (Felt some powerful shift in real time as I was affirming - I look ethereal.)
I closed my eyes and set the intention that I would shift. I don’t know why but I started to affirm, “I am in the 8th dimension.” There was no specific reason or rhyme as to why I focused specifically on the 8th dimension? I think I might have seen somewhere 8D on a YouTube video and I just remember thinking let me say this. Again, no specific reason. It just popped into my head.
When my started affirming this - I saw a light forming from the top of my eyes. I did have the lights on in my room, but it felt as if a brighter light was forming beyond the regular level of brightness. I then started focusing on the brighter light and felt as if I was being pulled into a different space. I was still physically present, but it was if my whole being was pulled somewhere different. I then see a vivid scenario of myself talking to a guy that I follow on twitter. We then started having conversations/random banter. I want to add that I have never spoken to this guy on a personal level. I haven’t been properly introduced before but the way we were talking was as if we had known each other for years.
I then wanted to focus on other manifestations that I had in mind. So I finish and tell him goodbye and then instantly was able to move into the timeline of the dream I had about getting the job I just got. After dabbling a little bit into that, I then decided I was physically waking up and then I was back. (Honestly I think might have cut off too early from shifting because my body felt weird after that.)
Sooo what does this all mean? Honestly, I can’t tell you. It’s the first time I’ve ever consciously shifted. I do know that I will keep experimenting. I find it very fascinating.
I don’t expect anyone to believe me. Maybe you might think I’m making this up or I just imagined everything. That’s okay. You believe what you believe, just as I believe that I have shifted. I don’t think there’s a right or wrong way for anyone to do a specific thing. This is my personal record and interpretation. I’m just sharing it with you all. Hopefully you found something in this post interesting and will prompt you to try your own shifting or manifestation experience. ☺️
Love y’all!
Kise out~ 🫶🏽♥️
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roseworth · 1 year
Tried to follow only to discover I already am. Good job, past me. Thoughts on the changes made to Rose’s character with each reboot?
YES i have so many thoughts
first of all. the new 52 was the worst thing to ever happen to rose and im not exaggerating even a little. she started out as a superboy side character (???) as an assassin that was hired to kill him if he didnt do what they wanted ? then she became a ravager and hunted people down
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but the WORST part of the new52 is that they either didnt know or didnt care about lillian worth and they just. made rose one of slade and adeline's kids. and had him raise her.
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also she was the oldest child of her and joey, which is nowhere near the same level of awful as the whitewashing but still makes me uncomfortable
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yeah so. new 52 was fucking terrible. that is not rose even a little i do not know this woman
but REBIRTH fixed so much <3 christopher priest my bff <3 i am once again recommending deathstroke 2016 bc it has so many good moments and i think its worth reading
the first time rose showed up lillian worth was mentioned!!!!! she was there!!!!! <33333 the timeline was changed a little but i can forgive that bc!!! LILI!!!!!
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the problem is that the book made her hmong instead of cambodian and i dont really know why??? but also ive said it before but,,, as much as it makes me upset bc asian identities shouldnt just be interchangeable,,,, this was the first time it was even mentioned that she was half asian since the 90s!!!! and she had a whole arc about her hmong heritage and her family!!!!!!
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AND she didnt kill anyone in that book iirc :') the closest she got to killing someone was when she was in the middle of a breakdown then shado killing him for her instead which!!!! i love so so much bc rose does not kill a lot despite what some writers want you to believe. pre52 she has like maybe 3 murders that i would consider in character so the fact that she doesnt kill anyone in ds2016 is so fucking real
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anyways ill also count infinite frontier as a reboot bc i love to talk about my opinions
there werent a lot of clear changes in infinite frontier BUT. technically her cutting her eye out is canon rn. in deathstroke inc theres a flashback of her stabbing her eye, and also in dark knights death metal (?) shes drawn with an eyepatch
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then she was in robin 2021 which was . eh. it wasnt BAD for her but it was just kinda her continuing to kill ppl ig :( but she was drawn so nice in that book so ill forgive it
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side note i still hate the idea of respawn so that bothered me in this book. also what they did to connor hawke is unforgivable so its a net loss but whatever
anyways i think thats all my thoughts. in conclusion: new52 bad. rebirth mostly good. infinite frontier eh. and my own personal interpretation is perfect always.
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rex101111 · 11 months
Finally gotten around to watching the three so far released episodes of My Adventures with Superman (in a way that is Totally Legal(TM) I Swear), and I love it! Its very sweet, very cute, just a really sunshine show with a lot of room to grow and some nice intrigue thrown in right away to let quietly simmer throughout it, very good.
A few noteable things i liked:
* Superman. Supes is...so good here. Just the perfect blend of modern Good Boy Shonen Protag and classic Farm Boy Clark he’s been since the 90′s. He’s a delight. Specifically I really liked how they established how central his “I’m here to help” thing to his character right off. He had a kite stuck on a tree, and his powers didn’t awaken when he wanted to this (very very slightly) selfish thing. A person is in danger? His powers roar to life right away. Pitch Perfect Superman.
* Lois!! She’s such a delight, honestly. Its a bit jarring since I just finished binging the old Superman cartoon from the 90′s, in which Lois is the hardass experienced reporter she’s been in just about everything since the late 90′s, but new Lois here is still very recognizably Lois Lane, the reporter that doesn’t think twice about putting herself in danger for a story, she’s just more puppy dog about because we get Intern Lane for the first time in a while. A thing I really liked about her is that, yeah, she wants to interview Superman for the big scoop...but her initial and main driving motivation for that is that she wants to say thank you to the person who saved her life. That’s just great.
Also also these two are totally a Gohan X Videl Au fanfic with the names changed and I am all for it lets fucking GO.
 A couple things I’m undecided on:
* Fuckboi Deathstroke is...a choice. That’s for sure. I’m really torn because im so used to Slade being this totally in control, always scheming older dude with a rancid vibe you can only get from dating a 15 year old. (YEAH THAT’S A THING, YOU THINK HIS DYNAMIC WITH TERRA WAS FUCKED IN THE CARTOON??? HOW LITTLE YOU KNOW). So him being this young is throwing me. Granted, he’s still a douche, and a slimeball, and he introduces Amanda Waller into the narrative right away and I am always game for The Wall to show up and make things difficult, so I’m in the middle here. Lets see what they do.
* I want to like Jimmy, I do, but there’s just something about his energy that seems too...desperate. I dunno I think he needs a bit more fine tuning with his writing because he’s just a bit...too much for me. Which is not that bad honestly, he has his good moments, specifically when he teases Lois about Clark, but unlike those two he’s too surface level. Sure he and Lois stick around to help people but that’s...basic. Lois is driven to be a real reporter and is willing to stick her head into any bear trap that looks interesting enough. Jimmy is a...conspiracy theorist...lovely.
Okay, real talk, can we stop making conspiracy theorists main characters? Or treat it as some cute quirk? Because I swear these guys are never likeable enough to hold major screen time every episode. I swear if Jimmy says some bullshit about Lizard People I am going to McFreakin lose it.
And just because he’s right about the aliens and meta-humans and all the other shit doesn’t make that gimmick any less annoying! Give the guy something else! If he isn’t Superman’s Pal anymore, okay sure fine shifting dynamics is fine, but maybe give more weight to him and Clark knowing each other since college? Maybe have him visit his folks and show off how much he cares for Clark as a friend more specifically without the tinfoil hat bullshit? Please?
Anyway major nitpick above besides, good show! Go watch it! In a way that is totally legal but is sure to not give anyone in WB any money. 
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flowerslut · 11 months
this is so random but look: i was re-watching eclipse and everytime jasper appeared on screen all i could think about was Cillian Murphy Energy and how he got 65x hotter than he already is (jasper not cillian) and why the fuck jasper stans never talked about this.
LMFAO wait are you saying jasper stans don't talk enough about how good he looks in eclipse???? I mean I feel like it’s just common knowledge at this point. he was pretty much a standing lamp in the first two films (y'know, alice's occasional arm candy that got a little bitey sometimes) and then in eclipse.... ugh. chefs kiss. we get it all baby.... the better wig... the actual lines of dialogue... the fucked up backstory... the fight training... and don't even get me STARTED on the fight oh my god
I saw eclipse at a midnight premiere back in 2010 and when he fucking punched THROUGH that guy I think I literally screamed. I was BESIDE myself. 17 yr old baby shan was inconsolable. nothing mattered to me more than watching this bitch tear people apart.
personally, I find it more attractive that he's just a fucked up rat man. a rehabilitated feral dog. I just *clenches fist* love any character that is fucked up. I love to stan someone who has committed atrocities. I need them to be cancellable on so many levels. I need them to have violated the geneva convention. if a character doesn't have a body count (non-sexual) or a controversial past (or present) then like? boooooring. i'm bored.
but yeah no mainly I don't think people talk about it because to us its like, A Truth Universally Acknowledged, y'know? also shoutout to david slade. he really really gave us shit like this:
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and this
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and this:
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and honorable mention to these two screencaps that live rent free in my brain. that is all have a nice day <3
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ambelle · 2 years
BobaWhatever was extremely wrong about DickKory's romance just like that Vullein person was wrong about their never being a core 4. Hilarious how instead of admitting it they both decided to pretend they never said any of it. Both so ugly ugh!
Anyway what are some of your favorite romantic scenes from season 2 & 3.
They think we've all forgotten but my memory is sharp when it comes to haters. Boba shipped DickBabs and Vull shipped DickDawn LOL. I remember boyzzzz.
Anywho this is gonna be long!
I feel like DickKory have a lot of subtle interactions in season 2 & 3 and then they have obvious romantic moments. So I'm gonna split them in 2.
So my favorite subtle moments from 2&3
This scene in 2x01. Dick couldn’t come right out and say he wants Kory to stay so he says "this model seats five" LOL. He just wants her there with him wherever the road takes him.
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Their ruinion in 2x05 where he's so shocked and happy to see her time stands stills. He completely forgets all about Jason and Slade in that moment. Then of course when he opens up to Kory here and instead of telling her how he feels he compliments her. She sees right through this and ends up saving his life. The rest of this ep is romantic to me so I'll talk more on that later.
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2x11 doesn't get enough love! Kory's speech about finding friendship and love I interpreted to be about Dick. This has never been confirmed so I consider it to be a subtle nod about Kory's true feelings. She then listens to Donna give this long rant about Dick causing his own problems and how she refuses to help him. Kory knows he's dramatic and got himself locked up but she also knows Dick is a good man. She refuses to leave him in prison and is determined to free him along with Rachel.
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2x13 has a few suble moments with Dick asking about Kory but I find this scene where he checks her out funny so it sticks out in my mind.
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3x01 is very cute. He looks to Kory like they are proud parents then spies on her during her news interview. Then all of our favorite part is him running over there and hiding in the shadows just so he could flirt with her about "the media's" love for her.
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3x06 They were giving strong married vibes in this episode. I like this scene in the hospital where he lets go of the hard-ass act to admit it bothers him that Gar is angry with him. Kory explains Gar is afraid and Dick then spends the rest of the episode bonding with him.
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3x07 I liked that Kory knew not to involve Dick in dealings with the mob because she understood it would trigger him. Also found it funny how quickly he got over that considering he flipped out at Babs over shutting down Oracle just moments before. Kory can do no wrong. Also it's super cute their little moment during the fight later on where they smile at each other.
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3x08 Lastly this kitchen scene was like covert flirting. Kory was blatantly checking him out and sharing food with him. Mind you he was supposed to be going on a date with Babs that he spent their phone convo trying to get out of. What a mess LOL.
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And my favorite romantic moments
2x05 yeah...Kory was the only one on his side during that group discussion. She was the one not operating on emotions and selfishness. When Dick spoke to her about how he wanted her to stay with the team Kory figured out he was trying to say goodbye. She then showed up and saved his life. Dick honestly started fighting the hardest once she showed up and he felt she was in danger.
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2x09 I love how Kory is seated behind Dick during this scene. She didn't judge him for what happened with Joey and when Hank hit him she stood up immediately. Hank clearly got the hint and all of Dick's terrible friends fuck off somewhere (plus Rachel who gets a pass). Kory wants to stay with himbut she can't. And her leaving is what pushes Dick over the edge to run off and self-harm.
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3x06 I feel like it takes a lot for Dick and Kory to say out loud they are worried for each others safety but Kory couldn't take it anymore. He got shot and was still being reckless. Kom immediately notices the tension.
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3x12 is self-explanatory! It's their future baby and proof that they are meant to be in each other's life <3.
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bat-besties · 1 year
Your lili posts have me thinking a lot about Jade and her similarities with Rose. Both come from countries ravaged by war and colonialism and this shapes their childhood- and yet DC ignores it despite the potential for a poignant and meaningful story there.
Rose grew up in a determent camp. Jade’s father was a french colonialist and she was later sold into slavery(and when she escaped she was trained by a chinese freedom fighter). These are interesting stories not only in the way they uniquely affect cambodian and viet women but in the sense they just… are compelling?? Jade works well with Roy and her daughter DOES make her more interesting but her dynamic with her daughter and with MEN has an extra layer there that they just don’t care about.
Rose HAS this unqiue and formative trauma that’s never discussed. Despite who her mother was or the things she saw she is aggressive to other women constantly, she is centrally relevant for her daddy issues,which yea are important, are not the only thing to explore there! I hope this makes sense and I’m not just very tired
This does make sense!
That's a really interesting parallel - I didn't know about Jade's backstory! I assumed the man she was talking with was a fellow assassin and not someone who had such a formative impact on her life.
Yeah, I think it's very telling that DC does a relatively good job with Mia Dearden as a trafficked white girl (and even that has some misses) but when a women of colour has trafficking in her backstory it's not fully explored or explained. Especially when women of colour are more at risk of human trafficking than white women, but don't receive the same attention/horror at their situations.
In way too many DC comics, human trafficking victims are a blur of undifferentiated nonwhite and/or female characters freed from the back of a van by our hero and never seen again, used to show just how evil an organisation or villain is. So yeah, that makes it especially galling that Jade's escape from slavery isn't factored into her relationship to men and her daughter.
Like Jade, Lili escapes slavery and tries to give her daughter the best life possible, and like her, she's erased from her daughter's personality and life.
Intergenerational trauma specific to Cambodia (which was already being discussed in academia in the 90s!!) and Vietnam is completely ignored. The way both have to deal with their own trauma and break cycles of abuse to raise their daughters is never acknowledged, while any way they act on past traumas is heavily punished. [Lili not wanting Rose to know about Slade to protect her leaving Rose unprepared for him/Jade reacting violently to having her daughter taken away from her being portrayed as her being crazed]
And yeah, the Rose who initially protects a woman from an abusive husband as a fourteen year old and has tea parties with Dolphin and Lian is suddenly turned into a sexist.
(Rose not hearing out Jade about Lian because of her own trauma and need to protect a little girl from the assassin parent coming on the scene was so PAINFUL and I am curious if they've interacted since)
Rose's valid and actually nuanced debate with Cassie about morality, the nature of redemption, etc, is portrayed as a catfight. It devalues both characters' arguments, but the racism of making Rose an oversexed Asian girl who says sexist things is much more egregious.
I also hate any Rose line along the lines of "I was raised in a brothel" because it never leads to a nuanced discussion of sex work but always means "sex isn't a big deal", which (a) I don't think anyone on any side of arguments about sex work thinks and (b) frankly would not be said if her mother and her were white. And of course, I don't even need to mention how horrible the Tim scene was for her character and background.
Similarly, you're so right that Rose's problems with authority are often seen as "daddy issues" which is so offensive because firstly, responding to abuse by a parent by struggling with authority is a genuine trauma response many people have. Secondly, she grew up for five years in an environment where soldiers abused refugees, and then she spent the next nine at risk of police abusing her mother and the other women because they were sex workers, and majority women of colour. She has really valid reasons not to trust people in authority, and when Eddie's being manipulated by the Doom Patrol, she's the first member of the Teen Titans to call bullshit and protect him. It's especially interesting because the manipulated members of the Doom Patrol are strongly disability coded and Caulder mimics ableist rhetoric to control them. Eddie, coded as newly disabled and white, is not used to having someone use bigotry to manipulate and control him, and I find it so interesting that Rose as a woman of colour is the first to worry about him. In the right balance, her distrust of authority is useful and insightful.
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I honestly don't know enough Jade yet to have similar insight into her but I want to read more!
Overall, the Asian women in DC are so frequently screwed over, and I really think, being white myself, that white people need to stop discussing treatment of women in comics as shorthand for treatment of white women. For example, it might be overdone to focus on a white woman being a mother, but Asian women like Lili, Jade, Talia and more have their motherhood devalued and relationship to their children discounted. There's way too much reading material out there about treatment of Asian women in media to not work towards intersectional discussions of characters like Rose and Jade. Trying to untangle these characters from DC's racism/sexism and discussing them in their historical and cultural contexts is really rewarding and interesting.
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87dvhnk · 1 month
i wish i could talk about the series overall but i am still so mad about literally everything to do with joey. i don't even know where to start. other than noting the biphobic bisexuality. i mean, why didn't they just keep grant around for longer if they wanted a wilson kid with grant's temperment? maybe i don't know build on his character and history with slade? why don't you switch up and add to his paper-thin character instead of...you know...streamrolling a well-established character into the dirt, scooping up the ground human meat paste with your bare hands, and packing it with some force into a nordicware bundt pan? PLEASE build on grant. any storyteller with half a brain could see the historic dearth of him as a character in the comics and the possibilities developing him more could engender...possibilities that the story seems to acknowledge with its opening story but then basically says nah fuck this until we need to be reminded that grant lived, fucked up, and died. i don't understand. i do not understand. i am having supernatural-type feelings about this. "i'm the white sheep of the family." fuck you. you are cut from the same damn cloth. this joey could fuck dick, but he could never make dick feel awe. (it is imperative that you read that in the mulan matchmaker voice.) this series said what if joey instead of refusing to hurt penny no matter how badly she hurt him he just yeeted her off the side of a building and signed fuck you for vine and then maybe felt bad about it occasionally but only under physical duress? also hey what if he also sucked dick? not full time, but supplementally. why does he have to be in a committed relationship with a man? what's wrong with sucking dick supplementally? what's wrong with a man loving a woman? love is love. you sound biphobic. also what if we just absolutely fucking nerfed his fucking powers by making him a sitting duck? yeah like in titans (2018), but instead of adjusting a sfx-heavy power to a shoestring production budget we fuck his shit sideways just because? yeah in the medium of comic books. yeah where it costs literally nothing to draw three outlines moving progressively left. and that black eye thing is a wash. too hard too keep track of joey in hosts. it's creepy too, some invasion of the body snatcher shit that we feel just doesn't suit a character who snatches bodies. we need a little more razzle dazzle, a little more impact. you know when you're alone driving down a highway at night and a lifted white pickup with brand new led headlights rounds the corner and just fucks your shit up to the absolute? that, but green. yeah it's literally a toxic biohazard sludge green beam shooting from his face. yeah it basically has mass. no he doesn't have to make eye contact anymore. yeah his hosts are essentially being projectile nickelodeon slimed from across the room. no. no one can see it. why would you think they could see it? and we gave him flight for some reason. yeah the thing everyone has. yeah the thing you can literally buy if you know the right person. or. you know. kill them and gank their suit. now we're cooking with gas.
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ashes-writing · 2 years
ʲᵘˢᵗ ˢᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ● ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ⁺ ʳᵘˡᵉˢ
taglist doc ● general masterlist
ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵃˢʰᵉˢ
● she/her born+identifies as ● trainwreck, airheaded and feral, chaos queen - oh look,it me ● i write, but only sometimes and it’s usually whatever makes my cold little heart happy. ● due to my own age + the nature of my blog contents, absolutely no minors. ● i match energy. What you give is exactly what you’ll get back. ● queen bitch in charge of fuckery and shenanigans.
ˡᵉᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜʰᵃᵒˢ ⁻ᵃⁿᵈ ᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳʸ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᶜᵉ
ʳᵘˡᵉˢ ⁻ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ˢᵗᵘᶠᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ⁿᵉᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵏⁿᵒʷ
[ Fandoms + Characters ] 
If they’re not listed below, I don’t write for them. 
All American | Asher Adams
American Horror Story | Tate Langdon, Kit Walker, Kyle Spencer, Jimmy Darling, Dandy Mott,  Michael Langdon, Xavier Plympton, Bobby Richter Jr.
Arrow | Slade Wilson, Oliver Queen
The Breakfast Club | John Bender, Andrew Clark, Brian Johnson
The Boondock Saints | Connor McManus, Murphy McManus, Rocco
Criminal Minds | Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan
The Crow | Eric Draven, Jimmy Quervo
CSI Las Vegas | Greg Sanders, Nick Stokes, Warrick Brown
CSI Miami | Eric Delko, Ryan Wolfe, Tim Speedle
CSI New York | Danny Messer, Don Flack
Dazed & Confused | Ron Slater, Randall Pink Floyd
Detroit Rock City | Lex, Hawk, Tripp, Jam
The Flash | Cisco Ramon, Barry Allen
Friday Night Lights | Landry Clark, Matt Saracen, Tim Riggins
Ghostbusters | Ray, Peter, Egon, Winston
Gotham | Jerome Valeska, Riddler
Horror Movies | ask upon request, tbh
Harry Potter | Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Neville Longbottom + Sirius Black, Severus Snape
Legends of Tomorrow | Ray Palmer
The Lost Boys | Allen Frog, David, Edgar Frog, Michael Emerson, Sam Emerson
Mayans MC | Angel, EZ
MCU | Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier, Bruce Banner / Hulk, Captain America / Steve Rogers, Eddie Brock / Venom, Hawkeye / Clint Barton, Loki, Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
NCIS | Timothy McGee, Tony Dinozzo
Outer Banks | JJ Maybank, John B Routledge, Pope Heyward, Rafe Cameron, Topper Thornton
The Outsiders | Dallas Winston, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis
Punisher | Billy Russo, Frank Castle
Riverdale | FP Jones, Jughead Jones, Reggie Mantle, Sweetpea
Shameless | Lip Gallagher
Sons of Anarchy | Jax Teller, Juice Ortiz, Opie Winston
Supernatural | Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Stranger Things | Argyle, Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Gareth Emerson, Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington & Tommy Hagan
Teen Wolf | Stiles Stilinski
The Vampire Diaries | Damon Salvatore
The Walking Dead | Daryl Dixon, Negan, Shane Walsh
[ what i do / don’t write ] 
These are my hard and fast nopes. Any requests sent in for these will be deleted immediately. Save yourself the time and don’t ask.
● sexual assault, non-con, rape or attempted rape and pedophilia. ● incest ● beastiality ● domestic violence ● anything involving urine or feces ● anything that glorifies self harm or mental illness or suicide ● anything that glorifies racism or other harmful ideology  ● underage pairings ● popular pairings/ships - pairings/ships in general ● one shots of any kind unless I’ve made a post that states otherwise beforehand. I don’t write one shots and trust me, none of you want me to, lol. ●
These are the things I’m willing to write, feel comfortable writing and enjoy writing. Feel free to send these + know that you’re going to see a lot of them on the blog as you read.
● nsfw alphabet / fluff alphabet ● headcanons, personalized or just in general ● you can send me your headcanons and if I agree, I’ll elaborate on why. Because it’s always fun to hear an idiot ramble, right? ● aesthetics and moodboards, maybe even playlists? I’ve gotten really into making playlists lately, so.. We shall see. ●fluff ●angst ●friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, strangers to enemies to friends to lovers, you name it. ● hurt comfort and pining, mutual or otherwise ● tropes like ‘there was one bed’ or ‘body heat = warmth’ ● requited/unrequited love ● i dabble in darker themes ( horror, fantasy, etc ) so yeah. ●omegaverse, when/if I feel i haven’t botched it entirely ●friendships, family dynamics ● slice of life ●happy endings -or open endings, for the win ● what if scenarios / au type stuff ● 
[ rules + stuff you need to know ]
Absolutely no minors. I’m over 18.. Way over 18. It just doesn’t feel right or comfortable for me to engage with anyone who is a minor for several reasons. So, if you’re underage / your blog is ageless / ageless and content free / content free, you’re most likely going to end up blocked. 
Anyone sending hate in messages or asks / starting fights or being rude to each other in the comments on my posts will be blocked immediately. I’m not here for it, I don’t want any part of it and frankly, I don’t care enough about fandom drama, ship wars or faceless opinion enough to engage further. It’s a waste of time. Just be kind to each other, please? It’s… really not that hard? TLDR; do not fuck up Ashes’ zen/escape space.
Read all warnings. Tags to look for are ← trigger warning; (trigger) or ← warning; (trigger) / any variant of the bolded including ← tw;trigger or ← cw;trigger or if it's just smut, <- warning. adult content. There will also be a warning area on each post, so it’s worth it to check that out before reading. If you ignore the tags / warnings, whatever you end up seeing as a result is your own fault and is now strictly a you problem. If you’re looking to avoid my adult content altogether, the tags you need to look for are ← minors dni; adult intended content or any variation of that including ☠ this symbol or this one ♥ on my masterlist, in the warnings area/tags.
Any requests containing my own personal nopes listed above will be deleted upon receipt. I can’t stress enough how unwilling I am to compromise my personal boundaries.Please respect this, okay? Just don’t send it if I’ve already clearly stated I won’t write it. Requests are done on my own time, in whatever order I feel most motivated to do them in and all requests will not make the cut. If this is a problem for you, you’re being warned in advance. It’s probably not a good idea to request it from me. 
Any character I write for is 18+, regardless of canon. I do not write for minors. My writing isn’t tailored to them so it’s not about them. So, if you’re looking for a writer who writes those younger fandom characters, look elsewhere. End of story. If this bothers you at all, don’t read, ig.
Reader inserts are gender neutral / gn, female and all must be human.Pairings are typically female/male or gn/male and/or gn/female. I’m a person who was born as and identifies as a female and I happen to be straight, so out of respect for everyone, I’m opting to stay in my little lane. 
Occasionally, I have a reader insert that turns out to be well… a little more heavily personified. If this is a problem for you, the tags you need to be on alert for are any variant of ← warning; heavily personified reader ( traits ). If you’re looking to avoid that on my masterlists when I finally get around to remaking them, you’re going to want to avoid anything with ☻ beside the title/description. I’ll probably also put ☻ in the tags too, just to be sure nobody reads anything they don’t want to. 
I write original character pieces. And self inserts. And I enjoy writing them. I stopped posting them to here but.. I’ve recently come to the decision that I’m going to post them again and IDC if they’re ‘unpopular’ or ‘cringe’. If you’re the kind of person who can’t stand reading something with an original character / self insert present, you’ll need to look for ← warning; original character content or any variant of that and this symbol ❃. I’ll put the symbol in my warnings and in the tags just so nobody is forced to read my self-indulgent bullshit, no worries. 
Last but not least.. If the ask box is off or there’s a HIATUS / SEMI HIATUS notice in my bio area on the blog or pinned as a post, requests are closed. Currently, I am.. Still on hiatus. But, I’m *fingers crossed* hoping to return soon.
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anawrites3 · 2 years
so. a sladick where they're in their little not-really-enemies-with-benefits-and-maybe-feelings for a while and from time to time one of them gets bolder with saying random feelings-related things. and one night dick just completely absent-mindedly - dozing off with head on slade's bicep - says something like "wow, you're the first person I actually want to have sex with" and slade snorts but then pauses for a second because
slade: wdym kid "first", didn't you have girlfriends? boyfriends? anything?
dick: I mean did but it was really only them wanting it more
slade, more confused: so you've never had sex before?
dick: nah, we did
slade: the f
then he proceeds to try to make dick come to conclusion by himself that something was very wrong then or maybe he's just misunderstanding it but he finally has to accept that the little bird he fancied apparently has major communication and consent problem (it's my "dick sometimes has no clue if "no" is even a valid option and wouldn't safeword out of the scene even if he had a knife to his throat" and slade has to debate with himself if he's generous enough to try to fix it)
Dick is such a people pleaser 🥺 my poor boy, Slade probably would be confused about it because he doesnt give much of a fuck to what others think while Dick always puts other before himself. Slade would teach him that its okay to say 'no' just because, theres no reason needed if you just don't feel like certain stuff
"Kid, you can't be serious." Slade looked down on him in disbelief.
Dick shifted a little in his place but still didn't lift his head from Slade's arm, comfortable and blissfully tired. Only a frown started to form on his face at Slade's words.
"You know you can and should say no when you don't want to do something, right? No matter what it is. Especially when its about sex and your body."
Dick didn't reply right away and it was clear as fuck that no, he did not know that.
"It's not like it's a big deal." the kid had a nerve to shrug and suddenly Slade felt the urge to seek certain Bat out and have a talk with him. What the fuck.
"Dick." He moved a bit to make sure that the boy was looking at him and actually listening. "If I visited one day and you just got back from a difficult mission and felt like shit... If I told you that I want you right then, would you agree, just like that?"
"Well... yeah? I don't mind."
"You don't mi- for fuck's sake."
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