brown-butler · 8 months
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Entry no 3 is Prince Soma! also of Indian decent, he is a prince from Bengal. This poor boy is also far too sweet for this series. My personal favorite part about his character design is his ever changing clothes that are so painstakingly drawn and designed by yana and her assistants. 💕💕✨✨
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princessbutler1316 · 22 days
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nrc-counselor · 4 months
If I don't get the Sunset Savannah event soon, y'all are going to have to bare witness to the horrors that are my thoughts about Leona on blast.
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miyuskye · 15 days
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ok yana party's over this joke stopped being funny 5 months ago
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10moonymhrivertam · 2 years
!!! Finally found my Eccleston-Tennant box set (it was exactly where it was supposed to be I just didn’t think that box was That Deep for some reason) so now I can actually write that Shakespeare Code commentary fic!!!
On the other hand not looking forward to the nostalgia-pain of the Harry Potter love fest, but due to the nature of Dream’s inquiry they do need to tell him about the high before the downfall anyway. I’ll probably just project really hard onto Johanna about it all. (Would project on Hob too but he’ll probably be too busy reminiscing about actual Love’s Labours Won/taking Robyn to the Globe when he could)
#already-dated new who my beloved#due to the constraints of real life everyone used bricks but I doubt Jack would’ve stood for that shit#and then the doc would’ve acquired smart phones for everyone out of habit after#(except Mickey which is partly a teasing thing and partly a ‘do you know what a security nightmare those things are?’)#I think the headcanon I have implemented to explain his enjoyment of HP despite the 2020s#is that the TARDIS just…deliberately has never let him see that. cuz he loves the books so much and it would devastate him#on the other hand that headcanon is quite flimsy cuz when would she ever coddle him#may or may not end up writing stuff for other episodes too may depend on engagement#I would *love* to examine Hob disliking the Professor Yana episode#cuz he doesn’t like the idea that he will eventually be pushed into outlasting literally everyone else or accepting Death#also Johanna realizing Dream is a dumbass who didn’t tell Hob about Burgess#so she uses her own Issues with the Nestene as an excuse to skip the Pandorica episodes#only for there to be something else in a different episode maybe a gunshot or too much focus on reflections or smthng#haven’t decided if I’m even going to acknowledge the Clara thing yet#may give jo my dislike of Clara for the lulz#also at some point matthew will join#and suggest supernatural as something else he should catch up on#…..just realized Dream may actually be inspired to go make that horrific combo monster -#of the Angels the vashta narada and the misprogrammed nanogenes
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sugaskoookies · 17 days
No cause I’m genuinely pissed off I’m thinking I’m gonna catch up on chapters get more of the drama and no here I am mad worried confused sad anxious all within the span of two days
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aforgottenballad · 4 months
Friend wants me to read BB and I want it to read NNO we are trading 00s GFantasy manga like Pokemon cards...
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book 7 part 8 thoughts!!
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***THIS POST CONTAINS MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR BOOK 7 PART 8 OF THE MAIN STORY!!*** Please note: this is NOT meant to be a summary or a translation; these are only my initial thoughts on the events that roughly unfold. There may be details overlooked or misunderstood in this post, so PLEASE do not use this as a translation.
Right off the bat, we're starting off strong with a video presentation from Idia!! He uses many MMORPG terms and analogies to better explain his concepts, even referring to allies as "party members".
The video is ~3 minutes long and the artwork used are Takashi Mifune-sensei’s LINE stickers. Yana says she is particular about functionality like Idia is, so she is pleased that they were able to implement this video. “Please watch Idia’s debut as. YouTuber!”
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AGKVTIUOD8VQFVE IDIA SHROUD ASKS US TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE IF WE LIKED HIS PRESENTATION....... . . .. ...... .. . . . . .. . . . . I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU, IDIA... You popped off on the editing fr...
Idia tells us that there the population of Sage’s Island is roughly 20,000!
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He basically explains his plan to defeat Malleus. Idia's going to fuck around with stuff in his own dream to make cheat codes to debuff Malleus (ie remove his invincibility). The others shall distract Malleus so he doesn’t catch onto what Idia is up to. Yuu, Grim, Sebek, Silver, and Ortho will infiltrate the dream worlds of classmates, "wake" them, and then recruit them to their cause. They will then lure Malleus into Idia's dream, at which point all the recruited students will JUMP HIM 🤡 Truly, the power of friendship but the NRC way…
Idia grants everyone the ability to DREAM FORM CHANGE!! By saying that phrase, it opens up a menu where you can magically change your outfit in an instant. The NRC boys are becoming magical girls… ✨
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akjlfabidfbefeqof Grim has fun changing into his various Anniversary outfits! Ceremonial Robes, Labwear, Apprentice Chef...!
Silver and co. hop into Epel's dream! (Idia keeps in touch with everyone via his tablet while he stays behind in his own dream.)
Everyone at NRC seems to speak in the same Harveston dialect as Epel. And, well... here's apple boy...
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IS THAT EPEL’S HEAD ON JACk’S BODY????????!!!!!?!?!?!!!?!?
Anyway, the group just casually walks up to Epel and tells him everything is a lie??? And when Epel's world starts to go all wibbly wobbly, a dream!Rook and dream!Vil show up to praise him. Rook says he has heard rumors that Savanaclaw wants to recruit Epel for their own dorm, while Vil praises Epel as being both strong and beautiful, a perfect fit for Pomefiore.
I like that the implication is that while Epel still has a desire to be in a "tough" dorm like Savanaclaw, this dialogue seems to also say that he now also finds value in Pomefiore. This is why dream!Rook and Vil are tugging Epel in opposite directions; his soul must like BOTH options. Further proof is that Epel is still a Pomefiore student in his dream, he is not in Savanaclaw. To keep him under the sleep, the dream is trying hard to appeal to both sides of Epel's wishes.
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So we battle the fake Rook and Vil!! Then Epel's memories come flooding back to him; the cracking glass effect is so pretty and calls into mind a mirror shattering as Epel gains his lucidity.
(Rook and Vil get similar "glass breaking" scenes upon waking, so I'm only going to comment on Epel's here and leave it at that!)
Cut to black to explain the situation to Epel!
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Ortho invites Epel to join their "party" in Idia's dream! Then I believe he uses Epel's dream data to project a hologram of buff!Epel to remain in the dream while Epel joins the gang to hop into the next dream.
Next up is Rook's dream, and--
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YUP, THAT'S A YEEHAWING ROOK HUNT IF I'VE EVER SEEN ONE 💀 I thought for sure his in-game 2D model would have larger arms (like, at LEAST Leona-sized arms, if not Jack-sized)... I guess not though, because we cannot have nice things/j
I love the extra detail of the leaves being stuck in the brim of his hat!! dfhlbafbiapia and bro just walks around with a quiver of arrows and a bow strapped to his back at all times...
Uhhhh long story short, Rook runs off to his room and we chase him. What we find is--
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YEAH THIS IS ROOK'S ROOM??????? It's probably what is depicted in his Savanaclaw Dorm Uniform SSR too. Note the split bed and the completely different carpets in the SSR artwork.
Rook starts to chuckle menacingly and pops off about his hyperfixations to us???? Then he wrangles us all to sit down and watch DVDs with him for the next *checks notes* 5 HOURS?????? AM I READING THIS CORRECTLY????? Rook... HONEY... THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO END, WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO DO THIS...
We keep trying to talk to Rook, but he isn't quite waking up yet. So we have an aside with the gang and Epel suggests... RECREATING OUR VDC PERFORMANCE??????? ? ?? ????? He shows Silver, Sebek, Grim, and Ortho the dance moves and the show goes on!
Rook is lured to the VDC stage and we get a new Absolutely Beautiful rhythmic with our current squad! Unfortunately, the vocals are the same as book 5, so we do not get a new variation with Epel, Sebek, Silver, Ortho, and Grim singing.
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I love Love LOOOOVE that Epel is the center here!! He took the initiative to suggest the idea as well as teach everyone, and now he's REALLY walking the talk by serving as the "leader" of the group.
Watching the NRC Tribe makes Rook's head hurt and he starts to remember...!!
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Well, wouldja look at that... Here comes dream!Neige and RSA!Vil to distract Rook. They say they are inspired by the NRC performance and start to perform Everyone Yahoo! This entrances Rook, making our task of "waking" him all the more difficult.
aihfboyfpie LMAO THEY'RE SO DRAMATIC?????? Vil steps up to defend Neige, and Neige is all like, "Nooo, Vii-kun! If anything were to happen to you, I'd be crushed by sadness :((" ROOK... IS THIS WHAT YOUR MIND COMES UP WITH...
Rook points an arrow at them and cries about how he betrayed Epel... (AYO LIKE THE HUNTSMAN????) and now he has to destroy Vil and Neige, who are "proof" of his betrayal. It makes him cry even more because he can't think of harming them, even if it's just a dream...
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Anyway, time to pummel the sparkly duo! You can see from the battle sprites that RSA students seem to use REAL ASS SWORDS to channel their magic instead of magical pens. Man... Imagine being handed a writing utensil and then glancing over at the next guy and seeing them holding an ACTUAL WEAPON.
If you look closely, you can tell that Neige and Vil's pommels, grips, and rain guards are slightly different. Apparently, every RSA student has a unique one? WOW, I feel like NRC got ripped off then??? Cuz only the dorm leaders get unique items or staves to channel their magic and everyone else has the same standard issue magical pen but with a different magestone color. The only exception to this for the average student seem to be Diasomnia kids, who have baton style magical pens in their dorm uniforms.
Rook fully awakens and we rinse and repeat what we did with Epel (cut to black to explain things to him, make a hologram Rook to leave behind, and invite him to join us).
The last part of the update has us venturing into Vil's dream.
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OMG, WE'RE IN FAIREST CITY??? AT QUEEN'S FILM STUDIO???? We just visited this place in a recent event! What perfect timing... I see you, clever TWST devs!
I swear that Vil's outfits are getting worse with each new one I see him in, but that's probably just my fashion sensibilities clashing with his 💦 I thought from the initial silhouette that we would be getting a slightly older Vil to show us how his values have changed since book 6, in which Vil declares he is always beautiful no matter what. Him being older would truly drive that point home; I feel this was a missed opportunity but maybe it wasn’t possible because these dreams don’t seem to be taking place in the “future” but mostly center on the present or past? Something, something, magic limited to what can be imagined and maybe the magic can’t reach that far “ahead”?
Here, Vil seems to be highly popular + considered fairest of them all. Additionally, a certain SOMEONE has been relegated to being his mere assistant (and uh, Vil is somewhat demanding of them):
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On a more serious note, I think this raises an interesting point about Vil’s character. Try as he might to get over his envy of Neige, it’s clearly still something so deep-rooted in Vil, right up to the end of booo 5. Now this element also permeates in his dream world. Neige “has” to be demoted in so Vil can stand on top—but is that really “fair” to Neige?? Is it truly Vil’s jealousy that informs the dream of this, and thus the dream is spinning this shallow, easy victory for Vil’s satisfaction??? Because the noble Vil I know of in book 5 wouldn’t consider this a real “win”. Very fascinating topic to ponder!
Vil has Neige toss us out, which Neige does. The dream is preemptively acting this time, with dream!Neige coming at us. We make a getaway and somehow whack the head of the announcer + have Rook usurp his role.
As Vil is walking down the red carpet, Rook announces the various sins that Vil has committed. Vil panics and demands that someone shut Rook up, but then he starts to realize things aren't quite right.
We try to intervene, but Neige gets in the way and ultimately Vil is pulled deeper into his own darkness. Everyone else plunges into the dark with Vil?? I was worried that we'd have another battle map segment but thankfully there was none!!
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We're back in the VDC backstage hallway area and stumble across a horrifying sight. Neige is on the ground (next to an empty bottle of apple juice) and all Seven Dwarves are surrounding him and sobbing. Ortho runs a scan on his vitals and Neige... FLATLINES...
WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?????? THAT VIL ACTUALLY INTENDED TO KILL NEIGE IN BOOK 5????? 💀 Dude... No wonder why Vil was feeling so guilty and screaming that his actions were so "ugly"...
Epel uses his UM to encase Neige in a magical glass coffin to keep him safe. Then they run out onto the VDC stage and hear the announcer declaring that NRC has won. Vil is there soaking up all the attention and praise until we confront him.
Just as he is starting to "awaken", the darkness comes back and Vil alone is taken.
What I find really adorable here is that both Epel and Rook rush to his side and try to pull Vil out of the darkness. They're... OFFERING THEIR HANDS... TO HELP HIM OUT OF THE MIRE... OFFERED HANDS... A MOTIF THAT HAS BEEN IN TWST SINCE THE PROLOGUE... 👁️
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Vil finally faces off against his Phantom. Like Idia in the last update, Vil willingly assumes his OB form to do battle. These fights seem very symbolic in the grand scheme of things. Idia and now Vil, confronting the worst, most unsavory parts of themselves, their inner demons, and rising victorious, proving that they have become better people… It continues the little bits of character growth that we’ve been seeing in each of the past books!!
He rises from the darkness and joins up with everyone else after conquering the fight!! The update ends here.
Okay, there's a LOT to talk about????????
The highlight for me was definitely Idia's presentation. It was very fun to watch because of the slick editing and it was a silly way to lay out the plans. I appreciate that we get to see Idia's strengths on display here; he can get long-winded and throw in lots of eccentric gamer slang, but you can also see how quickly he's able to tailor a complex plan together while accounting for many variables. adfhlboafoiyebif I UNDERSTAND THE IDIA HYPE NOW, I UNDERSTAND IT ALL...
(Side note: I did not know where to insert this, so I'll do it at the end! BONUS POINTS TO IDIA FOR RIGHTFULLY CALLING MALLEUS SHALLOW 💀 because his understanding of constitutes as happiness truly IS shallow. Once again, Idia slays with his brutally real words...)
I already said my parts about Epel and Rook's dreams when they happened. It was great seeing how their characters have developed, especially Epel! I never much cared for him, but I really appreciate all that he has done this update.
This pretty much confirms that future updates will have us visiting every remaining classmate's dreams and "waking" them. Admittedly, I'm both excited and worried??? Because that's a TON to cram in, and I worry that not everyone will get proper screentime or development. On the other hand, I'm hype to see what their dreams are like and what other limited SSRs the game might throw at us.
I feel like with the reveal of Vil OBing to fight his Phantom/"inner demons", we'll get similar scenes with the other OB boys coming to terms with what they've done and where they can go from here. This... might lead into the highly desired and speculated about Overblot series of SSRs, which I theorize will be the limited SSRs for each of the OB boys. I'll definitely be keeping my eyes peeled for those, TWST... I wonder if we'll get a Neige card eventually too??? Since we did see his battle assets exist this time. Will Chenya get one too, assuming he comes in a futureHeartslabyul update??
Aaaaaah, next time... Scarabia... 🤡 I'm so hype for that, Scarabia is like my second favorite dorm next to Octavinelle!! (SPEAKING OF, WILL WE FINALLY GET EEL FORM CARDS FOR THE TWINS...)
I’m sliiiightly concerned for Silver because bro used his UM no less than, what? 4 or 5 times this update alone??? He used his UM to enter Yuu’s dream and then Sebek, Lilia, AND Idia’s. Presumably, he also has to use his UM no less than 13 more times (12 more for the remaining boys + 1 more time to return them all to Idia’s to ambush Malleus). And even worse, he has to transport an increasing number of people each time. HOW TF IS SILVER NOT OVERBLOTTING????! 😭
bxjsgwjwnwkcbjsbs This update was nonstop WTF moments sandwiched between genuinely heartfelt moments. It’s been really rewarding to follow along and see how the Pomefiore boys have changed since we first met them all the way back in late book 4, early book 5. Looking forward to seeing how the other boys play out!! (… Book 7 is fr about to be 200+ parts long 😭)
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cloudedgalaxies · 19 days
Ok like hear me out, you know fairy gala? Imagine vil/crowley finds out that yuu is essentially a professional dancer and singer. What would happen then?
Ooh, that's something really fun to think about! Fairy Gala is one of my favorite events tbh, it was so pretty and everything was so nice. The SSRs especially, Yana Toboso really popped off with Leona and Ortho omg <3
Since Yuu was really only involved in the original Fairy Gala, I'll be writing this assuming that the team assembled was Leona, Kalim, Jamil, Ruggie, and Yuu+Grim!
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I think that Crowley would definitely try to immediately recruit Yuu to help out, especially after all the housewardens initially rejected him. He has a lot over their head (or at least he likes to pretend he does) and would use it to make sure they help fix his problem, or else the allowance he's so graciously giving them for free would have to instead be used to fix whatever problems have arisen on campus thanks to the Gala. Yuu is basically like a perfect solution served to him on a silver platter, whether or not they wanted to be.
Vil, on the other hand, I think would be ecstatic for less two-faced reasons. For one, because Yuu is already a professional, he won't have to train them as much since they're likely already pretty used to what the fashion show would entail. Being a talented dancer doesn't immediately equate to being a perfect runway model, as we saw with Jamil and Kalim, but I've always thought that Yuu is incredibly adaptive seeing what they've had to put up with in their year at NRC, and would pick it up fast. They're definitely becoming Vil's favorite person in the operation lightning quick :)
Unlike the original plan, which had been to have Ruggie and Yuu be in the crowd while the other three are on the runway, Yuu would take center stage with Leona. It'd be interesting if they asked Malleus and/or Lilia to teach them a fae song so that when they're modeling, they could also be performing it at the same time. After all, their wow factor has to be at 110% to get every single fairy attending to give them their undivided attention.
They'd rehearsed countless times in Pomefiore's ballroom to make sure it was perfect, but even so, the boys can't help but be a little amazed when they do it for real. Yuu looks beautiful with their gala couture and makeup, and with the fairy dust they're wearing, it only makes the prefect seem all the more magical. They move like they have wings, and their voice is making them all wonder if Yuu's really a siren instead of a human. It's no wonder the plan goes off without a hitch, even though Grim has to prod Ruggie to stop watching and successfully escape once they swap out the crown. It's a good thing that Idia's drone recorded the whole thing for them to all watch again later, or else maybe he would have stayed to catch another look <3
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lunerium · 25 days
Hello dear person. I hope I don't bother you… I come messaging you because I have no one else to talk to about it … I came to really like the couple between Ciel and Sebastian but it's hard to find content about them And I did not read the manga yet I wanted to know if there was Sebaciel content in the public arc school ? And if according to you, what was the arc that had the best content about them ?
Hello again, @canonicallytrue heh. I'm sorry I haven't answered all your asks, but finally, I've had some time to start writing.
I answered your question about which arc had the most sebaciel in it, in this post.
But your question about the sebaciel moments in the public school arc did catch my eye. After all, the new season is still being released, and there are many sebaciel moments that we have yet to see.
Their "first meeting" is notably Sebaciel. Sebastian is completely in his role as "Professor Michaelis", and pretends that it is the first time he has seen Ciel. It is an amusing interaction between the two because they are just going to pretend they don't know each other. Also, the fact that this entire arc is filled with shojo tropes, and this is one of the first shojo moments we see. Where the heroine falls, and the love interest offers a helping hand.
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Onto the next moment, or rather, moments. We have their late-night rendez vous. They are so intimate, so clandestine, that perhaps even a rumor got spread that Phantomhive was always in Mr. Michaelis' office late at night. I would give anything to know what the students truly thought about that.
First, this rather erotic pose Ciel does for Sebastian. He got a little too caught up in his role as a student, he refers to him as a professor even in private, heh. The pose he is doing, as if attempting to seduce him, doesn't help much either.
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Adding this little exchange between the two. And yes, Yana surrounded them in shojo bubbles :)
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A Sebaciel moment that became iconic throughout the fandom: The Library Scene. The famous moment where Sebastian urgently pinned Ciel against the bookshelves, late at night, while covering his mouth. Not only that, but the scene right before that, where Sebastian carefully sneaks a secret note to Ciel while he is teaching the class. A moment truly worthy of a romance novel.
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Onto our next moment: When Ciel "thanked" Sebastian for recommending him to the team. Yes, Professor Michaelis recommended Ciel to the team, and Ciel had to thank him. But was it truly necessary to create a whole shojo scene? Ciel runs into Sebastian's arms like two lovers seeing each other after being apart for a long time, the way he so genuinely smiles, and lightly blushes. Also, the shojo bubbles all around them. Yana intended to make them canon from the very start. Those two students walking past them must've thought these two had a romantic affair going on.
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The way Sebastian so tenderly and lovingly looked at Ciel here, with genuine affection. This was not acted. This was truly romantic. And also, he carried him bridal style all across the field, while letting Ciel rest his head on his shoulder. I screamed a little during this scene.
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Sebastian, again, looked at Ciel with the most tender eyes. And then, he made his pastries. He truly was showing his romantic side a little too much in this arc, huh. Pastry-making and acts of service are his love language. Even Ciel is impressed at Sebastian's efficiency, but Sebastian only wants to see a smile on his master's face <3
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The last and most cathartic Sebaciel moment of all, is when Sebastian absolutely loses it over thinking that Undertaker might steal Ciel away from him. Just the thought of it, he was losing it. He even imagined Ciel being stolen by the Undertaker like his damsel in distress, surrounded by rose petals. And then he admits to Ciel, that the thought of him getting stolen away is just something that he cannot afford. He cannot even afford to fathom it. He has gone completely and obsessively feral over Ciel, to the point of delirium.
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And that concludes this little blog, I hope these Sebaciel moments made your day :) Bonus:
The Season 4 ED, although not part of the school arc by itself, it is part of the fourth season. I will never grow tired of it. It is just so romantically beautiful.
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thequeenviana · 1 month
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Chapter 3
Yandere Taehyung x OC x Yandere Jungkook
Warning: This story is a work of fanfiction and is purely a product of the author's imagination. It does not depict any real-life events or individuals. While some characters may be inspired by real-life idols, their portrayal in this story is fictional and not representative of their true selves. Please note that this story may contain triggering content, including themes of abuse, gore, murder, humiliation, bullying, rape, and other mature and dark themes. Reader discretion is advised, especially for those under the age of 18. If you are uncomfortable with such content, it is recommended to refrain from reading and kindly disregard this story.
Fae laughed softly, her eyes twinkling as she closed them and savored the warmth and serenity of the water in the bathtub. The scent of rose petals filled the air, and delicate candles flickered, creating a soothing atmosphere.
She allowed herself to relax, momentarily forgetting the strange and unsettling situation she found herself in.
In the midst of her peaceful immersion,
Fae was startled back to reality upon hearing her brother's voice. Her eyes flew open, and she sat up abruptly in the bathtub, desperately looking around hoping to catch a glimpse of her brother,and this made her got teary in longing to her family.
"Jae," she whispered, her voice laced with both longing and sadness.She couldn't help but cry once more. She yearned for her family, yearned for the familiarity and comfort they provided. In this moment, all she wanted was to escape the clutches of the dark magic or whatever force had transported her into this unpredictable realm.
The sound of a gentle knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, bringing her back to the present.
"Young Madam, your friend Gia is here."
Fae turned her attention towards the door, slightly disoriented as she tried to remember the this particular character.
"Gia?" she murmured to herself. The name eventually clicked in her mind.
' Gia was one of Yana's close friends, someone who had always stood up for her, especially during times when someone was bullying Yana, especially those two. Memories of Yana clinging to the two men whom Fae now despised flooded her mind. They were undoubtedly attractive, but their hearts were far from desirable.'
"I'll be there in a minute," Fae replied to the maid's announcement. She stood up, wrapping herself in a fluffy bathrobe, and efficiently dried herself before getting dressed in comfortable clothes.
As Fae descended the stairs slowly, she caught sight of Gia, a character from the book, sitting on the couch. Gia looked up and see her friend that made her rushing towards Fae with open arms. Fae instinctively reciprocated the embrace, enveloping Gia in a warm hug.
"Oh God! I was so worried about you when I heard what happened! You stupid girl!" Gia chastised, playfully smacking Fae's head. Fae winced at the impact, rubbing the spot where Gia had struck her.
"Don't ever do that again! How many times do I have to tell you to stop being infatuated with those two jerks? They won't like you back!" Gia scolded, her voice infused with a caring, motherly tone. Fae chuckled in response.
"Yes, I won't make that mistake again," Fae declared with determination, surprising Gia to the core. This was the first time Fae had spoken with such conviction, and it resonated deeply.
Fae understood the reason behind her response. In the story, Yana would become furious and would throw tantrums when her friends expressed similar sentiments, feeling unsupported.
"Wait...can you repeat what you just said?" Gia requested, seeking confirmation. Fae playfully rolled her eyes before repeating her declaration.
"I said I will no longer be a naive girl running after a man for attention. We girls should not be the ones pursuing men; it should be the other way around...after us."
Fae walked towards the nearby couch, gracefully taking a seat and crossing her legs. Gia joined her on the opposite side, pouring a cup of tea for each of them.
"To the new you?" Gia proposed, raising her cup. Fae accepted the cup, her heart brimming with pride. They both lifted their cups towards the air as a symbolic toast to a fresh start.
"To the new me," Fae echoed before they both took a sip, savoring the warm liquid. They engaged in a conversation, allowing Fae to gather as much information as possible within the confinements of this strange world. She needed these details to plan her next steps effectively.
However, deep within her core, Fae continued to yearn for an escape from this madness. She held onto the hope of breaking free from this realm as soon as possible.
Fae woke up as the mansion was bustling, filled with maids and butlers scurrying around, more than she had ever seen before during her time here.
She stood near the elegant staircase, observing the flurry of activity as the staff cleaned and prepared for something she couldn't comprehend.
Curiosity piqued, Fae approached one of the maids who held a white cloth in her arms. The maid immediately bowed, eyes downcast, causing Fae to frown, but she quickly got to the point of her inquiry.
"What's going on?" she asked softly, trying not to startle the timid maid. She had noticed that many of the maids were afraid of her, likely due to her resemblance to Yana, but Fae had come to understand their fear.
The maid glanced up briefly, her eyes wide, before clearing her throat and responding, "Um, young madam, it's Young Master Jeon's birthday tomorrow. As you can see, everyone is busy preparing for the party."
Fae nodded in understanding. "I see," she replied, dismissing the maid with a wave of her hand. Boredom washed over her as she watched everyone diligently work on the party preparations.
A voice from behind startled her, causing her to turn and glare at the smirking figure before her. She quickly stepped back, keeping her guard up, that made the man frown at her sudden action.
"What is it to you?" Fae retorted fiercely, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms defensively. The man scoffed and took slow steps towards her that made her step back more,intensifying Fae's apprehension.
"Y-yah!" Fae's voice trembled as she looked behind her, only to widen her eyes in fear. The staircase was just a few steps away, and if this man had any ill intentions, she could fall to her demise. The memories of what Yana had done to these people in the past flooded her mind, and she knew this man could be just as ruthless.
"I'm here to warn you, Yana," he whispered ominously, causing Fae to turn back and gaze at him in terror. Thankfully, he stopped walking, but the proximity still made Fae feel like death was closing in.
"Don't you dare pull any tricks on my birthday, understood?" he continued, his eyes now filled with murderous intent as he slammed his hands on the railing. Fae flinched at the sudden aggression, gripping onto his black jacket in sheer desperation to keep her balance.
"I won't even attend tomorrow because Namjoon and I have plans—"
Overwhelmed with distress and desperation to escape, Fae burst out, not considering the consequences of her words.
The man stared at her, momentarily speechless.
'She's not going? She's going to ditch my birthday with that man? How dare she—wait, maybe it's for the best—'
Their attention shifted downward as a new voice emerged. Nara stood at the foot of the stairs. Jungkook backed away from Fae as if she were a dangerous object, unknowingly causing her to lose her balance and fall to the ground thankfully not on the staircase. She winced in pain as her knees hit the tiled floor, tears streaming down her face at the painful impact.
Jungkook didn't spare her a glance as he descended the stairs and hastily led Nara away, fearing that Fae, or Yana as they assumed, may hurt Nara again.
Left alone, Fae silently cried, clutching her throbbing knees, feeling the burn of the fall.
Fae wiped away her tears as she gently caressed her aching knees, now bruised and swollen. Lost in her pain, she didn't notice someone crouching beside her until they reached out and lifted her off the floor. Startled, she let out a shriek, her eyes meeting the gaze of the same man who had intervened earlier to prevent her escape two days ago.
She looked down, unable to comprehend why the pain she felt in her knees was causing such deep heartache. Her chest throbbed with an intensity she couldn't understand as she witnessed Jungkook leaving her in pain, not bothering to look back as he rushed away with Nara. Fae didn't love him, but she understood now that the woman whose body she inhabited held strong feelings for him. It frustrated her that she couldn't control the emotions that surged within her in this unfamiliar vessel.
Leaning against the man's broad shoulders, Fae silently cried, but the man remained silent, steering her away to some unknown destination. Anywhere was better than staying in that place,as she can't take the pain anymore.
The man's voice cut through the silence, his words heavy with concern as he gently laid Fae on the bed. Moving to the corner of the room, he retrieved ice cubes from a small fridge, wrapping them in a towel before tending to her bruised knee.
"It hurts, doesn't it?" he inquired softly, his gaze fixed on her as she stared down at her injury. Fae nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, it does," she admitted, her eyes reflecting the pain she felt.
"I'm not talking about your knees, I'm talking about what he did," the man's voice lowered, his tone filled with empathy as he knelt before her, applying the cold compress to her bruised skin. Fae's gaze drifted to the window, lost in a swirl of emotions.
"I hate it but can't help but feel it," Fae confessed, her voice tinged with sorrow and resignation. The man's chuckle cut through the somber atmosphere, his understanding evident in the way he comforted her.
Removing the ice pack, he settled beside her, a silent presence in her moment of turmoil. With a heavy sigh,
"I told you before,stop that before it escalate to you being hurt."
he reminded her of his earlier warnings.
Fae's brow furrowed at his words, suddenly her sight blurred and a memory like scene was flooding in her mind in a rush.
"Oppa,why can't you love me!"
A young girl's anguished cry pierced the air as she bursts though the door confronting a boy engrossed in his studies. Tears streaked her cheeks as she poured out her heart, demanding his love. His blank and cold ignorance ,shattered her hopes more, when he doesn't even react.
He sighed finally and looks at her with a blank look as always,
"Yana,we can't."
The boy said coldly that made her cry more.
"But I love you!and you said you love me too!"
She yelled at the boy who just sighed at her.
"Yes,I love you but as a sister."
He declared and looks away from her towards his books again.
Yana shook her head at his declaration and bursts out the door crying heavily at her first heartbreak.
She walks down the slowly through the dim lighted corridor as she whimpered and cries silently
In the shadows, another figure was standing that made Yana stop on her track and looks at the figure before rushing to the person who had now his arms opened wide, inviting her.
She hugs him tightly as she cried in his embrace.
"You should stop, Yana,before it hurts you more in the future."
Fae gasped as she sat up suddenly, as the scene before her dissolved into nothingness.
The man stood in front of her, his expression filled with concern as he observed her sudden awakening.
"Are you alright? You suddenly lost consciousness," he inquired, relief evident in his voice.
He reassured her that her father had understood and believed her need for rest, allowing her to take a nap. Fae nodded, feeling her heartbeat gradually calm as she noticed that night had descended upon the world outside. Time seemed to be passing more swiftly than she anticipated.
"Well, I should be going. Thank you, sir," Fae expressed her gratitude, rising from the bed. The man quirked a playful smile and stood up as well.
"Sir? What's with the formalities lately?" he chuckled, shaking his head lightly.
Fae blushed, feeling somewhat embarrassed. "Um, you see... I've been experiencing some memory loss after everything that has happened."
As she averted her gaze, the man's eyes softened. "Kim Seokjin... Yana, but you always just call me Jin."
Fae looked up, meeting his gaze. Memories flooded her thoughts and she acknowledged the connection Yana had with Jin.
"Yeah, Jin. Um, I should go then. Goodnight," Fae said, preparing to leave the room.
"Goodnight, Yana," Jin responded, watching her quietly as she stepped out through the door.
Fae stumbles through the dimly lit hallway, her steps cautious and filled with apprehension. The oppressive atmosphere weighs heavily on her, suffocating her with its darkness.
As she nears her room, a sudden jolt of terror strikes her. Powerful, rough hands clamp tightly over her mouth, silencing her cries for help. Another hand, large and forceful, wraps around her small waist, pulling her forcefully towards an unknown room.
Fae desperately struggles, her fingers clawing at the assailant's arms, but her efforts prove futile against the strength of her captor.
Finally released, Fae whirls around, hastily putting distance between herself and the man. Fear grips her every fiber, her heart pounding loudly at her chest. But the man advances, closing the gap between them with predatory intent. Every instinct in her screams to flee, to escape the clutches of this menacing figure.
Before Fae can scream for help, a sudden,sharp object grazes her neck, and she freezes, terror pulsing through her veins. She meets the man's gaze, her eyes widening as recognition dawns upon her.
"T-Taehyung?" Fae's voice quivers, her fear palpable in the darkness.
A sinister smile curls at the man's lips, his voice a dark venomous whisper.
"You whore."
The words cut through Fae like razor-sharp blades, causing tears to well up in her eyes. She trembles, unable to comprehend the depths of the darkness that now resides within Taehyung. The cold tip of the blade presses against her neck, drawing a thin line of blood. The metallic scent fills the air, intensifying the nightmare she finds herself in.
"When will you stop, huh?" Taehyung sneers, his voice dripping with malice and contempt.
Confusion and anguish cloud Fae's features, her voice breaking as she questions, "W-what did I do?"
Taehyung's laughter echoes through the room, a chilling sound that sends shivers down Fae's spine. He takes the knife, tracing its sharp edge across her delicate cheeks, leaving a trail of blood in its wake. Fae winces, feeling the warm crimson fluid oozing from her once flawless skin. She watches in horror as Taehyung's grin widens, the sadistic pleasure evident on his face, reveling in the sight of her pain and vulnerability.
"I hate it Yana,I hate you,I hate what's happening with you and I hate it even if it's just two days but I hate it so much,I hate it that I miss your presence tailing me everywhere."
Fae's heart pounded in her chest as Taehyung's confession poured forth, his words laced with anger and bitterness.
She whimpered, the weight of his hatred and words crashing down upon her. His sudden change in demeanor sent shockwaves through her, leaving her bewildered and scared.
'This can't be happening,' Fae's thoughts raced. 'He's not supposed to feel this way. Is he losing his mind? Is he mad?!This isn't what I planned.'
Suddenly Taehyung's hands clenched tightly around her neck, cutting off her air supply. She fought desperately to pry his fingers away, gasping for precious breaths.
With a cruel laugh, Taehyung finally released his grip, flinging her to the floor. Fae's body convulsed as she coughed, her lungs desperate for oxygen.
Through tear-filled eyes, Fae watched Taehyung draw nearer, his presence looming over her prone form. He caressed her bruised cheeks, a sinister control in his touch. He held her face with an iron grip, forcing her to meet his enraged gaze.
"What were you doing with Seokjin?" Taehyung's voice dripped with accusation, his glare piercing her soul.
"I-He was just helping me!" Fae responded, her words rushed and desperate, her hand instinctively reaching for his.
Taehyung scoffed, gritting his teeth in anger and... jealousy.
Yes he was jealous,and he doesn't like it even a bit.
He despised this woman, yet the absence of her presence over the past two days had unhinged him. He found himself going mad, yearning for her scent and seeking her out, only to witness her in another man's arms. It ignited a flame of possessiveness and jealousy within him, irrational and consuming.
He hated it.
Suddenly, the realization hit him like a lightning bolt — he missed her. He loathed the way she had followed him incessantly, but the void created by her absence had driven him to the brink of madness. When he finally glimpsed her in another man's embrace, his anger had boiled over, fueled by an unfamiliar jealousy that consumed him from within.
As he learned of Yana seeking solace in Seokjin's room, his anger grew. The scenarios playing out in his mind intensified his fury. Night fell, and the thought of her still with Seokjin tore at his sanity.
Now, in this dark moment, he confronted Fae, unable to rein in his anger any longer. His booming voice reverberated through the room as he accused her of whoring around. Fae flinched, cowering in the corner as she tried to escape his wrath.
Taehyung's glare bore into her, radiating contempt and frustration. With a final venomous glare, he stormed out of the room, leaving Fae trembling and broken in his wake.
He doesn't know what further he can do to that woman if he remained in close proximity to her.
Fae's eyes fluttered open, her vision adjusting to the soft glow of a warm light bathing the room. A groan escaped her lips as she tried to sit up, feeling a dull ache resonating throughout her body. Confusion clouded her mind as she surveyed her surroundings, realizing she was on the floor of what appeared to be one of the guest rooms.
A deep frown etched itself on Fae's face as she attempted to remember how she had ended up in this unfamiliar place.
But the memories flooded back with a jolt, and fear coursed through her veins. The man's twisted actions and unpredictable behavior lingered in her mind, and a shiver ran down her spine.
"That man...he's deranged," Fae whispered to herself, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and realization.
As she recalled what happened last night, her heart raced with the intensity of her fright. This wasn't just a strange world she had stumbled into; this was now her reality, and she was living through the haunting nightmares that unfolded before her.
Fae couldn't bear to linger any longer, surrounded by this derange people and danger that seemed to lurk in every corner of this twisted realm. She knew she had to escape, to find a way back to her own life, away from the clutches of the darkness that threatened to consume her.
As Fae slipped out of the room, her eyes darted back and forth, being watchful to her sorrounding, afraid that man would came out of nowhere again and who knows this time he will kill her for good.
Fae let out a sigh of relief as she reached her bedroom door, her heart pounding in her chest. With a swift motion, she slammed the door shut and swiftly locked it.
She took a moment to catch her breath, her eyes scanning the room. As her gaze landed on the mirror, she couldn't help but be drawn to it, her reflection staring back at her with a mix of uncertainty and vulnerability. Tears welled up in her eyes, a flood of emotions overwhelming her as she took in her disheveled state. The bloodstains on her cheeks served as a painful reminder of the torment she had endured, and the realization hit her with a wave of despair.
Sobs escaped from Fae's trembling lips as tears streamed down her cheeks. The release of emotions brought a bittersweet relief, allowing her to process the trauma she had gone through. She despised the weakness she felt.
With a determined wipe of her tears, Fae scolded herself for wallowing in self-pity. She knew she had to regain her composure and take action.She entered her bathroom, ready to clean herself up and tend to her wounds. The water cascading from the faucet provided a soothing balm, washing away the dirt and scars that marred her skin.
Carefully, she dressed the wound on her neck, doing her best to conceal it from prying eyes.
Donning a jacket that provided some solace and hid her wounds, Fae looks at the window and took a deep breath.
Fae descended the staircase.The mansion was as always is bustling with maids as they get ready for the party tonight.
As she entered the dining room. The aroma of food wafted through the air.
She was grateful for the absence of others at the table.
As she silently ate her breakfast, a tremor ran through her when an abrupt impact shattered the stillness. A fist collided with the glass table, causing her to flinch instinctively. Fae's eyes darted up, only to see Jungkook,in a bad mood.
He pulled a chair infront of her,his mood evidently foul. Without even acknowledging her, he emanated a strong aura of displeasure. Fae hurriedly focused on her food, her heart racing, desperate to escape the intensity of his presence.
Her attempts to go unnoticed did not escape Jungkook's glaring eyes.His glare only intensified, his jaw clenched tightly together. A maid nervously served him the breakfast, aware of his turbulent mood. She knew the consequences of provoking him were dire. When Yana finished eating, she quickly rose from her seat, purposefully avoiding any interaction with the seething man.
This action was the final catalyst for Jungkook. He abruptly stood, anger coursing through his veins like a raging storm. He violently swept his arm across the table, sending dishes and silverware crashing to the floor. The room erupted in gasps of fear as Fae recoiled, her heart pounding in her chest.
"You!" Jungkook's voice thundered, directing his fury towards one of the terrified maids who stood on the brink of tears. The room fell into an expectant silence, awaiting his harsh words.
"Clean this up with your fucking hands, and don't you dare use any cleaning supplies!" he bellowed, his anger reverberating through the air.
Indignation blazed within Fae as she couldn't bear witness to his outbursts any longer. She couldn't control the impulse that overtook her.
"Yah!Jeon Jungkook can you stop with your spoiled tantrums!" Fae yelled, her voice laced with incredulity. However, regret quickly washed over her as she beheld the fire in Jungkook's murderous gaze now focused on her. She gulped, realizing the dangerous predicament she had placed herself in.
Fae screamed in terror,her voice echoed through the dinning room as Jungkook lunged towards her, his grip tightening around her arms, cutting off her desperate pleas for him to let her go.
Tears suddenly streamed down her face uncontrollably, a mixture of fear, pain, and trauma flooding her senses. This twisted and abusive treatment went beyond anything she had ever experienced before, shattering the illusion of safety and love that had surrounded her in her world.
Her cries grew louder as he forcefully dragged her down a dimly lit staircase, the shadows obscuring their path. Panic consumed her as she realized that he was leading her into the depths of darkness, to a place even more terrifying than her imagination could conjure. She sobbed, her voice echoing off the walls of the basement, begging him to release her, to show mercy.
But her pleas fell on deaf ears, met with brutality instead. In a moment of cruel force, he struck her with a resounding slap, sending her tumbling to the ground. The pain seared through her, intensifying her fear as she crumpled in a sobbing heap. Desperation gripped every ounce of her being as she surveyed the darkened room, her heart pounding with a primal terror.
Her cries escalated, reaching a crescendo of anguish as she watched a large spider slowly crawling towards her. Its grotesque form instilled a primal fear within her, triggering her deepest phobia. With a surge of terror, she scrambled towards the door, desperate to escape. But her hopes were crushed as Jungkook maliciously locked the door from the outside, leaving her trapped in the suffocating darkness.
Fae's cries turned into desperate pleas, her voice hoarse and filled with sheer desperation. She banged on the door, her pleas echoing through the basement, calling out for anyone to hear and rescue her. Yet, her appeals were met with silence. Her heart sank as the realization set in – she was alone, abandoned in this nightmarish place.
With each passing moment, Fae's strength waned, her tears drying as exhaustion washed over her. Fear still gripped her, but her body could no longer sustain the consuming panic. She slowly slid down to the cold, hard floor, her trembling body succumbing to the overwhelming darkness and the traumatic events that had unfolded. Her eyes now finally shuts,as she finally gets unconscious.
Jungkook's blank face contorted into a sickening grin, reveling in the power he held over Fae.
When it finally gets quiet in the basement he grins wide.
It's really sick in the head to admit but he's feeling euphoria in seeing her reduced to such a helpless state.
He relished the torment, the manipulation of her fears that had consumed him with a dark delight.He really loves to see her in this state.
With a psychopathic laugh, Jungkook slowly descended the stairs, creaking them with each deliberate step. He swung the door open, revealing Fae lying unconscious on the cold basement floor. A sinister gleam danced in his eyes as he observed her vulnerable state, relishing in the control he held over her.
He couldn't help but revel in his madness, fueled by a cocktail of emotions that consumed him. A mixture of anger, jealousy, and possessiveness swirled within him.
First,it was childish to say but he can't help but feel mad when she didn't greet him on his special day. Especially when he grows accustomed to her being the first one to greet him.
Then,how dare she to not attend his birthday party later,just to have a plan with someone,it fueled his anger more, as if she had dismissed his significance entirely.
But what drove him to the brink of insanity was her ditching his Birthday Party celebration with another man, and that too,Kim Namjoon. The jealousy burned deep within him, consuming him like an unquenchable fire.
He despised the notion of someone taking away what he considered his.
It shattered his carefully crafted control, awakening emotions he never thought he would feel.
It was a concoction of jealousy, possessiveness, and an unsettling desire to possess her.
Even with his past encounters and relationships, none had evoked such a visceral reaction within him as Fae's connection with another man.
He had never felt this level of jealousy before, not even with Nara, despite the numerous individuals who harbored feelings for that woman.
This newfound feeling awakened a dark side within him, threatening to consume him entirely.
As Jungkook knelt beside Fae's unconscious form, his eyes locked onto her face. A twisted need swelled within him, a desire to break her and make her his own. Madness danced on the edges of his consciousness, as he reveled in the control he possessed over her, the power to torture her with her fears and terrors.
The basement was engulfed in an eerie silence, broken only by the soft sound of his manic laughter. Madness enveloped him as he assessed the woman, his mind swirling with dark desires and intentions.
Jungkook couldn't explain this newfound possessiveness that gripped him, engulfing his thoughts and fueling his actions. It was as if an unyielding force had taken hold of him, driving him to claim and possess Fae in a way he had never experienced before.
With a heavy sigh, he cradled her unconscious form in his strong, tattooed arms, his steps purposeful as he ascended the stairs. The maids in the corridor looked on, a mix of fear and apprehension radiating from their trembling figures. Their gazes focused on Fae, the young madam who lay limp in Jungkook's grasp.
Pausing for a moment, Jungkook glared at the maids, and this now made them scramble away, afraid that they will be the next to receive his wrath.
He slowly pushed open the door to her bedroom, his movements deliberate and controlled. Gently, he placed Fae back onto her bed, his gaze fixated on her unconscious figure.
Standing up straight, Jungkook momentarily stared at her before turning towards the door. He paused, casting a final glance at the room, his presence lingering with a sense of foreboding.
"No way out, Princess," he whispered, a sinister tone lacing his words. With that final declaration, he locked the door from the outside, sealing Fae within her own chambers.
A dark smile curled upon his lips as he walked away, his steps confident and deliberate. Whistling a haunting, melodic tune as he walks away from the room.
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brown-butler · 1 month
He never made it back to the River Ganges...
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Yana Toboso your days are numbered
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merakiui · 1 year
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Hey hey hey, Yana have just confirmed that Azul is bioluminescent. Now, what's your thought on Octavinelle boys leaving glowing stain (cum, tears or eggs) on their darling's body?
My one coherent thought: they fill you with eggs and whenever they lay their hands on your belly or hug you or press their bodies to yours the eggs glow faintly, as if the young are responding to the touch of their fathers hehe!!! The glow might be more brighter underwater or in a very dark space, but I think it's a cute thought to consider. The glow is dull and almost nonexistent if it's anyone else touching you, but if it's the Octavinelle trio the eggs respond so eagerly. And they only get brighter the closer the time in which you will have to lay them for hatching approaches!!
Imagine they've kidnapped you and forced so many clutches inside of you and now you're trying to avoid them or stay as far from them as possible (it's impossible to even consider escape; they always catch you before you can even slip out of the little cove they've confined you to, and when you're stuffed to the brim with so many eggs your agility and speed are greatly decreased), and you're reminded of the connection you share with them when they get close enough for the eggs to start glowing. And they always remind you of that. You're their mate; even the eggs nestled inside you recognize who their parents are, so there's no point in trying to avoid the unavoidable. :)
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k-looking-glass-house · 11 months
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Deep Sea Iridescence~ Welcome to Sea Coral: Sebek Zigvolt
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And here we go with the Ocean's month!! (gawwwwww I am but so late.... also seriously....never misjudge the power of the sea...yes...rip for all those loved one losing their life each year)
Since Twiwon doesn't give us any sea or summer related event lol~
I decided to do miiine!!
Of course it's not only sea related, this whole design is actually made of recycled materials, no harm on ocean's fauna and flora! It's something very important for me, even my little mascot shares such message since their homeland is Disney's Wasteland! It's important to try our best when it comes to recycle!
The glowing effect came from minerals and plankton bioluminescent!
Also I went for a full combinaison waterproof with thermoregulation properties! Since The Sea Coral is dark and cold!
With a marine crocodileeee related based concept, thanks Floyd! Can you hear the tic tac!! Captain Hook!!!!
Anyway Sebek going everywhere to make full report to his waka-sama!! (Noooo it's not about the carpaccio salmon...no, no!!)
Just imagine him getting unconfortable about the temperature of the water, but K telling him that she put special solar system to keep him warm as long he's swimming!
"What a shame,...those hairs, I can't show myself in front of waka-sama with such disgrace!!! *tears*" "Salmon are all about muscle, trying to catch one is a real challenge! *proud face*" "MERMAID! Ah sorry did I scared those little fish?"
Game asset extract by @alchemivich
Sebek Zigvolt belongs to Yana Toboso (Disney)
Sebek deep sea iridescence outfit concept done by me
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ritcchamadayo · 1 year
A Look Into The Past
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Jade Leech x Reader ;
What happens when you find out that Jade used to have piercings before he came into NRC with you?
(yes this is to feed myself as well tskr Yana-sensei for giving us the idea of Jade with piercings...)
reader is a sophomore in this fic! same year as the twins!
Read Part 2 here! Read Part 3 here!
You were hanging around at Mostro Lounge, your hands busy stirring the drink that you had ordered for yourself while you studied for the upcoming exams. You also had earphones in while you worked, making sure no one was around to bother. Although, that didn’t stop Floyd barreling in and calling out to you. ”Koi-chan~!”
You jumped from the shock and comically threw your pen up in the moment, stumbling over the table to catch it. “F-Floyd! At least give me a heads up before running towards me like that..!” Floyd giggles from the reaction, bending down to rest his arm on the table. He was still in his basketball uniform- his hair strewn wildly across his head and face. 
“Nee~ Umihebi-kun and Kani-chan were talking about their childhood photos earlier! They showed photos of when they were a tiiiny little fishie~” Floyd says, grinning. “Does Koi-chan have any pictures too?”
“Well that’s random..? None that I’ll show you for free tho!” you spat, crossing your arms. “I’ll show you mine and Jade’s! He won’t know~”
Hearing the name of the other eel, you can’t help but be intrigued. “Well, I guess two of you against one is good enough...” You took out your phone from your pocket, scrolling down the gallery to find any old pictures you could use. “Oh god, this is an embarrassing picture..”
In the picture is you at 4-year old, running around the beachside chasing a lost butterfly. Your hair was blown around by the wind while you had the biggest grin plastered on your face, the biggest Floyd’s ever seen. 
“Hee, so Koi-chan can actually smile!”
“Oh shut it! Just because I don’t smile as much nowadays doesn’t mean I can’t!” You yell back, pouting at Floyd. “That’s a picture of me from when I was four. I think I have another one…” You pull up another picture, this time you were much older and in your junior high’s uniform. “This is… 4 years ago?” Floyd cooed at the sight. “D’aww, Koi-chan’s so tiny back then!”
“Hey, hold up your end of the bargain! Where’s your picture?” Floyd smirked and held up his phone, showing a picture of him in junior high holding onto what you assume would be one of Azul’s tentacles. 
“So cute…! You and Jade used to look like this?? Adorable!!” 
“Ah, but we don’t always look like each other. We had a phase~ We tried changing up our styles to see what fits~ Jade looks way different that he does now!”
“He does? I mean, how would it be so different?”
“Nn? You never knew?”
“Knew what?” You asked, leaning on the table and taking a sip from the drink.
“That Jade used to have a shit ton of piercings?”
You outright choked on your beverage, gripping the edge of the table. “He WHAT?!”
Floyd laughs, throwing himself on the sofa while cackling. “Yeah! It was easier to tell us apart~ He used to style his hair backwards and his ears were chock full of piercings!” 
You were still sputtering in disbelief. “Ain’t no way. *That* Jade?! The one who always looks so prim and proper?!”
“Yeah~ I got pics, wanna see~?”
Curiosity kills the cat, so to speak. As soon as Floyd pulls up a picture of his twin in his merform, his hair slicked back messily and a bunch of piercings on his left ear alongside the sturgeon scale earring he still dons, you could feel your soul leave your body. Not just that, Jade had stuck out his tongue showcasing the silver piercing on the flesh, along with the one on his bottom lip. 
“W-Wh- Hhuh-?! Aaa.. ?! That’s Jade?!”
“In the flesh.”
The silver and blacks of the metal seemingly made his teal hair pop out more. The countless studs on the inner side of his ear and above his eyebrow were shining under the lighting, and you could identify other types of piercings like a helix and an industrial piercing on the top of his ear. Oddly, it also made the fins on the side of his head look much more ethereal. Not only that, he had an undercut instead of his current hairstyle. Floyd says they were in the phase of trying out hairstyles, though.
It was almost as if something unlocked within you, your cheeks heating up as you stared at the picture with a hand over your mouth.
“Shit, he’s kinda hot.” Floyd laughs.
But what's Mostro Lounge without Jade being around to serve? The noises from your table has gathered his attention, watching intently from afar while you chat animatedly with his twin. There's something about the volume of your voices that echoes through the empty lounge, as Jade picks up the words "piercings" and his name being mentioned.
"My, I don't really take well for people who talk about me behind my back." Jade approached the table, a hand on his chest as he fake sniffles.
"Urk- Jade! H-hey there...!" You greet, flailing your arms around. "Hey Jade~ I was just showing Koi-chan our old pics! See?" Floyd took your phone from the table, showing Jade your old pictures as well. "Fufu, how adorable. Which picture of us did you show her, Floyd?"
"The one where we played tag with Azul~ Oh but I showed her a picture of you with your old piercings!"
You held out Floyd's phone towards Jade, and he gracefully picks it up and examines the picture. "Ah, this one. I didn't want to tell anyone here about the piercings, but... I do miss having them around."
Jade leans down, and you could see a few faint scars where his piercings would have been in the past.
"Dont'cha still have them somewhere in our room?"
"I think so. I'll look into it when I have the time, maybe."
You had found yourself thinking and imagining the sight of Jade with his piercings more and more ever since that day. You daydreamed about it, drew sketches, even caught yourself staring at the eel-mer sometimes.
Even with all that, you truly didn't imagine to see a huge crowd in front of Mostro Lounge today waiting for said man.
"Eh? What's with the long line?"
"Haven't you heard? They said their vice-housewarden suddenly came into class with a totally different look!"
"Dude, I wanna see how he looks!"
That has gotten you more confused than anything. It wasn't until the crowd started going crazy and bumping against each other that you realize the person in question walking in, a hand reaching up to take off his hat.
"Oya, how nice for you to have come again."
You almost rolled your eyes, since you were practically a regular there. But you couldn't bring yourself to answer or get a witty remark out, with how Jade looked at you smugly.
His hair was partly slicked back, leaving his bangs naturally on the left side, giving him a slightly mature yet playful aura. On his left ear, along with the sturgeon scale earring, was a bunch of his old piercings relocated back onto his ear. There were a few additions you never saw on the old picture though- like the pair of silver studs attached to a line of chain that went from on top of his ear down to the lobe. The lip piercing was also back on the left side of his lips, even though it was just a clip-on.
"H...Holy shit."
"I assume you like my new look, yes?" He smirked, putting his hat back on his head.
You didn't even have to reply, your head just automatically nodded as you stared at his new look.
(somehow, his lips just looked even more kissable.)
It felt unreal for you as you sat down in the lounge, watching him work. Maybe ogling is the better word, seeing how you couldn't take your eyes off the man. You had a hand over your mouth as well, trying to hide the pink tint in your face.
Floyd notices and smirks, leaning on the side of your table after delivering a few drinks to a nearby table.
"So? What'cha think?"
"He's hotter in person."
Jade overheard the conversation while serving another table, and had to stop a sheepish laugh from coming out.
"Pfft- fufu, perhaps I should dress up like this more often."
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fayt30l0v3 · 8 months
Not to mention Polaris has a gun HE PROBABLY WAS SHOT TOO FUCKKKKK!!!!!
And not mention the fact that Agni was creamated to be put in the Ganges
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