#Who hurt you lool
zincbot · 1 year
"and that's all that hob will ever need"
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flolio · 5 months
i don’t wanna be yours. FEAT, JANG WONYOUNG
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you had been blessed with your amazing girlfriend, jang wonyoung. to this day you had no clue how you had managed to attract someone like her, since you were someone who only admired her group. but something within your loving and caring girlfriend changed one day, she no longer acted like your girlfriend, but a mere stranger passing by you.
GENRE — angst, wonyoung is lowk 😵‍💫😵‍💫, implied cheating (?), intended lowercase
A/N — the abrupt ending LOOL I couldn’t keep putting this one off 😵‍💫
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if someone ever asked you about your girlfriend, you’d only ever have nice things to say. that’s if anyone asked, to the public eye you were single which you never really had a problem with.
you understood that wonyoung had an image to uphold and you didn’t wanna risk ruining that, knowing about how some people wouldn’t accept the relationship. oftentimes you found yourself slipping up and accidentally talking to your friends about wonyoung, of course you’d tell her.
she never used to have a problem with it before, comforting you and asking you to be careful with your words next time. so why where you sat in front of her, tears threatening to spill as she yelled at you. “are you fucking serious y/n!” she said raising her hands in exasperation, you couldn’t find your voice.
wonyoung never yelled at you, you guys didn’t have communication issues or really any issues at all. you always found a way to talk it out if a problem was presented, especially since you had confided in her and admitted that you hated when people yelled at you. “wony— I told you I didn’t mean too! I didn’t even mention you—” in a desperate attempt to deteriorate the situation, hoping she would calm down.
“but you still mentioned ive! how many times do I have to keep explaining to you— you don’t listen to me!” you froze, looking up at her for the first time since she’s walked into your apartment. “i'm constantly reminding you to be more careful or watch your words! it gets fucking tiring y/n, it’s like you don’t even care about my image at all!”
you cared about her image more than anything, you knew that when you started dating her it was going to be different. you knew that it would’ve been more reserved, but not caring about her image?
you never wanted to hurt her— hell you don’t even know what you did! “wony I swear I never intended too—!” you hated being talked over, she knew this and was using it against you. “whatever y/n, see you later.” she said walking past you, brushing her shoulder against yours.
the only thing being heard is the light raindrops and the sound of wonyoung receding steps. it stung, you hated when she called you y/n, she never called you by your name.
that night you called wonyoung countless times, begging her to talk to you, or at most hear you out. she never did, at some point you got tired and fell asleep with your phone propped up by your ear.
you haven’t heard from her since and it’s visibly noticeable that you haven’t been well without her, you decided to turn to the only person you deemed you could.
aeri uchinaga, she introduced you to wonyoung. she didn’t know the exact extent of your relationship but she did know how much feelings you harbored for wonyoung, so when you showed up outside of her dorm with bloodshot eyes and puffy cheeks she had half a mind to walk over to starship and fight wonyoung herself.
for your sake obviously she didn’t, she listened to you ramble on and on about your guys relationship. you hesitated telling her about your fight but she knew something was off, after a few moments of silence you caved.
breaking down in her arms explaining what had happened a few days earlier, aeri comforted you that night. she let you sleep at her dorm with her, coincidentally in her bed with her.
you’ve never liked aeri like that, so when you awoke to your phone blown up from texts from wonyoung that consisted of ‘im sorry, can we talk this out my love?’ to ‘oh so I leave you for one day and you’re in someone else’s bed.’
you didn’t even know how she knew you were here, unless one of the members had told her but you never recalled wonyoung being close with any other aespa members like that.
you rushed to call her back, getting the message from her voicemail. “wonyoung..please just talk to me— not even a few hours ago you wanted to fix it please! I needed giselles advice and fell asleep here, please talk to me—” you sounded dumb.
you where pleading with a phone, voicemail at that. ultimately you gave up, if she wanted to talk to you she would. a week had passed and you got nothing but silence, it was clearly affecting you much more than her.
you paused, hearing the ringing coming from your phone. it was wonyoung. you picked up right away, hearing shuffling coming from the other end. “wonyoung…” you whispered, more to yourself than her.
“y/n karina called, you haven’t been eating?” you paused, she knew karina? you felt uneasy, wonyoung never really cared about any of the other aespa members. “you know karina?” “that wasn’t my question.” your head was spinning full of questions, since when? why didn’t she mention it? “i've been okay, how have you been?”
that uneasy feeling in your stomach now turning into guilt at the fact you may have upset her. “I’ve been okay, I miss you.” you’ve longed to hear those words for sometime now, but you had nothing to say to her.
“I— I wanted to apologize for lashing out at you, I’ve been so busy lately—” “it’s okay, are you able to come over right now?” it was the worst move on your part, something that was unable to be taken back now.
you sounded desperate for her, something you didn’t intend to do. “I’ll be there in a bit.” she said before hanging up, leaving you there. this didn’t go as you had intended, you wanted a better explanation for how she treated you, not that vague of one. she didn’t lie, she ended up within your arms twenty minutes later.
you awoke to cold sheets, you always did, she never stayed until you were awake. you were stupid to think that things would’ve been the same.
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healer-pop · 27 days
hii im here to add to ur ask night LOOL any personal ideas on how venture flirts? like what kind of stuff they say to get you going etc.
okok ok. bare with me but there is so much I want to get into here. there’s differences in Venture’s flirting style depending on a couple of things:
1.) your relationship to them
this is the biggest circumstance that changes most of their style, mainly because they are far too nervous to fuck up any possibility once they’ve gotten too attached, but if they just have a slight crush on you, it’ll be less obvious.
I’m talking about the difference between Venture knocking over everyone’s morning drink while trying to get you yours, stumbling over their words hopelessly, walking into a pit accidentally while talking to you, and just otherwise being a fool while head over heels in love with you, too scared to make a move or confession (especially if you’re a more reserved person!) because they appreciate your time and company more than any romantic motives they might have, even though it’s completely obvious to everyone not the two of you AND being such a goof ball you just have the absolute unbearable urge to kiss their flushed cheeks, even platonically, having inside jokes with you that make you laugh so hard your ribs hurt for days, always knowing your favorite of everything, bursting out dancing with them when some sort of goofy song starts on their playlist, and them inviting you to watch the stars with them.
they’re not mutually exclusive, one can edge into the other easily, but Venture sometimes has a problem catching up with their own emotions when they’re so focused on archeology first and everything else second. it tends to be the latter one first which progresses into the other one, but it can seriously go either way. but either way, they aren’t outright flirting with you because they just don’t seem to be that type *cough, cough* wORKAHOLIC. unless Tracer and D.Va are having a best pickup line competition, then you’ll see a bit more of their witty, smoother side. But again, it’s not serious, until…
you get into a relationship with them
this is where Venture absolutely thrives. and this isn’t a second section because this is dependent on what your status to them is. your partner flirts with you in so many different ways, it’s almost hard to keep track of. they are so loving that it’s seriously all encompassing. before I move on, I’ll just state that they are way more self-assured when your relationship status to them is clear and stable. at the beginning, they’ll be more mild, but as time goes on, they’ll get more openly affectionate to the point that it’s nearly impossible to tell you guys AREN’T together. it’s very ebb and flow, though, because Venture spends a ton of time in the field, and when you guys aren’t together, it tends to come over text/calls, which is obviously more private.
so going down the list:
Venture loves to use cheesy pick up lines on you!!! Humor is a major part of their personality and you’ll catch lines like “Are you a Shambali monk? Because you’re totally transcending my mind.” and “I would never bury our love in a coniferous forest, because the acidity of the soil would ruin any chance of preservation.” they don’t really care who’s around to hear as long as they’ve got you either giggling or hiding your face in embarrassment. definitely to the dismay of the other Wayfinders, lol. they’ll shout it across a field, down from a pit to hear their words of love echo back to you.
They will always carry your favorite snacks and drinks in their pack or pockets! Those cargo pants have huge pockets and Venture puts them to good use, by always having your favorites on hand, when you visit them at their excavation sites! It’s so sweet, and 100% done for your own happiness. They always manage to know just what you’re craving and have it nearby. It’s like a primal thing or something. Being able to always nourish your love.
PHYSICAL TOUCH!!!!!!! Venture is a super, duper touchy person when they are in a relationship with you. Not so much when it’s anyone else. Their compliments may always seem physical, but that’s because it’s their love language. Noticing how soft your hair looks, or how plush your lips are… it’s like a Freudian slip. They’re basically asking to kiss or pet you, whatever they mention at the time is on their mind. Later in the relationship, they’ll end up just doing what they want to do before it comes out, but hugging, kissing, or always having a hand on your waist is second nature to them. It’s also a huge turn on to them, when you reciprocate. Even brushing your hair through their hair has them pulling you off for a quick make-out session. They are completely shameless about your ruffled clothes and tangled hair. The hickies too. Those are like Venture’s personal touches on the masterpiece that is your body.
Finally, their texts and calls. when they aren’t by your side, they crave you. they crave your company and attention. expect flowery, overly emoji-ed, gushy texts, from them whenever they get a chance. prefers video calls so they can see your face. they blow up your phone at lunchtime and fall asleep with you on call.
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asherbakugou · 2 months
Valyrian Demingods of Westeros - Son of Caraxes
High Tide was lit by the brilliant flashes of lightning dancing in the sky, as her white walls were pelted with heavy rainfall. Within her walls, one could hear the screams of Princess Rhaenyra as she gave birth to another child, just over a year after the birth of Princess Alyssa.
Prince Jacaerys would be turning three within a few scarce months with Princess Alyssa's birthday following only 3 months later. Both were being cared for by their grandparents, Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys, as their father, Ser Laenor, supported her in the birthing room.
Unfortunately King Viserys, Queen Alicent and their children had stayed behind in the Red Keep, believing that Princess Rhaenyra would be able to return to give birth. But a storm had halted their ship, and the little one was quite excited to emerge during the storm.
Bouncing Alyssa in her arms, Rhaenys stood by the window and was witness to the spectacle as the sea calmed and the storm abated within moments, bringing forth the slightest hint of the sun. "Corlys," Rhaenys whispered, awed by the spectacle.
Her husband joined her, curious smto see what had his wife so shocked, only to be shocked as well. "The storm . . . I have never seen one stop so suddenly," Corlys admitted. Alyssa giggled, curling close to her grandmother peer over her shoulder.
Sat on the floor, Jacaerys stared back, smiling happily. "He's here," Jace said, climbing to his feet as Alyssa nodded.
"'Uke!" She cried in delight as the door was opened by a guard. The maid bowed, hair in complete dissaray and panting heavily.
"The Princess . . . the babe . . . a boy . . . both healthy," The maid gasped.
Rhaenys and Corlys stared at their grandchildren who were looking back at them expectantly. Genuinly confused as to how the children had known, they picked then up and carried then to the birthing room where they were greeted by a slightly frazzled looking Laenor, an exhausted Rhaenyra, and a babe swaddled in Velaryon blue-green silk cradled within his fathers arms.
Dmiling, Laenor held out his arms so the four could look, "Father, Mother. Alyssa, Jacaerys. I would like to introduce you to the future Lord of the Tides, the Heir to Driftmark and High Tide, Lucerys Velaryon, blessed by the storms and the tides themselves."
"What?" Rhaenys asked, eyes going wide as Laenor gently manuevered a little arm out of the swaddle, revealing a birthmark in the shape of Caraxes, the God of the Seas, Water, and Storms, mark. 4 stars facing the cardinal directions with a singular star in the center and ancient rune across the pale center of the star.
Corlys glanced down to Jacaerys, who hair barely hid his own crown shaped sigil with the rune for Justice upon the center and the runes for king on the sides, just as Rhaenys glanced to Alyssa, whose mark was weirwood branches along her collarbone that formed a circle at the hollow of her throat with rune for peace inside said circle alongside a feather and torch.
"Laenor," Rhaenys began, gaze sharp but worried. "Why do all three of your children have birthmarks in the shape of the sigils of Arrax, Tyraxes, and Caraxes?"
Two sets of eyes stared widely at her, nervous. Rhaenyra shifted, wincing at the pain as Laenor looled around the room so he wouldn't meet the eyes of his parents.
Laenor's gaze snapped to Corlys at his tone, a fire gathering in their depths. "You forced us to seek out other methods for I to give Rhaenyra trueborn children. We found a method and now you have three heirs for grandchildren. That is all you need to know. I will be taking mt children now, they need to get to know their new brother, if you would excuse us."
His clear dismissal hurt but they put down his children and left, unsure of what to do, except send a letter to the King and his family to inform them of the new birth.
In King's Landing, within the Red Keep, Queen Alicent and her children were forced to listen to King Viserys read the letter aloud.
'Dear Cousin,
You will be most disappointed to hear that Rhaenyra was unable to give birth in the Red Keep, but she gave birth during one of the worst storms Driftmark has likely ever seen. When her son was born the sky calmed, the rain stopped, and the tides receded and everything was peaceful as if there had never been a storm in the first place.
We are delighted to send word of the birth of Prince Lucerys Velaryon, Heir to Driftmark, and future Lord of the Tides. Born with the Velaryon locks, eyes, and skin, we can only wait for his skills at sailing to emerge like his brother and sister's skills did.
Rhaenyra and the children are all doing well. She has spoke of the ease she has felt here on Driftmark and have told her that our home will always be open for her, no matter the circunstances. We are unsure of when she will return but it will likely be upon dragon back so I, Rhaenys, shall go as well so they don't have to carry two toddlers at once.
The Targaryen-Velaryon grows ever larger with the births of Prince Lucerys and the previous births of Lady Baela and Lady Rhaena.
Congratulations cousin on earning another grandchild.
Yours in blood, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, Lord Velaryon'
The absolute joy the man expressed at the ketter had the Queen picking at her nails, even as her children just watched or ate, content to ignore their father as he did them. She hated Princess Rhaenyra for birthing yet another child with the Valyrian features, but she did not understand the tidings it brought.
Yet another blessed child to aid the Blacks and the future of House Targaryen.
Prince Lucerys Velaryon, Second of His Name, Heir to Driftmark, Future Lord of the Tides, Stormborn, Undrowned, the Sea Dragon, the Sailor, the Red Star, had been born.
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laninasinamor · 1 year
The Girl
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(original 🎨 by my friend @commanderbunny, specifically made for me on my bday 💕 love you boo) (YOU CAN SHARE BUT DO NOT REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT!)
Born on the fifteenth day, otherwise known as the day of the Eagle (Men)…
Birth Name(s):
🌎 Men Iik (meaning “spirit of the wind”, her true name)
🌍Princess Nyanga, Daughter of Shuri (given name by the Golden tribe of the sovereign nation of Wakanda)
🌙 Ix Ahuil (“Moon Goddess”), Daughter of K’uk’ulkan (royal name as addressed by the Kingdom of Talokan)
Aliases/Nicknames :
“Daughter of land and sea”
usisi (“sister” in Xhosa)
Íits'in (“little sister” in Yucatec Maya)
In lool (“my flower” in Yucatec Maya)
In ujo' (“my moon” in Yucatec Maya)
intombazana yakho (“my daughter” in Xhosa)
“Warrior princess”
“Bringer of Death”
“Youngest Black Panther”
Ek b’alam also known as “The Black Jaguar” - It comes to no surprise the princess goes against her father’s wishes, especially when it comes to Wakanda. With her twin brother and cousin Toussaint as her accomplices, they would travel to and from Wakanda, where they learned so much about the other half of themselves, of who their mother truly was. This meant everything to the princess whose anger and stubbornness rose each day in her mother’s absence. She was the youngest to receive the title of Black Panther at 15. Although it was not for purest of intentions, rather a way of getting Shuri to come back… and stay. Her mother’s grief and anger robbed them of time. In the future to come, the princess would renounce the title of Black Panther only to take on a new mantle, The Black Jaguar — protector of Talokan & Wakanda respectively.
Chac Chel (“Red Rainbow” or “Great Rainbow”) - Attuma gave the princess this title when he saw her merciless nature on the training fields as a young girl. Born a non-mutant, she had an affinity for proving people wrong and showing her natural abilities in the art of war and strategy. She showed strength, courage and honor. Others thought her dangerous for her constant disregard for the rules, not to mention she had trouble thinking things through. The princess drew arms with Namora and Attuma by the time she was 13.
Weapons master
Gifted martial artist
Expert hand-to-hand combatant
Genius-Level Intellect (i.e. made improvements on water suits for non-mutants, masks on Talokanil, etc.)
after consuming Heart-shaped herb…
Gained ability to breathe underwater
Superhuman strength, speed, durability, healing
Shape shifting - Much like Steven Grant as Moon Knight, the princess formed a special connection with an Ennead (most thought it limited to only the 9 Egyptian gods). Ixchel takes possession of her body when in absolute catastrophic circumstances. It maximizes all her jaguar powers. She does not know if it can be controlled and does not remember when she wakes.
Born under the moon near the Golden City
Non-mutant, but carries physical features resembling that of her father
She loves and fights fiercely
Known for her recklessness
For the Talokanil, the jaguar was representative of power, ferocity, and valor; it was the embodiment of aggressiveness. It represented the power to face one’s fears, to confront one’s enemies.  They are also associated with vision, the ability to see during the night and to look into the dark parts of the human heart. 
The princess remains very hurt by her mother’s comings and goings. Their father K’uk’ulkan promised Shuri he would do everything possible to take care of their children as best he could before she left the first time. This only meant raising them where he knew he could keep them safest, Talokan.
But the girl grew restless, she could not breathe in water like the modern Talokanil. She would sneak away to where she felt most at home, Wakanda. However their father did not frequent nor visited much after Shuri left so he forbade them of going without him. But it never stopped the princess. Sneaking out with Toussaint and taking her twin brother along, formed an unshakable bond between them all.
Her updated Black Jaguar suit does share similarities to Black Panther. However her helmet outlines, details, claws and teeth are embedded with jade, giving the suit a green glow instead of purple.
She loves her brother deeply. The twin heroes they’d call themselves after the Mayan myth. He is her confidant. She couldn’t live with herself if anything happened to him.
Strong, confrontational, assertive, independent, protective, stubborn, loyal, passionate, charismatic, practical, sometimes pushed people too far
(Thanks to my Nashuri fam! Love you guys <3 feel free to tell me what yall think 💭)
Click here to read the short story on ao3
Part 1
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mintytealfox · 6 months
I gotta know your thoughts what do you think a nortalice vampire au would be like?
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Lemme cook ya something YUMMY MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH okay here goes 🤞hopefully its yummy lol
I love that Norton has a Vampy skin so -throws him back in that skin for this- lool
finds the key ingredients: -tragedy ((((all made to look like his parent's death and his almost death look like an accident and probably forcefully turned by dumbass Benny who was promising a better life -screams into a pillow- this round it being Norton who brought Benny into the life of his family (cause of the promises of better lives) which then ultimately ruined the family. something nice and heavy and awful to blame himself for) ((will there be an au where Benny isn't bad? dunno LOL maybe one of these days BUT NOT THIS DAY )))) ✅ -sealed away (after everyone realizes he can't be controlled and tried to blow it all and himself up), so he has that claustrophobia and fear of complete darkness ✅ -is starved from being sealed away for so long ✅ -Grumpy, jaded, and angry with a 1000 yard stare ✅ -only talked to the spooky green eye before he was sealed away (is also the only one who could talk to the spooky green eye) ✅ -When he is accidentally let out, he has abilities that wake up within him and now has access to what Fool's Gold can do. But super out of control until he gets that hunger under control first ✅ -instead of a bat form he has his Fool's Gold like form ✅ -sprinkles a little Case of Vanitas in there with- able to see some memories of those he takes blood from. Likely how he sneaks a peek at flashes of Alice's past after stealing some of her blood in a vial. So he sees those memories when he is alone. -I am also getting a sense that he doesn't like drinking blood from the source. He likes to drain it collect it in containers and drink it later so he doesn't feel as disgusting or disgusted. He seems like a guy who collects and saves rather than takes and wastes.
Now as for who let him out, -points- Orpheus LOL
Orpheus likely makes a deal with him, 'meh I need people killed and you need blood sooooooo, what do you say?' and boiii does Orpheus deliver 🙃 BUT when Alice arrives in place of another, things get tricky. Cause now Norton has different instructions for this one. To mess with her so Orpheus can swoop in and be a hero and friend to get her to join him again like in childhood. Norton doesn't EFFIN CARE 🤣 and is just expecting to be given extra blood in place of what he is loosing in letting Alice stick around longer, but he ends up caring which is alarming to Orpheus. A vampire getting his dead heart to care again rarely turns out well for those in the blood business/deal with them pff. And I bet there was more to the deal, that its a bit more binding than anticipated so this could cause some huge problems.
I am sure Alice will figure it out lol 🤣👏👏👏
but before that I am sure there are some scenes like:
-Norton with Alice and placing his hand in line with the sun to show that it does hurt and he does this to feel something, er rather, a different sort of pain than the constant gnawing sort that plagues him 24/7 Then making a dry joke about how he is afraid of the dark yet stuck in it.
-Alice finding out that Norton is haunted by the people he successfully blew up, haunted by the innocent and the guilty but it all feels the same. Then finding the spooky green eye and wondering whatever that is and what is it doing. She can sort of hear its whisperings but not like Norton can. The fact that she can kind of hear anything from it at all is impressive in its own right lol
-Both Alice and Norton feeling gentle touch for the first time in ages (this goes for og Norton and Alice also honestly -cries-)
-Also Benny gonna return fr fr so that won't go well cause I have him mondo baddie in this lol
Its all very interesting veerryy interesting lol
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grapecaseschoices · 1 month
@thee-morrigan has tagged me to pick five songs i like! i decided not to go with my top five spotify repeat songs, and instead go with recent ones that have been puttering in my brain [the ones who SHOULD be top five lool].
1] Dear Wormwood - The Oh Hellos:
But now I understand you/And I will not be part of your designs/I know who I am now/And all that you've made of me/I know who you are now/And I name you my enemy
So, I've been "working" [haha. smh .... no] on a possible future Kenedis, who is a mix of TWC!Kendis, Exile!Kendis, and a couple of past RP concepts. So, ofc, this mean shit parents have to be a part of the backstory. Hence this song that I feel fits my nebulous ideas for an arc, lol.
2] Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine: What playlist wouldn't be made better without this song? I just don't know which one to put it in yet, lol. I am making a series of playlists for a set of future characters for a RP i might be joining [the one mentioned above], it started with me wanting a Florence song for Kendis [bc I've had at least one Florence song or at least a song by an indie rock/folk artist in my past few Kendis playlists]. But I'm still deciding if this is the one I want. But I just ended up thinking about this song a lot as well as about how much I like/d it. So here it is!
3] Silence - Khalid, Marshmello:
I'm in need of a savior (savior)/But I'm not asking for favors /My whole life, I've felt like a burden/I think too much, and I hate it/I'm so used to being in the wrong/I'm tired of caring/Loving never gave me a home/So I'll sit here in the silence/I found peace in your violence/Can't tell me there's no point in trying/I'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long,
Been on and off so in love with this song [have I ever been fully off it? LMAO]. To keep it short - since this entire thing is lengthy - I feel this would fit Austyn if I ever did a playlist [probably won't] in her POV, particularly re: her relationship with Kendis [oh first loves~].
4] Ready For Anything - Blackway, Aeph, Koko:
Even as prey I can chase off the predators/You can′t run with me lil boy you too delicate/Hold Up/I′m feeling a little bit dangerous/And they looking a little bit anxious/If I'm laughing when/ I′m twiddling my fingers/It's only a warning that you can′t just/Walk up to me
I haven't strongly with the desire to write, but I've been still low-key itching with ideas. And one of the ideas, is for this future RP, involving a darker Andy. I usually play Andy before or after the travesty that really fucked up his life [he has a few too, so I should say ADULT life]. But not during for many years. I'm [nervously] hoping to, and this song fits real well what I've been pondering. Not 10, 000% but strongly enough.
5] Achilles Come Down - Gangs of Youth: You crave the applause yet hate the attention.
Sooooo I recently realized this song is perfect for Kendis. I don't know why I never have, lmao. I mean in general but particularly for specific Kendis'. Again, like the above it''s 10, 000% but it's ENOUGH that I've re-fallen in love with this song. Ugh. It hurts.
(Honorable mention [as this recently has gotten back into my head] The Moss - Cosmo Sheldrake)
just gonna tag 5 people, sorry if you've done this!: @quaxorascal @wayhavenots @agnes-nutter @thats-a-lot-of-cortisol @laufire
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7ban-sama · 4 months
nene chan.. wearing a collar?? (its me anon… the one who asks you 2n2n and heartlurch a million questions about au’s and headcanons..) i feel like she’d wear one just for the style of it because it would match good with what she’s wearing… or maybe amane-kun would just make her wear it lool
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Greetings! Ooh. Asking me and my wife and... me, a million questions, I see... 🧐 Well luckily for you I will answer a million questions about my ship HCs, AU details, etc etc... I spend all my time thinking about them. So.
Nene in a collar! I'd love to see such a thing. We get to see Amane in collars repeatedly, which is fun, but I'd love to see Nene in something so girly-girl, lacy, ribbony. It'd look so nice in Aida's style haha, I wish I could see it-!! And what outfit would go with such a thing...
WRT the choice to wear it... Hm! I could see her admiring such a thing... Like looking at images on her phone, feeling forlorn, sigh, oh imagine... >< To be 'that sort' of girl who could pull it off... Self-consciousness I think would make her struggle to commit to a purchase though! Like... it'd feel silly to do it on her own... What, or who, is it for? Just alone in her room? And then, it's too bold to ear out in public, errr, can't have her parents seeing her walk out the house like that? (Even if it's not like she'd be shamed, kind of, embarrassing-!?)
I think the greatest fantasy would be if it were a gift from a boy... So she would be wearing it FOR him, as a FAVOR, a GIFT of being pretty girl in collar... Unfortunately that's almost asking too much out of such a normal guy like Amane, somehow I don't think he's so fashionable and able to visualize such a thing on his own kfkfhf... If thinkos collar, probably would be thinking simpler, black band.
It's the sort of thing I'd either imagine Nene-chan having to incept (make it... somehow seem like... his idea...) or be bold and propose like, Do you want me to wear this... <- dangerous, Amane sucks, even if he's really into it he might, say something, rude or, maybe not say anything at all...
But it's interesting whether or not it's canon ghost boy or, an alive boy, hm! Hanako-kun is more... overtly gnasty... If they were already 'established' in some sense (fooling, even if pre-confessions/dating) ; he could be shown such a thing and be like ugh dirty girl... whaaaaaaat~? You want me to put a collar on you... lol, is THAT what you're into?? Yashiro... (Shitty tone but domineering at least, like make her feel small BUT... turned on.) Like tears in her eyes, face red, but, I think he could smooth it over, hold her jaw and croon and be like, awww, if that's what you want... Condescension. You have Nene-chan boiling as she buys it later at home [face buried in pillow!!] but I think the reward is well worth it. He will [clumsily...] cinch it around her neck. Touch slowly, lingering... finger the material. Fixate on it during sex. It's like mrhh... does hurt when girlie want to look nice for you. Siiigh, a pretty and cute girl...
However I'm really amused by the alternate timeline, of. Nene running a longcon with alive boy, non-supernatural Amane. Take him to a, store, go shopping with him, look at thingsss... and then just PASS BY such accessories and, glance at them but, you know not, say anything. And maybe watch as he stares at it like "..." but says nothing. JUST LET IT INCUBATE... in this case it'd literally be helpful to have Tsukasa there to be like WHAT ABOUT THESE? Oh... LIKE A KITTY CAT, WOW.... ^^ WOULD NENE-CHAN LIKE THAT? [Amane scruffs Tsukasa] [angry... grr... WHY YOU THINKING ABOUT HER WEARING SUCH THINGS... TSUKASA-!!] [but like hrn,............]
The next phase of this is a very ambiguous amount of time (MONTHS...? A YEAR...?) before it's like cough. Buys you this. One wishes it were more romantic perhaps but I think it's kind of like, sweaty dark aura, guy who is dealing with a fetish, vibes, instead. THAT'S... OKAY-!! Though. It's fine,
Final thoughts is I think in Bakeneko Ryokan, the endgame would be getting Nene-chan a collar, though matchies with him and Tsukasa. The little tassel beneath it and all... stylish. Jingle jingle.
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myechoecho · 1 year
Till the End of the Moon, Ep 33
If I thought the previous episode touched on the concept of choice, this episode really brought it to the forefront.
Tantai Jin remains logical. He knows that the Devil God is the one standing between him and Susu. Therefore he must eliminate him and to do that he needs to know more about him.
He goes to the Barren Abyss to seek out the demon twins.
Love the vaguely Gregorian Chant that we hear when the “Devil God” appears.
Smart of Tantai Jin to use his life as Ming Ye to try to extract information for Si Yong. She doesn’t realize that he was Min Ye.
Again with the NO CHOICE. Si Ying reiterates that Tantai Jin cannot resist the Devil Lord. He will become the Devil Lord and that’s that.
Weird though, how Si Ying does not sense he no longer has the Evil Bone.
LOOL at Susu’s father and Tantai Jin fighting it out. The Bo’re life is becoming more and more important to the story because again, Di Mian is surprised that Tantai Jin knows what happened 10,000 years ago. And once again - Di Mian is confident that Tantai Jin has no choice and will become the Devil Lord.
I love, LOVE this conversation by the lake.
He tells Susu that he will not become the Devil God. He understands her worries but the Devil God is not him. He also knows that she’s hiding something from him (Evil Bone).
The fact that she’s keeping his identity a secret for him means that she’s still protecting him and I think he gets that too.
I love that he is honest about him coming into contact with the Devil Crossbow and he doesn’t know how to extract it or what it will do.
Susu asks him if he’s recovered from his burns in the Nether River which again shows how much she loves him.
He asks to start over as Li Susu and Cang Jiumin - she doesn’t say no and deliberately leaves a door open.
Tantai Jin will decide who he will be. He is determined to have a CHOICE. He will not just be this empty vessel for the Devil God to take over.
Honestly, Susu is the catalyst for everything. If he had never met her, he probably would have become the Devil God quite easily given how miserable his life was. You can even see hints of it when he was with Susu 500 years ago. Loving Susu, and joining the Immortal Sect changed everything.
Can we also appreciate how much healthier Tantai Jin’s love is now? Is he willing to gouge his eye out to resurrect her? Yes. But he’s not quite as obsessed, he’s not spying on her, he’s not manipulative, he communicates and he gives her the space she needs (and the space he needs). He just handles everything with her better. I think it’s also because he has the Sect and Zhaoyou
Sigh. Bingchang’s true form Mo Nv is going to cause problems. It’s really not a bad idea what they plan to be honest.
Nian Baiyu and Tantai Jin back together again <3
I love this friendship and how Tantai Jin vouches for him. And he’s happy that Nian Baiyu is back. But Nian Baiyu... are you really betraying Tantai Jin?
Bingchang and Xiao Lin reuniting as Mo Nv and Jiwu?? If they have some sort of redemptive arc when Pian Ran is still dead I will be annoyed. Also, Jiwu your lantern sucks.
OMG I love this teasing, flirting and bickering between Tantai Jin and Susu. Susu is not even trying the Heartless Way.
I also love them working together to find the demon - even with Jiwu as the very definite third wheel.
The demon preys on Tantai Jin’s and Susu’s fears. But Tantai Jin breaks free because Susu is in danger and once again states his choice not to be the Devil Lord. Still, he believes that Susu fears him.
But Susu finally, finally has truly separated the Tanati Jin from the Devil God. She does not fear him. He is Tantai Jin, and he would never hurt her. She believes in him. I think that belief will help him reject the Devil God.
Tantai Jin is able to express what he fears the most - that he will be exposed in the immortal sec and that they will want to kill him. It shows just how important that sect has become to him. It’s his home.
Now if Susu will only explain that she has the Evil Bone.
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cuddlyscribe · 1 year
Your favourite anon is here again
Wow 2 requests in a row my friend you are on fire right now 🫂🫂🫂
Could my next request please be where the day comes king and his best friend are facing off against each other in the iron fist tournament
Not even this match can destroy their best friendification
[LOOL i am on fire right?! considering this blog was experiencing a quiet spell before this i feel like tekken has reawakened my headcanon writing itch 😂 i am also ready for this epic best friend showdown!! enjoy!]
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The King of Iron Fist Tournament is grueling and unforgiving, and who it decides to pit against who is not spared from that reality. Heihachi was been known to choose particular fighters against one another for his own desired results. Whether that was the case with you and King, is still unknown...
But either way, you soon find that your next opponent is none other than your best friend himself: King. The man himself is not at all pleased with this matchup at first because having to hurt you in any way is probably one of the worst things he could imagine.
He tries to think of a few ways to escape this, to get your matchups changed last minute somehow, but it's not happening. And now that the reality has set in, King attempts to put a good spin on it. Luckily he gets to see you before the match too!
King doesn't want to infantilize you either, but he wants you to know that he wants to see you fight your hardest and your best. After all, you trained like hell to get here and entering on its own is no easy feat. Regardless of if you're fighting him, King encourages you to give it your all.
None of this changes anything in your friendship, either. It's a fighting tournament and nothing more, and no matter what the result is you two will leave this place best friends! In fact, he reminds you that there is one little stake in this: loser buys dinner!
And so you two finally meet in the ring... It's an explosive start and things are wild! King isn't holding back but you aren't either and it really turns into what is essentially another of your guys' training sessions. Just add in the roaring crowds and cameras!
Now, if you end up winning... King will literally be giving you a giant bear (jaguar) hug and noogie-ing your head. He's so proud! All of your training and practice seriously paid off, and he knows that no matter what you do with the prize money that it's in good hands. And he will happily pay an arm and a leg for a nice sushi dinner afterwards!
If he wins, King will be sure to be the first one there to help you back to your feet. It was a hard fought victory and he knows that you gave it your all. He's kind about the situation and makes sure you get the recognition from the fans that you deserve!
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
OKAY OKAY…i shall spill..!!
first off, i’ve always been a pretty cleanly person, yk? never really liked the idea of boldly fluids coming anywhere near me, especially from a dude. however… since i read your fics about neteyam and lo’ak cumming inside during heats and ruts…i wanna be cummed in so bad; i wanna be filled to the absolute brim! if cum isn’t dripping outta my pussy when we’re done, we didn’t do it right.
second off, dicks always kind of scared me? i was scared of getting impaled but NOW? whew! show me a big dick and see how wet i get! my panties be dripping like a motherfucker when i get done with your fics; 10-12 inch long dicks? sign me up!
the last kink i developed was just an overall desire to fuck someone who really, really loves me: im stuck in an ongoing cycle of just wanting to fuck without feelings as i’m scared to get attached, but seeing how much neteyam loves y/n really makes me wanna fuck a guy who actually GENUINELY loves me for me rather than just for the mere fact of gaining a body.
that’s the jist of it, i hope my rant was enticing! i love your fics and i can’t wait for you to upload more! make sure you’re taking care of yourself, babes! love you 🫶
firstly, thank you for sharing!!
this was more than just enticing, it actually warms my heart to know that my fics have changed certain things [for the better] for you :') even if its being creampied and loving on some blue, lengthy shlongs.
a bitch really be cryin' in the club rn.
but ALSO. yes. i completely understand about your fear w/ attachment. i'd say i'm the same - i just don't wanna be hurt [we getting deep rn lol] but..
you [and i, and everyone in this world, minus ppl like ted bundy etc] deserve love, especially the love that Neteyam has for his mate [lool] jokes aside though, we all do deserve genuine, unconditional, undying love.
and thank you :) i'm over the moon happy that you love my works, and i'm even happier that they've lit something within you!
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mickimomo · 1 year
Koi Fish (Oni × Namora)
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Cont. Of Water Lily
Link to Water Lily
The next day, Oni returned to the river's edge a little before sunset, as promised.
The vieled woman was on the verge of tears and exhausted as she searched for Namora.
Working at the Temple of Bast and preparing for Shuri's coronation ceremony had been tedious and hard.
She had expected that.
What she hadn't expected was arguing with Cebisa over every little decision she made and then being demanded to head the entire ceremony while wearing her late father's attire.
For tradition.
Because tradition was more important than how she felt.
And she was doing Wakanda a huge disservice by not stepping into her father's shoes upon her return from exile.
That was enough to make her leave the temple and ignore the panicked cries of everyone who had watched their argument unfold.
Cebisa had always been a maternal or aunt-like person to her. But there was always this struggle for the woman to see the priestess as a human at times.
A lot of people struggled with it.
They saw her as an extention to their diety.
A hollow shell that should do as they thought to make Bast happy.
They took her vows and made them extremely difficult to follow and made no room for growth. Most times, they often forgot she had feelings.
It didn't help that she wasn't allowed to act on them.
If she had enemies from the outside world, they'd be overcome with anger.
But if they were were her enemies, somehow she was at fault and they could never hold themselves accountable.
Just like today.
They were so busy huffing and puffing about the aesthetics of her looking like the former shaman, instead of thinking about how dressing up like her dead father would trigger her.
How doing any of this was taking a toll on her, and how she wished they could just let her do things her way for once.
It didn't always have to be around tradition, did it?
"Namora." She called out softly as she slowly got into the cool water, trying her hardest not to cry.
Tears began to fall down her veiled face as she moved into waist deep water and watched the feathered warrior's head emerge from the water.
Namora's soft expression quickly morphed into one of concern when she realized the priestess was sobbing and falling apart.
"Yuum k'iino'." She whispered as she allowed the woman to hug her tight and weep. "Ba'ax úuch?"
The warrior's eyes burned with tears as Oni continued to cry and cling to her. Her arms slipped around her as she hugged her back.
Her heart was breaking at the sight of her sobbing, and her mind was burning with questions.
Who hurt her?
Why was she crying?
How could she gut someone without breaking the treaty?
She rubbed the priestess' back soothingly, refocusing on the vieled woman as a muffled sob caught her attention.
She was still trying to remain silent in her distress again, but the shaking of each sob made each one clear.
Namora let out a soft sigh as she gently pulled her back so she could cup her face through her veil.
"Ba'ax úuch, in lool?"
Oni struggled to activate her translator on her kimoyo beads on her wrist before careful azure hands moved down to help her.
Once the system was up, Namora gave the priestess a firm look as she cupped her veiled face once more.
"Tell me what happened and who I need to drown."
Oni couldn't stop herself from laughing through her tears. "Namora-"
"-You laugh. But I am serious." She huffed. "I want names and faces."
"You cannot drown them." She sniffled with a soft chuckle. "It's how they are."
"The council-?"
"No. Cebisa and the people who work in the temple with me."
"She yelled at you when we sparred in front of everyone the second time."
Namora's frown deepened at the memory. "They made you cry?"
"Yes." Oni held her aching head. "It has been a long day."
"This is more than a long day."
"I think I could have managed. I just wasn't expecting them to bring up my father."
"Why did they bring him up?"
"Apparently, the people want me to wear Utata's ceremonial robes for Shuri's coronation ceremony."
Namora's eyes widened before darkening like the world during an eclipse.
"Take me to them."
"Why not?"
"You'll hurt them."
"They made you cry."
"They're still dear to me, despite making me cry." Oni looked down with a sniffle. "My heart would break beyond repair if I had to endure anyone else dying."
Namora's gaze softened before she pulled off her rebreather. "Then you will come with me and stay the night."
"It's a surprise." She held out the rebreather.
Oni gently took it and put it on behind her veil.
Once it was secure, Namora held out her hand.
Dark brown fingers gently intertwined with azure ones before they both slipped underwater.
Namora began to swim, pulling the priestess along.
Oni swam to lessen the pull, looking around at all the fish and plants growing in the river.
They journeyed through a few dark tunnels before resurfacing in a medium pond that was near a waterfall that flowed into another river in the distance. The land around the pond was lush and green, overgrown with trees, vines, and wildflowers. The golden light of sinking sun flooded the area, giving everything it touched an ethereal glow.
The most breathtaking part of the scenery were the water lilies that floated around them with lily pads of varying sizes.
There were even a few Amazon water lilies.
Namora watched her inspect one of the small white blossoms with hesitant fingers before touching a large pink blossom.
"How..." Oni breathed out.
"I found some and brought a few here."
"Namora, these grow on the other side of the world."
"You like them, so I got them." Namora shrugged. "This pond is your sanctuary."
"Sanctuary?" Oni blinked.
"Yes. I wanted you to have a place that was uncharted and desolate. Somewhere you could find peace. So, I made you a pond."
"You made a pond?"
"How did you make a pond!?"
"Don't worry about the specifics. Just enjoy it." Namora looked around. "I think it is fitting for a diety." She tilted her head. "Kind of like a shrine."
Oni blinked. "I-I am not a diety. I am the vessel of one."
"To Wakanda, yes. To me, you are more." Namora furrowed her eyebrows as she pondered over her words. "Your temple people... they do not speak to you. They speak at you." She looked up at the priestess. "They do not see you as I see you."
"How do you see me?"
"You are like a breath of fresh air after holding one's breath for too long. You make me lightheaded and there is always a yearning for more." Namora offered as her cheeks began to tint purple. "You are strong and striking like the wind, but there is a softness to you. A sweetness that you hide and reserve for those you care for. Like the kiss of a gentle breeze while one sits in the sun." Namora continued. "You are multifaceted behind your veil. Even if the world cannot see you, I will always see you." She breathed out as the priestess watched her. "The way your anger burns everything down like a wildfire. The way your joy can brighten up an entire room. The way your grief feels like a storm." She gently touched her chest. "I feel you."
"You speak as if you're enamored."
She offered the tiniest shrug before looking at a lily. "You loved a flower you could not see or have without envying those who had access to it freely." Namora trailed her fingers over the pink petals. "Am I not allowed to like water lilies too?"
Oni felt her face burn as she meditated over her response in silence.
Namora was a sight to behold in the golden light.
She wasn't in her armor or donning her headdress, like usual.
Instead, she was dressed in a fiery orange gown with touches of red, white, and black that flowed around her as she moved her legs. Very reminiscent of koi fish Oni had seen while in exile.
"Yuum k'iino'."
"You asked about my name... but I never asked about yours." Namora refocused on her. "What does it mean?"
"Ah. Well. My father searched up many names from different cultures. He had always enjoyed the many cultures of the world when he was a war dog... and well... he loved the idea of having a name with multiple meanings depending on who you asked." Oni looked up at the sky as she recalled her father explaining her name to her when she was younger. "It gives one the option of picking the meaning of their own name."
"What meanings does your name have?"
"Oni can mean God has favored me... or to be born on holy ground. Or..." She fell silent as her mind replayed her father's death.
"It can mean demon."
Namora stared at her. "Demon?"
"Yes." Oni met her gaze. "I was ill when I was born, and Bast blessed me by healing me and choosing me to be her vessel." She lowered her gaze behind her veil. "But after my father passed, I earned the title of Demon of Wakanda."
"You do not look like a demon to me."
"Because I am not covered in blood and trying to kill you."
"I have sparred with you. It would be an honor to see you in such a light."
Oni could only swallow as she watched Namora allow herself to sink until only her eyes were above the surface.
Her gills on her neck fluttered for air, and her skin regained a warm tan hue.
Remember the vows.
Oni turned around to escape the intensity of her gaze before allowing herself to slip below the water's surface.
The water cooled her heated skin as she allowed herself to slip below the lily pads with her veil and dress floating up around her.
Namora watched her from above with soft eyes, watching locs of twisted hair peek out from under her lifted veil before she settled on the pond floor.
Oni lifted her hands to fix her veil before a pair of warm hands caught her wrists.
She lifted her head to see Namora had torn a piece of her dress to blindfold herself.
Oni couldn't refrain from laughing softly as the warrior floated downward, upside down.
Her dress floated around her like a roaring flame.
"Is this amusing?" Namora did her best not to smile at the warmth of her mirth.
"Not in a bad way." She smiled as she cupped the warrior's face. "You're very clever, but I can't believe you tore your dress."
Namora hummed softly. "It's worth it if I can be in your presence when you are unveiled." She reached her hands out blindly. "This is okay, right?"
"Mhm." Oni smiled as she pulled her closer and rested her forehead to hers before closing her eyes.
They held onto each other, enjoying the sounds of the world around them.
Namora slowly rotated upside right, gasping softly as her lips brushed against something soft.
Before she could say anything, a soft, warm, and flexible pressure was pressed against her mouth.
Her hands blindly attempted to map out what her lips were against, but her wrists were captured.
The membrane of the rebreather contoured to their lips as they pulled each other closer.
The warrior's heart pounded in her ears as the priestess pressed her forehead to hers.
"Do not tempt me further, Namora."
The warrior shivered as her hands slid down her sides, panting softly as her hands memorized her body through her dress.
The warmth of the priestess vanished after a bit of groping and nuzzling. And as hard as the warrior tried not to voice her displeasure, a soft note betrayed her as it sounded in the back of her throat.
Oni looked down at the blindfolded warrior before smiling behind her veil.
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onlyswan · 4 months
The person who mentioned virgo as a sign they can see oc as i totally agree but i can see virgo being their venus sign. There’s a couple virgos in my life, my bestest and longest friend is a virgo sun, my mom and older cousin are virgo moons and two people i adore most in this world that i’d consider family are virgo venuses(can you tell i’m abit of an astro nerd) and from being around them, listening to them and just experiencing them, my analysis is that they are genuine and extremely childlike but more so in a youthful tone not an immature one.
Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury along with Gemini so they can be just as playful and witty and spontaneous! They want to explore and experience the world and hate the idea of limiting their spirit, but at the same time love is always in their back burner just waiting to be lit up. There’s this purity about them which is why it hurts so much to see them hurt. They do genuinely care for others and take the needs and feelings of others into consideration before they ever choose themselves which is why it takes alot for them to walk away from situations where they are being mistreated.
People tend to associate virgo with just being kind of apathetic and judgy or a neat freak, organized and very specific and picky with certain things and with people but they’re far more complex than that. They sacrifice a lot for those they love and are so thoughtful and nurturing through their actions more than anything. And while they will pamper and baby you, they’ll also hit you with a dose of truth because they want what’s best for you. I’ve always called Virgo an earthy version of cancers because they are so so so sooo compassionate and really adorable sweethearts. Although they outwardly seek passion and affection and good times in their love escapades, deep down they seek strong commitment, reliability and time with people they hold dear.
Though i will say virgo venuses aren’t really straight shooters when it comes to pursuing love so i think oc may have a fire mars in their chart that makes them so spicy and bold when it comes to being flirty and straightforward with what they want lool … butttt still virgos do tend to play shy when 9/10 it’s really a gagg and their real, plethora of other personalities are kinky, reckless, sad, passionate, affectionate, tension filled, rebellious n trauma all in one lmaooo. They’re still the cutest and so endearing and intriguing, you just want to know more
if i were to "diagnose" oc lool, i’d say they’re a cancer sun, maybe pisces moon, leo mercury, virgo venus and leo mars(i’m in between this and sag but also scorpio because they do tend to be bold n upfront too lol) with a gemini rising 😁
Oh! There’s also this thing called a Synastry Chart which is the interaction between two people’s charts and Jk having a virgo moon would conjunct(this is an astro term basically meaning two planets are close to each other) oc’s virgo venus and venus conjunct moon is an extremely cute synastry placement n really lovey dovey… those two are just eternal sweethearts ha! if that sounds a little complicated if you have time you can take a look at this https://www.yourtango.com/zodiac/moon-conjunct-venus-synastry# it explains it pretty well!
Wow this is soooo longg and i didnt expect to go off on such a tangent.. i apologize but just thought i’d chime in too since i’ve had a love for astrology for so long. It’s fun and super complex and it can be accurate but also not.. our environment and way we’ve been conditioned etc influences all this as well so it’s not end all be all. it’s nice reading everyone else’s interpretation of what sign oc may be tho, oc has got lots of fans ! Me included but i think i may be a bigger ART fan 😉 haha take care and keep being beautiful my love 🏹🌠
People tend to associate virgo with just being kind of apathetic and judgy or a neat freak, organized and very specific and picky with certain things and with people but they’re far more complex than that.
tHANK YOU 😭 you should see my face every time i hear about that stereotype (;—;) it physically hurts my soul lmaoooo
There’s this purity about them which is why it hurts so much to see them hurt.
🥺🥺🥺 oh
Though i will say virgo venuses aren’t really straight shooters when it comes to pursuing love so i think oc may have a fire mars in their chart that makes them so spicy and bold when it comes to being flirty and straightforward with what they want lool
omgggg okay i’m listening
if i were to "diagnose" oc lool, i’d say they’re a cancer sun, maybe pisces moon, leo mercury, virgo venus and leo mars(i’m in between this and sag but also scorpio because they do tend to be bold n upfront too lol) with a gemini rising 😁
writing this down so i have another set of placements to read about aside from mine heheheheh thank youuu so much for your insights it’s very much appreciated 🥺🫶🏼
omg yeah i know about synastry charts !! definitely not bcs i’ve done it with my chart and a few others during my down bad moments haha ha but it’s so freaking cuuuute reading about it in the context of the iw!couple 😭😭😭 MY HEART.
Likewise, the Venus person brings creativity, charm, and goodwill to the connection. They bring out the deep feelings of the Moon person and make them feel safe enough to open up sooner than they usually do in relationships.
it’s nice reading everyone else’s interpretation of what sign oc may be tho, oc has got lots of fans ! Me included but i think i may be a bigger ART fan 😉
CUTIE 🥹🥹🥹 but to me this is just a silly little blog and you are all my little forest friends 🍄 i hold a tea party for every few weeks <3 ilysm <3
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sweetestpjm · 1 year
Shift in the Balance PT. 1
Yoonmin est + Yoonminkook ; Football start chunky jk, Soft Jm & lovesick Yoongs <3 First time posting a story here, let me know how I'm doing lool
It's 8 o'clock, and Yoongi had been watching that damn old clock on the wall all day. Eagerly waiting to go home, though, now was finally the time. Of course not on the dot-- he'd never be lucky enough to, perhaps no one would be beside the son of his boss who easily was favoured, couldn't blame him, though. 
He could suffer through cleaning the tables, hurting his sore back even more. Suffer as he threw out the uneaten food of the last guests, and gathering a bag of what he could take home-- a decently hearty amount, though less then usual as business had been better then ever that day. It isn't as bad as most, but he knows he's being dramatic about mopping the kitchen area when his younger coworkers are eying him. They're the dramatic ones..not him. It's odd to them, but he felt he had every reason. Why did he have to be working, when he could be at home with his boyfriend?
It was a shame, really, but he'd gotten used to the dynamic as much as he hated not seeing him for more then minute. He was needier then he'd ever admit aloud, it seemed. 
The sign was flipped over, from open to closed— Yoongi still wondered why they had that pesky sign. Locking the door and turning off the lights was enough. He guessed it was to maintain the rustic and old look of the place, the reason why it gained traction was partially because of that. Like a trip back on time, with good food and bathrooms that was the only relatively modern looking section of the place. 
Yoongi quite liked his job, it was decent hours and some perks. Discounts, bringing food home and such— which helped knock off money from groceries. He was a head chef, so his hours were a little longer but he made more and wasn't as worked to the core when he'd just been a regular kitchen staff. He directed them, but of course he did some other things too— especially on weekends and Fridays, their busiest time of the year. Sometimes, he'd get lucky enough that his boyfriend would pop in on one of those days and Yoongi would usually wait him— he could manage it quite wel since that had been his gateway up into his current job. Perhaps he'd been in every position, but he couldn't quite recall. 
What was important was turning on the ignition, and getting himself home before the food got cold. Food never tasted the same reheated, but he knew well enough that if he had to; doing it in the oven or a pot was better then microwaving it. 
There's already a few pings at his phone from him, and he can already picture the whiny tone that came with every message. Wanting him home. It warmed his heart, and he wished the traffic would seize to exist. 
Though, alas— no, thankfully, he arrived home around 9:30, which was a little more then usual but considering it was clean up after a large party of adults, it added up. 
With a huff of relief, he entered their apartment, placing the food on the counter, sliding his shoes onto the rack and putting on his slippers. 
Instantly— the moment he had his slippers on, he was greeted from behind with a hug. None other then his boyfriend, especially since the hug was so soft against his back. Jimin had always given the best of hugs. 
"Welcome home to me," Yoongi chuckled, placing his hands over Jimin's that went around his torso, "you smell nice. Freshened up before I came?"
Jimin hummed, the sound vibrating against Yoongi's back as he had his cheek firmly pressed up against it. "I was sweaty from work," he said, moving one hand to interlock with Yoongi's, "and I wanted to be clean for you,"
"Cute. Though, I am pretty stinky myself," he sighed, thumb rubbing along the backside of Jimin's hand, "how about you set the table, and I'll clean myself up?"
There's a whine of complaint, but Jimin complies and Yoongi gets along to his aforementioned shower. 
Once he's out, he's graced by Jimin bent over with an elbow on the table, whilst the other plucked at the different dishes with chopsticks. It was cute, how he sometimes just couldn't resist food like that. Leaving him there with it was like asking him to eat it.
Well..he sort of had been, he assumed he was probably pretty hungry as he usually didn't get much during the day at work. Since he'd only just gotten the job, his work was more intense and harder in his job. 
He worked as a aesthetician and was more organizing carts, cleaning the areas and beds for the main ones. It wasn't what he'd dreamt it out to be, that was for certain. He knew it'd take time and practice for him to actually work on a person for more then just their bill for the treatment. But still, he enjoyed taking home samples and sick of products he couldn't yet afford. Using on himself and Yoongi too, as pampering was a large part of both his and Yoongi's love language.
A huge part of it.
Yoongi slides his chair out, sitting down, watching Jimin's sweetly round cheeks flare up pink as he's caught. Which does happen quite a lot, once Yoongi thinks about it-- it's nearly like he's entranced every time he eats. Especially when it comes to the dishes Yoongi makes or brings home for him.
"Hyung, you took sooo long," it had only been five minutes, so the statement only made Yoongi laugh in entertainment, shaking his head as he put some of the food on his own plate. Jimin did the same, about the same amount as Yoongi had.
"I'm here now though, aren't I? Eat your food," he chuckles, jutting his foot at Jimin's leg, "I know you're hungry."
Jimin hums, glancing at his plate and beginning to eat. "Well-- yeah. Work is so hard," he groaned, half in frustration and half in enjoying the delicious meal, "I think my boss likes me, she made me help the nicer lady. Maybe I'll  be the one giving treatments, soon."
Yoongi grins, quite proud of him. He'd been there since he'd gotten the job not long ago, moping about feeling like he was useless at the job. Though, it had moved along to him rambling about his coworkers, all pretty kind aside from one of the higher up aestheticians; she was a blunt bitch, as Jimin had said, and was very skilled but extremely rude. Jimin had been assigned to her a few times, and it was sure to say that Yoongi was whined to to bring a pint of ice cream for him to mope about it with. "I'm sure you will be. I'll make sure to be your first booking, I'll book the longest treatment you have so you impress everyone," he said, unable to peel the grin off his face. What? He was a proud boyfriend.
It's enough that Jimin's covering his face with the hand that isn't feeding himself, giggling and shaking his head. "Aish-- you're so embarrassing," he grumbles, though he hardly means it. Yoongi knows just how much he'd want that, whether he'd actually admit it or not.
"Mm, but seriously I'm proud of you. I'm not surprised she likes you, you're sweet and good at what you do...even if for now it's washing hand towels and fixing spa beds, Minnie," he says, picking up his last tteokbokki and eating it, "proud."
"Corny, but, thank you." The words mean a lot to him, Yoongi can tell in the way he shyly distracts himself by finishing up his plate and silently picking at the rest of the food on the table as Yoongi rambles on. Something about a new younger employee who he doesn't hate (shocker, since he usually hates the young ones) along with a food reviewer coming in and rating the food well. This and that until Jimin's declared himself full and they're packing away the minimal leftovers (thanks to Jimin). 
Yoongi pauses, leaning against the counter to watch Jimin bend over to peer down at their freezer. Getting an eyeful of his full hips and sweet behind, and he's certain that he's pouting out his lower lip in thought as he glances at his options. "Do I need an ice cream sandwich or a melona is the question..." Jimin mumbles to himself, finding that Yoongi answers it by poking at the pudge poking out on his hips, "ice cream sandwich, it is."
He pulls out a large ice cream sandwich, it's an Oreo one though. Since he's civilized, he's put it in a bowl and grabbed a spoon to eat it without looking like an Oreo ice cream sandwich after.
With ease despite his fullness, he plops onto the couch with Yoongi following along, placing him on his lap. It was Jimin's spot, after all. Though, he wiggles a little to get comfortable (and tease Yoongi, but he didn't need to know that) and begins on the sweet cool treat. Yoongi leans back a little, Jimin following the movement and humming in content as Yoongi has his arms wrapped around him, holding him closer.
His hands sink in a little, acknowledging the plushness of his boyfriend. He quite likes it, it's made him a better cuddle and just feels-- soft. What's better then something warm and soft? Nothing. There quite literally is not anything better then that.
"Want a bite?" Jimin queries, turning his head back to look at him, a small sliver of the ice cream sandwich on his spoon. Yoongi declines, and quite quickly the spoonful has gone to Jimin. And another. And another. And yet another, until the bowl is empty and he's scrapping the sides for bits of the melting ice cream.
It's cute, the way they were able to just sit and bask in each others company. Even if it just ensued Jimin gorging on sweets or watching a show Yoongi liked but Jimin found to be boring. They just, simply, enjoyed one another so very much.
After a few minutes, the bowl and spoon are washed and they're in their bedroom preparing for bed-- it's early, but they know themselves. Chatting for hours in bed, and sleep ensues a few hours after deciding to get ready to rest for the night. It's silly, but it's how they are.
Yoongi's long been in his pyjamas, consisting of some sweats and a loose tee, while Jimin had chosen (strangely) some jeans and an oversized hoodie.
Jimin huffed, trying to undo the button. Failing multiple times before it gave in, and the zipper undid itself as his plush tummy took in the space, allowing Jimin more room to breath and sigh aloud in relief. "Why would you wear jeans..."
The younger shrugged, pink tinting his cheeks as he removed his pants, replacing them with new boxers and switching the hoodie out for an oversized tee. "Because."
Another shrug, dimming the lights and crawling into the bed, tucking himself under the blankets with Yoongi, an arm draped over his chest as he pressed himself against his side. With ease, Yoongi was holding him right back, peppering kisses all over the side of his face, primarily on his cheeks though. Soft and full, how could he not pepper them in sweet kisses? "Weirdo."
He doesn't shrug, he only giggles and the topic is averted, moving onto what they should do tomorrow on their first off day together in two weeks.
Yoongi's sure he's up first, arm around Jimin's soft middle, lazily pressing his fingers against the plushness there. It's a little new, though as long as he's known Jimin he'd always been a little softer and cuddlier-- though, now he was certain this was he softest he'd ever been while knowing him. Or ever, really, considering he'd seen photos of him younger, in which he wasn't so lean but surely smaller then now. Far smaller then now.
But, he knows he isn't the only one awake when Jimin's giggles fill the air. "Hyung-- that tickles," he huffs, turning to face him, leaving Yoongi's arm to drape over his back, choosing to rub the small of his back instead.
"I thought you weren't awake," Yoongi grumbles, the only way he can talk in the morning. it was either that, or a whisper-- which would still have that grumble to it that sent butterflies straight to Jimin's belly. 
"So, what, you just tickle my tummy when I'm asleep?" Jimin chuckles, enjoying the way Yoongi's flustered at that, "hmm? Answer me, hyung."
The elder shakes his head, closing his eyes and mimicking a snore. "Hyung! You do, don't you?" he's whining, so Yoongi can't get out of it now, meekly nodding his head as he pressed against his chest.
"Yes, okay?"
Jimin hummed, threading his fingers through Yoongi's hair. "I'm not accusing you, I'm just curious. It's...dunno, nice to know you want to touch me even if I'm not asking for it," he says, mumbling the last few words.
Though there's something else to it-- something deeper, but Yoongi can't seem to find it on his own. "I do love your body, Minnie," he murmured, pressing his thumb against his love handles, "I think you're so pretty."
"Pft, really, love. Something about you lately is just so..." his brows furrow, wracking his mind for the word, "radiant? In just every way, really. Not that you weren't before, but, I don't know. Something just changed, in a good way."
Jimin keeps threading his fingers through his hair, taking a moment to think. "Well, hm..thank you. I-- well," he bites his lip, "I'm glad you still like my body."
"Mm, never think that I don't. 2 sizes up or down, I'll love you all the same."
"Even 3 sizes up?"
"You-- you know what I meant, yah," Yoongi groaned, rolling out of bed, flattening out his shirt, "we do have plans today, slipped my mind. We're going to Taehyung's school to watch the football game there."
All he hears is Jimin groaning, and the sound of the covers moving to cover Jimin entirely. A muffled, "not Football..." But Yoongi didn't listen, pulling the covers entirely off him with a chuckle, and walking on off to the washroom while leaving Jimin too stunned to utter a word.
Until he's pouting, blow drying his hair and side-eying Yoongi as though saying 'the things I do for you' like watching a university football game is the worst thing imaginable. 
"You won't die. I'll be there, Taehyung, Hoseok, Seokjin and Namjoon will be there, too," Yoongi assures, though Jimin's pout only intensifies, setting down his blow dryer and taking the plug out of the outlet.
"I will die. Hyung, sports are so boring."
It's clear to see, although he had been into track many years before-- that had slowly turned into something he hated due to others. But, despite it, he still hates it all. Even attending his cousins house league basketball games makes his stomach churn with distaste. All that makes it somewhat bearable is--
"What about this-- I get you the biggest popcorn there is and a soda, hm?" Jimin raised an eyebrow, surely the deal was sweetened with that-- but, he needed a little more convincing. "Fine, you can sit on my lap. Refills on it all as many times as you'd like, okay? But you can't complain after that."
With a sly grin on his lips, he nodded, "mm, I guess it's a deal, Yoongi-hyung."
Jimin keeps himself clung to Yoongi in the food-stand line, not understanding how a university has it's own food venders but perhaps it was just because his did not engage in many sports in those days. There was an on-campus gym, but that was about it. Though, he was also wondering why it took so long to wait, and why the line for a university football game was so long. He was hungry, having missed breakfast by sleeping and they'd nearly been late so they couldn't have gotten any food, much to Jimin's avail.
"Hungry?" Yoongi asks, seeing how Jimin's pouting just a little bit. Practically on cue, his stomach lets out a rumble, loud enough that Yoongi hears it from beside him. The arm around his waist snakes a little further, pressing against the softness of Jimin's newly formed tummy pooch of his lower belly. 
He nods, though he knows his body has already answered, rudely, for him. "I didn't even have breakfast," Jimin sulked, "and we're at a football gam-- I mean, my favourite place in the world." 
Laughing, Yoongi shakes his head-- quite fond of Jimin's good-hearted sarcasm. At least he tried to take on his end of the deal to some extent. 
"Hyung!" Taehyung shouts, though he's a few feet away, slowly making his way over through the crowd of people, sure to draw lots of attention to himself through his over-the-top attire and loud deep voice. Jimin ducks his head, and Yoongi's shaking his, wondering how he couldn't have expected that, even though it is Taehyung. Natural demander of attention.
"Hi Taehyung-ah," Yoongi says, hand mindlessly squeezing at the pudginess of Jimin's waist, causing him to squeak against him, "excuse him, he can't function without breakfast. Clearly."
"Clearly. Jiminie hyung needs food to be sane," Taehyung giggles, joining them in the line, staring ahead at the 3 people in front of them, "the food isn't bad here, actually. Popcorn's always fresh and the fries are perfect."
Jimin's head perks up, looking up at Yoongi, his puppy dog eyes out on display for him. 
"How am I supposed to deny him anything when he looks like that," Yoongi says, looking over at Taehyung who seems equally convinced merely by Jimin's eyes. 
"I will kill you if you don't get him everything he wants, Min Yoongi. I may like you, but a well fed Jiminie comes first," Taehyung says, giving Jimin's tummy a poke, almost gasping as it dips in far more then it ever had before. His eyes meet Jimin's, smiling at him and getting a smile right back (since, the eyes had already worked the magic on his meal).
Yoongi rolled his eyes, waiting and waiting whilst the younger two spoke. Taehyung complaining about classes but also thrilled about his designing project, where he gets to design two pieces that would suit both men and women, a gender neural fashion project (apparently nothing gets him going more then that). While Jimin tries to make the best of his current job, rambling on about all the products and discounts, even adding in that he uses it to give Yoongi facials (which somehow gets Yoongi blushing quite a lot).
Eventually, it's their turn, ordering the biggest basket of popcorn, large fries and a drink for each of them. Water for himself, soda for Jimin and Taehyung.
Finding their seats right as someone's talking into the microphone, greeting their friends and all eyes are on the field. 
Not Jimin's, too busy gorging but after some time he does find his eyes on the field out of pure boredom. Even with Yoongi's arms around him (which is usually enough to distract him from anything), he finds himself paying attention to the game.
Well, sort of, he's paying attention to a particular player. Player 01. He doesn't know if he's good or not, but he sure as hell knows that he's cute and definitely built.
They're all sturdy and strong looking, but 01 is just...a little different. Gorgeously thick, and toned, thighs, that are practically ready to burst out of his uniform every time he's bending down at the beginning of each quarter of the game. He's got a bit of a tummy, though he can tell he's toned, it's there enough that the small protruding pooch of it that presses against his uniform in a little bump. Again, his arms are thick and his biceps are remarkably strong. Jimin's nearly bitting his tongue every time the ball is in his hand, even cheering with Yoongi (and everyone else) when he scores. 
By the end of the game, he can surely call himself a fanboy. So distracted, that he'd just barely finished the food from the beginning, from nearly 2 hours before, in that two hours (with a little help, too).
Yoongi doesn't say anything, not wanting to think more then that he was right about football being enjoyable enough that Jimin hadn't only been focused on the food. Though, he isn't too sure about why until Jimin's desperately following Taehyung down to the locker rooms to meet Taehyung's boyfriend there (his name was Han) and Yoongi was curious and confused. He wasn't too sure what to pin Jimin's enjoyment to, just yet.
"Did you enjoy the game?" Han asked, wiping the sweat off his forehead, halfway out of the locker room door, enough that he was able to kiss the side of Taehyung's head, "it was a tough one, we got so lucky with Jungkook's scoring on the last second."
Yoongi nodded, "that guy was fast as hell, it was a close game. Good job, I enjoyed it. Jimin enjoyed it too, and he does not like foo--"
Jimin shakes his head, "it was amazing! I really enjoyed it, I'm happy to have been invited."
Silence crawled but Han filled it, "glad to hear it. Uh, did you guys wanna come in or could you wait a bit for us to finish up? We don't take long, I swear." The latter is chosen, more for the sake of Han not wanting Taehyung to see other very hot sweaty football guys, though. It's cute.
"You enjoyed a football game? Well, there's a first for everything," Taehyung laughed, swaying as he now back hugged Jimin, poking his fingers along his soft belly, "or maybe you liked one of the players?~"
Yoongi raises an eyebrow, leaning against the wall. "The team's definitely not ugly. They could be an idol group based off looks," he hummed, noting how Jimin's head tilted in interest, so he continued on, "not bad, not bad at all. Are they all over 23?"
"Oh yes-- aside from the short one, he's 21. Really good, though, good friend of Han's. Why? Are you two--" Taehyung gasps, arms tightening around Jimin which has Jimin wincing, "sorry-- I meant, are you two finally in search of a third?"
"What? N--"
"Maybe," Jimin says, pursing his lips and loosening Taehyung's arms around his taunt full gut, "I, just-- thought, maybe."
Taehyung giggles, "I think you hadn't communicated that to hyung yet, Minnie~"
Jimin huffs, "no, I guess not. Hyung, I've been thinking about it lately."
"Well, I have too but I didn't think we were just admitting it to Taehyung randomly," he says, shaking his head, "let's talk later? I think the-"
A stampede, a stampede of ab-bearing (aside from one) men are coming out in a Hurd out of the change room. Some say their goodbyes, something about classes being soon while a few others stay. And among those, it's Player 01, in all his sturdy chunky glory. Jimin can't think straight, Taehyung's arms now around Jimin while Yoongi kept his hand interlocked loosely with Jimin's chubby stubby one. 
"Okay. Names," Taehyung says, squinting as he glances at the four men that have joined them, "Sunghoon." He nods, making himself noted to everyone. "J-- no, yes, Jeongin?" Jeongin nods, laughing a little bit at the expression on Taehyung's face. "Fuck-- you're Jungkook?" Jungkook nods, and it's him-- Player 01, now he knows that it's Jungkook. The last of them is Jihoon, but Jimin's distracted by trying to subtly look at Jungkook while the others disperse into conversation. But-- not so much to his avail, he's caught. 
"Jimin, right?" Jimin doesn't know how he knows his name, but he nods dumbly in response. "Jungkook. Yoongi's friend?"
Jimin laughs, "boyfriend. He dragged me out here, but-- I'm friends with Taehyung."
"Well, figures-- he talks about you whenever he's here, actually. I feel like I'm meeting a celebrity," Jungkook jokes, having Jimin descend into giggles, so, he continues on, "but it's nice to meet you. Guessing you're not a football fan then, since they had to drag you? Hm?"
It takes a surprisingly large amount of energy out of him to not say that Jungkook could make him football fan, or even a fucking fanboy, for Christs sake. But he doesn't, sparing himself the inevitable embarrassment of that. Instead, nodding at his questions, "yeah, but it's not too bad... I'm easily bribed with food, so." He feels his life flash before his eyes-- forgetting how chubby he'd gotten, shy to advertise attention to his body. He knows he isn't very big, even with how heartily he eats he only gains enough for a small squishy tummy, a round bubble butt and thighs that were snug in all his jeans. Including the ones he had on now, painfully digging into his midsection, especially after all he'd eaten and drank.
But, to his surprise, Jungkook doesn't give him a weird stare or even assess his body. Simply, he just adds onto it, "pft, that's the same for me. I can't ever resist some good food, like, ever. Ever."
"It's so good," Jimin says, nearly whining, "what kind of stuff do you like, Jungkook-ah?"
Jungkook hums, fixing his hair out of his face with one hand while the other carried his medium sized duffel bag. "Good question. Anything, really. I have a really big sweet tooth though, so I really like ice cream, boba and that kind of stuff. But I love meat and spicy food. the fries they sell at the stand--"
"Taehyung told me, so I got them. Really yummy," Jimin says, unconsciously rubbing small circles into the bloat of his tummy.
The comment makes Jungkook smile. "Yeah, so good. But what do you like?"
"Oh.." Jimin bites the inside of his cheek, as though this is the most difficult question of his life (it could be, he loved food so much and so many different foods.). "Tteokbokki is my favourite. Uhm, well, Yoongi-hyung works at a restaurant so whatever he brings is the best. But I really like pastries. There's this little cafe near my apartment and they have the best sweets. They even have some frozen yoghurt, too, when I feel like a treat but also..somewhat healthy."
It's more then half an hour and Jungkook's phone buzzes loudly, a reminder that this next class was in half an hour. 
"I really enjoyed talking with you. Maybe sometime we can go to that cafe?" Jungkook asks, hope in his eyes, though he sees Yoongi looking at them, trying to assess the situation. Naturally, his face makes him look like he's angry though Jimin ( not Jungkook) knows damn well he's endeared more then anything. 
"Yes! I mean, yes, sure," he giggles, taking Jungkook's phone from him to add in his number to his contacts, "don't miss your class! It was nice meeting you."
Jungkook nods, smiling as he tucks his phone into his pants, pulling his pants up over his exposed tummy before giving a small bow and running off with a loud. "Cya!"
Yoongi slurping his drink at the cafe is enough for Jimin to note that something's up.
"What is it?" he asks, voice soft, interlocking his hand with Yoongi's-- not liking how it was nervously picking at his skin, "what's up, hyung?"
The elder looks at him, his other hand mindlessly stirring his black coffee. "I wanna talk about earlier. About looking for a third, Jimin," he said, caressing the backside of Jimin's pudgy hand, "I wanna know what you want, okay?"
"Ah, hyung. I just always though it'd be nice, ever since we talked about it before. Just another in the mix. To care for and all," he said, shrugging, "and for you to cuddle."
"You were thinking about it because of Jungkook. He was the only reason you were watching the game so intently, huh?" Yoongi teased, tracing along Jimin's hand, "I'm just guessing. But, I think I'm right." Those red-glowing cheeks were always a dead giveaway on Jimin's end.
Jimin whined, swinging his legs around and shrugging. "Well..I, I don't know."
"He's pretty cute."
The brunette tilted his head, "...yes. You think so?"
"Yeah, I do. He's cute, super intense on the field but out of the changing room he seemed sweet. I mean, if you two ever shut up I might've been able to say more then hello, y'know," Yoongi laughed, shaking his head, "I don't wonder if he likes guys but..not everyone is fine with being with more then one person. And even so, usually more as an open relationship--"
"Which this isn't."
"Correct, this isn't. But, if you want to, we get to know him better together. I heard a mention of that cafe you love, mm?"
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hoes4dylanobrien · 2 years
Stiles, twin, angst and fluff, during a lacrosse game, 17
oh yasss some twin!stiles I love it. pls go easy on me tho when it comes to lacrosse - I dont know jack shit when it comes to that lool. hope you like <3
It was towards the last leg of the game and Stiles looked up anxiously, still not seeing you. You two had gotten into a fight the night before and still were on a non-speaking basis. It felt stupid now. He’d been upset at how much time you were spending with one of the football guys. You’d told him to mind his damn business, seeing as he hardly spent time with you most days anyhow with all the shenanigans he and the pack got up to. He had to admit you had him there, but he was only looking out for your best interest. The beefy idiot had no idea how to treat girls, and you were special — someone who deserved the world, and he didnt want you to get hurt. He was also, selfishly, wanting you all to himself, and the older you two got the more he was coming to terms with the fact that wouldn’t be the case forever. One of these days you’d go off and get married and have 2.5 kids and the white picket fence out in suburbia... god, he was getting grossed out just thinking about it; he never saw that life for himself. He wanted to become an agent, or a police sheriff, like his dad. Wherever he was, strangely, he saw you there at his side. A pang hit him; he highly doubted you felt the same. 
“Hey! Stilinski! Get your head in the game!” Roared coach, and he snapped back to reality. The ball came hurtling toward him, and he caught it at the last second, running the stretch to score the goal. The crowd went crazy. It was one of his rare wins, and it happened to be the winning goal as the clock wound down. His teammates came running up to him, to which he happily joined, but his mind was on one thing and one thing only. You. 
As he jogged over with his teammates to Coach, he lifted his head again searchingly. Tucked away in a corner, he caught sight of you. You were looking uncertain, arms folded and head bowed slightly. You were smiling though at him. He barely made out the words you mouthed to him: 
You did it! I’m so proud of you! 
He grinned back, waving stupidly, making your smile widen. He’d grab burgers and milkshakes at your favorite diner after this. Screw Scott and the pack. Tonight was about you, and he couldn’t wait to celebrate together. 
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daintydreamsy · 2 years
Can you do a comfort with the obey me brothers (preferably mammon if i have to choose) where the reader (please keep non binary if you can. It’s ok if you can’t though) just got into a fight with their parents where they were being compared to their older sibling and just being told how weak and a crybaby they are?
Sorry for the rambling. I just need comfort lool
mammon is there once you come back from the human world, alongside the rest of the demon brothers. he notices almost immediately how upset you seem. asmo and beel don't notice as they ask you to talk about your trip.
you give short answers, scenes replaying in your mind over and over. surely your parents couldn't have meant what they said, right?
"I think our precious human is tired from their trip!" mammon announces, taking you by your shoulders and steering you in the direction of his bedroom.
he doesn't talk as the two of you walk through the halls, but when you catch his eyes, he gives you a slight smile. he's got such a pretty smile.
mammon has gotten good at ignoring the loud voices of his brothers, it's become habit after being yelled at over and over again. however, he always craves silence after a particularly harsh shouting match between them. maybe that'll help you?
he opens his bedroom door for you and you take a seat on his bed, laying back and sprawling out. even though he practically begs you to keep your room unlocked, he locks his bedroom door.
"so what happened?" he asks, sitting next to you. his hand finds it's way onto yours, hoping you don't mind his sharp nails and rings.
it takes a while for your response, but mammon is patient. hell, you could've not said a word and he would've stayed by your side all the same. sometimes he doesn't want to talk about his problems either.
"it..." you sigh, facing him. "my parents just, they keep comparing me to my older sibling and I hate it-" you take a breath. "-they say I'm weak and a crybaby compared to them- and I know it's true but it still hurts."
he suddenly sits up and towers over you, his gorgeous face full of concern. you were most certainly not a crybaby. especially not to mammon!
you were so incredibly brave, even in the face of dangers with demons and otherworldly forces. you never ran from your problems, unlike mammon, who fleed every chance he got.
and maybe you were on the weaker side, but all humans were! your strength came from within, and he loved that about you. to him, you were perfect. maybe your parents were too stupid to see what he saw.
"ya know that's not true?" he posed it as a question, but you knew better. "you're not anythin' like that, you're strong and amazing! you're incredibly brave and way better than I am."
you sit up as well and find yourself curling into his open arms. his embrace is so warm, it's like he exudes heat and warmth. it's nice.
"an' no matter what anyone else says, you're perfect to me, ya hear?"
he's glad you're too cuddled in his arms to see his warm-hued face. saying such loving words was so uncommon for him, but here he was. making sure you felt better than anyone else.
he put his greed aside so you knew how loved you were. had he changed from the demon he was before?
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