#Whimsy Escapade
jaideepkhanduja · 6 months
Dance of the Absurd: Breaking Records and Monotony with a Whimsical Twist!
Dance of the Absurd: Breaking Records and Monotony with a Whimsical Twist! #WhimsicalDance #PlayfulAdventure #LaughOutLoud #SpontaneityWins #SillinessUnleashed #DanceLikeNoOneIsWatching #JoyfulJourney #QuirkyLife #BreakingRecords #ChaosAndLaughter
What was the last thing you did for play or fun? Once upon a time in the enchanting realm of my daily grind, I decided to embark on a quest for play and fun that would make even the most serious philosophers reconsider their life choices. Armed with the courage of a lion and a humor sense as questionable as a magic eight ball, I set out to craft a masterpiece of amusement that would rival…
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foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
I’ve always been a pretty good liar. As an adult I’ve come to a moral place in which I don’t use that skill set unless it will explicitly benefit someone. But when I was a kid all bets were off.
I think tiny child me was doing their little autistic best but recognized that some situations would be best navigated by lying as telling the truth never netted positive results. Whether it was because my needs often went unmet or ignored, or because I didn’t see any reason not to lie if it would be more favorable, I’m not sure.
This is the story of my proudest lie. The best lie I ever did. A lie that looking back I still go, damn, I was eight.
Our story begins in second grade. I was eight. My school was having a book fair and I spent my small stipend on Gulliver’s Travels. No idea why. Lacking further funds I wandered the fair and came upon the greatest sight known to man. Frog erasers. They were so cute and I was extremely into animals of all kinds.
The whimsy. Who could have known they made erasers in such wonderful shapes? I mourned that I’d spent my money already, and played quietly with the little frogs in their bin. That’s when I was approached by a few other kids from my class.
I didn’t know most of them very well, but enough that it was civil when they asked me, “Are you going to buy those frogs?”
“I’d like to,” I admitted, “but I spent all my money.”
“Why don’t you steal them?”
“I thought about that, but I don’t have pockets.” Indeed, stealing had crossed my mind but it had been a brief temptation. I wasn’t even scandalized that the other girls suggested it.
“Caitlin has pockets,” the leader of the pack said. And indeed, Caitlin in her purple overalls did have pocket space for two frogs. So Caitlin and I became partners. My role in the escapade was just... wanting frogs and walking out with her. We stole two frogs, a yellow and a purple, and united by the misdeed we played together with them at recess despite not really being friendly prior.
After lunch I was called from class to the library. The principal herself was there waiting for me. She had a somber air, almost mournful that she needed to punish me. It was self evident to me that I was here for frog crimes. Caitlin had cracked and taken the fastest route to forgiveness- snitching on an accomplice. Despite the fact that my role was just: wanted frogs, I knew I was going to be in trouble.
Now, I could have told the truth. Pulled a Caitlin and ratted on the girl who told us to steal them. But clearly I’d still be in trouble for having gone along with the morally bereft plan. I was mad at Caitlin for telling but not enough to foist the onus back into her.
“Do you know why you’re here?” The principal asked kindly.
“Is it about the frogs?”
“Yes, Caitlin told us you stole the frogs.”
I quivered my lip and drew myself up indignantly. “I didn’t steal them!”
She blinked at my vehemence but since I looked near tears she carefully asked, “What happened?”
“I really wanted the frogs, but I didn’t have any money. So I asked the librarian if I could take them and bring the money tomorrow! But she was really busy and lots of people were talking to her, and she said yes! But maybe she was saying yes to someone else? And I thought it was to me but Caitlin didn’t, but I was going to bring money tomorrow!”
The principal. Was flummoxed. This was a situation in which I clearly thought I’d done no wrong, in which she couldn’t prove I had done anything wrong, and which the librarian would almost certainly not be able to weigh in. She regarded me not with suspicion but rather vaguely confused as to how to handle me.
I got off with a slight warning that I should pay for things before taking them, despite not having been the one to take things in the first place, and the frogs were confiscated.
I was vaguely worried they’d call my parents but years later when I admitted the story to my mom as an adult she laughed herself sick and said she’d never gotten a call.
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comradekatara · 1 month
How much do I need to pay for some more aang and suki shenanigans?
same girl!!! their friendship (that is almost entirely hypothetical and mostly exists in my head) is soo important to me i just know they’re best friends. like obviously the fact that suki is close with appa and momo already signifies a lot about the nature of their relationship, but they barely interact throughout the show, which makes sense considering that suki is mostly there to supplement sokka’s character and all her other interactions with the gaang are fairly limited (katara and suki friendship though….. also deeply important. to me). but as the most emotionally healthy, stable, self-possessed, and just straight up cool members of the gaang, i just know they’d get along like a house on fire.
i think suki would pretty quickly come to see aang as a little brother figure the same way sokka does, and suki would be the big sister he never had in return. and they definitely get into all kinds of little adventures together after the war, like aang telling suki about the cactus juice incident and suki immediately being like “omg we NEED to try that (don’t tell sokka and katara)”, or going around helping rebuild villages and relocate displaced peoples together, or pranking each other in increasingly crazier ways.
oh yes the aang and suki prank war is very real (toph and katara have a concurrent prank war going on of course; zuko who is far too sensitive & gullible, and sokka who is far too anxious, refuse to be caught in the crosshairs of either of these conflicts). it starts at the western air temple and ends when both of them are dead. everyone on kyoshi island genuinely worships aang like a god and so they think suki is absolutely fucking insane for putting cactus juice in his smoothie right before he’s supposed to deliver a big speech, but she’s just like “no it’s gonna be so fucking funny, just trust me.” (and it is.)
the “putting a “snake” in your sleeping bag and humiliating you in front of your almost boyfriend and his hot dad -> reading katara a really bad poem and then claiming that aang wrote it for her -> loosening the bedframe in your bedroom on ember island so that it crashes during sex (the point at which aang learned NEVER to make sokka collateral damage in these escapades) -> making the whole gaang sit through a colonialist propaganda play just because you know it’ll piss aang off -> putting hot sauce in your red face paint so that it stings and burns your eyelids so bad throughout the entirety of zuko’s coronation day -> nearly causing an international incident because you straight up endangered the life of the avatar” pipeline is so fucking real you guys.
and for what it’s worth, a lot of people assume that aang and suki actually hate each other, and that’s why they’re so invested in this prank war. but they love each other deeply, and that’s evident whenever they’re not in the middle of concocting a nefarious revenge plot, like when they go for long walks together, or just sit and chill outside, or cook together, or any other one of the many other activities they enjoy in each other’s company. they don’t hold grudges either. the pranking is fun for them because they’re both secure enough in themselves to understand that it’s being done out a shared sense of joy and whimsy, and not out of any desire to genuinely antagonize the other. to be fair, sometimes their pranks do actually go too far in various ways, but again, no hard feelings. it’s just a testament to the skill of the pranker, and an invitation for the other to step up their game.
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bitchiswild · 6 months
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Huh Yunjin x F! Reader
Warnings: like 2 curse words but all fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
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Yunjin and I were all set to head outside and enjoy the snow together. As I wrapped up getting ready, I stepped out of our room to find Yunjin sitting comfortably on the couch, already prepared for our snowy adventure. When she caught sight of me, she spun around with an impish grin, eyeing me from head to toe.
"Ho Ho Holy shit, you look good," she quipped, a mischievous glint in her eye. I couldn't help but pause, trying my best to stifle a laugh, but her playful comment broke through, and we both burst into laughter.
"That was so ridiculous," I managed between giggles, and Yunjin chimed in, our laughter intertwining and echoing through the room. Moments like these made our outings even more enjoyable, filled with light-hearted banter and shared joy.
"You look great, honey. Now, do you want to build a snowman?" Yunjin teased, playfully singing a line from the famous Frozen song. I couldn't help but chuckle at her playful antics, her humor adding an extra layer of delight to the moment.
Her spontaneous references to movies or songs always brought a smile to my face, infusing our activities with an added touch of whimsy. It was moments like these, where her playful spirit shone through, that made our time together even more cherished.
As we made our way outside, the crisp air greeted us, the snow-covered landscape sparkling under the winter sun. Yunjin and I ventured into the wonderland, our breaths creating clouds in the chill, the snow crunching beneath our boots.
Yunjin scooped up a handful of snow and without warning, playfully tossed it my way. I dodged, laughing, and retaliated, initiating a friendly snowball fight. Soon, we were both engrossed in the playful exchange, ducking behind mounds of snow, crafting forts out of the fluffy white powder.
The wintry scene around us transformed into a canvas for our amusement. We built a snowman together, each of us contributing unique touches and giggling as we adorned it with a quirky assortment of items we found nearby.
Our cheeks flushed pink from the cold, but our spirits soared high, fueled by the simple joy of spending time together, reveling in the magic of the snow-covered world around us. As the day began to wane, we trudged back home, smiling, with hearts warmed by the shared laughter and the simple pleasures of our snowy escapade.
As we continued our snowy escapade, our laughter echoed through the serene landscape. Amidst the flurry of snowballs and playful antics, I accidentally launched a particularly well-aimed snowball that caught Yunjin off guard. She laughed, brushing off the snow from her jacket with a grin.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to throw that snowball so hard," I exclaimed, half-apologetic and half-teasing.
Yunjin winked, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, it's on now!" she declared, scooping up snow with a mischievous glint in her eye.
Our game intensified, each throw met with peals of laughter and good-natured apologies as snowballs flew back and forth. The world around us transformed into a playground, our camaraderie and the lighthearted banter infusing the winter air with warmth.
As the sun started its descent, casting a golden hue over the snow-covered landscape, we settled down on a nearby bench, catching our breath between fits of laughter.
"That was intense," Yunjin chuckled, wiping a trace of snow from her cheek.
"Yeah, but so much fun," I grinned, feeling a sense of pure contentment settle within me.
In moments like these, amidst the playful exchange and the shared joy, the simplicity of the snowy afternoon became a cherished memory, etched in the fabric of our relationship.
Out of breath after our snow ball fight Yunjin spoke up “ Do you want to build a snow man? She started staring at me, with a teasing smile.
As I got up, Yunjin mirrored my movements, and together we gathered the materials needed for our snowman—eyes, buttons, arms, and a carrot for the nose. Yunjin began to sing “Do you want t-”, but before she could finish, I interjected, playfully threatening her with a comical ultimatum.
"Yunjin, if you ask me if I wanna build a snowman one more time, I’m gonna break your jaw and ban sexy time," I teased. She pouted momentarily, but her love for the song persisted as she continued humming it while we assembled our snowy creation.
Finally completing our snowman, Yunjin proposed an unexpected idea. "I think we should make a catman," she suggested excitedly, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.
"A cat man?" I echoed, a touch bewildered by the unexpected suggestion.
"Yeah! A cat snowman!" Yunjin exclaimed, already preparing to bring this feline-inspired creation to life. In that moment, watching her enthusiasm and creativity, my heart swelled with affection. It was these spontaneous, whimsical moments shared with her that solidified my deep love and appreciation for Yunjin.
Completing her cat-man masterpiece, Yunjin drew me close, beaming with pride as she gestured towards our whimsical creations. "Look at our beautiful family," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight. I couldn't help but chuckle in response.
"Our cat is a little wonky, just like the snowman," I remarked, glancing at our quirky, slightly asymmetrical creations.
Yunjin chuckled along, nodding in agreement. "But that's what makes them special," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "They have character."
In that simple exchange, I realized the beauty of imperfection, finding charm and uniqueness in our slightly off-kilter snow sculptures. It wasn't about flawlessness; it was about the joy, love, and memories we shared while crafting them. Yunjin's perspective always had a way of highlighting the beauty in the unconventional, making our little creations even more precious to me.
“Anyways” Yunjin's sudden shift in demeanor caught me off guard. Pulling away from me, she dashed toward our creations with surprising speed and delivered an unexpected kick to our snow sculptures. "Fuck them kids!" she exclaimed with a mix of mischief and playful rebellion.
I stood there momentarily stunned, processing the sudden turn of events, before bursting into laughter. Yunjin's spontaneous and outrageous behavior never failed to surprise me, and despite my initial shock, her antics always had a way of turning into moments of shared amusement.
As I chuckled at the absurdity of the situation, I couldn't help but appreciate Yunjin's unpredictable spirit, which constantly injected a sense of unpredictability and liveliness into our time together.
Yunjin's momentum from kicking the snow sculptures caused her to slip and tumble into the soft snow, laughter bubbling out uncontrollably. Concerned yet unable to contain my own laughter, I hurried over to her. However, before I could fully react, she playfully pulled me down beside her, enveloping me in her arms.
"I'm kidding, baby. I love kids," she chuckled between fits of laughter, her playful eyes meeting mine.
"I know, Yunjinie," I reassured her, a smile tugging at my lips as I nestled closer to her in the snow.
We remained there, wrapped up in each other's warmth, surrounded by the tranquility of the snow-covered landscape. In that moment, amidst our laughter and affection, I couldn't help but agree—it was indeed the best snow day ever, a day filled with love, laughter, and the pure joy of being together.
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yourdarlingness · 3 months
Misha (Honkai Star Rail) names , pronouns , titles
✦ requested by @erveinangel ... no kin / ID / me tags
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 ◞◟ NAMES ✦
dreamie . micah . mylo . milo . nikki . nick . rem . starlet(te) . starlotte . wish . whimsyne
be / bell . bell / bellboy . b🛎️ / b🛎️ll . hx / hxm . h✦ / h✦m . de / dream . star / stars . sce / scape (from 'dreamscape') . ae / aer . hy / hym . shy / hyr . whie / whimsy . 🕰️ . ✦ . 🛎️
 ◞◟  TITLES ✦
the (hotel) bellboy . the bellboy of the Reverie hotel . in prn* (galactic/whimsical) wonderland . prn* who yearns for adventure . prn* starry wishes . prn (galactic/cosmic) dreams . prn* desire for adventure . (the captain / prn) dreamscape . the captain of clocks . the (captain's / bellboy's) starry escapades
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artbyblastweave · 4 months
So on balance I generally do enjoy Mark Millar, and a big part of why I enjoy Mark Millar is that a lot of his superhero stuff demonstrates the same awareness about the genre that Worm does- the sense of an unstable equilibrium, that the center cannot hold in the superhero universe as typically presented. Jupiter's Legacy, Super Crooks, Old Man Logan, Wanted, The Ultimates. Arguably Civil War. I have a whole other post buried in my drafts about how that bleak throughline keeps cropping up in his cape work. Specifically in his cape work, also- the man has written a lot of lighthearted, at times almost cloyingly sincere and optimistic one-off miniseries in other genres. Starlight: The Return Of Duke McQueen, Huck, Chrononauts, Beyond. In tension with this cynicism about the capes is the fact that he also clearly believes that superheroes are really cool, and on some fundamental level a really deeply noble and empowering idea. Even Wanted, which is probably the most thoroughly tasteless thing of his that I've read all the way through, I recall as having had this interesting subtext of anger over the fact that there's an audience for a superhero work as cynical and grotesque as Wanted. ("Fine. We took all the whimsy and wonder and derring-do you claim to have outgrown out back and shot it. The corpse is cooling. Are you happy yet? Dark enough yet? Mature enough yet? This is what you wanted right?") Anyway, I think Kick-Ass the comic suffers gigantically from a failure to break in one direction or another, in regard to that tension. It gets very, very close to saying useful and interesting things about the genre at several points but keeps undercutting itself by transforming back into the object of its own attack. There's this initial line of questioning, right, which is, "what kind of person, in real life, might actually try this? How would it go?" And the comic has some compellingly miserable answers to that question! Everyone in costume is chasing the same power fantasy, clinging to the idea of being somebody. Dave is, in his own words, motivated by "the right combination of loneliness and despair," and he's not competent. He alternates between minor wins and brutal hospitalizations, the first two issues and change is just the world punishing him for being dumb enough to try this, and for the most part he's a LARPer, a self-identified asshole. Red Mist is a rich kid playing with his father's money. Big Daddy and Hit-girl are framed as the "real deal", genuinely competent in their ability to dish out violence, and the comic to some extent has the self-awareness to recognize that people who were actually any good at this would be even more horrifying than the LARPers. The Reveal that Big Daddy was an accountant- that he made up a tragic backstory and made his daughter a human weapon in order to pursue an escapist fantasy- genuinely lands like a meteor! But it fucks it up, because it also needs to be cool, cool enough to keep our attention, and so it pulls an about face. The horror of Hit-girl gets subsumed by the realization that she's also the coolest thing in the whole book, almost loadbearing in terms of having actually cool and interesting things happen on-panel, and so the end of the book turns into the exact kind of superviolent revenge story it was initially skewering as unrealistic and disconnected from the much more grounded grief and loss Dave is experiencing at the start of the book. Dave's costumed escapades goes from being an obviously stupid and egotistical attempt to claw back control of his life to... an actual method by which he claws back control of his life, and not in a way that feels terribly well-earned!
The sequels double down on this- alternating between "in real life this would be cheap and stupid and tinged with anticlimax" and "woooo! Let's ape Tarantino until something cool happens!" and honestly, that feels less worthy of analysis because what I'm pretty sure happened there is that the movie blew up and created A Demand For More Kick-Ass. In general what it feels like fundamentally happened here is that you ask, "what if superheroes were real," you land on the answer of "they'd look stupid, be stupid and die badly," but what does that leave you with? It's not like that wasn't the obvious answer already and it's definitely not eight issues of material. He can't pull the trigger on having everyone involved die badly in meanspirited ways to drive the point home, and he never quite threads the needle back to the reconstructive middle ground he badly wants the book to inhabit, the "real heroes work in soup kitchens and look out for their neighbors" area. Things just happen.
That said, the gag about the astroturfed swear-word "Tunk" is fantastic. 10/10, no notes
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hopefuloverfury · 6 months
maybe a weird ask, but what do you think the bachelors/ettes superpowers would be?
Imagining the marriage candidates with some kind of ability was both super fun and also a pain in the ass. I didn’t want to go the obvious route with anyone, and I also didn’t want to make any of them into an actual superhero, so, under the assumption that they exist in a world where everyone is super-powered in some way or another, I came up with these. I also made sure that they all had some kind of drawback or a “catch” of some kind, so they wouldn’t be completely broken powers.
I don't think there are any necessary warnings this time. Enjoy!
Everyone’s favorite golden retriever boy gets Instrument Manipulation. It’s the kind of power that does exactly what it says on the tin. Sam can manipulate instruments, but unlike Musical Mastery, for example, Sam is only able to use this ability to play on instruments he’s already familiar with. We know he can play the guitar and the drums, but he wouldn’t be able to use this ability to play the violin, or something. He could probably use it to bash someone up the head with one, though.
Before anyone gets excited—we’ve only got room for one sorcerer in Pelican Town, and that’s Rasmodius. With that in mind, Sebastian’s superpower is Cyber Presence. The ability to exist within cyberspace, and effectively exist everywhere, all at once—as long as there’s some level of technology in that area. Whether it be a global computer network, radar or security systems, or even satellites, Sebastian would be given the freedom to enter and exist in the cyber world at his own will. However, if any of the devices have a virus of some kind, it will affect his physical form and could potentially harm or otherwise “alter” him.
You’d think he’d get something like super strength or super speed, but I think Alex would get the most use out of Enhanced Stamina. He’d be able to practice gridball for hours to days without tiring, and he’d have no issues with helping around the farm for as long as he needed to. If you chose to have children in the future, I imagine he could keep up with the kiddos without breaking a sweat either. This wouldn’t be an absolute thing—he would get tired eventually, but he’d last a while. A few days of uninterrupted activity, at most, but he'd never go that long. Granny Evelyn still worries, you know!
Literary Travel allows the user to effectively “dimension hop” between different works of fiction. Elliott can act as himself in these fictional worlds, but cannot affect the plotline or the outcome of whatever story is being told. He would also only be able to hop into these fictional works while touching the physical medium(books, movie CDs, etc.). Elliott would use this ability in a myriad of ways, but as a man who’s constantly wrapped up in the dramatics and whimsy of life, I think he’d use it most often as a form of escapism. He’d have a limit for how much time he could spend in alternate realities, and his escapades would always be dreamlike. It would allow him the freedom to explore those places, but it wouldn’t deteriorate his perception of his reality, which I think is important.
I want him to be able to speak to his chickens, so Shane gets Zoolingualism. He wouldn’t be able to speak the language of an animal that’s gone extinct, but he can speak to every other animal with ease as long as meets a member of that species once. Unlike Marnie, who can perfectly replicate and mimic animal sounds and literally speak their language, Shane communicates in a more intangible way. Rather, he speaks to the animal, and the intentions, emotions, and thoughts are injected into the animal’s brain. The opposite is also true for him. He comes off as a bit anti-social to the people who meet him, mostly because he spends all of his time in the barn communicating with the animals instead of the humans outside. Chickens are safer.
I thought about giving him Flight because I’m an asshole, but eventually I decided against it. Instead, Dial allows Harvey to speed up or slow down an individual’s healing by manipulating a patient’s cells. Harvey can accelerate the healing process by quite a fair margin, and after so many years of mastery, he’s completely abandoned stitches because he can seal any wound closed on his own. Further, if he were setting someone’s fractured limb, their time with a cast would be severely shortened by using his ability. However, he can not immediately cure any or all ailments, and using his ability for long periods of time will give him body aches. He may go too far or push himself a little too hard, and his body has shown the effects of that in recent years. He’s not able to bounce back as quickly as he used to.
You may have thought that I’d go with something obvious like Absolute Intelligence or whatever, but we all know intelligence isn’t Maru’s lack, so let’s ignore her brains for a moment and shift gears. Interstellar Projection would fit her best. Being able to project herself through the infinite cosmos and visit the trillions of solar systems she’s only ever been able to see fuzzy glimpses of through her telescope would be a dream come true for her. However, because she is a human and could not survive in the vacuum of space without substantial protection, she would only be able to project her consciousness into space—not her physical form.
Telekinesis is Penny’s superpower. I think due to her responsibilities and her personal interests, being able to interact with objects without ever laying a finger on them would make a ton of things easier for her. Washing dishes, cleaning her home, cleaning up the library table after teaching the children, and reading would all be far simpler for her. Her emotions would affect it, however, so if she and Pam ever got into a heated argument in the trailer, their belongings might start levitating. She can manipulate inanimate objects, but cannot manipulate living things. She couldn’t make Vincent float, for example.
I considered Invulnerability and Weapons Mastery for Abigail, but I think both of those would kill her enjoyment of swordsmanship and adventuring. So instead, I think she would get the most use out of Tactical Analysis. With the ability to see the perfect course of action when going head to head with a floor full of powerful monsters, I imagine she’d be one hell of an adventurer, but she’d still have to train her ass off to succeed with the kinds of plans her brain comes up with.
Charisma isn’t something Haley struggles with, but I think it’s an ability that fits her best. Being wealthy, popular, and having an ability to charm people would have contributed heavily to her developing a conceited and selfish personality, but after she expands her worldview and loses her superficial tendencies, I think she’d use her ability for good. If you’ve seen her heart event after getting married, you know exactly what I’m talking about. However, this ability’s effectiveness wears off the better you know her, and doesn’t have any effect on people she’s related to by blood, so it doesn’t work on Emily, and it stopped working on Alex a long time ago.
Leah’s ability is Foresight. Being a mix of Wisdom, Future Vision, Fate Sight, and Analytical Precognition, Leah has the ability to see a short distance into the future. Her ability takes the form of visions, lasting anywhere from a few seconds to a minute long. They are usually random, but if she focuses on herself very carefully, she can induce a vision. The ones that she doesn’t call forward are far more pressing and require more of her attention. Namely, a few visions in the months leading up to the end of her abusive relationship with Kel(y’all know how I feel about them), and even some regarding the Farmer’s appearance in the valley. She always has a pretty nasty migraine after a vision though, and needs to hold warm or cold compresses against her eyes to soothe the aching.
Emily was a toss up between a few powers, but eventually I settled on Omnilingualism. This ability allows the individual to speak all human languages fluently. Emily has a few cutscenes and lines in-game that make it clear that she isn’t lacking in the supernatural department, but her most notable characteristic is her immense kindness and empathy. Her desire to help others is admirable, and so I gave her this ability in the hopes that it would make it easier for her to offer aid to a plethora of different people. However, she’d only be able to speak a language after formally meeting a person who spoke it, so she couldn’t learn any dead languages.
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littlerainyghoul · 6 months
So I did an oopsy and accidentally deleted the original post so this is a repost
Dewww, it's raining!
For @swissndewdrop
Thank you @jimothybarnes for being a wonderful Beta Reader as always
Summary: Rainy's whimsical dance in the rain and Dew's reluctant admiration in the Abbey - the perfect way to spend a rainy day.
Words: 800
Pairings: Regressed Rain and Caregiver Dewdrop
The Abbey hallway was alive with the unmistakable sound of raindrops playing a gentle melody against the windows. The air held the enchanting fragrance of wet soil and the refreshing petrichorical scent of rain, turning the atmosphere into a playground of nature's wonders. Outside, the world underwent a magical transformation as each raindrop descended, painting a shimmering canvas of liquid diamonds on every available surface.
"Dewww!! It's raining!" The words echoed joyously in the Abbey hallway, a delightful symphony of crackles and childlike exuberance. The voice, filled with the innocent enthusiasm of a playful spirit, bounced off the time-worn walls, stirring the echoes of history that slumbered within.
As the words hung in the air, a misty veil of anticipation seemed to materialize, wrapping the corridor in an invisible hug of excitement. The gentle pitter-patter of raindrops outside added a rhythmic overture to the announcement, transforming each raindrop into a tiny percussionist contributing to the symphony of the approaching storm.
The fire ghoul, residing amidst the warmth of the Abbey, responded with a huff that sent whimsical curls of smoke spiraling from his nostrils. Not a trace of anger, but the day's temperature had dipped to a chilly level, not quite frosty enough for snow, yet cool enough to warrant the comfort of hoodies and sweaters. The inherent warmth of the fire ghoul became even more apparent as every breath Dew exhaled materialized into a playful vapor dance.
"Okay, let me bet, you want to jump in the puddles, Rainy!" Dew, displaying a keen understanding, knew that Rain's heart was set on leaping into puddles and dancing in the rain—it was their element, after all. A simple nod from the water ghoul was the confirmation Dew needed.
"Well, how about we put on your rain jacket and boots, and then you go outside?" Dewdrop inquired, emphasizing the "you" with a playful tone. It was evident that Dewdrop preferred to stay dry, letting Rainy revel in the watery wonders without a worry.
"Okie Dewdrop!" Rain squealed in delight, the excitement bubbling over. With careful assistance, Dewdrop helped Rain put on the vibrant yellow squeaky rain jacket and boots, each item a promise of the splashy adventure ahead. Rainy, with a gleeful look, wiggled in anticipation.
"Rainy's ready for a splashy adventure!" declared Rain, their words carrying the infectious joy of a child on the brink of a delightful escapade. He wiggled and pranced into the garden outside.
“Hold it there, kid” Dewdrop smiled "wait for me!"
The rain outside continued its rhythmic melody, extending an invitation to the duo to join the whimsical dance of droplets. With a mischievous grin, Rainy took the first step into the puddle-covered landscape, creating tiny splashes that mirrored their uncontainable joy. Each jump and prance transformed the once-muted puddles into lively bursts of liquid joy, as Rainy's laughter blended harmoniously with the melodic rain.
"Look, Dew! I'm a froggy!" Rainy exclaimed, fiddling next to a makeshift pond. Crouching down with boundless excitement, Rainy continued, "Ribbit! Ribbit!" in a croak that echoed the sheer delight of a child reveling in the whimsy of their imagination.
Dew couldn't help but feel a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he watched the adventurous little devil-like creature transform into a spirited froggy. Each jump, with webbed hands splishing and splashing, painted the pond with the joyous chaos of Rainy's playful amphibian antics. The Abbey hallway, now filled with the laughter and antics of Rainy, embraced the timeless magic of a rainy-day adventure through the eyes of a child-like spirit.
"Dewwwww," Rain pouted, their voice carrying the innocence of a child seeking a companion. "Come join me!"
Dew hesitated, a flicker of anxiety crossing his fiery features. The dance of raindrops continued around them, but the prospect of joining Rain in the watery revelry seemed to kindle a different kind of heat within the fire ghoul. Fire and water, in their contrasting elements, held an unspoken tension for Dew.
Rainy, oblivious to Dew's internal struggle, extended an inviting hand. "It's so much fun! The rain's like nature's playground, and we could dance together!"
A shadow of conflict danced in Dew's eyes as he considered Rain's plea. The chill in the air seemed to intensify for him, a reminder of the discomfort that water brought to his fiery essence. Despite the allure of Rain's joyous world, anxiety flickered like distant embers in Dew's gaze.
"Rainy, you go ahead. I'll watch from here," Dew finally responded, managing a small smile that attempted to conceal the underlying tension. The fire ghoul, though desiring to share in Rain's delight, couldn't shake the anxiety that submerged him in the face of water.
"Aww! Okay then" Rain finally relented. He continued to dance in the pitter-patter of the rain, until he finally lied down, his hair wet with the muddy rain drops.
”You need a shower, kiddo“ Dewdrop laughed "to get you clean this time"
Rain, sprawled on the ground, grinned mischievously. "Maybe I like the muddy rain, Dew!"
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cyber-corp · 11 months
A shitty summary of Hivemind: Act 5: Act 1
written by someone who's too far in at this point
Let's start bad and complex: The romance quadrant system!
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Character drama escapades aside, I think that Hussie (either intentionally or accidentally) emphasizes queer relationship normality in the troll world, which is really cool, especially for 2010!
From my understanding, heart is basic romance (comparable to regular human romance, unrequited love), the diamond, which I think is moirail (sorta like soulmates, both parties are dependent on each other in the relationship), the spade or kismesis (Romantic hate, like an arch-rivalry) and the clover or auspistice (a separate party keeps a crumbling relationship afloat).
I have no idea why they call out John for not understanding, my boy simply has no fucking idea what Karkat is saying.
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There are a LOT of characters in Hivebent, three times the cast exactly. They are all mentally disturbed and want to kill each other as soon as possible. Nepeta is the best one though.
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Truly the whimsy. The main plot points revolve around two of the five girls: Aradia and Vriska.
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Apparently, something happened between these two before these events took place, and now they hate each other, to the point where one sends ghostly hallucinations to another (as seen above).
The 12-person gang attempts to set up a game that is literally just SBURB, and they split into two teams, red and blue. In order to connect to each other, they do the Mobius Double-Reacharound(TM).
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Then Aradia (who gets her soul transferred into a robot, thanks Equius), emasses an army of her future selves, each rerouted from a doomed offshoot of the main timeline.
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This is so that the troll gang can get really close to beating the game, before causing a catastrophic time rift, referred to Future Aradia as "a scratch. The party absconds to the "site of their hatching", which is the massive crater they appear on in previous acts, where they (I guess) float across their universe and make it into the Milky Way and into the
"universe we created"
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Which suspiciously looks like Earth. Which is where Act 5 Act 1 ends.
This feels like a story that Hussie really wanted to make. The previous MSPaint Adventures were just him taking suggestions from his forum and making something silly, while Hivebent feels like he went "Fuck you. I do my own shit now."
This summary has a lot of stuff I missed (like the drama......don't even get me started), but I think Hivebent is absolutely nuts. In a good way.
I miss John though.
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blissfullybubblez · 11 months
☀️🌈 Summer Fun in Little Paradise! 🌈☀️
🌼💦 Let's dive into the sunny season of joy and embark on a delightful journey of summer activities in our little space! Get ready for some magical adventures! 💦🌼
🏖️🍦 Beach Days: Build sandcastles, feel the ocean breeze, and collect seashells. Let the waves tickle your toes and embrace the joy of a sunny day by the sea! 🍦🏖️
🌞🍉 Picnic Time: Pack your favorite snacks, grab a cozy blanket, and head to the park for a delightful picnic. Enjoy yummy treats and bask in the warmth of the sun! 🍉🌞
🚴‍♀️🌈 Bike Rides: Hop on your colorful bike and explore the neighborhood. Feel the wind in your hair as you pedal through streets filled with summer magic and adventure! 🌈🚴‍♀️
🌻🌳 Nature Walks: Take a leisurely stroll through lush green forests, flower-filled meadows, or local gardens. Breathe in the fresh air and let nature's beauty ignite your little imagination. 🌳🌻
🎈🌈 Carnival Fun: Step right up and experience the excitement of a summer carnival! Enjoy rides, games, and cotton candy as you embrace the whimsy and laughter of the festivities. 🌈🎈
🌸🍓 Berry Picking: Put on your sunhat and venture to a berry farm. Fill your basket with juicy strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries, savoring the sweetness of summertime treats! 🍓🌸
🎨🌞 Art in the Sun: Set up an outdoor art station and let your creativity flourish! Paint with watercolors, draw with chalk, or create nature-inspired crafts under the warm summer sun. 🌞🎨
🍧🍨 Ice Cream Adventures: Indulge in scoops of pure happiness! Explore local ice cream shops, try different flavors, and create your own sundaes with all the delicious toppings. 🍨🍧
💦🎉 Water Play: Cool off with water-filled adventures! Have a splash party in the backyard, play with water balloons, or enjoy some water gun fun. Let laughter and giggles fill the air! 🎉💦
🌈☀️ Let's make this summer unforgettable by embracing the joys of childhood, immersing ourselves in sunny escapades, and reveling in the warmth of our little paradise! ☀️🌈
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calebs-hangout-corner · 3 months
So you love Enchanted & Disenchanted, yes? Do you mayhaps have any headcanons?
I don't have that many headcanons for Enchanted or Disenchanted, but I do have some! I like to think that Edward and Nancy adopt a child that Edward meets during one of his daring escapades (Nancy was also with him so they both grew close with the kid over the adventure), and that Morgan will eventually go on to write or do something else creative inspired by the whimsy that's such a permanent fixture in her life. Also I do not think Giselle knew what Intercourse of the sexual kind was before the second movie you cannot tell me that she did
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cha-cha-cha-chayanne · 10 months
There’s three things he likes about Missa, Chayanne thinks as he pulls ingredients out of Phil’s stores.
The first is simple and selfish. He doesn’t have to share him. Missa is CHAYANNE’S dad, all his own. Not Tallulah’s or any of his other siblings’. It reminds Chayanne of that first year he’d had alone, their mom’s favorite and only.
The second is that he loves how Missa makes him feel. He’s not like Phil, is the thing- Chayanne looks up to Missa, of course he does, he wants to take his silliness and softness and eat them up into himself and run wild with them, but at the same time there’s not as much…worship there. Phil makes Chayanne want to be a grownup, a knight, brave and true. There’s a reason he calls the guy sir, sometimes, instead of Dad. Missa makes Chayanne feel silly and soft. He shows him another side of the world, filled with music and arson and good food and whimsy.
Phil makes Chayanne feel like a child. Missa makes Chayanne feel like a kid.
These past few weeks of Missa staying at Phil’s have been fucking fantastic, the two of them poking each other and pulling dumb pranks and making music and food and annoying the shit out of everyone around them. Chayanne feels so…light. He never wants it to end.
Their current escapade is in the kitchen, where Chayanne is pulling teetering armfuls of ingredients out of chests. His floatie helps to prop some of them up, allowing them to stack even higher. One of Missa’s covers is BLASTING, and Chayanne is singing along loudly as he carries the pile back to the kitchen.
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capsensislagamoprh · 3 months
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Victor looked over the garden view, wondering how Christophe managed to get a better room than he did. Pinsion Padre was a standard hotel, as places with standards go, a mere three hundred m from the Ostrava, which was nice. It also meant Yakov could time his escapades to and from to the minute. Getting to take a break with Chris was hard. They were both trying for the gold at the WFSJC, though one was bound for disappointment. Was it wrong to hope it was him? To even think about wanting it more than his friend?
"You are radiating deep, winter sleep." Christophe said quietly, propping his chin on the Ice King's shoulder. "What has you thinking?"
"I suppose," Victor hummed, "I feel constrained."
Victor shrugged. His eyes closed as he leaned back. "Do you think it will always be this way? Timed, carded, tracked, restrained, bound by rules?"
"It's possible. It may not be. You have to make life what you want it to be. It's not so easy to do that here. You have to fight for what you want. Through odds, preconceptions, your own doubt. There's more to life than life itself."
A silver brow rose. "Sr. Giacometti! Such a sentiment from a spring court fey lord!"
"My dear, Victor," Christophe trilled, "even a winter fey knows the value of life."
Victor scowled, pushing himself upright. "I do, and I want it, yet forever am I besieged by obstacle to my path of joy! The world rages in ice and fire, and I can't even get a room with a view! Seriously," he spun, hands pressing into Christophe's shoulders. "How did you manage it?"
"Booked ahead."
"Body parts in trade are considered taboo in the material realm." The blank, sanity considering look turned his way made Victor repent, if only for a moment. "There must be some way to feel alive while we're here and see if we can find our prey."
"Prey, is it?"
"Yuri is. Sort of. No. I just miss the whimsy."
"Min nära följeslagare... Are we planing a daring escape?"
Victor smiled. Christoph sighed. "Very well. Let us flee."
"As long as we're back by check in, they need never know. After all, we're still minors here, but until that time, it's on them to know where we are, yes?"
Victor smiled. It reminded Christophe his friend was 'born' into Russia, where all fey were dangerous creatures, terrifying in there might. "Right."
"Come. We still have time to slip into the crowds, lost among disorder, to escape into the city itself," the spring fey cooed, bating Victor until he bent. Grasping the blond's arm, the Ice King beamed, ready to take on the whole of wonder if it gave him even a drop of glamour to enjoy the living.
They ran to the stairs, steps a mere memory. Jumps and laughs echoed thrugh the tunneling spiral as they dashed past doors. At the ground, they peaked out, slipped along the wall, desperate not to laugh until they were free. The outside world would know the sound of fey mischief, it would tremble, it would cry out in pleasure to know they existed. For five minutes. Their coaches caught them in the lobby. Christophe's coach raised a brow, shaking his head in sad disappointment. Yakov looked as if his head were a cartoon explosive.
The world gave them reprieve. "Let them go," Josef sighed. "They are in a new city. They are young." Yakov frowned.
"They are young! They cannot go in a new city alone!"
"Christophe, do you have your phone?"
"Set an alarm. You have until nine thirty this night to be back in your room. Same for Mr. Nikiforov. You will eat a balanced supper, and should I catch a wiff of junk food or you are a second late, I will let Yakov have at you both. Then Madame Baranovskaya, who is due to meet with us for lunch in less than three minutes. She is punctual."
It took the fey a second to recognize what was being offered. Victor peered at Josef for a long moment. He was emitting a rainbow halo. Christophe seemed to radiate with joy. His eyes went wide. Josef was feeding Christophe glamour based on trust! It was so potent he could barely see when he turned, arm grabbed by his friend, racing them out the door.
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 23, part 24
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hero2222-nsfw · 7 months
NSFW-VEMBER Starters day 13-Livestream
In the glow of her streaming setup, Frost prepared her livestream for the day, though, she planned something special for today. As the camera went live, her personality, a blend of chilled vibes and sensitive warmth, filled the digital realm. Seated comfortably in her gaming chair, the soft glow of ambient lights setting the mood, she greeted her online audience with a genuine smile.
"Hey, everyone! It's Frost. How's it going today?" Her voice, a soothing melody, resonated through the stream, carrying the essence of her laid-back demeanor.
The chat box flickered to life, flooded with greetings and emotes from viewers eager to share this moment with Frost. Their connection, forged through the digital landscape, created a virtual space where laughter, support, and shared interests flourished.
With a wave to her virtual companions, Frost dived into the world of video games, her magical abilities adding a touch of whimsy to the gameplay. As she manipulated the air around her character, viewers marveled at the seamless blend of skill and magic, creating an immersive experience that transcended the boundaries of the screen.
The stream continued, seamlessly transitioning between gaming escapades and musical interludes. Viewers felt a sense of camaraderie, drawn to Frost's genuine nature and the shared love for games, music, and the comforting embrace of a digital community.
In the heart of the livestream, Frost decided to play a game, with every donation, she would accept a dare, and knowing the internet she decided to quickly make it an 18+ stream
Have fun~
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life-imitates-art · 6 months
📖✨ Whether you're an art enthusiast, a fan of Alice in Wonderland, or simply someone who appreciates unique and magical creations, this video is a whimsical delight. Also, my first video, so halp a hoomin out, y'all.
Explore the process behind this charming Mad Hatter bookmark—a must-make for anyone seeking a dash of Wonderland's whimsy in their literary escapades!
🎨🌟 Don't miss out on this artistic adventure that captures the essence of creativity and the joy of storytelling! 🌟📚
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#MadHatterBookmark #AliceInWonderlandArt #BookishMagic #ArtisticJourney #WhimsicalArt #BookmarkCreation #ArtLoversTumblr #WonderlandInspiration #ArtisticExpression
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elegieenbleu · 1 year
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Flute Devil, 2018 Original drawing Watercolor and gouache on paper 19 x 19.5 cm Now available at collectioncroisee.com Wistful and dreamy, the characters in Louka Butzbach’s drawings often look out into the distance, lost in thought or contemplating time. Sometimes pensive, sometimes serene, they elegantly wander through verdant landscapes caressing nature and its elements with their long, thin fingers. Butzbach seeks to work in harmony with nature and, as such, surrenders to its bucolic poetry from which stories form. Sauntering and frolicking, the protagonists' androgynous silhouettes can be observed enjoying every bit of their impromptu adventures. They explore places full of warmth and light where lush vegetation can flourish unhindered. They lean against spongy mushrooms to read or run through hills that are defined as precisely as they would be on a relief map. They are on a quest for rare specimens of rocks or plants and their ardent curiosity seems inexhaustible. Butzbach’s art can be characterized as a delicate balancing act transforming each escapade into a thought that can be illustrated and admired. Through his stories, he takes the viewer on discerning, yet subtle, literary strolls. The beauty of his watercolors magnifies the candor characteristic in his writing. A romantic form of theatre is at play here with whimsy as its only through line.
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