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A few fun pronoun graphics that may become stickers someday. I plan on doing a LOT more when I have the time. 💙💚
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Audio Transcription:
This morning, ve went to the park.
I went with ver.
And ve brought vis frisbee.
At least I think it was vis.
By the end of the day, ve started throwing the frisbee to verself.
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lawofcollage · 1 year
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Ve/ver pronouns!
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"Chocolate Surf" pronoun pins!
Font is "Painting with Chocolate", free for commercial use
Photo is from Pexels.com
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[ID: A screenshot of 16 circular designs on a white background.
Each design shows the ocean from above, and has pronouns written in black text with a white outline.
In order from top to bottom and left to right, they read:
ae/aer, bun/buns, e/em, fae/faer, fe/fear, he/him, it/its, she/her, sie/hir, star/stars, they/them, ve/ver, voi/void, xe/xem, xe/xir, and, ze/hir.
End ID.]
Web archive link to download the HD files
Threadless collection to buy them if you don't want to make your own buttons or shirts
You are encouraged to download these and use them for icons, in headers or moodboards or other art (like scaling it down so a character is wearing it on their shirt or a pin, or even a poster on their wall!), and if you've got the resources, you are welcome to print it out and make your own shirts and buttons! Use it for anything you want!
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pronoun-checks · 1 year
Heyo! Would I be able to get a(nother) pronoun/name check? If possible, could you mix the pronouns throughout the paragraph, but have each paragraph use a different name? If not, your regular format is fine. The names are Jay, Mats, Rez, and Fallen. Pronouns are:
• dex/dex/dexs/dexself
• ne/nem/nems/nemself
• ve/ver/vis/vis/virself
• blood/bloods/bloodself
Sure thing!
Oh, hey! It’s Jay! Do you see dex over there? Ne’s the one sitting by nemself in the brown chair. Ve has vis headphones on, and I wonder what blood’s listening to? I’ve only spoken with blood once, but dex seems pretty cool! Have you met Jay before? No? I think you and nem would get along. What do you mean, who? Jay. The person over there sitting by virself with the brown bag. Oh, speaking of bloods brown bag, blood’s leaving with it! C’mon, let’s go tell ver dex forgot vis bag!
Oh, hey! It’s Mats! Do you see dex over there? Ne’s the one sitting by nemself in the brown chair. Ve has vis headphones on, and I wonder what blood’s listening to? I’ve only spoken with blood once, but dex seems pretty cool! Have you met Mats before? No? I think you and nem would get along. What do you mean, who? Mats. The person over there sitting by virself with the brown bag. Oh, speaking of bloods brown bag, blood’s leaving with it! C’mon, let’s go tell ver dex forgot vis bag!
Oh, hey! It’s Rez! Do you see dex over there? Ne’s the one sitting by nemself in the brown chair. Ve has vis headphones on, and I wonder what blood’s listening to? I’ve only spoken with blood once, but dex seems pretty cool! Have you met Rez before? No? I think you and nem would get along. What do you mean, who? Rez. The person over there sitting by virself with the brown bag. Oh, speaking of bloods brown bag, blood’s leaving with it! C’mon, let’s go tell ver dex forgot vis bag!
Oh, hey! It’s Fallen! Do you see dex over there? Ne’s the one sitting by nemself in the brown chair. Ve has vis headphones on, and I wonder what blood’s listening to? I’ve only spoken with blood once, but dex seems pretty cool! Have you met Fallen before? No? I think you and nem would get along. What do you mean, who? Fallen. The person over there sitting by virself with the brown bag. Oh, speaking of bloods brown bag, blood’s leaving with it! C’mon, let’s go tell ver dex forgot vis bag!
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an-inkling-of-life · 2 years
Topics I'll Discuss on Here
This is @inklingofevil's side blog. I will post more personal things here that are completely unrelated to fandom. As such, the following themes may appear. Please refer to me with they/them, it/its, xe/xem, ve/ver, or ze/hir pronouns.
basic record of my day
discussions about religion and spirituality (mostly polytheism)
LGBTQ+ topics (mainly aroace-spec, m-spec, nonbinary, and trans issues)
Pronouns.page: @Inkellman • Pronouns.page
My Tags
#aninklingoflife - General entries that may include both religious/spiritual and non-religious topics.
#inkellmanvents - Discussions related to mental health, might have triggering content
#inkellmaninschool - School life, especially related to medical topics, hopes and doubts in myself, this might also have triggering elements.
#inkellmanqueershit - Compilation of LGBTQ+ topics discussed, may have triggering content related to bigotry against the community, although I will generally try to avoid being discourse heavy.
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dream-sans-mogai · 1 year
Lazy flag combos pt.32
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Ft. Aloeian/nullic/xlnone with...
Ve/vim × she/her trans man × he/him trans woman
Ve/ver × vey/vem × e/em
No credit needed
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ik the pronoun check is closed but when its open can i get a pronoun check please? ty:D
i recently told some1 on insta that i use ve/ver pronouns & they actually used it!! IM SO HAPPY AAAAAA
anw name: cam, pronouns: any but ve/ver is preferred & i am very swag
This is Cam! Ve recently came out to someone as using ve/ver pronouns and they were supportive, so I'm really happy for ver. Ve is ver-y swag and I hope ve has a good day and takes care of verself.
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that-gay-jedi · 4 months
Speaking of pronouns here's a cheat sheet for ve/ver
Nominative/subjective: Ve
Ex. "Ve fucked a Sith."
Accusative/objective: Ver
Ex. "The Jedi council expelled ver."
Possessive: Vir
Ex. "Vir dark side is showing."
Ex. "I confiscated vir blaster."
Independent possessive: Vis
Ex. "The red lightsaber is vis."
Reflexive: Virself
Ex. "Ve has betrayed virself."
Ex. "Ari allowed virself to go mad with power."
Please don't be afraid to screw it up. Getting it wrong bc you're learning is like 10000000% cooler than being too afraid of failure to try.
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vedasizbitisler · 1 year
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iyigecelerdeniz · 22 days
Ben gayet normaldim, beni şartlar delirtti.
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Audio Transcription:
This morning, ve went to the park.
I went with ver.
And ve brought vens frisbee.
At least I think it was vens.
By the end of the day, ve started throwing the frisbee to verself.
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miawlabakim · 2 months
hayatımı nasıl düzene sokacağımı düşünüyorum
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[ID: Ten pronoun pins with orange and black striped backgrounds like tiger stripes, with white text with a black border in the center, so that each pin lists a different set of pronouns:
fae/faer he/him it/its rot/rots she/her they/them ve/ver xe/xyr xe/xem ze/hir
End ID.]
You are encouraged to download these to use as icons, headers, in moodboards, ect! No credit needed, though I do ask that you include an image description wherever possible!
Archive link where you can download them if you have a printer and want to make your own pins:
Requests are always open!
Designs are no longer available on Redbubble, as they've started actively stealing money from artists. Sorry for the inconvenience. You are, as always, encouraged to save these designs to use as icons or in other art, and you are encouraged to print them out and make your own shirts or buttons if you're able to.
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pronoun-checks · 1 year
Hey, could I please get a pronoun check for Jericho/Lars with the pronouns:
• it/its/itself
• ne/nem/nems/nemself
• tik/tiks/tikself
• ve/ver/vis/vis/virself
• glitch/glitchself
Sure thing!
Oh hey! It’s Jericho! Have you met him before? He’s the one sitting by himself in the brown chair. He also goes by Lars, maybe that’s what you know him as? He’s the one with his earbuds in. I hope he’s having a nice day. Yeah, their bag is next to them on their seat. Speaking of Lars’s bag, they’re leaving without it! They probably need their bag! At least, I think that’s their bag. Maybe it’s not their bag? Oh well, let’s go let Jericho know anyways, in case it is their bag!
Oh hey! It’s Jericho! Have you met it before? It’s the one sitting by itself in the brown chair. It also goes by Lars, maybe that’s what you know it as? It’s the one with its earbuds in. I hope it’s having a nice day. Yeah, it’s bag is next to it on their seat. Speaking of Lars’s bag, it’s leaving without it! It probably needs its bag! At least, I think that’s its bag. Maybe that’s not its bag? Oh well, let’s go let Jericho know anyways, in case that is its bag!
Oh hey! It’s Jericho! Have you met nem before? Ne’s the one sitting by nemself in the brown chair. Ne also goes by Lars, maybe that’s what you know nem as? Ne’s the one with nems earbuds in. I hope ne’s having a nice day. Yeah, nems bag is next to nem on nems seat. Speaking of Lars’s bag, ne’s leaving without it! Ne probably needs nems bag! At least, I think that’s nems bag. Maybe it’s not nems bag? Oh well, let’s go let Jericho know anyways, in case it is nems bag!
Oh hey! It’s Jericho! Have you met tik before? Tik’s the one sitting by tikself in the brown chair. Tik also goes by Lars, maybe that’s what you know tik as? Tik’s the one with tiks earbuds in. I hope tik’s having a nice day. Yeah, tiks bag is next to tik on tiks seat. Speaking of Lars’s bag, tiks leaving without it! Tik probably needs tiks bag! At least, I think that’s tiks bag. Maybe it’s not tiks bag? Oh well, let’s go let Jericho know anyways, in case it is tiks bag!
Oh hey! It’s Jericho! Have you met ver before? Ve’s the one sitting by virself in the brown chair. Ve also goes by Lars, maybe that’s what you know ver as? Ve’s the one with vis earbuds in. I hope ve’s having a nice day. Yeah, vis bag is next to ver on vis seat. Speaking of vis bag, ve’s leaving without it! Ve probably needs vis bag! At least, I think that’s vis bag. Maybe it’s not vis bag? Oh well, let’s go let Jericho know anyways, in case it is vis bag!
Oh hey! It’s Jericho! Have you met glitch before? Glitch’s the one sitting by glitchself in the brown chair. Glitch also goes by Lars, maybe that’s what you know glitch as? Glitch’s the one with glitchs earbuds in. I hope glitch’s having a nice day. Yeah, glitchs bag is next to glitch on glitchs seat. Speaking of Lars’s bag, glitch’s leaving without it! Glitch probably needs glitchs bag! At least, I think that’s glitchs bag. Maybe it’s not glitchs bag? Oh well, let’s go let Jericho know anyways, in case it is glitchs bag!
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