#Usually i explain the same thing 50 times again
colesstar · 7 months
The preeminent has never looked better
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lonicera-caprifolium · 9 months
Body-swap theory!!
okay, just putting this all together for ease of access, since it's been spread out across several posts now--
The day after it aired I watched the ending like actually 30 times and I became fully 99.999999% certain they switched places. I was initially thinking during the kiss, cuz of how the camera angle changes, but after watching an additional 20 times a few days later, I'm personally leaning much more towards them stopping time in the instance after "no nightingales".
Before the kiss, Aziraphale is saying "nice" things about the Metatron, but his face and voice keep switching to broadcasting distress, and they make it a point to show in ep 1 that Crowley can read him just from tone of voice
As they're pulling away after the kiss, they lock eyes and "Aziraphale's" expression shifts in the teeniest tiniest way, like a confirmation glance, before they shift back (and Michael Sheen is a master, so no chance it's not on purpose)
---(Like really, go back and watch how Aziraphale's expression shifts literally *a second* before "I forgive you" cuz the change is SO minute, but entirely different emotionally.)
Also the way he moves his jaw right after he pulls his hand away from his lips, is a bit from MS's Crowley (you can see it in the very last two seconds of this vid- link)
Aziraphale's hands -stay by his sides- after that, he doesn't clasp them at all, and it's particularly noticeable while he's walking to the elevator with Metatron. The way he walks is very stiff and precise, similar to after the swap in S1.
We don't see the underside of Crowley's jacket collar after the kiss, at any point (it is for sure red at the beginning of the ep, you can see it right before he changes in Heaven)
The Bentley drives away SLOWLY, which is how Aziraphale drives, and we're specifically shown that it only plays other music for Aziraphale
the seats in the Bentley are black as it drives away. They're usually brown, and the only other time they're shown to be black is when Aziraphale drives (@picturesque-about-it broke down the times so you can see-link)
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---extra pic for anyone saying it's "cuz Aziraphale is lighter"-- the seats are still brown behind Crowley when he wears white
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there's people wearing yellow in -every- part of the scene showing the Bentley both before and while it drives away! (link for pics/credit)
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Aziraphale's smile in the elevator looks more like MS's Crowley. It's very similar to the trial during S1, but also (link)
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This also explains why they're on opposite sides than they're usually shown while the end credits roll
Extra points--
many good points made by other folks here, about cues and snakes in beehives and swap motifs throughout the season-- link
The clock! Someone mentioned how the scene is so quiet you can hear it ticking, so I watched the ending a further 50 times to double check----I need to preface this by stating, I don't think this is a working clock, mainly cuz the hands aren't 100% where they should be between the minutes and the hours, like -a person- moved them to that time manually
When they're talking, the clock is at approximately 9:25 (?, again the hour hand isn't precisely set), then they walk across the room, and kiss, and immediately after that the clock is set about 15-ish minutes later (link to timestamps)
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thanks to these bts shots, we can see that the clock on the opposite side of the room registers the SAME time difference before and after the kiss (link)
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the first time Aziraphale looks "towards the window", I'm petty sure he actually looks further back towards the clock, *focuses on it* as Metatron walks up to him, and then spends the ENTIRE REST OF THE EXCHANGE blocking the Metatron's view of the clock
we're shown earlier in the season that Crowley can localize his time-stopping to a certain extent, like when he stopped the doctor and the rest of the room kept going, so it is possible he only stopped everything -outside- of the bookshop
---I KNOW Neil said it's a continuity error, but he also fully said "No" about there being a season 2 just days before they announced it was already written and in production, so. Take him at his word if that's what you wanna do.
---also I DID go back and look it over, and the clock IS consistently specifically set the entire rest of the episode as far as I can see. From the shots when you have a clear view of the clock, the angels and demons enter the shop at around 6, Maggie and Nina leave at around 7, the Metatron comes in at 8-ish, Aziraphale comes back in at that approximately 9:25
(insight from someone who works in production- link)
the music right before the kiss scene is the same leitmotif (Life After Death) used when they originally started formulating the swap in season 1! (link)
the movie Stairway to Heaven (1946) is featured as a poster in both the opening credits and in Maggie's shop (link)
the climax of the film has one of the leads willing to "take the place" of the other in heaven
(they also used a time-stopping mechanic, and the chess book Gabriel tests gravity with also plays a key role in the film)
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and one last mention, extra food for thought--- the season's focus on their trusting one another, their history of performing "death (and heaven/hell) defying" feats together, and how they always get the trick right when it truly counts the most
that's what I've got so far!
If I'm right, they're apart now, but are actually more together then ever, and I find that terribly exciting. (And if I'm wrong, that's okay too! I'm just here to have fun.)
I'm not particularly concerned with very specific reasoning (that's for season 3 to tell us!), but I do think this theory is extra fun cuz pretty much any of the others could be the "why" driving it.
I'm not trying to convince anyone, or put down any of the other theories, so if you're not feeling it, that's okay! I'm just sharing what clues I'm seeing, so you can check if you see them too. 💕
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lqfiles · 4 months
SCORE THAT GOAL! — 50. an overdue confession
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(wc: 2.716)
don’t panic.. but i saw jisung this morning.
it was windy that tuesday. it had been three weeks since you had last seen or heard of jisung and the only thing bringing you comfort in the gloomy cold weather were the gloves jisung had given you. despite your rekindling with chenle which had managed to bring your mood up for a while, a part of you couldn’t help but still dwell on the sudden loss of contact with jisung. you got your friend back, why were you still somber?
“have you eaten?” mark’s face entered your periphery as he lowered his head to look at you. the 4 of you, excluding sungchan who didn’t have any lessons that day, sat inside the cafeteria. the chatter between chenle and ningning had abruptly stopped as their attention turned towards you too. you looked up to mark’s concerned gaze on you. you nodded.
“you’re concerning me, (—).” mark admitted. you had noticed the increase in attention he had paid you for the past weeks, he seemed so worried that it made you feel bad. you flashed a small smile. “i’m okay, don’t worry.” you assured him. usually, mark would hesitantly nod and continue his business, but today his eyes just wouldn’t leave you.
“i’m going to kill jisung.” chenle muttered, loud enough for all of you to hear. while you awkwardly laughed, averting your eyes at the mention of jisung’s name, ningning decided to punch chenle’s side. “ow?” chenle reacted, frowning at the girl who leaned back in her seat. “you’re the last person that can complain about jisung, you’re not different from him. you decided to do the exact same thing, don’t be hypocritical.” ningning crossed her arms.
“i already apologised.” chenle defended, but as he looked your way to see you stare at your lap, he could feel his heart pang. “i really am sorry, (—) i swear.” chenle reached over the table to place his hand on your arm. you nodded again, too tired to respond.
“speaking of.. him, there is something i need to warn you about, (—).” ningning, who sat directly opposite you placed her hand on the table, wanting to gain your attention. you lifted your head up, looking over at ningning who was hesitant to speak as she made eye contact while you awaited her announcement. a sigh left her mouth before she finally continued.
“don’t panic.. but i saw jisung this morning.” ningning revealed, her voice barely above a whisper, scared of your reaction. chenle had sat up straight at the news while mark had immediately looked your way. meanwhile, all you could do was tense. you tensed, barely believing what you just heard, though chenle’s look of disbelief proved otherwise.
“that has to be a different slendy, he isn’t the only tall person in college.” chenle rebutted but ningning shook her head. “he was walking with that group of his right next to haechan towards their classes.” she explained, eyes landing back on you to observe your reactions. “are.. you okay?” mark nudged your side gently to gain some reaction. you instantly nodded, putting another smile on your face. “yeah, it’s whatever. i’ll just ignore him for now.”
your heart was racing while an anxious feeling overtook you. you hoped they wouldn’t notice, but they did.
you didn’t attend football club that tuesday. and for the upcoming days, you avoided the sociology classrooms, as well as the classrooms of jisung’s friends like the plague. that anxious feeling overtook you every time you entered the college, scared of spotting jisung somewhere. you don’t understand why you suddenly were the one to avoid him, but the thought of seeing him made your stomach hurt.
jisung hadn’t made the effort to text you in between those few days either, and you wondered if he had suddenly changed his mind about you. you were sure you two were getting along well, or maybe you were foolish for taking those subtle flirty texts as something more than friendly moments. it was kinda funny, even when you were avoiding jisung, you still couldn’t stop thinking about him. you were sure that even if he told you to leave him alone, you’d be thinking about him.
you pressed the digits into the vending machine, attempting to shake your thoughts away. mark said he’d be waiting outside for you so he could walk you home. you felt horrible for worrying mark so much, but also appreciated his care and wished you could repay him. pressing a few more digits into the machine, you watched as mark’s favourite drink dropped to the bottom. it may not have been much, but it’s all you could think of.
“(—).” standing back up from collecting the drink, you stiffened at the voice that emerged from behind you. the soft yet deep voice was easy to recognise, your mind making the connection immediately. you froze, afraid to turn and see the person you had been trying to avoid for the week.
“(—)..?” he repeated and it only confirmed to you that this wasn’t a dream. you craned your head slightly, trying to get a glimpse. from the corner of your eyes, you took notice of the white graphic tee. it felt like you suddenly had traveled back to the first time you stood in front of jisung, the day you had spilled his drink on him. and here he stood, near the corner wearing the exact same shirt while a peach lipton ice drink was in your other hand.
you turned your body to face jisung. you had expected to be able to avoid him today since he’d be occupied with the club, yet here he stood. opening your mouth to speak, nothing came out. it was silent as you two just looked at each other. you gripped your drink tighter as you felt a sick feeling swirl in your stomach.
he hadn’t changed much, his hair was still that pitch black colour he had dyed a month prior and it brought a new look to the tee he wore. you’re sure he took notice of the less organised look you had, which probably prompted him to speak.
“how have you been?” he took a small step forward, inspecting your face in process. you looked at the ground, unable to meet his gaze that was stuck on you. “bad, what about you?” you admitted and waited silently for jisung to tell you about himself. “bad too.” he copied, and you looked up to see him much closer this time.
“i was going to get a drink.. didn’t expect you here.” he felt the need to explain himself as he motioned to the vending machine behind you. you took a step aside, granting him access. he stood still for a few seconds before walking to the machine. you were ready to walk off and hopefully forget about seeing him today when his words stopped you.
“i’m glad to see you again.. i’ve been looking for you.” your back was still turned towards jisung, but you could tell he was facing you. you were speechless, not sure what to say back. “can i talk to you for a bit, please?” the sound of a drink dropping in the vending machine made you flinch unintentionally. though you didn’t turn to look back at jisung, you still nodded your head.
“i was going to text you, but i thought it’d be better in person. i’m sorry for ghosting you, i’m sorry for avoiding you.” jisung started. you weren’t sure what to expect out of this conversation, the apology managing to catch you off guard. you didn’t respond back and jisung sighed. “i.. i wish i could give you a reasonable explanation for doing all of that, but.. i don’t think anything was reasonable enough to make you go through that. i’m sorry.” jisung continued and you internally scoffed.
“i.. was scared.” he explained and your ears perked up at the revelation. you couldn’t help the frown that etched onto your face and finally turned to look his way. “what do you mean you were scared?” you couldn’t recount doing anything to scare jisung off, the sudden claim confusing you more than you already were.
“it doesn’t make sense, i know. you can be pissed at me all you want, i already got an earful from haechan. but i really was scared.” jisung awaited a rebuttal but nothing came out of you, so he continued. he took a deep sigh, facing the ground instead.
“don’t laugh, but i was scared of rejection.” jisung blurted out, you almost didn’t catch what he said. your frown softened for a bit, instead turning into a look of confusion. “rejection… rejection? what are you talking about jisung.” you asked him. jisung’s gaze maintained on the ground as he spoke again.
“that message you sent.. the one about a conversation we needed to have face to face. i’m sorry for jumping to conclusions but i overthought that message a lot, you know? i couldn’t think of any other reason for you to wanna talk face to face with me all of sudden other than.. the possibility of rejection.” jisung hesitantly explained. with nothing but silence as a response, jisung continued to explain himself.
“can’t believe i’m saying all this while i should hurry back to the training, but i had realised a while back that my feelings for you have changed a lot over these months- in a positive way of course! i have been seeing you differently ever since, in a way that isn’t friend like.. and it’s been messing with me a lot.. i-i don’t know, i was just really worried that you were going to reject me before i could even really ask you out. so i thought if i avoid you long enough for you to forget about rejecting me-”
jisung didn’t get to finish his hasty confession as you had bursted out laughing through it. his head shot up with his mouth still open. you had turned your back to him to continue laughing, trying to fan yourself to calm down. your laugh had turned into giggles and you turned back to jisung with your hand covering your mouth.
“…are you laughing at me?” jisung asked in disbelief as your giggles grew. he couldn’t tell if this was any worse than rejection, watching you try to contain your laugh as he just mustered up the courage to confess. “w-why are you laughing?” jisung was growing embarrassed, maybe this was your way of rejecting him and he was starting to rethink the decision of pouring his heart out.
“i’m sorry, i promise you i’m not laughing at you.” you continued to fan your face that had grown warm. “i just can’t believe you said that. i feel like i’m dreaming right now.” you finally managed to look him in the eyes and noticed the switch from his sad eyes to a doe, lost one. “why would you say that?”
“i was so worried that you took that break because you didn’t like me and realised you didn’t want to talk to me anymore.” you walked your way towards him with a wide grin on your face. “and i also can’t believe that my crush is mutual.” a shy smile overtook your face after you managed to confess back, you were barely able to look Jisung in the eyes.
“so jeno wasn’t making all of that up.” jisung’s own face lit up at the realisation that you not only weren’t rejecting him, but also returned the like he had for you. although, as he looked back at you, the serious expression on your face made him think he mistook everything he just heard.
“what did jeno tell you?” the way you gritted your teeth made jisung panic, ready to take a step back as he threw his hands up in defence. “n-nothi-” instead of taking any more steps backwards, you had reached forward and pulled jisung into a sudden hug, preventing him from moving back.
“being totally honest, i really missed you jisung.” you loosened your hug as you felt jisung try to remove his hands away from his side before they had wrapped around your waist instead. a wide grin grew on his face and he was sure you could feel the way his heart was pounding. “i missed you too, i’m really sorry.” jisung squeezed your sides as he tightened the hug.
“is it too early to kiss you?” you asked and heard jisung chuckle. “is this really the appropriate place?” jisung question and you pulled back from the hug. “i’ve waited almost 2 years for this, i really couldn’t care less.” you took a small step forward. “is this your first kiss?” you asked jisung who smiled back sheepishly. “no, sorry.” he apologised but you smiled back at him. “it’s not my first either.” you told him before you took the leap forward, placing your hands around his shoulders and your lips on his.
the kiss was awkward at first as jisung froze for a second. he quickly reciprocated a few seconds afterwards, placing his arms on your sides and pulling you closer to him. the kiss was slow and soft as you two took your time to savour each second of it. you could feel your stomach tickle and you wondered if this was the true definition of butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
your body heated up and the solution would be to separate and cool yourself off, yet you couldn’t move an inch, your hands wanting to stay glued to the back of jisung’s neck as you grazed your fingers into the curly ends of his hair. it was a kiss that felt shy, but full of love and reassurance. the reassurance that jisung did like you back and a love that was always there.
you reluctantly removed yourself from jisung, trying to contain your smile. jisung seemed dazed as he looked back at you with his hands still on your sides. “you should go back to your training before someone comes looking for you.” you explained, trying to pry jisung’s hands off you. he groaned. “well, you’re meant to be there too.” he leaned forward, attempting to pull you back into another kiss.
“well unfortunately i can’t, i’m sure mark is growing sickly worried, he was meant to walk me home.” you pushed jisung back by his shoulders and took a few steps backwards. you don’t even remember when you had put the drinks down, and surely don’t remember where they were now. you could’ve sworn they were behind you.
“not worried anymore.” a third voice made the both of you jump away from each other, following the sound until your eyes landed on the two people who stood further ahead. mark who held both your and his drink had the a teasing grin on his face while jeno was smirking beside him. “mark! how long have you two been here for?”
“since jisung rambled about his little crush on you. nice words jisung!” jeno revealed and jisung rubbed a hand over his face, feeling embarrassed. “you!” jeno didn’t have time to react as you had charged up to him in no time, grabbing ahold of his collar. “you fucker, why did you tell jisung about my crush?!” while mark had taken a step back, jisung tried to pull you away from jeno in worry.
“be thankful! if it wasn’t for that, he would’ve genuinely never came back to college and still believed you were going to reject him.” jeno defended himself, removing your hands away from him. you turned to look at jisung who unwillingly nodded in confirmation. you sighed, walking up to mark who handed you your drink.
“can’t believe that shirt has experienced the first time he hated you and now the first time he got to make out with you. kinda romantic if you ask me.” jeno laughed. “hate is a strong word. and we weren’t making out.” jisung objected but jeno shrugged. “just pointing out the irony.”
it was all quite ironic, maybe fate was on your side that day you spilled that drink on jisung, or maybe fate had always planned for you 2 to end up together.
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notes ; it took 50 chapters but we’re finally here LAUNCH FHE FIREWORKS AND BLOW THE CONFETTI 🎉🥳🎊🥹
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redstarwriting · 1 year
the clash | ii. time bomb
hobie brown x goth!reader
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word count: 1.5k
genre: enemies to lovers
warnings: language, insults, hobie hating you, you hating hobie, y’all almost fight twice lmao
a/n: felt bad only posting the first chapter, so here’s the second one as well! i’ll get the third one out as soon as i can, but a bitch has work tomorrow and the next day. please enjoy chapter two everyone! and if you wanna be added to the taglist just let me know! :)
now reading: ii. time bomb
previous chapter: i. hey, ho! let’s go!
next chapter: iii. black planet
Hobie swings his way to where he’s sure Gwen is, and in doing so he will probably also find Miles and Pavitr. He’s sure he looks like if someone said the wrong thing to him, he would punch them in the face, because honestly? He just might. And he doesn’t care. You pissed him off. With your stupid opinions. People like you are the reason anarchy can never succeed, you’re either all in or you’re all out. He hates the way you dismissed him, which is a shame because he really thought you were drop-dead gorgeous.
Speaking of drop, that thought makes him drop. Like, actually. He face plants.
He groans. Fucking hell, he’s never had to deal with this type of hatred before. Usually, it’s just cut and dry ‘I hate you cause xyz’, but fuck you are making it hard. While he hates you for what you said, he loves your style, and he respects you standing your ground and not giving into him with your beliefs, but at the same time, you piss him off. He glances around, “Meant to do that.” No one in particular hears him, but he quickly webs off again. He searches for bright blond hair, and sure enough, he sees Gwen. She’s chilling in the common room Hobie claimed as his own a while back. He claimed it by… redecorating. He just made it feel more like home, and since Miguel is such a lame ass, he didn’t appreciate all the colorful spray paint and broken furniture. But Hobie doesn’t really give a fuck. As he gets closer, he can see that Miles and Pavitr are there too, and… absolutely fucking not.
He lands directly next to you with an unamused look on his face. “And who invited you into my home away from home?” You look at him and roll your eyes. “This your place? Well, that explains why it looks like someone gave Mayday Parker a 50-pack of markers and told her to go to town in here–”
“Ha ha. Funny.”
“–and to answer your question, I invited myself,” you say smugly, and he narrows his eyes at you. “Don’t try to make me like you, it’s not gonna work, love,” he growls, and everyone can tell by the way he said love that he certainly did not mean it as a term of endearment. “I wouldn’t dream of it, mate,” you say, imitating his accent in over-exaggerated way. “I don’t think they are actually calling him their mate,” Pavitr whispers to Miles, who gives him an expression practically dripping in ‘no shit.’ Hobie tears his gaze away from you and looks at Gwen. “We need to show this twat around,” he huffs, and Gwen raises her eyebrows. “We? Isn’t that your job,” she says, and Miles nods. “Yeah, I remember you said you made a deal with Miguel that–”
“I don’t give a fuck if it’s my ‘job,’ when have I ever followed the rules of a fuckin’ job?” he seethes, and you snicker. “Aw, how endearing, the punk rebel has a job. I’ll be sure to go to Miguel and tell him you’re doing amazing, so that you don’t get fired, in fact, you could get promoted!”
“That’s it,” Hobie growls and turns to you, grabbing the neck of his guitar and getting ready to use it. You smirk and slightly crouch, ready to jump away or towards him, based on his next move. “OKAY! Okay, we’ll help you just put the damn guitar down,” Miles says, jumping between the two of you. Hobie looks at him before looking at you with a deep frown. “I don’t need help. I just need to make sure other people are here, so I don’t murder this nitwit,” he says, tossing his guitar back so it hangs off his back again. “If anythin’, you’re helpin’ them.”
“I don’t need help either. Especially not yours. I’ll find my way around here myself,” you say, crossing your arms. He turns and offers you a smile. “Well now that you say you definitely don’t want my help, looks like I’m gonna be that friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and assist you.”
“My hero,” you say sarcastically, pushing past him and walking out of the room. He motions for the others to follow you first, and walks out last, slinking in the back. Gwen takes up the role he usually plays in showing everyone around. You nod and listen, occasionally asking a question and cracking a joke. He hates to admit it, but your jokes are actually very funny. It’s refreshing to hear deadpan, straightforward, dry comedy instead of the puns and silly jokes all the other Spider-People love to make. But he doesn’t laugh. Doesn’t even crack a smile. Just watches you.
‘Like a creep,’ you think, catching him staring at you for what feels like the 50th time. But you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like the attention you were getting from him. Truthfully, he’s probably the most attractive person you’ve ever laid eyes on.
Such a tragedy he’s also the worst person you’ve ever had the displeasure to speak with.
“Your suit is so cool, by the way,” Miles says to you, and you give him a grin. “Thanks. Made it myself.”
“Yeah. I can tell,” you hear Hobie pipe up, and your head snaps towards him. “Because it’s so stylish, fashionable, and better than anything you could do yourself?”
“No. ‘Cause it looks like it was put together by a colorblind toddler. If you look close enough, the blacks don’t even match,” he says, smirking. Now this was a lie. All the black in your suit was a perfect shade of raven, he just knew it would piss you off. And it did. “Fuck you. At least my suit doesn’t look like a twelve-year-old who just discovered Hot Topic for the first time,” you hiss, and he scoffs. “Watch your fuckin’ mouth there, mate.”
“You watch yours, mate.”
“Okay, both of you shhhhhhh!” Gwen says, and you both look at her. “Don’t tell me what to do–”
“Stop talking like me!”
“What?! You stop talking like me!”
“Oh my God, the romantic tension is through the roof right now!” Pavitr suddenly pipes up, and now the both of you are staring at him, dark expressions on your faces. “I’d rather be eaten alive by a single piranha so it would take days until I finally succumbed to the sweet release of death,” you hiss and Hobie nods. “Finally. Somethin’ we agree on.” He turns and looks at you, and you roll your eyes at him. “Way to de-escalate, buddy,” Miles whispers to Pavitr, and Pavitr sighs as Miles walks a little faster to catch up with everyone else. “But I was being serious…”
Gwen continues to show you around, and when she finally finishes, you all are back at ‘Hobie’s common room.’ You walk back inside and sit on the tattered and broken-down couch. The way the room is decorated is kind of cool, you must admit. You’re just not a fan of the mismatched colors everywhere. And it could use a couple more decorations. Like bat skeletons. Or just live bats. That would be adorable. “Thanks for showing me around,” you thank Gwen, Miles, and Pavitr. “Not you, though,” you say to Hobie and he snorts. “Good. I wouldn’t want you to thank me for anything.”
“Why do you two hate each other so much? Didn’t you literally just meet?” Miles asks, looking exhausted from the snarky remarks coming from both of you. “We did,” you confirm. “And we don’t get along cause they don’t have any strong belief system.”
“Yes, I do! I’m just realistic, and he can’t understand that,” you say and he rolls his eyes. “Realistic, eh? I already told you I led a rebellion.”
“And I told you it doesn’t matter because everyone is shit. How many villains have you fought since this rebellion you led?”
“None of your fuckin’ business.”
“So, you’ve fought at least one. What did that rebellion get you then, huh?”
“I recommend you shut your fuckin’ mouth before I shut it for you.”
“Please, do try. I need a new skeleton for my collection,” you growl and the two of you jump at each other. Luckily, Gwen and Miles web both of you and hold you back. “That’s enough of that,” Gwen says. “I have an idea,” Miles says, “why don’t we go visit your universe, (Y/n)? Maybe then Hobie can see why you’re so… negative.”
“I’m not goin’ anywhere near that place,” Hobie nearly yells. “Good. I don’t want you there anyway.”
“On second thought, I think it might be very eye-opening to see the world you grew up in. Maybe I can team up with your sinister six and put you in your place,” he spits out at you, causing you to glare at him and flip him off again. “A field trip sounds fun, especially after all this just happened. Maybe it will help the two of you lighten up,” Pavitr says, and you both roll your eyes. “Fine. You can all come. But if you step one toe out of line, Hobie–”
“What? You’ll yell at me?”
“No. I’ll torture you to the point that you would beg me for death.”
『 tag list 』
@casmosmoon* @khaleesihavilliard​ @sparklyphantom​​ @weyrrii*
*if you are italicized - i am unable to tag you for whatever reason, feel free to reach out and see if we can fix the issue
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Unexpected 50
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Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, pegging, Lloyd being the worst, post partum, csection, suicidial ideation, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Your promise to Lloyd is empty. You have no great urge to see Andy again. You’re embarrassed at the thought. Even a bit guilty as you accept that any sliver of excitement he brought to you has flown away. The return of your husband drags you back down to earth in the most desolating way.
You swipe away another notification. You don’t know how to reply to Andy. It doesn’t seem right to tell him over a text. Still, you can’t bring yourself to face him. Your last two conversations haven’t been exactly productive. How many times can you tell him this was never meant to be anything more than sex?
That’s when you feel rotten. You used him the same way you’ve been used. Just a release, a thing to make you feel better about yourself. Worse, he’s a widower. He’s lost so much already and now you’re toying with him. That’s hardly fair.
You sit with Luna on the floor. Getting down there was hard enough and you don’t want to ponder how you’ll get back up. She lays on her mat, raising her head to look around. She’s still needy but you see her changing. Maybe she sees the same in you with how she stares at you.
There’s a knock at the door. You brace yourself. You already know it isn’t Lloyd, he would just barge in. You know he hasn’t changed at all. Luna’s head bobbles as she tries to look around and you call for whoever it is to enter.
“Hey, we goin’ on that walk?” Harlen asks as he enters, already half-dressed for the dipping temperature. You notice the metallic red thermos in his hand, “I was hopin’ to get out.” He present the capped container, “got us some hot chocolate even.”
“Oh, that’s so sweet,” you make yourself smile, “yeah, that might be a good idea.”
“Here, let me help,” he sets the thermos down and crosses the room, offering his hand to haul you up.
“Go on, get ready,” he bids as he grunts, bending to pick up Luna from the floor, “oh, she gettin’ heavy.” He stands straight, “I need the workout anyhow.”
“I have a suit for her. Thermal,” you explain as you search the dresser against the nursery wall. The last few nights you’ve spent sleeping in the glider chair, your own fortress in a castle not your own.
“You let me worry about that,” he nears, rocking Luna in one arm as he takes the insulated outfit from you, “go get something warm on. You gotta take care of you too.”
You look at him. You nod. He’s the only man you can’t bring yourself to argue with, maybe because he’s the only one who’s ever really cared. You love that about him but it makes you think of your own dad and how he would rather his flask than to spend a single birthday with you.
“Right,” you surrender, “I won’t be long.”
You leave the nursery and head down to the guest room. The door is already unclasped but you don’t think much of it until you enter. You find Lloyd sat on the foot of the bed with the little crescent moon toy Luna likes so much. His eyes flick up as you sigh.
You ignore him and go to the closet. You take out an old sweatshirt and dig out some jeans from a drawer. You feel him watching you. You hear him get up and come closer as you take out a pair of wool socks.
“Gonna be Christmas soon enough…” he says.
“Oh shut up,” you snarl.
It’s his turn to sigh. He angles around to stand beside you, facing you, and puts the toy on the dresser. You walk away from him and he follows you towards the bathroom door. The very idea of him seeing how he ravaged your body, the stretchmarks and the loose skin, repulses you. You won’t give him that victory.
As you try to close the door in his face, he forces his foot between it and the frame, “you have to talk to me eventually. She’s my daughter. I have a legal right–”
“Why did you come back? I know it’s not because of her,” you lean on the door. He’s just as strong as ever. If he really wanted to, he could overpower you.
“You,” he says. “I was always going to come back–”
“No, no, no. Lloyd, enough lies. It’s over. You know that. Whatever made you want me, I’m not it anymore. So whoever you were out fucking, go back to them. You won’t get anything from me.”
“I didn’t–”
“Fuck. Off.”
You stomp his toe and he recoils. You take the opportunity to slam the door and flip the lock into place. You keep your hand on the door and catch your breath. You hear him on the other side, lingering, the friction of his touch dragging down the other side.
“Peaches…” he says.
You scoff and push away. You go to the counter and put down the armful of clothes. You look at yourself in the mirror. You don’t even feel bad for yourself, you feel worse that Luna has to call someone like him a father.
You meet Harlan downstairs. He has Luna bundled up and helps you get her strapped into the baby carrier that hooks over your shoulders. It’s much easier than the stroller, if not a bit of a strain on your back.
He tucks the thermos into the large pocket of his coat and opens the door for you. He trails you outside into the brisk air of late autumn. The chill nips at your cheeks and nose as you adjust Luna’s hood to make sure she’s cozy.
“Thanksgiving soon. Dot was talkin’ bout it,” he says as you walk down the long driveway, “she talkin’ a lot lately. Driving me a bit crazy.”
“Oh,” you raise your brows dully. You haven’t said much to her. You resent her for all those weeks of sticking up for her son and her tune hasn’t changed, “yeah, maybe… get a turkey.”
“Ha, come on, what are we gon’ do? Sit down for a family dinner? She just wants peace but she won’t acknowledge the battle,” he puffs as he takes out the thermos and untwists the cap. “Here?”
He offers you a drink first. You stop awkwardly to sip from the brim and thank him. He takes a gulp of his own and hums.
“Not too bad,” he comments, “was of a mind to add some whiskey but we’ll save that for later.”
You chuckle and shake your head. You set off down the sidewalk, keeping a hand on the bottom of the carrier as you make slow progress. It’s the sort of cold that wakes you up. It reminds you of the day you met Lloyd and you scowl. A year. More than.
As you come to the end of the street, someone turns the corner. You don’t pretend to be surprised as Andy approaches. He wears a navy cap, his hair poking out from the hem, and his cheeks are rosy above his thick beard. He smiles as he nears, even as his eye twitches.
“Morning,” he greets brightly, “how’s little Luna?”
You slow as he glances at the baby in her harness. You sway with her as she babbles.
“She’s good,” you answer as Harlan clears his throat. You sniff as you try to roll the tension out of your shoulders, “oh, Andy, this is my… dad, Harlan. Harlan, Andy. The neighbour.”
“Sir,” Andy smiles and offers his hand, “nice to meet you. You must be so proud of your daughter. And granddaughter. A beautiful pair, huh?”
“Beaming,” Harlan shakes his hand gruffly, “couldn’t ask for anything better.”
“Well, uh, I was actually gonna pop in. I found some more baby stuff and thought maybe you could use it,” Andy rescinds his hand, tucking it in his jacket pocket. “I could watch Luna if you want. Give you some time off.”
“Oh, Andy, that’s sweet but… I got all the help I need,” you peek over at Harlan. “I appreciate everything but I hate to take advantage of your kindness.”
“It’s no problem. Really. I don’t mind,” Andy insists, only girding himself as his eyes flit to Harlan and he squares his shoulder, “just putting it out there.”
“I’ll… I’ll keep you in mind,” you utter awkwardly.
Harlan’s silent. You don’t have the courage to look at him. You can feel the tension radiating off of him. He’s shielded in that cool stoicism that once made you feel so small.
“Well, you know my number,” Andy shrugs, “I’m sure you can figure out how to reply to my texts,” he steps forward, gazing at Luna as he coos, surprising you as he bends to kiss the top of her head, “buh bye, Luna.” He grins, his eyes meeting yours as he stands at his full height, “pretty, just like mommy.” He nods and looks past you to Harlan, “try to stay warm out here.”
Andy struts past as you step aside. You hesitate before you continue on, quiet as Harlan lets a hum roll up his throat. He clucks and cranes to peer over his shoulder.
“That’s him?” He asks. You can only nod, staring down in shame. “Ah, well… you keep space from him… for yourself. Man’s got something ‘bout him…. Something off.”
“I… I’ve been ignoring him so…”
“No, no,” Harlan intones, “no, ain’t nothing ‘bout you.”
You stroll on, the uneasiness in his timbre crawling over you in goosebumps. You look down at Luna and run your hand up the back of the carrier, embracing her a little closer. Andy could be a little overbearing but he’s harmless, right?
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I just read your April Fools's fic with Larissa!! I LOVED IT!!! I was wondering if you could write another Larissa/teacher fic with the sex pollen? But maybe this time it could be: they don't like each other at all so they're really trying to understand what's happening and trying to fight it really hard until it's not possible anymore? Pleaseee?☺
Heyyyyy anon!! I feel like what your describing would go really well with enemies to lovers so I sprinkled some of that in there… Hope you enjoy! ❤️‍🔥💋
What the Body Wants Pt. 1 ~Larissa Weems xFem teacher!Reader
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Mommy…Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, bit angst, smut, teasing, sex pollen, drugging, eating out, masturbation, voyeaurism, grinding, scissoring, orgasm denial, exhibitionist kink…?, etc.
Enjoy (;
You had been working at Nevermore for multiple years now. And you enjoyed the job a great deal.
For the most part...
You loved the students and the work. The environment of outcasts felt homey to you. And you enjoyed most of your colleagues.
From the minute your and Larissa Weems’ paths collided, you both knew you were not each others cup of tea. She had taken the position of headmistress in your third year at the school, and the pair of you had immediately come to the conclusion it was best to walk separate paths.
You had a tendency to second guess her decisions...
Larissa had a tendency to undermine you...
It was just a back and forth game of tension and frustration. So you both stayed away. Because when caught in the same room, your colleagues sometimes worried you two would break out into a full-on fist fight. For the most part, this method worked. You didn’t have to see her annoying face or listen to her ongoing speech.
Except for monthly staff meetings.
Those were inevitable and miserable… A time where you both had to suck it up and sit in a room together for hours at a time...
Today was no exception. You sighed as you entered the dreaded meeting, plopping down in your usual seat with a huff. Larissa gave you a side eye, which you kindly returned with a light glare. The meeting droned on and you could focus on any of it. Your mind was on one thing: Larissa.
Every time she stood up to speak…
Every time to rustled her notes…
Every time she goddamn breathed it set you off…
Finally, the meeting came to its agonizing end. You made a beeline for the door the second Larissa had dismissed the group. As you exited, Marilyn pulled you aside into a corner of the corridor.
“Hey Y/N, Can I talk with you for a second?” She asked.
“Yea, Marilyn, what’s up?”
“I’m doing a small get together Saturday morning with only a few people for some tea that I made myself!” Marilyn eagerly explained, “I was wondering if you would join me??”
You lightly smiled at how bright and eager Marilyn could be.
“Sure, Mar. I’d love that.”
“Great! See you tomorrow at 9 then!”
At that, Marilyn walked away with a skip, and you went in the opposite direction. From a distance you swore u heard Mariltn saying “Larissa! So glad you decided to join us tomorrow!”
But you brushed it off, as Larissa playing tricks with your mind again.
She had a tendency to do that…
Getting in your head…
Anyways, eventually Saturday morning rolled around…
At 8:50, you began walking down to Marilyn’s Greenhouses. As you walked near, you could hear voices in the Greenhouse already. You opened the latch to the foggy glass door and stepped in. But you stopped in your tracks at what you saw…
Marilyn was serving tea to Larissa… You gulped and tried to think of any possible excuse to get out of this. You couldn’t think of one.
Marilyn had cornered you.
And Larissa.
“Y/N! I’m so glad your here, come in! Larissa and I just started to pour some tea!” Marilyn exclaimed with a hint of mischievousness in the twinkle of her eyes.
You walked in and sat. And you said nothing. Larissa also had become silent the second she had seen you.
Her eyes had widened and her breath had fled from her…
“Here, have some tea!” Marilyn said, pouring you the same cup as Larissa’s.
Again, the greenhouse went silent.
“Please, do drink! I’d really like to know what you guys think!” Marilyn pled with excitement.
You both, not wanting to disappoint Marilyn and trying to find anything to avoid the tension, began to sip your teas. After a few minutes of awkward silence and sipping of tea, Marilyn got up and announced something.
“I think I forgot something in my… other greenhouse! Be right back!”, before leaving the two of you. And closing the door, with a click.
“No Mar, wait!” You yelled, getting up to follow Marilyn.
But when you reached the door, it was locked. In frustration, you pulled on it harder, but it wouldn’t budge. Larissa sighed in annoyance, “Let me try.”
You rolled your eyes and backed up with your hands up.
“Alright, but it won’t open. She’s locked it.” you gritted out.
Now it was Larissa’s turn to roll her eyes as she used her strength to tug at the door. Nothing. You were stuck. For who knows how long. Larissa let out a grunt in frustration.
What other sounds could that pretty mouth make…?
You cringed as you realized your internal thought. Not knowing what to do and feeling a bit lightheaded, you decided it would be best to sit back down.
Your heart race had picked up, which could very logically be explained by the fact that Marilyn had trapped you in a greenhouse with Larissa Weems… In any rate, you unconsciously picked up the tea cup and began sipping it.
You were nervous and the tea wasn’t actually that bad. It tasted like crisp winter with waves of spicey warmth, a sweet but tangy kick to the flavor…
Kind of what Larissa might taste like…
You physically cringed now, having to compose yourself from your rampant thoughts. You noted that your heart rate had now doubled in its pace… And was it getting a bit too hot in here…? You lightly fanned yourself with your hand, while taking another sip of your tea.
“Put the tea down.”
The voice came out of nowhere, but it was clearly Larissa. You swiveled your head, still holding the tea, to meet the woman’s gaze. For the first time, you actually took the time to take the woman standing in front of you in…
You noticed the beads of sweat rolling down her face…
You noticed her hair frizzing more than usual…
You noticed her pursed, plump lips…
“Sorry…?” You tried to snark, but your voice faltered.
“I said to put the tea down.” Larissa repeated in her usual demeaning and stern tone.
“Why? It’s actually quite good, you should try some.” You quipped back.
“I did. All of it, and that’s the problem.” She gritted out almost growling, her voice shifting down an octave.
Now you were really confused. And hot. Fuck was it hot in this greenhouse. You placed your now empty tea cup on the table with a emphasized slam.
“Happy now?”
Larissa chuckled, “No, not in the slightest.”
You groaned in frustration, “God Larissa, that was a hypothetical question…”
Larissa rolled her eyes at you, as you caught a falter in her step. She too sat down quickly.
“Are you alright?”
“No. I have been trying to tell you.” She seethed.
“Oh for fucks, sake! What is your fucking problem?” You raised your volume.
“Must you be so crass?” She bit back.
“Yes! Now are you going to tell me or not??” You practically yelled.
“Lower your voice.” Larissa commanded, lowering her own voice even more.
You only now noticed your sweating and that your heart race was furious at this point. And that Larissa’s words went straight to your core.
What?? Why?? How?? This made no sense…
You clenched your fists in frustration at the woman and groaned in response. When you had had your moment, Larissa continued,
“I think we’ve been drugged. I think the tea was some sort of ambrosiac…”
Your ears pricked up at this, and your head immediately swiveled back to the blonde.
“Sorry, what?” You genuinely asked, needing to process her words.
“Marilyn drugged us, Y/N. I do not know why and I certainly do not understand why she would lock us in here for it, but regardless, we don’t know the extent of the drug or any of the intentions along with it.”
You just laughed at this. You couldn’t help yourself, you burst out in laughter. Larissa was puzzled and stunned.
“Is this funny to you??” She demanded, vexed that you weren’t taking this as serious as she was.
“Yes… Yes, actually it is…” you chuckled, trying and managing to control your outburst.
“Do enlighten me about what is so funny about a staff member drugging two other colleagues and locking them in a greenhouse….” Larissa seethed.
Your mind was reeling and all over the place. You couldn’t control what did and didn’t come out of your mouth at this point.
“It’s funny that you don’t understand why Marilyn did this! I mean come on, she gives us an ambrosiac tea and locks us in her greenhouse…??” You suggestively say to Larissa.
But blank eyes stared back at you. Not blank actually, fiery and seething…
“She wants us to fuck, Larissa!!” You blurted out in laughter.
But as soon as those words left your mouth, you realized your own conclusion and immediately stopped laughing. The room seemed awfully tense now… And oddly spinning…? Now it was Larissa’s turn to have a burst of laughter,
“You…You can’t be serious…!” She laughed.
You bit your lip, feeling very bouncy and energetic all of a sudden.
“Yep.” You simply stated, as you stood up.
Larissa could not contain her amusement.
“And why on earth would Marilyn want that?”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“Do you want it?” She pointedly asked.
You turned around to face her at the bizarre seeming statement.
“No. Do you?”
“Not in the slightest.” She replied.
You hummed in response. Your heart rate was still through the roof and you had started to sweat. You were also getting hotter by the minute.
So hot you just wanted to rip the clothes right off your body…
“So I suppose we will just have to wait for the ambrosiac to wear off.” Larissa decisively stated.
You took a moment to respond, needing to lean against a table to help ground your breathing, “Yes, it seems that way…”
Larissa was in a similar state, holding onto a desk to keep herself grounded.
“It’s oddly hot in here isn’t it?” You huffed.
“Yes it is…”
And before you could stop yourself, you were speaking,
“Would you mind if I took my shirt off?”
Silence. You immediately cringed yet again and quickly tried to explain yourself,
“Not in any sexual way, I just meant that It’s far too hot in here for me! Only if your comfortable with—”
“Sure.” was the simple response you received.
Larissa couldn’t ask the same thing as she was wearing a dress.
Although, you certainly wouldn’t mind her asking and complying…
Taking your mind back out of the gutter, you removed your shirt. A slight gasp came from across the room, and your head shot up. You found an almost stunned looking Larissa with a slight blush on her cheeks.
“It’s alright.”
“I like your bra.”
She likes your black laced bra…
You wonder whether she’d like it on the floor even more…
Now you were left in your bra and trousers, and your body still burning with heat… You started pacing the room. The wind made your skin go a little less crazy…
Larissa groaned again in frustration and got up to start banging on the greenhouse door. At one point she determined that her efforts were fruitless as she went to go and sat back down again.
But along the way, you both clumsily ran into each other. You gripped Larissa’s forearms for support and the contact with her skin made your mind go dizzy. She meanwhile had grabbed your torso and arm to keep you from falling.
Now you both stood there in silence, not breaking the connection. All the pain and overwhelming heat went away.
And then Larissa broke from the trance and quickly pulled back from the contact. A slight whimper escaped your lips as the waves of heat and dizziness and overwhelmingness hit you again only they were intensified.
And a very strong ache in between your legs was becoming more and more apparent… You looked over to Larissa who staggered and then sat herself done again.
“There… There has to be an antidote somewhere here…” you panted, your breathing now labored and short.
“Already checked. Nothing that I could find...” Larissa responded in a strained tone.
“Fuck…” you whimpered, the pain in your body getting worse, “I can’t take much more of this… I feel like I’m about to combust…”
“I have an idea…” Larissa spoke out hesitantly.
You nodded and hummed in her direction.
“We… Maybe if we sated ourselves, then it would go away…?” She barely whispered.
You looked at the blonde with your hodded eyes and cocked an eyebrow at her, “You’re taking about you fucking yourself and me fucking myself just in the middle of this greenhouse in front of each other?”
Larissa’s face contorted at your choice of words yet again, but her expression quickly changed to a serious one, “Yes.”
You hummed in response. Your body was so on fire. Your mind told you no to Larissa’s idea but your body was screaming yes.
“Ok.” you shakily breathed out, “We’ll just do our own things I assume, then?”
“Yes…” Larissa met your breathy voice.
You nodded in response and leaned back in your chair a bit to get comfortable. You unbuttoned your trousers and snuck your hand down until your fingers reached your knickers. Your body was in a frenzy and hyper needy, so the second you slipped your finger into your aching cunt, you couldn’t help the moan of relief that escaped your lips.
Up to this point, Larissa had just been unabashedly staring at you. Your moan had sent sparks straight to her core. It woke her back up from her trance. Larissa rolled up her dress and removed her knickers easily.
You glanced over to the blonde, while you were fucking yourself in the way you knew your body responded best, and you found a direct view of the blonde having scrunched up her dress and her fingers skillfully circling her clit.
And when she inserted her own finger into her cunt… Oh God, you swore you could have cum right then and there from the pornographic moan that Larissa let out…
You both continued your administrations, becoming more and more enveloped in the lust of it all. You found yourself staring at Larissa as she fucked herself, taking in all her little whimpers, cries, and moans. And vice versa. Larissa couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off of you.
Before either of you knew it and out of knowhere, you were both cumming with strangled cries and moans. You panted heavily and looked over to the blissed out blonde who looked heavenly. You had seen her when you came… The tightness and pain in your body seemed to be gone.
“Fuck…” Larissa breathlessly chuckled with small smile on her face.
Her explicit words ignited the fire back into your core and it all came back…
“OhHhhH shit…” you groaned as the wave of everything that was too much hit you once more.
Your words seemed to trigger Larissa as the smile was quick to fade from her face as her face contorted back into the pain filled frame from mere minutes ago.
“I don’t think it worked…” you groaned, having fallen to the floor and cradling yourself in some attempt of comfort.
“It seemed to for a while…” Larissa groaned right back, “I thought it would work…”
“I know. It was worth a try.” You comforted the frustrated blonde who was leaning against the table leg and spread out on the floor.
Silence ensued.
“I saw you…” you whispered.
“It felt better when I came and saw you…” you confessed, having to close your eyes because it was all becoming too much.
There was no response for a minute or so.
“I…I saw you too…” Larissa confesses in a hushed tone.
At her words, you moved to cradling yourself in a upwards position on the floor and met Larissa’s stunning yet glazed over sapphire eyes.
“My body wants you…” you confessed with a deep breath and your eyes looking down to the ground.
“And your mind?” She asked.
“I don’t know what my mind wants.” you whispered.
“That makes sense. The aphrodisiac most likely has the power to affect the body but not—”
Larissa didn’t have the chance to finish her thought as you and lunged forward and crashed your lips into hers. Larissa’s response was immediate, moving you to straddle her lap, she moaned into the kiss.
You pulled away after a minute having doubts, breathlessly panting, “I’m sorry. This doesn’t make sense.”
You went to pull away, but Larissa grabbed your hips and ground them against her own. You both let out embarrassingly loud moans, making Larissa tilt her head back with a small smirk,
“I think it makes perfect sense… We only feel better when we’re in direct contact… and right now, I think your wearing far too many articles of clothing…” she lustfully purred.
Larissa continued to grind her hips into yours, and you crashed your lips back into hers in response. The pair of you were a whimpering, needy mess on the floor, grinding into one another and sloppily kissing each others lips.
In response to her comment, you made quick work of your bra, throwing it aside. Larissa audibly moaned out in delight at the sight of your freed tits. Your nipples were so hard, you swore you could pop them.
You thrust your chest towards Larissa who was starting at your jiggling tits, “God please Larissa… touch me…” you breathlessly pled with the blonde.
The blonde happily obliged, wrapping her tongue around one of your hard buds and nipping and toying with her tongue. Your back arched in pleasure and your hands flew to Larissa’s hair. The pins had to go.
With your hips swaying in a rhythm and still grinding into one another, Larissa skillfully teased and marked your nipples and neck line, while you rushed to remove all the pins in her hair. Her beautiful locks cascaded down to her shoulders and your brain short circuited completely.
Larissa removed her lips from your puffy and marked bud with a pop, meeting your gaze, “What…?” She chuckled at your gawking state.
You ground against the blondes heat once more and with a pout breathlessly whined, “Clothes… need to go…”
At that Larissa eyes were completely taken by dark lust and desperation. She quickly took you off her lap, and before you could complain, she was unzipping her dress. You quickly followed with your trousers. When you looked back up to Larissa, she was in nothing but a cream satin lingerie set.
She stalked towards you, pining you against one of the greenhouse lab tables. With ease, she lifted you onto the table and slid her form in between your legs. You responded by immediately attaching your legs to her waist and pulling her face down to smash you lips against hers again.
As much as you would have loved to take a minute and explore the beautiful blondes mouth, you were desperate. As Larissa ravaged your mouth, you were quickly to unclip her bra, letting her creamy, soft, luscious tits free from their confinement.
“Fuck ‘Rissa…” you breathed out, your pupils dialating even more at you taking in her stunning form.
Larissa blushed at the nickname and how speechless her body had made you. But she was desperate too…
“As much as I love you ogling my tits, Darling… If I don’t have your face in my cunt in the next few minutes, I’ll fucking die…” Larissa groaned.
You licked your lips at Larissa’s words and nodded eagerly. You stripped your knickers off with haste. The two of you hastily swapped position, and you placed yourself right at the blondes thighs. You could see a soaking wet patch in her knickers, which only turned you on more.
Larissa needily bucked her hips into your face, “please fuck me please…!” She mewled.
And you happily obliged. You could already smell the scent of her arousal through her knickers. You tore her knickers off and threw them with her dress on the floor. Tonguing through her folds only made your body go into more of a frenzy. Every moan and cry that came from Larissa’s lips sent you spiraling.
Larissa’s hand shot down to grab ahold of your hair as the other stabilized her on the table. Strings of obscenities flowed from her smerred red lips as you explored her folds. Her legs clenched deliciously around your head, suffocating you in a manner that you couldn’t want any more than you did right now.
You noted that Larissa tasted like that tea, but wayyy more concentrated and far more delicious… Your tongue lapped through Larissa’s folds and in her walls with fervor, until she her walls were fluttering around your tongue more and more.
“Fuuuuck Darling M’mm gonna cum!!” Larissa moaned out, pushing your face deeper inside her cunt.
“Fuck ‘Rissa tastes so good… God cum for me please…!!” You groaned in response, which sent her even closer to her climax.
You attached your thumb to her clit, remembering the movement you saw her do to herself and you quickly circled the bundle of nerves sloppily. Larissa’s eyes rolled back as she came with the cry of your name on her tongue, her thighs depriving you of oxygen as they pressed together only pushing you further into her cunt, which was squirting plentiful amounts of cum on your face.
You moaned in delight as you ate her out, her walls clenching around your tongue. The blonde let go of your hair and you pulled out of your meal to look up at her. She was panting heavily with glazed over eyes as she stared down at you.
“Christ, you’re fantastic at that…” Larissa breathlessly chuckled, her body giving out on her causing her to collapse on the table.
But you two were by no means through…
You chuckled back at the blissed out blonde, “I’d clean you up but I’d rather feel your juices on my own pussy…”
At your words, Larissa sat up fully, eyes wide at your words, and she practically jumped off the table with her wobbly legs making her immediately collapse on the floor and taking you with her. You both laughed at her miscalculated act.
“Shit, when’s the last time someone properly fucked you?” You laughed, “Or am I just that good…?”
Larissa smacked your arm at your words and you wiggling your eyebrows suggestively. Damn was her laugh intoxicating…
But you quickly shut Larissa up by interlocking your legs and rolling your hips into the blondes, your dripping core grinding against Larissa’s. Your action immediately made Larissa’s eyes roll back in pleasure yet again and elicited another delicious moan from her lips. Her moan was quickly followed by a straggled cry of pleasure of your own.
Now Larissa was the one who caught you by surprise, rolling her hips into yours in unison to your moan.
“Shiiiit ‘Rissa! Do that again and M’mmm gonna cum…!!” You cried out, holding on to the tall blonde shoulders as you met her grinding sloppily.
“So soon, Darling…?” Larissa taunted, “I’m that good…?”
“Yes GOD YES please ‘Rissa!!” You cried out, your climax approaching at a rapid pace.
Your grindings got sloppier and more rushed as the two of spewed strings of obscenities into each others ears.
“Fuck Darling I’m…” Larissa panted, approaching her climax right along side you.
Suddenly, a distinct twig snapped outside. You and Larissa both immediately stopped and swiveled your head to the sound. Your breaths hitched together as you saw the shadow of Marilyn coming closer. You both scrambled, unlocking your legs and rushing about to find your clothes quickly.
“Shit shit shit…” you muttered, not being able to find your knickers.
But it was too late. The door was unlocking. You quickly finished dressing and so did Larissa. You and Larissa both hastened to sit where Marilyn had left you.
“Hey, Sorry, wanted to check on some plants on the edge of the woods…” Marilyn chirped with the same mischevious twinkle in her eye. You were still on complete edge and couldn’t stand it anymore….
“I’m so sorry, Marilyn, but I need to go…” you muttered, side eyeing Larissa before thanking Marilyn and rushing out of the greenhouse. Before you got up to the school, Larissa had caught up with you.
“My office. Ten minutes.” She breathed down your neck lustfully.
“God yes, ‘Rissa…” you groaned under your breath.
Your two bodies were by no means through with each other…
Part 2 out now… 🤭
Larissa Weems Masterlist
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starry-eyes-love · 7 months
Marriage Dynamics-Happy Halloween
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Main Masterlist Series Masterlist
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader (18+, Minors DNI), AU universe, No Outbreak
Summary | Joel takes his wife out to a Halloween-themed party. A slight disagreement changes the course of the night for both of them but ends with Joel and his wife giving each other some much-needed attention in the woods.
Warnings | 18+, Minors DNI, Explicit Smut, Age gap (Joel 52, reader 37), married with husband/wife dynamics, language, fluff, arguments with angst, dom/sub dynamics (a bit), daddy kink, pregnancy reference (if you squint at the end), alcohol consumption, driving after alcohol consumption (don’t do this people, drive sober)- in the story Joel isn’t even tipsy with alcohol, piv sex, creampie (they’re married folks, and she wants it), body type descriptions (slight), reference to Halloween costumes. Sorry (not sorry) about this one guys, man it’s a rollercoaster ride like any marriage is with a lot of steamy smut at the end. Enjoy & Happy Halloween!
Word Count: 9.1 K
“I know mama, I know,” he said, closing his eyes and trying to will his impending release off a bit so he could give you what you needed.  When he opened his eyes he looked into yours and saw that you were staring into his soul. You whispered, “I need you husband.” Joel smoothed his hand over your hair and whispered “I know baby, I see you, and I’m right here.”  Joel then bent down and passionately kissed you as he deepened his motions.
October 31st, Halloween
It has been a long time since Joel, your husband, has felt these intense feelings for you, his wife. Yes, you were beautiful, the mother of his 2 children, and a step-mother to his first born daughter Sarah. But something was different about tonight, especially when he saw you walk down the stairs in that black silk dress hugging your curves just right.  Tommy, Joel’s brother and your brother-in-law, agreed to watch the boys tonight so you and Joel could have a night out for just yourselves. Sarah was already out of the house and in her second year of college in Seattle, so she wasn't around to help out as much as before. Your friend, Tasha, had convinced both you and Joel to come out to an adult-only Halloween themed party.  After many discussions with your husband, and a few nights where he slept on the couch, you both had finally agreed to one night of adult-only festivities, including dressing up in costumes.
Joel didn’t want to do anything that was too flashy, as he didn’t usually feel comfortable doing things like this. You agreed that a simple costume, him going as Dracula, would be appropriate.  After several discussions, you decided to go as a female vampire for yourself.  Joel had teased you and asked if you were going to be going as Dracula’s bride, and you adamantly said no. Explaining to him that Dracula’s bride was older, had white hair, and never got much attention from her husband. When Joel teased you asking why that was a problem, your response was “I want to go as something different than what reality is.”  Your statement had caused another argument where your husband was, once again, spending another night on the couch.
It wasn’t that you weren’t happy in your marriage, you were.  But things with Joel Miller had gotten stale.  You ate at the same restaurants, watched the same TV shows, hung out with the same people, and did the same things every day without any deviation.  You missed the fun nights the two of you would have when you two were dating. You'd been together for 17 years, 15 of those years married. In the past the two of you would stay up all night talking, fuck on every possible surface of your home, including inside Joel's truck. 
Even though Joel was almost two decades older than you, now in his early 50s, he looked good, really good. He was physically fit, had a little bit of a softer tummy, not the rock hard abs younger men had. But he looked good with no shirt on and just pants. He had a construction worker's build, salt and pepper hair, and facial hair that you found out that you loved. In bed Joel was amazing, always has been. He'd get you to cum multiple times if he wanted to, that is if he wanted to. 
Over the past year the bedroom activity was nice, but lacked a bit of passion or intensity. He could get you there with ease, but you wanted your man to breed you, show you who was boss, edge you, something. You didn't know how to ask him for more, considering he was always so exhausted most of the time. 
Joel owned Miller Contracting, his own contracting business. It was an established business for a long time, but recently it had expanded out and was taking on larger projects. About a year and a half ago Joel remodeled a client's kitchen. The client was a CEO of a major company, something no one knew. But Joel said he never cared, he always did quality work as if the person owned everything. He took pride in working with his hands and creating things he loved. The client loved Joel's work so much that when the large company expanded into a different nearby town, Joel was the person they called. He nailed the largest contract in history of Miller Contracting, it was a full time year around job that was going to take 3 years to finish. He hired 30 employees to help get the project done on a large high rise that was going up. 
About a year ago is when the bedroom activity became lackluster, and that was the same time Joel started his large contract. He worked longer days, sometimes also weekends. He made time for his family and boys, making sure to be a present father. He attempted to be an attentive husband in the bedroom, but you could see how exhausted he was. Some nights you cried yourself to sleep as Joel fell asleep on the couch, right before he agreed to give you some much needed affection.
But tonight was going to be different, you thought. Tonight you wanted to feel young and alive again.  So you decided to buy a sexy black dress that hugged your curves perfectly, that gave yourself a good amount of cleavage, and was mid-thigh in length. You paired it with some sexy lingerie, just in case someone went looking later on, someone you were hoping was your husband.  After you finished dressing yourself, doing your makeup, and spraying on your expensive perfume (the one that Joel bought you a year ago as a gift apologizing for falling asleep early), you put on your high heels and then walked down the stairs.
"Babe, we gotta get goin' if we want to make it on-" Joel said as he turned around to see you descend from the stairs in your costume. Joel wasn't able to finish his sentence the moment he laid eyes on you. He always thought that you were a beautiful woman. But tonight, in this moment, it was like his heart stopped beating and he could hear Angels singing from heaven.
"Cat got your tongue, Big Boy?" you whispered as you got up to him with a sly smile.
Joel had his eyes focusing hard on your cleavage and your curves. When he heard you call him his nickname, Big Boy, he almost fainted. He hadn't heard that nickname since he dated you. It usually meant that you were in the mood for some dominance in the bedroom later, where he'd show you who was in control. He had to admit though that since having children, the whole play dominance in the bedroom had stopped because with younger kids, you sometimes had to be fast. He'd still take care of you, but not in the ways he'd used to. Joys of marriage and kids that no one ever talked about. He still loves you, but he did miss your sexual appetite. He just didn't know if he could do some of those moves anymore like he did 10 years ago.
"You, uh" Joel squeaked. 
As the high pitched notes came out of his voice, you smiled and chuckled a moment to yourself before you said "what was that baby?"
Joel glared at you for teasing him. He then pulled at the collar by his throat, cleared his throat, and said in a husky manly voice "You look wonderful, darlin.'" 
"Well thank you, handsome" you said with a slight wink as you turned to walk out the door, swaying your ass just a little bit more for your husband's roaming eyes.
As Joel watched you walk away he let out a low growl at how you looked.  Joel wasn’t a religious man, but he definitely was thanking the good Lord on high tonight for seeing you like this. He took a small breath and let it out in a huff as he followed you outside, saying to himself "that woman's tryin' to fucking kill me."
The entire drive to the party Joel kept glancing over to where you were seated. You were looking out the window with a solemn look on your face. He kept trying to figure out why you had that look. Sure, the two of you have been arguing more. But he thought the both of you had made up, especially when he fucked you in the bed the other night instead of sleeping on the couch yet again. That night he made sure to give you two orgasms, and not just the usual one.
Unable to figure out what was going on in that pretty little head of yours, Joel decided to reach over and lightly grab your hand. He brought it to his mouth, kissed your knuckles gently while saying, "you look absolutely beautiful tonight baby. I feel like I just landed into a dream with you, one that I never want to wake from." He then gently placed your hand back on your thigh, and gave it a little squeeze before returning his hand to the steering wheel.
He saw that you looked down at your hand, like you could still see something there when you said with a slight sniffle, "yeah me too, and I hope I never wake up." Then you went back to looking out the truck window. In that moment, Joel felt his heart ache. Why did she just say that?, he wondered. "Baby, I-"
"Forget it Joel, it was nothing. I didn't mean what-" 
"You meant something by it darlin'" Joel said, interrupting you. 
"Baby, I don't wanna fight" was all you said to him.
"Not fightin' Angel," he said turning back to the road. "Are you happy or- or angry with me yet?" he said with a slightly shaky voice, hoping that you weren't angry yet.
"Joel, oh my God, no baby, I'm not angry. I am happy, incredibly happy. I just miss how we used to be, that's all," you say trying to defuse the situation.
Puzzled, Joel glanced over at you and said "what do you mean, how we used to be?" 
"It's just, you know. It ain't as good as before" you say quickly avoiding his gaze.
"What? What ain't as good as before?" Joel questioned you. As you sat in silence Joel's stomach started twisting in knots trying to figure out what you meant. After a moment he said "Angel, please." 
Silence continued from you.
"Baby please, please answer me? What ain't as good, is it our marriage you don't like, or?"
"It's the bedroom, Joel" you said with a rushed voice.
"What's wrong with the bedroom? Is it the decorations or-"
"I don't like how we fuck, ok? It's not as good as it used to be. It's honestly stale" you say with a sarcastic laugh. "Instead of me feeling like I’m fucking my husband, I don’t know, I feel like I'm with a total stranger. Someone who I really don’t like. I walk away hating it, or worse, feeling like no one cares. I just wish it was like it was before with us, where you'd see me, and actually want me."
“I want you” Joel snapped in defense, emotions swirling around his stomach and head like a hurricane. His mind was trying to figure out what was happening in front of him.
“No you don’t Joel, we both know that’s a lie. Sure, you want me because you have to. That’s it. I’m a checklist you have to occasionally check off. Must have sex with my wife, check. You haven’t really wanted it for years, cause if you did, you’d known that I wasn’t always having orgas-” 
As you glanced over at Joel mid sentence, you were instantly mortified at what you saw. Your husband was white knuckling the steering wheel, grinding his teeth, and silently cursing to himself with glassy eyes.  Somehow you had removed the compassion filter of caring and just started to let your mouth run wild. You wanted to take everything back you just said, but you didn’t know how.  As you reached over to try to comfort Joel, he flinched and turned towards the door, away from you. It was then that you fully understood what had happened, you had seriously fucked up.
Joel felt his stomach tighten at your words. His wife, the woman who he cared about and loved deeply, wasn't sexually satisfied with him and apparently had been faking orgasms for a while. From what you said, somehow you no longer liked being with him, and that fucking hurt him so much and cut him so deeply. He loved you, and loved being with you sexually, but apparently you didn't feel the same way with him. So with a shaky voice he said, "Is there, um, is there anything you'd want me to do differently then if I’m not pleasing ya right?"
"No," you said in a meek voice.
"Are you sure?” he said with a huge lump caught in his throat. “It seems like maybe you’d want me to do something differently, cause apparently I’m fuckin’ this all up for you. So what do ya want done different Angel, please tell me" Joel said, trying to keep his voice both steady and even.
With a sigh you said, "Joel, just forget about it, ok. I don't know what I was thinking. I was just saying dumb stuff, I never meant any of it. I love what you do, can’t seem to get enough of it. Don’t worry, ok." Then you reached for the radio and turned it on to try to drown out the uncomfortable silence that now was present between the two of you.
As you thought about what you had said, you felt the feelings of embarrassment and shame creep up your spine. You didn't want to give Joel the wrong impression, and yet that's exactly what you did. It wasn’t that you hated everything he did, you just missed how it used to be. He still gave you orgasms, if that’s what you could call them. They were ok, but they lacked the major intensity that they used to have when you were dating. The more you thought about this, the more you realized that your wants weren't practical anymore with the current life that you were living. You silently sat there scolding yourself for opening up and creating another argument with your husband. 
God, why can’t I just let this stuff go and realize that I ain’t ever gonna get it again, you thought to yourself. I mean, I got a great guy, a beautiful house, children, and financial stability. I should be happy.  And you were happy, or at least you were trying to convince yourself that you were.  The longer you mulled over this in your mind, the more lost in your head you became. The problem was when you got lost in your head like this you didn’t realize that you started to fidget your hands nervously, it was a tick that you had.  You also started biting your lip and saying silently out loud “God I’m just so stupid.”  These were traits that you did when you were really upset about something, but you never fully register that you do them.  However, Joel knows these traits, knows them well.  While you were overthinking things, Joel was slowly grinding his teeth, clenching his jaw, and allowing his anger to rise up in the pit of his stomach. He felt like a  shitty husband, especially when he hadn't realized that he wasn’t satisfying his wife.
Underneath the surface Joel was seething, pissed off, and deeply hurt at the fact that he wasn't performing up to your standards. But mostly, Joel was pissed at your lack of communication on the topic for a long time. Telling him to forget about it, that you didn't mean what you said, and then scold yourself out loud all made Joel very angry. If you weren't satisfied in the bedroom, he wanted to know. He was your husband, goddamnit, and his wife's needs did actually matter to him, no matter what.
Without thinking Joel pulled the truck over to the side of the road, and then slammed it into park. He then turned and faced you stating in an irritated voice "look here little girl, don't you ever tell me something's fine when it ain't. Obviously your husband ain't performing up to his wife's satisfaction. And you better believe it missy, that I wanna hear about it if you're not satisfied. You hear me? Now, I'm only gonna ask you this question once again, and this time I better get an honest answer from ya. What in the hell would you like done differently in bed, if you ain't enjoying it?"
You sat there shocked looking at Joel seething with anger. Even though you wanted to smack him for that tone he just used with you, you also felt bad for him at what you did.  You saw a man who was compassionate and who was hurting. He was searching your eyes, trying to find something to hold on to that you still were ok with him. You also didn't want to argue, but in this moment you saw the hurt look behind those fiery eyes of your husband who you just told wasn't performing up to the level that you wanted. He did care, that much was evident on his face.
You reached your hand out and gently stroked his face while saying "Joel, honey. We both are so busy in life with careers and kids, that we just lost a bit of that spark. You are performing great in bed love, but I miss the days where sex wasn't a chore. Where it was something you needed to have from me, and not something that was a requirement as a marriage. That's all."
Joel took a shaky breath and then let it out with a huff. He closed his eyes and said "how can I communicate it to you, for you to realize that I want you. That I never stopped wanting you?" As he opened his eyes, you saw that they were glassy. "I never stopped needing you baby, what can I do to show you that?"
With a smile you said,"fuck me like you used to Joel," and with that you leaned over and planted a brief kiss on your husband's lips. Joel nodded his head once and cleared his throat, as he felt a thump there. He then put the truck back in drive and continued forward. The rest of the car ride was in silence as Joel contemplated what you said. The only difference was he was now holding your hand and slowly running his thumb over the back of your hand, reassuring both himself and you that he was still here, and that he still loved you.
When you got to the party, everyone was already there. Joel and you walked inside together, but he was quiet. The only statement he asked was if you wanted something to drink and if so what. You told him to get you vodka and pineapple juice, and he said "fine." When he came back you noticed he was drinking whiskey on the rocks, which was only usually reserved for times at home or when Joel was pissed. You didn't let it damper your spirits. You walked around and spoke to people for a while. A fellow contractor quickly got Joel's attention and he was off in the corner visiting with him for most of the night. You found Tasha, your friend, and started talking with her.
After 10 minutes of catching up with Tasha she went for the heart. "So you and Mr. Grumpy pants over there, you guys fighting again?" she asked as she pointed to where your husband was sitting.
"No," was all you said while you took another sip of the second drink you had gotten yourself. Usually Joel would bring you refills of your drinks throughout the night, but not tonight. You saw when he got his own refill, but he never came over to see where you were, or if you needed another drink.
"Oh bitch, please." Tasha said. "Seriously, you and him at it again, huh?"
"Tash, why do you say that?" taking another swallow of your drink while staring at your husband, who has yet to look over at you all night.
"Why? I'll tell ya why y/n, you've been shooting daggers at that poor man all night. Slamming one too many drinks down your throat. So what's up hun?"
"I told him" you say looking down. "I told him how I'm not happy and…"
"No, you didn't" she gasps, shaking her head. You had spoken to Tash before about this and she told you that you needed to open up to Joel about it, but she never thought you'd do it tonight.
"Yup," you said and you proceeded to tell her everything that happened on the car ride over here. "Yeah and now we are here, wherever the hell here is," you say laughing at the reference of being in the middle of nowhere. Which is exactly where you felt your marriage was at the moment, especially when Joel couldn't even look at you. 
"Yeah and who put you in that position girlie?" Tash says, staring daggers at you. You just looked at her dumbfounded, not understanding how any of this could be your fault.
With an eye roll she says "look, you needed to tell him you weren't happy, yes. But not right before you show up here, and not say it the way you did. That's a conversation for home girlie, not a fucking car ride" she says rolling her eyes.
"So what do I do Tash?" you ask in a defeated tone. "The asshole has yet to look at me all night, always talking to someone else. He hasn't even asked me for a dance either, and he knows that pisses me off" you tell her. 
"Well, show him what you want," she said. When you look at her puzzled, not understanding what she meant she adds "For Christ sake Y/n. Go over to your husband and flirt with his big dumb ass. Baby, he's hurting. You just told your husband that he can't fuck his wife right, and that he doesn't give you what you want. He's upset, hurt, and angry at himself. So he's doing everything he can to not think about it, or you, so he doesn't ruin your evening. So go over there and give that cowboy a ride he won't forget" she says, slapping you on the back laughing.
You giggle at her in return and then say, "I suppose I can go over there and show him how a real cowgirl drinks" you say screwing your face up. "Good thing I developed a strong taste for whiskey over the years cause that's all he's been drinking tonight."
After looking at Tash, you give her a big hug and say "thanks chica for always looking out for me. I love you."
"I love ya too, brat. Now go get your man and make sure to fuck him good tonight. Show him how you ride a real bull" she says laughing. 
"Jesus, Tash," you say laughing as you slowly walk away and go over to grab a whiskey on the rocks at the bar. You hated this stuff straight, but you were in the mood to impress the man who was your husband. So as you walk over to the 52 year old man, you quietly bite your lip and think to yourself well, here goes nothing.
Joel was talking to another contractor that you had recognized from the barbeque you held the year before. You remember meeting him there, his name was Dennis and his wife was Sharon. Dennis was about 10 years younger than Joel and still 5 years older than you. Yes, you and Mr. Grumpy pants were 15 years apart in age. You were 37, and Joel was 52. His wife Sharon was a year older than you, and you knew they had kids. But you couldn't remember how many, or how old their kids were.
As you approached Joel, you heard him talking about something with contract work, of pouring foundation, and how his one team member messed it up. You slotted yourself next to your husband and gently placed your hand on his leg, as he was sitting at a high bar table. After continuing their conversation, and neither man acknowledging your presence, you decided to move your hand a little further up on your husband's leg and gently squeeze it. When you still didn't get a response from him you slowly took another sip of the amber liquid in your glass, looking across the bar, as your hand slowly kept traveling upwards towards where you wanted him the most. You saw that Joel had registered your presence by slowly grinding his teeth with his jaw. As you slowly sipped your drink, looking the other direction, you continued your exploration. 
When you were about mid thigh range you heard Joel silently take a deep inhale, followed by a longer exhale. You knew your husband, and knew you were turning him on. As soon as you got to his upper thigh you felt Joel very quickly shove your hand out of the way, then he readjusted himself on the bar stool. After a moment you felt him open his legs a little wider. 
You looked down at your drink and smiled because Joel was giving you the warning not to continue, but also giving you the open door to continue if you wanted. Joel learned that move from you. He would always try to play with you when you'd be out on dates underneath the table. You'd shove his hand away hard, sit further up straight, but then once you'd relax you'd open your legs wider to allow him more access, if he so wanted. This was your classic move and when you grinned smiling down at your drink, Joel shook his head slightly laughing out loud to himself. Dennis took it as Joel was laughing at the joke he was telling, the poor guy. You knew in fact now that Joel wasn't even listening to him anymore, especially when he nudged your leg with his leg slightly. Telling you that he was paying attention to you with his body language, especially when he cleared his throat and then said "please continue" while looking at Dennis. When Dennis glanced away quickly you heard Joel say quietly to you "please continue darlin'" and then he nudged your leg again with his leg.
You couldn't let that silent plea go unheard, so after a few moments of rest to collect yourself and calm your nerves, you slowly started placing your hand higher up on his leg. This time you stopped one hand length below where you were last time, before he shoved your hand off. You let it rest there and then slowly squeezed his thigh, telling him you were still here. You slowly rubbed gentle circles on his leg in a soothing manner. He hummed his approval slightly, telling you that he was relaxed, content and comfortable with your hand position. But you weren't having it. When Joel went and took a drink of his whiskey you moved fast and reached to grab ahold of his crotch in a hard grip while adding a few firm strokes of his cock before you let your hand go. To an outsider it looked like you were scratching your leg. To Joel he spilled half his drink on himself muttering "Jesus Christ" while coughing horribly. People moved quickly around Joel to get napkins and you said "you okay honey? Don't die on me now. Here, I'll go get you another drink" and as you slowly stood you gave Joel a kind smile. Joel glared at you with steal eyes and muttered under his breath "trouble I tell ya, you're gonna fucking kill me woman."
You refilled Joel's glass, and as you were standing there at the bar you didn't know what your next move was going to be. You honestly never thought that far ahead. You knew you just walked right into the Lion's den and yanked the lion hard by the tail with a move you just pulled. You were racking your brain, trying to think of a good excuse that Joel would buy of why you did what you did when you heard behind you "you know, the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew you were trouble. Tommy told me not to chase ya, but I didn't listen. Thought I knew what I was getting myself into. After that, I don't know anymore" Joel said, caging you between the bar and his chest, with your back against his chest. Joel slowly reached around and grabbed your drink while whispering in your ear, "let's see what type of liquid luck the lady's drinking tonight shall we?" He slowly put it to his lips and then hummed his approval as he downed the rest of the contents and slammed the glass back down on the bar. "You think you're clever at the little antics you just pulled?" Joel sneered in your ear.
You didn't respond right away. You knew now that you had pulled the lion by its tail, and that lion was named Joel, who was slowly snarling.
Your lack of response did nothing for Joel's mood, it actually made him angrier. He bent down and whispered in your ear "I asked you a question, love, and I expect an answer." He then slowly ground his pelvis into your ass, to show you why he was mad. He was hard as a fucking rock, and he felt himself throb in his pants. Your little antics spurred a different feeling inside of him, one that was dormant for a bit. The side to claim you as his in a very dominant way. The way he knew you loved and begged for. 
All night Joel talked with Dennis, not because he really wanted to, but because he needed time to mull over what you had told him in the truck. Joel prided himself on taking care of your needs, so when he heard that he wasn't fulfilling that duty, he took it to heart personally. He knew what you liked, he knew that you were adventurous and wanted a man to dominate you in the bedroom from time to time. He didn't know why the two of you stopped. He tried blaming it on kids, but he knew that wasn't the only reason. He was pissed at you for not communicating this to him, but he was more pissed at himself for not seeing it.
You stood facing the bar and felt a weird array of emotions. You could sense Joel's anger, could feel it radiating off from him. Usually in the past this would excite you beyond belief. But something here was different, and it made you feel uneasy. Without thinking, the only thing you said was "yellow."
Joel froze and eased back from you. You said yellow, a warning that you weren't comfortable, and something you never say. He immediately turned you around and said "okay, why yellow?" as he took a step back and placed his hands in his pockets. He acknowledged you, gave you space, and now wanted to know your boundaries. 
"You're mad" was all you said.
"Yes" was his only reply.
"Why Joel?"
"You know why, for the antics you just pulled." 
"I was just trying to have fun" you said, feeling tears sting your eyes. This was not the way you wanted this night to go.
"That wasn't fun Angel," Joel said, taking another step back to give you some more space.
"Neither was you ignoring your wife."
"I had my reasons tonight" Joel said matter of fact to you.
As you stood there it felt like he just smacked you across the face with his cold truth. You thought he wasn't intentionally trying to ignore you, but apparently you were wrong. Tash was right, you should have kept your big mouth shut earlier. 
You looked away and felt the sting hit your eyes of your tears. How did you two get this off track over the years? What happened to you both? You felt a burn hot in the back of your throat. You took a step away from the bar and pulled off your black lace lingerie panties that you had on for your husband tonight. You didn't think he'd be interested tonight in seeing them, but you wanted to give him something. You balled them up into your fist and stepped towards Joel. 
"Here, Happy Halloween. I'm going home now, don't worry, I'll get my own ride. You can do what you want with them I guess, cause I- I'm-" and you felt the tears begin to fall. You shook your head and said "this was all for you tonight, and for me to be seen again. I guess I read the situation wrong. And if I'm being honest, I think I've read you wrong a lot in life. I get it, things are different now. I should be grateful for what I get, and I am. I'll sleep on the couch tonight, and you can have the bed" you say as you turn to walk away. After taking a few steps you turn around and say "for what it's worth, I think you're the sexiest man in the world, and I love you."
As you turn back around to leave, you hear Joel say "Red," and then you freeze. He's never said red, never. And now honestly you're too afraid to ask why. But you know the rules; you give space, listen, and then comfort. You slowly turn and see him looking you straight in the eye again when he says it again. "Red y/n, I said fucking red."
You felt a large lump in your throat at his admittance and anger yet again. You swallow, and with a shaky breath you say, "ok Joel, why red?"
Joel takes a moment to contemplate how he's going to communicate this to you. He takes your lingerie and stuffs it in his back pocket as he approaches you and says "one, you thinking that I don't want this or you. Don't. Don't tell me how I feel y/n, ok?" Before you can respond he speaks again.
"Two, you are not getting a ride home from someone else. You are my wife and even if I am mad or upset with you, I don't ever want you to think I'm not going to keep you safe and take you home. Baby, I'll always take you home."
"Three, don't you give me those sexy lingerie and then think I don't find you attractive, or that I don't want to fuck you. Also, don't ever suggest that I should do it with someone else. That makes me angry. You're the woman I want, and the only woman for me. Understood?"
You just nod your head. "Ok, and finally" he says while taking a step closer to wipe your tears from your face and more gently says, "Finally baby, no one is on the couch tonight. You were feeling neglected honey, and I'm sorry. You're right, we shouldn't have talked about it right before we arrived. That was wrong for both of us, but we needed to talk. Baby, I fucking love you and I'm so damn attracted to you. And for the record, I wasn't ignoring you. I was giving you space and myself space so we both could figure our shit out. And you get what you ask for in life with me, and more. If your husband ain't rockin' your world, I need to know. But don't drop that bomb on me right before we do something like this together, ok? Now c'mere" Joel says while giving you a tender hug.
You both stand together, holding each other for a moment in a comfortable hug. It's right here in his arms that you feel comfortable, safe, protected, and at peace. He's the man that you've always wanted. He's your husband, best friend, and soulmate. As you pull away you look your husband in the eyes and say "ok big boy, take me home and fuck me," then you give him another peck on the lips.
"No baby, I think I got one better" he says as you both turn to head out the door. 
Joel practically dragged you out to his truck, and helped you inside.  He then jogged around to the front seat and then left in a hurry.  When Joel didn’t make the turn to go back to your house you looked over at him puzzled and said “where are we going?”  He just smirked at you and never answered, just turned the radio on and turned it up while singing along to John Mellencamp's 'Hurts So Good’ song.  
When Joel turned on a dirt road that wasn’t marked, adrenaline spiked in your veins.  You’ve never been out here, on this unmarked road, but obviously Joel had.  When he pulled up to a gravel pit, Joel turned the truck and started driving around the gravel pit and through some more trees.
“You know” Joel said, “that dress looks amazing on you tonight baby, kinda makes me hate what I’m gonna do in a moment.”
“What Joel, wh-what are you gonna do?” you whispered panic slowly setting in at how remote the two of you were.
“You’ll see darlin’” is all he said while he gave your knee a little squeeze.
“Joel, uh, baby. You ain’t gonna bring me out here and kill me now are ya?” you said with a small laugh, after all this was Halloween.
Joel looked over at you intently and when he looked back at the gravel path he said “nah babe, gonna do something much better.”
You felt panic spike up in your body and neck, along with desire.  Joel was playing it cool, not giving in to your panicked state that you felt.  He definitely had something planned, that much was certain, and you knew how this situation played out.  You’d find out either when the time was right or if you used a safe word.  But you knew that if Joel had something sexy planned that if you used a safe word it would stop, and you didn't want that. So you sat there quietly and tried to calm your anxiety.
Finally Joel stopped the truck and reached into the glove box pulling out a blindfold.  He held it up to you and said “turn darlin’ we gotta blind fold you for a bit.”  As you turned, you allowed Joel to place the blindfold comfortably on your face.  When he was done, he kissed the top of your head and said “ok baby, color?” You knew Joel was checking in with you, to see if you were still ok.
“I-I don’t know” is what you said to Joel in a quivering voice.  
“Yes you do darlin’, now come on baby, color” he said in a more soothing tone.
“Between green and yellow, honestly” you said while also adding “I want you to continue though, I’m just nervous and a little scared of what to expect considering all of what has happened tonight.”
You felt him gently wrap his arms around you and said softly in your ear “baby, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m sorry for what has all happened tonight, trust me.  This is me making it up to ya. Nothin’ bad’s gonna happen to ya, you can trust me darlin’. If ya want, I can take off this blindfold” he said while reaching to remove it.
“No,” you said, “leave it on Joel, I want you to leave it on.”
“Ok darlin’, I’m gonna help you outta the truck and then we are going to walk for a bit. I’ll help ya so you don’t fall, then I’ll remove the blindfold after we get to where we need to, ok.”
You nodded in agreement.  Joel tsked at that and said “words darlin’, you need to use your words for me.”  
“Yes Joel, I understand.”
“Good girl” he said while giving you a quick peck on the head.  
Joel then followed through with everything that he said he was going to do.  He helped you down and helped you walk through the forest a bit.  You had never been out here so you had no idea what to expect.  Finally after walking, and Joel communicating to you where to step, you two had arrived. He told you to wait for a second and you heard him walk around doing something, but you didn’t know what.  Finally after a bit he was back at your back.  He reached around you and told you quietly in your ear “gonna take this off from ya now. Close your eyes and don’t open them until I tell ya.”
You nodded in agreement, and he huffed saying  "Angel, I ain't gonna ask again. Words," and he lightly nipped your neck and jaw. 
"Yes Joel, I understand. I won't open my eyes."
"Good girl" he said while slowly grabbing your ass and squeezing. "You're always such a good girl f'me." He then gently kissed and lightly nipped your neck at your pulse point. Joel took his time going from your jaw down to your collarbone, and then shoulder. He'd nip you, then use his tongue to soothe the little love bite he just gave you. This drove you wild and he knew it. When he was done, he slowly removed the blindfold.  
Finally after a moment he told you to open your eyes and what you saw was the most romantic thing you had ever seen.  You two were in a little clearing that wasn’t very big, but Joel had lights strung all around the trees that were orange, red, green, and purple in color.  He had cute little Halloween decorations all around, a black blanket on the ground with a dozen pillows.  Two glasses of champagne, and a bottle that was sitting on ice already.  
“What, how?” is all you said looking around and taking notice of the most romantic scene in front of you. 
Joel stood to your side and said “you like it?” 
“Oh my god Joel, yes. It’s so amazing. But baby, how?  How did you do all this?” you asked wide eyed looking at your husband.
“Well, today at work Tommy and I cut out about 30 minutes into the morning to go work on this. The crews had it all under control. Tommy helped me, took us all morning and most of the afternoon. I picked all of it out at the store, and he helped me put it all up.  Teased the hell outta me all day about it, but it was worth it if you like it.”  
You stood there shocked and a little teary eyed at the effort that Joel put in.  As he could sense your mixed emotions he approached you and said “I know things haven’t always been that exciting recently with us, and I know I’ve been exhausted and tired a lot. Baby, I love you more than anything in this world. Tonight, this is for you. For us. For us to reconnect and rekindle that spark between us. I love you” and he slowly kissed you on the mouth. But he quickly pulled back before the kiss could turn heated and said, “come on, let's get comfortable.”
He led you over to the pillows and blanket and got you situated.  You noticed that he bought a whole pile of your favorite snacks and had them all out in little trays with covers on them.  He took the covers off, opened and poured your favorite champagne, and then put some romantic music on.  
The two of you spent the next hour talking, laughing, and joking like you used to do before kids, and the crazy life that you had.  After you had finished the bottle of alcohol you said to your husband “this was perfect Joel, thank you” and then you kissed him on the cheek.
As you pulled away he grabbed your chin and said “that’s not a kiss baby,” while slowly stroking your cheek with his other hand.
“Oh it isn’t” you said teasing, "I thought it was" while gently batting your eyelashes at him.
"No darlin', that's not a proper kiss for your husband who wants you."
 “Then show me big boy, show me what is.” And with that you heard Joel growl low and crash his lips onto yours.  
The next thing you knew you were straddling your husband's lap and grinding down on his crotch hard, trying to get some friction.  He still had your lace underwear in his back pocket. Asshole knew what he wanted to do tonight, you thought. You had a sneaky suspicion that Joel had the plan of getting you out of those lace panties sometime earlier so you could do this without any barriers between you.
After a few more glides of your hips, and a few moans out of your mouth, Joel was unbuckling his pants and taking his hard cock out and thrusting it hard up inside of you.  As soon as he did that you moaned at him stretching you so fast and deep.  “Fuck babe, you’re so perfect for me. Been thinking about fucking this pussy all day, fuck” he said while he started snapping his hips hard up into you.  He wrapped one of his arms around you and tangled his hand into your hair while the other rested on your hip and he helped you grind yourself down into his lap as he fucked up into you.
The two of you were a moaning mess, both chasing your highs fast.  “Joel right there” you moaned as Joel moved both hands to your hips and was moving them back and forth hard and fast. “Fuck baby” you said as you tipped your head back and gave over to your pleasure.  Your senses were heightened dramatically outside and you were getting close.  
Then you felt Joel wrap his arms around you again and then slam you to the ground pounding into you hard and fast saying “fuck woman, why haven’t I fucked ya like this before.”
“Joel” you whined, “baby, please, please I need to-”
“What do you need darlin’, come on, use those pretty words” he said while he continued to fuck you hard and fast.
“God, shit, fuck” you yelled as that coil inside you was winding tighter in your low belly, getting ready to snap.
“Come on mama, say it” he growled in your ear as he placed both forearms on the side of your head, giving you that contact you desperately were craving.  “Come on baby, tell me or I’ll stop” he said, biting your jaw and neck in the process.
“I need to fuck so bad Joel, damn, baby. Please, let me.” you said trying to move him off from you so you were back on top.  He knew what you needed, that you wanted to ride him hard and fast with your hips.  And he loved it when you did, but this was something else. Something primal that was in Joel’s body, his need to claim you as his, to mark you as his.  So he moved his arms underneath your knees and hiked them up and adjusted his position so he was getting more deeper inside of you when he growled “not this time baby, let your husband fuck ya ok. When I’m done, I’ll let you fuck me the way you need to pretty girl, got it.” he said as he swiveled his hips and slammed harder into you.
The angle he put you in was something that caused your eyes to roll back into your head.  He was hitting those parts of you that were deep, that you had forgotten that he could reach. You wanted him to do this more at home and you made a mental note to fix the headboard so it wouldn’t slam against the wall and wake up your kids. You wanted him to do this position more frequently.  
After a few more thrusts and grunts from both of you, you felt your walls flutter around your husband’s cock.  Joel could sense it and said “ya gonna cum for me baby, you wanna come on daddy’s cock?” And as soon as you heard him use the term daddy, you were gone and your orgasm took you like a tsunami. You were mumbling incoherent words, most of them being shit, fuck, or Joel, Joel, Joel from your mouth.
Joel slowed his pace down a bit and slowly was rocking back and forth into you as your orgasm took you.  He was giving you praise. “Good girl, good girl baby, that’s it. Don’t fight it, come on mama, you got it” over and over again.  It felt like this orgasm took a time to die down, but Joel continued rocking into you back and forth through all of it. When you finally came back down to Earth, you opened your eyes and looked up at your husband. Sometime during your orgasm Joel had lowered your legs, and wrapped them around his waist. He was gently stroking your hair, looking at you like he was the happiest man on Earth.
“Wow” was all you said slightly laughing at how fucked out you were.
“Pretty intense there wasn’t it mama” he said while smiling down at you and kissing you passionately.
“Yeah it was Joel, damn. I-I didn’t know”
“See” he said interrupting you “daddy still has a few tricks up his sleeve there darlin.’” You felt Joel slowly start to rock into you back and forth a little faster but still at a leisure rate, giving you praises and affection. You, not realizing what he was doing, opened your hips wider for him and wrapped your legs around him tighter as he continued to rock into you.  Joel just smirked at you, knowing full well what he was doing.  He was building you for another orgasm, and you weren’t realizing it, something that he cursed himself for that he needed to do more often with you.  
As he started to pick up the pace a little, deepening his thrusts you moaned “Fuck Joel, I-”
“I know mama, I know” he said, closing his eyes and trying to will his impending release off a bit so he could give you what you needed.  When he opened his eyes he looked into yours and saw that you were staring into his soul. You whispered “I need you husband.”
Joel smoothed his hand over your hair and whispered “I know baby, I see you, and I’m right here.”  Joel then bent down and passionately kissed you as he deepened his motions.
You needed your husband. You needed him to kiss away the pain you both had been feeling recently.  The heartache of feeling ignored, of feeling left behind, of not finding a connection.  That is what you craved the most, the connection with your spouse.  It was in this moment, with the way he was looking at you, and how he was making you feel, that you felt the two of you were connecting again.  The two of you stared into each other’s eyes as Joel slowly made love to you in the woods. 
Joel rocked into you a few more times, loving the way your walls dragged up and down his cock. After a bit he stilled and moved his arms underneath your legs again to deepen his reach. As he bent down he kissed the tip of your nose and said “I’m gonna give this to you hard and fast again baby. And you’re gonna be a good little girl and come all over daddy's cock with that pretty little pussy again, ok? Then I’m gonna take you home, and fuck you on every surface of our house again, making sure you remember who this pussy belongs to. When I'm through with that, we'll end up in our bed. I’m gonna take advantage this one time of our boys not being home, and I'm gonna make sure that headboard is slamming so fucking hard against that wall tonight, getting deep inside that beautiful little pussy. Then when I’m through fucking ya every way I want, including multiple times with my mouth darlin', I’m then going to slow down and make love to my beautiful wife like she deserves.  You got that darlin'?” he said as he kissed your nose again.
“Joel, if we do that much love making I’m gonna get pregnant again. I’m off the pill, remember, and about mid-cycle. I don’t remember us having that many condoms,'' you say laughing a bit at how descriptive your husband was at his intentions with you. If you were being honest, you were trying to ignore the excited feeling that you had about wanting him to do all of that to you. But you had to be serious, and had to remind him that you weren't on the pill anymore. Your body needed a break from the pill, and because of some weird lab test results that your doctor had seen, she wanted you to stop birth control and go back to using condoms for a few months.
“Well darlin’” Joel said with a smirk on his face “I guess I’ll just have to give you that little girl that you’ve always wanted then, ain’t I.”  And with that, the two of you fell into an intense stride.  Grunting and rutting into one another like two animals in heat, him trying to get in you as deep as he could, and both of you connecting both physically and emotionally with each other.  
You eventually both fell over the edge together, panting each other’s names, him coming deep inside of you. Secretly you loved how your favorite Holiday gave you everything that you have ever wanted in this world. You loved everything about the man right above you, especially when he said "fuck wife, I need you" as he painted your walls with his white ropes of love. You fully submitted to him that night, and allowed him to give you everything in this Life and more. And when the night ended, with both of you finally sated, and in each other's arms once again. Joel finally gave you that little girl that you've always wanted.   
A/N: Happy Halloween guys 🎃
Taglist: @punkshort @shotgun-shelby @strawbunnyx @orcasoul @pedritoferg @chiogarza @jesfreedark @untamedheart81 @rainbow12346 @nandan11 @swiftpascal @eliza-8 @joeldjarin @vickie5446 @nastiasnow @staywildflowahchild @ratoonstown @l3laze
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catcake24 · 13 days
Through the power of dimensional travel, I WILL make both KOBD and Breakbee coexist.
Here’s my idea (not sure if I’m going to write it as a fanfic, but I like it enough to share):
During a space/groundbridge incident, TFP Knockout and Breakdown from another dimension are pulled into Earthspark. They soon flee after seeing the sight of so many Autobots
Eventually though, the Maltos + Megatron (since they are “Decepticons”, they think they might listen to Megatron) track them down and explain they just want to send them home. But surprise… it turns out Knockout and Breakdown actually really like the ES dimension even more than their own.
They were already on the run from the Decepticons in their own world after Breakdown nearly died, they both already like earth and don’t mind staying, and they find the idea of being able to actually make a life outside of war appealing. Since medics are desperately needed, even with the few remaining still working, they are allowed to stay in Witwicky and even give medical help with the kids when needed.
they are their usual selves with everyone else, but when they hear about the Terrans they go absolutely soft. They’re the rich aunties now, and will not be hearing otherwise (this includes Mo and Robby too, once they find out they’re family.)
They get along with Alex and Dot well, since they genuinely care for the kids and just want a life outside of war. (Breakdown admits they did awful things at some point, expecting the humans to recoil, but Dot says “My best friend is Megatron, I know many Cons who made mistakes. But everyone deserves their second chance.”)
Knockout notices ES Bee has been looking at him weird, sees ES Breakdown and Bee together for five minutes, and goes “I’m gonna set them up”. This breakdown deserves a happy relationship too, and Knockout can see how close ES Breakdown is with Bee since he’s already married his own Breakdown, so he ends up giving bee the perfect advice to finally confess. Or he messes with him, 50/50 really.
TFP Breakdown is the best babysitter when Bee is away, since he actually knows how to handle younglings very well. ES Breakdown sees this as competition for HIS Bee, and there’s a lot of silly shenanigans around it until TFP BD goes “pfft, I already got a conjunx, and I’m already with someone wayyy above your Bee”
This is how the Terrans learn what a conjunx is, and react the same way most kids do to learning what marriage is (curious but also going “ew! Kissing!”)
Knockout isn’t a great babysitter because he spoils the kids rotten. He needs Breakdown supervision at least so the kids don’t gain an extra pound from sweets lol
Knockout and Breakdown stay in Witwicky because it’s a nice change of scenery, and because they need to be under the supervision of Autobots until they can be fully trusted. They do sneak off for dates sometimes, but over time the bots just get used to it
At some point TFP KOBD and Breakbee go on a double date on a racing track. ES Breakdown is horrified to learn his alternate is slow as fuck. Luckily Knockout can match them for speed, and have a good time with TFP Breakdown on the sidelines offering coolant to the racers (and kisses for good luck for his Conjunx).
Basically this is a wish fulfillment au where Knockout and Breakdown can live happily while in the more wholesome Earthspark universe (until the horrors come for the Terrans again)
Feel free to add extra ideas for this AU :3
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octuscle · 4 months
I've done a few himbo transformations with the Chronivac, but I'm getting tired of being dumb. I want to be smarter without risking some crazy permanent change. Can you make it so I steal 1 IQ point from everyone who's in the same room as me? They can have it back when they leave.
You are a super Himbo. Always in good shape, always horny. And admittedly also a real feast for the eyes. I like your idea. It's a little bit experimental. But let's give it a try.
You're always the first one at the gym in the morning. You love to start your day pumped up. And it's wonderfully empty at this time of day. No smart alecks to make fun of you. You have the body, you have the face. An IQ of 89 is more than enough for an alpha guy like you! Normally you're done with your program by 07:30. That's when the gym usually fills up. Today it's surprisingly full. There's a congress in town, so lots of external guys always come to work out. By around 07:00 there are already a good 30, maybe 35 people training. One of the guys is really cute. You approach him. You talk about all sorts of things and train the next sets together. It's rare to find someone who has a similar political opinion and is interested in both Italian opera and astronomy at the same time. And who looks so awesome at the same time. You'll get a boner. He notices. You say that unfortunately you have to go now and you're going to take a shower. He says that he hopes you'll see each other again sometime. You see each other in the shower four minutes later. Not a soul around. And you fuck the guy like only a man with a bird's brain can.
You like your work as a motorcycle mechanic. Your machines are just as simple as your brain. You understand them. And you're really good at making them look hot and getting the most out of them. And you like to work alone. It's difficult in a team. Some know-it-all is always making fun of you. Pure envy, you think, and flex your muscles. But it does annoy you a little. That's why you prefer to do things in the evening that don't involve talking. Dancing. Fucking. Or go to the movies. Like tonight. "The Beekeeper". It's supposed to be good.
Shit, your head is starting to pound. The movie theater is maybe half full. You do a quick count. Yes, exactly 378 people. 78 percent male. That was to be expected. According to a rough estimate, they all spent a total of 3,117 dollars on Coke and popcorn. One guy went to the loo for the third time. You've noticed 67 things in the movie so far that are illogical. Bored, you take out a cell phone. You surf to the MIT website. A very interesting article from the mathematics department about the Riemann conjecture. By the end of the movie, you've finished the proof.
Fortunately, your favorite pub, where you're having a nightcap, is almost empty. Your buddy at the bar, a handful of the usual regulars. Your cell phone vibrates incessantly. Lots of calls from unknown callers. From cities you've never heard of. Boston, San Francisco, Cambridge in Massachusetts, Cambridge in England. Göttingen. Isn't that in Poland? What do they all want from you? You turn off your cell phone.
The next morning you have 189 missed calls. You check a few messages. But you can't understand a single word they're saying. Something about genius. And a brain that only exists once. Hehehe, you've heard that a lot about your cock. You're going back to the gym. You're late today. Your crush from yesterday is already here. And so are 40, 50 other people. CNN is on the screens. The headlines are about the proof of Riemann's hypothesis. Your crush asks you if you know what it is. You explain it to him and outline your solution. As best you can reproduce it. It's really complicated. Your crush stares at you open-mouthed. "You've proved Riemann's conjecture?“ You grin a little sheepishly.
Shit, this guy has a hot ass and a talented tongue. But why can't he keep his tongue in check? After a few minutes, the first reporter is in your workshop and asks you about this Riemann shit. Tell him to go to hell. A second, a third reporter arrives. They're on the floor laughing as you answer their questions. The weaklings are about to get the shit kicked out of them. In the afternoon, a courier arrives from this Cambridge, which is not in England. With a letter. An invitation to a ceremony. Whatever that is. And then there's a check inside. A check for a million dollars.
You like airports. A place where you can do sociological studies. You also really enjoyed the flight. The documents that the mathematical institute in Cambridge sent you are very interesting. But you see a few inconsistencies that you would like to discuss. A driver is waiting for you at the airport. You take a deep breath when you are finally out in the fresh air. It's funny, there's a guy holding a board with a name just like yours on it. You walk up to him. "Mr. Wood?" he asks a little incredulously. "Hehehe, someone must have given us that name one early morning. Do you understand, dude? And by the way, my name is Al." Curt is a cool dude. You get to sit up front and talk about football and stuff. Curt lifts iron too. He recommends a good gym near the hotel and campus. Then he tells you stuff like you can freshen up if you want. Then the dean would like to meet you for a private lunch in private. And then the prize will be officially presented in the setting. Then there is also time for your speech. You say that you smell like a real man and don't need to freshen up. And you ask what a dean does and what the hell the speech is all about. Curt grins.
The dean wipes the sweat from his brow. The food tastes quite good, but you would have preferred an honest burger. You don't understand a word of the stuff the old geezer is talking about. He keeps mumbling something about a catastrophe. You ask yourself why you're wearing that stuffy shirt. It would actually be cool right now to just wear a tank top with all the nerds and show off your muscles. Dinner is finally over. The dean, or whatever his name is, stands up and asks you to follow him. You walk towards a really cool looking building, which is called Kresge Auditorium. Funny name. You enter the hall, which is packed with dozens of people, all of whom are beaming with joy at you. The dean waves you off, pulling you along behind him. You are standing in a huge lecture hall where hundreds of people are already waiting. More and more people stream in behind you. The dean asks you to keep your mouth shut for God's sake. Then he gives his opening speech. He gives a somewhat twisted rendition of the essence of Riemann's conjecture. But as far as you know, he's not a mathematician either… The dean ends with the words "…. And yet this man has obviously proved one of the biggest problems in mathematics. Mr. Wood, would you like to say something?“ You interpret his gestures as him asking you to just shut up. But you're here to chat about math. You stand at the lectern. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honor for me to speak to you today in this magnificent building. I assume that you are familiar with my remarks on the Riemann conjecture. I don't want to bore you with that either. Let's talk about another interesting topic instead, the P-NP problem." The dean faints.
Shit, the day was really exhausting. You're so happy when Curt finally drives you to the hotel. It's already late, but you still want to make your muscles burn. So you make your way to the gym. There's hardly anyone here at this time of night. One guy looks nice and really hot. You chat a bit. You train together. You both end up in your hotel room and fuck the rest of your brains out. Ian says that you absolutely have to come to Springbreak.
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Fuck, Ian was so right. Spring break is awesome! The weather is incredible. Eating, drinking, working out, fucking, partying, all outdoors. You're one of the stars here. Because of your body and your cock. Certainly not because of your head. Hehehe, the 200,000 dollars that you've already spent here from your prize money has certainly contributed to your reputation. The party is in full swing. Suddenly the sky darkens and a thunderstorm with hail breaks out. The party people stream into the hotel lobby. And you flow with them. One of about 400 wet, muscular bodies. You take a quick look around. 423, to be precise.
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mimisempai · 3 months
We no longer need to hold back
As Crowley enthusiastically recounts one of his sessions at the planetarium, he is amused to see that Aziraphale isn't listening at all and is staring at his lips.
50 Types of Kisses - Writing Prompts
Kiss #2: A small, fleeting kiss - which is immediately followed by a passionate, hungry kiss.
On Ao3
Rating G -  951 words
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"I have to admit, Angel, even after all these years, humans still manage to surprise me. This afternoon in the planetarium, there was a little boy who couldn't have been more than five years old, and he knew an incredible amount about stars and planets, especially Alpha Centauri! Can you believe it, Alpha Centauri, Angel!"
Crowley was telling the story of his last session in the planetarium, but it didn't take him long to notice that Aziraphale was behaving strangely. Usually when Crowley talked about his 'job', he was all ears, commenting, reacting to the demon's story, but today the angel looked completely distracted, his eyes constantly lingering on the demon's lips.
Crowley had decided to ignore him for a while and had gone on with his story, pretending not to notice.
"You know the planet where his royal smugness and my ex-boss are having their honeymoon."
This time, when he saw that Aziraphale didn't react, he asked, "Angel! Are you listening to me?"
The angel gasped in surprise, then pulled himself together and quickly replied, "Of course I'm listening to you, my dear, you know very well I hang on your every word."
Crowley turned fully to face him and said with amusement, "I rather got the impression that you were more interested in my lips than the words that came out of them."
The Angel blushed slightly and began to stammer, trying to find an explanation.
"Um... I... actually..."
As the angel searched for words, the demon brought his face close and planted a light, quick kiss on the angel's lips, then pulled away before asking cheekily, "Now that I have your undivided attention, do you think..."
He didn't have time to finish his sentence because Aziraphale had cupped his face in his hands and whispered against his lips, "You absolutely have my undivided attention. "
Then he captured the demon's lips in a kiss that was neither light nor quick. He kissed Crowley like someone who had been deprived of food for days and was finally getting his fill. Crowley, though initially surprised by the angel's eagerness, was not to be outdone and wrapped his arms around the angel's neck, returning the kiss with the same passion.
Much later, when they parted to catch their breath, Crowley asked him softly, panting, "Although I find this extremely pleasurable, will you explain to me what was going through your mind, Angel?"
Aziraphale, looking embarrassed, lowered his head and mumbled something unintelligible. 
The demon grabbed the angel's chin and lifted it as he said gently, "Angel, I didn't understand, you'll have to say it again." 
Aziraphale sighed before saying, "It's because of Nina."
Crowley raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, she told me she preferred it when we were pining for each other, because now we're so glued to each other that she doesn't dare come to the bookshop for fear of running into us kissing between the shelves. It seems Muriel has been talking a bit too much."
Crowley couldn't help but chuckle, but Aziraphale shook his head, "It's not funny, Crowley."
"I think it's pretty funny, actually, but it still doesn't tell me why you were so fixated on my lips that you wouldn't listen to me."
Aziraphale, still a little embarrassed, said, "Well, when you forbid yourself something, it's usually the thing you want most. It's all you can think about. That was the case with... with your lips."
Crowley laughed softly and replied, "At least you see how I've felt all these millennia..."
Aziraphale immediately replied, "You're not the only one who's felt that way, I'll have you know!"
Crowley's expression became serious again as he brushed Aziraphale's hair back, his hand lingering on the angel's cheek. He said softly, "All the more reason why we shouldn't hold back another minute. No matter what others say."
Aziraphale thought for a moment before nodding.
"You're right, I'm sorry, that was really silly."
Crowley shook his head and replied, "No, not silly, just a little too self aware, and then I admit it was cute to see you distracted like that."
Aziraphale replied, "It's all right now, you can get on with your session at the planetarium."
Crowley shook his head again and, moving his face closer to the angel's, replied, "I don't feel like it now, I've found a much more interesting activity."
He closed the distance between them and pressed his lips to the angel's for another kiss, Alpha Centauri and the planetarium far from their minds as it lingered.
"Aziraphale! Crowley! Are you in there? I think so if the door is open!"
Both startled, they separated at Nina's voice and both stood up, quickly putting their clothes back in order before going to meet her.
The owner of the coffee shop wasn't fooled though, and pointing to the coffees and cakes in her hands she exclaimed, "I thought I'd come to make amends because Maggie pointed out that I'd been insensitive earlier, but it turns out I was right!"
Crowley put his arm around Aziraphale's neck and cheekily replied, "Do you have a problem with that? If you're jealous, do the same with Maggie!"
"Idiot, that's called self-control."
Crowley replied, "When you've held back as long as we have, we'll talk again about self-control."
Then, ignoring Nina, he pressed his lips to Aziraphale's for another kiss.
Nina, surprised that for once she hadn't had the last word, placed the coffees and cakes on a piece of furniture, then turned on her heels and gently closed the door behind her as the angel and the demon continued to kiss.
One thing was for sure: life on Whickber Street had never been dull since these two had been together.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable kisses series : here
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here
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cliowo · 2 months
In this essay, i will explain the reasons why sky children of the light has become an increasingly unwelcoming game to new players and veterans alike-
Yeah yeah i usually only share my words here but tumblr feels like a really comfy place for me to share unfiltered thoughts and i needed somewhere to vent ig (skip if you have no idea what I'm talking about)
When I first started playing in prophecy, sky was a really fun game. We didn't have the request for a guide function then and I'm actually really grateful for it because the joy was in exploring each of the different realms and season areas on my own and randomly stumbling across spirits whose stories were waiting for me to discover. Maybe it was because I was a dumb moth - i didn't even know how to access seasonal spirits trees - but the pressure to cr just wasn't as intense as it is for moths today. The back to back seasons and "days of" events seem to have sucked the fun of exploring the world of sky for moths because they're so focused on grinding for candles/hearts/event currency that they just dont slow to smell the in-game roses anymore. And the thing is I get it because there's just so many new cosmetics as well as older ones from past seasons and events to farm for.
I mean sure you don't have to collect every cosmetic but 1 cape costs like 70 candles on average, same for a pair of pants iirc, a prop/acessory at 40-70 candles (70 if its an instrument??) , and hair at around 40-50 candles; and the best part is you can only earn 20-21 candles max in 1 reset 🤡 Add all of that plus the need to look for event currency in fear of facing such prices in the event rerun and you get stressed out moths facing existential crises every 2 weeks when ts arrives😀 Sorry moths, the economy is bad irl and just as bad in sky.
And what of the veterans? Yeah, well, we get no friends as everyone starts to quit the game and those that stay live off copium revisiting the places we once visited with friends- Or maybe that's just me
New friends, you say? *cue flashback to moths begging for help with cr* we exchanged like maybe 5 sentences max at chat benches🥲 i have nothing against helping out but it does make it difficult to form a bond when they disappear right after and you fade into their constellation of ubers
And then we have the seasons.
... Honestly the only season that made an impression with me after aurora was the recently concluded season of the 9 coloured deer, which was also another collab season💀
I actually had to check the sky wiki for this:
Remembrance - ironically very forgettable. What was the story again? Was it the one with the group of spirits living in one specific hole in vault like why- vault is bigger than that sad hole- OH THE PLUSHIES okay maybe this one was passable... im trying okay
Passage - ??? Havent finished this season's quests so uh- so far it seems like... a cult..? In isle...?
Moments - if they wanted a camera in-game, they could have just added it to like the days of sunlight event (the camping one) or smtg. They did not have to force a season for a camera💀 imho the camera was the only thing worth mentioning abt this season and i don't even take pictures
Revival - i suppose aviary is pretty and it's nice that the spirits have somewhere to stay now. Not particularly impressed. Don't really remember the story in this one.
...i heard rumours of a furniture season after the 9 coloured deer. Looking forward to hearing what they'll name this one lmao
The quality of "days of" events is still acceptable to me. Just maybe ignore the numerous iaps and the fact that we have multiple umbrellas but only 1 is f2p (don't understand whats up w that btw)
And also the recurring bugs💀 I've been playing for at least 3 years and I've faced these bugs/problems multiple times:
1. Unable to light frends constellations because the screen just yeets itself into oblivion or some random environment feature where i cant press the button
2. Game crashes (after every update istg-)
3. Splitting servers
4. Sky discrimination and gate keeping, aka refusing to let me open the game
5. Being unable to collect currency/dailies (it's not my internet i checked)
The lack of compensation is another matter entirely
I don't know man I'm tired. The only reason why I still have it installed is because it's my only link to the people I used to have fun and relax with. Not everyone has discord or insta or some other social media.
If you made it this far thank you for coming to my ted talk. Feel free to leave your thoughts- just remember to be respectful
The sky economy is bad. For everyone. Moths (and maybe even vets) are stressed out and vets are losing friends. The seasons are increasingly dull and the long-lived bugs are frustrating.
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calculatorguitar · 1 year
so I just watched across the spider-verse for the second time (woohoo!) and I would just like to list some things that I noticed/loved about this movie!
- During the gorgeously animated Spot sequence (the first one in black and white), when the Spot is explaining to Miles that his spider came from univere 42, we can see a kid with two braids in a classroom. It’s very likely that this is the Miles we saw later on in the movie.
- Gwen’s whole world! ugh it’s just visually stunning! The way the background also factors i the emotions at play quite literally reduced me to tears. Muah muah chef’s kiss!
- I’ve seen a lot of people talking about how Miguel is different from other spider-people and I would jus like to add my two cents. Miguel IS Spider-man, but he became him in such a different way to the others. This is why he basically has to inject the spider venom (?) into himself. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have the spider sense either? In the scene where he, Gwen and Jess are fighting against the Leonardo Da Vinci Vulture, Miguel is just standing there, preaching to Gwen, while the Vulture is LITERALLY STANDING RIGHT THERE??? RIGHT BEHIND HIM??? Gwen just... doesn’t alert him about it and instead makes it a quippy joke, but it seems to me like he either doesn’t have a spider sense (a pretty significant part of being a spider-person) or it just decided not to work at that moment. Also interesting about Miguel is that his trauma has skewed his view so much that he is barely even recognisable as a Spider-man anymore. For example: he makes a giant mistake resulting in a whole universe being wiped out. Teenager unknowingly makes a mistake that could have the same result if not handled correctly. Now. How would your average run-of-the-mill Spider-man handle this? You know how he would NOT usually handle it? By BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF SAID TEENAGER AT MULTIPLE DIFFERENT POINTS IN TIME. Miguel also genuinely believes that there’s a certain structure to being Spider-man. There’s certain trauma-checkpoints you have to hit in order to be Spider-man. That’s... I don’t even know what to say except that that’s really messed up. The scene where he just CAGES Miles, presumably to wait there until his dad died? That’s not how you should go about any of this!!! I mean I shouldn’t even have to say that. It’s HOW you wear the mask that matters. 
- Okay enough about Miguel (didn’t know I had that much to say about him tbh). The characters in this movie were extremely strong! The ones we got to meet all had a clear, discernible personalities. I am definitely not immunce to the comic relief characters and I have gained new favourite characters in Hobie and Pavitr (like p much everyone else lol)
- Miles. Miles I’m so. Wow. He’s not eve real but I’m so proud of him. I nearly bawled when he tried to “come out” as Spider-man, while I had already figured out that he was in the wrong universe. Just. God. This poor boy. He was lierally going to study quantum physics so he could see his friends again only to find out that they had the chance to do exactly that this whole time and just chose not to. It was a gutpunch when it was revealed they knew that his dad was going to die this whole time. My heart was audibly beating for him the entire last 50 minutes of the movie, that’s how anxious it all made me.
I have so much more to say about all of it, but this post is already the longest I’ve ever made so I’m just gonna cut it short for now. I would love to hear all of your thoughts on this! This is just what I got from the movie, but I’m sire I could have misinterpreted some thing, so please do tell me what you all think!
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conitagray · 11 months
i remember it, all too well.
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42!miles g morales x reader
summary: you've been dating someone for a year and slowly you realize they've become distant. barely texting you, not showing any admiration, always out clubbing. until you went to their place and see something unspeakably wrong, you snap and they try to come back to you. months later, still broken. you met miles and you two become very close. one day you see them again and you can remember the memories all too well.
warnings: super angst (fluff in the end of COURSE) cursing, bad spanish (i’m so sorry y’all😭) creepy ex bro, cheating.
a/n: WHOOP i started listening to atwtmv for like a 100 times and it gave me the idea to write this (all hail taylor swift!!) this is gonna be so angsty i swear like im so sorry yall 😭 but lemme tell y’all i swear 42 miles has rizz i’m not lying
words: 2.2k
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
your life was pretty fine the past few months since you’ve met your partner.
they were, everything you wanted. they loved you to the moon and back and you said the same thing too.
but a year passed and things started to change, drastically.
they stopped paying attention to you, stopped hanging out with you, was always on their phone and most of all, always went clubbing.
you’d be at your place and it was around 12:45 in the morning, he was supposed to come by.
the first thing that came up to your mind was text him, they were probably busy anyway?
12:46 am
y/n: babe, wru? you were supposed to come to my place an hour ago.
seen 12:48 am.
y/n : hello?
seen 12:50 am.
you sighed, tossing your phone to the side of the bed as u curled up in ball, thinking why they left you on seen.
you decided to go check up on them yourself, so you put your shoes on and walked over to his apartment.
you knocked on their door, seemingly waiting for an answer, there was none.
so you opened the door which was seemingly unlocked, and scanned around the room, calling out their name.
when you heard loud music from his room.
you knocked but there was no answer as you thought the music was drowning your knock so you opened it.
and oh boy were you in for a surprise.
you dropped your purse on the floor as you stood there as if you saw a ghost, but instead you saw them making out with someone else.
“so that’s how shits going huh.” you said bluntly with tears in your eyes as your words jolted both of them up and your partner turned to look at you.
“it’s not what it seems like bab-“ they were protesting, pushing the other person away and walking to you but you cut them off and pushed them away.
“there’s nothing to fucking explain!” you screamed. “its all right infront of me, dont even bother.” you said as the tears flowed out of your eyes, looking away.
“please love im sorry i- just- give me another chance” they tried to grab your hands and you pulled away quickly.
“so you just can call me up again just to break me like a fucking promise huh? i expected better from you.” my voice cracked at every word as i walked away and slammed the door shut.
i was home, on the floor. in a ball of sadness. tears, snot, everything flowing out. while they kept texting me.
unknown number.
1:15 am
un: babe please
un: please im sorry
un: i won’t do it again
un: forgive me
seen 1:20 am.
you knew damn well he was lying so you blocked the number, shutting off your phone and sliding it across the room.
that day, your whole heart broke, you never felt anything anymore, love was completely just a game to you
but do you think everything will change soon?
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it was your usual day. wake up, get ready for work, walk, get to work and actually work.
you worked at the cashier in some convenience store.
you’d felt numb and dull the past few weeks and didn’t really have the motivation to do anything, but you had to so you did. but you just remember everything all too well.
you were doing your job as normal and nothing around changed honestly, it was just your average normal day until someone came in that caught your eye.
it was a boy about your age, he was wearing sweatpants and a sweater, the way his jawline stands out and his braids touching his shoulders.
you thought he was cute but you shook off your feelings and went on with your day.
you noticed he was catching a few glances from you, you thought of it as nothing when he paid normally and went out the store.
but he kept coming back to the store every single day for the whole week and you two start to talk a bit more, but not your actual huge conversations.
but this one time. he was in the store picking up a few stuff and bringing it to the counter.
you scanned the items as you put it in a paper bag,
“15.44.” you told him the price.
“keep the change.” he said giving you a 20 and his spanish accent had you rolling on the floor (metaphorically).
you mumbled a thank you as he walked out, you were going to put the 20 in the cash box but suddenly, you saw a note attached to it.
* xxx-xxx-xxxx, my number. text me soon hermosa. - miles:) *
you were shocked to the brim as u held the paper in hand profusely blushing as you started to smile a bit.
did a guy just really give his number out to you?
you kept the note in your pocket, still blushing and went on with your day. until you came back home
you held the note in your hand again, still contemplating if you should put the number in your phone.
you did it anyway.
as you shakily typed the number in your phone, you added his name in the contact number and pressed the message button.
10:05 pm.
y/n: hello?
*minutes pass by and you were doubting a message back from him. but your phone dinged.*
miles(?): hey
*you were shaking in your bed as you saw his reply.*
y/n: you’re miles right?, the guy from the store?
miles(?): the one and only. miles(?): and you’re…?
y/n: sorry.. i’m y/n
miles(?): nice name ;)
*at that point you were shocked by the little winky face he put*
y/n: the same goes to you :)) y/n: so.. weird question but why’d you give me your number?
miles(?): just thought you were cute.
*his reply literally had you in shambles and you didn’t know what to reply with but it hit you. it could be your ex’s friend again trying to get on you for breaking up with them.*
y/n: are u sure? because i swear to god if you’re one of my ex’s friends trying to shit on me for breaking up w them i will literally murder you.
miles(?): i swear, i don’t know who your ex is. but are you okay though?
*i sighed in relief, knowing that they stopped doing it.*
y/n: yeah, sorry i’m just paranoid. y/n: i gotta go, talk to you soon?
miles(?): alright, see ya soon hermosa.
you closed your phone and start to smile, but it feels like everything that went down happened was only yesterday, time won’t fly for you. it’s like your paralyzed in your own heartbreak.
you lay down in your bed, thoughts drowning in you as you start to fall asleep.
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days turn to weeks and you and miles start to become closer friends. and you wouldn’t deny to admit that you liked him, ALOT.
but you never told him. you were scared of commitment ever since it happened.
you never told him, you never bothered to say anything because he never asked you and you were fine with it. until one day.
you both were on the rooftop at his place laughing about anything and everything, talking about what happens.
until he asks a question.
“so, that day, the day you first messaged me about your ex’s friends shitting on you for what happened, whyd you think i was one of them?” he looked at the stars slyly, glancing at you at times.
“well.” you sighed, fiddling around with your fingers,
“i didn’t know who his friends were, so they would come around at work, giving me their number and i would text them obviously and they would always tell me i was cute or something but the next second they just shit on me saying mean stuff and i kinda just couldn’t trust anyone after that.”
he looks back down to look at you , with an apologetic look on his face, when he went to scoot a bit closer to you.
“can i ask what happened?” he asked as his hand was slightly touching yours as you looked at the stars.
“we were happy for a year, everything was fine but they grew distant. they stopped talking to me and always went to clubs and came back home drunk. they seemed off for so long and i went to their place and saw them making out with someone else and i just kinda lost it, because they did this twice and i lost my shit at that point, i haven’t felt love ever since. i just kinda lost motivation, i really want my old self but i just can’t seem to find it.” tears filled your eyes to the brim as i told him everything.
as the tears start to flow out, he hugged you tightly and rubbed your back. “lo siento mucho querida.” he whispered.
“you did nothing wrong okay? it was all them.” he hugged you tighter.
as he pulled back from the hug, wiping the tears from your eyes.
it was silent for a moment after he pulled away.
“i could change that.” he spoke up after the brief silence that filled between us.
you locked at him surprised, “what.. do you mean?”
“you said.. you would never feel love again right..?” his words were soft when he spoke.
you nodded slowly as you turn to look at him looking at the stars.
“well, i could change that.” his head lowered down to look at you but you looked away.
“how will i know you end up the same as they did?” you looked down looking at your knees when you felt his hand grab your chin and pull you in closer for a kiss.
you were shocked at first but then you slowly melt in to the kiss, finally realizing he was the one.
as he pulled away, he held your hand tightly. “i promise i won’t break your heart mi amor.” he whispered. "ill give you the world, the stars if possible, anything for you."
you felt this wave of love you’ve never felt before and it made you feel full, you went to hug him tightly as you never wanted to pull back
“i love you, miles.”
“te quiero también, mi amor. más de lo que sabes.”
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after that day, you and miles started dating and it was nothing like you experienced before.
it was always flowers here, flowers there and he was just a straight up gentleman to you.
you just closed up your shop early tonight to go on your first date with miles, and when you both were walking there, you bumped into someone and both crash to the ground.
“oh my god im so sorr-“ you were frantically picking up their stuff to give it back and when you both look at eachother, you stopped talking. it was your ex.
everything, every single memory of you both flowed down your mind and you remembered it all too well.
“amor are you okay?” miles bent down to check on you when he noticed you giving a dirty glance at your ex, and it hit him.
“yeah i’m fine let’s just go.” you tried to stand up but your ex’s hand pulled you back down and restraining you from standing up.
“what the fuck do you want?” you screamed and it grabbed miles attention.
“please, im sorry i didn’t mean it can things just go back the way it was?” he protested and was on their knees begging you to stay
i pulled my hand out of his grip as we both stood up “i already told you, a million fucking times, no.”
“please i’m sorry, i- i was drunk and i wasn’t thinking straight.”
“so you’re telling me, those both times you were drunk and you weren’t thinking straight? those both times you fucking cheated on me and you weren’t thinking straight? you choosing pleasure over our goddamn relationship and you weren’t thinking straight? you could’ve thought for a SINGLE moment, will this affect my relationship? of course it fucking will you asshole. get out of my sight.” you stood back up and walked opposite where your ex was, but they wouldn’t stop and grabbed your hand again.
“just forgive me plea-“ he was about to get on his knees but miles stood infront of you and grabbed their arm tightly so they could release your arm
“back up bro, y/n already told you they don’t want you. don’t make it harder for us. one step closer and you’re gone got it?” miles let go of his hand as a warning and they nodded and ran away and miles turned to you.
“are you okay querida? you aren’t hurt anywhere are you?” he put his arms on your shoulders, scanning your body for any wounds.
“i’m okay, just a bit shaken up." you sighed, fixing your clothes.
miles was genuinely worried about you and you told him everything's fine as long he was with you.
"i'm so sorry amor that they keep doing that to you." he grabbed yout waist and pulled you in a hug.
"you know ill protect you always right?" he pulled away from the hug.
"promise?" you held out your pinky for a pinky promise and smiled softly.
"promise querida." he took his pinky and hooked it with yours and shook it softly and pulled you in another hug.
although you still remember all the heartbreaking memories all too well, you had him and that was enough for you.
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
© hearts4hobie.
do not steal, translate, and rewrite without permission.
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insidereagan · 2 years
the gang (+ jr and a.b)’s ideal date
(inside job) sorry if anyone’s done this before haha I just had this idea
despite her being like my main crush/f/o, she was probably the hardest to do but I feel like it would really depend on her mood. she’d either want to go to a museum (“we both know museums are the sexiest places on Earth!”) or just chilling at home watching tv.
if you two go to a museum, she’d probably really enjoy holding your hand while you walk around. physical touch is more bearable for her when she’s engaging in her special interests or doing something she enjoys.
she also doesn’t watch a lot of tv, so when you’re watching stuff with her, she usually lets you pick what to watch. I think she’d enjoy things like physiological horror. (same reagan, same)
restaurants are a nightmare tho. like she gets so stressed and overwhelmed as it’s loud, and she really struggles to be herself in busy environments, especially when eating.
if she’s eating a comfort food though, she can manage!!
you also bond when ur in the car together! it sounds stupid, but she probably ends up talking about smth rlly random, and you two talk about it for hours.
it could just start off with smth like “hey,, y/n, is a hotdog a sandwich?”
and ya’ll most likely lightheartedly argue about it for ages.
she doesn’t say it a lot, but she really loves and appreciates spending time with you.
like take him on a picnic in the woods (he’d totally make you and him matching flower crowns)
also taking him to still valley and having an 80s style date, it would make him cry :((( /pos
speaking of, after a long day of work, pls cuddle him on the couch and watch the growing years with him <333
it would make his year
just anything soft & simple would just make brett melt :( like reagan he finds big dates v overwhelming
but if there was anywhere in particular he wanted to go, but couldn’t because he was so anxious, get the man a fidget toy to fiddle with.
this was quite hard, but y’know those photoshoot places you can go to with pretty backgrounds, where you take photos? yea, she’d like those. then taking you to a fancy restaurant after.
also movie nights where you cuddle on the couch watching shit and she points out the subliminal messages in them.
smth like “hey, y/n, did you know that Hwang represents the shadow gouvernment?”
also I think as a treat, maybe once a month, if you’re comfortable enough, she’d take you to a club!
you’d dance together and it’s a v nice experience.
very big on double dates. idk why, she just gives that vibe.
also CLOTHES SHOPPING. like you two will go to the store, try on different clothes, and she WILL compliment you.
again i find mr. dolphman hard to write so bear with me
my guy would melt if you took him to like an raf museum? like just him explaining all the parts of the plane, you not really understanding, but just saying “that’s lovely, dear,”
also classic dates! fancy restaurants, cinema, etc etc.
i think he’d be really into hearty food, like lasagne.
he’d also be obsessed with surprising you with food.
idk why, he’s just the type of guy to take you to a lot of concerts. he really enjoys high-energy experiences with you like that.
also going to get fast food at 3am. like my dude would randomly text you at 3:00 in the morning like “hey babe, wanna get mcdonalds?”
like gigi, he’d take you to clubs. but not as a treat like gigi, i mean like every 2 weeks.
y’know those 50’s style diners? yea. that’s myc’s shit.
also staying in and having deep conversations while jazz music plays on his record player.
just v classic, traditional dates. any fancy restaurant he will love.
im sorry i don’t have more for him 😭
pls he’d love that :((
like crazy golf specifically? just for fun
also he’d take you to fancy restaurants.
when I say fancy, I mean over £50 just for starters.
let him spoil u his love language is gift giving,
robotus/alpha beta
just snuggling up on the sofa, ordering takeout and watching friends.
he’d die <333
i can just imagine him melting into your touch like <33 he feels so fucking loved??
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here’s the thing about me + lockwood content
before lockwood & co. i wasn’t really in the mood for editing. yes, i did come up with videos and photo edits but i wasn’t really enjoying it much. it was the same all over again. a new episode - a new video. don’t get me wrong, i loved the show (still do, it’s magnum p.i. i’m talking about) but i’ve been editing that for years now. 
every now and again a show was coming back with a new season. the umbrella academy for example. i did my usual “new season = one edit with number 5“ and then stopped (because there’s not really much content to use when there’s 50 main characters and you’re only willing to sit down to edit one of them). 
then outer banks came back, i thought “hey, time for a new rafe edit“. he wasn’t in it much. i didn’t come up with a video. fine, okay, back to magnum p.i. (which i still LOVE to death, don’t get me wrong, i would always come up with edits, it’s my 2nd favorite show now) but sometimes it’s nice to have different characters to work with. 
wednesday was released and i really liked that, especially tyler. i made some photo edits and a few videos (4 or something). and what then? back to the old routine? 
no, lockwood & co. was out. i remembered i had seen the trailer a while ago and liked it so i clicked ‘play‘. and look where we are now. i don’t know the last time one character has sparkled any interested in me and got me this motivated. a new one as well, might i add. i don’t do well with new characters since i always have to kinda let them get to me first, you know. it’s quite the process, too, when you want to edit. you have to get the episodes, the scenes you wanna use, you have to select 0.04 seconds from episode 1 and then 0.02 seconds from episode 8 because you think they could work really well together. so it’s a lot to think about even for short videos or photo edits (find the right episode for a certain scene, take screenshots, have ideas of what you wanna do with that screenshot, find good fonts, effects,…) i think you get me. it takes a lot of dedication (for me) to accept a character. and it’s not like i don’t like most of them. i like a lot. for example i’ve enjoyed characters from titans, fate: the winx saga, the sandman, hsmtmts and so on. 
so, what i usually do when i watch a new show is play it in the background. i don’t know any character - i’m not interested in any of them. i press ‘play’ and scroll through instagram or twitter. however with lockwood & co., i didn’t. i had my phone sitting right next to me but i didn’t click on instagram. i didn’t click on twitter. i actually watched the show from the first second on. for some reason it was very special to me, i can’t explain it. it felt like i had found THE show (and character) for me. the one show that could get me back into editing, actually loving what i do and create. and it did. look where i am now. 
i’m very emotional about this, i cannot even find proper words to express how thankful i am for all of this. i wake up in the morning and am excited about the evening because that’s the time of day i 1) have time to re-watch the show 2) read the books (again) or 3) edit. so this whole saving campaign is not only a matter of stopping netfl** bullshit with unnecessary cancelations, it’s also a matter of heart for me. lockwood & co. is my comfort show. i’ve found it after so many years and i didn’t even know i needed one but i did. lockwood & co. is not your ‘typical ghost show’. lockwood is not your typical good-looking, dick-ish protagonist, he’s way more. he’s the reason i’m doing all of this. i’m trying my best to help with whatever i can because they all deserve to come back for at least one more season. so, every day i stay up until 3-4am, get up at 9am the same day and i don’t regret a single thing. i wanna do this. and i know we can all help them get a new season, together.  
it’s been four months (and two days) since the release of lockwood & co. in these four months i’ve been the most creative i’ve ever been, i’ve met the most kind people on social media and i’ve never loved editing more than i do now. and all thanks to anthony lockwood.
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skarloeyspa · 11 months
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she peter my sam until my sir gets handeled unsolicited design decisions as usual below
Both Sir Handel and Peter Sam have 2 designs, one for MSR (left) and one for SR (right)
No canon height once again, but Stuart is intended to be taller than Falcon and both are intended to have grown taller
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The numbers are sewn onto Falcon and Stuart's lapels. I hc their MSR numbers as: Duke no.1, Smudger/Stanley no.2 (both were withdrawn at different times, so they share the same number), then Falcon and Stuart with the same numbers as SR
Falcon's nameplate is supposed to have the same bronze/gold colour as his number, but I realized it would just be impossible to read on the red, so I chose a more yellow colour lol
Falcon's clothes are a bit fancier than Stuart...or maybe it's better to say that Stuart's uniform is less formal than Falcon's. Coming out of the first world war aside, Falcon's builders were much more established than Stuart's, and Stuart's builders were better known for "off-the-shelf" standard designs
Background aside, Falcon is also just more pretentious than Stuart, so I think this suits them
Their hair designs are supposed to be a similar length...this becomes relevant when I explain their SR designs
Also the doodle of them in the middle are supposed to be them being sold off to the Sodor Aluminum Company! One of them has to appear brave after all<3
Both outfits were sourced from this particular article, this website also had a lot of info on historical fashion (i'm gonna be so upset if they turn out to be inaccurate)
First things first, yes Sir Handel is wearing his old nameplate as a dog tag. The colours have faded, and the paint is chipping...but some things you can't ever let go.
Sir Handel is supposed to be wearing a leather jacket but I can't render for shit. His look is heavily inspired by 50's greasers. At first I just thought huh Sir Handel would absolutely wear a leather jacket he's such an asshole.
But then I read this and...the original greaser subculture was started by working-class social outcasts, often WWII veterans, who felt estranged and unable to fit in with post-war culture in the 40s. Youth in the 50s who felt frustration at various types of social ostracism also adopted a similar culture as a form of rebellion.
In comes Sir Handel...freshly traumatized from almost being scraped at Peel Godred, still trying to process his grief over losing Duke and the MSR, and now being bought for cheap to work on what seemed like an even cheaper railway with cattle cars as coaches...combined with his personality, there isn't a world where he would sit quietly and just take what was being handed to him.
Peter Sam, on the other hand, took the change much better than Sir Handel. His outfit is a combination of casual and preppy: casual because of his personality, and preppy because I think he just would.
So hair length! Both grew out their bangs, but Peter Sam kept the rest of his hair short, and Sir Handel grew his hair out (not too much though). In a sense, they'd grown apart since being bought by the SR, and dwelling on the past is often a bad thing. For Peter Sam, having shorter hair means easier maintenance, which means better for work. For Sir Handel, he doesn't want to lose what he has remaining from the MSR, and it's a part of his rebellion.
I also HC the time of their purchase to be the height of the SR's loosening of regulations, thus the lack of formal clothing. Maybe one day I'll design official suits/uniforms for the SR engines who knows.
hoo that was a long one. if you made it this far thanks for the interest in my designs! now we wait another 2 months (maybe 4...) for me to finish the rest of the SR
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