#Two words
mycadences · 1 month
Gwyn: Is it true that an Illyrian's wingspan has a positive correlation with their lower genitalia? Azriel: Their what? Gwyn: Lower genitalia. Penis. Dick. Cock. Phallus - Azriel: *dryly* I know. Why are you asking me this? Gwyn: It's for research purposes. Azriel: ... Uh-huh. Gwyn: Really. Do you want to be my test subject? Azriel: *stares at Gwyn dumbly* Gwyn: If you're not free, I can ask Balthazar - Azriel: *immediately* I'm free. Free is my middle name. What do you need me to do?
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aring-king-king · 9 months
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mozzaremi · 1 year
God damn it, I'm getting au ideas I know I'll get obsessed over for a week if I'll pursue em
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hooked-on-elvis · 1 month
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Elvis at the RCA studio in New York, for a recording session on July 2, 1956.
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heretherebedork · 23 days
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I had to pause at this because, dude, the man you are rescuing literally had a bamboo pole through his leg. If you didn't think about blood loss and a fever than it's not him who needs the scolding. Seriously.
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babacomic · 3 months
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plurality meeting
notice that some characters have one person but multiple bodies, as opposed to multiple people in one body! I have no idea what that symbolizes though, but I'm sure it symbolizes something
Roy: What are you three up to? Them: We're going to the plurality conference. Roy: Sounds good. Mind if I join? Them: The more, the merrier!
(Soon, various people are sitting at a long table.)
Roy: I also think a forest should have a minimum of 5 trees, a group of Two Words-es should be called an evenword, dust should always have exactly four motes, blah blah blah... Two Words: Never, ever, ever call me an evenword. Aaxia: Wasn't this meeting supposed to be about plural SYSTEMS??? Akor: The plural of the word "system" is "systems". Ixix: "System" doesn't sound like a word anymore. Ixix: System. System. Systern. System.
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anomalisa92 · 7 months
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If you ever think I'm mean or disrespectful....you're probably right, and guess what? I don't care 🤣
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random-xpressions · 6 months
I would definitely want to write a novel in which the last line will be closed in two words and those two words will pretty much sum up the entire novel with the finest conclusion ever. And it will be:
"Goodbye bitch!"
We spend our entire lives in relationships that bring nothing but misery, pain and anguish. I'm not here talking specifically about just a relationship that is between a man and a woman but it could be any human relationship for that matter. You don't like your boss - quit. You don't like your neighbour - move. You don't like your government - shun. Why should an individual be so weak to his circumstances and to his surroundings and sit there doing absolutely nothing about it. If change is the only way ahead, then it is nothing but your own cowardice that's holding you back. Your life is nothing but energy. And you have so limited amount of breaths and heartbeats. What are you going to devote them to? Where are you going to spend your mornings, your afternoons, your evenings and your precious nights? Is someone's presence or absence giving you sleeplessness or is someone's existence adding up meaning and purpose to your own life? The life that has been bestowed upon you is a gift. Let no mothafucka tell you what to do with it. They may drop their advices with what they think is good for you but ain't got no right to insist that we pick em up.
So next time you get in touch with another human, whoever that be, define it. Anything undefined is worthless and brings no good. What is the maxim, what are the goals, what are the ways together ahead? In that way you'll clearly be able to see how much unwanted crap is out there that needs to be taken out of both your head and heart.
No more negativity. No more drama. No more waywardness. Be that a man or a woman. Be that professional or personal. If the necessity be, then be daring enough to say:
"Goodbye bitch!"
Random Xpressions
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skankhunt44 · 6 months
My wife has a standing desk and is the typical douche canoe about it.
It's real, I'm...
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tender-somethings · 1 year
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fandomfanservice · 1 month
Quickly popping in to ask,
Two Worlds Fandom, how are you?
This fan is shooketh 👉🏿✋🏿 and I’ve watched Kinnporsche and didn’t blink…. Like…
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I’m gonna go watch We Are first, cause I’m clearly not ready for this much 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 🌶️🌶️🌶️🫣🫣
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euesworld · 1 year
"Good morning, all I have is two words for you.. come here. Come here cause I need you badly.."
Bless your heart for being such a beautiful critter, you have my heart and I want it to stay that way - eUë
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swirly-lemonade · 2 months
Yall ain’t ready for this one
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
not me getting a new idea for a fic after posting about my hiatus
@beskarandblasters i blame you
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tharrb · 4 months
People who think Sasha is a toxic friend have no idea just how bad this girl is
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joelscruff · 1 year
I feel like we’ll be able to tell straight away when we read it, which specific thing ur obsessed with / being cryptic about, but if not, PLS TELL US AFTER WHICH IT IS
also this is making me so excited hehe
LMAOO all I'll say for now is that joel has a big dick and reader is petite so....
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