#Treating common ailments
Peace of Mind in Print: A Review of The Home Doctor
Living in a remote area, far from a hospital, has always made me prioritize self-reliance, especially when it comes to healthcare. That's why I decided to invest in "The Home Doctor" – a comprehensive medical guide specifically designed for home use. After a few months of browsing its pages and familiarizing myself with its contents, I can confidently say it's become a valuable addition to my household preparedness kit.
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Empowering Knowledge for Everyday Ailments
"The Home Doctor" isn't a replacement for professional medical care. It is, however, a fantastic resource for handling common ailments and injuries at home. The book covers a wide range of topics, from treating cuts and scrapes to managing headaches, fevers, and even allergies. The clear instructions and illustrations make it easy to understand even complex medical procedures, giving me the confidence to handle minor emergencies until professional help arrives.
Beyond Band-Aids: Preparing for the Unexpected
What truly impressed me was the book's focus on preparedness for unforeseen circumstances. "The Home Doctor" includes sections on dealing with natural disasters, power outages, and even biological threats. It provides practical advice on creating a first-aid kit, stocking essential supplies, and even performing basic medical procedures in the absence of a doctor. This knowledge empowers me to feel more prepared for whatever situation may arise.
A User-Friendly Format for Easy Reference
The printed format of "The Home Doctor" is a major plus for me. Unlike online resources that require internet access, this book is always available, even during power outages. The clear layout, logical organization, and comprehensive index make it easy to find the information I need quickly, especially during stressful situations.
Focus on Natural Remedies and Self-Care
While "The Home Doctor" doesn't shy away from conventional medicine, it also emphasizes the importance of natural remedies and preventative self-care. The book includes information on using herbs, essential oils, and other natural remedies for various ailments. This holistic approach aligns perfectly with my belief in natural health practices.
Investing in Peace of Mind
"The Home Doctor" is more than just a medical guide; it's an investment in peace of mind. Knowing that I have access to this wealth of information allows me to feel more prepared and in control of my family's health, especially in situations where immediate medical attention might not be readily available.
Overall, "The Home Doctor" is a valuable resource for anyone looking to be more proactive about their health and well-being. It's a comprehensive guide that empowers you with knowledge and practical skills, all in a user-friendly format.
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susiephone · 1 year
some of the plot resolutions in house were so fucking funny. like one episode a guy had seen 10000 different doctors to try and figure out why he was sick and when he came to house, house’s first question was “ok i think i recognize this, there’s this tropical disease that’s preeeeeetty common, have you ever been to the tropics?” and the guy said no and house was like “hm ok guess it’s not that, it must be something mysterious and obscure because this is the Mysterious And Obscure Ailment Show, i will keep digging” then 35 minutes later in the episode house is like “this really REALLY feels like it’s that relatively common disease i mentioned earlier, are you SURE you’ve never been to the tropics” and the patient is like omg NO why do doctors always harp on that I TOLD YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN TO THE TROPICS I HAVE NEVER BEEN SOUTH OF FLORIDA and house just stares at him before being like “FLORIDA IS IN THE FUCKING TROPICS” and the patient is like. oh.
this all happens while the patient is holding house and like some other people hostage and forcing house to treat him at gunpoint btw.
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obsidiangx · 2 months
cyberpunk at its core is about speculative dystopia. fantastical developments that should benefit society but exist in a system fundamentally designed to beat people down. alluring transhumanism imprisoned by money, class, and other axes of oppression. it's about the real world issue of new and exciting technology corrupted by the world that produces it.
armored core stands out against the common war stories in mecha. it's about gig workers risking their lives thanklessly to kill poor people just to survive and get ahead. even while the entire system around them crumbles
dorohedoro is a story about a stratified society where incredible magic that could be shared to benefit others is used in petty arguments and 'experiments' on those treated as subhuman. it's about how hierarchy creates struggle for everyone, but the blood and tears always runs down to the bottom.
i do love the basic cyberpunk aesthetic. the edgerunners kind, the blade runner kind, like ghost in the shell and gunnm. sci-fi, cybernetics, robots and cities are dear to me. but when you put on the skin of a dystopian genre without knowing what the bones look like, you make something that isn't just bad. it's insulting.
i live here. i know how it goes. the robot dogs are cops and my smartphone was obsolete when i bought it. the air quality is garbage and my health is a mess because my government treats corporations more like people than me, even though we can magically cure or prevent almost any ailment. there are more vacant houses than homeless people. it's theft to take food out of the garbage.
cyberpunk is a city full of vacant buildings and streets full of poor people. it's a raspberry pi duct taped to a cybernetic arm to intercept advertisements before they reach your brain. it's a gig economy that forces you to work overtime just to get paid enough to eat. isn't it frustrating? isn't it frustrating that we have to live like this? flying cars, body augments, virtual reality, and we still live like this.
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lets-try-some-writing · 3 months
It’s all fun and games until one of the kids actually gets sick (just a cold or the flu, nothing too crazy) and the bots have to learn about the joys of human illnesses
Hazmat suit time.
Illness on Cybertron generally tends to be pretty quiet. Its often software issues or does not present itself outwardly unless its serious. Their version of a common cold is a software issue that can cause a mech to overheat if they aren't paying attention. Things such as the flu would present as cognitive impairment or an inability to transform. In short, a good number of Cybertron's ailments do not appear on the frame unless one is really looking.
The only illnesses that appear in such a drastic manner are the lethal ones.
As such, when the kids came in with colds, or in Jack's case, the flu- well, the team did not handle it well. They couldn't be sure it wasn't able to transfer across species, and not to mention, their contaminated fluids could damage other humans or equipment. Seeing the children's state quickly got Ratchet to pull out his emergency quarantine equipment.
Ratchet, Arcee, and Bumblebee got themselves dressed helm to pede in hazmat suites, fitted with masks and everything. The bigger mechs in the room where fitted with tarps held in place with rope. Their faces were covered similarly, leaving only their optics visible. Terrifying? Perhaps. But required? Absolute according to Ratchet.
The children were examined as much as possible and Ratchet promptly separated the three from one another. Miko was put into her own pen filled with blankets, food, and water. Bulkhead was set to watch her and let Ratchet know if her temperature shifted too much. Rafael and Jack were treated the same and put in separate units with their guardians watching over them. Optimus served as a constant watchdog and went from unit to unit to assess the children personally and reassure them. Ratchet meanwhile kept constant tabs on their states as he frantically tried to call June and Fowler.
The children did try to tell the team that they were fine, but at most they got pitying looks and assurances that they were going to be fine. The team genuinely feared the kids could die, but none said a word as they worked in silence. When June and Fowler arrived, both were given gas masks and gloves. Only then were they carefully allowed to see the children from a distance. The team weren't taking chances.
Only after Ratchet explained the symptoms did June go from worried to amused. The whole team got to stand around feeling dumb as June told them that the kids were going to be fine. They just needed to go home and rest. All that effort and looking like penguins had been for nothing. Ratchet will die on the hill that he was right to react so drastically. The team disagree and occasionally mock him for it.
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michaelsfavgirl · 2 months
he takes care of you when you're sick
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Pairing: Michael Jackson x fem!reader
Tags: established relationship, fluff, Mike being husband material
Word Count: 500+
Requested: yes/no
Author’s Note: first hcs on this blog lets gooo
Links: navigation | masterlist | taglist
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Oh boy, let’s get into it
Michael is very protective of you as it is
But when you’re sick Michael's protective instincts kick into overdrive (affectionately)
Doesn't care whether it's just a common cold or something miniscule
He’s immediately treating you like fragile porcelain
But god forbid If it's a fever or a more serious ailment, he's practically glued to your hip 24/7
Good luck getting any personal space during those times
He fusses over you constantly, asking if you need him to fetch you something, making sure you're comfortable
“Feeling any better, sweet girl?”
“Are you getting cold? Lemme just quickly grab your favorite blanket” 
This man can cook, okay? So expect him to whip up all kinds of soups to make you feel better.
Don't you even dare to disrespect him by opening the fridge and trying to make a meal for yourself
he won't hear of it
“Ah ah, none of that, don’t want my girl strainin herself for no reason” 
“Mike i just want to eat-” 
“shh, i’m here to take care of you, let’s get you back into bed hm? You go take a little nap while I make you something okay baby?” you nod defeatedly and take your ass back to bed 
Is very serious when it comes to taking medicine
Doesn't care if you say it tastes like dookie
You’re taking it, end of conversation
He’ll revoke your kisses and cuddles privileges if you don’t comply
He’s pretty cruel as you can tell 
But he’s so sweet afterwards, showering you with praise and kisses
“That wasn’t so difficult now was it?” He says and kisses your pout away 
Will 100% help you shower if you’re feeling weak 
Even when you're not sick, he enjoys doing domestic things with you; it makes him feel fuzzy and warm inside
Michael refuses to put any distance between you in bed, no matter how much you protest that he'll get sick too
This man looks at you like -_- ‘You think I care bout that?’
He'll wrap you securely in his arms and pull the sheets up to your neck
His huge hands gently caressing your skin and humming a soothing tune
As you start to feel better Michael feels a little guilty and selfish
 Of course he wants his precious angel to be healthy and all, but he really gets used to taking care of you so intimately very quickly and wishes it could go on a little longer
You have to remind him that y’all live together and spend most of your time in each other's presence.
It doesn’t get any closer than that but he’s still pouting like a baby, saying he’ll miss taking care of you
As if he doesn’t already do everything for you and spoil you rotten
This man will be the death of you…and you wouldn’t have it any other way <3
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© michaelsfavgirl 2024
Taglist: @theladyinmoscow @yeriminist @yeaiamme2 @helloaugustmoon @cinnamoncunt @theladyofmylife @minekarina @kionaaa @theskinniestjackson-denny @anivkye @graciegizmo3184 @theasexual-jackson @mrsmikaelsxn @fallinlovewithevil @armasbw @b3rk1ey @maybe7tommorow @falllovesomemichealjackson
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lesorus · 1 year
having PCOS is some special kind of hell only a biological woman will ever have to deal with. you'll basically be told that you're at risk for cancer, diabetes, you're infertile, you'll get hirsutism, your hair is thin, your periods painful and irregular, you're constantly tired, constantly hungry, you're always in some kind of pain or discomfort, you might eat less than you need and still gain weight.
you'll be told the only thing you can do about it is diet and exercise, which is fair, it works, but you literally are at risk for high insulin resistance and fatigue as symptoms. you can only swim against the current. now, you can also take birth control pills but they don't solve any of your real problems, they just hide them and if anything the second you stop taking them your health will get worse.
And did I talk about mental health? well, you're at high risk for depression, anxiety, insomnia, and eating disorders. fun right? and it's not some obscure disorder, 10% of women have PCOS. It's a common ailment, you'd think it's well-researched, that OB-GYNS are experienced in treating it, or at least empathetic. Right?
No, literally no. Nobody cares, you have to be your own doctor, go to Reddit for information, and look up research papers. You trust tiktokers more than your medical providers because the best they're gonna do is tell you to take a pill that won't be that effective, diet, and come back when you're pregnant. Oh, your pain is unbearable? Just take some paracetamol. You can't seem to lose weight? Get a grip, you just need to eat 0 carbs and exercise every day, and lift weights. Get some laser treatment for your facial hair while you're at it. You're tired all the time? Doesn't seem that serious, everybody is.
Or worse. Oh, your labs come out fine, you're fine. You have a healthy BMI, what are you worried about? You get a period every 40-ish days so it's not that bad. Not that you're barely eating, exhausted all the time, in severe physical pain, and emotionally distressed. You'll be able to have kids! Cheer up!
And all this? Because the medical industry doesn't care about women.
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kitchenwitchery72 · 1 year
Herbalism 101: Bay Leaves
EP. 2
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Bay leaves are one of my absolute favorite herbs when cooking with intention. They are delicious and very common in tons of food cultures. On top of this, they are quite easily accessible.
Properties: Protection, healing, success
Uses in the Kitchen
Bay laurel, more commonly referred to as Bay leaves, is a very versatile plant. I often use it in cooking to flavor stocks or pickled goods. With such an aromatic flavor, it tastes great in hearty or acidic dishes. Tying a bunch together with bay leaves, rosemary, and thyme is a great way to add flavor to stock.
Uses in Healing
Bay leaves have a number of benefits when used in herbalism. Bay leaves do have many digestion related benefits. They can help with bloating and gas, in this case I usually use them to make a tea along with peppermint. The leaves are also good for treating certain skin ailments that do not involve broken skin, such as dandruff! Adding bay leaf oil into your hair care routine would be a good option.
Uses in Witchcraft
Bay leaves, particularly in witchcraft, are extremely versatile. One of the most common uses is setting intentions. The easiest way I have found to do this is to use a marker or candle wax to write out your intentions or a sigil onto the Bayleaf itself. I will often use this in simmer pots or cooking (if you are cooking with it, make sure it is a safe marker for that use). Some other ways to use this is burning they leave or putting it in your shoe to carry with you throughout the day.
Tips for Growing at Home
Bay leaves come from a tree called Bay Laurel. They can be grown inside and pruned to be kept at a certain size, but because they are a slow growing tree they can ultimately reach very large sizes when grown outdoors. If you are attempting to grow it inside the most important things are well draining soil, the right amount of humidity, and lots and lots of sunlight. 
Bay leaf tea
In order to make this tasty and beneficial tea, you only need a few things: 2 bay leaves, 1 cinnamon stick, and hot water. Steep the ingredients as you would any tea and enjoy while hot. I drink this when I'm having stomach issues or I'm feeling a bit on edge.
As always, this is not medical advice. These are helpful home tips and remedies, but they will not cure diseases.
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nastylittleghouls · 23 days
Individuality is fine, as long as we all do it together
Relationship(s): Aether/Dewdrop, implied polyghouls 
Rating: Teen and up 
Words: ca. 2.5k
Summary:  The sight that greets Aether when he finally returns to the ghoul common room after a too-long shift melts his heart and momentarily drowns out his bone-deep exhaustion. The pulsing pain. It’s balm for his lonely soul. He wants it painted, framed, and hung over the fireplace. OR Two Ghouls willfully ignore their own limits in favor of others
Tags and warnings:  Nerds in love, chronically ill Ghouls, movie reference, light banter, jokes with a sexual reference
Notes: Combines the Day 3 Mushy May prompt “Massage” and the Bonus “Shut up I'm taking care of you". I'm just winging it at this point because life does not want me to catch up. Many thanks to the wonderful @forlorn-crows for bringing Mushy May back this year. Unbeta'ed
AO3 for the so-inclined First/Second Mushies
The sight that greets Aether when he finally returns to the ghoul common room after a too-long shift melts his heart and momentarily drowns out his bone-deep exhaustion. The pulsing pain.  It’s balm for his lonely soul. He wants it painted, framed, and hung over the fireplace. 
He stops rolling his tense shoulders, stops stretching his limbs to keep the burning in muscles of his body at bay, and simply stands in the door frame, taking his time to take it all in and commit it to memory. 
There’s Dew, on the brink of falling asleep. His eyelids fluttering closed, upper body tipping over just so only to snap open as his instincts shock him back awake. The process repeats itself a few moments later.  And it‘s all for Aether. Or well, because of him. As warm and fuzzy, and admittedly a little horny, as it makes him feel that Dew waits up for him and that he doesn’t have to come back to a quiet, empty den and can instead spend some precious moments with Dew, it never fails to make Aether feel guilty as well. There are just so many better, healthier, more enjoyable things he could do with his time instead of waiting for good ol’ Aether.
But that’s not all of it. What truly gets to him is how individually Dew runs his fingers through the hair of the two ghouls with their heads propped up in his lap. One side treated carefully and focused on the top, the other firm, with his fingers running deep through the strands of hair.  An adjustment to his glasses reveals Ifrit and Phantom. Conked out and slightly drooling.
The urge to join is immediate and so is the feeling of envy. Aether would be lying if he denied it, knowing how good Dew’s warm fingers felt running over his scalp and temples and how long Phantom and Ifrit were able to enjoy it while he was stuck somewhere else. How just one touch would ease his ailments so fast. But Aether won’t ask. Not when he can see how stiff the movement of Dew’s fingers still is, remembering this morning when he couldn‘t even get them to bend.
But for a moment Aether only aches for him and his touch and a cooing sound leaves him before he can stop himself.
Dew blinks sleepily in his direction at the sound before, once it falls on Aether,  his gaze turns razor-sharp, a smile lighting up his face, fangs flashing. 
It’s a hello and finally you’re back in one and the pull of it has Aether moving before he’s aware of it. 
“Look at you, taking care of the kids,” Aether quips, as he leans over the back of the couch and brushes his lips first to the back of Dew’s neck, behind his ear, and lastly on his cheek. He lingers there and closes his eyes. Just that little contact, to only breathe Dewdrop’s scent in,  feels like his quintessence is channeled back to him with renewed energy. It makes the pain from bending over that shoots down his spine and into his legs and has him freezing up for a good few seconds more than worth it.
Damn the frazzled nerves from too much quintessence use without enough breaks in between and his aging vessel. Not to mention damn himself for sitting outside with Mountain for way too long last night. Dew‘s palm rests on his cheek a second later, holding his face as if he can hear the inner monologue Aether’s hiding from him and wants to tell him it’s okay.  
Aether could fall asleep like that. He just might. Who’s going to stop him? 
“My husband, he has finally returned from war”
There’s tired laughter in Dew’s mind voice and again, that pang of guilt that sits in Aether‘s chest grows again. That Dew’s choosing to communicate this way says a lot and he presses even closer, smushing his nose into Dewdrop‘s cheek like it can stop that little black hole from growing further. 
„He has indeed. Where is his leg poppin' welcome kiss?“
„I‘ll pop something else for him,“ Dew grins, earning him a nip in the jaw but he just leans into it, so he nips at Dew again until he turns his head and rests their foreheads together. Their own little bubble.
Aether sighs dramatically, ramping up the fakeness of it all.  „Maybe I wanted to be the one doing the popping, ever thought of that? That it was my lifelong dream? Now my leg will forever be tragically unpopped.“  
Ifrit stirs before Dew can unleash his undoubtedly snarky reply to him, and they both look down as he insistently nudges Dew‘s free hand back into petting motions with his nose. Phantom, follows suit, smacks his lips, and rolls over, belly up.
 Aether and Dew share a look before a chuckle bubbles out of them. 
“Idiots tried to stay up for you with me. Failed pretty hard,” Dew explains, so much fondness in his words that it has Aether wanting to know about the undoubtedly interesting events that took place. 
„They fell asleep for a noble cause. Just have to figure out how we get them up and into bed.“ He grasps Dew’s hand, rubbing his thumbs gently over the swelling. He‘d love to use his quintessence to pull all of Dew‘s discomfort into himself but can‘t. He feels the refusal of his being to deplete his energy completely.
Mountain's head appears at the kitchen door, followed by the rest of his body after an oddly long moment, holding a jar of chocolate spread in one hand and one of peanut butter in the other. The munchies have struck again it seems.   
“I’ll help carry those fools to bed if you wanna?”
Aether opens his mouth to answer, undoubtedly about to decline the offer for some dumb reason, but the look on Dew’s face sends him a clear message. Aether needs to let Mountain help or else. Even in his tired state, it’s no less threatening. So Aether relents. Reluctantly. 
“We wanna. We definitely wanna”
Mountain gives them a thumbs up and once he has his hands free, he scoops Ifrit into his arms, while Aether does the same to Phantom. “Fresh, hot fire ghoul delivery goes where?” 
“Aether’s room. I may or may not have to keep a promise”
Aether has many questions regarding that statement, the implications giving him the heebie jeebies, but he just nods for Mountain to follow Dewdrop, making him the tail end of their little caravan. Back there, Aether can freely grind his teeth through Phantom’s added weight, through the gritty sand-like feeling in his knees, especially when the smaller ghoul starts chasing something in his sleep, ‘running’ on all fours in the air. Under any other circumstance, Aether would find that hilarious, but as it is he has half a mind to drop Phantom and make it look like an accident. 
In the end, he makes it. 
They make it. 
Aether and Mountain navigate around each other to choose a nice fur for Phantom and Ifrit to curl into each other. Mountain gets the softest of kisses for his help that has the tips of his ears blushing and him stuttering a little as he bids them goodnight.    
Dew disappears into the bathroom and Aether hears the water start running as he makes a solid attempt to rid himself of his infirmary uniform, letting out small breaths with each movement after the pain eases again. He has to pause with his undershirt halfway up his torso for so long that he decides to give up.  A part of him wishes he was alone. It would take less effort to keep his composure and not worry about inconveniencing anyone else by having to worry about him. It would also mean he would have more space to roll around and ease the strain on himself.
The other part, which is arguably much stronger,  craves contact with his pack after being among humans the whole day. 
To Dewdrop. 
He moves to his nest to position the other two properly, making sure they won‘t roll onto the floor while he and Dew get ready to join them. Both being too wriggly for their own good. A pillow here, trapping the hem of the blanket under a foot there. Smoothing his hands over their frames to remove the creasing.  He manages a kiss on Ifrit’s forehead before a tail curls around his middle and two hot hands pull him gently toward the bathroom. 
„I wasn‘t done. They….“
The little protest dies on his lips, snuffed out by the spade of Dew’s tail. His words. They‘re neither firm nor demanding, just matter of fact. 
„Nope. It’s Firefly time now“ 
And what his Firefly wants, his Firefly gets.
Fresh herbs fill his nose, prominently, lemon grass, chamomile, and rosemary and he recognizes the mixture. Aether can see the little linen bag floating in the tub, infusing the water with swirls of color. Greens and Yellows. Browns that dissolve into faint reds and pinks. 
He remembers the complimenting tincture that sits on the tiled shelf next to the bathtub and lists the ingredients of both in his mind. Epsom salt, Lavender, peppermint, sage, and thyme. Something ghoulish Mountain adds, to increase the effect of pain reduction and anti-inflammation for them.  Somehow that particular one slips his mind right now. His head filled with too many human words. He only knows that Dew loves the smell of it. Especially on either of their skin. 
Dew works on getting Aether‘s shirt off and stretches it enough to be able to pull it over his arms without the other ghoul having to move them too much. Leans in to kiss his collarbones, his pecs and tucks his face into his neck to breathe him in while he loosens Aether’s pants enough to give them and his boxers a little shove to let them pool around the tall ghoul's feet to step out of easily. 
„You don‘t have to do this“ 
Aether mirrors the gesture in a strange counterpoint to his words and drags his nose up the side of Dewdrops’s throat with a sigh, the tips of his tongue coming out to play too. Dewdrop shivers and he wishes they had the energy for more. 
„I know“
„I‘m just saying, you‘re tired. You should sleep“. 
„I don’t want to sleep“ 
With that, he runs his hands over Aether’s arms, the swollen hot joints in Dewdrop's fingers feeling like hot stones on his skin. He badly wants to sag forward into Dewdrop's embrace and get lost in his touch. He just doesn’t think he deserves it when Dewdrop’s in pain too. He should be the one helping him, he should….
Yet he sways forward just as Dewdrop’s hands slide higher and steal Aether’s glasses off of his nose, smiling oh so softly up at him. 
“I want you”
Aether has to try one more time for his own peace of mind. 
„But you‘re…“
„I haven‘t touched you all day and I am starved for it, that‘s what I am. So shut up. I’m taking care of you.”
Before Aether can react to the blatant vulnerability, Dew’s clothes join Aether‘s on the floor and he’s in the tub, making himself comfortable
He wriggles his finger at Aether when crooking it fails. „C‘mere“
It‘s clear what he wants. It‘s just one of those moments where Aether‘s too aware of his size, even after all these years. While he can work it most of the time, precise and proud, it feels impossible right now. If he slips, he might not be able to catch himself, and….He decidedly does not finish that thought, the potential outcome already looming humiliatingly at the edge of his mind. Paralyzing in its nature.
„Starlight….Stop thinking and get the fuck in“
The fond exasperation in Dewdrop’s voice makes Aether smile despite himself. He knows he‘s too deep in his head, overthinking things. Most of his positive thoughts blanketed by layers of doubts and insecurities, increased by his exhaustion. His own weakness projected on Dewdrop when he knows, he knows!, Dewdrop is far from it. 
And he really would love to be the little spoon if he’s being honest.
Carefully, Aether climbs into the tub and gingerly lowers himself between slender thighs, and instantly the heels of Dewdrop's hands press into the hardened areas on Aether’s back, nimble fingers loosening the knots and a clever tongue showering him with praises and encouragement. Peeling the dark layers back to let Dewdrop‘s light in, quieting the nasty voices in Aether’s mind.  The hot, infused water takes care of the rest. Relaxes muscles and nerves. 
He wants to sob with how loved he feels.
Aether doesn’t know when he snoozed off but wakes to Dew guiding him to lay back against his chest and starting to work on his front with one of those spiky massage balls. He feels floaty, the previous pain only an echo in his body now.  He tilts his head up, kissing along Dew’s jaw, with mumbles of „Thank you. ‘m sorry for fallin’ asleep“ and promises he’ll take care of him now until Dew can’t help but seek his lips out, shushing him effectively. 
The kiss is slow at first, lazy. It’s them catching up on what they had to miss out on during the day.  A well well-timed flick of tongue tips it over into heated and deep, small appreciative moans bouncing off of the tiles. Dew’s hands splay over Aether’s belly with a hint of claws, a touch that feels simultaneously claiming and grounding and Aether can’t help but cover them with his own and keep them there just before the kiss tapers off into a gentle slide of lips and happy purrs. Until it’s simply them breathing each other's air.  Twins of a smitten smile gracing their faces.
Then Dewdrop shifts, directing their attention to a different, but in Dewdrop’s opinion no less important matter. Aether quirks an eyebrow, a teasing smile on his lips. 
 „Guess you told me you’d pop something else for me”
When Aether cracks an eye open the next morning because he’s repeatedly jostled by something, it’s just in time to watch Ifrit and Phantom roll by like a tumbleweed in the desert. Wrestling or making out, he can’t quite tell.  In times like these, he curses having a nest as big as this. Dew yawns next to him, his lips finding Aether‘s warm, sleep-scented skin, kissing up a trail to his face. 
“Your kits are awake” Aether sighs, letting his eye fall closed again. If they notice that they're awake too it's over. Dew dares to raise his head to peer over the hem of the duvet, hums speculatively, and then burrows himself further into his spot.  
 „Before sunrise, they’re your kits.”
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A while back, you had a link to a site that helped you find good vets in your area that could do reptile care. I've been trying to search your blog but cannot for the life of me find it again. Can you provide the link again? I've recently moved and I'd like to get a good vet for my ball python.
Here you go! This is a link to a search for ARAV vets, the Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians. ARAV vets are required to denomstrate knowledge in treating herps and take part in continuing education, so they're always my first choice when looking for vets in any area in the US.
Good luck with finding a new vet!! At your first visit, be sure to look for how comfortable the vet and their techs are with handling snakes; vets who seem uncomfortable or hesitant with handling snakes are a huge red flag. Be sure to ask if they can do any testing for common snake ailments like nidoviruses and, if they can't do tests in house (not all vets will be able to), they have labs they can send bloodwork and other samples to.
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annierosaart · 1 year
Exusiai, Sankta Empathy and why she's unique
With @ouroborosorder's encouragement, I've decided to make a full post about this topic, because it's been destroying my brain for the past month.
Mainly, after reading Guide Ahead, Enforcer's files and seeing all of Exusiai's appearances, I've noticed a lot of implications about her character that are killing me inside.
Those being that she's cut off from the Empathy, like Mostima (and Enforcer! More on that in a bit), and always has been, and that cascaded into an extreme amount of isolation and trauma for her.
I'll explain this bit by bit, because it is. A lot. So, read more!
The Empathy, falling and being cut off from it.
As we know from Mostima, when Sankta fall, they lose not just their patron gun, but also their emotional connection to other Sankta. This is common knowledge of course. But what's less common is the fact that you don't need to fall to lose that connection.
Falling causes it, but we have another canonical, explicit example of it happening without that, and a heavily implied one.
The canonical explicit one being one of the protagonists of the Guide Ahead event:
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Enforcer, aka Ezell himself! We find this out through his Post-E2 dialogue:
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While this can be interpreted a few ways... The CN text is much less ambiguous;
Roughly translating to:
"Sankta can sense each other's moods, and this is a common fact among us that does not need to be specially emphasized. But sadly, at some point, I suddenly found myself losing that sense of communion/kinship among my people. It wasn't any form of injury/ailment, I just …… started thinking."
What this is implying is pretty clear. Falling is not the only way to lose that connection, being different enough, independent enough, also cuts you off from it. Which leads me to my next point that ties this all together:
How this relates to Exusiai
It's no secret by now that Exusiai was treated like shit by Laterano. But something that stood out to me about her treatment was that, after Guide Ahead, we learned most Sankta are quite like her. So why is she unique? Why was she treated differently for her actions?
From the get go, her file reveals that she's different from most Sankta:
"She is different from most Laterano in that she is an unabashed optimist." - File 1
"Exusiai is my polar opposite. She seems to get along fine with anyone, but lets very few people close to her." — Texas
Weirdly specific things to mention, which get even stranger when you read her module.
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It feels weird for her to be grilled so hard on something like this, especially when we know that her incidents were all legitimate accidents (as per Texas's record). Why? Because, if she's a Sankta, it should be easy, or at least, easier, for the counselors to believe what she's saying if she's telling the truth.
Instead, they accuse her of lying, hiding something, of being a Sarkaz (racism alert)... Despite the fact that it's difficult for Sankta to hide things like that from others. Because of their connection with each other. So why do they treat her like this?
They even prove her point by hurting themselves with her gift, she never means to hurt anyone, so why do they treat her so harshly?
Because she's never had this connection.
From the accounts we get of her childhood, we know she's been:
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Ditched multiple times by her sister and Mostima, despite the fact that Lemuen cares immensely for Exusiai, so, the fact this is a repeat occurrence feels out of character for her. Why would she hurt Exusiai so blatantly?
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Has canonical PTSD from the Kazdel incident, enough that she gets upset just thinking about it, and again, no one who could have felt that did anything to comfort her. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so obsessed with getting closure on it.
(Just like a certain phoenix....)
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We know the Sankta literally celebrated her leaving, despite the fact Sankta destroy shit daily, just for funsies. She was chased down by the Notarial Hall because???
All of these feel so odd, contradictory, if she was connected to the other Sankta. That's a big if. Because the truth is, it all makes sense if we go with the big possibility that she just... Never had it to begin with.
It explains why she's treated harshly, unfairly. Why she doesn't let people get close, why she's seemingly "gullible", because she was surrounded by people who were "in on it", while she never was.
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It's especially emphasized by her record medal, that draws attention to how she makes her own choices, despite seemingly being a "standard Sankta".
This recontextualizes her entire character, because frankly? Her happy-go-lucky attitude is a big fucking mask. We just need to look at two of her lines to see this. Her idle line, and her promotion 2 line.
Her promotion 2 line would only happen in the context of her being trusted, and trusting the Doctor in return, with their life and her own life, respectively.
"Leader… No, savior, I pledge to this gun in my hand to protect you until the very end of this world."
Which comes off as out of nowhere for such an unserious girl, doesn't it? And then, you have her idle line, which only happens when the Doctor is assumed to be asleep... And thus not listening to her.
"…Lord, is this someone we gotta save too?"
We see this mask slip away every time Mostima is involved, when people get hurt, she suddenly turns dead serious, quiet. Reserved. Not at all like the Exusiai we assume her to be.
Closer to a... Lemuel.
Hell, she even canonically drinks the most out of all the PL members. Do with that what you will.
Further proof is her kindness. She's canonically the kindest, most generous member of PL. And we see that a lot, she tries to keep Bison up to date on what's going on, she worries for her friends being hurt, she dives head first into danger for them. Despite the fact none of them are Sankta.
When it's canon that Sankta are just... Cold. Distant towards other races, because of their Empathy with each other. It's only natural. Yet, she manages to be kind all the same. Understanding all the same.
And this all truly comes together when you realize Sankta can just... Lose that connection.
To summarize:
The implications of Exusiai's character, of Lemuel's character is that she's one of the few non-fallen Sankta who also lack a connection to other Sankta, and that... That has colored how she acts around people. How she deals with the Kazdel incident. How she copes.
Exusiai's entire personality is a coping mechanism.
One that falls away when she lets her guard down. One that's deeply unhealthy-- She's broke all the time, she's constantly mentioned getting drunk, she doesn't let anyone in, she doesn't talk about her issues.
She ends up paralleling a lot of Fiammetta's character in a way that I adore. She needs a hug. She needs closure. Someone who gets it. And Fiammetta would.
As a bonus:
Fiammetta is weirdly protective of Exusiai.
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(From Mostima's Record)
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Fiammetta's medal text weirdly parallels Exusiai's...
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Fiammetta says these after seeing Mostima blatantly toy with Exusiai's feelings all night...
Food for thought.
Sorry if this is disjointed, I just. Have a lot to say about her.
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tansyuduri · 1 month
Merlin Loregasm Rewatch S1E3
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my rewatch of Merlin focusing on the lore. I am a giant nerd so pretty excited about this. THE MARK OF NIMUEH!
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Gaius saying that people must not see this and they would panic is likley NOT just because this looks magical as hell. See we know from later episodes that while Gaius has mastered herb lore for many ailments and injuries and anatomy as well (This is also important as it also hints that Christianity has not spread and thus it being forbidden to cut up human bodies to learn how they work is not a thing.) He and thus likly Camalot in general still base medicine on the Humors System.
This system attributed most illness to an imbalance of the four bodily fluids or humors. (Worth looking up if you wanna know more) NOW since in the system everyone has a diferant balance of humors it could explain individual illnesses A LOT BETTER than many plagues (Why would everyone suddenly have the same imbalance of the Humors) This would usually lead to the idea that an individual's chance to get or die from the plage was due to preestablished susceptibility to the plague (explained later) Or the heavens being angry. WHY PLAUGE HAPPENS usually was attributed to Miasma (explained later in post) or the heavens being angry. AND YOU DON'T WANT PEOPLE THINKING THE HEAVENS ARE ANGRY.
Gaius is VERY ahead of his time in medicine by thinking that illness could be spread though air, food, or water later on. It hints that despite the humors system being in use medical understanding is more advanced in Camalot then it was most of the medieval ages. This is very possibly due to the fact that despite killing sorcerers (Or perhaps Gaius being an exception because he learned pre purge.)
Old pagan knowledge of herbs had not been crushed. AND what's more no one was going around murdering regular herbalists ETC suspecting they were evil magic users, Mostly because they had REAL magic users to hunt. Still the spread by water air or food we see mentioned later is WAY Ahead of its time.
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Okay Gwen giving her father smoked pigeon as a seeminly every day meal perhaps continues my conept of Gwens father being a HIGHLY skilled blacksmith that serves the knights.
Meat was a rarity for the medieval commoner (We see this a lot in what Gaius and Merlin eat reguarly. Meat is a treat for them.) Pigeons were likely not eaten widely as anything but wild meat until the Norman period. Which means someone had to hunt and kill that bird. Which means this meat was bought or traded for. Which means Gwens family had the money for treats beyond the bare essentials (If we ignore history due to the show's anachronism we still have to compare this to Giaus and Merlin's usual food. (I know they talk about dresses later when he gets a really good job but we'll talk about that then. I'm also assuming this is everyday fare for them based on how they act.)
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Okay its time to talk about how Gaius and Merlin talk about disease spreading through water or contact or food is HUGELY Advanced for its time. See from the forth centery BCE to the early 1800s CE Disease was a result of the humors, The anger of the Heavens, or Miasma (bad air emitting from rotten organic matter or other things.) This means that despite humorism being the main theory there is SOME understanding in the Merlin world that disease can be spread many ways. I really don't think they have germ theory though so I think they are just more advanced.
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"He's got a grave Mental disease" AHHHH OKAY! So this means the Merlin world has a concept of Mental illness and that it's different from regular body illnesses. And this knowlage is common. Again this is HUGLY advanced for the time. So Humorism is the main theory! BUT They have concepts like infection, Mental illness, and an understanding disease can come from many places. All I can think is that this comes from having Magic in the world. And being able to actually study Anatomy. The people of the Merlin world understand the world better than most because they have more tools to study the world.
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Okay so I love how Merlin plays fast and loose with magical creatures. (Especially because I can too writing my Merlin fics) I think the Afanc might be based PARTLY on the folklore Afanc but also had a bit of the Jewish Gollum in it with the born of clay thing. ANYHOW The Afanc is a creature from Welsh Mythology Its a lake monster that most closely resembles a crocadile, beaver, dwarf. It prayed on swimmers mostly or people who fell in water. There is a lot more but it is interesting that some Legends say King Arthur killed it!
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Okay! So! see this candle!? This was a historical early method of keeping time. Each mark would be about an hour and as the candle burned down one would know the hours had passed! OPnce gunpower showed up they would sometimes put a bit in each hour as an alarm of sorts! I don't think this is a Gunpowder version!
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So yeah this came from greek philosophy and was a thing for most of european history. The elements Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. were viewed as the building blocks of the world. Originaly air was viewed as Aether and filled the world in the absence of the other three. But in the Merlin world it is definitely Air as it's is later called wind. (Aether later came to represent heaven or the spirit as a 5th element)
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These also related to Humorism discused before
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Saying The Afanc born of earth and water can be killed with fire and air is one of two times the four elements get brought up in relation to magic in the series. (The other refers to a healing charm.)
Most other sorcerer created creatures we see can just be killed with fire and are not specifically corresponded to any element. This leads to the idea that this is kinda a rare thing. WHAT I do find interesting is that we KNOW the four elements correspond to certain types of healing in the Merlin universe (like I said other mention refers to a healing charm) And the Afanc is spreading magical disease. THAT might be why the elements are mentioned only here when it comes to magic-created creatures.
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I find the wording here realy interesting because it talks about mirroring the spirit of life, not creating it. I'll have to contrast it with later talk about the spirit of life and death but this kinda implies even anciant sorcerers on their own can only MIRROR life not create it. Its not real life they make. Even Merlin's spell to create a butterfly at the end of the show means "to work, shape, bring into being or form" according to @catsconflictscopicsandchamomile My old English studying friend! (it is also used in OE translations of Genisis to mean make a life so it could mean Merlin is creating life and mirroring god, but if he could do that why not just bring Arthur back) SO it is likely this holds fast to the rule life cannot just be created!
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HOLD ON. Is he just referring to Arthur's birth? It could just be Arthur's birth and his efforts through the purge, or has Nimueh pulled evil magic on Camelot post purge before?
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homeofhousechickens · 3 months
It's 2024 and people think that medicated chicken feed has antibiotics in it. Guess what? It doesn't, it just has amprolium (Corid) which is most definitely not an antibiotic.
Amprolium/Corid is a thiamine analog and works to break the life cycle of coccidia by causing malnutrition via vitamin deficiency. This why if you're also supplementing your chickens with electrolytes it basically nullifies the medicated feed since the chicken is drinking more thiamine (also known as vitamin B) that feeds the coccidia. So if your feeding medicated feed to chicks don't give them vitamins in the water.
I see people sometimes feeding chickens sick with respiratory infections or other ailments medicated feed but the only benefit to feeding medicated feed in this instance is that chick starter is more nutrient dense then other feeds which can be helpful for a sick bird but it's not treating the respiratory infection.
It can also be problematic when fed to certain breeds that require more thiamine in their diet during the rearing process the most common being Leghorns and Silkies. It's not uncommon for medicated feed to contribute to wry neck in these breeds which can get immediately better when switched off medicated feed and giving these affected birds vitamin supplements.
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pandemic-info · 9 months
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At Yale’s Long COVID Clinic, Lisa Sanders Is Trying It All
Since the beginning of the pandemic, she — together with colleagues in the pulmonary and neurology departments — had been seeing long-COVID patients at Yale but often in an ad hoc way. Some of the doctors had become so flooded with people seeking help that they were having difficulty scheduling and treating their regular patients who came to them for everything else ...
Long-COVID patients, generally speaking, have been very miserable for a very long time, and because the illness attacks their brains, their hearts, their lungs, their guts, their joints — sometimes simultaneously, sometimes intermittently, and sometimes in a chain reaction — they bounce from specialist to specialist, none of whom has the bandwidth to hear their whole frustrating ordeal together with the expertise to address all of their complaints: the nonspecific pain, the perpetual exhaustion, the bewildering test results, the one-off treatments. “These are people who have not been able to tell their story to anybody but their spouse and their mom — for years sometimes,” Sanders tells me. “And they are, in some ways, every doctor’s worst nightmare.”
Long COVID has been pushing the limits of hospital systems everywhere, not just at Yale. As Americans emerged from the most acute phase of the pandemic, as mask and vaccine mandates lifted and life returned to a semblance of normal for the people who had contracted COVID and recovered, primary-care physicians started to say, “‘I’m not interested in long COVID,’ or ‘I don’t treat long COVID. Let me refer you to a specialist,’” said David Putrino, who runs the new chronic-illness recovery clinic at Mount Sinai. For their part, Putrino added, the specialists were saying, “This is not what my practice is. This is not an emergency anymore.” Patients all over the country reported monthslong waiting times for appointments at long-COVID clinics. All the while, scientists and pundits heaped skepticism on the very notion of long COVID, arguing that infection made people stronger, that new variants posed no threats, that the danger of long COVID was overblown — implying that what patients were suffering from was all in their heads.
Forgotten in this debate are the 65 million people worldwide for whom the pandemic remains a torturous everyday reality.
In the late 1990s, patients with a galaxy of unexplained chronic symptoms — including fatigue, sore throat, joint pain, insomnia, dizziness, brain fog, and depression — began to gather into activist and identity groups, calling themselves sufferers of “chronic Lyme.” They had something, they argued, related to a previous infection from the bite of a deer tick, but their doctors were dismissing them as whiners and neurotics. This was in an era when the medical Establishment was rolling its collective eyes at patients who were querying whether diagnoses of “chronic fatigue syndrome” or “fibromyalgia” might fit their symptoms — ones that looked very much like those linked to chronic Lyme.
Sanders joined the chorus of debunkers. These patients had real symptoms and real ailments, she asserted in Every Patient Tells a Story. But the collection of symptoms was “hopelessly broad and overinclusive,” she wrote. “These are some of the most common symptoms of patients presenting to a primary care office.” She concluded that chronic Lyme was a “phantom diagnosis.” 
“I completely regret that chapter,” she says now. “I would like to rewrite it.” Sanders explains that she was reacting to the doctors who were preying on suffering people by prescribing interminable courses of antibiotics that were not helping them: “But I completely misunderstood it. The patients were making the connection between their symptoms and Lyme disease.”
“We’re not paying enough attention,” she said. “We’re not. Doctors are still dismissing this disease as something that’s in your head. I have seen the exchanges on Twitter: ‘Long COVID is exaggerated, not real.’” Women are diagnosed with long COVID at roughly twice the rate of men, Iwasaki pointed out: “I think if the situation was reversed, we’d pay even more attention to this disease.” - Akiko Iwasaki, immunologist at Yale [also known for her work nasal vaccine & long covid research]
But even Sanders was not prepared for how little doctors and scientists know about long COVID. There is no blood test. Health officials can’t even agree on how to define it. The CDC describes long COVID as “signs, symptoms, and conditions that continue or develop after acute COVID-19 infection” — or, in Sanders’s paraphrase, “You got COVID and then something bad happened.” Under the CDC definition, patients have long COVID if they are symptomatic at least four weeks after initial infection. The WHO defines it similarly but with a different time frame: occurring or lasting at least three months after initial infection. This discrepancy matters to Sanders because, as much as possible, she wants to identify patients who have long COVID and not those who may take a little longer to recover from their original illness. In her clinic, she uses the WHO definition.
Sanders, more than ever before, is dependent on the patient’s account — on detailed specifics — to establish her diagnosis. It’s a process of elimination and deduction. So she has “learned just to shut the fuck up and listen.”
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prompt: you’ve been feeling under the weather, and Byakuya fears the worst
It felt very awkward. Sitting here, in a thin robe, on a lofted table, waiting for the doctor to come back.
You had been very fortunate in your life to not be bothered with much ailment or injury. So, your experience with doctors was limited. Recently, however, you had been feeling more and more run down. Chronic headaches. Sudden bouts of dizziness when you stood up too quickly. You had brushed it all off, attributing it all to working too hard. But when you woke up and suddenly vomited even before breakfast, Byakuya had had enough and called for a physician.
“You really didn’t have to take off work.” You comment during the lull. Your husband sitting beside your table, stoic as ever, as you both waited on the doctor.
“Renji can handle it for a day.”
“You’re going to be sorry when it’s nothing and he’s burned the place down.” You reply maliciously.
“I would still like to stay.”
You huff and cross your arms. There was no get out of this.
Although you found this all incredibly tedious, Byakuya had made up his mind and that was that. You supposed it was just easier to humor him than anything else, but it was still so frustrating to waste time sitting here and being treated like a child.
The door opened and the doctor came in. You have half a mind to ask him what took so long. Since he was the private physician of the Kuchiki family, it wasn’t like he had other clients to see, but you decide against it.
“So what’s the diagnosis?”
“Well, first, let me assure you that it’s nothing to worry about.” He replied, with an off-putting grin that made your skin crawl. “This is a very common condition for couples. I’m surprised you haven’t come to me with this issue sooner.” Both you & Byakuya look confused and irritated by the doctor’s cryptic nature. He coughed once and apparently decided to be professional. “Lady Kuchiki is with child. Fairly early based on the symptoms and standard tests, but let me be the first to congratulate you both on an heir to the Kuchiki line!”
There was a loud ringing in your ears. Pregnant. Pregnant? You were pregnant. You were pregnant right now. Sitting here, in this moment, right now, you were pregnant.
“I’ll leave you two alone to talk.” You barely register what the doctor was saying, but the snap of the door hitting the frame seemed to break you out of your spell.
“Well….that is something…” You feel a hand wrap around yours in your lap. Feeling it shake against you.
You turn your head towards your husband whose other hand was covering his eyes. His lower face twisted in pain. A single tear escaping. “…Byakuya?”
“I’m so relieved.”
The sound of grief in his voice when he choked out those words almost made your heart stop.
You forget sometimes about Hisana, his first wife. Her picture was still in the shrine, along with his parents & grandfather, but Byakuya doesn’t like to talk about her. On the rare occasion he does it’s only ever about how she liked plum blossoms, and his guilt on not being able to save her from her illness.
Suddenly you felt very selfish. You had been fighting about going to a doctor for a simple examination, all the while Byakuya was probably terrified his worst fear was happening again.
You slid off the table in a single hop and come around to in front of Byakuya to wrap him in your arms. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about how this might be affecting you.” His arms wrap around your waist in return. Holding you tight. As if he needed to know you were there. “But…this is a good thing. We can be happy now. We know what’s wrong and…we’re having a child.”
“A child.” Byakuya repeated. A dampness was felt on your robe when he pulled away from your breast. Yet somehow, he looked as he always did when he turned up at you. “We have a child.”
“Your family will be so pleased.” You jest as you stroked his long hair. “I’ve finally fulfilled my destiny to the Kuchiki line. My life is complete.”
His muttering was a testament to how little he cared about his extended family’s opinion. Duty and honor aside, he cared very little about anyone’s input than you and Rukia. And soon, you supposed, your child.
“Can we go now?” You ask now that you have gotten your answers. “It still all hasn’t sunk in, and I’d like to be at home in our rooms in case I spontaneously burst into tears.”
Byakuya smiled, then leaned up to give you a kiss before he stood to leave the room. Respecting your privacy and modesty.
You change out of the drafty robe provided and back into your clothes. Catching site of your form in a mirror and get a mental flash of it changed from what it was now to one swollen and heavy with child. You quickly finish dressing and make an insistence for Byakuya to take you home. Before the tears started. 
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pokemoncenter · 2 months
On veterinarians
There are, extremely broadly speaking, two kinds of veterinarians.
I am what is known as a "general practice veterinarian". This means I treat almost every Pokemon and condition that comes to me to the best of my ability. However, this means that despite my best efforts, the depth of my knowledge on any one Pokemon or ailment are limited. I will do my best to treat anything, but I cannot treat everything. If it is a common Pokemon, with a common ailment, I can usually handle it. If it is less common, I do what I can. I treat reptilian Pokemon, mammalian Pokemon, all organic Pokemon. I treat illnesses, conditions, and occasionally injury.
But in a way, you could say I have traded depth of knowledge for breadth of knowledge. While I can help most people, I have no ability to help those with rarer Pokemon or conditions.
This brings us to veterinary specialists. There are many, many kinds of specialists. Some specialize in Pokemon of a certain type, such as Fire-types or Water-types. Some specialize in certain biologies, such as reptilian or ichthyoid. Others specialize in certain treatments or diseases- Most of you will know this, as you may have had to take your Pokemon to a special dentist after one tried to use Bite on a Graveler.
These specialists have a much deeper knowledge of their field. Part of my job as a veterinarian is not only having a wide variety of knowledge of Pokemon health, but also connections to a variety of these specialists, so I can find and refer anyone I cannot help to someone who can.
If you have a Pokemon who is getting old, and may not be moving around as well as they used to, you may wish to look for a skeletal specialist, or an arthritis specialist.
While general practice veterinarians like myself is easy to find, there are a greater number of veterinary specialists, simply because of the sheer variety of ways one can specialize.
I know trainers wish to be self-reliant, but there are so many of we veterinarians. We will help you, or find someone who can. All we wish is to help the health and happiness of every Pokemon we can.
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Just curious, how do the lmk crew when they are sick and when others are sick? (Not pregnancies since that whole different ball park.)
OK heres my hcs for how LMK gang deals with being sick/others being sick:
Xiaotian/MK: Ignores serious symptoms until he physically cannot walk. And although he loves the extra break time, he almost goes nuts when he's too sick and feverish to much else but rest. Draws a lot when ill, especially of his fever dreams. To Others: he goes full worried mother-hen on them. Soup, tea, soft pillows, meds, you name it - he'll zoom across town for it. Often ends up catching whatever the other person had cus of proximity.
Xiaojiao/Mei: Legit doesn't notice her symptoms until she starts flagging mid-drive, then she puts herself on strict bedrest until she's good enough to hit the road again. Prefers to treat herself, so she gets embarassed when she gets really sick and the others have to step in. To Others: Jokingly mourns them and drops off a bag filled with their fave snacks before booking it out the door. She will support them from a distance. XD
Sun Wukong: "Bah! Illness is for dorky mort- ACHOO!!" His relative isolation on FFM and hubris towards earths tiniest organisms has left SWK with almost zero immunity to common diseases. Pretty much passes out the second he gets the tiniest cold. Will try and meditate/sleep his way back to normal, but will need to be dragged kicking and screaming to a doctor. To Others: The opposite. Mortals are so fragile! Are you ok!? Why is your nose running? Are you dying?! This monkey goes into full panic mode over the smallest ailments. Buys out the pharmacy's stock in cough syrup and cold meds. Probably makes himself sick in the process.
Macaque: Accepts his fate and holes himself up in a nest for the foreseeable future. Has a slightly stronger immune system than Wukong (don't tell me that this monkey didn't live like an alley cat at some point), but in the case of really serious illness will crawl himself towards his nearest ally and/or enemy for assistance/a more honorable death. Secretly enjoys being pampered while in his more vunerable state. To Others: Full mom-mode combined with "I told you so" attitude. Strict bedrest and warm blankets. Monkey instincts take over and he'll make the sick person eat weird medicinal plants he finds/alchemises, and cuddle them in hopes of making them feel better. Often times it works.
Pigsy: Claims he's never taken a sick day in his life. Is proven wrong the first time he catches a random virus and has to shut the down kitchen for about a week. Is very frustrated, but puts the customers' safety over his pride. When he gets the slightest bit better he'll start cooking up a storm to make up for lost time. To Others: "Sick. Leave. Now." Will physically carry his sick friends/workers to the doctors to get meds before he lets them in the door. Will stuff the sick person full of healthy traditional soup recipes to encourage "natural healing" in addition to strict medical assistance. Will claim that he'd do this for anyone (he lying).
Tang: "Oh no~ I have the flu! I guess I'll have to stay home and be feed soup by my beloved Piggy~" This man will 100% take advantage of his sickness for attention. Don't lie to me. To Others: On one hand, eww. On the other, he may be able to steal a bowl of Pigsy's healing soup. Will smile fondly and let the ill person recover in their own time with meds.
Sandy: Goes belly up in the water. He's a guy with great constitution, so he doesn't get sick often. But when he does? Doctor, now. Can bounce back fairly quickly if treated, but he'll insist on the others not getting too close to him or his cats less they catch it too. Will appriciate any help (esp with his foster cats) around the boat house tho. Cat cuddle pile until he's better. To Others: Enters the room wearing a face mask and gloves, holding a tray of different teas (hot and iced), and offers to lend his aromatherapy machine. Very big on holistic methods, but won't discourage modern medicine.
Red Son: Goes into "dying victorian child"-mode. Was in the Guanyin's Southern Seas paradise for centuries (so no immunities) and likely hasn't caught most diseases simply because his body runs too hot for the micro-organisms to survive. But if he catches something supernatural, or it triggers a violent immuno-response? He's a sweaty mess unable to move from his bed, surrounded by ice packs. It's very difficult to take care of him in this state cus he's like smouldering lava. His parents get *very* worried. Gets ridiculously honest, slurring things like; "I love you so much noodle boy~" *passes tf out* to his caretakers. Doesn't remember a thing afterwards. To Others: "Bull Clones! Initiate hazmat procedures!" Gets mega worried cus he's never had to help someone in this state before, but understands how laboratory hazmat works, so will assist wearing full PPE. Will disinfect the ill person's entire living space to eliminate future threats. If the sick person is someone *really important to them, Red will panic and seek out supernatural assistance.
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Nezha: "Sick? Nah I don't get sick." *falls asleep at the breakfast table the second no one's looking*. Tries to "tough it out" like he believes he should, but is woefully unprepared for how protective the rest of the gang can be. It's been a long time since someone has actually tucked him in and nursed him back to health - he gets really emotional. Will now die for his caretakers' no matter how small his ailments were. To Others: Vows to help however he can, and then goes to stand guard at the bedroom door. Will call for advice on bedside manner stuff cus he's not used to it (youngest of three yo) beyond what his mom would do for him as a toddler.
Bai He: Little kid. Will sneeze and cough and allow herself to be corralled into bed for the week. Very sleepy. Stuffed animal fort will be built to protect her. Mo may sneak in to cuddle her better. To Others: Is told to keep away from the sick person less she catches it, but will sneak in and donate one of her fave toys to keep them company. In the case of non-communicable ailments; will sneak in and try to cuddle the sick person better since that always makes her feel better too. Brings her tablet so that they can watch something together.
+(Au character) Chenxiang: Is pretty healthy, but also has no idea how personal health works. Gets his first ever really bad illness by getting drenched in rain one night and not drying himself off properly. Hallucinates feverishly and mistakes Wukong as still being his Sifu, and that he needs to save his mother. Multiple family members are required to wrangle Chenxiang back to bed in this state. Gets really quiet/wistful once he starts getting better. To Others: Gets really worried and immediately summons the adults for help. The only other time in the past he's cared for a sick person... didn't end happily. So he gets really really insistent on the sick person going to the doctor, taking meds, drinking tea & soup, everything. Pretty much helicopters over the sick until they get better, or if the adults take over for him.
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