#To build a healthy and long-lasting relationship
alexiapp · 8 hours
Next Step With You
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Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: You and Alexia finally have the talk about Kids…
Note: I’ve been gone for so fucking long because of how insanely busy i’ve been but, i’m totally hoping on posting constantly and not keeping empty promises 😭..i’ve had an insane amount of writers block also so keep that in mind!! This isn’t my best work but it’ll have to do !
You never thought that you would be in love. You thought you were unlovable or maybe incapable of finding your ‘true one’. You presumed that maybe it was your strong personality or your high standards that caused these problems. You always had trouble with relationships, and had a couple horror stories when it came to your past love life. You always that you were the problem, until you met Alexia. She made you feel something that you never thought you would be able to experience. You felt giddy inside, and content. There wasn’t a dull moment between her and I.
Alexia was charming, and very charismatic and she also has a strong personality which drew you into her. Recently you guys have been entering a new chapter of your relationship. This year would be marking the 4th year you have been together. You couldn’t see your life without Alexia, it just wouldn’t feel right. You wanted to bring new milestones to you guys relationship. Everything you envision had Alexia in it.
You wanted to add an addition to you guys relationship badly..You wanted to build a family between the two of you. You only started feeling this way until you saw how attentive Alexia was towards kids, it always made you wonder how she’d be if you guys had kids. You knew deep down in your heart that Alexia would be an amazing mother, but you didn’t know if Alexia wanted to take that next step with you or if she was even ready. It’s something you’ve been hesitant to bring up, these loud thoughts always stayed in the back of your mind. You don’t wanna scare her away..imagine how crazy you’d looked if she didn’t feel the same way..i mean what if she thought you were a total nut case. This steered you away from Alexia, making you kind of cold and distance.
This situation made you second guess a lot of things. You took an immature approach, usually the average person would talk it out with there significant other in an healthy manner, but you being you, were quite stubborn and decided to isolate yourself. You started declining her offers to go out when she put the idea out there. You guys once long text messages turned into short and brief on your end no matter how hard the poor woman tried to carry the conversation.
You assumed Alexia didn’t notice how cold you’ve been ..Oh boy were you wrong. She was was in deep stress her mind was constantly racing wondering what she could’ve possibly done wrong. Trying to remember moments where she could’ve possibly said the wrong thing that might’ve hurt or offended you in any way. She was determined to get to the bottom of this and handle it quickly, she genuinely couldn’t take not having you around any longer.
After settling down and drowning in her thoughts she decided the only way to get your attention is by catching you at in unexpected moment. She decided she’d venture to your apartment without giving you any head’s up. She didn’t want you to find another excuse to brush her off and ignore her, she wanted to talk to you and get you back. She was determined and ready to do whatever it takes.
The determined blonde quickly grabbed her phone and car keys headed straight for your flat ready to corner you.
You were brought out of a day dream when you heard a knock on your apartment door. You got up and walked over to your door with confusion written all over your face. You weren’t expecting a visitor or any packages. Shock washed over you when you were met with a very agitated and worried blonde. The last person you wanted to see.
Your once confused face was replaced with a very shocked expression.
“Um..hi?” you muttered out in surprise at what you were faced with.
“Why have you been ignoring me” Said the hazel eyed woman as she pushed through into your apartment door.
“i..i haven’t been, i’ve just been very busy i-“ you said as you staggered your words.
“Don’t like to me, you know how much i hate when people lie” the blonde woman said cutting you off in your lousy excuse as to why you haven’t been very present in you guys relationship.
“You’ve been brushing me off, you’ve been texting me less and less. I want to know what i did wrong so i could fix it”. She said with fury in her voice.
“There’s nothing you can do, to stop me from me feeling how i feel right now Alexia” You said nervously.
“Then what is it! I need to know what it is so we can fix it. I want us to fix this” she said waving her hand between you and her.
“I feel like if i tell you what it is, our relationship would be over” you said with a meek expression.
“amor whatever it is we can try and get past it, i just have to know” she said gently as she walked towards you grabbing your hands as a form of comfort. She could tell you were nervous about what you wanted to say next.
“There’s things that i want to do in our relationship that you might not be ready for Alexia, and i don’t want that to jeopardize what we have.” You said conflicted on weather you should open up to her or not
“Hey, no matter what is bothering you, we can fix it and hopefully move past it..i promise” she said as she rubbed her thumb across my hand.
“I want us to have kids..i want to have kids with you, and i didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t want to scare you off i didn’t want you to think i’m so crazy person. I see myself starting a family with you..” You said with fear in your voice. You were almost quivering with fear on how she would react. You were shut down when you heard the woman in front of you hysterically laugh.
Oh no…she thought you were a joke, she must think you’re a loser..you told yourself, emotions bathing in a pool insecurity. You broke your hand away from her turning away in rejection. “ I knew this would happen, i just knew you wouldn’t take me seriously” you said with hurt and regret in your voice.
You turned your body away from her not wanting her to see how hurt you truly were.
“I’m sorry, come here” she said trying to make you turn towards her.
“i’m not laughing at you about what you said, i’m laughing because why wouldn’t you think i want that also?” she said chuckling lightly. She placed her fairly large hands on her face cupping your cheeks softly and said “why would i want to do that. There isn’t anyone i wouldn’t rather start a family with” she said shaking her head at your ridiculousness.
“I just thought that maybe you’d think that we’re moving to fast, i was just scared” you said looking into her hazel eyes.
“vale, firstly their isn’t anyway i could see life without you..let alone my future with you not being in it, if you told me how you felt ahead of time this wouldn’t be our outcome” she said has she brushed her thumb against your cheekbone
“Amor, you have to communicate with me when you’re feeling this vale ?” she said shaking her head to try to get me to understand. Which i nodded in response.
I leaned in and pecked the blonde’s lips, you were suddenly thrown over her shoulder, making you giggle in surprise “Let’s practice making that baby sí!” as she carried you to your apartment bedroom.
I’ll grammar check later !!
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retrogradedreaming · 2 days
I just rewatched Full Moon and seeing that last scene Blitzø and Stolas ripped my heart out AGAIN and these are my thoughts after watching it a couple times, please don't throw rocks at me
First, I think this is a pretty realistic progression of miscommunication and I've seen a lot of people be on either of their sides, but I don't think there's even a side to be on. Both of them went into this with their own thoughts and pre-formed ideas of what the other wants and how they'd react, and that colored their responses and clouded their ability to process what the other was saying.
Stolas opened the whole thing with "Blitzø, I need my book back permanently" which was absolutely the wrong tone to set here. It reinforced Blitzø's belief that Stolas was getting tired of him, and as far as Blitzø (who is NOT known for his ability to accurately and objectively read people or situations) is concerned, Stolas has just confirmed that he doesn't want him. Stolas immediately clarifies and pours out his feelings, but honestly, that's a lot for Blitzø to hear immediately after feeling like his literal worst fear has been confirmed, that his business—the ONE thing he's worked so fucking hard to build from scratch—is in jeopardy. So along with wondering whether Stolas even wants him anymore, he's now contending with the panic of losing two things, so he likely barely heard and couldn't comprehend Stolas's feelings.
In ordinary circumstances, less high stakes ones for Blitzø, I think Stolas actually did a pretty decent job of communicating himself and his feelings. But I get why Blitzø didn't take it seriously—he's been in an arrangement with Stolas for so long, thinks Stolas is getting bored, so of course he'd think, "Ah, yes, a new role play, a chance for me to do better and keep him from getting bored." Stolas is understandably upset by this, but man, he really did not give Blitzø a fucking second to process at all.
And this is why I think Blitzø's reaction is understandable (not necessarily reasonable or healthy or even appropriate, but I GET IT). Of course he feels like he's being thrown away. Stolas still has power because he's rich and he's royalty and Blitzø is used to being used and discarded and not good enough. Of course he's angry—he doesn't even feel like he's being given a choice because Stolas has already scripted this in his mind, went in prepared, and imagined how it will go. He mistakes Blitzø's misunderstanding and shock for rejection—also understandably because that's what Stolas is used to, and he doesn't seem to have any friends or support, which we've seen is a pattern since childhood.
What we're seeing is two lifetimes of trauma surfacing in the face of genuine connection and love, and neither Blitzø nor Stolas knows how to deal with that. Neither of them has ever seen what it's like to receive that before. Blitzø was in the circus with a dad who sold him to a prince for "a wadded up $5 and a slim fit condom" and was always placed in the shadow of his best friend, who then hated him for 15 years because he thought Blitzø purposely blew him up. Stolas was essentially raised by a butler with a dad who had zero emotional literacy and was then forced into an arranged marriage with someone who treated him like absolute shit.
They've both lived a life where love and relationships are transactional, and they don't know how to function when someone loves them for who they are. Of course they're going to struggle to communicate, and I don't blame either of them for their reactions, but I really, really want to see them have a calmer conversation where they can process this and understand each other and accept love.
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purpleheartskies · 2 days
Johnny's redemption story (so far)
Since s1, the series has been pitched as Johnny's redemption story. However, by the end of s5, Johnny's story doesn't narratively include a "redemption" in any meaningful way. Although many fans claim that Johnny redeemed himself in earlier seasons (s1 in particular), I think the "redemption arc" part of Johnny's redemption story hasn't even started yet. After all, in most redemption stories, there is a lot of story/setup before a character even starts to be redeemed. I'm going to talk about Johnny's redemption. Then, I'm going to judge his story based on "five common problems with redemption arcs" to see if Johnny's story suffers from any of these problems.
Johnny needs redemption for his wrongs towards Robby, yet Johnny has done absolutely nothing of substance throughout the series to make up for his lifetime of failures with Robby.
In an interview after filming s5 but before s4's release, Billy said this about Johnny:
Johnny isn’t "consciously trying to find redemption as much as he’s trying to find himself without the Cobra Kai blanket on him... He’s trying to rewind time and go back to the belly of where this all started and undo all these knots. He just wants his kid back, he wants love, and he wants to run a dojo without any interference — [to] live a nice, simple life. But he’s got a long way to go there."
Billy's first and last sentence indicate that Johnny needs redemption but is nowhere near achieving it. Johnny wanting a nice simple life without actually working for it sounds pretty par for the course for Johnny. Johnny wants it easy. He wants to just move on without actually working for a redemption and making amends. He just wants rewards without having to earn them. In s3e10, Johnny set out to get an easy reward after his conversation with Ali:
Ali: "Sometimes it's good to visit the past to know where you are now. But you can't live in the past." Johnny: "No." Ali: "We have to live for today. And the future."
Johnny wanted to pursue more with Ali, although he had slept with Carmen the night before, but Ali shut that down. After this conversation, Johnny went to proclaim his "love" to Carmen while not caring at all where Robby was, that he was homeless, alone, and may even possibly be dead. Later, after Johnny's confrontations with his "past"---Kreese and Robby---, Johnny decided to leave them behind for good and move onto his "today" and "future"---Carmen and Miguel. In s4, he focused on his "do over" family, while not caring at all about Robby. Johnny "loves" Carmen because she enables him and completely overlooks his worst traits. Camen "loves" Johnny because he runs after her son while abandoning his own. This is definitely an unhealthy romantic relationship for Johnny to be in.
In general, instead of building healthy relationships with people who encourage him to be the best version of himself, Johnny has built codependent relationships with people, Miguel and Carmen, who encourage Johnny to only be the best version of himself that primarily benefits them. This of course adds to Johnny's failures with Robby, as Johnny prioritizes these people over Robby. Of course, Johnny doing this is an intentional choice on his part, and he is the one who is accountable to Robby for it.
Johnny's continued dysfunctional behavior with Robby is one of a few things that makes Johnny's story so far so unfulfilling, as this is supposed to be his "redemption" story. Instead, throughout the series, Johnny has been using Miguel and, since s5, the baby as well to feel better about himself. He does this to Robby's detriment, mistreating and traumatizing Robby even more. Starting out the series, Johnny's greatest, unforgivable sin is abandoning Robby his whole life. By the end of s5, Johnny has objectively dug that hole much, much deeper.... to the point that Johnny has crossed the "moral event horizon" (is beyond redemption) for some of us fans (specifically those of us who don't cheer on Johnny's behavior towards Robby, Johnny choosing the Diazs over Robby, the dysfunctional toxic blended family, and how it all came together at Robby's expense).
In the writers' interview with Koves, Josh Heald said this:
"Everything boils down to the type of karate that you learned. But it doesn't go to the actual punches and kicks. It's the type of teacher you have, the type of father or mother or sensei. However you define that. [Jon: And the lesson is behind it.] And what they're telling you to do and how they're telling you to help live your life and why. Are they in it for their own redemption or are they really in it for you? What have they been through that you don't know about? Like, you know, it goes back to that big why why why."
This is a really pointed statement. Given the storylines in the show, it's no question who Josh was talking about: Johnny and his relationship with Miguel. Josh is admitting that Johnny's intention in his relationship with Miguel is using Miguel as a "do over" for his own redemption. Of course, this was established in s1e4 as Johnny's purpose of choosing Miguel over Robby throughout the series. This interview with the Koves took place between the s4 and s5 releases, after s5 had already been filmed.
In a later interview after s5 came out, Josh said about Johnny and the baby plot device:
"He had one chance of being a biological father and kind of blew it for most of that kid's childhood. He had a second chance at being this kind of surrogate dad that is a work in progress, but is generally going kind of good. We wanted to kind of give him one more chance."
So, if Miguel is meant to be the "redemption" for Johnny, like many fans believe Miguel is, why did the writers give Johnny the baby as "one more chance"? Sounds like Johnny failed at his "second chance". In s5, nothing about Johnny's relationship with Miguel was detached from Johnny's relationship with Robby. Even Johnny's advice to Miguel in s5e3 about promising to do better tied into Johnny's scene later with Carmen. Johnny essentially promised Carmen that he won't fail her and the baby like he had failed Shannon and Robby. Going to rescue Miguel while not endangering Carmen in s5e1/2 involved mistreating and endangering Robby to do so. I've always said that the Johnny and Miguel hug at the end of s5e2 was more for the sake of Robby seeing it than for either Johnny or Miguel. Then, the s5e3 advice scene had its links to Johnny's failures with Robby. In fact, all of Johnny's s5e3 scenes were essentially about or referred to his failures with Robby. At breakfast, Carmen asked Johnny how things were with Robby. Then, in their next scene, she admit that she's late. After that, every conversation between them about the baby became about Johnny's insecurities because of his failures with Robby. S5e5 still was Johnny putting himself, Miguel, Carmen, and the baby over Robby. (In s5e6, it's implied that Johnny put Daniel over Robby.) S5e8 included the "fatherly advice" comment scene in which Johnny gave fatherly advice to Miguel and then got annoyed with Robby for essentially calling him out for not giving fatherly advice to Robby. Later, Robby was relegated to a side seat while Miguel sat across from Johnny during his talk with the boys in which Johnny didn't really address the impact that Hawk injuring Robby had on him and didn't address that Miguel had used the injury against Robby in this match in the s1 tournament. Johnny completely acted like Miguel hadn't cheated to win that championship. Johnny continues to pretend like Robby's traumas don't exist and wants Robby to do the same. The only thing to note positively is that Johnny looked at Robby's gi and told the judge to call the joint dojo Miyagi-Do. In s5e9, Johnny brought up Robby in the ultrasound scene. In fact, Vanessa Rubio said in an interview that Carmen originally had no lines in that scene, and that Vanessa insisted that Carmen needs lines in that scene. This means that the ultrasound scene was literally written for Johnny to muse about his failures with Robby. Later, while celebrating at a club, Chozen and Johnny have a conversation about their past mistakes. In s5e10, during the final brawl, there were the scene transitions between Johnny and Robby that sandwiched the line by Silver that Johnny's just going to screw up another kid. So even Silver finding out about the baby in s5e9 led to him commenting to Johnny in s5e10 about Johnny's failures with Robby. Again, essentially all of the baby plotline and Johnny's scenes with Miguel or Carmen in s5 acknowledged Johnny's failures with Robby---which is Johnny's reason for needing redemption and his reason for running after Miguel, Carmen, and the baby plot device to feel better about himself.
Johnny's entire arc in s5 was essentially rooted in and driven by his failed relationship with Robby, like his whole story has been since s1e4. The story, mostly through Johnny himself, kept reminding the audience that Johnny is not redeemed yet and that he needs redemption for failing with Robby. This is dramatic irony. Johnny believes he's already arrived: "If I can change, and you can change, everybody can change." But, we the audience have all the context we need to know that Johnny has a long way to go for redemption, like Billy said. However, the majority of the audience chooses to support Johnny prioritizing the Diazs over Robby, no matter how Johnny treats Robby, and wants Johnny's relationships with the Diazs to be the source of Johnny's redemption for failing with Robby. Even before s5 and the baby plot device, many fans didn't want Johnny prioritizing Robby over Miguel and Carmen in order to redeem himself to Robby.
In an interview with Cobra Kai Kid after filming CK s5, but before its release, Hayden said that they [he, Jon, and Josh] cared more about Johnny's redemption than about Kreese's redemption. WatchParty did a video about Hayden's comment. In his video, WatchParty tried to figure out what else Johnny could need redemption for, claiming that Johnny had been redeemed in s1 because Miguel had won the tournament. Though, this makes no sense because that win came at Robby's expense and Johnny himself was not happy with that win, at the time (before the school fight and Johnny eventually walking away from Robby for good at the end of the s3). WatchParty's second guess was Johnny needing to redeem himself to Robby. This is just one of many examples of the fact that many fans believe that Johnny is already redeemed because of his relationship with Miguel. Many also seem to believe that Johnny redeeming himself to Robby for abandoning Robby since his birth is either unnecessary/unimportant and/or Johnny's redemption for abandoning Robby should be about Johnny making it up to himself by focusing on his "do over" family instead of making it up to Robby. In turn, the story itself throughout all 5 seasons indicates, through Johnny himself most times, that Johnny still needs redemption for failing with Robby.
The interesting thing about the writers' comments that I've quoted above is how they write Johnny. They don't grow Johnny at all when it comes to Robby or Johnny's other character flaws. The trope usually is that the new people in the character's life sparks a change in the character that brings about his positive growth and eventual redemption. So, why would the writers have Johnny choose Miguel and later the baby over Robby since s1? Why would the writers give Johnny the baby if Johnny's relationship with Miguel were redemptive for Johnny? Why would the writers still be concerned about Johnny's redemption but not grow him at all in s5? Neither Miguel, Carmen, nor the baby plot device have resulted in any long-term positive growth for Johnny. In another interview, they said that Kreese was offered redemption in s5, and he didn't take it in the end. They haven't made a statement like that about Johnny choosing or not choosing redemption. Instead, Billy said that Johnny has a long way to go there. The writers also needed one and a half more seasons (an extra long final season) to tell whatever story they have left to tell, which is likely the redemption they have planned for Johnny. In s5, they kept Johnny unredeemed with no positive growth. He continued to neglect and abuse Robby. He continued to be an alcoholic with no real effort to stop. He continued to be a deadbeat, who is more indulgent in a karate war and committing crimes as part of it whenever he feels like it, instead of actually taking seriously that he has people depending on him. He didn't take that responsibility seriously before when only Shannon and Robby were dependent on him, and he doesn't take it seriously now when he will also have Carmen, Miguel, and the baby plot device depending on him. Shannon telling him that it's okay that they failed with Robby because she and Johnny were "young and dumb" doesn't change the fact that he failed then and is still failing now.
In s5e9, we're shown a very blatant contrast between Johnny's approach to redemption and Chozen's approach to it.
Johnny: "My whole life was haunted by one stupid kick. I thought if I could go back in time, do things different, dodge it, block it, my life would be fixed. The kick wasn't the problem. I had to stop focusing on what was behind. Start looking at what was in front of me." [indicates to Carmen] Chozen: "We are same. Both make mistakes. Both feel guilt for pain we caused. Now, you have, uh, friends. Family. Children. I always wanted same thing."
Chozen then mentions Kumiko to Johnny after he asks if there's someone back home that Chozen is interested in. Johnny mentions this to Daniel, so Daniel goes to Chozen.
Chozen: "When, uh, Kumiko and I were children, we would play in the ruins of King Shō Hashi Castle. I would hide, and she would always find me. After my disgrace in village... I tried to hide from everything. But Kumiko find me again. And her kindness brought me back." Daniel: "She's something special, all right." Chozen: "Hai." Daniel: "Does she know how you feel?" Chozen: "No. No! No. How I treated her, what I did to her... Unforgivable." Daniel: "You can't keep punishing yourself. You've done all you can to make up for what you did back then, and Kumiko knows that. Look, she's the reason you're here. She went after you. Maybe now it's your turn to go after her." Chozen: "Thank you, Daniel-san. You're welcome, my friend."
The contrast in these two outlooks and approaches is so important. Johnny simply walked away from his past, including his wrongs, and decided to move on. Hell, he even left Robby with Kreese, Johnny's own abuser and the real root of Johnny's trauma from the night of the stupid kick. Johnny has felt guilt for his mistakes, like Chozen said, but Johnny has never made up for them. Chozen's dialogue with Johnny distinctly left out making up for past mistakes, while Daniel's dialogue with Chozen included it. Chozen focused on Kumiko when he spoke about the past and how his actions had affected her. He said what he did was unforgivable. But Daniel told Chozen that he had done all he could to make up for what he did back then, and that Kumiko knows this. Now, whether you're okay with Chozen and Kumiko becoming a couple is another issue, but the point here is that Chozen has been making amends for over 30 years. Chozen has also sincerely expressed his remorse to Daniel for what he did to him in the past, while Johnny hasn't expressed his.
Making amends is something Johnny has yet to do. Johnny always speaks about his wrongs towards Robby as if it's too late and as if he can't fix it. He simply doesn't even really try to. When he gets even a little bit of rightful anger from Robby, he bolts. He runs from working for a real redemption. After all, redemption for Johnny wouldn't just be confronting his wrongs towards Robby but also confronting what happened with Kreese the night of the stupid kick and confronting the parts of himself that he loathes. Johnny is afraid to do so. Johnny told Robby while they were in Mexico:
"I'm out here trying to fix my mistakes so that I don't have to live with the regret of making them."
Johnny's guilt is all about himself, and he just wants to feel better about himself. Johnny doesn't consider how Robby feels or how his failures have affected Robby and keep affecting him. Johnny moving on is all about himself. In the end, after he committed a crime and almost got himself killed for no reason, Carmen told him that she thought she'd lost him. He responded:
"You can't get rid of me that easy. The thought of losing you and Miguel, Robby, our family, kicked me into a gear I didn't know I had. Couldn't stand the thought of missing the rest of our life together.
It's all about Johnny and what he would lose. He didn't care about how his loved one would be impacted by losing him.
Johnny's redemption with Robby is at the core of Johnny's character story. But, wrt the plot in general, Johnny also has to redeem himself for bringing Cobra Kai back. He let Pandora out of her box, and he himself hasn't actually done anything of meaning to put her back inside. In s2, Johnny had been trying to change Cobra Kai because his students had chosen to show no mercy to Robby in the s1 avt. Kreese however came crawling back and manipulated Johnny to let him back in. Kreese didn't like that Johnny was changing Cobra Kai and usurped the dojo from Johnny, using the events of the school fight against him. Johnny then, in true Johnny fashion, chose to walk away from Cobra Kai and Kreese. Johnny acted like none of this was his problem anymore. Johnny only got involved again in the dojo war at the end of s3 because the Cobras attacked Miguel. Johnny didn't care otherwise. Well, earlier in s3, Johnny did care that Kreese might try to come near Miguel and so threatened Kreese away from him while leaving Robby wide open for the taking, but Johnny did nothing otherwise to stop Kreese or Cobra Kai. Johnny only teamed up with Daniel to take down Kreese after he and the Cobras became a threat to Miguel. In s4, Johnny was more focused on keeping Miguel than on maintaining the alliance with Daniel or on getting Robby away from Kreese. Johnny trained Sam after she came to learn from him, but Johnny didn't do a good job of training all of his dojo students and pretty much focused on Miguel and Devon only. Johnny didn't try to make amends with Daniel first at the avt and still got upset with Daniel for talking to Miguel. Eventually, after Daniel apologized first, Johnny also apologized and then helped coach Sam during her match. However, in s5, after the loss at the s4 avt, Johnny once again washed his hands of the dojo war. He acted like Cobra Kai being back was no longer his fault. He only took part in helping take down Cobra Kai once again when he was prompted to, this time because Daniel had come to him for help and then Silver beat Daniel. Overall, just like Johnny doesn't actually make the active effort of making amends to Robby, Johnny also doesn't try to actively do more to stop Cobra Kai from spreading. Johnny drops the responsibility of making up for the problems he causes. Bringing back Cobra Kai is something Johnny has to make up for. In a way, Johnny made a vow to do that in s5: "You wanna know why I'm in this fight? So I can erase everything you did. And every mark you left. Every memory of you." Let's see how Johnny actually does in s6. Meaning, let's see how much active effort he puts into taking down Cobra Kai versus how much he lets Daniel and others try to fix his mistakes for him again.
I wrote this post because I came across an article about five common problems in redemption arcs and I wanted to judge Johnny's story so far in light of these problems.
Problem 1: The motive for redemption is weak - Johnny's motive for redemption is strong, so this problem isn't present in his story. After all, he himself can't stop talking about how he has failed Robby. Throughout the series, he has failed Robby even more. Also, Johnny is the one who brought back Cobra Kai and he needs redemption for this as well.
Problem 2: The character is entitled to forgiveness - This one is tricky. Johnny acts like he is entitled to forgiveness. Many of his fans also believe that he is because he gives speeches about how failing Robby makes him feel guilty and feel sorry for himself. However, whenever Robby doesn't give Johnny forgiveness instantly, Johnny gives up on him. In s4e10, Robby told Johnny that he is sick of blaming Johnny. Johnny smiled in a relieved way. (I guess, good job, Johnny, for giving your son so much trauma that he's now too tired to keep hating you. /s) In s5, Johnny didn't tolerate Robby talking about Johnny's wrongs against him. Johnny has no genuine humility towards Robby.
I don't think the narrative has been making the case that Johnny is entitled to forgiveness. The entitlement comes more from Johnny himself. We're shown contrasts to Johnny's behavior, like with Chozen's real redemption and with Robby trying to be better than Johnny and not end up like him. We're also shown the parallel of Silver and Kreese acting entitled to forgiveness/trust while not deserving it. Johnny said about Kreese in s2e9, "I thought he could change. Turns out I was wrong, so I pushed him away." Johnny doesn't realize what a hypocrite he himself is when it comes to Robby pushing him away.
Every season, including s5, Robby has called out at least one thing about Johnny's behavior with him or how it affects him (Robby's trauma narrative). However, after the apartment fight and baby news, Robby stopped speaking out about it. In s5e7, Robby burying the egg during the egg lesson is a metaphor for how Robby is burying his true feelings about Johnny and everything. Robby brushed off his own fatherly advice comment in the next episode. This isn't a coincidence and is another example of Robby having to hide how he feels so that Johnny doesn't abandon him and to make Johnny feel better about himself. Johnny immediately becomes defensive when Robby justifiably calls him out, and Johnny does things like abandoning and not visiting Robby in juvie for months or abandoning him at a random bus stop in a foreign country after lying to him to get him to go on the trip.
Johnny said that he's out there trying to fix his mistakes so that he doesn't have to live with regret of making them. lol Johnny himself doesn't make a good case for being entitled to forgiveness.
Problem 3: Something unrelated is addressed - So, this is where I think fan perception is playing a huge role. The "unrelated" thing that fans perceive as being the source of Johnny's redemption is Johnny relationships with the Diazs and prioritizing them over Robby. However, as I've described above, Johnny himself keeps mentioning his failures with Robby. Although Johnny consciously tries to use Miguel and the baby as "do overs" and uses the Diazs to move on from his failures, Johnny subconsciously can't get over those failures. That is, he himself doesn't believe that using "something unrelated" as his redemption is redemptive.
I believe Problem 3 exists for Johnny's story because of fan perception and not because of the story itself. The moment any fan starts pointing out the nuance in the story that proves that Johnny's, Miguel's, Carmen's, and Robby's behaviors and the blended family are dysfunctional, fans who want the "something unrelated" (Diazs) to be Johnny's redemption brush off the nuance and claim that there is no more nuance in the show, "it's not that deep". All these people wouldn't for a second forgive, trust, or be happy with Johnny if they themselves were Robby. I bet if someone did a poll asking "Who would you want to be in the blended family: Miguel or Robby?", all these people would say Miguel ... because no one, absolutely no one, would want to be Robby in this toxic family. Many act like Robby should be understanding towards Johnny as he mistreats Robby to prioritize Miguel and his family... because yeah, if someone wrongs you, they should run after random people at your expense to make up for it 💀 (/s).
Problem 4: The character is unforgivable - I personally think Johnny is irredeemable. I often find myself asking "Can I throw Johnny away now?" as I'm writing a post or comment about how Johnny treats Robby. However, from a narrative standpoint and based on interviews, I know that the writers are going for a redemption for Johnny. I just won't believe it myself, even if in s6 they do some or all of the subversions that they have been setting up in the story these past 5 seasons. I'm just so done with Johnny. I draw a hardline when it comes to parents behaving the way Johnny does with Robby. But, I also know that the writers are using the whole "generational trauma" thing to make Johnny seem sympathetic and redeemable/forgivable when it comes to Robby. I'm done with that, and I know some others who are done with that too.
Problem 5: Amends aren’t made - Ha! Of course Johnny has done absolutely nothing so far to make amends to the person he's hurt the most. In fact, Johnny is now in the negative since starting the series. In s5e4, Johnny asked Shannon for forgiveness: "It's what I should have done for him and you long ago. I quit too many jobs 'cause I didn't like 'em instead of considering what's best for all of us. I wasn't man enough to know it then, but I do now. I'm sorry I sucked, Shannon." But, Johnny still isn't man enough to say these things to and take accountability with Robby. In s6, Johnny has to be a real badass and start making amends with Robby directly. Though, I'm not sure how Johnny can do this. There seems to be no set up for Johnny actually redeeming himself to Robby other than the toxic blended family being put together like a flimsy, decrepit house of cards, that is Johnny's unearned rewards are written to fall apart. Johnny also has to play a vital role in taking down Cobra Kai for good. In s5e10, he was given the sidekick sensei fight, while Chozen and Daniel each had their fight with the Cobra Kai "Big Bad of the season" Silver. With his promise to erase Kreese's legacy and with Kreese's escape from jail, Johnny seems set up to have an important role in finally taking down Cobra Kai once and for all in s6. Also, the story is exploring generational trauma. The writers have always said that they're exploring how Johnny's relationship with Kreese affected Johnny's relationship with Robby. Part of Kreese's legacy is the generational trauma that Johnny has been passing down to Robby. Kreese's and Silver's interests in Robby since they each found out about him could possibly mean that Johnny making amends to Robby may eventually be tied to these storylines.
Because the story isn't over, it's not possible to judge the story completely at this point. I've only judged it based on what we have so far. However, given the fan perception of s1-s5, with most fans who believe that "something unrelated" has been addressed to redeem Johnny (Johnny's relationships with the Diazs at Robby's expense) to those fans who think Johnny has become irredeemable wrt Robby, Johnny's "redemption" story most likely isn't going to be lauded after it's over. It definitely won't compare to Zuko's redemption story from the original ATLA. Johnny's "redemption" story likely won't stand the test of time, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's soon forgotten after the hype of the show dies down.
(These are general thoughts and not directed at anyone I've interacted with in particular. Also, as always, please don't comment or reblog with dismissive comments about the nuance in the show. The nuance is part of the story, and the story is exploring important topics like trauma, bullying, dysfunctional relationships, and abuse.)
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honeymoonersonly · 2 years
Build a healthy and lasting relationship! Read more..
 It is not difficult to build up a relationship, but it is difficult to build up a healthy relationship that lasts for a long time. But it is also not that difficult if you are committed to the relationship. And you are ready to spend your time and make efforts to make the relationship healthy and to last for ever. 
To build a healthy and long-lasting relationship, you will have to make compromises. You have to sacrifice many of your things to adjust the wants and needs of your partner. You have to give up things of your liking and have to adopt to things of your partner’s liking. You may have to give up some of your friends whom your partner does not like. A strong and healthy relationship will shift you from what you are and be what your partner likes. 
You have to be honest with your partner. You have to be open about your feelings. You have to openly and effectively communicate about things that concern you, with your partner. You cannot hide anything from her. You may think that your piece of information may bother her. But for whatever reason you may think, you cannot build up a strong and healthy  relationship with your partner if you build a wall between you and her/him and be selective in passing information to him/her. 
Never argue with your partner. Arguing is a type of competition where the partner arguing over some point is arguing to prove herself/himself right and the other party wrong. It is a winning and losing game and the winner always dominates the loser. This destroys the relation. Arguing to prove the other party wrong is devastating. You can discuss to know the opinion of your partner over the matter showing full respect to her/his comments. This is constructive.  
You have to be keenly observant. You must know that how your partner expresses love for you. You must know it and respect it. This understanding and respect will carry your relationship for years together, may be to make it a lifelong affair. 
Silence is golden, but not always. You may think that your comments may hurt your partner, but you never know that your remaining silent on discussions may even hurt her/him more. This may be very damaging to your relationship. If you so feel not to hurt your partner, choose your words carefully and talk. But do talk. 
Never monopolise your partner. Never try to own them. Give them space. Relationship does not mean to lose your identity. You need to have your space and you must respect this for your partner also. Omce you respect your partner’s space, your partner starts respecting your feelings more than ever and your relationship grows stronger and healthier. 
has a powerful influence on both mental and physical health of both the partners. It generates a positive vibration for both of them. Having a long and healthy relationship can help you make your mind steady and to have a healthy body. So please mind the minute details and respect your partner’s feelings. That’s all you need.
 Syndication URL  on Build a healthy and lasting relationship! Read more..
#It is not difficult to build up a relationship#but it is difficult to build up a healthy relationship that lasts for a long time. But it is also not that difficult if you are committed t#Strong and Healthy Relationship#To build a healthy and long-lasting relationship#you will have to make compromises. You have to sacrifice many of your things to adjust the wants and needs of your partner. You have to giv#You have to be honest with your partner. You have to be open about your feelings. You have to openly and effectively communicate about thin#with your partner. You cannot hide anything from her. You may think that your piece of information may bother her. But for whatever reason#you cannot build up a strong and healthy relationship with your partner if you build a wall between you and her/him and be selective in pa#Never argue with your partner. Arguing is a type of competition where the partner arguing over some point is arguing to prove herself/himse#You have to be keenly observant. You must know that how your partner expresses love for you. You must know it and respect it. This understa#may be to make it a lifelong affair.#Silence is golden#but not always. You may think that your comments may hurt your partner#but you never know that your remaining silent on discussions may even hurt her/him more. This may be very damaging to your relationship. If#choose your words carefully and talk. But do talk.#Never monopolise your partner. Never try to own them. Give them space. Relationship does not mean to lose your identity. You need to have y#your partner starts respecting your feelings more than ever and your relationship grows stronger and healthier.#has a powerful influence on both mental and physical health of both the partners. It generates a positive vibration for both of them. Havin#Syndication URL on Build a healthy and lasting relationship! Read more..#Healthy and Long-Lasting Relationship#Strong and Healthy Relationship
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silk-vanille · 7 days
All this tommy hate is so goddamn forced like disinterested where?? He wouldn’t have shown up at the hospital in his uniform without even showering if showing up for Buck wasn’t important to him. Rude where? It’s deadpan humor and Buck hasn’t shown any type of hurt or discomfort once. Right now they’re literally just two people getting to know each other and it’s been going pretty smoothly, plus Buck likes him and he’s happy! However long the relationship lasts, just be happy for Buck and enjoy the ride
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sleevebuscemii · 7 days
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aroaceofthesea · 4 months
I was in a 18 bday party today and we didnt have a gift for the bday girl💀💀
#luckily we made a pretty good last minute save#im usually the kind of person to sit back and say yes to whatever ppl are saying to get for the persons bday#the problem is that this time there wasnt one big present and every group did their thing#and the four of our group were the same as me so we literally didnt even think of a gift until we were there💀💀#luckily we know her rlly well (weve been friends since like 3) so we decided to get her a vale for puenting#<-sorry if the last sentence is illegible to you im too lazy to think how to say it in english#and we looked pretty cool and she was rlly happy with the gift so i take that as a win#it was a 25 ppl dinner and we only talked the 4 of us lolll (and with the bday girl obv)#but i had fuun i got to see sides of a couple of them that i had never rlly seen before#bc like the bday girl me and another weve known each other since forever we were bffs at school etc#the other two are from music and i n music theres a group that are kinda intimidating so most ppl outside that group arent rlly completely#themselves at music tho you get to see them after music when we stay talking or on the walk home etc#but theres not as much time so it was nice to get to know better the other two😋😋#also im rlly happy bc the bday girl and the other one aftr years of barely talking even tho we saw each other every week it feels like#weve been reconnecting lately (we stopped being good friends bc life not any argument or anything) and i love it#like i know it will never be like it used to be in school when we were super close but its nice to have them as friends again#looking back on it our relationship was never very healthy (in any direction tbh) but it was nice while it lasted#i wouldnt want to go back to what we had but i would like to build a new and healthier relationship with them and its finally happening :)#ok that was a long rant lol#mine#life
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tetsuskei · 3 months
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synopsis: when a coworker brings their baby to work, that sets off the gears in kuroo's head to have some of your own
notes: first installment of oh, baby! repost from my old blog, with some editing done. please enjoy!
warnings: mentions of kids, unprotected sex, praise, body worship, cock warming, kuroo is horny on an astronomical level
interactions and reblogs are appreciated!
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at first, everything is innocent. tetsurō knows his coworker only means well. but tetsurō should've expected that when ‘bring your child to work day’ came at the jva, that he'd encounter at least one infant.
his coworker asks him if he wants to hold their baby after catching him stare at the small child in awe. the resemblance between coworker and child clearly evident. he's so amazed at how strong genetics could be.
then tetsurō wondered how strong his own genetics would be when it came to your children.
to recall back, the conversation of children came up briefly between the two of you. you both decided that it would be logical to wait a little while before trying to have any. kuroo was focused on building up his career and so were you. you just wanted to have your priorities straight and be responsible. nothing's wrong with that, right?
and so the conversation had been left with a pin in it and you both moved on in life. you would question when to have children later.
when holding the child in his arms, kuroo only panicks for a moment (were babies always this small?) before the child naturally curls up into his chest. their tiny hand grabs ahold of his (ridiculously) large pinky before continuing to sleep soundly. they even coo with joy.
"they seem to really like you!" his coworker laughs. "you seem to be a natural with kids!"
tetsurō only crinkles his nose in confusion but he can't help the fluttering in his chest at those words. "i'm not really doing anything but holding them."
they laugh again and nod with understanding. "sure, but you seem to be the type to make a great father, kuroo-san. you're a good person. very patient and understanding. by the way, when do you and the missus plan to have kids?"
and so having been asked the question sent him on a spiral.
by the time he's asked, several years have passed since your first conversation about kids. both you and him are financially stable. you're both lucky enough to live comfortably, and you're both happy where you are in your careers. most importantly, you're both married.
honestly, just the thought of being married to you and having a little family turns kuroo on too much. but he wants to have a family that's better than the broken one he had growing up. the best thing he can do for his kids is show them a healthy and long lasting relationship with their mother. and god does he know he can do that. he loves you so damn much his heart aches. he'll walk across fire for you, and the best part is that he knows you'll do the same for him.
the man isn't really present for the rest of the day, having to be called out during a meeting for being unfocused, and eventually sent home after he lies and says he isn't feeling well. and it's partially true, because now that he knows he wants kids, he feels an empty hole in his chest almost as if a part of him is missing.
and if being 'sick' means trying to conceal the boner in his slacks, then so be it. he doesn't want to relieve himself of his problem, no. not when the only thing on his mind is cumming inside of you raw.
tetsurō comes home to the smell of your cooking, his second favorite scent right after you. just seeing you makes him crazy. he'd been thinking about putting a baby in you all day. his hands itching to get started.
you haven't seen him yet, but tetsurō doesn't waste anymore time. he simply eyes you intently, taking time to admire you and all the soft curves of your backside. your perfect ass. you feel the warmth of him before seeing him and that's enough to startle you.
a small gasp leaves your mouth as you look up at him surprised before a honeyed smile appears on your face. a smile that's only reserved for him. "hi! you're home earlier than usual."
he returns your greeting with a grin. "hi beautiful, how was your day?" he tugs you into his grasp. lean arms encasing you in his hold as he rests his chin on top of your head and massages your hips.
hips he knows that will bare his children.
"it was good tetsu, are you hungry? i'm finishing up dinner now, and we can talk about your day." you respond, focus retuned to the stove in front of you.
he has to admit, the food smells delicious, but he's hungry for something else this evening. and unfortunately he'll have to endure an earful from you later about letting the food get cold, but he doesn't mean any harm. he just has priorities.
he hums, turning you fully towards him. his eyes lower and become stuck on your stomach. brain stuck on the thought of you being round with his child. you would look so cute pregnant. your breast would be filled with milk, too. maybe you'll let him taste—
"'ro?" you voice snaps him from his thoughts. you try to make eye contact with him and he only smiles, not registering a single thing you just said. his large hands take your face in his hold and you feel his calloused fingers run over your cheeks before he kisses your nose and then all over your face.
"tetsurō, what's gotten into you?" you giggle. you didn't mind his affection, don't get it wrong, but there was something oddly...intense about the way he's acting that you know something is up.
the ravenette seems to contemplate his thoughts, carefully reeling over the words in his mind. "i just thought that...maybe we should start...tryin', that's all." he mumbles, mouth pressing kisses all over your skin. you shiver at his touch, at the way his scent and body crowd in on your space.
ah, there it is.
your cheeks heat up, and you know exactly what he means. his words always slur slightly when he's turned on, almost like he's delirious or hooked on lust.
that paired with his cock poking your backside through his slacks.
tetsurō only continues. "today my co-worker brought in the cutest little baby i'd ever seen. looked just like 'em, too. i didn't really understand how children could make someone so happy...but i'm startin' to." he explains, tugging off your pants and underwear in one fell swoop, the cold air hitting your folds makes you jump.
you swallow nervously, "tetsu—"
"made me realize how cute our kids could—will be. they'd be the cutest in the world, i'm sure. wonder if they'd have my eyes and your smile. and hopefully they'll inherit your hair or else we'll be in trouble." he laughs before he undoes his tie, then his shirt, and tosses the garments somewhere on the floor. his belt is undone next and he's quick to unfasten his pants.
you eyes widen, and your heart fastens at the mental image of a tiny child in your arms, the spitting image of you and kuroo.
your husband pauses again, his brows knitted in thought. "do you think...that i can be a good father? for our kids?" he leans his forehead against yours and closes his eyes for a moment as he must be pondering the very question.
“of course.” you nod slowly. "i don't think so, i know so. you'll be great with our kids, tetsu." you answer, running your fingers along his jaw.
"yeah?" he breathes, pulling down his pants along with his boxers. "do you still want some?" he moves your body so that you're sitting safely on the counter away from everything else.
"w-with you? yes..." you answer, voice getting caught in your throat as he prods his fat tip at your entrance. you're already soaked enough that you know he can just...slide right in.
kuroo's breathing becomes extremely labored and his gaze darkens at your words. his single strand of restraint is being pulled taut. "then can we? can we start trying, sweets?" his hands are groping at your chest and hips, and he riles himself up the longer he touches you without relief.
you barely say 'yes' before he pushes himself into you, his jaw going slack as he is enveloped by you, cunt warm and inviting and gummy walls pleasurable beyond means.
his eyes glass over and he's completely enamored by the fact that he can be this close to you. that you trust him to hold you like he is now.
you look up at him with near helplessness as his grip on your legs doesn't loosen up. the stretch of him never is something you think you can get used to, as you feel yourself struggle to adjust to his size. the heavy and thick fullness of his cock is intense. you can feel how it throbs with need.
"do you think—" he moans as your cunt drags over his cock, sucking him in more, "that they're going to be interested in volleyball?" he lets his tip kiss your cervix and you keen, causing a groan to escape his mouth. "you think they're gonna be a middle blocker like me?"
"are you really asking me that right now?" you sigh, fingers frantically gripping the counter beneath you. you move your hips against him and hope that will shut him up.
spoiler, it doesn't. "why not—fuck, just like that baby—it's a genuine question." he buries his face in the side of your neck, and the smell of your lavender soap invades his senses before his teeth choose to bite and scrape at your skin.
"you're such a volleyball nerd, tetsu." you laugh but soon moan as both of your hips move synchronously. "when are you not thinking about it?"
he huffs out a laugh, pressing a kiss to your temple as he presses you further into the kitchen counter. his lips linger against your skin before you felt them curve into a smile. "when i'm busy thinking 'bout your cute self, which is definitely more than volleyball."
you tried to formulate a response but only a refined moan escapes your lips again as kuroo pounds you. the sound of skin on skin filters out any remaining thoughts you had.
"you don't understand how crazy i've been goin' today." he grunts, nearly delirious in the way you cream on him so well. he can already feel himself twitch with the need to cum but as much as he wants to, he wants this moment to last a bit longer. he can't cum before you.
one of his hands lace with your own as he regards you. "been thinking about all the different ways to get you pregnant. of all the cute little maternity outfits you'll wear. of me taking care of you when you get tired and your feet ache. you're going to look so pretty carrying our baby, sweetheart."
he's rambling and you're not even sure if he's talking to you or if he's talking directly to your womb. but his words alone are enough to bring you to your first orgasm, pussy clamping down hard on his cock.
"jesus christ," he groans, struggling to keep composure, "it's like your cunt is trying to suck the life out of me."
you only whimper, legs quivering in a way you didn't know they could as you slip them tighter around his waist. with the way kuroo is bullying your insides he just might be successful at his agenda of getting you pregnant tonight.
he moves your legs over his shoulders, laying you down so your back is pressed against the cold surface of the marble counter. the new angle he decides to rut in you at causes you to cry out in surprise.
"so perfect, so pretty like this split on my cock. gonna be even prettier filled with my cum." his head bows so that he can kiss you and you eagerly meet his lips, the taste of him comforting, addicting, and familiar all at once.
he brings one hand down to your clit, moving his fingers methodically over your bundle of nerves as he coos and encourages you to cum again.
"tetsu, please," you whine, "you feel so good, wanna have your babies." the need and anticipation of getting your husbands cum is starting to make you frustrated yet needy all at the same time. yet the way he's making you feel right now makes you want this moment to last forever.
he must sense what you're feeling and hums, kissing you again sweetly. "oh you're not understandin' me princess," he breathes, hips moving in an animalistic way. "i'm gonna have you knocked up by the end of tonight. that's a promise."
"you promise?" you look up at him with doe eyes, mouth parted as little moans still escape you.
he'd give you the world if you asked. he'd pluck the sun from the sky, too. when he presses his forehead to yours he only professes his love to you like he's saying his vows for the first time. he can feel the tightening of his balls and burning pit in his abdomen as his release creeps up on him.
and when he pinches your bundle of nerves, you cum again for a second time. your eyes roll back in your head and your nails dig deeply into the muscle of his broad shoulders.
tetsurō nearly doubles over when his orgasm follows, and he spills thick, white cords of cum into you. his golden eyes look at you and you swear he cums just a little more from the eye contact you two hold. the hard throbbing and pulsing warmth he provides you makes you clench around him again, a feeling of wholeness and elation when you're finally full of him.
you're both incredibly still for a moment and you just hold each other. he sits you up with regard, and you brush back his sweaty fringe. his large hands massage your muscles before he carefully carries you to your shared bedroom.
he sits down and you realize you're both still very connected.
"t-tetsu!" you grab onto him, eyes widening as your taken by surprised at the new angle.
"fuck..." he hisses.
there's something sensitive in the way he moves inside of you, and you're not sure if that has to do with his cum inside of you or your cunt trying to hold in every drop.
kuroo always liked the notion of kissing your ring finger, because it reminded him that the two of you are joined—united. you start to speak but he does before you can even formulate the words.
"i hope you don't think we're done here." he murmurs, and by the twitch of his cock you know he's serious. him and his damned stamina. exhausted, you only shift your trembling hips to prepare for more.
it's looking to be a long night.
and so it's not surprising when several weeks pass by and when said coworker asks him again about kids, he proudly shows them the ultrasound photo hidden away in his wallet.
he only hopes that after baby number 1 you won't mind more.
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taglist (send an ask to be added): @boosyboo9206 @milkteeboba @kodzukenmaaa @honeybleed
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botanicalsword · 2 months
Indicators for relationship that are “Difficult to break” • Composite Chart / Davison Chart
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♡ unbreakable bonding ⁀➷
Saturn in the 4th House / 7th House; Saturn conjunct Descendant
The focus is on responsibility, emphasizes a sense of responsibility and creates a deep, enduring connection between them. This is beneficial for a long-term relationship.
Taurus / Cancer / Scorpio / Capricorn / Pisces Stellium
A significant stellium comprising Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces in the composite or Davison chart suggests a strong foundation for long-term bonding. Despite weathering countless storms and transformations, they find themselves unable to separate, resulting in a relationship that is not easily shaken.
Water sign Stellium
- may not guarantee stability, but they signify an intense and entangled connection that often leads to long-lasting relationships, sometimes even causing emotional pain. The emotional depth and attachment experienced within these placements can create a bond that is difficult to break.
Scorpio Stellium
This period is characterized by intense emotional ups and downs, passionate love and desire, heartbreak, and emotional turmoil. It is for passionate and intense relationships. Such emotional turbulence is also often seen in couples who remain passionately in love throughout their lives, as their lives are filled with intense emotions and deep love.
Harmonious aspect between Saturn and Sun / Moon / Venus
Although the relationship may face initial obstacles, it has the potential for long-term stability. Overcoming these challenges strengthens the connection, making it resilient and resistant to external influences.
Even in a long-lasting and stable relationship, there may be feelings of repression and unhappiness, and the longer it lasts, the more one may come to resent the other.
>> their feelings towards this relationship
♡ A deeply intense and obsessive love ⁀➷
Conjunction / Square / Opposite aspect between Sun / Moon and Pluto:
an unforgettable and deeply obsessive love. These placements reveal a power struggle within the relationship, with one partner desiring control and transformation while the other seeks manipulation and dominance
Sun & Pluto - The masculine energy desires to dominate the relationship and change the female partner.
Moon & Pluto - The feminine energy desires to dominate and manipulate.
Venus Conjunction / Opposite Pluto
Pluto in the 1st House / 7th House
Pluto conjunct Descendant
Even if such a relationship ends, Pluto still holds on and tries everything to salvage it, continuing to strive to change the other person, and possibly causing them pain.
Conjunction / Square / Opposite aspect between Moon and Neptune
This is an intense and irresistible infatuation, like being under a spell, making it difficult to break free. It is characterized by one-sided indulgence and a willingness to accept and understand the other person, whether good or bad, with great tolerance. This deep entanglement makes it hard to let go and forms a strong emotional bond.
Juno Conjunct Venus / Sun
with a high compatibility for marriage - They approach the relationship with seriousness, giving importance to their partner's needs and expectations. They understand that building a healthy and stable relationship requires time and effort, and they are willing to invest the necessary time and energy to maintain and improve the relationship.
It is the observation based on my experiences - If you have different opinions, please share them with me. I would love to hear them. ♡
⇨ Masterlist | explicit contents
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dilemmaontwolegs · 3 months
Irresistible {7} || CL16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!reader, Max Verstappen x fem!reader Summary: After everything, you get a happy healthy ending. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, angst, smut, fluff. WC: 4.5k F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven
Your Playlist:
Big Girls Don’t Cry - Fergie
Pretend - Secondhand Serenade
No Right To Love You - Rhys Lewis
You Broke Me First - Tate McRae
Lose You To Love Me - Selena Gomez
The Night We Met - Lord Huron
Wicked Game - Violet Orlandi 
Charles’ Playlist:
Your Call - Secondhand Serenade
The Loneliest - Mäneskin
Roses And Butterflies - Making April
Amnesia - 5sos
Miserable At Best - Mayday Parade
Love Is Gone - Slander
The Man Who Can’t Be Moved - The Script
Charles was spiralling with every mile that grew between where he was and where you were. The only updates he had from you were in the form of photos on Instagram and his concentration went into waiting for your next post instead of the preparation for the final free practice of the day. He had sent you enough unanswered messages to know you were ignoring him and it hurt more than he dared let on.
“She’s not home yet,” he said as he caught up to Max in the paddock. It was half a question and half a statement, but he needed some sort of confirmation.
“I know.” Of course Max knew. You kept in touch with him, sending him sporadic messages when you stopped to take in the beautiful countryside on the quiet roads. It should have been a four hour drive but you were content to make it last the day so you didn’t have to think about what you had left behind. 
Max looked like he was going to say something else but he closed his lips as an arm curled around Charles’ waist. Whatever information he was going to offer was replaced with a simple, “I’ll see you later.”
Charles turned to Charlotte and his eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “I thought you left.”
“Because we had one little fight?”
“I would hardly call it little.”
“Whatever,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Anyway, now that Y/N’s gone things will be so much easier between us. We can get back to how we used to be. We are good for each other, Charles.”
Charles briefly entertained the idea of pushing her away but then he remembered how lonely it was sleeping by himself. It was completely stupid to even think the relationship could go back to how it was but he was selfish, if he couldn’t have you then settling for her was going to be the next best thing. 
“How about we talk after practice?” His voice was full of defeat and Charlotte knew she had already won as she kissed his cheek and let him go.
“I’ll wait in your garage.”
He faked a smile and headed after Max.
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The air was stale when you stepped into the apartment, not bothering to turn on the lights as you dragged yourself down the hall and into your room. Charles’ bedroom door was still half open, the bed unmade and clothes spilling out of his drawers, sending a pang of hurt to your chest before you pulled it shut. You collapsed face first on your bed and just managed to send a message to Max letting him know you arrived safely before you let your emotional exhaustion take you under. You didn't bother to text Charles, he was probably busy anyway.
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Dawn came with all the same enthusiasm that you woke with. The skyline was a watery grey and even the birds failed to raise any sort of trill with their woeful calls down on the mariner. Dew clung in the air and on your cheeks as you opened the balcony door and chased away the stale air from being closed up for weeks since the last visit. 
Your memory here before the lockdown began didn’t hold a lot of details but you did remember the aroma of coffee drifting up from the cafe below the building. Unfortunately there was only the tang of salt and storm on the air as you inhaled deeply before making the call that was long overdue. 
As expected your father answered straight away, the confusion clear in his voice as he realised that his little night owl was up at dawn. “Hey kiddo, is everything okay?”
“Can we have a donut day?”
You could already hear him moving around the house and he must have covered the microphone as he said a muffled goodbye to a sleepy Pascale. “On my way.”
Donut day was created the day you got your first period. As a panicking solo dad he had rushed to the supermarket for supplies, but he left with mostly donuts and other treats. Thankfully Betty was better prepared and soon arrived with everything you needed, along with calm instructions on how to use them. After that, any day that was absolutely terrible was called a donut day. You and your father would sit on the couch and scoff down a box of donuts until the comfort food worked its magic. 
You paced the living room until the doorbell rang and practically tore it off the hinges in your haste. You really hadn’t noticed just how lacklustre months of video calls were until you threw your arms around your dad and buried your face in his shirt. Video calls couldn’t capture the smell of his aftershave or the feel of his beard when he kissed your forehead like you were still a little kid. 
“I missed you too, pumpkin.” He pulled back to look at your face and his brows pinched together. “Rough night?”
You snorted a laugh but it cracked in your chest and your head fell down. “The last time you asked me that was in Monaco too.”
“I remember. Is this about a boy?”
You nodded and took a seat on the couch while he pensively watched from where he stood. “Will you sit down? You’re making me nervous.”
He huffed and went to the kitchen instead, grabbing a plate and emptying a bag of pastries onto it. “This is the closest to donuts I could find, sorry.”
“It’s okay, it’s not about the donuts.” You picked at a pain au chocolat while he took a seat and grabbed a pain au raisin. “I…”
You didn’t know where to begin or what to say, you just knew you had to get the truth off your chest so you could try to move on. Maybe by admitting the mistake you made, it might somehow ease the guilt you were carrying.
“A boy, right?”
“Yeah,” you murmured. “The same one actually.”
His eyebrows shot up his forehead.“From when we visited?”
“The very same.” You swallowed but the pastry seemed to coat your throat and you nearly choked before you abandoned it. “It was Charles.”
“Oh,” he said with a nod before it seemed to connect and his eyes widened. “Oh…well…shit..”
“I should have said something sooner but I didn’t want to make things awkward for you and Pascale but I…I really fucked up, dad.”
You could practically see his thoughts crossing his face as he remembered how you had called him the first day, asking to stay anywhere else. A heavy sigh fell and he seemed to deflate into the couch cushions. “I thought you were with Max?”
Your eyes narrowed but you didn’t deny it. “How do you know that?”
“Charlotte posted a picture of you and him the other night.”
“That bitch is a-”
“Uh-uh, no,” he tutted. “Correct me if I am wrong but I am going to assume you and Charles have been more than just friends…” 
Your silence was damning. 
“I don’t think you have the moral high ground to go around calling her a bitch then. I raised you better than that. Does Max know about Charles?”
“Max knows everything,” you admitted quietly, still feeling the sting of the reprimand. “He’s good for me.”
“Okay, so then what’s the problem?”
“I just really thought it was a chance - with Charles. We made plans, a future, I could see it.” Now all you saw was the note on the table and how he chased after Charlotte. “It was stupid and naive and I feel so embarrassed.”
“Love makes everyone stupid at some point.” Your father sighed again before wrapping his arm around you. “So Max huh? You know he’s got a bit of a reputation. Bit of a hot head.”
You wiped away the tears that had been building and scoffed. “Don’t believe everything you see in the media. They portray Charles as this wholesome boy next door and Max as an angry man child. Both are wrong.”
You grabbed the pastry and ate it, this time able to stomach the idea of food, before grabbing another. It wasn’t as sweet as a donut but the sugar from the chocolate was starting to hit your blood and perk you up.
“I can’t live here anymore. Not Monaco,” you corrected when you saw his eyes widen. “Just here, with Charles. I need somewhere away from him.”
You didn’t know the exact reason why your mother left but you thought maybe she felt like this, maybe it was healthier to leave than to stay. 
“The house isn’t finished but the kitchen and your bathroom are done, so it’s livable. You’ll need some moving boxes. A lot by the looks,” your father said as he stood up and looked around the room to see your belongings strewn across the place. “I’ll be back soon.”
“You’re not going to give me a lecture?” you asked as he made his way to the door.
He scanned your features that reminded him so much of your mother. “You look like you’ve learned your lesson to me. Do you need one?”
You shook your head meekly and he nodded to himself. “I’ll be back with some boxes soon.”
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“Hello, handsome,” you greeted Max as soon as the video connected. He had just returned to his hotel after qualifying and securing the 5th starting place on the grid. “I’ve found a new hobby, painting.”
His smile brightened at your mood that had dramatically lifted in the past 24 hours and you showed him around your new bedroom. Paint bottles lined a sheet-covered table and dirty brushes sat in a murky jar of water, but you panned across the wall to show him the artwork you had made.
“What is it?” he asked with a forehead crumpled in confusion. He tilted his head trying to see from a different angle but he still couldn’t process the splatterings - it reminded him of a Rorschach test, one he was doing badly at. 
“I didn’t say I was good,” you clarified with a laugh as you also tried to interpret the design that was no longer just on the walls. It was a good thing the carpet hadn’t been laid yet. You had tried to push the hair out of your face and smeared paint across your cheek and it had ended up everywhere by the time you were finished. “It is a mess just like me.”
“You're not a mess, schat,” Max said as he sat at the end of his bed and fell back to watch the tour of the rest of the house. “Are you okay there on your own?”
“It’s certainly quieter than the paddock, that will take a bit of getting used to, but I don’t mind it too much.” You did miss the other friends you had made at Ferrari, but felt it was best to give everyone in red a wide berth for a while. You had seen how poorly Charles qualified and knew he wasn’t at his best partly because of you. You still hadn’t been able to answer his calls or texts.
“Well, you could come back, if you want, you’ll always be welcome at Red Bull.”
“If you miss me, you can just say that,” you teased and he sat up.
He combed a hand through his damp hair and you bit your lip remembering how it felt to be the one doing that. “I do miss you,” he admitted seriously. “That’s why I’m coming back first thing Monday morning - I owe you breakfast.”
“You know there are no cafes open?”
Max smirked and the sight made your heart skip a beat. “Who said anything about a cafe?”
You wanted to know what his plans were but there was a knock at his door and Daniel’s voice reached you through the phone. Max was tempted to let Daniel continue pounding on the door but you both knew he wouldn’t leave quietly and Max groaned at that truth. “Go answer that, I’ll call you in the morning.” 
Max dragged his feet as he padded across the room. “I would rather talk to you.”
“Me too.”
“Finish the phone sex already, you pervs,” Daniel shouted through the door before Max ripped it open.
“Oh, oh, yes, Max, don’t stop,” you called out, turning Max’s ears pink as he rushed to turn the phone around and show Daniel the screen and just how fully clothed you were. “Sorry to disappoint you, Danny, no phone sex - this time.”
It was only when Daniel bent over laughing that you saw he wasn’t alone. Charles was out in the hallway with Carlos and Lando, his eyes falling to the carpet when you noticed him.
“We’re getting dinner, you wanna come?” Daniel asked, and thankfully the phone rotated back to Max who looked a little torn at the offer.
“He does,” you answered for him before he could decline just to talk with you a little while longer.
“I’ll call you in the morning, schat.”
“Okay, have fun.”
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Charles found nothing to celebrate when the race ended so he made his way home before the rest of the crew even realised it. He thought his weekend couldn’t get any worse after he DNF’d. The only silver lining was that despite his better qualifying, Max had also failed to finish the race. But he still won where it really mattered when it came to you.
Charles pulled into the apartment complex and saw a new sleek black Mercedes AMG parked in one of his many reserved spaces and hope fluttered in his chest. He grabbed his suitcase and darted up the stairwell to his apartment, nearly snapping the key in his haste to unlock the door. That hope turned to ash when he found it eerily silent and every inch of the place perfectly tidy. It was unlived. 
The artwork you had purchased still hung on the walls and the shaggy rug he had made love to you on still covered the floor, but the spirit of it all was gone. The colours of the paintings were drained and the temperature controlled air was no longer comfortable. He didn’t even need to go to your room and check, he knew you were gone.
He knew you were gone the moment he saw you on the video call to Max. He had gone with his mother to her new house enough times to know what it looked like, even if it appeared that a rainbow vomited all over the walls. The truth just hadn’t really settled in until he stepped across the threshold and into the house that was once a home.
You had tidied the place as if you were cleaning a crime scene and needed to scrub away all evidence of being there except you couldn’t get it all. You still remained in the pantry cupboards where everything was labelled in your handwriting. You still remained in the linen closet where you folded the sheets and the towels into perfect rectangles. You still remained in the scented candles that sat on the centrepiece of the table.
Charles’ eyes stung as they lingered on the table where the keys to the apartment and the Mercedes sat, right next to his credit card and the picture you kept in your wallet.
Kicking the door closed, he abandoned his suitcase and rushed down the hall. His heart hammered knowing what he would find but he had to check as he pushed open your bedroom door. No, it wasn’t your bedroom anymore, it was a guest room. 
The feminine floral duvet his mother had chosen was gone, replaced with a plain white coverlet, and the windows were latched slightly open so whatever scent of yours he may have been able to save had already been cast away to the breeze. 
“Fuck!” he screamed as he punched his fist into the mattress. “Fuuuuucckk!!!”
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Max must have left before Pierre had finished partying after his shock win. It wasn’t even morning really as the sun was still cresting over the hills, and it was far earlier than you were expecting him. You thought perhaps you were dreaming when you woke to a knock and opened the door to find Max on your front steps. 
��Oh my god, are you okay?” you asked as you pulled him inside and inspected the bags under his eyes. 
“I’m better now,” he said as he wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your hair. “I told you I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” you murmured into his chest before pulling away so you could look into his eyes. “You need to sleep.”
“I’ll be fine, I have plans first.”
“Your plans can wait.” You took his hand and led him through the house to your room that overlooked the mariner. Your blankets were still warm as you nestled under the covers and patted the empty space beside you. “You’re not going to be comfortable in jeans.”
“Five minutes and you’re already trying to get me naked,” he teased as he pulled his shirt over his head before he unbuttoned his jeans.
“I never said naked,” you pointed out. The air froze in your lungs as he pushed them down his muscular thighs and you swallowed at the sight before.
“I’m not wearing boxers.”
“No, you certainly are not.” Your tongue rolled across your lips as you drank in every inch of him, the idea of sleep quickly departing your mind. Almost everything departed your mind, except want. “I think I am overdressed.”
“You make a habit of that.”
“I do, don’t I. Maybe you should come help me fix that.”
Max didn’t need to be told twice, he had been waiting for this moment since he had the memory of how your body felt against his. He pulled the covers back and knelt between your legs, his hands roaming up your body and under the baggy shirt of a band he didn’t know. The morning air was cool on your skin as you lifted your arms and he discarded the shirt over the side of the bed. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he murmured as he traced his lips over your racing pulse. A fiery trail of goosebumps remained where his kiss had been and he made his way to your lips before stealing the very breath from your lungs.
Your own hands went roaming, feeling his muscles tense beneath your touch until you reached his proud erection. He shuddered above you and moaned into your mouth before he pulled back. “I need you,” you begged, unabashedly. “Please, Max.”
His hands reached for your panties and the lace tickled as he dragged them down your legs. Even with your begging, he didn’t immediately bury himself in you. He took his time, settling back between your legs. He gently massaged your inner thighs with his strong hands, his thumbs dancing teasingly close to your core until a strangled whine escaped you.
“Relax, schat,” he said softly. “I’ll take care of you.”
He shifted onto his stomach and dipped his head to your core. You lost the ability to think as he gripped your hips and tugged you right onto his open mouth. A wordless cry filled the room and it took a second to understand it was coming from you as you lost yourself in the pleasure Max was giving you. You knew Max had an internal drive to succeed at everything he did and this was no different. He was determined to taste you completely and drive you into oblivion with his tongue and his fingers before he thoroughly fucked you. 
Max looked wild and untamed as you came undone around his fingers and he savoured the taste of you on his tongue as he rose above you. His eyes were dark and his lips swollen, his chin was damp and his smile satisfied. 
“Hi,” he chuckled with amusement. “Feeling alright?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed, because correlating a conscious thought into words seemed impossible as your body still trembled with aftershocks.
“Would you like a break?”
You reached between your bodies and wrapped your hand around his cock, guiding him closer to your entrance. “No, I want you, Max.”
“Completely sober, right?” he confirmed as the head pressed to your wet core.
“Not quite,” you teased, his brows pinching together at the words, “I’m drunk on you.”
The relief in his eyes was palpable and you cradled his face in your palm as you wrapped your legs around his hips. Your bodies united torturously slowly and your eyes fluttered at the fullness when every delicious inch was seated inside, your lips parting with a heady sigh.
“Open your eyes, schat.”
You obeyed in an instant, watching him watch you before his eyes drifted down your bodies. His lip was pinched between his teeth and he groaned at the sight of your pussy taking him so well, something he made sure to tell you.
“Fuck,” you choked as his words made your cunt clench in response, each thrust burying him deep in your cunt until stars dotted your vision and you were tipped over the edge into another orgasm. “Fuuuckk…”
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Six months later. “Babe, have you seen my shoes?” Your voice carried throughout the large penthouse apartment you had moved into with Max when the season ended. 
“Here, with your dress,” he called out from the living room. 
You followed his voice and found the luggage being neatly stacked by the door. He pointed to the two garment bags hanging from the coat rack and at the bottom of the longer one were your heels, next to his polished dress shoes.
“I packed your coat too,” Max said, kissing your temple as he passed to get the car keys.
With the COVID restrictions being lifted Pascale hadn’t wanted to wait a minute longer for the wedding, so winter nuptials in February was the go. At least they were taking place in Sicily so it would be a little warmer, but of course Max would think to pack a coat for when the temperatures dropped at night. He was always thoughtful like that.
“Did you want a coffee?” you asked as you turned on the machine and put your travel mug under it. It was only a three hour flight on Max’s private jet, but you hadn’t slept well with the knowledge you would see Charles for the first time since Christmas. 
Cordial is how you would describe that relationship. The familiarity and intimacy was gone, replaced with standoffish politeness. You were both trying to find where the line could be drawn on a platonic friendship that had the history of more and it was slow going. You didn’t want anything you said or did around him to be misconstrued. 
Max made you happy, and just as importantly, Max was healthy for you. You did sometimes wonder if he tried harder to be better because he had witnessed toxic relationships growing up. He knew how that toxicity could poison and break someone so there was a conscious effort in the way he spoke and acted to everyone around him. Even Charles. 
That was why he had offered his plane for everyone to use, including Charles and Charlotte. For better or for worse, Charles was going to be a part of your family in less than 24 hours and Max respected that. Like he said, he didn’t care about your past and your future was one with him.
“Schatje,” Max called, one hand on your waist, the other reaching past you to the overflowing mug in the coffee machine. “Everything alright?”
You came back to the present with a few blinks and turned in his arms, surprising him with a deep kiss as you fisted his shirt and pulled him closer. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He pulled back to see your face. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you said with a shake of your head but he saw right through it. “Everything you’ve done for me…a simple ‘I love you’ just doesn’t seem enough. I can never say it enough.”
Max’s hands cradled your jaw and he dipped his head to indulge in a slow but thorough kiss that had your stomach clenching with a fresh wave of desire. When he pulled back this time he smiled as he found the clear want and need for him written on your face. “It’s enough for me.”
He turned the machine off and poured the ruined coffee down the sink. “I’ll get you a proper coffee on the way to the airport. We should get going, can’t have the best woman be late for the rehearsal.”
“I think dad settled on the term groomsmaid,” you corrected with a laugh. You had nearly cried when he asked you to be his best man, before accepting the honour. It was fitting considering the bridesmaids were Pascale’s sons. “It’s not too late if you want to be a flower girl?”
He grinned and his eyes flicked to the door where the dress you had paraded for him last night hung. “I’m quite happy to sit back and watch.”
“If I recall, you didn’t sit still for long. I hope you have more self restraint for the ceremony.”
 “For the ceremony, yes. But as soon as we hit the hotel room you’re mine and that dress will be on the floor, I promise you.”
You bit your lip at the promise, knowing he would keep it just like every other one he had made. 
“We should probably go before I do something that makes us very late,” Max groaned, stepping away from your tempting body. 
“Ugh, fine.”
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The ceremony was more than just a wedding and it represented the joining of the Leclerc’s and the Y/LN’s, something that had surprised you and also made you grateful for having waterproof mascara. You didn’t dare look at Charles when the celebrant spoke about the union of the two families, but Arthur grinned and Enzo winked, your father narrowed his eyes and you laughed.
The celebrant, thankfully, didn’t understand.
The cashmere coat Max had packed hung over the bag of your chair as night fell and you danced with him under the open stars. The only light came from the fairy lights strung around the stone pillars that had survived centuries on the island. His arms kept you warm as you swayed to the music and you spoke quietly to each other in a world of your own.
“Hey, can I, uh, can I cut in?” Charles asked hesitantly.
You took a deep breath as you debated the question, your eyes glancing around and quickly finding Charlotte at a table with Arthur and his girlfriend. You looked at Max to see if it was okay. He just smiled and kissed your cheek, whispering, “I’ll get us a drink.”
Charles waited until Max had made it off the dance floor before offering his hand, the other coming to rest on your waist. The first step was tentative, like he wasn’t sure you were actually going to follow his lead. “You look happy,” he said after a few more steps.
“I am.”
He nodded to himself, looking at Charlotte. “Good. That’s good.”
He looked miserable. “I hope you find real happiness one day.” You were being honest.
“I had it.” And he was being honest too. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I ever really apologised, not properly.”
“It’s fine, if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have met Max.”
“It was meant to be us, though, right?” His eyes were begging you to agree with him but you had spent sleepless nights poring over the very same question.
“I think our paths crossed to make sure our parents met,” you admitted, smiling at the newlyweds as they danced too. You had never seen your dad happier.
“You really believe that?”
The song came to an end and you found Max returning from the bar with two drinks in his hand. “I have to,” you said as you slipped out of Charles’ arms. You swallowed the lump in your throat and took a step away from him.
“Why?” He took a step closer, only stopping when you took another step back and held up your hand. “Why?”
You took a calming breath and steadied your voice. “Because the alternative would only break my heart again.”
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haztory · 4 months
i’m a firm believer that john price, while he loves to take care of his lady and spoil her endlessly, is not a fan of seeing her reduced down to a baby.
if he’s into daddy kinks, it’s with the premise of you making him a daddy just as he will make you a mommy. if he’s spanking you, it’s not as a means of punishment but instead because it riles you up. he’s not into feeling abnormally ancient within a relationship dynamic, he actually quite likes when his woman is on par with him— intellectually, maturity, physically. he doesn’t like infantilization because he’s not into girls, he’s into women. sturdy ones that can hold their own and dish out as much as they can take.
it comes with its occasional drawbacks, however. the one—and only time— john ever lost his temper and yelled at you (not because you made him angry but because work is stressful, and his last assignment left him having a hard time readjusting to home, and you’ve been so patient, and he’s frustrated that he just can’t be what you need him to be) it was a staunch reminder that this is not a fling with some naive girl who idolizes him for his age and stature. he’s in a relationship. an adult one.
you’re staring at him, a brow raised and a stern look on your face as the echoes of his shout settle in the room. it’s a kind of glare that is only etched out by mothers to their disobedient children. stilling and telling of how exactly you feel about john’s outburst. there is no reason for gnashing teeth and snarling bites when you’re asking how you can best support him. and while you know in your head he doesn’t mean it, it still doesn’t excuse it.
“let’s put a pause in this, cause clearly we’re not going to get anywhere.” you say, voice carefully neutral but he can see the rage bubbling in your gaze, “why don’t you go take a walk, and when we’re both calm, we can discuss this further.”
and he hates the therapy speak, the measured and careful approach to emotions— it’s ridiculous, almost insulting. you’re treating him like a child, an explosive time bomb when both comparisons could be further from the truth. he’s the expert in bomb handlings, for christ’s sake. but he listens, grabbing his keys and a cigar and stepping out the door with an annoyed huff.
time and space, john begrudgingly admits, works wonders on a irritated mind. he finds his error in the mist of vexed thoughts and irrational moods, tempers it down with a long drag of his cigar and the wash of brandy at the pub. and he’s remorseful, incredibly so as he walks through the threshold of your home when the sun is setting to find you in the loveseat, book in hand and dinner simmering on the stove. you spare him a quick glance before returning to your novel, nothing further said.
he stands at the door, shameful and cognizant of his idiocy. he’s removing his fisherman beanie from the top of his head and moves to stand before you on your place on the couch. it has you closing your book, laying it down on your lap as you turn your attention to the man.
“i’m sorry.” he says lowly, eyes fixed on the hat in his hand as he picks a stray string on the fabric. “i shouldn’t have shouted at you. there was no need for that.”
your eyes stare knowingly into his, understanding written all over your face and while it’s a relief to see, it’s only a further iteration of what he’s come to realize—you are not just anyone. you’re someone who he wants to build his home with, navigate through terse and stormy waters with because you’re the perfect balance to the man who tries so hard to balance it all. it’s not perfect, but you don’t care about that. you don’t need perfect, have never demanded it to be—you strive for healthy. you model it by example, and you’ve whipped him into shape for it.
“it’s hard adjusting right now.”
“i know,” you tell him softly. your hands grab at his, pulling him down to his knees so you can see him at your level. you place your hands on the sides of his face, bringing him in for a gentle and sweet kiss. “if it’ll help, i can give you some space. a couple of days, i can go stay with my parents—“
“no.” he’s quick to shoot it down, shaking his head and rubbing his hands up and down the tops of your thighs, “i want you with me. i’m better when you’re with me.”
“okay.” you give him another gentle kiss. “thank you for apologizing. are you ready to eat some dinner or do you want to freshen up first?”
either choice doesn’t matter, he’d rather do whatever it is that you’re doing.
so yeah, john likes women who put him in his place. it turns him on a bit.
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smoochhyuka · 4 months
Riize as boyfriends
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No one can treat you as well as them. <3
○o。content warnings! SFW, gn!reader, idol!riize, mentions of partying and drinking in Eunseoks, mention of (healthy)food and eating in Sungchans, Antons is a tinie tiny bit suggestive, super fluffy general headcanons, briefly edited for spelling and grammar
Classic, romantic, simple. Shotaro will always find a way to make your heart flutter and to make you feel loved and appreciated.
I feel like he'd let you take charge quite often, but not because he is necessarily shy or insecure, but because he is a little bit of a yes-man when it's you. He just loves seeing you happy.
Everyone, including him, has a tight schedule that makes it hard to meet you regularly, so it happens that you won't see him for a few weeks. He will call you daily to check up on you, though, even if it's just for five minutes.
He believes in quality over quantity, so when you do see each other, it's always a full weekend that has been thoroughly planned by yours truly. A spa day at home, a visit to a nice restaurant, a long stroll in the park the next day, followed by a wonderfully, home cooked meal, a lazy but cozy bed-rotting date on the last.
It doesn't matter if you're older or younger than him, he will take care of you regardless. He will always check on you with that cute smile of his. You're hungry? He is already up to bring you a snack. You're tired? Your laptop, tea and your pajamas are already neatly waiting on the nightstand for you.
It's always shits and giggles with Shotaro, of course you'll have a few deeper conversations, especially late at night, but most of the time you keep the conversation light and fun.
He is the perfect movie boyfriend, someone who would wait in the rain in front of your window if you ever happen to get into a serious argument.
Speaking of romantic gestures, he is a sucker for them. It doesn't matter how cliché, how overdone they are, he always manages to make them less cringe and more endearing.
Shotaro is the type to hold a rose in between his teeth, prick himself on the thorns and slow dance with you in the kitchen to a random "best romantic songs" playlist on YouTube.
Matching outfits! But you're not wearing exactly the same clothes, but your aesthetics are matching.
Long build-up kinda romance. You have been unofficially dating for months, dancing around each other, not dating anyone else despite being (technically) single, only kissing when you're both drunk at parties~
He has become quite protective of you over all this time (because he always worried you'll get a boyfriend who isn't him) and carries that habit into the relationship as well, even though he knows you're all his.
Working hard to be your tough and strong boyfriend, always has an arm around your shoulder or waist when you're out together. Always accompanies you when you're going out partying or drinking, if he is somehow unable to he will make sure to pick you up.
But behind that facade is a man who is just! silly.
He always makes you laugh, and almost every time manages to embarrass himself. Trips and falls on air (with a straight face), rips off the zipper of a jacket while you're out shopping and hangs it back (with a straight face).
Will flirt with you as if you weren't dating. "Damn beautiful, you're here often?", Eunseok asks after he returns from the bathroom, offering to buy you a drink at the bar you both decided to go to together this evening.
Eunseok is someone you go on adventures with. You can text him at 3am "Let's go visit *insert random place in driving distance*" and he's like "a'ight", already waiting in his car in front of your apartment.
Someone you can rely on, he will always keep his promises and honestly won't make them if he's not sure if he could keep them.
Being with Eunseok is like dating your best friend (probably because that's what has been going on for all these months...).
Probably the only one who courts you fiercely, asking you for your number immediately, and taking you on a date without wasting any time. The day you two met, he had a hunch you might be the one.
I've seen a few posts where he's described as a little traditional, and I totally see that as well! He is the tough and strong boyfriend Eunseok tries to be. Always tell you, "if someone is messing with you, tell me. They won't anymore after I am done with them."
Prefers to be the big spoon, the one who drives (one hand only), to carry your shopping bags~
Will always let you try things first, even if he bought them for himself. You get the first bite, you get to play his new video game first, you get to smell the perfume first, you sometimes even get to wear his new clothes first ("someone needs to model them for me.")
But he is not conservative! Won't mind washing the dishes or folding laundry, he doesn't like doing it, but he won't let you sit on these chores by yourself either.
If you struggle with eating healthily, he doesn't mind cooking as well. It won't be a skillfully crafted three-course meal, but an upgrade from your usual "junk", as he calls it. He'd also drop by the grocery store occasionally to buy you high protein snacks.
Anything you do is cute to him! Sometimes you question his sanity, though. You'd walk around the apartment in oversized, old clothes (comfort clothes), with a frown on your face, unwashed hair, feeling like a whole gremlin, and he's smiling from ear to ear, pinching your cheeks and teasing you. "SO CUTE", he'd squeal at you in an uncharacteristically high pitch.
You don't need to be a gymrat like him, but he definitely wants you to accompany him from time to time, even if you just walk a little on the treadmill or do a few simple exercises. His main reason for dragging you into the gym is company. You being there is a visual incentive to work harder. He also has a reason to flex his muscle growth AND get a fully body massage by his cutie, who shows nothing less than empathy for his aching body after exercising so delinquently~
Speaking of dragging you places, he's big on quality time. Won't go anywhere (especially if it's boring) without you: a doctor's appointment, the post office, a late night walk to clear his head. Even if you sit in silence the whole time, he's happy you're there with him.
Princess Wonbin. Spoiled, needy and super affectionate.
Lets his charm work overtime to get anything he wants from you. "My back hurts so much from dancing yesterday...," he complains, looking you deeply into your eyes with a frown, expecting you to give him a back rub. You don't catch the hint, though, just pressing a kiss on his cheek. "I don't know what could help to stop this pain...", he now smiles at you, lying his head on your shoulder and looking up at you through his bangs, rubbing circles on your thigh. It worked.
Takes you on casual dates, but not because he is lazy, he genuinely prefers to stay in and snuggle or stroll around the city than to dress up and go to a fancy five-star restaurant.
If you do want to do anything special, though, it's usually something thoughtful, that he has planned for a while. Most of the time being something that has been on your bucket list for quite some time, or something that you both haven't done before (as long as it doesn't test his limits, aka something scary.)
Probably the most balanced relationship with no discernible dynamic or role, you both usually share or switch chores, cuddling positions or other typical relationship stuff.
That being said, there are definitely moments when he wants to take charge, especially if it's something that you would've needed help with anyway, like repairing something in your apartment or carrying something heavy. It's so surprising that it's always exciting for you.
On the other hand, he also expects you to guide him when he needs it the most, when he's feeling down or when he's in an especially needy mood. Doesn't mind if the others call him your girlfriend.
If there is something you particularly like, he will make/buy/get it in excess. You like him in a ponytail? He will never leave his hair open around you again. You like a specific fruit? Your kitchen and his dorm kitchen are overflowing with that particular fruit (the members complaints fall on deaf ears). You hate a specific color? Throws everything away in that color, even if it's not his. He's kind of intense like that.
He lets himself go with you, lets himself be not pretty. He will tell you all his worries, secrets or issues. You're his rock, and you can be damn sure he's yours too.
He was a little bit hesitant in pursuing you, but after he overcame that obstacle, he is ready to take over your world!
Don't let that cute face fool you, he knows what he does best and is very confident in his abilities, and it will show in your relationship.
Hates it when you baby him, so only do it when you intentionally want to get him riled up. He isn't actually mad at you, how could he?
He is your biggest cheerleader, if you ever doubt yourself, you can rely on him to get you right back on your feet with newly found confidence.
Sohee has a little bit of a competitive spirit (if he knows he has a chance of winning...) so he'll challenge you quite often to random little games or silly competitions, often making you both laugh at the end of it.
Looooooves to teach you stuff, feels good about himself every time you ask him about something. He's proud and happy that you feel confident and secure with him to learn from him. If it's something you genuinely need help with, instead of it just being a topic you have been a little curious about, he makes sure to sit down with you and be of assistance, he might even do some research of his own so you can complete the task/fill that knowledge gap. He might tease you a little bit for not knowing, but he won't make fun of you.
Speaking of teasing, he is the member who does it the most. He always finds a way to do it, and he is not shy to tease you (lovingly) in front of others. Sometimes it gets so out of hand that you physically need to get him off your back to stop, he's a real prankster.
Dates with him are always fun! You try out new things, or do the standard fun dates like amusement parks, karaoke singing or ice skating. Romantic dates are reserved for special occasions like an anniversary, birthdays or anything that deserves celebration.
Overall Sohee likes to feel needed and likes it if you rely on him. He is already putty in your hand if you let him decide what you wear that day or when you fangirl over him. He has a possessive side to him, that he doesn't show often though (only if you like it <3).
Surprisingly bold in pursuing you, not straightforward like Sungchan, but more in a tactical, silent killer type of way. You exchange numbers as friends, you go out to eat as friends, you have sleepovers as friends, you kiss... as friends??
EXAMPLE! You step out of the changing room to show him that new outfit you plan on buying, thinking nothing of it, expecting a nod or maybe even a timid "it's good" from him. But he hits you with a "you're seriously so beautiful...", as he's checking you out, in that soft voice of his. (no one believes you)
Dating Anton includes lots of presents, lots of cuddling, lots of fun activities and lots of making out.
He spoils you a lot, buying you presents or crafting little suprises as if it was his job. And it's never a big deal to him! "I thought of you the moment I saw this...", he grins, handing you a 600€ bracelet, as if it was a hand-picked flower.
Everything you do is cute to him pt. 2. He is an admirer, loving the little things about you. When he's asked what he likes about you its always something super specific "I love the way they laugh." or "The way they always see positivity in everything is something I truly appreciate."
Super attentive to you, just wants you to be happy. Making you happy is making him happy (some might even say he's a simp).
Dating for him is super serious and he has already planned your future together in great detail. At the beginning he might be love-bombing a little bit but not because he's trying to manipulate you but because he actually forgets you haven't been married since 2013. :(
Don't keep secrets from him, even if you don't mean any harm. If it's something you seriously can't tell him or something you don't feel comfortable talking about yet, you need to explain in great detail why you can't. He is a little bit sensitive and worries easily.
Anton prefers someone who is maybe a little bit sensitive as well, so you can swoon and take care of each other.
Maybe contrary to popular believe, I think he's super jealous as well! Doesn't like seeing you talk to strangers (especially those who are handsome...) and tends to even get jealous when you spent a disproportionate (!) amount of time with you friends ("Baby, I am your boyfriend, not them...").
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minhyungsluvr · 5 months
a/n: would you believe this has been in the drafts for a year now!!! The dialogue kicked my ass, but alas I prevailed
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He had texted you, saying it was another late practice. For the past week he had left earlier in the morning, and came back late at night barely able to keep his eyes open long enough to slip into bed beside you. You had brought it up before, or tried to, and he brushed you off. Saying it was apart of his job, he doesn't need a break, he feels fine. You not even sure if he's eating properly. The final straw was when he came home late again, this time you were away waiting on him. Like clock work, he comes through the door sluggishly. Movements slow, eyes heavy from lack of sleep. It almost pained you to bring it up now when the last thing he probably wanted was to hear you fuss over him again. But if you didn't bring it up now, then would you be able to again. "Mark, this really isn't healthy. You're not sleeping, I'm not sure your even eating meals. I'm sure you can afford a couple of days to relax." You spoke softly, hoping that keeping your voice soft would slim the chances of a fight starting. That didn't work. "Baby..." he started with a sigh. " I really don't want get into this tonight, I'm tired" he said as he walked past you to get to the bedroom. You followed him, still trying to make your point. "I'm not trying to nag or anything, but I just want you to start taking better care of yourself". He's still not listening to you, he to busy chaning into his pajamas. "Are you listening to me", you ask, now feeling frustrated. "I am, and I mean it when I say I'm fine. So can you please drop it so we cam go sleep." He turns to you as he speaks, waiting for you to say something else before moving. You nod once, "okay, fine." You slip under the covers, back towards him, you don't say goodnight and neither does he.
Renjun was your first serious relationship, and you had hoped he'd be your last. He was everything you could ask for in a boyfriend. He was caring, you had similar interests, and be made time for you despite his busy schedule. You've met a lot of the members of his group, you loved their dynamic. The way they were like family, how they were able to joke with each other like brothers. Your relationship was moving beautifully, until you invited him to brunch with some of your friends. When you asked, he Immediately froze up. Stumbling over his words to give you a quick, barely thought out excuse of why he would be busy during that time. You asked him again a week later, this time it was bowling. And again, he suddenly had to go do something with his members that he just thought about. It had been a month of bad excuses and dodging ever attempt at trying to meet your friends. They were starting to think you were making it up. It came to the point where you had to confront his about it. On a day where he was most definitely not bust you asked him again, "do you want to come with me a few friends for lunch"? You could feel him tense from his position on you as you both were stretched across the couch. "Ummm....." he started, beginning to sit up. "Why don't you want to meet my friends? I've met yours, and it was a lot of them." You spoke, exasperated. He starts looked around, like he's trying to find another excuse. "Stop" You saying, now also sitting up, "be honest with me Renjun. Why do you keep lying?" He hears your voice wobble, see your eyes get glossy. "I just don't understand, I've told how important my friends are to me and you won't even try to meet them." He's quick to console you as a tesr finally makes its way down your cheek. "It's not that I don't want to, I'm just nervous. I know how much they mean to you, and-" You cut him off, " I really like Renjun, and for us to get build our relationship your going to have to meet the important people in my life like I've met yours." You had taken his hand in yours, giving reassuring squeezes every now and then as he let your words sink in.
This problem has been festering for a minute, and it’s probably your fault the situation is as big as it is. You should’ve brought it up when it was only a small issue, not when you came home from work later than usual with an attitude because your boss is a jerk. All you wanted was to come home to a clean and quiet home, instead you walk through the door to hear your boyfriend yelling through from the bedroom. All the dirty dishes were piled up in the sink, including the ones from the morning that you asked him to clean before you got home. When you walked in the room to ask him about the mess that was your kitchen, you didn’t want it to turn into a fight. It started with you asking him why he didn’t wash the dishes like you asked, especially since he was home all day. Then it ended with you accusing him of never taking you seriously. “What do you mean I don’t take you seriously?” he asked, no longer shouting. “I mean exactly what I said, you don’t take me seriously. When I tell you something you only joke about it.” The frustration was on your face and his as you started listing instances where he turned what you were feeling or what you said into a joke. Hot tears welled up in your eyes as you kept talking, anger building up from the long day you had and the argument you were having with Haechan. Seeing your face, how tired you looked, he calmed down. “Gorgeous, why have you never brought this up earlier?” You shrugged,feeling all the fight leave at his quiet tone. "Look, I promise to start listening better if start telling me how your feeling before it blows up." He stands in front of you, head tilting down to meet your teary eyes. He's only given a single nod, but the small, barely there smile on your face tells him everything will be alright.
It's embarrassing, humiliating! You sit alone, at a table for two, in a restaurant with fancy lights, all by yourself. Looks of pity are being thrown from across the restaurant as you check the time of your phone for the fourt time that minute. Nope, still no text from Jeno. No text saying he's late, no text telling you why he hadn't shown up yet, not even a text to cancel. You could feel your face heat up as other couples walked past to get to their tables. Finally you gave up, you've waited thirty minutes too long. Walking out the restaurant, you call him, eager to see what held him up. "Hello" he answers on the first ring, "y/n..... are you there"? You had froze, he didn't show up to dinner because he was sleep! Not because he was in some life threatening situation. After the last time he had missed a date, he promised that he wouldn't miss another. Or at the very least let you know ahead of time why he couldn't come. You held the phone for another second before answering. "Did you forget about out plans" you ask. You hear him cuss quietly on the phone, before there is a rustling sound. Probably him fighting with his sheets to get out the bed. "I'm so sorry", he starts, "tell me where you are and I'll meet you there, ok sweetheart." He throws the pet name on at the end, knowing what it does to you. But it doesn't have the same effect this time. "Don't worry about it Jeno, I'm going home." You hung up before he was able to answer. He wasted no time calling you back while getting dressed, each called went ignored and only fueled him to move faster to meet you. By the time he showed up at your door, all his calls and texts still went unanswered. He could only hope you'd answer the door so he could try and make it right.
Of course you knew how busy he was before you even started dating. But if he was able to make time for you when you were just friends, you assumed that wouldn't change when he became your boyfriend. You'd spend weekends together watching romcoms, going out to eat, and now your lucky if you see him at least once a month. At first you blamed it on comeback season. Then of course there was the tour. But now he was back, and the most he done is respond to your texts telling you he's made it back home, or to laugh at a meme you've sent. You'd ask if he was free one day to come over, to hang out, he says he can't because he's playing games with Jeno. A new movie with your favorite actress just came out, and he can't see it with you because he's already getting lunch with the members. This goes on for a while, you trying to set dates up and him declining because he already has plans. You and your relationship have been pushed aside for a while, and you were sick of it. You called him on night, to ask him when he'd be free next. "I'm not really sure, I was going to spend some time just relaxing." Normally, he would've invited you over, but your not sure whats going on with him now. "Jaemin, are you tired of me?" He makes a noise of surprise over the phone, "What makes you say that, you know I'm crazy about you". You sigh, "It's like you don't want to be around me anymore. You're always busy, but not to busy for everyone else." It's a hot minute before he answers, "I didn't realize I was making you feel like that, I didn't even realize I was pulling away from you". "I understand that your busy, but I don't know...." you trail off. "No, I get it, I do. And I'm sorry", he says, "I just need to find balance is all. But don't think you're not important to me". His reassuring words bring a smile back to your face, "so are you going to be free soon" you ask hoping his answer would be different from earlier.
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WIBTA for breaking up with my boyfriend because he likes my body?
TW for ED but please hear me out:
My bf (30m) and I (28f) have been together for a little over 5 years. When we got together I had an extremely stressful and physically demanding job. Shortly after our relationship started I relapsed with an eating disorder that had been a problem since prepubescence; I started restricting heavily at age 11 and had struggled with it on/off since then.
After quitting that terrible job and regaining some agency in my life, I spent a couple of years really focused on recovery. Without giving specific numbers (cause triggering) I'll say that I was extremely underweight to an unhealthy level for at least a year and experienced severe health complications because of it. I nearly died from heart problems and had a big wakeup call that caused me to change my whole life. I've done the work of recovery without medical help (history of omission with doctors) but have had support from my bf, and am currently at the highest weight of my life.
at a recent checkup my Dr talked a lot about "healthy lifestyle" and mentioned my weight gain over the past couple of years. I'm still within the "normal" range for my height and build, but the after visit summary/chart notes denoted risk of becoming overweight. Idk if my Dr would have brought it up if my history of ED was in my chart, (and I did switch primary care practices a few years ago, so they weren't treating me at my thinnest) but it still shook me a bit and I will admit to feeling very triggered.
The job I moved to is quite sedentary compared to the previous terrible one - I wfh, and very rarely have to be on my feet or do strenuous activity. In addition, I have chronic pain issues that make exercise difficult, and so historically have just restricted to maintain/lose weight because it's easier for me physically to just be hungry than to work out. I didn't want to go down that road again though because of how intense and scary it got last time.
My bf is a personal trainer and specializes in working with low ability clients and people recovering from long illness/injury. When I told him that I wanted to start exercising more often and get a good cardio routine going, he was really excited and started immediately putting together an "action plan" (what he calls it w his clients idk) for me. Then he mentioned how I'd need to add on a bunch of meal supplements and snacks to avoid losing weight and I got upset.
We're a plant-based (vegan) household and live with a roommate (bf's friend) so mostly eat/cook communal dinners and have various breakfast & lunch plans on hand, so we already eat pretty healthy and make sure to have a good balance of macro/micro in the meal plan. My intent was to eat the same but increase my activity level to get out of the danger zone without restricting. I don't generally snack and rarely eat dessert, just the 3 squares.
I told my bf that I needed to lose weight and be more active according to my doctor, and that I wasn't comfortable with having protein supplements, smoothies, and snacks in addition to regular meals because that would defeat the purpose. He got really sad and said that he likes the way my body is now, and while he supports being more active, he doesn't want the size of me to change. His exact words at some point were "you look so good now, I love the amount of you that there is and I like the way you jiggle." It kind of made me feel sick and wonder if he has like a secret size fetish or something?
So I've been thinking of breaking things off with him and moving in with a friend or back in with my parents, but idk if this is actually a red flag or just the disorder talking? He did help me a lot with recovery but if he's going to keep me from being healthy or wants me to gain even more weight then maybe it's better to leave - would this be an asshole move? I honestly don't know.
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gjenkatarot · 5 months
PICK A CARD 💝 What's blocking love in your life?
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→ Masterlist. → Exchange readings. → Paid readings.
⟡ Pile one ⟡
It seems like you really want a deep emotional connection—a kind of love that makes both people feel open and vulnerable. Something that lasts a long time, like finding a soulmate. You might want a love that's passionate and exciting, something that completely engulfs you. But here's the thing, you might also feel a bit scared or unsure about these kinds of connections, even if you really want them. It's like you're constantly thinking, "Does this person really like me? Why would they like me?" These thoughts might be holding you back from the love you truly want.
To get past this, you need to be open to new experiences and understand your feelings. Those fears are stopping you from getting what you really desire. They're keeping you from experiencing everything you want. So, take small steps outside your comfort zone. Be okay with being a bit vulnerable and stop worrying so much. It's about making those little brave moves and being okay with not knowing everything. Trust yourself.
You can bring love into your life by building a strong foundation for yourself. Take care of your needs, love yourself, and be open and talkative. Sharing your thoughts and feelings can help you attract love. Spend time and effort on your personal growth and getting better at things. By becoming the best version of yourself, you'll naturally bring love into your life.
⟡ Pile two ⟡
You might struggle with creating healthy boundaries in relationships. This can lead to conflicts or power struggles. It seems like you often have disagreements in matters of love. Because you're an independent person, you might find it hard to be vulnerable, honest, or emotionally connected. You tend to approach relationships with a more logical mindset, and you might rush into them without thinking about long-term compatibility.
To overcome these challenges, try expressing your emotions honestly. If something feels wrong, speak up about it. Focus on taking care of both your body and your emotions. Also, be patient with yourself. Take time to figure out what you truly want and desire. Make clear, realistic choices when it comes to love. Avoid getting caught up in unrealistic expectations. Instead, make decisions based on what aligns with your values and long-term goals.
To bring love into your life, be open and embrace your emotions. Let go of anything that might be holding you back from experiencing the love you deserve. Release old patterns and habits to make space for new love to come in!
⟡ Pile three ⟡
Your work or professional life seems to be a big focus for you, maybe even more so than your personal relationships. It looks like there are some fears and concerns related to love, such as insecurities, stress, and a busy work schedule. These worries, both from within yourself and from external factors, might be affecting your overall well-being. You seem to be taking a slow and cautious approach to matters of the heart, perhaps prioritizing work over romance and not wanting to rush into things.
To overcome these blocks, try finding a balance in giving and receiving within your relationships. Assess whether you're putting enough effort into personal connections and if you're open to receiving love and support from others. Be proactive in addressing any issues or concerns, and clear communication might be key to moving forward romantically. There's an opportunity for improvement in your love life, especially if you've been feeling isolated or left out. Embrace positive changes.
If you want to attract love, start by being honest and transparent in your approach. Be genuine and authentic in your interactions, avoiding the tendency to hide your true self or intentions. Embrace self-love and self-care. Cultivate confidence, nurture your well-being, and let your authentic, nurturing qualities shine. Release any self-doubt, fears, or limiting beliefs that might be holding you back from connecting with others romantically. Recognize your power and break free from any mental constraints.
⟡ Pile four ⟡
You're someone who is open to love and understands emotions well, both yours and others'. However, it seems like you might be giving a lot in your relationships and not receiving as much in return. Finding a balance here could bring more harmony to your connections. Right now, you might be feeling content and self-sufficient, which is great, but it could also make it a bit challenging to welcome new romantic possibilities. There are many opportunities around you; you just need to notice and embrace them. Actively seek out new connections and experiences.
You have the potential for a fresh start or a new emotional connection. To overcome any challenges, open your heart to the possibilities of love. Let yourself feel and express genuine emotions, and be open to receiving the love that others might offer. Avoid hiding your true feelings or intentions. Take a look at your past experiences and learn from them. Reflect on any patterns or behaviors that might be holding you back from fully embracing love.
To attract love, keep things fair and balanced in your relationships. Make sure your actions match your values, and aim for partnerships where both give and receive are equal. Focus on building a stable and secure foundation for yourself. This might involve being smart with money, knowing your worth, and showing confidence. Stay hopeful and positive about your romantic future. Be true to yourself, chase your dreams, and trust that good changes are on the way.
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nohaijiachi · 8 months
I got randomly recommended this video by YT and wrote a ginormous comment in response because I have no self control, apparently, so I thought I might as well also share my thoughts here in regard to whatever is going with THIS FUCKING SMILE
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(under a cut to not clog y'alls dashboards)
(the first part of the comment here is a direct response to some of the ideas put forth in the video, it is very short so give it a quick watch for more context if you want)
Imo it's not necessary to look into overcomplicated theories that rely too much on off screen shenanigans to explain the smile, for how amusing the idea of them having swapped during the kiss is (like, the kind of stuff I won't want to be actually canon, but I'll be very happy to see explored in fan fics lol)
I think to fully explain that smile we have to take in consideration multiple factors:
This show is very purposeful in what it does and doesn't, well... show. That last shot is very long and I think the fact that Aziraphale's and Crowley's expressions in the aftermath of their disastrous break up is shown in such a manner tells us a LOT about the state of mind they might be at the start of S3, and the obstacles they'll have to face. Aziraphale doesn't immediately smile, rather he seems to look almost shell-shocked for most of the shot; it's clear (to me at least lol) that the quiet ride up the elevator is finally giving him some desperately needed time to fully digest everything that happened, because too much has happened in an extremely short amount of time, and we all know Aziraphale doesn't do well with speed lol.
But, for how much he can sometimes be a complete moron, he is smart, and all he needs are just those seconds of quiet to properly ponder on everything, on the choices made and the ramifications of said choices, and that's how we get to smile-- I'll delve into what I think Aziraphale is going through in his mind in more details later, because I also think it's necessary to focus a bit on Crowley's own expression, since the both of them are so intrinsically linked that the narrative cannot make sense without taking the both of them into account.
Crowley's expression is much more static and doesn't change the way Aziraphale's does; he looks profoundly tired in ways we've never seen him before. I don't think he's giving up on Aziraphale, and I fully believe the fact that he stood there and waited for Aziraphale to disappear in the elevator, the both of them sharing that last look, was a quiet message: He'll never give up on Aziraphale, he'll be there, waiting. But wait is all he can do for Aziraphale, now, because he can't follow where Aziraphale is going.
For how messy and full of heightened emotions the confession + kiss are, I think actually denying Aziraphale's request was a HUGE step forward for Crowley's character. He's never been able to deny Aziraphale, he always went back to him after every fight, and we all know how stupidly whipped for Aziraphale he is and how he'd empty the ocean with a spoon if Aziraphale asked him nicely-- But to actually put his foot down and say "no, I cannot do this for you" when asked to all but renounce the person he is now? Especially with how Aziraphale is all but begging him openly? That's a huge step, and something I think Crowley desperately needs to mature as a person (or, well, person-shaped being). We all love how Aziraphale has him wrapped around his little finger I'm sure, but we also all know that if they truly want to build a strong, healthy relationship they also both need to be able to keep their individuality and to put forth adequate boundaries about what they are willing to do for each other within reason.
Asking Crowley to come back to being an angel when he's made blatantly clear for six thousand bloody years how much he despises Heaven is not a 'within reason' request, innit?
So, yeah, for how heartbreaking the break-up was, in a sense Crowley needs it. They both do. They both need time apart to figure their own shit out, dismantle all those unhealthy habits they had to adopt in order to be with one another as safely as they possibly could while still 'employed', and then come back together with a clearer mind and a whole deal stronger than before, both as individuals and as a couple.
And I think how tired and downtrodden Crowley looks in that last shot is a precursor to this process, just as much as Aziraphale's smile is... So, let me get back to our favorite angel and what I personally think is going on with him.
I think to properly contextualize that smile we need to look at not just the happening of those infamous last fifteen minutes, but of S2 as a whole, and what Aziraphale does in it.
So, what is Aziraphale doing during S2?
At the start he seems to be more or less comfortably settled in his current life; he's as happy as ever doing what he's always done, enjoying humanity's creativity with his books and his music and his food and drinks, seemingly content to be puttering about in his bookshop (which is a stark contrast with Crowley's homelessness and his kinda adrift and depressed attitude). Of course then Jim!Gabriel throws a wrench right into that, but imo I think there was a lot more going on behind the facade of Aziraphale's well ingrained habits.
Sure, he still has all of his familiar comforts and his routine, but from the moment we see him interact with Crowley I saw a deep restlessness emerge in him: The panicked look he launches Crowley when Nina asks him about his 'naked man friend', the way he speaks with Crowley with all those 'our' he uses, the blatant way he keeps reaching over and touching Crowley-- To me that suggests that Aziraphale is clearly not as happy as he seems to be on a superficial glance. He clearly wants more with Crowley, wants to bring their relationship to the next step, but because the both of them are so deeply entrenched in their unhealthy coping mechanisms and habits and their inability to openly communicate it doesn't even occur to Aziraphale to just... You know. Take the first step, actually say something about it. So he just keeps throwing bait after bait in the water, hoping Crowley will bite and be the one taking the initiative as he's always done, finally allowing Aziraphale to accept said initiative, this time around.
Of course, we all see that Crowley doesn't take any first step, which is probably something deeply frustrating for Aziraphale at a subconscious level. That's how we get the ball; sure, on the face of it it was Aziraphale's way to make Nina and Maggie fall in love, but... Was it, really? Let's be real, for how entirely believable it is that Aziraphale makes up the lie about Nina and Maggie's love to cover for their miracle is, since we've seen him being anxious around other angels, I don't think for a second that had Aziraphale just stopped and spent three minutes thinking about it he wouldn't have found a way to convince Muriel that Nina and Maggie were, in fact, in love, especially with how 'green' Muriel is about humans.
I fully believe that Aziraphale is not properly thinking during S2, period. He's frustrated by his inability to bring his and Crowley's relationship to what he wants it to be, and that frustration and single-minded objective is utterly obfuscating his thought process. There are plenty of moments he seemed almost manic, imo, which I read as another sign about his 'impaired' (allow me the term) state of mind as of S2.
So, yes, the ball: On the face of it something to actually turn his lie to the Archangels into truth, but deeper down, perhaps almost unconsciously, I think Aziraphale sees the ball as a way to finally make him and Crowley happen. That fact that he's taking pointers about romance from human literature is blatant, and obviously he truly does believe the ball will be THE way to make love bloom.
If you stop and think about it, the ball scene is terrifying. These people are being manipulated to play the perfect background parts to make, what is in Aziraphale's mind, the height of romance atmosphere happen. The fact we get a juxtaposition with Nina's "what the F is going on, am I losing my mind???" rightful attitude underlines this. And I truly believe Aziraphale isn't exerting said manipulation with intent, but rather doing so subconsciously, because he's just so fixated on the idea of having finally the perfect set-up to have Crowley as he desires that he is influencing everything around him. After all, we all know they both have the tendency of making things happen the way they want simply by thinking that's how things are supposed to happen.
And again, he's so manic and giddy when he asks Crowley to dance, his ass is not LISTENING. He literally needed a brick thrown through a window to snap out of it.
So, in the present we have an Aziraphale who , in his own way, is trying to take the initiative, come out with plans. There is a moment that I think might have slipped under the radar of a lot of people but that's frightfully important about who Aziraphale is at this point in the story, and who he will need to become: "I have a plan," Aziraphale said to Crowley during the stare down with the demons outside of the bookshop after the ruined ball; Crowley didn't even seem to have registered that sentence at all, because his mind is already projected forward and going a mile a minute about what to do to keep both the humans and Aziraphale safe in this situation.
Crowley, who loves to swoop in and save Aziraphale, doing what he's always done to keep his angel safe, even to the detriment of their relationship with one another... And Aziraphale, who adores playing the part of the damsel in distress in turn, is actually telling Crowley that *he has a plan*.
That's not something to take lightly, methinks. That's very much just another sign that Aziraphale's individuality is struggling, trying to emerge through Aziraphale's anxiety and doubts and fears and deeply ingrained habits. Aziraphale's cognitive dissonance in regards to heaven, and his shaken faith in God are huge motivators of his actions, and in the grand scheme of things the scant few years he had away from under the oppressive thumb of heaven is nothing. It was barely any time at all in the face of the eternity of an immortal life spent under that oppression, and yet we are already seeing little glimpses of Aziraphale's rebellious side struggling to get fully free.
I think these little glimpses inform us at great lengths about the evolution Aziraphale's character will go through in S3, and greatly explains that strange smile right at the end; in my opinion that smile isn't the smile of someone who's trying to convince himself that he's ok, or realizing that Crowley loves him (he knew already, they both knew and have known for a long time, their inability to properly express those feelings was their downfall, but I don't think either of them has doubted even for a second when it comes to how much they love one another). In my opinion that smile is the smile of someone who is steeling himself for what he envisions in his future; equal parts old-sedated anxiety and yet determination to actually enact plans he's surely concocting in his brilliant little mind. That's the smile of someone who has just realized that not only they can, but that they need to do something, and you can damn well be sure they won't be sitting and twiddling their thumbs waiting to be saved, but they'll be the one saving themselves and everybody else along with 'em, this time.
Just as Crowley needs to actually spend some time define himself as himself, and not just in relation to Aziraphale, Aziraphale needs to spend some time shedding all those fears and doubts that are weighing him down, and emerge the other side someone much more self-assured and ready to do what he thinks is right without all the hesitations that have indirectly been strengthened by Crowley; in a way, by allowing Aziraphale an out with his 'temptations', Crowley had been feeding into those hesitations, and had been holding Aziraphale back from fully maturing, even if not done on purpose, obviously. Imo is very important for Aziraphale's character that he comes to realize that he doesn't need those excuses Crowley gifted him to keep doing what he thinks is right, that he actualizes his own morality properly, and enacts on it.
I don't have the faintest clue about what is going to happen in S3, but I do fully believe the above paragraph is what Aziraphale and Crowley's respective character arcs will focus on. And once they'll come back together they'll be the most power couple that has ever power coupl-ed, and the Metatron will have no clue about what is about to hit him >:)
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