#This was such a fun one. As soon as I heard it being recorded I knew I had to put it on the blog!
bumblekastclips · 8 months
Tangle Tails: UnderTangle
KYLE CROUSE: Here's a question from Morlas. "It's a beautiful bumbleday outside. The bumblebirds are singing, the bumbleflowers are blooming. On bumbledays like this bumblekasters like you should be answering this bumblequestion. Do you wanna have a bumblebad time? Because if you take one more bumblestep you are not going to bumblelike what bumblehappens next. Tangle falls into Undertale what happens?"
IAN FLYNN: Oh, the Paragon route. That's not the official term, I'm mixing with Mass Effect, I know -- but the good route. KYLE: [chuckles] The Pacifist Route? IAN: Pacifist Route! There we go. Yeah. KYLE: She tries to make friends with everybody? IAN: Yeah, she's gonna make friends with everybody. She's gonna laugh at all of Sans' jokes. She's going to save the underworld... home? God, it's been so long, what do they call it? New Home. Ah, I've fallen behind on my Undertale lore. Almost called it Deltarune, jeez o' pete. KYLE: [laughs] IAN: Point is, no, she- she's going to defeat Flowey, she's going to get the best possible end, everyone's going to be happy and, y'know, live happily ever after. Nah, nah, nah, Tangle- Tangle's the best thing to happen. KYLE: Mhm, mhm. Besties Papyrus and Tangle... terrifying. IAN: [chuckles, then in a Papyrus voice] "Now you are blue! That's my attack!" [as Tangle, excited] "Oh my God, I'm blue now!" KYLE: [laughing] The Tangle and Mettaton Dance-off! IAN: [chuckling] Ratings go through the roof within the first ten seconds. She's like, "No no no no no, keep- keep the fight goin', I wanna dance to this music more!" [begins humming Death by Glamour from the Undertale soundtrack] KYLE: [laughs] "Breaking news! Local lemur saves hell!" Tangle looks in the mirror. "Despite everything, it's still you." And then she's like, "Heck yeah!" [chuckles] Starts dancin'. IAN: [chuckles] The biggest hurdle she has is actually wanting to leave Toriel's house and all the pie. Like, she's super comfy. "Aw yeah, this is great!" She can hang out here for awhile! But eventually she'll want to go home, and that will lead to the confrontation, but she'll- it'll take her longer to move on. KYLE: [after chuckling] Yeah. Yeah...
--- TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It's just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don't like an answer, you don't have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It's all just for fun! ----- Do you want a specific question transcribed and posted? Send the question and the episode date to my ask box! Or if you just want questions about a certain character, send me their name and I will see what I can do!
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imagineshere-forall · 3 months
- staying with mom ✰ e. diaz
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Summary: the first time Christoper calls you mom 
Genre: mostly fluff but smidge of angst/tension
warnings: none
Pairing: eddie diaz x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
Notes: hi hi i tried to use american terms like mall and mom, but i am not american and i say mum, so if you notice any slip ups pls let me know and i will change it. I feel like it would be weird to picture chris saying mum in an american accent so i tried to only used mom   Also i have started watched the walking dead and am obsessed so pls feel free to request some fics for the walking dead (i’m halfway through s7)
When you and Eddie started dating, you waited quite a while before meeting Chris as you wanted to be sure in your relationship so as not to unsettle Chris. After about 8 months, you were pretty sure Eddie was it for you, and you eventually met Chris. Within 6 months of meeting Christopher you had pretty much moved in with the boys, and when the lease on your apartment was up for renewal Chris was the one who suggested you move in. That was over a year ago and since then the three of you had been living life as a happy little family. 
Today, you had a day off from work but Eddie did not, so you had decided to take Chris out for the day. For weeks, Chris had been saying his shoes were starting to get tight so you had decided you would take him to buy some new shoes and buy him a couple extra treats. It wasn’t often you and Eddie weren’t both at work at the same time, even if you didn’t have the same shift, you often overlapped so Chris would spend time with Carla.
Eddie was at work before you even woke up, so you and Chris had a slow morning before heading to the mall. The car journey was filled with music and laughs, you loved spending time with Chris and you guys always had an amazing time. 
Once you got to the mall you found yourself chasing Christoper, the shoe shop was all the way on the other side of the mall so you had decided to do fun shopping first. The first stop was at the ice cream parlor, and then the two of you made your way quickly over to the lego shop. You both bought a lego set, as you planned to watch a movie and build lego together in the afternoon. Once the pair of you had gone to all the shops you wanted to, you slowly walked back to the car, trying to agree on a movie to watch while you were building your legos. 
You were nearly at the car, when the ground started to rumble. Small tremors weren;t uncommon living in LA, but this was not that. The slight rumble turned to full blown shaking and the lights in the parking garage started to come loose and smash to the floor. You quickly dropped your bags and grabbed Christopher and headed for the car, it might not have been the smartest idea but in your panic it seemed like the safest option if the garage was to crumble. 
Somehow, you managed to get to the car in record time as you were opening the door, you noticed a piece of debris falling and you quickly pushed Chris into the car. Within seconds of you getting Chris safely into the car, the debris had come down, knocking you down in the process. You hit your head on the concrete and briefly lost consciousness, but you quickly came around to the sounds of Chris’s cries. 
“I’m here Chris, I’m okay,” you mumbled as you tried to wriggle free. Although, your right leg was trapped under the piece of the parking garage that had knocked you to the floor.
Not long after you regained consciousness, sirens were all you could hear and it became nearly impossible to keep your eyes open, and you were soon consumed by the darkness.
“Cap, get Eddie over here!” You heard being yelled from close by. Squinting at the bright light you started to blink your eyes back open and were met with Buck’s face looking down at you. 
“Chris, is Chris okay?” you forced out, your throat was hoarse and felt as though you had woken from a deep sleep. You could feel yourself being rolled onto a stretcher, presumably to move you to an ambulance, or at least a safer area. 
“Chris was with you?” Buck panicked. 
“I think I got him in the car,” you coughed, “Check him first.”
A couple minutes later you heard a car door be forced open, and then Buck’s shouts. 
“Chris!” Eddie’s shouts were so loud. He had arrived onto the scene and saw Buck carrying Chris over some rubble away from the car. You turned your head slowly and saw Eddie embrace his son tightly. 
“Where’s Y/N?” Eddie suddenly asked. The panic in his voice was palpable.
“Over here,” You heard Buck’s voice get louder as he led Eddie to you. Eddie placed Chris down next to your stretcher and cradled your face.
“Baby, are you okay?” he questioned, whilst scanning your body for any obvious injuries. 
“My leg got crushed but I’m fine. How is Chris? Is Chris okay?” you spoke so fast. 
“I’m fine,” you heard Chris speak. You could have cried with relief upon hearing his voice. You had seen Eddie carry him, but hearing him speak and confirming he was okay made you so happy.
“Now, let get you taken to hospital, Buck can you take Chris to Athena and get her to call Carla please,” Eddie said as he began to wheel you out of the area. You saw Buck begin to usher Chris towards Athena who you could see a while away directing people. 
You and Eddie both stopped and looked at Chris who was avoiding Buck and walking towards the two of you. 
“Chris, bud, y/n is okay. Your dad is just making sure she gets her leg checked out,” Buck tried to convince Chris.
“No,” Chris shook off Buck’s arms and carried on walking in your direction. Eddie sighed, letting go of your stretcher and turning to Chris before squatting down to his level while holding onto him. 
“Chris, I need to take y/n to get checked out. Can you please go with Buck?” Eddie begged.
“No.” Chris was being stubborn. 
“Chris please,” Eddie was starting to get desperate.
“I want to stay with mom.” Chris yelled. 
You, Buck and Eddie all went still. Suddenly, the atmosphere had changed. Chris had never called you mom before. The three of you all looked at each other in shock unsure what to say or do next.
“Come here Chris,” you beckoned the boy, before helping him to sit on one side of the stretcher after you had collapsed the arms, “You can stay with me.”
Eddie was still looking at you in shock, starting to feel love swell in his chest. The idea that Chris saw you as a mother figure made him so happy. 
“Chris, it looks like your dad is frozen,” you laughed whilst looping one of your arms around the boy. You had managed to get him in a place where he wasn’t near your leg which was causing excruciating pain. 
This brought Eddie out of his shock and he walked over to the two of you.
“I love you both so much,” he breathed as he leant to kiss both of your foreheads, “Let’s go get mom all checked out.” 
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
helloooo! i have an idea for an imagine
what if charles & y/n where childhood friends and they always pretended to be married as kids (yk those games 😭😂) and then in the future they DO get married and one of their family members brings it up at the wedding and it's very funny but cute!
cw: mentions Charles' father
"We actually have a surprise for you", you mother said as she and Pascale looked at eachother before the guy in charge of the projector on the wall started playing a video. It was old, slightly grainy and you were not sure of what it was until it showed you and Charles.
"Why do we have to film it again, Y/N?", you heard your mother's voice as she focused the camera on you. You were wearing a pink dress and had some flowers on your hand, "Because me and Charles need to have this recorded for when we are older!", you smiled, "and what are you doing?", Charles' father's voice was heard, "we're getting married! Because Pascale and Hervé love eachother and they got married, mama and papa got married because they love eachother, so we are getting married, too!", you beamed.
Charles stood in the middle of the living room, Lorenzo taking the spot on his side as you walked closer to Charles. While Lorenzo was older than both of you, he went along, saying something about true love and how you were meant to be together. "Charles, do you have any vows?", he asked. "What are vows?", he asked, "it's like a promise you make to Y/N", he whispered back.
"Y/N", he began said confidently, "I promise to always love you, to show you all the beautiful things in life and to never leave you. Oh, and also to always share my food with you", he smiled.
"Charles", you followed, "I want you to know that you're the boy I love mostest in the world, and I'll always be by your side no matter what", you smiled, holding your hands in his.
"You can now kiss the bride!", Lorenzo announced as a shy six year old Charles kissed your cheeky sweetly before you hugged him, both of you smiling to the camera, "we're married!", Charles yelled, "Oh, we need to tell Pierre!", you chirped in.
"Oh my goodness!", Charles laughed while you wiped tears of laughter from your eyes, joining your guests as they commented how sweet it all was.
"I love how, as soon as we got married, you just wanted to tell Pierre", Francisca pointed out, napkin in her hand as she carefully wiped around your eyes, not wanting to ruin her makeup, "he was Charles' best friend and he wasn't there, I think I was being very considerate of him, actually", you stated, "and I was still a little bit jealous that Charles had another best friend at this age, probably just wanted to flash him that I loved Charles the mostest".
"Well, they were good promises, and I intend to keep those, too", Charles said, holding your hand in his once again, kissing your knuckles.
"We don't have it in recording, but Charles made my late husband, who I know would love to be here and knew this day would happen, get them a chocolate cake so they could have a honeymoon! Don't worry, it was an age appropriate trip to the slides at the park!", Pascale chuckled. Pierre saw an opportunity and he took it, "hopefully your honeymoon this time around also has very exciting slides and other fun things!", he toasted, sipping from his drink as you hid your blushed face in your husband's neck.
(Thank you for your submission ✨️)
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2nd Chance at Love (pt.1)
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Summary: You and Karina used to date during trainee days until she decided to break up with you right before debuting. Nowadays, you're a member of Le Sserafim and have quite a player reputation. What happens when you cross each other's life again but this time, one of her members is interested in you
Warnings: none for this one, just an intro.
- May I at least know why? - you ask her after what felt like an eternity in silence. The cold night feeling even colder now in this almost desert park.
- I made the cut. I'm going to debut and I just can't have anything jeopardizing that. - Jimin, your now ex-girlfriend, said. Face stoic and voice devoid of any emotion like you've never heard before.
You've been dating for two years now and until a minute ago you'd swear you could get through anything together. Having been by each other's side in the worst moments. You were there for her whenever she would second guess herself, whenever she would call crying after being scolded a bit too harshly, taking her on dates on your days off just to get her mind away from everything, and she would do the same for you too.
You thought it was forever. Well... what do you know?
- Why would I ever do anything to jeopardize your career, Jimin? - you ask feeling a bit offended.
- I can't be caught in a dating scandal, much less a gay one. - she answered simply, using the same tone as before, not sparing you a glance.
- Jimin, we're not gonna be caught in a dating scandal, we could easily pass up by being friends. It's not like we were ever out in the oper, kissing in public or anything like that. - you try to reason with her. You knew that once this conversation was settled, it'd be definite.
- I'm not willing to take the risk. I don't think it's worth it. - your eyes welled up at that moment. "It's not worth it? We're not worth it? These past two eyes weren't worth it?"
- Yoo Jimin, is this a joke? Look me in the eyes and say it again. - she turned to you with those empty eyes
- It is not worth it. - it felt like a punch in your guts. You wanted to cry. You wanted her to at least show a little emotion, just so you felt like you mattered. You wanted to yell at her but instead, you just sighed
- Okay. If that's what you want. - with that you stood up and left. Letting the tears fall as soon as you crossed the street.
That's was the last time you let someone get so close to your heart romantically.
It's been a year since you debuted with Le Sserafim. Honestly, being gay in the industry wasn't that bad, specially when you're the girl crush of the group, with a tomboy style and confident aura, you managed to attract plenty of girls. You usually slept with staff members or backup dancers, unless a female idol approached you first, you would stay clear from them. But from idols to staff, you would make sure that everyone you slept with knew your one rule
'I don't get with a girl more than once', you'd make that clear to every woman that came to you and luckily they all understood that pretty well and were only looking for some fun or a taste of the rainbow.
Le Sserafim's promotions overlapped with Aespa's and Eunchae took the chance to interview their leader and maknae for Star Diary. You stayed with you members back in your dressing room. Close as you were with your members, none of the them new of you past with Jimin.
- Y/N, can you go get Eunchae? She must be done by now and you're done changing. - Sakura asked and you blinked twice before answering. You knew who your maknae was interviewing.
- Of course, unnie. I'll be right back. - exiting the room you take a deep breath before proceeding.
Bowing for sunbaes and greeting some acquaintances on your way you get to the room the use for the recordings.
The door slightly ajar let you know the staff was already packing, maybe you're safe after all. You knock and let yourself in.
- Unnie! - Eunchae comes crashing into you for a hug
- Manchae! - you answer with the same enthusiasm and return the hug like you don't spend almost the entire day together and don't live in the same dorm. - Sakura-unnie sent me to get you. Are you ready to go? - you ask looking in her eyes failing to notice two pairs of eyes watching your interactions.
- Almost done. Let me just say goodbye to my guests. Come with me. - she pulls you before you could say anything and that's how you find yourself face to face with your ex after 3 years.
She almost looks surprised when you approach.
- Hello, Karina-sunbaenim, Ningning-sunbaenim. Nice to meet you! - you say bowing to them thanking anything sacred for your voice not wavering.
- Hello, y/n! - Ningning says waving
- Hello! - is the only thing Jimin day and she still looks kind of shocked.
I mean, she knew she would have to meet you eventually with promotions and all and she knew you were Eunchae's member. Having agreed to go out together with their respective members, she was bound to see you again. This industry was only so big. Still, she wasn't counting on seeing you today. She's caught off guard.
- Let's go, manchae. We're wrapping promotions today and I promised dinner's on me. I'll let you pick the restaurant. - looking at your member again, you say smiling softly
- Yay! - Eunchae smiles brightly. - Unnies, I loved having you as guests. Let's meet up again soon. - turning back to you - Y/n-unnie, I worked until now, give me a piggyback ride.
Sighing you crouch down and she jumps on your back laughing when you pretend to drop her.
Turning again you nod your head to the girls and politely say goodbye to everyone in the room, turning around and leaving with your maknae.
Jimin following with her eyes unaware of the other pair of eyes also following you with amusement and interest.
- I'll ask for her number next time. Maybe I can be an exception to that rule - Ningning says more to herself than anyone proceeding to exit the room leaving a stunned Jimin behind, feeling something she wasn't supposed to feel
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beetlejuicyy · 6 months
Hi, hope you're doing well! If it's not much trouble, may I please request Jealous/Protective Bada x fem reader? Where reader is part of team Bebe and dating Bada (a fact only known by the other members and family.) Throughout the show, alot of the other ladies from different teams take a liking to reader and crush on her, finding her sexy and adorable and try to flirt with her and ask her out. Which Bada does well with brushing off for the most part until reader's ex shows up out of nowhere and tries to win her back.. With a little angst, but all in all fluffy and a tad smutty at the end, with sexy dominant Bada?
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Pairing: Bada × Bebe! reader
Synopsys: you are a member of team bebe in swf2 but not many people know you are also Bada's girlfriend
Warnings: gets nsfw by the end
Notes: im sorry this took so long :(
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You were the first member of team Bebe to find out about Street Woman Fighter 2. The production reached out to Bada and, unlike the previous year when she had to turn down the offer, she was very much excited to join the show this time. She talked to you first, because being on TV meant that all eyes would be on you and your relationship which was very much intimate.
“Are you comfortable with that?” Bada asked. She was the leader of the team you were part of and she always made it clear when she was speaking as your leader or as your girlfriend.
“I know it’s important for you.” You replied.
“It’s important for you too.” She frowned.
“Yes, but I wouldn’t go through the hassle of hiding our relationship on TV for myself. I’d do anything for you though.”
Bada knew that. After deciding you would be teammates only for the public eye, she talked to the rest of the girls as well. Fast forward to the first few days on set, you found it harder and harder to act like friends only. It was stressful and tiring but you couldn’t lean on Bada as your girlfriend, but only as a friend. People were always with you, staff members, other contestants, lately fans would even greet you at the end of a long recording day. When you got home both of you only wanted to rest so there was really no time for the two of you.
But the show was fun and it was rewarding. People liked you more than you expected and soon you made friends amongst the contestants thanks to the missions you collaborated for.
“Bada is the type girls like.”
You heard this over and over since the first day. But the girls took a liking on you too. Maybe you weren’t as intimidating or cool like your girlfriend was, but you would often hear the girls screaming because of your sexy dance or cute charms.
“I wanna take you home with me!!” Harimu yelled as you showed off your moves in a battle. Bada would only smirk and brush it off, even if it was somewhat annoying. She was very proud of you and she couldn’t wait to reward you with a warm hug. She was the one taking you home anyway.
“Could you stop being so pretty? It’s distracting me.” Wackxxy joked when you were on a small break on set.
“Only for you.” You winked back at her in a flirting tone and she only yelled at you in embarrassment, blushing.
Bada didn’t mind this either. She knew you were playful and she was happy you felt comfortable around everyone. It was annoying though because she noticed Wackxxy had been checking you out across the room the whole day. But you were hers and that’s the only thing that mattered.
She didn’t witness the most annoying thing of all though. The leaders were working on the choreography for their mission and Bada was chatting with Halo exchanging impressions and advice about leading a team.
“It’s hard especially when they’re in a bad mood.” Halo complained, although she smiled. “Actually yesterday Haechi Wang was sooo impossible to deal with.”
“Is she ok?” Bada asked.
“Yeah, actually she will be.” Halo laughed. “It’s a secret though.” Bada raised her eyebrows in surprise. Halo didn’t need convincing. “She asked out one of your members. Y/n.” Bada felt her heart stop for a second. People making you compliments, flirting with you that was bearable. But she felt jealousy creep through every cell in her body when she imagined someone else taking you out.
“Oh really?” She replied, forcing herself to laugh nonchalantly.
“Yeah, she was rejected though.” Halo said. Bada exhaled in relief. “But she couldn’t concentrate at all after that. She really likes y/n.”   
Bada confronted you that night on your way home, as if you weren’t exhausted enough.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!” She asked annoyed.
“When exactly? When you were busy teaching everyone the choreography or when you collapsed on the bed and fell asleep in your dirty clothes?” You spat back.
She didn’t say anything. It was sad that the only intimate discussion you had that day was to argue.
Sometimes you felt more like a fan of hers during the show. Whenever Bada would leave everyone astonished with her powerful moves and boyish charms you cheered with everyone else. She rarely looked at you, though, busy paying attention to the feedback of the judges  or complimenting and hugging Kirsten. That also pissed you off but you brushed it off.
The closer you got to the finals, the more pressure Bada felt as the leader. Often times she would cry because of stress and all you could do was comfort her like a friend. You couldn’t kiss her, you couldn’t touch her more than a friend would. But that was ok.
Bada missed you, even though you worked together everyday. After Haechi Wang asked you out she started paying twice as much attention to every person getting close to you. She would get so petty that she would simply walk up to you and grab you by the hand when someone would be too familiar with you. It started showing on her face how annoyed she was when people called you sexy or pretty. Her tongue would poke against her cheek in suppressed anger when Mina Myoung called you girlfriend material.
However, the worst thing happened on the first time you had to perform with an audience. After several episodes aired on TV, people were very interested in the show so the venue was full. Amongst those people was also your ex. After the show, as you were waiting for the other members of Bebe to get ready to go home, a familiar voice called out your name. You turned around to see your very ex waiting outside to talk to you.
“Long time no see.” She said. You immediately thought you didn’t want Bada to see her here.
“What are you doing here?” You asked. The relationship didn’t last much but the toxic behavior left wounds that you still had to heal.
“I saw you on TV…” She said, taking a few steps closer to you. “And I missed you.”
“I don’t.” You brushed her off harshly.
“Hey.” She grabbed you by the hand and you felt your whole body react. You slapped her hand away in annoyance. “I know you miss me too.”
“I don’t. Can you leave please?”
“Don’t you think we deserve one more chance?” She insisted, standing right in front of you. You could smell her perfume and the smell brought back not so nice memories.
“What’s going on here?” Everything just got worse, you thought when you heard Bada’s voice. She knew your ex all too well. She walked past you, stopping in between the two of you, her taller frame pushing you gently behind her.
“We were remembering beautiful memories.” Your ex grinned at Bada, although your girlfriend was towering over her intimidatingly.
“She was leaving.” You said at the same time.
“Get the fuck out of here.” Bada said in a low voice. You saw her whole body tense as she clenched her fist.
“So you two are fucking after all! It’s so obvious even on TV.” Your ex was unfortunately not intimidated by her and you expected it. “I know that look in her eyes, when she’s looking at someone she’s fucking.” She continued, and you groaned in exasperation. You tried pushing Bada away but she wouldn’t move. “She’s giving  it to me right now.”
As soon as the words left her lips Bada pushed her violently, kicking her against the wall. Grabbing her by the collar of her shirt, she pulled it harshly as she leaned her head so she could look directly in your ex’s eyes.
“Get lost or I call security.”
“Fine, fine.”
You remembered Bada being angry when you told her things about your past relationship. But you never imagined she would get this violent about it. As your ex left, not before gesturing you to call her, you leaned against the wall and sat down on the floor, exhausted. Bada crouched down in front of you, asking you if you were alright.
“I could handle it you know.” You sighed.
“I’m sorry I just… I got carried away.” Your girlfriend mumbled, grabbing your hand.
“You were badass though.”
The ride home was quiet as always since you started filming for the show. However, it wasn’t stressful like other nights. You were very tired so when you got home you went straight in the shower. You heard Bada over the sound of the running water, asking you if she could come in so she wouldn’t scare you. You thought she was going to take her makeup off or something, but she slid the door open and joined you in the shower. You gasped as her hands were cold when she grabbed you by the hips, pulling you closer. Your back was pressed against her as she pressed her cheek against your wet hair.
“I miss you.” She said.
“You saw me five minutes ago.” You joked but you were feeling a pleasant pressure in your lower stomach as your wet bodies pressed against each other.
“I miss my girlfriend.” She repeated, lips almost touching your ear. Her hand moved lower between your legs and her fingers slid between your folds, over your wetness.
“Then act like it.” You said, grabbing her by the wrist, guiding her hand exactly where you needed it to be. She pulled you gently, pushing you against the wet shower wall, careful not to slip.
“You’re mine, you know.” Her other hand cupped one of your breasts as her fingers pressed in circles against your clit. It was always so easy for her to get you wet. “You can tell that to everyone.” You moaned, leaning back your head in pleasure. “We can rehearse, hm? Tell me.” Her lips presses against the wet skin of your neck, sucking a little to hard.
“I’m yours.” You breathed out.
“That wasn’t it.” She clicked her tongue. You moaned loudly as she inserted a finger inside you, making it even harder for you to talk. “Try again.”
“Mhm. Come on baby.”
“I amhm…”
“You can do it, princess.” The more you tried to articulate words the faster her slender fingers moved inside you and you whimpered half in pleasure half in frustration.
“I am yours, Bada.” You finally managed to say.
“Good girl.” She praised you. “You can tell Haechi Wang that.”
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sturnsbaebackup · 6 months
can you write something about how the fans have started speculating something between you and chris??
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summary: you and chris have been talking, and the fans are starting to notice.
warnings: none!
as nick and matt argue about god knows what into their microphones, chris stares down at his phone with a small smile. “chris what’s your opinion on this?” nick asks, but it appears chris hasn’t heard him.
“chris, get off of your fucking phone. we’re on the podcast! who are you even texting that’s so important right now?” matt groans. quickly after being called out chris puts his phone away. he’s very clearly flustered, and he says, “i was just um— texting nate!”
“texting nate? with that big of a smile on your face? i didn’t know nate was so funny… but whatever can you please just get off of your phone and help us settle this debate,” matt says, glaring at chris with a wondering eye. not even his brothers knew about you and chris, but they were bound to find out soon enough.
chris feels his phone buzz on his lap, and he waits until he has a chance to answer it. he doesn’t want to tell you that he’s recording because he doesn’t want to stop talking to you, so he tried to multitask, but clearly he’s not very good at it.
nick suddenly gets up and walks over to chris, snatching his phone from his hands. as he does so, he see’s your contact name and the photo of you and chris cuddling at the top of the screen. “oh my god that’s—“ he blurts out, but immediately stops himself. “—enough! i’m taking your phone until the end of the episode” nick says, immediately catching himself before he reveals you and chris’ secret.
chris’ cheeks turn bright pink, and his heart rate is through the roof. he knows he’ll be grilled with questions once they’re done recording, and he doesn’t know if he’s ready for that yet. eventually the pod is over, and immediately nick hands chris his phone with a smirk.
“have fun texting y/n!” nick shouts as chris begins walking downstairs to his room. a loud gasp can be heard from matt, and chris can feel his cheeks burning up. he scurries into his room and replies to your texts, and immediately opens tiktok to rewatch the tiktok you guys had made a couple days ago. he scrolls through the endless comments, and begins to notice a reoccurring pattern.
“are they dating?!”
“oh i ship this”
“i think they’re dating! i mean, y/n is wearing his brand…”
and so forth. he bites his cheeks to hold his smile in, but ultimately fails when he sees all of the support even when you guys haven’t gone public. as he scrolls through his phone, a gentle knock can be heard on his door.
“come in nick!” he exclaims, not even looking up from his phone. he knows it’s nick because matt has a tendency to just walk in, or bang on the door. one or the other.
“can i ask you something?” nick asks, sitting in the end of chris’ bed.
“yeah, anything,” chris says, putting his phone down and fixing his posture.
“why didn’t you tell me and matt?”
“um— well we aren’t really telling anyone. i mean we’re not dating yet, but—“ he pause, “actually i don’t really know, honestly. i guess i’m just nervous that if i start telling people things will go south,” he shrugs.
“are you planning to ask her out soon?”
“yeah, i am actually. i was gonna do it this weekend, and make it a big surprise for the fans but now i don’t know. the fans are already speculating things, so i feel like i should just scratch the whole big idea i had and ask her the next time we hang out.”
“oh! that was also one of my questions! how the hell have you been hanging out with y/n and both me and matt didn’t know about it?! we live together and i still didn’t know!”
chris chuckles, “there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me nick. and it’s gonna stay that way, so if you could stop asking me a million questions that would be great,” he sarcastically grins, and nick just rolls his eyes. nick closes the door behind him, and chris immediately goes back to texting you.
the podcast episode was posted a few days ago, and immediately the fans have been questioning who chris was texting. there have been many many guesses, but most have been you. chris feels like it’s his fault, and the last thing he wants is for you to feel like you’re being led on, so there’s only one thing to do.
“y/n, i have a question,” chris says nervously, looking down at you as your head rests on his arm.
“what is it?” you ask, knowing exactly what it is. or hoping, at least.
“well, obviously i like you. a lot. and i was just wondering if you wanted to make this official? will you be my girlfriend?”
“of course i will chris, is that even a question?” you giggle, and it feels like a weight has been lifted off of chris’ shoulders. he smiles at you and gently places his hands on your cheeks, pulling your faces towards his. your lips melt together, and your hands find their way to the back of his neck.
you both end up falling asleep in chris’ bed, and while you both nap, you’re unaware that nick and matt both arrive back home. they enter chris’ room after calling his name a few times with no response, only to see you both asleep. of course, them being the immature boys they are, take your guys’ picture. unfortunately, you learn about this the hard way when you see the photo in their photo dump a few days later. you gasp and immediately check the comments, expecting tons of hate comments.
“i knew it was y/n! they’re so cute!”
“cutest couple ever”
you immediately text chris, and you both share a big grin over the situation. although you never would have expected your situation with chris to have gotten semi-exposed, you were just glad everyone was so supportive.
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inlovewithpandora · 10 months
- His Precious Tawtute -
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Pairing: Ao’nung x fem!human!reader
Request: [ @teyamsbitch ] one being shorter and it being a source of great enjoyment for the other w/ Ao'nung || I feel like Ao'nung would have a field day knowing he can tower over us and use our head as an armrest and we act like we don't like it but we do anything to be near him.
Synopsis: Ao’nung wasn’t too fond of you when you first arrived with the Sullys’ especially since you were human but when he got to know you he was head over heels.
Content: Established relationship, extra fluffy, subtle spicy scenarios, soft Ao’nung, them being couple goals, just some cute hc’s
- The group = the Sully kids, Ao’nung, Tsireya and Rotxo
Author’s Note: Thank you for requesting, I had a lot of fun writing this because I love soft Ao’nung! I hope it fulfills your expectations and that you enjoy!
- I loved making these hc’s so feel free to request them!
Word Count: 712
Glossary: syulang - flower || tawtute - human
Extra: Requests are open! Please read rules before requesting! || Likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated🩷!
Links: Navigation || Avatar Masterlist || Main Masterlist || Taglist
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❖ — When Ao’nung saw you for the first time, he held a dislike for you because you were a “demon”. After everything his mother told him about the sky people, he assumed that you were the same. He was cold toward you in the beginning, but with a mix of your beauty and charming personality, he began to grow feelings for you and soon after, you both became a couple.
❖ — The first thing he noticed about you was your height. In his eyes, you were the height of a child, which always caused him to crack some type of joke that you didn’t find funny or amusing.
“You are so little, I could literally crush you.”
“How are you and Tuk almost the same height?!”
❖ — He thought your height was an advantage for some things and one of them was ‘spicy time’.
“You are eye level with my waist, that will come in handy when you suck my-” Your eyes widen at his comment and you hit him in the chest, forcing him to not finish his sentence. “Shut up, skxawng! That’s all you think about!”
❖ — Whenever you and the group hang out, somehow his arm always manages to rest on your head. He saw you as his “personal armrest” and he took advantage anytime both of you were standing next to each other. You always tell him that he’s being annoying, but deep down you love him being comfortable with you in that aspect.
❖ — When both of you talked, you always had to look up to him, which gets aggravating at times when your neck starts to hurt. Ao’nung noticed this, so sometimes when both of you talk, he’d sit down and let you stand so both of you will be at eye level.
❖ — Walking around the village would be tiring for you at times especially since everyone around you had bodies more equipped for the environment. Whenever you began to lag behind, Ao’nung became your mode of transportation.
“Do you want me to carry you the rest of the way?”
Ao’nung would let you get on his back and he would take you wherever the destination was, which you appreciated because you didn’t know how much longer you were going to last.
❖ — When he started teaching you the way of water, you were eager, but it was hard for you, being human in a Na’vi environment wasn’t easy. Whenever you were having doubts or he heard you mumble about giving up, he was right there encouraging you (sometimes with spicy incentives).
“You got this, syulang! I’m right here with you.”
“If you hold your breath a little longer this time, when we finish our lesson, I’ll take you to my marui and do that thing you like.” He ends his sentence in a singsong tone and a small smirk on his face knowing that his words would motivate you.
After he said that, you held your breath twice the time you did before. Ao’nung was so proud of you that he couldn’t wait to take you home. He carried you into a secluded area of the jungle and happily rewarded you for breaking your record.
❖ — Whenever you and him held hands he made sure not to squeeze your hand too tight because he didn’t want to crush you. He always made sure to treat you delicately because he knew how fragile humans were to Na’vi.
“Ao’nung, can you give me a real hug? I haven’t seen you all day.”
“I don’t wanna squeeze you too tight or I’ll hurt you.”
❖ — Whenever you spend the night in his marui, both of you would cuddle together and you would have the best time being the little spoon. Feeling his big arms curled around your small waist, burying your head in his broad chest, him every so often giving your skin a soft kiss made you want to melt instantly. Him being so affectionate and gentle with you was hands down one of the things you loved most.
❖ — He loves you and your human body and wouldn’t trade you for anyone on Pandora. The only person he wants is you. You were his precious tawtute and he loved you with every fiber in his body.
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I hope you enjoyed🩷!
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Editor - @justmemyselfandthemoon
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Tags: @iluvpandorawomen @kasai-https @neteyamsblog @neteyamyawne @hc-geralt-23 @myh3artttt @savagemickey03 @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @number1gal @headsincloud9 @jane-3043 @yetanotherattemptatanaccount
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©️inlovewithpandora ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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mikachacha · 8 months
𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚒 (𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜! 𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝙱𝚎𝚋𝚎! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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Synopsis: You're trying to help your group promote your choreography for Hwasa's chili by doing a solo. What you didn't expect is for your video to blow up, attracting the people's attention and having a lot of people trying to flirt with you which made Bada, your girlfriend, very jealous.
Warnings: language and jealous Bada
(A/N: i have lots of fun making this 🥺🥺 thanks anon for your wonderful suggestions love ya 🫶🫶)
(Edit: i posted this earlier but tumblr is a hating bitch rn and deleted the bottom half right after the a/n)
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You woke up fairly early that morning, Bada went to the studio to prepare for her class while you went out to jog. After your jog, you thought it was a good idea to record a video of you dancing to Chili by Hwasa and using your group's choreography to also help promote your group. You picked out a quiet spot before you set your phone to start recording.
When you were finally satisfied with your video, you posted it on instagram. You didn't really expect anything when you posted that video so you just went on your day, totally forgetting about it Sowoen face timed you, the camera pointing at Bada who's currently sulking. You're confused and amused at the same time, you could hear the other girls laughing in the background and teasing Bada for being sulky and jealous.
"What happened to her? Why is she like that?" you asked Sowoen who were barely able to contain her laughter as Bada just lied down on the floor, looking like a kicked puppy, whining about everybody simping over her girlfriend on the internet that made the others laugh even more.
"Y/N-unnie your video is really viral right now and Bada-unnie is mad because everyone is literally simping and flirting with you." you heard Minah explain off cam. You quickly check your instagram and your notification is blowing up with thousands of likes, comments and new followers. Your dm's isn't doing any better. So many messages from random people and some pretty big names, all of them telling you that you're amazing at dancing. You couldn't help but giggle while reading some of the comments then you saw Chocol and Haechi's comments on your video. Even Akanen and Ling left some praises on your video. You had to bite the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from laughing, now understanding why Bada is acting that way. She must've read the comment Haechi left on your video that made her very jealous.
"I'm just gonna get changed then head over to the studio so please tell Bada to calm her jealous ass." you said and soon got ready to meet Bada and your team. When you got there, Bada was already by the entrance waiting for you. A huge pout on her face before engulfing you in a hug. You smile and hug her back, whispering reassuring words to her so she can calm down.
"I'm proud that you're getting the recognition that you deserve but then I saw most of the comments are talking about how sexy you looked during the part where you twerked a bit then also there are people flirting with you.." Bada ranted and you could see the others watching not too far away, giggling at how their leader is currently acting.
"By others flirting with me, you mean Haechi? Baby, Haechi and I are just good friends. I chose you, I chose to be with you. I'm yours and no one is taking me away, okay? I love you, Lee Bada even if you're all jealous right now." you assured her but couldn't help tease her at the end because you rarely see this side of Bada, the jealous part and you found it extremely adorable. She just shot you a playful glare before kissing you on the lips, finally having calmed down from her jealous and sulky mood.
You returned the kiss and dragged her back to the studio where the others waited before having a genius idea of posting a video of you and Bada dancing to Chili and maybe goof around so she'll feel better.
"Another episode of Bada-unnie being so whipped for Y/N-unnie. Never gets old.." you heard Cheche comment and you giggled, agreeing with the younger member of your group. All of you posted a video of dancing to Chili then goofing around before you pulled Bada so you can have a video of just the two of you together. Both of you are all smiles while dancing then she decides to kiss you at the end, making you blush. She grabbed your phone and posted the video without any thought, feeling pleased with herself. You just rolled your eyes at her before kissing her cheek.
"Jealous ass.." You teased her and she pinched your cheek playfully which you reciprocated.
"Can't help it since my girlfriend is just way too hot." Bada retorts and you smile at her, just placing kisses all over her face. You could see your other teammates making exaggerated gagging noises through the mirror to which Bada responded with her middle finger raised.
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saerins · 3 months
PREV: #002 PLAYING DOMINO 𖧧 #003 THE FIRST RIPPLE 𖧧 NEXT: #004 THIS SPARK, IS IT REAL? ꒰ series masterlist ꒱
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꒰ঌꨄ︎໒꒱ — ever since the first meeting, you’ve proven to be an anomaly. and yet again, sae finds himself out of character, doing things he didn’t think he would.
content: itoshi sae x female reader. angst/fluff, profanity, physical/verbal abuse, violence, mentions of infidelity, broken homes, unrequited love, manipulation/gaslighting. word count: 6.7k
༝༚༝༚ more yn and sae for this chapter yay !! ty to all of you who are reading this heh mwah you guys are my motivation <3 let’s hope i keep this pace up so some of you can get the tea faster :p
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somehow, the fact that you’d managed to help land an interview with itoshi sae has given you some perks at work. (you’d let sumi take the credit for it, but considering your voice is on the recording, it was hard to deny your involvement.) the best of it all? sumi’s right; mr tatsuji is so absolutely pleased that he barely bothers to visit your department to chide any of you.
that way, at least if your personal life is a mess, your career is not. (for now.)
after three days of staying over at eita’s, you’re finally lugging your feet back home today. besides, he has a date and you’re not about to play third wheel when he inevitably comes home with her.
that’s otoya eita for you.
he insisted that it’s fine and if he really wanted to get some that he’d bring her to a hotel, but you’d really rather not get used to putting up at someone else’s house. especially when, technically, you do have a place to stay.
as you unwillingly (and slowly, painachingly) trudge back to your apartment, you can’t help but revisit your messages with sae. ever since you told him you’d let him follow you if he made a private account, he hasn’t responded since.
were you just in over your head? maybe he was just bored and was passing time by texting you. maybe he didn’t really mean it. maybe someone else took his phone and texted you just to make fun of you. 
time to time, you still think of the night you met, how his eyes fluttered close, how he stayed rooted in position, how you would’ve actually done it out of curiosity if it wasn’t for the fact that it was a public place with cameras littering every few inches of space.
you sigh, locking your phone and tossing it back in your purse. in the end, maybe itoshi sae really is just someone for you to admire from afar. maybe that’s for the best; you can’t imagine how it’d even feel like dating someone who has such a big spotlight cast on him.
the evening air is chilly, the lights of the nearby shopping mall a warm golden, the sea of people walking past you soon to drown out. if you didn’t know better, you’d think you’re living a privileged life—being able to live in such a nice district, with a better-than-average apartment that had been fully paid for since you were born. and if life had been kind to you, then maybe you’d like living at home more than you do now.
but as it is, going home only serves as a reminder to all your problems. unescapable, unavoidable, unbearable. and maybe it’s not such a good move for you to depend on eita a lot to be your escape, to help you forget about all of it, at least when you’re with him, but you can’t help it. escapism feels nice. it’s nice to be around someone who knows about it and still accepts you, even though you and him don’t see eye to eye about it most of the time. 
your stomach’s growling, and the macarons at the bakery’s display that you walk past are both nostalgic and tempting. but you can’t afford that.
something as simple as a box of macarons.
hang in there for the long term, you tell yourself. one day, you’ll get everything back. 
not ten minutes later, you’re at your own doorstep, hesitating to even enter. through the door you can hear the sound of the television. it’s loud and playing some drama that always airs at this timing. you’ve heard the same voices so many times before.
it’s funny to think that these sounds used to feel like home to you.
either way, you have to get this over and done with, so you slot your key in and walk through the door, carefully toeing off your shoes as though being quiet would make you escape her notice.
“and where did you go off to the last few days? can’t even come home and be a dutiful daughter and eat with her own mother?”
it hasn’t even been five seconds. 
all that ever awaits you at home now is the vile spit of your mother’s. it’s laughable because all she says is nonsense. you haven’t eaten on the same table together in years, even if you have been living under the same roof.
some part of you can’t help but be defiant. you know it’s a bad idea, but she’s out of line, and yet you’re still helping her. and you can’t figure out why.
“how about you be a dutiful mother and stop spending all your daughter’s money and go find a job?”
there’s a sharp sound that bounces off the walls of the living room quicker than you can expect it, and it takes you five seconds and the sting on your cheek to realise your mother had just slapped you with all her might.
not an ounce of hesitation or regret. there is only fury in her eyes as she looks down at you, summoning every bit of disdain she can muster. 
of course, how could you forget? this is what you get for talking back to her. it’s been a while since she’d last laid a hand on you, so maybe you’d gotten cocky, thinking she wouldn’t do it again.
“is this all you’re good for? you’re not using that filthy mouth to jack people off so you’re using it to spite me?”
there’s a lot you want to say.
you want to talk back to her again, to say that she’s the useless one out of the two of you. the one who doesn’t work yet gambles all day. the one who spent all the savings and insurance money so she’s fully depending on you month to month.
you want to tell her that you’re not some whore who goes around fucking everyone you see. she always hated eita, but that’s because he knows she’s no good. that’s also why you never tell him if she lays her hand on you. you don’t want to get them into any altercations. you also want to tell her eita’s taken better care of you than she ever has, and you don’t even have to jack him off for it.
but you stay silent.
because silence is the most comfortable you can get with her. no matter what you say or do, it will never suffice for her. she wants money, and she’s only angry because you haven’t been home to give it to her. it’s why you lock your own door every time you head out or go to sleep. you don’t want to find your own belongings gone by the time you’re back. neither do you want to find her snooping around your room in the middle of the night.
both of which have happened before.
taking advantage of your shock, she yanks your purse out of your hand, fishing for your wallet and grabbing all the cash she can find before tossing it back to you.
there’s no mercy in her eyes as she glares at her own daughter, the one she carried herself in her womb for nine whole months and once sworn to love. and now she blames the same little girl for ruining her body and refuses to take responsibility for her.
“listen, be a good girl and just give me what i ask for okay?” her tone is nothing but condescending and threatening. “if you’d just behave yourself, i wouldn’t have to do shit like that. think a little, would you?”
the demon that is your mother speaks as if you’re in the wrong, sighing to herself as she lights a cigarette and walks away, stuffing your hard-earned money in her purse before making for her room and slamming the door as she completely disposes of you for the day. she already got what she wanted, after all.
utterly defeated, you completely forget about your hunger, retreating into your room, locking the door behind you and falling to the floor. your vision blurs and your cheek still stings. you wonder if it’ll leave a mark like it did the last time.
your phone vibrates once.
blurry vision aside, you can tell it’s eita from the name alone. his talk to me if you need anything, okay? is bright on your phone screen, the only light in this room because you don’t have the energy to turn on the lights. you’re not feeling exceptionally hopeful today. the dark seems just right.
you’re thankful that you have a friend like him. you probably don’t deserve how nice he is to you. but you don’t want to talk to him. you don’t think you want to talk to anyone.
maybe just one person.
but he’s six foot under and inaccessible to you.
you’re not sure when you made it onto your bed—your head’s a mess. it always is when you speak to her. that’s why you scream into the pillow, willing your energy away, trying to drown your thoughts with your voice, dreaming of the day you can break free from this cycle.
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thunder, pitter patter, raindrops against the windowsill.
the lightning helps you make out the time from the clock on the wall above your door. 
1am. your lips are chapped and the tears are dry against your cheeks. you’d subconsciously slept on the right side, your left still aching from earlier.
slowly, you get up, legs crossed and sitting on your bed, your earlier distress dissipated just slightly, mind a little clearer. (and always questionable.) your phone’s dead and you honestly don’t really care—what you do care about is your stomach’s incessant growling.
it wouldn’t take a genius to know that your mother cleared out all the food in the kitchen. it looked barren earlier from what you could see, maybe just a couple slices of bread and some condiments. you wouldn’t want to start cooking in the middle of the night either, lest she wakes up and you have even more to deal with.
the rain starts to lighten up by the time you’re out of the house, comfortable in your oversized windbreaker. you walk slowly, your slides already soaked from walking in the rain. it’s a nice cooling temperature, the wind in your face making you feel refreshed, like everything that’s horrible could be just a dream.
if only.
a light ten-minute walk later, you’re browsing through the aisles of the convenience store, wondering which brand of processed food is worthy to be your dinner. you hover between the cup noodles on the shelves and the sandwiches in the chiller, taking your time because home is not a place you’re exactly aching to go back to.
can you even call it a home at this point?
eventually, you waltz out of there with a warm tub of noodles, palms relishing in its warmth and your nose inhaling every last bit of its aroma.
dinner could be better, but you suppose you can’t complain when you’re trying your best to save up. after all, it’ll be a pain if your mother figures out the stash of savings you’re hiding. the last thing you want is for her to steal that away from you. then how would you ever move out on your own?
shaking your head as you settle down on a park bench on the opposite side of the road, you decide to throw those thoughts aside for now. it’s not a current problem that you need to mull over right now and destroy your mood. no, right now, what you need is just a peaceful night.
what’s past (earlier) is past.
even though it’s easier said than done when your tears start flowing one by one, and suddenly these noodles are saltier than you remember.
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“sure you can’t come?”
sae looks at bianca through the passenger side window, her pout ever present. “nah, i’m tired. besides, if i oversleep who’s gonna drive you to the airport, huh?”
bianca grins at him, seemingly pacified. she reaches a hand into the car, perfectly manicured nails in full view before she clenches it into a fist, holding just a pinky out. “promise you’ll see me off tomorrow?”
there’s something between the lines that sae doesn’t get, nor is he sure he wants to. in all honesty, he’s not even sure why a promise is wanted here but he sticks out his pinky all the same anyway, because he’s pretty sure he won’t miss the alarm when it rings.
“yay, see you!”
“see you,” sae echoes as she bounds towards her friend’s place, ready for a last night of catching up over a game of cards before she flies back to america. as she disappears from his view, he wonders why she even tried to invite him in the first place. they’re her friends, he’s not really needed there anyway.
tuning out of those thoughts, sae drives off, already planning the remainder of the night. it’s 1am, and it’ll be near two by the time he makes it back to his apartment. that leaves him around a six hour sleep before he has to get up and send bianca off.
now that he’s thinking about it, since when has it become routine for him to send her off every time?
before he can even gather his thoughts about it, he steps on the brakes abruptly, wondering what the hell is wrong with some people to not be looking at both sides of the road before they cross, nearly pressing on the honk before something tells him not to. it’s distracting; the fact that the passing silhouette looks familiar and yet not at all.
against his better judgement, he pulls over by the side of the road, deciding to trust his gut. it’s late at night and there’s no reason for it but is that really you sitting on a park bench eating cup noodles past one in the morning? alone?
sae steps out of the car, mask on, pulling his hat down and his hoodie over his head to conceal himself, though some might argue he looks like he’s about to kidnap someone like this. he’s painfully aware this is dumb, and there’s no point to this, because what if it is you? it’s not like he has any reason to talk to you.
he stops midway, checking his phone and scrolling to your messages, his okay still sitting in the text box, unsent. fuck, he didn’t even realise until now. it didn’t help that he had a hectic schedule back to back for the past few days either. he never got around to creating that private account. he’ll just have to do it later.
a fleeting thought comes to him, wondering if you thought he was just pulling your leg about wanting to follow you. sure seems like it to him.
but he continues walking towards that park bench, towards that girl he thinks might be you, without knowing whatsoever what his next move will be. all he knows is that if that really is you, he’d rather say hello than say nothing at all.
even if it means making a detour that would undoubtedly make him endlessly tired the next day. for some reason.
and call him crazy, but as he draws closer, even without seeing your face, he knows it’s you somehow.
there’s something off about you, he doesn’t know what it is yet, but he can feel it. maybe he’ll find out. maybe he’ll try.
“hey, rude girl.”
just by the way your body stiffens up, he knows you recognise his voice. you choke on your noodles, coughing a little and rubbing your face before you whip your head upwards to face him, your eyes going wide with surprise.
“itoshi sae?”
why doesn’t he like it when you call him by his full name? it sounds weird, but he keeps his mouth shut.
“what are you doing here? do you live in the area?” you ask, setting your almost-empty cup of noodle on the bench. your voice is a little hoarse than he remembers, and your eyes are slightly puffy. there’s a faint swollenness on your left cheek, something he can see you’re desperately trying to hide behind your hair. it’s not really working.
he shakes his head, hands in his jacket pocket. “no, i was just dropping my friend off.” his eyes shift from you to the noodles. “supper?”
sae notices your eyebrow twitch ever so slightly, your nostrils flaring a little before you grin at him. “yeah, i missed lunch so this is me making up for it,” you giggle, offering a thumbs up.
is it bad to say he doesn’t believe you? you’re alone in the middle of the night on a park bench eating instant noodles with a slightly swollen cheek. yet you’re in front of him acting like nothing’s wrong.
this is already far from what he’d usually do. if you were anyone else, he would’ve just drove past and forgotten in a few days that he ever saw them. but as it is, here he is, standing in front of you, car parked illegally by the curb, just to verify that it really is you for no apparent reason.
still, he’s glad he did. you look like you’ve gotten a year’s worth of bad news judging by the state you’re in. and sae usually doesn’t cater to people, expects people to tell him what they need, not make him guess, but he’s already guessing what you might need.
your stomach is still growling, though you’re trying to hide it by slumping on the bench, arms over your stomach. sae has no idea why you feel like you have to hide, or who probably slapped you in the first place, but he finds himself disposing of your noodles before he’s grabbing you gently by the hand, tugging you along with him.
“hey, uh, where are we going?”
despite your shallow hesitation, sae feels your fingers curl around his palm. his heart skips a beat. he stops in his tracks, turning back around to face you. there’s an inexplicable emotion stirring inside him when he looks into your eyes.
his free hand comes up to remove his cap, putting it over your head and pushing it down to fit better. he doesn’t have a mask for you, but it’ll do. something tells him you don’t really want other people to see your face right now. and while the circumstances are different, he supposes he understands how it feels.
maybe you think he’s doing this because he’d rather not be papped with a girl, rather not have any more dating rumours. he’ll let you keep thinking that. he’ll keep acting like he doesn’t see the wound you’re desperately trying to hide.
for now.
“i’m hungry, eat with me,” is all he tells you before he resumes dragging you along behind him, calloused hands wrapping over your own.
sae’s not hungry in the least. he’d eaten probably three meals worth of food with bianca before this since she’d dragged him to a korean barbecue joint.
but you’re hungry. you’re starving and you’re not acting like it and you don’t say a thing about it—he doesn’t really get you.
he wants to.
maybe that’s why he’s doing all this. maybe that’s why he lets you in his car, drives to an izakaya he knows all too well. maybe that’s why he keeps stealing glances at you in the car, and maybe that’s why he feels a little warm inside when he catches you smiling to yourself.
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as you sit silently beside him as he drives, your fingers fiddle nervously with each other. never did you think that you’d end up in sae’s luxurious car tonight of all nights. as if it wasn’t apparent enough before, after seeing his car, this definitely looks like a life that’s far beyond your reach.
you wonder if sae is the type of person who likes cars. it’s never indicated anywhere if he is. you recognise the brand; you don’t know the exact model but it’s a maserati, wrapped a matte black, at that. the interior leather seats are comfortable, and his air freshener smells nice.
on top of that, he’s driving you to someplace because he’s hungry too. talk about luck and coincidence.
you were thinking of just taking a short walk before going back home, but you’d take his invitation over that any day. you’re not sure where he’s taking you, but your feet are tapping in anticipation, though you hope it’s not anywhere expensive because you’re definitely not dressed the part.
beside you, sae’s not exactly dressed in anything fancy, but with looks like that? he would look expensive dressed in anything.
“quit staring,” sae mumbles, and you hurriedly avert your gaze, embarrassed at getting caught although you snicker a little when you catch the hint of a blush creeping up his cheeks. “what are you laughing at?”
you try to suppress a grin, biting on your lower lip. “you’re not as uncaring as the internet makes you seem,” you ponder out loud.
sae accepts your train of thought. he’s well aware that’s how he comes off in real life too. “and?” it’s a red light so he stops the car, turning his head to look straight at you.
is he asking you what you think of him?
you feel your heart skip a beat. he’s pretty, and he’s staring at you with those clear teal eyes of his and it makes you want to drown in them for some reason. he’s not as unfeeling as he comes across, and for him to bother taking you with him just to eat must mean you don’t fall into the category of people he finds to be just a waste of time. 
you want to know what this is.
“i don’t know, you’re like a cat,” you shrug, reverting back to your unserious self. “but i’ll let you know again once i get to know you better, itoshi sae.”
he looks away, the green light barely seeping through his windows. he doesn’t understand. “if you even get that far, that is.” (he likes how you already assume you’ll get to know him more. are you looking to spend more time with him?) 
you grin, making an internal bet with yourself. “just you wait,” you tell him, confident in your abilities. “i have a habit of growing on people.”
(sae chuckles internally, because he doesn’t doubt you. you already are.)
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“are you sure this place is open?” you ask, discreetly tapping lightly on your cheeks, deciding that maybe you look just fine now. and it doesn’t seem like there’s a soul here anyway.
once sae parks his car into the lot, you take his cap off and look around, the sleek stand-alone three-storey building looking completely closed on the outside. there’s no other cars parked here—surely they’re not still open?
sae takes his keys out of the ignition, stuffing it into his jacket pocket. he looks nonchalant for the most part. “don’t worry, i know the owner, let’s go.”
you shrug to yourself, placing his cap neatly on the dashboard before getting up. he waits and observes as you get out of his car, making sure you’re beside him before he starts walking towards the restaurant. you notice him matching your pace, with you shamelessly adjusting it just to check.
before he enters through the doors, he looks at you, “there’s no one else around. just the owner’s nephew who’ll be cooking for us.”
the shopkeeper’s bell chimes as he makes his way inside, holding the door for you, and you wordlessly enter, even though you’re wondering why he feels the need to tell you that. is it because you look like a mess and he thought you’d care?
it’s cosy and warm inside, classical music filling the air, every table wiped spotlessly clean that they’re shining as the lights from the ceiling bounce off of their surfaces. there’s nobody you can see here, are they in the kitchen?
sae puts his fingers around your wrist this time, walking you through the restaurant, meandering expertly like he’s been here a thousand times. your eyes fall to his fingers; they’re gentle yet firm, and you’re only hoping he doesn’t realise how fast your pulse is right now.
in the end, you find yourself seated across from him on a tatami seating in a private room, browsing through the menus that are already placed on the table.
“order anything you want,” sae says, not looking up from his menu.
you hum in excitement as you start to really look at all the options you have. “oh? if you say it like that i’m not gonna hold back, you know,” you joke around, though sae doesn’t really sense it.
he just shrugs, “sure, go ahead.”
sae ends up regretting it though, not because you’re shamelessly spending a lot on his card, but because he finds out you’re the type to over-order. by the time the food is all cooked and sent to the table, sae’s eyebrows twitch, eyes flicking over across the room to look at you, grinning from ear to ear.
“both of you must be starved, huh?”
you look to the side, only now noticing the guy in the white chef’s coat that came to deliver the food. he has curly light brown hair, with eyes a shade or two darker. a grin is plastered on his face, and by the way sae speaks to him, it seems like they know each other quite a fair bit.
“oh, by the way, this is naruhaya,” sae introduces to you, and the guy holds his hand out for you to shake. “this is y/n.”
“nice to meet you!”
naruhaya’s beaming, a contrast to sae’s usual stoic expressions, but he’s back to small talk with the latter in a second. you leave them to it, until your ears perk up when he mentions a certain model’s name.
“hey, weren’t you with bianca earlier? where’s she?”
bianca—that name isn’t unfamiliar to you. after a crash course from sumi (because somehow she decided you need to know more gossip about itoshi sae after getting to know him in person), you had learned that she’s the model that sae is most rumoured to actually be with. and you’ve seen her from the pictures sumi shoved up your neck—she’s beautiful.
was she the friend he was dropping off earlier?
“meeting her other friends. anyway, sorry to keep you open.”
naruhaya waves it off with his hand. “it’s fine, i was gonna stay and try to whip up some new recipes anyway,” he says, before shooting you a knowing look. what exactly it means, you have zero idea. “i’ll leave you two to it, enjoy!”
once he leaves, you begin to dig in, lathering your meat with sauce, unashamedly inhaling your food because that earlier stint with your mother was entirely too much and you need to destress.
somehow, with sae being as nice as he is, you feel a teeny bit guilty for trying to dupe him into that interview. but you doubt that if you’d asked him normally that you would be here with him tonight so maybe there’s some merit in being reckless like that.
“what’re you smiling about now?” sae sighs, taking a piece of meat and putting it over his rice. “pleased that you’re getting a free meal or something?”
partly. but mostly, you’re pleased that you get alone time with him somehow. maybe it’s stupid, and maybe you sound like half of the female population in the country, but you can see why people ogle over him. if they got to know him like this, then you’d have no doubt that he’d manage to charm their pants off.
though, something tells you he doesn’t treat people like this often, let alone someone he barely knows.
“mhm,” you agree, shit-eating grin on your face because there’s no way you’re going to be so upfront about it. the last thing you want is to ruin a friendship when it’s barely started.
yeah, maybe that’s what you want—friendship. is it weird if you say that itoshi sae gives you the feeling that you can trust him? the last time someone made you feel that way was eita. but somehow, this time, it feels different in a way you can’t explain.
as you’re both digging in, you ask him whatever you’re curious about; how he got into soccer, what his life was like growing up, everything under the sun, only because he entertains you like he did that very first night.
“you ask a lot of questions, are you gonna ask me to get another interview approved or something?” he asks, deadpan as he slurps up the soba.
you chuckle, shaking your head. “no. i just want to know you.”
sae stills at your honesty, this being one of the rare times you’re wearing your heart on your sleeve. thump, thump, thump—it’s weird how you make him so aware of his heartbeats when you’re with him. it’s weird how he feels the same way.
then, he sees a familiar sight, you reaching your hand out across the table, your pinky pointed towards him. “i promise you, no hidden agendas this time.”
he swallows the lump in his throat, hooking his pinky with yours before he knows it, the inexplicable emotions only growing by the second.
even though he’s curious about you too, something tells him that you won’t answer him seriously. not tonight. so he keeps it to himself. he’ll find a chance to ask you next time.
if there is a next time. 
he’ll just have to make it happen.
halfway through the dinner, you have about a quarter of the food left and sae looks like he’s about to burst. he didn’t really look hungry to you, eating slowly all the way. you probably ate at least twice as much as he did. 
“you sure you were hungry?”
“not anymore,” sae deflects, putting his chopsticks down. he looks at you, leaning back and staring at the leftovers in awe. he almost snorts from how dazed you look. “i’ll get naruhaya to pack these, wait here.”
“thanks,” you call after him, knowing just how much of a food coma you’re going to be in once you’re back home.
sae stares at his phone as he navigates through the corridors to find the kitchen; it’s already 2.30am. time passes really fast with you for some reason. usually it’s a bore to sit with people he barely knows, they normally can’t keep a conversation. either that or he doesn’t really click with them. (as evident in the many times he was put in the same room with friends of friends and all that was there is awkward silence and forced conversations.) 
not you though.
you’ve always been interesting. you’re intriguing, and a little bit more daring than he’s used to. you’re not that shy, by what he could tell when you so effortlessly reached across the table and snapped a picture of the both of you eating, telling him you want to give him something to remember you by.
as if that’s your last meeting.
he looks at the picture in his photo album. a subtle smile tugs on his lips, and there’s a flutter in his heart that he can’t seem to ignore.
maybe he’s jumping the gun but… he thinks you could be worth any amount of sleep he’s going to lose.
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naruhaya enters the private room alone, armed with takeaway boxes, and you smile sheepishly at him as he does. sae must be in the bathroom if he’s here alone.
“sorry, i think i ordered a little too much,” you apologise, rubbing the back of your head. “but it’s all really delicious, really.”
it really is. you’ve never had meat so tender before, and you’re almost sad thinking you’ll probably never get to eat this again. not with the price tag on it. 
“relax, i believe you,” naruhaya hums as he carefully places the leftovers in boxes. “so, how’d you get to know sae? photoshoot?”
you narrow your gaze at him, pressing your lips into a faint smile. “if you’re trying to flatter me, it’s working,” you joke, before shaking your head. “no, no, i’m not a model. i’m just a friend of a friend.”
naruhaya blinks at you like he’s surprised. “whose?”
“eita. otoya eita. why?”
“oh, it’s nothing. just… surprised sae brought another girl here for once,” naruhaya laughs nervously, packing the boxes into a clear bag. “usually it’s either oliver and gang or, well, bianca. but i haven’t seen her here in a while, actually.”
you get the feeling that sae and bianca are really, really close. 
“i think he just came here on a whim,” you brush it off. “we only met a week ago so i doubt you’ll see me here again anyway.”
naruhaya’s mouth forms an ‘o’, before it reverts back to that knowing smile again. both of you hear footsteps against the wooden floors of the izakaya, so naruhaya takes this chance to whisper in your ear.
“i think… you must be pretty special then, huh?”
before you can even ask him what he means by that, sae strolls through the door, oblivious to the earlier conversation, gaze pointed to you. “ready to go?”
you nod, taking the bags from naruhaya as sae escorts you out of there. “bye, naruhaya! i love your cooking!”
he laughs as you wave enthusiastically to him, and he winks at you right before sae turns around to look at him. “oi, sae, bring her over anytime, okay?” to which sae only waves it off, leaving you to wonder if you’ll ever actually see naruhaya again.
“you keep those,” sae tells you after the both of you get into his car, referring to the takeaway boxes. he’d told naruhaya to give you some extra meat, just in case. if he remembered right, eita once said you have quite the appetite.
he pulls out of the parking lot after you give him your address, driving the speed limit all the way back. he’s honestly kind of tired, and he can see that you are too. won’t hurt to make it back a little quicker than you came. 
“sure you don’t want some?”
“i’m fine, i’ll be busy for the next week or so anyway. i won’t even be home.”
there’s a hint of disappointment in your chest when you hear that, though you chide yourself for your wishful thinking. what makes you think you can run into a celebrity so easily anyway if he is in japan?
“oh, you’re gonna be away? try not to miss me.”
sae chuckles, softly, at the way you can be so unserious—it’s something you hear for the first time, and you feel the flutters in your heart going wild. there’s something about the way he looks so gentle like this, away from the cameras and the public eye that makes him so much more alluring than usual.
“i’ll try,” he says, though you know he’s just playing along.
usually, you don’t feel this type of way around people. you’ve never felt like this before so you can’t even think of ways to explain it. as you sit in the passenger seat, you can’t help but feel a certain attachment growing. it makes you think foolish things like i want to see you again and wonder about even sillier things like would you want to see me too?
but you’d never actually tell him that.
when your apartment comes into view, you grab at his cap on the dashboard, putting it on your head yourself this time, looking into the side mirror. “hm, think this looks better on me, what do you think?”
sae’s a little stunned at the sudden question. you have a way of making him exasperated—in all the good ways. “wanna keep it?” he’s guessing that’s where you’re headed. not that he minds. 
“oooh, then maybe i get to sell it for a buttload of money. especially when i tell people it belonged to you,” you smirk, and sae finds himself wondering why your guard is up so high.
he starts driving a little slowly, starting to feel the reluctance brewing inside him. “it’s yours now, do whatever you want with it.” he knows you’re not actually going to sell it anyway. he might not have known you for long, but he thinks you’re not that kind of person.
he’ll bet on it.
you don’t say anymore about it, and he catches you with a blank stare straight ahead, aimed at your apartment.
does it have something to do with your family? was that why you were unhappy earlier?
sae can’t shake the feeling of wanting to know more about you. but you snap back to your usual self before he can do anything about it.
“anyway! don’t worry about tonight, i won’t tell a soul that a superstar like you took a nobody like me out for a romantic supper in a private room,” you tell him, winking as you place your hands on the door handle, ready to go.
sae nearly laughs. “can’t you say thank you like a normal person?” because by now, the both of you are comfortable enough to understand that nothing is ever said in hostility. you take it as his banter.
somehow, your hand finds itself back onto your lap, and the words haven’t left your lips. there’s no music in the car, so it’s just you and sae and the air between you, a tension looming in the air that you can’t ignore. there’s just silence as you observe him from your position, your head inching closer, ever so slowly it feels like you’re not even moving at all. you can see how sae’s gaze flickers from your eyes to the tip of your nose and then to your lips, and you think of how he looks almost like he did that night when you got close to him.
except this time, you’re really tempted. you’re alone, just the both of you, and he’s been really nice and you’re really tempted to feel how soft those lips are and what he tastes like. but that’s too much, and yet somehow his eyes feel like they’re telling you different. would he mind?
your fingers pull the cap down from your head, covering both your faces as there’s barely any space between you now.
maybe just something tame.
in one swift motion, your lips press against his cheek, a hurried thank you rolling off your tongue before you bolt out of the car and back to your apartment, hoping that sae doesn’t think you’re a complete psycho for doing that. 
back in the car, sae freezes in position even after you’ve long vanished from his sight. his heart’s still beating wildly in his chest and he wonders what the hell just happened.
and then he finds himself questioning when it could happen again.
why does he want it to happen again?
before he starts the drive back, he does three things.
one, he fishes his phone out of his pocket and creates that account he forgot about. two, he sends you a follow request because he doesn’t think he can handle this curiosity anymore. and three, he opens your messages, breathing shallow as he tries to make plans for the first time.
an hour later, after you’re showered and your heart has calmed down, you check your phone, charged to full now on your bedside table. there’s a few messages from sumi and eita that you missed since it had been dead since before you left the house, and then your heart skips a beat when you realise that sae’s name is there as well.
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for the first time in a long time, you go to bed feeling like a giggly high school girl who’s been asked out by her crush. and for the first time in forever, sae receives your message and finds that he can’t sleep now—wondering why he felt so relieved to finally get a text back, and wondering what this frantic rush of his heart really means. 
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extras !
no, sae did not get up late to meet bianca the next day. he did look extremely tired though, which made her suspicious and ask why—sae did not reveal anything, just said he couldn’t sleep. partly true.
sae was right; if he’d asked yn about herself that night (particularly anything pertaining to her family), she wouldn’t have answered seriously. there’s a reason why she won’t so easily divulge her family issues & doesn’t want sae to know about it.
yn genuinely believes that sae did not notice anything off about her and that he honestly thought she was fine.
otoya did end up bringing his date to a hotel. after she fell asleep, otoya went out to the balcony to call yn and make sure she’s okay since she wasn’t responding.
yn’s mother knows that yn and otoya used to fuck (and still thinks they are), and that’s why she used her choice of words “jacking people off”. she has been treating yn like that for the past few years.
random fact #1: otoya used to purposely get yn in trouble all the time in school so that they could spend time in detention together. that’s how they started getting close.
random fact #2: sae has, in his head, considered being together with bianca before because the guys asked him about it.
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taglist! @yuzurins @saeskiss @raphsimp @lust4rin @mxplesyrvp @chieeeeeee @yumekolovesyukimiya @kunirayuna39 @auranny @sereniteav @gskill @saesgrl @riseena @rikijbol @sagejin @shironagi
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stxrshxpxd · 8 months
”thats my girl!” part 2
part 1
pairing: dr house x reader
word count: 1.5k
prompt: house and reader have both stayed late and found themselves, tired and worked up in one way or another, in his office
”You’re in my chair.”
I glanced up from my papers with several pens in my hands, one of them tiredly making notes in the patient’s file, and a last one between my teeth. I couldn’t remember I had put it there, what with it being my twelfth consecutive hour at the hospital, but I dropped it when I had to respond.
“Yes, it does the fun spinny thing,” I said in a joyless tone, staring down at the words that were beginning to not look like words anymore. House waddled up to plant his palm on his desk and blink down at me.
“Well, you can have the chair as long as I get to be in-between you and it.”
I thought House had gone home long ago. Just about everyone else had. The halls and his office were dark and the world outside was pitch black as of nearly five hours ago.
“Mhm,” I hummed nonchalantly and laid the side of my aching head in my palm. Staring at the old medical records and documented symptoms of our patient, I dotted my pen in the margin as I tried to think.
“Hey, spiraling into insanity trying to solve the case is my thing! Get your own shtick!” House snapped in a joking upset voice. I stared down still but was distracted by his hand in front of me and his index finger that mindlessly tapped on the desk, and the veins on the back of his hand and up his forearm.
He was impossible and an asshole and sociopathic on a good day, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t find him attractive. There was something about his intelligence, quick wit and superiority that secretly drew me in. But I refused to give in. I knew I could never forgive my lack of self-respect if I were to cave and sleep with him. The only way to get over it, I had always thought, would be to demystify him by getting on his level.
“When were you planning on going home?” he asked. Had I not known better I would’ve thought I detected concern in his voice. I looked up and studied the sharp shadows on his scruffy face. He himself was apparently planning on going home soon, having stuck his biker jacket on.
“Maybe when the patient dies,” I joked tiredly.
“Hm, well, then you might as well start looking at the next case instead,” House said and shrugged as he reached to the end of his desk for a stack of thin folders. I detected a snarkiness now, which I knew was part of his usual repertoire. It enraged me an unjustified amount and I stood up suddenly, nearly crashing the top of my head into his chin.
“I’m gonna save him,” I argued and pointed my finger into House’s firm chest.
“Hey, sweetheart, you’re the one who said he’s gonna die,” he chuckled and raised his one hand in surrender. “Also, haven’t you ever heard there’s no ‘I’ in ‘team’?” he added in yet another silly tone, tilting his head down at me. We seemed to end up in this position a lot, I reflected. His pale eyes stared down at me in silence and I recognised he was putting two and two together in his head.
“What’s your obsession with being better than me?” he asked bluntly even though he had the answer. “You wanna put yourself above me and knock me off my pedestal, so that you don’t have to idolise and romanticise me anymore. Oh, this must be killing you.”
“Why do you ask questions you already have the answer to?” I countered, ignoring his calling me out. His smirk had grown wide on his lips.
“So that is the answer?”
“I’m going home,” I declared and shoved past him. My brain was fried and I had no witty one-liners left to throw in his face, plus my own face was growing red at his accusations.
“You can just say you wanna sleep with me,” he teased and I saw his arms were open in a conceited manner when I turned around quickly.
“Can you for once talk to me like I’m a human being with a brain and not a piece of meat?” I asked, trying to contain my frustration. He stood in the shade of my body but I could see him narrowing his eyes slightly.
“Please, you look at me like I’m a piece of meat too. I see the way you undress me in your mind all the time. As we all know by now; I’m not stupid,” House said daringly. It drove me crazy that he still wasn’t seeing the point and he was deflecting and refusing to give me an ounce of respect.
“You’re a jerk!” I stated and closed the gap between us, impulsively shoving him by the shoulders and catching his balance off guard. He was forced to step back with his bad leg and hissed in pain, before instinctively grabbing a hold of my arm for support as his back slammed against the wall behind him. I was pulled with him and crashed into his chest and his hand still gripped my arm tightly.
Suddenly I was in his space for real. All those times of staring up at his cocky face and just barely feeling his breath on my nose there apparently had been that last shred of a border between us. I hadn’t ever been aware of it but now it was gone and it was all I could think about. His heart beat against my chest and his breath was undeniably hitting my face and there was nothing holding me back from kissing him.
I enjoyed every time I had the upper hand with him, and now I did as I pressed a frustrated yet confident and harsh kiss against his mouth. He wouldn't ever be able to pull that kiss out of his lips, it was there forever. I realised though that he could give it back. And he did. He shoved his face harsher against mine and kissed me back while tightening his fist around my upper arm and holding me in my place. And a war broke out, both of us fighting to end up on top. Get the last kiss in, leave the most memorable mark, plant the most saliva in the other’s mouth, leave the nastiest sting of one’s teeth in the other’s lip.
My body was working quicker than my brain and before I knew it I was beginning to tear his jacket off. I could only get it half way off his arms before House’s phone rang loudly and startled us both. Pulled out of our cloud of lust, I let go of his jacket and took a step back. House fished the phone out of his pocket with a sigh. I saw Wilson’s name on his screen and he didn’t hesitate to click the call away. I laughed breathily at that and shook my head.
“I think he has cameras in my office. He’s jealous.”
“Of me that is,” I teased and he laughed shortly.
“Who else?” he was quick to joke along and those were the words that stayed hanging in the air as neither of us spoke for the next few, long seconds. House let out a soft sigh as he looked at me and pulled his jacket up to hang off his shoulders again. I stepped back to lean against the desk behind me and my gaze hopped around the room.
“Why do you think you’re on my team?” House asked at last but it was rhetorical. He raised his brows at me to make a point. “Obviously you’re incredibly intelligent and a fantastic doctor.”
He kept sighing as if this was the hardest thing he had ever had to say and it made me chuckle quietly behind my serious face. I looked him in the eye and we nodded at one another silently, both barely smiling. Then his phone rang again and he rolled his eyes as he pulled it out.
“Bright and early, 8 tomorrow!” House joked and pointed at me before he began walking out towards his office door. I laughed, knowing he hadn’t ever showed up at work before 10 am.
“We stopped kissing!” he answered Wilson’s call with mock annoyance. “You know, you’re gonna have to man up and put a ring on it if you want me to stop running around with other people,” he joked and I could practically hear Wilson’s confused sigh on the other end of the line as House disappeared down the hallway and I was left alone again, absentmindedly trailing my fingertips along my bottom lip.
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loveephia · 1 year
kabedoning some of the HQ boys. (kenma, atsumu, osamu, sakusa, akaashi, bokuto, iwaizumi, suna, and ushijima.)
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, sorta crack, annoyingly charming akaashi, and just regular annoying atsumu, osamu feeds you a mochi, short komori appearance, cute petnames.
⚠ warning/s: none.
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he's shocked and blushing he's so cute what
"y/n..?" he mumbles
"..did you want to play?" he hands you his gameboy
no, you wanted a kiss.
because of this unfortunate situation, there's a small pout on your lips
kenma notices this and quickly gives you a peck (⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠*⁠)⁠
"you know, you could've just said you wanted a kiss." he states as-a-matter-of-factly
you knew that!!! you just wanted to have some fun lol
he almost chokes on the air he inhaled too quickly from mere shock
it sadly takes him a millisecond to recover, though
aaand his flirty front is back
"what's this about, pretty? you got a crush on me or somethin'?" he says teasingly, twirling a stray piece of your hair
sidenote: you've been dating for almost a year now.
because of that smug little look on his face, your hand just, oh, so, happened to slip
but it landing across his cheek was definitely not on purpose!!
suna has this all recorded in HD quality
he's not fazed
at least he looks like he isn't
his heart is actually beating 250bpm
"open, honey." you quirk your brow at his sudden command, but you go and do as he says
then the boy shoves a small piece of strawberry mochi in your mouth.
darn it, and it's your favorite flavor, too..
(💢 __ __)。。。
once your arms are slowly lowered from the wall due to the pure delight of the mochi's taste, osamu pinches your puffed up cheeks
"yummy?" he asks. you nod, bringing up your pointer finger, asking for one more
he finds you so adorable 😔
i lubs sakusa kiyoomi 😔
he doesn't understand why people are getting so worked up over the silly kabedon trend in his school
until it happened to him, that is.
from the shock of it all: the loud slap against the wall, you pining him, and your serious (yet cute) face, he gets hiccups.
"what do *hic* you think you're doing..?"
"nice kill, y/n!" komori's voice is faintly heard from behind you
you let the poor man go as he tries to calm himself down
he's the only one that's actually not fazed
sure, his face is kinda red, but like
"darling?" he says
"y- yes?" you stuttered. stay here while i prepare your grave.
he softly smiles at you before patting your head, "nothing."
now you're stomping away like an angry goblin, muttering about how annoyingly charming your boyfriend is
once you're out of sight, he covers his warm face with a palm
"what are you doing to me, y/n..?" he feels his heart beating against his ribcage
he sees you approaching rapidly and thinks literally nothing of it
that's how much he trusts you 😔
"hey, little owl—! woah there!" he was interrupted by the sudden pin against the wall
he looks left and right
up and down
"were you being chased by someone?" he asks, dumbfounded
you have no words to say from his.. assessment.
so you just kiss him on the cheek with a sweet "mwuah!" sound, and walk away
he was confused, but hey, he got a free kiss from you!!
he's familiar with shōjo mangas because oikawa's fans always talk about them
so he knows this kind of scene you're playing.
before you get the chance to pin him, he beats you to it
"hey." he greets
"..hi." you greet back with a shy smile
"how was your day, princess?" he asks
"it was great! i actually got a few leftover treats from the cooking club." you replied
you both kinda just conversed normally, soon forgetting about the position you were in
only did you remember when oikawa walked into the classroom 😭
like iwaizumi, he beats you to it
he doesn't say anything though
he just.. stares at you
but he does take a mental note of how pretty your eyes are
after a minute of silence, his arms drop to hug your waist as he rests his head in the crook of your shoulder
"that was cute." he says, chuckling a bit
how's he gonna say the most heart-racing things with the lamest bangs ever >:(
you weakly punch his side in reply as he scoffs
the stoic of stoicest
that's not even a word but ygwim
you pin him against the wall, and he stands there idly
he never really knew the concept behind kabedons
"hm? do you need something, y/n?" he asks in a gentle tone
"you." you reply, "just you."
"alright." he hugs you
just when you thought you had no effect on him, his ears turn red from the corner of your eye, and you can hear his heart pounding loudly in his chest RAAAHHGHHFFHH
you smile warmly in content
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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writella · 9 months
Trinkets; The Gifts of Gold He Gave You
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Synopsis: A detailed record of all the special objects Daryl has found for you while hunting, riding, supply gathering, and living in the various places he has in the new world. These objects often lead to sweet moments of kindness, joy, and understanding between the two of you, deepening your connection. Although they are things others might not think much of— they were simply small gestures or trinkets after all— you believed these memories and mementos to be gifts of gold; they would shine in your mind forever onward.
Details: Daryl Dixon x fem!reader, mutual pining, kisses, lots of love and ♡ sweetness ♡ (true self indulgence at its finest), but there are also descriptions of trauma, abuse, and self-hate. Though other than that, it’s nothing else except Daryl being an endearing friend and future loverboy to you. This travels across the plot and setting of season 6-8, but it might not be a perfect fit. Lastly, even though these can be read anthologically, I did write them in a storyline as if there was an order in which Daryl gives or does these things with the reader as their relationship grows, so some past trinkets might be mentioned in the next story, but it truly isn’t too big of a deal; this is one you can have fun with! ♡
Author’s Note: My dearest reader, this one took much longer than I intended, but I think it’s because I put so much of my silly heart-filled imagination into it— truly one of my favorites to write thus far. I’m just so happy to give it to you. Feel free to read these all at once, one at a time, or pick the ones that best fit who you are. with love, writella . ♡ ⋆ ☽
Trinkets moodboard & visualizer here!
Trinket No. 1: The Ribbon ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ ⟡.•
A Bow from a Bowman
Daryl was out on a hunt one morning when he found it. It’s like he was compelled to pick it up, he did it without even thinking. It was nothing, honestly: kind of silly really, and flimsy, slightly covered by grass blades— it was dirty and discarded. But there was something about it, something tender… it reminded him of you, even though in some ways still, he hardly knew you at all.
It had been over a month since Daryl came back home to Alexandria; just a month since you entered what was supposed to be your new home. But also a week or so long journey it had been to unexpectedly find you and bring you back.
He remembered it well: you were covered in dirt, tired and hungry, running for your life from the past group you were with. He was going to let you go and mind his business— you looked scared of him anyway when you crashed into him. But most importantly, he had just lost his crossbow, his bike, and maybe even a little bit of his dignity to Dwight who stole them. He didn’t feel like getting tricked again, especially since it takes a lot to trick him; he wasn’t letting that happen again. Especially not the day after. And most especially not for a seemingly young and innocent-looking girl like Dwight’s wife, Sherry or that kid they were with, Tina.
But then, he heard the yelling, the hollering, the men– they wanted you, and none of it was for the right reasons. Very wrong and scary reasons they were indeed, ones he would soon come to understand were things you’d never want to live out or discuss again. He understood that feeling, so he stayed. He hid behind a tree. He decided to help again. Who knows of your innocence, but what was definitely true was that you were a lost and lonely girl in the woods. He knew a thing or two about those unfortunately, those stories ended badly.
Sad enough, the hiding and helping— or attempting to— led him to become a prisoner with you and your ‘group.’ He barely got scraps of food, and every night was just another day of seeing your tears, your face in a permanent state of desolation and misery; staying ever silent even when you were yelled at— even when you were forced to do things you didn’t want to do. You looked scared and small.
It was only when you all reached a hospital, one you burned to the ground just to get away from them, that Daryl saw the fight in you. You didn’t even ask for his help and he tried to save you, but in the end, you saved him. A silent soldier, you were. He returned the favor with the least he could do: he took you home.
And now there you both were. You sat by Rick’s fireplace. No one was home yet, and you had just put Judith down for the night. Daryl found you there on the floor with a book. He quietly sat near you. All you two said was hello.
And this was normal, actually– the being around each other, showing up unannounced, sitting beside each other– talking or not– or you, trying to help him with whatever work he was up to. He tried to fight it at first, but it became a regular thing. It’s what helped Daryl get to know you, and you to him.
You were equally as fierce as the fire you created not long ago, but just as gentle. Just as desiring to smile and create friendships. He knew that now. And he— he was just as rock solid and straightforward as the crossbow he once carried, but just delicate. Just as easily hurt and as quick to hide, yet so deeply desiring of loyalty and acceptance. You know that now too.
It’s still so soon, but you admired him, so deeply. You wanted to learn from him. You thought he was strong, and you wanted to be strong. All that anguish and pain and he came out a fighter, a leader.
Little did you know that is exactly what he thought of you. He went from seeing you cry yourself to sleep every night to becoming the kind and generous friend you were to almost everyone you met. Always offering to care for Judith, or allowing Carl to come to you to talk, or learning about guns and shooting with Rosita. And of course finding a way to go on supply runs, or learn to hunt, or fight walkers with Daryl as much as you could. As always, he pretended not to care that much, but he did. He couldn’t help it. He values his independence, but it was nice that there was someone who wanted to be around him so much. And he admired you for his own reasons as well: You’re someone who fills others up with lightness when such dark things have happened. He felt like that every time you two we’re together. He wanted to learn from you too.
As he sat there, thinking, he wondered if maybe that’s why he thought of you when he saw it. Maybe it was the brightness and softness of it, despite finding it on the ground, despite it being dirty. He cleaned it up, and it still shined, that’s like you but… he was still unsure. Maybe it truly was nothing, maybe it was stupid.
He looked to his side, watching your figure for a moment as he decided what to do. You were on your stomach, laying on the small rug that sat in front of the fire. You were continuing the chapter you were on, paying little attention to him. He only said ‘hey,’ after all. And you did wave back, you asked him how his day was, but all he gave you was a typical response, ‘fine,’ he had said. You thought maybe this visit wasn’t about talking so you left it. And all of this was typical anyway, for Daryl to come by Rick’s, or for you two to sit in peaceful silence, but then you started to see him fidget in his spot in your periphery, like he couldn’t decide how he wanted to sit, hands adjusting his jeans, moving things in his pocket.
“Do you wanna go to the porch?” You thought maybe he was reaching for a smoke. “I can put on the baby monitor…” He just shook his head at the suggestion.
You decide to move to the spot next to him, leaning your back against the wall. “Did something happen today?” Your voice was soft as you tilt your head, trying to reach his eyes.
“No,” he shook his head again, he was facing forward. “It’s just…”
“What?” You asked calmly.
He found it hard to speak, “Just- just brought something.” He reached into his pocket one last time, his hand in a fist as it made its way closer between the two of you until he started to release his fingers from his palm slowly.
It was a ribbon. A pearly light pink one. Just scattered in his hand. “It’s stupid,” he grumbled quietly, trying to shove it back down his pocket, but you stop him.
“Wait,” your hands gently cupping the other side of his and then you pick it up, letting him go. You wrap the ribbon around your finger and you tie it into a bow, examining it in your palm now. “This is for me?” Soft disbelief enchanted your voice. You made sure not to sound too excited or too surprised. You didn’t want to scare him, especially since he replied with:
“It's nothin’.” He was feeling slightly embarrassed.
“It's so nice,” your voice continued in its understated tone despite your smile becoming uncontainable. You couldn’t help the way your lips were curling upward, it was even hurting your cheekbones to try to make your teeth shine through a little less— Daryl Dixon just gave you a gift. And it was a little pink thing at that. Perhaps miracles are real. “It's perfect,” you say, “I can wear it in my hair.”
“It's stupid.” He repeated, brushing you off, but you saw right through him. Daryl doesn’t do anything for no reason at all.
“It's not.” Your words are so kind as your interject, “You know, sometimes it's the smallest things that mean everything. They become our favorite things even.” Your lips pressed together, forming another smile as he meets your gaze, “Like your vest that needs to be patched up.”
“It's fine,” he almost sounded defensive. It made you laugh.
As messed up as it is, it truly was fine. It was his and he loved it; that made it so. And he didn’t only have the vest, he also had his cut-up button-downs, and those ties he laced on the bottom of his jeans— you knew those were probably because the pants available didn’t always fit all the time, but nonetheless— these were all things that made him and his clothing unique from the others. Even in the apocalypse, Daryl was one of the few that maintained a personal style. You couldn’t help but love it. He could, and often always was, the guy covered all in dirt and grim and blood but he still had something about his look that was simply just him.
You missed that. Having those personal touches, and now here Daryl was with this. The simplest thing, but he brought it for you. It was your special piece, your special something. It truly was perfect.
“C’mere,” Daryl gestured, taking the ribbon from your hand and moving your shoulders so your back faced him. He undid the bow and cuffed your hair, he actually almost yanked your head with the way he gathered the ponytail, honestly– he forgets his strength, but you said nothing. Only giggling slightly, but you were mostly quiet. You tried to keep it down, afraid he might stop if he thought you were making fun of him. You wanted to reel at the closeness for as long as you could. You couldn’t believe the fact that he was doing something so domestic— you almost couldn’t breathe. He tried to detangle some pieces with his fingers and then he tilted his head to the side to leave some shorter pieces out at the front. He didn’t know what he was doing and he probably was doing it badly, but he tried his best to be delicate. He’s never touched you like this before. Every time his fingers accidentally brushed against your ear or your neck he relearned just how soft you are. And every feeling of his skin almost made you shiver; like when someone whispers in your ear, it always feels so sensitive, traveling down until you feel it everywhere. His touches felt like that. You always end up feeling his everywhere. He’s entrancing, filling you with hearts and stars.
Finally, he ties the ribbon into a bow right at the top of the ponytail he created. He’s done. He lets go. They shapes and colors fade. Everything is cold again.
But to him, everything looked warm and vibrant. Looking at you was a sight so sweet and so gentle among all this dark wreckage of the world— it was precisely how he saw you: the way the ribbon now laced around your hair looked like an angelic embrace.
You turn to him, “Thank you, Daryl.” Your smile is so sincere, so lovely, there might as well be a halo and hearts invisibly drawn all around you.
A moment passes as you continue to look at each other and your heart jumps. He’s still looking directly at you. There are moments that he looks away and you can’t help it, the bashfulness creeps up on you two, but he’s giving you all his attention; it feels great. You decide to take the chance, you can't help yourself, you hug him, you have to. It has been so long since someone gave you something. So long since someone thought of you so specifically and intimately.
He’s caught off guard, his hands don’t wrap around you until a few seconds later, but when they do, they are sure, and tight, more sure of it than you surprisingly.
You breathe him in, giggling again, “I’m surprised you smell this good.”
“Fuck you.” It makes you laugh just a bit louder, it’s the nicest ‘fuck you,’ you’ve ever heard. Its tone has a hint of sincerity in tandem with humor in just the same way you delivered your line. He shakes his head, “You’re silly.”
He lets you go and you turn away, but it’s only just a little. He watches how the ribbon lays right where he put it again, seeing the side of your face light up with your rosy smile as you sway your head. You’re trying to not make it obvious that you want to feel the wag of the bow and your hair back there so you do it slowly, it just feels so cool and so pretty. You liked it so much. You didn’t even know what it looked like yet, but it already made you feel more like yourself. Like a part of you that had left before this world began— it fit well like a missing piece finally snapping into place. It was your unique touch and he found it for you. He did it for you. Just for you.
For me, you repeated it in your mind, he found it just for me.
Trinket No. 2: The Lesson ō͡≡o˞̶ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
Turnpikes, Gunshots, and Dreams
You had asked and asked for weeks with no let up. It made you start getting creative with your pleas: “You know, Daryl, we really should be teaching each other our skills,” you had insisted, sarcasm lining your voice. No one else in the group knew how to ride yet they were doing just fine, but you were incessant, “You never know what kind of situation we’ll be in where we might need it… I could die,” your hands raise as your voice does, “and your bike could be my only escape but I wouldn’t even know how to ride it!”
He would always just stare at you blankly, ignoring you, especially when you got dramatic like this right before you two were leaving. “Get on or stay,” he would say, “go help Rosita or somethin’.”
You’d grit your teeth and get on regardless.
But then one day, one lucky, lucky day for you— it was your earnest approach, and your silly smile, and sun-filled eyes that got the best of him as they looked up to meet his darker ones. “Please,” you said, stretching out the word, it was just as cheesy as your smile. He looked back at you from his front seat as you continued, “I just want to feel capable and- free… I don’t know,” but you did, you meant it and felt it from deep inside you. “To know I have the option I wanted to… I… I didn’t really have those before.”
He was still for a moment and then he nodded, restarting the ignition. You guessed that was another no until you started to ride past the walkers that lined the outer gate. “An hour,” he said, his eyes forward as the trees became a blur to both of you, “then we gotta get work done.” You wrapped your arms around him tightly, you only used to cup his waist or hold his shoulders, but you felt fearless today, head leaning against his back and neck, arms hugging around his torso. He finally said yes.
As time went by, you had gotten comfortable with completing your drills. You learned the controls, how to shift gears, how to waddle and power walk with the bike, operate the clutch, throttle, and lift your feet up, riding on a straight path all by yourself. Turns were still hard though, and the fact that Daryl always insisted you think about the worst-case scenario wasn’t the greatest either. He’d look you dead in the eye, his voice clear and unrestrained from his usual grovels as he said, “If a herd is comin’, or people are shooting, or if there’s something tryin’ to crash into you, you need to think about how you’re going down. Decide on what won’t fuck you up completely, then do it. ” He always got way too close to your face without realizing it in those moments, his finger almost crashing into your nose as he vigorously pointed to get the idea across.
“If something goes down, I’m not arguing,” you say. “You'll be in front.” You meant it, your voice was quiet, you understood.
But really, you didn’t: “If something go down, either of us should be able to do it.” He paused to make sure you got it this time, “That's the point.”
As if you didn’t already sense it, this was the first time you absolutely understood that Daryl was serious when he decided to do anything. Full commitment. Start to finish. You said you wanted to learn, that you wanted to be capable, then that’s exactly what he was going to teach you. You would take it seriously too.
Soon enough, Daryl allowed you to ride out of the gates of Alexandria first instead of switching off after you got a few miles out. You were getting better. So much so that today would be a different day, he explained. Daryl wanted you to ride to the Hilltop. This would be the longest distance you’ve ever rode. A whole 23 miles. But before you guys got there he would steer you in the direction of a turnpike: he wanted to practice speed, and most crucially for you, right and left turning.
His weapons and guns were strapped to his lower body, some on his thigh holster, and a machine gun over his back, all just in case, and his hold on your waist was fixed as you rode. It made you feel like a child and such a little teenager all in one with how excited you would get. Not only were you becoming skilled at riding a whole fucking motorcycle, but you were the one he was holding onto this time and it was the longest amount of time he was holding you at that.
As you reached the turnpike, he guided you around the semi-circular road. Continuing on, you saw a few walkers in the distance. He told you to speed up, there was enough space on the road and there were only four of them, they were far away anyway.
You looked back at your surroundings, other than those four, the road was pretty clear other than some broken down, discarded cars. This accidentally became a lesson on tight turns and swerving too.
Some of your turns were abrupt as you tried to go around the cars, it made you nervous. You knew it was okay not to be perfect, but it was still a little stressful to make mistakes when a master was watching behind you.
“Relax,” he’d tell you, sometimes putting his hands over yours on the handles and helping you out. “You got it.”
You went on and as the walkers approached closer, an idea arose. It was probably irresponsible, but you joked anyway, “Daryl,” you whisper-shouted with fake suspense, getting his attention. “We’re on a mission. Got to take those guys out before they get to Rick!”
He chuckled a bit, shaking his head. He leaned in closer as you leaned forward, gaining speed. One arm wrapped around your hips in totality, hand placed firmly there as the other reached for his gun, extending his arm out as you two got closer to the walkers. You two turned to face them as Daryl pulled the trigger: one shot each, straight in the head, “Got ‘em.”
You gasp, your laughter sounding so wild and fun and unrestrained in a way it hasn’t been heard by either of you before. “Is it bad if I say I hope we find another one?!”
“No, that was fun,” he agrees understatedly, trying not to fully give in. You couldn’t even see his face, yet he was trying to hide a smile.
And you were too. It was all too much honestly. You were balancing riding and having Daryl right behind you, holding onto you, trusting you to do something he’s never let anyone else do before; and you just proved you both could probably kill it in a high stakes situation. Well, maybe not, this was very, very low stakes, but still, it made you believe. You decided to ride the high, quite literally as you kept going, shouting back: “Imagine us in battle?”
Oh, wait— your grin fades slightly, you immediately regretted it after you said it. The point of this life was to try to find a way to live, not always fighting to survive. Maybe that wasn’t the best thing to say.
The silence makes you feel like an idiot until Daryl speaks up, both hands now on your hips, thumbs pressing into your back, “If we were in battle,” he almost whispers into your ear, “we’d be their worst fuckin’ nightmare.”
You feel your smile practically reaching your ears. “We’re a team,” you say, the humor coming back to your face now, the shine in your teeth reflecting the sun as it always does. “A dream team.”
A dream… Maybe. You definitely were at least, but that is a thought he doesn’t let come to the forefront. He let it go. But it was true… something about you felt unreal to him. The way you wanted to be around him this much, so interested in the things he does; he still didn’t get it, it almost felt unbelievable. He wondered when it was going to stop. When he would wake up. He didn’t want to wake up. The thought grows, he can’t avoid it now: you are a dream. One he didn’t even know he wanted.
Trinket No. 3: Lucky Charms **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Flying Away With You
You gasp excitedly, “The Eiffel Tower!” You hold the bottom up to the light as he still holds the top. “Nice,” you say with bright eyes, “I found the Statue of Liberty in the mom’s jewelry box and a few others that weren’t on her charm bracelet.” You showed him the mother’s sterling silver and he showed you the daughter’s that he found. “I guess they were traveling family… or wanted to be.” You feel a heaviness behind your eyes after you say it.
You loved collecting these charms, but sometimes there was a sadness to it. Like you were collecting other people's tokens, little pieces of their personalities and their stories, keeping it as your own. It almost felt invasive. But it was something that you and Daryl did together. You liked that. Another thing that made you feel close to him… Maybe this was like keeping their memory alive? You may not have known them or know what happened to them, but you were giving something that they loved new life. The charms did make you happy, after all. Especially because it was Daryl that got you into it. But it was also you who got Daryl into it too.
You both can recall the first day it all started: He found it incredulous that you cared more about a little piece of jewelry you saw in the dirt rather than the bigger thing that was right by it: the deer Daryl just shot, the one that you two had been tracking for what felt like hours.
His face twisted up to you as he collected his bolt from the body, “We just caught a deer, and you’re lookin’ at that?”
“We just caught a deer for the first time in months and this was right by them… it’s literally good luck!” You held the gold sun charm to the actual light source it was designed after, “Look at us… Lucky charm, dream team, remember?” Your smile was just so wide after you said it, he let his slight irritation go. It was easy actually, he was always taken aback by that smile. It still wasn’t that long ago when he thought you weren’t the type to do so, like him most of the time. He had only seen you sad, but now, I’m Alexandria, you just glowed. Eyes and an essence as bright as the sun, and that smile, all teeth and just as pearly as the moon… The charm was perfect for you and it needed its match. Maybe a star too. He would find it.
He still remembers where he found those. He came across a silver crescent moon necklace discarded on the floor of a girl’s bedroom. It was simplistic, like one or those expensive necklaces that shouldn’t even be that expensive because of how small it was, but it was a perfect charm size, and it shined, there were no scratches. In the other girl’s room in the house, probably the younger sister, there was a charm bracelet on the desk. It was kind of childish and clunky, like one you could get in those supermarket toy vending machines. He took the first charm he touched and removed the clasp from it for your moon. It was hard to do it with his fingers on something so small and dainty but after a few tries, he managed.
As for the star, he found it on a walker in the woods. It was a little girl, it almost made him feel bad to do it because he knew you’d feel bad about it, but her and what looked like her mom and dad went straight for the two rabbits he just caught, ripping their skin, eating them. He shot them all in the head. The thud of their bodies to the ground only seconds apart. Oh well, were his thoughts, their fault for messing with his catch. After that is when he noticed the gold charm bracelet on the kid’s wrist. It was different from the one he saw last time in that other girl’s room, it wasn’t a fake toy, it was more refined. Maybe they were a well-off family.
There was a star was at the center. It’s all he wanted, but he thought you might want to see the others she had too— they were all nature themed, he kind of liked it— so he tried to take the bracelet off but it wasn’t working. The thing fit her wrist perfectly and the bracelet clasp was stuck so, in typical Daryl fashion… he just chopped the girl's hand off.
Kind of gross, and he would definitely have to keep the red off of everything now, but the star charm was gold, it would match the sun charm and the moon would stand out at the center, he assumed. He thought it could look nice… and beggars can’t be choosers in the apocalypse anyway. After he took the bracelet he discarded of the hand, tossing it to the ground like it was nothing. (He’d leave that part out if you asked for the story later). Now that he had the bracelet, you would also have a gold owl, a bunny, a bird, and if it couldn’t get any better, there was a deer charm too. That’s what was most important about the account anyway.
That night, Daryl crawled into your bedroom from the window while you were asleep. He placed the star and moon on top of your journal that was on your desk, and after that, he left. That was it. He just wanted to surprise you. He’d give you the rest later. You only realized he did it and how he did it when you closed your window that was slightly left open the next day. There were scuff marks on the window sill. They were from his shoes.
After that it became a game; a little side quest. Like how people would count red versus blue cars or shout ‘punch buggy,’ when they are out with their family. An activity that took you out of your boredom, or really, for you in the apocalypse, it was an activity that made you feel oddly sane again, since you always dealt with the insane everyday anyway.
That was what today was about. At least on the down low; at least after you found anything of value for the community; at least to you two. You guys had found what seemed to be a wealthy neighborhood a while ago, when you passed that turnpike. The houses there were so big there, but all you had was his bike at the time, nowhere to put supplies and you were expected at the Hilltop, you couldn’t stay and look around.
It had been a little while after that and you had a plan now, a few Alexandrians backing you up with cars. You two finished your portion of houses to sweep and now you were waiting on the others, sitting in one of the house porches. That’s why you both were showing each other your finds from this place and the others.
You continued to hold the Eiffel Tower charm in your hand, “Maybe we should go to Paris…” Your voice was wistfully, then a quietness lingered in the air, it made you laugh awkwardly, releasing the tension. Your suggestion was one of those silly things you say where you mean it, but you pretend it’s just a joke, knowing it won’t have any outcome. “All of us, I mean,” you do mean it, but at the same time you we’re just talking about him right now. “That would be nice.”
“What would I do in Paris?” He asks it while he fixes his weapons, you’re sitting back, looking at the trees. He thought it was a ridiculous idea. He’s never been anywhere. He hadn’t even been to Virginia or D.C. before this and there’s no way he could go anywhere else now.
“Well I guess we’re never going to know unless we find out… you can eat!” You laugh, “You do like eating.”
He snorts, “Who knows if there’s food left there.”
Pessimist. “Again— we’re never going to know unless we find out.”
“Have fun tryin’ to become a pilot,” his drawl comes out strong on that last word. “Or a plane.”
“I guess that’s the next charm we need to find, an airplane or a captain’s hat. I am a pilot… or I can pretend to be.” There’s that smile again, “I can do anything.”
“Bet you could.” He meant it.
You nod, your next words making you laugh at yourself, “I’m Barbie.”
“Better,” he mutters. You can barely hear it. You don’t know if it was real so you say nothing until—
“We’re going to travel the world some day, Daryl.” You say it so surely, breaking the moment of silence, “We’ll find a way.” As long as we’re together. As long as you want me.
That’s all you wanted, truly. Even if this world really couldn’t take you to Paris, or New York, or anywhere out of Virginia. All you wanted was him. All you wished and hoped for is that he wanted you… but did he? You still weren’t sure.
Trinket No. 4: The Flower and the Photograph 𓇢𓆸
Back Pocket Memory
You two were almost near Alexandria, only a few miles left to drive. “Do you think we can just sit down over there before heading back?”
Daryl continued driving, “Dangerous to leave a good van with supplies just put.”
You pointed to the clearing you were referring to ahead. The trees were sparse in that area, it might have been a meadow, but you didn’t know the difference. There was a little pond near the center. “Can we just drive the car a little bit closer? Just for a few minutes?” You look up at him, your eyes doing that little sunshine thing as it always does, “I just want to sit in the grass,” you say, putting your hand out the window, feeling the wind through your fingers, “the sky feels so nice today.”
He huffs, but does as you ask. “Get out,” he says, gesturing to you to walk over to the area you pointed at. “Pick your spot.” You run over and he follows. You have this wonder about you, it was almost childlike, but not childish, more— sweet, innocent perhaps.
You jump down to the ground and cross your legs on the grass, looking out at the pond. Daryl parks the car a little behind you and comes out to sit on the hood. His legs spread, knees almost to his chest, his elbows lay on there, arms extended.
You look at him, “You’re really not going to sit down?”
“If someone comes up behind us and steals our shit then that’s gonna be your fault.”
Fair. You gesture at him to move over and you sit to his side on top of the car.
As you settle, you close your eyes and you raise your face to the sky. Feeling the warmth of the sun on your closed eyelids. There was a majestic kind of wind that blew in the air today. It made everything look effortless, especially Daryl.
His ever-so disheveled hair had pieces flying on both sides, brushing some parts out of his face, and pushing others in. As always, it was just enough that they didn’t completely cover his eyes. How does that always happen? Thinking about it makes you giggle lightly as you look at him.
“What?” He asks, becoming a little self conscious.
You shake your head, your eyes looking at him kindly, hoping to ease his nerves. “You just look nice.” Your voice was silvery and sweet as you said it.
You get up and skip toward the pond, picking a flower and coming back to him. You sit down and try to put the tiniest white flower behind his ear.
“What’re you doin’?” He tries to swat it away, playfully hitting your other hand that tries to hold him in place and he takes the flower from your other hand. He successfully places it behind your ear instead. “Better,” he says.
As he looks at you, he notices light pieces of your hair frizzing up at the top from the wind, other pieces at the bottom still moving around slightly. It didn’t look bad, to him, your hair looks more like that invisible halo he sees when you’re around, and with that flower in your hair, you look like a true angel or maybe even a fairy with all the greenery surrounding you. You’re just lovely.
You give him a closed smile, your head falling to your knees. “Pretty day,” you sigh contentedly.
Pretty girl.
Handsome man.
Then a thought comes. Your smile turning to a grin.
“What?” He asks sharply. He knows the look you get when you’re up to something at this point.
You grab your backpack from your side, slowly bringing out the polaroid camera you found earlier today.
“No,” he pushes the side of your face, already detesting the idea.
“Daryl,” you whine.
He says it straight this time, “No.”
“But…” your eyes trail his face for a moment before continuing, “you just look… I don’t know. It’s like I said, you just look so- nice.” There’s other words you could use, but you don’t, not yet. “I just think it would be nice to have a nice picture. All we take pictures of is the houses and work. It’s boring and a waste.” You pause, “Daryl… Please?”
He rolls his eyes, grumbling, “You first.”
He’s glad no one was around when these moments happened. Someone might think you had him completely whipped. His brother definitely would think so if he was still around. Daryl was almost embarrassed of himself because of it. But you don’t ask for much. Other than the bike thing, you really didn’t. You trusted him and you were patient. You went along with his plans and you could sit for long car rides and periods of time in quietness if that’s what he wanted. You never pushed him to tell you his story. He only knew a part of yours circumstantially and he didn’t push you for more details after he brought you home, so you did the same. He could feel you wanted to ask more questions, but he also saw you stop yourself, move on, you were creative with your conversation topics: you asked him about what the best thing he hunted was, or what his favorite things were about your friends. You were so gentle with him. Maybe you could get him to do almost anything you wanted without you even knowing, but it was worth it for someone like you.
You look down shyly, “I’m not good at pictures,” you admit.
“You’ll look fine.” He wanted to say something else, but he didn’t. You’re so alike, more than you know.
He tilted your jaw with his thumb. It was too quick for you to melt into it but the feeling lingered, it made you buzz with excitement and it was easy to smile after that. He looked through the viewfinder, seeing you do that pretty sunny smile, matching the yellow bud of the white flower. He clicked the button. Beautiful.
You snatch the camera instantly, “Your turn!” You were too eager but you didn’t care.
You take the flower from your hair and bring it toward him. He sucks his teeth, saying your name as he does so, “No!”
“Yes, Daryl!” You push it over his ear, but not before he pushes you knee, just to do it. He didn’t even know why he was fighting, he knew he was letting you have your way right now. “Look,” you sound like a school teacher, “very nice.”
You even out some of the frizzy parts at the top of his head, the light wind was still blowing through it, it was futile so you left it, he looked great anyway. A perfectly imperfect mess.
He crossed his arms over his knees and looked into your eyes. You held the camera to your face and snapped the shot. “Beautiful.”
You stare at him for a moment longer. If anyone else was here that could see those all to familiar hearts and stars around you and in your eyes, it was so hard to hide. “I’m keeping this,” you said, placing the polaroid delicately in your back pocket. He said nothing, he wasn’t going yo let you know he cared about a dumb picture. “Okay, thank you for indulging me,” you start, taking the flower from his ear, “let’s go home.”
Later that night, past one am, he came through your window again. But this time you saw. Your head was almost covered by the blankets, your eyes slightly open. He didn’t even look in your direction. Maybe he wanted to be quick.
You saw him go into your bookbag. It was hanging on your desk chair. He took the picture out. He wanted it. He wanted your picture. The one that matched yours of him. Maybe this was something. Maybe he did want you.
You closed your eyes quickly when he started to turn around, then watched as quietly as you could as he neared the window, starting to climb out but not before he placed the polaroid in his back pocket, just like you did. Now you both had a piece of each other, forever.
Trinket No. 5: The Music Player and the Wish on an Eyelash ⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻ ♬♪
Never Fade Away
It’s official, in all the ways it possibly could be: Alexandria was truly your home. More time has passed: you live in a house, you have a job, you have family— it’s your friends. In some ways things are better than they have ever been… yet you still think about the night and the dark just as much as you used to. You tried to hide it, you wanted to be grateful and you were. But the things that used to happen to you, and the people that hurt you… they still lingered like ghosts when night came.
In the closed and guarded walls of your community, you hoped night could be a time and place that was peaceful. But thoughts of an attack, thoughts of losing your first real home, it left you apprehensive and paranoid of what could happen in your vulnerable state. And when you close your eyes, sometimes the past visits your dreams. It all felt inescapable.
It makes you so fearful that despite keeping your window’s curtain open, a battery-powered lantern resides practically glued to your nightstand— always on when the sun goes down. You knew it was a waste of a resource, but at least you kept it on low, at least when you woke up in the middle of the night, closer to morning really, you remembered to turn it off— the sun making its way back around soothed your nerves; it was always that initial getting-to-sleep part that made you need it anyway.
And of course, you’ve tried to calm yourself down at night using different methods to see what stuck: You do read— your neighbors were always kind enough to lend whatever books were in their houses— and you did daydream— letting your mind wander to happier, more wondrous places when you wanted to escape— and it did help sometimes, but on other nights, it wasn’t enough.
You miss watching tv in bed. There was something about the buzz of the box, and the voices of humor and romance and relatability that miraculously took you away, and helped you stop thinking, even allowed you to drift to sleep… it was a luxury you didn’t have anymore, and not only did you not have that luxury, you also had an overabundance of dead or deadly issues to worry about. It all haunted you.
You sat with your back against the headboard of the bed. You’ve yet to put on any night clothes. You had already read the next chapter of your book, and you would have read another, and possibly another after that, but tonight you knew it would have just kept you awake as something to do instead of worrying about sleep. You were tired though. That’s why you stopped, but you also weren’t ready for trying to catch sleep that wouldn’t come.
Part of you hoped Daryl would stop by, but he doesn’t always, and he probably won’t tonight. Some nights he’s out until the next day or the next week, who knows how far he went this time, you didn’t go with him and he left too quickly to ask. It had been a few days since you saw him last.
When he was here though, he did start to make it a habit of stopping by to see you, especially when it was time for Alexandrians to settle into their homes for the night. He stopped being so quiet through the window and only dropping things off. He would start coming through the door. It was just a light chat for a couple of minutes at first, then there were the times when he stayed an hour or two. He always sat on your floor, by the window, or by the door. You never understood why until you insisted he sit in your chair by the closet. It was only until a few more visits later you realized the chair's light color becoming just a bit visibly darker. It was soot and hard work and the air, he worked outside all day and usually visited before he called it a night. You made sure not to mention it, you just cleaned it yourself. No need for him to feel embarrassed.
Besides, you didn't mind, anytime he walked through your door or jumped in from your window, that was his chair, at least that’s what you called it in your head. You liked that. You liked that after he brought you home he didn’t move on and let you be. In his defense, you didn’t let him be either, but he could have always distanced himself if he wanted to, told you no, but he didn’t.
You two have gotten so close quite quickly. You both felt it and you didn’t know why, but at the same time, you did. It was something left unspoken, even in your mind, always on the side toward the back of your brain. That part knew you could fall in love with him, but why admit it to yourself if the other person might not feel the same? You were still feeling that way. Despite all the moments you’ve shared thus far. His silent nature was endearing at times, but it could also be a very confusing gripe of yours. There were moments when you knew exactly where his mind was, but there were other times when you simply did not. Especially when it came to you. Daryl always gave you just enough, and maybe tonight, it would be nothing at all.
At least that’s where your thoughts resided until you heard the creak of your door slowly pushing inward.
Daryl’s hand holds the doorknob, meeting your eyes as he steps in further. Your window casting just enough light on his face.
“Hi,” you meant to be clever, ask him if he knew how to knock, but only wistful, subdued surprise is all that came out in your one-word greeting.
“Hey,” he replied, it almost seemed like he was surprised too, you couldn’t tell it from his voice but from the way he cut the word short. “Didn’t know if you were awake.”
You laugh somberly, “You didn’t?”
“Didn’t see you in the window.”
His voice is low, your house is quiet, and people are asleep in the other rooms. You match his tone with your own quietness, “Right,” you say. The window did hit the bed end, not the top. But he knew you were a late sleeper. He even came and sat with you for longer the night before he left because you had told him about it— he knew, he had to, but you didn’t question it.
“Um,” he’s looking down, “Was just gonna leave somethin’.”
He starts to walk to your nightstand but you stop him, your hand reaching out, not touching him, but it’s just enough to pull him to your gaze. “You’re gonna leave without showing me?”
Daryl positions himself toward you and you sit up. Gingerly, he takes something small out of his front pocket, it was covered in one of his bandanas. He looks at it for a moment, almost unsure before placing it on the bed, right in front of your lap.
It was an MP3 player. One of those slim rectangular ones with a digital rectangular screen to match and a big circular button with the controls covering the bottom half. There were some small scratches in the screen corners and some dent marks in the back. The arrow buttons were starting to fade too, but he handed you some headphones out of his back pocket as you continued to examine it, it must have worked.
You look up at him, eyes wide, shining just a bit in the dark just like the little silver miracle that was in your hands. You remembered having one of these, the thought made your lips curl, a light open-mouthed smile forming as the nostalgia set in.
You move closer to the edge of the bed, the sky illuminating you more in your semi-darkened room. You place your hand on the other end of your bed, “Come,” you say as your tap the spot. He’s hesitant before he finally accepts the invitation, sitting down. You would have insisted anyway if he didn’t.
You flip the switch on the side then and the music starts instantly in your right ear where you set one of the earbuds in. You tried to put the left on him, but he shook his hand, “You listen.” You let him be for now, you were too excited to see what the previous owner was into.
The songs are scattered from different decades, but what you notice the most of as you skip through were various 90s and 2000s rock, pop-punk, pop, and the like. There was Nirvana, but also Fiona Apple to Blondie, and even Elvis. It was a little all over the place, really. This definitely had to be a teen’s in the early or late aughts. You thought maybe Carl would like this. There was even some stuff that you were sure had to have come out in 2010, right before the apocalypse began… Another kid who wouldn’t get to spend the rest of their teens, or young adulthood, or adult life like they were supposed to, like you were supposed to.
Having these thoughts while Aerosmith’s Fly Away From Here played was not helping, especially since it made you think of your lost family, and those from your found family that were gone now too, so you decided to skip, but the button seemed to fidget. You tried again, then again, even touching the screen. You accidentally made the shuffle icon come onto the bottom corner.
“Don’t like Aerosmith?” Daryl read it on the screen, but he also recalled the melody, even from just the soft buzz produced by the headphones, the volume was accidentally turned all the way up, you set it down.
You give him a light smile, “Aerosmith’s fine. Just have to be a little more careful with this, I guess.”
You continue to press forward to see what else is there until you shriek, color coming back to your face as you shake your head at the memory emerging as you listen. “Oh my god, my sibling used to love this song when we were younger.” It was Avril Lavigne’s Girlfriend that was playing. “We used to put on the radio or look up the music videos on the tv and dance. They loved doing that…” Your voice was soft, both sweet yet desolate, “I knew all the popular songs and all their favorite songs whether I liked it or not.” You giggle, “I can lie this one is fun.”
You knew Daryl would probably scoff, but you lightly place the left earbud near his ear for a few seconds so he can hear what you’re talking about.
“Definitely a chick’s.”
“‘Chick’?” It was funny, and you did laugh, but you still decide to protest, “It’s just one song and…I don’t know, I think it’s a pretty eclectic mix of artists…” You continue to press forward as you ask, “Were there kids? Or- did there used to be?”
“Based on the rooms.” He nods, “Boy and a girl.”
“Hm,” you say curiously, flipping through the songs: the next one that played was by Linkin Park, then Alanis Morisette… you wondered if the kids shared it or shared interests. Suddenly, the player starts Lit’s My Own Worst Enemy. Your eyes are starlit as you gasp, “Oh, this one is so you.”
This time you fully push the headphone into his left ear, turning the volume all the way up as the first verse plays, his face is fixed, “This ain’t me.” There is silence as the music continues and he scorns, “You think I used to just get drunk all the time?”
“Daryl,” your laugh is light, “no.” It was a ridiculous thought and he should know it, but nonetheless, you console him, “Of course not.” Your hand reaches forward onto the bed, nearing where his own resided, but not touching. It saddened you to see Daryl always react like this to small things. He was never judgmental, but he was always so quick to believe others would judge him. “Maybe not that part,” you smile, slightly mischievous, “but- okay, this-” you sing-speak along lightly, remembering to stay quiet, “it’s no surprise to me I am my own worst enemy, cause every now and then I kick the living shit out of me- that's you! That's literally you.”
He shakes his head, ‘Whatever,’ the gesture says with his grunt.
“No, you’re actually a little bit self-deprecating, I think. At least internally.” You continue, “Oh, and this part— I didn't mean to call you that- you see?” You say, humor still in your smile, “That part is you.”
Daryl gives you another small grunt indicating ‘no’ as he shakes his head again. “If I say something to someone, then I mean it. Wouldn’t say it if I don’t.”
“Well, you also mean a lot of what you don’t say,” your eyes trail to the side. You knew that didn’t make sense, but it did to you. There was a part of you that was still in denial of your feelings or if there was a possibility he had any for you either. You’d never see him talk or treat anyone in a more than friendly way– or whatever Daryl’s version of friendly was. You wanted to protect yourself by not admitting you adored him, even to yourself, but really, you knew. And there was the way he kept giving you these things, these little moments: the ribbon, the picture, the charms… It made that smaller part of you that believed something was there, glow and warm inside your heart.
You look at him, there was a sorrow placed on both of your faces, but he just looks at his hand that is placed on the bed through his hair, the one that's so close to yours. “You really don’t think there is anything you don’t regret saying?” Another song passes, you didn’t recall it, but then the playlist shifts to something slower, it’s the Beatles. “I just think you keep a lot inside… It’s okay though. But it is just something I notice.”
Normally, a comment like this or something similar to it would sound trite and judgmental, there are a lot of things people don’t talk about now, but you say it with understanding, a little sad because you can’t help it, but your voice is kind, like gentle fingers through his hair, evening it out; a voice that shows you care, you see him and respect him even if you do want more. “It’s okay,” you whisper as Paul McCartney’s voice sings softly, “I’m not half the man I used to be, there’s a shadow hanging over me.” It felt like he was speaking right to Daryl as he continued to look away from you.
It’s moments like this where he wants to say it all. The sad stories from his childhood that he has never been able to tell anyone before. Stories about his brother… the bad, yes, but even some of the good ones. He knows he could talk to Rick if he wanted, or Carol. His group was loyal to him as much as he was to them– he knew that, but they probably wouldn’t care to hear about Merle, it would probably make them angry to be reminded of all the bad things he’s done to them. He wouldn’t blame them. In many ways, and for more reasons then all of them, he will always be angry at his brother too. This is why he didn’t even like to let himself think about the past, but in other ways, it still sucked. It makes him feel alone, like talking about himself or his brother or the past was just a gateway to hurting himself and scaring others, scaring you.
You wipe him away from those thoughts even though you didn’t even hear them, your voice pulling him out of his trance, “Things are harder now, Daryl, but I think you’ve only gotten better.” There is still so much you don’t know, but nonetheless, it’s like you can read his mind.
“This is the only me you know.”
“And even then I don’t think you’re the man I met when you found me… We’re definitely not the same people.” Your hand is just inches from his fingertips now. “We all have things to improve on, even if we think we’ve already grown up. I think that’s a part of growing up actually… just realizing that you never do, or at least not entirely. You’re always going to continue to grow.” Your words linger in the air as the next song starts, it’s Paramore, it’s The Only Exception— something still laced with melancholia but it has a sweet gentleness to it. It's just like you. This is how you were trying to be with your words. “It’s better if you allow it though, or work toward it instead of against it, I think.” You laugh at yourself then, “But I'm far from perfect so I should really stop talking.” Blush creeps onto your cheeks, you’re hopeful the night’s light doesn’t show it too much.
He wishes he could tell you he thinks you’re perfect, or at least something close to it. At least for him. You truly were like an angel. Maybe Radiohead is on this too.
The chorus continues to play, leading to the song’s ending and his jaw tightens. It’s annoying that you were right, your words from before echo to him. They weren’t nonsensical, he did get it: he does mean the things he never says as much as the things he does, but no one will ever get to know. Not that everyone has to, but maybe for you, maybe just a little, maybe you can be the exception. And he can tell that you’re trying to me: who carries around a silly little ribbon anyway? Or who keeps their window open almost every night, even on cold nights? He felt like he was failing you. Maybe these gifts and these small moments weren't enough. Maybe they were just trinkets; meaningless, giving you false hope for a love he couldn’t provide.
You both hear the outro, “Oh, and I’m on my way to believing,” and his heart pangs at that. Maybe he doesn’t have to fail, maybe he can try, at least right now, “It’s just…” he speaks up, his voice clears, “It made me think of you when I saw it.” He was talking about the mp3, “That’s why I brought it back… You’re always humming under your breath. Now you can stop annoying me with the same old thing.”
Your eyes roll, but you aren’t mad, in fact, you can't help that it makes you smile. “Oh, okay, Daryl,” you say through quiet bits of laughter.
“Also thought it could help you sleep… I dunno.”
You nod intently at his words, “Thank you,” and that wistfulness in your voice returns. “That's really kind.”
He nods back. He’s so gruff and straight-faced all the time, but was it bad to say that there were moments when you can't help but see him as adorable? He was always trying not to meet your gaze through his hair, and it was always messy like a kid’s, just like when you took that photograph.
Muse’s Starlight starts playing as you brush some of the hair out of his face. It's an awkward transition, but it's what you get from accidentally pressing shuffle so many times. In the end, though, the words make it seem perfect for the moment. The singer spoke of desire and escape, about missing loved ones and wanting to keep someone special, someone that's like starlight, close by. You understood that. He did too.
You giggle lightly, “Daryl, you- you have something…” You point at your face in reflection of his.
“What?” He wipes his nose.
“No, it's- it’s here,” you say, taking your finger to lightly catch the eyelash that threatened to slip away from his face and onto the bed. “Make a wish,” you whisper. Your face is nothing short of innocence and wonder.
His snorts, “I’m not doin’ that.”
“Daryl,” you eyes widened with apparent prodding and pleading annoyance, but your words still have a sense of amusement to them, “I think we need all the luck we can get.” Your head tilts as you say through your smiling teeth, “I’ll do it with you…?”
“Fine.” He can’t help that your squeal makes his lips curl but he’s trying to hide it.
“You have to really do it.” You turn the music down, it's in the background now. Your usual sun-filled eyes are currently wide like the moon as you look into his, coming closer to his face.
He nods, “Okay.”
“Promise?” You sing.
“Promise.” He meant it, he even closed his eyes before you to prove it.
You closed your eyes too, “Okay, I’m trusting you.” Squeezing them tightly, you whisper, “Think about what you want, and then I'm going to count to three and we blow.”
Instantly, your heart foolishly thinks of Daryl. You know you could be thinking about the safety of your group, the stability of Alexandria, or hoping that the threat everyone feels coming subsides into nothingness, but all your thoughts are just of him. It makes you feel like a silly little girl, waiting for that big romantic confession of love that you dream about, the one that will probably never come.
I wish for you, you think. You can’t help it, you can’t say anything else, this is the only thing that’s true, I just wish to stay by your side, forever.
The song echoes your hopes too, I’ll never let you go if you promise not to fade away.
You agree, never fade away, please.
“Okay,” you say softly aloud, “1… 2… 3…” And then your wish flies into the air. You two stare at each other afterwards, eyes starry like the sky from your window.
You wished for each other.
Trinket No. 6: Scars, Marks, Tattoos, and Internal Wounds ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
The Things I Only Trust You to Know
It’s another night. Another visit. It wasn’t intentional this time, but your curtains were drawn. They’re almost never drawn, at least not completely. The window was still open though, the night’s breeze ruffled them backwards. Daryl became concerned, so he climbed up, opening the window wider and pushing the curtains to the side to get through.
He saw you crying.
Hearing the thud of his boots stomp lightly to the ground triggered you to turn, body facing the closet as you were curled in your bed. You didn’t want him to see you. “I’m tired tonight, Daryl.” Your voice was low, you tried to keep in neutral. For the most part you were doing well, but it was still obvious you weren’t fine— he saw your face before you covered it.
He sat down on the edge of your bed, his legs hitting by your feet. He didn’t feel like asking if you were okay if you were going to lie and say no. “You can tell me to go if you want,” was all he said, rubbing your arm as he did and then let go. You starting sniffling involuntarily because of the touch. You realized you were holding in a breath, the shaky exhale came out louder than you wished it did. “I’m sorry,” your voice blubbering. You were embarrassed. You hadn’t done this in front of him since before he brought you home.
“Don’t gotta be.”
“I feel stupid,” you say under your breath. You’re still trying to hide your face.
“Stop.” He puts his hand over your body now, on the bed, and he faces you. “What’s wrong?”
You shake your head slowly, looking at him, “I don’t know how to say. I can’t-”
“Just say it,” he said calmly.
You felt heat rising from your throat, it was like the words were trying to come out, but it felt scary to do so, it made your teeth grind against each other. Your head shakes harder, “I don’t think I can.”
He brings a hand to your face and wipes some of your tears with his thumb, “What would you tell me?”
You would tell him to speak, that it’s okay, you both knew it. The thought makes you sit up in your bed, tears still running down your cheeks, but you were going to try.
“You’re just going to get annoyed,” you wipe some of your tears with your wrist, “think I’m dumb, like a little girl.”
“You’re not dumb,” he spoke over you before you finished.
You pause, you shake your head again. The words are on your tongue but you just feel so bad and so embarrassed to admit it. “Sometimes I just…” your voice hitches and your hands goes to your head, more tears fall, “it’s just one of those days, I guess.”
One of Daryl’s hands goes to your shoulder and your upper back, he pats you until it quickly becomes a soft, swaying motion.
Your voice doesn’t go above the lightest whisper as you try to start again, “Sometimes- I just look at myself and I-” a sob erupts from your throat and tears roll much quicker, “I know you’re going to think I’m stupid, but sometimes I just wonder if anyone could love me.” It doesn’t even feel good to finally admit it, but you continue, “I feel like there’s something wrong with me. Like maybe I’m not enough. Or I’ll never be.”
Daryl’s face heats up. How could you ever feel that way about yourself? How do you not see yourself as anything less than everything he’s seen in you since the day he met you? You’re not stupid. Never. He feels stupid for not seeing this in you. He feels stupid for it being so hard for him to tell you everything wonderful about yourself in the way you deserve.
He thinks for a moment, he wishes he was more poetic, but he wasn’t and there are still certain things he’s not ready to say. So he decides on something else as he calls your name, “You’re telling me you can’t see you’re a tough son of a bitch?” The phrase makes you laugh involuntarily through your tears, he always says it like it’s one word. “One that found a way to burn down a hospital and kill a bunch of dickheads in one go just to stay alive?” He huffs, “Prettiest arsonist I’ve seen.”
You gasped but it made you smile lightly, it was funny. “I’m not an arsonist! And it was only part of the building.”
“Coulda fool me.” He tilts his head, “But you’re also probably one of the best scavengers we got. And you’re a good friend.” His hand travels to your knee, “You’re really good at talkin’ to people… and to me.”
You try to let his words fill you up but there is still doubt. “I don’t feel like pretty and really good are the right words.”
“Then you’re wrong.”
You shake your head.
He doesn’t get it, “Well, what do you see that I’m not?”
Your heart beats ferociously, you don’t move, you’re hesitant, you don’t know if this is right, but there is a part of your that wants to. “Can I show you something?” You asked.
He nods.
It’s scary, but you decide to trust him, showing him the part of yourself you felt most ashamed of. The part of you that you thought was unloveable.
But he sees nothing shameful, nothing bad, he just holds onto it or another part of you, caressing you gently. “You’re perfect,” he says, shrugging as if his words aren’t a big deal, but he knows they are. This is the first time he doesn’t keep a thought like this in his head anymore. “There’s nothing wrong with you.”
He turns his back on you now, and he takes a breath, sighing deeply. You’re confused until he sighs and starts to speak; “When you were with those guys— and I know it ain’t the same, but— I know what it’s like. For people to use you.” He swallows hard, “I don’t like myself all the time neither.”
Your eyes widen. He was taking off his shirt. The first thing you see are tattoos, until your eyes travel to the other side, you see what he meant; the scars. “My dad. He was a drunk and a loser and an asshole.” Daryl's voice hitched, you couldn’t tell if he was crying or not, but you had never heard him like this before. “He did it to my brother too, Merle. But then he just left when he was old enough. Didn’t even give a shit that our dad was gonna do it to me,” there was anger in his voice. “He said he didn’t know,” and then he chokes on his words, “but how can I believe that? Thought it’d just skip a generation? He never changed. Neither of ‘em.” You wanted to hold him, but you didn’t know if it was too soon. He was still speaking, “Then when I got old enough, I left too. Some time later I started drifting ‘round with Merle, like that was gonna be any better… Two fucked up kids doing nothin’ with their fucked up lives.” His face turned to the side, you saw his profile, his eyes were red, “That’s what I did before Rick… You all were going to do good things with your life and I was gonna be nothing.”
“Daryl…” you were crestfallen, “I’m so sorry.” You held his arm, stroking it softly. “But you weren’t going to be nothing.”
“Yes, I was.”
“There is no thinking about what could have been. This is how life is. Maybe this was always going to happen,” your voice falters as you say it. “You’re not nothing. You’ve become everything to so many people.”
He turns his face back around and you look at his back again. It was difficult to look at, you won’t lie. Your heart sunk low, like it was being squeezed and brought down to the pit of your stomach to know that someone put him through this. Someone who was supposed to love him. Another tear escaped your eye at of the thought.
“Daryl,” you stutter meekly, “Is it okay if I hold you?”
His nod is so faint you barely see it, but he doesn’t say anything else so you believe it is a yes.
Your fingers ghost over his back until you let the tips of them finally lay on his skin.
His eyes wince and squeeze as he shutters despite your fingers trailing so tenderly. Your palm is now flat on his back as you move downwards and back up again. You kiss near his shoulder, right on the tip of his highest tattoo and then you wrap your arms around him, under his arms over his waist, and he holds your hands there.
You stay there for a long while, you don’t have a recollection of time. The moment feels like forever, although it is sad and you wished you weren’t discussing the things you were to get here, you don’t want it to end. “You’re the bravest person I’ve ever met,” you tell him.
It’s quiet until he says, “No,” disagreeingly, “You’re not brave just because you go through some shit.”
“But you still are,” you insist. “This happened to you and you chose to be the person you are now despite it. You became someone invincible.” You pressed him against you tighter, “I’m proud of you. Every day.”
Finally he turns around and takes you in his arms, your head now resting over his shoulder as your chests touch, closing the gap. You lay down on the bed and he stays on top of you. One hand plays with your hair and you continue to caress his back.
“I really like your tattoos,” you whisper, almost a giggle in your voice. “They look really good on you.”
He smiles a little. He never takes off his shirt so people barely see all the ones he has. He liked that you liked them. “Thank you,” he says.
“Do you want more? If you could?” You also want to ask why he got the ones he did, but the crying has made you sleepy and him being on top of you is making your mind hazy. “I wish I could,” is all you add.
He looks at you, “Maybe that’s the next thing we find.” He was talking about a tattoo gun, “That’s the kind of junk people don’t need now, we’ll look.”
He plays with your hair again, both your smiles are so innocent and lazy, you two would knock out soon, but it was nice to talk about something that used to be mundane for a moment.
“What if we do it and it turns out bad?”
“We’re not gonna find it tomorrow.”
“Right,” you say, moving on. “You know… I remember I used to be so scared of that stuff— needles and blood. I can imagine wincing just thinking about a needle touching me at the doctor’s… But now, I think that’s a pain I’d actually prefer… Rather than the other things we’ve gone through… If there ever was a choice like that.”
He agrees, “If there was a choice, I’d be covered by now.”
You two laugh at that, letting go of each other. Your bodies are on your sides, parallel to one another as you lay down. You’re on the side that faces the window and Daryl’s back is to it. He sees the moonlight illuminate your face because of it, the glow makes you look enchanting.
He wonders if you would get one— a tattoo, or another one, of this: of the moon; of the night where you showed each other parts of your bodies you wanted to hide, thinking they were flaws; of the night where you accepted each other fully despite it. Where he laughed and felt happy even after he shared something so dark. He almost never laughs or feels happiness in its totality, but with you, he does. It happened right now as he’s looking at you.
You see his face glistening in tandem with the white light that shines on you, it’s darker, but it’s still there. You were wondering the same exact thing.
Your eyes feel heavy now. They slowly flutter shut, but you try to keep them open. You don’t want him to leave. But he sees that your face dozing off, you’re tired, your eyes keep trying to close and close fully. He quietly gets up to go, but you stop him. Holding onto his forearm, sliding down to his hand. “Just stay,” you murmur, “please,” it’s light and dream-like. So he does. He doesn’t want to let go of your hand. He doesn’t want to let go of you.
You both stay at your sides, your intertwined hands at the center. He continues to look at you and you smile softly as your body finally allows your eyes to close shut. You drift swiftly to sleep. And he stays awake for a while longer, fixed on you and your slowing breath until sleep finds him too.
Daryl being right there, and you being right next to him, made everything infinitely better.
Despite it being vague on details, feel free to skip around areas of this one if you are not comfortable with reading about the reader being imprisoned at the Sanctuary.
Trinkets No. 7 & 8: The Second Ribbon and the First Kiss ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ જ⁀➴ -`♥︎´-
Confessions From a Broken Bowman and a Battered Beaut
It had taken a long while for you and Daryl to talk again after you escaped the Sanctuary.
The last time he saw you was through your tears as Negan’s men threw him in a van, your eyes bloodshot, wanting to scream and plead. He felt it was his fault that he didn’t fight harder; he felt that it was his fault that you were in there for so long; felt it was his fault that you were taken there in the first place. He couldn’t save Glenn— a burden he still carried so deeply, even after talking to Maggie— and that led to not being able to save you. He felt like he left you, not knowing you would have been in the same place he was if he didn’t escape before you got there. But what choice did he have? He didn’t know. And he doesn’t even know if it’s a good or bad thing to admit that in a heart beat, he would take another day of torture, of abuse and pain, if it meant he was with you, and you could make it out together. One more day for him would have been worth your days only adding up to one hand if it could. It would have been better than just waiting for you on the other side. Having to hide just so Negan wouldn’t find him and kill him and more of his friends because of it.
And even worse, what if he threatened Daryl with you instead? Especially since you were still there, with him. That’s part of the reason why Daryl wanted to blow up the Sanctuary. It would have just been one side. Just enough to cause the chaos you needed to run away from your captures and back home. You were fast enough, he knows you are, and you must have known all the exits by now. He tried to convince himself of it. Rick told him it was a bad idea, dangerous to do that to the workers, and most importantly to you— it too many what ifs if it didn’t work out— but what else was he supposed to do? He needed you out, and the Saviors to be gone. It felt like the only choice.
But then, Daryl saw your face. You got out, you didn’t need another fire. It must have been their first attack against the Sanctuary that helped.
Your breathing was so heavy when you finally stopped, you were running so fast, there were patches of dirt all over you, sweat dripping from your neck. It must have been fate that he, Tara, Micchone, and Rosita were right there on the other side, ironically trying to go back to the place you just escaped from.
All their guns were pointed in your direction. They heard the gunshots, they heard someone running. They instantly dropped everything when they saw that it was you.
It felt like the world turned in its full rotation in seconds, coming into a halt all in this moment. The woods, the running, the chance encounter— him; it’s like you were brought right back to the start.
He was speechless, stunned in a way he didn’t expect, mouth agape and yours the same. You didn’t know what to say and he didn’t know how to apologize in the way he felt he should, so you both just stood there. Tears started to well in your eyes. All he did in the end was look down.
This exchange of stares happened only in a mere matter of seconds until Rosita brought you in for a hug, cursing leaving even though she knew you didn’t have a choice, being so happy you were back, but for you it felt agonizingly long.
And for Daryl, it all felt endlessly hopeless. The reality that his plan probably could, or most definitely would have killed you sunk in. He was stupid for thinking that it could work. And seeing you in that wife's dress? A black bow tied to the back of your head? It was unbearable. He hates that he found it hard to even look at you.
The two other women welcomed you back, Michonne even looked teary eyed. The sight made some of your own tears fall because of it. She took you by the shoulder and Rosita took your waist, guiding you to the trunk. Tara went back near Daryl, she wanted to ask if their new plan at the Sanctuary was still a go but waited when she noticed Rosita sent a glare Daryl’s way. It honestly did more to Tara than Daryl. He didn’t even bother meeting her face, he was already punching himself for his silence, for his inaction. He just got in the driver’s seat and took off.
After that, you watched him, waiting to see when his eyes would finally meet yours, but he tried to avoid them as much as he could. The only time he spoke to you was to ask if you were okay when Alexandria fell and you were all in the sewers, and when he entrusted you to take care of Judith as he guided everyone to the Hilltop afterwards.
This treatment was excruciating, but you said nothing. You didn’t feel like yelling at him, you just wanted him. And there was no time between when you came back to right now when you could speak alone anyway if you did want to yell. If you asked why he probably would just shoved you off and you’d get more sad and upset than you already were, or maybe you’d pester, demanding some kind of answer and he'd be the one that might yell… no reason to fight in front of people, especially since there are so many other things to worry about.
But you remember when you finally got to the Hilltop, and how you saw the way he embraced Carol almost right after he saw her. You weren’t upset about that specifically. You admired Carol, even if you didn’t get to know her that well yet. You knew they loved each other, you thought they had a beautiful relationship… It wasn’t that. It was the fact that you fought all the way to get back to your family, to him, and it felt like it was all just so he could act like a stranger again. He didn’t even say hello when he saw you, or ask how you got out, or that he missed you. Maybe he didn’t. That was the real reason you said nothing. The thought broke your heart.
You could at least say that Negan talked to you, and didn’t keep all his feelings inside– whether they were real or not, you were only half sure somtimes– but your time at the Sanctuary, becoming a soon-to-be-wife, it was a hardship only you endured. No one would understand the humor of that sick joke, and it especially wasn’t the time nor would it ever be when everyone hated him and wanted to kill him so desperately.
The next day came by, you all prepared for the Saviors to attack at Hilltop. You were on a break, sitting in the cellar. It was dark, but it helped relieve you from the incessant heat that beamed outside.
Daryl was looking for you. This happened to be the third place he went around. He had just spoke to Rick, apologized for their fight. He felt awful that it took until after Carl passed for them to talk about it, and that his passing made Rick start to believe all the killing might be the only option like Daryl believed before. He still wasn’t sure what he felt now. All he knew is he couldn’t let you two go on like this any longer. It was time to talk to you.
As he opened the cellar door he kept it slightly open, letting the light emanate through.
He sits down next to you, bringing his knees up as he usually does. You don’t bother looking at him. Maybe he would just ask you to do him a favor like last time.
There is silence for a moment. He doesn’t know where to begin. All he decides to say is, “You got Judith here safe, I made sure Rick knew. Thank you.”
“You’re the one who led us here.” Your voice says quietly.
“You helped chop a lot of those walkers down in the swap.”
You sigh, not answering him right away. “This isn’t a competition.”
“I know,” he mutters.
Silence is all that hangs in the air again. With each second that passes it makes your throat swell, bubbling up to your tongue and brain as it usually does until you’re trying to hold back tears.
Daryl was feeling similarly. All his words were caught in his throat too, wanting to be said out loud but he can’t, it’s like someone is squeezing and choking him right there. And he can see your teary eyes, it could almost make his eyes match.
He says your name low and slow, “Do you hate me?”
You’re stunned at the thought. Your words are hushed but vehement, “How could you ever think I’d hate you?”
“I left you-”
“You didn’t know.”
“I could’ve fought harder when they put me in that van, you grabbed onto me and I still let them take me—”
You speak in between his words, “Why are you acting like you had a choice?!”
“—I could’ve went back right after they told me that’s where you were. Not leave you! I coulda done that.”
You shake your head, your voice a sharp whisper, “If you tried either of those things you would have been dead. Everything would be worse and this probably still would have happened.”
“I could’ve done something,” is all he repeats. Quietness fills the space again. You’re never going to agree on this. He’s stuck on what happened and you’re upset about what’s happening.
You breathe in shakily. He’s still finding it hard to look and it hurts, it makes you sad and angry.
Your voice becomes stifled, almost weepingly as you ask, “Daryl… Why can’t you even look at me? Why have you barely talked to me since I came back?”
His voice raises strainingly, “Cause I left you.”
Your voice cries as your head shakes again slowly, “You didn’t leave me, they took me. You left me now.” That makes him turn. You see his eyes, they’re puffed and the whites of his eyes are a faint red, and yours are still watery. “It’s not your fault.”
The backs of your fingertips brush against his cheek, feeling the bristles of his beard and you go down further, continuing to shake your head sadly, moving back to your face to wipe your own tears.
“Did they put you in that cell? Take your stuff?”
“Only the first time I came there. And then the two other times I tried to escape. After that I was sent to sleep with the other girls.” Your voice is quiet, “I don’t think it was the same for me like it was for you.”
“Did he,” he almost can't say it, “Did he hurt you?”
You knew what he meant. All you could do was shake your head slowly, it was a gesture of no.
He nods, his mouth fixed. Some relief is finally released from that, but this doesn’t change anything. They still took you away, they probably put you in a cell, they don’t deserve mercy. He wants to tell you that you all are still going to kill Negan and how he still plans on killing Dwight, but he holds his tongue. This wasn’t what being with you was about right now. His mind races with plans, just thinking of how to get close to them, how to commit the final act, until you speak, reading is mind again.
“I-” you stutter ashamedly, “I think- I know that my time in there has changed me and maybe I see things differently or know more than I used to but… it doesn’t change that I’m with you. I never let that go.” You whimper, “It just hurt when you didn’t say anything to me. Like you were disgusted by me.” You can’t help the string of sobs that come out.
“No,” Daryl holds your face close to his. The bottom of his palm reaching your neck, his fingertips extending over your cheeks, his thumb caressing over the area under and behind your ears. “I fucked up. I was going to try to blow up a part of the Sanctuary… even before I knew you got out… If you got hurt that would have been my fault. That would have been on me. I’d never see you again- Would’ve hated myself.” His voice hitches, it’s rasp so coarse and grating.
You hug him instantly. Your hands go under his arms and one of his goes in your hair, holding your head so tightly as it presses into his shoulder. He cries, “I’m sorry.”
“Stop” You breathe him in, “It’s okay.”
“It aint.”
“It doesn’t matter now.“ You wait a moment, telling him quietly into his neck, “I only want to be with you.”
“And what if it goes bad? What if I hurt you again?”
“We’re going to hurt each other, Daryl. What matters is we try and we stay. That’s it.”
He faces you now. His nose brushes against yours, your foreheads connect, it makes your eyes flutter shut. Your tears are drying the longer he holds you like that and everything feels so warm. Your heart, your brain, your cheeks and his fingertips against them. It makes you feel it again, that fearlessness— you kiss him. Gently touching his jaw, your chin moves upwards, your mouths opens, your lips twist so softly with his, you already can’t breathe, and then you let go.
As he looks at your face, he smiles, realizing he’s seeing the girl he used to know again. His sunshine girl with the stars in her eyes. They’re shining up, still half sad and glossy, but the bright lights are slowly coming back on. His dream is back. She’s real. You’re real. You’re trying, you’re staying, so will he.
He takes your neck and kisses you this time. His tongue slips in, you’re so surprised, you gasp into his mouth. It makes you both smile into the kiss. You come closer and he helps you into his lap, allowing you to lean in. His hands go to your waist and yours to his shoulders. Then one of his hands runs up to your hair and your opposite hand does the same to him. You want to touch each other everywhere now.
Then he feels the ribbon, the black one. It makes him stop.
You’re worried, “What happened?”
He holds the piece of hair that the ribbon is secured to, it’s only a little part, the rest of your hair is down, and he undoes the bow, discarding it to the ground. Your hair falls messily over your ears and down your neck. “You don’t need that anymore.”
Daryl pushes your hips and you sit on the floor again. He’s reaching in his pocket, and you can’t believe it, it’s another one. A dark ruby, maybe a silky burgundy one it was in color— it was another ribbon.
“How long have you had that?”
“Since I found the other one.” He shrugs, “I thought the first one was better.” This one had fraying on one end, unraveling just a bit.
You would have said that you could sew it later, but you didn’t, you said only what mattered: “It’s perfect.”
Daryl doesn’t argue. This is him trying, he takes the win.
He doesn’t know how to put it nicely in your hair, how you do it with the different styles, so he just wraps all of your hair in a ponytail, just like last time, tying it into a bow.
It feels like a gift, not just because he gave it to you and not because it looks like a decoration on top of one, but it is all of it— this moment, the conversation— it all feels like breathing new life into something you worried might be slowly withering and dying. You exhale, it felt so nice to feel him so close, to feel his fingers run through your hair, to feel his breath on your skin.
“Think maybe this suits you better now,” he says, and maybe it always has.
He leans back against the wall and you lay your head and back in the crux of his knees and chest. You look up into his eyes and he does the same right down at you. There was more work to be done, more fighting to endure, but for now, you lay there as if you were the only two in the world. In a moment of sweet understanding; in a moment of love. You could finally admit it to yourself now, you were absolutely and monumentally in love.
… I could go on forever ♡ perhaps this can be a mini-series where I post one when I think of another and you can feel free to request a trinket you think Daryl would give the reader and I’ll post it and respond or even write a blurb for it and add it to the list if it’s a good fit! Thank you for reading. ⋆。°✩
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harunayuuka2060 · 10 months
Vil: I find it unexpected that you had chosen to be closed for the entirety of the previous weekend, Azul.
Azul: We went on a short vacation.
Vil: With MC, I supposed?
Azul: Yes. It was quite a lot of fun. *chuckles*
Vil: And you didn't even think of inviting me.
Azul: I'm awfully aware that you have a busy schedule. I couldn't possibly bother you, however, I would surely invite you next time.
Vil: *sigh* Anyway, I came here to borrow MC. Are they here at the moment?
Azul: I'm afraid they wouldn't be working today.
Vil: Why? A day-off after a weekend vacation?
Azul: They are exhausted after they had an intense pole-dancing competition with Floyd and Jade's father.
Vil: ...
Vil: What?
MC: We're doing an exotic dance. Not an extinct dance. Why the actual fuck you look like you're being grilled on a skewer?
Leech's dad: What? This is sexiness! Tell 'em, ma!
Leech's mom: *just smiling* No comment, dear. But you're doing great.
Azul: *recording the whole situation and is trying not to laugh like Jade and Floyd who's been wheezing for an hour*
Cheka: MC! MC! Let's go to Unca!
MC: *cuddling him* I'm exhausted. You go there yourself.
Cheka: *whines* But I want you to see Unca~!
MC: I know his face. I don't have to see him.
Cheka: *pouts*
Ruggie: Boss, it's rare to see you this tired.
MC: *yawns* Yeah. Not used to travelling under water.
Ruggie: I figured. By the way, boss? Can I borrow some money from you again? I'll give it back as soon as I can.
MC: When did I ask you to pay, Ruggie?
Ruggie: Shyeheehee! Right. Thanks, boss.
Ruggie: I'll do your groceries.
MC: Okay. *uses Cheka as a chin rest*
Cheka: Are you going to sleep?
MC: Yes... Shush...
Deuce: I wonder if boss is inside.
Ace: We didn't see them at Mostro Lounge.
Jamil: However, wouldn't it be rude to visit them without prior notice?
Floyd: Nah~. They don't really care.
Kalim: That's great! 'Cause we badly need their help.
Floyd: *kicks the door open*
Ace, Deuce, Jamil, and Kalim: !!!
Jamil: Don't you know how to knock?!
Floyd: Knock-knock~. There.
Jamil: ...
Ace: Let's just go inside.
Deuce: Boss... Are you sleeping right now?
MC: My eyes are closed but I'm listening.
Cheka: Multi-tasking!
Ace: Okay... Well, we have a problem in the Basketball Club.
Kalim: And Pop Music Club!
MC: Uh-huh. And what are those problems that deserve half of my attention?
Floyd: We need a basketball coach~.
MC: You can do that one, Floyd.
Floyd: *scoots to their side* But that's a boring job~.
MC: And what about the Pop Music Club?
Jamil: They're going to get disbanded if they fail to find new members to join their club.
Kalim: Please, MC! Can you take part in our concert?!
MC: What d'you wanna me do? Sing?
Kalim: Yes!
MC: *opens their eyes and looks straight at him* What if I have an awful voice?
Floyd: They have a beautiful voice. I've heard it once.
MC: Tch. You're not helping, Floyd.
Deuce: I want to hear boss sing!
Ace: Geez. Your fanboy energy, Deuce.
Jamil: I know it's not much, but I can offer my services to you.
MC: *raises an eyebrow*
MC: ...
MC: You cook curry?
Jamil: ...
Jamil: *smiles* Yes.
MC: We have a deal.
Floyd: Hehe~. You're so cheap.
MC: There's no cheap with good food.
Cheka: Unca can cook curry!
MC: No, he can't.
Ace: Why is he suddenly mentioning Leona-senpai here?
MC: He's trying to pair me with his Unca. *yawns*
Cheka: *pouts* But you and Unca would fit together.
Floyd: Just give up. My dad got a kick in the face and when he tried to set them up with a friend.
MC: Yeah. Just like Floyd said.
Cheka: ...
Cheka: Are you going to kick me in the face? *puppy eyes*
MC: Yes. But you're a kid so you're exempted.
Cheka: Hehe~.
Ace: Wow.
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adventuringblind · 10 months
Drive Forever With You
Chapter one: A new dad and an awkward Max
Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc x Lando Norris x Reader
Genre: this will be a series that includes everything, please read the warnings for details.
Summary: reader has been used by her father for many things, resulting in some interesting quirks. When her father ends up under house arrest, she finds herself tangled in a world of fast cars, love, and inhuman abilities.
Chapter summary: mainly some background and reader getting to meet Max.
Warnings: This chapter includes multiple forms of abuse, neglect, medical neglect, and mistreatment, the American government being not the brightest. Mentions of murder, description of injuries.
Notes: I’m super excited so share this with you all! It’s been a long process of fully forming this idea. I was also a bit nervous to pose something with Polyamory. I got kind of sad with the lack of it out there and wanted to incorporate something including it. It’s not something I get to explore very often. I’m in a closed relationship so things like this makes it a fun way to explore this side of myself and give you something to enjoy also.
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She didn’t know what to expect that day. Then again, she doesn’t know what expect ever. Her father the epitome of unpredictable. The days repeated like a record with a scratch in it. She knew what was coming and he simultaneously knew nothing at all.
Her room is cold this morning. The leaves are falling from the branches of trees around the secluded warehouse. Her father said it was to keep her safe. She just went with it, opting not to argue with him.
She turned fifteen a week ago. She’d asked if she could see some of the places she reads about online. She got a stern no and sharp warning befor being sent to her room.
Alone again.
Her father had been busy lately. Barely having time to help her when her body and mind were struggling to keep up with her abilities. It’s a mess of things she can do. Things that are inhuman. Why she’s cooped up and secluded.
She’d been quiet when sneaking out. Her birthday filling her with a confident spirit. She wanted out, so out she went. She just walked for some unknown amount of time.
It didn’t take her long before she found the road. She’d been here a few time, but never further.
Then she crossed. Trekking her way to the lights in the distance.
Then a car. A car with red and blue lights flashing. She had to cover her eyes from his bright they were.
A tall man. He was so nice. Not like how her father said everyone was.
She was sad when he brought her back to the start of the property.
“Do I have to go back?” She had asked, innocent and naïve.
The nice man had promised to come check in her soon, and now, a week later, she saw the flashing lights from the window of her room.
She didn’t understand what was happening. Why her father couldn’t leave the house anymore. Why she was being taken away.
She was thankful the nice man was back. He said that the warehouse wasn’t safe for her anymore. He said she was going to be safe now.
Again she was confused because wasn’t she already safe here?
The Haas F1 team had been using the research and innovative engineering from an American source. A source that has now been placed under house arrest and would not be allowed to distribute his work.
Guenther Steiner had always thought something weird was going on in that warehouse. The little girl who’d practically jumped at everything had found a soft spot in his heart.
When he heard about what happened, he knew he couldn’t just let her go to some group home. The kid is far to bright and sheltered for that.
He began calling around to see if anyone he worked with would consider taking her. He was beginning to run out of ideas as everyone involved with the sport was to busy.
Then it dawned on him: Sebastian.
Guenther had taken her in until Sebastian was able to fly to America and do paperwork. The German had nit hesitated to say yes when he heard what she’d most likely been through.
His wife had also agreed to the idea. Knowing her husband to be extremely gently and kind, she figured this girl might be in need of someone like that.
When he arrived at the Haas headquarters, he found Gene being told every part of the F1 car by a child. Sebastian laughed at his pained expression from listening to her then go onto data points about his car.
Guenther lifter his head at the sound and walked to greet the German. “Hello Sebastian, how are you?”
“Amazing actually, I just signed a contract with Ferrari.” They spent a moment catching up before Guenther called the girl over.
“This is y/n.”
She was relatively thin, like she hadn’t had proper nutrition. “Hello y/n, I’m Sebastian. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Sebastian smiled warmly
She nodded her head at him, her eyes down cast to the floor. She’d never been allowed to speak to strangers. She knew Guenther but her father had said he was fine. This man was unknown.
“Why don’t you go find Kevin and Romain. I believe they were doing some simulator work today.” Her eyes lit up at the suggestion. They let her try out the simulator and now she couldn’t get enough. Guenther looks back to the German. “They should be here soon with all the official paperwork. Then she’s all yours.”
They walked to one of the conference rooms. Guenther sits at the end of the long table while Sebastian takes the seat next to him.
“What her story? She looked terrified of me.” Sebastian questions. He sets his head into his palm.
“I don’t know much of it. She’s intelligent but hardly talks. She talks to me because I worked with her father for years.”
Sebastian hums in understanding. He lets his thoughts wander as they wait for the officials to show up.
It took longer then he thought. He’d forgotten it was more then just paperwork. His wife and newborn flew out to meet him for some court proceedings. Then they signed more papers.
It was a long week and he was so glad they had a break between races.
During this time, he tried to get to know y/n a bit better. He was cautious and gentle around her. He made sure she was comfortable in a space before he started talking to her.
She was getting comfortable with him.
They quickly became attached at the hip when they flew back to Germany. She was amazed at everything she saw. It was stranger to him and Hanna to see a fifteen-year-old getting excited over mundane things.
She was still struggling to talk, but he could tell she was trying. Her voice often came out raspy. Like she hadn’t used it very much.
She spent a month with Hanna while Sebastian was away racing and periodically coming home to check on them when he could. Hanna loved having an extra pair of hands around and getting to teach basic things like cooking and good eating habits.
A foreign concept to the girl.
She was completely obsessed with Sebastian’s work. Sitting herself down to watch him every time he got in the car. She could explain every piece of the engine and how it worked. She loved talking about the physics and balance behind it all. It made Sebastian so happy to hear her over the phone after a race congratulating him no matter the result.
They spent the off season at home. Taking their little family on adventures to places around Germany. Life was bliss for the teen.
Only- it was bliss when she was awake.
Dreams plagued her mind of the horrors that went on back at her fathers warehouse. The constant whirring of machines she was forced to endure. She didn’t even know what half of them did.
She remembered how ruthless he was. Often closing her eyes just to be met with the sight of him dragging a body to the hole he had her dig.
But her father kept her safe. This house seemed safe but she was still on guard. She refused to tell them about what she was capable of. What her father had spent so much time and effort making her for.
Sebastian and Hanna both knew something was wrong. She had barely moved all day. Her nose was constantly bleeding. It was scarring the two.
Sebastian taps her shoulder as she stares blank faced at the wall in the living room. “Can you help me with something?”
She nods her head. Scared to argue and more scared to say she was on the verge of losing her grip on her abilities.
Sebastian led them out to the garage. He’d let her tinker with different engine pieces of old cars he could get his hands in. It was someth the two did together in his spare time as well.
He started pulling out tools. Humming to create a peaceful atmosphere between them.
When he turned to look at the girl, she was gripping the workbench so hard her knuckles were turning white. Her breathing was far to heavy and her head was pounding. Crimson leaked from her nose and ears, painting the her face. Sebastian grabbed her and slowly lowered them down to the floor together.
Then all hell broke loose.
Everything she had been suppressing came rushing forward. Visions of things not yet happened, white hot energy that moved around them. Every ache and pain Sebastian might of had was now gone.
It hurt her. She wailed as her body became a vessel for whatever this power wanted.
Sebastian just held her. The contact making him feel like he was going to burn himself in her skin. But he didn’t care, she needed him right now.
When it died down, she collapsed into Sebastian’s hold. Sweat and tears soaking every inch of her. She was still sobbing. “I’m sorry” being chanted from her lips.
Sebastian just soothed her. Doing so the same way he’d learned to soothe her from nightmares.
Sebastian and Hanna got her cleaned up and into bed. Her energy was sapped from the event.
The two now sit at the table. They share confused and concerned glances.
“Was it a seizure?”
Sebastian would love to think that. “No, there was more going on around her for it to be a seizure.”
They tried to come up with every logical possibility, but nothing could make sense of the state of their garage. How Sebastian had felt the best he’d ever felt since his teenage years.
She started to open up more after that. Slowly started to let Sebastian in. Her weird inhuman quirks that she’d been give through the work of her father.
He’d wanted something specific but her body hadn’t managed to make it happen.
First came the technopathic abilities.
After that was the telekinesis.
Then the visions.
Then the healing.
They were close with the last one. But healing a dead person doesn’t ring them back to life. That was what her father wanted,
He blamed her for the death of her mother. Now it was her responsibility to bring her back.
She sobbed as she admitted that to Sebastian one night.
Sebastian became intrigued by her. He let her use her abilities on small things. Letting her get in some practice and release some of the stored energy. It helped her not feel like she was going to explode from the inside out. The two forming a close bond through it.
Hanna had been skeptical about letting her travel with Sebastian. She and the girl had also grown close. Possibly even letting her maternal instincts in screaming that she should be protected.
She relented, though. The teen had been cooped up for fifteen years. It would be good for her to experience some new things.
The Ferrari garage became accustomed to her quickly. She loved watching the screens. Loved pointing out things the engineers had missed.
Sebastian had her check on his car occasionally. Usually, it was just a once over, and she would find everything the mechanics missed.
They welcomed it, though. They weren't annoyed, and they weren't using her. It was a foreign concept.
Seb had noticed her want to be around the cars as much as possible. As such, he tried to go out to Karting tracks when they found the time.
Turns out she's a natural. Though she blames on the face, she's gotten control over her visions, which makes it so she can both adapt and predict on the fly.
The downside of it all is her lack of friends. She'd barely talked to anyone her age. Well- she barely talked at all, but that's not the point.
There was one person on the grid who was even remotely close to her age.
Max Verstappen.
He was in his rookie season. A measly seventeen years old. Constantly teased and misunderstood.
He couldn't go to parties yet because he isn't an adult. So he spent nights curled away in his hotel room, praying his dad would leave him alone.
Until he ran into her. Litterally ran into her.
He'd been jogging around the paddock. The cool morning air gave him the perfect morning warm-up. He'd been stupid, though, and not checked his shoes in a moment. They were untied.
One minute, he was running to the beat of his music, and the next, there was a body underneath him.
Another teenager walking around the paddock before the public arrived? This was new to him. Who was she?
He scrambled back onto his feet. His hand reached out to help her up. A she took gently. Letting him pull her back up to her feet.
She'd cut her elbow when she hit the ground. The sting was nothing to her, but Max was horrified. He was to awkward for this.
"I'm so sorry - I wasn't paying attention, and my shoes were just tied, I swear -" He stutters out. "Can I get you a bandage or something?" He tries to smile, but it just becomes an awkward smirk.
She wasn't saying anything. Maybe she didn't talk.
He heaved a sigh of relief when Seb came around the corner. "You run far too fast." He panting and feigning exhaustion. Then he spots Max and smiles warmly. "Ah, I see you two finally met! y/n this is Max, the youngest driver on the grid."
The girl nods up at Seb and sticks her hand out to shake Max's. Something he taught her to do before she started traveling with people.
Introduction = handshake.
Max noted the way she seemed a but awkward, which ironically made him feel less so. Her arm is stiff, and her motions feel almost robotic.
"I was going to take her to my garage to get her a band-aid."
"Great idea!" Seb places a hand on her shoulder and pulls a little notebook out of his pocket. "Her voice isn't working that well today, if need be she'll write answers down."
It clicked in place for Max now. His mouth going a tad wide as he finally understood.
Seb turns to her completely, hands her the notebook, and whispers in her ear.
She shakes her head at him, and he smiles reassuringly. Then the two are off.
Next ->
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writing-in-the-impala · 5 months
Secret Smokes (Part 8)
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking, teacher-student relationship, Slowburn, angst, jealousy, fluff
Word Count: 2240
A/N: Merry Christmas I hope yours is better than mine is going this year, as usual, I apologise for the wait. If you all give me some love on this Part 9 will be out in the next few days I won't make you wait this time. Have a wonderful Christmas!
 | SERIES MASTER LIST (All chapters) |
Previous Chapter, Part 8, Next Chapter
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Weeks leading up to Christmas break felt like a blur of happy memories. You and your classmates were growing more and more nostalgic over the fact that it's your last Christmas at the castle. The decorations were beautiful as always and everyone's spirits seemed a bit more positive as these were the last weeks before you had to really focus on your exams. You grew closer with more people thanks to your friendship with Sebastian however your favourite  person in the castle was always Remus.
You would meet most evenings sometimes on the bridge but increasingly more often in his office for a cup of tea and to listen to muggle vinyl records. The rule was no alcohol, no touching and no "dear" and sticking to those rules meant your friendship could blossom. It felt like hanging out at a friends house a lot more than being in your professors office. Some nights you would spend the evening with your friends but most nights were unofficially reserved for Remus. He introduced you to some music you've never heard of and you introduced him to some things he's surprisingly not encountered. "What do you mean you haven't heard Cosmic dancer by T.Rex, come on Remus I thought you knew your shit, it's like from your decade." You said laughing sitting on his large office armchair.
"Watch your language young lady. I listened to some amazing shit, I mean this one." He said pulling out a rare Bowie vinyl. "This one has songs you've never heard of girl and that's Bowie." He explained eccentrically.
"Well you don't own a single Smiths vinyl."
"The people who buy Morrissey record are the same as the ones who hate people just because they're muggle born." He said sternly placing his mug down on the desk.
"That's harsh."
"I believe it." He stated without hesitation. Remus had strong opinions when it came to music especially music that he grew up with but it was always fun to share this world of music with him, he felt younger when he spoke about music it's like he was transported back to just being a teen. You'd always leave Remus's office just before curfew but you kept a note in your pocket signed by him saying you're coming back from detention incase anyone stopped you. It was all working, a bit too well.
Snow began to fall two weeks before and as soon as you and your friends saw it you ran outside to celebrate throwing snow balls and acting like kids. You saw Remus speaking to Mcgonagall outside, he wasn't dressed for winter wearing just his classic suit jacket which was slightly too big on him. He looked up at the sky in awe while speaking to her, you could see he was also adoring the surroundings, you caught his eye as you were looking in his direction, you smiled and gave him a wave and he smiled softly back, that was it before someone threw a snow ball at you initiating another round of war. It was nice to be so carefree. You and the Weasleys decided to make your way up to Hogsmeade to experience it in the snow as it was always beautiful covered in snow, you got some hot chocolate and walked through the village. While standing under the three broom sticks with the last few sips of your hot chocolate you felt a snowball hit the back of your head. "Hey! Who was that?" You shouted turning around to see Remus standing there with his hands in his pocket, he looked straight behind him pretending to be confused and pointed with his thumb behind him while the other hand stayed firmly tucked in his pocket. "I think he went that way." His face turned into a smile soon after as he couldn't even fake it not being him.
"Professor you don't know the battle you've started." You said playfully.
"I fought in the Wizard war a bunch of students is nothing." He said and at that very moment he was bombarded with snowballs from every angle curtiste of the Weasley's, you and a little basic magic. Moments like this made you remember how life was okay, you might've spent years hating Hogwarts but Remus helped you see the good in the magical world. Lessons seemed a lot easier in the last few weeks of term, teachers paid less attention to teaching more to enjoying the last few weeks. DADA turned mostly practical with duelling becoming a more common event in class, it was everyone's favourite lessons as it was just fun practicing using spells. Remus would turn on some of those very familiar vinyls, he would always smile and joke around as students attempted different spells. The only thing that ached was not being able to be normal around him, you couldn't tease each other, comment on the songs, it felt like you had a huge secret to hide. You and Remus would always share a quick glance and smile when a particular song came on that was either a inside joke or a recent conversation, it felt like your own little secret and it felt good. No matter how many girls would flirt with him or ask him to hold their arm as they preformed a spell it was you who he couldn't keep his eyes off.
You asked your parents to send you a book and a vinyl for a friend, it was always amusing when muggle post arrived as it was stamped normally and not just bought with an owl. You purchased some Christmas themed wrapping paper in Hogsmeade and began to wrap all the presents you bought for your friends, some smaller than others just a few prank materials for the Weasleys, for Sebastian you got a signed edition of his favourite book and of course for Professor R.J. Lupin it was the most special present. You wrote a dedication in the book for Lupin  "To my dear friend, thank you for showing me that the wizarding world is magical and thank you for all the secret smokes. Hogwarts feels like home with you in it Moony. Yours, Y/N" You were excited to give it to him and see how he reacts. You were worried he'd find you giving him a gift inappropriate or too much but at the same time it felt wrong not to get him something after how close you've grown. You went to his classroom for your usual evening catch up. Drinking tea while he had a record playing and catching up on each others days. Today you were finishing one of your last assignments that was due before the Christmas break for positions obviously because who else would set an assignment so close to Christmas. Remus was doing some marking but also helping you and answering any questions you had. Once you finished your assignment you shut the book and signed in relief, Remus was already done by this point just reading a book waiting for you to finish.
"Where are you spending Christmas this year?" You blurted out while you collected your parchment and put it in your bag.
"I'm considering staying in the castle this year there's not much for me to go home to if I'm being honest." He seemed slightly uncomfortable at the question.
"Where is home?" You asked curiously.
"Yorkshire, small cottage in the middle of nowhere." He looked proud of his home.
"How middle of nowhere? How far is the nearest shop?"
"Probably a forty minute walk if not more and that's just a petrol station garage, the closest village is over an hour away."
"Do you ever get lonely?"
"Sometimes... but it's safer for me to live far from people." He looked away not making eye contact with you as he said the words.
"You're not the monster you think you are. You're too harsh on yourself, you should spend Christmas and new years with friends and family not at work or locked away in your cottage."
He smiled gently. "Where will you be? Staying or going?"
"Going. My parents miss me, and I miss them so no matter how much I would love to spend one last Christmas with friends, family comes first."
"I'm sure Sebastian was devastated to hear that you're leaving." He said in a not too friendly tone
"What? I don't understand why?" You questioned.
"Nothing, besides I'm sure you'll be holding hands by New Year's Eve."
"The only thing I'll be holding on New Year's Eve is the tv remote and a glass of champagne while I watch the fireworks from the comfort of my parents sofa."
"When are you coming back to the castle? When term starts or later?"
"Probably just after new years I'd like the last few days to enjoy it here before exam season kills me."
"That's very wise of you but I'm sure exams won't kill you."
"I still don't know how to cast a partonus Remus."
"I'll help you. I may not be able to keep my promise of ending tutoring before Christmas but if you allow me a few more sessions when you're back I'll make sure you have nothing to worry about when exams start."
"Thank you, I guess you were right that you'll make tutoring fun... a part of me never wants it to end I really do enjoy duelling now."
"That makes me so happy to hear." He replied gently. "When do you leave for home?" He continued.
"Tomorrow after breakfast." You saw and his smile dropped.
"Oh, I didn't realise you were leaving so soon."
"Yeah, I'm picking up shifts at my muggle job to have some muggle money to buy presents with so I decided to take the first train to London. Although I will really miss seeing the castle in the snow."
"I bought too much tea and milk." He said with a sad tone.
"We can drink it when I'm back." You said with fake enthusiasm that wasn't tricking either of you.
"The milk will go off and the tea will dry out waiting for you to come back."
"Sounds like we need to drink a lot of tea tonight." You said lighting the mood.
"Perhaps we do. Now neither of us goes to bed until it's all gone."
"It'll take hours."
"I'm prepared to stay here all night and all day even if it means you'll miss your train tomorrow." He said making the two of you laugh.
"I bought you a present." You changed the topic.
"For me?"
"Who else would it be for if I bought you a present?"
"Hold on, I've gotten you something too." He said standing up and going into the annexed room which was presumably his private quarters. You heard a lot of rummaging around in his room before he came back with two small items wrapped in brown paper. "Do we open them now?" He asked softly.
"Wait until Christmas, so you don't forget about me while I'm gone."
"How could I dear?" His words burned to hear. A moment of silence fell upon the two of you where tension grew and all you did was stare into each others eyes as he broke the rules. After a moment he moved slightly back and cleared his throat. "How will I thank you if you're gone?"
"Write to me." You stated and he nodded gently.
You left soon after as it was getting late, it was hard to leave, you wanted to hug him to thank him for the presents but instead you waved him bye from the doorway. On the train back to London you daydreamed about what could've happened if you stayed in the castle, what would Christmas with Remus look like?
You imagined sitting in front of the fireplace with him, listening to Christmas vinyls and opening presents, how soft he would look in a Christmas jumper. You imagined what it would be like to go walk in the snow drinking a hot toddy or a mulled wine while you explore Hogsmeade on Christmas. The anticipation of what was in the present from him was killing you and you decided to open it on the train breaking your promise of waiting until Christmas. You opened the smaller package first it was a small metal tin for cigarettes with a small drawing of a camel standing on a bridge on the front. You opened the second one and it was a book about muggles in the wizarding world, on the first page Remus had written a small note to you.
"My dearest Y/N,
You've been such a important part of my first year teaching at Hogwarts I wanted to show my gratitude. You are one of the most impressive witches I've ever met and I am so privileged to be able to spend time in your company.
This book was my fathers, I hope you don't mind me giving you something pre-loved however I couldn't find another copy of this book. He used to tell me stories from this book of great muggle born witches and wizards and how they used their abilities to help muggles, I hope it inspires you for the future.
I've also charmed the cigarette box for you so if you say the words "healthy lifestyle" while tapping the front they will become invisible so you won't have to worry about being caught, I'm guessing this will become useful while you're home over Christmas I'm sorry for encouraging your addiction dear.
Once again thank you for all you have done for me this past year, I'll never forget the lake.
Yours, Remus."
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NEXT CHAPTER | More stuff I wrote
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berrieluv · 2 years
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cw. sex, fights and man thinking they're in the right when they're not. I enjoyed writing this silly things about matt murdock, who's my current obsession in this little break I had for Día de los muertos, tomorrow I'm back at school and work :c
"... and there isn't a small part of yourself that tells you; and listen, this may sound incredible insane" Karen continued with a bit of sarcasm in her voice after Matt shut up for a second after complaining for ten minutes straight "But maybe you're wrong?"
Matt looked at her and mocked her, because how could he be wrong.
Y/N isn't sleeping at my place at the moment.
Was what started all this talk. Foggy asked why the place suddenly felt quiet and dark when he got used to having your colored stuff around and your voice echoing the brick walls.
"How can I be wrong, she's the dumb one"
He simply asked, as if Karen's accusations were completely out of this world.
"Maybe you could start respecting her, and you wouldn't be in this situation"
She hasn't talk to me in two weeks.
Matt said, trying to look as it didn't bothered him when in reality he had no idea on what to do with himself. He got so use to you being there to put him back together that now that he was by his own again he didn't know what to do.
"I respect her..." He started, and Karen looked at him, incredulous "I don't call her dumb in her face"
"Is not... Is not how you direct at her but how you express yourself of the one you love in front of other what is a key on respect" Matt groaned, as if it was the most complicated thing to do. "Everyone like their partner talking wonders about them, I can tell you she does. You're a hero for her"
"I'm kind of a hero"
"You're an imbecile"
You helped Matt inside his apartment and drop his arm as soon as the door was closed, his face is 'looking' at your direction and you see him frown.
"Are you mad at me or something?" He started, and you look at him incredulous, forgetting he can't see the look in your face "You haven't talk to me the whole way here"
You revolved around the place, picking up some of your things and trying to ease your anger. Knowing it wouldn't take you far to speak to Matt like that.
"Why were you making fun of me the whole night?"
You ask, calmly, trying to maintain yourself together. He hates when you do that, he hates how you start those type of questions with a 'why', with a low and almost breaking voice, as if he had been wrong, as if anything he does is enough for you. Trying to get him to feel guilty about the way he decides to express himself, trying to make him feel guilty about being him.
"You disrespected me... In front of people who are, incredible important for me... for my job"
He is about to talk and you cut him, knowing he's about to excuse himself, as if you knew he wasn't thinking of an apology "Is almost as you don't think I'm good at what I do"
"Darling..." He starts, mocking, "You're an assistant" You open your mouth and look at him with a frown "You- you can't be possible be good at your job... you're just... at your job"
You were done. You closed your mouth and started packing the things you left there just last night, knowing Matt could sense you moving around and not talking to him, making him go crazy because he heard your heart racing fast but he didn't know what you were thinking, how you felt about the, well, the truth he just said. Because he was firmly believing it was the truth.
"And for the record... My job really is important... I– I do a lot of things Matt and if you were paying attention and weren't too busy in mocking me you would've heard that I am up for a promotion. I– I'm next to have my own office and– why am I bothering explaining this to you" you say when you look the stupid smile planted in his face, as if he was waiting for you to finish and disregard any feelings you have towards this "You wouldn't get shit done without Karen, your assistant"
"Karen isn't–"
"God, shut up!" You raise your voice, throwing a mascara to his face, a bit disappointed that he stopped it before it could hit his face. You wanted to hurt him the same way he was hurting you "I'm tired of... of everything, of people telling I'm too dumb to notice things, of people thinking I'm just made to be someone's pretty wife when I'm– I'm so much more than that..." you sigh "I know, I know I can be dumb but I'm so smart, I'm so dedicated and hardworking and pretty and if people started to focus less in the last part and start acknowledging the others..."
"Baby, you don't even need to work. You're stressing yourself over nothing" He starts, missing completely the point of your speech "I'm making a lot of money, and when Nelson and Murdock is on its peak I'll be able to buy you everything you want"
He smiles, as if he just said the thing you wanted to hear, and the worst of this is that he was proud of what he just said.
You stop talking, tired, knowing he couldn't possibly understand because he was a smart, handsome white man, things came served in silver tray for him.
You get close to him, bags in hand but he can't possibly know that, he just smiles at your closeness, your heartbeat slower this time and next thing he knows his back is arching and his hands go straight to his crotch. You knew damn well it wasn't fair from you to hit a blind man, but you didn't hit him because he was blind, you did it because he was an asshole.
"I'll be back when you learn to respect me. My feelings and what I do. When you show me you know I'm not a trophy and just like you I want to be showed off for my merits and not just for being your pretty little bimbo girlfriend"
Of course Matt didn't tell the story like that to his friends. And he didn't acknowledge the mascara still laying on the floor, he knew it was somewhere around the apartment, he has step on it a few times, but he believed you had to come and pick it up, since you were the one who left it there.
"Why don't you apologize" Foggy said, eating from the Chinese food that was delivered, knowing that if you were they would be eating one of the best home-cooked meals. "I mean, you were kinda wrong"
Matt looked at him, incredulous "How- How was I wrong? For lighting up the place with my jokes and stealing the spotlight? I'm sorry I'm funny and handsome"
"I just don't think that was happened" Karen said.
"What kind of jokes were you making?" Foggy asked, with the fork pointing at Matt "Because I just know you're not good at jokes if they're not to make fun about people"
Matt gets suddenly nervous, maybe his mistake was saying the word 'joke' in the conversation.
"Oh, God, Matt" Karen said again "You fucking asshole"
Matt liked to make fun of you. Everyone knew that, and most of the time they were harmless jokes, even you laughed at them, and the moments you pouted Matt would kiss you, reassuring you that you were the best thing that happened to him, and he couldn't be happier.
So he didn't know what went wrong this time. Maybe it was your uncomfortable look telling him, begging him, to stop. Maybe it was how you pulled away from his kisses, trying to show a professional behavior to the people around. Maybe it was how you murmured a little 'stop it' in his ear, with a fake smile he couldn't see and a tone of anger in your voice. Or maybe it was how you dragged him away from the people and asked him to stop with the tasteless jokes. But how was he supposed to read your mind.
"Maybe I was wrong" He says, starting to repeat the events of the night in his head, and not knowing how all your signs of discomfort passed by him. "God, I was an ass"
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You hated spending time alone. You hated how big your department was and you hated how your dad called you every five fucking minutes to ask why Matt wasn't around.
You hated how Matt wasn't there to hug you from behind and leave a walk of kisses on your neck while you were working, you hated how much you missed him and how much you wanted to run to him and forget everything that happened.
But he deserved this. And if he wasn't one to apologize this time, and show you he was mature enough to be in a relationship, maybe this was the end of you both. Because you couldn't possibly picture yourself in a relationship where you had to admit you were wrong because he couldn't possibly grab his balls and accept he wasn't in the right.
Your bell rings and you let it go, thinking it was the packages you ordered, then it goes again, and again, this time more insistent. And you rolled your eyes at the insistence.
When you open the door the first thing you see is Matt, standing with ordinary clothes, a tight shirt, making his muscles notorious and reminding you why you didn't last much mad at him. You were lucky he was wearing a loose suit that day. You cross your arms and look at him.
"What do you want, Matthew"
"I'm sorry" He starts, and that's the only thing you wanted to hear, but it took him two weeks, and now it wasn't enough. "I'm really sorry I– I disrespected you and I shouldn't have done that and I, I know you're mad but you said you will be here when I learned my lesson and I, I really love you"
"Yeah, good for you" You start. Still on the door frame, not making space for him to go in or inviting him.
"I really mean it, Y/N. I was an asshole and it took me too long to realize it and– You know I'm not good with... feelings"
"Oh, no, you're amazing at feelings, Matthew. You fall in love with every girl who talks nice to you and shows you a bit of decency, hell you even fall in love with those who doesn't, you're a manwhore. So don't come to me saying feelings aren't your thing because I just know they are"
"You need to learn to admit you're wrong"
"I was wrong"
You look at him and sigh, you wanted to hear a sincere 'I was wrong', you wanted him to be really sorry, to show you he could grown into a man who admits his mistakes, a husband, maybe a father.
"How can I believe it when you don't believe it yourself?" He quickly falls at his knees and you look around, it's not everyday that you have Matt Murdock, the Daredevil, begging on his knees. "Don't be ridiculous, Matthew. You look pathetic"
"Baby, baby, baby..." He prays, hugging your arms and murmuring 'sorry' a thousand times.
"Get up"
And he does, after saying 'Anything you want' and taking your face in his hands. "How can I make this better? How can I make you believe me?"
And you believed him, because Matt wasn't one to tell you lies. He has never lie about anything in your relationship and you couldn't get to believe he would start today. Because if he decided to lie over this fight, he would've done it days ago, but he took his time, he worked in his case and got to realize he was really wrong. But you loved seeing a pretty man in pain.
"Matt, get in" You told him, and he obeyed, and just as quickly as the door closed your lips were in his. Wildly devouring him, taking his face with both of your hands and showing him how much you missed him.
Your hands hit his when he tries to touch you. You guide him to the couch and throw him there, getting rid of your pajamas shorts and pushing his chest so his back was touching the couch again. Matt could smell your arousal, your neediness, and he grinned, proud of himself.
You take his glasses and throw them to some place in your department, hoping they break so he would finally get another ones. A pretty ones this time.
Now your hands are on the base of the couch and your pussy's on Matt's face, and he eats it, like a starved man, which he kinda was, he haven't taste you in so long he needed this.
He didn't complain, he couldn't possibly know you were about to ride his face, but how could he say anything about it, when his hands were holding your hips, making sure they were leaving marks.
He moved his hands to your thighs and caressed them, completely forgetting Foggy and Karen where downstairs in the car, waiting for him to tell them if he made it right or things were finally over.
You started moaning louder, knowing Matt hated when you tried to be silent. Your chest rests in the wall of the couch while Matt keeps moving his tongue down there, tasting your wetness and making you cum. This time in surprise, no adverting him, not asking for permission because this was for your pleasure, and it was for you to do what you wanted, you needed him to understand control could play both parts.
When you need to get down, feeling your sore pussy begging for him to stop, he holds your thighs stronger and continues eating you out, your body shaking, and he knows what he's doing, because he knows your body and he knows how sensitive you get after coming.
"Need you, baby" He says "Need you in my cock"
You shake your hand, this wasn't about him and what he needed, and he didn't seem to understand it yet.
"We do what I want this time, Matt" You moan "We– ugh, fuck– you do what I want"
He nods, getting your pussy off his face and coming closer to yours, kissing your lips and putting one of his hands in your neck.
"What do you need, princess? What do you want, my love?" And he knew what it was, his cock, but it needed to be cleared that this was because you needed it, and not him. "You need my cock, don't you? My pretty baby needs my cock? You– fuck you got it, princess. You need my cock just take it, it's yours and only yours"
You're quick to lower his sweatpants to his knees, being greet by his big and pink cock looking at you, your mouth drools and you can't decide if you want it in your mouth or your pussy first.
"Let me fill you up, doll" He says when you start taking his cock in your pussy "Fuck, fuck, you, you're so good at this"
You chuckle, because you were barely moving but he was so needy it was almost funny. It would be funny if you weren't in the same state. And you could mock him, but you would be spitting up.
"Matt..." You start "I need you to understand, fuck, that you can't be thinking things for this long I– I need you to know what you want and where– God, yes, yes, like that– where, where we stand"
"I love you" He thrusts into you "I love you and–" He thrusts again, this time his finger was in your clit, circling it and making imposible for you to keep your eyes open "And I'm sorry, I was, I was wrong. I was wrong and you were right"
And know you understood why man loved being right, why they loved dominating over anything, because Matt saying out loud what you already knew was hotter than anything you've get him to say.
"Say it again"
He frowned, and you repeated your words "You– you were right?" You moan "You were right and I was wrong" He says as he feels you riding him faster "I was so wrong, princess. I'm so–sorry, you were right"
You moan and nod, resting your hands in his soft chest and impulsing yourself to go faster, making Matt moan when his cum finally taints your walls.
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