#They sound fucking dangerous.
iero · 3 months
I was also on Prozac for a while and it did nothing to me but escitalopram and sertraline have done wonders for my anxiety, so it's worth mentioning that not all SSRI work the same so mentioning you want to try another SSRI to your doctor could really help
Another shoutout to Lexapro and Zoloft, I see... I don't remember much when I did take both Prozac and Wellbutrin because that was years ago (and it was medicated for my depression, not my anxiety, even though I know they sometimes go hand-in-hand) and I went a very long time completely unmedicated for all of my medical issues, both mental and physical, up to this point. I wouldn't mind taking an SSRI in conjunction with my Buspirone and seeing if that would help! Thanks anon.
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pocket-deer-boy · 3 months
I’m fully expecting matt’s twitter behavior rn to be an intentional harassment campaign of constantly poking and prodding at trans women until they say something that could potentially be construed as a death threat and then retaliating in full force to attempt to get them banned off of twitter as well. I mean, he really, REALLY wants to interpret these things as death threats.
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letitbehurt · 4 months
Dog-catcher poles being used to manhandle Whumpee.
Wire choking off air when Whumpee fights or fails to move fast enough, easily cutting through the skin. Hands bound behind their back so that they can’t grab the pole being used to drag them along. Whumper(s) keeping their distance because watch it, this one bites—
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a lil while back i had a dream where there was a giant hippo in the road with moose antlers. i've never climbed a tree faster
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2nd-mushroom-circle · 6 months
as an antizionist jew, it really fucking sucks that every time i see a post about antisemitism i have to scour it to see if it implies or could be interpreted to imply that antizionism is antisemitism. what’s even worse is that it does and it can, every time! it’s gotten to the point where i avoid any discussion of antisemitism at all, because im worried to add any fuel onto that fire.
and it really sucks because it does seem like antisemitism is on the rise! but i can’t fucking tell because all you’ll talk about is a fucking human rights movement that is frequently spearheaded by jewish organizations! get it together!
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i have a teeny, tiny superiority complex because i didn’t watch the atla live action.
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baffledartistry · 2 months
istg if i were to ever go an mcr concert i would probably have worst post-concert depression a human being could have, like you’d probably find me on the floor sobbing bc i miss mcr
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feline-evil · 4 months
Never gonna be over how unutterably pathetic and in dire need of ANY kind of companionship or friendship that doesn't revolve around their band the entirety of dethklok are. I love these horrible idiots who are so devoid of any real connections outside of themselves that they will latch onto anyone unfortunate enough to get too close to any one of them! And GOD help anyone they latch onto!!
#jay talkin#metalocalypse#im thinking about the doubles episode where they just seem genuinely happy to have 'friends'#who arent like. industry people. these men are so starved of any kind of connection#and it takes them four seasons a rock opera and a movie to realise they can find that in each other lmao#also thinking about how quickly any of them bond and become really intense abt anyone in their life#aka: NATHAN TOWARDS ABIGAIL. oh dear poor abigail oh dear#but also toki to damn near anyone and this goes for the entire band tbh as well they all do this at least once#and yeah its mainly cuz 10min eps mean u gotta progress stuff fast#but also holy shit. charles these boys want friends so bad u gotta set em up on playdates or smth#maybe it'd get some of their dumb stupid idiot energy out and they'd be better behaved. well. no they wldnt but... u can dream#i do think theres smth to be said that yeah all of dethklok are cool theyre metal superstars they r good at what they do#theyre also fucking prophesised saviours too and theyre also incredibly dangerous idiots and terrible ppl#but never forget that they are also. so so SO pathetic and isolated and dysfunctional#these men have not lived in the real world in decades and are disconnected and unsocial and spoilt and u can see that this does impact#the way they interact w the world! they need like. anything other than the band in their lives hah. they do need to pal around#im glad they find that in each other eventually!!#i dont want 2 sound like im babying them or infantilising them these r grown asshole idiot men but like. listen these shitheards r lonelyyy#everyone in their lives is like. assigned to be there and is set as beneath them in a class and workbased system#they dont rlly have ppl who r just there cuz they like em. outside of fans. and fans arent rlly a real connection yknow#their only connections come via work networking sex and violence and worship baby!!!! its fucked up!
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soda-sparkss · 11 months
i drew him in a sweater i found on pinterest<3(if he's gona later, do not fret! i most likely ate him) Sweet Tooth au is by @doggwwoggy23
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ghouljams · 10 months
I believe overtime Witch gets comfy with Fae Price enough to consider herself a Faefolk Witch. It's to the point this is basically what they do in a daily basis:
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Gomez and Morticia are the blueprint. Can't you just see Price kissing up Witch's arm with a few good "Cara mia"s
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whump-queen · 6 months
begging someone to hold a gun to my head so my brain will finally make me do my dishes, laundry, vacuuming, job applications, emails, messages,, just to get anything done at all without constantly wanting to die
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creative-clawmarks · 9 months
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Oogies are mimics of a sort.
You take a little something from all the creatures around you, change yourself to fit what has already been proven to work.
So when you finally struck down The Infector you were not content to leave him in the snow. You cracked open his shell, sunk your teeth into the soft insides. He was a rancid thing, but you were not leaving without your prize.
There are many things you could have taken from him, technology and biology beyond your comprehension, but you wanted none of this.
You wanted his voice.
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narwhalandchill · 2 months
hoyo rly just went and put straight up whale sonar (Very Obvious clicks starting 1.53) into wrath of monoceros caeli all the way back in 1.1 already while presumably going all tee hee abt it like its just a funky easter egg slash potential lore pipe bomb as if it wouldnt be actively ruining my goddamn life 3 years down the line after noticing it for what it was (yes shut up it took me this long after watching whale documentaries all week to hyperanalyze silhouette of catastrophes sonar to realize they used it before too) like i cant stop thinking about it
like nvm the fucking fact that the title of the track Itself is soooo fucking suspect w what we know now like. isnt it Curious how youd call a song meant for a moment depicting childes Individual Personal rage at Us the wrath of the celestial narwhal. Not the wrath of the "harbinger" not the "snezhnayan warrior" or w/e. but The monoceros caeli . That is what serves as his namesake for this moment in golden house .
they straight up said HIS wrath = the celestial narwhals wrath like Huh indeed 🤨
and Then theres this shit like the tusk drop man like he Already displays shared core characteristics with the narwhal its soo
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embodying and embracing a solipsistic character and arrogant ambition so immense the sole image capable of reflecting its essence back at him in full turns out to be no less than the cosmos-cruising godlike all-devouring narwhal?? 🤨🤨 that just fucking Happens to be your own constellation? AND the creature you woke up at 14 just by balling it and tripping on your way down to the abyss??? 🤨🤨🤨 who you remain inexplicably connected to??
Ajax you are not fucking dodging the same/parallel/split/mirrored one singular entity with your narwhal allegations . Like yes its very hard to have anything concrete on the subject of their undeniable similarities but the parallels are paralleling a bit too hard methinks .
(like hypothetically given some themes of chivalry and loyalty and looking after his family in his weird dysfunctional way Wouldnt it be funny if the narwhals core motivation was also one of protection and preservation in its own eldritch way like maybe one thats all abt a sorrowful voyage of entropy and eating world after world with the ultimate goal of preserving life itself and giving birth to a new living one in its own stomach even as the universe with all its stars dims down and dies one da---- oh whoops Thats Canon)
theyre sooooooo undeniably connected but howwww what does it all ultimately pertain hoyo i need the fucking answers 😭😭
anyway tho to talk of the sonar a bit more the singular other occasion featuring it in genshin OST is obviously in silhouette of catastrophe and the thing that interests me in particular is the like. Specific nature of the sounds/references used
bc. yes theres clicks in wrath of monoceros caeli but its also like. Whose clicks? that ones not a question for silhouette obviously the entirety of the sonar references utilized is very much like. You Are Being Hunted Down In The Dark By Sound Alone By This Particular Narwhal. the clicks grind the way sonar of a whale hunting very very close to its prey would. the EDM adjacent beats intensifying and overlapping on the way to the 2nd beat drop invoke the closing in on prey. its looking for you. You are already dead (nani??!?) etc etc
but the clicks in wrath of monoceros caeli are more distant. almost curious? like. literally. theres none of the frantic nature used in silhouette with how the sonar conveys what is quite literally the imagery of a whale lunging for prey right within its reach. the clicks are uniform and sound out during a lull in the melody. their frequency doesnt speed up the sonar is just There. its more reminiscent of sonar toothed whales use when theyre just looking for information . looking out towards anything that might ping back in the distance . just keeping an eye out
and like as much as of a mr "same entity allegations undodged" childe ajax tartaglia foil hat 5head i am. it must be noted that the dude himself has Not exhibited a particular tendency for sonar clicking (and if it was His sonar id be expecting clicks Much more akin to silhouettes sounds of whale on the hunt given the emotions present during the 3rd phase aka bro is angy). but. Well. we all know who very much has and now im kinda just
okay Sure it could just be a theming thing. as has been noted already. ajax' links to the narwhal are Shady. so his boss fight OST featuring both whale call motifs (the electric guitar mimicking whalesong is still soooo) and this particular sonar might well just be intended as establishing that connection too (or maybe even foreshadowing the strengthening of their bond later in fontaine thru childes growth in power). which is already based we love it
but. also . Also. if you just let me get a bit creative (read: insane) with the possible implications of the clicks' presence in particular . Like just a little bit . Hear me out
Did. Did ajax start malding so hard during golden house that his own fucking narwhal (naturally concerned) popped by through their connection to just. Click him up a bit to see whats up with its favorite human . All the while the mans just fully in the flow state murder edition not noticing a thing .
. Is this a regular occurrence
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steakout-05 · 19 days
how i feel about TBYS causing a shockwave effect of everyone dogpiling on and harassing Illymation and spreading extremely easily disprovable and malicious misinformation about her and putting her in a lot of danger for literally no legitimate reason
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#big rant in the tags incoming hold on to your hats:#i swear drama commentary youtubers are actually some of the most dense people on the fucking planet#like holy SHIT i have never seen a bigger display of collective stupidity than every drama commentary grifter harping on illy based on shit#-she didn't even say that they heard from a guy who sounds like budget ben shapiro. how are you that dense. like how. actually how.#it's just a big stupid game of idiot telephone with how much basic shit people are getting wrong because they heard it whispered from-#-another person. istg if i have to see ONE more person say that ''oh but she's encouraging obesity'' ''oh but she said [thing she literally#-didn't say]!!!'' im going to SCREAM. i am going to throw my phone against the wall if i see one more malicious misinterpretation of a-#-basic statement that even a fucking doorknob could understand with more grace and nuance than these idiots#i swear to god this is all so STUPID#drama commentary youtube is where basic reading comprehension and common sense go to die. it is the 10th circle of internet hell-#-just below 4chan.#anyway rant over glad i got that out of my system.#i hope illy is doing well and that she and her partner and her cats are safe <3#sorry for being so angry. this whole situation literally makes my blood boil and i'm so upset that an innocent person got put in danger-#-because of some nerd emoji sounding wackass blatantly lying about her and being a dickhead#this is the first and last post i'll ever make about internet drama (unless something really REALLY funny happens) i just needed an outlet-#-to scream into for a few minutes#drama commentary youtubers delete their entire channels and leave the internet right now challenge#shitpost#youtube drama
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blood-injections · 8 months
The funsandkid dyamic is just. A mess. Kobra and ghoul dragged sandman into their idiot mess of fighting eachother and keeping eacother sane because sandman also liked fighting but more for fun not to stay sane. And then ghoul and sandman just clicked like are both wacky cuddly mechanics and kinda had their own intense thing to the side so it was more of a love triangle?? Like it was kobraghoul and funsandy(™️. Its cute im calling it) going strong simultaneously in their ways but sandman and kobra didnt have much going on for them aside from their occasional adrenaline fueled hookup after a race theyre more just weird friends that kiss sometimes for the hell of it not a lot of emotion there like funkobra and funsandy but theres like admiration there for each i guess like they have secret crushes on eachother. but it turns out ghoul and sandman have been plotting and eventually they successfully drag Kobra into their constant fucking cuddling which unleashes the hidden clingy as hell side of kobra that he didnt even know he had and after that they're all on the same wavelength
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bowl-of-newtles · 2 years
me walking into a grocery store after watching NOPE for the first time and seeing a balloon display
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