#They care
sorry-i-forgot · 7 months
god i adore ashton so much. there's something so heartwrenching and validating to hear them talk about looking for something or someone to blame. to search for purpose and meaning in all the wrong places. to hate yourself so fucking much and yet want to do everything for the people around you. to make every choice with your whole chest even if it's the wrong one. and god the regret when you realize the pattern that's been going on for so LONG. and wonder WHY. why am i realizing this NOW?
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talktolwt · 11 months
I would like to focus on the music chosen for Hob Gadling's 80s sequence.
I'm extremely late to the world of The Sandman (finally binged it two weeks ago after my mother had been begging me to watch it with her and now I'm more obsessed than her) Bottom line: I'm unbelievably glad I finally watched this beautiful piece of television.
I have yet to read the comics but as for the first season, I have to say, without a doubt, my favorite episode is Chapter 6: The Sound of Her Wings. Death's 20-min segment is a beauty unto itself, but I'll be focusing on Hob's segment today. Specifically, his 80s scenes.
Considering I'm so late to this fandom and exploring all of its wondrous details and themes, excuse me if this has already been noted. I've been thinking about these details over and over but I need to get it out there in the Sandman world and hear everyone else's thoughts.
*Also excuse the terrible photos - Netflix doesn't let you screenshot and I was too lazy to get another app to let me bypass it. Please bear with my photos of my laptop screen.*
There are three songs that play throughout this sequence.
#1 - "She Drives Me Crazy" by Fine Young Cannibals
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I accidentally deleted half my post mid-writing this but here I go again.
As we can see, after the breakup scene, we open up on Hob Gadling (he looks amazing in his 80s look, by the way) and this song plays.
Here are the lyrics:
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I mean - where do I even start LMAO.
*Let me just give another note - regardless if you ship Dreamling romantically or not, I will be merely analyzing these lyrics as they are and how they convey Hob's feelings for Dream in general. But, I mean, the songs are THERE, the text is THERE. So do with that what you will.*
This will go for the following two songs as well, but these songs are placed with meaningful intention. Each of these offer a unique lens and dive into Hob's feelings.
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I won't be annoying and over-explain anything, but the lyrics are clear I feel:
"She drives me crazy" - cough
"Things you do don't seem real" - in Hob's view, Dream literally is an enigma. Hob has no idea the capacities, the limits, and even the name of this being he meets every century.
"This waiting 'round's killing me" - well.
"Everything you say is lies" - now I wouldn't say particularly lies, but Dream does keep and omit things from Hob. Understandably, Hob would find himself in a confused limbo with Dream.
Here's the kicker:
"I won't make it on my own/No one likes to be alone." - HELLO. I mean, if this isn't the core message and pinnacle of Dream and Hob's lesson to immortality.
As Death mentions earlier in the episode, around 18:10, "Most of us will be glad for the company of a friend."
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I feel I could go on forever and ever about the beauty of this episode and how well The Sound of Her Wings and Men of Good Fortune intertwine. They beautifully complement each other as stories lamenting the dichotomy of life and death, and the joys of humanity.
But essentially, Death reteaches Dream how beautiful humans can truly be, and in this pivotal moment, she says this zinger of a line. The camera was initially on Death but for THIS line, it cuts to Dream.
BECAUSE - poor Dream is definitely in need a friend.
Which is then shown to the audience by the 30-min long Hob Gadling sequence that ensues, and we see Dream's aversion to needing someone, to needing a friend.
But I digress - back to the song, and that one line about not wanting to be alone.
That is such a poignant line, because as much as Dream felt alone and needed company, so does Hob? An immortal, constantly seeing the death of others around him, his companions and family long gone, he needs someone.
Considering this 80s sequence ruminates so heavily on post-breakup feelings, Hob is missing Dream dearly. His constant in life.
I'm rambling too much, onto the next one!
#2 - "Shattered Dreams" by Johnny Hates Jazz
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Time skip to perhaps a few hours later, who knows. We see Hob still waiting for Dream, alone in the pub.
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Literally what else could I say. I'm being slapped in the face with pining and angst and longing.
Here are the lyrics:
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Some noteworthy lyrics:
"So much for your promises/They died the day you let me go" - this breakup man
"Caught up in a web of lies" - another lie motif
"I thought it was you/Who would stand by my side" - the theme of Dream and Hob being constants in each other's lives
"Shattered dreams" - I could scream. The title of the song. SHATTERED. DREAMS. giggling rn.
"Woke up to reality" - I think that's a very interesting line toeing between the constant references of the Waking and the Dreaming
Basically, I've been noting these evident similarities within the songs to align themselves to Dream and Hob's situation, and it's clear that the director/writers chose these songs with intent of it paralleling Dreamling.
So that makes it even more insane when lines like "From this empty heart" are meant to parallel Hob. Like.
Okay, last song.
#3 - "Keep On Moving" by Soul II Soul
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This song plays as the night progresses. It's late, it's clear Dream isn't showing up, and Hob is feeling pretty final about that, and perhaps he's accepted it at this point. Dream isn't coming.
So this is where he speaks to the bartender and that scene ensues.
Here are the lyrics:
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The themes of time and clocks are super prevalent within this song, and again it's once more clear how heavily this reflects and represents Hob.
Noteworthy lyrics:
"Why do people choose to live their lives this way?" - I think this also uniquely touches on the general aspect of humanity and one's reason to live/love life. Dream battles with his confusion/slight disappointment for humanity at the beginning, as he asks Death, "Why would any sensible creature crave an eternity of this?" And then Hob helps Dream realize why there's so much to live for. (24:30)
"I know the time will come today/The time will come one day"
"Walking alone in my own way" - Again this idea of walking alone and needing company.
"You'll be in my life, my life always" - Dream and Hob being constants again.
This all goes to say - Hob cares. He cares for Dream.
And I just think that's very beautiful. The magnitude with which Dream's absence means to him and how much their friendship/companionship both means to each of them. I just think their connection is a beautiful thing that I love seeing and rewatching. Wonderfully, these songs give the audience even more layered insight into this connection.
This was super long, and I apologize if I went on some tangents. But I also just couldn't help it, The Sandman is so incredibly rich in its storytelling and its connections and dynamics that I had to write this all down. I also just very much appreciate the amount of care and detail that goes into every aspect of television, and needle drops such as these three songs are no exception.
Thank you for sticking with me through this! Can't wait for season 2!
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Here's to day 6 everyone. This one has probably been done to death already, but I wanted to put my idea out here anyway.
How would the 141 crew react if you were injured on their watch/ to prevent them from getting injured.
• Price: Scolds you, kinda like a dad chastising a child. He'd help patch you up, shaking his head but his tone would betray the worry hidden underneath.
"How could you do something so reckless? Don't ever try shit like that again, understood?"
• Ghost: Chews you out, insisting you're going back to base, no question about it. Once you're out of danger and he knows you're okay, he comes by and starts getting on your case again.
"I understand I fucked up, Lt. You've made it plenty clear by now."
"I would hope so. An operative with your skills would be a pain in the ass to replace, don't make us have to."
"Oh, so you do have a heart in there somewhere."
"Don't push your luck."
• Soap: He'd be upset with you, and make sure you understood so. However, it goes beyond putting yourself in harms way for him, since he'd do the same for you. He'd be waiting out in the hall til the medics released you. Then he'd keep popping up to keep you company, bringing stuff to keep you occupied.
"Worried me sick there, how are you holding up?"
"I'll be fine, benched for a few weeks though."
"Better benched than dead. How about a lift back to your bunk eh? I've got time to kill."
• Gaz: He'd probably affectionately give you shit, making sure you don't overdo it and heal up as quick as possible so he has you back in the field with the team again. He's already pushed his luck with Ghost by teaming up with Soap.
"What're you doing back here already?"
"Lt sent me here since I 'can't stay out of trouble with Soap', whatever that means."
"Oh, so he's wanting me to occupy you."
"Shut up."
• Alejandro: He'd be pretty mild about it, but he also make damn sure you understood that he didn't want you to end up in this situation again. He'd also be on you to follow the doctor's orders to a T.
"And what exactly do you think you're doing?"
"Laundry? That a problem?"
"It's outside of your weight limit and you know it. Now go sit down.
Rudy: He'd likely be understanding of why, but still reminds you to not try it again. He has a tight group of people around him, and you and Alejandro are at the top of his list. He dislikes when either of you is out when it comes to an op.
"If you hadn't run off and injured yourself we would be able to take you with."
"That's how you thank someone for helping your ass?"
"I'm just saying, how are you supposed to help me from all the way back here, hmm? Need my best people out there with me."
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Y'know they all but confirmed Lucius was gonna come back but they didn't tell me they were gonna break him
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mitta-likes-moths · 10 months
Tired of kind y/n’s who become vulnerable with their emotions with a blink of an eye and have a normal amount of common sensd
Give me y/n’s who suppress shit including guilt, let them have a lack of common sense and are desensitized to shit the shouldn’t be, y/n’s who have violent and/or sadistic tendencies, y/n’s who have issues with their emotions, y/n’s who are considered coo coo but not just taken as cute or something that’s only played for jokes them having common sense and a mature attitude every other scene they aren’t insane, y/n’s who are difficult to really trust others and can be cold and can have an attitude but not in a girl boss way, let them care for their friends and try their best not to go too far despite accidentally doing so
Let them look those flaws in the eye and be scared without letting it show best as possible, let them take an absurd amount time to open up properly and let themselves be cared for without fear of it being a joke, let them take so so so long to get it in their head that their bad experiences aren’t just joking material to write with and accidentally hurt and push people away despite trying to make them laugh and share things with them and letting them speak with those walls that never go down
Give me y/n’s with villainous qualities and are aware of this fact, let them be fucked up, and please, let them have ongoing flaws apart of their character that may never come to pass
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cat-lizbeth-first · 1 year
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Charles must be experienced.
I love that face what Hawkey makes when he talks about Charles.
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wehowl · 9 months
I was supposed to go to sleep nearly 2 hours ago but instead okay I cry about jeremy danvers,,,, how far he's come in his life. him and his pack, his family. his family that love him like he loves them. I scream
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therelentless · 10 months
ooc;; nandor giving all his energy to colin. colin re-energizing nandor. yes.
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librideluna · 1 year
Having to spend the day around now swifties like I can talk about anything else. Like what do you want from me. IM STILL AN INNOCENT
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Wait wtf why did they require you to post an add in a newspaper to change your name??? What are the contents of such an add? 'Hello I'm looking for a new name'? Saw your tag for the post about unnecessary long process to change your name and that sound ridiculous.
Okay so basically in Wisconsin to change your name you have to go to the county clerk and fill out all the paperwork, then from there you have to contact the local newspaper and pay them to publish and ad that basically just says "I am changing my name from [DEADNAME] to Carr because I am transgender" for three weeks leading up to your name change hearing. If you don't, you can't get proof of publication, and your case will be thrown out.
They do that so people trying to change their name to avoid bills or whatever can't change their name without everyone knowing. Here's the problemo tho
Wisconsin is a very red state. And I live in a very red area. So despite the fact that I am not shy at all about being trans and broadcast it pretty openly in my small little town, I will now be forced to tell the entire county my full legal name, my former legal name, and in which city I live.
Not even bringing into this abuse and people trying to change their names to escape someone or something dangerous.
You can get a confidential name change, but you have to go to court and explain to a judge why you want the change to be confidential and they get to decide if it's a good enough reason. Just them. Just one old white guy getting to decide if I should be allowed privacy or not. All of this costs about $300-$400
Not to mention that even on top of that I would have to go through even more bullshit to legally change my gender. And the state of Wisconsin requires you to get at least one reconstructive surgery before you can even apply for a legal gender change. There's no getting out of absolutely having to get a surgery to change your gender. So if you 1: don't want/require any gender confirming surgery you cannot under any circumstances change your gender and 2: if you even want to just go the "simple" route and get top surgery it costs $12-$13k.
So if I don't get top surgery, even though I am on testosterone and will eventually start looking more male, I will continue to be legally female until I can shill out 13 grand. Even if I move out of state, the state of Wisconsin requires you to get approval from them to do anything. So even if I decide to move to fucking Vermont, I would still need approval from Wisconsin before I could even begin the process of name or gender change in Vermont.
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faeriekit · 7 months
"This fic was ai generated—" Cool, so lemme block you real quick
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aquariumpacific · 6 months
How we weigh an octopus!
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kochei0 · 3 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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vamprisms · 2 months
i feel like a lot of the 'i hate kids' crowd would be more tolerant if they understood that due to a kid's limited experience of the world that 4 hour flight might just be the longest they've ever had to sit still for or that trapped finger might literally be the most pain they've ever felt in their short life or they might not have ever seen a person with pink hair ever so of course they want to touch it or nobody's told them yet that they can't run around the museum and they only just learned cheetahs are the fastest animals so of course they want to put that to the test. how were they supposed to know etc etc.
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amygdalae · 8 months
we're having sex and you pull out at the end to discover your cock is entirely gone, dissolved (ive digested it like a pitcher plant). bye!
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trashy-greyjoy · 4 months
really love dynamics that are like 'it honestly doesn't matter if you view them as romantic or platonic, the point is that they love each other. the type of love is inconsequential, all that matters is that it's there'. gotta be one of my favorite genders.
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