#The James Bond Clause
tv-moments · 9 months
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The Diplomat
Season 1, “The James Bond Clause”
Director: Alex Graves
DoP: Julian Court
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ghastulitory · 1 year
James Bond movies will really be like: Hello Mr. Bond My name is Vagina Queefston and here are the files that prove that the British government created semen.
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missmysterious56 · 1 year
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its-in-the-woods · 26 days
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 4
Chapter one here, two here, three here
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning: As always minor get out. Little angst, lots of fluff, handholding, vague suggestions of sex
Slow build like novel damn length okay, Very Fluffy, Pinch of Angst, Relationship Development, Hurt/Comfort, Older man/ Younger(30s) women, Alternative universe, fictional work (IDK WHY BUT I AM PUTTING IT) Probably more as I go.
Synopsis: Working in film as a make-up artist is hard enough, but then Walton Goggins requests you, well it's way too easy to fall down the rabbit hole.
Note: they are both single, all for fun.
WARNING I do not have this all written out, I do have it plotted out, but it may be a little slower for chapters to come out. Please bear with me. Each chapter is roughly 2-3k long.
*releasing this early as I have a few days of being free. Thank you for all the love <3*
Trevor apologized about seven times in text before phoning you and apologizing again. You tell him ten times that it is fine and you were more than okay. Which then leads to about five hundred questions about what happened between you and Walton. The man will not take ‘nothing happened’ for an answer. 
“Trevor-Trev- oh-my-god could you shut up for one second,” You squeak into the phone, the man has not stopped talking since you picked up. 
“You woke up in his house! In his bed-”
“It was a guest room!”
“Are you sure? Did you see another room?”
“You are impossible right now. It was a spare room.”
“But he made you breakfast!”
You groan into the phone. “Trevor-”
“Like does that count as a date? Did you go on a date?”
“We did not go on a date. We did not sleep together. The only reason he didn’t take me home is because you wouldn’t answer your phone and I was beating anyone who asked where I lived.” You rush out, trying unsuccessfully to persuade him from asking again. 
“I give you mad props for beating on Leonard that man is a beast.”
You chuckle at that, Leonard looked like a cross between ex-military and Santa Clause. Thinking of yourself beating on him for touching you was hilariously ridiculous. The man was probably more inconvenienced than hurt. 
“So when is your next date?”
“TREVOR! We are not dating.”
“Yet. You’re not dating yet. Very important.”
You groan and bang your phone against your forehead in frustration.
“And don’t tell me it’s because he is older than you. I know you like to date older men.”
“I should have never told you that. Biggest mistake I have ever made.”
“Dirty old man fucker.” Trevor is cackling away in the background like some James Bond villain. 
“Oh my god Trevor. STAAP it.” You are also laughing, your damn friend was right. 
“You love it, and I know all about it,” Trevor sings songs into the phone.
“What about you and Decon?” You ask, changing the subject as smoothly as you can. At this rate, your face was going to be permanently red. 
“Oh. It was a wild night! I am looking forward to another one.” Trevor made some lewd noises.
“So gross, both of you. But I am very happy you’re happy.”
“I am over the moon,” Trevor is quiet for the first time, “He just treats me so well. I woke up and he was still there. Made sure I was comfy and took care of me”
“You’re so screwed.” You giggle, you had to give as good as you got. 
“Mmm, actually yes I am. And you should try it sometime.”
You groan again, “Yeah maybe in the next lifetime.”
“Oh, pffts. I give you another two weeks and I will be catching you sneaking off to his trailer.”
“I am rolling my eyes. Can you imagine if Liz got a whiff of anything?”
“What would she do? Fire you? You can’t fire a lead request.”
“I am sure she’d find a way. Or make me regret ever being on the show.”
“Pfftts. She can eat a bag of dicks. Actually, she may need to.”
You both break out into laughter at that comment. The two of you talk back and forth for a good hour. Before Travis is off to Decon’s again, you make gross gagging noises at him. Telling him to enjoy the rest of his weekend and you’d see him on Monday. 
You lay back on your bed staring up at your speckled ceiling, you had stuck up a handful of glowing stars to cover the water damage. Mind running over the weekend, running over the last month. You tell yourself that you’re delusional to think that Walton would ever be interested, but the thought is nice. The thought of going on dates, and well more, is delightful. Then again though, at the end of the day, you’re you. A thirty-something living in a studio apartment trying to break into a career that was over-saturated with a lot of talent. You rub your face, yep the picture of a prize.
You wake up early, determined not to let the sour mood you found yourself in over the weekend ruin this week. It’s a new day, anything is possible. Or something like that. You are already on the second cup of coffee, as your toast pops. Your phone jingles and you grab it to see who has decided to bother you this morning. 
“Hey, it’s Walton. Trevor gave me your number. We are running behind. See you soon.” Of course, Trevor would give him your number. You grumble at that, also at yourself for failing to realize you’d never given Walton yours. 
Your heart skips a little, you scold yourself for being ridiculous. “No problem, see you soon.”
“Do you want a coffee?”
“Yes, I’d love a coffee,”
“Same as usual?”
Now your face is pink as you stare at your phone screen. “Are you flipping fourteen again?” You say out loud to the room. “Stop this right now. You know better.” You curse and try to calm your damn heart. 
“Yes please.” You text back. 
You shake your head and finish eating your toast and grinning like a damn moron. Brushing your teeth, braiding your hair, and getting mostly looking human. It was a quarter to six in the damn morning anyway. If you were meant to look presentable this early you would have gone to bed earlier. Your phone buzzes reminding you that you need to get out of there. 
Grabbing your phone and purse you head out the door. Do your best to suppress the butterflies as you all but skip down the hallway. No matter how much you try to tell yourself that nothing will come of this, your heart is overruling your brain. Down the three flights of stairs and yep your heart is pounding in your chest enough to feel like a panic attack. You stop just before the front door, you can see the blackout line of an SUV through the glazed window. 
“Just go out there. It doesn’t matter what happens.” You take a deep breath. “And now you’re talking to yourself outside a door like a lunatic.”
Pushing through the door into the grey rainy early morning, you see Leonard standing beside the car with a small smile. The man reminds you of a Grandpa, big and gruff, but at the same time soft and kind. His arms folded across his chest, shoulder-length white beard blowing in the wind.
“Good morning Leonard, I heard I made quite the scene on Friday.” You smile as he opens the door for you.
“Just making sure you got home safe,” The man smiles, eyes hidden behind sunglasses. 
“I would like to apologize, I definitely won’t make a habit of it.” You say, giving his arm a quick squeeze, as you get into the SUV. It was the least you could do, you’d have to ask Walton what the man liked to drink. A small token of thanks only seemed fair. 
“Well, if you stay in my company it may become one,” Walton says with that damn smile gracing his face. He was wearing loose-fitting blank pants, a grey zipped-up jacket, and glasses as he read over the script in front of him. 
“Promise, I’ve seen worse dear,” Leonard says before closing the door and getting into the driver’s seat. 
You look at Walton and can’t help but smile back at him, “Who says I am going to hang out with you more.” 
Walton chuckles, taking his glasses off to look at you, “We will have to see about that.” 
You’re both sitting on opposite sides of a bench seat, but his hand finds yours and you don’t pull away. He talks about walking along the seawalls and a lazy Sunday spent indoors reading novels. You really wished you had been a bit more willing to spend the weekend with him. Somehow you end up telling him about your sketches and artwork. Your thoughts about one day doing prop creation, or maybe special effects. He asks about the sketches and you promise to bring one of your art books in. 
The ride is way too quick, and before you know it you’re being dropped off at your trailer. You thank both men again for the ride and hop into the trailer. 
Liz is sitting in your usual workspace, her face is a tight line that makes you feel sick. Why she was there was another question, the whole crew was supposed to three cities over setting up. 
“Hey, Liz,” You say, trying not to sound like you just walked into a swamp full of alligators.
“Of all the people, I would have expected you to be the most professional.” Your heart thuds in your chest at the words, wondering what the hell she is talking about. 
Sitting your bag down by your cupboard you turn to look at the women. “I am sorry?” 
“You think people didn’t see you leaving with the leading actor on Friday?” The woman sneers at you, her voice low but full of venom.
You put two and two together suddenly realizing what Liz was talking about. For a moment you’re stunned by the fact that the rumor mill had run so fast and far. “He was just making sure I got home safe.”
“Oh give me a break.” The woman hisses, your heart pounding in your ears now. Chest tight making it hard to breathe. “No one is that stupid girl. I saw you get out of the his SUV”
Your face goes red and something inside of you snaps. “First. Do not speak to me like I am a child.” You're angry now, and you’re so over the bullshit. “Second, what happens in my personal life is none of your business.”
“You think it looks professional to be running around after some actor?” She spits back, and your mind races to the rumor Trevor had told you about. 
“Well, it can’t be any less professional than you sleeping with half the production team.” The words come out of your mouth before you register them. It was only a rumor, but Trevor rarely dabbled in things that weren’t at least partially true. 
“You little witch.” Liz’s face is now red and she looks hurt. Yep, Trevor had hit the nail on the head with that one. “I should fire you right now.”
You glare at her, all your inhibitions set aside, you know you have the upper hand here.  “Go ahead, Liz. Fire me. See how well that goes over for you.”
Liz’s face clenches and you can tell you have her cornered. Yes, she could fire you and could make a big stink, but chances are the production won’t sanction it. Not to mention the union would have a fit. You would make sure of that. It wasn’t something you wanted to do, but damn, two could play at this game. 
“You-” Liz hisses standing and moving toward you, but you refuse to move, letting the woman get up in your face. “I will be grabbing some of my product and leaving you for the rest of the week. I hope it goes well.” 
She is gone with a blue tote a moment later. You are left standing in the middle of the trailer taken off guard. The fact that she’d come here, heard from a third party what had happened, and then decided to confront you. Part of you wants to cry and the other part wants to laugh. The most you’ve done with the man is hold his hand and everyone thinks you both were screwing over the weekend. You slide into your chair still a little baffled by the incident, not to mention that Liz would even suggest firing you. Your stomach rolls and you feel a little sick, tears now welling at the corner of your eyes. 
The door opens and you expect Trevor but it's Walton. The smile on his face falls immediately as he sees you.
“What happened?” He asked, quickly shutting the door, placing a breakfast burrito and two coffees on your station.
You shake your head and tears fall from your eyes. Hands covering your mouth as a small sob comes out. The rollercoaster of a morning is finally getting to you. Walton is in front of you gathering you up in his arms. He is warm and gentle, you try not to let the emotions overflow but it's too late. Leaning against him you cry. He smelled like coffee and vanilla, his jacket was soft against your cheek. Strong arms holding you against him as all your feelings spill out. You let yourself cry for a moment before you steel yourself enough to pull back. He's handing you tissues and you plunk yourself back into the chair feeling worn out and dazed.  Walton crouched in front of you eyebrows furrowed as you blew your nose. His hand landing gently on your knees as he comforts you. 
“What's going on Hon?” He asks as he rubs a soothing hand over your knee.
“It's -” You falter, unsure of how to explain the absolute bullshit that just happened. “Liz was upset about me going out on Friday”
Walton looks even more confused. “Why would that matter?” 
You rub your face trying to figure out how to say this. The amount of bullshit that happened was just ridiculous and you really didn’t want to drag him into it. Ultimately, you just say it cause there isn't a way around it. 
“Someone saw the two of us leave together.” You swallow your mouth going dry. “Liz made assumptions and told me I was being unprofessional. She threatened to fire me.”
Walton stands grabs his coffee and takes a sip. “I am not sure how that is any of her business. You've been very professional, and being fired would be detrimental to the whole process. You are a key part of this team, and her sticking her nose in your business is more unprofessional ” 
You just shrug, if you could go curl up in a ball for an hour you would. Just hide away, you can barely look at him. Shame hitting you at the fact you’d lost your cool over something so trivial. 
“It was just unexpected. And very hurtful.” You wipe your eyes, cursing that you need to reapply to your eyeliner. 
“Of course it was.” He comes back over and grabs your hand in his. They are always so warm. “You don't deserve to be spoken to like that. I am tempted to mention this to the PM.”
You shake your head looking at him finally. “It’s not the worst thing that's been said to me. Liz means well.”
Whether that was true or not was up in the air. Liz was a lot of things but she usually wasn’t unnecessarily cruel, which is why it had come off so shocking. The woman didn’t exactly have a way with words, but she had to have meant well.
“She means well?” He looks at you with eyebrows raised, his lips pressed into a firm line. Judging by his expression Walton didn’t believe that any more than you did. 
You swallow, “I- I need to have thick skin to do this job. It's not easy and people are always going to look for ways to judge me or demean my work.”
Walton squeezed your hand, “That may be true. But it doesn't mean I have to like it.”
The door to the trailer opens as Trevor walks in. His eyes look between both of you and then down to where Walton is holding your hand.
“Uhh, I will go wait outside..” Trevor flushes trying unsuccessfully to back himself down the steps. 
“No, it's okay.” You both say. 
Trevor pauses. Then proceeds to come in. Walton rubs his thumb over your hand before letting go. You wish he would stay, but there really wasn’t time for any more sappiness. 
“I am going to head over to costumes. They needed to do some alteration on a piece.” Walton says briskly grabbing his coffee and sliding the burrito across to you. He's out the door before you can say thank you.
Trevor is sitting there with a shit-eating grin, his feet dangling as he watches Walton go.
“So you aren't dating?” He chuckles, turning to lay out his tools. 
You groan, looking in the mirror to fix your eyeliner and clean off some fallen mascara, “He was being kind. Liz was here this morning. Guess someone told her about me leaving with Walt on Friday.”
Trevor's smile fades as he looks at you, “Those milling bastards.”
“Yep. Liz was unimpressed and threatened to fire me.”
“She wouldn't.” He all but stomped his foot. 
“Well, I am sure I will find out in the next few days.” You pray to whoever is up there that Liz would just leave it be. 
“Liz is many things. But she isn't stupid. Firing you would be more of a problem than it's worth.” You knew Trevor was right, but it did sting a little. 
“You're more than likely right. But it still hurts. Walton came in right after the argument and I will-” You look down at your feet remembering how upset he looked. 
“Had a small breakdown?” Trevor added in, trying to look at you.
“Yeah. Snot and all” You sigh as you double-check that everything you need is out and clean. 
“You should go out with him just to spit Liz.” He chuckles as he texts someone on his phone.
“If. And it's a big if. Trevor, I am going out with him. It's because we both want to. Not because of Liz.” You say firmly, that woman would not dictate your life. 
Trevor looks up from his phone.”Two weeks, three weeks, top before you are making his trailer shake”
You make a face, “You're disgusting.”
“You like it!” Trevor smiles, and you do. It was part of his never-ending charm. 
Chapter five
*So so much love to every one of you <3*
*If you want to be tagged in the next chapters please let me know*
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xofeno · 1 year
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THE DIPLOMAT 1.08, The James Bond Clause
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infernomicia · 1 month
Regards the Henry and Natalie situation, I hope that they are happy and the baby is/will be healthy. I just think it’s a bit odd that he usually keeps things private unless he announces it on his instagram but announces the baby on a press thing. Also it seems a bit weird that for a woman who supposedly has a full time high powered job that she’s on his arm an awful lot so either she has a lot of holiday or issues or both. His career also seems to be stuttering while he’s been with her but I don’t know if that’s coincidental or not. What do you think?
I genuinely hope the baby is happy and healthy too!! However, the psychology of Natalie and Henry doesn’t look happy at all. This relationship has never been private. What private relationship announces the relationship to millions of people with a posed photo, they both post at the same time? Private don’t do that? Speaking from expirience, I’ve never known a 35 year old VP of any company work remotely. Ever. Being able to travel the world and be seen around other projects and promote them that her company hasn’t had a hand in at all.
Most contracts have a no compete clause and a head VP promoting, tagging and telling people to go and see them as competing studios works (even for her partner) would surely go against that?
Fact - He had no product endorsements. His films he spent 2-3 years filming and endorsing flopped. Argyle and TMOUW. Now James Bond looks like it will go to someone else, Superman is someone else and so is the Witcher. The things that gave him traction he no longer has. Natalie is named in a court case for gossiping and sharing private studio informations. So, maybe being tied to her has caused some studios to go against him 🤷🏾‍♀️
I think this baby and pap walks is the only thing he has to stay relevant with celebrity and fame, considering In the Grey won’t come out until 2025. And highlander in 2026. He has nothing now positive in 2024.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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24th January 1502 saw a “Treaty of Perpetual Peace”  agreed between King James IV of Scotland and King Henry VII of England.
The peace turned out to be until you piss me off, rather than perpetual and it ended officially with arguably Scotland's most devastating defeat at Flodden. 
Relations between Scotland and England were difficult throughout the 15th century with both countries either attacking one another across the border or negotiating truces that never lasted. In 1460 James II freed Roxburgh Castle from English occupation. In 1474, James III proposed the marriage of his son to a member of the English royal family but this plan failed. In 1480 Edward IV invaded Scotland.
When James IV was crowned king of Scotland 1488, Henry VII was king of England. Henry had survived the Wars of the Roses between the rival Lancaster and York families to take control of the throne but he continued to face revolts from other claimants, including Perkin Warbeck. James took advantage of this situation and invaded England in 1496 and 1497.
In November 1501, Henry formed an alliance with Spain through the marriage of his eldest son, Arthur, to Catherine of Aragon, the daughter of King Ferdinand. He started lengthy negotiations with James to bring an end to hostilities and form a political alliance between Scotland and England. In 1502, they agreed a peace treaty based on the marriage of James to Margaret Tudor, Henry’s elder daughter.
When the royal marriage was arranged, Henry and James put their signatures to the Treaty of Perpetual Peace. To give the alliance extra importance, a clause was included that threatened excommunication from the church if either party should break the peace. Pope Alexander V issued a papal bull (a formal order issued by the head of the Roman Catholic Church) to this effect on 28 May 1503.
Each party produced a very elaborate document agreeing to the terms. The document shown, decorated with roses, is the English ratification of the treaty, signed by Henry at Westminster on 31 October 1502. It was delivered into the hands of the Scottish court and survives today in the National Records of Scotland in Edinburgh. James signed the Scottish version of the treaty, decorated with thistles, on 17 December 1502. It was delivered into the hands of the English court and survives today in the National Archives in London. The treaty promised everlasting peace between the two countries, the first effective lull after 200 years of intermittent warfare.
The wedding took place in August 1503 at a sumptuous ceremony at Holyrood Abbey. Margaret was 13 and James 30. She brought with her a dowry of 30,000 golden nobles (£10,000). The marriage was heralded as the union of the thistle and the rose, bringing the two royal families together. William Dunbar, the Scottish court poet, born around 1460, wrote his poem, The Thrissil and the Rois, in celebration of the marriage.
Here is an extract from the Treaty;
… keeping in view the bond and amity, truce, friendship and alliance which presently exists between our most illustrious princes… and also the marriage to be contracted before Candlemas next, we will… that there be a true, sincere, whole and unbroken peace, friendship, league and alliance… from this day forth in all times to come, between them and their heirs and lawful successors… It is agreed that neither of the kings aforesaid nor any of their heirs and successors shall in any way receive or allow by their subjects to be received any rebels, traitors or refugees suspected, reputed or convicted of the crime of treason. … Although it happen the said king of England or his heirs and successors aforesaid or any of them to levy war against any of the said princes comprehended herein, then the king of Scotland… shall wholly abstain from making any invasion of the kingdom of England, its places and dominions, as well by himself as by his subjects, but it shall be lawful to the king of Scotland to give help, assistance, favour and succour to that prince against whom war has been levied by the king of England, for his defence and not otherwise. … It is agreed that each of the foresaid princes shall… require the sacred apostolic see and the supreme pontiff to impose sentence of excommunication… on either of the said two princes and on their heirs and successors who shall violate, or permit to be violated, the present peace or any clause of the present treaty…
(A Source Book of Scottish History, Vol II, edited by WC Dickinson, G Donaldson, I A Milne, 1953, p. 59-61)
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neverscreens · 1 year
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The Cinderella Thing, 95 Screencaps.
Don't Call It a Kidnapping, 89 Screencaps.
Lambs in the Dark, 84 Screencaps.
He Bought a Hat, 79 Screencaps.
The Dogcatcher, 103 Screencaps.
Some Lusty Tornado, 101 Screencaps.
Keep Your Enemy Closer, 82 Screencaps.
The James Bond Clause, 83 Screencaps.
Find in GALLERIES. Like or reblog the post it was useful. Your interaction shows me that I should keep making screencaps. And if you want me to post some in separate posts, tell me! ♡
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demonbanisher · 5 months
OKAY BUT - Wolfstar 10 Things I Hate About You AU
Regulus Black is the perfect, beautiful popular girl that's got boys and girls alike swooning over him - not that Walburga would let any of them defile her precious baby
Sirius Black is his older punk brother who is fed up with his parents and the system. He's brash, annoying, and unlikeable and he likes it that way.
Remus is the rough around the edges trailer trash. (I heard he got in a fist fight with a wolf and won. I heard he spent the last year in jail - he didn't. He was taking care of his mom.) Sure, he's committed petty theft a few times but hey, kids gotta eat
Evan Rosier is the vapid model who wants nothing more than to be with Regulus. I mean just think about how pretty they'd look together?
James Potter is the sweet, caring new kid whose smitten with Regulus, but there's one problem - he can't take Reg on a date until Sirius does
Peter goes behind James's back and tells Evan he should pay Remus to go out with Sirius
Remus starts to fall for Sirius and he doesn't want to keep taking the money. It's just his mom's medication is so expensive
James and Sirius become friends when James begs Sirius for his help as he's lied about his French tutoring capabilities to get to know Reg better
Sirius starts helping James with his attempts to woo Regulus cause lord knows he's so much better than Rosier
Yes, Remus does the dramatic bleachers serenade
Maybe a twist and Remus accidentally stands Sirius up for prom because his mom ends up needing to go the hospital
Also Reg definitely gets to punch Evan in the face and kick him in the balls
A game of broken telephone causes Sirius to think that James paid Remus so he could date his brother. It take them a while to figure out that Peter was the mastermind behind the scheme
Sirius hates sonnets. He fucking hates sonnets. His mom made him and his brother study all the classics and when he decided to be his own person he decided to throw away anything that would bring his mother even a modicum of joy. But it's just he's got this stupid poetry assignment and all he can think about is Remus's stupid face and the weird trailer trash food combinations he love and how Sirius is the only one who knows the rumours about him aren't true, and his hands feel in his, and the way his lips feel against his... and Sirius hates that he can't hate him. He wants to. The only thing he's ever been good at is anger and when did he stop hating everything? And if there's anything he's sure of it's that this is Remus's fault and if he just so happens to tell him all this in a beautifully worded sonnet in class then it's Remus's fault anyways.
Remus leaves class because Sirius can't really want him. He has to be imagining it. He stops coming to school focusing on taking care of his mom and at the end of the day it's James and Regulus who pick Sirius's stupid ass up and drive him out to Remus's and drops him there until they sort their shit out.
And of course, alongside all of this there is lots of brotherly bonding where Regulus realizes Sirius thought he was protecting his brother and Regulus realizes how naive he has been about their family, love, and his future
I don't have time to write this. But I just needed to share! (Also I need everyone to know that Bernard the elf from The Santa Clause is in 10 Things I Hate About You, which I did not know)
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ginnyrules27 · 2 years
Disney...come here. Come here. 
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You released Treasure Planet on Thanksgiving weekend...against Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? Not to mention your own Santa Clause 2 and a James Bond movie! 
There’s killing a movie before it hits theaters (which you did due to your stunning lack of promo for it) and then there’s this. 
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profgandalf · 1 year
Raging at the Wind: Contemporary Censors of Texts Created by Others
In the second paragraph of Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol,” the narrator stops to play with the idea that although the phrase “dead as a doornail” is immediately and so broadly recognized that it borders on being cliché, and that he thinks “dead as a coffin nail” would be more fresh and accurate, he finishes by observing that “the wisdom of our ancestors is in the simile, and my unhallowed hands shall not disturb it” (Carol 1).
Well, this is the generation of those with “unhallowed hands.”  I have written before about my dismay concerning the decision to remove various books or illustrations by Dr. Seuss. Specifically “And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street” which wonderfully portrays a child’s imagination let loose, and was told by some on this platform that it was all well and good. Now, however, I suppose most of you know that Roald Dahl’s children’s books "James and the Giant Peach," "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," "Witches," and "Charlie and the Glass Elevator" are being rewritten to remove language deemed offensive by the publisher Puffin. (Penguin, the parent company, has indicated they are going to publish uncensored versions as if that makes things better). 
Meanwhile, Alan Gribben a professor at Auburn University has an edition of Huck Finn in which he removes the N-word as well as Injun and replaced them with “slave” and “Indian.“  And now I understand that according to a new report in "The Sunday Telegraph," new editions of Ian Fleming’s original James Bond novels will omit offensive passages when released this spring by Ian Fleming Publications.  And like Dr. Seuss, it’s the people who control the text who are doing this so they can get away with it legally.  My comment to all of these second-rate unimaginative pariahs is "keep your lousy, “unhallowed hands” off other people’s art!" 
Would Dahl care?  Of course, he would!  Dahl was notorious for fighting editors over his word choices, but he’s gone now and the foundation can do what it likes.  My impotent fury on his behalf feels like raging at the wind.  Only in this age is the writer faced with the possibility that his actual text, never mind film interpretations of it, might be altered by people who no more understand the creative process nor have any ability to shape imaginative text than deep sea-lantern fish understand the nature of sunscreen. 
Publishers should NOT have the right to alter an author's intended words because they can.  Even if it is legal: It’s wrong, and if I ever become a published author I am going to include in my contract that NO such alterations can ever be made by my publishers or my offspring no matter how many generations pass.  Dickens didn’t think of this because he couldn’t imagine it.  Congrats you woke folk, you’ve created a whole new clause in contracts!
At least when the Victorians Charles and Mary Lamb rewrote the stories of Shakespeare they called it “Tales from Shakespeare: Designed for the Use of Young Persons” And perhaps one could claim that these Dahl, Twain, and Seuss books are intended to protect children who need protecting. I think that is an error and would suggest just finding an alternative author. However with the censoring of Ian Fleming’s adult spy novels, the pernicious nature of these so-called editors are revealed.  It’s almost amusing.  Rather than accept the fundamental fact that different ages have different ways of thinking (which is part of the benefit of reading literature) and that the artist’s vision is sacred, they now insist that everyone see things as they do, and if authors take is not 100% acceptable, then their works are just altered to do so.  It’s like putting a pair of briefs on Michelangelo’s “David.” 
Years ago Christians were accused of being closed-minded censors. A lot of parents got upset with the novel “The Catcher in the Rye” and a lot of liberals had a good laugh at their expense.  But no Christian parent suggested that the F word be removed from J.D. Salenger’s book while keeping his name on the cover!  Final thought: Write your own damn books and leaves those written by masters alone.  If you're so wise and clever, write your own books!
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multiprises · 1 year
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The James Bond Clause, The Diplomat, 1.08
Alex Graves (D), Debora Cahn (S), 20/04/23
Dans le désordre : vivement la saison 2 ; plus Rufus Sewell vieillit, plus il a de meilleurs rôles : surtout celui-ci ; alors que je pensais que ses performances dans The Americans étaient indépassables, Keri Russell prouve ici qu'avec un tel personnage et de telles répliques (sans parler de ses excellents partenaires), elle peut encore se surpasser : elle est glorieuse.
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crazy56u · 2 years
Okay, so like last week, I’m going to be recording my thoughts on the new Quantum Leap episode, but this time I’m doing it without the benefit of a pause button, so things might get lost in the shuffle. Here we go.
* “Dr. Ben Song risked everything to Quantum Leap after doing a Windows 10 update, and now he’s on a space shuttle in 1995. Eat shit, Sam Beckett, you had to make do being a monkey.”
* Okay, so the TV Guide lied, it said 1995, but instead it’s 1998, okay.
* “Atlantis, Houston.” As opposed to Atlantis, Georgia.
* So you don’t do “Back in Time” for ending up in 1985, but you do “Fly Me to the Moon” when in space, I see how it fucking is.
* “Hey, we are not in the simulator anymore, we are in totally real space, not a set, and ignoring the silent guy behind us.”
* Seriously, I will never fucking let this go: OG Quantum Leap couldn’t be fucking bothered to do a leap with Sam actually going to space, and yet this show does it in the fucking second episode.
* “I trashed the apartment after finding a FaceTime, you would too.”
* Wild guess: the password to the flash drive is “Password1″.
* “We met at Quantum Leap.” ...yes, you did meet on set of the show, that is how it works.
* “I was able to recover this image last night.” ...so, within 24 hours, Ben went from being an undercover cop/James Fucking Bond to being in space. This is wild fucking shit, lads.
* I am actually calling it now: Al’s daughter didn’t have malicious intent. HEr dad fucking died, and she wanted Ben to leap back to when Sam first entered the Accelerator and fix what went wrong, so that Sam wouldn’t become lost in time. But because Ben updated the code in a rush, he fucked shit up.
* “Remember this morning, aka. the last scene, when you said all that relationship shit?”
* Meanwhile in space, Ben is in the time out corner in the bathroom, I guess.
* “I thought I was supposed to get pulled back to 2022 when I leapt.” “BOY do you not get how this show works.”
* So, given the twist that the guy he leapt in died on this mission, this episode is technically “Glitter Rock In Space”.
* ...yep, those were in fact space words.
* Uh oh, Ben failed his task, he’s gonna out himself as the imposter, and get vented, he’s being so sus right now.
* Fuck you all, I have no regrets.
* Damn, ten minute cold open.
* The opening set piece: an astronaut almost dying when the shuttle does barrel rolls.
* Gee, I wonder if this story about the two astronauts who need each other has any correlation whatsoever to Ben, I cannot tell, it is being too subtle.
* “Something worse happens?” My guess? Deep Space Homer happens. The door gets broken open and they need to risk reentry with the door propped shut.
* Oh shit, Beth.
* Okay, so if Magic knows Al, does he know Sam leapt into him, I am waiting for that acknowledgement.
* Oh ducky. Due to the shittiest fucking timing ever, now they’re being suspected as a spy.
* I love how she is blatantly all but saying “Look, if you are doing secret shit with flash drives right now, that’s cool, but don’t pretend you aren’t.”
* I love how Ben is blatantly pointing out that Sam was a dipshit for enforcing that rule about not telling the leapee shit about their lives, and that Ben himself is a dipshit for keeping that grandfather claused in.
* “Who’s the lucky guy? Do I know him? ... Why do you look sad now?”
* David died from space debris. Just like in “Gravity”, I am certain.
* “Okay, so, all I need to do is not space walk, that’ll be easy! Wait, why do I feel like I tempted fate...”
* So, what if it turns out not doing pressurization is what fucks him over? You think about that, Ben?
* Okay, I am here for more David Bowie, let’s fucking go.
* “This is crazy... I mean, I know I’m not really here-” Then how are you sitting on the shuttle, Addison?
* Okay, so Magic visiting Beth caused Janis to get doxxed, glad to know. Moral of the Story: Never visit people.
* Uh oh, Quantum Leap is being bullied by SFDebris!
* “Okay, I dodged the debris, I am a-OK!” “...wait, according to Ziggy, by not dying, you fucked up the space shuttle! We’re about to Deep Space Homer!”
* “Okay, let’s break into Janis’ house!” “Okay, sure, but on the topic of Addison-”
* “I know this is a military project, hence why I am talking out loud while are about to break into a person’s house-”
* How much do you want to bet Addison has booze in that metal bottle?
* I am waiting for the punchline that it turns out there’s literally nothing on that flash drive concerning the project, and that Ben just password protected it because.
* “Look, I know it’s 1998, I honestly thought it was 1995, but regardless, I know the Cold War has ended, but you seriously want to fucking ask the Russians for help?!”
* What if Janis is hiding around a corner, holding a baseball bat? ...or has a secret basement vault hidden by a couch, that works too.
* Okay, I am starting to have a sinking suspicion that there’s an increased focus on the Project side of things this week because they blew all of the money for the space portion on David Bowie.
* Okay, there’s a version of this episode where instead of forcing the ship into reentry, Ben causes a fucking space mutiny, and I wish we had that version of the episode.
* “Look, dude, you have a concussion, and you’re gonna get us killed, either stop acting like goddamn Captain Ahab, or I am going to keep quoting relationship shit at you while my imaginary friend behind us keeps looking sad as if what I am saying applies to us as well!”
* “Hey, dipshit. You wanna talk big game about communications and shit? You point the antenna!”
* “Just admit it. You like spacewalks.” Look, they developed the set and everything Addison, there was no way they were only gonna use it once.
* A fifteen minute phone call is all that stands between them dying in space, or them dying in re-entry.
* “Hey, Magic, I know you’re in the basement, stop fucking with my shit.”
* “Just come in and talk to me!” “Can’t. Too busy in Ben’s apartment.” “Okay, fine, then we’re gonna almost cause a fire in your stupid tech basement! How’s them apples!”
* Well, that sure was 15 minutes well spent, only for the punchline to be they are fucking asleep over at Mir.
* “We’re out of time. I’m gonna knock on their door.” Out of context, that really removes the tension of what Ben is about to do. It sounds like he needs to go borrow sugar, not fling himself through space.
* There’s a version of this episode where Ben died the literal second he smacked into Mir like that.
* That old man almost shit himself.
* “Hey. I know I’ve been acting like a jerk because of a concussion, but, hey, there’s 8 minutes left, it’s not like anything bad happens now!”
* Ben, it’s the second fucking episode, calm down.
* “Look. I’m Ernie Hudson, I shouldn’t be so rude to you.”
* “We did manage to track down Janis. Almost set her basement on fire, but... you know. Semantics.”
* ...did Ben and Janis discover the multiverse?
* Okay, so if there’s a specific point in time he was aiming for, that technically adds credence to my theory.
* So, while that is going on, Ben is getting the shit beat out of him in a boxing ring.
Okay, yeah, this show is really coming together now.
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agentem · 1 year
Emily watches "Black Adam"
Because... I am bored at my parents' house.
The father of the kid in the prologue was the Rock. Why are we pretending he Shazamed into the Rock?
Is this set in the past? There was a Smashing Pumpkins song, and the driver has a cassette tape. Is this the 90s?
The prologue reminds me of the opening of X-Men Apocalypse and the scenes in the cave remind me of Moon Knight. Where is Oscar Isaac? He should be here.
I know Dwayne Johnson has clauses in his contracts that he can't lose a fight in movies. But I think it'd be HILARIOUS to have Zachary Levi's goofy Shazam beat him. Or Darla, because Darla is my favorite from that movie. I'd also like to see Shazam beat Superman while we are at it. Because he is supposed to be the one who call when Superman goes evil and that is sort of what happened in Justice League. Doesn't Shazam (then Captain Marvel) beat him and Superman plows fields and penance?
I knew Aldis Hodge was going to be hot in this but I am surprised how into Pierce Brosnan I am.
How does Adam know what a catchphrase is?
At this point I fell asleep, not ENTIRELY the movie's fault. I had some medication issues. But the movie didn't keep me up either.
Hawkman looks hot. I don't know how the citizens can boo him. Sure, non-intervention but also stand there and look pretty.
Who is playing Pierce Brosnan's in costume body double? He's hot too.
I'm sorry I'm so into the JSA when they are doing the bad thing here but the Rock is too bulky for me. LOL. He's also giving lines like "Force is always necessary" like they are gems. And I'm like, "eh, force is often necessary but we prefer if it's not."
Cyclone's suit is interesting but it also looks like something you can buy at Hot Topic. I like her hair though. Great hair.
I don't really like this kid and the mom. I feel like they got everyone killed and I don't know why?
Pierce Brosnan is really bring the only emotional performance to this movie and I thought his James Bond was without depth, and bad.
The ultimate badguy/demon Shazam looks really stupid. Like some middle schooler drew him. "Yeah he's got horns and a pentacle on his stomach and muscles and he flies."
This whole final battle could have been avoided if Dr. Fate just told Hawkman to call the facility Black Adam was in. They spoke to the lady from Peacemaker. Doesn't anyone have her number? Or did he Fate just want to die?
God I hate this kid.
... I mean it's not terrible. It's silly. I think I would've rather seen the origin story with the son. Even though you would've known the Rock would become the hero in the end, it still would've felt like something different, set in ancient times.
Or maybe if they had combined Whirlwind or Atom Smasher with the kid from Kahndaq? Like if one of them were from Kahndaq and wanted to be a hero but fucked up with Intergang somehow--got in trouble with the JSA--so feeling like he or she needs help, awakened the champion from the past without realizing he wasn't Shazam but Black Adam. That way we get can rid of some of these extra characters.
"Kahndaq" also feels like a set with maybe 24 people living there. I know they film on sets to keep the press from seeing, but you gotta do something distinct. Maybe have that weird triangle hand signal all over the place. Give them a cultural backstory. I don't know.
But then I hated the hand signal so maybe not.
END CREDITS: Happy to see Cavill get another chance at Superman but can we agree that Amanda Waller shouldn't have been involved? And also that it should have been Zachary Levi as Shazam?!?
Black Adam started as a Captain Marvel/Shazam bad guy. You can't be saying Shazam multiple times in the movie and not addressing the fact that Shazam has movies too.
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jack-is-lost · 2 years
Is 'Shipping' Gay Culture? by  James Somerton
Another good video going over shipping culture in media. From real life acted media, animated films, to anime shows. Breaking down the why we ship, and most importantly, why we ‘gay ship’ characters not even canonically stated as anything but heterosexual. I recommend watching.  Beneath the ‘keep reading’ is some pivotal points made that I feel should be seen even if you don’t watch the video. 
Accidental ships: “When you have a creator who is making no effort to really predict queerness. They’re just making some art and their audience takes it upon themselves to read into the chemistry between to given characters. Prime example would be Sokka and Zuko from Avatar the Last Air Bender.” Subversive Ships: “When a creator actively wants to depict queer characters, but is restricted either by network morality clauses, or national censorship laws. I would include Yuri on Ice, as per the ongoing battle to depict the core pairing openly, but also Legend of Korra’s Korrasami. As the creators wanted an out, bisexual female couple but had to settle for some hand holding in the very last episode. At least they got to hiss in the comic.” Oblivious Ships: “This is when you have a creator who include a degree of platonic yearning where it’s not clear how they overlooked “gay” as an option. A sub-sect of oblivious shipping is when you have a creative team that is either so misogynistic or so hyper-masculine that they procedurally eliminate all female characters, or make the women in the story so incredibly boring, that there is no one else to ship but the boys. Think of Supernatural, i.e Destial.” 
Industrial Ships: “The least favorite category, one that can raise all the red-flags, is an act of soulless, corporate infringement on the identity-centric needs for visible representation. This is what I would refer to as ‘traditional gay baiting’. For prime example, see Teen Wolf.”   In conclusion: “All we really want is the ability to project our shared experiences to re-enforce our community bonds. But, somewhere, there’s a straight person saying that we’re ‘forcing gayness’ into everything. But the only reason we have to read queerness into anything is because it’s been ‘forced out’ of society for the last couple of hundreds of years. Or that we get ‘crazy’ when people refuse to see the obvious coding of clearly gay characters. Because it’s not enough to say ‘hey, this experience really reminds me of some formative moments of my adolescence’. We have two options; watch fictional gay people having experiences we’re never going to have (Love Simon), or fictional presumed-straight people having pretty gay experiences that look a whole lot like the ones we have had. Not to mention that there is a quiet homophobia to the celebration of gay-baiting. Our implicit romances are being framed under the pretense of being something forbidden. Forbidden romance is the exact opposite of what we’re trying to accomplish with our fight for rights.”
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girls-are-weird · 5 months
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#NowWatching: The Diplomat 1x08 "The James Bond Clause"
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