#The 'handsome man' was David Tennant
decaying-vampire · 11 months
warning: if you are currently experiencing female hysteria, do NOT look at handsome men on Pinterest, and do NOT listen to mitski. It will just make it worse
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crown-ov-horns · 2 months
Fine, I'll admit it. With long hair...
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He's very attractive. He really is.
But, he's a harebrained trend chaser, who will butcher his good looks for fickle fashion.
He also looks like he should be wearing a kilt, not a cloak. Because of the long red hair, not David's nationality.
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
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David looking entirely too attractive in rehearsals for Good.
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the10thdoctorwife · 3 months
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He is so cute and sexy at the same time 😊
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lyxchen · 9 months
Okay look, I'm a lesbian but honestly I think I'm in love with David Tennant (or more like all his characters)
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bubblesnakekiss · 1 year
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God he’s so beautiful ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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“Ew David Tennant is so old now. Peepaw has one foot in the grave.”
Just say you can’t handle people being middle aged and move on. 53 is not dead. Go drink some water and touch some grass. Be fucking for real.
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you-doo · 9 months
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Regal Crowley -so handsome
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tomato-turn · 2 months
I'm probably late, but I just got to know that it's David Tennant's birthday and....
Happy birthday, David!!
We love you!!!
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beansoup3000 · 6 months
You know what's so devastating to me about "God that I were a man"? It's the way that in this situation, Beatrice is not exceptional. In the first acts, she appears to be exempt from the gender roles that everyone around her complies with: she has avoided marriage so far, and she has license to playfully criticize and reject being "over-master'd with a piece of valiant dust" (2.2.55-56). She even suggests to Hero that she claim some agency over her engagement: "it is my cousin's duty to make curtsy, and say, 'father, as it please you.' But yet for all that, cousin, let him be a handsome fellow, or else make another curtsy and say, 'father, as it please me'" (2.1.48-51). Beatrice has carved out an existence for herself that everyone else tolerates; her wit allows her to live outside of people's expectations of womanhood.
But Beatrice is not exempt from being a woman. When it actually matters, when Hero is disgraced by powerful men with no regard for her wellbeing or humanity, Beatrice can't do anything about it. And "God that I were a man" is so painful because it reminds us--and Benedick--that no matter how transcendent Beatrice appears to be, she is still constrained by her role in Messina's society. Back in act one and act two, the reason that she was allowed to poke fun at men wasn't that she couldn't be stopped; it was that it didn't matter. She has no actual power to change the order of things, and so her verbal sparring is not a threat.
(An aside: I think that Benedick is taken aback by "God that I were a man" because this has never really occurred to him. He sees Beatrice as his intellectual equal, and he has watched her carve out space for herself effectively (they know each other of old). In the 2011 production with David Tennant, the costuming and acting choices show how Benedick starts actively performing masculinity only when he accepts Beatrice's request to kill Claudio--when he has to "be a man for [Beatrice's] sake" (4.1.314). In the first acts, he wears tight clothes, a crop top, and a miniskirt. From the wedding on, he wears his military uniform and then a suit. His body language also changes; he abandons physical comedy, stands tall, and emotes less when he speaks to Claudio and Don Pedro. He wields his masculinity as a weapon because he now realizes it's a weapon that Beatrice cannot wield herself.)
The crashing realization of Beatrice's limits is so devastating to me because it's so familiar. I can only speak from experiences I've had, but as a queer woman I know that tolerance is different than empowerment. That having grown up evading dating and romance with made-up excuses to hide my queerness, having realized the extent of the misogyny in an organization I cared about and having grappled with how that misogyny prevented me from effecting change, being allowed to exist is not the same as being able to participate, to make things different. God, that I were a man. I would eat his heart in the marketplace.
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The sweater says "collects comic books" and the face says "collects phone numbers"
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The Guardian Weekend (2006)
Hi, I'm David-in-my-pants," says the very boyish, handsome 34-year-old striding towards me, arm extended, wearing, as promised, his underpants. Perhaps the train journey from London to Cardiff was worth it after all.
"I just don't have the courage of my convictions about my fashion decisions-I think I need some guidance there," he adds in his charming Scottish accent, his eyes all characteristically puppyish and pleading. Yes, the trip is definitely worth it so far.
This fashion insecurity is a bit surprising, though, seeing as it comes from David Tennant, the tenth and latest Dr Who (he's in Cardiff filming the newseries) and, according to the Pink Paper, "the sexiest man in the universe" (Tennant claimed, sweetly, that he was "somewhat surprised" by that accolade.)
When playing the title role in the BBC's widely acclaimed Casanova, Tennant wore flouncy blouses with aplomb; and his outfit for Dr Who English tweeds paired with scruffy Converse - has already received plaudits from the fashion press. "It's not a million miles from what I usually wear," he says, "so I now have to be careful if people see me out and about looking too much like Dr. Who, that would be pretty naff."
The Converse were inspired by Tennant himself - he's been devoted to the brand for more than 20 years - so when I tell him that David Cameron wears them, too, he reels back into the sofa, aghast "No!" he whispers. "You`ve just ruined them for me.
He insists that becoming a recognised face has not changed his style, but has made him more conscious that he shouldn't wear something more than once because people comment on it. This, naturally, means constant wardrobe updates, which rather goes against a Presbyterian upbringing "that would never permit any conspicuous consumption."
Tennant's teenage years were a swamp of fashion mistakes, he says, citing in particular a pink jumper that we wore for years until someone told him that it was, well, terrible. And at 15 he sported a paisley shirt, skinny tie and cropped jacket combo that "properly expressed myself" - unfortunately, his tracksuit-wearing peers disagreed and punched him in the face. "Yeah, that didn't work out too well."
He is, he says repeatedly, not a shopper. "I do that typical male thing of finding one thing and doing it to death, like Paul Smith suits." He recently discovered H&M, he adds, enunciating each of the letters carefully, as if tentatively speaking in a new language. "Plain T-shirts for only a tuppence."
Yet despite all of this he seems at ease during the shoot. He particularly likes a tan jumper, which prompts him to stroke his hands over his chest in a most distracting manner. "I love this - what is it?"
Burberry, comes the answer.
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spacelazarwolf · 10 months
“you should post more about being horny for david tennant” @decayed-foundations
oh my friend ask and u shall receive.
obligatory i respect david as a person and an actor and would never in my entire life say this to his face or in a place i think he would see it bc even though i love being horny for david tennant on the internet as i think most survivors of superwholock do i am not a fucking weirdo.
i have been utterly enamored with david tennant since i careened down the doctor who rabbit hole at the ripe young age of 14. i am not ashamed to say that this is the david tennant that took my adolescent brain by storm:
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his absolutely unhinged portrayal of the doctor in doctor who lit a fire in my teenaged loins that is still burning to this day, never to be extinguished.
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he was young, handsome, and eclectic and, being a young millennial in the 2000s, i was immediately hooked.
little did i know that as i aged, so too would he.
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daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry.
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i am kind of an idiot so i don’t really understand shakespearean english but i don’t need to know what’s going on to know that i immediately want to bone him.
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in my fleabag era. i am a staunch supporter of interfaith relationships.
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literally casanova like quite literally in the role of casanova.
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are u fucking kidding me?????????
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i want to do UNGODLY things to this man.
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his entire performance as crowley? please put me out of my misery.
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is he the stereotypical action hero guy that passed for hot these days? no. would i let him call me his hebrew slave? yes.
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
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David at the BFI screening/Q&A for Inside Man tonight.
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Aziraphale & Eddington.
Neil has confirmed us that David Tennant *actually* exists within the Good Omens universe. Thus, we may assume that the whole of his filmography, except for Good Omens, also exists. We may assume as well that Aziraphale has more or less followed Doctor Who over the decades, and that somehow, with time, the actor of his favourite doctor earned an eerie similarity to Job. But this isn't about him, right now. This is about his son in law.
I would like to think Aziraphale did enjoy the utterly handsome Eighth doctor, ending up glued to the screen and getting deeply excited about this incarnation. He probably got upset because of his only appearance on TV, but would still be delighted to see the series coming back to the BBC in 2005. The Ninth doctor may have appeared a bit tough to him at first, but there was something deeply endearing about him. Maybe it was the way he rocked that leather jacket, or his sense of humour, or his bravery, or his charming accent... He never really knew, but it was sad to say goodbye so soon again. "Who will be the new doctor?" He thought to himself. "Will they be blond? Taller? Will they wear a vest? A bowtie perhaps?". When the young man appeared on screen before Rose for the first time, Aziraphale was left completely mesmerised. The young man was... Different. He had slightly long hair and, honestly, he really liked how the leather jacket suited him too. Once the credits rolled, he found out his name: David. "Oh, that's a lovely name," he thought to himself. "That's the name of a king!".
He followed his seasons very carefully, blushing with his cheekiness, chuckling with his jokes, and loving how adventurous and fair the man was. Thanks to Crowley, he even dared to go to "the videoclub" and rent some of his earlier works. Oh, how handsome the man looked in The Last September, what a dear he was in Takin' Over the Asylum, how lovely he was in Duck Patrol, and what a cocky detective he was in Blackpool... Although, he admitted not being too focused on observing his labour as a detective there. The young man was rather handsome. Aziraphale flushed, could this be love? How silly of him! Falling in love with an actor! He was an angel! Which, inherently, also meant he was born to love. Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't something bad. It could be silly, of course, but forgivable.
One afternoon, Aziraphale went to the videoclub on his own, and found a movie he hadn't checked out yet. Einstein and Eddington, a scientific movie it was. The young man looked wonderful in those glasses and stunning sandrift linen suit. Humans may say one mustn't judge a book by its cover, but this dvd already seemed perfect for him! Thus, the angel rented it and decided to treat himself with the film. He laid on his white cream sofa, got under his soft tartan blanket, and pressed the play button. A smile came across his face when he saw the man in those light refined clothes. What a delight to the sight that was.
The angel felt it deeply when he learnt that Eddington was in love with a man he couldn't have, but his heart did not only wrench there, no. It was when he saw the man stand before the orrery when things got clearer. He had to pause the video. Aziraphale got up and sat close before the screen, brushing his fingers against the image. "Crowley..." He mumbled. The only thing in his mind was the image of the spectacular ginger angel he met, in their neat white dress, creating a whole universe in front of his eyes. The way their thin fingers moved, the eagerness in their voice, the dark greenish of their gaze, way more breathtaking than the vastness of hues of the newborn nebulae. And when the blond saw, further on, the physicist crying desperately for his vanished love in the wide green garden, his heart shattered into shards.
He would not admit it, but he did not watch the movie just once that night. Not twice either. Eddington was just like his dear boy, not specifically the angel, nor specifically the demon. It was him. With their curiosity, and their passion, and their deep care, and hunger for answers and justice. He felt warm tears threatening to fall from his eyes and his mind started wandering. Because, what if. Just, what if Crowley had ever felt like Eddington? What if he was worried that one day he would never see his angel again? What if there were feelings trapped in his chest he feared never being able to express? Would he be like the astronomer and, once again, question God for her ineffable decisions? It took Aziraphale a good while to get away from the screen, from that eerily familiar image fueling his heart. It took him days for his sorrow over the fictional Eddington's life to lighten, after being the root of many, many wondering.
The next time the angel met his partner, he was certainly still caught up in his thoughts. The demon noticed, so he decided to ask him about his series and that actor that had truly drawn his attention. He didn't really know what he saw in him, but it didn't take much to notice the pure bliss in his blue eyes when he told him about his character's adventures. The way his words flowed in excitement and his hands often moved around to help with it. The angel was finally enjoying himself in something else than books and occasional music, and seeing him so cheerful did really brighten the demon too.
"How are things going with your binge watching? Have you gotten your hands on another series, or...?"
Aziraphale slowly lifted up his head and stared nervously into Crowley's eyes. He did not know what to say, how could he put into words his worry? Even worse, how to explain where all this came from? The ginger would probably laugh. Worrying that deeply about a character? A movie character? The angel got dewy-eyed. Please no, not in front of him, not like this, he prayed. The demon frowned, he sensed there was something his beloved couldn't easily tell.
"Aziraphale? Is everything alright?" The ginger asked softly. The principality breathed deeply and finally, managed to speak, as he fiddled with his vest.
"I- I just watched a movie, a sad one I must say. It made me think." The demon hummed, and answered.
"I get it. It's understandable, and if that David guy is really that good as you say, I bet his acting can move tons of people." Aziraphale's gaze brightened, he couldn't believe what he had just heard. "I mean, I can see him being very talented. From what you've told me, the man does really have a range for acting. That's always important, to be able to adapt-."
"You really listened." Crowley was about to keep on rambling when he saw the angel in awe.
"Well, I have ears, what else am I supposed to do with them if its not listening?"
Tears fell off the angel's eyes. Crowley did not hesitate to get closer, inviting him into his arms. In a matter of seconds, the blond was in his embrace. He hugged his Angel tightly, and let him cry as much as he needed, caressing his back. He could not help but mutter in a caring tone.
"You and your stories, Angel."
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tessonaut · 3 months
Watching a david tennant movie and my moms like “you know he can be quite handsome when he wants to be” just completely unaware of how feral people get for that man
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tenthcrowley · 9 months
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Show: Doctor Who.
Character: Tenth Doctor.
Reader: GN reader / gender not specified.
Summary: You're so convinced this is a dream, it has to be. It's surely your brain imagining all this. While The Doctors still tries to explain and fix things.
The Prologue . Chapter one. | Chapter two | Chapter Three.
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Chapter two
The Doctor stays silent. A bit confused to be honest but also intrigued. How would they know about his existence if he's from another universe? He literally cannot exist in another universe, but he has fans. Why? How did this happen?
"I have fans?" He slowly smiles with pride. "Woah, I mean, I know I save the world like, almost every day, but I never knew they could do this! Well, LINDA existed once" Now he's thinking out loud while he walks through your apartment like it's his.
"What?" You follow him around, watching as he enters the little kitchen and grabs a cup to look at it and leave it in the same place.
"You're a fan" His smile becomes wider. "Do you want me to autograph something?" He says in a bit of a mocking tone, but still being real.
"What? No! Well, maybe. But that's not the case" You frown. "Of course you have fans! You're David Tennant! You're The Doctor! Come on, one of the biggest shows in the UK" You roll your eyes. You're annoyed by yourself! It's funny tho, great impression of him.
He laughs. "I can't believe I have my own website" He says with a smile. Didn't last too long that he became serious again, almost a worried look on his face -totally a worried look on his face-. "What do you mean by 'show'?" He walks up to you. "Who's David Tennant?"
You just look at him, very confused. "Oh, come on man. How can I annoy myself so much?" You sigh, walking out if the kitchen to the living. He's walking just behind you.
"Show me the website"
"What for?" You sit on the couch, tired.
"Just show me!"
"Fine! Give me my laptop, it's on the table"
He quickly grabs it and gives it to you. It took you a couple of minutes to turn it on and enter the website.
"See?" You point the different things on it. "Show. Original version and modern continuation. And here you have the different doctors" He reads '10° Doctor David Tennant'.
"That's the man you mentioned" He uses the mouse to click on it. "Season 2? 3? 4? What's this?" He whispers to himself, selecting 'Season 2', opening his eyes wide when he sees his own face. "T-that's me"
You nod. "Of course! It's in Spanish so I don't think you'll understand."
"Oh, don't worry, the TARDIS translates everything"
"...Right" You click the first chapter of season 2 and skip the intro to directly to the episode and see David's face.
The Doctor gulps. "But I-I lived that! What's this?" He says confused.
You sigh, just watching the chapter for like... the fifth time. "I don't know if this is the best or worst dream I've ever had" You look at him again. You had to admit he's very handsome. I mean, you wouldn't bother bother to just look at him. Pretty face.
"Stop saying this is a dream! It's not, believe me I would pretty much know if it was! Now, explain me what's going on right now!" You jump in you place a bit. The screaming took you by surprise. You see the worrying, despair and confusion on his face. It just hurts to see him like this, almost making you forget that this is a dream, I mean, you weren't a ecpathic* monster, you know he's having a bad time.
"Fine" You sigh and look at the laptop placed on your thighs. You pause the video just when David's face pops up and point at him. "That's David Tennant, an Scottish actor and this is the show 'Doctor Who' I told you about. It's about a Time Lord that has a ship, the TARDIS" You point at it. "and travels around the universe and time" You finally look at him. He's even more confused than he was before.
"But that's my life. I lived that. I remember living this" He points the screen of the laptop. "I do travel around with the TARDIS" And points at it. A few more seconds of silent, he doesn't understands how he got here and what's this place. You don't understand why he's acting like that, but still don't want to wake up. "Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no, no" He quickly stands up and walks to the TARDIS. It's still broken, he has to fix it.
You just stayed there in the couch. And still tired.
"What are you doing?" You ask loudly so he can here you inside the ship.
He walks out of it to look at you.
"I'm trying to leave this place" He pops back inside. Oh, no, of course you were going to follow him.
"See" He walks to you with a... thing, on his left hand. Probably a piece of the ship. And on the right he's holding a hammer. ", I don't how, I don't know why, but the TARDIS brought me here for some reason. This is not a dream, this is not your imagination or something. This is real, I'm real. I crashed into your universe where I seem to be fictional"
You are shocked. Completely shocked. You stay silent, looking directly at his eyes and viceversa. However the human brain is scared about new stuff that it's been drying for its whole existence. So, yeah, you don't believe it.
"Yeah sure!" You laugh out loud. Now the Doctor is annoyed and watching as you suffer a stomachache due to the laugh. "Oh god! This dream is making me so happy. I will so remember this when I wake up" You say in giggles.
"Oh, come on! This is real! My TARDIS is real!" He growls and just runs back to the center. "Why did you break? Huh!" He slams it with the hammer on his hand, but the TARDIS doesn't reacts.
You look at him and then around you.
This definitely couldn't be real. It just can't. You're dreaming. You have to be dreaming. The Doctor, the ship you're in right now, you've seen it all in the show, in a screen. You've seen the cast go around in the set. It's all fiction. It's all fake. How could this be real? It can't be, but somehow you have thus weird feeling on your chest that tells you this is just fine, this feels alright, even if your mind is telling you something completely different. Your gaze now lands on the alien-man screaming at the controls of his space ship, trying to fix whatever is wrong with it and go back home.
Maybe this was real. But how? It's so hard to believe something you've wished for so hard for so long became real.
"How can you be real? I mean. I-I've seen the cast. The exist. So does the books and all" You confusedly murmur, walking towards him.
He looks up at you, he was lying on the floor using his sonic screwdriver to look for errors on the cables it something. You didn't pay much attention to it as you wouldn't understand it.
"Look. There's many different universes. Everything can be or not different. In mine, I'm very real, believe me. In your in just a fictional character" He stops looking at you and keeps inspecting. "I need to get out if here and fix everything because of the Void. I certainly don't want to ruin a while different universe"
Wow. Okay. This may actually be real. You feel the excitement run through your veins and start shacking a bit.
How could this be real? Why? What happened? There's really many universes? The Doctor really exists in one of them? No, but the whole show you've been watching is real? How do the writers would know that? Do they know about this?
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*ecpathic: the contrary to empathic.
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