#Team ACT
azurityarts · 2 years
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Daily Doodle #135
Only a spoonful
whoever decided to give me the power to draw has made a horrible mistake
I've had this idea stuck in my head for months now, and now I'm making it everyone's problem.
(I wish I could've polished the animation more, but I was running out of time ^^;)
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axewchao · 7 months
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A renowned rescuer learns a startling piece of information as he tries to calm the warrior his teammate saved.
Alakazam hadn't expected to hear such alarming news.
He and Charizard were informed as soon as they made it to the outskirts of Pokémon Square that night. He knew that Tyranitar wouldn't have minded the two of them taking a few extra days to return from their mission (if anything he undoubtedly enjoyed the extended break), but still felt the need to apologize regardless. Old habits die hard, he supposed.
To his surprise, however, it was not the armor Pokémon that greeted them, but Lombre, looking more unsettled than either rescuer had ever seen him.
Lombre didn't even need to be prompted to tell the duo what had happened: that several days ago, Tyranitar came running back to the Square like a madman, carrying a big green Pokémon that was covered in injuries and missing an arm. Everyone in the Square was shaken by the sight, worried that whatever maimed the stranger was still around, waiting to finish the job.
Charizard looked ready to start a monhunt right then and there, his tail flaring up in anger. It was only when Alakazam mentioned speaking to Tyranitar first that he stopped, clearly wanting to see his friend as much as Alakazam did.
Thankfully, they didn't have to look very far, as Tyranitar could be seen leaving Miss Patch's home, looking crestfallen. The kaiju in question was so lost in his thoughts that he nearly walked right past them, only stopping at the last second when Charizard waved a claw in front of his face. Tyranitar's replies to Charizard's line of questions were stiff and short, and all Alakazam could sense from him was exhaustion and scared uncertainty.
It was plain as day that any and all investigations would have to wait until morning. Right now Tyranitar- no, Titanite-needed long-overdue support from his friends. After assuring Lombre that he would personally look into the situation first thing tomorrow, the reunited trio made their way to their own home, Titanite glancing back at Miss Patch's house as they left.
They slept in a pile that night, something the three of them hadn't done since their rookie days. Alakazam could sense a small hint of relief coming from Titanite, and that was enough for now.
~ About two hours later, all three of them were woken by a frantic pounding on their door. Recognizing Miss Patch's voice, Titanite rose up first, already at the door while Alakazam and Charizard were still getting their bearings.
The good news was, the "big green Pokémon" Lombre mentioned had woken up.
The bad news was that said Pokémon had fled the Square in a confused panic. Miss Patch had tried to calm them down, even tried to follow them once they left her home, to no avail. The Pokémon, a Sceptile, was just too fast, and it was too dark for Miss Patch to continue without getting hurt by who knows what.
The Sceptile's actions were rather... surprising, given how badly they were said to be wounded. Alakazam could only chalk it up to adrenaline spiking up once they regained consciousness and realized they were in an unfamiliar place. Adrenaline that would soon wear off, and their injuries would slow Sceptile down once more, maybe even make them pass out. If that happened while Sceptile was out in the wilderness, or stars forbid, inside a mystery dungeon...
Alakazam shook his head and grabbed his spoons. They could catch up to Sceptile if they hurried.
"Any sign of them?" Alakazam called to the sky.
"Nothin' yet!" Came Charizard's reply. 
Alakazam cursed under his breath. Of all Pokémon... why did it have to be one as green as the jungle they hail from? They'd have no problem blending in with this forest. And considering that it was also the middle of the night, Sceptile would surely see the light of Charizard's tail before the group could even come close to reaching them.
Charizard being the eye in the sky under these conditions... wasn't one of Alakazam's best plans. He'll admit that. But you're low on strategy when you're low on proper rest.
"...Dammit! Her footprints end here!" Titanite growled, though there wasn't any anger behind it. Only worry. Alakazam couldn't blame him.
"They do?" Sure enough, they did, near the base of a tree with low branches. Very low branches. Low enough for someone to...
...Of course. To be expected from one known as "The Jungle Pokémon."
Alakazam snapped his fingers, making Titanite jump. He held a finger to his forehead, mind reaching out to the still flying Charizard.
"Crimson, come back down for a moment."
"What?" Crimson paused, "Why?"
"I believe she's hiding in the trees. The tops of which provide too much cover. You won't be able to see her from above, but she'll still see you. Please, come down."
Crimson clearly hesitated, not wanting to miss the chance to see her jump to another tree. But Al always knew best, so with a sigh he made his descent. Maybe they'll be lucky and the damn mon'll stay put for a second.
"How the hell would she get up a tree?" Crimson asked as he landed. "Didn't Lombre say she lost an arm?"
"She still has both her legs, Crimson."
Both Crimson and Titanite blinked at their leader, their faces best described as a silent 'What the fuck.'
"You... You're tellin' me she jumped up there?!" Crimson shook his head at the absurdity of it. "That's crazy!!"
"There's no where else she could've gone, Crimson. Her footprints stop right here," Alakazam pointed to the ground, "and the branches of these trees are low enough for someone to reach if they were tall enough or had strong legs. Sceptile is a Pokémon whose home is in the jungle. It would be child's play for someone like her to simply jump from branch to branch and reach higher ground."
"So... how're we supposed to find her now?" Titanite's voice was tense, eyes now trained to the branches high above them. Crimson would scare her off the second she saw his tail, and Titanite's own movements would be too loud as he blindly navigated the forest, alerting Sceptile in record time.
It was just like Al said; Sceptile was in her element. If she wasn't in such a critical condition, he'd commend her for her stealth...
"Can't you just... I dunno, hunt down her mind or something?" Crimson offered, tail flicking in irritation.
Alakazam sighed, "If there weren't other Pokémon in these woods, I would gladly do so, Crimson. But the thoughts of the locals would surely drown out Sceptile's. And even then, you know what happens when I read too many minds at once, even by accident."
Crimson winced. He wasn't about to leave Al to suffer weeks' worth of headsplitting migraines like that again...
Titanite gulped. He knew that his friends wouldn't dare give up so easily, but... the thought that either of them would was still there. Even if it was as simple calling off the search until daybreak, that would undoubtedly be too long. Sceptile might already be... already be-
His thoughts were cut off by the sound of leaves rustling, a flock of what he could only assume to be Murkrow flying away from one particular tree further ahead.
"What was th-" Crimson was cut off by Alakazam raising a finger.
Alakazam crept forward, steps so light that neither of his friends could hear him.
"Crimson, try to cover your tail. Hide the light." He didn't turn around, but could hear Crimson and Titanite move as they did as he asked.
The tree in question was taller than most of the others... but its lowest branches were still in jumping distance between one another. Like he said before, child's play.
He didn't see anything at first. Eyes moving from branch to branch up the tree, hoping to find something, anything that stood out. As he moved forward, he could see the moon through a gap in the larger branches.
...Wait. Those leaves... those almost looked like fir leaves, didn't they? But that can't be right, there aren't any fir trees in this part of the-
He froze as he saw the 'leaves' move. The way they swished, almost like a tail. What he thought was the trunk moved ever so slightly, and he could swear he saw a faint yellow glow. Eyes, maybe?
Alakazam's own eyes shined. Found you.
He confirmed as much to Crimson and Titanite before leaping skyward, body already glowing with psychic power.
Sceptile was... in pretty bad shape, to put it lightly. Alakazam had to stop himself from wincing once he finally got a good look at her.
There were bandages and bruises all over the poor mon. On the way here, Titanite had mention she'd suffered some nasty burns, and the black edges of her wrist leaves made it clear that she'd been scorched by something. The bandages were all stained, and she was shaking from head to toe, panting as if she'd just sprinted a mile (which she may as well have).
He couldn't stop himself from looking down at her arm, or rather what was left of it, feeling a chill run down his spine. What in the gods' names happened to her...?
Her mind was full of fearfearconfusedwhereisheimscaredwhereismybrowhathappenedithurtsithurts-
Alakazam shook his head, pulling away from her panic. He heard Sceptile's breath hitch as she crouched, looking ready to jump to who knows where again.
He raised his hand as if reaching out. "Wait, don't run! I just want to talk!"
"St-Stay... Stay back...!" Her voice sounded weak, likely from her wounds and the energy she'd already spent to get here. But her face remained a glare, like she was trying to stay strong in spite of that.
"I'm not going to hurt you." Alakazam promised. She clearly didn't buy it.
"Don't... don't come any... c-closer...!"
"...Alright. I won't." Alakazam held up both hands in surrender, floating backwards a little. "I just want to talk to you, Sceptile. That's all."
"Did..." Sceptile panted, "Did my... Trainer... send you...?"
Alakazam blinked. Trainer...?
His hesitation must've sent the wrong message, as Sceptile's eyes turned to slits. "He... he didn't... did he...?" She started to growl.
Not good. "Sceptile, listen, you-"
"Shut it!!" Sceptile yelled, seemingly reignited by anger. "Who-Whoever the hell you are, stay away from me!! Go back to your human and leave me alone!!"
That word. Human. A word that a Pokémon in this day and age would know nothing about unless they were a dedicated historian. And the other word, Trainer. Using it in that context meant...
...No. No, it couldn't be...
"Didn't ya hear me? I said beat it!!"
"Sceptile, you're hurt. You shouldn't be-"
"Who cares if I'm hurt?! My Trainer might still be in trouble, dammit!!" Sceptile frantically looked back and forth across the treetops, panic filling her eyes as she seemed unable to find what she was looking for. Under her breath, she muttered, "Where the hell... where's the cave...?"
"Cave? There aren't any caves near here." The closest was Thunderwave Cave, but even that was a fair distance away...
"Don't lie to me!! I-" Sceptile cut herself off with a pained growl, tightening her grip on her arm. "I can't... leave him there..."
A memory was repeating itself in Sceptile's mind. One so loud, so overwhelming, Alakazam couldn't help but look at it. He felt himself freeze at the visions that appeared, one by one.
It was hot. So very hot. The heat was suffocating.
Rocks falling everywhere. Fire everywhere. Ground shaking.
Can't move. Trapped. Arm hurts.
Had she been caught in a cave-in? All that fire... it had to have been a volcano. Or a magma cavern. Didn't explain what she was doing there, though...
Deafening roar. So loud. Couldn't fight it. Couldn't hurt it. Too strong.
...No. No, that couldn't be. Groudon, the creator of the continents? Alakazam had only seen illustrations of the god, and that was enough to render him speechless.
And... she actually saw it? Tried to fight it?! Was she insane?!
Little bro scared. Little bro crying. Please don't cry...
What Alakazam saw next shook him to his very core.
A Human. A genuine Human, with purple hair, purple eyes, and a face streaked with tears. A young boy, who looked terrified beyond belief. He was saying something, but Alakazam couldn't hear it. It looked like the boy was trying to pull Sceptile free, only for his efforts to prove fruitless.
The earth shook more, throwing the Human off balance, but he still held on to Sceptile, determined to get her free.
The Human's eyes widened suddenly, as if he heard something. Both he and Sceptile looked upward, seeing yet another rock falling directly overhead. And before Sceptile could react, the Human moved to shield her with his body.
Before the rock made impact, a white glow filled the area, ending the vision.
Alakazam held his head, feeling a headache come on. 
What... what did he just see...?
He looked back at Sceptile, who was now shedding her own tears. Her face was full of fear and... guilt?
"I can't... be the only one who got out... what if he's still...?" She was muttering to herself. She sounded like a mother fearing the safety of her child. And if that Human was her 'little bro' like her memories claimed, then...
...He'd have to look into this later. Right now, he needed to calm her down.
"Sceptile." He ignored her attempt at another glare. "Listen to me. I know you're scared and confused. I know you're worried about your... your Human."
Sceptile sniffled.
"But you won't find him if you keep going the way you're going. There aren't many places that can help you around here."
As much as he wanted to tell her that there weren't any humans to be seen in this day and age, he couldn't work up the nerve. She was upset enough already; he'd rip that band-aid off later.
"I... I can't... I can't leave him all alone..." Sceptile held back a sob.
"I know. You sound like a truly loyal friend."
She sniffled again.
"But as loyal as you are, you need to let your wounds heal, lest you drive yourself into an early grave. If not for your own sake, then for your Human's."
She shut her eyes tight, in both pain and frustration.
"I..." Alakazam took a deep breath, readying himself for his next words. "I have an idea on what may be going on here. What happened to you, and what happened to your Human."
That got her attention. Her breath hitched, and her eyes locked on to his.
"As I said before, you won't find him. Not like this. But I can help you. I... For now, let's just say I have... experience with this type of situation."
"Wh... What are you... talking about...?" Her voice began to sound tired.
"Wherever you were before, you're not there anymore. And neither is your Human. Finding him in this place will be hard without help, and I'm more than willing to help you."
"Why would you? You barely know me..."
"It's my duty to help Pokémon in need, Sceptile. That includes you." He floated closer to her, holding out his hand. "Let me take you back to town, and we can talk this through after some more rest. Okay?"
Sceptile hesitated, eyeing his hand like she was waiting for some kind of attack. An attack that never came.
Just as Alakazam was about to put his hand away, Sceptile raised her own. It was shaking, and stopping every few seconds, but it eventually met his.
"Here, I'll bring you back dow- Woah!!" Alakazam was nearly thrown off balance as Sceptile collapsed onto him. He nudged her, but she didn't respond aside from a faint groan.
...She'd passed out.
Alakazam sighed. At least she agreed to come back before that...
He floated back down to the base of the tree, where Crimson and Titanite were waiting. Titanite's spikes bristled upon seeing Sceptile unconscious.
"Is she-"
"She'll be fine." At least, he hoped. "...Let's go home."
Why do I keep forcing myself to write out tense, awkward conversations??? It's hard af and I worry that I drag it on too much every gosh diddly dang time :'D
But the good news is, Val's got some help from here on! Team ACT will make sure she and Dal meet again, don't you worry owo)b
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aurasoulhikari · 11 months
PMD Hero and Partner Day 1: Combat
June 4 Combat
Hi everyone so I’ll be taking part in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Hero and Partner Week using my teams that I have used/created over the course of my time in playing the game series. Today is day one that you choose between cooking, combat, and getting lost. So I decided on combat this will be with Pokemon Rescue Team Red/Blue/DX era and my team Team Courage with Hero Rosethorn the Cubone and her partner Chara the Charmander who are undergoing battle training with team ACT after just evolving.
“Bone Club!”
“Teleport!” Rosethorn gasped as Alakazam disappeared from sight as she landed quickly looking around but too late sensing the presence behind her.
“Psychic!” Alakazam yelled, lifting Rosethorn in the air before tossing her to the ground, making her cry out. The human turned now Marowak winced as she got up her red eyes staring at Alakazam as she held her bone tightly.
“You have to be more aware of your surroundings Rosethorn, use the new senses you've obtained by evolving.” Alakazam instructed.
“Easier said than done you know!” Rosethorn snapped back with a grunt. “I've lived as a pokemon for practically a year. You'd think I'd be used to this by now.”
“That was back when you were a Cubone but now you are a Marowak so naturally your techniques and strengths will be different than before.” Alakazam pointed out. “Remember, take advantage of your weapon. Anything your opponent will least expect.”
“Alright then.” She huffed, readying herself. “Now Bonemerang!”
Rosethorn tossed her bone as it spun like a boomerang but Alakazam quickly stopped it with Psychic.
“You’ll need to do better than that in order to-”
“Ice Beam!” Alakazam yelped to be then hit by the blue beam losing his psychic grip on the bone causing the momentum of the power to hit him as well before it flew back to Rosethorn for her to catch it with a smirk.
“Like that?” She asked.
“H-Heh yes something like that.” He admitted with a small smile. She chuckled before looking up watching Chara fly swiftly with Charizard getting used to her new wings by the guidance of the older Charizard.
“Hey I wanna thank you.” Rosethorn suddenly said, making Alakazam look up.
“Oh?” He asked.
“Yeah for accepting our request to help us train like this.” She replied. “No doubt you guys must’ve been busy yet you took the time to help us train and get used to our evolutions. We appreciate that.”
He looked surprised and he couldn't help but take in the Marowak before him that once was in fact a human girl. Compared to ordinary Marowaks, Rosethorn retained the rose red eyes she had as a Cubone and was actually a tad thinner than others of the species he summarized were traits for when she was a human. Yet despite that she took being a pokemon like a goldeen to water fighting and combat as if she was a pokemon her whole life. Really her issue was a simple one that every pokemon goes through when they first evolve. He smiled as he spun his spoons.
“Given all you and your team have done for us all this was the least we could do.” He replied. “Now come at me.”
“Heh you asked for it!” She grinned, running forward. “Bone Club!”
She jumped and was about to whack him with her bone but he held up his spoons. 
“Psychic!” He yelled, using his powers to stop her. “Nice try but you should know-”
“Thunder Punch!” Alakazam cried out as he was slugged by an electric punch and sent flying, his psychic power released as Rosethorn dropped to the ground on her feet with a smile.
“You were saying?” She asked with a grin. He grunted sitting up before seeing a paw in front of him making him look up at her as she smiled and he smiled back taking her paw. Truly he was eternally grateful for this once human now pokemon and honored to call her a friend.
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speckostardust · 2 years
Hero Partner Week - Day Three: Pokémon Square
Charles, the Charmeleon, had tried to beat his partner to her door today. Again.
By the time he had got there, she had already been gone.
Sam, his mischief-making, formerly human, Alolan Raichu of a partner was a slippery one. She loved to play pranks on the local town, and take days off.
Who could have known the hero of the world would be so lazy.
"Sam!" he shouted in vain. Sam wouldn't answer even is she did hear him.
So, reluctantly, Charles started his search. He of course checked behind her house first. She had hid back there one time and avoided him for a full day, coming out at night time, with too much time in the day already past to complete a mission.
All that was left back there was a stray apple that fell out of the windowsill. Charles picked the apple up and placed back on the windowsill, then left to continue his search.
"Sam!" he shouted once again, crossing the bridge over the river. "Come on, we have work to do!"
"Hey Charmeleon!" Caterpie says as Charles crossed the bridge. "Looking for Raichu again?"
"Hey, I am," Charles says. "Have you seen her?"
"Maybe?" Caterpie responds. "If it was her, she was flying again, and it was towards Pokémon Square."
"Well, at least I know I'm heading the right direction," Chales mumbles to himself. "Thanks Caterpie."
"No problem, Charmeleon! Oh, also, I saw team ACT in town today! You guys should totally team up!"
"We'll see. It all depends on if I find Sam in time."
Charles makes his way into the center of the square, and asks around if anyone has seen the mischievous Raichu, until he's approached by team ACT's Charizard.
"Hey bro!" the Charizard greets. "Why you looking around so crazy like?"
"Hey Seymour. Sam's run off again. This is the third time this week. We've barely been able to do any missions." Charles Rubs his eyes in frustration. "Just thinking about all those lost Pokémon that need saving..."
"She's a psychic type, right?" Chaeizard asks. "Would Ashford be able to find him?"
Charles hums as he thinks. "Alakazam might be able to, yeah. C'mon, where is he?"
"Over this way," Charizard says, stomping off, with Charles following closely behind.
He's led to the other side of the Square, where Alakazam and Tyranitar stand, talking with-
"Sam!" Charles shouts, running at her and almost tackling her to the ground. "Thank Arceus I found you! Do you know how hard I've been looking? We've got work to do!"
"Aw," Sam complains, "but team ACT is here, and Alakazam always has the best stories, so I thought we could take the day off?"
"We didn't do any missions yesterday, Sam."
"We could come with you on your missions, if you wouldn't mind, of course," Alakazam suggests. Charles internally celebrates.
"That'd actually be sick as fuck!" Sam exclaims. "Let's do that, Charles!"
"Okay, just don't get too caught up in Alakazam's stories, okay?"
"You got it!"
The two rescue teams make their way out of the Square and to the dungeons, only half of them actually prepared to do their missions.
It's a little late, but here's day 7! I had some fun with this prompt. At least I didn't finish it at work this time.
(For those who couldn't tell, Seymour is Charizard's name and Ashford is Alakazam's name! Names are personal things in this story.)
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askteambamuus · 2 years
Have you two had any special help during your quest, anyone in particular helping you out in a bind?
We had help from so many friends that I can't even count them all on my hands AND my feet! Alakazam helped us a lot though back in the past, but we helped him right back when he was in trouble! Remember how cool he was when he stopped Ninetails, Millie?
Stopped Ninetails? Wasn't he trying to turn us into dust with his rescue team and Ninetails prove to him I wasn't the bad human or whatever?
Oh! I must have mixed it up, it was a long time since that happened though! At least he had faith and let us run instead of trying to capture us immediately right?
That's true...I'll give him that...and he did help us stop the destruction of Pokémon-kind..still, though. I'm still not over being framed– [pout]
Yeah, it was scary when that happened...but they were wrong then and everyone apologized now! Well almost everybody other than those guys, but who cares about them saying sorry!
...Oh yeah..Can't be helped, I suppose.
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parisoonic · 1 month
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practicing lineart
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dvrcos · 3 months
Aaron getting into medical school and leaving exy behind at Palmetto. He makes some friends, of course, and he doesn’t feel the need to mention to any of them that he’s family friends with multiple professional exy players, including the son of exy himself Kevin Day. He’s moved on from exy and while he’s proud of the Foxes he doesn’t want to be known for it while starting this new adventure.
But obviously he’s not gonna cut ties with the Foxes, so he continues to text them and call them and he’ll be included in some of their social media posts and occasionally he’ll post something with them in it. And his new classmates and friends start to catch on that he’s the Aaron Minyard, former starting backliner for the Palmetto State Foxes NCAA champions, brother of one of the best goalkeepers in the league and close friend of many other professional players.
And Aaron absolutely dreads it when they connect all the dots. Like he refuses to acknowledge that he knows them. People will ask him like “omg do you really know the Kevin Day?” or “is all that stuff about Neil Josten true?” or “are you actually Andrew Minyards twin?” and he’ll just deadpan stare at them and just go “who?” Even worse when someone tries to treat him like a celebrity or ask him about his time as a Fox and he just gives them the most disgusted stare until they eventually walk away.
Yet he’ll keep posting with them he even increases how much he posts with them because he proud of them because he thinks it’s hilarious to watch people get pissed off at him for pretending not to know who they are and then turning around and posting a picture of himself at their games or on their annual vacations.
And when Kevin signs with the team that’s located in the same city that Aaron’s in they start hanging out all the time. They’ll go out to a bar and his classmates are shocked that this kid from their anatomy class is taking shots with Kevin Day. Aaron will just ask them “who” when they confront him and immediately turn back to Kevin to continue their conversation.
Idk just something about Aaron being this random med school kid with 3 of the best professional Exy players trailing him is my favorite thing. Also him being proud of his foxes and showing it in his own asshole way
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riyo-soka · 2 months
Crosshair and Hunter being so in tune that they can accurately figure out each other’s most deeply held regrets without having a single real conversation and then exclusively using that knowledge to make each other angry is the realest thing this whole episode
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luna-lovegreat · 7 months
I love how warriors is the one who always asks paramedic-style questions when someone’s hurt
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He’s asking questions not just to distract, but to see how bad the wound has impacted mental functioning “maybe we should be worried, because that’s not what I asked”
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Calling by name to draw attention, asking easy questions…
Like look at his face in each panel, how closely he’s watching while talking to assess the damage
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He’s always the one taking action in first aid (though obviously he can’t do magic stuff like hyrule but outside of that it’s him)
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Wars is a captain, he’s trained and has had to take care of wounded, so he knows how to take care of not only the physical but the mental impact of injuries as well, and he always comes through for it.
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I just kinda think that’s pretty cool
(Credit to Linkeduniverse au)
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prokopetz · 2 months
Reblog the versions of the Pop Team Epic clips with the deep voices, you fucking cowards.
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lelelego · 6 months
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hook, line, and sinker
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faghettiandmeatballs · 7 months
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axewchao · 9 months
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Battered, Bruised, and Burned
In the aftermath of a battle against the divine, a warrior miraculously escapes her final destination, thanks to a kind soul being at the right place at the right time.
Tyranitar had seen a lot of things in his life as a Rescuer.
He'd seen Pokémon of all kinds get stranded in the most brutal of mystery dungeons, whether out of a desire of fame, fortune, or acts of foolishness. He'd seen more ferocious, violent Pokémon act as the unspoken "rulers" of said dungeons, ready to maul anyone that dared enter their territory, intentionally or otherwise. He'd seen the lengths criminals would go to just to get what they want. The innocents they were willing to hurt.
He'd seen so many people suffer in so many ways.
But this... this was something else.
He isn't sure if the sight should've affected him the way it did. A leisurely walk through the woods on his day off, interrupted by the potent smell of blood on the wind, when it wasn't there a moment before. He didn't think twice about following it to its source, and when he did...
When he did...
Tyranitar shuddered. Shaking his head, he raised a claw to knock on the healer's door.
A few muffled footsteps were heard, and the door opened to a heap of pink fluff and the scent of medicinal herbs. "Y-Yes, how can I... oh-!" Her bright blue eyes widened as she turned her head up toward his face. "Hello, Tyranitar..."
Tyranitar nodded his head, "Miss Patch."
"Are you here to see..." The 'Aromatisslytuff's' voice trailed off. It seemed she was still shaken by her current patient as well. At Tyranitar's second nod, she stepped back, letting the larger Pokémon inside.
"How, uh... How is he?"
"She is... still asleep." Miss Patch's ears drooped, "I was just about to change some of her bandages."
"Oh, uh, I can come back later-"
"No," Miss Patch grabbed his claw, "I'd... rather have a familar face nearby."
While Miss Patchouli was a skilled healer and was no stranger to more... messy injuries, Tyranitar knew that this patient's wounds took the cake. And left the poor woman a little shaken as a result. He couldn't deny his own unnerved state, honestly.
Because really, even in the line of rescue work, how often do Pokémon come back missing a limb?
The patient in question was in the exact same condition Tyranitar had left him, er, her in. Which is to say, not good at all.
From crest to what little wasn't covered by the blanket, the Sceptile was covered in bruises and bandages, some of which were already soaked through with blood. The leaves on her intact arm were burned, and despite Miss Patch's words, Tyranitar still glanced down at Sceptile's chest for signs of her breathing. His relief rose and fell alongside it.
It reminded Tyranitar of how he first found her just two days prior.
How she was just... lying there in the clearing, unmoving and unresponsive when he frantically tried to wake her. The smell of fire and smoke clinging to her, as if she'd just walked through a damn forest fire. Or a volcano.
The latter of which made no sense in multiple ways; they weren't anywhere near a volcano and the forest they were currently in (which had never been set ablaze) was home to incredibly weak Pokémon. No one strong enough to maim this Sceptile, let alone leave such severe burns on her. 
Alakazam once told him that when Pokémon have more serious injuries, you shouldn't move them unless absolutely necessary. Al was always smart like that. Came with the territory of his line.
But alas, Al wasn't there, and neither was Charizard, so all Tyranitar could think to do was pick Sceptile up as carefully as possible, and run like mad back to Pokémon Square. Silently begging her to hold on all the while.
Times like this made him hate how big and slow he was. Or at least make him wish he had wings. Or could teleport; that'd be ever better.
"Do-" He cleared his throat, "Do you... need me to get anything?"
Miss Patch set a bandage roll aside and held up a small pair of scissors. "Hold her arm for me, please?"
As Tyranitar did as he was asked, he kept his eyes on Sceptile's face for any reaction.
...Not even a groan.
One one hand, that was a good thing; it meant she proabably wasn't feeling too much pain from whatever the hell happened to her. But on the other, the silence was driving Tyranitar crazy. He wanted to hear something out of her. Anything that helped prove that he wasn't too late to save her. That he and Miss Patch weren't just delaying the inevitable.
Miss Patch likely felt the same, if her expression was anything to go by.
"...I, uh... M'sorry, by the way..."
Miss Patch looked up, "For what?"
"Dumping her here and runnin' off." Dammit, that wasn't what Tyranitar wanted to say... Oh well, better go through with it. It's not like he was lying, anyway.
Miss Patch waved a claw, smiling awkwardly as she set the dirty bandages aside. "Oh no, i-it's alright! I figured you would want to... erm... clean up a little. And calm everyone down..."
That was easier said than done. Everyone in town had questions, and unfortunately Tyranitar didn't have a single answer. He didn't know who this Sceptile was, he didn't know where she came from, and he didn't have the slightest idea who or what left her in such a state.
After he'd gotten the chance to wash his scales and attempt to reassure the townsfolk, Tyranitar returned to the clearing with the sheriff. Thankfully, Sceptile wasn't found inside a dungeon, so the area was just as he left it.
Which was... even more unsettling, once he got the chance to actually look around.
Apart from a dried patch of blood, the clearing was completely untouched. No signs of a battle or struggle, no trails or footprints that could indicate which direction Sceptile came from, nothing. Not even trying to track her scent provided any results, as the only trail that gave was the path Tyranitar took after he found her.
The only conclusion the sheriff could come to was that Sceptile had been attacked somewhere else and left in the forest to bleed out, with her assailants being smart enough to cover their tracks and scents. Logically, it made sense; Tyranitar had dealt with plenty of criminals that were smart enough to do something like that, but...
Something still felt off. He couldn't put his claw on it.
"Still, I... It wasn't right to just leave you alone like that. If you weren't by yourself, that'd be one thing, but I just dropped her off and you were freaking out and I didn't even-"
"Titanite." Miss Patch wasn't stern or upset, but the sound of Titanite's own name was enough to shut him up. "It's alright. You did what you could, and that's what matters."
He could only nod, unable to say anything more as Miss Patch finished wrapping Sceptile's arm.
"I need to get the burn ointment ready. Could you stay with her for a moment?" Miss Patch's smile was much more stable this time.
"Sure." Titanite wasn't sure if his own was very convincing. If it wasn't, Miss Patch didn't comment, instead walking out the room without another word.
It was silent once more. Titanite hated it.
His shoulders fell as he sighed, rubbing his eyes. He really wished his teammates were here. At least then he'd know what else he could do. How to act.
...Heh. He could already hear Al groaning at such a lousy pun.
Taking a seat on the floor beside Sceptile's bed, Titanite glanced down at her face. At her bruises. The muscles on her right arm, and what remained of her left.
Whoever this Sceptile was, she was clearly a fighter. The kind that wouldn't go down easily if confronted. If Charizard were here and she weren't injured, he probably would've challenged her to a battle without a second thought. Which was saying something, since Charizard wasn't one to issue challenges if it looked like an easy win.
It just made Titanite ask for what felt like the tenth time in two days:
"...What happened to you?"
Please wake up and tell me.
If I ever got around to completely writing this story out in any format (comic/fic/etc.), I'd probably end up going back and forth between Dal n' Val's journey through the Mystery Dungeon world. Two stories at the same time, culminating in their eventual reunion ;w;
A reunion that they'll have to friggin' fight for, as the darker forces of the world try their damnedest to keep this particular human and Pokémon separated for as long as possible. Even to the point of trying to eliminate Dalex in particular, before he can learn to fully control his newfound abilities as a Pokémon.
But we all know what happens when humans and Pokémon band together: Odds are defied, limits are broken, and dreams become reality.
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Lackadaisy Enrichment
#in our enclosures!!#video linked as source; which i'm glad to see already has a million views and is trending. That's Right#lackadaisy#WHICH i have been reading since at least '07 when i was thirteen my god b/c this animation is based on the ongoing webcomic#like does its influence show up Directly in some Discrete way i can point to in my art? not very easily probably. And Yet.#the inspiration....i wasn't able to be Regularly Only for at least another year / art done Nonprofessionally Online was novel to me#like wow ppl can make & post fanart of w/e they love huh....didn't know webcomics were a thing & i never really read that many since but.#good god the quality of Lackadaisy at its onset is like this is superb?? this person putting in all their talent and effort???#and Then you get years & years more art and i don't even know what superlatives to throw out abt its quality as it evolves. obsessed w/it..#if i see a new lackadaisy comic page i Will be acting out. obviously this animation is a delight & also stunning. and fascinating to also#juxtapose as a Translation / Interpretation of the comic in a different medium & standalone snippet of Story#and that we're not even quite there in the comic timeline; Taking Notes abt character info we get distilledly here....genuinely love like#take it back to '07 i'm like oh boy can't wait for the dream team to assemble. then a decade later when it did? Oh Boy. that is payoff lol#namely hooray for stitches and mudbug at the field office for every passing gangster. killing one marigold associate but not the other#which seems like a promising start to shootouts w/the other dream team triumvirate. i adore that in canon so far mordecai freckle & rocky#have met but only over a nice brunch. re: all intentions anyways. anyways i'm like Gifs Must Be Made while i'm also so riled afresh abt the#comic that i've been sooo hype for for over fifteen yrs now babeyyy Deservedly. i've done a couple of rereads & ought to do another....#For Interest it'd probably take a few sittings to catch up from the start but there is much to be engaged over....this ongoing story that's#historical fiction prohibition bootlegging cats with plenty of focus on characters & several Mysteries. which i'm better at parsing now lol#like one of the more recent rereads like Oh Of Course x (probably) accidentally killed his y & z took the fall & that's a binding secret...#Not [oh of course] abt the circumstances surrounding a's death & how b & c were involved. nor the ''what's marigold's damage'' mystery#which is great. love to not know things. love that we can readily follow all the emergent drama everyone's wading in nowadays. hell yeah#anyways admire my organized approach to gifs here. four shots each Expressions Atmosphere Action Groupshots#sure might've muddled through gifmaking for this anyways but fr being a huge lackadaisy comic enjoyer for now most of my life helps#and its very Overall Inspiration like. just really getting the [you can really just draw stuff out here] going. fr the art's detail & skill#and that enrichment like i'm gonna have a great time following this. And I Have#you don't expect a crowdfunded indie animation in the mix back then but hell yeah fellas#SIGH ok removing a 4th gif that's broken / not displayed despite reuploading then entirely remaking it. if it's a bug i'll try again later
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maxpadelchampion · 23 days
max really goes about his days threatening retirement to whoever will listen and praises charles to people who ask him stupid questions
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Castiel confessed gay love and went to super hell. Aziraphale didn’t confess gay love and went to super heaven. Super homophobes stay winning.
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