#Teaching My Cat To Read
New episode is up! Alternative titles include “Book Theft: Worse than Murder?”, “Whinny If You Love Dragons” and “It’s a Million To One Chance - But It Just Might Work”
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braveveth · 16 days
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cat helping jean grow accustomed to kinder touches
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Fanfic prompt/idea:
Mordred is Emrys (not really tho)
(Super long. TL;DR at bottom)
Someway, somehow, Arthur and his knights (Leon, Elyan, Percy, Gwaine, mordred) + Merlin meet someone while they’re away from the citadel who tells them about Emrys. Might be someone trying to kill them and boasting about the all mighty Emrys or might be a friendly, peaceful magical person who stopped for a chat or something else, choice is yours. Anyway, that night as they eat dinner around the campfire, they start talking about this Emrys. At first they’re like “that’s kooky” and laughing but then Percival speaks up quietly and a bit nervously. He says that while he’s sought sanctuary for the night or a few days in Druid camps before he became a knight, he’s heard about Emrys. Now, everyone is actually interested instead of just laughing it off.
Arthur: tell me more.
Percy: well.. the druids highly respect this man almost as if he’s a deity. I don’t know too much, and it’s been a while. I do remember that everyone knew about him no matter which Druid camp it was, even the children. It seems they tell a lot of stories about him to their young’uns.
Arthur: anything else?
Percy: sorry, sire, that’s all I remember. But if you really want to know more you could try to ask the druids.
They all became quiet and continued to eat, Merlin and Mordred relieved this conversation is over. …Until,
Arthur, remembering Mordred is a Druid: Mordred, you’re a Druid. Do anything about this?
Mordred and Merlin: *sweating bullets just wanting this dangerous topic over with* *glances at each other nervously*
Gwaine: WHA? Mordred, you’re a Druid?! You’ve been hold holdin’ out on us, mate!
Arthur realizes that Mordred’s heritage had not, in fact been a known thing, but they’ve made peace with the druids, it’ll be fine.
Mordred, nervously: oh, um, yes, I am…
The knight all take a few moments to be like “wow… never would’ve guessed” and “aren’t druids normally peaceful people? How you become a knight?”
Arthur, wanting to get things back on track: so, Mordred, do you know anything?
Mordred, nervousness increasing, knowing Merlin doesn’t want Arthur to know who he is, but not wanting to lie to his king, eyes darting between the two and all over the camp: uh…um… I… uh, I..I… I guess, yes. *Merlin’s glare intensifies*
Arthur, not noticing Merlin’s death glare at Mordred: tell me more.
Mordred, trying to figure out what to say to satisfy his king’s curiosity but not incur Emrys’ wrath (Emrys already hates him enough for some reason, he doesn’t want to make it worse): well… um, there’s… well there’s Emrys… and there’s this prophecy involving him. Most druids know of it; it’s centuries old.
Percival: oh, that’s right… Something about a magical king, right?
Mordred: the Once And Future King.
Gwaine: hold on a minute.. that sounds familiar… Ah! That’s right! I heard about it from a storyteller at a tavern once. I thought it was an odd name so it stuck. It’s a love story, right?
Mordred, nervously glancing between Merlin and Arthur (Merlin now looking at Gwaine with exasperation): um… I don’t know if that’s what it is.. but there definitely is a deep bond between Emrys and the Once And Future King.
Arthur: continue.
Mordred, trying to stay focused on Arthur instead of the once again glaring warlock beside him: so the prophecy says that the Once And Future King will unite the land of Albion, return magic to the land, and bring about a golden age of peace and prosperity for all. And Emrys is foretold to help him. * internally: please let be enough to satisfy him🥺😣😖*
Elyan: so the stories are about this king and Emrys is just there to help?
Mordred, sweating: um…
Gwaine: if that’s the case shouldn’t you druids be worshiping the king instead?
Sounds of agreement around the fire.
Leon to Mordred: is there more to us than that?
Mordred, under curious and intense gazes again: uh, yes… Emrys is a very powerful, immoral warlock said to—
“IMMORTAL??!!!” Merlin squawked, surprised.
Mordred, very nervous, whispers: ….um…yes………. *telepathically: did you not know?*
Merlin, telepathically: I am not immoral.
Mordred, telepathically: it’s what the prophecies say
Merlin, telepathically: they’re wrong
Mordred, telepathically: …um,, there’s a lot who say you are.
Merlin, telepathically: No. I’m NOT. I can’t be immortal. That’s ridiculous.
Mordred, telepathically: they say you are. That’s why the call you Emrys.
Merlin and Mordred continue to glare and the knights and Arthur look on wondering when those two got close enough to communicate only looks and without talking. Arthur is not jealous. Not. At. All. That would be ridiculous.(Yes he is, he’s the only one who’s supposed to communicate with Merlin silently. How dare Mordred)
Suddenly Merlin stands up: I’m going to wash the dishes *aggressively goes around the camp and grabs everyone’s dishes, then stomps into the woods to a nearby stream*
Arthur: you were saying Mordred?
Mordred: oh, right! Yes, so Emrys is said to be the most powerful warlock to ever live. He and the Once And Future King are said to be equals and without him the Golden Age can’t happen. While the Once And Future King is the king, Emrys is said to be his advisor and teacher of sorts. He also protects the Once And Future King and supports him any way he can.
The knights and king look thoughtful taking in this information. They ask Mordred more questions, just little stuff and clarifications, and Mordred, relaxing that he’s getting through this without blowing Emrys’ identity let it slip that “the time of the prophecy is upon us” and that Arthur is said to be the Once And Future King. Whoops.
Everyone around the campfire is now totally interested in this and wanting to know if it’s true and Mordred’s like “um… yeah, that’s what everyone is saying…” and REALLY wanting this conversation to be over with before he slips up about Merlin. He’s also really glad Merlin is still washing their dishes far enough away that he can’t hear the conversation.
Of course, just as Gwaine asks “if Arthur’s this Once And Future King, the where’s this Emrys guy?” Merlin returns in time to hear it.
Merlin, glaring at Mordred: what?
Mordred, telepathically: I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! 🥺
The group fills Merlin in on what he missed while Mordred continues to apologize endlessly. The knights then go back to asking Mordred about Emrys and he tries to navigate the questions without giving anything away while also dealing with a furious Merlin in his head telling him to “FIX THIS NOW!! And don’t you tell Arthur who I am!!” The poor boy!
Mordred continues to navigate the conversation mostly emphasizing how loyal Emrys is and how he and the Once And Future King are said to have a strong bond and there’s nothing to worry about when they start to question if Emrys is a threat. Eventually someone (probably Gwaine) brings up that Emrys doesn’t seem to be doing a very good job of protecting Arthur considering how other he’s encountered by magical thing. And Mordred, who knows how busy Merlin is and how hard he’s been working to protect Arthur (and that’s just since he’s become a knight! He knows there’s so much more he doesn’t know and is in even more awe of Emrys for handling it all) sees Merlin look over at Gwaine like he’s actually concerning strangling the man, says, “he’s very busy! And, he’s just one man! He’s really trying his best!!”
Mordred doesn’t realize what he said wrong and why everyone is quietly looking at him like that until Arthur asks, “You know him?”
Mordred, who just realized that he did kinda just admit to knowing a very powerful, immoral warlock to a king and his knights that are of a kingdom where magic is punishable by death: ……………uh
Arthur, realizing why Mordred looks so terrified: Mordred I understand you are a Druid and have grown up on stories of this man. I will not punish you for knowing him. I’m sure you’ve met many sorcerers.
Mordred, letting out a big breath of relief: thank you, sire. And yes, I have met him.
Arthur, nodding: I see. And he is in Camelot?
Mordred: yes, sire. He’s been working very hard to keep you and Camelot safe.
Arthur, looking at his other knights: I’ve never heard of anyone in the kingdom by that name, any of you?
Leon: he’s likely using a fake name.
Arthur: hmm. Yes that makes sense.
Mordred, wondering if he messed up again: uh, sire? Is something wrong?
Arthur, looking back at Mordred, and trying to reassure him: I wouldn’t really say something is wrong, per say, but the fact that there is an unknown and powerful sorcerer hiding in Camelot is something I need to be aware of. Since you’ve met him, do you know who he’s hiding out as?
Mordred, glancing subtly at Merlin who’s glaring at him threatening again, realizing he really f’ed up: ……
Arthur, realizing Mordred does know who Emrys is: who is he, Mordred?
Mordred: ……
Arthur, starting to lose his patience: Mordred. Who is he? Or does your loyalty lie with him first and me, your king, second?
Mordred, startled: No! That’s not it at all, sire! I’m very loyal to you! I swear it!
Arthur: then…
Mordred, sheepishly: well… in the prophecy you two are equals, so I’ve always weighed your words and orders as equal as well. And Emrys asked me not to reveal him, so…
Arthur: ……
The knights: ……
Merlin, telepathically: you’re not done yet, keep going. The prat’s not going to leave it at that.
Arthur, trying to figure out how to word it: Mordred… you do realize that that is…. worse, right?
Mordred: ????
Arthur: there is someone who one of my knights has valued their words as equal to my own who I have never met and know next to nothing about and who is a sorcerer. I have not appointed this man and if he were to contradict one of my orders… Do see how I really need to know who this man is?
Mordred: …but he’s loyal to you…🥺
Arthur, wondering if he’s actually going to have to turn this into an official interrogation: Mordred.
Tension rises again as Arthur keeps pushing and Merlin starts yelling in his head again and Mordred just Doesn’t Know What To Do. Please make this stop! Until he can’t take it anymore and just blurts out, “I’M EMRYS!!”
Mordred can’t believe he just said that. Did he actually just claim to be THE Emrys? It feels sacrilegious. He peeks over at Merlin, but the man seems just as shocked as the rest of them at this development and raises an eyebrow in question.
Mordred, telepathically: …sorry? I didn’t know what to say…
Merlin, telepathically: ..no, im not mad at that. I am a bit curious about where you’ll go with this though…
Arthur: you’re Emrys?
Mordred, with Merlin’s permission to continue: yes. I’m Emrys.
Gwaine, whistles: damn mate, you’ve really been holding out on us!
Everyone looks at Mordred in a new light, trying to reconcile what they already knew about him with this new information.
Arthur: so you have magic then?
Mordred, nervously: yes.
More silence.
Gwaine, very interested and not at all wary: lots of it too being the most powerful and thought of as a deity.
Mordred, who is quite powerful, but not on Emrys’ level, obviously: yeah, I suppose.
After a bit more of an awkward and tense conversation of stilted sentences, and some debate about magic, Mordred and Merlin finally relax at the fact they’re both keeping their heads and the true identity of Emrys is secret. It was pretty much decided that Mordred had already sworn fealty to Arthur when he became a knight and even saved the king’s life in the Northern Plains, so he was most likely still trustworthy even though he was a sorcerer. Arthur and the knights are surprisingly okay with this turn of events; they’re still tense, but no one’s drawn their sword. Gwaine even asks Mordred to do some magic, and with Arthur’s very tense go ahead, Mordred levitates a water skin for a bit much to Gwaine’s delight. Gwaine keeps asking Mordred to do more magic as they head back to the castle like make things float and light some campfires.
I was thinking that it will mostly be about the antics from this point and how it would change things for the better. Like, now Merlin needs to enlist Mordred in his secret magical adventures and work together to keep Arthur and Camelot safe. The two would make such a funny dynamic. Merlin being all huffy and suspicious but begrudgingly including him while Mordred is so happy at being able to help his idol out, a dream come true for him.
The group ABSOLUTELY keeps Mordred’s magic and him being Emrys thing a secret at first, not sure when that’ll change but it definitely will. Gwaine probably spills about the prophecy and Arthur being the once and future king while he’s drunk in the tavern one night, but not about Mordred. The group eventually start warming up about magic and not being so wary of sorcerers since they’re now seeing Mordred using it to protect them so much. When the knights ask about what he’s done so far he tells them about Merlin’s achievements (with his permission, of course) and gets some more stories from him.
When the actual reveal comes it will be after word has already spread that Mordred is Emrys, so then Arthur and everyone will have to be like “no, that was a lie/misunderstanding, it’s actually Merlin” but people will still mistake Mordred for Emrys even years in the future. They’re never living this down.
Also there is DEFINITELY at least one scene where they go to a Druid camp and Arthur’s all like “yep, this is Mordred. Emrys” and the druids, telepathically, are like “boy, what are you doing? Mordred, you know you’re not Emrys.” And Mordred’s like “I have permission…” so the Druids subtly look at Merlin and he’s like “yeah, he’s got permission, just go with it” So, they do.
There’s also going to be scenes where Arthur is trying to get to know Mordred better because they apparently are supposed to have a super strong bond or whatever and yes, he and Mordred do have a bond, but he wouldn’t say it was any different than his bonds with his other knights and is all confused by it. And when he’s confiding in Merlin about it, he advises to not try and force it.
I know this is season 5 and Arthur and Gwen are married, BUT if you decide to go the merthur route, there can even be some prophecies about Emrys and the once and future king being soulmates and destined to be together or something. That would make Arthur even more confused/troubled because while Mordred is only a little over a decade younger than him (I headcanon that Arthur was 20-21 in 1st season and Mordred ~7-10) and age gaps that big weren’t unheard of, he just can’t look at Mordred that way. He’s too much like an innocent little puppy or something. Merlin is probably mortified because he can’t believe they have prophecies about his love life and why was he only finding out about this NOW?
Also, LANCELOT!!! Maybe there’s some way to actually bring him back from the dead. Or, there could be some scenes of him in Avalon watching this comedy unfold and talking and laughing about it with Will and Fraya and whoever else has died. And they’re all shaking their heads at the crazy situations Merlin gets himself into.
TL;DR: It’s basically crack about Merlin and Mordred working together to pass Mordred off as Emrys with a side of fix-it.
In the future I might decide to write this myself, but I’m in the middle of reading TGCF and want to finish that and a couple other things before I rewatch Merlin. It’s been a couple years since my last rewatch so things are a little fuzzy and I don’t want to completely mischaracterize someone. So, here, take it. Do with this what you want, but let me know if you write this or something, cause it would be supper fun to read.
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bookstribepost · 4 months
How I planned the year 2024 🌷🪐💌🥂
1. Splitting the year into 4 quarters
2. Having monthy goals and quarterly goals
3. Using Eisenhower Matrix
4. Planning financial savings per quater
5. Planning charity fund per quarter
6. 101 goals for the year
7. Writing down the five year plan and working towards it.
8. Being faith & purpose driven
9. Achieving the 8 dimensions of wellness
10. Bullet journaling
Habits I'll be taking into 2024 🌷
1. Having breakfast everyday
2. Cleaning my room at night before bed.
3. Bullet journaling
4. Keeping a small notebook with me at all times to write down random thoughts.
5. Listening to a podcast while doing chores
6. Deep cleaning once a week
7. Notifications OFF
8. Protecting my energy
9. Using a calendar to mark off goals every day
10. Setting up my notion
11. Starting the morning with warm lemon water
12. Maintaining a morning ritual
13. Weekly skincare duties
14. Multitasking when i can
15. Managing my energy and time
16. 3L water with a pinch of salt everyday adds back the electrolytes you need
17. Planning the next day at night
18. Writing down major goals for the next week on the weekend
19. Planning solo dates
20. Journaling
21. Reading
22. Prepping my meals so I don't feel lazy and skip them
23. Investing in myself
24. Taking one day to complete all the work and the next day for break
25. Enjoying what I do
Habits I won't be taking into 2024 🌷
1. Negative self talk
2. Skipping meals
3. No enough protein intake
4. Too much coffee
5. Letting my mood affect my work
6. Thinking what people think about me has to do anything with me at all
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the-nefarious-vampire · 9 months
one of these days i swear i am going to make a character analysis for the cat across the whole series
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I've recently heard about the book The Gods are Thirsty by Tanith Lee. Is it any good or accurate? Thank you.
I’d never actually read the book, but seeing as it could be found for free on Internet Archive I went ahead and read the first 100 pages (three chapters). I figured the historical accuracies and inaccuracies presented there might be able to serve as a sample for the whole 500+ pages book. My findings I think are best presented in a bullet list:
First off, there are things that are clearly made up but I suppose rather harmless at the same time. Here we can for example include Fréron being the one who introduced Camille to Lucile and her family, as well as Robespierre having a dog named Spartan that got run over by a carriage and died in late 1789. We have nothing concreate that stands against these things being possible, but at the same time there’s nothing suggesting they took place either. Someone who doesn’t know that will however be very prone to believe them, which could prove troublesome were they to forget from where they’ve learned it.
Then there are things that, like those listed above, are embellishments, but that I would argue are more problematic, since they actually change, make up or add onto actual people’s beliefs and/or actions. Here we for example have a part about Danton arguing that God doesn’t exist, when, IRL, there seems to be no hard evidence for Danton being either an atheist or a believer. On the eve of the storming of the Bastille, Camille leaves a note for Lucile’s father, telling him to keep his family safe, when no such note has actually been found. In another part, Camille remembers Lucile telling him that she would prefer to never marry, a sentiment that is hard to find when looking over her conserved texts.
There are some instances of the author injecting historical myths without having bothered to check how well backed up they actually are. For example, after Camille has called for the people to arm themselves on July 12, the onlookers go on to take leaves from the nearby trees in order to distinguish themselves as members of the insurrection. If we’re to believe Camille et Lucile Desmoulins: un rêve de république (2018) this is a detail that first appeared in a heavily embellished biography over Camille, written in 1834. Lee also borrows an anecdote right out of the memoirs of Madame Tussaud, where the artist goes to visit the stormed Bastille, trips on the staircase and is saved by Robespierre. Something which is very unlikely to have taken place seeing as Robespierre was still in Versailles when the Bastille was stormed… Still speaking of him, Lee has Camille remember the time when he held a speech to the king and queen in the rain, when the origin of this anecdote doesn’t mention any rain.
Then finally, there are blatant historical inaccuracies, like for example Hébert publishing his journalLe Père Duchesne, Robespierre removing the ”de” in his surname and Camille moving to Rue Thêatre Français already in 1789 (all these three things didn’t happen until a year later), Danton being the inventor of the slogan ”Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité” (it’s actually Camille and Robespierre that hold the shared responsibility for it), Charlotte Robespierre being in Paris in 1789 and finally, perhaps the straw that broke the camel’s back for me when it came to the author’s historical research, Saint-Just being there already in 1790.
So is it an accurate book? If the first 100 pages are representative for the entirety of it (and if the synopsis on wikipedia is to believed) then NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT.
Is it a good book? That’s entirely up to everyone’s individual taste. I must admit that the author’s choice of switching between past and present tense, third person and first person narrator as well as referring to Camille as both ”Desmoulins” and ”Windmills,” together with SJ being called a unicorn and a scene where Danton feeds Camille grapes before they have a threesome with an OC, made me feel increasingly like I was reading a fever dream. So if you have a soft spot for crack fics (even though this isn’t actually supposed to be one) I’d say go for it, especially since the book can be read for free. I would however not advice you to try to learn actual history from it, but then I would probably say the same for most historical fiction.
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spectrestar · 1 month
I love weekends together so much!
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We did so much and it was so nice to have a weekend like that because they never really happen. We started this car journal thing and are gonna write down everything we do together and all the adventures and stuff we plan to do etc! It’s so cute. He makes me very happy and I love him so much. I am very lucky! I love him dearly and he’s the best thing that has happened to me.
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gojos-nightmare-box · 6 months
i shouldnt have kids
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In the thread of talking about the cats and reading, Jellylorum is the cat in charge of teaching the Junkyard kittens their letters and sounds when they’re very little (and she’s the one who helps with speech and communication development), then passes them off to Asparagus when they’re old enough (or ready for it) to learn how to read and rudimentarily write those letters and their names. 
The latter wasn’t so much of a formal standard in cat society, as most cats don’t do much in the way of reading and even less in the way of writing, but it became somewhat of a tradition in their Tribe to teach each new batch of cats this skill, and they just happened to have someone who both *could* read and was willing to teach the kittens (and others) to as well. What they chose to do with this skillset afterwards is up to them. 
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scarycranegame · 4 months
so i recently watched cool cat saves the kids in its entirety for the first time and i realized something.
if you take him...
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and invert his colors...
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yknow who he looks like??
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idc if it's not intentional i'm taking this theory and running with it: chezzter is cool cat's evil twin and someday they'll reunite in a battle so grand that the world actually fucking explodes
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Things We’ve Yelled About This Episode #3.2
Howl’s Moving Castle, Dianna Wynne Jones
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
Spirited Away (2001)
Wicked Witch of the West; The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum
Howl’s Moving Castle (audiobook) narrated by Kristin Atherton
“Threatened with aunts” - a reference to Jeeves and Wooster, P. G. Wodehouse (our episode here and here)
Gideon the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir
Gavin and Stacey (2007-2010)
Rob Brydon (imdb)
Song, John Donne (poem)
Stardust, Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess
Sosban Fach, a Welsh song (wiki, spotify)
Chekhov’s Gun (tv tropes)
“Howl Expresses His Feeling With Green Slime” Howl’s Moving Castle, Chapter 6; Dianna Wynne Jones
Brad Mondo reacts to quarantine haircuts (youtube)
Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen (our episode here and here)
he‘s in the soup! Reference to Jeeves and Wooster, P. G. Wodehouse
Uprooted, Naomi Novik (our episode here and here) 
This post about Dianna Wynne Jones thinking Howl was a disaster
Poor little meow meow (meme)
Lord Peter Wimsey, Harriet Vane; M is trying and failing to sum up the entirety of Gaudy Night by Dorothy L. Sayers in two minutes of rambling.
M is referencing this post about characters being annoying versus characters committing genocide
Mansplain Manipulate Malewife (meme)
I’ll scream and scream and scream and scream until i’m sick (youtube)
Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien
Tom Jones (wiki)
Cat Rating
What Else Are We Reading
Agor y Drws, Cyfres Amdani (website)
The Silmarillion, J. R. R. Tolkien
Discworld, Terry Pratchett
Soul Music, Terry Pratchett (audiobook)
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futurefind · 5 months
//also s.o to the fact that one rumor/theory about fate/ rea circulating in clock tower (esp after they get their paws on her/SEE her as not just a hypothetical made up heir) is that, if she wasnt a kidnapped child/relative of the main rodas branch, is a straight up homonculus
(which like. probably for the better she'd get even MORE targets on her back if everyone internalized she has a fully* functional crest from a family/line she has no blood relation to but also. oh my god shes rattling in her cage))
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cutebarkingcat · 9 months
does my pet suffer from depression?
Pets, just like humans, can experience a range of emotions, including depression. While we often associate pets with joy and happiness, they are also susceptible to experiencing feelings of sadness and despair. Pet depression can be triggered by various factors, and recognizing the signs of a depressed pet is crucial to providing them with the care and support they need. Causes of Pet…
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inkskinned · 2 years
"your pet doesn't love you; it just has learned that it will get treats if it acts a certain way. it can't understand you."
in between humans, i don't always speak the language either. love has always been hard for me. i don't trust it. i can't read it easily on people's faces - i'm usually trying to read past it; to the "other parts", the ones that make sense to me.
but my mom always offers me food as soon as i get through the door. my brother calls me at weird hours, just to be talking. my sister has a nightmare; asks me to please drive safe in the morning. i throw my friends random parties, just to celebrate something. she drives 45 minutes to spend 3 hours with me. amelia holds my hand while we both cross the street.
no, my dog and i don't have the same language. so what? this is not the same thing as communication. my dog is a good study in how trauma can heal - a rescue from the racetrack; i've been watching his personality develop slowly. in the last year, he's gotten so comfortable with me that he'll ask me to sit down on the grass so he can use my body as a seat. (it's important to note: he is huge. he squishes me. i don't complain. i find it lovely.)
love for us is also just endorphins and behavioral response. i'm a poet, the number of sad men that have tried to "teach me" how stupid it is to be a hopeless romantic is ... not a low one. i cannot count how many times someone has argued - it's all chemical stimulus - as if the fact of it makes it less magical. we're just electrical signals reading the universe! that's fucked up. that's so beautiful.
i find it hard to believe that in the spectrum of evolution we are the only species to feel like this - we already know that dogs and cats also have endorphins. why wouldn't they experience joy? love? companionship? in what world is it a new thing that i had to earn it? in every relationship, both individuals have to work to learn the language. i had to teach my dog what trust is. it's okay that it took time for him to learn it.
in the human world, when i love someone, it's hard for me to speak it. i write them poems or make them food or give them a cool rock i found on the beach.
i don't know how to tell goblin i love him, so i tell him through treats. through a new collar, fancy mattresses, a little bow on his leash. i tell him with long walks and petting him and sitting down on the wet ground so my 70 pound sharp noodle of a dog can prance on my thigh bones and take an awkward - if loving - seat.
"you taught your dog to love you" is kind of a cruel way to reframe what actually happened: i loved him so loudly, it skipped over language and species. the two of us just saying - oh! i have figured out a way to tell you that you make me happy.
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hoonvrs · 8 months
CIGARETTES — s. jaeyun smau
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PAIRING jake x fmr
SYNOPSIS where university student jake develops a little crush on the girl he sees with a cigarette between her lips in the smoking area and decides he needs to impress her. how else would he do that except calling his smoker friend to teach him how to smoke ( spoiler: it doesn’t go so well. )
GENRE smau, fluff, crack, sprinkle of angst if you read it upside down, golden retriever x black cat duo
FEATURING ( enha ) all, ( ive ) gaeul, yujin, ( nct ) chenle, jisung
WARNING smoking [ don’t smoke kids ], swearing, kys/kms/suicide jokes, friendly bullying, dirty/sex jokes ( more will be added if necessary)
STATUS completed
S. NOTE JAKE MY MANNN ( hoon look away ) as an 02z girl i finally have an smau for each bias so i feel v complete
also please don't spam like as it shadowbans me and lessens engagement <3
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virgin mary’s | smoking HAWT | privs
01 BI yourself
02 we found love in the smoking area
03 life is roblox
04 you white whore
05 jake you beautiful bastard
06 are we rush houring rn
07 it’s the dawg in me
08 yuh :3
09 the brit
10 what if i was suicidal .
11 here comes christian bale
12 i don’t trust him. weird fella
13 give us another sonnet english boy
14 bros from yapan
15 he thinks he’s a 90s babe
16 i’m just a girl
17 i’m sat.
18 go piss girl
↳ extra: did life360 tell you that.
19 i got my peaches out in jojo
20 okayy little miss poet
21 i’m built different
23 i want you
24 why are u bricked up
26 jake in his flop era
27 this is getting too homoerotic
28 they go low i go lowER
29 inshallah he will eat
30 hello ross lynch
31 filthy omega
32 u r sobir. die (+written 0.8k)
33 she shoiodv be inde clubbb…..
34 when he makes you his girlfriend
35 can’t take me anywhere
36 noo you’re so sexy haha
37 no. (+written 0.7k)
38 i feel so kawaii today
39 come home fat
40 wasn’t very dabatayo of you jay.
↳ extra: it’s actually dattebayo*
41 ur man can’t drive manual
42 i Want you so bad
43 hawk putuh
44 okay blondie
45 though shalt not fail, but prevail
↳ extra: random
EP1 upset my girl. i’m gonna Kms
EP2 im not smoking that shit
EP3 OUR girlfriend ☭
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copyright © hoonvrs 2023 all rights reserved
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jukednuked · 9 months
lyney the type of guy to 'recharge' his magic by kissing you
lyney the type of guy who'd send one of his hat pigeons to deliver you a love letter (it turned into confetti after being read)
lyney the type of guy to let you carry him on your back because he's 'tired' (blud wants to be as close to you as possible)
lyney the type of guy who'd apologize to you by making a bouquet of flowers appear out of nowhere
lyney also the type of guy who'd value what you both have a lot, he'll get real serious if he senses any type of resentment after an argument
lyney the type of guy to teach you a magic trick or two, like how to steal someone's heart maybe?
lyney the type of guy who'd be so good at pick up lines that it's almost frustrating how he can make you feel like jelly in a split second
lyney the type of guy who'd never, ever let you come to his house in hopes of avoiding a certain harbinger (blud doesnt want you to get put in a meat grinder)
lyney the type of guy to massage your shoulders frequently because seeing you all satisfied makes him feel like he can take care of you
lyney the type of guy who'd jokingly bite you one time because you just look too cute (it will become more than one time)
lyney the type of guy who'd beg you to become his assistant in one of his magic tricks involving a box and a saw because lynette refused
lyney the type of guy who'd trace shapes on your hands whenever you feel upset and just want to sit in silence
lyney the type of guy who'd get real sad if he doesn't find you in the audience when he's having a magic show, might fumble over his words and accidentally make a snake appear rather than a cat
lyney the type of guy who'd tell you to throw tomatoes at him like he's a medieval criminal if he ever fails a magic trick
lyney the type of guy who uses the thought of you as a way to cope with his past
lyney the type of guy who'd show off his magic to you whenever you compliment someone else just for you to go wowowoww lyney!!
lyney the type of guy who conveniently always chooses you as guest of the magic show
lyney the type of guy to get you a matching hat just like his one, just a different colour
lyney the type of guy to have a diary<33 every page involves your name at least 1-2 times
lyney the type of guy to slide notes with angry faces drawn on them under your door whenever you forget to give him his goodmorning/afternoon/night/literally-every-part-of-the-day kiss
lyney is that guy
A/N: my sincerest apologies @strawberrylabs if you look closely you can see the blood, sweat and tears i shedded writing this😓🙏 i secretly wanted to switch it to the most gut wrenching angst mid way but im soooo nice
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