verymarykate · 4 months
i give dyanmic presentations ✍️
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pnwnativeplants · 2 months
Extremely accessible video for any family members you may be trying to help steer away from large lawn.
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chaossgremlin · 6 months
so i don't think about primo often
but i absolutely love the headcanon that he has long white hair.
and i've always imagined that he wears it in a loose braid(or i've seen a fanart like this once, idk)
and like
young primo.
you know those people that are very gorgerous, very beautiful people? and once they get rid of an important accesory they gain some kind of ethereal/alien beauty?
young primo. when he takes off his papa mitre. he doesn't have any bangs or anything, it's just long white hair pulled back a little and then braided in the back. especially with his very pointed ears.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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dostarve · 2 years
Been seeing so many people misgendering WX-78 recently. (Most ppl on this platform are good, mostly its other platforms) So I decided to give actual evidence on why and how they are CANONICALLY nonbinary. This is not a head-canon. This is legit canon information
thx for coming to my ted talk
A paragraph of text on WX’s DST wiki confirming WX is nonbinary.
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They are officially stated to be nonbinary by Joe Wreggelsworth, he works at Klei Entertainment.
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There is hundreds of quotes that use they/them pronouns for WX. There is no currently usable quotes that depict WX as anything but nonbinary. Here is some examples
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When WX-78 is trapped on the Nightmare throne and a character inspects them the character uses the “other character” voice line. Not the voice line for a male character on the throne.
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More text on the DST wiki using they/them pronouns for WX.
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And in the description of the Klei animated short Disconnected they/them pronouns are used for WX
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And here is a clip of Klei Entertainment developer Steven (or maybe Stephen? Idk how to spell it) using they/them pronouns for WX. This is from the Rhymes with play WX-78 refresh stream
I also dislike when people use He/Him pronouns for Woodrow (WX when they were a human) First, we don’t even know WX’s gender from when they were a human was male. Woodrow could have still used they/them pronouns. Here some text from Wagstaff’s wiki page of Woodrow being referred to as they/them.
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Yes, you can argue that WX-78 was originally not supposed to be a nonbinary character. Heres u/Pingy_Junk ‘s discussion about that on reddit.
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I hope this “tedtalk” had enough information/made sense. All in all, WX-78 is nonbinary and will kill u
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michaelsheenpt · 10 months
Michael Sheen, the magic of a creative career
The city of Port Talbot in South Wales is known for a few things: a steel mill, a proudly working class population and a passionate commitment to the arts that produced Hollywood superstars Richard Burton and Anthony Hopkins. In this sweet, personal talk, actor Michael Sheen shares how he was also able to take advantage of all the city had to offer, why he's worried that a change in approach to arts education means that kids now don't get the same kind of chances -- and the steps he's taking to ensure that creative up-and-comers get the support and access they deserve. (With animations by Sam Orams and Sarah Klan.)
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You can watch the video HERE
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your-local-biologist · 8 months
Since I've mostly begun my upper division in university, I've been really busy, and unfortunately, I don't have as much time to write and post stuff. However, one of my professors had us watch this TedTalk for our class about mycology that I thought was interesting and recommend checking out. We really don't realize just how much we depend on fungi to live out our everyday lives and this video really had me thinking about how underappreciated these guys are.
Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world | TED Talk
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immersionfrancaise · 1 year
“Envision a piano. ASL is broken down into many different grammatical parameters. If you assign a different parameter to each finger as you play the piano -- such as facial expression, body movement, speed, hand shape and so on, as you play the piano -- English is a linear language, as if one key is being pressed at a time. However, ASL is more like a chord -- all 10 fingers need to come down simultaneously to express a clear concept or idea in ASL. If just one of those keys were to change the chord, it would create a completely different meaning.”
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ohthisisgonnasuck · 12 days
No offense to anyone: for me, having a disability is just, so fucking crazy... Cause, it's normal FOR ME, but abled ppl are like "man, that would suck" & I'm like "yeah, it does, but you get used to it..... Kinda..... Like imagine a sitcom-style ghost chillin with you. It's creepy at first, some people lose their minds, but occasionally you just fucking chill with it and realize society can't see it & doesn't care that this real thing is a problem and....."
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senoerfoolish · 14 days
Honestly I feel like Foolish mods let SO many things bypass especially hating on his (specifically female) friends..until people on Twitter catch on to it, like a person getting ONLY a week timeout when they been hating on Tina for months on ends, when they get unbanned they are just going to back to the old behavior..letting chatters be SO passive aggressive makes chat feel so hostile BUT I do agree that we shouldn’t witch-hunt or stalk chatter because that just werid!!
thank you for the tedtalk
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waywardsou2 · 23 days
Story time
Ok so I thought this would be kinda funny to share because I feel like I'm the only one who's had this experience, but you know how you can get very intense bout of certain emotions for certain situations but its not exactly real?
Well for me it happened in a fandom context, I was at a very low point in my life and I was following this fan work that was a self insert and the character was female (it wasn't fantastic because I am trans but I bared with it because the story was amazing) but i was so engaged in the story and my feelings around it I actually believed the story was happening and had happened to me. The most notable and most concerning detail was that I truly believe I was pregnant and had lost the baby during an accident.
That was nuts!
I have never had any desire to have kids, I am trans, I hate my uterus and again I've never wanted kids. But I was so overcome with emotions that I cried myself to sleep that night, sobbing over this supposed child I had lost. What kinda of psychosis was this?! This happened to me only twice and this was the more intense version but that is a crazy experience, right? like I understand how unhealthy that sounds, but I am aware of what drove me to that state. I was very severely depressed. Thinking back on that now just makes me wonder what the hell happened to me in my childhood to make me cling to something so desperate and out of this world.
The other event was believing that two characters from a tv show were my brothers and that I had been sent to this universe though a spell and the reason I was pulled to their show was because I knew who they were but couldn't fully remember my life with them. That is also slightly insane.
Now I believe that each piece of media we consume happened and exists in an alternatue universe and in one version of that alternate universe you exists as a character within their story as well.
Anyway, that my TEDTalk for the day
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kuwtsussexes · 1 year
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The Duchess of Sussex introducing her friend, Misan Harriman, for his TEDTalk | April 24, 2023
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justanotherwriter69 · 5 months
Okay I know this is random but I'm watching Delicous in Dungeon on Netflix:
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I know that's what in the manga but both are wrong and it bugs the living heck outta me! Above is a Cockatrice as stated in Dunmeshi the two creatures are related; both are serpent avian hybrids/mixes and both are capable of petrification sometimes...but at the end of the day one is a giant chicken and the other is:
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*image is a depiction by Pliny the Elder, sourced from wikipedia*
The Basilisk is a little serpent about 12 inches, but Harry Potter and Final Fantasy make them larger and more intimidating and I can live with that but I'm sick of the mixing up of two very different creatures.
Thank you for reading I will step off my soapbox
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auroragehenna · 8 months
Welcome to my TedTalk
Chin tilts Gripping the chin Finger curling under the chin Gripping the jaw With nails digging into the skin! Wide eyes meeting Whumper' gaze
Don't get me started on anything else but hands!
Blade under a chin Cutting slightly into the skin if they refuse to lift their head The fear from the sharp thing at such a vulnerable place
Bonus: Whumpee who won‘t fucking have it getting immobilized/restrained and suddenly not being able to avoid it. Helpess (Whumper exploiting the situation fully, also humiliating them)
@yourlocalgaefae33 @whumpasaurus101 You two kinda already heard my rumble lol
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the-worm-wiggles · 1 year
Still thinking about that time school put on a TEDtalk and I was sat there like "why do I recognise this guy's voice....oh! He sounds like Carlos WTNV! Wow! Weird" then when I got home I looked up the speaker and it was the guy who plays Carlos WTNV 😭
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empresstrash-art · 2 years
Glass Ceiling Disco
Digital Mixed Media Glitch. Original .png submitted and not accepted to Pussy Riot x SaveARTSpace billboard campaign for 2022. Glitched and modified to fit your television screen.
Since it's creation, Glass Ceiling Disco has been exhibited internationally at SXSW, @TEDTalks, NFT NYC, Searchlight Atelier, multiple virtual and in person galleries and Fylthy Trash Art Exhibit in Los Angeles. The day it was at TED talks in Vancouver funnily enough, it was in LA also projected in an alley by a dumpster in LA to actualize the idea of "Empress Trash" on a international scale.
Glass Ceiling Disco is a vision of how crypto and nfts will help shatter the glass ceiling that many traditional markets and institutions have in place for women, PoC, LGBTQ and other marginalized populations. This piece I purposefully priced higher as part of the magic of it, because this piece is about my hopes of the crypto art spaces future in shattering glass ceilings of traditional art markets, not just for myself, but for other women and LGBTQ+ and trash/glitch/experimental art creators. It depicts my doc martens dancing on a bed of broken glass, which is what I see as the broken glass ceiling.
These docs I wear to every event I go to because they help me feel grounded and safe surrounded by strangers. As a survivor of childhood and domestic abuse, any tool to feel a little safer navigating the world helps, and these docs are like a safety blanket for me.
Further I chose the energy of joy to be in the piece, instead of critiquing how markets are still currently imbalanced for women artists as a whole, because it is the joy I am trying to manifest. The bright colors are the celebration and the glitch animation is the disruption which is needed of the systems for equity to happen.
While this work is still available for purchase, the message and ethos was heard and resonated instigating change for myself, the crypto art systems and focus, and beyond in ways I still can not comprehend. These two boots carried me from a relatively obscure underground artist to international recognition. I wonder where else these boots will lead me?
Some day we will dance on the glass to celebrate hearing the crunch under our feet.
Media About The Piece: Fylthy Trash where it was exhibited next to ROBNESS, Max Capacity, the Perfesser, Eric Rhodes, and a multitude of other Trash Artists.
Ted Conference where it was exhibited along with Beeple, Fewocious, Foodmasku and select others at the event to showcase artists in crypto.
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NFTNYC showcasing emerging talent.
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SXSW showcased through KnownOrigin for a Women's art exhbition.
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This work is available here on KnownOrigin:
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satanourunholylord · 2 years
Brian A. Pavlac || A brief history of the devil
Version with subtitle option
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