#Spaceship log
twogeeseinatrenchcoat · 2 months
Spaceship Short Stories
Yeah why not. Title is self-explanatory. I'll be bringing back my aborted plan for a spaceship story in favour of this because I want to. Also, I will be changing and retconning past work in this as I go. Don't expect anything to stay the same.
This is the official logbook of the Vchern'ixt, or Merchant and Delivery Ship 382. (382-MDS). We are, as our work tag suggests, an interplanetary merchant ship. This logbook will almost certainly be used by the crew, and knowing my crew, will not be taken seriously. I can only hope it will provide actual information, and I will hopefully find the time to add actual updates between the crew entries.
Entry 1: 218-4-7 (Kaylie - Pilot)
First week on the ship! Not much happened this week, few deliveries, some unnecessarily (but fun) dangerous asteroid-dodging. I think everyone else is still getting used to a human in board, they're fairly cautious around me. To be honest, I would be as well! I think their previous pilot was a lot more cautious than me. They've been watching me, though. Curious but cautious. I've tried to make some friends, be nice to people, but it's kinda hard when everyone half expects you to explode at any moment.
Truly, the worst part is that they don't have coffee here. I'll make sure to fix that with the first paycheck I get, Captain said that "you can spend your own money on your comforts. I'll spend the ship's money on the ship." So they're no help. Anyways, paycheck is in two days, and we dock for supplies at Kerroi-825B in... Whenever our orbits get close, so I'll be able to get my coffee then! For now, I'll live with the mimicry that Grömerg makes.
Entry 2: 218-4-10 (Grömerg - Medic, Chef)
My coffee is not bad, is it? I do not know if the taste is as it should be, though it smells like the sample you gave me. I'm sorry if it is [untranslatable]
Translator suggestions: Subpar, worse than typical, less than.
Entry 3: 218-4-12 (Kaylie)
It's not! I just prefer real coffee over synthetic, not a problem with you at all!
Update: finally got my coffee machine! And I remembered to buy coffee beans this time! It didn't take as long as I thought to find the "Human Items" section of Kerroirå Market (Fun fact: that's "Kerroi Market Market in Tychfing), and I was able to grab my coffee making items (coffee ingredients?) In time to not be left behind by the crew! Yay!
In other news, I was able to pick up a roll of duct tape and a knife for our beloved cleaning robot. Now I just have to fit Stabby with a camera to record everyone else's reactions to him. He is now one with the hivemind of Stabbies. Oh, and I grabbed the stuff I was actually supposed to. The boring stuff. It was heavy, but some people helped me load the boxes into the ship!
Entry 4: Galactic Year 218, Standard Lunar Cycle (SLC) 4, Standard Solar Cycle (SSC) 14 [218-4-14] (Ky'tchas - Secretary, Accountant)
Kaylie, what is your new creation for? It has caused several minor injuries, and I don't understand the purpose of the "laugh track." Or the confetti. Why do these only occur when it stabs someone? Are they incentive for violence?
Additionally, I will include the "boring stuff," or our pickup for the next delivery. We have picked up:
14 Planetary Leap Drives, 10 Warp Cores, 2 Wormhole Accessors, 24 Guard-8.6 Androids, 48 Holo-Screen 18.5s, and 36 Extragravitory Flight Suits.
These are important things to record. Kaylie, as the one who ordered some of the parts, you should be the one to relay them to me. As it is, you should have placed the order through me in the first place, since it is my job to place orders and file them.
You're new, so I assume you haven't heard anyone explicitly state this, though the captain should have during your viewing and explanation of the ship. Either way, I expect any further orders to be placed though me.
Entry 5: 218-4-18 (Grömerg)
Kaylie? Is it alright if I make a request of you? Please, I beg, slow down when flying. The food almost did not survive our last warp-jump.
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alphamecha-mkii · 20 days
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Star Trek Logs 4-6 Cover Art by David Mattingly
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padawansuggest · 9 months
Obi-Wan identifies as a bimbo and Cody identifies as a video gay-mer I don’t make the rules it’s just the truth.
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scientific-tricorder · 7 months
Just gotta say that, although I was initially nervous about where they were going with it, I ended up loving the Rutherford & Tendi storyline in this week's Lower Decks ("Parth Ferengi's Love Place"). The affirmation of the importance of platonic relationships and then using a polycule with Dr. Migleemo as a way out of the situation was just great.
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going-astronuts · 6 months
Captain’s Personal Log:
I haven‘t slept in three days.
Ben yelled at me for eating pudding packets while on the bridge.
I have been acting captain for less than 168 hours and he’s yelling at me. He says I‘m about to pass out but I feel perfectly fine.
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molabuddy · 9 months
before the ancient sirehound boss fight in pikmin 4, do you think louie should have said "GO AWAY!" or "LEAVE ME ALONE!" ?
i think he got his point across pretty well with "go home." (its also what he says to you if you lose a dandori battle against him. fun fact)
especially since, though this might just be speculation, it seems like? his defiance towards the end is because he doesn't really want to be rescued and returned home.... he likes it here, he doesn't have to work or deal with anyone, and there's all the snacks he could ever want (weather he would actually survive the planet long-term is. debatable i'd think. but he isn't thinking about that.) he wants the rescue corps to "go home" back to their own planets already and leave him to his. activities
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netscapenavigaytor · 11 months
i probably about to go thruogh my likes again i think.updates on my life:
i have a job (i have had it for like a month or two now i forgot to mention it OOPS) its just dollar general cashier though.
i learned how to solder and fixed my broken xbox (i jumped a power trace it was scary). i feel like i will need more practice if i want to do anything more complex and risky but im happy i succeeded at what i set out to do
still in the ouroboros death spiral of jet set radio headcanon bullshit
im listening to linkin park hybrid theory right now cuz i dont listen to it as often as i oughta. crawling didnt deserve to become a "loledgy" meme song
ive been low energy for too much discord talking because of busy with stuff but hopefully it will normalize again because im no longer thinking about soldering LOL
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pogatog · 1 year
Sometime at work was telling me about his horror podcast to which I said hell yeah that's the kind of horror I like and I have now listened to an episode and unfortunately it bad
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journeytojaburo · 13 days
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Bright getting his best star trek captain impression on
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spaceshipsandvodka · 6 months
Been catching myself saying shit like "this is so craig-core" when my legs hurt or go numb and tbh imma keep leaning into it
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hollowstarfire · 8 months
I've had this Tumblr account for YEARS now, and while I don't use it much, I feel like I should considering the state of Elon's money pyre right now. I kinda don't know how to do any kind of thingies on here or Be Social™, but I mean... I watch Tumblr reading videos sometimes so maybe I'll be able to integrate into the culture here?
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mechahero · 11 months
//this song's the mood for gt lambda rn
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alphamecha-mkii · 4 days
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Star Trek: The Animated Series - Log Two Cover Art by David Mattingly
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writing-prompt-s · 6 months
Spaceships have been disappearing in deep space for unknown reasons. One day the log of one lost ship is found.
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An uncharitable grumpy aromantic reading of Star Trek: Picard's second season:
This season states that, in order to have a happy life and feel complete and at peace with one's self, one must have a romantic partner.
The most obvious example of this is in Jean-Luc Picard. His primary arc is to overcome his buried childhood trauma - in order to be able to enter a romantic relationship with Laris. Q even explicitly states that he set the story of the season up so that Picard would be forced to confront and come to terms with what happened when he was a child so that he doesn't have to die alone like Q. The season defines 'not dying alone' as not having a romantic partner by introducing Picard's trauma during his aborted kiss with Laris (thing prevents romance) and showing him and Laris together at the end (thing gone, thus romance).
We also see this theme rather blatantly expressed in Ríos's arc. He feels out of place in the 25th century, and so at home in the 21st century that he's willing to drop his entire life in the 25th, never to see any of his friends or relatives ever again, to live out the rest of his life in the 21st, where he's been arrested for existing, doesn't understand the rules of society, has to learn how to deal with money, will have to find a career when there's no equivalent to what he's been trained in (yes, okay, one can argue plane pilot, but those are flown very differently to La Sirena, and good luck getting a license with zero documentation), etc. What's so different between the two that he's willing to make this major life decision after only a few days? A romance with Teresa.
We see this theme continue to our leading ladies. Seven and Raffi's main storyline is the two of them cementing their relationship with each other. Jurati's might not seem to fit the pattern, and while it doesn't exactly, but she gets her happy ending by merging with (or getting together with) the Borg Queen - a relationship that had some pretty heavy sexual coding (and arguably to an extent romantic coding, if only due to a cultural conflation of the two). The fact that Borg Queen/Jurati became a ship very early into the season demonstrates that.
Rounding out the main cast, we have Elnor (no romantic storyline for him since he's dead for most of the season, so), Tallinn (doesn't fit the pattern unless one really stretches to argue her relationship with Renée), Kore (no romantic storylines), and Soong. Soong also doesn't have a romantic relationship, but his lack of such is more emphasized by the story. See the scene wherein Kore discovers her true origins and we get this from Soong: "Anyone can procreate. You exist because I willed it!" I.e. He rejected normal procreation to instead pursue science gone mad - something portrayed rather unequivocally as bad. If we associate normal procreation with a romantic relationship (as it often is), we see the rejection of romance associated with villainy.
The only other regularly recurring characters are Ricardo (he's literally a kid), Guinan (no romantic storylines), Renée (no romantic storylines), and Q (one can argue romantic tones to his relationship with Picard).
Overall, the most central characters all have character arcs that end with them finding their happy ending in some sort of romantic(-ish) relationship, and the two characters who seem to reject romance (Picard and Soong) either overcome an obstacle to achieve romance or become villainous. The character arc of the namesake of the show is even explicitly linked to achieving romance as an end goal for a good life and death.
Please note that this is only one possible reading, and, as stated at the beginning, a rather uncharitable one coming from an aro person who's feeling rather grumpy about, annoyed at, and tired of romance in stories. Mostly, I'm here to highlight how the season (hopefully unintentionally) pushes amatonormative ideas, and to express some of my own frustrations.
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going-astronuts · 5 months
Captain’s Personal Log:
I spilled coffee on myself today. I am currently trying to distract myself from the fact that I’m sitting in Medical without pants and that burns hurt more than I remember.
Got a vidcall that sucked. Long time no see son, my ass.
Every day we just try to go on. Yippee.
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