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Only in Children of Time would you ever find a space battle between hyper-intelligent spiders and octopi with an AI stored in a shit ton of ants with a god complex controlling the spider's ship.
Gonna go on a small rant here.
Adrian Tchaikovsky writes other species/alien species so well. Like, so well. He has ideas that are so out there I would never even think of them, let alone know how to incorporate it. He's just so good at writing something so entirely different from anything people are used to, and I love that. It makes everything in the books 100x better, and much more intriguing.
He also does a great job with the science-y side of it. He manages to fit in all of this random information about cell structures and DNA and technology and how the different species think, and it's seamlessly incorporated with the rest of the story. Nothing gets bogged down by a random bunch of information about how different the cells of the animals on this new planet are, because it fits. He's not just putting it there for "oh hey, it's a sci-fi book, gotta have some science-y mumbo jumbo in there," no, it actually adds to the story. It serves to show just how different, how alien everything is.
Go read the books, I'd recommend them for anyone who enjoys sci-fi and can get through fairly wordy books. They're around 500-600 pages each.
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It's 5:00 AM. I'm going to sleep. I need sleep. Good night, Tumblr.
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Have you guys ever been scrolling on a tag and then it just loops? Like, you're scrolling and you see something and you're like "hey that looks familiar" so you keep scrolling and then a little bit later you find it again??
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The Crane Wives
So, I'm a fairly big fan of The Crane Wives. My favourite song is probably Canary in a Coal Mine. Can't Have It All is good too, let's just list some songs: Tongues and Teeth, Moon Will Sing, Curses, etc. I found then through the Annapantsu (another amazing artist, listen to her. Please. She's insane. Ballad of Jane Doe especially) cover of Curses. I then proceeded to sing Curses for an audition. (Which I almost certainly did not get.
The only sad thing about liking The Crane Wives is that I can't sing their songs at recitals because you only get piano accompaniment for those and you can't really capture the essence of The Crane Wives without your classic flute/saxophone/trumpet (no clue) and guitar combo. Just not the same vibes with only piano. Very sad.
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Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 🌭🧀
You get this back! (Not sure if that's how you do this or if I send this to you in an ask but I'll do this because Sarah did it)
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It was, in fact, the boops. I booped myself around 800-900 times and just... Didn't consider that. At all. I'm stupid.
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Is this from the boops..? Please explain what the hell just happened.
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Sunday (HSR) (Part 2 I Think?)
So, this is about my impression of Sunday. My personal impression of him. I've just found out that it's incredibly wrong. Like, horrendously wrong. I'm honestly not even sure how I crafted this version of him in my mind, and honestly, I don't even know who My Sunday is.
Who Is Sunday?
Sunday is the main antagonist of Penacony. He's a control freak, he's a manipulator, he's a politician, you get it.
2. Who is Lucy's Sunday?
My Sunday is very different. My Sunday is some odd amalgamation of Sunday, Freminet (Genshin), Chongyun (Genshin), and Dan Heng. I don't even know where I got any of this from. It's like Dan Heng, but different (like, with more emotions I guess??? I'm honestly not sure), and he looks like Sunday. Think, like, Dan Heng with a smidge of Freminet. That's really it, best description I can give. I don't where this came from.
No I'm not posting this at 4:15 AM shhhhhhhhhh
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Thanks for the tag!
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@normalperson3 @tweedle-beatle @miyuki2289
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I've got no idea how any of you got actually good names. I got "The Blue Mari" by M. L. Willow, Mari got "The Blue and White Donkey Stuffy" by D. M. Sakura.
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Not gonna specifically tag anyone…but reblog if you feel like it and put yours in the tags.
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I need this but tunnels.
Imagine a series of tunnels---a MAZE---in that waiting room. The first waiting room is actually under construction, and there's a sign pointing to this literal maze of backrooms-esque tunnels/hallways saying something like "please head this way" or "temporary waiting room past this corridor." Then, you get the other Hermits wandering around this maze for ages, trying to find the next waiting room. Here's the twist: there is no next waiting room. The tunnels are the next waiting room, and so now you just have people wandering around this backrooms maze with this creepy music steadily breaking down, flickering lights, and random Grians appearing and disappearing.
This would be amazing.
Anyways bye!
i NEED Grian to go full psychological horror on the hermits with the permit office. i need multiple layers of permit waiting rooms each that plays a more distorted and unsettling version of the please hold music as you go deeper, I need there to be a constant static buzzing being played I need the lights to flicker, I need grian to stand ominously at the end of hallways just to disappear behind a corner
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Violin or baking, I'm not good at either. Violin really because I signed up for my school orchestra and I'm sticking around until the Disney trip next year.
@miyuki2289 @normalperson3 @tweedle-beatle
You know what? Fuxk it, I'm starting a reblog chain.
Reblog this post and tag your friends to do it too!
What is your "grandma hobby"?
I'll go first, mine is sewing. :)
No pressure tags -> @mac-cheez @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic @no-entry-access @brokenstar28 @choosinganamewashard @theeclecticenquirer
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I'm Bad At Decisions
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Lemme find out how to poll, one second.
There we go!
For context, her name is Olive (so I can make her nickname Ollie), and she's an earth mage. Fairly basic backstory which I will most likely change later. Yes, I know this points to green hair but honestly I want red. So yes, this poll is redundant. Shush.
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So, I got to Penacony, just got to the conversation between Aventurine and Sparkle. Dear god, what the fuck. This is amazing. It's just two absolute assholes insulting each other, nobody is a good person here. I love it.
Also, I've seen Aventurine and Dr. Ratio compared to Kavetham, which I absolutely agree with. Ratiorine is essentially Kavetham but someone decided that they should both be so arrogant.
Aventurine in general is hilarious. Like... Sparkle goes "hey why don't you go crawl into a sewer" and he just says "nah it would ruin my outfit." Like?????? Direct quote: "...Also, it never rains here! My outfit is too expensive to be exposed to the elements." If this man isn't gay, something has gone wrong with the world. I just find him so funny.
Overall, Misha is my favourite. Just... child. Small child. He's adorable, I love him, let me adopt this man. Anyways, rant over.
Never mind!
Sparkle's a bitch! Like, I didn't realise how shitty she was until her first conversation. She has that bratty rich girl accent, but in a threatening way. You know? It's like how Aventurine has the gay accent but in an asshole type of way.
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Is this from the boops..? Please explain what the hell just happened.
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I just discovered the boop button. I have now spend what I believe to be 30 minutes spamming myself. I am now at 1000+ boops.
Dear god someone help.
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