#Son little
beatsforbrothels · 1 year
El Michels Affair & Black Thought - Protocol (ft. Son Little)
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spuslblue · 2 years
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vreskah · 2 months
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My mane 6 redesigns in mlp style
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amp-mod · 4 months
Protocol by El Michels Affair & Black Thought (feat. Son Little)
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rastronomicals · 7 months
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12:17 AM EDT November 1, 2023:
Son Little - "Trampled Under Foot" From the album Physical Graffiti Redrawn (April 2015)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Full length cover of the album you'd think, given away with the April 2015 issue of Mojo.
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trashmakerarticle · 7 months
Everyone thinks that dick was the golden child when in reality it was Jason.
Clark: Bruce who was your favourite robin?
Dick: obviously it’s me?
Tim: it’s dick
Damian: I am superior robin, it will be me.
Bruce: it’s Jason
Everyone: WHAT?!?!???
Bruce: why are you so surprised? He didn’t jump on too my chandeliers which I had to replace each week
*everyone looks at dick*
Bruce: he didn’t drop out of school
*everyone looks at tim*
Bruce: I didn’t have to stop him from killing everyone who annoyed him
*everyone looks at Damian*
Bruce: in fact, he enjoyed school and handed all his homework in on time, we would spend hours in the library reading his favourite classics. He even helped Alfred with most of the cooking, He was my little boy
Jason: stop spreading lies, I hate you go away
Bruce: my precious little boy
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fanaticalthings · 11 days
I want an AU where after Jason gets brought back to life, he channels his inner rage and turmoil into the academics instead of murder
Talia has like infinite money and a crap ton of influence, so she can absolutely get Jason the best tutors and can easily get him into the most prestigious schools if Jason wanted to (she doesn't need to do that though because Jason's just smart enough to get into them on his own)
The major he chooses? Med.
Why? Because Bruce dropped out of med school.
Jason practically flies through all the secondary education that he needs to catch up on and is already en route to earning his bachelor's AND his master's.
And it'd be so incredibly funny if the way Bruce and Jason reunite in this AU was purely by coincidence.
Bruce (as Brucie Wayne) offers to show up as a guest lecturer at Hudson University (the school Dick attended but dropped out of so double points for Jason), maybe to talk about future career paths and job positions at WE idk
So as Bruce is just wandering around the campus, he randomly bumps into a student and immediately puts on the Brucie act and is all "Oh my, I'm SO sorry, I'm just a klutz haha" only to stop dead silent when he makes eye contact with a very alive, very grown Jason Todd, who also stops dead in his tracks, mouth agape, staring at Bruce like the world's about to end
And before Bruce can get his thoughts straight, Jason just bolts out of there like his life depends on it, and Bruce is just in shambles for the rest of the day.
It doesn't help that the person giving Bruce the tour is all like "Oh yeah, that's Jason, he's one of the heads on our student council haha, anyways, this way, Mr. Wayne." and Bruce is just stood there bluescreening.
Alternatively, it'd be kinda funny if this all happened AFTER the events of UTRH where after the final encounter with Bruce and Joker and the whole explosion, Jason's just like "yk what, maybe I'm just gonna turn over a new leaf and pursue a higher education"
So while Gotham's still reeling from the aftermath of Jason's near takeover as the top crime lord and Bruce is still painstakingly trying to figure out where his son went, the whole time Jason's just been chilling on a school campus and Bruce just so happens to bump into his son (who, last time they met, tried to kill Bruce and blew up the building they were all in) and Jason's just all normal-looking with his textbooks and nerdy glasses and Bruce doesn't know whether to scream or cry.
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lotus-pear · 23 days
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bestbefore-co · 8 months
1st October | Son Little | Corner Hotel, Naarm/Melbourne
Philadelphian rhythm & blues musician Son Little, AKA Aaron Earl Livingston, was back on tour in Australia, marking his first visit since 2016. We caught his spellbinding show at Naarm’s Corner hotel. Photos by Scott Kaufman.
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Will the real FNAF Helpy please stand up?..
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maculategiraffe · 4 months
man if I was a russian mob boss and my worthless layabout son killed baba yaga's dog I'd just fucking give him up. like immediately. like call john wick's secret basement landline and be like "iosef's at the club. all his goons and bodyguards have been instructed to stand down. there's a new puppy on your front porch. do you want an edible arrangement or anything"
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Polites died believing that the world is kind, and yet his death contributes to Odysseus deciding to become a monster. Absolutely devastating
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slowtides · 11 months
Lay Down by Son Little
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suiheisen · 6 months
tou-san said “boy, you’d better werk”. anyway, please watch kinou nani tabeta
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cerebralchaos- · 11 months
Dance with a beer
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nemesispixie · 7 months
behold, my son, Burger
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