#Soft.... I made you wait... But NOT WITHOUT HOPING ALL THE WAIT PAID OFF
recitedemise · 4 months
Lilah : ❛ i’ve never cared for anyone the way i care for you. ❜
𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬: no longer accepting.
"If you're trying to charm me, consider your efforts entirely redundant--but nonetheless victorious."
He can color to that. In fact, Gale can be convinced the slight heat up his cheeks, delicate up his neck and pleasant in his chest, is decidedly that: a maidenly blush. Lilah warms him wonderfully, rendering his marrow but a keep for the suns. It's a gift, to be sure, and one he's most glad for for so long, too long, had he wallowed in snowstorms. He has felt a tundra, that cold bite of indifference, and for so many seasons across so many years he thought the chill of Mystra was the fondness of springtime. But now, he's better. And now, he's thawed.
Lilah's changed him. One look at her, and the foundations of his world, the very earth beneath his feet, rift and tremble before slotting into place. She's refashioned the map, has constructed new worlds from those remnants of the old. Adventuring, Gale realizes, is what it's like to adore her, for like a ranger of the wilds or a charter of their lands, he's learning to love her in ways that feel novel. Within him, he's wanderlust, and the yearning is fierce.
—fierce with the daybreak and fierce with the nightfall! At all hours, in other words, it rests unstemmed.
His soul is bared. Gingerly, Gale reaches for her hands, and in the silence of the night, his heart's thud-thud-rabbiting. "The sentiment, Lilah Lyons, is very happily returned," he breathes, smile half-way timid. Oh, wizard. Undoubtedly, beside the endearment so clotted in his gaze, there rests, too, something wholly reverent. "The gravity of those feelings I hold for you would be enough to ground all the stars firmly beneath our feet," he volunteers earnestly. "You are everything. You are more. If there's a word to be made to express how much you mean to me, trust that one day soon, I will come to claim it." Lilah Lyons, the very depths of possibility... He leans in to kiss her cheek. Fond. "I love you."
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starlightdreaming · 2 months
Lucifer x Fem!Reader!
Content warning: ANGST TO FLUFF! :3 REALISTIC themes of REALITY (FROM MY PERSPECTIVE) this is a vent fic but I added my delusions of fluff for comfort, theres slight starvation of oneself (eating disorders right?) (this fic been in the back of my head all week)
Synopsis: dealing with reality isn’t easy for anyone, upon walking home one day, you found a mirror, hoping you could sell the mirror for some cash, you discovered something money can’t buy… happiness.
(im craving for fluff)
making a one shot for my delusions
(the song that supported my delusions)
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭*Dancing within the mirror* ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Your life wasn’t very pleasing to live, hell, life wasn’t pleasing to live at all, all the stress and endurance was so tiring, going to school, day in, day out was the least of your worries after you graduated.
Every kid has always said, “I can’t wait to grow up and do my own things!” at least once. once.
Now that you are an adult, nothing was as it seemed when you were younger. Yeah, you can do anything you wanted if you put your mind to it but it came with a price.. and that price was money.
Without money, you couldn’t do anything you dreamed of doing, without money, you couldn’t afford the things you even wanted- and to get anything you wanted, you had to get a ‘job.’ it’s the balance of life some say, but to you? it was control, it wasn’t about what you want or what you get, it’s all about having you work for the… them.
those people. the 1% some would call them.
Your mind deteriorated more and more from just not living anymore, just surviving.. you work, get the money, pay your taxes, pay your bills: your car, your electricity, your water, food, housing, insurance- everything.
You sat on the edge of your bed in your cold dark room, the moonlight twinkling in, it’s luminous rays escaping through the curtains at the window, you laid your head down crying and stressed, you can’t continue to survive like this, you just wanted to live.
You watch old shows and movies for comfort, wishing life would never change and forever stay the same, you wanted the world to stop revolving so you can just breathe. You watch cartoons and such, cause it seems they are living much happier than you ever will. Your mind always drifted off to just one day, you can lay in the grass and listen to the soft winds, the trees and grass rustling, dancing together as one with the wind.
You drew characters of your own, characters from your favorite shows and wrote everything your mind would drift off to, to cope with the bleak life that you had.
Sometimes, you wish reality could just.. shift, like if you wanted to live in your comfort characters universe? you could just poof! and then be there, talking for however long you wanted.
You sighed as you turned off your device, going to bed, too tired to do anything due to fatigue from nine hours of labor, you tucked yourself in, playing soft music to help you sleep with some sort of comfort, you closed your eyes to await another lifeless day of nothingness.
✧ • ✧ • ✧ • ✧ •✧
Another exhausting day at work, you walk home, your car broke down for the nth time, knowing how corrupt reality is, it was intentional by the people who you got it from. Another bill to be paid, just to get your car fixed, just to work more, pay more, just to feed them.
You barely made it through the monthly payments, saving enough to pay them all off but not enough to feed you. You silently walked in the grass, no sidewalks to be seen cause everyone used cars nowadays, never their feet and it made the people who are supposed to run the country (or states), neglect their ideals that they offered the people.
You sighed, exhausted, walking for a whole hour, you decided to rest. You worked nine hours that day, walking endlessly and now you’re here, walking home. You pulled a bottle of water you had with you from your pocket, taking a sip to refreshen yourself, it was less half than empty but it was enough for you to be hydrated for your next other hour you had to walk home. When you drive to work, it’s only eight minutes but walking? it was fifteen times longer.
You got up to your feet to walk again, stuffing the empty plastic bottle into your pocket to find a place to dispose it, not wanting to litter the earth than it already has been from neglectful people who could care less where their trash goes.
Walking past a dumpster, you neared your destination to home, you tried to put in the bottle but as you did, you saw something glimmering in your eyes, you took a second glance at what was shining in the dumpster, there, you see the sun reflecting off a mirror- but not just any mirror, a beautiful one. It looked old and antique but it was so mesmerizing to look at, it had unique designs, embedded with gold, at the top of the mirror, sat an apple, a white snake wrapped around it, it was in quite good condition, not even the glass was cracked, ‘who would throw such beauty away?’ you thought, you wanted to take it home but you hesitated, wouldn’t you look like a hobo if you were to jump in to get it?
You looked in all directions, seeing if anyone was watching, when the coast was clear, you jumped in to get it, trying your best to reach it, without falling in. After a few seconds to a minute or so, you managed to get out scot-free, holding the mirror with both hands, you looked at the distinctive details more closely, it really looked at shiny as gold, you couldn’t tell if it was, you were no genius to know, nor did you have the knowledge to know, all you knew it was dirty from the grime in the dump, it definitely needed a cleaning.
You held the heavy glass carefully, walking down your neighborhood to your home, you put it down gently next to your front door, trying to get your keys to unlock it, when you did, you happily tuck your keys into you pocket, picking up the mirror and walking inside.
The moment you got this mirror, you thought about how it could benefit you, ‘could maybe clean it and then put it on sale at an antique shop or mall?’ you thought, hoping to grab a bit of money to help you probably get something eat for once other than toast and cereal.
You put the mirror in your bathroom tub, getting towels and wipes to carefully remove the dirt from the lined details, sticking your nail covered by the wipe, to chalk the dirt out from deep corners, after a bit, you washed it off carefully with water, holding it gently as to not let it fall and shatter, you turned off the water, grabbing a towel to carefully dry it, not wanting to accidentally scratch the glass somehow.
You took the mirror to your room, holding it with both hands, you sat it down to the ground, making it lean against the wall, you stretched before you took off your work clothes, deciding you wanted to shower after today, I mean, after walking endlessly for two hours at work (not to mention the additional two hours, walking home), and dumpster diving? You definitely could use one. You began collecting comfy clothes to relax in, digging through your drawers, you got just a tee and some shorts and an extra pair of undergarments, you took your clothes, grabbed a towel and left to the bathroom, leaving the mirror alone in the dimly sunlit room.
While you cleaned yourself, unbeknownst to you, the mirror flickered in and out bright yellow auras, the little dust and dusk of yellow floated around the mirror like fireflies, it was glowing at that point, bright yellow, the gold designs that traced around the mirror began to glow as well, and it immediately went out as you entered your room, a towel on your head, you sighed as you jumped into bed, digging out your work clothes that you left on your bed to grab your phone, you tossed your clothes to the side as you laid back down, scrolling through what-not to distract yourself from the loathing pain of loneliness in your life.
From evening to dusk, you blinked lazily, tired of scrolling on social media for hours, you continued to do so until you stopped at a video, a video that was quite a little too relatable. You thought that - that’s when you know it’s time to put the phone down, it’s enough internet for the day, You plugged in your phone, placing it on the night stand.
You shifted under the covers, bringing your pillow to your chest to hold it, hugging it tightly as if it were to ever be your significant other, knowing full well that - that one day, will never come… but it doesn’t hurt to imagine it right?
You hugged the pillow tightly, nuzzling your face in it, looking at the mirror that faced your bed, you laid there silently, feeling the loneliness get to you again, the clock ticking in your room as you waited for sleep to consume you, you closed your eyes, resting your head in the pillow you held, before falling asleep. As you slept, the mirror began to glow again, the same golden aura surrounded it, little small dots of light floating around it again, the light began to glow more, the longer you slept, the small dots of light danced in the air, eventually making it to your bed, the small dots of light gently touched your skin, one even kissed your nose, it made your face scrunch as you scratched it, removing the tickling feeling in your sleep, you then turn the other direction of your bed, faced away from the mirror, the lights backed away from you, like curious little fireflies, they floated around you once again, raining golden dust onto your head as if it were sandman, raining sand onto your head, gifting you the night of pure lofty dreams.
✧ • ✧ • ✧ • ✧ •✧
You groaned as the morning light from the sun entered the room, waking you up from your dreams, it wasn’t often when you dreamed, usually they’d be nightmares or just plain weird.
You sat up on your bed, rubbing your eyes to wipe the sleep off them, you yawn as you shifted to slide off your bed, walking past the mirror to leave your room, with a quick glance while walking past it, it showed a different person in your reflection, you paused, you stepped back to look again, now puzzled, did you see that right? You look back at the mirror, seeing your reflection perfectly fine, you shook the thought off, thinking it was just you not being fully awake and your eyes were just messing with you, you left your room after that, not thinking anything further about it.
You brushed your teeth, brushed your hair, anything and everything needed to start the day, you grabbed your work clothes and your phone, glancing at the mirror again before taking a photo of it, later deciding to post it on the internet to see if anyone was willing to buy it. You left your house, locking the door, awaiting another repetitive day of your life… wasting away.
You had woke early for a reason, without your car (and the inability to afford an uber, nor risk spending any money), you had to walk to work, it was going to be a long exhausting day but that’s just life, the imbalance of it from what you could see at least.
After a long day of work, the painful exhaustion of walking home, you opened your door, dreadfully, today was worst than the last, you sighed as you went straight to your room, taking your work clothes off and jumping straight to bed, crying.
You curled up in your bed, grabbing your pillow to hold as comfort as you silently sobbed, the sun, slowly fading away from the room, dusking out that the day was nearly gone. You didn’t bother how hungry you felt, you just wanted to cry yourself to sleep, your co-workers were more aggressive today towards you, tripping you and telling you how you don’t seem to put more effort into you job as they do, it even got to the point where they’d report you to the manager, it was only worse when the manager actually believed them! You’d end up being scolded by your boss, not even he tried to listen to your side of the story, making this all the much worse to endure. You wanted to cry at work, you did during all of your lunch break, you spent the whole time crying silently in the restroom, forgetting to get at least something to eat during your time.
You just wished this whole nightmare could be over, you barely had time for your mental health, not to mention the time to do anything else to cope with the repetitiveness of reality either. You cried yourself to sleep that night, not the first of your many rests. It was however, noticed by the mirror you seemed to have forgotten about.
The mirror shimmered softly with light, the same as it did last night, unaware of it’s presence of magic, the light reached your bed, alluring you with comfort as you rested, dots of light danced around your exhausted body, giving you sweet dreams as it did last time, you smiled in your sleep, dreams overflowing in your subconscious as you slept, your body seemed more relaxed when the light tended and touched you, draining the soreness out your body, hoping you’d wake up feeling much better.
✧ • ✧ • ✧ • ✧ •✧
More often than not, you’d wake up exhilarated and refreshed from the nights before, it bothered you at first but you adjusted to it rather quickly, seeing as you always felt bursted with energy, you could take on the day and go home like you just went through hell to just sleep and wake up feeling alright again. You still haven’t had gotten any responses on anything about the mirror in your room, no one willing to offer for it, it just sat in your room collecting dust, it had been like about a month or so by now, your depressed mind never really bothered with time anymore, seeing as it was pointless, nothing really changes in your life, you don’t even bother with holidays, seeing as there was no one to celebrate with.
After many times and days going through the same thing, you crashed onto the floor in your room, laying next to the mirror. You couldn’t bother getting up into bed this time, everything just felt so tolling, your co-workers were at it again, excusing themselves with how they had families to take care of and you didn’t, they hated how you got paid the same as they did, expecting you to be rich or something by now. You hugged yourself on the floor that night, crying once again, you were facing the direction of the mirror, ignoring it in your vast of self loathing.
You just wished and craved for affection from someone, anyone, just something, anything to stop the pain you felt inside your heart but that would never come, no one cared for you as you hoped that one day they would, you fell asleep on the floor that night, crying yourself to sleep once again, no different than all the other nights that shared the same.
An emitting aura glowed softly again from the mirror, amongst your sleep, brighter than all the times than the last, this time, it didn’t try to comfort you in your sleep, no, this time, it was trying to wake you, wanting you see what it held within itself, the dots of light kissed your face, their bright auras bringing you to wake, you opened your eyes, curious from what the light source was, you sat up from the floor rubbing your eye, “what the..” you say as you blink awake now, you see the mirror glowing with a golden aura, you were bewildered from such a thing being able to happen.
You looked into the mirror before backing away, your reflection making you gasp in shock, you slowly leaned into the mirrors view, looking at your reflection again, it was so different than what you actually looked like, you looked more… demonic? it was creepy, it made your skin crawl, the light that was doting on you, floated around you, catching your attention. You raised your hand out, the little light landing in your hand, you looked and admired its radiance before it flew up and towards the mirror, going straight into it, “wha…” you said rather quietly im confusion and curiosity, the mirror glass sending waves against itself like a water drop landing into water.
You hesitated, you weren’t sure what to do in this situation, when you first got this mirror- you didn’t expect it to be fucking magical!
The mirror calmly whispered a tune, alluring you, you looked at your reflection again, it going from your human self to something else.. You reached your hand out to the mirror, touching the glass but when you did, your hand phased through it, you pulled your hand back in surprise as you watched the mirror glass ripple from movement, you shifted closer to the mirror, the golden light being the only thing that lit up your room in the dead of night.
You put your hand through the glass again, feeling more calm about it, seeing as it was safe, you smiled in fascination, it wasn’t long before someone or something grabbed your hand on the other end, you tried to pull away but it held your writ tightly, you saw a hand hold onto you, covered in black and claws that looked sharp as knives, it pulled you through as your yelp in shock and fear, closing you eyes as you expected to endure some sort of pain coming your way but you didn’t feel any, you felt the warmth of someone’s chest, your hand in theirs, his other on your back, ensuring your safety through the glass.
“Greetings, little duckling.” The man coo’d, you look up to the stranger who caught your fall in confusion, your eyes widened when you realized it was your major comfort character currently, the devil himself: Lucifer. You pushed yourself away from embarrassment, trying to look at your surroundings, seeing as you were in a massive ball room, the tiles on the floor were shining gold as the stairs were cloaked with red, “where am I?” you panic, looking at your body, seeing as your color was different and your body was less humane, “what is happening?” you ask, startled, looking at Lucifer.
He walked closer to you, “hey, it’s okay, you’re safe here, I won’t hurt you,” he reassured as he reached his hand out, patiently waiting for you to take it, you gave yourself a moment to breathe, trying to process everything, you looked at him as he smiled comfortingly at you, waiting patiently for you to take his hand, before long, you took his hand, he leaned toward your hand kissing it gently, a surge of golden light looming from the kiss to around your body. You blinked in surprise and look at your body, clothes had been changed from your work attire to something more extravagant and elegant, you were suddenly wearing a ball gown, you picked up a piece of the fabric of the dress, looking closely at the details it withheld.
“Through that mirror of yours, i’ve been watching you,” he says as he stands up straight again, holding your hand in his, you looked at him, slightly uncomfortable from that statement, his eyes widened at realization as he turned away before scratching his neck, “I mean- I don’t mean in a weird way- like- I was- I just-“ he sighed in defeat, unable to explain his situation correctly, “It’s not what it seems,” he attempts again, looking at you with soft eyes, “it’s just- that mirror is a portal, it’s a portal that only one side could see from, I don’t even have control where it goes but-“ He trails off, “look,” he says, taking both your hands now as you stare at him, patiently waiting for him to fully give you his explanation, “It was something I made long ago,” he attempts again, “I left it on earth for centuries but I still had access to it, from one end I mean.” he pauses as he turns both of you toward the portal, his hand trailing across the glass, changing the location on the other end, you watched with your mouth a-gap, in awe from how surreal this all was.
“I watched many humans through this mirror, good and bad,” he says as he shows many past memories the mirror seemed to hold, “It’s the only thing I have that shows the good in humanity… sometimes.” he says as he cracks a side smile, hoping you aren’t weirded out too much by the whole ordeal.
Letting go of Lucifer’s hand, you lifted both hands to your chest, intertwining your hands together as you walked toward the portal mirror, “so you’re saying..” you spoke as you stared at the glass, “I have a magical mirror in my room?” You ask, turning to him, your dress swaying as you turned, “yeah,” he smiles in relief that you aren’t panicking as he was, “we could go with that.” he says as he walked to you again, “I watched all the nights you cried..” he began as he looked away from your gaze, “I saw how much pain you endured everyday, it was obvious in your eyes and…” he explains to you, his demeanor changing to nervousness as he avoided your gaze, “I tried to make your nights better as you slept, hoping you’d wake up, feeling like your days would be better.” he confesses with a awkward smile on his face as he showed you the golden light in his hands, resembling the same as the light you saw glowing around the mirror in your room.
“So you’re the reason behind why I always felt better in the morning?” You ask, expecting he would confirm your answer, “Yeah.” he admits, rubbing his neck again, you walk up to him, taking his hands in yours as you raised both your hands up together with a smile and a, “thank you.” Lucifer eyes sparkled as he felt a flutter in his stomach, he sort of expected you to panic or something but this was way better, he smiled at you softly, “I saw you crying earlier, worse than ever before,” he says emphatically, he placed of your gloved hands on his shoulder, the other one held with his, his hand was placed gently on your waist as he leaned towards you, “so I thought maybe this time,” he pauses, turning you to a different direction and dipping you gracefully, “I could make your dreams a reality.” he spoke with an ever graceful smile, doting on your beauty.
Your eyes widened in wonderment as he began to move on his own, “wait- I can’t dance-“ you try to exclaim but your feet moved on your own as well, “don’t worry my dove,” he says as he looks at you with that sparkle in his eyes again, “I got you covered on that, just enjoy it, like a dream.” he comforts you, his voice soft and alluring.
He snapped his fingers and you saw a set of ducks with bow ties and orchestrated instruments appearing with them, they sat between the open space of the stairs, “fond of ducks, i see?” you ask, giving him a sided glance with a smile, he rolls his eyes playfully before taking your hands into his again, “not as fond as I am with you tonight,” he says back, smirking playfully as he guides you towards the center of the ballroom, “you’re absolutely stunning tonight.”
✧ • ✧ • ✧ • ✧ •✧
(prolly too dramatic but it was making me go insane while writing this (fluff is my kryptonite))
✧ • ✧ • ✧ • ✧ •✧
A melody began to play in the background as you let Lucifer take the lead, looking at him in awe, entranced by his charms and his smile.
He spun with you around the ball room, your dress flowing behind every move you done, you looked at your dress in wonderment, you then looked back at Lucifer who was still giving you doe eyes. You had your mouth opened slightly, still processing that this was actually happening… and with Lucifer of all people.
Watching and feeling every shift both your bodies had made, you both move left and right in circles, you yelped softly in surprise when you began to spin, one of his hands still in yours, bringing you back to him to waltz across the massive golden ballroom, you looked at him again as he gave you a toothy grin, making you smile in pure delight from this dream.
It wasn’t long until golden light began to ignite under his feet, each step he took left a trail of golden luminescence, ducks soon flipped up from under ground as if they went under water to collect food to eat, they swam across the ballroom floor as you both stared into each others eyes, lost within the melody.
You looked down at your own feet in amazement, your own steps were leaving a trail of golden light, those golden trails soon grew into buds that blossomed into lotus flowers, the flowers slowly drifted across the floor, gracefully, like they floated above water. You were mesmerized in such beauty of magic, it wasn’t long until you felt a hand trace under your chin, bringing your gaze back to Lucifer, “eyes on me, my darling.” he says with a soft smile, bringing his hand back into yours.
You felt flustered from his gesture as he sprouted out his wings, all in their grace and beauty, you looked away again as you heard him chuckle a light laugh at your reaction, he closed his eyes as he soaked in the moment, spinning you around again before bringing you in, your attention came back to him as he opened his eyes to look at you, you began to feel light, you looked away for the third time, you saw yourself floating in the air with Lucifer, you looked back at him in a little worry but it quickly vanished away as his gaze comforted you, “I got you.” he says, knowing what was running through your mind.
The golden light still trailed after you both, the ducks and lotus flowers floating up with you both in unison, you were so dazed by how pleasant you felt, your eyes locking with Lucifers, you both leaned into each other, your heads touching, closing your eyes as you began to relax and enjoy the moment, everything feeling so perfect.
You both danced in the air in sync, your steps finally moving as your own, adjusted to the dance, he reeled you out, you spinning out before spinning back in, back into his arms, his wings feathers fluttered gently as you danced in circles, in and out, left and right.
You both leaned out, hands locked as you laughed lightly, making him smile even more that you are enjoying your time with him, he brought you in before spinning you once again, back to him again before dipping you gently, ensuring you won’t fall from his grasp, his eyes were in awe as you smiled, your smile is all he wanted to see after seeing you cry so many endless nights.
He drifted you both back down, the golden lit ducks and flowers following you both as you both twirled around, heading towards the mirror, a trail of ducks and flowers blooming from you both, when you reached the mirror, he dipped you again with one hand this time, his other hand caressing your hair, a soft golden glow luminously flowed in your hair before he gently cupped your face, “until next time, mon chérie.” Lucifer says with a smile and loving eyes, kissing your head lovingly before pushing you carefully into the mirror.
You sit up quickly waking up, the sun shining through your curtains into the bedroom, you looked at your hands, your skin color back to normal, your ball gown gone, ‘it was all a dream.’ you thought, only to frown, believing it was too good to be true, you looked at the mirror on the floor, leaning on the wall as it had always been, you looked at it curiously, you threw the covers to the side, shifting out of bed to walk to it, you picked it up, seeing that your reflection was completely normal, however, a golden lotus laid in your hair, confirming that maybe, it wasn’t a dream after all…
You heard a ‘ding’ on your phone, catching your attention, you put the mirror on your bed carefully, grabbing your phone to look at the notification.
- Hey, that’s a beautiful mirror! It looks super old! antique even! How about $1,500 for it?
You smiled at the notification, that was enough for you to pay most of your bills for this month, you left a response before putting your phone back on your nightstand, picking up the mirror and leaving the room.
- Sorry but I decided not to sell it, thank you for your time though. :]
✧ • ✧ • ✧ • ✧ •✧
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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serxinns · 3 months
Yandere class 1a x mocha bunny reader: Bunnynapped
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Yandere class 1a x mocha bunny reader
It was a nice day for a picnic so you and koda decided to head off on your own picnic basket in hand and blanket whenever you needed a break from all the overwhelming attention from your classmates you always headed to this secret spot to clear your mind and to play and chat with the small animals
You placed your blanket while Kota placed the basket down taking a breath it smelled like freedom you endured the beautiful and quiet nature there was a lake nearby the pond just in case you felt like swimming everything was perfect quiet and peaceful
"I'm gonna go get something to drink and berries at the lake koda!" he nodded "B-be careful tho there are big predator birds that will mistake you as a snack," he said while taking out the food and his favorite book read you nodded and ran off into the "Safe" forest, you made it to the lake glazing how the fish gracefully swam into their destination and the frogs leaping catching the bugs you grabbed your basket and went deeper into the woods until you saw a blueberry and a shiny red raspberry bush you grabbed your basket and started picking them unaware that someone was watching you
A teen with yellow eyes with messy space buns was observing you watching every move that you made like a hawk waiting for it's prey she watched you were were picking berries off the bush and putting them in the basket while also eating some as well "that bunny look so cute! Oh she's gonna be my little pet when I catch her" the blonde carefully sneak up behind herb making sure she wouldn't make a noise when her hands was just hovering away from you She quickly snatched you up and threw you in the sag
You struggled and struggled to try to turn into your human form but it was no use you squealed in discomfort and fear while the girl tried cooing and hushing you like you were some baby "Shhh ahh it's ok! I won't hurt you at all just gonna take you to your new home" you panicked even more when she said that you tried struggling and struggling but it was no use you were trapped hearing crunching of the leaves and dirt the girl happily hummed satisfy with her catch
Kota was getting worried about your long absence you shouldn't be gone for that long he looked around hoping you would come back until a panicked bird flew quickly on Kota's finger chirping in distress and panic kota gently comforted the poor animal by stroking its feathers and body the bird was calmly panicked but calmed down "Now tell me what's the problem" he said quietly and gently the bird chirped a few times and kota was shocked
You were taken...By toga Himiko
He needed to get the others even his teachers
"im back!" toga happily skipped along inside the Bar twice happily waving to her and Dabi completely ignored her focusing on the drink Kurogiri gave him but Shiggy was furious "Toga how many times have I told you about going out, especially in the day WITHOUT A DISGUISE" he said while scratching his neck toga scoffed and paid attention to the bag and giggled "I'll be fine nobody saw me plus I got myself a goodie!" she said shaking a bag a little and out came a squeak everyone's attention turned to her now curious of what she brought
"Woah toga did you bring a living snack nice!" Twice said excitingly reaching to hold the bag but Toga blocked his hand "No it's a.." she reached into the bag and pulled out the helpless creature (aka you) "A bunny!!" she squealed petting the distressed bunny's soft fur until she heard a poof and you turned into your human version now everyone was shocked "I'm not a bunny you phyco im a human! Just with a bunny quirk" you angry said not pleased with the "Suprised adoption"
Everyone was speechless for a second still in shocked while Toga's eyes sparkled brightly "EEEEEEK IT A BUNNY HERO" she tackled you with a hug squeezing you very tight you could barely breath nuzzling her head on your ears
"Well look what we have here..." Shigaraki darkly chuckled slowly walking up to you and circling you while observing the little bunny trapped in the cage but Toga shielded you "No shiggy I want them as a pet!" "A PET?!?" you and everyone else yelled in shock "I don't wanna be some villain pet!" toga completely ignored you kept going "Please take good care I'll feed them wash they'll put them in pretty outfits I promise I won't even get as much blood promise!" she pleaded with shigaraki and Dabi looked at him and chuckled "I mean I pet wouldn't be bad plus once we break them they'll be kinda useful," Dabi said with an evil sly smile shigaraki thought for a second and decided his answer "Fine we'll keep them BUT if they pissed me off and start to cause trouble im killing the rodent" you gulped nervously while toga and twice cheered "I just wanted a nice picnic..."
"Guys! Guys!" Koda ran into the common room trying to catch his breath everyone stared at him in shock and looked to see where their bunny darling was "Kota kun! What happened where's y/n?!" Mina said her voice filled with worry "They were taken by Toga she took them to their lair!" Everyone was in a panic that their precious darling was stolen away from them they were beginning to plan to save them until Aizawa stepped in "Nobodys going nowhere im going to inform the pro heroes it's dangerous to do that anyway" the class tried protesting but Aizawa quickly shut that down immediately and all told them to go to bed upset they were they had to go to bed sad and enraged that they couldn't do anything
During your stay with the LOV wasn't even that bed honestly except for the constant cuddling and her dressing you up into frilly and girly dresses and outfits and putting so many bows and accessories on your hair but you tolerated it you made sure not to say any snarky remarks due to shigarakis warning toga would twirl you around and dance with you while twice joined in doing embarrassing dancing while toga laugh but gave you 2nd hand embarrassment dabi was annoyed like an older brother always picking on their little siblings enough to make them tell their parents teasing you about how your not getting out of here and picking on you pulling on your ears until you squeaked until toga came and comfort you while being scolded by her
Kurogiri Was kind to you whenever you had enough he would always tell Toga, twice and Dabi to back off a bit and make sure you were ok he would give you healthy and actual edible food then just fed carrots and grass all day so he was the most decent out of all of them in your opinion next was Magne was another decent one but was just like toga she was adored about your features always petting your hair she wouldn't try and force you into your bunny form like a toga but whenever she gets the chance she always pets and brushes your fur which you enjoyed it a bit
But all things had to come to an end when an explosion was heard and a large hole filled with pro-heroes police, Aizawa was here as well kurogiri quickly formed a portal for them to go inside everyone went but you struggled out of the togas strong gripped, and fall on the ground she called your name until the portal was closed good riddance, you were questioned by a bunch of police and pros and we're checked to see if you had any injuries or tracking devices they put it felt like hours until they finally let you go
When you got back from the dorms everyone crowded around you cheering for your return There were a bunch of hugs from everyone even Shoto formed a small smile but Bakugo lectured and yelled at you about being reckless and how you should be careful you were gifted with a lot of stuff and the girls invited you to a sleepover you wanted to complain but you were just glad you weren't with the LOV
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inriospocket · 1 year
daisy!! how are you doing? i know you have exams so please feel free to get to this anytime. i got let out of my previous job position and i’m currently confused because of the explainatoon that was given and job searching again. would love to see how rio would act to the reader in that same scenario after he notices she’s either got too much time on her hands or just hasn’t been doing her regularly scheduled program for work. (1/2).
(2/2) also would love to know if she’d confront her boss or whomever about letting her go to begin with or would rio? i just see a ton of angst, fluff, and protective vibes from rio in my head so please feel free to do with these ideas what you will! i hope your exams good/went great 💕. you’re a stunning star ✨💖.
I know this is very late but I'm hoping you were able to find another job or another path you feel better on. If you're still active, let me know! I'd love to know if you're doing better. Enjoy! :)
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Respectfully, fuck you
word count ♡ 1,036
summary ♡ You’ve just been let go from your job and Rio has noticed an abnormal amount of free time you’ve had.  
situation ♡ angst/fluff
“But, why? Did I do something wrong?” You asked, scanning your manager’s eyes for answers.  
You could see his cold stare shift into a look of guilt, and he looked away, keeping his hands busy with loose paperwork on his desk. 
“Please clear your things. We’ll have your last check in your account by Friday.” He said without another word.  
You hadn’t known a day without working. You could say since you were the eldest of 5, you’ve always had some sort of job. Since Rio and you got together, he had been taking care of everything which he encouraged but you wanted to work anyway. But with the excuse of the bills being paid, and you just getting fired; you had simply nothing to do but think.  
Everyone else would have been ecstatic to have a break, but it only filled you with more anxiety. Rio started his days early and almost always ended late, but he did happen to notice that you were still in your pajamas when he came home for lunch each day.   
“You’ve been calling out of work or somethin’?” He mentioned as he set a bottle of water down for you. 
You shook your head, mindlessly scrolling through the channels on the tv.  
“Wassup then?” He asked again. 
You weren’t sure why you hadn’t told him that you got fired yet. You were just so stuck in your head all this time.  
“They fired me.” You said, and you could see the mental wheels turning in his calculated head.  
You read him very well from the soft to cold stare when he turned that inner switch off. He was obviously more upset than you were. 
“Bet,” he said instantly. He didn’t ask for any explanation knowing he didn’t need one. He already had his plan together to fuck your manager up but as soon as he opened the car door to leave, he almost instantly closed it back.  
He knew you didn’t do anything wrong, but it was more concerning that you weren’t sad, or even angry. You were simply just existing. He concluded that it was no longer up to him to defend you. This was something you needed to work through on your own, but he would just have to give you a push.  
“I was hoping you’d change your mind about breaking his fingers.” You joked as you saw him come back inside.  
“Actually, his thumbs. Can’t do shit without your thumbs.” He made himself chuckle.  
You shrugged again, mindlessly scrolling through your phone now. He stood against the wall, hands in his pockets as if he was waiting for something.  
“What’s up with you, mama? Sitting around here ain’t gonna find you answers.” He said.  
You remained quiet but he knew you were listening since your thumb was just hovering over your phone screen now. 
“What do you want, [Y/N]? You want your job back? You want another?” He pushed. 
You shrugged.  
“Oh, so things get hard, and you just give up?” He pushed again. You took one of the throw pillows from the couch and flung it towards his head.  
“What is it you want me to say? I’m not you; I don’t want to go around fucking people up because they make me upset,” You folded your arms.  
“So, you are upset?” He asked, tilting his head even though he already knew. 
“Of course, I'm upset! I work really hard and for someone to not give a quarter of a shit to explain why I’m- you know what? Fuck this.” You stood up and went to get your keys.  
Rio bit his lip to hide his smirk, but he was waiting for you to finally get it together. Even if you weren’t going to get any answers, you were going to have the last word. 
Rio was close behind when you marched your way through the cubicles to find where your manager was. He did a double take when he realized it was you interrupting his important conference meeting.  
“Oh, sorry Rick, am I interrupting? Did you happen to get to the part where you take your sponsors money, fuck off with it and fire your best employees because you can’t afford to pay them?” You said, giving him an artificial smile.  
You figured it out quickly once you were done wallowing and it was fair enough that what you said alone in front of all these important people likely tanked his entire business.  
Rick laughed it off nervously, but cold stares were filling the entire room towards him. He cleared his throat, reaching for the button on the conference phone for security.  
Rio stood back like a dark shadow, but he didn’t go unnoticed.  
“Don’t...don’t do that.” Rio said, stopping him in his tracks.  
“You’re gonna have to get more than security to get me out of here before I’m done. Besides the fraud and theft, I really rocked with you, Rick. I mean, nothing beats stale ass donuts. The worst part about it is how loyal I was. I came in on time, stayed late and for what? For you to sit back and get sucked off on the clock by the bitch in HR? The irony.” 
Your old coworkers' heads popped up from their cubicles one by one to get a better view.  
“That’s enough!” Rick yelled, and Rio instantly stepped forward until you put your hand up to stop him.  
“Sir, respectfully, fuck your meeting,” You giggled, going around the table to push all the important paperwork on the floor. 
“Fuck your office,” You said again, taking each jellybean bowl from the table one by one to dump wherever you could. 
It seemed like you were done when you walked towards the door until you reached for the trash can. 
“And most importantly, fuck you!” You said, dumping it and throwing the container at him.  
Rio couldn’t hold in his laughter any longer, and he couldn’t have been any prouder of his girl.  
After your well needed release, you finally had a clear mind to figure things out.  
“So, what’s next?” Rio asked, planting subtle kisses on your forehead.
“I’m going to do what I want now.” You smiled.  
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astro-ellie · 1 year
can you imagine abby melting when reader whisper "home" while being held by her strong arms after a long stressful day 😞
a/n: my heart anon you don’t understand what putting this scenario in my head is doing to me, also this became so, so much longer than i thought it would. sorry not sorry
it never gets easy.
no amount of training and no amount of assignments you’ve completed will ever make it easy. you’ve been doing this for a while, and you’re still haunted by memories. you have the physical strength to fight, that’s not the issue, all those hours in the gym while training has paid off.
the feeling of nausea at the smell of blood, the shiver that runs down your spine every time you take someone out during a mission, just never goes away.
until now you had been holding onto the hope that one day you’d be too desensitised to be affected anymore. one day, killing people- scars, scavengers, hell, even infected, would be easy. you would no longer spend hours scrubbing away that dirty feeling all over your skin after a kill.
oh, how naive of me.
it hits you as you head towards your room. you’ve always been aware deep inside that this violence and the murder will never feel right, you’ll never be able to swallow the distaste down, but now you have accepted it. and accepting it is heavy, it hurts, burns, weighs you down.
maybe, it was the scar kid that made you realise it. she had been running towards you blind with rage, and you had shot an arrow right at her without hesitation. maybe, it was the fact that as she laid dead in front of you she reminded you of someone you lost. or maybe, it was the fact that she was so young.
killing a kid will never be easy.
at some point, you turn away from the corridor in which your room is in. you can’t be alone anymore. your entire body feels cold, and your hands are shaking. the past years it’s like you’ve numbed your discomfort at least to an extent, hiding behind the naive thinking that it would become easier at some point.
now you’ve faced the cold truth, and there’s nothing you can hide behind anymore.
when your fists hit the door and you wait for her to come open, the unsettling realisation has grown into a heavy and dark hole inside of you. you could swear it almost burns, and it completely overwhelms you.
it doesn’t feel like you’re here. or anywhere, really. it will never be easy. so you’re just supposed to do this shit till you’re dead, no matter how much it wears you down.
without even noticing it yourself, your heart is pounding in your chest and you’re hyperventilating. the black hole inside of you continues to grow bigger, until it feels like it will consume you.
when the door is slammed open you almost don’t notice. it’s abby’s voice that takes you out of it, that grounds you in reality again. the hole inside your chest is still there, but it stopped growing. her presence makes a warmth slowly spread throughout you, the cold feeling disappearing.
“hey, you okay?” she’s reaching out her arm, placing her hand on your shoulder. concern is written all over her face, but you can’t bring yourself to reply.
all you can do is wrap your arms around her, pressing your face against her collarbone. she’s unmoving for a second, before engulfing you in a hug as well. her warmth consumes you, forces the hole inside of you to shrink and shrink, until it’s almost unnoticeable. almost.
she tries to ask you again, tries to ask what happens. asks you if you need something, all you do is shake your head. you already have all you need right here in between your arms.
“home.” it’s whispered against abby’s shirt, said so casually and soft. home is safety, comfort. home is your safe space, home is where you’re protected. so how could any other place than her arms be called your home?
if you only could see abby’s face, her eyes filled with adoration. you swear she hugs you a little tighter, leans into your touch a little bit more and you feel the featherlight touch of her lips on the top of your head.
yeah, it doesn’t get easier. but you have abby, and maybe that’s all you need.
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themotherofblood · 5 months
chapter 6 | river of fire | d.t x reader x r.t | there is much to say
series masterlist | masterlist | previous chapter
a/n: so finally we pick up from where we left off, with some major changes, while I will always love the first original chapter of the brothel scene, i needed to do my girlie some justice
warnings: daemon being kinda gross.
synopsis: daemon returns to the red keep, to find a much grown version of his young cousin and his niece.
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The court had finally come to weigh upon Viserys’s shoulders, three parchments, all borne by white ravens. One from the Stepstones, one from Storm’s End and the other from the Old Palace. The missed warmth and wrath were all returning at once.
One rebel posed as his brother, one nuisance his daughter and the other, his wounded pride— his ward.
“Preparations have been made your grace, at the cost to the crown, a feast seems appropriate given the occasion. The Targaryen seat brimming full again.” Lord Beesbury coughed out his accounting.
“In lieu, your grace. I don’t find a feast appropriate upon the way all three of them have disobeyed your wishes.” Otto Hightower interjected, “perhaps the costs could be levied elsewhere.”
“Nonsense! My family is together after many moons, we should celebrate, find a reason to indulge in cups,” Viserys chuckled, looking at Lord Strong for his support.
It was the truth, Daemon begun a war without the direct command of his King, aiding Lord Corlys in his excertions upon the Stepstones. Whereas Rhaenyra, dismissed an entire court of suitors, ending a very heftily paid for tour to an end; three moons and early— then there was you. Fleeing the Capital without the King’s consent, boarding a ship to return to your brother, the cause? Knew no one but one, Alicent and she too shielded the truth of the matter.
And thus the word spread, the dragons had come to roam the streets of King’s Landing again.
Rhaenyra was the first to return, anxiously awaiting the brunt of her father’s disappointment.
You must marry, it is your duty. You must bear heirs, it is your duty.
She had grown tired of what her possible duties would be when she herself couldn’t implement one condition at the Small Council table, a poser amongst the one’s with true power. She felt left out, unseen— and her father believed that marriage would fix her unmoving temper, like a man in her vicinity would make her womanly thinking turn to putty.
Not one, not one of those morons would come near to be a possible husband for her, but more so than that, she wished that her lover would understand so. That for her, you would forever be the true bearer of her unencumbered devotions, her unconditional love. Yet the weight of responsibility had weakened your shoulders too, for you heard the same but one less.
You must marry, you must bear children.
And thus the fight, a terrible arguement between two hearts that always beat as one.
“I would never be your wife! Ever.”
There had been copious tears and then a conspicuous letter, then followed silence and Rhaenyra’s tour.
Her heart wasn’t in this, she cared not if she ever loved her husband, she didn’t want one in the first place. Even beyond Viserys’s advise, a man? A man couldn’t be worth her happiness.
She is a dragon rider, the Heir to the Iron Throne. A measly being possessing a cock wouldn’t cut it.
Her ship’s sails had caught the wind, she stood on the deck, twiddling her thumbs as she laments of returning to a cold half of her apartments. Her ladies in waiting and plenty other friends to keep her company and yet she couldn’t muster an apology to make you return home. More than a year apart, without a word— the agony should have dwindled but it lingered, prickling around her heart every night as she slept alone.
Nyra held hope that she would catch a glimpse of your face once more, run her hands through your wild hair, feel the burning chill of your fingertips and the softness of your full lips. If the world around her was just quiet enough, she could feel it, a ghostly touch pressed to her lips— only to break her heart once more as she opened her eyes.
“Princess?” Criston Cole tore her attention from her wide eyed face staring down at the Blackwater.
“We should make landfall within the hour.”
She hums following with a nod, her lips part with hesitance.
“How do you think he will take it?” She seeks perspective, perhaps to find a lighter response of possibilities than the terrible ones that stirred in her head.
“Do you speak of how curtly you’ve rejected every suitor put before you or how you have abruptly ended the tour with three months remaining.”
Rhaenyra defensively blinks away, understanding the point Cole made but partly from the anxiety of it all, willing Syrax to fly to her and flitter her away to the Summer Isles or far up the mountains in the Vale.
She returned to the storm in her head, hearing the waves and the wind jostle by her ears, the smell of salt and fish in the air and chirping, wild chirping.
Her head bolted to the skies, a noise she hadn’t heard for years.
“Take cover!” Cristin Cole screamed, taking his princess down with him.
However Rhaenyra’s eyes were fixated upon the red creature that flew dangerously close to her boat.
Caraxes… Uncle Daemon.
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The smell of this bustled city once again graced Daemon’s nostrils, the cheap mead of the people and the golden painted whores of his cherished brothels all celebrated the return of their beloved Prince.
Armour clad and crowned with his haughtiness adorned in his hip, he swaggered in the Throne Room, the familiar scent of pompous perfumed cunts made him sick and yet, the smirk of victory did not leave his face as he eyed down his brother.
Gods he looks sickly, gloved hands and his body weight leaning upon Blackfyre, a sword once meant to wield the firey might of House Targaryen was now diminished to be an old man’s cane. What had happened to him. They are but four years apart in age, and while one brother stood tall in posture and tore down enemies by the hundreds. The other a King, dressed in fineries to shield the dismantling resolution of his health— he reeked of illness.
He stops in front of his brother’s Kingsgaurd, arm outstretched with Craghis Drahar’s axe at the hilt of his palm, pointing it straight at Viserys’s face. A fine present that he drops by the King’s feet.
“Add it to the chair,” he blankly says before retreating, clutching onto the pommel of Dark Sister.
He could feel it, the plenty of gazes fixated upon the crown of bones and rubies placed on his head, there could only be one king.
While Daemon adored the amusing chaos he brought to court, the unpredictability— they all saw him a monster, he knew so. Defiant, vulgar and a rake through and through. He wouldn’t disrespect his brother, not in open court and not without reason.
Daemon knelt, head bowed as he presented his earned crown to his brother.
“There is only one true King, your grace.”
Viserys looked to Otto Hightower, the cunt, eyeing away at Viserys to reject Daemon’s honour— once more denying Daemon’s adoration for his brother to be a malformation of his envy or ambitions.
Viserys descended the steps, still eyeing his younger brother with contempt, or mayhaps doubt.
“Rise.” He ordered, patting Daemon’s shoulder.
Both of them stiff yet brothers once again untied, Daemon bowed his head, resting on Viserys shoulder as they embraced one another.
Daemon relished the embrace as the court around him erupted in an applause, he heard a distinct voice— whose eyes he had witnessed preening at him as he walked into the Throne Room.
rūs— Rhaenyra.
Daemon turns to her, leading himself out with Viserys as the court begins to disband. Viserys however shoots scorned look towards his daughter, a look Daemon frowned over, in Viserys’s eyes Rhaenyra could do no wrong. His curiosity caught a waft of tension and he wondered. What could his brother’s heir have concocted this time to truly face the wrath of Viserys’s rare occurrence of anger.
It seemed that his worries about him not being welcomed home had been for nothing, Viserys had already a feast awaiting for his brother in the Godswood. Wines and musicians, foods of his liking and women of his taste already lined the halls.
“No no, I will not hear it. You were always mother’s favourite!” Viserys chuckled as he reminisced stories of their shared youth with his young wife in presence.
A gauche scene really, and yet Daemon eyes seemed to have caught another serene sight entirely.
The head of silky silver locks, developing curves accentuated by the low hemmed cream gown and eyes that much looked like his, Rhaenyra, much had truly changed, and perhaps a salacious opportunity.
He wandered over to her, avoiding one droll conversation after the other.
“What have you done?” Daemon nudged her shoulder.
“Rejected every suitor in all of Westeros.” She hummed back, licking the sweetness of the lemon cakes off her fingertips.
“Well done!” He chuckled.
She looked to him, rolling her eyes, “well you have return, the prize of my father’s eyes.”
Daemon chuckled once more, shaking his head. His eyes finding a much familiar necklace adorning her neck, and just so— much had changed but nothing at all.
“You’ve changed.”
“As have you Princess.” Daemon looked around as the crowd in the Godswood dwindled.
“You seem calmer, more content perhaps.”
“You seem besides it.” Daemon countered.
“Well it seems my station provided me with ample— discrepancies.” She scoffs.
He sat there, in an odd sense of familiarity. Once again loved, not in the thrall-ish way he often seems to force it out of the common folk, but truly wanted. In the presence of his family, his only pride and at times joy.
Though one figure he registered had been missing all this while, a little dragon in viper’s clothing. The wild mess of dark curls and hesitant eyes— he’d have thought he’d see you first, and yet you were no where to be seen.
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The air pulled against the loose wisps of your done up hair, you leaned against the barricaded balcony of your cabin, feeling the waves sway beneath as your ship sailed into the Blackwster Bay. The muddled dark colour of the ocean taking over the serene blue of The Sunset Sea, the murky waters leading it ugly way to once a place you dearly wanted to return to but were afraid too.
On the horizon you could see Rhaenys Hill, the gates of the city and the Bell Tower. Calling to you as you thought of all the possible earfuls of lectures Viserys was about to grace you with.
“How could you take off with my leave?”
Much had changed since you had left, both in reality and within yourself, you looked more a woman than a child, you had flowered. While showing to court in the robes you had on now would be just a little inappropriate. The Martell that you once pushed away, now towered with you with a spear in hand. Such was the Gods choosing you wondered, while your brother Qoren was the perfect portrait of Martell seed, leaving but just his olive skin a testament to your father. His brownish curls and striking purple eyes called to his Targaryen heritage even as he sat on the Martell seat to rule its lands.
You on the other hand, had paler skin than most of the Dornish kin, wide and expressive hazel eyes and ever since you flowered. Thicker streaks of silver that shone bright within the ample strands of your wild brown hair. A small token of your Valyrian heritage, of your mother Daenerys and her eyes. If one looked closely, a ring of lilac crowned the brown of your pupils.
Just this time as you returned, perhaps born anew to your role in the Targaryen dynasty. You were no longer timid, your tongue as sharp as the shot you could take with your bow and arrow and a mind far wise to irk the pompous men at court. Returning home did you good, as your people would call it. All though you were sure Septa Marlow would do naught but sneer at how mismanaged a young princess could become.
Fuck that.
Even as your ship anchored to a halt, with boats circling to receive you and your party. You couldn’t take your eyes off of the Red Keep. Would it have changed in the past year and half, would Viserys be healthier. You wanted to know this instant and yet no answers were brought to you.
Your old jeweled palaquin sat waiting for you, with four Targaryen guards at each pole hilt, you hiked your soft pink skirts to prevent any dirt staining the delicate fabric as you crouched to enter the vessel.
The city still smelled the same, perhaps worse— but it was home, your childhood. The swaying of the palaquin pulled you further into your thoughts, a sick anxiety twisted at your insides as you readjusted your dupatta.
There was barely a procession levied to your name as you stepped out to the courtyard, you heard Oberya scoff behind you; her arched brows scrunched to portray her dismay to the empty courtyard. You were a Princess after all, a name deserved the gathering of at least the Small Council if not the King himself.
“yahain vapis nahi ana chahiye tha rajkumari.” Oberya shook her head. We shouldn’t have returned Princess.
You sighed, hiking your skirts once more to walk behind the guards escorting you— no doubt to the Throne Room where you were certain you would hear an earful from the King himself or perhaps a monotone warning from Otto Hightower. A chill ran down your spine, imagining the steel purple eyes glaring down at you with the weight of his disappointments.
You stood by the door, reminding yourself to breathe, nice large huffs of breaths to fill your lungs and ease the sinking pit in your belly. You nod your head, letting your party and Oberya disperse to their own duties.
Your sweaty palm pushes against the massive heavy metal doors, the sound of creaking so loud against silent hallways it made your ears ring just a bit. The sight within was something you didn’t expect at all.
Empty, not a soul.
The gallery, the Throne and bleachers. Not a person here to watch you catch an earful from the King.
No one at all but one maid crouched by the statue of Jaehereys, scrubbing away with a sudded cloth.
“Where is everyone?”
She looked up, confused for a moment and then meekly replied.
“The Godswood, milady.”
You hummed, turning to the Throne once more before heading to the west doors.
You thought of all the reason’s as to why the entire court would have gathered in the Goswood, you wondered if Alicent was with child again. It couldn’t be though, when you left she had just announced the quickening of Haelena, it was too soon for her to be with child again.
Perhaps a marriage? Rhaenyra?
You prayed not, you had just returned. You didn’t think yourself capable to feel the burn of jealousy but you did, you imagined whatever lord hoped to wed her and then you imagined something untoward happening to him.
You stopped by the wooden doors, you could hear the bustle of the people in the gardens, the smell of meats and perfumes tickled at your nose.
The guards stood by the door appeared confused by the sight of you, your dressing extravagant enough for you to be a noble but they couldn’t quite place which one. You looked between the both of them as the hunched closer, whispering amongst themselves to place your identity.
“Princess Rhaenys?” One whispered.
“Does she look old to you?”
“It is the Princess of Dorne, now if you may.”
You flinched at the abrupt voice behind you, you turned to find Lord Strong looking down at you.
“Princess.” He greeted “We were not expecting you until tomorrow.”
“The winds were in our favour, I’m afraid.” You explained, smiling at the gentle favour of his hand.
The wooden doors opened as you were greeted to the blossoms of the gardens, many of which now thrived and grew from your efforts over the years.
Then it dawns the reason as to why the court had gathered, two heads of very prominent silver hair stood in the crowd.
You were frozen looking at them and everyone else was frozen looking at you.
In the surprise of it all, Alicent approached you first.
You in all regality, bowed on her approach. “My Queen.”
“Y/N!” She gushed, patting your shoulder as a formality when you’d rather embrace her. The warmth of her palm easing your nerves just a bit. You were home for now.
Daemon froze solid to the ground for a moment, a gentle tilt to his head as he registered who stood a couple feet from him. There were many stale bets he would have placed in his lifetime but he saw this coming from so far away.
Even as a little boy learning to spar over the summer and watching his cousin Rhaenys grow wisps of Targaryen silver with the black of her Baratheon head.
When he looked down at his niece, she shared the confusion he had— her head too finding answers to whatever this creature stood in front of them was.
The truth was in the blood, the magic that people sing about stood in person.
By the gods
The blue gowns changed for a soft summery pink, and the cut of that neckline— torture. So much to see but nothing at all.
You turned their way, eyes fixated on Rhaenyra for a moment and then around her before you turned to greet the rest of the Small Council members.
There was commandment, a tantalizing graze to how the shimmery fabric moved as you did.
It wouldn’t be appropriate, Rhaenyra knew it but her impatience grew as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
A year and a half— too long, too fucking long.
She was waiting to hear every footstep coming her way, from the jangles of your payal. The sway of your skirts coming to a stop a foot away from her and Daemon.
“My Princess,” you acknowledged “My Prince.”
There stood a moment of awkward silence between you and Rhaenyra until you turned to Daemon.
“I must congratulate you for your valiant victory in the Stepstone, cousin. One can only hope the poets sing about it till the end of time.” You smile at him.
That’s when he sees them, twinkling against the soft glow of the sun, the purple hiding behind the brown of your eyes. He never could place it, even as he fucked false silver haired whores in brothels, the image of Targaryen seed trampling the viper blood in your veins gave him so much joy.
Rhaenyra still remains silent, pulling the strings in her head to conjure up words.
In the Common Tongue, in Valyrian— just speak please!
Viserys however interjects, Alicent following behind him “What joy, my family; whole again!” He smiles with his teeth barred.
The smile persists cheek to cheek as he looks at Alicent, then to his brother and then you. Though as her turns to Rhaenyra, his eyes fall to disappointment. Reminding Rhaenyra yet again of how much trouble she was in.
Alicent with much grace however, shifted the conversation.
“Perhaps Prince Daemon would like a tour to the tapestries gifted to you by Novos and Qohor?” an innocent suggestion.
Viserys’s face scrunches for a moment as he slaps his hand around Daemon’s shoulder.
“Tell me, would you like to see the tapestries?” He breaks in to an ugly cackle.
Daemon, though oftentimes expected to be the one devoid any manner contains himself for the sake of his young sister by law. He hated her father, not her.
“Well I, would love to see them.” Rhaenyra sheepishly chimes in.
“Well then you should not deprive yourself, daughter.”
The curt sting could be felt from a mile away as she hangs her head in defeat.
“I would love to see them, care to escort me cousin?” You turn to Rhaenyra, smiling at her with an arm extended.
The two of departed from the court, rigidly walking hand in hand to the galleries. She couldn’t say anything out fear that you were still angry at her and her uneasiness amused you.
When the doors to the Grand Gallery finally closed she turned on her heel hastily.
“Forgive me, everything I said. I take it back.”
You looked up at her, this time tilting your head to the side, eyes purposefully stern. You held her hand and began pulling her to the closest wall and pushing her against it.
“I’m sorry.” She repeats.
You pressed your lips against hers, taking her aback as you grab at the cotton fabric around her waist as you pulled her closer.
She hums, relishing the taste of your lips before finding her footing and turning you around— pressed up against the very lovely tapestry sent by Essosi envoys.
Only painted eyes in witness as you took your liberties with your lover.
“A dozen chambers,” a sing song voice tore the two of you out of your trance.
A deep pit of fear flutters in your belly as you pull yourself away from Rhaenyra.
“Haven’t I taught you better?”
Daemon stood at the door with his palm questioningly pointed at the two of you. His mind found a new source of amusement and by the gods he was going to enjoy toying this time.
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THE NEXT CHAPTER IS SMUTTTTTTT. Lemme know if you wanna be on the taglist.
Comments and reblogs are appreciated!!
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
Ghost of You | J. Miller (Chapter 2)
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Series Summary / Grief is a strange thing. In the beginning it had been all-consuming. There wasn’t a moment of the day where you didn’t cry, didn’t ask yourself why it couldn’t have been you instead. And no-one ever explains the guilt you feel when it isn’t anymore. When it’s just a dull ache and you can finally breathe again, when you can start letting people get close to you again. People like Joel Miller. 
Pairing / Joel Miller x Widow F!Reader
Word Count / 3K
Warnings / Descriptions of grief and depression, soft!Joel (He needs his own warning I swear), slow burn but nothing else
Authors Note / I AM SO OVERWHELMED FOR THE LOVE FOR CHAPTER ONE. I'm so glad you guys have enjoyed it so far. This fic is incredibly personal to me. I've not lost a husband or a boyfriend (apart from a typical breakup) but over the recent years I've lost several family members so grief is close to me. I hope you enjoy chapter two - if you like it then comments, reblogs and asks are always helpful - thanks as always for your support of my writing.
Main Masterlist / Series Masterlist
The sun is only starting to colour the sky when you wake that morning. It’s already warm in your bedroom, sheets pushed to one side and that’s when you realise why you’ve woken. Leg draped over the mound of sheets, hand resting on the empty side of the bed, head rested on the pillow that isn’t yours. Because it feels like him. You roll over onto your back and drape your arm over your eyes, letting the pressure bring you back to the real world. 
Once you were sure your breathing was somewhere close to normal, you push yourself off the bed and pad down the hallway to the bathroom. You turn on the shower, waiting for the water to warm up before you step under the spray. There’s something about this routine that helps ground you too. Counting the steps in your mind, ticking them off the to-do list. Shampoo hair. Done. Condition ends. Done. Scrub skin. Done. Brush teeth. Done.
By the time you’re setting the coffee to filter, you’ve already made it to sunrise, and you haven’t cried. It’s not healthy, and you know it, but this little competition with yourself helps, seeing how far you can make it through the day without thoughts so deep you have to pack yourself back to bed to try again tomorrow. 
Sitting on the bench on the front porch, it’s still quiet. The only people milling about the street were the people heading out on patrol, swapping with those who were coming back. No-one paid you much mind, sitting by yourself, mug cradled in your hands, which was the way you preferred it. You sat there, watching the sky changing colour as the sun rose in earnest, until you could see Maria in the distance, walking towards you. You gave her a small wave, taking your mug inside before grabbing what you needed. Ration cards. Yes. Keys. Yes. Shopping bag. Yes. 
“Good morning, honey.” She greets, kiss pressed to your cheek and arms pulling you into a hug. 
You wish her a good morning whilst you wrap your arms around her. She’d been your strength this past year. Never pushing you more than she thought you could take, always there when you needed her shoulder to cry on. She’d fed you for the first few months when you couldn’t bear to cook yourself. She truly was the best friend you’d ever had. 
You fell into a comfortable silence as you made your way to the market hall. At one point, you wouldn’t have let go of Maria’s arm, but now, you were happy to walk alongside her, hands shoved into the pockets of your jeans. They were small steps, but steps in the right direction none-the-less. 
Halfway to the market hall, you could see Joel walking towards you from the other direction. Gun slung over his shoulder, he looks as though he’s just coming back from patrol. 
“Good mornin’, ladies,” He greets, “Going anywhere nice?” 
“Just to the market,” Maria replies, “Good patrol?” 
“Uneventful, so I guess you could say so,” He turns to you now, “I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to come by and sort that table out for you, I’m off tomorrow, how about I swing by then?” 
You smile and nod, “Of course, whenever is good for you.” 
He bids you both goodbye, he’d been up all night patrolling the walls and was ready to collapse, and when you began walking again, you could feel Maria’s eyes on you and the slight smirk on her mouth. It wasn’t until you were picking up a bowl of tomatoes that she decided to press the subject. 
“Joel making himself at home then?” 
“He just fixed one of my steps is all,” You replied, refusing to meet her eyes, “And then I asked him to build the table and chairs I wanted, and he agreed.” 
She pursed her lips and nodded, but the smirk was still across her lips, “I know what you’re thinking!” You exclaim, moving to walk down the aisle from her, she jogs to catch up, “It’s nothing Maria, and it’s shameful of you to suggest otherwise, it’s barely been a year.” 
“I’m sorry,” She speaks softly, taking hold of your arm, “That was wrong of me, what I really meant was that it’s nice that you’re getting back out there, making friends, I didn’t mean to insinuate anything.” 
“No, I’m sorry for snapping,” You sigh, raking a hand through your hair. 
Maria presses a hand to your shoulder in comfort, “Let’s finish up here and get you home.” 
You nod and spend the rest of your time in the market in silence. You pick up more fresh strawberries, along with the rest of your essentials. Maria helps you drop everything in your kitchen when you return and gives you another strong hug, “I’m sorry honey, about earlier, I didn’t mean for it to sound like I was assuming anything.” 
“It’s honestly fine Maria,” You reassured, putting the flour and honey you’d bought in one of your cupboards, “I’m trying,” You sighed, “Just trying to get back to living, and he was nice to me, I’m not interested in anything else but it sure would be nice to have another friend.” 
She nods in understanding, “You know, for the longest time I hated him,” She speaks quietly, “When I met Tommy, the stories he told me, the things they’d both done to get to where they were, I thought he was a terrible person, but the more time I’ve spent with him, I know deep down he has a good heart, I think he might be good for you,” She says, “As a friend, of course.” She adds finally. 
She leaves you then and suddenly it feels empty in your home. It always does. There is no sound of warm laughter, no sound of another pair of boots on the wooden floor. It’s the quiet that really tightens your chest these days. You look to the stairs; it would be so easy to climb them and collapse into bed right now. Ignore your feelings for a while. Maybe fall into a dreamless sleep and just try again tomorrow. Your feet are almost carrying you before you stop yourself. Not today, you think. It’s not going to get the better of you today. Your eyes fall to the fresh box of strawberries on your counter and you’re moving before you realise what you’re doing. 
An hour later, there’s a fresh strawberry pie cooling on the side. It was a frivolous use of your flour and butter ration, but the smell of the pastry reminds you of your mother. She always had some kind of fresh pie cooling on the side when you came home from school. Always served it with ice cream after dinner. Mark was always pragmatic with rations; he would have never let you use your feeble allowance on such a thing. You’d always used the flour for bread, butter was saved for making sandwiches, or spreading on the last slices on the weekend when you toasted it as a treat. 
Looking at the pie, you know you should feel silly, but you don’t. You feel proud of yourself. You can almost hear Mark’s voice in your head, he’d call you a silly girl, but he wouldn’t mean it. He’d chastise you for wasting your resources, but with a smile on his face. And then he would gladly take the slice you offered him. He’d kiss you with sugary lips and wipe the flour from your cheeks. Doing something he wouldn’t approve of was good, surely? Moving on, in a tiny step, to making your own life. 
There’s a feeling of guilt beneath you though, looking at the pie. You can’t bring yourself to cut a slice. Can’t bring yourself to feel the joy of the fruit in your mouth. How silly to think that one simple thing could fix you. You shake your head and leave it cooling on the side, curling into the couch, reading the same page of the same book you’ve had on the coffee table for months. 
Joel knocks on your door at 11am the next morning. He’s alone again, toolbox in hand, letting you know that he’s given Ellie to Maria and Tommy for the day, something about teaching her to ride horses. You lead him through the house and out back, leaving him to set himself up for the day. 
You make two cups of coffee, remembering he likes his black. You add a splash of milk to yours. The milk is so fresh from the cows on the farm that you must scoop a layer of cream off the top. You would normally scoop it off and eat it straight from the spoon, but there’s too much today, so you scoop it into a small glass, taking the mugs to the back porch where Joel is measuring up the wood. You set his mug down on the porch railing, taking your own in your hands as you sit down on the floor, back against the wall just to the left of the back door. 
The sun is shining again, warming your arms. You lean your head back and close your eyes, taking in slow, deep breaths. 
“You’re not gonna fall asleep on me, are you?” 
You open your eyes and look at him without moving your head, “Depends how exciting your conversation is going to be today.” You tease. 
He smiles and turns his attention back to sawing a piece of wood to size, “What did you do before all this?” 
You scoff a little, “I was about to start my second year at college, seems like a huge waste of fucking time now, the inheritance money wasted on half a degree.” 
“Well, that money would still be pretty useless now anyway,” He shrugs, “What did you study?” 
You have to hand it to him, he’s not wrong, “Drama,” You laugh, “Thought I was going to be a big star, already had that Oscars acceptance speech written up here.” You tap one of your temples. 
“Who were you going to thank?” 
“My parents mainly, although they were already both gone by the time I’d started studying, all the usuals, my agent, the academy, everyone who ever told me I couldn’t do it.” 
He chuckles, “You definitely had it all figured out.” 
A comfortable silence falls between you as you finish up your coffee. The wood of the decking is hard on your back and you shift uncomfortably, moaning a little in pain when you sit further to one side than the other, your lower back aching slightly, “You know you don’t have to sit out here with me if it’s uncomfortable right?” 
“I know,” You respond simply, “It’s just nice to have company.” 
“You don’t have other friends here?” He asks, hammering some nails into a piece of wood. 
You shake your head, “I guess I did when we first came here, but Mark was always the more likeable of us, people gravitated towards him and I guess when you spend a year wallowing in your own self-pity, people get pretty tired of telling you the same things over and over again in the hopes you’ll snap out of it.” 
He nods, “When I lost Sarah, I remember the overwhelming feeling of pointlessness,” He’s not looking at you as he’s speaking, focusing his attention on what you think is becoming a chair, “She’d been my whole life for so long that I just didn’t know what the point was without here, especially in this new world,” You hum in agreement, “And the fact that the healing is never linear, you know?” You hum again, “It’s been twenty years and I still have days where it’s overwhelming, but they become few and far between – I’ll never forget her, but remembering her gets easier, and I bet it will for you as well.” 
You lean your head back against the siding of your house, “You sound just like my therapist,” You point out, “She keeps telling me that I need to find something new to keep living for, but how do I do that was he was the only family I ever really had?” 
Joel stops for a moment, picking up his mug of coffee to drain it, “Family is a strange old thing,” He finally speaks, “Sure, Tommy is my brother, but Maria? Ellie? I found them; you’ve just got to find your new family.” 
“You’re a very wise man, Joel Miller.” 
“I think I’ve just lived a longer life, sweet pea.” 
The rest of the day continues in much the same way. Snippets of conversation, moments of silence, at one point you get up to water the plants as the midday sun makes way for the dip in temperature for the early afternoon. Joel is a fast but competent worker and as the sun is beginning to set, you have four new chairs dotted around the decking. 
“You wanna test them out?” He asked, dropping the last of his tools into the box. 
You nod, walking the one that’s closest to you, before gingerly setting yourself down on it as if it might collapse under you, “Come on, I’m a professional, have some faith in me.” Joel murmurs as he watches you slowly lower yourself onto it. 
He’s right, it doesn’t collapse. The way he’s built them mean there’s a slight slant to the backrest, meaning you can lean your head back and fully relax when you sit. You can’t deny that he’s done a fantastic job. 
“These are great Joel, thank you,” You say, standing back up, “Sit down, I’ve got something to say thank you.” 
You disappear into the kitchen as Joel lowers himself onto one of the chairs. He can’t deny he’s done a good job either, maybe he’ll have to make something similar for him and Ellie. He’s already trying to figure out where he might find the wood for his own project when you’re back on the decking with two plates in your hand. 
“Is that pie?” He asks as you hand him a plate. 
“It is indeed,” You confirm, sitting in the chair next to him with your own plate, “I made it yesterday in an attempt to avoid going to bed at 12pm, you’re lucky that there was cream on the milk too.” You smile, pointing a finger to the sliver of cream you’d divided onto each slice. 
“I can’t remember the last time I had anything like this,” He muses, sliding his fork through the end of his slice before eating it, “Jesus Christ, that’s good.” 
You chuckle, doing the same to your slice. You had to admit it was pretty good for a rudimentary baking job, the fruit was sweet and you’d managed to make the pastry pretty well too, “I actually can’t remember the last time I had anything like this either,” You take another bite, “I was thinking yesterday as I was making it that Mark would have been cross that I’d used our butter and flour ration to make pastry.” 
“I bet once he tried it though he would have forgiven you,�� Joel replies, “No-one can be mad for long when it tastes this good.” 
You smile to yourself and spend the rest of the time it takes to eat in silence. You sit for a while before Joel’s hand comes into view, he gently takes the plate from your hand and stands, “I better go and get Ellie, she’s probably driving Tommy and Maria up the wall with questions,” He chuckles, “Let me wash these first though.” 
You follow him through to the kitchen and cut another slice of pie whilst he rinses the dishes, “Take this for Ellie,” You implore as he’s stood in your kitchen with his toolbox about to leave, “I bet she’s never had something like this.” 
He takes the plate gratefully in his other hand, “Listen, I don’t want to step over a line, but I was wonderin’ if you maybe wanted to join me for a drink sometime?”
Almost immediately there’s a sense of panic rising in your throat as you imagine what he’s asking for in your mind. If he’s asking you to The Tipsy Bison, you can already feel the eyes boring into you and the whispers from everyone else. If he’s asking you to go to his place for a drink does that mean he’s asking you on a date? You wring your hands together in front of you and you can tell he can sense your internal battle. 
“Just as a friend,” He reassures, “I hope you don’t mind but Tommy told me you don’t really like goin’ anywhere anymore, and well, I just don’t think it’s right, for you to feel like you have to stay here all the time, I promise I won’t let anythin’ bad happen to you, sweet pea.” 
You think back to the conversation with your therapist from last week. She’d ask you what you’d done to challenge yourself recently and you had nothing to offer her. She’s suggested that you really did need to try to start ‘reintegrating’ yourself back into the community, or there would come a time where you simply couldn’t. She’d challenged you to try going to the market on your own one day without Maria, or to go for a walk through the town on your own, just one thing before you met her next that would push you out of your comfort zone and make you realise that you could do it. 
“Okay,” You agree, “But if something bad does happen, you’re taking the blame, alright?” 
“If I had a free hand, I would cross my heart,” He smiles, “How about tomorrow night?” 
Tomorrow night. Not quite enough time to convince yourself it was a bad idea and hide yourself away. The sooner you went, the sooner it would be over, so you nod in agreement. Joel arranges to drop by at six and pick you up and then he was gone, and your house yet again felt as empty as always. It was getting dark outside, an acceptable time to call it a night and crawl into bed.  
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xocasper · 1 year
Heaven Ain’t Close in a Place Like This
Pairing: Mikey Way x Reader x Gerard Way Summary: August was barely beginning when you found yourself in Mikey Way’s bunk, but time on tour flies by fast. Between performances and post-show hookups, it feels like you’re with his band more than your own. Thankfully, his brother doesn’t seem to mind. Warnings: NSFW content, fanfic logic Word Count: 6639 A/N: They live! Back from the dead and managed to cough this up. I’ve been making jokes about it since October, opened up the original outline at a Thursday concert, scrapped it half a dozen times, and then pulled this directly out of my ass. I hope you enjoy it!
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As insane as being invited onto the Projekt Revolution was, the tour itself was prone to even wilder happenings. With each summer tour your band had played, something crazy had taken place. Between Warped Tour hookups and racy, drunken performances on Taste of Chaos, the next few months were destined to be memorable. In fact, you had already set the tone by the second week, after waking up hungover and pantless with a lanky bassist by your side. One that you were waiting for now, leaning against the side of your bus while the metal scorched your skin.
Under normal circumstances, there was no way you’d be out in this heat, but your bandmate had passed you some cash for a moment of peace. It meant the bus would smell like sex for the night, but twenty bucks was twenty bucks. You could already hear the way Mikey would whine when you told him, knowing he’d complain about having to walk back across the parking lot.
He was already appearing in the distance, clad in a baseball cap and band tee, shooting you a lopsided grin as you waved him over. Before you could react, he came barreling towards you, skidding to a stop and barely avoiding a head-on collision. Hardly sticking the landing, he hooked his arm around your shoulder and leaned against the bus to catch his breath.
“Mikey Way,” you beamed, leaning into his touch. “I’ve got a bit of bad news.”
His head tipped back as he panted, “How bad?”
“Like, ‘Max paid me to leave and let him bang his girlfriend’ bad. I hope your bus is empty.”
If you weren’t so amused, he would’ve been a little annoyed. But then again, he was kinda crazy about you, so he let it slide. Instead, he rolled his eyes, a smile still tugging at his lips as he gave a melodramatic groan. “God, you’re the worst.”
You turned to face him, catching his eyes as you hovered a few inches from him. “That’s not what you were saying the other night.”
He could feel his cheeks heat up, flustered by your brazen remark. Truthfully, you had hooked up a couple more times since the first night, and the sex was significantly better without tequila. The second time was more to prove a point, insisting that he could “blow your mind” while sober. It’s safe to say he convinced you, as you found yourself in his bed every few days.
“Good pussy is good pussy,” he shrugged, his hand dropping to hold yours.
You gave a soft laugh and squeezed his hand, beginning the walk back to his bus. “Are the guys around?”
“Just Gerard. Frank’s off with Lazarra, and I think Ray went to grab lunch.”
Although you were a little disappointed that you couldn’t be alone with him, having Gerard around wasn’t the end of the world. You were friends with him too–not in the same way, but he made good company. Mikey knew what you were getting at, sensing your slight dismay. Holding back an arrogant grin, he nudged your shoulder.
“Why? Were you planning to woo me into bed?” he asked in amusement. “Because I don’t think Gerard would care.”
The question made you laugh, warm and genuine, and you leaned a little closer as he traced shapes onto your hand. You didn’t bother to question his comment about Gerard, figuring that he was just trying to get a rise out of you.
“I was not,” you insisted. “Just curious, that’s all.”
He gave a skeptical mhm, but the banter was quickly dropped as the bus came into view. It was no more than fifteen yards from you, but you still smiled at him mischievously. He turned to face you, catching your expression and raising his eyebrows with another curious hum.
“Race ya,” you said, hardly giving him a chance to register the proposition before you were bolting towards the bus.
You could hear the way his sneakers pounded on the concrete, spewing curses as he hightailed it behind you. His lack of preparation led to an unfortunate downfall, causing him to lose by a few seconds—ones that you spent doubled over in laughter as you pressed yourself against the side of the vehicle. The minute he reached you, he hooked his arms around your waist, tugging you from the wall of the bus while you gasped for breath.
“You fuckin’ cheater,” he wheezed, pulling you into his chest with a laugh.
Your arms looped around his neck, grinning wildly as he rested his forehead against yours. “Eat my dust, Mikey Way.”
His breathing shook, lips turned up as a lousy pickup line rolled off his tongue. “Sure you don’t want me to eat something else instead?”
“You’re so lame,” you cackled, pushing him away.
Mikey reluctantly let you go, watching as you opened the door and collapsed on the couch. He followed suit, sighing in relief as a blast of cool air hit his skin. The two of you were quiet for a moment, the only sounds being heaving chests and tabletop fans. Still, he slipped his arm around your waist again, toying with the hem of your shirt.
“That wasn’t a no,” he teased, earning himself a quick swat.
As tempting as the offer was, his brother was on the other end of the bus, and you knew how thin those doors were. “What about Gerard?”
“I really don’t think he’d mind.”
Okay, that was the second time Mikey had said that. If he was trying to drop hints, this was a really poor way to go about it. You were growing increasingly suspicious, and your only conclusion seemed far too unrealistic. Landing one Way brother was shocking enough, but two? Mikey had to be kidding.
You turned your head to look at him, searching for any sign that he was pulling your leg. He looked completely serious though, eyebrows raised in anticipation. Finally, you managed to reply.
“Do you know something I don’t?”
He grinned, finally dropping the subject as he reached for the remote.
Gerard wasn’t a big partier.
He used to be, way back in the day, following shitty friends into random houses with the promise of weed and cheap booze. Things were different now, though–he had a few close buddies, and they all took his sobriety seriously. Peer pressure and substance were the only motivators for him back then, and without either of them, he had no reason to show up. Contrary to popular belief, he wasn’t exactly a social butterfly, so parties were typically out of the picture.
But here he was, donning a clean shirt and his too-tight jeans, leaning over a nightclub mezzanine while you danced below him. You were pressed close to Mikey, hands resting on his chest as laughter spilled from your lips. Gerard could only imagine what his brother was saying, noting how you buried your head into Mikey’s chest as he beamed with pride. He could feel a jealous jolt in his stomach, longing for the treatment you gave Mikey, even if it was just for a night.
As quiet as Mikey was, he didn’t have much of a filter. Sometimes, he would return to the bus with a familiar glow, just waiting for Gerard to ask where he’d gone after the show. His words would echo when the two of you were alone, every comment and filthy anecdote flooding his head. Everything he shouldn’t know, everything he shouldn’t feel. The tension was suffocating when it settled between you two, his chest caving in as he tried to focus on anything other than immoral desire.
God, you’d stare at him shamelessly, eyes drifting lower until he felt flustered and exposed. It didn’t even matter if his brother was there, sitting inches away as low-budget horror movies flashed on the TV. You would curl up next to Mikey and rest your head against his shoulder, watching the pale television light shine on Gerard. He’d notice sometimes, feeling the blush in his cheeks as you shot him a smug smile, seeming like you wanted him to catch you. Wanted him to know how you ached for him, for his lips on yours, skin to skin as he touched you the way Mikey did. 
It wasn’t hard for him to see it, fantasies plaguing his mind at night, the sight of you on your knees and begging him to–
“You’re staring again.”
The sudden interruption made Gerard flinch, recoiling and snapping back to reality. Whipping his head around, he spotted Frank, who took a few steps forward to rest beside him. He flushed and dropped his head against his forearms, preparing himself for another lecture.
“Can you blame me?” he mumbled, reluctantly lifting his head to gesture towards you. “Look at them. Look at the way he’s holding them.”
Frank cast a look towards the two of you, Mikey’s hands drifting dangerously low and your arms around his neck. He didn’t need to read lips to hear your laughter and the free-flowing banter, already familiar with your behavior towards each other. He knew how his poker-faced friend never seemed to stop smiling around you, and he could hear the way you whispered to each other at night as if Mikey’s deadpan jokes were the funniest thing in the world. And now here was Gerard, aching for your touch and ignoring Frank’s endless warnings.
He shook his head with a disappointed sigh. “I don’t know, man. They’ve been screwing your brother all tour.”
“Yeah, but Mikey said they’re not exclusive,” Gerard defended.
Frank’s eyes nearly popped out, barely evading whiplash as he turned to face Gerard. “You told Mikey?”
For as smart as his friend was, he seemed to lack a great deal of common sense. You don’t tell people that you want to sleep with their partners–or fuck buddies, or whatever the hell you were. Especially not Mikey, who was one of the worst secret keepers in the world.
Gerard groaned, “He knew the minute I asked. Maybe before then, too. You know how observant he is.”
“You can’t just tell people–” Frank started, though he cut himself off with another sigh when he saw Gerard’s pathetic expression. “It’s just… It’s not worth the headache, alright?”
“From the way Mikey describes them, I think you might be wrong.”
There was really no fighting this, was there?
He knew Gerard hadn’t gotten laid in a couple months. Not only had he broken up with his girlfriend, but he hadn’t slept with anyone on tour, either. Gerard was horny and desperate and had heard way too many stories from Mikey, landing him in this pitiful situation.
“There’s no one else you can sleep with?” Frank asked.
Surprisingly self-assured, Gerard shook his head. “Nope.”
Hopeless, Frank glanced back to the scene below him. Mikey was laughing at something you’d said before you shooed him off, watching him fondly as he darted out of the room. Great. He didn’t have to turn his head to know Gerard was staring at him, waiting for permission to make a move. Sighing, Frank took a long sip of his drink, counting his blessings and thanking God he was married.
“Go get ‘em, tiger.”
An amused smile crept up on Gerard’s face, jostling his friend before heading down the stairs. His heart was pounding, weaving through strangers as he searched for you in the crowd. Insecurity and anxiety swarmed his head, and he began to consider quitting before it was too late. He wanted to prove Frank wrong though–he wanted you. Besides, he couldn’t run now, watching you turn to face him from a few feet away.
“Gerard!” you smiled, stepping closer to hear him over the music.
He couldn’t fight a grin, greeting you with the same energy. “Where’d Mikey run off to?”
“He said he was going to the bathroom, but you know he’ll get distracted on his way out.”
Knowing his brother, he had a good fifteen minutes before his return. This was his opportunity, trying to calm his nerves as you looked at him with hopeful eyes.
“Don’t worry about him,” he said sweetly. “I can keep you company.”
Small talk flowed easily as the minutes ticked by, your enthusiasm contagious as Gerard blushed and laughed softly throughout your tour stories. The room had steadily gotten louder, booming speakers and obnoxious chatter drowning out your conversation until you were less than a foot away. He only realized it after you had gone quiet, staring at him with wide eyes.
His breathing stalled, and he swallowed hard as his eyes flitted from yours to the people around him. You were giving him that look again–the one that pleaded for him to touch you, an open invitation to make a move. Even if he wanted to, he was frozen in place, lips parting to speak but nothing came out.
You leaned a bit closer, trying not to smile as you spoke. “You know, Mikey told me something interesting last week.”
Fuck. Gerard could already feel himself burning with embarrassment, already fearing your next sentence. He knew exactly where this was going, and for the first time ever, he wanted to throttle his little brother. Fumbling for words, he managed to mumble, “He did?”
“Mhm,” you hummed. “Gerard, why’d you come to the club with us?”
As if it would do him any favors, he pinned it on his friends. “Everyone else was coming.”
You were obviously skeptical, resting your palms on his chest, feeling his heart race through his t-shirt. He felt lightheaded as you touched him, watching your hands glide across his shoulders and arms snake around his neck.
“No other reason?”
His tongue darted out briefly, wetting his lips as he stared at yours, cursing his nerves and shaky hands. The room was so fucking tense, and as he let out a breath, he spoke the words you’d been waiting to hear.
“I wanted to see you.”
Before he could overthink his confession, you had pressed your lips to his in a fleeting kiss. Gerard blinked back at you when you pulled away, his hands still hanging awkwardly by his sides. His expression bordered on unreadable, his features painted with a mix of shock and nervousness. You considered stepping back, worrying that you’d come on too strong, but his lips were back on yours before you could apologize.
Despite being unsure at first, he eased up quickly, letting his hands gravitate towards your hips. The room seemed to pause as he touched you, fingers hooking around your belt loops to pull you closer. It was gentle but sudden, a soft gasp parting your lips. Gerard stifled a smile, satisfied as his tongue swept across them, reveling in your desperation. With your hand pressed to the nape of his neck, you brought him closer, fingers catching in his hair. On a whim, you gave a brief tug, your stomach doing somersaults at his reaction.
The moan that ripped from his throat was nothing short of wanton, a cross between pleasure and need as you broke apart. His head tipped back for a second, eyes screwed shut and his neck exposed. You took it as an opportunity, scraping your teeth against his skin and soothing it with your tongue.
“You know,” you breathed, nipping below his ear. “Mikey’s into that, too. Likes me to pull his hair when we fuck, mark him up real pretty.”
Gerard didn’t need to know that, but he couldn’t help but picture being in his brother’s place. His name in your mouth, your hands across his back, leaving little crescents for him to find the next morning. He swallowed hard, nearly groaning as he spoke. “God, you can’t say that.”
You pushed his head back down, fingers still threaded through his hair. Your breath fanned across his lips, so close to his, although you had no intentions of kissing him yet.
“That I’ve slept with Mikey?” you asked, as if you knew it turned him on. “Why?”
“Because he’s my brother.”
He said it sheepishly, not offended or uncomfortable, simply using it as a pointless defense. Truthfully, he didn’t care what Mikey got up to—he probably knew most of it, anyway. Hearing you say it sent him reeling though, flustered by your shamelessness.
“Because you want me too, don’t you?” you teased, giving him a featherlight kiss.
Of course he did. You saw right through him, your lips turning up in a faint smile when you caught him. After a moment, he gave in. “Mhm, how’d you guess?”
Gerard felt like he was on fire, slotting his lips against yours again, ignoring the way he burned with passion and embarrassment. You could almost feel the anxiety radiating off of him, hands shifting to cradle his face as your tongue glided against his. He still tasted like his soda from the bar, lips artificially sweet with the faintest flavor of cola. You didn’t mind, nipping at them gently, drawing a whiny moan from him.
To his surprise—and humiliation—you weren’t the only one to hear it. A light hand pressed against your lower back, causing you to stir. Gerard noticed, his lashes fluttering open when you pulled away. Mikey stood behind you, and Gerard retracted his hands from your hips immediately, eyes swimming with guilt.
Mikey seemed unfazed, instead flashing his brother a smug grin. “I told you they were good with their mouth.”
Gerard couldn’t help but laugh, flushing as he tried to think of a response. This whole situation was so bizarre, and his train of thought completely derailed when you reached for his hand. His eyes flicked towards Mikey, who simply nodded towards you in permission.
One of his palms rested on your cheek, holding you close as he kissed you with a newfound fervor. Now, he wanted to show off, knowing that you had an audience. Mikey positioned himself behind you, his strong arms around your waist while his teeth grazed the crook of your neck.
Smoothly, his fingers drifted to your jaw, pulling you away from Gerard to press his lips to yours instead. He kissed you so sensually, slow and deep while his brother watched intently from a foot away. It made you dizzy, stomach fluttering at the sweep of his tongue, eliciting a moan that had Gerard stiffening in his jeans. It was all weirdly hot, and you seriously needed to go somewhere more private.
Mikey seemed to read your mind, drawing back and locking eyes with Gerard. You could’ve sworn they had telepathy, leaving you confused and completely out of the loop during their silent exchange.
“We’re at the hotel tonight,” Gerard said, and Mikey gave you a delicate push toward him.
He looked at you with a burning desire, bottom lip caught between his teeth as he gave you a once-over. Gently, his fingers slipped beneath your chin, his thumb stroking your cheek. “Think you can handle both of us?”
The moment the door shut, you were back in Mikey’s arms, having rushed down the hotel hall with his arm around your waist. Gerard’s hand was still in yours, giving you a light squeeze before letting go, turning to lock the door while Mikey kissed you in the middle of the room. His hands were already drifting beneath your shirt, his touch rising higher as his thumbs stroked your skin.
“No bra?” he asked, beaming as you tugged at the hem of his tee.
You rolled your eyes jokingly, giving an out-of-breath answer. “It’s August.”
He laughed lightly, part of him wishing that it could always be August. Sliding your hands further up his chest, you let him steal a few more kisses before mumbling softly.
Compliant, he pulled away, letting his brother take over while he stripped off his shirt. Gerard pressed himself against your back and rucked up your top as well, hardly waiting for it to hit the ground before his lips were ghosting your neck. Your head fell back against his shoulder, moaning lightly as he gave you a playful bite.
“You know how long I’ve waited for this?” he asked. “Mikey, tell them.”
Mikey stepped forward again, kissing you briefly before answering. “Weeks, baby. I’d come back after shows, and he’d ask where I’d been,” he said, pausing as his lips brushed against yours. “He wanted me to tell him how pretty you sound when you’re begging for it.”
The sweet sound that left your mouth was swiftly muffled by Mikey, kissing you heatedly while his fingers traced your waistband. If that weren’t enough, Gerard’s hands were climbing higher, tracing your curves with a contrasting tenderness. Familiar wetness was growing between your thighs, and it seemed to increase tenfold when he sucked a soft bruise into your skin. As if he could sense it, he mouthed below your ear, pricking your neck with his teeth.
“Gonna let us take care of you?” he questioned breathily, rolling your nipples beneath his thumbs.
You mewled softly and incidentally ground against his hard-on, squirming further as he let out a groan. His eyes drew shut, planting a kiss at the top of your jaw while Mikey popped the button on your jeans, reluctantly pulling back to let you undress. You almost whined at his absence, lashes fluttering when Mikey pulled away with a final tug to your lower lip, mimicking Gerard’s behavior. Two more pairs of jeans joined yours on the floor, and Gerard gave you an eager spank as you climbed onto the mattress.
“Cute panties,” he teased, studying your form as you propped yourself up on your elbows. “Nice of you to dress for the occasion.”
Mikey huffed a laugh, and you glanced down to see Gerard between your legs. Sure enough, you were donning black lace, and your stomach fluttered at the sight. They barely covered you, mostly mesh with intricate designs stitched on, and Gerard was more than happy about it.
Briefly, your gaze met his, catching the predatory glint in his eyes. Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip, eyes half-lidded as you stared at him. “Picked ‘em out just for you,” you said, shifting closer to him.
He grinned, bending your knees and smoothing his hands over your thighs. “You’re just the sweetest little thing, aren’t you?”
You hummed, beaming as your head dropped back against the pillows. “That’s what they tell me.”
Amused, Mikey settled beside you, resuming his brother’s work from earlier as his fingers dragged along your chest. You ran a hand through his hair, grip tightening with a shaky gasp as Gerard’s tongue glided up your clothed slit. It was only to rile you up, proven as his lips trailed towards your thighs instead. His hands were warm against you, running smoothly across your legs in mild wonder. Part of him was still shocked that this was real—that you were truly in his hotel room, eyes screwed shut as he scattered kisses across your skin. Every move he made had you buzzing, desperate for contact as his mouth inched closer to your cunt.
Eager, you made a gentle shift towards him, arching slightly as Mikey’s tongue flicked against you. Gerard spared you a sly glance, fingers tugging at your waistband before he spoke. “Someone’s excited.”
You began to retort, but the words spun into a soft gasp when Mikey tweaked one of your nipples. His timing was absolutely intentional, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care, relishing in the warmth of his tongue as it swirled against you. With excessive effort, you managed to collect yourself, taking a weak breath and shooting back, “Someone’s a tease.”
“Maybe,” Gerard agreed, dropping your panties onto the pile of discarded clothes. “But I’ll make it up to you.”
You almost missed his promise, already losing your comprehension skills as his brother redirected your attention. From your first night with Mikey, you knew he was good with his mouth, and he certainly knew what he was doing now. He already knew what made you tick, and he used Gerard to his advantage. It seemed that any time you gave the older one attention, Mikey’s mouth was back on you, more out of amusement than envy. If you thought for even a moment that you could lift your head and watch Gerard, he’d catch your nipple between his teeth, just light enough for your eyes to fall shut, giving his hair a reflexive tug.
Cursing, you let your hand slide down to his cheek, pulling him from your chest for a moment. They were in mental cahoots, you swore to God, barely beginning to kiss Mikey before Gerard was flattening his tongue against you. Mikey hardly muffled it, fingers still at work while you moaned against his lips. Slowly, your free hand drifted down to Gerard, the other pressed against Mikey’s chest. Gerard gave a sweet hum as you ran your fingers through his hair, sucking a kiss to your clit in return.
A moan slipped past your lips, arching towards him while Mikey moved to kiss along your jaw. You could feel him smiling against your skin, nipping before mumbling praise in your ear. “You’re being so good for us, you know that?”
You nodded, pressing your head harder into the pillows as they double-teamed, a slew of erotic noises spilling into the air. Gerard pulled you closer, reveling in your touch as your hand smoothed through his hair. Much to your objection, he pulled away, fingers passing his lips before spreading you open. Briefly, you managed to lock eyes with him, watching as he gave a slow lick. He moaned against you, just loud enough to get a reaction.
“Taste so fuckin’ pretty, babe,” he praised, circling your clit with his thumb.
Mikey pressed his hand against your abdomen, shooting Gerard a smug look. “Told you so.”
With Mikey holding you down, you had nowhere left to go, beginning to writhe against the sheets in both pleasure and impatience. Gerard was taking his time, truly savoring everything you had to offer, staring up at you with his pretty hazel eyes as if he wouldn’t be the death of you. Without Mikey’s kisses or lips against your skin, you really zoned in on Gerard—the way his hands hugged your thighs, his tongue like velvet as lapped up your arousal. You couldn’t seem to get enough, desperately pulling his hair in a fruitless search for friction.
He groaned at the sensation, soft but audible as you tried to grind against him, turning his slow motions into sloppy ones; not that he could complain really, having to restrain himself from rutting against the mattress when you were moaning like that. Still, you craved more, and it didn’t take Mikey long to figure out what you wanted. He shot you a look, sly and plotting as his hand drifted from your stomach to your thigh, swiftly replacing his brother’s. Gerard eyed him curiously, humming in question before pulling back, the vibration sending you reeling. You caught a quick glimpse of him, lips and chin slick with arousal, and the ache between your legs only grew stronger.
Gerard couldn’t have been idle for more than a few seconds, but it felt like a fucking eternity as you squirmed in place. Mikey’s grip tightened in warning, although his eyes stayed trained on his brother as he spoke.
“Use your hands.”
A smile flashed across Gerard’s face, watching your teeth dig into your lower lip at the suggestion. He went easy at first, running his fingers across your folds and gently rubbing your clit. The teasing was back, and he showed no mercy this time, lust and pride flooding his veins when you gave an impatient whine.
“Don’t worry, I’m not stopping,” he assured you, voice sweet as he popped his fingers back into his mouth.
The two of them noticed everything—your erratic breathing, the delicate shift of your hips, and the desperate glint in your eyes as you waited for Gerard to move. They glanced at each other and Mikey nodded in your direction, gaze falling between your thighs, swallowing thickly as he watched Gerard’s fingers.
You were practically bursting with gratitude as you took the first one, quickly retracting your hands from the pair to clutch the sheets. Gerard hadn’t realized you needed it that bad, almost laughing at how sweet and pathetic it was. The urge to taunt you was strong, curling his finger at a steady pace and studying your expression.
“Aw,” he mocked, biting his lip as you clenched around him. “You just want to be filled up, don’t you?”
Nodding, you squeezed your eyes shut, forcing a response despite being nearly incapable of speaking. “Yeah,” you breathed, interrupted with a shaky gasp. “Just want you inside me.”
Gerard could’ve come at that, cursing softly before speaking up. “I know, babe. Mikey and I are gonna take care of you first, and then I’ll fuck you. How’s that sound?”
Even if the words were vulgar, they sounded so chaste coming from him. He spoke gently, making you feel warm all over again, arousal stirring inside of you. His mouth was back on you soon enough, sucking on your clit and adding another finger, working for every sound you made. Warmth quickly spun into heat, rising to your cheeks and spreading across your heaving chest, short breaths escaping your lips in bursts. You were close, muscles going taut while Gerard's fingers crooked quicker, moaning as his tongue flicked at a similar pace.
Mikey was mesmerized, his stare flitting between your contorted features and the sheer determination in his brother’s eyes. Each time Gerard moved, Mikey could see his fingers, buried inside of you as you all but screamed his name. He could feel himself blushing, painfully hard as he watched you take it so well, tracing your arched figure.
“You like Gerard’s mouth, don’t you?” he asked rhetorically, rubbing circles on your thigh. Another whine rolled off your tongue, followed by a frantic nod. “Tell him how much you love it.”
Mikey was going to Hell. Absolutely. Damn him and his stupid, arrogant grin, prompting you to speak when he knew you could barely string words together. Gerard would’ve been laughing if he weren’t using his mouth, laser-focused on making you come. Still, his lips turned up, noticeable for a split second before getting back to work. If your fingers hadn't been digging into the comforter, you might’ve knocked Mikey off the bed, but you felt like you’d sink into the floorboards without something to ground you. Even though you were tempted to ignore him, he squeezed your thigh expectantly, resulting in a very pathetic attempt to speak.
“Fuck, Gerard,” you slurred, mouth falling open as he hummed curiously. “You’re so fucking good, please don’t stop, please.”
The praise made him shiver, and he made a mental note to thank Mikey for prompting you later. You were a wreck in the best way possible, vocal and blissed out, pleading with them until the pressure ceased. Gerard didn’t pull away at first, only slowing down while Mikey returned to your side, purring praise and stroking your cheek. You could barely understand what he was saying, panting and staring up at him starry-eyed. He cracked a smile, warm and genuine when you took his hand in yours, kissing his palm and intertwining your fingers.
Gerard shifted up the bed, wiping his mouth on his shirt and tugging it off before settling on his knees. His lips met yours, kissing you with his typical tenderness while you cupped his cheek softly. He got a good look at you after pulling away, really taking in the sight before him.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he murmured, smoothing his hand over your stomach.
His touch made you feel fuzzy, despite how your mind was beginning to sharpen. Mikey held your hand a little tighter, tilting your chin to kiss you, becoming all too aware of his erection. Honestly, he felt like his dick was going to fall off if it went ignored any longer.
Gerard was in a similar boat, his eyes softening when you pulled away from Mikey and sat up straight. You looked at him expectantly, receiving a half smile and another fleeting kiss, Gerard resting his forehead against yours after.
“Can I fuck you, pretty baby?” he asked, turning obscenities into something holy with his honeyed tone. “You wanna let Mikey use your mouth?”
How his curses sounded saccharine was beyond you, but it still had your heart racing, squeezing Mikey’s hand with a nod. Mikey pressed a kiss to your head, nearly sighing in relief as he tugged off his boxers and kneeled beside you. Delicately, your fingers danced along Gerard’s waistband, thumbs stroking his hips while he held the back of your head. “Go ahead,” he said, swallowing hard as you stripped him.
He was heavy in your hand, a light shiver wracking through him when you took him in your fist. ”Jesus,” you murmured, the pair almost laughing as you stared at Gerard in awe.
You could feel yourself growing hot, breath catching in your throat before your tongue darted out. Mikey’s hand was still in yours, gently guiding it towards his cock, his eyes fluttering shut as you stroked him. Staring up at Gerard, you leaned forward and pressed your tongue against him, studying his reaction and taking him into your mouth. It didn’t last long, but it was enough time for you to learn how sensitive he was. Wetness grew between your thighs when he moaned, watching his head loll back as you took him deeper.
His eyes fluttered open, glancing from his brother’s concentrated expression to your thighs rubbing together. As good as your mouth felt, he wanted to be in you, and you seemed to want it too.
“Hey, c’mere,” he spoke softly, reluctantly pulling you off.
Saliva spread itself across your lips, and a whine crept up your throat at the sudden emptiness. It took all of his willpower not to give in, but he knew it would be worth it for everyone. After a bit of awkward shuffling, he positioned you in the middle of the mattress, facing Mikey at the headboard while Gerard kneeled behind you. The two of them made eye contact for a moment, holding back a laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Their attention drew back to you though, Gerard pushing you onto all fours and giving himself quite the view.
Slowly, he eased in, hands smoothing over your ass while you gasped around Mikey. Gerard took a shaky breath, moaning at the feeling of wet heat. Christ, you were tight, squeezing his cock as he sunk inside, already trying to rock back against him.
“Shit, Mikes,” Gerard sighed, listening to you mewl and gag around Mikey. “When was the last time you fucked them?”
Mikey rolled his eyes, quick to fire back. “Last night in your bunk.”
Gerard snickered, slowly thrusting in again. Every time he moved, it rocked you against Mikey, whose hand cradled the back of your head and pushed you down further. Maybe it was a little slutty, but being used by the brothers had arousal coursing through you, desperate as ever for a rough fuck. Mikey already knew, giving a few thrusts into your mouth while Gerard set a pace, moaning as your eyes watered.
“Fuck ‘em harder,” he told Gerard, who was still trying to go easy. “They can take it, I promise.”
“Is that what you want?” Gerard asked, earning a soft mhm in response.
God, he had never been this hard in his life. You were still trying to grind against him, searching for anything to soothe the ache, and Gerard was in heaven. He pulled out almost completely and roughly snapped his hips against yours, biting his lip hard enough to bleed when a loud cry tore from your throat. Mikey looked so pleased with himself, panting as sweat clung to his hairline, his hips bucking until your nose brushed against his abdomen.
“That’s it, baby, take it all,” he cooed, caressing your cheek before pulling his hips back.
You were a mess, pulling off to breathe while Gerard pounded into you with much more ferocity. Mikey held his cock in his hand, jerking it slowly before sliding past your lips again, smearing them with saliva and precum. It was all fucking filthy, from his low moans to the way he pushed your head down, forcing you to be humiliatingly sloppy, making such a mess on his cock. Not to mention how his brother was filling you up, reveling in your warmth, and memorizing how it felt to be buried inside of you.
Mikey always got loud before coming; even if he tried to stifle his moans, you never failed to notice them. His chest rose and fell at a rapid rate, mouth falling open as you sped up, only to groan weakly when you pulled away. Instead, you let him fuck your fist, sucking a bruise below his hip.
“Fuck, Mikey,” you whined, scraping your teeth against his thigh just to hear him moan. “Gonna come for me?”
He gave a soft hum, cock twitching as you took him back in your mouth, pumping your fist a few more times before he came down your throat. Gerard couldn’t tear his eyes away, catching the look of bliss on Mikey’s face, slack-jawed and pupils blown while you stuck your tongue out with pride. Your hand kept moving even after Mikey had come, stroking him until he slumped against the headboard, admiring you with contrasting chastity.
The same pressure from earlier had begun to build, leaving you sensitive and desperate as Gerard’s merciless rhythm continued. It was almost embarrassing how needy you sounded, dropping your head against the mattress while he pulled your hips against his, moaning and panting behind you. Every whimper and cry went straight to his cock, and Gerard was growing closer by the second. He could feel it, his head spinning and muscles beginning to stiffen, bottoming out while you clenched around him.
“You’re doing so well,” he said, his voice far softer than the snap of his hips. “Can you come for me?”
His stomach fucking fluttered as you let out one of the most pornographic sounds he’d ever heard, moaning and pleading with him to keep going while he pounded you into the mattress. Your whole body tensed, gripping the sheets in one hand while Mikey held the other.
“I’m not gonna stop,” Gerard assured you. “I’ve got you.”
It didn’t take much more than his praise and consolation for you to succumb to your release, warmth rippling through you once more. Gerard gave a few more thrusts before pulling out, cock twitching in his hand as he finished himself off. Stuck in a blissful stupor, you could hardly comprehend their praise, more focused on coming to your senses. You felt heavy, watching Mikey pull his boxers back on while Gerard disappeared into the bathroom. Mikey petted your head gently and you blinked up at him bleary-eyed, letting out a light sigh as a warm washcloth brushed across your skin.
He pulled you into his lap once Gerard had finished cleaning up, burying his head into the crook of your neck. “You’re perfect,” he mumbled, peppering kisses on your shoulder.
You laughed quietly and leaned into his touch, watching Gerard redress and flick off the lights before climbing under the covers. You and Mikey joined him, sharing a few kisses and affectionate murmurs. Eventually, your breathing took on an even pattern, Mikey’s shifting came to a stop, and Gerard’s eyelids grew heavy. Before he could fall asleep though, Gerard took his phone from the nightstand, sending a quick text.
To: Frank worth it.
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taglist: @lubbockshusband @newgirlinhell @blackberryblossom @whothefuckisfranklero @griffinfinity @heaveaux @aliceblxck @ce-ci @halloweenbitch2764 @saywhaaaa @ghostsinthesnowandsun @doc-martens-enthusiast @couldbegayer1234 @chronicallythicc @sy-nx @v3nuslvrr @artistheweap0nn @bringm0reknivez @garfieldenthusiast420 @cryeppy @tellmewegofromhere @cigarettesandalcohols @allthetroubleiveseen @deadendjustice @shutup-im-daydreaming @ilongfor-the-arts @lovessidney​
277 notes · View notes
princesssmars · 5 months
when you hear a franctic knocking at your door and find a crying victoria covered in blood, you're stuck in place as you take in the sight in front of you.
victoria never cries.
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you usher her in and have her stand in your hallway, trying to think lf the best course of action in a hurry so she wont have to dwell in whatever happened. you gently guide her to the bathroom, telling her to clean herself off while yku took her clothes to wash them while you made her something warm to eat. she nodded without a word.
she'd told you before what to do in emergencies like this, infrequent 'work related accidents' that she hoped youd never have to deal with but wanted you to be prepared regardless. it's why she was so hesitant to accept your first invitation for coffee, why she insisted you stay in an inconspicuous but cozy apartment she half paid for with complicated locks and hidden security cameras she could access with a tap on her phone.
she insisted on protecting you. from exactly what, you weren't sure. but you trusted her, trusted her enough to relentlessly scrub away the dark red in her pantsuit with soap and baking soda as her meal cooked on the stove. a hefty serving of peas and carrots stew - bazella w riz - that she once confided in you was her favorite dish as a child. after you manage to scrub a good chunk of the blood away you set it in the dryer to warm for when she leaves in the morning, pulling out a set of pajamas you bought for when she stays over. the brown fleece set matching the white one you were currently wearing.
you set the clothes on the side of the bed that faces the bathroom, the sound of the shower still audible. at this point, she's been in there for half an hour, but you won't disturb her. you know she needs some time to be alone before she can open up to you.
just when you turn off the eye for the finished stew your ears picked up the gentle click of the bedroom door followed by the soft plap-plaps of her slippers before you feel the heat of her chest on your back and her arms ensnared around your waist.
"im sorry. about all of this."
"its fine. you know its fine."
she goes quiet again, silently watching you pour the stew into a bowl before setting it down on the coffee table, patting the seat next to you on the couch. you'd normally insist she eat it at the dining table, but you decided to be lenient just this once.
she leaned forwards as she scarfed down the food, probably the most impolite you'd ever seen her. when you told her so she just mumbled out a 'm'sorry' before eating some more.
once she finished she let out a sigh as she leaned back into the couch, gripping your arm when you started to clean up after her and pulling you back down. you smile, about to lecture her for being so clingy when she speaks.
"tony. i killed tony."
your smiles fades. you wait for her to say she was telling a not so funny joke, that she hadn't actually killed her closest friend from her time at red river. but she doesn't, just stares at the empty space on the couch between you.
"i...im sorry. i know how much he meant to you."
she softly nods, hand coming up to wipe away a stray tear.
"you're comforting me after you just washed my friends guys out my clothes?"
you move in closer when you hear voice get low, guiding her head down to lay on your shoulder and bringing omenof her legs to settle over yours.
"of course i am. i know you wouldn't have done it without a reason. you did have a good reason, right?"
"yes. yes, i did. he would have exposed me he..he almost killed me."
her hand twitches, a tell tale sign that shes nervous.
"then you did what you had to do. no matter what happens, im staying here. by your side. ok?"
her head moves to look at you, taking her hand from yours to tilt your head so she can place a gentle kiss to your forehead. she guides your head to rest on her fhest, laying back in the couch with your bodies entangled.
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64 notes · View notes
muffinsin · 5 months
I got another idea and this one stems from my back fetish and you can pick Cassandra or bela cuz they’re my favorites.
Cassandra/bela, they have a backache caused by stressed or something, they demand or ask their (female) pet to give them a back massage and the woman eagerly does it. Cassandra/bela lay on their stomach on their stomach without wearing a top (or their dress, whatever it is they’re wearing) and the pet starts massaging them, but she gets too into it and starts tracing her fingers on the back muscle lines (and if you want to add she traces the scratches from previous night of the sisters’s rough fucking them), the sisters take notice of what their pet is doing and you can write what happens next.
I got too carried away in writing this (and hope it made sense), but fuck, I wish I could just massage their backs and trace every muscle line and then bite them.
So if you want, can you do this request? It can be a headcanon or a story whichever you prefer.
👀😮‍💨😳yes.!!! I’ll take Cassandra because I hc she has more muscles and marks on her skin, but I might do a separate Bela version because this is some good soup-
“Pet, attend me”
You jump to attention. Cassandra eyes you for a moment as you drop the cloth in your hand. Dusting off her trophies would need to wait, she required, no, demanded your assistance now.
She groaned lowly as she moved to the bed, her body aching. Perhaps she should have listened to her sisters regarding taking a small break before she went to hunt again. But winter was approaching and she wanted to get as much prey as she could before she would be locked inside again.
It seemed, her body now paid her back for this. Her entire back and her shoulders felt sore and ached, arms tired from swinging her sickle all day, back and shoulders causing her pain whenever she moved. Perhaps she should have dragged that one particularly lycan behind her instead of carrying it…
No matter, she decided.
You watched with wide eyes as she undid the corset on her, easily tugging the strings off. She had no time to deal with them, nor to have you fiddle with them. You adored the display of strength as they snapped under her sharp nails
“Come here”, she commanded as she sat on the bed. She climbed inside and laid on her stomach, her face resting on her arms and gloved hands.
“My back is sore, pet”, she groaned, moving her shoulders and gritting her teeth at the unpleasant feeling it caused.
“Attend to it”
You wasted no time, kicking off your shoes as you climbed into the large bed as well.
Your gloved hands found her shoulders, kneading softly through the dress. She groaned slightly.
“Off”, she commanded, then. And again, you obeyed her command so eagerly, hands finding the zipper of her dress as you pulled it down, revealing strong muscles and partly smooth, partly scarred skin. You blushed upon noticing the scratches along her backside left by your nails only the previous night.
She growled, and you quickly understood the warning and got to work.
Below your gloved hands, Cassandra groaned and moaned into her arms. You just wish you had massage oil, you think, as you take in her backside.
It’s then that you take proper notice of her back, strong and muscular, warm and pale.
You tug off your gloves and toss them next to you and bite your lip as your hands come in contact with her flesh again. Her skin is soft under your touch and kneading fingers, her muscles visible.
She shivers at your bare touch, your fingers gripping her shoulders tightly as you massage them. She moans whenever you dig the palm of your hand in or your thumb, working hard and obediently to get those awful knots out.
She considers making a mental note to reward you should you keep up your good behavior.
You attempt to focus on your task, your hands massaging and kneading. She is turned into mush below you, groaning and humming. She is pleased with your work.
Soon the tension in her shoulder lessens, yet you can’t peel your hands away. It is such a rare thing, touching the brunette woman.
The skilled huntress is somewhat of a rare treasure, touching whatever she desires, yet untouched by nearly all but a few selected ones.
You could keep on touching her forever and nearly whine when you hear her speak.
“Good pet, now my back”, she orders. Your hands shake slightly as they travel lower, as if scared to touch the brunette’s back.
Your thighs nearly press together when your skin comes in contact with her again. She raises an eyebrow at this and you squeak. You hadn’t realized in your earlier hurry that you straddled the back of her thigh to hover over her and access her back.
You recover fast enough, your hands kneading her flesh. Her lifted head leans down again as she rests it against her arms.
You catch yourself staring, but can’t help it.
You massage her, and hold your breath as your index finger reaches out, stroking over one of the marks you had left on her. You feel the urge to press your legs together and deny it.
Bare hands glide over smooth muscles and scars. You jump when she clears her throat. She isn’t facing you, but she doesn’t need to.
“Did I allow you to stop, pet?”
You shake your head, then correct yourself: “No, Mistress Cassandra”, you answer obediently.
You breathe shakily as your hands set back on her back. Never before were you granted to see and touch her backside properly.
And it turned you on to no end.
Soon, after mere minutes of desperately trying to concentrate on your task at hand, you are distracted again.
This time, the brunette does not intervene.
You are oblivious to her still position as she waits for what you will do, too focused on the woman’s skin. Your fingertips dip between her muscles, tracing the lines and marks on her.
You find scars across her back and torso, small, usually, caused by claws if you had to guess. You expect no less from the huntress. Your eyes find the marks you had left on her.
A whimper passed your lips. You can’t help but thrust forwards with your hips.
You trace them, enjoying the pink lines caused by your nails. You align them again, fascinated and aroused as you think of how you had caused them.
Another thrust of your hips. You moaned softly. You were so lost in the pleasure.
Cassandra did not have her head turned but was all but oblivious to your actions. Her claws tore into the bedsheets as you leaned down and she felt your warm, unsteady breath against her back.
She waited for a moment longer, until your lips lingered on her skin.
You gasped, eyes widening when the body under you dissolves into flies and you drop on the bed. Your breathing quickens when she reappears on top of you, hips pressed against your backside harshly, a hand gripping both your wrists.
You had ventured too far, you realized with a blush. And now you were nothing but prey that got lost and found themselves trapped by their pursuer.
“A greedy pet, aren’t you?”, she speaks lowly. You gasp as she presses you up against the mattress harder, lifting your uniform’s skirt. She laughs at your drenched cunt, exposed due to her rule forbidding you underwear when in her room. After all, this was her domain.
You gasp when a finger pushes inside your wet cunt. “I ask you to do a very simple task”, she whispers, adding a second inside before she started thrusting them in and out.
You moan for her, and she laughs loudly.
“Ease the tension in my muscles is all I ask of you”, she says. You groan when she curls her fingers, thrusting hard and fast, then uncurls them and adds a third. You whimper, you’re painfully wet and she knows it fully well.
“And yet you do nothing but misbehave and use me for your filthy pleasure”, she adds. You gasp at the rough language, despite being used to it.
“You grope my back and hump my leg like a little slut in heat”, she speaks low but clearly.
You blush at this, remembering how you thrust your hips. You had forgotten her thigh was between your legs, then.
You feel close already, shamefully so. She knows just perfectly what she must do to control you. The brunette can tease, rile you up, make you cum and deny you at will.
Your nipples are hard, your thighs spread wide for her. You know she would merely keep them spread if you didn’t do it for her.
“And look at you now, getting off to Mistress using you”, she chuckles. “It seems, my sweet pet, since you failed at your task of easing my tension…”- she leaned in close, golden eyes on you and sharp teeth close to your face. Soft lips brushed against your ear -“, I must simply take it out on you”
{there will likely be a continuation/elaboration of this soon in the form of a proper oneshot ;)}
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loveandmurders · 11 months
hiii i was soo happy to read an amber freeman fic cuz theres not a lot so thank you, do you think you could write for her again? like pre-ghostface amber and reader fluff?
Hello darling! It's true Amber deserves more love, so I hope you'll enjoy this <3
LIFE USED TO BE SO SOFT (Amber Freeman x gender neutral reader)
Warnings: no proof reading, fluff.
It was Halloween, and you were really excited about it. Your girlfriend, Amber, too. And you both couldn’t wait for tonight fun.
You had planned quite a lot of stuff to do together, like each year, because it was your favourite holiday to both of you. First you had spotted a party near your house which was happening in a so-called “haunted house”. You thought it could be very fun to spend some time there, and you hoped for good music and some drinks. 
Then, when you would both be tired of this, you planned a little walk hand in hand, especially into the cemetery of the town. You knew you wouldn’t be the only one there, but it was alright, you could always hide in the darkness and make out until you would be on your own once again. You would try very hard to not get too heated on anyone’s tomb, because it wouldn’t be very respectful… But sometimes love and desire were making you do crazy stuff, and it wouldn’t be your fault, right? 
And finally, to finish off the night, you were going to watch movies together, in bed, with your favourite snacks and soda, all cuddled up against each other. Of course, the first movie you were going to watch was Stab, because Amber was absolutely obsessed with it, and especially of Billy Loomis and Stuart Matcher. You often teased her about it, but you didn’t mind. You were yourself completely obsessed with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, so you couldn’t really say anything about it.
Amber had pleaded with you so you could both dress up as Ghostface, and hence incarnate Billy and Stu. After a lot of kisses and sweet words, she convinced you to let go of your idea to dress as Tiffany Valentine/Charles Lee Ray to put on the robe and mask of Ghostface. You had never seen her that excited before and it totally made your heart melt with happiness and cuteness. Amber could be so adorable when she was like that, like a puppy.
At least, you wouldn’t need to care about any kind of makeup or hairstyles or anything. You just put sport clothes underneath, to be able to run and freely move around, and to not get too cold either. You didn’t really know where Amber found those costumes but you didn’t really care. The mask was surprisingly comfortable, and you could see and breathe without troubles. Even better, you could move around without fearing to lose the mask. You were a little bit surprised when Amber showed you how to switch the voice changer. It felt like it was a real Ghostface costume. You asked her how much she paid for those, but she chuckled.
“A killer needs to keep their secret” she replied with a little wink and you playfully rolled your eyes at her antics.
“I’m gonna start to be afraid of you, if you keep talking that way” you teased back and she wrapped her arms around your waist, softly nuzzling her nose against yours, her eyes shining with love for you.
“Nah, you know I love you too much to hurt you” she whispered and it sounded a lot like a promise.
“I love you too, always and forever” you replied which made her brightly smile at you.
You loved how passionate she was. She was so fierce too. And you found this so attractive. Actually, you met at the cinema during a horror movie projection. You were sitting next to each other and you quickly realised you were both having the same reaction, and rooting for the slasher on screen. You invited her to have a drink at the end of the movie and she happily agreed. You got along so well, and then everything between the two of you happened so naturally. You were made for each other and you were both certain of this. She was a very caring girlfriend to you.
You played around with the voice changer and you had to admit it was really fun! No one could guess it was the two of you that way. And you did feel like you were truly one of the characters of Stab.
Amber also gave you a knife to finish the costumes off. They were real knives and it worried you. You didn’t want to walk around with a weapon in your hands. You knew that the cops were always on edge with Halloween and you didn’t want to hurt someone or yourself by accident. She tried to tell you it was alright, but you refused and bought retractable knives for the two of you. Amber seemed very disappointed but she finally agreed. 
You truly hoped she took the knife you got her, and not the real one. You noticed that sometimes she seemed to not make the difference between reality and fiction. Sometimes, she was so engrossed with her Stab’s obsession, that she didn’t seem to realise that real people died. It was a little bit scary, but you still loved her with everything you had.
As usual, Halloween evening went by so fast. You screamed, you laughed, you danced, you kissed your girlfriend in dark corners, you scared people off, and you playfully threatened others for candies.
Under the full moon, you walked in the darkest streets you could find, so you could be on your own with Amber. You heard in the distance some excited screams and loud music. You really loved this atmosphere. 
Amber never let go of your hand. Not because she was afraid - it seemed like nothing could scare her - but because she wanted to make sure you were truly there, with her. Sometimes, she thought you were too good to be real. But you didn’t know about such thoughts.
You finally removed the mask, so you could enjoy the fresh air on your face. She looked up at you and you smiled down at her. You were so happy to have her in your life. Things seemed so perfect and you hoped that nothing would ever happen to the two of you. You wished to never wake up from this beautiful dream.
“Enjoyed yourself, baby?” you asked “Ready to go watch some movie together now? My feet start to hurt” you added. You just wanted to go back home now. She turned on the voice changer of the mask she was still wearing.
“It’s all a movie. Life’s one great big movie.” she hummed and you playfully rolled your eyes at her, like you often did.
“Only you can’t pick the genre” you ended the quote and she happily squealed next to you. She squeezed your hand.
“You remember it so well!” she praised and you laughed.
“I don’t know how many times you made me watch that movie, but it’s certain that I know all the lines by heart now. Hope you are proud of you” you teased as you wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She snuggled against your side and let her head fall on your shoulder as she trusted you to bring her back home.
“I love you” she hummed as she removed the mask
“I love you too” you kissed her cheek and she hugged your side even more closely. 
She stayed quiet after that. You were never too sure what she was thinking then, but you weren’t too worried. Your girlfriend was a good person, just a little bit obsessed that was it. Even though you sometimes wondered when she said stuff like “Billy and Stu must have had so much fun. I mean the real ones. They understood everything so well.”
But you loved her too much to believe she could kill anyone. Especially not you.
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fyeahnix · 10 months
Reunion | Vi/Reader General Audiences 907 words CW: no y/n use
The dingy dark of Zaun's back alleys burned your nostrils with the deadly mix of smog and human feces. You would have sold a kidney to make enough to live on the Promenade level, at least to avoid most of the Zaun grey that choked out precious fresh air and sunlight. Unfortunately, "line cook" wasn't a job on the list of roles that paid enough to sniff that air. Still, it was better than risking run-ins with the enforcers and ending up in Stillwater prison.
Gutter rats skittered away from your building's back door when it whined shut. You hefted the garbage bag into the dumpster as you caught a glimpse of cat-yellow eyes blinking around a corner. The puff of spoiled milk and old yellowtail made you scrunch your nose as the lid closed. You scanned the alleyway. Luckily for you, no sump snipes skulked about hoping to bum you for a cigarette or a drop of alcohol.
The hollow song of a bottle rolling caught your attention. A distant mrow complimented the disturbance and immediately you knew you weren't alone. Any of the wayward snipes would have approached you by now. Whoever it was was likely watching from the shadows. You needed to head back up.
You turned on your heel to retreat to your building. Two dogs argued back and forth in the distance. You reached for the door, keys in hand, but a voice to your left made you jump, caught you off guard.
"Glad I finally caught up to you."
It wasn't the direction you expected, which was worse, and it only hurried your movements.
"Not even gonna see who it is?"
The cadence and timbre of the voice threw you off. You stopped. A gentle tease tinged the end of that statement, a tease that jogged your memory. You left your hand on the door as you searched your brain's filing cabinets for the owner.
Wait… no. It couldn't have been…
You whipped your head to the direction of the voice. "Vi?"
Sure enough, your past poked her head out from the shadows of the neighboring building. She rested her shoulder against the smoky brick.
She shrugged as you closed the distance with tears burning your eyes.
This wasn't real. It couldn't have been real. Violet was… she was dead, wasn't she? Or gone? Ran away? You didn't know for sure. You'd heard every reasoning under the grey from everyone you grew up around. She vanished and so did Powder.
Without a trace.
Seven years worth of tears assaulted your eyes, clouded them. Through the haze, you studied the unmistakable red-pink hair, darkened since you last remembered. Her facial features were more pronounced. Gone were the heavy, rounded cheeks of early adolescence, replaced with a still soft but defined face now scarred and tattooed with brawls and trauma. Her thick, dark brows knitted together as you stood before her confounded on what to do or feel.
All in all, it was Vi. Bigger, taller, and more hardened than you recalled. But it was her.
A mix of emotions roiled within you. Relief, confusion, longing.
You wiped the tears from your eyes with your palms. "Where the fuck have you been, Vi?!" you hissed, pushing her shoulder with all the strength you could muster.
She glanced at your hand then shot you a quick glare you interpreted as a first and final warning. She reached out and you backed away, shaking your head. She sighed, rubbed her face.
"It's… it's a long story."
You wanted nothing more than to lash out again despite her reaction. All these years and she'd been alive? Doing Janna knows what?
"Then start talking," you said, and you didn't recoil when she reached out again.
She tested the waters with a slow and gentle stroke down your cheek.
You wanted to pull away, bask in the heat and rage that boiled underneath your skin. That pressed half-moons into your whitening palm. You wanted to run up your stairs back to your apartment, back to safety. You wanted to leave her there just like she left you all those years ago and—
You stopped.
Another stroke on your cheekbone and you found yourself leaning into it. Tears marked your eyes again. You tried your hardest to hold on to the anger and hurt of having been left alone by your first love at fifteen. Wondering every night if it was something you did or said or if she'd fallen victim to Zaun street life. Crying in your pillow every night for weeks until the tears wouldn't manifest anymore. Wondering if the gaping void in your chest would ever heal. Hoping that if you closed your eyes hard enough, she'd reappear when they opened.
And now you feared if you closed your eyes at all, she'd disappear again.
You relaxed into her touch and before long she enveloped you in her arms. You rested your chin on her shoulder and stood there.
She hugged you tight. She was strong, stronger than when you were teens, but just as gentle.
It hurt you.
You closed your eyes, and no, she didn't vanish. Just stayed there and held you in that dark and dingy alleyway behind your building.
Held you until she finally spoke the words you'd been longing to hear as your name rolled off her tongue.
"I… I'm. I'm sorry…"
You squeezed her and broke.
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 2 years
Hot N Heavy
Okay, so this turned out a lot longer then I expected and I actually really like it so I hope you all do as well and I hope @catt-leya​ also likes it! They requested a female reader x Rick smut with the prompt “Why am I not surprised?” with a daddy kink involved. It’s only my second time writing smut so I hope it’s okay.
So Warnings: explicitly described sexual content, daddy kink, edging, slightly dominate but soft Rick and I think some swearing but not as much as my other works.
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It was summer in Georgia which meant it was hot as hell. You thankfully had a bit of shade in the guard tower during your watch but you were still sweating. You had chosen to wear shorts and a tank top for today as you didn’t have to be on fence duty or out in the sun too much today. These were all reasons you agreed to this watch but if you were being honest with yourself the main reason you took this watch was currently in the little farm he had made in the yard.
Rick Grimes.
Who was currently sweating in the sun planting some more vegetables. His adorable curls stuck to his forehead from the sweat and his shirt was almost soaked through and sticking to his skin. Although you couldn’t see him to closely you could imagine his muscles flexing as he worked and it made your mouth water. The thing between you and Rick was still new, people were aware of it and Carl was glad that his dad was happy, but nothing much had happened between you two. It wasn’t that you didn’t want things to progress but Rick seemed hesitate and you were sure it had something to do with the age gap.
The gap wasn’t too large, as best you could work out it was around nine or ten years which even in the old world wasn’t bad or frowned upon in society. You were a grown adult woman, in the old world you had your own apartment, you paid bills and you were settled pretty nicely in your career. You sighed as you turned your eyes away from Rick, maybe you should talk with him, let him know that you were more than ready to take the next steps in your relationship. Wait, maybe he wasn’t quite ready for that step.
“I’m such an idiot,” you mumbled.
“Why are you an idiot?” Maggie’s voice questioned behind you causing you to spin around in surprise.
“Jesus!” you gasped bringing you hand up to her chest. “What have you been taking lessons from Daryl on how to walk like a fucking ninja or something?”
“No, I guess you were just a little focused on something or someone else,” Maggie smirked eyes going to where Rick was now lifting his shirt in an attempt to get rid of some of the sweat on his forehead.
“Oh, come on, that is so not fair,” you whined eyes glued to him. Maggie walked to the edge where you were standing and handed you a bottle of water. You sent her a confused look shaking the bottle.
“Go and give it to him and have that talk you’ve been putting off, your watch is pretty much over,” Maggie explained lightly pushing you towards the door. “Besides if I have to hear you question whether that man actually wants you one more time, I may be forced to hurt someone.”
You smiled at Maggie in thanks as you practically ran down the stairs and out of the watch tower. Maggie was without question your best friend. You forced yourself to walk slowly towards Rick. Your heart rate increased the closer you got as did the butterflies in your stomach. You stopped at the edge of the vegetable garden and just watched for a few minutes before steeling your nerves and taking a deep breath.
“Rick,” you said gaining his attention. He looked up, and upon seeing you standing there his lips pulled back into a bright smile. His blue eyes clear and intense as they looked at you. “Thought you might like some water; you’ve been out here a while and it’s rather hot today.”
“Thank ya, darlin’,” he stood up and walked towards you taking the offered water. He drank nearly half of it in one go causing you to frown in concern. You looked closer at his skin and saw that it had a light red tinge to it.
“Rick, I think you should take a break and get out of the sun for the rest of the day,” your voice was full of the concern you were feeling. “And you definitely need more water. You’re starting to get a sun burn and I you’re not careful you could get heat stroke.” You moved closer to him and raised your hand feeling his forehead.
Rick almost seemed to sigh at the touch of your cool hand on his skin. You bit your lip and moved your hand to his cheek. He leaned into it and closed his eyes briefly before opening them again. He seemed to be looking for something as his eyes studied you intently. You forced yourself to maintain eye contact, something that was always difficult for you.
“There’s still a lot that needs to be done today,” he started but you cut him off, something else you haven’t really done before. Your hand was now back by your side and you crossed your arms over your chest and squared your shoulders.
“No,” you were forceful now. “You need some rest and to get out of the sun. I’m also going to see about getting you a hat.” He blinked at your tone before a cheeky smile replaced the frown he always got when he thought about how much work still needed to be done.
“Is that an order?” he asked. You narrowed your eyes at him before nodding.
“Yes, that’s right. If you’re not going to look after yourself, I will,” you reached for his hand and started to tug him away from the farm and towards the prison. You were fully aware that he was letting you drag him, as while you had gotten significantly stronger there was no way you would ever be able to drag Rick Grimes anywhere without him allowing.
“Yes Ma’am,” his southern twang always made you flush but hearing him call you ma’am made you even more flustered. You looked over your shoulder at him and he grinned at you, rather boyishly but his eyes had darkened and were occasionally looking you up and down. You almost stumbled over your feet at the look before turning back around.
You ignored everyone staring at you as you led Rick through the prison and to a room you had cleared out and furnished as best you could. You had taken some mattresses from empty cells and laid them on the ground and covered them with some sheets, blankets and pillows you had gotten on the last supply run you had gone on. The room was also one of the few rooms with an actual door, that granted you some privacy. You let go of his hand to and go close the door.
“Rick, I think we should talk,” you said still facing the now closed door. You heard the mattress’ squeak as Rick sat down on them, you turned to face him. He had picked up another bottle of water that you had stashed in the room and quickly finished that one off as well before locking eyes with you again.
“About what?” he questioned raising an eyebrow.
“About us,” you rubbed the back of your neck finding it difficult to keep looking at him. “About…taking the next step.”
“The next step…” Rick repeated you sounding a little confused before his eyes seemed to brighten. “You’re talking about us having sex?” Your eyes darted back to his at the causal tone in his voice.
“Well, yes,” you nodded. “I want you to know that that’s what I want. For us to have sex. I mean if that’s what you want as well, obviously it’s about both of us being ready-”
“Sweet thang, I am more than ready I just wasn’t sure if you were,” he had stood up and walked towards you. “I should have made more of an effort to talk to you about this.”
His hands grabbed hold of your hips; the grip was different from the other times he had held you there. This time his hands were tight, not enough to hurt, Rick would never do that but tight with a purpose. His thumbs had found a sliver of skin that was visible between the bottom of your shirt and the top of your shorts, and were rubbing circles in your skin. This caused goosebumps to raise up.
“Oh, well, I am, ready I mean,” you were finding it a little difficult to concentrate with his blue eyes staring at you and his thumbs now stroking your skin.
Rick smiled and leaned towards your lips slowly, he brushed them softly once before taking your bottom lip between his and sucking lightly. His teeth gently grazed your lip before he released it. You hadn’t even noticed that you were moaning lowly, quiet little gasps escaping at his action as your hands grabbed hold of his shoulders and you pushed your body closer to his. Your pupils were slowly dilating as Rick moved one of his hands to threat through your hair to angle your head before meeting your lips again in a more forceful kiss. Your lips moved together, as his tongue swept along yours asking you to open. You grinned into the kiss but denied him entry. He growled lowly at your playful refusal, he started to nip at your lips but you kept them shut.
Rick grabbed you around the back of your thighs with both hands and in one steady motion lifted you up. While your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist and your hands wrapped around his shoulders your mouth opened as a gasp of shock left you. Rick, obviously having planned this pushes his tongue into your mouth and stroked yours. You both moaned at the contact. Your hands pulled on his curls before you both separated, resting your foreheads against each other. Your breaths come out in heavy pants.
“The bed,” you whispered. “We should move to the bed.”
“I don’t know darlin’ I rather like having you in my arms like this,” Rick smirked squeezing handfuls of your arse causing your hips to rock into him.
“Rick,” you groaned.
Rick trailed his nose along your cheek when he got to your jawline he started to nip and suck along it. He moved down your neck till he got to a spot you didn’t even know was that sensitive. When he first licked the spot before sucking on it you moaned loudly, tilting your head to the side to give him more room to work.  In your bliss you hadn’t noticed that he had moved the two of you to the bed until you felt him start to kneel down and lower you softly. He left the sensitive spot on your neck alone and started kissing along your collar bone and moved across to the other side and back. He started to kiss down to the top of your breasts that were heaving with each gasp and sigh of pleasure he dragged out of you. His hands kept squeezing your hips and moved up your side under your shirt and cupped your breasts over your bra. Your own hands kept tugging at his curls, which caused his hips to roll down into you grinding his growing erection against your centre. You began to roll your hips up to meet his. You kicked your shoes off with some amount of difficulty as you reached for Ricks shirt wanting to get it off of him.
“Off,” you groaned.  A little giggle leaving your lips as he ran his hands up and down your sides. He finally lifted his head and looked down at all the little red marks he had left along your skin to the bigger one on the side of your neck. His eyes were almost blown black as he stared down at you.
“Hmm, why don’t you try asking nicely, baby,” Rick smirked rolling his hips down into yours over and over as his hands slowly raised your tank top up, you raised your arms above your head allowing him to drag your top over your head, he threw it to the side.
“Rick, please I want your top off,” you whined, moving your hands to tug at his shirt again. Your lips fell into a pout, you let got of his shirt and stretched your hands above your hand and stretched out while wiggling your hips against his.
“Good girl,” he said. Leaning in to kiss your lips, dragging your bottom lip between his teeth again.
Rick sat back and pulled his shirt off slowly dropping it the ground beside them. He reached for his belt and slowly unbuckled it, pulling it through the loops. He popped the button on his jeans and unzipped them but left it at that. He reached for your shorts instead, his eyes briefly looking at you, a question in his eyes as his fingers brushed at the skin above the button. You bit your lip and nodded, desperate to remove another layer, to feel him closer to you. After dragging your shorts down, he started lavishing your thighs in kisses and bites.
“Rick, you’re gonna make it look like I was attached by a bunch of mosquitoes,” you laughed.
“Hmm, but darlin’ I need to leave my mark on you baby girl,” Rick growled running his tongue along the edge of your undies. He moved up kissing your stomach before reaching your breasts, stilled covered by your bra. He reached under your back and unclasped it with one hand before also throwing it to some corner of the room.
“Um,” You stuttered feeling a laugh build in your chest, a giggle manages to escape your lips which causes Rick to pause, mouth opened above your breast.
“And what is so funny darlin’?” he asked.
“You just undid my bra with one hand without looking,” you laughed. “No-one has been able to do that.”
“Well, sweetheart you’ve clearly only been with boys who have no idea what they’re doing,” Rick grinned.
“I guess you should show me what an older man can do than,” you cheekily grinned. Rick raised an eyebrow at your comment.
“Did you just call me an old man?” he asked.
“No, I clearly sad older man,” you emphasised. Rick pushed himself up onto his forearms and looked down at you.
“Same thing sweetheart,” Rick pointed out. He moved down your body leaving you a little disappointed that you didn’t get to feel his lips on your breasts but as he hooked his fingers into your undies you grinned a little. “Oh, I wouldn’t be smiling, I’m going to bring you to the edge over and over without letting you come.”
Your breath hitched as Ricks’s eyes met yours as he pulled down your undies. He kissed around your hips and the top of your thighs before slowly moving in towards your centre. Rick licked at the essences that coated your lower lips. He moaned at the taste. You sighed at feeling him finally there, and the thought of him edging you was very appealing.
“Is that alright?” Rick asked. “For me to do that?”
“God yes, that is more than okay,” you moaned. “And Rick? That is so very attractive that you asked.”
“Good girl,” Rick smiled. “Any time you want me to stop just say so and I will. And then I will bring to the end.”
You nodded and bit your lip. Rick squeezed your thighs as he held them open for better access to your opening. Rick licked at your opening over and over, never quite dipping in, he was gathering all the wetness that had your vagina had leaked since the beginning. He started to slowly dip his tongue into your opening, only a little bit before retracting and continuing. He abandoned your opening to move up to your clit which was slowly starting to swell with your arousal. He gently nipped at it before taking it onto his mouth and sucking on it softly. You threw your head back and moaned loudly, you tried to rock your hips but Rick’s strong hands held your hips still pushing them down onto the bed.
“Darlin’ I’m the one in charge of your pleasure now,” he commanded. “Behave.”  
“Rick, please,” you begged.
“Promise you’ll behave,”
“I promise, please, I’ll behave!” you almost shouted in joy as Rick bent back down to feast.
He removed one hand from your hips and brought them to your lower lips, he soaked them in your arousal and brought them to your clit, gently circling around it getting closer and closer on each rotation. While his fingers were busy with your clit, he brought his mouth back to your opening and this time he didn’t tease he plunged his tongue right in and lapped up more of your wetness, he sucked and nibbled and stroked with his mouth. It was maddening. The heat was building in your core and your thighs started to twitch. Your breaths were coming quicker and the moans higher. Rick could feel your insides start to clench and that’s when he knew he needed to stop. He pulled completely away from you, the only contact he maintained was his grip on your thigh, his other hand grabbing the other one. You whined as you weren’t allowed to finish, the heat curling in your stomach lessening before disappearing.  Your twitching thighs stopped and you relaxed from the pleasure slowly starting to fade.
“Rick, please,” you pouted looking at him with your lust blown eyes. He was staring at you smirking cockily as he licked at the wetness around his lips.
“You taste delicious,” he stated. “And I’m not through yet. I think you need to feel the build a few more times before I let you reach the peak. And then and only then will I fill you up and take you, claiming you fully.”
“God yes please! I need you inside me!” you cried.
Rick bent down again and this time he mouthed constantly at your clit his fingers reaching inside of you and stroking, making a come-hither motion and reaching parts of you that his tongue just couldn’t. You tried very hard to hold still but as you reached your peak quicker it was getting difficult not to grind into Ricks face. His stubble was adding a most delicious friction. And again, Rick pulled away as you started to clench down on his fingers and your thighs twitched around him. He did this another two times before you couldn’t take it anymore. Even though you hadn’t been allowed to finish you were starting to get sensitive, your eyes leaked tears of pleasure and frustration.
Rick was watching you intently, he moved up over your body and kissed away the tears from your cheeks before gently stroking your lips with his. He trailed kisses along your cheek, placing a kiss on the tip of your nose before trailing down the other cheek and down your neck. He kissed all the way to the top of your heaving breasts. Before taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking on it, allowing his teeth to graze it, before he soothed it with his tongue. During the previous activity Rick had taken his jeans off and was now only clad in his undies. He rolled his hips into your sensitive centre causing you to shout in pleasure. You had been holding back for so long, biting the words back and choking on them. But you were near delirious with pleasure and frustrated beyond belief that you just couldn’t stop yourself this time.
“Please, please let me come Daddy, I’ve been so good,” you whined.
You felt Rick’s hips stutter in their rolling motion and his mouth let go of your nipple. It was then that you realised what you had said, that you hadn’t cried his name but something else entirely. You felt your body go cold, as if ice water had been thrown over you as Rick lifted himself off and held himself above you. You squeezed your eyes shut not wanting to see the look on his face.
“Why am I not surprised?” Rick smiled. “Darlin’ look at me please.” His voice was so gentle as you felt one of his hands stroke your cheek.
“No, I think I am good not opening them,” you mumbled. “I’m sorry Rick, so sorry.”
“Sweetheart, please, let me look at your gorgeous eyes,” he was almost cooing at this point. You took a shuddering breath before opening you eyes and you were surprised by what you saw. You expected Rick too no longer look at you with lust in his eyes but there it was, though lessened greatly but still there.
“I, I didn’t mean-”
“Hush,” he whispered gently kissing you on your lips. “I’m not put off by you calling me Daddy, I promise.”
“You’re not?” you asked confused. “Wait, what did you mean by you’re not surprised?”
“Darlin’, I’m at least ten years older than you, and you’re actions early, you reacted every time I called you good girl or baby girl,” Rick explained. “And, no I am definitely not put off by it. It took me a bit by surprise but-” he didn’t finish his sentence, instead he rolled his hips against you again and you were able to feel his erection rubbing against you. Just has hard as before.
“Oh,” you whispered.
“Oh indeed, baby girl,” he lent forward resting his forehead against yours rubbing your noses together. “Do you want to continue?” You bit your lip and thought for a moment before nodding. “I need you to use your words for me sweetheart. All of your words.” You blinked at his odd emphasis before realising what he wanted. Your cheeks that had lost a lot of their flush regained it very quickly and you started to feel your arousal build again.
“Yes, please Daddy, I want to continue,” you whispered. “I need to feel you inside of. And you promised, that you would take me over the edge!”
“There’s my good girl,” Rick kissed you again before diving back down to your opening and sucking on your clit.
“Yes!” you cried feeling the heat begin to curl inside again as he stroked you inside with his fingers.
When your thighs started to twitch, he switched to stroking you inside with his tongue and circling your clit with fingers wet from your own essences. He squeezed your clit and that was it, after so long of being teased and being unable to finish you reached your peak and nearly screamed as you released a powerful orgasm. Your vision whitened, and your whole body twitched in pleasure as your insides clenched down on Rick’s tongue as he drank up your release.
“Daddy!” You cried as he continued to stimulate your clit through your orgasm before releasing it and licking up the come from around your lower lips and his mouth.
“Good girl, you did so well,” he praised you causing you to preen and whine happily. He moved to the side and tugged you to him stroking your hair.
“But you-” you started trying to move towards his cock.
“Later, I promised you I would claim you fully and I will but I think you need a moment,” Rick raised your chin with two of his fingers and kissed you softly. “Okay?”
“Okay,” you agreed smiling into the next kiss. “Thankyou, for not, for not leaving me.”
“Of course, darlin’, I’ll always stay by your side,” Rick rubbed his hand up and down your back. “Always.”
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First time Valentine
Summary: You've never seen the point of Valentine's Day. Now Timothée helps you see otherwise.
Pairing: reader x Timothée
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Something you wanted people to understand was that you adored the holidays, especially when talking about Christmas; you were a sucker for all of it. On the other hand, who wasn't??
However, in all your years, never have you paid attention to Valentine's Day. In your eyes, it was simply a day that flew right by without any significance, so why would this year be any different? That is what you thought in June; it was now February 13th.
(Your perspective)
Your head sunk deeper into your lavender-scented pillow in an attempt to free yourself of the rustling sound that carried from somewhere in the distance. Wait- lavender scented? You forced your eyes open and peeled yourself off of the soft mattress, brows farrowing slightly in confusion as the floral scent enveloped you further. Your arms struggled to support you as your drowsy head tried to make any sense of this, simultaneously picking up the peculiar sounds. Having managed to piece together that its source was, in fact, the kitchen, you kicked off the heavy blanket, swinging your suddenly exposed legs off the edge and leaving the safety of your bed. Curious of the time, you fumbled with your phone, eventually reading 11:52pm. So much for trying to catch up on some sleep.
Your groggy self cautiously made your way out of your master bedroom and down the hallway that led to combined kitchen and living room, pacing yourself as you got closer. Taking a deep breath, you peered through the doorway.
Your boy swivelled round, instantly breaking out into that adorable grin that you adored so much.
'Happy Valentine's Day mon amour!'
You burst out in laughter, for the sight that presented itself in front of you was something else: your Timmy standing in the middle of the kitchen, heaps of flowers, little intricate boxes, candles, movies, and bags of goodness-knows-what completely surrounding him, his chocolate curls now entangled with flour, little drops of egg dripping down your apron that now you saw on your boy, and hands submerged in batter, mid-mixing. Your laugh eases into a soft giggle as you walk towards Timothée, hands reaching out and wrapping around his torso, head diving into the crook of his neck.
'Mmmm' you hummed contently, 'Thank you, but what's all this?'
' Well, I just happened to know that you've never actually celebrated Valentine's Day before, which let me say I think is a felony, but that's besides the point, so I wanted to do something special for your first year! And well, this' he nodded his head towards the bowl full of batter, 'Is my attempt at cinamon rolls- HEART- SHAPED cinamon rolls to be specific'
At this point, you looked up at him, pure love and adoiration in your eyes, cheeks now scarlet red, for your boy had gone above and beyond, nothing you thought you deserved.
'I can't comprehend how lucky I am to be spending it with you, Timmy.' You beamed up at him, him grinning right back.
He leaned down slightly, and you reached on your toes, meeting in the middle and kissing tenderly. You could practically feel the love rolling off his tongue, and hoped that he could feel it rolling off yours, too.
You left his side for a brief while to inspect the other items scattered around the room, as he went back to his careful stirring.
'Hey Tim, what's this?' You inquired, picking up one of the many small curious boxes that lay throughout the room.
' Now for that, you'll have to wait until tomorrow,' he replied cheekily, looking over his shoulder into your eyes.
Your eyes flew to the small digital clock that hung above the countertop, and a smirk appeared on your face.
'Looks I won't have to wait much longer '
You remarked just as the numbers switched to 00:00.
'The morning. They'll look better in the sunlight!'
The wink that accompanied that statement made you roll your eyes. Despite that ,you were nothing short of extatic.
'Fineee, do you need any help, love?'
'No! I'm treating you!
You reached up again to capture his lips in yours, striving to express the never-ending gratitude you felt. You sneakily reached up a hand and ruffled his curls, flour cascading all over the two of you, sending both of you into a wild fit of laughter.
You then propped your face in your hands, leaning on the kitchen counter, focusing your vision on his face, still with concentration. You smiled softly as you noticed his cheeks turning a slight crimson.
40 minutes later
Timmy had just finished the rest of the dough and inserted it into the fridge for an overnight cool-down, so you took this time to assist him in wiping down the counter despite his consistent protest. Just as you were finishing up, he stepped over to one of the bags closer to him and pulled out a delicate single, red rose, tapping your shoulder gently to catch your attention.
When you saw what he was holding, you smiled wider than you had all evening, if that was even possible, knowing that he had specifically chosen a red rose, due to your love for the flower.
' I hope you know how much I love you mon ange, mon amour'
Your eyes glistened over, as you gazed into those love-filled eyes. God, you were fully, madly in love with the boy.
'Trust me, I do'
You stood there in silence for a while, simply admiring each other, each of you the favourite person of the other, undeniable love flowing between the two of, and the rose resting in yours intertwined fingers.
He then grasped the rose stem with his teeth, and you completely lost it; you two certainly could not keep anything serious. Way to ruin the moment Timothée! But hey, did you mind? No, not at all, on the contrary, you loved it.
Your Timmy was perfect. <3
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drabble idea for bounded by a ring. or more like a part two i suppose of how jungkook courts oc
Hello anon, the courting matter is going to be developed deeper in further chapters, in the meantime here is a small drabble, I hope you will like it!
Warnings: one curse word, this is pure fluff guys, a bit of comedy and again, fluff.
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It all started when Jungkook began getting home from work earlier that you noticed the difference in his behaviour. His smiles were becoming more frequent, lingering yet innocent touches graced your skin more than before.
And you didn't know why. Not that you were complaining, you adored his smile and the soft contact between your skin and his made butterflies to wildly fly in your stomach, resulting in you trying to suppress a blush more times than you could count.
Today was no different, with Jungkook leaving for work as usual but this time, he did something that left you so stunned that you stayed rooted on the ground for ten minutes after he had exited the flat.
For he had kissed your cheek before stepping out of the door. If you had been paying more attention you would have noticed the blush paint on his cheeks while he closed the door behind him.
His lips had touched your skin, something that had only happened on your wedding day. The action was to never to repeat itself, or that was what you thought considering the type of relationship you held with your husband.
But the surprises of that day didn't finish with his delicate kiss on your cheek. You sat on the couch, fingers typing furiously on the keyboard of your laptop as you were determined to finish the chapter of your new book today.
Then you heard it; someone was calling you. The sound of your phone vibrating on the coffee table snapped you out of your train of inspiration. You couldn't help the sigh that escaped your lips, thinking that perhaps it was your editor or someone from the marketing team. You put the laptop aside and stretched forwards, grasping your phone in your hand.
A smile graced your lips when you read the I.D. displayed on the screen. It was Jungkook. Without wasting another second, you answered his call.
A couple of seconds passed in silence before you heard his deep voice from the other end.
"Hi, (y/n). What are you doing?"
You blinked a couple of times at the suddenness of his question, of his call.
"I'm... I'm writing, well was writing. Do you need something? Are you alright?"
You heard the shuffling of some papers in the background but you paid it no mind as he answered.
"That's great, I can't wait for the release of your new book."
Jungkook said, your frowned at his strange attitude but your heart fluttered at his words.
"Listen, (y/n), I wanted to... how do I say this? Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight? I know a good restaurant that you will love."
You froze at his question. You could count with your fingers the times you had had dinner with Jungkook, again one of those times had been on your wedding day.
You wanted to smack your head with the wall after that word escaped your lips before you could stop it. Little did you know, your silence was killing Jungkook from inside yet your small response caused him to suppress a chuckle.
"Because you are my wife and I want to have dinner with you. Is that so wrong for me to ask?"
You shook your head before remembering he couldn't see you.
"No, I never said it was wrong. It just caught me off-guard."
A moment or two passed in silence. You swallowed, not knowing what else to say. Your cheeks were as red as a tomato, you were going to need to take a cold shower after this.
"So... is that a yes, then?"
Your teeth nibbled at your bottom lip, glancing at the clock hanging over the large TV.
"Yes, let's have dinner."
Jungkook couldn't help the smile that grew on his face, full teeth on display. He wore that smile you found adorable on him, the one his friends like to tease him saying he had a "bunny smile".
"Okay then, I'll pick you up at 7:00. Pamper yourself but don't dress too formal. It is a casual dinner."
You nodded while agreeing with him with words.
"See you later, (y/n)."
"See you later, Jungkook."
He let out a soft chuckle at you mirroring his words before he hung up, unaware of how you smiled to yourself in the living room of your shared apartment.
"I'm gonna guess she agreed to dine with you according to your smile."
Jungkook was snapped from his thoughts as his mind remembered the call he just had with you. His eyes fixed on Namjoon's voice as he stood in front of his desk, Jimin was by his side as he held some sheets of paper with the planned conversation for Jungkook to read while he talked to you.
"Yes, hyung. She said yes."
The younger man stood up, picking up some papers before walking towards the exit of his office.
"I have to deliver this to Jin-hyung, I have to pick (y/n) up at 7:00."
And with that, he was out of the door.
"He really likes her."
Stated Namjoon. His gaze was fond of his younger friend who was already progressing in his married life.
"Yes, he does, hyung. Our Jungkookie is already grown up."
Jimin expressed with a tinge of nostalgia in his sweet voice, piling some papers on Jungkook's desk for he knew the younger one was going to be too distracted thinking about your date to pay any mind to the mess in his desk.
But both Jimin and Namjoon couldn't feel prouder for Jungkook. It was a step only he could take but his friends were going to be by his side forever, always supporting him.
"Of course he is grown up, Jimin-ah. It's up to us to prevent him from fucking this up."
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Drabbles for The Handsome Husband Series are open!
I do not own the gif.
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rukia-writes · 2 years
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Qin Shi Huang x (fem) reader
🎰 Casino event 🎰
Warnings: 18+, no minors 🔞, sexual content, nudity, pet names.
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The emperor where it all began had a favorite “bunny” of sorts, (Name).
Everytime the emperor arrived at the casino he brought his whole entourage of emperors past, Lu Bu and Cheng Gong included. The casino was always made aware head of time to make sure the emperor was comforted and that (Name) was to be there.
No excuses.
(Name) had worked at the casino for awhile before Qin Shi Huang arrived and never had she met a more eccentric person. However, he also mindful of his favorite waitress. Compliments. Tips? Always paid in pure gold. To say her do workers were jealous would be accurate, noticing the affection she would get.
Even his own men were expected to treat her right.
One case would be when one of Qin Shi Huang men rudely told (Name) to “Hurry up and serve the emperor, girl.” Qin was quick to fix that by saying “Leave (Name) to her work, and that’s (Name). Not girl.” Quickly apologizing the man did so without question.
Still, Qin Shi Huang felt like (Name) was hiding something.
Thinking to himself it would be better to wait until she was ready to tell him and whatever it was the emperor promised to help anyway he could. After countless months of visiting the casino and being with (Name) the waitress Qin Shi Huang decided to visit without telling anyone. Which was a first for the emperor as he wandered throughout the casino looking for his beloved (Name), only to come to a halt when he heard a guy on the intercom that there would be an art competition held next week and that the winner would be awarded with their shown off at the center of the casino and would be awarded with their own studio along with a cash prize.
Lifting his eye cover, Qin noticed (Name) listening on the announcement with a hopeful look but then her expression turned into sadness. Putting the pieces together, the emperor had figured it out and decided to spring into action.
“That prize sounds amazing, doesn’t it bunny?”
Wrapping his arm around (Name)’s shoulder the emperor had surprised the waitress as she looked to see Qin Shi Huang with the ever charming smile on his face making her heart beat fast. Qin noticed how flustered she had become and found it adorable. However, told the handsome emperor that she was an artist but didn’t think she would be good enough as more famous artists had entered the competition.
That earned her a soft hit on top of the head by the charming emperor, followed by him saying “Nonsense! My (Name) can do anything!”
Never one for doubt, Qin Shi Huang gave her the confidence she needed to believe she could win the competition. Smiling, (Name) agreed she would enter and to do her best.
“That’s the spirit! And I’ll be your subject.”
Happily declaring himself to be painted the emperor walked over to the registration desk with a cheerful smile as (Name) stood in her spot stunned to even speak.
That was how she sounded up in Qin Shi Huang’s palace in Valhalla.
Deciding to do a marble statue (Name) was automatically provided for her, thinking to herself it had been quite sometime that she did any sculpting. But was grateful for the opportunity.
“Okay, I’m ready! Let make this art.”
Qin stepped out of the room he was “dressing” in and happily walked out while being completely naked. The only clothes were his blindfold and his earrings, that was all.
“Whoah! Whoah! When I meant I would paint you in your glory I didn’t mean be naked!”
Qin noticed how flustered (Name) sounded and just shrugged it off.
“But this is art, I saw a few statues that were naked-even in the casino. I’m a lot better looking plus I have the-“
“None of that! Go back and get dressed…wait. Wait a minute. Turn around. Please.”
After opening her eyes a little (Name) saw a vision that she could do, especially once Qin Shi Huang turned around to see the tattoo on his nicely toned ass.
“Okay, we’ll do it naked. But we’ll cover up your big dick-manhood!”
“See? You can do it (Name), I told you so. Now how do you want me to pose?”
(Name) told her handsome model to pose with a smirk with his index finger and thumb placed between his chin and his other arm should be stretched out with his hands pointed.
Emperors only shoot for the stars.
Is what (Name) decided to call the project.
After some time, a very short time, the emperor became fidgety as he already wanted to move about but held back from doing so. (Name) worked diligently and was already noticing her handsome model wanting to move.
This was going to take awhile and (Name) had four weeks to complete everything and to be as detailed as she could.
“I need a break.”
“It’s only been five minutes.���
“Yeah, but I need a break.”
Watching her naked model walk over to her sent her heart on fire as she looked up trying to avoid him being naked. Pouting Qin Shi Huang had expected her to be along further than that, of course (Name) told him that it would take a long time before he saw any real progress.
Plus, it was only five minutes of work.
(Name) had her hands full with telling Qin Shi Huang to stand still and that it wasn’t time for a break yet. For six hours (Name) worked on sculpting, as Qin Shi Huang did his best to meet his sweet (Name)’s demands.
“Hey, (Name).”
“Yes, Qin?”
Looking up from her work (Name) saw Qin Shi Huang blow her a kiss with a smile, making the artist squeal as she went straight back to work. Smiling Qin Shi Huang knew he had flustered the artist and was content for now.
As the days passed, the two became closer and closer than ever.
“Qin-Keep your ass still, please.”
“But I want you to be as detailed, plus I know you like it.”
“…Your tattoo is amazing.”
Noticing the centipede like tattoo that went around Qin Shi Huang’s toned ass (Name) enjoyed that most of all and as always the emperor noticed. Even more so, when he felt (Name)’s hand on his ass making him chuckle a bit. The “It’s for the art.” Only confirmed Qin Shi Huang’s suspension.
It’s for the art.
Angles were very important.
Is what Qin Shi Huang told (Name) his sweet (Name) as she saw many different angles as she was a top of the emperor and feeling his thick cock inside of her. Watching the emperor moan and say her name over and over while his face was red from the pleasure he felt being inside (Name)’s cunt.
“Beautiful, you’re very beautiful.”
Kissing Qin Shi Huang’s neck while admiring how beautiful her art work was, especially his eyes. (Name) found his eyes the most beautiful, dark yet very beautiful. Art and love had become one, and Qin Shi Huang could tell as the days passed that (Name)’s art work had become better as she was relaxed yet eager for a break with her handsome project.
The relationship bloomed into a give and give. Sex, was sensual and slow. Both, loving and caring. Admiring each other’s bodies and memorizing it. Qin Shi Huang’s loved every part of his “sweet bunny.” Or his artistic lover. (Name) loved every part of Qin Shi Huang’s as well, showing a bit of favoritism for his toned ass from time to time.
Especially, when the two made love.
Just a nice grip sent a shiver down Qin Shi Huang’s spine making him moan, loving the feel. Sometimes, (Name) would have to work late into the night as Qin Shi Huang kept her in his bed all that evening. Sometimes, Qin Shi Huang could make the artist come back to bed as he would always tell her “Your emperor is lonely. Don’t leave me in bed by myself.”
Sleepy yet sweet, and every time (Name) fell for it.
On the day of the competition, Qin Shi Huang noticed (Name) was a bit nervous about showing her artwork even though Qin Shi Huang knew (Name) had the best art piece there. Still, being the ever attentive lover Qin Shi Huang quickly erased all doubts from her mind as he took her to an empty room and gave her sweet love to erase all doubt from her.
It was successful.
Returning back just in time as the judges asked (Name) to see her artwork and like magic all the doubt she had disappeared as she proudly presented her beautiful artwork that made the judges have stats in their eyes.
Qin Shi Huang noticed the judges completely enamored with the sculpture, of course the emperor of where it all began knew his lover was an artistic genius and proudly stood beside (Name). Whispering, “I told you, you are a genius.”
Truthfully, (Name) felt the love flow thru her from Qin Shi Huang’s words as heart was still a flutter.
Winning the competition was an amazing feeling to the waitress as she now had her studio where she could work day and night, the cash was an added bonus. Of course, the greatest prize was Qin Shi Huang.
The sweetest lover.
Everytime people came into the casino, they would admire the work and take pictures infront of it. Even the emperors took pictures infront the marble statue.
Qin Shi Huang was a little disappointed that (Name) didn’t show his dick instead hiding it behind a fig leaf.
A few months, later a familiar Greek god was on vacation and wanted to see the statue that everyone was talking about.
“…It’s okay.”
“Oh no, don’t say that. It’s bad luck to disrespect the statue.”
Hades didn’t believe in that and walked away, as the old man shook his head knowing bad luck would befall the Greek god.
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