#Smoky Quartz Benefits
tiredwitchplant · 8 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Bloodstone
Bloodstone (The Blood of Purification)
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Color: Green with bright red splatter. Some have white mixed in
Rarity: Easy to obtain
Hardiness: 7
Type: Chalcedony
Chakra Association: Root, Heart, Solar Plexus, and Sacral
Deities: Brigid, Dione, Persephone, Christ (believed to be his blood in Christian mythology)
Birthstone: March
Astrological Signs: Aries, Pisces, Libra
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Origin: Australia, Brazil, China, India, USA
Powers: Open Doors and Remove Walls, Prosperity, Strength, Courage, Purification, Vitality
Crystals It Works Well With: Red jasper, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Amethyst
How It is Created: Bloodstone is a variety of chalcedony quartz with a distinctive dark green color combined with specks and clumps of red jasper inclusions
History: The distinct blood red marks within the stone are often used for talismans because it is believed that the stone protect one from evil spirits. In medieval times, it was believed the blood specks came from the blood of Christ while he was being crucified as his blood dripped down onto the rocks. Legends such as the tale of Percival, one of King Arthur’s knights who went on the quest for the Holy Grail, illustrate the combined qualities of bloodstone. Percival was a knight trained in the physical aspects of combat, but his quest took him into the spiritual realms, teaching him lessons about illusion and the power of unconditional love. In ancient times, it was believed that this stone could heal, banish negativity, and guide people who were lost. It was worn by warriors on their arms to help heal wounds during battle and to stop the bleeding quickly. It was also worn on the breast of a warrior to feel them with courage and strength. It was said to keep their morals high, even after very heavy casualties.
What It Can Do:
Banish evil spirits and negativity
Heal wounds and one’s mental state
Used to draw money and increase wealth
Clams fear and anger
Ensures victories in legal battles
Balances and ground the energy in one’s heart to promote action
Gives courage and teaches on how to avoid dangerous situations
Heal the ancestral line
Benefits blood-rich organs, regulates and supports blood-flow, and aids in circulation
Egyptians believed it shrank tumors
How to Get the Best Out Of: Wearing it as a bracelet or something on the arm area and a necklace near the heart is a great way to utilize bloodstone to its full potential as it works well near the bloodstream and blood-rich organs like the heart.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Cleanse it by running it under water or bury it in your garden for a deeper clean. Charge it by placing it under a full moon or using green and red candles around it.
Crystal Grid:
General Well Being
Layout: Lemniscate
1 clearing crystal
1 light-bringing crystal
1 immune-balancing crystal
Crystals to Use:
Green Aventurine
Que Sera (Llanoite)
Quantum Quattro
Cherry, Rose, Smoky, or Emerald Quartz
Hold your crystals in your hands and state your intention for the grid.
Lie down.
Place a clearing crystal beneath your feet (sit up to do so).
Place a light-bringing crystal above your head.
Place an immune-balancing crystal halfway up your breastbone over the
higher heart chakra.
Use the power of your mind to connect the lemniscate over and around you.
Remain in the grid for five to fifteen minutes, focusing your attention and breathing gently
into the immune-balancing crystal. If you become aware of energy that needs to shift out of
your body, send it down to the crystal at your feet for transmutation.
Remove the crystals in the reverse order in which you laid them, then cleanse them
Heart and Immune System
Layout: Lemniscate
1 grounding crystal for the feet
1 pinkish-burgundy crystal or immune stimulator
1 emerald-green crystal or immune soother
Crystals to Use:
Emerald Quartz
Cherry Quartz
Rose Quartz
Green Aventurine
Que Sera
Quantum Quattro
Hematite Quartz
Hold your crystals in your hands and state your intention for the grid.
Sit down on the floor.
Place a grounding crystal at your feet.
Lie down fully.
Place one crystal above the heart on the higher heart
(thymus) chakra.
Place one over the heart seed at the base of the breastbone.
Check your heartbeat—it will quickly indicate which crystal should be placed above, and which below. If your heartbeat feels too rapid or is pounding heavily, or if it feels too slow and heavy, switch the crystals around.
Use the power of your mind or a crystal wand to trace the lemniscate, crossing the circles over your heart.
If dizziness results, breathe deeply and send the energy down toward the crystal at your feet for transmutation.
When the layout is complete, remove the crystals in the reverse order in which you laid them. Stand up slowly and ground yourself by stamping your feet.
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sagittariusmars2 · 1 year
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(Top to bottom) advice from crystals
Pile 1
I see that malachite, garnet, and chrysoprase has a message for you. Garnet wants to let u know that if things look rough or things look like it will never get better it’s a sign of change and a rebirth is coming, do what you can to soothe yourself and stay grounded. Take these obstacles as a lesson, See where the pain comes from and see what you can do in ur situation. keep fighting and stay persistent. Chrysoprase wants to let you know that it’s okay to feel pessimistic sometimes but beware of letting your emotions control ur actions, learn how to deal with ur emotions in a healthy way and transmute ur anger/pain. Malachite wants you to focus on healing past trauma especially in your childhood, let go of whatever doesn’t serve you and be open to change. Signs- Scorpio, Sagittarius, libra. Initials- P, C, T, V, F, K, J
Pile 2
I see you have messages from Angelite , green fluorite, and dumortierite. Angelite wants you to know that there are powerful sources that u can’t see and you should connect with them as they try to connect with u, listen to your intuition and try meditation or something that brings u peace/grounds you. Green flourite wants you to accept the things that you can’t control and be more open minded, do things that make you happy or find a new hobby. Dumortierite wants you to work on ur patience and self discipline, try to find something that benefits you and brings u joy. Signs- Virgo, Gemini, Scorpio. initials- V, Y, I, P
Pile 3
I see that you have messages from Smoky quart, sodalite, rose quartz, and turquoise. Smoky quartz wants you to know that you can’t ignore things and push them to the back of ur subconscious, your subconscious may be trying to tell you that u need to handle something instead of putting it off. Listen to ur intuition and do some shadow work, sodalite wants you to connect to ur spirituality and intuition more. Continue to ground yourself as you ascend, rose quartz wants you to be more compassionate to yourself and others. Turquoise wants you to focus on balancing your feminine and masculine energy,find the courage to get out tough situations and don’t make excuses for yourself. Signs- Leo, Aquarius, Taurus. Initials- Y, T, Q, F, P, N, E, A, I
Pile 4
I see that blue howlite, citrine, and amethyst have a message for u. I see that amethyst wants u to pay attention more to ur feminine side, focus on healing and letting go of fears. Blue howlite wants you to know that you have what it takes to be successful but u gotta be confident and ambitious, citrine wants you to control ur temper and learn how to handle tough situations. Signs- Aquarius, Pisces, Virgo. Initials- M, E, O, C, I
Personal readings always available, please watch my 18+ pick a card reading on YouTube
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coven-of-genesis · 5 months
Crystals to help positivity improve your mental health
While crystals are not a substitute for professional mental health care, some people find them supportive. Amethyst is often associated with calming energy and stress relief. Clear quartz is believed to amplify positive thoughts. Rose quartz may promote feelings of love and self-compassion. Citrine is associated with boosting mood and energy. However, it's essential to approach crystal use with an open mind, recognizing that their effects are subjective and may vary among individuals. Lepidolite is thought to have calming properties and may aid in reducing anxiety and promoting emotional balance. Black tourmaline is believed to help with grounding and protection from negative energies. Selenite is associated with clarity and is often used for cleansing energy. Blue lace agate is said to support communication and ease emotional tension. Remember that the use of crystals is based on belief systems, and scientific evidence may not fully support their claimed benefits. It's essential to incorporate them into a broader approach to mental health that includes professional guidance and evidence-based practices.
Aventurine is believed to bring luck and prosperity while fostering a positive outlook. Labradorite is associated with enhancing intuition and reducing feelings of insecurity. Hematite is thought to provide a sense of grounding and stability. Smoky quartz is often used for stress relief and grounding negative energies. Keep in mind that individual experiences with crystals can vary, and the effectiveness may depend on personal beliefs and practices. Always approach crystal use as a complementary aspect to a holistic mental health approach that includes professional help when needed.
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ravenglassworld · 10 months
Psychic shields
Smoke cleansing: smoke cleansing refers to passing yourself or an object through sacred smoke as a means of purification. When burned, certain herbs release a high vibrational energy that is used to purify unwanted, harmful forces—what most people call negative energy. Herbs like sage, cedar, sweet grass, pine, and lavender can be burned, as well as incenses such as frankincense, myrrh, and copal. Simply wave the smoking substance around you and make sure you pass through the smoke. Don't do too much. It's an energetic process, not a physical one, so you don't have to feel like you are asphyxiating. Smudging is considered a closed practice as it is an accident indigenous practice and ritual.
Sea Salt Bath: Similar to smudging, taking a sea salt bath can cleanse the physical body as well as the energy. Put two tablespoons of sea salt or kosher salt in your bath water and soak. Imagine all the stress and harmful energy you have accumulated or taken on from others flowing into the water. Sit in the bathtub as its drains and imagine it flowing down the drain, neutralized by the salt and water. I have a friend who puts a spray bottle of sea salt and water and gives herself a little spritz and sponge bath. The salt neutralizes any harmful energies, and then she just wipes it off. It's a great way to clear yourself if you're on the run and a bath is too time consuming.
Amulet: Symbols and charms have long been lauded for their protective powers. In almost every culture, there is a tradition of wearing or carrying a particular amulet, often blessed by a priest/tess, to confer the powers of divine protection upon the wearer. Take a symbol you find sacred and divine. Find it in a jewelry or pendant form. If you cannot, try drawing the symbol on a piece of paper or wood, and carrying it with you. If you are Christian, use a cross. If you are Wiccan, use a pentacle. Hindu, try the Ohm symbol. There are a variety of symbols, from the Star of David to the Hammer of Thor. Find the one that speaks protection to you. Smudge the amulet and hold it in both hands. Think about protection and infuse your thoughts into the amulet, activating its power to protect in the name of your divinities. Carry the charm with you to receive its protection.
Protection Stone: Like a symbolic amulet, you can carry a stone known for its protective and grounding qualities with you. Most dark colored stones have magical associations with protection. Some of my favorite choices are hematite, smoky quartz, onyx, obsidian, jet, and aragonite. Other stores that are protective include red jasper, amber, citrine, and clear quartz. Like an amulet, cleanse your stone and infuse your intention into it.
Meditation: Meditation is one of the greatest keys to psychic defense. Regular meditation practice leaves you clear, centered, and in a mental place where you can respond to potential threats, rather than unconsciously react to them. It doesn't matter the style or tradition of meditation. Regular practice is the key. You will not get the long term psychic protection benefits of meditation by doing it only once every few weeks. It must be like exercise, done regularly. I suggest at least three times a week. If you can do it daily, so much the better.
Healthy Emotional Boundaries: Emotional boundaries are not the most esoteric form of psychic defense, but one that quite a few people leave out. Sometimes psychic defense—particularly from people who are harmful to us, intentionally or unintentionally—is the ability to say "no" and stick to it. If someone asks you to do something or go somewhere, and you only say yes because you are afraid of being "mean" or "letting them down" but you know its not a good situation for you, you must learn to say no. As an adult, only you define what is acceptable and unacceptable in your life. Draw those boundary lines and stick to them.
Living Your True Will: The best form of psychic self-defense is to live out your true will. What is your divine purpose? Find it! Then actually live it. If you are doing what you are meant to be doing, the universe will support you and very little anyone else does or says will be able to stop you. You true will, or what some call your magical will, is not your destiny. It doesn't happen regardless. This your partnership with the divine. You must choose to fulfill it. But once you choose to be a full, conscious partner with the divine, you will have a divine protection that will help you in all of life's difficult areas.
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tabletoptrinketsbyjj · 4 months
Trinkets, Rings, 4: Enough rings and bands to wear three on every finger and toe while still having dozens to spare. Rings, especially magic rings are a very common item of jewelry in fiction and roleplaying. From a basic ring of protection, to the life saving ring of regeneration, the ring of the Nibelungs, the rings of the lantern corps, the ring of Gyges, any wedding ring ever depicted, the ring of Solomon, Sir Perceval’s ring, Aladdin’s genie housing ring, the nine rings of mortal men and the precious one ring of power, these small circular pieces of gems, metal, wood or bone always add more to the story than the sum of their parts. None of these rings are intensely magical in their own right but can serve as basis for a magical or plot relevant ring. When a DM rolls a d100, the bog standard ring of protection +1 they were going to give out now has a unique look and personality rather than just a mechanical benefit.
A large stone ring all flecked with stripes of red, blue and brown. Odd as it seems, the ring has only one edge; a finger drawn along that edge would circle inside and out before coming back to where it began. It grants the wearer pleasant dreams.
A thick iron ring featuring a square onyx set into it wreathed in several tiny smoky quartz.
A ring comprised of two woven bands, one of copper and one of silver. The ring is studded with sapphires which shine brightly during a thunderstorm.
A ring forged of silver and worked in braided spirals.
A heavy copper ring that whenever turned sideways, pours out a small measure of dust.
A ring made from rare red-gold inscribed with intricate and interlocking sigils.
A porcelain ring bound by the image of an angelic creature. Upon its face is one of pure passion and rage.
A relatively small ring bearing both the symbols and crest of House Amber, a sinister and mysterious family that fled to their current estate from another realm. It has a clean sheen reflecting off its brass surface and looks well cared for.
A plain pewter ring set with a humble red garnet.
Casanova Ring: A dark walnut ring is engraved with a rose vine design. The bearer can instantly make a flower blossom, a seed pod open, or a leaf bud bloom.
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—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A large stone ring all flecked with stripes of red, blue and brown. Odd as it seems, the ring has only one edge; a finger drawn along that edge would circle inside and out before coming back to where it began. It grants the wearer pleasant dreams.
A thick iron ring featuring a square onyx set into it wreathed in several tiny smoky quartz.
A ring comprised of two woven bands, one of copper and one of silver. The ring is studded with sapphires which shine brightly during a thunderstorm.
A ring forged of silver and worked in braided spirals.
A heavy copper ring that whenever turned sideways, pours out a small measure of dust.
A ring made from rare red-gold inscribed with intricate and interlocking sigils.
A porcelain ring bound by the image of an angelic creature. Upon its face is one of pure passion and rage.
A relatively small ring bearing both the symbols and crest of House Amber, a sinister and mysterious family that fled to their current estate from another realm. It has a clean sheen reflecting off its brass surface and looks well cared for.
A plain pewter ring set with a humble red garnet.
Casanova Ring: A dark walnut ring is engraved with a rose vine design. The bearer can instantly make a flower blossom, a seed pod open, or a leaf bud bloom.
A steel signet ring with a small compartment containing a poison pill.
A ring with a miniscule lockbox in its setting. Both the ring and the setting are plain, black alloy, save for a small, square sodalite cabochon set in the lid. A key of extraordinarily small proportion would be required to open said lid.
Ring of Black Thumbs: A black ring covered with an elvish, silver script. When worn on any finger, it turns the bearer's thumbs a pale, blackish color, and small plant life that comes into contact with them shrivels and dies.
A dark-red ring engraved with ashen symbols and smells faintly of smoke.
A gold ring set with a sparkling diamond that changes color to perfectly match the favorite color of the person holding it. It's clear when not being held.
A gold ring adorned with small jewels on the outside and cryptic lettering on the inner band.
An iron full finger ring set with a large eye agate.
A thick wooden ring flecked with diamond dust and carved with images of wild animals.
A heavy golden signet ring belonging to a defunct noble family.
A ring of jade carved into the shape of a snake.
A dark blue gem set into a dull silver ring that sounds like the ocean when shaken.
An intricately-carved white gold ring with three sapphires on top. These sapphires emit a faint glow when the ring is worn by a spellcaster. The detailed elven scrolling on the side tells an old poem about a brave hero who, being a sorcerer, conquered a dark cult that was plaguing a small town.
A copper-colored ring engraved with a variety of different types of ammunition all around the interior and exterior.
A ring that appears to have been crafted out of the skull of a small rodent or bat. When placed on one’s finger the jaws of the deceased vermin clamp firmly in place ensuring a snug, but not constrictive fit.
A silvered ring with a strip of stone in the centre, which changes colour based on the bearer’s mood. The actual meaning of each colour is highly debatable.
A copper ring with a small clear gem that shimmers slightly even in the dark. It is badly crafted with scuffs and scratches along the loop and yet there is something quaint about it that suggests more value than the first impression would suggest.
A ring made of white ivory with two red jewels that resemble the eyes of a mouse.
A ring made of gold, delicate and fragile in appearance. It loops twice around the finger and then ends in a flourish which appears to be a flower in abstract.
A dark grey ring. The band is weathered and mottled. Set in it is a cracked black jewel that shimmers when it catches the light.
A silver ring whose band is decorated with tree and mountain motifs. It is inlaid with a milky white jewel.
A large, ostentatious ring set with a gaudy Random Bright Color jewel. The bearer can detach the gem atop the ring and pull forth a length of extremely fine, tough wire that can be used to strangle an opponent. When used in this fashion the ring functions the same as a standard garrote.
A diamond ring that appears harmless during casual observation. The stone is attached to a special hinge that allows it to be flipped in its setting, revealing a point that can be used to cut panes of glass (Up to 1 inch thick) for the purposes of breaking and entering. Curling glass can be a time consuming process. It takes 1 minute per quarter-inch thickness to cut a hole large enough for a medium character to slip through.
A blue steel ring that is cool to the touch. When the bearer is holding any beverage in the same hand as the one with the ring, the beverage becomes frosty and refreshing.
A pure silver ring set with a clear gemstone that imprisons a malicious soul.
A ring made of polished marble set with a single small gem.
A silver ring whose band is fashioned to resemble a chain of tiny humanoid figures, locked arm in arm.
A ring made of flawless, highly polished electrum.
A thick Randomly Colored ring is made of polished ceramic.
A ring made of polished dark wood, with a large diamond held in a carved hand.
A wide bronze ring is carved with images of food and drink. While wearing the band, the bearer never feels hunger or thirst. The ring does not provide any sort of magical sustenance, simply snuffs out the bearer’s sensations to seek out food and drink. This effect ends the moment the ring is removed.
An obviously cheap looking ring with a brass band set with a piece of opaque Randomly Colored glass. Careful inspection will discover that the ring has a hinged section around the glass allowing it to be opened to reveal a small compartment. This area can be used to store the arcane components for one spell so long as they aren't too bulky. This ring's compartment can be opened or closed with an action equivalent to drawing a weapon. This ensures that a mage has an excellent way to always have a vital spell's material components on hand.
A claw-shaped ring clutching a Randomly Colored gem, taken from a land of ash and darkness.
A small corroded iron ring bearing a clear crystal affixed to the center, with rotating prongs affixing it to the band.
A simple wooden ring adorned by a small river stone, worn smooth. It shines beautifully in natural sunlight.
A wooden ring bearing the insignia of an open palm behind a stylized bumblebee.
A ring set with a grey pearl that is very loosely fitted. Any character proficient with jeweler's tools can easily remove the pearl and set it within a different piece of jewelry. The pearl itself is wrinkly, almost lumpy, and oblong.
A gold ring fashioned in the shape of an ivy vine. The leaf pattern is beautifully enamelled in a dark, lustrous green.
A cold iron ring bearing the emblem of a pair of crossed swords.
A thick wooden ring flecked with diamond dust and carved with images of various wild animals.
A stout gold band which is slightly translucent under very bright light. Under such light, a thin inscription reading “Light Finds A Way” appears.
A finger-ring of gold with a pendent grape cluster of amethyst 'fruit' and jade 'leaves', threaded on golden wire such that the cluster can swing and lie freely.
A golden signet ring so massive that is almost not wearable. Its bezel bears a design of a rampant stag over a crescent moon, and each shank is topped by a sapphire.
A thin platinum finger-ring, twined round with a tiny golden snake carrying a pearl egg in its mouth.
A nine-sided, blue gem mounted in a platinum base on a plain, half-inch platinum ring. Inside the band is a string of letters, with “Gaxx” the only legible word.
An extraordinary piece of jewellery cut from a single piece of raw ruby using a method far beyond the abilities of even a master jeweller. The large ring appears smooth at first but on closer inspection is cut with many thousands of minuscule facets.
A beautifully smooth and well-wrought gold-and-obsidian ring with a bright red bad with flecks of silver running around the centre, which appears like constantly swirling liquid when the ring is placed on the finger.
An opalescent mother-of-pearl full finger ring with seemingly constantly-shifting colours. The band slips neatly over the dominant finger on the bearer’s main hand.
A ragged, thin and grisly ring of soft leather, carved from the neck of an adult Yeth Hound and covered in tufts of deep grey fur.
A dented copper ring with a barely legible emblem of a soaring bird. Perceptive PC’s discover the mark to actually be a set of crossed daggers.
A medium-sized opal set into a silver band. The gem is black with veins of red, giving it a somewhat fiendish appearance.
A plain, thin golden ring is too small for a typical finger and stops a quarter inch shy of being a complete band; it has rounded ends on either side of the gap. It functions perfectly well as a nose piercing.
A golden signet ring bearing the symbol of a two‐headed falcon.
A gold band set with three deep violet stones (Amethysts) with an inscription on the underside. Careful inspection of the ring reveals it to be the phrase, “Enduring as the Mountain” written in Dwarven.
A somewhat plain gold ring is set with three small diamonds forming a pyramid shape.
A plain, thick iron band seems very light for its size and composition.
An iron ring with a thick band, and the wide bezel bearing an intricate carving of a horned serpent winding around an arcane symbol.
An elegantly cut ring made from rose-tinted gold and fits itself neatly to the bearer’s finger, no matter the size.
A bronze ring molded in the shape of a coiled feather.
A thin platinum ring, unadorned apart from a stylized leaping frog faintly etched inside band.
A silver ring shaped like twining ivy with a single heartshaped leaf on the back of the finger.
A complex ring consisting of twenty tiny red garnets wrapped in curlicues of silver erupting from a heavy silver band.
A heavy silver signet ring bearing a seal‐stamp in the shape of the letter “Z” imposed over crossed quills.
A chunky electrum ring set with a row of five tiny diamonds.
A pewter ring shaped like a chain of clasped hands.
An intricate and elegant piece of jewellery, this matched ring and bracelet are attached by a web of fine platinum chains, set with jet stones at the links.
A well‐worn bronze ring depicting a snake swallowing a turtle.
An ornate golden ring, with engraved depictions of a unicorn and lion combatant, with four rubies set equidistant along its length.
A plain brass ring with the word “quietly” etched inside the band.
A golden band set with a prominent transparent red opal.
A copper ring with an etching of a fox chasing a hare.
A silver ring shaped like a falcon in flight.
A gold ring inset with three translucent deep bright green emeralds and two transparent brownish‐red rubies.
A golden ring, the word “Whirlitz” etched into the interior in calligraphic text. A faint aura of transmutation magic permeates the metal as if the band once held some sort of enchantment.
A jade ring sculpted to make the finger resemble a striking serpent, with translucent red rubies for eyes.
An elegant lady’s silver band, with a leaf pattern etched into the surface.
A lightly magnetic hematite ring.
A simple silver ring set with a single pink garnet.
A gold ring shaped like a serpent eating its own tail with two tiny sapphires for eyes.
A platinum thumb ring shaped like a human skull.
A white gold signet ring bearing a diamond “J.”
A ruby ring with fire sigils marked on the gold band.
A gold ring with a big fat pink diamond, flanked by a smaller one on either side.
A heavy gold ring set with one large square emerald.
A mithral ring with huge rectangular topaz.
A golden ring set with a large ruby surrounded by a sea of tiny amethysts. A tiny silver eagle clutching a scroll is embossed on the ring with gossamer silver. There is a small engraving on the inside of the symbol of a hand pierced by a lightning bolt. Knowledgeable PC’s recognize the heraldic symbol embossed on the ring as that of the Tinsors, an old family famed for its eldritch knights.
An ebony ring embossed with delicate inked roses. A single amber jewel is set into the centre. A small fang is etched into the amber jewel. The fang is surrounded by bolts of lightning. The arcana rune for "light" is etched into the inside of the ring.
A golden band that boasts an intricate carving of a sleek, longeared canine form.
A bronzewood ring inscribed with the Elvish word for "hope".
A dark wooden ring carved in a mobius loop with the grain following the curvature of the ring.
Poison Ring: A large but stylish ring that has a reservoir that can hold a single dose of poison. To deliver the poison, the bearer must flip down a tiny, hollow needle so that it protrudes from the palm side of the ring, then successfully touch the target's skin. This is typically through a firm handshake or forceful clap on the arm or shoulder, the pressure of these actions helps disguise the pinprick of the needle. Locking the needle into place requires a free hand and an action equivalent to drawing a weapon, but the bearer tends to look rather suspicious fussing with the ring. An incredibly perceptive observer can notice the needle protruding from the wearer's palm but most will be oblivious. The needle deals no damage on a successful touch but delivers the poison fully each time. A pricked victim can attempt to make a sense motive or insight check with disadvantage to recognize that they were injured or that something is amiss.
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wizard-irl · 9 months
Birthstones: November🍂
November's birthstones, imperial topaz and citrine, are the colour of autumn leaves. Quite fitting! Let’s discuss their physical and metaphysical properties as we begin the month.
Golden Topaz
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Topaz, consisting of aluminum hydroxy-fluorosilicate (Al₂(SiO₄)(F,OH)₂), displays a diverse range of colors. Imperial topaz, also called glden topaz, owes its colours to different impurites, and may also be heated or irradiated to make the colour more vivid. Topaz also exhibits pleochroism: its color alters when viewed from different angles.
Imperial topaz' golden colours are said to attracted prosperity, abundance, and luxury. It is also thought to enhance visualisation, creativity, and generosity, as well as strengthening will, promoting personal growth, and confidence in one's abilities. It benefits general health and eyesight, particularly the endocrine glands, gallbladder, liver, and kidneys.
While topaz ranks a high 8 on the Mohs hardness scale, it is easily broken due to its poor cleavage. Sudden temperature changes may also cause it to break. Its colour is generally stable in sunlight, but prolonged exposure may cause fading or yellowing. This is the case especially with irradiated crystals. Clean topaz only with warm, soapy water.
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Citrine is a type of quartz, a mineral made of silicon dioxide (SiO₂). It is made when amethyst or smoky quartz are heated up in the Earth's crust. This heating, along with the iron present in its structure, causes the yellowish colour. Natural citrine is relatively rare; most citrine on the market is heat treated amethyst or smoky quartz. The easiest tell between the two is both colour and presentation: real citrine is rarely a deep orange, nor does it come on a stark white geode.
Citrine, being yellow, is associated with the sun, providing warmth, comfort, energy, vitality, and optimism. As well, citrine is associated with imagination, personal will, creativity, and productivity. It may support interpersonal relationships, promotes problem-solving, and shields against negativity. It is thought to attract wealth, prosperity, and success, while also encouraging generosity and sharing good fortune. Citrine is believed to transmute negative energy and dissipate it while not accumulating it. Physically, Citrine boosts stamina, supports the endocrine system, aids digestion, and promotes healthy skin, nails, and hair. It is also believed to reduce depression, increase self-esteem, and aid in decision-making.
Like all quartz, citrine is a 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, and due to a lack of cleavage, won't break any time soon. However, since citrine's colour is due to heat, further heat can discolour it. Sunlight as well may discolour it. Warm, soapy water is best for cleaning citrine.
Link to the masterpost. Sources below the cut. Masterpost archive is a WIP until the series is finished!
"November Birthstone", Gemological Institute of America.
"Topaz", MinDat.
"Topaz", GemDat.
"Topaz Description", Gemological Institute of America.
"Topaz History and Lore", Gemological Institute of America.
"Topaz Care and Cleaning Guide", Gemological Institute of America.
"Topaz", Crystal Vaults.
"Imperial Topaz", The Crystal Council.
"Imperial Topaz", Healing Crystals.
"Citrine", MinDat.
"Citrine", GemDat.
"Citrine", GeologyScience.
"Citrine Description", Gemological Institute of America.
"Citrine History and Lore", Gemological Institute of America.
"Citrine Care and Cleaning Guide", Gemological Institute of America.
"Citrine", Crystal Vaults.
"Citrine Meaning: Healing Properties, Uses, & Benefits", Tiny Rituals.
"Citrine", Healing Crystals.
Image Sources
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shroofjulia · 1 month
Black Rutile Bracelets: The Trauma Reliever Stone
One of the most fascinating dark stones is the Black Rutilated Quartz, which can contain the highest amount of light energy in black color. Although it may seem severe, this crystal has tremendous power that many new practitioners must know. Black Rutilated Quartz is a unique type of standard Quartz with a dark and smoky hue, and it owes its distinctive appearance to the inclusions of Rutile, a kind of titanium dioxide that forms needle-like crystals. Most inclusions in this crystal appear gold or copper-colored, but in Black Rutilated Quartz, they are pure black, creating an abstract art-like appearance that challenges conventional beauty standards. It benefits all chakras and is considered the birthstone for all zodiac signs. Visit As : Black Rutile Bracelets: The Trauma Reliever Stone
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leilanislavin · 2 months
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Beads Jewelry Meaning, History, Benefits, Types, and Healing Properties
Humans have always treasured Beaded Jewelry. A bead is a little jewel the size of a ball that has a hole in the center so it may be strung on a necklace. There is a lot of meaning and symbolism embedded in each bead. It is hand-designed by stringing vibrant beads along a lengthy chain. Each colored dot represents extra energy, and each bright dot has a distinct meaning. Because of their lovely appearance and reasonable cost, loose beads have emerged as the preferred option for many jewelry enthusiasts. Wearing jewelry made of gemstones that speak to you is one option. You might use a variety of beads made of different gemstones into your beaded jewelry, such as Larimar Beads, Moonstone Beads, Opal Beads, Peridot Beads, Rose Quartz Beads, Smoky Beads, Sunstone Beads, Tourmaline Beads etc.
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gemsbuild · 2 months
Topaz And Citrine: A Detailed Look At November's Birthstones
By Gems Build 
November is a special month, marking the birth of individuals who are as vibrant and colorful as the fall season itself. While this month is filled with the richness of autumn and the anticipation of the holidays, it also brings the joy of celebrating November-Borns. To those privileged enough to be born in this month, the universe has given two stunning gemstones - topaz and citrine. 
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Unveiling the Mystique of Topaz 
Topaz, a captivating November birthstone, is a rainbow of color possibilities, ranging from fiery orange reminiscent of a sunset, to tranquil blues that mimic a clear sky, and even clear water-like neutral hues.
Its reputation in history is equally colorful. It was believed to endow the wearer with strength and intelligence. Some cultures even hailed it as a potent talisman, protecting against harm. 
The most sought-after variant of topaz is the Imperial Topaz, celebrated for its vibrant orange hue with pink undertones. The color of topaz, in its untouched form, is colorless, and its unique hues are attributed to the impurities present in it.
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The world's key sources of this mesmerizing gem include Brazil, Nigeria, and Australia. This precious stone's color spectrum and historical significance make it a captivating gem and a favorite among those born in November.  
In jewelry, it is very versatile and can be set in various pieces, from rings to pendants. This makes it not only a birthstone for November babies but a popular choice for anyone appreciating its unique beauty and variety of colors. 
Understanding the Enigma of Citrine 
Citrine, the second birthstone of November, is cherished for its captivating color palette. Its hues range from a soft, pastel yellow to a rich, golden brown, perfectly embodying the transitional stage of late autumn.
The term 'citrine' is derived from the French word "citron," which translates to lemon, highlighting its predominant yellow color.  
Historically, citrine held the title of the "merchant's stone" due to its alleged ability to draw wealth and prosperity to its wearer. 
Most citrine gemstones available in the market today are heat-treated versions of amethyst or smoky quartz. The naturally occurring version of citrine, a much rarer variety, is mostly sourced from Brazil. 
Despite the shared characteristic of color with topaz, citrine stands on its own with its unique properties and historical significance. The warmth of its tones and it believed positive effects on wealth make it a desirable gemstone, particularly to those celebrating their birthdays in November.
Its beauty and symbolism also extend its appeal beyond those born in this month, making it a favored choice for many jewelry lovers.  
When it comes to citrine jewelry, its versatility shines through. The gem can be beautifully incorporated into various types of jewelry pieces, from statement necklaces to delicate earrings.
It's warm, sun-kissed hues add a touch of elegance to any outfit, making it a go-to gemstone for those seeking a blend of sophistication and charm in their jewelry collection. 
Health Benefits of Topaz and Citrine 
In the realm of health and wellness, both topaz and citrine are attributed with a variety of potential benefits that extend beyond their visual appeal. The dazzling topaz, in addition to being an adornment, is also believed to carry therapeutic properties.
Its energies are thought to harmonize emotions and thoughts, contributing to a balanced lifestyle. Ancient cultures utilized topaz in healing practices, targeting physical ailments. It was believed to assist with digestive issues, blood disorders, and even to help stave off hemorrhages. 
Similarly, citrine's positive effects are not only limited to enhancing one's style. The gemstone is considered a catalyst for mental prowess and concentration. Many turn to citrine for its supposed ability to enhance clarity of thought and spur creativity. It's also associated with fostering physical wellness. Some individuals use it in holistic practices to assist with digestion and detoxification. The belief is that it promotes a healthier body by purging toxins and impurities.  
Thus, beyond their undeniable beauty and rich historical significance, both of the gemstones are perceived to contribute to the overall wellbeing of their wearers. It's important to note that while these gemstones are revered for their supposed health benefits, they should not replace any medical treatment or advice. For medical advice, you should always speak with a specialist. 
Caring for Your Topaz and Citrine Jewelry 
When it comes to maintaining the brilliance and longevity of your topaz and citrine jewelry, certain precautions need to be taken. These gemstones, while hardy, can still be susceptible to damage if not cared for properly. Try to prevent them from being subjected to sharp impacts or abrasions which may cause unnecessary scratches or chips. 
Cleaning your topaz and citrine pieces need not be a complex process. A soft, lint-free cloth and some mild soap in warm water can usually do the trick. Gently cleanse the gems, taking care not to rub too harshly. Stay away from potent chemical cleaners or ultrasonic devices that could potentially harm the integrity of the stones. 
Storing your topaz and citrine pieces also requires some thought. It is advisable to keep them separately from other pieces of jewelry. This helps to mitigate the risk of scratches or other damage from harder stones or metal elements on other pieces of jewelry. Soft cloth pouches or individual compartments in a jewelry box can be ideal for this purpose. 
The same care and attention you put into choosing your topaz and citrine jewelry should also be extended to their maintenance. The right care regimen can preserve the allure of your gemstones and ensure that their radiance endures for years to come. Regularly checking your jewelry for any signs of wear and tear and getting them repaired in a timely manner can also be crucial to the lifespan of your pieces. 
Keep in mind, though, that while these tips can help in maintaining the shine and luster of your gemstones, they are not foolproof. Depending on the setting of the jewelry and the lifestyle of the wearer, the frequency and type of care might differ. When in doubt, it is always best to seek advice from a professional jeweler.
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Buying Guide for Topaz and Citrine Jewelry 
When it comes to investing in topaz or citrine jewelry, it's crucial to trust your source. These gemstones are precious, and you want to ensure their authenticity. It's also important to recognize that these gemstones might undergo treatments to enhance their color or clarity, which can impact their overall value. 
When deciding on topaz, one should inspect for the presence of inclusions. A quality stone will be free of these internal flaws. The color can vary greatly, but remember, the most prized is the Imperial Topaz with its mesmerizing orange-pink hues.  
On the other hand, when choosing citrine, the color intensity matters significantly. A stone that boasts a deep, rich color, often close to a golden hue, is usually considered more valuable.  
Whether you're opting for earrings, a necklace, a bracelet, or a ring, both topaz and citrine can make a remarkable gift for a November-born loved one or anyone who appreciates their beauty and symbolism. But remember to keep the recipient's style and taste in mind when choosing the piece.  
Buying topaz and citrine jewelry is not merely a purchase, it's an investment. It's a timeless piece of adornment that carries not only aesthetic value but also historical significance and supposed health benefits.
Make your selection carefully and from trusted sources to ensure the authenticity and longevity of these stunning gems. 
But remember, purchasing these birthstones is more than just buying a piece of jewelry; it's acquiring a piece of history, a symbol of the season, and a token of affection that can last a lifetime.
It's the perfect way to celebrate November birthdays or any special occasion. Enjoy the process of selection, knowing that you're choosing a piece of jewelry that will continue to sparkle with timeless beauty and significance for years to come. 
Discover the allure of birthstone enchantment! Immerse yourself in the blazing energy of garnet, the tranquil calm of amethyst, and the hopeful essence of aquamarine. Experience resilience with diamond, affection with emerald, and enchantment with alexandrite. Kindle fervor with ruby, seek serenity with peridot, and uncover wisdom with sapphire. Embrace the lively spirit of tourmaline, the comforting warmth of topaz, and allow either tanzanite or turquoise to lead your path.
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naturalstone · 2 months
Best Gemstone Dealer Near Me: Best Gemstone Shop in Delhi
Given that gemstones possess potent energies that can profoundly influence one's life, it is imperative to ascertain Best Gemstone Dealer Near Me. Only real, premium diamonds should be bought. The divinely beneficial energies contained in these exquisite pieces of art will transform your life in several positive ways. You may buy gemstones at Shraddha Shree Gems, the Best Gemstone Dealer in Delhi. You can feel better about your relationships, career, physical and mental well-being, and yourself by wearing diamonds. Each gemstone has unique benefits that might assist you in achieving your goals in life.
Benefits of wearing Gemstones:
Gemstones emit strong energy and are often considered an alternative kind of therapy with potential benefits to the body and mind. It is truly beneficial for maintaining mental equilibrium, reducing stress, preventing sickness, surrounding oneself with joy, and many other things. Wearing gemstones has many other astrological benefits, but it can also protect you from negative energy and ill vibes.
Where to Buy Original Gemstones in South Delhi?
Offering both loose stones and distinctive gemstone jewelry designs, Shraddha Shree Gems is one of Best Precious Stone Dealer Near Me. We are renowned for offering genuine, fine gemstones with certificates in our store. We guarantee that we exclusively provide our customers with natural, certified stones, even if it can be difficult to choose the finest retailer to buy gemstones from. This is the best place to get gemstones at fair prices.
How to identify if Gemstone is Real?
You should check a gemstone's transparency, weight, certificate, and other characteristics to see if it is real. Although there are many other ways to tell if a gemstone is real, our business is known for being Best Sapphire Dealer Near Me and only sells real, original products.
Buy Natural & Certified Gemstone Online in South Delhi
In South Delhi, there are a lot of internet retailers offering gemstones, but it's also important to pick a trustworthy retailer. Fortunately, you won't have to compromise on quality when buying gemstones online since Shraddha Shree Gems exclusively sells natural and certified gemstones. You can easily get it from our official website. Agate, red jasper, moonstone, rose quartz, and amethyst are just a few of the many gemstones we carry in our store.
Is Gemstone good to wear?
Because wearing gemstones has so many good effects on life, most individuals wear gemstone jewelry. In addition to many other things, you may protect yourself from negative energy, attract positive energy, radiate powerful energy around you, and support and improve mental health.
Which is the luckiest Gemstone or attracts good luck?
While many gemstones are said to bring good fortune, the following are especially well-known for their ability to raise the energy of other gemstones: tiger's eye, carnelian, green jade, peridot, citrine, smoky quartz, and clear quartz. These protect you from diseases, enhance your mental and physical well-being, prevent harm from bad energy, and much more. You can feel better about yourself and reach your goals by wearing jewels.
Many people believe in the metaphysical properties of gemstones; these benefits are based on personal experience and conviction. Given its many advantages, you should only buy real gemstones from Best Birthstone Dealer Near Me. It is commonly known that Shraddha Shree Gems provides natural and certified gemstones at the best and most affordable prices. A single store has a wide selection of gemstones.
Which is the Best Lab Grown Diamond Dealer/ CVD Diamond Dealer Near Me?
Shraddha Shree Gems is Best Lab Grown Diamond Dealer Near Me, offering the best pricing on lab-grown, CVD, and synthetic diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds are attractive because of their benefits to ethics and the environment. They are produced without involving unethical labor practices, financial disputes, or environmental damage from mining. Lab-grown diamonds are more affordable for customers than mine-grown diamonds, without sacrificing quality or beauty. They are available in an array of sizes and colours, making them suitable for a wide range of jewelry designs.
Read More:- Best CVD Diamond Dealer Near Me
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mairadube · 4 months
Astrological Benefits of Citrine
Citrine is a form of silica mineral quartz which is generally found in a range of yellow hues. Quartz is the second most common mineral found in the Earth’s crust, and its varieties, such as amethyst, bloodstone, smoky, etc. are found everywhere. But citrine is different – it is considered to be quite rare when compared to the other varieties of quartz. When it comes to hardness, it ranks an impressive 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness, because its constituent, silica, is pretty tough. Citrine is also the traditional gift for the 13th wedding anniversary. So, if you are nearing your 13th wedding anniversary, then buy citrine jewelry such as a citrine earring, citrine bracelet, or citrine necklace as a gift for your partner. A bright yellow or golden color citrine stone is considered to be the most suitable for astrological purposes. You can even consider wearing a natural citrine in a yellowish-orange color, without any sort of undesirable brownish tints if this is what your personal preference is. But be aware of treated citrine and the knockoffs – because most of the citrine sold in the market is nothing but heat-treated amethyst or quartz. After all, natural and authentic citrine is quite rare.
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Astrological Benefits of Citrine
Citrine is a form of silica mineral quartz which is generally found in a range of yellow hues. Quartz is the second most common mineral found in the Earth’s crust, and its varieties, such as amethyst, bloodstone, smoky, etc. are found everywhere. But citrine is different – it is considered to be quite rare when compared to the other varieties of quartz. When it comes to hardness, it ranks an impressive 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness, because its constituent, silica, is pretty tough. Citrine is also the traditional gift for the 13th wedding anniversary. So, if you are nearing your 13th wedding anniversary, then buy citrine jewelry such as a citrine earring, citrine bracelet, or citrine necklace as a gift for your partner.
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ameliawotson · 4 months
Beads Jewelry Meaning, History, Benefits, Types, and Healing Properties
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Humans have always treasured Beaded Jewelry. A bead is a little jewel the size of a ball that has a hole in the center so it may be strung on a necklace. There is a lot of meaning and symbolism embedded in each bead. It is hand-designed by stringing vibrant beads along a lengthy chain. Each colored dot represents extra energy, and each bright dot has a distinct meaning. Because of their lovely appearance and reasonable cost, loose beads have emerged as the preferred option for many jewelry enthusiasts. Wearing jewelry made of gemstones that speak to you is one option. You might use a variety of beads made of different gemstones into your beaded jewelry, such as Larimar Beads, Moonstone Beads, Opal Beads, Peridot Beads, Rose Quartz Beads, Smoky Beads, Sunstone Beads, Tourmaline Beads etc.
Visit Us : Beads Jewelry Meaning, History, Benefits, Types, and Healing Properties
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rajattan · 4 months
Facts You Need To Find Out About Healing Characteristics Of Quartz Jewelry
Did you know that Quartz could be the second most abundant natural mineral available on Earth? Many of us have heard of the many attributes of wearing Quartz jewelry. But many people still don’t know much about Quartz and it is healing benefits. The guide will briefly explain the differing types of Quartz and their healing properties. You will also find out more on how wearing Quartz jewelry can enhance your mental and physical well-being. So, let’s first discover the a variety of Quartz. Types of Quartz Rose Quartz This place is a preferred type of Quartz. The pale pink Quartz not merely looks beautiful, it helps your soul rejuvenate. Having its positive energy, Rose Quartz is the best choice for recuperating from unpleasant past experiences. Amethyst One other popular healing crystal, the Amethyst Stone, is world-famous for the spiritual and healing powers. Wearing it ensures a calm, serene filling and gives more clarity to your thoughts. Aventurine Saving money shades on this beautiful Quartz boost confidence. That’s why we think it over the Stone of Opportunity. If you would like positive things to surround you, tap into its lucky powers and feel the magic. Because it links for the heart chakra, Aventurine brings hope, gratitude, and positivity to you. Blue Quartz The magnificent Blue Quartz is a wonderful aura cleanser. It eliminates all negative thoughts and brings serenity towards the soul. The healing stone connects towards the throat chakra, so wearing it is helpful for improving communication. Smoky Quartz The beautiful warm energy radiating out of this stone is potent. It's no surprise that method . The Stone of Power. Because of its mystical history, Smoky Quartz enjoys massive popularity among people of any age. So wear this majestic stone and allow it guide you to the places in places you truly belong. Ametrine The fabulous, blended stone merges the healing powers of Citrine and Amethyst, giving the best of all possible worlds. Since both Citrine and Amethyst are detoxifiers, Ametrine is renowned for removing toxins in the body. Additionally, it boosts self-confidence and supports mental well-being. Snow Quartz This stone is great for regulating emotions if you are often guilty of emotional outbursts. Furthermore, the stone helps you with to think on your own words before you speak. So, if you wish to wear something to realize patience, this stone is an ideal choice. Pink Quartz The gorgeous Pink Quartz has powerful cleansing and healing properties. The stone is a great choice for dispelling feelings of anger and resentment. All of us love its pure beauty, making it a favourite among crystals. Jewelry owners consider it a stone. It really is prevalent among jewelry owners, holistic healers, and modern enthusiasts. Citrine Who doesn’t love the sun-splashed energy of this beautiful yellow stone? Citrine brings an extra dose of success since it boosts your confidence and brings more positivity. In order to wear jewelry for manifesting financial abundance and opportunities, Citrine awakens the solar plexus chakra and makes you more self-aware. Tiger Eye Everybody wants to feel safe and protected. Wearing the majestic Tiger brings a sense of serenity and safety. Let your inner courage and strength shine by clearing away negative energy. The stone taps into the third eye to balance the soul and restores confidence. But on the other hand, it boosts self-worth and strengthens negative energy. Other varieties of Quartz include: Agate Carnelian Chalcedony Chrysoprase
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Onyx Jasper Bloodstone Healing Benefits of Quartz Clear quartz stores, releases, and absorbs energy. On that basis, everyone loves wearing Quartz rings and bracelets to modify power. Since it resonates with all the current chakras of our body, they increase concentration, boost self-confidence, and convey harmony. Here's a rundown of some of the advantages of wearing Quartz jewelry. We'll explore these benefits later from the post. Quartz revitalizes and balances the mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional planes. Enhances and cleanses body organs. Quartz is often a catalyst that supports soul cleansing. It connects the physical dimension together with the mind. Supports psychic abilities Improves memory and concentration Balances the mind-body connection Strengthens the defense mechanisms Balances the chakras Attributes of Wearing Quartz Jewelry Crystals heal physical, spiritual, and mental ailments. But every crystal has unique healing properties. Crystals bring positivity, help remove energy blockages, and heal the body and mind. When you surround yourself with positive energy, it can help your house is a happier and healthier life. Likewise, Quartz is popularly employed in jewelry. Whether it is polished, cut, or tumbled, the clarity and hues of Quartz convert it into a fantastic choice for jewelry lovers. In addition, it is durable, acquireable, and cost-effective. The two human body and quartz crystals are made of silicon dioxide. This compound fuels communication and attracts energy. Quartz crystals come with an energetic experience of our body’s makeup, so they are highly beneficial. Let’s read why people prefer wearing Quartz jewelry. Crystal jewelry has Potent Healing Powers Jewelry lovers, both men, and ladies know the dimensions and therapeutic properties of stones and crystals. Some people also have them for decorating their home or blocking negative energy inside their surroundings. They even make them during meditation or to clear your thoughts. If you have crystals in your auric field, they're able to balance your chakras, and that means you tend to be more available to giving and receiving love. Crystal jewelry is Trendy If you want wearing trendy and beautiful jewelry, Quartz jewelry can be quite a stunning accessory your collection. Crystal rings, earrings, and bracelets give a host of healing benefits. But the thing is they look gorgeous. Quartz Jewelry Serve as Energy Amplifiers Wearing Quartz rings and bracelets means you have tools for amplifying your efforts. You can look at them like a magnifier on your emotions and. These crystals are healing tools for improving mindfulness, memory, and concentration. Final Thoughts If you wish to pull and channel positive energy, choose Quartz accessories to uplift your spirits. More info about Vong Thach Anh have a look at our webpage.
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jewels2023 · 7 months
Crystal Clear: The Benefits of Wearing Crystal Jewellery
Hey there crystal lovers! We know that you're all about looking good and feeling great, and what better way to do that than with the power of crystals minimal jewellery? Whether you're looking for a little extra help with your meditation practice, or just want to add some extra bling to your jewellery collection, crystals are the perfect way to go!
Amethyst – A definitive relax gem. On the off chance that you're worried and need a little assistance resting for a bit, this purple magnificence is your new BFF. It's ideal for slowing down in the wake of a difficult day and tracking down your internal Harmony, and it likewise looks very cool in your gems assortment.
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Rose Quartz – The love stone. This baby pink crystal is all about compassion, emotional healing, and opening up your heart chakra. If you're feeling a little down in the dumps or struggling to show yourself some love, rose quartz is here to give you a boost. Plus, it's totally Instagram -worthy.
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Lapis Lazuli - This one is all about wisdom, intuition, and spiritual growth. It's the perfect crystal for boosting creativity and self-expression, and it looks absolutely stunning in any piece of jewellery. Turn heads wherever you go with this perfect conversation starter.
Smoky Quartz - If you're looking for something a little more versatile, smoky quartz is where it's at. This crystal is a total powerhouse – it can amplify your energy, help with focus and clarity, and even aid in spiritual growth. It's the ultimate multi-tasker, and it looks great in any setting.
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Citrine - If you're all about the green, then citrine is the crystal for you. This sunny yellow gem is all about abundance, prosperity, and success. It's perfect for manifesting your dreams and achieving your goals, and a great accessory for any outfit.
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Selenite - The ultimate purifying crystal. If you're feeling stuck or in need of some mental clarity, this white gem is here to cleanse your energy and give you a fresh start. It's perfect for meditation and spiritual growth, and it looks absolutely stunning in any setting.
Tourmaline - Feeling a little off-kilter? Tourmaline is here to help. This grounding crystal is all about protection and banishing negative energy. It's perfect for meditation, especially if you're feeling anxious or stressed out. Plus, its beautiful colors make for the perfect addition to your jewellery collection, adding a pop to any outfit.
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Topaz - Topaz is about clearness and correspondence, making it the ideal precious stone for any individual who needs a little assistance communicating their thoughts. It likewise supports indication and drawing in overflow and can assist you with pursuing your objectives with concentration and assurance. With its shocking scope of varieties, topaz looks perfect in any piece of adornments, and assists you with sparkling both all around.
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Black Onyx -The ultimate grounding crystal. Everything revolves around adjusting the yin-yang and arrangement, and it's ideal for fighting pressure and uneasiness. Remain mentally collected and look cool with the expansion of this dark excellence to your frill.
"Adorn yourself in elegance of Crystal Jewellery with our exquisite 925 sterling silver jewellery – where every piece tells a story of timeless beauty. Elevate your style, embrace the allure, and let your radiance shine with our stunning collection. Your journey to timeless sophistication begins here."
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tipsycad147 · 10 months
Making a Magick Self Care Routine-Daily Witchcraft
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Self Care has become a major buzzword on Social Media.Spa Days, Retail Therapy, Coloring Books, you name it. But what if you could use your magick to set up a easy low cost self care routine?
The Magick of Magical Self Care
If you are new to witchcraft, you may be question what magick is and how it works, much less how it can apply to self care. In a nutshell, magick is using the energy inside and around you to manifest positive things in your life. Whether spells, manifestations, wishes, spell jars whatever you choose to use. Each pulls energy and emotions to activate what you want to happen.
But what does this mean when talking about adding it to your self care routine? Self Care and Witchcraft are closely related. Both involve listening to your body, your spirit and your intuition. The main difference is witchcraft adds some extra tools and techniques.
Don’t believe me? Name off the 5 most popular self care suggestions. Got ’em? Bet at least a few include things like: journaling, baths or showers, candles,meditating and going outside. If you’ve been part of the witchcraft scene for more than a week I bet you’ve used all of these at least once over the course of your magick.
Adding Magick to your self care routine involves listening to your body and soul to find out what you need. By adding a self care ritual to your daily/weekly/monthly routine, you invoke deeper physical and spiritual healing and closer connection to the Universe and yourself.
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Making a Magick Self Care Routine
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The following list is just a few of the ideas you can add to your self care routine. Set it up for as often as you need. A 5 minute break to deal a tarot card or drink some tea is better than no break at all.
But! Be Authentic to yourself. If you don’t like something on the list, don’t do it. Change it to what benefits you. Only you know what you need. Use this to create your own individual path. And don’t make choices out of convenience or to strictly please others. You can’t pour from an empty cup, self care is how to refill that cup.
Work with the Moon Phases
If you don’t have time to make a self care routine everyday, set aside time once a week instead. Coordinating with the moon phases gives you specific actions to focus on depending on the cycle.
Full Moon – Celebrating. Giving Thanks and Gratitude.
Waning Moon -Releasing and Banishing. Going within for Spiritual Growth.
New Moon -Reflection. Setting intentions and goals.
Waxing Moon -Taking inspired actions.
By using these 4 phases, you can work on manifesting new goals, overcoming blockages in your physical, mental or spiritual life or just take time to manifest good energy for yourself.
Schedule out time on or around each moon phases( one day before, the day of or the day after works best). Set up a ritual as simple or as elaborate as you would like. If you like baths, take one. If you want to drink tea and talk to your tarot cards, do it!
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By adding in this small routine every day, it helps you get into the right head space for the day as well as allowing you a glimpse at the possibilities for the day. Doing a reading first thing in the morning while you drink your coffee/tea/ favorite drink helps you to prepare for whatever you may need for the day.
What Witchcraft post is complete without some crystals? If you’ve been following along all year then you know I mention crystals a lot. I feel that the energy crystals project helps to influence our energy and increase it. Some of the best crystals for self care, depression and mental health include:
Smoky Quartz
Rose Quartz
Tiger’s Eye
Black Tourmaline
Carry these crystals on your person or place them around your home or sacred space. Keep a pouch in your car to boost your energy while commuting to work. Remember to cleanse and charge them frequently for optimal energy.( Check out my Crystals for Beginners post for more info on how to cleanse, charge and use crystals. Find that here.)
If you like to make your self care routine part of your beauty routine, check out the jade or rose quartz facial rollers!
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I’ve seen people who’ve read their birth charts and it’s mentioned every significant life event that’s happened in the past 5 years! But on that note, if you do read something in your birth-chart you don’t agree with, don’t feel that you’re doomed/destined to do only that. You can change your path at any time.
Energy Work and Spells
This is where the magic really comes in! This is probably the most important one considering most magic is energy work anyways.
To add energy work/ manifestation spells to your routine, Be very clear about what you want to bring into your life. Ask yourself questions like How do you want to feel or want to be? What do you want to have? Visualize yourself as having already achieved these goals or being where you want in life. Add in any required herbs or tools to boost your magic.
This type of visualization is great as a daily reminder and pick me up. Write down 3 things you want in life and leave it where you can see it everyday, preferably multiple times a day. Read over it frequently and visualize these goals as having been achieved.
Hearth and Kitchen Magick
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Enchant your favorite tea or coffee with feelings of contentedness and comfort. Add herbs to your lunch, dinner or snack to encourage motivation, success or relaxation. Set up altars in your home that bring you feelings of happiness.Make a healthy hearty meal or your favorite sweet treat. There’s countless ways to use hearth and kitchen magic in your home. Just pick the ones that feel right to you.
Practice Gratitude
This is more about changing your mindset than it is actual gratitude. Use your journal or a note pad, write three things you are grateful for everyday. By looking at things in a positive light, your mindset changes to look at things from the good side.
Kinda like the saying every cloud has a silver lining or you get out of life what you put into it. If you notice yourself making a negative statement, mindset or thought, simply correct yourself to a more positive outlook. This affects the energy around you and will influence it to become more positive as well.
Create a Sacred Space(Or Spaces)
When people have an area to retreat to so they can recharge, or just an area to call their own, it immensely helps to prevent breakdowns, burnouts and shutting down. By creating sacred spaces around your home( or room if you live with parents or roommates) you create an area attuned to you.
When setting up your space, ask yourself these questions. What kind of space relaxes you? What helps you to slow down and just breathe? Is it time to declutter or reorganize my space? Is this personalized the way I want? These will help you decide how and what you want to change about your space.
Check out Pinterest for tons of DIY tutorials for things like plants, decor and inspirations. Keep it as simple or elaborate as you want. If you live in your own home or with people who are open to your magic, feel free to set up cozy spaces in every room! Use an assortment of crystals, plants, wall hangings, incense and candles(if you are able to burn things that is. Not everyone can handle incense smoke or some apartments don’t allow open flames. Check out sage spray and other things like essential diffusers for smoke free alternatives.)
Allow yourself space to Express yourself
One of the biggest weaknesses of hitting creative and emotional burnout is that people don’t take time to express themselves. Adult coloring books are helping with this, allowing people to create just for the sake of creating but there are tons of ways to encourage your inner child to break free.
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By indulging in “childish” activities, you allow yourself a freedom to relax and have fun for the sake of having fun. When you are able to access your creative side freely, it increases your magical potential.
A Sample Day
Feel free to adjust your self care to your schedule are needed. Not everyone performs the same magic, works the same schedules or eats the same foods. Your path should fit your life. A day of adding magic and self care to my schedule looks something like this.
Get up and make coffee. Stir with intentions I want to manifest for the day.
Draw 1-3 tarot cards asking what my message for the day is. Write them down in my journal.
Get dressed for the morning and join my mother for all of our morning outdoor chores.
Open up and feed the chicken. Love on my favorite hens and rooster.
Feed and milk the goats and sheep. Ask one of my deities to watch over them especially as we get close to Lambing time.(Brigid, Freya, Hestia, Demeter and Pan are my normal go tos)
Come back over to the house(we live next door) and Feed the toddler for the morning.
Spend the day cleaning and playing, working on the blog or making products for the store.
While Munchkin is napping, light incense and turn on my preferred playlist for the day. I normally spend her nap time working but try and take at least one day a week to just relax with a movie or a book.
Evenings and Weekends
When Mr. Moose gets home we spend time as a family until its evening and time to close all the animals up for the night again.
Everyone gets baths or showers to clean up. I spend the end of my shower letting the water wash over me and cleanse all the energy and stagnant junk from the day as well as charging up for the next day.
On the weekends I try to spend time with Mr. Moose as well as take some quiet time for myself. I like to water all my plants, reorganize and clean my altar and working on ideas for the next week. I make sourdough bread every weekend that I bless with energy to keep my family strong and healthy. If Mr. Moose and I share a drink I’ll leave some in a shot glass on my altar for the Gods.
Now realize this is just a sample of what I do. Not everyday looks like this, and I don’t always add self care in every single day. But I try to make time at least once a week for a dedicated self care time with small blessings and intentions scattered throughout the day.
When I start having issues with burnout and stress, I drop everything but the essentials from my day and just try to take space to breathe and chill. That’s the upsides of being able to be flexible and customize what you need. Magick and self care is about listening to your spirit, body and intuition for what you need right now. Make sure you listen.
Some Notes about Self Care and Magick in General
I want to make sure you know outright. Self Care and especially Magick are not cures or fix-alls for illnesses, depression, bad jobs etc. They will help immensely if done consistently but these methods and techniques are purely to influence and empower things you are already doing.
But on that note. Don’t stress yourself if you are suffering from a bad episode of depression, health or anxiety. If you struggle to get out of bed on a daily basis, just do what you can until you can baby step back to where you need to be. Seek out medical or physical help if you need it and know you are loved, you are important and you are beautiful.
Make the Most of Your Self Care Routine with a bit of Magick in your Life
I hope you leave here with some ideas you can add into your life as well as ways to help improve it. Self care is important and is one of the most forgotten aspects of being healthy and at your best. Using the magic you already have inside you as well as setting up a consistent routine will help to make sure you get the most out of what you need. Magick on!
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