tipsycad147 · 16 days
3 Easy Ways to Recognize Your Intuition
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Let's be real for a second. We don't always know that our intuition is being utilized every day. We don't always realize we use it occasionally. But I'm here to tell you that, whether you're aware or not, you're regularly directed by your intuition. It's your gut instinct, the feeling you have, the nudge, or even the images you see that are guiding you throughout your life.
That being said, it can be difficult to be aware every time your metaphysical senses are present. Our intuition can feel as simple as a light breeze, or it can be as loud as someone yelling in your ear. In other words, it can show up in so many ways it becomes part of your regular day, without you even realizing it. Though it's not always necessary to identify that you're using your extra sensory perception (ESP), when you acknowledge your intuition, it tends to show up for you more often.
Look, I'm going to tell it to you straight—life is so much better and more fulfilling when you use your intuition. Whether you pay attention to your gut instinct, follow a hunch, or even have a tingly sensation that alerts you to something, it's all intuition. Calling it by a different name doesn't make it any less. And thank goodness! Learning how you perceive your gifts can help you recognize them more often.
The How The most common perceptions, or the way we receive impressions, are known as the "clairs," clair from the French word meaning "clear." These are coupled with the metaphysical version of our physical senses. Clairvoyance (psychic vision), clairaudience (hearing), clairsentience (feeling), claircognizance (knowing), and I usually put these two together, but they are different—clairgustance (taste), and clairalience (smell). We've all experienced at least one of these, regardless of whether or not we realized it.
I am often asked how to determine which gifts someone may have a propensity towards, and I tell them, "What feels right to you? What do you feel more connected with?" If they still don't feel a distinctive inclination towards one or another, I tell them to pay attention to the words they tend to use more often. For example, when talking to someone, would you be more apt to say:
I hear what you're saying!
I feel you!
I see what you mean!
I know!
This situation just stinks!
This is leaving a bad taste in my mouth!
By simply paying attention to how you're speaking, it helps you realize your intuition is working! You can discover what strengths you may naturally have.
Recognizing Intuitive Moments Your intuition is there to help you. It is a valuable part of your life because it continually tries to guide you towards your joy or keep you out of trouble. When we are moving through our day, it can be difficult to separate your intuition from everything else, so here are 3 ways to recognize those moments. And, again, when you begin recognizing that these are intuitive moments, and acknowledging that you are indeed, a naturally intuitive being, you will begin having more of these powerful ESP moments.
Here are three ways to recognize when your intuition is working.
1. Having a physical reaction in your body to someone or something. When you meet someone for the first time, especially if you shake their hand, you instinctively pick up on their energy. This can cause a physical reaction. It might pull you closer towards them, their energy drawing you in. Alternatively, their energy can make you feel overwhelmed or even repel you.
When this occurs, it's because your energy fields are connecting and you are intuitively receiving information from them and from their aura. An aura is the energy field that surrounds all living things. It is usually about one to two inches away from the body, but can and does expand and retract.
When you meet someone, you generally will expand your aura towards them to kind of feel them out, intuitively. If they make you uncomfortable, your gut instinct will be to pull back, physically but also metaphysically. On the other hand, if they give you the warm and fuzzies, you will naturally expand your energy towards them.
This energetic reaction happens instantly, often unconsciously, and is a result of your intuitive vibes in action.
*Practice* Whether you know someone or not, you can see how your energy instinctively reacts. Practicing feeling the energy of people with whom you're familiar will help you recognize how you feel around people you don't know.
Friends, hopefully, will expand your energy and you'll feel comfy and contented vibes. They make you happy. On the other hand, people you don't like can make you feel off. You might even feel confused or disoriented when thinking about them or when in their presence. Frustration, anger, or irritation also changes your body's reaction to someone you dislike. Pay attention to what your body is telling you!
2. Receiving symbolic information in your mind. Let me introduce you to your intuitive mind! This is the place where you may hear or see things internally. These images or sounds can be sent from your deceased loved ones or your spirit guides in order to keep you safe and on your path, or they can materialize in your mind in answer to a question you may be thinking about or even asking aloud.
For example, if you're headed to look at a home to purchase that you've never seen before, and you see an image of a sparkly, shiny house in your mind's eye, it can be your clairvoyance showing you that the home you are on your way to visit is going to be a good option for you. Conversely, if you have a flash of a home in disrepair or actually falling down, this is probably that same psychic sight telling you that you will most definitely be disappointed by it (unless you’re planning to do a major renovation!). The imagery you see might not look like the actual house—more likely will just be the representation of a house. That's what makes it symbolic. Pay attention to what you see!
Hearing a symbolic message in your mind can also be random or can be sent in answer to something. For instance, maybe you're thinking about whether to stop at a fast-food restaurant on your way home to pick up dinner. It might be a bad idea if you hear a random toilet flushing! Or maybe instead you hear the jingle of a local grocery store, which can indicate that picking up some healthier groceries to cook dinner might be a better choice in the long run.
Now, these may seem insignificant and extremely simple examples. As you begin paying attention to the information you see or hear in your mind, you will be able to recognize more easily your intuitive guidance from your third eye and your psychic ears.
*Practice* You don't have to wait to receive random guidance. You can practice by asking for it, instead. Let's say you are trying to decide what college to go to, or to help your child decide what college they should attend. Ask to intuitively hear or see a response and wait. You might get an answer immediately, or it may take a while. When the answer "shows up," it might be in the form of the school logo flashing in your mind's eye. Or, it could be the sound of boat horns blasting if you are looking at a school on the coast. You might just see colors that will relate to a specific college. You may even taste or smell food if you're debating between a culinary school or a liberal arts college. The sky is the limit for the information that may come through, but be open to any version that directs you intuitively.
3. Having intuitive connections to others. It might be cliché, but it's cliché for a reason. Do you believe it's random when you are about to call or text someone and as you pick up your phone you see they are already reaching out to you? I don't. What I do believe is that we are connected to people we are friends with, or family members. We also can be connected to others, like doctors or neighbors.
This means that we can link to them intuitively. And further, we can retrieve or receive infinite amounts of information from them. It is within this boundless society that our intuitive relationships thrive, allowing us to know when someone is reaching out to us.
Take a mother's intuition, for example. This is when a mother knows something is happening with a child who is not near them or not present. It might be a moment of panic when a mom suddenly knows something's wrong so she rushes to her child's job, to discover they've just passed out. That is a connection that is highly charged because the mother and child are so close.
*Practice* We are all connected. Think of the energy of the universe like a huge, endless bubble. It can be glittery and sparkly, or just clear. Whatever you want it to be. And now, see yourself and your family and your friends inside this bubble, where there's air and life. Now, imagine this bubble surrounds the entire earth, pushing out, again, to encompass the entire universe. And of course then, you'll see your house and your neighbor's house, and so on and so on.
So, what next? Send an intuitive message out with your mind. Tell your husband (or someone close to you) to reach out to you, call you. Allow at least 15 minutes for a response, and if it doesn't happen by then, try it again. This time, though, show him an image by visualizing it in your mind's eye and sending it to him. It can be dinner that's being prepared or a movie you want to watch or something else entirely. Really focus on the image and focus on sending it to him. You might have to try this a few times for it to work.
Learning to manipulate (in a positive way) energetic connections helps you to create stronger links or bonds among your family and friends, and possibly more importantly, allows you to receive those intuitive calls from them!
You've just discovered three different ways to recognize when you are using your intuition. Remember, there's no limit to how intuitive you can become. These gifts, these abilities that may have once seemed otherworldly, may now seem attainable to you. Possibly you've noticed that some of the examples I've given you have already happened, and you just hadn't realized it was your intuition talking to you. Now that you know how to decipher these messages, it's up to you how far you take it. Above all, enjoy these gifts! They are part of your birthright, and they are accessible right now!
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tipsycad147 · 16 days
The Meadow Tarot Spread from the Bee Tarot
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A spread is essentially a storyboard that allows the reader to sequentially follow a pattern that is designed to address a particular topic. Some spreads cover all the bases, whereas others are specific to certain decks and issues. The most commonly used spread is called the Celtic Cross, which has been modified and adapted ad infinitum since its inception. It is highly effective for general overviews of a situation and the energies present.
Without a spread, a reading can be clumsy and awkward, with no parameters to hold the energy of the question being asked. For instance, a simple three-card spread is almost meaningless if we have not assigned a function to each card. It can be as simple as past, present, future or conscious factor, unconscious factor, and action. As soon as each card is given an attribute that it will represent, the reading is given direction.
Most readers have their go-to spreads that they have memorised, but individual decks like Bee Tarot will have developed spreads that are in keeping with their theme. What follows is a bee-related spread for you to try.
The Meadow Spread This is a spread that utilises elements of your intuition as well as the tarot system. The cards are laid down in five positions, but the number of cards in each position is not set in stone. As you consider the question, lay as many or as few cards in each position without thinking too much about the laying-out process. So you may have three cards in position one, six cards in position three, four cards in position five, and so forth. This offers a greater depth of reading than the usual one card per position system.
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1: My current situation or the issue at hand
2: What my expectations are
3: What unseen forces are at play and what my anxieties are
4: What guidance and advice is available to me
5: The potential outcome
Excerpted from Bee Tarot, by Kristoffer Hughes and Nadia Turner.
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tipsycad147 · 16 days
5 Ways to Forge Communion with Crows
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Some 17,000 years ago, a human ventured deep inside Lascaux Cave in what is modern-day France, and painted a therianthrope (a human-animal hybrid) that some observers believe is a crow-headed shaman. It's the earliest evidence we have of how long crows and their cousins the ravens, part of the family of birds known as corvids, have enchanted humankind.
Crows and ravens are the most intelligent animals that most people will ever encounter, given that they are far more ubiquitous and "accessible" worldwide than those very smart apes and dolphins, and far more intelligent than dogs or cats. Renowned wildlife biologist John Marzluff calls corvids, "feathered apes." And, crows and ravens are the most magical animals that most people will have a chance of encountering.
As evidenced in myths, legends, and even historical accounts, the uncanny abilities and behaviors of crows and ravens have led cultures around the world to regard the birds as supernatural creatures, as emissaries from the gods, goddesses, and Other Realms. Tales from the ancient Norse, Celts, Native Americans, and other cultures have revealed how those peoples forged mystical connections to corvids, while contemporary accounts from individuals tell of synchronicities, eerie encounters, and even magical manifestations involving the birds.
At the most basic level, just intently observing crows and ravens will remind one—whether you're a birder, amateur naturalist, or just taking a break in a park—that nature, the earth, the universe are more fascinating and mysterious than we realize.
For myself and others on a Pagan spiritual path, crows are sacred creatures: they are the living embodiment of an aspect of Gaia the great Earth Goddess.
There's more.
Corvids can offer us a way, in conjunction with various shamanic techniques, to wake us out of what British metaphysical-occult investigator Colin Wilson called the "robot mind" of mundane consciousness, and stop the chattering of what the Buddhists call the "monkey mind." By attuning ourselves to the extraordinary, even supernatural abilities of corvids, we can better alter our consciousness so that we can open our Third Eye and access the divine realms.
All this while knowing that Gaia the Earth Goddess, in her joy and whimsy, has placed these creatures right there in our backyards.
Here are five ways—some practical, some magical—to forge communion with crows. (For a deeper dive, see my book, Crows and Ravens: Mystery, Myth, and Magic of Sacred Corvids.)
As noted by both science and anecdotal evidence, crows are more "human gregarious" (my term) than their somewhat shyer cousins the ravens. Given that and the fact that ravens are not found in Florida, where I live, the followings tips are drawn from my experiences with crows. Still, I suspect that these practices apply equally to both corvids.
1. To quote the musical Oliver!: Food, Glorious Food! Ok, duh. Of course if you feed them, they will come. However, crows offer a special case. A scientifically controlled experiment by John Marzluff demonstrated that crows remember specific human faces, especially the face of a human who has shown them a kindness, or the face of a human they perceive as being aggressive or harmful toward their kind.
It gets freakier: Crows can communicate to other crows the nature of a particular human, even if those other crows did not witness the initial behavior that caused a crow to mark said human.
So, whenever you feed crows, be sure to tilt your head toward wherever they may be, to give them the best chance to see your face and recognize you as their benefactor. I also speak a mantra out loud each and every I time I feed them. My mantra is, "Crackers for crows! Crackers for crows!" The goal is to give the crows a consistent audio as well as visual touchstone.
As for food, I use dried corn for my rituals or magical workings involving crows, but for everyday feedings (my clan of five to nine crows visit me daily in the backyard of my Florida home) I use tortilla chips, popcorn, saltine crackers, or any brand of those big brown, round crackers. Crows are omnivores: they'll eat just about anything, but keep it simple.
How to attract crows initially and establish a feeding regimen? Years ago I began this way: each and every time I heard crows cawing in my backyard, I would take crackers and place them on the lower branches of the Chinese tallow tree that grows naturally at the edge of the woods behind my home. This became my "Crow Spirit Tree" because the crows loved to perch there whenever they came to visit.
Whenever I approached the Chinese tallow to place crackers on the lower branches, any crows in the tree would flutter to its highest branches, but they would return to snack after I retreated to my back patio.
In the following weeks and months, I allowed the crows to "train" me by taking them crackers each and EVERY time I heard them caw. If they said, "Jump!" I said, "How high?" After a few months I began tossing tortilla chips and popcorn on my lawn. The crows were skittish at first, but after a few weeks they overcame their wariness and began alighting on my backyard to snatch their treats. I also began to notice a crow high in a nearby slash pine, keeping a lookout for red-shouldered hawks or other possible menaces while his clan would feed.
2. Get to know your neighborhood crows— as individuals. But how can that happen, you say, crows all look alike! True enough, and even discerning between male and female crows by sheer, casual observation is very difficult. Males typically are slightly larger than females, but even that is not a reliable indicator. I simply intuit whether a specific crow is male or female, and move on.
However, observe the same crow clan over a period of time and you will see that individual crows' behaviors differ, and can be downright idiosyncratic. (By the way, I'm not a fan of referring to a group of crows with the traditional term "murder," but feel free to do so if you choose.)
It's simple to see why I gave the name Rockette to one of my crow visitors from years ago: whenever she walked, one of her legs had a peculiar high-kick motion that resembled those famous show dancers at New York City's Radio Music Hall. I surmised Rockette's strange gait was the result of some past injury.
Lord Valient the Bold was an alpha crow who was noticeably larger than his fellows, and was the only one brave enough to come with 10 yards of my back patio. Mr. Piggy was the first crow I ever saw who would pick up and pack five or six medallion-sized crackers in his mouth at one time.
Boga and Bacca, a crow couple I named after Hollywood lovers Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, would scoop crackers off my lawn and fly to my home's rooftop to munch on them. (By the way, crow couples mate for life.)
Like more than half of all bird species, crows are passerine, which means they have feet that are adapted for perching. While cardinals, robins, and Carolina wrens dart and flutter through my backyard, crows will perch and stay awhile on the branches of the Chinese tallow, slash pines, and bluejack oaks, thus rewarding human watchers—especially ones with binoculars.
And yes, as you can see, I name my frequent crow visitors.
3. Compile a crow vocabulary list. One of the fun aspects of crow encounters is crow talk! Yes, crow talk is communication. OK, that's true of a broad spectrum of animal vocalizations, but crows have an ample vocabulary beyond their common "caws" and beyond that of other creatures. This brings up one of the best ways to distinguish between crows and ravens: Typically, a crow "caws" and a raven "croaks" or "gronks." (See the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's excellent video, "Caw vs. Croak: Inside the Calls of Crows and Ravens.")
As you encounter crows, note how they converse with other crows nearby. Once you hear a crow call, listen for a reply. Sometimes the distance of their call-and-response is astonishing: a crow will shout a staccato burst of caws, and a not-too-faint reply will echo from several blocks away or far across a nearby field, park, or patch of woods.
Devise your own onomatopoeia for the corvid talk you hear. My own crow dictionary includes, of course, "caw"—the all-purpose, readily recognizable, stereotypical crow word . . . except that it's not. Spend some time with crow kind and you will quickly learn there are different types of "caws." The typical one is a muscular, robust, even jarring burst that is a bit raspy or guttural. But crows also frequently voice a less harsh sound that I call a "soft caw," and a third type that I call a "yip caw," which has a similar tone to a dog's lighthearted "yip."
All these "caws" are vocalized in any number of repeats, different rhythms, and/or degrees of forcefulness, thus creating an astonishing variety of crow communications.
There's more. My crow vocabulary list also includes a guttural, cat-like caterwaul (which I mistook for an actual feline the first time I heard it), the rarely heard but beautiful "dove-murmur," the "hoot-murmur" (which I mistook for an owl the first time I heard that call), the "clicky-clack," and more.
As you begin to notice and catalogue various crow sounds, make note of the surrounding circumstances: time of day, how many crows are present, whether it's before or after you've fed them, the presence of other birds, etc. Soon you may be able to match particular vocalizations with specific conditions.
For example, I've noticed that a robust burst of three "caws" is typically the first crow sound I hear coming from my backyard in the morning. I'm convinced that call means one of two things: either, "Come feed us, Rick!," or perhaps it's a summons for other crows to come join the impending feast.
4. Do a tarot reading with crows. The ancient Norse of the Viking Age (793–1066 CE) created raven banners to prophesy their success in battle. The ancient Irish and ancient Tibetans devised divination systems based upon corvid speech. Here's a way to bring Crow Spirit into your divination practices.
If I'm in the mood to do a tarot card reading, I often will seek an assist from my crow visitors: I will count the number of crows the next time they arrive in my backyard, or alternately I will decide to note the number of "caws" the next time I hear a crow call nearby. Whether the number is one, five, seven, or whatever, that number becomes my "shuffle number." Let's say I heard three caws. After I complete a traditional shuffle of my selected tarot deck (usually Crowley's Thoth or the Morgan-Greer deck), I will count down to the third card in the deck and place that card in the first position of my chosen tarot layout, whether it's the Celtic Cross, a basic three-card spread, or another. Then I will count down to the third card of the remaining deck, and place that card in the second position. Count down three more and so on until all the layout positions are filled. Thus, the crows have provided the final shuffle for my reading.
As with all your tarot readings, keep a detailed journal of the cards revealed in the layout, your immediate interpretations, and any results that manifest, or not, in later days. After doing several "crow tarot" readings, see if you can discern any repeated cards or other synchronicities.
5. Add Crow Spirit to your altar. Several years ago, I was in the backyard of my Florida home and I heard a bustle high in a slash pine, and as I looked in that direction I saw a hefty branch crash onto my lawn and break into several pieces. A nano-second later I heard a crow caw. I looked up and in that very same tree I spied a crow.
No matter whether the crow physically caused the almost-dead branch to fall, I knew immediately that I had a natural talisman—one piece of the branch—to place upon my sacred Pagan altar. (I used another piece to create a Crow Spirit Wand, replete with a quartz crystal, an Apache tear, and crow images created with a woodburning tool, but that is a more involved process that I cover in my book.)
The piece of branch on my altar is a classic example of one of the most basic forms of magic: contagious magic, which holds that things once connected or associated are able to affect one another when separated.
No need to wait for a serendipitous falling branch. Find a tree favored by crows and, after asking the tree for permission, harvest one of the fallen branches, twigs, leaves, or needles that inevitably rest under the tree's canopy.
Even if you have no altar, place the branch or leaf in your home to serve as a palpable daily reminder of Crow Spirit.
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tipsycad147 · 16 days
Developing Your Subtle Senses in Preparation for Laying Ghosts
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The most important capabilities in laying ghosts are whatever best facilitate communication with spirits to better understand the causes of their obsession. Cultivating competency in the ability to perceive, see, hear, or receive spirits' emotive impressions are all pertinent to resolving a sciomantic investigation. People can be too ready to believe that these skills must be entirely innate or revealed due to the advent of extreme circumstances, such as loss or trauma. The truth is that while in some people an aptitude or talent may be inherent, it is possible for anyone to develop a working efficiency through the diligent and continuous practice of certain simple exercises.
Hearing The first ability you should develop is hearing the voice of spirits. Sciomantic investigation demands a knowledge of the attachment underlying the obsession disturbing a location. The ability to hear spirits is an invaluable faculty in an investigation that is more immediate and dependable than capturing recorded electronic voice phenomena or using other voice tools. It opens a direct avenue of communication, therefore potentially expediting an explanation as to the cause of the spirit crisis.
Sensing Cultivating the ability to sense a spirit's presence is the next faculty you should develop. A sciomantic incident is rarely static; the spirit is constantly moving around, either unaware of the commotions of the living or in hope to either avoid or confront whomever is seeking them. The reliance on devices and instruments to capture spirit activity in modern paranormal investigation often means investigators learn of any phenomenon after it has already occurred. Developing the skill to confidently sense the presence of a spirit in real time allows you to act immediately and dynamically. Additionally, the ability to sense anomalies in a subtle environment is invaluable. Most people naturally have this sense, so it is only a matter of learning to discern the differences and know when a spirit is present or if there is another type of anomaly.
Psychism Another useful skill is what has become known as psychism, the ability to receive impressions from a spirit, person, item, or environment. You may receive these impressions in any number of ways, such as through mental pictures, emotional empathy, touching relevant items (psychometry) or in dreams (oneiromancy).
These extra sensory impressions can be incredibly pertinent during an investigation, providing connections in logic between disparate pieces of evidence. However, be mindful that psychic impressions very often need a level of interpretation and are therefore open to potential errors.
Seeing We are not discussing the ability to see a spirit in a physical sense but rather to perceive it in detail in the mind and to be certain it is authentic. Pursuing the capacity to effectively see or perceive a spirit will allow you to access critical information that otherwise may remain undiscovered. The spirit's clothing or hairstyle can often indicate the period in which the entity lived, and a description of the facial features might lead to a confirmation of identity when compared to a photograph or video uncovered through research. The spirit may also attempt to communicate through gestures or behaviors once they realize you can see them. A Technique to Build Subtle Senses There are a variety of resources available that can help you develop your subtle abilities. We have found the exercise included here to be the most reliable because it makes proper use of three fundamental skills: discrimination, the imaginatrix, and passive perception, all to teach you how to tell with certainty when an insight has been received from an external source.
Discrimination The faculty fostered in this exercise and necessary for its skillful application is discrimination. As they are perceived, the physical and the spiritual interweave to never separate. Every preternatural aptitude is only an extension of a natural and familiar faculty. What we imagine seems real to our senses. Learning to differentiate with certainty whether a message or communication is truly external and not a creation of our own making is critical to success as a sciomancer.
Imaginatrix Those who train to develop magical skills will be familiar with the process of visualizing and projecting tangible conceptualizations. However, hearing, seeing, or feeling the presence of spirits are purely passive proficiencies, which is to say you must remain receptive to the influences and communications exerted by an outside source. This understanding is critical in cultivating these faculties as it is counter-intuitive to try to mentally project outward to make spiritual contact.
Part of the exercise focuses on recognizing the feeling of projecting an internally constructed idea. Through discrimination, knowing what the experience of projection feels like allows you to recognize when you are receiving an external stimulus that would otherwise be difficult to quantify. Essentially, if it feels like a projection, it is self-created; if it is an experience originating from outside of the magician's mind, it should feel foreign.
Passive Reception Nurturing passive skills can be difficult because our minds want to work at filtering and arranging information, therefore trying to remain entirely receptive is all but impossible. One technique is to give the mind a task to concentrate on. Keeping the intellectual mind busy will allow passive acceptance of external communication. In the following exercise, we encourage you to intensively focus on the region of the body that will serve as the point of reception to occupy the mind—that is, your ears for hearing, eyes for seeing, and solar plexus for feeling spirits.
This focus will activate your physical faculties and repurpose them to a more subtle function, creating a tangible experience out of a usually intangible stimulus. Training yourself to trust that an external stimulus is working upon your passive faculties (sight, hearing, or feeling) is the fundamental goal of engaging in the exercises that develop these capabilities. It can be otherwise difficult to acquire these skills, as the intellect always wants to qualify and quantify an experience. Conversely, if the desire to achieve communication is too great, the imagination can express itself too freely. Prudent experimentation and earnest, healthy criticism are imperative in attempting to cultivate passive faculties. Seek to evolve trust in your own abilities through the experiences you accrue in a diligent and continuous application of relevant training.
Exercise: Honing Your Senses The method described here is to build clairaudience, but you can apply the same principles to develop the ability to see and feel spirits. Practice is required to complete each step.
Step 1. Imagination
Verify what it feels like to project a sound from your own imagination.
Choose a distinct sound which is memorable and repetitive, such as a ringtone. Replay the sound in your head over and over until it is completely familiar.
Put all your focus on the inner ear, choose left or right. Replay the sound, imagining that you are hearing it with your chosen ear.
Continually practice until you are hearing the sound in your ear.
Commit the sensation to memory and practice regularly.
Step 2. Passive Reception
Next, learn to open your mind to perceive sounds without pre-judgement.
Relax in the quiet hours of night or while meditating. Lightly focus on the same inner ear and open your mind to receive sounds.
At first there may be nothing or you might experience ringing or discomfort. In time you may start to experience voices and sounds.
Simply observe; do not discern between real and imagined or ask questions. Try not to become overwhelmed or to pay attention to any particular voices.
Step 3: Discrimination
Finally, practice identifying voices and learn to listen at will.
Start trying to focus on a single trusted voice, such as an ancestor or guide. Experiment by asking a question and listening for a response.
Apply the skill learned in step 1 to eliminate projections of the mind. It may take many consistent attempts and practice to fine tune this ability.
The perception of spirits should always be approached with an element of ars remissionis. By developing a formula for receiving communication from a spirit, we can extend a bridge that can be withdrawn when the interaction is complete. Without such a method, a person who has natural ability will suffer from intrusive thoughts and overwhelming emotion when a spirit tries to impress their message upon them.
Excerpted from Unquiet Voices, by Rob and Nonie Douglas.
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tipsycad147 · 16 days
Powerful Plant Magic with the Allies Already Around You
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Throughout most ancient cultures, people believed plants to be magical and, in many cases, used them as much for ritual as they did for medicine and food. Although plants had a wide range of mundane uses, people must have felt that there was something more, something mystical about them that touched their psyches. Witches, and anyone who takes time to slow down and observe, can see and sense that the green world is enchanting and powerful. Even plants that may seem so familiar and ordinary can be surprisingly magical.
The witches, the wise women and men were the people to whom villagers went to for medicine, magic, and advice. In addition to knowing what to use, the wise folk knew when plants came into leaf, when they bloomed, and produced seed or fruit. The witches and wise folk of the past lived with the rhythms of the seasons, and while they may have gotten their hands on some plants from afar, they used them within the context of their world. Of course, we can nip out to the store or go online and buy whatever we want regardless of the season, but when you start thinking seasonally and locally about the plants you use for magic, their wisdom begins to speak to you.
When you work with plants within the context of the seasons, you learn how their cycles progress month by month. Basing at least some of your magical use of plants within the seasons also aids in developing more meaningful ways to connect with the green world, nature spirits, and the realm of the faeries. This, in turn, gives your rituals and magic more continuity and a natural flow as the wheel of the year turns. Working with the seasons also connects you through time with your ancestors and all the wise folk of the past.
Thinking locally for magic goes hand-in-hand with the local food movement, which is not only associated with more healthy foods but also considered more environmentally sustainable. Whether it's plant material for food or magic work, it's a win-win with less energy spent transporting it and fewer people handling it. Of course, everything can be energetically cleansed for magic, but it's something to think about.
This isn't to suggest that every plant you use for magic or the dining table ought to be locally sourced; after all, this is the twenty-first century and we have access to so much that can expand our magical work in so many ways. But, getting to know the plants that have been in your area for ages can foster a special connection with the spirit of the land. Even if you live in a city (I lived in Manhattan for a number of years), you may be surprised at what and where you find native plants.
Google It! To get started, all you have to do is what we all do when we have a question: we Google it. A simple internet search for native plants according to your state or region will give you a wealth of information. You will do more than discover the plants of your area; you will also find how they have supported native wildlife for thousands of years. This is especially important if you have a garden or yard. The small choices you make to fill a flower border or supplement a group of shrubbery can have a profound impact on the local food web. It doesn't matter whether you have a garden or flowerpots on a porch—butterflies and other wildlife will find what they need. We often talk about the interconnected web of life, and by working with native plants we can talk the talk and walk the walk.
Some garden favorites have wild cousins that fit nicely into a tamer environment. The columbine is a good example. The wild columbines (Aquilegia canadensis and A. Formosa) can hold their own amongst the varieties bred for the garden. The genus and common names for columbine were derived from the Latin aquila, meaning "eagle," and columba, "dove."1 Not only does this juxtaposition of symbolism bring balancing energy, but it also works separately. providing support for courage and the ability to make peace.
The common violet (Viola sororia), the sweet violet (V. odorata), and the sweet white violet (V. blanda) are wildflowers that have been invited into the garden. Loved for their heart-shaped leaves, the sweet violets have been adored for their scent since ancient times. In medieval Europe, they were used to scent linens and in later centuries, the dried flowers were sent as mementos in love letters. Think again if you regard these small, delicate flowers as lightweights, because they can pack a punch for banishing spells and breaking hexes, too.
Toss Caution to the Wind Instead of planning where to plant things, toss caution to the wind, and the powers of magic, by scattering a wildflower mix that is appropriate for your region. Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) is often used in seed mixes. It's a plant of the centaur that, according to Greek legend, Chiron used to heal the wound of a poison arrow. This plant's beautiful blue flowers are associated with happiness and love, and like daisies, they were used for love divination by pulling off the petals one-by-one. Speaking of daisies, you may also get ox-eye daisies (Leucanthemum vulgare), shasta daisies (Leucanthemum x superbum), or other quintessential white daisies in a wildflower mix. As an alternative to plucking their petals, place a small piece of root under your pillow to dream of someone you love. Daisies are especially helpful for contacting and working with nature spirits and faeries.
Poppies are also included in some wildflower mixes. The common red poppy (Papaver rhoeas) is associated with witches and goblins and is an excellent plant to use in defense and protection spells. A few poppy seeds placed under the pillow is an aid for dream work. This flower is also instrumental for luck and prosperity spells.
When Ordinary Is Extraordinary While Gandalf said that, "power can be held in the smallest of things," so, too, can a very common plant hold a great deal of power. Perhaps one of the most common plants considered as mundane and often maligned is the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale). We played with them as children, blowing on the seedheads and making wishes, but adulthood set in as well as a prejudice against these little bursts of sunshine. Aligned with Brigid and Hecate, the dandelion can enhance your psychic abilities and boost protection spells. Okay, so you may not want to plant them in your yard, but no doubt some will find their way to you on their own.
Maples (Acer spp.) are some of the most common trees and you may have one or two in your yard or a nearby park. Don't walk by and overlook them for magic. Maples are especially powerful for attracting abundance; use a little maple syrup and visualize the sweetness of life. They are also helpful for releasing what you no longer need, including sorrow.
Connection Perhaps most of all, working with native plants establishes a strong connection with the natural world on a deep, soul level. This connection helps us access different levels of awareness that bring deeper significance to our lives and our magic. It fosters an awareness of something greater than ourselves and helps us recognize that we are a part of it. Working with local plants according to season also brings us full circle to connect with the wise folk of the past.
1. Frances Tenenbaum, ed., Taylor's Encyclopedia of Garden Plants (New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003), 31.
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tipsycad147 · 5 months
Pagan Afterlife: Where Do Pagans Go When They Die?
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posted by : kitty fields
Just as Christians and other religions have their beliefs in an afterlife, so do pagans. Depending on the pagan tradition and even down to the individual, the pagan afterlife will have different names and legends to go along with it. Learn about different ideas of the pagan afterlife and we will answer the question “where do pagans go when they die?”
The Pagan Afterlife
What we’ll cover in this article:
The Wiccan Summerland
The Celtic Otherworld 
Norse Pagan Afterlife: Valhalla, Folkvangr and Helheim
Variations in Belief
Where Do Wiccans Go When They Die?
Wicca is a religion unto itself. Often people get Wiccans mixed up with Pagans. They think if you’re pagan, you must be Wiccan, right? Wrong. There are many different forms of paganism, Wicca is just one branch. That being said, Wiccans believe in a pagan afterlife and they call it the Summerland. The Wiccan Summerland is comparable to the Christians’ Heaven with some pagan differences.
Wiccans believe souls travel to the Wiccan Summerland after death to await reincarnation. Once the soul learns or experiences all it needs, the reincarnation cycle ends. Then the soul stays in the Wiccan Summerland for eternity. Of course, beliefs on exactly how this happens varies. The Wiccan Summerland belief was no doubt influenced by the Celtic Otherworld and the Norse Pagan afterlife. 
The Celtic Otherworld
To our ancient Celtic ancestors, death was just a part of the cycle of life. There were various beliefs in a Celtic pagan afterlife, depending on the people. In Welsh mythology, the Celtic Otherworld was called Annwn and was a place of abundance, health, and eternal youth. The Welsh Celtic god Arawn ruled the Celtic Otherworld, as told in the early Welsh prose story The Four Branches of the Mabinogi. 
The Irish Celts also believed in the Celtic Otherworld, located somewhere under the earth or under/over the sea. There were many names for it including Tir Na Nog, Tir Naill, Tech Duinn, and Mag Mell. Whether these were different names for the Celtic Otherworld or separate places within it remains a mystery. The Celtic Otherworld was a place where the gods and ancestors lived – a place of eternal life.
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Our bodies become the earth after life and are then recycled.
The Norse Germanic Pagan Afterlife
Similar to the Celts’ belief in the Otherworld, the Norse peoples believed in a pagan afterlife too. The World Tree concept was an integral part of Norse paganism, but their name for it was Yggdrasil. The tree consisted of nine realms: Niflheim, Muspelheim, Asgard, Midgard, Jotunheim, Vanaheim, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, and Helheim. The gods, dwarves, giants, elves, humans, and the dead dwelled in various realms throughout.
Maybe you’ve heard the word Valhalla, mentioned often in the popular TV show Vikings. Valhalla was one of the places the dead could go after death – a place with Odin in Asgard for fallen warriors to go in preparation for a future war known as Ragnarok. Hel was another realm of the dead, somewhere under or in the earth, ruled by the goddess Hel. The goddess Freya presided over a field of the dead called Folkvangr.
You’ll find many people online who claim you must be a soldier or die in battle to go to Valhalla with Odin. I believe if you are a warrior for a cause (it doesn’t have to be literal) and you/or you are Odin’s devotee, you have the ability to reach Valhalla. Ultimately it was up to the gods and your deeds on earth that determined where you went in the Norse Pagan afterlife. More can be read about the Norse Pagan beliefs in the Edda by Snorri Sturluson.
Folkvangr: Freya’s Hall of the Dead
Many people forget, there is more than one place in the Norse afterlife where the dead may go. Freya, goddess of love, war and witchcraft, also had her own hall of the dead called Folkvangr. The Norse myths say that those who died on the battlefield were first surveilled by Freya, and she took those whom she wanted FIRST…before Odin received his fallen warriors in Valhalla. But there’s other Sagas that point to the fact that it wasn’t just warriors or fallen warriors that went to Freya’s realm. But those who were devoted to her, as well.
Helheim a.k.a. Hel
No, this is not the same place as the Christian Hell. Though it does have a similar name. I’m sure that happened for a reason. But Helheim, also known as the goddess Hel’s realm, is another place where the dead could go in the Norse pagan afterlife. Although Snorri Sturluson, the scholar who recorded many of the Norse myths, painted Helheim to be a very bleak and torturous place. Modern scholars and neo-pagans believe Sturluson’s view of Helheim was clouded by the Christian influence all around him at the time. Still others claim Helheim is a place where the dead go to rest and even “party” with their ancestors. It is potentially a place where we go before reincarnating…
Pagan Belief in Reincarnation
In addition to having a place for the dead to go after life, many pagans believe in the process of reincarnation. Reincarnation is the belief the soul cycles in and out of physical bodies. When you die in this life, your soul will return to the earth in another body. This concept is worldwide and ancient. Reincarnation can be found in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, and other far east religions. Before the rise of the Church in Europe, the Celts believed in reincarnation and so did the Norse people.
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But what happens upon death, exactly?
No one alive knows exactly what happens upon death. I would venture to say the only people who may know have had near-death experiences and were clinically dead for a period of time. Often their stories are similar – floating out of their bodies, flying up into a tunnel of light, and then seeing their dead loved ones or hearing voices on the “other side” before returning to their bodies. This is a consistent story and correlates to the dreams of death I’ve had. Yes, I’ve died in my dreams. I float out of my body, up into the sky, and look around to see the stars before going to a “place” in the sky. It felt as if I was being absorbed into the Universe. If I had to tell you what happens upon death, it would be this.
Variations in Pagan Afterlife Beliefs
Because paganism is an umbrella term, and because there are so many branches of paganism, it’s impossible to give one answer to the question where do pagans go when they die? Every tradition has its own beliefs such as Valhalla, Tir na Nog, and the Summerland. Every individual has their own beliefs about such places which might vary from someone else who follows the same tradition. Still others say we have options when we die: we may choose to go be with the gods, reincarnate, or even to become a guide or ancestor and stay on the earthly plane.
In my humble opinion, I believe whatever you believe in the afterlife is what will happen to you. We create our own realities. That being said, it’s difficult for me to believe in anything other than the cycle of life/death/rebirth. I’ve had too many dreams and experiences that indicate an afterlife is inevitable. Energy never dies, only changes form. So whether we have a soul that moves to the beyond upon death, or whether our energy goes into the earth upon death, either way – our energy just transforms into something else. Therefore, we live forever in one way or another. Othala.
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tipsycad147 · 5 months
Pagan Funerals: Burials, Customs, and Pagan Funeral Songs
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posted by : kitty fields
Death can be scary for anyone and everyone. As a pagan witch, I have no shortage of thoughts about it. And if you’re here, you likely do too. Or perhaps you’ve lost a loved one recently who identified as pagan or witch. I’m here to tell you, witch and pagan funerals are a real thing. We don’t have to be buried and commemorated by a Christian pastor or priest, if we don’t want to. And we don’t have to have a Christian burial either. If you want to know how to plan a pagan funeral and what to expect, we will detail it for you here including pagan death beliefs, traditions, pagan funeral songs and witch burial rites.
Pagan Death Customs
It truly depends on what your loved one (or you) want to happen upon death, but there are several pagan death customs to consider. Just as a baby is cleansed upon birth (via bathing or baptism, etc.), many pagans ask to be cleansed/bathed upon death. Why? Because death is another transition and just another part of the life/death/rebirth cycle. When you’re clean, you’re prepared to meet the afterlife fresh and anew! This isn’t necessarily a strictly pagan custom, but something that’s been done for thousands of years across cultures. In addition, here are some other pagan death customs to consider:
Massaging/anointing the deceased’s feet with oils for the “long journey” ahead; some oils used traditionally include: angelica, blackberry, chrysanthemum, tobacco, etc.
placing a circle of candles around the body and keeping watch until the funerary rites
call on the individual’s gods and/or ancestors to protect and guide them to the afterlife
a picture or statue of the individual’s gods/ancestors/guides can be placed with the deceased to ease in transition (for me, I’d ask for my statues/figures of Odin and Freya, specifically)
prayers should be said to aid the deceased in their travel to the afterlife
pipes and tobacco can be smoked near the deceased – the smoke wards off evil spirits
bouquets of hydrangeas around the deceased to ward off negativity and cleanse the air
burning frankincense and myrrh upon death
upon death, if at home, cover the mirrors and open a few windows to allow the deceased’s soul the ability to leave this earthly plane
stop the clock upon death
cover the body in white linen, white and black flowers
hold an Irish wake: click here to learn more
have dinner, feast, drink and celebrate their life (this was SO important back in the day, and actually aids in the soul’s transition to the afterlife. You’re not celebrating for yourself, you’re celebrating for the person who just died)
burying the pagan/witch in good walking shoes for the journey ahead (for the love of the gods don’t bury me in heels, people!)
Types of Pagan Burials and Cremations
Pagans and witches don’t have a single holy book that they use to guide their lives or their transitions like death. It all depends on what the individual pagan believes; however, many pagan and witch burials lean towards the eco-friendly. This means a natural burial: no concrete is poured into the ground, no man-made caskets, etc. There are natural cemeteries throughout the United States who accommodate eco-friendly witch burials. You can do a simple google search to locate one in your area.
Other Witch Burial Options
In addition to an eco-friendly witch burial, some pagans may choose to be cremated and then have their ashes spread somewhere in nature. While cremation is purportedly a “Christian” death custom, our ancient pagan ancestors from certain countries burned their dead. Unfortunately, burning a person on a pyre is illegal in most places and frowned upon these days, so the pyre is probably not an option where you live. Can you believe there is also a company who is composting human remains, as well? Do some google research if you’re curious. For me, being a witch who’s lived past lives during the Burning Times, please don’t burn me. But again, this is all up to you or your loved one.
Viking Funerals in Michigan
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Some pagans and witches may wish to be cremated and ashes spread in a sacred natural place.
Ideas for a Pagan Funeral Service
The best place to have a pagan funeral service is where? In nature! If the person loved the ocean, hold the service at the beach. If the person loved the mountains, hold the service on a mountaintop. Recite passages from pagan poetry, mythology, prayers to gods, etc. There are some wonderful passages that would be appropriate for a pagan funeral in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Prose Edda, the Mabinogion, and the Carmina Gadelica, to name a few. Following the pagan funeral service, have a party to celebrate the person’s life together – eat, drink, and socialize. Our ancestors made funerals into parties! Read more pagan passages on death further down.
More Pagan Funeral Traditions:
To protect the deceased upon burial: drive/carry the casket around the cemetery 3 times in a sunwise direction
Bury the deceased with his or her amulets/talismans: magical jewelry like crystals or runes they wore during life or any other sacred tokens
During the funeral ceremony – ask psychopomps to guide the deceased to the afterlife. Psychopomps include: the deceasesd’s spirit guides, ancestors and gods, in addition – Osiris, Iris, dogs, horses, snakes, birds, Thoth, Hecate, Berchta and Freya (particularly for women and children), Madame Death, etc.
Garlands of flowers and resins can be made into necklaces to protect and bless the deceased’s loved ones – hang around their necks during the funeral rites
Flowers and food offerings should be left at the gravesite to aid the deceased in his/her journey to the afterlife
Witch and Pagan Funeral Officiants
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Pagan Death Beliefs
So instead of the Christian version of talking about the deceased as if they’re going to Heaven, pagan death beliefs nearly always revolve around reincarnation and/or traveling to a place outside of this world. For some pagans and Wiccans, this other place that we go upon death is called Summerland. In Norse tradition, they may say they believe we go to Valhalla, Folkvangr, or Helheim upon death. For the Celtic tradition, the Celtic Otherworld, Faery Realm or Tir Na Nog. Etc. At the very least, mentioning that your pagan loved one believes we come from the earth and return to the earth is perfect. Read more about pagan death beliefs and the pagan afterlife here. In addition, share a few pagan passages or quotes on death and the afterlife:
Pagan Quotes on Death and The Afterlife
These are some of my favourite passages about death, reincarnation, etc. that I would love someone to share upon my burial. You can share some of these passages or quotes during the memorial or have the officiant add it to his/her speech:
“When I die, plant flowers over my grave, so when the seeds bloom, you can pick me and hold me once more.” ~ Anonymous
“I have been in many shapes: I have been in a narrow blade of a sword; I have been a drop in the air: I have been a shining star; I have been a word in a book; I have been an eagle; I have been on a boat on the sea; I have been a string on a harp; I have been enchanted for a year in the foam of water. There is nothing in which I have not been.” ~ Taliesin (Welsh Bard)
“Beauty before me, with it I wander. Beauty behind me, with it I wander. Beauty below me, with it I wander. Beauty above me, with it I wander.” ~ Navajo Night Chant
“Cattle die, Kinsmen die, All men are mortal. Words of praise, Will never perish Nor a noble name.” ~ Havamal
“After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” ~ Dumbledore, Harry Potter
“But know this: the ones that love us never truly leave us.” ~ Dumbledore, Harry Potter
Pagan Funeral Songs
There’s plenty of music (both pagan and modern) that would relate well and could be considered pagan funeral songs. Here are a few options:
Wardruna: Helvegen
Stevie Nicks: Landslide
Delta Rae: Dance in the Graveyards
Sarah McLachlan: Angel
Alison Kraus: I’ll Fly Away
Florence and the Machine: Never Let Me Go
The Band Perry: If I Die Young
Stevie Nicks: Crystal
Loreena McKennitt: The Dark Night of the Soul
Wardruna: Odal
Celtic Woman: Danny Boy
Florence and the Machine: Jenny Oldstones
Marianne Faithfull: Witches’ Song
Sarah Jarosz: Build Me Up From Bones
Julie Byrne: Sleepwalker
MILCK: Call of the Wild
Delta Rae: Morning Comes
Florence + The Machine: Sky Full of Song
Florence + The Machine: Grace
Florence + The Machine: St Jude
Enya: May It Be
Kalandra: Helvegen
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tipsycad147 · 5 months
Offerings to Gods and Ancestors: Paganism Basics
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posted by : kitty fields
What is the point in giving offerings to the gods and ancestors? The tradition of giving offerings dates back to prehistoric times. We see this practice in the Bible and ancient holy texts, as well as through evidence in archaeology, cave paintings, and tombs. Our ancestors thought giving offerings to gods and goddesses would gain their favor and keep misfortune at bay. Today, people give offerings in a variety of places where religious rites are performed.
Should Pagans Give Regular Offerings to Gods and Ancestors?
As a pagan, you might wonder whether you should give offerings to gods and ancestors. This should actually be a part of your tradition on a regular basis. To give an offering to a god or ancestor is like making an exchange or a deal. “I’m giving you this in exchange for that.” On the contrast, you can also give an offering to thank the god or ancestor for their support. Think of it like this, if someone you loved gave you a thoughtful gift just to say thank you, how would you feel? Wouldn’t you be grateful and more wont to bestow gifts upon that person, too? It’s the same thing with offerings to gods and ancestors – think of them as gifts.
Applying the 5 Love Languages to Relationship with Deity
I think of my relationships with my gods as friendships, partnerships and sometimes even familial or romantic. YES, I said it. So when we think about how we treat the ones closest to us, we should apply that process to our connection with deity. Even using the 5 Love Languages will help you understand how to treat a close spirit. Through services, words of affirmation, gifts, quality time, and physical touch.
Services: doing something in honor of your deity. For example, volunteering at an animal rescue for an animal that is sacred to your god/goddess (i.e. Odin – wolf rescue)
Words of Affirmation: this is as simple as praying or talking to your deity on a regular basis and telling them how awesome you think they are (yes, even the gods like to hear it)
Gifts: OFFERINGS, which we are detailing below
Quality time: spending time in meditation, trance, and in dreamtime reaching out to your deity. Listening to their messages and paying attention to their signs. Also communicating via divination like tarot, runes, etc.
Physical touch: No. I don’t necessarily mean you’re getting “physical” with your deity, unless that’s your thing. I mean dancing to honor your god, dressing in a certain way to honor your deity, basically honoring them with your body in some sacred way (whatever that might be)
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Offerings to gods can include anything of beauty from nature.
What Do I Offer My God or Goddess?
Many people get confused on what offerings to give their gods, goddesses, and ancestors. This isn’t difficult and should be a fun part of your pagan practice. The key to giving good offerings to gods is to simply be mindful of what you are offering. Some gods and goddesses have preferred offerings. Look up your god or goddess online + offerings and I’m sure you’ll find some great suggestions.
Ideas of offerings to gods and goddesses:
Incense – research what type of incense your god or goddess would like the most.
Bowl of herbs or flower petals – research what type of herb/flowers your god or goddess might like then leave it on your altar.
Foods – certain types of foods can be used as offerings to your gods. These can be left on your altar or set aside on your dinner table.
Drink – a bowl of water or some other form of beverage associated with your god can be left on your altar.
Candles – you can dedicate a certain candle’s flame to the energy of your god or goddess.
Song – sing a special song or play a special song dedicated in your god/goddess name.
Poetry – if you love to write, write a poem or story for your god or goddess
Stones – offerings to gods of stone and crystal are also appropriate. Some deities are linked to stones…if you’re unsure, look it up!
Dance – ecstatic dance is one of the best ways to commune with your god or goddess, sacred dance honors them and allows them to speak and act through you
As you can see, there is no limit to what you can offer your god or goddess. First research what your god or goddess would prefer before giving an offering. But, if you don’t have a special kind of incense or you can’t afford that particular offering, give what you can. The gods aren’t jerks (mostly) and will understand if you give an offering with a pure heart. Keep in mind, don’t give offerings to gods that you wouldn’t enjoy receiving as a gift yourself!
After months of study and connection with Berchta, I had enough information to write a long article on her. Following my post, I realized something – this article all about her true nature and beauty was more of an honor to her than any physical offering. Why? Because it put her name out to the masses and taught those who might be searching for her about her origins, folklore, history, associations, and qualities. Things people might not find anywhere else on the web. Things that only come through a personal relationship with the Divine. 
The Written Word as Offerings to Gods
When I found my goddess, or rather when she found me, there wasn’t a lot of information about her on the web or in books. Berchta was one of those obscure, nearly forgotten German goddesses from the past whose name mostly survives in nightmarish, European winter folklore. A few people had written their thoughts and experiences about Berchta on their websites, but it wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to know everything about her. 
After months of study and connection with Berchta, I had enough information to write a long article on her. Following my post, I realized something – this article all about her true nature and beauty was more of an honor to her than any physical offering. Why? Because it put her name out to the masses and taught those who might be searching for her about her origins, folklore, history, associations, and qualities. Things people might not find anywhere else on the web. Things that only come through a personal relationship with the Divine. 
Creating a Sacred Symbol
For my artwork offering, dedicated to Berchta, I was inspired by her sacred symbols. Berchta carries a ring with keys on her belt – the keys to the cycles of life and to the other realms. I drew a ring with keys and then turned the ring into a spinning wheel, because Berchta is a spinner of fate (similar to the Norns and Fates). Runes sacred to Berchta make up the keys, which are decorated in sacred evergreen foliage. You can create a sacred symbol for your deities and ancestors, as well.
Examples of Deities and Appropriate Offerings
Aphrodite Roses, Perfume, Myrtle
Osiris Cedar, Dates, Myrrh.
Brigid Red Clover, Poetry, Candles.
Cernunnos Acorns, Coins, Evergreens.
Odin Wine, Mead, Pork
Cliodhna Mead Hagstones, Song.
Berchta Fish, Bread, Porridge
Ancestors Flowers, Tobacco, Family Recipes
What About Ancestor Offerings?
Ancestors are a bit different from the gods and goddesses as far as the types of offerings. Our ancestors make up our bloodline, so therefore we should put extra thought into the offerings to ancestors. If you have an ancestor altar or shrine of some kind, it’s best to leave their offerings on their altar. But always do what feels most appropriate to you.
What Did Your Ancestors Enjoy While Alive?
If you are giving an offering to an ancestor that you knew in life, think about what that person liked while they were alive. For example, maybe it was your grandfather and you know that he smoked cigars. You can offer a cigar or a bit of tobacco. Or maybe it was your great aunt and she loved tulips, a vase of tulips is perfect for her. Maybe your great grandmother loved caramel candies, leave a few of these on the altar for her.
The options are endless and it is really about being mindful and thoughtful of what you are leaving as offerings. Artistic offerings are always appreciated by the ancestors: poetry, song, paintings, sketches, etc. I also believe when we put time and effort into our family tree, this is a form of offering as it brings your ancestors’ memories to life. Telling stories about your ancestors and keeping their memory alive is the highest form of flattery.
Offerings to Ancient Ancestors
If you didn’t know your ancestor while they were alive, and let’s say you are giving an offering to your ancient ancestors, think about their heritage. Think about where they lived and what was common as far as foods back then. Perhaps a bowl of milk or slice of bread might be appropriate for those who lived in Europe in Medieval times. Or maybe leaving a bit of dried plant matter or herbs that were common in those times. For example, red clover for Irish ancestors, Elder berries for English ancestors, etc. Learn more about ancient ancestors and how to connect with them here. 
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Leave your offerings to gods and ancestors on separate altars.
How Do I Dispose of Used Offerings to Gods?
Many people want to know what they’re supposed to do with the offerings to gods and ancestors once sufficient time has passed. This is an easy enough question to answer. Do what you feel is best. However, it seems somewhat disrespectful to throw away certain things.
Here’s some tips on how to dispose of offerings in appropriate ways:
Food – if it was vegetable or fruit matter, throw it in the compost or throw it outside for the birds and wild animals to eat. The gods and ancestors would be appreciative of such a gesture. Trash it, if no other option.
Water/Wine/Liquid – can be poured as a libation outside on the ground. Don’t drink it after it’s been sitting out. Can be poured down the drain if no other option.
Dried herbs, teas and plant material – again, can be given back to nature or used in the compost.
Trinkets, jewelry, knick-knacks – you can keep these on your ancestors’ or gods’ altars and switch them out with the seasons (see section below on seasonal offerings).
Crystal and stone offerings – I tend to reuse my crystals and stones, even if they’ve been placed on my deity or ancestor altar. Once I feel they’re no longer needed for that spirit, I’ll cleanse it well and reuse it in some other way – in spells, rituals, or as offerings again
Seasonal Pagan Offerings and Conclusion
You might find that as the seasons pass you will get the urge to change your altar decorations. This can also include seasonal offerings to the gods and ancestors. For instance, if the summer solstice is on its way, you might want to take down your Spring décor (eggs, rabbits, etc) to make room for summer décor. This can include switching out plants, flowers, bowls of dried herbs and stones all dedicated to the gods and ancestors.
Seasonal Offerings to Gods and Your Altar
Often when I clean and reorganize my altar, I am thinking of what the gods associated with the coming season would enjoy. This typically includes different stones, dried flower petals and herbs, and even boughs or branches of evergreen trees. Depending on what gods you work with or what branch of paganism you follow, this will influence how you set up your altar and whether or not you change your offerings and altar décor with the seasons.
Be Mindful and Experiment
The choice is ultimately up to you what you want to offer to your gods and ancestors. The key to giving the best offerings is to simply be mindful and intentional of what you are giving. You wouldn’t invite an honored guest over for dinner and throw out a bowl of two-day-old leftovers, would you? So treat your gods and ancestors with just as much respect, if not more. Think about what you are giving them and whether or not they would really enjoy it if they were sitting across from you at your dinner table. While I’m sure most of the gods and ancestors are just happy to be recognized after years of being ignored, we still want to be respectful, polite, and thoughtful.
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tipsycad147 · 5 months
How to Find Your God and Goddess in Paganism and Witchcraft
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posted by : kitty fields
Often when people come to paganism they want to know who they should venerate as their god and goddess. This is a question that doesn’t have to be answered right away; however, if you want to know how to find your god and goddess we will do our best to help you here.
First, How Does Working With a God or Goddess Help Us?
If you’ve come to the pagan path and aren’t interested in working directly with deities, that’s okay. You can wait or make your own way on this path. There’s no right or wrong in paganism, at least not in our opinion. BUT if you’d like to work with a god or goddess, you will surely find it beneficial. First, your god or goddess will be a guide. They will likely teach you a thing or two about your spiritual path and/or your life choices. In addition, they will typically provide healing and protective energies when you are in need and ask. But don’t think about it as what they can do for you, think about what you can do for them. It’s just like any relationship, there’s give and take. Reciprocation and respect is key.
Steps to Finding Your God or Goddess
1. Think About What You’re Drawn To
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Are you drawn to ancient Egypt? Look up the Egyptian gods and goddesses.
2. Who Were Your Ancestors?
The next thing to ask yourself is where are your ancestors from? If you know for sure they were from Nigeria, then look up the different deities (gods) originating in Nigeria. Diving into your ancestors’ beliefs and gods is enlightening and will help you find your god and goddess. This is just one example. If you know your ancestors were Irish or English, research the ancient Celtic and Anglo-Saxon gods from those countries. I promise you’ll be able to find a pantheon connected to your ancestors. And those gods will be extremely grateful when you reach out to them.
But I don’t know who my ancestors were…
Quite a few people, unfortunately, don’t have any idea who their ancestors were. If you aren’t sure, ask a relative. Start by asking the oldest person in your family – a grandparent, great aunt, or your parents. They may have a general idea of where your ancestors come from. Even if they don’t know exactly and you get an answer like “I don’t know, somewhere in Europe. I think Germany.” This is a great place to start. Look into the Germanic gods and goddesses and also the Celtic Gallic and Gallo-Roman gods and goddesses.
But I was adopted / I don’t talk to my family…
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Were your ancestors from Scotland or Ireland? Look up the Celtic pantheon.
3. Recurring Symbols & Patterns
When you come home to paganism and want to know how to find your god and goddess, there are usually signs right in front of you. You just might not see them. Pay attention to recurring symbols or signs all around you. For instance, maybe there’s been an overabundance of crows or ravens everywhere you go. The crow is directly linked to the Irish Celtic goddess The Morrigan. Ravens are associated with the Celtic god Bran and the Norse god Odin. Maybe the Egyptian Sphinx is popping up everywhere – now is the time to look into the Egyptian pantheon of gods and goddesses.
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Keep separate pantheons separate from each other with different altars and offerings
Is It Okay to Mix Pantheons?
Some people say they have a god and a goddess from different pantheons coming to them. They may wonder if this is okay and whether or not this would make the gods angry. Truly it’s up to you to decide. However, if you ask my opinion, I believe the gods don’t care who you work with, as long as you show each of them reverence. If you are working with Bast from the Egyptian pantheon and want to work with Odin from the Germanic pantheon, I don’t see anything wrong with it.
Separate Altars and Ritual
If you feel uncomfortable with it, perhaps separate their altars or work with them separately. Don’t give them the same offerings. On a separate note, if you have two gods from the same pantheon that bump heads, it’s probably best to also keep them separate. For instance, Osiris and Set are both Egyptian gods; however, mythology says Set killed Osiris and threw the pieces of his body into the Nile River. So it might be wise to keep their altars and workings completely separate.
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tipsycad147 · 5 months
Our Ancestors’ Gods & Goddesses: Why & How To Work With Them
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posted by : kitty fields
When beginners come to the path, the first thing they want to know is how to choose a god and/or goddess. This isn’t necessarily the first thing you have to know, but it can definitely help begin your spiritual journey. Often, the experienced pagans will tell the newbies to go with whatever god or goddess calls to them – whatever deity they feel the biggest connection to. While choosing a deity that you feel drawn to is perfectly fine, as you move forward on your spiritual path, look into your ancestors’ gods and goddesses. We will explore the reasons why it is beneficial to work with your ancestors’ gods, as well as discuss how to begin this enlightening process.
How to Choose An Ancestral God and Goddess
Choosing an ancestral god or goddess isn’t as difficult as it may sound, though it will require time and effort.
First, get to know your ancestors.
You won’t know how to choose an ancestral god or goddess if you don’t know your ancestors. Typically the excuses for pagans not working with their ancestors include: “I don’t know anything about my family”, “I’m adopted”, or “my family doesn’t talk to me”. These seem like valid excuses not to speak to our ancestors, don’t they? Wrong. If you don’t know anything about your family, start by speaking with the eldest person in your family and ask them questions. You’d be surprised what that person might know – even if it’s just a random story about an ancestor who died in the 1960’s. Even if it’s a rumor or family legend about where your ancestors originated. Whatever that person tells you, write it down.
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DNA tests can help.
Secondly, for those who are adopted, get your DNA tested. There are dozens of companies testing DNA now including Ancestry and MyHeritage and 23andMe. They sometimes have discounted rates around the holidays, so keep an eye on the prices if you are on a limited budget. Or ask for it as a present for your next birthday or Christmas.
WARNING: if you are adopted (or even if you’re not), DNA tests sometimes reveal things in the family that you and your family might not be ready to handle. For example – grandpa might have lived a double-life back in the 60’s and has 2 kids the entire family never knew about. Sounds crazy, but it happens. You’ve been warned.
DNA Results and Google Searches
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Next, Work With Your Ancestors
What does this mean to “work” with your ancestors? Cultures all around the world believe and participate in ancestor worship. It is calling on your ancestors and honoring your ancestors in your spiritual practice. You can set up an altar or a corner of a room and dedicate to your ancestors. Hang pictures of them on your walls. Give offerings to them based on what they might’ve liked while they were alive (anything from food to incense to flowers). Talk to them.
Find out what gods and goddesses they might have worshiped.
Now this might not apply to recent ancestors, as much of the world has been converted to abrahamic religions such as Christianity and Islam. But you can go back in time and research the pagan gods of your ancient ancestors. Keep in mind when you discover the potential gods of your ancient ancestors, there will be guesswork and intuition that comes into play. At some point, the world was in a tribal state of community. And each tribe sometimes had their own god and goddess which was different from the next tribe’s god or goddess. Depending on the time period and region, you might find a god or goddess that was widely venerated which can be the deity you choose to work with. Or the deity might choose you.
Searching for my Mother Goddess.
For example, I researched extensively the gods and goddesses of Southern Germany, Switzerland, and Northern France. My DNA is from this region and much of my ancestors are from these areas according to my research. I had a difficult time finding information on deities, as much of the information has been lost or watered down. After digging into the history, folklore, and fairy tales from that region I found my Mother Goddess. Or perhaps she found me. There were too many signs to deny her.
Learn how to work with the old gods in our new practical guide here:
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Why Are Our Ancestors’ Gods Important or Beneficial?
Working with our ancestors’ gods is not only important, it is beneficial to your spirituality and life. Your ancestors’ blood runs through your veins. Your ancestors’ DNA combines and makes up your DNA. Not only do their physical traits transfer over to you, but their memories pass on to you, as well. No, you might not remember your ancestors’ lives, but it is an inherent part of your four bodies – physical, mental, emotional, and ethereal. There’s a literal blood link between you and your ancestors, which means that their gods are passed down to you through your DNA.
Awakening DNA Memory
Awaken your DNA memory by working with your ancestors. Research their origins – location, culture, religion, history, etc. Once you do this, you might discover you have awakened ancestral memory and an ancestral god or goddess easily comes through to you. Think about this. You initially choose the goddess Sekhmet, an Egyptian lion-goddess of war, revenge, and ferocity; however, you have no Egyptian DNA or ancestors. Another person of Egyptian blood seeks to work with Sekhmet on a spiritual level. Who do you think will benefit more from this relationship? Sekhmet will see the direct correlation with the individual whose ancestors once venerated her in Ancient Egypt and gravitate towards that person. It’s NOT racist. It just makes sense.
Obscure Gods & Goddesses: They’re waiting for you!
This isn’t to say this goddess would deny a person of non-Egyptian descent, it’s just pointing out the benefits of one who may be of Egyptian descent. Another benefit of choosing one of your ancestors’ gods is sometimes obscure gods and goddesses who haven’t been recognized in hundreds or thousands of years might be more willing to help you since you are one of few who actually address them. They might have been forgotten in the annals of time, and UP pops little ol’ you! You’ve built an altar for this obscure god, researched your ancestors’ beliefs, and now you’re trying to honor this god in your own way and bring your ancestors’ memory alive. How excited and willing to help would you be if your family forgot about you for hundreds of years than suddenly some kid decides to honor and talk to you out of nowhere? You can see the benefits of this relationship with obscure ancestral gods and goddesses. There’s a lot more out there than you could ever imagine. And they’re waiting for SOMEONE…ANYONE to remember them.
Arguments Against Working With Ancestral Gods
Some arguments against working with ancestral deities involve the person’s heritage. I made it seem simple above when discussing how to start working with one’s ancestors, but sometimes it’s difficult to decide which ancestors to focus on. Why is this? Because the majority of people on this planet have heritage from many different places and cultures. So how do you decide which flock of ancestors to work with? If you can’t figure this out, you won’t be able to choose an ancestral god or goddess. The choice is up to you whether you focus on the majority of your ancestors and their ancient beliefs or try to include a god or goddess from differing ancestors’ cultures and regions. Yes, it could get sticky, but you will figure it out eventually. And your ancestors will be there to guide you.
Is it racist to be proud of your heritage?
To some this is a deeply controversial topic, working with ancestral gods and goddesses, as it seems to denote the label of “racist” to those who don’t understand the deeper purpose. Why is it racist to honor your heritage by working with your ancestors and their ancient beliefs and history? No matter what your heritage is, it shouldn’t be considered racist to honor your ancient origins – be it indigenous African, indigenous American, Aboriginal, Celtic, Roman, Greek, Indian, etc. Be proud of who you are and be accepting of others who are also proud of who they are. And know that NO ONE in this world is of pure heritage (as some claim), unless their people have lived on an island or place completely separated from the known world. That being said, there are indeed racist pagan groups who use this knowledge for their own hateful agendas. Be wary of anyone who tells you to be proud of who you are but degrades others who are different.
Past Lives bring through Deities
Another argument against choosing an ancestral god or goddess is that many people believe they are drawn to a deity because of a past life. Perhaps you feel you had a past life in Egypt and are drawn to the Egyptian deities. This could be true; however, don’t completely ignore the fact that your ancestors’ gods might be calling to you. Another possibility is that you had Egyptian ancestors that you might not know about. These are all things to consider. It might also be a possibility that we lived our own ancestors’ lives in the past.
In the end, it’s totally up to you!
It’s completely up to you what god and goddess you choose, as paganism is a liberating and personalized path to growth and connection with the divine. If you feel connected to your ancestors or a call from your ancestors, try incorporating your ancestors’ gods and goddesses into your practice. If you feel no connection but feel pulled towards another culture’s deities and practices, continue with this path but be careful to be respectful of another culture’s precious ancient beliefs as they are fragile in a world that’s been dominated by the Abrahamic religions for the past fifteen-hundred years or more.
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tipsycad147 · 5 months
Fairy Bloodlines: Do You Descend from a Celtic Fairy Queen?
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posted by : kitty fields
While researching a customer’s ancestral goddess, I came across something intriguing. There was an Irish sept, the Corcu Loigde, that claimed descent from a Fairy Queen named Cliodhna. It turns out, my Irish ancestors were part of the sept and I am able to claim fairy blood! What’s even more amazing is that MOST people of Irish descent can claim a legendary hero, fairy, god, or goddess as their ancestor. In this article, I’m providing you a look at my research of the Irish clans and their descent from Fairy Queens. Check if YOUR Irish or Scottish ancestors’ names are on this list and find out if YOU were born in a fairy bloodline!
(Check out this article and compare your Irish surnames against a list of clans who claim gods and goddesses as ancestors!)
READ THIS FIRST: Check the variations of each of your surnames and compare to what I have listed here. You can Google your surnames and find the variations. Why is this important? There are multiple versions of most Irish surnames. For example, my ancestors’ last name was McNally. Variations of McNally include: MacNally, MacNall, and MacAnally, etc. This is not an all-inclusive list as there are thousands of Irish surnames that could literally take up a book.
1. Cliodhna: Celtic Fairy Queen and Goddess of Cork
I have to put Cliodhna at the top, as she’s been the inspiration and voice behind this project. If you have any of the following Irish surnames in your ancestry AND your ancestors came from Cork, Ireland, they are part of an ancient sept called the Corcu Loigde. And it means YOU are a grandchild of Cliodhna the Fairy Queen! Cliodhna is an ancient sovereignty goddess of what is now Cork, Ireland. She is a goddess of beauty, love, healing, dreams, music, and the Celtic Otherworld. She is also considered a fairy queen, witch and mermaid. Read all about Cliodhna and how to work with her here.
Do you have any of these Irish surnames from Cork in your ancestry? If so, you descend from Cliodhna!
2. The Fairy Bloodlines of Queen Medb
Queen Medb is the queen of Conacht in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. She started the infamous Cattle Raid of Cooley in her attempts to capture the kingdom of Ulster’s prized bull. Scholars believe she is a variation of a sovereignty goddess and may even be the war goddess The Morrigan. In later centuries, she became a Celtic Fairy Queen. This may be because of Shakespeare’s fairy Queen Mab character. To many modern pagans, Queen Medb is more than a mythical figure or queen, she is a warrior goddess and an ancestor to the following Irish clans.
Do you have any of these surnames in your Irish heritage? Then you descend from Queen Medb!
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3. Fairy Bloodlines of Queen Una (Oonagh)
Another goddess of the Tuatha De Dannan who was demoted to Fairy Queen over the centuries is Una (sometimes spelled Oonagh or Oona). She’s a fairy queen of Munster and is a goddess of music, love, and fidelity. And she protects young animals and children. Queen Una lives under Knockshegowna in County Tipperary (also called the Fairy Mound of Una). She is the last queen of the Daoine Sidhe and the wife to the High Fairy King Finvarra.
Do your Irish ancestors have this name? If so, you’re a descendant of Una and part of an ancient fairy bloodline:
4. Aine: Midsummer Fairy Queen and Ancestor
Aine is a Celtic Irish goddess of summer, sovereignty, animals, crops, fertility, Midsummer and the sun. She resides in County Limerick, where her sacred hill Knockaine is located. Yet her memory is preserved in many place-names throughout Ireland. Aine rides an otherworldly red mare and sometimes shifts forms and becomes the red mare. In some myths, Aine is married to or was impregnated by the King of Munster Ailil Aulom, and his descendants the septs of the Eoganachta, claim Aine as their ancestor. The Eoganachta was a dynasty originating in Southern Ireland, in the kingdom of Munster in Medieval Times.
These are the clans of the Eoganachta. Do You Have Irish ancestors with any of these clan names? If they originate in Southern Ireland, you have an even higher chance they delineate from the Eoganachta septs. Which means Aine is your Fairy Queen ancestor and you have fairy blood!
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The Fairy Bridge of the MacLeod Clan – Isle of Skye
The MacLeod Scottish Clan’s Fairy Bloodline
The MacLeod clan from the Isle of Skye, Scotland, claims they have fairy blood. The story comes from a centuries-old relic the family still has in their possession – the Fairy Flag. Legend says the flag was given to the MacLeod clan by a fairy woman who had married a MacLeod chief. She was married to him for twenty years and was forced to leave him and return to the Otherworld. The fairy woman said goodbye to the chief on the fairy bridge and gave him the flag. She told him to wave the flag whenever they were in dire need of help and it would be granted three times.
If you have the MacLeod last name or it’s in your family tree, you can claim fairy blood. Unfortunately, we don’t know enough about this fairy woman to provide a name or anything else. But the clan claims they descend from her. Learn more about the fairy flag of Dunvegan here.
You Have Fairy Blood…Now What?
Maybe you realized you’re part of a fairy bloodline. But now you’re wondering what to do with this information? It’s up to you what you do with the information. I’m not saying anyone is necessarily a fairy or that your ancestor was a fairy, I’m saying that these clans claimed it. This is similar to how the Egyptian pharaohs claimed to be gods or descend from the gods. It gave people status and probably fueled their religious rites and beliefs. Aside from telling people your ancestor was a fairy, consider working with your ancestor in your spiritual or magical practice. Research and study their lore and history. Set up an altar space. Provide offerings. Ask your ancestor to send you messages in your dreams and life. Immerse yourself in Irish Celtic culture.
Why Are There Only Irish and Scottish Surnames Here?
Unfortunately, if you don’t have Irish or Scottish ancestors, you might be wondering where the other names are. I wish I could find the same information for ALL cultures and heritages, but it doesn’t exist at this magnitude. Ireland had a Renaissance right before the Viking Age in which their clergy (who could read and write) began documenting Irish folklore, mythology, and history. Geneaology including names and locations of septs and clans was recorded, and we are lucky to have this information still today. While I can’t supply you with other European fairy bloodlines, I can help you find out more about your magical and pagan ancestors. Read the links below to learn more!
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tipsycad147 · 5 months
Divine Ancestors: Find Out If You Descend From a Celtic God or Goddess!
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posted by : kitty fields
Do YOU descend from an ancient Celtic god or goddess? Compare your ancestors’ surnames (or your current name) to our database here and find out if your ancestor was divine! Backstory: recently I was doing research to find an ancestral god for someone and discovered that nearly every old Irish clan claims descent from a god or hero. I kept digging and made a list of the Irish clans and the gods and goddesses they claim as ancestors. If you see your name (or your ancestors’ name) on this list, you can claim divine descent!
READ THIS FIRST: Check the variations of each of your surnames and compare to what I have listed here. You can Google your surnames and find the variations. Why is this important? There are multiple versions of most Irish surnames. For example, my ancestors’ last name was McNally. Variations of McNally include: MacNally, MacNall, and MacAnally, etc.
Also Note: This is not an all-inclusive list as there are thousands of Irish surnames that could literally take up a book. I did my best with researching and gathering names, but if you don’t see your Irish surname in this article I highly recommend digging into the roots of your name. Look for your Irish clan then read through what sept or ancient tribal group they originate from. From there, you may be able to find your ancestral god or goddess!
1. The Cailleach: Winter Goddess & Divine Ancestor
The Cailleach is a crone goddess known well throughout Scotland and Ireland. She’s a creator and a goddess of transformation. AND she’s an ancestral goddess to many people alive today. There is more than one old Irish sept that claims her as an ancestor. If your ancestors were part of the Corcu Loigde or Corcu Duibne (later called the Dairine), you can claim Cailleach as your fairy goddess ancestor. Here are the surnames I’ve found linked to the Dairine:
2. Danu: Mother to the Tuatha De Dannan and the Corcu Duibne
The Corcu Duibne (already mentioned above) can also claim the Mother of the Tuatha De Dannan as their ancestor – the goddess Danu. Danu is a mother goddess and earth goddess. The River Danube is named for her. She’s also considered one of the faery folk and may be the same goddess as Anu, an aspect of the war goddess The Morrigan. Unfortunately, there aren’t too many sources left that tell her stories. Corcu Duibne translates to “seed of Duibhne” a.k.a. Danu.
If you have any of these Irish surnames in your ancestry, you descend from the Mother Goddess Danu:
3. Flidais: Celtic Goddess of the Forest
Flidais (pronounced flee-aysh) is an ancient Celtic Goddess of the earth, forest, and fertility often depicted with a set of antlers. Deer are under her watchful domain and she’ll often manifest in this form. She is one of the Tuatha De Dannan and was beloved by the Deisi people and later on claimed as an ancestor of the Dal gCais tribes.
If your ancestors’ name is in the list below, Flidais is your divine ancestor:
4. Lugh: Celtic Sun God and Divine Ancestor
Lugh is a Celtic sun god who is also part of the Tuatha De Dannan. Multiple Irish clans claimed Lugh as their god and ancestor. If your ancestors were part of the Eoganachta, Lugh is your Celtic god ancestor. One connection lies in the King Lughaid who claimed descent from Lugh, as well as Irish clans that claim descent from Cu Chulainn. This legendary hero claimed descent from Lugh, henceforth Irish clans connected to him are also descended from Lugh.
If your surname(s) match any below, you can claim Lugh as a divine ancestor:
5. Brigid: Ancestral Goddess of Fire, Healing and Poetry
Brigid is one of the most beloved deities of old Celtic Ireland and Scotland. She is a goddess of the hearth, smithing, and healing. She is often depicted as a triple goddess and is honored by many modern pagans. After the church converted the Celtic people, the goddess Brigid lived on in the form of Saint Brigid, oe of the patron saints of Ireland. There are Irish clans from the Bairrche sept that claim descent from her.
If you have one of these names in your ancestry, Brigid is your divine ancestor:
6. Manannan Mac Lir: Divine Ancestor and Sea God
Manannan Mac Lir is an ancient Celtic sea god who is still well-known on the Isle of Man. In fact, the Isle of Man was named after this Son of the Sea himself. He is a protector of sailors and a god of abundance and the Otherworld. The Conmhaicne were an early race of people of Ireland, who some believe were “fathered by Oirbsiu” (another name for Manannan Mac Lir).
If you have any of these surnames in your ancestry, you are a grandchild of Manannan Mac Lir:
7. Nuada: King of the Tuatha De Dannan
The King of the Tuatha De Dannan, the divine race of Celtic Irish gods, may be an ancestor of yours. Nuada is also known as Nechten and he’s the husband of the goddess Boann. As a warrior god, if his blood runs through your veins, you undoubtedly took on some of his characteristics. The Delbhna Nuadat was a group of lords who claimed ownership over a portion of land in modern County Roscommon.
If you or your ancestors have one of these surnames, you can claim descent from the god Nuada:
8. Macha: Sun Goddess and Ancestral Mother
Macha is a sun goddess, a sovereignty goddess of Ulster, and one of the three sisters of The Morrigan. She’s associated with the earth, horses, war, love and fertility. Macha is also a fierce mother goddess who protects her children and descendants. Like her other divine counterparts here, she is also a divine ancestor to many Irish people today through the Ui Meith clans.
If you have this name or your ancestors carry one of these surnames, you descend from Macha:
You Have Divine Blood…Now What?
Maybe you realized you descend from an ancient Celtic god or goddess. But now you’re wondering what to do with this information? It’s up to you what you do with the information. I’m not saying anyone is necessarily a god or that your ancestor was a god, I’m saying that these clans claimed it. This is similar to how the Egyptian pharaohs claimed to be gods or descend from the gods. It gave people status and probably fueled their religious rites and beliefs.
Aside from telling people your ancestor was a god, consider working with your ancestor in your spiritual practice. Research and study their lore and history. Set up an altar space. Provide offerings. Ask your ancestor to send you messages in your dreams and life. Immerse yourself in Irish Celtic culture. Better yet – embody the gods’ qualities that you find valuable. Bring them to the surface…as the gods are already within you.
Why Are There Only Irish and Scottish Surnames Here?
Unfortunately, if you don’t have Irish or Scottish ancestors, you might be wondering where the other names are. I wish I could find the same information for ALL cultures and heritages, but it doesn’t exist at this magnitude. Ireland had a Renaissance right before the Viking Age in which their clergy (who could read and write) began documenting Irish folklore, mythology, and history. Geneaology including names and locations of septs and clans was recorded, and we are lucky to have this information still today.
If you’re curious, there’s another way to find gods and goddesses in your ancestry that goes beyond Ireland and Scotland – by building a family tree. I use the Ancestry international version and was able to take one of my lines back to the year 2 BC to King Skjald who claimed ODIN as his father. So I am also able to claim Odin as an ancestor. Now, mind you, this took me years to find the connection but if you find a royal line in your ancestry you might be able to trace it back to a god or goddess! While I can’t supply you with other divine bloodlines at this time, I can help you find out more about your magical ancestors now. INCLUDING if you descend from Celtic Fairy Queen Goddesses! Read the links below to learn more!
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tipsycad147 · 5 months
Ancient Ancestry: 7 Clan Mothers of Europe, Tara, & Mitochondrial DNA
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posted by : kitty fields
Our ancestors have a wealth of knowledge to teach us, if we only listen. In modern times, many people have no idea who their immediate ancestors were much less a whisper of their ancient ancestry. But technology has provided us with some very useful tools to dig into our ancestral past – DNA kits and family trees. In this article, I specifically talk about maternal haplogroups and mitochondria, the maternal haplogroup T (the clan of Tara), the Seven Daughters of Eve (Clan Mothers) and how to call upon our ancient maternal ancestors. 
What is a Maternal Haplogroup?
DNA can be rather confusing when you really start digging into it. Trust me. I know from experience. However, a recent book has helped me understand genetics a bit further (though I am still no expert). So what is a maternal haplogroup? A maternal haplogroup is a specific gene found in the mitochondria of your cells. Mitochondria are small particles swimming around in your cell outside of the nucleus that is only passed to you through your mother. Your mother’s mother passed it to her, and her mother’s mother’s mother, and so on. It can only be passed through women to their children. So, over thousands of years, mitochondrial DNA has been passed through maternal lines and still exist in us today.
With new technology and extensive research done by Brian Sykes, Professor of Human Genetics of the University of Oxford, seven European maternal haplogroup DNA chains have been developed that connect us to our ancient clan mothers from Europe. 
The Seven Daughters of Eve & European Ancient Ancestry
Recently I read an article written by Becca Piastrelli about how she found her 20,000 year old grandmother. It inspired me to look into my ancient ancestry and to read Brian Sykes’ work. Brian Sykes has traveled the world taking samples from live human beings and comparing to the dead for decades. His research is extensive and can be read in detail in his book The Seven Daughters of Eve: The Science that Reveals Our Genetic Ancestry. 
7 Ancient European Clans
Let’s further expand on the 7 ancient European clans from Europe. Sykes has traced modern day European descendants via their mitochondrial DNA back to 7 women who lived in Europe circa ten thousand to forty five thousand years ago. Sykes based his “clan mother” names on the DNA Haplogroup letters, as well as the potential origins and region of each clan mother.
From Becca’s blog post: “Here’s a cool fact: Your mtDNA assists your cells in using oxygen. So every time you breathe, you are using the mtDNA of your clan mother.” WOW! Let that sink in.
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The Seven Clan Mothers of Europe are: 
Helena (Haplogroup H), Jasmine (J), Katrine (K), Tara (T), Ursula (U), Velda (V), and Xenia (X)
In his book, Sykes describes the settings and briefly develops the characters of each clan mother. This portion of his scholarly work was met with resistance, but in my opinion helped me to envision what my clan mother Tara might have actually looked like and how she experienced life in prehistoric times. It can do the same for you.
How to Find Out Your Maternal Haplogroup
To find out what maternal haplogroup you hail from, you have to do a DNA test. I know there’s a lot of controversy surrounding DNA tests and DNA overall, and I don’t know how to completely ease your fears because I am confused too. Some people say the DNA companies use your DNA to sell to medical insurance groups. I don’t know this to be true. I cannot find any real sources to confirm this. That being said, when I did my DNA through 23andMe, I opted out of the health DNA analysis.
I recommend getting your DNA done through 23andMe to determine your maternal haplogroup and therefore determining your “clan mother” from Europe. Once you’ve found your maternal haplogroup letter (H, J, K, etc), re-visit this article to compare your results to the the Seven Daughters of Eve (European clan mothers) to determine who your clan mother is.
Clan Mother Tara’s Widespread Children (AKA Maternal Haplogroup T)
I discovered through my 23andMe DNA test that I am maternal haplogroup T, which means my clan mother (according to Sykes) was Tara. Tara is thought to have lived in the prehistoric area of Northern Italy, at the end of the last Ice Age. Sykes paints a picture of clan mother Tara and her tribe being close to the coastline, fishing and eating marine animals, as well as living in the evergreen forests which most likely covered the land during this period of time. She and her tribe hunted game and fish and gathered herbs and fruits to survive.
Migration to Ireland and the West Coast
Eventually, the Clan of Tara migrated along the southern coastline of Europe up along the western coastline and made their way to the British Isles. Sykes named the mother of maternal haplogroup T – Tara, which is Gaelic for “Hill”. The Celts were known for their red-haired people, of which is a proven trait of the maternal haplogroup T descendants. I am inclined to assume many of the ancient Celts carried Tara’s genes.
Udmurts, Native Americans, and Egyptians
Further East from the British Isles, the Udmurt people in Russia are commonly known for their red hair and freckles and have one of the highest percentages of haplogroup T in the world. There’s also a large percentage of T in Egypt and Eastern Europe (in addition to the British Isles). In my humble opinion, this is all evidence to support the fact that ancient peoples traveled quite a bit. They moved from one place to another, settling at different spots along the way.
While maternal haplogroup T only makes up about ten percent of the total European descendant population, it is widespread throughout the world, including in some Native Americans today. Probably the most famous of people in the maternal haplogroup T is Nicholas II, Last Czar of Russia. If you are in the maternal haplogroup T, he would have been a far cousin of yours and mine!
Calling on Ancient Ancestors & Clan Mothers
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tipsycad147 · 5 months
Ancestor Work: MUST-Have Crystals & Herbs to Connect with Ancestors
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posted by : kitty fields
Connecting with your ancestors isn’t as hard as it seems. It just takes a little thought and effort. Sometimes a simple prayer is enough to contact the ancestors from beyond the hedge. Sometimes a specific herb or crystal also helps bridge the gap between the mundane and spirit worlds. Here’s my MUST-have crystals and herbs for ancestor work.
First, Why Work With Our Ancestors?
When I first came to the pagan path, there was no real emphasis on working with ancestors. The books and information I came across were more Wiccan in topic and mostly encouraged working with a god and a goddess. Which is great! But as I progressed in my spiritual practice, I felt that something important was missing. Then I began building a family tree online and the realization hit me that our ancestors are important too. And the more I learned of our ancient pagan ways, the more I knew that our ancestors honored their ancestors too. So I began working with my ancestors in my spiritual and magical practice.
The reason it’s important and helpful to work with your ancestors is many-fold. First, they are the people who paved the way on this planet for you to be here. Many of them put blood, sweat, and tears into their lives and their childrens’ lives in order to make it possible for us to live. Some traveled far distances to foreign lands to make a better life for themselves and their descendants, including you. In addition, working with your ancestors not only helps you heal yourself but also your bloodline…sometimes even breaking barriers and healing generational curses. Not to mention, our ancestors are protective of us, warn us of oncoming danger, and teach us things.
6 Must-Have Crystals for Ancestor Work
The way you use crystals in your practice is up to you. There’s no limit to how they can be used, as long as it’s safe. Remember, there are stone stones and crystals that break down easily when added to water, slough off, or even release potentially harmful chemicals. So do your research before using crystals and stones with other elements, etc.
1. Obsidian: 
Obsidian has been used as a potent scrying tool for thousands of years. It is actually hardened volcanic lava turned into a glass-like rock. Because of its use in divination to “see” the other side, and because it is connected to your root chakra (which connects you to the earth) makes it a powerful stone to use in contacting one’s ancestors. I recommend obsidian over all other must have crystals to work with the ancestors. Peer into obsidian’s blackness and scry a message from your ancestors. Hold onto it at night before going to sleep to stimulate contact.
2. Selenite:
Selenite is connected to the crown chakra – your direct line to the Divine. It is high-vibrational and self-cleanses. Selenite’s white light brings clarity and breaks through debris that clouds our auras blocking us from connecting with our ancestors. Use selenite in conjunction with obsidian, as it can leave you feeling “flighty” after use and obsidian is a strong grounding stone. I set a selenite wand on top of a deck of oracle cards that I use to talk to my ancestors. I feel it cleanses and charges the cards for use.
3. Amethyst:  
Most crystal-lovers know amethyst to be a powerful intuition and psychic ability crystal. It aids in opening the third eye and increases prophetic dreams. When our third eye is opened, our ancestors speak to us through our dreams, thoughts and visions. Amethyst is a multi-purpose must have crystal for your collection. Keep it by the bed, in a dream pillow or spell bag, or hold it during ancestral meditations.
4. Lapis Lazuli for Ancestor Work
Another third eye stone, lapis lazuli was used by the Ancient Egyptians to honor royalty in the afterlife. Because of its connection with the ancient dead, it is a potent tool to use in ancestor work. And because it opens your third eye, it aids in helping you connect with your bloodline and past lives (which may have been lived as one of your own ancestors). Be careful with this stone – if you wear it too long, it may make you feel “flighty”. Take breaks working with it.
5. Bloodstone:
Bloodstone is known to heal cardiovascular illness and disease. It “gets the blood pumping” so to speak, and therefore has a link to ancestor work. The blood in our veins is the blood that once ran through our ancestors’ veins, therefore bloodstone is a must have stone for ancestor work. Not to mention is a powerful healing stone for physical and emotional ailments. Hold it to your heart when doing any kind of ancestral medicine work.
6. Smoky Quartz for Ancestor Work
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6 Must-Have Herbs for Ancestor Work
1. Mugwort for Ancestor Work
This must have herb not only has protective qualities but also enhances psychic visions, dreams, and astral travel. Ancestors often come to us in our dreams and through psychic visions, so mugwort is an essential herb in connecting with our beloved dead. Some paranormal investigators burn mugwort to attract ghosts. If you have Germanic ancestors, mugwort is directly connected to their ancient magical practices.
2. Wormwood:
If burned, wormwood summons the dead. Be careful if burning – the fumes may be toxic. Burn in a well-ventilated area (outside is best). Wormwood was the key ingredient in absinthe, a popular “hallucinogenic” beverage made in past centuries. The hallucinogenic ingredient in wormwood is called thujone, which is also present in mugwort. Some people are sensitive to the thujone in this must have herb, while others aren’t affected at all! 
3. Bay: 
Bay leaves have been known for centuries to enhance psychic abilities. Ancient Roman priests chewed on bay leaves to acquire messages from the gods. You might even have this herb in your kitchen pantry! Bay may be burned, simmered, added to culinary dishes like sauce and soup, and much more. You can even write your intentions on a bay leaf before burning or adding to spells.
4. Tobacco:  
A must have herb in spirit work, tobacco is used in Voodoo and Hoodoo traditions as offerings to the spirits. To many Native Americans, tobacco was smoked as an initiation to many things including friendships, alliances, and at the beginning of a long journey. Tobacco before it was widely farmed was a much more potent herb as far as hallucinogenic properties. It still has the connection today but maybe not the potency it once did.
5. Pine:  
helpful when connecting with one’s ancient ancestors, pine represents the evergreen trees of prehistoric past. It burns easily and has been known for its resin for hundreds of years. Pine represents immortality and renewal, therefore is a must have herb in talking to the ancestors. Burn it as a loose incense (it burns quickly so be careful here!), add it to spell bags, bottles, etc. If you find a branch with needles still attached, it can be used as a natural besom/witch’s broom to cleanse your space.
6. Rose
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tipsycad147 · 5 months
What is Ancestral Witchcraft? Intro to My Tradition, Beliefs and Practices
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posted by : kitty fields
I’ve been on the path of a witch officially since I was fourteen years old. At least, that’s when I began calling myself a witch. But the dreams and spiritual experiences were happening long before the label. Now I’m 37, and still walking the narrow path of the witch and with pride. But my path has changed over the years and morphed into something I call ancestral witchcraft. My way isn’t going to be the way for everyone, but I figured I’d share it with you here, in case you feel a pull to work with your ancestors in your craft.
What is Ancestral Witchcraft?
I don’t know that I’d say I invented this term, but I haven’t seen much about it online or elsewhere. Ancestral witchcraft is a witchcraft tradition that focuses heavily on connecting to one’s ancestors spiritually and magically. While it seems many modern witches tend to honor their ancestors around Samhain, I prefer honoring my ancestors year-round. My own personal tradition, I feel, is similar in beliefs to many other indigenous practices; HOWEVER, my practice is different in a few ways.
Ancestral Witchcraft vs. Southern Conjure
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3 Ancestral Witchcraft Practices
Where other witches may evoke gods and goddesses, the ancestral witch relies heavily on his or her ancestors. This means prayer and daily communication with the ancestors. It also means when performing a ritual or casting a spell, the ancestral witch calls on his or her ancestors for aid. This isn’t to say the ancestral witch never calls on other deities or spirits, but his or her ancestors are the mainstay.
1. Divination and Talking to the Ancestors
When I need an answer to a question in life, I go to my oracle cards or runes. I look at my oracle cards and runes as direct lines to my ancestors – sort of like a telephone line. I’ve dedicated my oracle cards solely to my ancestors, so when I have a question I can lay down some cards and hear my ancestors’ message with ease. I know that it’s them talking to me because of the way they speak through the cards. Asking for your ancestors’ to come into your dreams is another method of communication that won’t fail you. And, truthfully, I don’t make ancestral prayer a big elaborate thing. I often just talk to them like I’d talk to my family members in real life.
2. Ancestor Altars
Where some witches may have an altar dedicated to a god or goddess or the Universe, I keep my main altar dedicated to my ancestors. Photos, heirlooms, and offerings are kept on the altar. I refresh a cup of cool water daily, burn incense, and keep a bowl of herbal offerings on the altar. On special occasions, I also give offerings of flowers, fresh herbs, food and alcoholic beverages. By lighting a candle in their honor, I show them my gratitude.
3. Ancestral Witchcraft Holidays and Special Occasions
The older I get the more I place an emphasis on holidays and time spent with my family members. Even on holidays like Christmas and Easter, I invite my ancestors to the table. To the party. I ask them to be present and share in the celebration of special events like graduations, weddings, anniversaries, kids’ birthdays, etc. They are part of the family, so make them feel like they’re part of the family. In addition, research holidays your ancestors might have once celebrated and consider adding these traditions to your repertoire. I recently started honoring my Disir (ancestral female spirits in the Norse tradition) on Mother’s Night (Modraniht) by cooking a sacred meal and creating a gratitude simmer pot. Choose holidays that mean something to you and your own ancestors.
Your Ancestors’ Gods And A Note on Racism, Appropriation, and Backlash
I talk about researching and asking our ancestors’ gods to be part of our practice and lives. And I’ve had a lot of pushback from certain folks who believe it’s either racist, appropriative, or historically incorrect. In my experience, honoring my ancestors, be it from the recent past or distant past, includes honoring potential pantheons of gods we have record of them worshiping. Of course there’s a lot of room for debate if we are looking at it through a strict historical lens; HOWEVER, not everything in a person’s spiritual life has to be historically correct. And how do we know what happened a few years ago let along a thousand years ago if we ourselves weren’t there personally?
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Connecting With Ancestors
You don’t have to know your ancestors’ names to work with them in your practice, though it does help if you have names. For a long time, I never called on my ancestors by name. Now, I have four particular maternal ancestors whose presence I feel in my life and I will call on these four ladies at any given time. I speak or pray their four names 3 times each to activate that line of communication. You can do the same. Learn more about how to connect with your ancestors here.
Building a Family Tree = Respect
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Ancestral Magick: Protection, Healing, Comfort
In times of need, my ancestors are always there for me. They are there for me when I don’t need anything. They fill my home and sacred space with healing and protective energies. When I cast cleansing and protection magick on my home, I invite my ancestors to fill my home with their guidance and protection. Their presence isn’t some intangible thing – I can feel it. It’s very real. I’ve often seen (spiritual presences) and smelled my ancestors’ presence (in the form of floral perfumes, food, etc.) Have you ever smelled your granny’s perfume out of thin air? That’s because it probably IS your granny. Acknowledge her presence and thank her.
The Ancestors Teach and Heal
Because you carry your ancestors’ DNA and blood in your veins, they are a real part of you and can heal you. You only have to ask for it and believe it will happen. They will comfort you in times of despair and sorrow, just call on them. They warn of impending dangers and teach lessons, as well. I’ve even been in situations where other practitioners were attempting to jinx or curse me. And my ancestors warned me by sending numerous signs. I was able to up my protection wards and break the practitioner’s attempts at harming me. All because of my ancestors’ watchful eyes.
Where To Start With Ancestral Witchcraft
Start slow. This tradition isn’t a race to the end of the family tree. It’s about building a relationship with your ancestors. A lifelong relationship and bond that won’t EVER fail you. Build a family tree. Get your DNA done (if you so choose). Write down names and cultures. Study your family’s origins. Set up an altar to honor your ancestors and talk to them daily. You’ll learn more and more as you walk the path. In the meantime, I teach ancestral witchcraft in our Otherworldly Oracle FaceBook group for FREE. You can join us here.
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tipsycad147 · 5 months
Ancient Ancestors: Our Ancient Bloodlines & Ways to Connect
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posted by : kitty fields
When we think of our ancestors, most think of our recently deceased. But ancestor work doesn’t mean just working with your grandmother or great uncle. It also means reaching out to those in the distant past – to the ancients. There are literally trillions to connect with, and many are just waiting for YOU to reach out. Working with our ancient ancestors in our spiritual practice is not only protective, it’s healing for you and your entire bloodline. But sometimes we don’t know where to start. Here’s how to connect with your OUR ancient ancestors.
DISCLOSURE: I may earn a small commission for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you information about the paranormal and paganism.
Who Are OUR Ancient Ancestors?
When we get into ancestor work, many people say, “but I don’t know who my ancestors are. How can I work with them?” You don’t have to know who any of your ancestors are to start working with them on the other side. In fact, I don’t know many people who know exactly who their ancient ancestors were unless they were able to trace their bloodlines back that far. Which is rare.
So I tell people to think like this – if you have European blood, you probably have DNA from the Celts, Germanic tribes, Greek or Roman, Slavic or Baltic, etc. Begin your journey by studying the ancient cultures of Europe. The same goes if you know your people are from Africa – begin looking into the various cultures and empires in Africa in ancient times. And Asia, the Americas, the Middle East, etc.
We Have One Ancient Mother
Scientists have traced every human alive today back to one woman who lived in Africa some one hundred fifty thousand years ago. So, the point here is, if you go back far enough, we are all from the same mother. From the same place. If you have no idea where your ancient ancestors come from, you at least know you had a mother in Africa over a hundred thousand years ago. Could you reach out and connect to the “mitochondrial eve”? Of course!
You Have MILLIONS of Ancestors!
Also, keep this in mind – the further back you go on your family tree, the MORE ancestors you have. Think about how many grandparents you have, then think about adding their parents onto your tree. Your tree goes from 4 ancestors to 16. Then add your great grandparents’ parents. Now sixteen becomes 32! Go back three hundred years in your ancestral line and your direct ancestors increase to over four thousand. What if we go back one thousand years (to Medieval times) – your family tree expands even further. If we look at our ancestors collectively over time, there are truly so many.
6 Ways to Connect to Your Ancient Ancestors
1. Study Ancient History
As mentioned previously, one of the first ways to connect with your ancient ancestors is to study ancient history. Read and research about ancient civilizations, for example Ancient Egypt, the Celtic Empire, the Mayans, the Romans, Greeks, Nubians, Aborigines, Hebrew, etc. The more you learn about ancient times, the more connected you’ll feel to the ancient ancestors.
When we think of our ancestors, most think of our recently deceased. But ancestor work doesn’t mean just working with your grandmother or great uncle. It also means reaching out to those in the distant past – to the ancients. There are literally trillions to connect with, and many are just waiting for YOU to reach out. Working with our ancient ancestors in our spiritual practice is not only protective, it’s healing for you and your entire bloodline. But sometimes we don’t know where to start. Here’s how to connect with your OUR ancient ancestors.
DISCLOSURE: I may earn a small commission for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you information about the paranormal and paganism.
Who Are OUR Ancient Ancestors?
When we get into ancestor work, many people say, “but I don’t know who my ancestors are. How can I work with them?” You don’t have to know who any of your ancestors are to start working with them on the other side. In fact, I don’t know many people who know exactly who their ancient ancestors were unless they were able to trace their bloodlines back that far. Which is rare.
So I tell people to think like this – if you have European blood, you probably have DNA from the Celts, Germanic tribes, Greek or Roman, Slavic or Baltic, etc. Begin your journey by studying the ancient cultures of Europe. The same goes if you know your people are from Africa – begin looking into the various cultures and empires in Africa in ancient times. And Asia, the Americas, the Middle East, etc.
We Have One Ancient Mother
Scientists have traced every human alive today back to one woman who lived in Africa some one hundred fifty thousand years ago. So, the point here is, if you go back far enough, we are all from the same mother. From the same place. If you have no idea where your ancient ancestors come from, you at least know you had a mother in Africa over a hundred thousand years ago. Could you reach out and connect to the “mitochondrial eve”? Of course!
You Have MILLIONS of Ancestors!
Also, keep this in mind – the further back you go on your family tree, the MORE ancestors you have. Think about how many grandparents you have, then think about adding their parents onto your tree. Your tree goes from 4 ancestors to 16. Then add your great grandparents’ parents. Now sixteen becomes 32! Go back three hundred years in your ancestral line and your direct ancestors increase to over four thousand. What if we go back one thousand years (to Medieval times) – your family tree expands even further. If we look at our ancestors collectively over time, there are truly so many.
6 Ways to Connect to Your Ancient Ancestors
1. Study Ancient History
As mentioned previously, one of the first ways to connect with your ancient ancestors is to study ancient history. Read and research about ancient civilizations, for example Ancient Egypt, the Celtic Empire, the Mayans, the Romans, Greeks, Nubians, Aborigines, Hebrew, etc. The more you learn about ancient times, the more connected you’ll feel to the ancient ancestors.
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2. Set Up Sacred Space
Just like with your recent ancestors, your ancient ancestors would appreciate sacred space in your home too. In this case, you can have your ancient and recent ancestors share an altar space. Often I recommend to keep ancestors and gods separate, but ancestors whether ancient or recent are still in your bloodline. If you don’t have an ancestor altar already, time to set one up: a tabletop, counter-space, shelf, etc. with at least one white candle, a representation of your ancestors, and a cup of water to start.
3. Guided Meditation to Meet Your Ancient Ancestral Guide
I HIGHLY recommend reading Daniel Foor’s book Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing. There are some amazing practices to connect with your ancient ancestors, including a guided meditation to meet one of your ancestral guides. Even if you can’t get the book, look online for ancestral guide meditations AND pray before the meditation that you want to connect with an ancient ancestral guide. If you don’t want to do a guided meditation, try listening to shamanic drumming and putting your intention out there. Try our pathworking meditation to meet your ancestral guide here.
4. Ask for Signs and Messages
At your ancient ancestor altar, make an offering to our ancient ancestors and while doing so ask them for a sign or message. They will send you a sign via an animal, passing conversation, TV/media recurrences, or an ancient ancestor may come to you in a dream. Record your dreams and experiences.
5. DNA Kits
This recommendation is controversial. Some people enjoy having their DNA analyzed while others warn against it for ethical reasons (medical insurance companies using your data, etc.) I’ve done my DNA through ancestry and 23andMe. I’ll be honest and tell you it’s revealed things about my family that we NEVER wanted to find out. Deep, dark secrets. That being said, it’s also guided me to a spiritual place in which I’ve traced my matrilineal line back to one woman who lived in Ireland some ten thousand years ago. If you get your DNA done through 23andMe, and you’re female, you can also find your “clan mother” via your mitrochondrial DNA. Learn more about the concept of clan mothers here.
If you ever wanted to know your ethnicity, modern technology has provided a simple way – DNA kits. Order a kit from Ancestry, 23andMe, etc. They send you a tube to spit in. You seal it and ship it back. Then in a few weeks’ time, a full ethnicity report is ready for you to review. It’s simple and fairly affordable to do. Interestingly, modern witches, pagans and spiritual individuals have found this process enlightening and helpful when working spiritually with ancestors. Here’s the downlow on DNA kits, ancestor work, your ethnicity and how it might influence your spiritual practice.
The DNA Kit Basics
There’s quite a few companies out there providing DNA kits including Ancestry, 23andMe, and MyHeritage. What exactly does a DNA kit do? A DNA kit is sent to you by one of these companies upon purchase, you’ll spit in a tube, then send it back for that company to analyze against their DNA database. Once they’ve analyzed your DNA sample, they send you a report or you log into their website to view your report on your ethnic matches. This means these companies will tell you if you share similar DNA to people in other countries and regions. For example, you might have DNA that’s 50% English, 30% Nigerian, 10% Native American and 10% Norwegian. 23andMe also offers a “health” DNA analysis which will tell you if you have DNA markers for particular diseases. You can opt in or out of this feature with 23andMe. I opted out, to be honest.
Which DNA Kit is Best?
I’ve purchased DNA kits from both Ancestry and 23andMe. I haven’t quite made up my mind which is better, and I’ll tell you why. Ancestry claims to have a larger database of DNA to compare yours to; however, 23andMe seems to be more accurate when comparing to my actual family tree. 23andMe also provides females with their mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) haplogroup and males with their Y-DNA haplogroup. If you’re female, your mtDNA links you to an ancient clan mother. Learn more about the 7 clan mothers of Europe here. Ancestry updates your DNA results frequently, each time they receive new DNA or update their process, etc. 23andMe also updates your DNA results as they acquire new information, though it doesn’t seem to be as often as Ancestry.
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Once You Receive Your DNA Kit Results
You sent in your kit, and waited for weeks. Now you finally have your results! But what do you do with this new information about yourself? Take time to allow yourself to absorb and fully understand your results. Was it what you expected? Completely unexpected? Does it match your family tree or what your family’s claims to ethnicity are?
Finding Your ANCIENT Ancestors Through MyTrueAncestry
At this point, you have another option that many modern pagans are finding extremely helpful in connecting with their pagan roots: MyTrueAncestry. MyTrueAncestry is another DNA service, but it’s not like the others mentioned above. MyTrueAncestry takes your raw DNA results and compares it to their database of ancient to Medieval archaeological DNA samples. Then they tell you your closest ancient and Medieval ancestors’ cultures including Romans, Germanic tribes of many kinds, Celts and specific Celtic tribes, indigenous North and South American tribes and peoples, ancient Mediterranean peoples and many more! This particular DNA service has taken my pagan practice and ancestor work to the next level.
Your DNA and Your Spiritual Practice
What you do with your DNA results spiritually is inevitably up to you. Maybe you’re wondering how a person’s DNA relates to his or her spirituality. Your DNA is what makes up your very being here on this planet. And you acquired your DNA from your ancestors. In fact, millions of people before you have contributed to the making of you. You are a culmination of hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of years of human DNA on this planet. Your DNA is the essence of who you are, physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is your physical road-map and your link to your ancestral roots.
The DNA Helix, Kundalini and Othala
The symbol of the Hindu concept of Kundalini (a snake-like coil of energy that rests at the base of the spine) looks an awful lot like the DNA helix. This is because DNA is the source of life energy, as is the Kundalini. And where does your DNA come from? Your ancestors. As I write this article, I’ve made a realization the rune Othala looks eerily similar to Kundalini and the DNA helix. The rune Othala means home and hearth, and more importantly – ancestral inheritance. What do you inherit from your ancestors? DNA!
Start Researching
How does a person go about analyzing and applying their DNA results to their spirituality? You will have a mixture of DNA from various places. One way to implement your ancestry into your spiritual practice is to first study the history and culture of your ancestors. This means if you find out your DNA is mostly from Eastern Europe, study the different countries there, the cultures, the ancient and modern history, the religious practices, etc. If you find out you have mostly Iberian DNA, study Spanish history, culture, ancient religions, etc. This is how you begin to connect with your elevated ancestors. Start with your majority DNA, then make your way through the smaller amounts of DNA down into the “trace regions”. For me, that meant diving into the history of England and Scotland, then studying my Irish, German, French and Norwegian roots. In addition, MyTrueAncestry connected me with my Danish Viking ancestors of whom I NEVER would have known about if it wasn’t for ancient archaeogenetics!
6. Sacred Pagan Ancestral Pilgrimage
If you have an idea as to where some of your ancient ancestors come from, make it a point to travel there someday. Are your people from Scotland? Germany? Italy? Thailand? Peru? Even if you never physically make it there, the planning and research that goes into a pagan ancestral pilgrimage forges a connection between you, your ancient ancestors, and the land.
7. Work With Your Ancestors’ Gods
If you’re pagan, or follow an earth-based spiritual path, consider working with or learning about your ancient ancestors’ beliefs including animism and ancient gods and goddesses. Learn more about working with your ancestors’ gods here.
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tipsycad147 · 5 months
Witch Ancestors: How to Find Witches in Your Family Tree
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posted by : kitty fields
Every one has an interesting ancestors in their lineage. We find preachers, movie stars, blacksmiths, villains, even royalty in our family trees. Some of us have accused witch ancestors, too! Think about how big a family tree is the further back you go – the likelihood of witch ancestors increases. Hundreds of thousands of people were accused of witchcraft between the eighth and eighteenth century throughout the world. The web gives access to ancestral information including lists of accused witches.
There are different methods to research ancestry for witch ancestors, discussed below. Get out your black pointy hats and broomsticks. Let’s take a ride into the past in search of our magical witch ancestors.
First, What IS a Witch Ancestor Anyway?
Look, you and I and Karen could sit around and debate over what constitutes a witch and what doesn’t. We could also sit and debate how to know whether our ancestors were witches or just “accused” of witchcraft. Sure, many of them might not have been witches per se but a portion of them had their own unique magick. Just like we do today. Maybe they didn’t call themselves witches, because truly that was a negative word in centuries past. Maybe they didn’t call themselves anything at all but made herbal remedies for their families and friends. Or talked to the fairies in their garden. Or were able to see the dead.
Maybe people came to them and asked them to read the cards or scry in a bottle to tell them their future. Or find lost items. Maybe your ancestor practiced folk magic or faith healing and kept it all to him or herself. In these cases, we might not even have access to their names or know via documentation that they were indeed magical ancestors. But the whole point to this article is to EXPLORE your family tree. Your witchy history that runs deep in your veins and in your very DNA. Okay? Let’s go.
Finding Your Witch Ancestors: Family Trees
Ancestry.com is a great place to research and document your ancestral line. While it does cost money and time, it is worth it. Another great site is Geni.com. First, prepare yourself to spend time on this project. It won’t be a quick google search. You will have to spend time researching and documenting your family tree to find a link to a witch ancestor. Most of us don’t have the same last name as our witch ancestors, so we will create a list of last names in our tree. Also keep in mind, there are variations of names over time and place. For example, your last name might be Spade now but two hundred years ago your ancestors’ last name was actually Spaht. When they moved, they changed it. This is common. 
Step #1: Build Your Family Tree
Build your family tree online (if you haven’t already). If you can’t afford an online ancestry database like ancestry.com, build a family tree manually. This will take more time and effort, but it can be done by talking to people in your family and gathering important documents from family members and libraries. Go back as far as you can until you hit a wall, until you can’t find any further ancestors. Sometimes you might get lucky and find a story about one of your ancestors that might tip you off to the fact that he or she was a witch. If not, continue on to step #2.
Step #2: Build A Simple List
Make a separate list of your family’s names. This can be in a word document or on scrap paper. Keep the family names in alphabetical order for easy access while researching. Leave some space next to each person’s name and record their country of origin (and city/town if you have it). Make note of the years of birth and death, if available.
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Create a family tree to find your witch ancestors.
Searching the Web: Witch Databases
Once you have the foundation of your family tree and a solid list of familial names, research your witch ancestors by exploring online witch name databases. This seems like a daunting task, but it’s not so bad once you get started. Don’t forget to look for variations of your familial surnames!
Step #3: Research, Research, Research!
Use the name list with locations and dates and compare to databases online of accused witches. First, look at the locations of each of your ancestors (i.e. if you have ancestors that came to the United States in the seventeenth century, search for a list of names in the Salem Witch Trials or New York Witches). Don’t forget there were witches publicly accused in almost every U.S. colony, so research each state’s list of witch names too.
Check for your ancestors’ names against the Salem Witch Ancestry:
Salem Witch Trials Documents: court documents on the trials and personal diary entries from the people in the Salem Witch Trials. Search for your witch ancestors’ names and info. here.
Wikipedia List of People in the Salem Witch Trials: Wikipedia has an extensive list of people who were involved in the Salem Witch Trials. You may be able to find your ancestor’s name on the list. And it’s broken down by outcome of each person (executed, indicted, etc).
The Witches of New York: ancestry allows you to search for your witch ancestors in their database of accused NY witches. If your ancestors immigrated to New York, this is a great tool to use.
Witch Bloodline Names from Salem and Elsewhere: check OUR database
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Check the witch databases below for names of the accused across the world:
Witchcraft, The Witch Trials: information on the European Witch Trials. Click on each location to find your witch and ancestors from Europe. Note: if you don’t have the location or dates of your ancestors, this website will prove rather difficult for you to use.
Wikipedia’s List of People Executed for Witchcraft:  a huge list of people executed for witchcraft in Europe and elsewhere. Just remember these are only people who were killed – it doesn’t include the accused who were set free.
Scotland, Names of Witches, 1658: a huge document detailing names of the Scottish witches is available to search on ancestry.com. Access to the digital copy is available online to manually research (if you don’t have an ancestry account).
The Arcane Archive: one of my favorite resources for looking up witch names in Europe and elsewhere. Hundreds of names, dates and locations in alphabetical order.
Witch Hunt on Sacred Texts: this list has hundreds of names of accused witches from around the world. Not just Mainland and Insular Europe and the U.S. but also Ethiopia, Mexico, the Middle East, Malaysia and more.
It’s going to take time. It’s likely you won’t see results the first day. Keep going and take notes. If you do find a witch ancestor or witch hunter ancestor, do detailed research on that particular person. Look up the name online or at your local library.
Disclaimer: When a Name Matches But You Can’t Prove it
In some cases, you may find a witch or accused witch with your familial surname and even location of your ancestors. If you found this person via witch databases but you can’t link him/her to your actual family tree, it doesn’t mean you aren’t still related! In many cases, witches’ names were erased from family trees and some public records in an effort to further shame them or cut them off from their lineage. 
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Don’t worry so much if you can “prove” the ancestor is yours. Ask and believe.
Local Witch History and Family Stories
If the online research fails, there are other ways to research without a computer. If your family has been in the same area for centuries, look into your local history to see if your family played a part. If you know where your ancestors came from, more specifically the town or region, this is important to note too.
Step #4: Research Location History
Often, local historical documents are available at the library or even online. Through this research, you might find a story about one of your family members being accused or suspected of witchcraft. It’s also super helpful to familiarize yourself with your ancestors’ location, whether local to you or elsewhere. If you know where they lived, start looking into the ancient history of this place. What were the people like? What was their religion? Then research the Medieval history…did they have any Witch Trials in this area? Are there names you can view and compare to your list of names?
Step #5: Talk To Your Family
Find information about witch ancestors by simply talking to family members. Sometimes another family member has already done research and built a family tree. If you are really lucky, there might be a story about a witch ancestor or witch hunter passed down through your family tree. Talk to your oldest surviving family member for closer insight. Keep in mind other terms used like herbs, herbalist, cunning woman or man, midwife, wizard, alchemist, berserker, sorceress, sorcerer, bruja, occultist, wise man, sin eater, water witch, pow wow, faith healer, fairy doctor, fairy friend, witch doctor, healer, outcast, shaman, hag, crone, granny, sage, etc.
Still No Luck? Don’t Forget Logic
So you’ve built an entire family tree, spent hours on research, and still haven’t found a link to witch ancestors in your family tree? Don’t fret. This was supposed to be fun! But if you’re that serious about it, think about it like this. By process of deduction, someone in your family tree was a witch or a witch hunter. Why? Because you have literally thousands of people in your lineage. Someone was either accused or executed as a witch! We all have witch ancestors, it’s just about finding them.
In the meantime, now you have information on your ancestors to educate other people in your family or simply enjoy on your own. Put together a ancestry photo album or scrapbook. Write a book or blog with the stories you’ve gathered on your family tree. In addition, consider asking your ancestors to send you a dream or message with an answer to this question. I promise you, you will receive one. And maybe your witch ancestor is just waiting for you to reach out. Light a candle and talk to them.
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