#Santiago Garcia x fem!oc
romanarose · 2 years
Leather and Lace Master list
Santiago "Pope" Garcia X Fem!OC
(If you’re here bc I linked this in reference to a group sex fic, my apologies but I linked the wrong one in the initial post. You can find that on my masterlist, the Awakening series. This one has smut but not until latter. Sorry!)
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Fic summary: While on a mission in Central America with Benny, Fish and Ironhead, Pope finds a girl tied up in the basement of a drug lord. She won't talk, won't look at him. Him and the girl get separated from the guys, and have to find their way back alone. Can Pope win Laci's trust? What happens to Laci when they get her back to safety?
Lovely lovely mood board created by @welcometostayingawake
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Calligraphy by @poeedameronn
I'll have a Spotify playlist here! Comment any songs you think fit the vibe!
Chapter 1: Santiago Garcia finds a girl tied up in a basement. They get separated from his friends, can they make it back okay?
Chapter 2: Santi and Laci walk back to the meet-up point. Santi tries to break the ice, but even his charm struggles to break through to Laci.
Chapter 3: Santi and Benny board a plane back to the US. Santi reflects back on his last day with Laci. Will is being an ass.
Bonus Chapter: Vengo a Cantarle a Mi Amada
Chapter 4: Santi and Laci settle in Santi's home and share a brief, tender moment. Benny and Laci get along. Frankie has a cookout, Will keeps being an ass.
Chapter 5: Laci and Santiago find a special space for them. Santi has a night out with the guys, allowing Laci some much needed independence.
Laci before and after
Bonus chapter: Sick fic
Chapter 6: Benny and Laci spend the day together, must to Santi’s chagrin. Laci and Santi share a special moment.
Bonus chapter: Will’s perspective
Chapter 7: after a day in the park with Frankie and his little girl, Santi and Laci spend the evening in the woods, Laci suddenly very open. After things go further than Santi plans, things escalate.
Chapter 8: Santi makes his round of apologies. Later, Frankie has an emergency and Santi has to take Laci to Will, where Laci, Ben and Will have their own adventure.
Chapter 9: Santi takes Laci to one of Ben's fights. Later, Santi takes Laci on their first real date
Chapter 10: just a lot of smut, fluff, and hurt/comfort. That’s it
Chapter 11: Santi has to leave for a few days with Frankie and Will, leaving Laci with Benny.
Bonus Chapter: Santi’s revenge
Chapter 12: On a cabin trip, antics ensue, and Laci and Santi spend a special night together
Bonus stories
Friendsgiving: Laci and Santi invite the guys over for thanksgiving, and I made it as sweet as pecan pie.
Santiago can’t skate: Santi takes Laci ice skating with the guys, quickly realizes his mistake.
Christmas Tree Hunting: Frankie wanted a Christmas tree for Rosie, enlists the guys to help as he reflects on the past.
A Little Game: just some extra LaL smut
Leather and Lace and Daisies: Valentines Day special, Laci shows Santi just how much he means to her
A Reluctant Addition: Laci has a little request.
NSFW Alphabet: Santi and Laci and sex
Laci Learning to Drive: Non-canon
Continue the story with Frankie! Come read Take Your Time to see what Laci and the boys are up too!
Also, if anyone else makes art or a moodboard, I'll put it here as well! Thank y'all so much for your passionate about this fic, I love y'all!!!
When I posted the first chapter I assumed it would get a few likes and that's but not only does this story get interaction, but the people that read it are very passionate about this story, which is more important to me than anything else <3
This amazing mood board by @annautumnsoul 🥹 lots of cute things about it but the picture with Santi and his blue plaid pjs and Laci in her lil pink pjs is so fuvking cute and AAAAHHHH laci with her hand on his tummy 😭😭😭 the coloring is so nice all pastel and soft and girlie like Laci🥰
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Art by @poeedameronn
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245 notes · View notes
archive-of-note · 2 years
First Writer Wednesday!
@writer-wednesday week 24
author's notes
Reader insert, poly relationship (Frankie x GN!Reader x Female!OC) reader is never gendered, referred to as “titi” by a child character in place of mom/dad/aunt/uncle etc. some very loose allusions to sexual activity, like hella loose, could not even be recognized unless your mind was already skirting the gutter. My terrible attempts at Spanish, do not hesitate to tell me if smth is wrong.
Female OC: Aliya. Imagine Bayonetta but toned down. She’s still confidant, she’s still flirty, but it’s more restrained. Actually used to be a stripper, worked through getting her MD, eventually became a pediatrician, still dances for fun because she genuinely enjoyed the physicality of it, and it’s a great way to keep active and in touch with her old coworkers. (we respect sex workers in this house!)
none of this is really pertinent to the story, but I wanted to give her some background
she does have some issues with Santi, she keeps her mouth shut about it though, but know if he ever tries to pull his shit again she will not hesitate to go for the throat.
I don’t know if it came across but I need you to understand that the insert has it down BAD for these two, we’re talking hearts and stars and fireworks in their eyes.
if i missed any warnings or tags do not hesitate to tell me
Simply Poolside Paradise
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It’s hot as hell and there is barely a breeze.
Smack dab in the middle of August you wonder why you’re not inside, naked, and spread eagle in front of a fan.
A splash and whoop make you look up, and you’re reminded what you’re suffering for.
Frankie shakes his head, flicking water out of his hair and making you long for a camera to capture the Vanity Fair quality moment.
“How he was so oblivious to your interest I will never know.”
You shake your own head, and look to the woman who has just insulted you and Frankie.
“Well, Aliya, how’d you do it?”
She huffs, obviously rolling her eyes behind her large sunglasses as she smacks your arm with her paperback.
“That’s different.”
You raise your eyebrows, looking at her over the rims of your own sunglasses.
Instead of giving you a better argument, she just flicks your ear.
Snatching her wrist, you tug, pulling her into your lap as she squawks and flails gracelessly.
Frankie shouts from the other side of the pool, “You alright?”
You shout over her shoulder, “I’m being bullied!”
“You’re being bullied!? I’m being manhandled!”
You wrap your arms around her and laugh, kissing whatever bits of her you can reach as she playfully swats at you.
Suddenly you pull away, “Blegh,” cringing at the sour chemical taste of sunscreen.
She halts her wiggling, “What’s wrong?”
You click your tongue, trying to wipe the taste from your tongue without using your hands, “Tastes bad.”
“Slander!” Frankie’s voice booms from the edge of the pool, and he glares at you with a comical amount of contempt.
It takes you a moment, but once you understand what he means you gasp in horror, “I would never,” you squeeze Aliya’s waist, “imply such a thing.”
She tugs at your hair in retribution, “But you just did,” she starts trying to get out of your lap again, “you more than implied in fact.”
Whining, you hook your fingers into the strappier parts of her baiting suit, “Aliya,” you pout, gently tugging.
She humphs, crossing her arms and tilting her head away from you.
“Francisco,” she looks over her shoulder, “could you put lotion on my back?”
“Hey! I’m right here!”
She turns back to you, and even as you try to keep your eyes on her, you can’t help but flick your gaze to Frankie as he pushes himself out of the pool and all of that water pours down the thick expanse of his body.
You thoughtlessly lick your lips as he gets to his feet.
“Do you ever think with the head on your shoulders?”
Looking back to Aliya, you hum, wordlessly asking that she repeat herself.
She just laughs.
“What’s so funny?” Frankie grabs a towel from the bag beside your lounge chair, rubbing the side of his head, nose scrunching in a way that tells you he has some water in his ear.
Aliya cups your face, tilting your head up to look at her, “Not funny,” she leans in for a quick kiss, “just happy.”
The smile that breaks across your face makes you feel a little stupid, but Aliya’s eyes soften, and you don’t care.
“What about me?”
You turn to look at Frankie. His pout is so overdone that you can’t help but snort.
“C’mere, Flyboy.”
Smiling, he leans down and cups your cheek with one large hand, kissing you with a bit more fervor then is probably appropriate for his friend’s backyard pool.
“Blegh,” You make a face as you pull away.
“What?” Frankie looks worried.
You smack your lips to try and get rid of the taste, “You taste like chlorine.”
He huffs, but he doesn’t try too hard to keep his face deadpan.
“You better be decent! Ankle biters incoming!”
The three of you turn in time to see a little girl running and screaming toward the poolside.
“Tío Fishy!”
The little girl has her father’s hair, black, wavy, and with a decent puff from the humidity.
“Hey baby girl!”
He picks her up and she squeals in delight, suddenly several feet off the ground and loving every second of it.
“Santiago.” Aliya slips back into your lap, looking over your shoulder to the man who’s trailing behind Frankie’s daughter. It's not that she hates him, she actually thinks Santi is fun to be around. But sometimes the memory of the broken man who came back after going dark, lead on by promises of fortune, only to come back guilt ridden and empty handed, well, she might need some time to consider spitting on him if he were on fire.
He whistles, looking appreciatively at the woman in your lap, not feeling the subtle glare hidden by her frames.
You glare from behind the polarized lenses of your own shades, but more so to play up seeming jealous, just to lighten the mood.
“Titi,” tilting your head down, you soften your features to look to the little girl standing at your side.
“Hey starlight, how was shopping with Santi?”
Her mouth opens with a yawn, rubbing one of her eyes to really drive her want for nap time home.
“‘M sleepy.”
You turn to Aliya, “While it hurts me to say this, you might need to move.”
She holds a hand to her chest, shoulders relaxing once Pope is out of sight, “Devastating.”
“I know, I need to mentally prepare.”
Turning back to the little girl you ask in a soft voice, “You want to go inside to take a nap?”
She shakes her head.
“No? Why not?”
She doesn’t say, she just gives you the grabby hands.
You glance up to the sky, bright, blue, and not a cloud in sight.
“Gotta put sunscreen on, you still want to be out here?”
She nods, eyes closed and spreading her arms, already preparing for the process of being misted.
“It’s lotion, Stellita.”
She gives a little grunt, arms dropping and waiting.
You look to Aliya, and she already has the bottle in her hands.
“I’ll do it, grab a towel or two, so she has a pillow and something to hold.”
She slips out of your lap, and you do just that, taking a quick look at Frankie and Santi’s daughter splashing around in the shallow end of the pool, “Mari! Are you wearing sun screen?”
“What’s that?”
And that answers that question.
You give Frankie a look and he’s already walking back out of the water, holding the little girl aloft so she can’t wiggle around in a bid to stay in the pool.
Santiago shouts from near the shed, hefting a bag of coal over his shoulder, “Anyone hungry yet? Or can I hold off on the grill for a bit longer?”
You wave a hand his way, “I’m not hungry yet, but I think I’m getting there, still, no rush.”
You find some pool towels and start setting up a spot for Estella, in the shade and close to both you and Pope, but she whines, again giving you the grabby hands.
“I’m gonna need words here bebita, my mind reading doesn’t always work.”
She whines “‘na cuddle.”
“Es Calor, ¿estás seguro?” You flick your eyes to Santi, and he gives you a thumbs up on your Spanish.
“Sí, quiero mi titi.”
If you could die from cuteness you’d be six feet under right now.
“Alright,” you pick her up with one of the towels, sitting back in the pool lounger and getting comfortable and trapping yourself beneath the little girl.
“¿Bueno, estrella de mi vida?”
She nods, already mostly asleep against you.
A shadow suddenly covers you, so you look up, and standing over you is Frankie, with a patio umbrella that needs to be set up.
Frankie stares, but the sun blurs his face from view.
“Is something wrong?”
He stares a bit longer before shaking his head.
“No,” he plants the umbrella and opens it up, blocking the sun from where you and Estella lie.
“Just,” he locks the whole thing in place, “have I said I love you today?”
Blinking a few times you think it over, even though you don’t think he’s actually looking for an answer, “Yeah, when I made your coffee this morning.”
His smile grows, “Well saying it again won’t kill me.”
You shake your head, “No it won’t.”
Frankie leans in and kisses you, soft and full, before pulling away just enough to speak, “I love you.”
You close the gap between the two of you again, following him when he pulls back just a bit.
“Love you too, hermoso.”
He smiles in that way that makes his entire face scrunch up, eyes closing and crinkling at the sides.
You can't help but kiss him again.
“Tío Fishy!”
He tilts his head toward the pool, “Duty calls.” He doesn't move though.
“Mmhmm.” And you don't really make much of an effort to get him moving yourself.
“Tío Fishy!”
“Un momento, Mari.”
He kisses you one more time, then one last peck, before he takes two large steps and promptly jumps into the pool, splashing your legs and soaking Mari who is absolutely delighted by the chaos.
“Have I said I love you today?”
You look up to Aliya, taking in her cocked hip and the sharp points of her profile. Giving her an answer is easy after having already thought about getting ready this morning, “Yes, when I told you which sunglasses went with the hat and bathing suit, then when I packed a second book because I noticed you were very close to finishing your current one, and when I stopped you from drinking Frankie’s coffee.”
She makes a face, she may be okay with bitter flavors, but solid black coffee is too much for her.
“Well, I’m going to say it again. I love you.”
You grab her hand, “And I love you,” kissing the back of it you cringe again, “even when you taste like sunscreen.”
She laughs, before setting up the other lounge chair so she can share the shade with you.
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romana-after-dark · 5 months
Rooms on Fire: Stop Dragg'n My Heart Around
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Dark!Santiago Garcia x Fem!Reader Dark!Francisco Morales x Fem!Reader Dark!William Miller x Fem!Reader Dark!Benjamin Miller x Fem!Reader
Also: FishBen, and an assortment of other M/M relationships (no Millercest). Everyone is Bisexual
Series Masterlist: Main Masterlist : MainTaglist
Spotify playlist
Summery: Madonna learns more about her role and the dynamics of the household.
Warnings and Content:
DUB CON MOSTLY but there WILL BE NON CON. Major character deaths, forced breeding, physical abuse, brainwashing, manipulation, violence, gore, alcoholism/addiction, BIG OLE BLASPHEMY WARNING like this cult appropriates a lot of religious themes and they call reader their Madonna, Santi is called the Pope, like all that stuff. However, this is a cult so I mean. It happens. None of it are my thoughts on religion or meant to make fun of religion or demonize religious people. Disgusting views on virginity. Attempted rape outside the boys. T*m warning. Age gap. Creepy terrible men. Non-reader rape, dub con, violence.
Extra warnings for chapter: Anal, oral, love bombing, control
This is not meant to be a statement about religion, Christianity, or Catholicism, this is simply my take on a cult. I am a religious person. I understand that some of this may be very offensive to religious people so if you don't like thing like AHS Asylum or Black Mass, maybe consider not reading.
A/N: Every chapter will be named after a song from the spotify playlist. Dont forget to commen fitting songs!!
6.2k words
Support writers! Reblog and leave comments!
NEW OC: Faceclaim, Dev Patel
There's people running 'round loose in the world Ain't got nothing better to do Than make a meal of some bright eyed kid You need someone looking after you~ Stop Dragg'n My Heart Around, Tom Petty and Stevie Nicks
You were the wife of deities. You were blessed, honored. Holy mother. The Madonna, and inside your womb the savior would grow. All four of them were Gods of different patronage, each with their own abilities and passions.
Francisco was the god of nature. He was the god of all that grew in the earth, the soil. the flowers. He was clairvoyant, but also had a gift of growth. Life. His prayers over you would solidify implantation after conception, keep you and your baby safe.
Benjamin was the sun god, god of celebration, and celebrate he did. Ben’s mood often controlled the weather. Most of the time, regular weather patterns took place, Benjamin’s emotions could change them, and he was prone to big emotions. That’s why him and Francisco worked so closely together. Weather and nature, working to keep the crops growing and the people safe.
William was all about duality, you were taught in catechism. God of war, God of medicine. He had the gift of healing, but also impeccable military prowess. This made for a powerful ally and feared enemy. William headed the military and security, but also watched over the medical care. 
And Pope, Divine Mothers only child. Pope had the gift of discernment and prophesy. He was incredibly intelligent, and with that came respect. He was not just born into this position, but born for it. God of family, god of passion. You felt that passion so clearly every time his eyes bore into you. He could no more hide it than he could his own beauty.
So why, with all this power surrounding you, did you feel so scared?
Everything just feels so confusing right now. You feel as if you can’t get your head on straight, like everything is whirling. You're married. You might be pregnant. Why was everything so… hard. When Pope waved your bloodied sheet around, he was soon joined by a whooping Ben who took part in the celebrations and dragged Francisco out with him. It was just you and Will.
Naked and shivering, suddenly cold on the cool tile of the altar without the heat of passion to warm you
“Just one minute, I’ll get you dressed once I’m done.” He says quietly, kneeling before you with a wet wipe, gently dapping at your swollen folds. “Damn, really did a number on yuh, huh?”
You don’t know how to respond, so you don’t.
“Well, I think this is as good as it’s gonna get.” Leaning over, he presses a kiss to the top of your puffy parts and gets up, helping you down with a hand. He slides the dress back over you. William was gentle as he caressed your cheek. “You did so good for us, princess.” His hand moved to your belly. “You’re a good girl, and soon you’ll be full with our baby, I just know it.”
You stand there in shock, unable to exactly form a reaction. The lights were too bright, it was too warm. There were too many flowers and incense and candles and oils… to much. You shut down and Will finishes dressing you: shoes, flower crown minus the ropes of vine. He stuffs your underwear in his pocket with a smile. “My little dividend.”
Jonah was outside the room, laying down on a bench with his cowboy hat pulled over his face.
“Wake up, old man” Will spoke with a bite you weren’t used to.
He mumbled under the hat. “I’m awake, damn. Just resting.”
William nudged you towards where he was standing. “Watch her for the rest of the cocktail hour, then bring her in for the entrance.”
Jonah frowned. “She ain’t going to the cocktail hour with you?”
“What’s the point? She can’t drink. She might be pregnant.”
“It’s her wedding.”
Will rolled his eyes. “She’ll have the wedding shit, this is more of a… stag party. Bachelor party sort of thing.”
You didn't know what that meant. You weren’t sure you wanted to.
“Whatever. I’ll watch her.”
“Yeah. You will.” Williams harsh glare softened as he turned to you, holding your face with both hands. “I’ll see you in an hour, my beautiful bride.”
When he left, Jonah mumbled something and began walking you down the long hall. The place was huge, absolutely massive. The worship chapple and sanctuary were attached to the house, originally built as a pool house but refurbished with the establishment of Delta. Divine Mother wanted her home attached to the sanctuary so she could go whenever she wanted, no matter the weather, so a hall was built on. In addition to the several bedrooms, living rooms and so on, there was a ballroom. This is where you would go after. For now, it seemed, you weren’t needed…
You wanted to go still. You were their wife, you wanted to meet the other members of Delta, you wanted to dance, to laugh, to smile with them… but the day's events left you tired, left you hurting, left you… confused. Why had they all left you so fast, save for Will?
“You alright, honey?” Jonah’s voice barely registers in your ear.
You don’t have it in you to answer, simply staring straight ahead as your breathing picks up speed.
“Hey, darl’n, hey.” He stops outside the kitchen. “What’s go’n on, you hurt?”
How do you even explain it, the panic rising up in you, the fear. Why were you scared? You were married to the gods, there was no safer position to be in. You were safe, protected… so why did you feel so on edge? Why was your head hurting, your heart racing, and why did you feel so used?
You stopped breathing before you realized it.
“Hey!” Jonah shook you, but your eyes felt glassy and unfocused. He pulled you through the swinging kitchen doors.
“Dad, what-” You hear Iris say and vaguely register a third person in the room. Iris stops what she’s doing and rushes to you. “What’s happening? What did you do?”
“Nothing! I got her after the ceremony and this just started!”
You were gasping for breath, the light and airy feeling in your head making everything a little blurring. Still, you register hands on your shoulders, calling your name. “You need to breath. HEY! You hear me? BREATH.”
But you can’t. The panic, all-consuming panic clawed at your throat and tightened your chest. Then, a hard slap.
Iris slapped you, causing your body to gasp in shock. You took the opportunity to breathe in as much as you could get, and once the oxygen settled in, so did the clarity.
Dizzy, you stumble back and nearly topple over, but Jonah catches you. Careful, he sets you down in a chair. “Easy now, darl’n, breath, breath…” his arms were strong and safe around you, but Iris grabs your shoulders.
“Listen to me.” You look up to watch her, brown eyes fiery on yours. She commanded the room. “You need. To get it. Together. Those men out there-” She pointed vaguely out the door. “Are dangerous.”
“Iris…” Jonah whispers, but when her head whips towards him in anger, he backs off.
“You shut it, you don’t know jack shit about surviving here, especially as a woman.” Back to you. “I don’t care how you feel, I know you’ll probably fall in love because you’ve been so brainwashed, but I need you to understand this.” She leans in. “You need to get your shit together. You need to clean up, you need to get out there and charm the fucking dick off of every single person in that room. The only way you get through this is if you want a very thin line. Submissive but not weak. Obedient but not permissive. Have boundaries but keep them loose and never, ever, try to resist sex. This is no time to be weak.”
Her words barely made sense to you.
They weren’t dangerous. They LOVED YOU. You were their WIFE. But still, part of her words range true; you were the daughter of a traitor, a man who partook in an uprising that caused the death of the Divine Mother, and the other high up members would have their eye on you. You needed to make sure there was no reason to doubt your love for your husbands, nor your adoration of Divine Mother.
“Fuck,” Iris mutters something to the third figure in the room about ‘nothing there’ then stands up. “Jonah, go back to the dressing room and get the make-up and hair products.” It was only then you realized you had been crying, make-up running off your face. “Rey, I need you to help me in here.”
He was tall, about as tall as Jonah but not quite the Millers height. “What do you need?” He began to tie his dark curls back. Iris directed him on finishing the desserts while she took out all the food from the oven for the main dish.
When Jonah came back, Iris set to work redoing your face, making it look as if you never cried, never had a single scared thought. She fixed you up nice and pretty, then left you on the chair to wait for your entrance.
After everything was placed on carts to take out, Iris departed, with Jonah following behind shortly and instructing the other man to stay with you. Iris insists she doesn’t need a guard dog, but Jonah say something about not wanting her alone with ‘those drunk bastards’ if he can help it. You’re suddenly nervous, unsure about being alone with a man other than your husbands or Jonah, but you don’t have a choice.
“They’re a stressful pair to watch aren’t they?” The dark haired man says, pulling up a chair beside you. He turns it around, straddling it before sitting backwards and leaning his arms on the backrest.
You don’t want to be rude, so you give a shy smile without meeting his eye. “Are they… um… is uh…” You realize you don’t know Jonah’s last name, and are unsure how to properly address him to others. You don’t want to seem too familiar when you are a married woman now. “Mr. Jonah, is he Iris’s father? I heard her call him dad.”
He chuckles a bit, and you turn to look at him. With a better view, and clearer vision, you are able to take in his features. He’s handsome, but in a almost boyish way -although you doubt he’s younger than 30. Dark curls are still pulled back, but you’d estimate his hair falls about shoulder length, maybe shorter, as chunks are falling out. Strong nose, brown skin, and bright, brown eyes. Strangely jovial compared to Iris and Jonah.
“Yeah, kinda rare that happens. She’s um… well, they’d had… well I guess it’s not my place to say, but they’ve had some ups and downs. But yeah, she’s his daughter.” He extends a hand. “Reyansh Saha.”
You give him your name. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Saha.”
He laughs again, but it doesn’t feel like he’s laughing at you; it’s too good natured for that. “Just Rey is fine.”
“Oh, no, no I shouldn’t.” You try to protest.
“Ammayi” (my girl) He says with a glint in his eye. “No one here will understand you if you call me Mr. Saha, I promise you. You can call me Reyansh if that’s easier. Or, well, you can call me Mr. Saha if you’re uncomfortable of course” His tone is good natured, but clearly trying to ease you. You feel like a skittish animal, and he’s a good samaritan trying to coax you to some food.
You give a little nod. “Okay, yeah Reyansh works.”
You felt like you may have another panic attack.
Pope was on your right, holding your arm with William beside him. On your left arm was Benjamin; Francisco was fidgeting beside him.
“Baby.” Ben whispers to Francisco. “You gotta calm down, you're shaking…”
You watch as Pope turns abruptly at the nickname, but says nothing. Benjamin grabs Francisco's hand, squeezing it three times and giving him a little peck on the cheek before letting go. Francisco smiled, just a little.
You were making your grand entrance as husbands and wife, to the whole of Delta, to stand out on the balcony as the masses gathered below. Jonah instructed you on procedure. 
“This is the most dangerous point. I have the entire guard in the crowd, both noticeably armed and plain clothes, everyones been searched before entry and theres no reason to suspect a problem, but-” He turned to you. “Anything happens, a gun shot, something is thrown, a fight breaks out, I am grabbing you and we are going. Don’t argue, don’t worry about them-” He gestures to the men beside you. “My only concern will be to get you to safety. Your husbands are all armed and trained fighters, you are not. You have me, understood?”
There would be no need for concern. As you stepped out, leading your husbands in a v shape through the curtains, a stark hush fell upon the crowd. Thousands of people, thousands, here to see your husbands. Here to see them with their brand new bride, the mother of their child. You were humbled, truly, to be honored in such a way that the god’s dained you deserving. Cheers broke out, no doubt to the flag being raised- your bloodied sheets, signifying that you were indeed a virgin, and had been claimed in the name of the gods. The crowd was adoring; how beloved your husbands were to their people!
You focused your hearing not being all that far away, to try and pick out a word or two, and were surprised with the result.
They were cheering… for you.
The priestess stood off to the side, raising her arms to hush the crowd. 
“Hail Madonna, full of grace, blessed are you amongst women!”
Then, she kneeled.
Behind her, beginning with the front and sending a wave through the back, the entire mass of people knelt, chanting “Hail! Hail! Hail!”
To both your left and right, all four of your husbands bowed to you.
You were the holy mother. You were Madonna. You would bring about the savior and peace on earth. You were divine.
The party went swimmingly. Your new found confidence, it turns out, made speaking to strangers easier. You shouldn’t fear them for being a traitor's child, you shouldn’t feel their judgeful gaze. They should worship you. Not the same as Pope, William, Benjamin and Francisco, and certainly not Divine Mother, but you were blessed.
You never were far from William, Pope, or Benjamin, most moments of the evening were spent with their arms around your waist or holding your hand; you belonged to them.
Pope had pulled you to the dance floor, tender grasp keeping you close as he guided you through the violin music. 
“You are just… so beautiful” He whispered, clean shaven face up against your own. 
“Thank you.”
“You do understand how stunning you are, don’t you? Most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
You tuck your head in his neck, smelling his aftershave; or was it the liquor on his breath? You weren’t sure.
“It’s like you were made for me…”
A gentle kiss. “I was. I was made for you, by Divine Mother’s majesty.”
You could feel him smile at that, hands slowly trailing down your back. “That’s right, made just for me…”
You nuzzle against him, signing contently. He loved you, you were so, so loved… “Made for my husbands”
His smile dropped. When his hands grazed over your ass, he gripped it tight, painful, making you yelp. The noise and crass motion was sure to attract attention, and you turn to look.
Pope grabs your face, forcing you to look at him. “Don’t look at them, look at me. I am their god, they are nothing compared to us, what we do is none of their business. I could bend you over right now and if I told them to ignore it, to go about the party, they will. You understand me?”
You nod.
His fingers pinch your cheeks. “Your body was made for me, and it’s mine. Understood?” You realize now your mistake. You had said your husbands. Plural. You must have hurt his feelings when bringing the others into it, even if you meant well. You note that special times between you and Pope should remain exclusive. Don’t make him jealous.
“Made just for you” You push past the force of his hold to kiss him on the lips. “I belong to you.”
Popes body language relaxed, his plush lips smiling again as his grip softens. He runs his thumb over your lips. “So beautiful for me…”
As you spoke like old friends to a woman you’d never met in your life, Benjamin slid up to you. “‘Scuse me, darl’n, but may I steal my wife away for a few moments?”
The woman bowed her head and excused herself while Benjamin pulled you away.
It wasn’t long before you were out the ballroom, down a hall and into a small linen closet, his hands all over you; frantic, needy, a fully hard cock pressing against your skirt. This was to be expected, and you understood your role. At any time, day or night, busy or not, you were to be available to be filled.
He yanked at your skirt. “Yuh know,” Benjamin said between short pants of breath. “It was my brothers insistence that your dress have blue… he said that- mmphh- it was symbolic or some bullshit, but I think he just wanted his color on you.”
You weren’t entirely sure if that was true, but you didn’t want to make a committal answer so you attempt to kiss back, unsure of the movements still. “Mmm, Benjamin…”
“Call me Benny, darl'n.” He rucks up your skirt, only to find no underwear. He stops, blue eyes looking at you with a steely ferocity. “Will take your panties after he cleaned you up.”
Lie, your first instinct told you. He’s dangerous,lie. But he wasn’t dangerous. He was your husband. “Yes” You wanted him to touch you again, you liked the way he explored your body. 
His brows pursed together before growling, turning you around and bending you over a small folding table. “God damn him, and god damn Pope!” Benjamin grunted, making you scared as he flicked your dress up to your waste. “I should’ve had you first!” Ben spits onto your exposed asshole, shocking you a bit.
You try to turn around when you hear his belt being undone. “What-”
“Shhhh” He pushes you back down on the table, freeing his hard cock. You jump when he slides a finger into your tight ring of muscle. It doesn’t feel bad, but not necessarily good, either. He begins to pump, then adds a second finger and you gasp at the intrusion. “Making me fuck’n wait till last-” You hear him spit on his free hand, beginning to jerk himself off as he begins to scissor you open.
“Relax, baby, I’m not Pope, I ain’t tryna tear you open, you’ve bleed enough for one day.” You swear you hear him chuckle. What is he doing? You were confused, but also beginning to sink into the feeling of him. “They always do this to me, they always make me wait, and wait and wait just because Frank’s Pope’s favorite and Will’s ugh, Will’s older- goddamn” He stops, lining up the tip of his cock to your asshole and spitting a few more times. He was going to fuck you there?! Ben folds over, encasing your body in his warmth as he whispers in your ear. “Not this time, your ass is mine.” With that, he thrust into you, splitting your hole open as you cried out.
He laughs. “Lot louder than when Pope took you huh?”
Jonah found William getting a glass of wine and sipping it while watching over the party.. “I gotta talk to you.”
William doesn’t even turn to look. “Fuck off, Hanson.” 
Will did not like Jonah, he knew. Their history prevented the same rapport that he had with Santiago, but never the less, he know Will was the one for this request.
“It’s about your precious Madonna.”
With that, Will turned.
Benny was insatiable, thrusting into you wildly and grunting with every movement. “So- fucking-tight-god!” He shouts and it takes everything in you not to cry… but that feeling was bubbling up again, despite the discomfort, but that discomfort was slowly slipping into something else.
The slightest moan escapes.
It seems then almost that Ben reminds you’re here, that he’s not fucking a hole in a wall and chuckles. “Oh, you like this, pretty girl? I can make it better, so much better.” He wraps a strong arm around you, toying with that sensitive spot that William was playing with earlier illiciating a much louder moan from your lips.
“God baby, thats it… gonna cum like this, darl’n? Gonna cum with a cock up your ass like the dirty girl I know you are? Yeah, yeah sure sounds like it…” He replies after your sounds of pleasure grow. “Under all this white, underneath that good girl act and that sweet little face, I knew, I just fucking KNEW your little virgin cunt was begging to get fucked, desperate for cock, huh?” His hips begin to falter, growing more sloppy. “Well now you got 4 cocks desperate to fill you up, to put our baby inside you first, fuck, you gonna be able to handle all that?
You can’t even reply, a mess of moans under his body. 
He grabs your hair, yanking you up to look at him. “ANSWER ME!”
“YES!” You scream, so close to spilling over but not quite there, needy and whimpering for him. “I can take it! I want it! I want you all, all the time!”
“I know, darl’n girl, I know, f-fuck, ugghh fuck!”
 Pulling out of your ass, you almost whine for him, whine for more, but he thrusts it into your pussy last minute. The intrusion sends you over, clamping down hard on him as he spills into you. “Yeaahh, that’s it, thats- oh my god, perfect little pussy- fuck!” When he finishes inside you, his warmth is all over you again, staying there for a moment with his cock plugged inside you. “Gotta make sure to cum inside your little pussy every time, no matter how good your ass or mouth feel. Can’t waste a drop.”
He caressing your arm as his body language softens, nuzzling his face into your hair. “So good, pretty girl. So fucking perfect.”
“She needs someone looking after her.” Jonah insists. “She’s just a kid.”
Will is dismissive, but behind his eyes hide curiosity. “That’s what you and security are for.”
Jonah signs. “Okay, listen, I’ll be honest here.”
“You sure that’s a good idea?”
“You ain’t fond of me, that’s a given. I get it. But let’s be clear.” Jonah drops his voice low. “Frank’s been mentally checked out all day. He don’t want nothing to do with this. Ben’s a -”
“Watch it.”
Jonah rephrased his next words. “He’s not gentle. He’s not careful, and when he’s high he flat out dangerous, and he buys into this whole delusion and so does Santiago. Santiago is worse, he’s delusional and can flip like a fucking switch. She needs someone to help her navigate them. That needs to be you.”
Will didn’t say anything, but from the way his brows were furrowed, Jonah new he planted a seed. 
“Look, here she comes with Ben, she’s fucking stumbling, Will. Go take care of your wife.”
It hurt.
It was hard to walk like this, but Ben’s arms were tight around you. You felt strangely safe like this, like he was going to be there from now on.
“What the hell did you do to her, Ben?”
“Relaaaaax” Ben waved off his brother. “She’s fine.”
Will didn’t buy it.
“Pope got her pussy, I got her ass.” He shrugged.
Disgust spread across his features. “You did anal? With no lube? Jesus Ben!”
“RELAX!” Ben raised his hands in defense. 
Will hushed him. “That’s enough for tonight, I’m taking you to bed.”
And that was that. Will’s arm replaced Ben’s and quickly guided you out the door again. Once out of sight, Will scooped you right out. “Ain’t having you walk like that, babygirl. ‘Slright, just rest.” And rest you did, clinging to him and laying your head on his firm chest. You felt like you were almost asleep when he laid you on the bed.
Like how he cared for you before, he cared again, undressing you with a gentle strength.
“Lay down, lemme make sure your okay.” The worry in his voice made your heart sing.
“I’m alright, I promise.” You whisper, but spread your legs anyway.
He tsks his tongue. “Poor little girl… you’re alright, but I know it must hurt, doesn’t it?”
You swallow thickly, nervous with his face so close to your core. “Um… it’s a little sore, I guess…” 
“I bet… but it wasn’t all bad, was it?”
“N-no, it wasn’t…”
“I can see that…” A thick finger swipes up your slit. “Got all wet, didn’t you? You sure are easy to work up…”
You shutter at the touch, a little achy but still desiring him. How could you not? How could you not want him when he spoke to you so low, so careful? When carried you and cleaned you and dressed you… he was perfect, fucking perfect.
“Poor little girl…” William spoke in a deeper tone, planting a kiss to your clit and making you whimper. “Gotta be at the beck and call for four men… that can’t be easy, but you’ve been taking it so well…” His fingers move up and down your folds, spreading your cum and the new slick trickling down.
“It’s, mmmm it’s my honor to be found worthy…” You sit up on your elbows, curious as to his actions.
“And worthy you are, Madonna.” His lips glazed over your flesh. “Bless are you, among women” His hand on your stomach. “and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” You watch William, knelt before you, hovering with his mouth open above your waiting mound.
You whisper, “Please”
He whispers equally soft. “As you wish.”
When William latched his mouth onto you, it’s unlike anything you’ve felt before, although you can’t say you’ve felt much. His mouth is hot, wet, messy as he licks you, tongue and lips moving in tandem, like a well practiced team with the sole purpose of reducing you to a whimpering mess.
“W-Will, oh that… oh my god-”
But he didn’t stop, latching his tongue to your clit as his fingers entered you, and despite the overstimulation of the day, compared to the large phalluses that had breached your core, his fingers merely provided pleasurable stimulation. His free-hand remained busy as well, taking your private moment to explore the rest of your body. You didn’t understand what pleasure he could find in your thighs, your stomach, or playing with your fingers, but you relished in his closeness, the emotional and physical and sexual intimacy compared to the coldness of the deflowering. 
But it had to happen this way, you thought as your hips bucked; William had begun swirling his tongue around your clit, causing a surge in pleasure. This afternoon was a ritual; systematic, calculated, precise. There was no room for intimacy, for love. But you’d seen it now. You’d seen it in the way Pope danced with you, in the way Ben caressed you after sex and praised you, the way Will touched you now… the only thing missing was Frankie.
It wasn’t long before Will had to gushing on his face, crying out his name in a hedonistic moan, a orgasm so blinding that the revelation that you existed to pleasure and be pleasured by these men until you were swollen with child seemed like a gift of godhood itself.
He pulled three more out of you before he was satisfied, making come on his face and fingers thrice before your final orgasm was only singled by an tired “Mmmmmmmph” and your contracting walls. Finally, he pulls back. You can’t see him, eyes too tired they won’t open, but you imagine his beard is glistening with the way he soaks you when he kisses you cheek.
When you’re situated in bed, where you can only assume is your room, you ask Will to stay, ask him to hold you while you fall asleep. He obliges.
You feel dwarfed in his grasp his body so large it makes you feel small, but also secure. You don’t have to be brave, you don’t have to be strong. You don’t have to think or to worry. Everything would be taken care of for you, you’d give birth to the savior and how many other children, and redeem your family name from your fathers betrayal. You would find redemption in this house, right alongside love, family, and maybe even friendship for the first time since you were twelve…
Everything was falling into place.
So why didn’t it seem like Francisco loved you?
Knock knock.
Knock knock knock
“Honey you in there?”
“One moment!”
You open your groggy eyes and take a look around the room, finding a luxurious, long, white robe on the dresser. You put it on, covering your nakedness, and timidly open the door.
“Yes?” Jonah stood before you, gun slung on his hip as usual.
He looks sympathetic. “Sorry to wake you, but Santiago wants to see you, I’m here to escort you.”
Hearing someone refer to Pope as his given name is jarring, but something about Jonah is just… very different. He seemed so serious when talking to you about safety, about making sure only his most trustworthy men watched you and how determined he seemed at the balcony… but it seemed he took everything else so unserious to him.
You didn’t like that he referred to your husband by his name, it was much too informal, but you cared about Jonah, so you don’t mention it.
After dressing, Jonah takes you down stairs. You’re thankful for him, the house is too big for you to know your way yet.
“How you feeling?” 
“About what?” You ask genuinely.
Jonah turns to you, a curious look on his face. “About… everything. Yesterday was a big day. A lot happened.”
Of course a lot happened. You were still leaking their cum. “Nothing that Divine Mother didn’t intend.” You say as if its obvious.
He sighs. “Right.”
Pope was waiting outside the door of the intended room. His smile grew when he saw you, walking over to place a hand on your cheek and kiss you. “Good morning, my beautiful wife.”
Wife… something so magical about that word.
Pope thanks Jonah and dismisses him, turning you to the doorway and opening it. “I have a surprise for you, bebita.”
When the door opens, you gasp as you’re led inside. Canvases fill the room as did papers, paints, pencils… 
“How… how did you know…” You whisper in awe, your heart swelling at the gesture. He loved you, he really loved you and wanted you to be happy here. You were so lucky, so lucky to be adored like this, to be adored by him especially. Pope had worked his way deep into your heart in a matter of days. He was everything to you now, he was your world. You belonged to him, every single inch of your heart, your body, your mind, your faith was him.
“I’m the god of love, I know what mi amada needs… I’ll always know.” He stands behind you, wrapping his arms around your body, the body that belongs to him, and kisses your neck. “I can’t wait to see what you paint, Madonna…” 
I feel like im doing ass at writing Ben here. I my normal fics on my main he's a consent king and so so so so soft so this is strange to me. BUT he can be tender and loving, dont you worry
SO, THE GENERAL CONCENSOUS IS YOU ALL WANNA FUCK JONAH. Lmfao, horny sluts. HE'S OUR FATHER FIGURE. Imagine having daddy issues. COULDNT BE ME (this is a joke lol)
But! Thoughts on Iris, and our new boy, Reyansh?
Not a super eventful chapter and i felt like Madonna have said like 10 words this whole fic but this has been the set up, now we can move forward! If you read TWW, LO was practically silent for the first few chapters.
Now they ceremony is done and she's married and already v attached and brainwashed.
How to keep up with the story!
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
Dress up Montage
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Pairing: Benny Miller x (Insecure) fem!reader
Characters: Benny MIller, (Insecure) fem!reader, William “Ironhead” Miller, Santiago “Pope” Garcia, Francisco “Catfish” Morales, Maria Valencia-Morales (OC from One Shot)
Warnings: Cursing, reader being insecure at times, Benny being cute and adorable, Benny comforting his girl, Will being the best non-official brother-in-law, the boys caring for reader, Santiago getting threatened by Will, cute future in law moment between Will and reader, mentions of marriage
Word Count: 2,331
*Idea came from @princessmermaid1289​ 
“Why do I need to dress up so nice?” You ask, removing what feels like the millionth dress. ‘Why can’t any of these just look nice?’ You think to yourself, looking away from the bathroom mirror as you reach for your t-shirt. 
“Benny has a surprise for you after the fight,” says Will. 
You stick your head out of the bathroom door, staring at him with a raised brow. 
He shrugs, “I don’t know.” 
“I’ve got drinks,” Santiago lifts up the flavored water (that he likes more than the others), turning to see where the older Miller is looking. “Hey. You look great.” 
You blink once, “I only put on lipstick.” 
“And it is a beautiful color. What dress are you gonna wear?” 
You close the door, “I don’t know.” You throw your shirt back on. 
“What about the one you wore for Frankie and Maria’s third year anniversary?” Santiago suggests. 
“What about-” 
“None of them are what I’m looking for. Just- you two should go, it’s almost time for Benny to leave and I know you two need to help him.” 
They catch each other’s eye, Santiago shrugs. “We can-” 
“No, Will, you need to go and support your brother. I’ll be there before it’s time for him to fight, okay?” 
“I don’t like the thought of you being here alone,” Will tells you, leaning against the door. 
“I’m a big girl, Will. I’ll be there before you guys know it.” You grab a few of the dresses you tried on. 
He sighs, “you have your Christmas gift?” 
“Yes, I have my taser and pepper spray along with the skills of a boxer. Bye.” You sigh, setting the dresses back onto the toilet seat so you can lean against the sink counter with your head hung low. 
Their footsteps retreading gives you all you need, and the flood of emotions spills out of you. 
Your bottom lip wobbles, you raise your hand to your mouth, hiding the cries that escape you since the boys are a few feet away down the hall. 
Will gestures for Santiago to go out to the car where Frankie is, waiting for them. 
The latter nods and heads out to the car. 
Will walks into the garage, closing the door leaving it opened a crack (the door sometimes sticks, and it locks from the outside so, whoever is in the garage can’t get out. 
It’s on Benny’s to do list but the part he needs won’t come in for another two weeks). 
“I don’t think your plans gonna work.” 
“Why not?” The younger Miller asks, tinkering away on the car, needing something to do with his hands while he goes over everything that needs to be done, in order to make sure that this night goes as planned. 
“She can’t find a dress and wants to stay behind while we’re “at your fight”. You’ve got to come up with something better.” 
“Did you even try helping?” 
Will shoves his brother’s shoulder. “You’re on your own.” 
Benny chuckles, resting his hand against the car, “oh, come on. You know I didn’t mean it.” 
“Sure. We’ve got a couple of things to do. Make sure you’re there by six.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” He wipes his hands on his grease-stained jeans. 
“I mean it, Benny.” 
“Uh huh.” 
The older Miller shakes his head, exiting the garage. ‘He’s not gonna be there at six.’ 
“So?” asks Santiago, who leans forward, resting his arms on the back of the seats. 
“We’re finishing up and those two will be late.” 
“You told him to be there by six?” 
“Yeah, I told him to be there by six.” 
“Alright, alright,” he raises his hands, leaning back as Frankie starts the car. “Someone’s a little testy.” 
“I will leave you two near the highway if you two don’t shut up,” Frankie chimes in. 
“Why is everyone so aggressive?” Santiago doesn’t look into the front window because he can feel Will’s side eye. 
“Maybe because you had to find the one thing that would make this whole plan fall apart.” 
“How was I supposed to know they wouldn’t have the right tablecloth?” 
“You didn’t order it!” 
“Because I thought we chose to do a different color pallet!” 
The car stops at a red light, the two quiet down looking around. 
“Do not kick us out,” Will tells the (“former”) pilot. 
“We’ll stop. I swear,” Santiago adds. 
Frankie shakes his head, praying that their fighting isn’t going to ruin the night.
Benny’s put a lot of effort and roped them all into making sure everything goes well and the man with a pilot license is going to make sure that damn well happens. 
Benny stops in the kitchen, washing his hands before he heads towards your shared room. He stands there, listening to your sniffles. He sighs, sad to hear you feeling so down. 
This is supposed to be a fun and special night that neither of you will ever forever. 
He knocks on the bathroom door. 
You jump, a quiet gasp escaping you as you turn to face the door. “I told you guys to leave and go without me.” 
“It’s me.” 
“What- what- what are you doing here, Benny?” You take a step closer to the door, resting your hand on the door handle. 
“Don’t you have a fight you should be getting ready for?” 
“There’s no fight tonight.” 
Your head flinches back, not comprehending what he just said. “What? Then what am I getting ready for?” 
He avoids staring at the door, knowing that you're standing right there, staring at him. “I lied, there was never a big fight going on tonight.” 
“Why did you lie?” 
“I- uh- I planned something special.” 
“If you planned something special you could have told me.” 
“It’s a surprise.” 
“You know I don’t like surprises.” 
“Which is why I didn’t tell you about this one and wanted things to go the way I planned,” he tells you with a cocky tone. 
You close your eyes and rest your head on the door. “I don’t have anything to wear,” you weakly tell him. 
“Yeah, you do.” 
You can see his shadow coming from underneath the door. “No.” 
“If you open the door, I can help you pick out the “perfect” dress.” 
You open the door, sticking your head out, “you just want me to strip down so you can try and seduce me before you force me out of the house for your supposedly “special night plans”. Don’t you try to pretend that you’re going to help me… horn dog.” 
Benny holds his hands up. “Hey, hey. I’ve got plans for us and we have to be there by six.” 
He nods. “Okay,” he steps forward. “Let me in.” 
“As long as you promise not to seduce me.” 
You open the bathroom door wider, giving him room to enter before you lean against the wall with the hands being a divider between your back and the wall. 
“Except for this.” 
You try to ask him what he’s talking about, except you can’t. You reach for him, hands slipping up his chest and resting on the back of his neck as your fingers play with his slightly overgrown hair. 
He pulls back, neither of you open your eyes for a few minutes. Benny reaches for one of your hands and slides it down, resting it over his heart. He pulls you closer, laying your head on his chest so he can rest his head on top of yours. 
“You better hope you didn’t ruin my make-up.” 
A smile stretches the corners of his lips high up on his cheeks. “It’ll make for good pictures.” 
“Horn dog.” 
“Your horn dog,” he pecks the top of his head. “Now, let’s find you that dress.” 
“You just to see me half naked.” 
“Nah,” he shakes his head. “That’s a plus.” He glances up in the mirror and catches your stare. “Yeah, yeah. I know, horn dog.” 
“But you’re my horn dog.” 
“Okay, now that you’re dressed-” 
“It doesn’t look good.” He immediately drops the dresses onto the bed and runs back into the bathroom, hands on your hips as he pushes you back against the sink, lifting you on top of it. He cups your cheeks, forcing you to look at him. “You look amazing. No, no,” he stops you before you could argue with him. “You look so beautiful right now and I don’t want to hear you say anything else but that.” 
“But I-” He shakes his head, “say it.” 
You pout with furrowed brows. 
“Say it.” 
“I look good.” 
“Not quite what I was going for, but it works. Again.” 
“I look beautiful.” You close your eyes and take a deep breath. 
“Yeah, you do. I’m gonna take a shower, get dressed and we’re going to the surprise I have for you.” 
You nod, not ready to say anything. 
He pecks your lips, “I love you, okay?” He steps back, kicking off his shoes. “It’s your choice to stay here to kindly observe and ogle me.” 
You scoff, “I have other things to worry about than your greasy hands.” 
You quickly wipe the corner of your eyes and reach for your makeup, needing to touch up a few things. 
“Hey, babe?” 
“Can you get the outfit I have hanging in the closet?” 
“Lazy,” you mutter. 
The shower door slides open, he sticks his head out with shampoo still in his hair. “I heard that.” 
You turn to him and chuckle. “I hope you did. Wash that out before you get shampoo in your eye.” 
He closes the door. “Too late.” 
You groan, “don’t cry about it to me.” 
“It hurts.” 
“That sounds like crying.” 
“It is!” 
You shake your head, a smile never leaving your face as you search for his clothes. 
“Okay. Let’s go.” He grabs your hand; you jerk your hand causing him to stop. “What is it?” 
“Where are we going?” 
He sighs, “I told you I’m not telling you.” 
“Please,” you clutch his arm, squishing your cheek against his shoulder. 
He shakes his head, “no. It’s almost time for us to leave and if we’re late, Will is gonna kill me.” 
“Fine.” It’s your turn to drag him outside. “I’m driving,” you try to grab the keys from your boyfriend, only for him to raise his arm and keep the keys out of your reach. 
“I don’t think so.” 
“Why not?” 
“Do you know where you’re going?” He chuckles watching as your dejected body walks towards the car. 
“I need you to close your eyes.” 
“What?” Your head snaps over to his, “no.” 
“Oh, come on. Please. Do you hear that? I’m asking nicely, manners and all.” 
You can’t argue with him as he gets out of the car, walking around towards your side. You bite your lip and unbuckle your seatbelt before launching yourself over towards the other side of the car. 
Your plan doesn’t go as planned and you’re yanked out before you could even touch the lock button. “Really?” 
“I just realized I forgot to put on perfume, it’s gonna ruin the whole surprise.” 
“You look and smell incredible, stop making excuses.” He places his hands on your waist and gently spins you around. “It’s all gonna be worth it. I promise.” 
You gulp as you stare into his eyes. “I look beautiful.” 
He blinks once and cracks a smile when he realizes that you’re telling him you’re on board. “You look beautiful.” 
“And I’m going to let you drag me off to whatever it is you have planned because you worked hard to make this happen and even though I’m having an off day, we’re going to get through it.” 
“Don’t push it.” 
Even though the other three were fighting about the display, they managed to make it look absolutely amazing (and with no major fights… Santiago complains about a “mysterious” bruise three days after this). 
You and Benny have a wonderfully prepared and delicious dinner, prepared by the Morales’ or else it would have been take-out (Santiago can’t cook for shit and burns everything he makes… even toast.) 
“Okay, now that we’ve finished dinner. What’s next on the agenda?” 
You furrow your brows, “is that a question or an answer?” 
“Yes.” He blocks your view of the dessert, mumbling to himself. 
“You lookin’ for something?” 
His shoulder tense up. “… no.” 
“You sure?” 
He spins around to face you. “Did you find it?” 
“I want to lie so I don’t ruin the surprise but, yes.” You lift the black ring box up for him. You sniff, “I didn’t open it though. I swear.” 
He covers your hand and the box with his, kneeling in front of you. 
Your heartbeat increases at the sight. 
He pecks his hand and takes the box out of your grasp. “I think we both know what’s about to happen here.” 
You nod, unable to give him a proper response. 
He takes a deep breath. “Will you-” 
You squeal, “yes! Yes!” And wrap your arms around his neck, he wraps his arms around your before either of you could fall. 
“I take it that’s a yes.” 
You smack his shoulder, “don’t be a smartass.” 
He shrugs, “can’t do that.” He opens the box and slips the ring onto your finger. 
“Wait… is this why you kept saying we would remember today forever?” 
“Yeah, and he wouldn’t shut up about it.” 
You suck in your bottom lip as you smile. “That seems like something he would do.” 
“Great now I’ve got my fiancée and my brother teaming up against me.” 
“Ah, you hear that,” Santiago wraps an arm around you. “He called you, his fiancée.” 
Frankie pulls Benny up, showing him the pictures, he took. 
Will takes a seat beside you after shoving Santiago away. “You feeling better?” 
“I feel fan-fucking-tastic… future brother-in-law.” 
That manages to get a man to crack a smile, something that doesn’t always come easily. 
301 notes · View notes
nerdieforpedro · 1 month
Weekend update 05/05/2024
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Hello! It’s been awhile since Nerdie has done one of these. 👀
Yes it has! Why have you only been lurking and popping up with random things?
Well, my smut fairy is playing hide and seek. Has been more hidden as of late. Inspiration has led to different fics than I planned on. And I’ve queued so many posts that my current queue is posting things up until June 5th. 😂
How does one even queue that many things? And what do you mean the smut fairy has been playing hide and seek? We read that Frankie series! And that Dieter update! Nerdie, stop trying to be coy, it doesn’t suit you dear.
I’m not sure how to respond to that. And yeah both of those had smut but it was….I did say the fairy was playing hide and seek. I did not say they were hidden the entire time. 🫣
Details, details. You also changed the title graphic color, why?
Stories are made by their details. Wise advice said by…some smart person somewhere. It reminds Nerdie of a bahama mama. It’s a drink that she enjoys like a pirate. Yohoho! 🏴‍☠️(I’m very sorry. 😣)
Anyway, thank you to the following lovely people who sent me beautiful person asks and who reached out when I was not doing so hot. I know better than to argue with any of you:
@rhoorl @yourcoolauntie @grogusmum @avastrasposts @megamindsecretlair
@westside-rot @laurfilijames @inept-the-magnificent @bitchwitch1981 @secretelephanttattoo
@angelofsmalldeath-codeine @connectioneverywhere @604to647 @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @morallyinept
@yorksgirl @sweetercalypso @schnarfer @soft-persephone @maggiemayhemnj
@magpiepills @paulmescal-s @lotusbxtch @wannab-urs
As for Nerdie’s fic recommendations, they are here! She’s keeping track of them and is going to put the whole list out at the end of the month because, promoting fics is fun and means she can type more randomness. 😆
1. Torment Part 1 Fear by @djarinmuse (Din Djarin x fem OC)
2. Tempered by the Fire by @ladamedusoif (Din Djarin x f reader)
3. Talk Dirty to Me by @morallyinept (Marcus Pike x fem reader)
4. Nightingale by @rosecentaur1916 (Miguel O’Hara x plus size fem reader)
5. Daffodil by @starstruckunknown-princess (Javi G. X reader)
6. Into the Deep End by @magpiepills (Joel Miller: the hole filler x AFAB reader)
7. your favorite kryptonite by @kedsandtubesocks (Comic Bookstore Owner!Dieter Bravo x F!Reader)
8. Kings & Queens by @joels-shitty-puns (Joel Miller x reader)
9. Insatiable by @lowlights (Pero Tovar x fem reader)
10. Top Me, I deserve it by @for-a-longlongtime (Santiago Garcia x Francisco Morales)
11. Fifteen Minutes by @whocaresstillthelouvre (Din Djarin x fem reader)
12. Raining in Baltimore by @schnarfer (Marcus Pike x f reader)
Nerdie did post a bit this week. She’s mainly been posting on AO3 since it takes less time and she can slap things up there with reckless abandon (and sufficient tags).
Part VIII of Only Parts of you Mr. Morales (Frankie Morales) *completed*
The Intended determines their Meaning (Javier Gutierrez)
Sure inside, but will you stay for more after we’re done? Chapter 5 of Weddings 101 with Dieter (Dieter Bravo)
Lastly there are a few ongoing challenges and fun things. Make sure to read individual challenge rules and fun things.
1. Help Wanted: Summer Reading with @strang3lov3 They’re asking for self-recs, recs of fics that have stuck with you, fics that you think others should read. Send them your Pedro boy goods. The best kind of summer reading.
2. Jett’s Flora and Fauna Challenge by @morallyinept It’s the incomparable Jett! Making her own challenge to being your fics, art, Moodboards or all any combinations. It just has to have a Pedro character and flowers. Any length (because we like all kinds here) and can be as many submissions as you want.
3. Jamie’s Ocean Challenge by @mermaidgirl30 Pedro characters, the ocean, fun, fics and moodboards mixed together for this one. Again any length (all are welcome and enjoyed), must have a Pedro character and the ocean in your fic or Moodboard.
4. @pedroscouts The Pedro Scouts have descended upon us to give us badges (gotta collect ‘em all), fun tasks and general tomfoolery to make Tumblr fun! Make sure to read through the rules if you’d like to join.
5. May Drabble Challenge courtesy of the @dieterbravobrainrotclub It features our favorite Kit Kat lover Dieter Bravo and aliens 👽 with a meet-cute. 👀 Not weird enough for you? Then write it extra strange.
So that’s about it. There was a lot of ground to cover but we got it done. Nerdie is going to go see a man about a goat 🐐 and also another guy about some teasing or edging? Maybe it counts as edging. Nerdie is 🫤 unsure. She’s only wrote like one of these before. 😆 She also has to look for boots, maybe she’s gonna go to her second concert 🎵
Stay safe and hydrated everyone!
Love Nerdie! ❤️ ❤️❤️
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360iris · 2 years
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Backroom of a bad dream | dec. second ‘22 (fic)
marc spector x reader, moon knight system x reader x layla el-faouly, angst, hurt/comfort?
Dimly lit | dec. fourth ‘22 (blurb)
marc spector x reader x steven grant, fluff?? kinda
Rose-colored boy | dec. sixth ‘22 (blurb)
steven grant x reader, hurt/comfort? idk, it’s cute tho
Moon Knight System Dynamics | dec. 23rd ‘22 (drabble)
moon boys x reader, fluff
NSFW Moon Knight System HC + Blurbs | jan. 11th ‘23 (drabble)
moon boys x reader, smut
Make it awkward | jan. 14th ‘23 (fic)
steven grant x camgirl!reader, jake lockley x reader
Is just to love | jan. 24th ‘23 (blurb)
jake lockley x reader, fluff
Tu promesa de adorarme | feb. 8th ‘23 (blurb)
marc spector x reader, fluff
Call it bed rest | feb. 15th ‘23 (fic)
married bestfriend!layla el faouly x reader x marc spector, fluff + smut
Good days | feb. 24th ‘23 (fic)
vampire!steven grant x reader (feat. marc spector & jake lockley), smut
Précis | april 27th ‘23 (blurb)
marc spector x reader, smut
Me & U, Isn’t | april 28th ‘23 (fic)
santiago ‘pope’ garcia x reader, angst + smut
Bloom & Brew Coffeehouse: Lilac and Orchid | nov. 29th ‘23 (fic)
florist!steven grant x fem bipoc!oc, fluff/smut, cafe/flower shop au
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So don’t run (they’re not so tough) | nov. fifth ‘22 (fic)
poly!marauders, angst and grief
With a feeling | nov. twentieth ‘22 (blurb)
poly!prongsfoot, mature
Falling in love (with a feeling) pt. I | nov. twenty-first ‘22 (series)
eventual poly!prongsfoot x reader, mature
Falling in love (with a feeling) pt. II | nov. twenty-fifth ‘22 (series)
eventual poly!prongsfoot x reader, mature
Girldad!James Potter + mafia au | nov. twenty-six ‘22 (blurb)
poly!marauders, fluff
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float like a butterfly, sting like a bee 🐝
steven grant, moon knight
SMILE 📸 — you’re on camera!
marc spector, moon knight
a man after my own heart 🤍
marc spector, moon knight
only the best 🫶
din djarin, the mandolorian
my favorite cheaters 🤭💗
jonathan levy/mira levy, scenes from a marriage
who has the choice like Smarty does? nobody, nobody, nobody.
pedro pascal
oh, Levy! you’re so fine!
jonathan levy, scenes from a marriage
save who you can save
joel miller, the last of us hbo
just to sleep at night
steven grant, moon knight
she belongs to the 🌃
layla el faouly, moon knight
frankie “catfish” morales, triple frontier
Out of her head, she sang
layla el faouly, moon knight
All I want is you now
marc spector, moon knight
Bodies, bodies, bodies…
steven grant & marc spector, moon knight
M a m a b o y 🖍️
steven grant & marc spector, moon knight
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322 notes · View notes
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Fanfic Recs List!
(not necessarily written in October, but that’s when I read ‘em!)
🎀 - fluff ☔ - angst 🍑 - smut
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🍑Waxing, Wailing (Llewyn Davis x Reader) - @laters-gators
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🍑Floor Sex (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @xcatnapsx
🍑Blowjob (Steven Grant x M!Reader) - @howaboutcastiel
🎀 lazy mornings with steven grant (Steven Grant x GN! Reader) - @murdrdocs
🍑 Gift of Min (Steven Grant x GN! Reader) - @astroboots
☔️"Laters Gators" (Steven Grant) - @little-cereal-draws
🍑 Kneel My Knight (Marc Spector x Dom! AFAB! Gender-neutral! Avatar! Reader) - @losermultifandomidiot
🎀Steven Grant Full Alphabet (Steven Grant x Reader) - @missscarlettangel
🍑Hunger of the Pine (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @welcometostayingawake
🍑Precipice (Steven Grant x GN!Reader) - @laters-gators
🎀🍑☔️Sunshine, Starlight, Sweetheart, Brightside Series (Steven Grant X Fem!OC X Marc Spector) - @romanarose
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🍑Doppelgänger (Nathan x F!Reader x android) - @brandyllyn
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🍑Oblivious (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @campingwiththecharmings
🍑Insufferable (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
🍑A Sunday Kind of Love (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @campingwiththecharmings
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🍑 Baubles of stolen kisses (Richard Alonso Muñoz x f!reader) - @brandyllyn
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🍑 Full (santi × F!Reader) - @spacecoeboyhotch
🎀see through (santiago garcia x reader) - @eyelessfaces
95 notes · View notes
reidsashleyy · 2 years
One and Only || Spencer Reid
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Chapter 26: Glad you’re okay
[series masterlist]: [previous chapter]:
[next chapter]:
Series Description: Juliette Luciano was fifteen when her parents were arrested by the behavioral analysis unit after being double crossed by someone in the Mafia they were apart of. When Julie, her twin brother Matteo, and best friend/sister-in-law Valeria turn twenty they decide to run, leave the life of crime and change their way of life. After seven years of running they realize they were officially in more danger than anticipated when they received surveillance pictures of themselves. But they weren't the only ones who got some. After the BAU decided it would be safe for them to go into witness protection they decide to send in none other than Doctor Spencer Reid in with Julie for extra protection. These two form a bond that will quickly lead them to get into a relationship. Will the relationship be all love and happiness all will it all go dark like everything else in their lives.
Pairing: Spencer Reid X fem!OC (Julie)
W.C: 1.3k
C.W: Mentions of drugs, hospitals, pregnancy.
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
I quickly grabbed Julie when her eyes fluttered shut. I kicked the flowers away while I laid Julie down on the couch. She didn't lose consciousness for long before her eyes opened a little. I picked up the small note that came with the flowers and opened it.
Happy birthday Juliette,
My brother couldn't enjoy his after your boyfriends team killed him so you aren't going to either. Enjoy the GHB you just inhaled.
I read it out loud while Penelope called for an ambulance. I looked back over at Julie who was in and out of consciousness, "Hey I know you're gonna want to go to sleep but you can't okay? Stay with me."
"After Angelo died she decided to get rid of her approved visitors list so Santiago, Angelo's brother, could've easily gotten up here." I said.
"I'll have Garcia look over the security footage, we're going to head back to the headquarters while you go with her to the hospital." Emily said as they all left.
The medics didn't take much longer to arrive, when they did they immediately rushed her down the ambulance, "How far along is she?" One of them asked.
"She's thirty two weeks with twins."
She nodded and put patches on her chest to track her heart rate. I grabbed her hand and held it in both of mine as the ambulance started to move to the hospital.
"She's obviously high out of her mind so do you know what she's on?"
I nodded, "It's Gamma-hydroxybutyrate, it was in a bouquet of flowers she got and she inhaled it by accident."
When we arrived to the hospital they took her to a patient room while I waited in the waiting room. My leg bounced as I waited until her doctor came to find me in the waiting room.
"Doctor Reid?" She  asked.
I nodded, "Is she going to be okay?"
"Yes, we mildly sedated her until the drug wears off. The drug could cause complications with the babies but we are carefully monitoring them and they are doing amazing right now, if anything changes we will give her an emergency c-section."
I nodded, "Okay, can I see her?"
"Of course, come on."
I followed her to Julie's room, she looked over at the door and waved at me with a tired smile, "I should've known something was in the random flowers left at the front door." She said.
"If it makes you feel any better I wouldn't have suspected there being something in the flowers either."
"I know. What was in them anyways?"
"A high dose of a date rape drug, did the doctor come in to talk to you yet?"
"Yeah which is why my bump is covered in patches and wires."
"I know you didn't want a c-section but if it comes to it they're going to have to do one."
"Yeah they told me and as much as I didn't want one if it's for the safety of our kids than I'm fine with it."
She pressed the button to move the bed so she could be sitting up a bit, "You should go home and get the hospital bags just in case they have to take these babies out."
"I'm not leaving, I'll just have someone bring them to us."
She shook her head, "No go get the bags and on your way back you should buy me some food because this hospital food is disgusting."
"Okay, do you need anything else?"
"Can you please bring me my shoes, the ones I wear whenever we go on walks?"
"The black ones?"
"No the white ones, those are more comfortable."
I smiled as walked to the door before I turned to look at her, "You know one time I had this conversation with Emily, JJ, Penelope and Derek about why women have tons of shoes that they don't really need."
She smiled at me, "They need to match everything in our closet that's why."
"That's exactly what they told me. Anyways, I'll be right back. I love you."
"I love you too."
Spencer walked out the door and I let my head rest against the bed, "What a great way to spend my birthday." I whispered to myself.
I looked down at my bump that had patches placed everywhere which were connected to a bunch of wires and monitors.
My nurse came into the room and gave me a smile, "How are you feeling?" She asked as she checked the monitors.
"I've been better."
"We have a monitor tracking contractions and there have been a couple but they are Braxton Hicks so there is no need to panic."
"Be honest with me, am I going to need an emergency c-section today?"
"Unless something goes wrong or your babies go into distress because of the drug you were dosed with there will be no need to do a c-section. We are strictly keeping you here for observation and when we see everything is back to its normal levels you will be discharged."
"Thank you."
She nodded as she wrote some things down on my chart before leaving. I got comfortable and turned on the small TV and started flipping through the channels while I waited for Spencer to come back.
When he did he set a white plastic bag on the small tray connected to my bed before placing our hospital bag on the couch inside the room.
"I got you some chicken ramen from that sushi place we order from all the time. I also got you some of their bread that you love and a hibiscuses tea."
I looked at him and puckered my lips, he leaned down and placed a kiss to my lips, "I love you."
"I love you too, now eat."
I carefully took the two containers out of the bag and looked over at Spencer, "Want some?"
"No I'm okay."
I took sip of the tea as I watched Spencer fiddle with something in his hand, "I know I told you were acting weird earlier but I thought it was because of the party but now you're acting weirder."
He looked at me, "I just feel useless here, I should be with the team trying to find Santiago so we can arrest him."
"I know but I also know how protective you are especially because I'm pregnant so I think it's best for you to stay here and not be out there trying to rip his head off."
He nodded as he focused on the TV mounted in the corner of the room. I did the same as I continued eating what was in front of me.
When I finished I put the containers inside the bag and Spencer stood up to toss it away, "Do you need anything else?"
"Not right now, I'm just really hoping these babies stay in there for the next month like they're supposed to."
"I think they will and even if they don't I think we're prepared for the most part."
"Their nursery is still filled with boxes we haven't unpacked, the only thing we have ready is their cribs."
"Well they'll at least have somewhere to sleep."
I let my head rest against the pillow and reached my hand out for him. He sat on the edge of the bed and took my hand in his, "What's wrong?" He asked.
"I'm just now realizing I almost died."
"I know but you didn't and that's all that matters. Why don't you get some rest."
"Will you read to me?"
He smiled, "Of course."
He got up and went to our hospital bag where we had packed a couple books. He grabbed one and I scooted over on the bed so he could lay beside me. He placed a kiss on my temple as I laid my head on his shoulder and he started reading quietly as my eyes slowly shut.
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
Join my taglist here!
@honeyboysteezy @thecreatorofthings22 @matthewgraygublerwife @luckyladycreator2 @alexxavicry @kbakery @mondscheintraeumerin
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sansaorgana · 2 years
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➽ I am trying to write all my x Reader fan fiction to be as inclusive as possible – even the stories with [X]!OC – unless it is stated otherwise in the Author’s Note for the reasons dictated by the plot. If you happen to find some description in any of my stories that is exclusive (for example blushing or knuckles turning white etc.), then feel free to send me an ask and I will edit it.
➽ English is my second language.
➽ [nsfw] stories are 18+.
➽ You can also find me on ao3.
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➽ “The Dragon and The Doe” — Prince Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader // Baratheon!OC
➽ “Unlike His Father” — Prince Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader
➽ “Not a Child Anymore” — Prince Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader
➽ “The Lady of Storm’s End” — Prince Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader // Baratheon!OC
➽ “My Only Friend” — Prince Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader // Velaryon!OC
➽ “Targaryens Do Have Queer Customs” — Prince Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader // Princess Rhaella Targaryen (OC)
➽ Having children with Prince Aemond Targaryen — Prince Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader
➽ “Redeemable” — King Aegon II Targaryen x fem!Reader
➽ “Hair Care Routine” — Prince Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader
➽ “A Disappointment” — Prince Aemond Targaryen x fem!chubby!Reader // Baratheon!OC
➽ “Dragonless” — Prince Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader
➽ modern HoTD AU tag
➽ random blurbs/headcanons
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➽ “You Can’t Leave Me” — Anakin Skywalker // suitless!Darth Vader x fem!Gray Jedi!Reader
➽ “The Prodigal Daughter” — Darth Vader (and kinda Anakin Skywalker) x fem!Dark Jedi!Reader
➽ “Scoundrel” — Han Solo x fem!Reader
➽ “Don’t Call Me Princess” — Poe Dameron x Padmé Solo (OC)
➽ “A Man of Secrets” — Obi–Wan Kenobi x fem!Reader
➽ Having a baby with Oscar Isaac’s characters — Poe Dameron x fem!Reader
➽ “The Hero and The Traitor” — Poe Dameron x fem!First Order!Reader
➽ Being Bo–Katan Kryze’s girlfriend — Bo–Katan Kryze x fem!Reader
➽ “I Don’t Want To Be Your Friend” — Obi–Wan Kenobi x fem!Jedi!Reader
➽ Being Axe Woves’ girlfriend — Axe Woves x fem!Reader // fem!Mandalorian!Reader
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➽ “The Winds of Caladan” — Duke Leto Atreides x fem!Reader » PART I » PART II
➽ Having a baby with Oscar Isaac’s characters — Duke Leto Atreides x fem!Reader
➽ “Thrown To The Wolves” — Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Reader // Atreides!OC
➽ “The Gift” — Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Reader
➽ “Forbidden Fruit” [nsfw] — Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Reader // Baron Vladimir Harkonnen x fem!Reader
➽ “Damaged Goods” [nsfw] — Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Reader // Rabban/Harkonnen!OC
➽ “Quick Learners” [nsfw] — Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Reader
➽ “Still Pure” — Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Reader
➽ “Still Waters Run Deep” [nsfw] — Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Reader
➽ “Tamed” — Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Reader
➽ “The Favourite” — Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Reader
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➽ “Definition of a Red Flag” — Steven Grant x fem!Reader » PART I » PART II
➽ “Like Father, Like Daughter” — Steven Grant x fem!Reader
➽ “The Ennead”— Steven Grant x fem!Reader
➽ “Thank Gods” — Marc Spector x fem!Reader » PART I [nsfw] » PART II
➽ Having a baby with Oscar Isaac’s characters — Marc Spector // Steven Grant // Jake Lockley x fem!Reader
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➽ “Make It Right This Time” — Erik Lehnsherr x fem!Mutant!Reader
➽ “Second Chance” — Erik Lehnsherr x fem!Mutant!Reader
➽ “New Memories” — Erik Lehnsherr x fem!Mutant!Reader
➽ “A Better Person” — Erik Lehnsherr x fem!Mutant!Reader
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➽ Major Gale Cleven x Reader blurbs/short fics
➽ Major John Egan x Reader blurbs/short fics
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➽ “The Stepford Wives” — David 8 x fem!Android!Reader
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➽ Having a baby with Oscar Isaac’s characters — Santiago Garcia x fem!Reader
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➽ Having a baby with Oscar Isaac’s characters — William Tell x fem!Reader
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➽ Having a baby with Oscar Isaac’s characters — Orestes x fem!Reader
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2K notes · View notes
romanarose · 3 months
If You Wanna be Wild: Chapter 7
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Co-written with @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction my beloved Fen, who I could not do this without. Thank you for being my emotional sounding board, my dear friend, my wonderful cowriter and helpful beta reader. I adore you.
Javier Peña x Latina!sex worker!informant!Reader x Santiago Garcia
Join my general tag list (Comment to join the tag list for this fic)
Triple Frontier Master List
Spotify Playlist
Series Masterlist : Read on AO3
Summary: Everything falls apart and evryone is alone.
Content and warnings for whole fic, not chapter by chapter unless something is added: Sex work, drug trade, some drug use/pressured used, sex workers and the mistreatment/stigma surrounding them specifically in the 70’s (my blog is sex worker positive) but ima put potential dub con depending how you look at it as a sex worker who works with dangerous men, some action surrounding reader and the guys and the drug trade, SMUT HEAVY, corruption kink (were corrupting santi here, he’s young, 25), no loss of virginity tho, threesomes, some slight m/m smut but that’s not the focus here, but as you know this blog is an lgbt blog so I’m always open to gay shit. Talk of war and some PTSD but I won't be going a whole lot into it. Covert/emotional incest in the past, Santi's mommy issues, m/m dynamics, internalized bi/homophobia
Reader speaks Spanish and has hair. I've decided Candy is just latina bc she's a sex worker in Colombia so this is what I'm doing. Reader also has curly hair and dark skin.
ADDITIONAL WARNINGS!:mentions of rape an violence, what happened to Helena, smut, repressed feelings, angst.
Almost everything was written by Fen <3
2.7k words
Support writers! Reblog and comment!
There was no making up. There was no Javi bringing Santi food as an apology, there was no talking. 
When Santi walked into the office on Monday, he saw the fucking desks rearranged, Javier’s and Santi’s on other sides of the room instead of pushed face to face. Santi quickly rushed to the bathroom where he panic vomited and had an anxiety attack, resulting in him being 45 minutes late. Javi didn’t say anything about it.
Where Santi couldn’t eat, Javi couldn’t stop eating, munching down food and taking frequent trips to the vending machine. His doctor was going to kill him. Santi could barely function, even coming in late or leaving early which was a cardinal sin in his book. Still, none of it stopped him from seeing Candy. Occasionally Candy asked about him because all month Javi hadn’t been to see her either. Santi couldn’t get much answer either.
They worked, but mostly separately. Javi had even been trying to find somewhere else to work, but there weren’t exactly free rooms in the precinct. They talked occasionally but only about Lorea… making Santi desperately lonely. He had his family and he loved his tias, but they weren’t Javi. It was the day of the rally for the beatification of Laura Montoya, which forced them to be in close proximity as they dressed in plain clothes and scouted the area for any sign of the Lorea family. Not wanting to look too much like officers on alert, Santi tried making conversation, none of which was working with Javi, only getting few word answers. 
The boy was going to drive him absolutely batshit insane if he didn’t stop talking. It was bad enough he kept asking. ‘Should we get food’ or ‘it’s nice out today’, but his voice mixed with the crowds and noise and music and chatter or the rally, people shouting about whoever it was they were here for, politicians trying to stop them and constantly flashbacks of that night of the ball… Then Santi had to go and say 
“She misses you.”
“You mentioned her name one more fucking time and I’ll-”
“You’ll fucking what?” Santi snapped, his nerves had twisted, hardened suddenly by rage. 
His anger took Javi by surprise, he’d never heard him speak like that to anyone let alone him. 
Santi took his pause as indignation. “I mentioned Candy once. Once. And that’s only because you haven’t seen her, or called her or anything!” He hissed. “She’s worried about you actually, she-”
It was Javi’s turn to snap. 
He grabbed the younger man by the back of his collar and pulled him into a side alley, using his own momentum against him and slamming him up against the brick wall. 
Sant let out a little huff of air as his back collided, gritting his jaw as pain raced along his back. 
The action had been forceful, but not enough to cause discomfort for most people. However, a rough, uneven lump of mortar had poked oddly against the scar at the nape of his neck, sending a tingle down his back.
Javi rammed the heel of his hand into the wall next to Santi’s head, using his height to his full advantage as he leaned over him like he was interrogating a suspect instead of a colleague. A friend. 
Santi breathed hard, his frown pinching his eyebrows together, and Javi would say he even looked cute if he wasn’t so bloody annoying, so obsessed with getting under his skin. Unable to let anything go, constantly digging at him in his self-righteous attitude, just needing to push, and push, and push, and…
Cute. The thought caught him off guard. When had he started to think of Santiago as cute?
“What the fuck are you doing Peña?” He growled, puffing his chest out, but not pushing back. 
Javi shook his head slightly, trying to break his racing mind, trying to get back to reality. “Candy, look, you can’t just-”
“She’s an adult Javi, I can-”
“You’re going to get her killed!” His voice raised at the end, louder and more desperate than he had intended, with just the slightest waver. He hoped Santi didn’t hear it, but he probably did. Nothing got past him. “Do you understand?” Santi glared at him, the muscles in his jaw flexing. Those stupid large doe eyes looking painfully dark and enticing. “You’re flaunting her. Taking her to the ball and, and-”
Santi scoffed. “That’s none of your business, I asked her, I-”
“You’re gonna get her gutted and dumped on the side of the road!” Javier screamed, haunting flashbacks to Helena’s beaten and raped body, wrapping his coat around her and having to carry her out, not sure if she was dying or not. “You know how easy it would be for Lorea to do something? This isn’t even a put two and two together situation, Pope, it’s you waving a four right in his fucking face! And what do you think is gonna happen when he takes her, huh? When he beats her and rapes her an tortures her to get information on YOU!” 
Santi swallows, his face still hard, but that little bob of his Adam’s apple draws Javier’s eye, but he doesn't respond. Javier lowers his voice, fist still gripping Santi’s jacket.
“She’s not gonna give you up, she’s not gonna help them hurt you. She’s gonna end up dead. You’re gonna…” He closed his eyes for a moment, took a small breath. It was easier not to look at him, not to have to stare at his soft eyes and plump lips. “You’re gonna end up dead too, Pope. I can’t… I’ve seen it, okay?”  
Javier screwed up his face, opening his eyes so that he could look at Santi man to man. Implore him to see reason. 
“I’m not telling you to stop seeing her, I’m just saying.... I’ve seen shit happen to girls in her line of work. To officers like you that are still wet behind the ears to this kind of thing-” The second it was out of his mouth, he knew he’d made a mistake. 
“I’m not a fucking child, Peña.” Santi hissed, pressing forward and getting up in Javier’s face. “I know that’s what everyone at the station seems to think and all their little Virgin Maria mierda. I don’t care. I don’t give a fuck if all they see is that.” He pushes firmly on Javier’s chest, almost smacking as he punctuates his sentence. “But I thought you’d know better! I was black ops special agent, I spend years of my life in almost every goddamn continent doing retcon, assassinations, covert operations and rescuing women and children and getting SHOT! I’m not-”
“I’m not saying you’re a child-”
“You are! You are!” Santiago growls, smacking Javi’s chest repeatedly. He doesn’t care that he does sound like a child in that moment, arguing relentlessly on semantics. His emotions are bubbling over and muddying his head. “You’re saying that you know best. That your word is law. Despite all you do to endanger Candy!”
“I do n-”
“You do! You think you’re above it all, you’re just as bad, you pretend to care but you-”
“Shut your fucking mouth, Garcia!”
“Make me!”
He doesn’t think. 
There’s always times he doesn’t think. When he gets too lost in whatever emotion he’s letting overwhelm him. Sometimes rage. Sometimes guilt. Usually negative either way. That’s where Santi is a good partner, keeping a cool and level head while Javi plays bad cop.
Usually ends up with him throwing a punch, not a kiss. 
Santi knew ‘make me’ was childish. Knew it was playground nonsense reserved for kids still in single digits. But if everyone was going to keep calling him that, keep pretending that he wasn’t the only actual goddamned adult in the room then-
Javier’s lips on his steal his breath away, rob him of every thought that has ever run through his mind. And, for once, it’s blissfully quiet. The anxieties pushed away for the peace of a lover's kiss.
Javi presses closer, pushing Santiago further into the wall and cupping his face with his warm hand as he kisses him, body to body, warmth to warmth. Darting out his tongue to just trace Santi’s bottom lip and groans when he parts them immediately, no hesitation, and lets him lick into his mouth. 
The angle’s a little awkward, Javier’s body trapping Santi’s hand between their chests. But Santiago’s fingers curl into his shirt, pulling him closer as his kisses leave him breathless and desperate for more.
Javier’s leg bumps into his and Santi moves a step, moaning softly and then whining as his thigh presses against his half hard cock, a sharp spike of pleasure running up his spine and- 
His thoughts all come crashing down. What the fuck, what the fuck  was he doing? His mother’s voice rang in his head, screaming his name. 
He could get arrested for this, thrown in jail, worse. He was going to burn in hell.
Santi pulled back quickly, disentangling himself from Javier so quickly that both men nearly fell. He turned, not giving the older man a second look, and ran out of the alley into the crowded street. 
He didn’t even hear Javier call his name. 
“Are you okay, baby?” You asked, your naked body covering Santiago while giving him tender kisses, scooting yourself up and down his cock. You loved to tease him, get him whimpering and watch as all those troublesome thoughts left his pretty little head. He was too pretty to be so worried all the time.
He’d been stressed on and off about Javi, occasionally bringing it up, but you think he stopped when he realized it upset you. You were really good at pretending to care when old professors droned on and on about academic works or when men talked about themselves or complained about their wives and mothers again and again and again. You could’ve faked not being upset when Santi, but you didn’t fake anything with him. Javi’s absence hurt your feelings. You were worried about him, and you were angry at him for abandoning you and hurting Santi. For continuing to hurt his feelings. Bitch.
But honestly… you just miss him. A lot. It would take more than a poster to patch this, he’d have to make things right with Santi too, but you’d forgive him. You just wanted him back, and you wanted Santi happy again. He was already thin enough, and as your body slid up and down the sweaty length of him, you could feel he’d lost weight. 
Santi moaned loudly, gripping onto your hips as you bounced on his length, his eyes rolling back in his head as your heat engulfs him over and over. Pulling him deeper and deeper. 
The fat tip of his cock presses deliriously, perfectly rubbing over your walls with every slick slide. Stretching you so wonderfully like he was made for you. He was, he really, really was. Something was bothering him today, and he was finding solace in you. You were happy to give it to him. Pushing all other thoughts out of your head. 
He whines, babbling nonsensically with his eyes closed, “please, please, please,” He rocks up against you, letting his body override his brain as you fuck him into the mattress. “Please, gonna come, please, need you so much,” he gasps, almost sobbing from pleasure. 
You stroke his cheek and pick up your pace, even if he hasn’t said you could tell how close he was. The way his stomach muscles tense, how his eyes are screwed shut and head thrown back into the pillow, “it’s okay, it’s okay, you can come, give it all to me.”
He shakes his head rapidly, “no, please,” he moans, “need you, need mommy to come, please.” 
His whines change in pitch, the little sounds getting higher and higher as he reaches the point of no return. His mouth hangs open, his skin flushed and sweaty, and heat floods to your core. 
You brace yourself with your left hand on his leg behind you as you ride him, leaning back ever so slightly to change the angle just enough that he continuously hits perfectly inside, stretching you to your limit. 
Santi sobs, the position change sending a buzz up his spine, pressing on the thick length of his cock to a surprisingly maddening degree. His whole body pulsed, stealing the air from his lungs.
He bucks up once, his eyes fluttering open in surprise as he comes, his length pulsating. He empties himself deep inside you, his orgasm stretching onwards and overtaking every possible thought. 
You smile as you watch him, happy to see him so blissed out. You ride him throughout his high, trying to prolong his sensations as long as possible. He deserved it.
He sighs, shivering with aftershocks as he comes back to himself and looks up at you. You open your mouth to speak, the words on the tip of your tongue.
Santi grabs you by the hips, urging you up and off him and pulling your aching pussy onto his face. He lets out a small groan at the mess he made, his cum leaking out of your folds before he runs the tip of his tongue through them. 
You bite back a moan, grabbing onto his hair for stability as his mustache brushes against your clit.
His mouth feels like heaven as he lick and swirls around your clit, his movements soft but certain, quickly pushing you towards your peak.
Instinctively you buck your hips, grinding down on his mouth to chase your high. He rocks you against him, urging you tp move and fuck his eager tongue. 
“Santi…” you whine as you come hard against him, pulling fiercely on his hair. 
He continues licking, moaning against you as he drinks down every drop of your release. 
You breathe heavily, boneless for a moment before slowly moving away to lay down next to him. 
He pouts a little as you settle. “I wasn’t finished.” He smiles cheekily, your cum shining all over the bottom half of his face,
You giggle, and gently swat his arm and cuddle up next to him. Santi didn’t need instruction, scooting his back to your chest. In your arms, where he belonged. You loved being like this with him, but somehow it always felt like something was missing. You loved when Javi used to hold you, protecting you with a strong arm around your body, but again, you felt like something was missing, in your arms this time instead of around you.
You kiss the scar on his spine. “Good boy, Santito.”
It happened so fast. Santi teanses and you barely have a second to register how he turns to you, his eyes widen in panic, his skin turning ashen before he’s up, out of bed and pulling on his clothes so fast that it shouldn’t have been possible. What the fuck? Did you do something wrong?
“Santi?” you start, trying to keep your voice soft but unable to hide the fear that has overcome your words.Why is he leaving? What did you do wrong? Did you mess up things with Santi too, the one good thing left? You barely sit up before he’s shoving a handful of dollars at you, practically just throwing them in your direction and the bed. 
“Here.” His voice is quiet, distant. Like he’s not really there. A stark comparison to his panicked, edgy movements. He doesn’t even bother tying his shoes, simply shoving his feet inside them and stumbling towards the door.
“Wait, Sant-”
He slams the door on his way out. 
Leaving your bed cold, and you alone.
It was supposed to be sex, talking. Build a nice repour. That was it. You were good at it too, making old ugly men think you were infatuated, but yourself detached from even the most charming and attractive. Something happened with Javi and Santi, a line that became blurred, friendship and genuine attraction and care. Now they were gone. 
You hate yourself for how hard you cry.
thank you so much to everyone whose stuck around while i sort my SHIT OUT (its never ending)
If you like me writing javi, i wrote a drable today too, and if you wanna see a totally insane version of santi, come to rooms on fire!
be sure to give @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction a follow, he's amazing and my everything. they are pumping out AMAZING works rn for the moon knight bingo.
I appriciate you all very very much, please let know your thoughts in the comment!!!
I know you've stuck around for this song, please drop a comment and say hiiiiii!!!!
follow @romana-updates for more!
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Luna’s November '21 Fic Recs! (Oscar and Pedro / Triple Frontier fandoms)
These are the fics I read and reblogged in November! :D Been meaning to start doing a monthly rec list for a while, so here goes! (Clearly I have a backlogue at the moment, so you may see a flurry while I catch-up with myself!).
Eventually I hope to start adding other recs to these - GIFs, art etc. - but we gotta start somewhere!
Please do have a browse, and show some love to these wonderful creators! (Remember that writers get a power-up from every RB, comment, and ask!)
**Warnings: Please check individual fics for warnings and ratings**
Pedro fandom fics
Sweet Pea, by @brandyllyn.
Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x f!reader
This is part of a wonderful series! This is an angsty soulmate!AU and I am living for both the flawless concept and the execution. Brandy’s characterisation of Jack is my fave and this one hurt.
Betting on Losing Dogs, by @redcrvette. 
Pairing: nameless female oc x frankie morales
This fic works hard in under 600 words. This lil gem conveys the realness and complexity of people smushing together and trying to understand what they are to each other in such a unique, compact way.
Insecure, by @kikis-writing-world
Frankie Morales x f!reader
Reader is insecure and Frankie finally finds out why. This has so much depth and was so plausible. Frankie is a dream and you will be rooting so damn hard for him and reader when a certain someone treats them poorly.
Hang, by @spanishmossmagnolia
Javier Peña x cishet female reader
I actually don’t want to spoil this one or give too much away. It’s best to just experience with few expectations for the full effect, so I’ll just say - please read it! It’s a lovely, angsty, tender thing that will definitely smack you in the feels.
Repellent, by @brandyllyn
Max Phillips x f!reader
Yes, @brandyllyn​ is on here twice. What can I say? The only time I read Max is when their wonderful stories happen to cross my dash! :P But I love this version of Max and this was SO MUCH FUN :D
Oscar fandom fics
Let’s Stay Together, by @mariesackler
Poe Dameron x f!reader
Reader and Poe and aren’t together anymore, and they should be. Right? I love how this fic made me question what I wanted for them. It will give you a lovely ache of yearn in your chest - the emotions are strong with this one. 
The Chick in Apt 56, by @acedameron
Nathan Bateman x f!reader
“After your next-door neighbor leaves you a note about how he heard you having sex, the two of you unintentionally begin a written back-and-forth.” Back-and-forth with Mr. Bastard Man is my FAVE. This is PERFECT and so fun. 
Shameless self-promo corner
You’ve reached the shameless self-promo corner, but hey. This helps me keep track. Here are my writings from November, if you get through the list above!
Captain of the Team, AKA, Santi’s a dom until Will’s in the room (TF boys x fem!reader)
All Bets Are Off (Santiago Garcia x older!commandng officer!Fem!Reader)
Valley of Strange Humours (Santiago Garcia - no pairing)
Hip Rotation (Nathan Bateman x GN reader - ficlet)
Take a Byte (Nathan Bateman x reader)
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Pride 2k21 Writing Challenge Week 2 Masterlist
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Prompts: Rainbow and/or “Hold my hand tight. I’ll protect you.”
Thank you all so much for participating! If I missed you, please don’t hesitate to send me a message!
Near You by @clydesducktape (Omera x fem!reader)
Just the Same by @miraclesabound (Modern Boba Fett x bi!fem!reader)
Tents & Paperbacks by @anxiousandboujee (Ben Miller x Frankie Morales)
A Canyon in the Sky by @princessxkenobi (Pie Dameron x gn!reader)
The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship by @startrekkingaroundasgard (Finn x Poe)
The Rainbow Connection by @honey-dewey (Ezra x male!reader)
Baar’ur by @lady-of-glass-and-bone (Din Djarin x f!oc)
When it Feels Right by @rayslittlekitten (Will Miller x gn!reader)
Canyon’s Danger by @jedi-mando (Frankie Morales x Twilight x Will Miller)
Perfectly Timed Rainbow by @ladyblogger-margie (Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes)
Rainbow by @kesskirata (Santiago Garcia x Will Miller)
A Symbol of Hope by @artemiseamoon (Valkyrie x fem!reader)
Love, Sweat and Rainbows by @geek-girl7 (Raymond Smith x bi!gn!reader)
Songbird by @writeforfandoms (Fennec Shand x reader)
The Trip by @dave-yorks-good-eye (Frankie Morales and daughter)
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romanarose · 2 years
Leather and Lace
Santiago "Pope" Garcia X Fem!OC
With: Frankie "Catfish" Morales, Benny Miller, and Will "IronHead" Miller
Chapter 2
Fic Master list
Fic Summary: While on the mission, Pope and the guys find a girl tied up in the basement of a drug lord. Through a few unforeseen circumstances, the girl and Pope get separated from Will, Frankie and Benny and have to find their way back in the woods. She doesn't talk, is malnourished and traumatized, and Pope has the instinct to protect her at all costs.
WARNINGS!!!: for whole fic there’s gonna be violence, mentions of blood, mentions of sex trafficking, ptsd, sexual trauma (past), physical trauma, gunshots, eventual smut!! Don’t read just for the smut tho cuz it’s not smut focused.
A/N This will be a series! I've never written Santi before, so what started as one shot turned into a mini series.
My all fic masterlist is here
Moon Knight masterlist here, be sure to check out Sunshine, Starlight, Sweetheart, Brightside, my ongoing series im finishing up!
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The basement was dark and cold as Santiago and Frankie descended the staircase, their flashlights placed below their guns to light the way, scanning the room for anyone else they needed to kill as Benny and Will cleared the upstairs. The four of them had taken care of the first floor together, taking out the few guards that were left.
Seeing no switches to turn on, Frankie went right and Santi went left, clearing the single room. “HANDS UP!” Santi shouted to anyone potentially in the basement. 
“Shit, Pope” Frankie called over, Santi cleared his side and went to where his friend called him, that’s where he saw her. Initially, he thought she was dead. There was a girl tied up in the corner, face bloodied as she slumped as far as the ropes against the chair allowed her. “Miss?” Frankie called before glancing at Santi with a raised eyebrow. The girl was in shorts and a low cut tank top, showing off the bruises marking her skin. It was way to cold down here to be dressed that like that. “Is she breathing?”
Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead…. “Fuck…” He mumbled, lowering his gun and flashlight while Frankie kept his up, he placed his hands on her neck and found a pulse on her cold skin. “Well, she’s-” alive, he was going to say, before her eyes shot open with a gasp. When the girl saw the gun in her face, she screamed briefly before shutting her eyes and mouth tightly, bracing herself. “Hey, hey it’s okay” Santiago Garcia put his hands on her shoulders, trying to calm her, but she just started whimpering eyes closed. “We’re not going to hurt you.”
“Pope, give her space…” Frankie warned, knowing Santi can be intense.
He glanced up to Frankie “Put the gun away”
Frankie lowered the gun, but didn’t put it away while Santi went around to the back of the chair. When he began cutting the ropes around her arms, she visibly started shaking. “Catfish, she’s handcuffed to the chair” He popped his head around, back into Frankies view, looking concerned. 
Nodding, Frankie put his gun away and grabbed his radio “Benny, come to the basement, bring shit to pick a lock.”
‘What is taking you guys so long?’
“Ben, now” Frankie ordered. Ben didn’t respond, which Santi knew meant he was coming. Frankie kept his senses alert, aware Santi was clearly distracted. This was going to be a problem. She was going to be a problem. 
“Miss?” Santi spoke softly, carefully. “We’re gonna get you out, okay? We’re not here to hurt you.” She didn’t reply. “Can you tell me your name? I’m Santiago”
Frankie, who was scanning the room, whipped his head back to Santi “Are you crazy? You don’t know who she is.”
“She’s obviously being trafficked!” He was knelt at the chair and nodded to the handcuffs “Look at her wrists, they look like shit.”
“You don’t know, Pope. She could have more to do with this than you think, and you don’t know where her loyalties are.”
Santi stood up, irritated. “Well, I don’t think her loyalties are with the people who did that-” he motioned to the bloodied girl, who continued to keep her eyes closed tightly like she was braced for pain. “To her face.”
“She could have Stockholm Syndrome” Franki insisted. “Just don’t tell her more than you need to.”
“It doesn’t matter what she has, because she’s not going back to them to tell them anything” Pope spoke as if his voice was a command to fate. She will not go back, she will not be hurt again. All the things he had done in his life, he wanted to do some good.
“Oh fuck…” Benny  practically hopped down the stairs, pulling out a few small items. Benny could pick about any lock. “Who is she?” He asked Santi.
“No idea...” Pope watched as Ben undid her handcuffs with ease. Finally, the girl opened her eyes, but they were wide with terror and avoiding the eyes of the men surrounding her. She rubbed her raw and bruised wrists, flinching when Santi knelt back down at her side. “Hey, can you look at me?” She didn’t. He sighed. “Can you come with us upstairs? No one is up there but us.” Santi didn’t tell her that was because her captures were all dead. He pulled out his own flashlight again, looking at Frankie and Benny, nodding them upstairs. Frankie sighed, rolling his eyes.
Benny looked confused, but Frankie grabbed his shoulder pulling him away. Frankie grumbled to the blonde boy. “We’re on clean up duty.” And went upstairs to drag the dead bodies out of where the girl could see them.
Backing up a bit and allowing her space, he tried to catch her eyes. He had a dual purpose for sending his friends upstairs. First of all, they really did need to get the dead body away from where she might see. Pope intended to take her up there, get her some first aid, food, water, and whatever else she needed. But also, he thought she’d be more comfortable with just him. Santi assumed that she was trafficked, and if not that, it was more than likely that she had been sexually abused by one or multple men here. Having three men with guns wasn’t doing much to calm her nerves. Even if Santi knew they wouldn’t hurt her, she didn’t know that.
 “I know you’re scared, but I promise you have nothing to worry about. Me and my friends, we’re going to get you out and to wherever you need to be. Are you from here?” She didn’t look Latin American, but you could never be sure. She didn’t speak, but shook her head, still looking at the floor. It was a start. “Are you from the US?” She nodded. “We are too. Don’t worry, we’ll get you back there.” He called into his com again. “Guys, she’s from the states, she’d gotta have some sort of identification or papers here. I need you guys to try and see if you can find anything.”
‘Pope, what’s the plan.’ Will answered, meaning what’s the plan with her.
“We’re going to get her back to the states and she’ll get set up with services.”
‘We’re supposed to be looking for-’
“I know that, Ironhead, are you suggesting we just leave her here?”
‘No, of course not, I just mean we need to get going and-’
“Just try and find her fucking papers and you can argue with me latter”
He turned back to her. “Sorry, can we go upstairs? Get you some food?” She nodded again, shaking hands bracing against the chair as she hesitantly tried to stand up. When she leaves her chair, her legs give out, but before she falls to the ground Santiago catches her. Finally, finally, she met his eyes. For the brief moment, he looks at her bloodied and bruised face as she stares back at him. Was it with terror? Confusion? Curiosity? He didn’t know. He intended to sit her back on the chair, not wanting to touch her more than needed, but when he moved to carefully set her down, she tightly gasped and gripped his arms tighter. He froze. She was looking away from him, but holding onto him for dear life, her face so close to his arm.
“Can I help you upstairs?” 
She nodded vigorously, face softly brushing over his shirt.
“Okay, let’s get you something to eat…” Santiago had to practically carry her up the stairs, her whole body trembling as he sat her down in a comfortable chair in the living room. “Stay here” He said, as if she was capable of moving. Protein bars and water, he figured those were safe. In the light, she looked like. Hell. Her skin was pale, almost gray, and he wondered when the last time she saw sunlight was. The actual color of her hair, he wasn’t sure of. It was blonde, but right now it was covered in so much dirt and blood that caked to her face it was hard to tell. Her skinny appearance, sunken eyes and inability to stand told him she was malnourished. How long has she been here? 
She ate hungrily, gulping down the water. All initial reservation she showed around him appeared to have faded as she devoured what was in front of her.
“Careful, you’ll make yourself sick.” Santi warned, but she didn’t slow down.
“Hey” Will called from the hall, becoming Santi over. “Who the hell is she?”
“I don’t know.” He crossed his arms and looked over to the dirty girl who only seemed preoccupied with eating. “She won’t talk. She only nodded when I asked if she was American.” When Santi looked back, he saw concern on Will’s face, but it wasn’t only for the girl. “Relax, Will.”
“I didn’t say anything!” Will was defensive. “But we need to go, we can’t stay here.”
Frankie rejoined them. “You didn’t have to say anything. He knows we know how he is.” Fish gave him a pointed look.
“I’m like what? I want to help a girl whose clearly been sex trafficked?”
“No one is saying to leave her, Pope.” Frankie said loud enough to make the girl look up. The three of them moved a few feet down the hall and spoke quieter. “We have a lot of work to do here, she can’t get in the way of that. Okay?”
“I know, Fish.” Santi asserted. “This whole operation was my idea”
“Let’s just get her on one of the bikes and get her to the police there, the longer we stay here the more we risk someone else showing up”
“Lacina Dumas!” Benny sauntered into the living room towards the girl, making her stiffen again. He was carrying a few papers and a wash clothe and sat down on the coffee table across from her. “I’m Benjamin, nice to meet you” He smiled and extended his hand towards the scared girl.
“Ben” Santi warned as he strode towards the pair, but stopped when he saw her carefully shake his hand. It was practically a fucking miracle, she couldn’t even meet Santi’s eye.
The younger Miller continued. “Everyone just called me Benny.” His older brother told him to stop giving her personal information, but Ben ignored her. “Do you go by Lacina?” He spoke carefully, but casual. Almost like he was meeting an applicant for a job, he was trying to put her at ease, but not baby her.
There was a long, long pause, before she finally spoke. “Laci.” Pope’s jaw dropped when he finally heard her speak, he wasn’t sure if she could. He had wondered if she only spoke a little English, or maybe they had even cut out her tongue. It wouldn’t be the most horrific thing he’d seen these people do.
Ben’s warm smile broadened. “Pretty name.” He showed his hand holding a wet washcloth. “Can I clean up your head a bit, see if you need first aid?”
Laci nodded, and Ben carefully cleaned off the blood, revealing the closed wound on her head. It was past first aid and had healed on its own. It would leave a scar and Pope doubted her hairline it cut into would recover, but she’d be okay.
Santi watched, amazed. Ben had a natural charm that everyone responded to. His face was handsome, but not disarmingly so. There was a reason they called him baby-faced Benjamin. Selfishly, and not for the first time, Pope wondered what Ben had that he didn’t. Why did she answer Ben, and not him? Pope has the urge to protect her, but he also wanted badly for her to put her trust in him, to feel safe with him…
Before he could think further or gauge Will and Frankies emotions, the door slammed open and shut; someone had hidden in the house and ran out. All for men were out the door before they saw the drug lord speeding off in a car. 
“GO! GO!” Will ordered as Ben and him hopped on the bike the road out there and sped after the man. 
Frankie got on his bike, turning around when he noticed Santiago Garcia hesitating. “POPE! We have to go NOW” 
Santi pointed inside the house with his gun. “I can’t leave her!”
“FUCK!” Fish slammed his hand on the handles. “This is what we meant! Get on here, we need you!”
He shook his head. “No! If he was hiding, someone else could be, I’m not letting them take her.”
Frankie shouted again, watching the other bike and the car disappearing, there wasn’t any more time. “We’re talking about this latter, don’t fucking leave!” And with that, Frankie was off, a trail of dust behind the motorcycle.
Santi scrubbed his face. He hated watching them go off on their own without him… but he couldn’t leave her there. He wandered back inside, seeing Laci there on the couch with unfinished food. “You should probably eat more.”
She shook her head, avoiding eye contact again.
“When was the last time you ate?”
She shrugged. Goddamn, she didn’t even remember… she seemed so young now that Benny cleaned her up, What horrible things had she seen? He lips still looked almost blue from the cold basement, and it wasn’t much warmer up here. He thought about finding her something other than the skimpy excuse gif clothes she had, but figured they’d get her to the village soon enough, once the boys got back. God, he was going to get an earful from Frankie and Will. Pope put her ID, social and birth certificate in the pocket of his shirt, knowing that will make it much easier to get situated back in the States. “You know you can look at me, I’m not going to punish you for making eye contact…” He spoke softly, hoping to god she believed he wouldn’t hurt her, but before she could respond there was a gunshot. Glass shattered around them, falling into their hair and making a few small cuts on Laci’s significant exposed skin.
The shooters missed, but Pope couldn’t see where it was coming from. “Get low and run!” He took her hand, pulling the terrified girl out of the house. Santi had his gun drawn in one hand, and her arm in the other as he tried to find the shooter, unable to identify him. Fuck, they had to go. “Get in front of me, run to the woods!” Santi ordered and she compiled. Thankfully the mix of adderaline and the food and water helped her be able to run, although not as fast as Santi would have liked. He wondered if she was running on pure survival instinct at this point, and hoped and bullets hit his bullet proof vest, not her or anywhere vital on him.
And they ran. Santi stopped hearing gun shots when they entered the treeline, but he continued to urge her on as if he did. They needed to get as far in as they could before the adrenaline rush ended for her. When she started to wear down, they stopped, taking a moment to catch their breath. Santi wanted to scream, he could about lose his mind right now. “We gotta walk back to the village…” He huffed out, breathless. He was in shape, but running was never his favorite thing. “When the guys come back and see us gone, they’ll know to find us there…”
Santiago put his hands on his knees, wincing “Fuck!” He shouted a bit too loud for someone who theoretically was supposed to be hiding. The girl jumped, prompting him to apologize. “Sorry, sorry I just… I realized they are going to come back to the house and get shot at…” He stood up, pacing, pulling his hair and briefly thinking he should back and try to take out the gunman, or intercept the guys on the road somehow… But when he looked at the young girl to his left, eyes wide and looking at him, actually looking at him, he knew she was completely dependent on him. They guys could handle themselves and they had each other… She only had him.
“Laci? That’s your name right?” He asked, trying to calm himself for her sake. She needed to think he knew what he was doing if she was going to trust him. She nodded at him. “Okay, Laci, I’m gonna get you where you need to be, alright? It’s gonna be okay.” He wasn’t sure how much he believed his words, but he’d try his damnedest. “Let’s try to keep going, tell me when you’re tired and we can rest or stop for the night, okay?” When she didn’t respond, he sighed. “Just…” He made a T with his hands. “Do this if you need to rest, okay?”
She nodded, he nodded back, and started heading north. When he looked back to see if she was behind him, he saw she was staring. 
“Santiago.” Laci said. It wasn’t a question, more like she was testing his name on her lips.
He smiled at her kindly. “Yeah, that’s me. You can call me Santi, if that's easier…” they were going to spend the next few days together, he hoped he could get a couple more words out of her, but it was a start.
As long as he wasn’t going insane, he saw the faintest smile appear on her face. “Santi.”
“Good job, Muñeca.” He liked the sound of his name in her voice, as small and hesitant as it was.
She definitely smiled at the nickname, a very small and nervous one, but it was there. Nodding at him, she began walking. 
Santi walked ahead of her, but very, very, aware of her footsteps to make sure she wasn’t falling behind. Santi wasn’t a religious man, but he grew up going to church. He wasn’t sure if there was a god out there and if there was, whose god it was. But whatever was out there, he hoped something was watching over Benny, Will, Frankie and the girl.
Thanks for reading!!!! We'll see more of the other boys latter in the fic, reblogs help a lot and comments mean the world!! Love you!
be sure to check out my other fics!!
A quick pic for reference on how laci looked when they found her
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romanarose · 2 years
Leather and Lace: Chapter 5
Santiago "Pope" Garcia X Fem!OC
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Pervious chapter here : Next chapter
Fic master list
A/N: I'm so sorry this is just long as hell. I couldn't find a natural end and there was so much I wanted to include. Sorry it took so long. Hopefully a new chatper of Sunshine Starlight Sweetheart Brightside will be out this week.
The hat scene is based on a post by @copingchaos and @welcometostayingawake which I will link in at the scene, be sure to give the post a like and reblog!
Final A/N: I want to make a masterlist for this fic but I wanna have some nice art or something for it sooooo if anyone wanna draw something or make a mood board or something for this, I’ll include it in the masterlist and tag/link ur account and any pages you use for your art! Anything sent will be included, even little doodles so don’t be embarrassed!
Chapter Summary: We see Santi and Will's side of the argument when they went inside. Santi and Laci find a special time just for them and have a moment. Laci babysits Rosie will the guys have drinks.
“Do you have ANY IDEA how close you came to dying, Pope? It’s a goddamn miracle you didn’t get your head blasted open! You and Ben could’ve died! Then what? Do we spit up the money again and give it to your non-existent family and pretend it’s okay? If Ben died, would you just give me a pat on the back and say ‘Oh, sorry!’ and move on?”
Pope couldn’t sleep. The day had riled him up too much. Him and Will, after Frankie chewed them out, had gone to the kitchen. Santi hated leaving her out on the porch. Hated more how jealous he felt of Benny. But he didn’t want to test Frankie’s patience.
“Is that what this is all about, Will?” Santi crossed him arms at his friend. “Jesus, go to therapy.”
“I don’t need therapy, I need to stop watching my friends get shot!”
“Will you shut up? Frankie is going to fucking kill us as it is.” There was a long, pregnant silence. “Listen, I’m sorry Ben got shot. You know I’m sorry. But Ben agreed with me, he said I should’ve stayed with her… Maybe you should-”
“Don’t tell me to take time out of the field, Pope.”
Santi raised his hands in defense. “Okay, okay. But I think we’re all going to maybe take some time off, Frakie wants to spend time with Rosie, Ben’s got physical therapy-”
“You’ve got the girl. Who you want to spend time with” He crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow.
Pope rolled his eyes. “Can you stop being shitty about Laci? I’m trying to help her”
“Oh please” He countered. “You have way past doing your job. You got a thing for her, even if you won’t admit it.”
“She needs help, Will”
“You saved her life, you were supposed to bring her back to the embassy, and be done. Have you ever stopped to consider you are overstepping? Have you ever considered that maybe there's a reason soldiers aren’t supposed to take back trafficking victims to play house?”
Santi shook his head. He had considered that, of course. “That’s not what's happening here.”
“Are you telling me you wouldn’t fuck her if you had the chance?” Will challenged.
Santi pinched the bridge of his nose. “We’re getting off topic here.” He diverted. “We’re here because you’re being a dick to her”
There was a pause and Santi watched a boatload of emotions dance across Will’s face as he searched for a smart ass answer. When nothing came, he simply agreed. “I know.”
“Then why are you being like this? I know you know damn well this isn’t her fault, and knowing you, you are going to start feeling really shitty about how you treated her.”
Will groaned dramatically. “I don’t know man! I know I can’t blame her for what happened but my subconscious does anyway.”
Santiago’s lips smirked up a bit at that. “Subconscious, huh? You sure you haven't been the therapy?”
Will flicked Santi’s head. “No, I took psych in high school.”
The men stood in silence, feeling better but also not feeling like everything had been spoken. 
Will broke the silence again. “I’m sorry for how I’ve been. I just… I can’t help it sometimes.”
Santi knew he was sincere, but he also knew he had a duty to her. “Well you’re going to have to help it, man.” Santi crossed his arms. “Because for the time being, she’s going to be here, and if you want to be around me, you’ll have to be around her. And if you’re going to be around us, you’re going to have to be nice, because I’m not putting up with it anymore.”
Will closed his eyes “I know.”
“That girl has been kidnapped, raped, beaten, and god knows what else this last year, I’m not letting her put up with you bullshit too.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” Will opened his eyes to look at Santi. He knew the protectiveness his friend felt over the girl was partially due to the loss of his sister, but he couldn’t help but feel there was another attachment here.
“Don’t say sorry to me, say sorry to her.” He nodded out the door.
Will gave a short laugh. “You gonna leave me alone with her long enough to apologize?”
“If you promise to behave.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah” Will headed for the door. 
Laci said things were good, that they’d made it. She didn’t go into details and he didn’t ask. That was their business. But right now, he couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t abnormal, he didn’t sleep a lot. Right now, all he could think of was Tom’s head with blood oozing out. Santi shook his head like an etch-a-scetch, and stood up to get some food. Unsurprisingly, Laci was up watching Friends. 
 He popped back into his room to pull shorts over his boxers and a white tee shirt, mumbling. “Even’n Lace.” As he rubbed his eyes, walking behind the couch in the living room. Lace turned around, hopping up on her legs, looking over the couch. He sees the movement, and looks over to find her eyes following him. He could swear she was looking at his butt. He smirked at her “Need something?” 
Her eyes flicked up to his, embarrassed at having been caught, she turned back to the tv and sat down.
“Ah, c’mon Munacita, I’m only teasing.” He waited until she glanced back at him. “You hungry”
She shrugged and smiled. ‘I could eat’
Santi heated up some pizza rolls, and brought a plate over to her. “Bon appetit, mademuasel.”
She grinned at him as she accepted the plate.
“G’night” Santiago began walking back to his room with his plate.
“Santiago?” She called after him, causing him to turn around.
She nodded over to the seat next to her on the couch, and raised her eyebrows. ‘Join me?’
Santi knew damn well this was a slippery slope. He knew, really, that he shouldn't be indulging her in her little flirts. But she looked at him with her big hopefully eyes, how could he deny her like that? “Yeah, sure Lace” He sat down at the other end of the couch. “But we aren’t watching Friends.”
Laci grinned at him, bouncing over to sit next to him and handing him the remote. “Well you can’t sleep…” She spoke softly. “What do you watch?”
Santi was thankful for the dim lights, he was sure his embarrassment would show. “I um… it’s kinda silly”
She nudged him, urging him on. 
“I like to watch old sitcoms”
Laci laughed at this. She smiled, shaking her head ‘That’s not silly’ She pointed at Friends still on the TV.
“Friends isn’t old!” Santiago insisted, suddenly very aware of their age gap, making him feel even more ashamed of the thoughts that had been creeping into his head.
She gave him a pointed look. “It’s older than me.”
Fuck, that made him feel old. “I meant, really old sitcoms. Dick Van Dyke, I love Lucy.”
She nodded to the TV while nuzzling up next to him. “Relax.” She told him, and he tried.
A few hours later, he wondered how he got there. How had Santi ended up laying down, stretched out on the couch, with Laci asleep in his arms?
That’s how they found themselves more nights than not. Santiago would join Laci on the couch, and slowly their bodies would come together, and she’d fall asleep in his arms in various entanglements. There was something natural in it. There was a bit of desire on Santi’s part, how could he not, with a party blonde girl in his arms?
When she woke up the first morning, Laci smiled at him. She looked at Santi like they were lovers waking up on a lazy Sunday morning. Laci climbed off of him as he stood up. Santi’s thoughts were racing. Why did he do that? Why did he let her lay on him? Why did he wrap his arms around her? Why didn't he get up? But when he looked at her all sleepy and smiling at him, he couldn’t find it to feel as guilty as he should’ve.
She looked at him, touching her back.
“Does your back hurt?” He asked
She shook her head and pointed at him. ‘No, does yours?’
Oh. She had been asking about him. “No, actually I feel great. I haven't slept that well in…” years. He thought. Santi didn’t finish the sentence. He changed the subject as he stood up. “Well, the whole day is free. No doctors, no therapy, nothing. What do you wanna do?”
Laci thought for a moment and shrugged.
“C’mon, we can do anything you want. Whole day, up to you, what grand plans do you have?”
Laci considered his words. After a moment, she made scissors with her fingers and went to her hand.
“A hair cut?!” Santi chuckled. “We can do anything, and you want a hair cut?”
She blushed, but shrugged.
“Okay, Munecita. A haircut it is.”
Santi had her pick wherever she wanted for breakfast. Starbucks, IHOP, some fancy brunch place, it was up to her. He tried to express that money was no issue, but wasn’t sure how to go about that without sounding like he was bragging. The moment he got the money, he was set for life. He could have lived in luxery without working a day in his life. But he did work. He needed something to do. They all did, needed something to take their minds off the horrors. Benny still fought. Fought in matches and in bars. Frankie had his beautiful daughter, Santi’s god daughter. Frankie also had coke, something that no one dared bring up. Will always seemed like he had it together, focusing on field work and making sure Benny didn’t get himself killed. Seemed like he had it together, until he didn’t. Incidents like this last week were reminders that Will had a lot of guilt over Tom’s death that no one addressed. And Santi? Santi had work. Constant work. He always had something going on, something to distract him from everything he had seen and done… and hadn’t done.
He knew that the guys thought, or at least wondered if that's what Laci was. A project. But Santi didn’t think so. There was so much more he wanted to know about her, wanted to do with her, time he wanted to spend…
Santiago went to a barber for his hair, but Benny had a recommendation for a hair stylist. He promised that she wouldn’t make a big deal about Laci not talking.
“You must be Benjamin’s friends! I’m Brit. You can take a seat at the first chair, I’ll be with you in a sec, hon” The stylist called over to Laci, then looked at Santi. “You getting a hair cut too? You look like you could use it.” She teased while washing items in the sink. “Nay has some free time, could squeeze you in?”
“No thanks, I’m-” Santo started, but felt a nudge. Laci was looking up at him, grinning and nodding. She looked so excited, how could he deny her. He sighed with a smile. “Okay, yeah I suppose I could use a trim.”
Santi walked over to where Brit was cleaning. “Hey uh, did Ben talk to you about her at all?”
She gave him a sympathetic smile. “Yeah, he told me how y’all found her. Horrible. Don’t worry, her cut is on the house.”
Santiago shook his head. “No, no I’m paying for hers, don’t worry ‘bout that. Thing is, she doesn’t talk much. Sometimes at all, she has pictures for what she wants, but she can’t really reply unless it’s yes or no…”
“Don’t worry hon, I understand, I’ll keep it simple.”
He smiled. “Thank you.” Santi began walking away, but turned around. “Is there any like… hair treatments or something… nice? I asked her what she wanted to do today, all she asked for was a hair cut… Is there anything I can add to make it nicer for her?”
Brit gave him a knowing look. “Yeah, I’ll check out her hair, see what she needs.”
Laci and Santi spent the next few hours in the chairs, it was almost like a spa day. Much of Laci’s hair had been damaged from a year of no care and malnutrition, so she got much of it cut off, holding up a picture for reference on the phone Santi had bought her.. Brit had opted for a keratin treatment to strengthen her hair. Laci had asked (via her notes app)  about highlights, but Brit was concerned about the integrity of  her hair at the moment, and suggested they come back in a few months and recommended hair skin and nails pills.
Santi got a trim, and Laci gave him pleading eyes to get the keratin treatment. Nay suggested he get a deep conditioning for his curls, and Laci allowed it. Together, they relaxed as the soft music played. Nay and Brit were thankful for not having to make conversation, and Santi secretly enjoyed being pampered. 
“Jeez, whatever you and Benny do for work, if you wanna send more coworkers my way, feel free”
Santi had left a generous tip, and he knew Benny would’ve as well. They were very popular wherever they were regulars at. 
The next two weeks were something akin to domestic. During the day, they took turns cooking for each other. Well, “cooking” Santi could get by with a few Guatemalan recipes, but he tended to rely on burgers, microwave food, and pastas. He generally was in charge of lunch. Laci took on dinner. She was better at cooking than him. Some recipes, a white girl from St. Louis probably wouldn’t know, and Santi figured she had learned in her year of captivity. It occurred to him that they never really talked about what happened. He supposed that's what her therapists were for. Laci had given him access to all her medical and psych records, something Santi never took advantage of or even asked for. Laci had given permission for her psych to talk to Santi about what they talked about, she signed everything away to Santi. He was all she had. He could, if he wanted, find out everything they had done. But Santiago didn’t want to find out that way. If she wanted him to know, she could tell him. He didn’t want to invade her privacy. She deserved to be allowed secrets, even if she had given up her rights to any. 
More nights than not, she fell asleep in his arms. it had become routine. If they couldn’t sleep, they’d meet on the couch and watch old sitcoms. More nights than not, she laid on his chest. And tonight? Tonight he was regretting it. Not regretting it enough to stop, however. Not enough to move, to get up, to get away from her. Not when she was so close to him. Laci had sat up on his chest, her hands tracing over his face. He was tired, too tired, and the soft glow of TV bounced off her face. She was beautiful. Her haircut was chin length, a style that worked well for her straight blonde hair. Despite his best judgment, he reached up to touch her face. Laci’s fingers trailed his hairline, his cheekbones, his jaw, and softly over his bottom lip. He fought her urge to take her fingers in his mouth, but this was more innocent. Something pure, delicate and new. He didn’t want to ruin what was happening, even if he knew he should walk away. Her skin was still pale, but had gained color in its cheek’s, a bit of pink on her face that matched the shade of her lips. A shade that matched the color of pink she generally likes to wear. 
Laci leaned into his touch, and before he could stop himself, he lifted his face to hers. For a moment, their lips merely brushed together, an air of hesitancy like a teenage crush, like a first kiss stifled by nervousness and awkward touches. Finally, the hand on her face gently entwined in her thin hair, bringing her to his mouth ever-so carefully. It wasn’t a demand, it wasn’t an insistence, it was a guide. ‘Come here’ it said ‘let me love you, please’. The kiss was a plea. ‘Let me love you, let me love you, let me love you’ from who to whom, Santi didn’t know. Was Santiago asking to let him protect her and love her and help her, or was Laci asking him to open up, to know and be known by him.
There was no tongue, no fever, no wet, hot kisses and lascivious touching. Just his lips on hers, slow and kind, her gentle touch on her face begging him not to pull away. He only did so for moments long enough to check on her, only to see her smiling dreamily at him before one of them went back to the languid affection. There was a tightness in his chest, nervous to be seen so openly. It was a vulnerability he really shared. His job, the way he lived his life, had prevented him from normal relationships. This felt like a new start, a brand new thing not only with them, not only between him and the pretty girl in his arms, but within himself. There was something in him that had been laid to the ground with every military move, everyone had had to kill, everyone he watched be killed. Every kiss he planted on her lips brought new life; the hand in her head secured her to him, begged her to stay, stay, stay with me Laci, please. Something that had been burried deeper with every time he watched his friends get shot, every member of his family who died, all that was being brought to the surface with every faint, soft brush of her lips and the tender touch of her hand on his stubbled face. He didn’t want to stop. He wondered if he could stop time, what he would give to keep them like this, safe in each other’s arms for ever.
But he did stop, he had to. If he didn’t, he’d take things further. He would already regret this in the morning, he didn’t need to give into every carnel desire he had. Laci smiled, giving him one last kiss on the cheek before laying her head down on his chest. Tomorrow was for regret; tomorrow was for feeling shitty. Tonight was for nothing but thoughts of her lips, and the comforting touch of her hand.
The next day
“You two ready yet?” Will called out to Santiago and Laci in the doorway. Will was the DD for tonight. 
Ben was already half drunk. “LET’S GOOOOOO”
“Benny, shut the fuck up or I swear to god I’m leaving you here”
“Hey!” Santiago Garcia emerged from his room. “You’re not leaving a drunk Ben alone in my house.”
“He’s gonna get in a fucking fight tonight and I’m too sober to deal with this.”
Santi patted his friend on his back. This was Will’s apology for being a dick at the BBQ. 
Laci practically skipped out of her room. She wore white overalls over her pink undershirt, and was beaming. Frankie had asked her to babysit Rosie so the guys could have a few hours out. Santi had he feeling it was primarily for Laci’s benefit, but he was nervous. Him and Laci had been attached at the hip since the moment he found her, hardly being separated. She always had him in the room with her for doctors, and if she was in therapy, he stayed in the waiting room. For any meeting for social workers and things of that sort, he was always in the room, translating or relaying messages, depending on how verbal she was that day. This was the first time they would be separated by anything more than a few yards.
“Frankie is going to fucking kill you” Santi commented when he saw the hat Benny was wearing. It said ‘women want me, fish fear me’ from some tik tok audio.
Benny grinned. “I’m counting on it!”
“You change your goddamn ringtone yet?”
“Absolutely not!” Benny had set his ringtone to “Benny and the Jet’s” months ago, and it was driving the guys insane. Laci seemed to think it was funny. Every time it went off while they watched Always Sunny, Santi groaned, and Laci giggled.
Will started to drag Ben back to the Jeep. “Who still has a ringtone anymore?” He mutters as everyone loads up, heading to Frankies next.
Laci held Santi’s hand as she usually did when they left their house, but as soon as Laci spotted Rosie, his hand and him became irrelevant. She scooped the toddler off the floor, and began whispering praises to the giggling girl. She talked to Rosie more than Santi. 
“Two peas in a pod” Frankie commented and he put the food on the high chair. Then he spotted Benny’s hat. “Take that god damn shit off!” He tried to grabbed it off Ben’s head.
Ben yelped but doged Frankies grasp. He ran around the counters, tailed by Fish, mimicking the audio. “Women want me, Fish fears me”
Frankie chased the boy around the living room.“I don’t fear shit, Jackass, fuck off” Frankie grabbed the hat off Ben’s head.
“Hey!” The whole group of men turned to see Laci covering Rosie’s ears. She nodded to the baby. “Language” she scolded.
“Yeah, Fish, l a n g u a g e!” and took his hat back.
Frankie sighed, one battle at a time. He turned to Laci. “This is her dinner, she’ll fight you over it for a while but I promise she’ll eat it, just gotta keep at her. If she gets too messy you can give her a bath, but I think she’ll be okay. Bedtime is 7, but she gets really excited with new people, so if she doesn’t go to sleep, don’t sweat it. Help yourself to anything in the fridge or whatever, remote for the TV is on the coffee table. Don’t worry about dishes or anything. Any questions?”
Laci looked like she was mentally noting everything in her brain. She shook her head.
“Great. Any questions, you have my number, you can text Santi if that’s easier. I’ll set the security before I go, theres camera’s in the living room. Not that I don’t trust you, I don’t trust the outside. Years of military makes me paranoid.”
Laci nodded, smiling and still holding the little girl.
Santi spoke up. “I think I’m gonna sit tonight out guys.”
Everyone, including Laci, turned to him.
“What?” Ben asked.
“I’m kinda tired, I think I’ll just stay in with Lace and Rosie tonight”
“You stay in with Laci EVERY NIGHT, Pope.” The shots Benny had taken had loosened his mouth. “Jesus Christ she’ll be okay for a few hours.”
“No, that's not it-”
Ben scoffed loudly “Oh yes it is! Come one, give her a little freedom”
Santi glared at Ben’s comment. “Freedom? Ben, I’m not keeping her captive.”
Laci handed Rosie to Will, who took her with a smile and a kiss. Laci took Santi’s hand and dragged the irritated man to the hall. “Santi, it’s okay. I can handle a one year old”
He sighed, momentarily distracted by her pink lips, that only last night were on his. “I know you can, I just…”
“I know I havn’t…” Laci shuffled a bit. “I don’t really let you go anywhere, I don’t want to keep you back…” She looked up at him, her thoughtful blue eyes on him.
He softened for her. “Oh Lace, no, you aren’t keeping me back, not at all. I… I enjoy our time… together…” he trialed off, both of them thinking about last night, the kiss… neither had talked about it.
“Santi, I promise it’ll be okay. I’ll text you if anything goes wrong, or if I get anxious or something, okay?”
Santi considered this. It had been a long time since he had a chance to get loose with the guys, and Ben and Frankie promised to provide some entertainment… “Okay, yeah, just… keep me updated, okay?”
She lit up at that. “I promise”
They walked out of the hall, everyone turned to them, Laci smiled “Parties on.”
With a loud bunch of cheers from the guys, everyone got ready to go. Frankie gave Rosie a bunch of kisses and when everyone else had left, Santi kissed Laci on the cheek. “Have fun.” and tickled Rosie before he left. Benny absolutely saw that.
A few hours and a few shots in, Ben brought it up. “So, you two finally kissing” He said out of nowhere.
 Everyone turned to Santi, whose cheeks were flushed with a bit of pink. “What are you talking about, jackass.”
“Everyone’s calling me a jackass tonight!” He exclaimed. Benny wiggled his eyebrows. “I saw you kiss her when we left.”
“What?” Will exclaimed. Frankie was not surprised.
“Listen” Santi defended himself. “It was a kiss on the cheek”  there was a pause, as no one seemed to beleive him. “There might have been… some kissing last night.” A loud ooooooo from Ben. “No, no, not like that. And I should havn’t done that” Santi shook his head. “That’s not why I took her in.”
“Well…” Will started, but stopped, hesitating.
“Whatever it is, say it.” Santi groaned, finishing his drink and ordering another round for the guys sans Will.
“I just mean, it’s not the only reason. But I think it was somewhere in the back of your mind.”
Santi looked indignant. “I didn’t move her in to coerce her into sex, Will”
“I didn’t say that!” He raised his hands defensively. “I just mean, she’s a pretty girl, you’re a good looking guy who has been very nice to her,” he stifled a smirk “it’s natural that theres gonna be some… attraction.” Will tried to remain polite.
“Listen.” Santi scrubbed his face. “I’m well aware that she might find me…” He tried to find the right words without sounding braggadocious. “Appealing” he said he a smile, earning laughs from the guys. “But” he got more serious. “I don’t want her to feel like she is obligated to do anything.”
“Santi.” It was Fish’s turn. “I don’t think she feels like that. You treat her like a porcelain doll, she feels safe with you.”
Santi wasn’t relenting. “And I plan on keeping it that way. Lace is still in a high emotional state, I don’t know if she’s thinking clearly, and I’m not going to take advantage of that.”
Ben took another shot. “So what you’re saying is, when she gets more settled, you would go for it”
The alcohol flowed through Santi, taking back his usual inhibitions when he spoke. A smile quipped up at his lips. “All I’m saying is… I enjoy spending time with her, and I wouldn’t mind if she wanted toooooo, continue that” Oh yeah. Yeah he was drunk.
This evoked a round of cheers from the guys, and Frankie ordering more drinks.
A ding on Santi’s phone. When he looked at the screen he smiled.
Frankie looked over. “Everything alright with our girls?”
Our girls
“Yeah, they are great.” He show Frankie, then Benny and Will the picture. Rosie was fast asleep in her bed, Laci laying next to her smiling. Yeah, he was saving that picture.
Laci woke up on the couch, Will very softly whispering for her to wake up, careful not to scare her. “Hey”
Laci gave a sleepy little wave, but was concerned there was no Santi.
“Listen, I just got Frankie to bed, Santi is… drunk off his ass.” He chuckled. “Let’s get you guys home so I get throw Ben on his front porch and be done with him.”
Laci’s face falters, and Will assured her he was joking and would get Ben to bed safely. She stood up, glancing over to the room Rosie was in.
“I already checked on her, but you can say goodbye if you want.” 
Laci shook her head, she didn’t want to wake her.
When she got in the car, it was clear Santi and Ben were DRUNK drunk. Will had shoved them in the back, opening the passenger door for Laci. The whole ride home, Ben and Santi alternated music. Despite his earlier insistence that he didn’t like Luis Fonsi, he sure sang No me Doy Por Vecino loud as hell. Benny did too, even if he couldn’t pronounce the words. Laci looked over to the older Miller, who was glancing at his brother and his friend in the rearview mirror as they screeched out ‘Una senal del destino’ the top of their lungs, gripping to each other dramatically. Will was not as irritated as he pretended to be. He turned to see Laci catching him smiling. 
“They’re funny.” He defended.
Will practically had to carry Santi’s short body to the bed. Laci was grateful for him, there was no way she’d get him there. She took off his shoes as Will practically forced him to drink water.
“STOP WATER BOARDING ME!” Santi half yelled, half laughed.
Laci stood up, gesturing for the cup. She stood over Santiago, who was sitting on the edge of the bed. Will watched as she held the cup to his lips with one hand, and carefully coaxed his head back with the other. The way Santi looked up at her… he was done for. Laci had his wrapped around her finger, and likely had from the moment he saw her. His large brown eyes watched her face as she watched the cup, far more careful with him than Will had been. Santi drank every bit of the water, and Laci patted his head, leaning into whisper “good job, baby“ Suddenly, she looked up, turning around to see Will. She had forgotten he was there. Santi laid down on the bed, mumbling something in Spanish they couldn’t understand.
His face flushed a deep pink as her eyes widened in panic.
“Hey, hey,” Will Miller held up his hands, before pretending to zip his mouth shut. He mimiacked locking his mouth, handing over the key to her. Laci smiled and tentatively took the metaphorical key, tucking it in he roveral pocket.
“You guys gonna be okay here?”
Laci nodded.
“Okay, call me me if he asphyxiates on his vomit or something.” Pope had put all the guys numbers in her phone as soon as he bought it, incase of emergencies.
She looked panicked again. 
“Oh! Oh no, I was joking. Sorry, dry humor.”
This didn't comfort her. Now she was worried about him choking.
He sighed, but smiled. “Here” Will moved Santi to his side. “If he’s on his side, he’ll be fine” Will promised.
Feeling better, Laci nodded
“Okay, I’m gonna get going. Leaving a drunk Ben alone is a bad idea, he’s probably fighting a racoon as we speak.
Laci laughed and waved goodbye. 
When he was out the door, she locked it behind him and set up Santi’s extensive security system. She went back to check on him, sitting on the edge of the bed. When was sure he was asleep, she played with his beautiful, thick hair. “Thank you for everything. I don’t say it enough, but thank you. I owe you everything. Te amo.” A kiss on his forehead. “Te amo, Santiago” Laci climbed into the other side of the bed, not wanting to leave him alone. Will’s joke had worried her. She was going to watch out for him the way he watched out for her.
I hope y'all liked the kiss bc I wanted to write it really fucking sweet. Their first kiss was impulsive, but I wanted this to be slow, deliberate.
I used a piccrew maker to make how I picture Laci when she was found, and then after she had been with Santi and got her hair cut this chapter, which you can find here for reference
Also I'm working on a spotify playlist for this fic, if you have any suggestions go ahead and comment! Its gonna have leather and lace by stevie nicks (duh) some luis fonsi (duh) Selena, etc. if you have any songs you feel fit this fic, comment them here!
Also, writing dialoge that switched between 4/5 people is hard, im sorry if it was confusing.
be sure to follow the leather and lace fic tag, and if you'd like to be added or removed from the tag list let me know!!! smut is coming i swear
relbogs help a lot and comments mean the world! love y'all and thank you so much for the support y'all have given to this story!
@littlenosoul @bensolosbluesaber @milkymoon2483 @gogh-with-the-flow @itspdameronthings @trinkets01 @p0edameronswife
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romanarose · 2 years
Leather and Lace chapter 6:
Santiago "Pope" Garcia X Fem!OC
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Chapter summary: Benny and Laci spend the day together to get a surprise for Santi. Santi is jealous. Laci and Santi spend a special moment together.
A/N: I hope y'all know I stayed up waaaaaaaayyy past my bedtime writing this for you. Stay tuned, cuz the next chapter is angsty and then we can start getting into smut. Just a lil smut. As a treat.
Anyway I need y'all to read My Brother's Keeper by @frankiesbadlanding bc it might be the best goddamn piece of frankie fanfiction I've ever read in my LIFE and I'm OBSESSED!!
Also please read Sunshine State By @brewsterispunkk bc its gotta be the goddamn cutest benny miller fic i've ever read its got my fucking heart bro <3
WARNINGS!!!: This whole fic has mentions of rape and abuse, but this chapter has more of that in the beginning, negative self-talk, brief references to smut, and santi kiiinnnnnnddaaaaa being a bit of an ass, showing some bad behaviors.
This chapter will alternate POV's, mostly between Laci and Benny bc I wanted to give Laci a voice and I wanted Benny's outside perspective, but it will have some Santi closer to the end for narrative reasons.
Okay I'm done talking.
They played friends with the boys, roommates at home, lovers at night. 
With the guys, they pretended to just be friends. No one bought it for a second, but they pretended. During the day, they played roommates, taking turns cooking for each other and cleaning, going to appointments. At night? At night, they kissed. Laci often wondered why it remained just kissing. It was odd, she had never met a man who didn’t jump at the oppretunity to fuck her, not one that was interested in her anyway. If they weren’t interested, a different story. If they were? Well, they expected sex. Sometimes, whether she wanted it or not.
Her time before Pope found her wasn’t the first time she had been raped, and she always figured it wouldn’t be her last. She had practically resigned herself to that fact.
But Santi didn’t need to know that. He didn’t need to know any of that. Santiago Garcia deserved a version of her without all of that. It was one thing that he had to deal with her non-verbal episodes. Oh Santi, sweet, sweet, Santiago… So patient, so kind, so gentle. When she first saw him that day in the basement, him and Frankie, she had been scared shitless, avoiding eye contact with them, and Benny when he came down. Laci had assumed they were just the next round of men to either hurt her or take her to more men who would. Or both. Santi had insisted he was there to help her, but she couldn’t trust his word, she knew nothing about him. But when she had stood up, when he had caught her and she got a good look in his beautiful brown eyes… She couldn’t help but trust him, just a little. 
It was Ben she had first spoken to. She didn’t know why, particularly, but he put her at ease. That was his nature. From the beginning he had treated her with a sense of normalcy he wasn’t used to. He was careful, for sure, but she supposed he didn’t have the intensity Santiago did. Laci felt more at ease with him. Even as she grew to trust Santi, her nervousness had a different source. The way she felt about him was insurmountable, incapable of description. And yet, she couldn’t get a read on him… Why, when they kissed, would he keep his hands so innocently on her back or her hair? Why, when she tentatively slipped tongue in his mouth, did he not open up, why did he not return the action? He had never wanted her to feel obligated to do anything, she knew that. He easily could’ve taken advantage of her situation from the very beginning, but the whole first few days he hadn’t so much stared at her breasts. It was clear he was attracted to her. Sometimes, while they kissed, he’d adjust their placement when she felt him hardening with her on top of him. Had wanted her, that much was obvious. So why had they only kissed? She wasn’t entirely sure she wanted him. Well, she wanted him, that was for sure. He was beautiful and he was kind… but the though of sex made her chest tense, the thought of everything done to her made her sick. Santi didn’t deserve that version of her. He deserved someone that would fuck him. 
No matter Santi’s patience, no matter how much he insisted he just wanted to help, a part of her brain told her no, no men don’t do that, people don’t do that, people don’t just help. He wanted something, he had to want her and it was just his decency that he was taking his time. Santi would get tired of this, he’d get tired of playing house with no sex, and he’d either kick her out or force her. Laci couldn’t see Santi being like that, but she’d been wrong before. That’s how she got here.
And that’s why things were easier with Benny. Benny and her had no sexual tension, no questions about what the future was, what they were. They were friends. When her and Santi had made back to the motel, Benny had clearly been crying when he saw Santiago safe, and had been shot. And yet, once he saw her, all that was out of his mind, he was back to himself, getting her clothes and setting her up with a shower that she desperately needed. And right now, she could sit on the couch watching Always Sunny in Philadelphia with him while Santi worked on the kitchen sink that had decided not to drain anymore.
“I swear, I usually win!” Benny was defending the reminisce of a black eye he had from the last bar fight he had gotten in.
“I’m sure you do, Ben” Laci assured him, lying.
Ben winced “I’m just better at fighting when… I’m sober, that’s all”
“And yet…” she started.
“And yet what, Laci?” Benny gestured for her to continue. Santi crawled out from under the kitchen sink “And yet, most of your fights are when you’re drunk, not in the ring.”
Laci grinned at Santi, looking particularly attractive in a white tank top covered in dirt and the gross mess of kitchen plumbing, then turned to a mock offended Ben.
“Wow, is that what you were going to say?” 
Laci sheepishly tried to hide a smile and shrugged, giving away that yes, this was exactly what she was thinking. 
“Wooooooooooooooooow” Benny drawled out. “Guess you’ll just have to come the fight tomorrow and see me in action!”
Laci’s face lit up. She hopped up on the couch, leaning over the back. “Can I?” She called excited to the man who had re-tangled himself in the sink pipes.
Ben scoffed. “You don’t have to ask his permission.”
She turned to him briefly. “If he’s driving me, I probably should.”
“I’ll drive you!”
Laci gave him a look, then turned back to Santi, taking a moment to admire the bit of skin that showed from his shirt riding up. “Hey Santi?” She called for him, hesitantly. She never wanted to put him out, but he hadn’t gone to a fight since she came into his life, maybe he’d like to go.
Santi crawled out from under the cabinet. That was the thing about Santiago, she always had his full attention. “Yes?” He sounded eager. That was another thing about Santi, he was always so ready to do whatever she asked. Another reason he deserved more than her, she asked for so much.
“Benny asked if we could go to his fight tomorrow?”
Brow furrowed, Santi whipped sweat from his forehead as he sat up. “You wanna go to that? Why?”
She shrugged. “I wanna see Benny get beat up.”
Santi seemed to almost glare as he glanced at Ben, then softening when he turned to Laci. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, a lot of not good people there.” Back to Ben. “What are you trying to bring her to a place like that for?”
Ben raised his hands defensively “She’s my friend! I want you both there, you haven't been in ages” Since I came around, keeping you from your life Laci thought. 
Santi shook his head.
“Fine. Ben said definitely. “I’ll take her then.”
Santiago stood up, giving him the irritated look she only saw him use on the guys, never her. He put a hand on his hip. “And you’re going to keep an eye on her while you fight?” The question was rhetorical.
“Keep an eye- Pope, I think she’ll be fine.”
“And that is why you’re not taking her, thinking you can leave a girl alone with that group of people!”
“Will and Frankie will be there, and you could be too if you weren’t being such an old man.”
Sant shook his head. “She’s not going.”
“It’s her choice, not yours.”
Laci suddenly felt their eyes on her, waiting for an answer. She didn’t want to disappoint Benny, she wanted to see him fight, she wanted to do something different. But Santi was everything to her, her whole world. She looked at Santi, suddenly closing up. Great. Her words were lost on her again. Laci shook her head at him, making a little wave and squinted face. ‘Nah, nevermind’ She knew Santi would understand what she was saying.
Santi looked at Ben “See? She doesn’t really want to go”
Ben groaned loudly, looking at Laci. She just shrugged. 
“Fine. Whatever. Come on, she should get going.” Ben stood up motioning to Laci, who followed him to put her shoes on. Converse. Actual converse, not the knock off’s Laci tried to get. Actual converse Santi had insisted on when he saw her eyeing them. 
Santi suddenly looked nervous, quickly washing his hands. “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive? I can put this off until evening?” He nodded at the plumbing he was not doing well on, then looked at Laci, almost pleading. Laci and Ben were going to the mall by themselves for a particular reason , a reason that banked on Santi not being there. He kept trying to invite himself along. This was the first time Laci had gone anywhere without Santi. At most, she occasionally watched Rosie alone, but that was always under the watchful eye of Frankies in-home security cameras.
Laci tapped Benny, signaling him to take over.
“We’re good Santi, we don’t want to be here when you explode sewage all over the house.”
“I’m not gonna-”
“She’ll be fine, Santi” Ben insisted.
Santi sighed. “Fine, have fun on whatever mysterious mission you refuse to tell me about.” He grumbled more to himself than anything. 
Laci gave a little wave and a smile, and Santi waved back before they headed out the door.
When they got to the mall, Benny noticed how much Laci tensed up. Maybe the reason she was always attached at Pope’s hip wasn’t entirely his possessive nature. He reached a hand out, open palmed. Laci looked at him questioningly, but when he smiled, she took his hand. 
That was the thing about Benny. It was so much easier. Nothing was loaded, nothing had to be read into.
It’s just them.
Ben guided her to the antique store. Last week, Laci had texted Benny asking if he could help her get something to surprise Santi. It took some convincing for Santi to let them go alone. Benny and her couldn’t come up with a good reason as to why Santi couldn’t come; Laci didn’t really want to lie anyway. So they told him it was a secret. Laci wandered through the busy store, hand tightly gasped to Benny’s as she searched. It had to be perfect. It had to be perfect because he was perfect. He did everything for her without complaint. It had to be perfect.
“There it is”
After Laci made the purchase, Benny bought them Panda Express at the food court.
“Fuck, I gotta piss” Benny complained as finished Laci’s left overs and threw away their trash. Laci scampered after him as he headed to the bathroom, grabbing his arm before he went in. “I don’t think you wanna come in here, honey” he laughed, but Lace looked at him wide-eyed, gripping his arm. “Oh come on Lace, you’ll be okay for one minute, I swear”
She continued silently pleading with him, eyes glancing to the busy mall and back to him. ‘Don’t leave me’ her eyes begged.
Benny softened. “Look, I know Santi treats you like a child, but I promise you are not as delicate as he seems to think. If you really, truely, do not want to be out here alone, I won’t go. But…” He looked at her pale blue eyes, nervous, but thinking. “But I think you can do it, and I think it’ll be a big step towards things being normal.”
Benny watched her think for a moment, smiling softly at her so she knew it was up to her. He had to piss so fucking badly, but if she really couldn’t be alone, he’d wait. Slowly, he felt her let go of him, step back, and nod.
Laci waited outside. Eyes watching all the feet that passed by. Back to normal… how was she supposed to go back to normal after everything that had happened? How was she supposed to go about her normal life again? Would that mean leaving Santi? Did getting better mean he’d leave her? Would she even see Will, Ben, and Frankie again? Rosie? Or was she just their charity case?
Ben emerged from the bathroom, immediately being tackled by Laci despite her being a foot shorter than him. 
“Oh god, are you okay?” He wrapped his arms around her, assuring her he was there, she was okay. “Everything alright?”
She peeped her head  up from his chest, grinning. “I did it!” She half laughed.
“You sure did!” Benny lifted her up, swinging her around as she laughed. “Great job!”
“Benny?” Laci asked as he set her down.
“Did you wash your hands?”
As they walked out to the car, Ben didn’t want today to end, not when Laci had been making such big steps. When Ben had mentioned to Will he was taking her to the mall without Santi, Will had started in on him about how now is not the time for this and Laci isn’t someone he should be getting involved with like that, and how Ben knows Santi and her have something going on. It took some convincing for Will to realize they were just friends, and jesus, Ben doesn’t only think with his dick, he thinks with his head too. Laci needed a friend, especially with how Pope is. Ben loved Santi with his whole heart, he respected him, even had crush on him back in the day. 
But Santi was intense. He was a lot. First and foremost, Santi was a protector. And right now, his focus was solely on Laci, and that focus was single minded. Laci would do anything she thought Santi wanted. Santiago Garcia was the kind of person to make you want to be your best self for him. Ben knew better than most how, when that intense gaze was focused on you, you were practically powerless. You wanted his approval, you wanted to make him smile, you wanted him to love you, whichever version you could put forth.
“We can go anywhere, do whatever you want, or just go home and see if Santi flooded the house yet.”
Sam smiled nervously, but replied. “Could we maybe… theres this park near home with a patch of woods, maybe we could go there?”
He laughed “What, Santi not taking you to parks?”
“He does! Well…” she shuffled her feet. “We walk around on the path, he doesn’t like me going off it, climbing around… I thought maybe we could explore a bit?”
Ben wanted to lecture her, tell her that she didn’t need Santi’s permission, didn’t need his okay to do anything. But he lectured her enough for the day. He wanted her to have fun.
When Laci and Ben finally walked into the house that evening, it had started to get dark. Ben was holding a decorated paper bag, both of them sopping wet and covered in scratches.
“Oh my god, Laci” Santi hung up the phone, speed walking around the count and took her into a strangling hug. “Jesus, where have you been? Why are you soaked?”
Laci tried to speak, but words failed her, as they usually did in these moments. 
Words did not fail Benjamin Miller.
“Relax, Pope, she’s fine.” He insisted.
Santi’s soft, worried face turned to Ben, hardening. Ben knew what was coming.
 “What the fuck did you do to her?” He continued to hold Laci’s arms, pulling himself back to skan her. Scraps covered her arms and legs, nothing bad but Ben knew damn well this would send Santi into a fit. When Santi zero’d in on someone, he really zero’d in.
“I didn’t do anything, we went to the park and explored, and we fell in the water… and fell down a few other things.”
“What?” Sant’s confused, annoyed glance went back and forth between Laci and Ben. “Why?”
Benny leaned in for emphasis. “Because she wanted to, Santi. And you don’t let her”
With that, Santi let go of Lace, walking over to Ben. “I don’t let her? I have been worried about her the last 3 goddamn hours, you were going to the mall and back, you couldn’t tell me you were going somewhere? I was just on the phone with your goddamn brother asking if he heard from you because I didn’t know where you two were!”
“Jesus Christ, Pope! You’re acting like she’s your daughter who broke curfew, she is a 29 year old woman!” Ben gestured towards Laci, glancing at her, checking in. She was standing there nervously, mouth closed tight. Benny hoped she’d speak up, call Santi out, but he also knew it took years before Ben stood up to him.
“Excuse me?” Despite the hight difference, Santi sized up to Ben.
“Fuck, Santiago, you treat her like one of Fatimas’s porcelain dolls, I know you have a bunch of unprocessed feelings about-”
“Don’t talk about her.” Santiago’s voice was deadly calm. Ben knew better.
He raised his hands defensively ���You’re right, you’re right. I’m just saying, she’s not as fragile as you think she is” Ben continued to glance at Laci whenever he mentioned her, trying to coax her into the conversation. Santi was single mindedly on Ben. 
“Why does everyone say that? I don’t think she’s fragile, I’m just trying to help her.”
“You’re not helping her if you’re keeping her dependent on you.”
Santi blinked back at that “I’m not-”
“She about near had a panic attack when I went to the bathroom, man.”
Santi’s eyes widened. “You left her alone at the mall?”
Ben groaned “Santi, it’s fine, I was gone for one minute…. And then another minute when I went back to wash my hands.” Ben’s eyes met Laci’s, catching a small smile on her face.
Santi scrubbed his face. “Jesus Ben, that’s how people get sex trafficked!”
“That’s not-”
“I think I know how people get sex trafficked, Santiago.” Laci’s voice broke through the boys argument, louder and more irritated than either man had heard her.
Santi turned around, mouth slightly agape. He moved to talk, but Laci put a hand up. She was shaking, but fought to keep her words.
“Can you” She made sure to point at Santi, not Ben. “Stop talking about me like I’m not here?” 
She watched a mix of emotions flit through her face. “I’m sorry, Laci.”
Ben watched her, hoping she’d say more.
“It’s okay, Santi. I’m sorry we didn’t text you, when I fell in the creek, Ben tried to help and fell in, both our phones got waterlogged.” She suddenly looked really guilty. “I’m sorry, Ben says it’ll be okay but if it’s broke I’ll pay you back-”
“I’ll pay for it if it’s broken, Pope.” Ben interjected.
Santi shook his head. “No, it’s fine. I’m sorry for overreacting” Santi looked over to Benny as well, as good an apology as Ben ever got.
“Alright, I think ima head out.” Ben looked at Laci to make sure she was okay, then started to leave. “Oh, almost left with this.” He handed the bag to Laci, then walked out with a wave.
When the door closed, Santi and Laci’s eyes met, Laci with crossed arms.
Santi’s eyes glanced at the bag. “That what you’re mysterious trip about?”
Laci softened. “Feels kinda silly to give it to you now, after Benny’s doll comment.”
Laci saw Santi look at her with… wonder? He seemed mesmerized. “You got me something? H-how?”
She smiled, as the tension in her leaving. “Here” she handed the bag to him. 
Carefully, Santiago took the bag, hands shaking. When was the last time someone bought him a gift? He pulled out a porcelain dolls, dressed up in beautiful Victorian dress, complete with a hat and umbrella. “Lace… how did… how did you get this?”
Laci was rocking on her feet, wringing her hands, taking in his reaction. “Frankie always paid me when I baby sat, I told him not to but he insisted, so I saved up and got you this, to go with the others!”
Santi, for once, was speechless. He stared at the doll, feeling his eyes watering.
Laci watched him, his face almost blank. She couldn’t read it, she couldn’t figure out what he was thinking. For all his ability to read her, she could not read him. Did she cross a boundary? Should she have been saving the money to move out and stop bothering Santiago? Was it wrong to buy him something to put with his dead sisters items?
“Sorry, I probably should’ve asked about it, is this wrong-” anything else Laci was about to ramble on was cut off but Santiago settling the doll on the counter and wrapping her up in a hug. It wasn’t like the hug when she came through the door, it wasn’t possessive. She didn’t know what it was, but she never wanted him to stop.
Santiago woke up his house alarm system going off, every nerve in his body suddenly alight. Laci. Laci. Protect Laci. Grabbing the gun in his bedside drawer, Santi burst through the door, first scanning the front door. Nothing. He turned to his left to see the sliding glass door leading to the patio, and a figure in the door. “HANDS UP” He pointed the gun at the person in the door.
She screamed.
Laci screamed.
Keeping the gun out until he was sure they were safe. “Laci? What’s going on?”
But Laci was standing there, hands up, eyes clenched shut.
Laci, despite the loud alarm, heard Santi run over to her. She flinched when he touched her. What was he saying? Was he talking to her? Logically, he knew he wouldn’t hurt her, he’d never hurt her, but her body didn’t know that. She was frozen. As Santi checked the surrounding area, making sure there was no impending danger, Laci tried to focus on her breathing. It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay. You’re okay, it’s just Santi, Santi wouldn’t hurt you, you’re safe with him, safe, safe, safe…
The alarms turned off, and Laci felt his strong arms wrap around her shaking body. She clung to him, clung to him with everything in her. Was he talking to her? She didn’t bother listening until she calmed down. Finally, she heard him.
“Lace? What’s going on? You alright, Muñecita?” He stroked her hair gently, an extra bit of comfort, calming her.
She nodded.
He sighed, ever so slightly, knowing this meant he wasn’t going to be able to get a word out of her. 
“Did you need something outside?”
She shook her head.
“Did you just want to go outside?”
She nodded. She needed air. The fight, even though it didn’t concern her as much as it did Benny, as well as the big steps of leaving Santi and being left alone had left her shaken. When Santi didn’t come out to watch tv with her, the room had become stifling and lonely, so big and so small at the same time. She was happier outside, in nature. That’s why she explored with Ben, much to Santi’s chagrin. 
“Here, honey, let’s step outside then, get some air?”
She nodded against his chest where he held her close. He knew her so well.
Laci slowly opened her eyes to be greeted with a softly smiling Santiago, his beautiful face so close to her like so many times before. His eyes alone comforted her.
“Hey pretty girl” He spoke gently, letting go briefly to grab a throw blanket he wrapped around her, taking her outside to the bare deck. “Sorry, I promise I’ll order some furniture tomorrow. You can pick it out, whatever you want” That’s another thing about him. It was his house, his home she was intruding on, and yet he apologized to her for not having patio furniture. “Can we sit on the floor?”
Laci nodded. Santi helped her sit, laying her down so her head laid on his lap. She felt his hands in her hair, fingers gently stroking her cheek. For a man who had seen and done so much, he had never been anything but gentle with her. For most of her teen and adult life, Laci had chosen men who were loud, exciting, boisterous, much like her brother. They weren’t always bad, loud men weren’t always the ones to hurt her. Her brother was as extraverted as they came and he was everything to her. Benny was her best friend. But Santi? Santi had a calming quality, something she needed. Something she cherished. Something she never wanted to be without. She’d do whatever it took to keep him.
Santiago watched her, watched her carefully. He had scared her really bad, he knew that. He knew he was a dick today. Benny had been getting him more and more riled up lately, and although Santi would like to blame it on Ben just being more annoying, he knew that was just rationalizing it. He was jealous. Plain old jealous. Jealous of the time Laci and Benny spent together, jealous at how relaxed Laci seemed to be around him, jealous over how much Laci talked to him. She seemed to freeze up less with him around. Did she like him? He was almost certain Benny wanted her, well, who wouldn’t. Look at her. Ben was a good guy. Santi knew Ben wouldn’t just want to have sex with her; he could get that anywhere. If Laci wanted to be with him… so be it.
But damn if Santiago didn’t want her to stay. Stay with him forever, really. Right now, under the moon, she was damn near ethereal. He thought of their song, oh how fitting it had become.
You in the moonlight, with your sleepy eyes
Could you ever love a man like me?
Could she ever love a man like him? He was broken, he was a disaster, he was rough around the edges in a way Benny was not. He’d change. He’d do better, he’d be better, whatever she needed him to be.
Laci looked up at him. She needed something. He brushed a wisp of hair from her face.  “What is it Muñecita?”
Laci held one hand out, palm out, and waved another hand over it. Sign language for music.
“You wanna listen to something? Yeah, let me grab my phone-” He standed to get up, but felt Laci’s grip on his thigh as she shook her head. 
“What… what you want? I’m sorry, I don’t have my phone on me…”
Laci fully rolled over, back of her head on Pope’s thick thigh. She reached a hand up and tapped his lips.
Santo let out a nervous puff of hair. “You want me to sing? I’m not really… I’m not a good singer…” 
But she looked at him pleadingly, begging him… how could he say no.
“Okay, okay Lace, but I warned you.” Santi winked, kissing her nose. ‘What do you want to hear? Leather and Lace?”
She shook her head.
“Uhhh, Songbird?” Her favorite Fleetwood Mac song.
Another no, she frowned.
“A Bob Dylan song?”
Another no, she was growing frustrated, her legs fidgeting. She was trying so hard to talk, she wanted so badly to just tell him… 
“Hey, hey Lace it’s okay, don’t worry, we’ll figure it out… is there a clue you can give me?” 
Laci though for a moment. Then, she reached for his wrist, pointing at his watched.
“Oh. Tanto?” 
Laci nodded, smiling.  It was a song that was obviously so important to him, but she hadn’t heard it yet.
“I can sing that… I only know the Spanish, is that okay?”
She nodded. Santi stroked her face, playing with her hair.
Tú dices que: soy imposible de descifrar
Callada, reservada y temperamental
Que te encantaría que me expresa un poco más
Y hablar de sentimientos a mí no se me da
Pero lo voy a intentar
Santiago combed back her hair away from her face, scanning over her features. His eyes fell over the scar on her forehead. He thought of when he first found her, her forehead bleeding and dried blood on her face. It always upset him to think of everything she endured, and he had to bite back the anger that sss inside him.
Te amo tanto
Tanto que me siento tonta
Tonta que me duela tanto cuando tú no estás
Te amo tanto
Y para que imagines cuanto
Cuenta todas las estrellas y súmale una más
He was everything to her, her whole word. She knew that even when she no longer needed him for a place to stay and for the things he provided, she’d need him for him. Santiago Garcia was her center of gravity, the only thing keeping her grounded and sane. She wanted this forever. The days with Benny, Will, Frankie and him. The nights alone in his arms.
Soy reservado no lo tomes personal
Tanta cursilería, me suele incomodar
Si me quedó sin palabras no es intencional, ja
¿Cómo expresar algo que yo no sé explicar?
Pero lo voy a intentar
His eyes were drawn back to hers, finding them glued to him. He was damn near transfixed. Pope could not imagine a more perfect moment, he wanted nothing more than for this night to last forever, just them. He’s doing her every song he knew. Laci and her sleepy eyes, only open to look at him. Santiago had neer been in love before, but he was starting to think this was it. She was everything he could ever want, and she was laying with him, of all people
Te amo tanto
Tanto que me siento tonto
Tonto que me duela tanto cuando tú no estás
Te amo tanto
Y para que imagines cuanto
Cuenta todas las estrellas
Y súmale una más, ja, y súmale una más
Laci was engrossed in his eyes. Beautiful and brown, she felt she could be content looking at them for the rest of her life, nothing else. Still, she scanned over his features on his beautiful face. Strong jaw, large nose, thick curly hair with a hint of gray from all the stress he had seen. His face with lines that carried every horrific thing he had witnessed. Perfect. He was perfect. And he was singing to her, his beautiful voice in his native tongue. Perfect.
Te amo tanto
Tanto que no sé explicarlo
Tanto que hasta yo me espanto
Solo de pensar
Santiago wasn’t a religious man, but tonight, he looked up at the sky, all the stars sparkling at him. He thanked God for bringing him to her, thanked God that it was in time, thanked him that she was alive. He thanked Him that the scar is the worst of her physical scars, and that she was coming along so well, adjusting as well as one could expect. He thanked God for her.
Te amo tanto
Tanto que me siento tonto
Tonto que me duela tanto cuando tú no estás
Te amo tanto
Y para que imagines cuanto
Cuenta todas las estrellas
Y súmale una más, ja, y súmale una más
Laci wanted to kiss him, she wanted to hold him, to kiss him, to feel him move inside her. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, like this, with him, with him… Only Santiago. She wanted to tell him she loved him. Laci wanted to scream at the top her lungs that she loved him and god, did he love her? She opened her mouth.
Santi looked at her patiently. “Yes, Muncecita.”
She tried. She tried to get it out. I love you! I love you! I love you! But nothing happened. Words couldn’t find their way to her lips. Her eyes were fighting to stay open.
Santiago kissed her forehead, prompting her eyes closed, and they didn’t open.
“It’s okay Lace, go to sleep. I’ll be right here.”
When Santiago felt her breathing slow and her snoring start, he carefully scooped her up, carrying her inside the house and to her bed, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist and arms around his neck. Cradling her head, he laid her down on the pillow. With one more kiss on her cheek, he whispered.
“Goodnight, Lacina, I love you”
THANKS FOR READING!! reblogs help a lot, comments mean the world!!!
Spotify playlist: if anyone has songs you think fit, comment it send an ask!
I would take the handful of you who are passionate about this story that a hundred likes. The fact y'all get so excited and leave such nice comments means the world to me
If you'd like to join the tag list, let me know!!!!
@littlenosoul @bensolosbluesaber @milkymoon2483 @gogh-with-the-flow @itspdameronthings @trinkets01 @p0edameronswife @welcometostayingawake @spxctorsslxt @username21mk
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romanarose · 10 months
Writer Self-Rec Fics Ask Game
Rules: writers list your top 5 favorite fics of yours and then send this to 5 writers! :)
I'll try to do a diverse portfolio here lol
Boys of Summer: Frankie Morales x benny miller. Over a series of summers, Benny and Frankie fall in love
Marc Spector: Angel, Knight, Protector. This fic never fared very well and I think it's because of the very dark, intense content. Told in present tense, reader recounts all the times Marc Spector saved her. HEAD THE WARNINGS
Leather and Lace: Santiago Garcia x fem!OC. Santi and the gang find a girl in the basement of a drug lord, having been thevictim of sex trafficking. He feels an intrinsic, all consuming need to protect her, both in the physical danger of rescuing and in the journey to recovery as they fall in love.
Lover of the Light: Joel see's you as nothing but sunshine, a light in his darkness. A light he doesn't want to ruin.
Lost in the flood: No one fucking asked for this but it's something I wrote last year, not a fanfiction really but a short story based on a dream I had about James Dean. I know it's not conventional but you don't need to know much about James Dean to read it except he died at 24 in a car crash. If you gave it a read, I'd be honored.
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