randomgooberness · 1 year
This is in reference to the one post where Gordon gets all embarrassed for talkin like a kid (and maybe I missed something) But does Freemind sign "sorry", or say it out loud? I'm so curious if ya'll have a reason for how or why Mind signs, or the fact that Gordon can even UNDERSTAND it !!
(ask is referencing this post)
TYSM FOR THIS ASK! WE HAVE A LOT TO SAY ON IT LMAO. @shineyfish 's answer: MIND SIGNS IT HE LOVES LANGUAGES!!! there's lots of points in Freeman's Mind where he speaks in different languages or references shit to do with that so it's a big hc of mine that he knows how to speak a bunch of different languages. Can't have prior potentially talking shit about him, and you can't talk shit about him if he always knows what you're saying! Hilariously to me though is that he Canonically doesn't know Morse code. Sign language in particular I feel like he'd know because it's a language where you don't need to speak to use it. That's perfect for anything where you need to be silent, for example, being in Panama with your buddy Eddie and you don't want to get caught.
My answer:
From Gordons POV, in my headcanons, he grew up learning sign language because of his autism- it made it easier for him to communicate nonverbally, especially because he was mostly mute for the first few years of his life(to which when he was like 7 or 8 he switched to never shutting up LMAO). Gordon couldn't actually understand that specific moment where Mind signed, because he wasn't facing him and was moving, so he didn't really see it- just a bit of movement(hence why he's confused in the comic). However, there IS a scene that took place a day or so prior(in act 1, that comic is in early act 2) that had them using it. I shared a small screenshot of the scene because it was really funny to me, but Ace agreed to let me edit it up and post the full segment here! Have a treat :D
This takes place after they get outside for the first time and run from the airstrikes- and go into the vents with the skeleton and the sweet voice.
WARNING FOR: ableism(internalized and external) and (technically)self-harm
"It can't be THAT hard to fly a fuckin plane!"
Mind laughed, half joking with that as he moved forward. 
It didn't take long until he was whining again.
"Why are so many people trying to kill me?? I'm awesome! Are they jealous?"
He didn't have enough bullets for all of them at the rate they were going at. The military should give peace a chance, or at least stand still.
"I'm calling dibs on the med station."
"Go ahead," Gordon chuckled. "Yeah, I think they're just jealous of you. They uh. They think the Science Team is too sexy to live." He wheezed.
Mind hooked himself up the the med station, silently begging the thing for what he wanted.
The med station, checking his vitals and seeing he wasn't mortally injured, did not give him any morphine.
He rested his head against the thing as it appropriately treated his more minor injuries. He didn't want to say he was getting desperate, because he wasn't, and if you thought that you were wrong, but... It was hard to be sober around this place.
He laughed joylessly.
"They've got it all wrong. We're actually too sexy to die."
"Exactly!" Gordon laughed, clapping his hands. "Let's uh, c'mon, Bubby I- dude what are you charging in the HEV suit station." 
"My MP3 player." Bubby said.
"Don't tell anyone~!" 
"...Okay," Gordon wheezed. "Is that what's playing the Russian speaking?" 
"The what?" Bubby looked...genuinely confused by that question. "No?" 
"What speaking?" Dr. Coomer tilted his head. Gordon sighed. 
"...Nothing. Let's move on." 
Whatever the fuck Gordon was talking about, Mind was a little concerned about it. Being overly Paranoid that you're seeing things can be good when you need to look for enemies, but hearing things that aren't there? That could be a problem.
Whatever. It wasn't too much of a problem right now, and they still had hallways to go through for a second time. He never wants to look at a hallway ever again. His headache was a little worse, and now that the noise was muffled he had a ringing in his ears. 
"Why do you get an MP3 player?? And why does the HEV station charge it??"
"I want to listen to my tunes," Bubby said. "The HEV station charges anything." 
"I use it for my bionic body!" Dr. Coomer nodded. 
Gordon rounded over to a vent nearby. From it, odd humming and whistling could be heard- alien sounding. Like the Sweet Voice. He pulled out his gun and headed inside. Mind heard it too, flinching. 
"...No. no, it's dead, we watched the bitch get torn apart by the doors, there's no way it survived that. I'm either just imagining that, which is concerning, or mistaking the sound..." 
He didn't seem to be talking to anyone, although kept his gun ready as he spoke. 
If nothing could kill that- that thing, then... "We really are fucked."
"No...No, I'm hearing it too, man," Gordon muttered. He was shocked that this vent was big enough to stand in, and walked cautiously. "...Maybe there's more like him here? I mean, it's called the Black Mesa Sweet Voice- it might...I dunno. We'll see. Maybe it's friendly."
"I doubt that, if Mall-cop was anything to go off of, it'll be irritating at best."
Following close behind Gordon, gun at the ready, he could feel his heartbeat. Something about the mere thought of seeing that thing again sent a spike of fear through him.
"At worst? I don't think I want to know."
"Yeah," Gordon laughed. "I'm tryin' uh. To be an optimist. Sucks." 
"That's the problem, optimism gets you nowhere in the long run. At some point, you need to cut your losses and start breaking shit."
"It sounds, friendly," Tommy spoke up. 
"Oh, right- you can read it.” Gordon perked up, looking at the taller scientist. “What's it saying right now?" 
"Umm..." Tommy tried to focus. "I-I dunno, I can't really tell without the- without the colors." 
"Oh, okay. We'll see in a bit, then." 
They rounded a corner, and Gordon noticed a figure. 
"Wait for my word, do not shoot." 
A flash from a camera behind them. 
"Don't take pictures flash photography scares him."
They got a little closer, and the figure was still hard to see in the dark. 
"...Hello?" Gordon called. 
A small buzz emitted from it, and then a few lower ones, purple. Gordon got closer, and sucked air between his teeth when he noticed it was a fucking skeleton. 
"...Do you know what that is?" He whispered to Tommy, who shrugged.
As they turned the corner, Mind kept his grip on his gun, assuming it to be an army recruit. He couldn't make out a weapon, but he wasn't taking any chances on that. 
He didn't believe his eyes when he saw it properly.
Option one, he was hallucinating. This was bad for the obvious reasons, but he was skeptical on that because the others were clearly seeing it too.
Option two, there was a real, living, sweet voice using skeleton in front of him. This was almost worse, because it immediately made him worry about Benrey. He watched him die. Now he wasn't so sure.
Option three, group hysteria. He wasn't certain on this one. 
"... I'm not seeing that. There is no way I am seeing that."
"...I think we are," Gordon stammered, eyes huge. 
The skeleton made a few more noises, sort of like a guitar plucking. 
"Stay back- stay back staaay back-" It was hard to tell if Gordon was talking to the skeleton, or to The Science Team. "...You guys have any ideas?" 
"...I could always punch it," Dr. Coomer tilted his head, though he didn't seem so sure. 
The skeleton whistled a few times, a soft, odd noise, before it made a honk noise. 
"...Okay, on three, we rush it," Gordon muttered. "God, I'm scared-"
Tommy perked up. 
"Wait, no!" He cried.
"What?! What?! Do you know what it is!?" 
"That's green!" Tommy asserted. 
"What does green mean!?" 
"Green means he's not mean!"
Gordon was interrupted by repeated whistling and buzzing, a flail of colors appearing. 
"What does that mean-" He choked. "What is he saying?!"
And then, suddenly, the skeleton reached a high pitch that continued on and on, and it was deafening, bouncing against the metal of the vents they were in and stabbing into their ears.
Mind almost dropped his gun, rushing to cover his ears. Too LOUD. Too MUCH. 
"OW- FUCK-!" Gordon yelped, now covering his own ears. 
It hurt. It hurt. Mind felt like his brain was melting, and without thinking he started shooting blindly at the thing, eyes squeezed shut and ears awkwardly pressed between his free hand and his shoulder. 
He needed this thing dead... Again. 
Unfortunately, he didn't think about the current location they were in, and the gunshots only echoed in the vents alongside the creature. He really should have brought his earplugs to work, but they might not have done much for whatever fresh hell this was.
"JUST KILL IT I CANT HANDLE IT-!" Bubby screeched. Gordon, as if he were an attack dog, started bolting toward the thing with a shout- leading the way as the rest of the team followed. 
The skeleton, who didn't react much to the bullets, started running as well.
Mind squinted his eyes open, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes as he did, and saw the group running. Unbearable physical pain be damned, he ran after them, not wanting to be left behind.
He needed to make sure that thing stopped existing, even if the process of doing so was going to make him want to commit atrocities... More than usual.
Bubby raced ahead of Gordon and took out-  ...oh god that was an RPG.
Before anyone could say anything, the trigger was pulled, and a rocket blasted through the vents before exploding against the metal, sending a blast of heat and deafening ringing toward everyone.
...And, not only did it not break the vents they were in, but Gordon and the rest seemed to not even care, locked on their target.
Mind, who had uncovered his ears, deciding to just grin and bear it until the thing was dead, caught the full sound of the explosion. 
In almost an instant his body decided enough was enough, and he screeched, falling to his knees and covering his ears, gun forgotten beside him. His palms were pressed hard enough to hurt, and he was almost certain that when he took them away, the imprint of the gloves would be on his face. 
He didn't care. He just needed the ringing to stop. 
He didn't even notice the tears falling until he took a breath, shaky and broken, and heard himself sob. What filled his chest at that was a red-hot shame. What kind of idiot couldn't handle a little bit of noise? Even at that, he didn't need to cry at it, he was being pathetic. He was sure of it, nobody else could see him like this.
The gunshots were muffled and distant, still ringing through the vents as they got further and further away- much louder than a scream, a loud, panicked conversation, and then a bit of talking. 
The first thing Mind properly heard was footsteps and Gordon's voice.
"God, where is he- shit I hope he's okay-"
The large man turned the corner, and perked up, before racing over and sliding on his knees- he immediately put a hand on his shoulder. 
"Woah- heyheyheyhey- are you alright!?"
Without thinking, Mind HISSED at the guy, immediately scratching and pushing the guy away. Space, he needed space, don't look at him-
His voice is rough from sobbing, but there's a significant growl to it. 
For a split second he looked Gordon in the eyes, and his own were full of fear. It wasn’t for long though, as he very quickly covered his face, scratching at his eyes with a screech in an attempt to make everything less.
"Woah-! Hey-" Gordon backed up, eyes huge. 
He didn't know what to do here- granted, he barely understood what was going on, but he had a feeling this might be related to all the noise from earlier. He himself fucking hated it, but he went into a tunnel vision trying to kill the damn skeleton as a way to cope- and regretted it, because it meant he left Mind alone. Not to mention, his ears were still ringing. 
He backed up a bit more, and sat down across from Mind, face twisted in worry. 
"Hey, keep your- don't touch your face, man."
There was too many people looking at him, he could feel it-
He hated these stupid gloves and their protective rubber, dragging them over his face just left a dull ache. If he didn't have them on he'd be able to be done with this, the sting from his nails usually tipped it over the edge for him and his stupid brain would start to calm down again. Sure, he normally had to hide the marks until they faded when he was at work, but it's the middle of an alien apocalypse, was he not allowed ONE source of relief in this hell?
After another attempt, he sobbed again, taking his hands down and looking at Gordon with a tear-streaked face. He looked tired. He felt tired. He didn't want to be here anymore.
Gordon frowned, shrinking a bit as he watched him. 
He was a little scared, honestly- he didn't want this guy to suddenly snap and decide he was an enemy. He didn't...entirely trust anyone here, but that trust was building, at least a little. 
He didn't know why he was starting to trust these people, despite how fucking stupid they all acted, or how mean to him they tended to be. He already sort of considered them friends, and hoped they could all still talk after all this was over. 
Naturally, this was scary to see, because of that. But he decided friends should trust and support one another- that's what he heard all his life.
He swallowed, fiddling with his hands and looking at the ground. 
"It's- you're alright, dude, we're. I dunno if we're safe right now but we're...you can breathe, I'm here, alright?" 
Was that what you were supposed to say? He wasn't sure.
Mind felt weak. He felt so weak. Useless, pathetic, there was no way in hell these people will be able to look at him the same. He needs to get out of here. 
As he tried to move though, he was shaking too much, that annoying tremble in his hands from earlier now a full-fledged tremor.
He only distantly heard Gordon's words but he laughed at it, hollow. What, did he think he needed help? Did he think he wasn't strong enough? He would have snapped back at him if the exhaustion wasn't so strong in him. Whatever. He took a deep breath, or tried to, curling in on himself.
"Hey- dude, please sit down- please?" Gordon put his hands out. "You're- you need to calm down, first, alright? Can you-" He paused, looking him up and down. "Auh, fuck, okay gimme a sec." 
He paused, thinking- when he was little and had basically daily meltdowns, not long after he became verbal, one of his old teachers used to give him a cup of water so he'd be distracted and stop crying- he later used this technique on Josh all the time. 
After a bit, he went through their collection from the vending machines and took out a bottle of water. He opened it and set it down in front of Mind.
The guy looked between the bottle and Gordon. Trying to think of any tricks, any ulterior motives, anything. 
He came back with nothing. It registered as a discrepancy to him, why was there no trick to this?
Suspicious, he took the bottle, slowly raising it and taking a sip, eyes on Gordon practically the whole time. 
Taking a sip felt gross in his mouth, and he cringed slightly, but drank a little more.
He didn't like admitting that it did make him feel better, and his brain was still shot with panic about what that was as he sat the bottle back down in between them.
Gordon didn't look at him very much- though the guy already avoided a lot of eye contact unless something stupid was said. He continued to play with his gloves a bit, nervous, and when the bottle was set down, he looked at Mind again, studying his breathing and making sure it was slower. 
"...Are you able to talk?" He asked, softly.
Mind opened his mouth to say something sarcastic back at him, Yeah of course I can talk, I'm not a toddler.
... Only to find that he could not talk. 
The shame was back, he hated this. 
Shaking his head no, he brought his knees closer to his chest, practically death-staring Gordon. This is your fault, somehow.
"...Okay, that's fine- I-I go nonverbal sometimes, too," Gordon said. "Do you know sign language? Or would you rather, would you rather we have uh. Fuckin. Would you rather we have quiet time?"
Quiet time. Just hearing the words made Mind want to hurt someone. It felt childish, and he wasn't a child. He was just as damn capable as the rest of them, voice or not. 
Luckily for him though, he did know sign language. Unluckily for everyone else, his hands still shook, and he was absolutely going to get snappy if he had to repeat himself.
Gordon perked up. 
"Okay-! Great! That's- that's great, uh," He  looked back over to the charred vent nearby, and then to Mind. "Do you need anything in particular right now? I-I'm uh, k-kinda scared to leave you alone, cause...I mean. Aliens." He gestured. "But if you want um, me to be quiet, or me to uh, talk? Or distract you? I-I can do that-"
Mind shifted, snapping his fingers.
"Shut up. Pay attention."
He took a second, and another sip from the water, before continuing.
"Don't like this any more than you do. I can still handle myself, not useless."
He paused.
"... I don't like noise."
"...That's...fine. I don't, either." Gordon said. "And I know you aren't useless, you've- I mean, you've kinda been the most normal guy here- and uh, you're smart." 
He curled his knees to his own chest, looking at the ground, before deciding it was important to make sure if he knew Mind was signing or not.
"...I-I've kinda needed you as a source of grounding this whole time, man. It's...everything else is fucked and these people, I-I care about them but they're fucking...confusing." 
The other guy had started signing something, before it died on his hands as he processed that.
Mind wasn't expecting at all to be told he was wanted, let alone that he was smart and helped ground the guy. 
Some weight eased itself off of his shoulders, and he finally looked away from Gordon with such scrutiny. 
"... Thank you. This place is fucking insane," another pause, "doesn't surprise me that you need me here just to make sense of everything."
Gordon let out a wheeze. 
"Oh, it is fucking insane, I don't- the rest of the gang is exploring up ahead, but uh...yeah no. Today fucking sucks. And...I dunno what that skeleton was but- that noise and us shooting shit in the vents? Dude, I thought I was gonna throw up," He straight up laughed. "It- my ears are ringing still. And I'm still hearing weird fucking Russian."
Mind laughed, silently shaking before snapping his fingers again, a smile on his face.
"What is with the Russian?? I'm surprised I didn't throw up if I'm honest."
His expression dropped, and he looked down the vents to where the skeleton went.
"Did you kill it?"
“…I dunno, uh- the vent suddenly dropped off, into uh. Fan blades. Bubby fell in and didn’t get hurt, somehow,” Gordon said. “Uh, they all started to figure out how to get through when I realized you weren’t with us, so I came back here to see if you were okay.”
Mind paused, going over the words in his head.
It occurred to him that he hasn't tried to find a secondary motive or worry about any aliens spawning in beside them for a bit now. He didn't know how he felt about that.
"...Thank you."
“Oh- yeah, man, of course! I-I want us to get out, leaving you would be shitty, you don’t deserve that.” Gordon said, and then started feeling a bit of his Dad Mode instincts kick in again. “You feeling better? Need food? I have more uh, more chips.”
Mind smiled weakly, exhaustion from his breakdown still flooding his system. 
"I'm good for now. Don't think I could eat even if I wanted to. Finishing this water though." 
He picked up the bottle, tracing over the side of it.
“Good- good idea.” Gordon chuckled softly. “You uh, you do that. Then we can see if we can catch up with the team, alright? Or wait as long as you need.” 
He pauses, hesitant. 
“…Uh, there have been a few times where I’ve forgotten earplugs for heavier experiments, and uh. Got overstimulated and shut down, a-and I always locked myself in my office when that happened, cause I was…I didn’t want to be judged. So…I uh. I can kinda get…if you wanted to wait a bit longer. I-I’m pretty sure the Science Team is chill, I know for a fact Dr. Coomer is autistic- Bubby and Tommy haven’t told me themselves but they’re. I dunno. I don’t think they’ll be shitty. But we can still wait.”
Mind’s grip on the bottle tightened slightly, and he put it down again to sign.
"I'm not autistic. I just... Can't handle too much noise. And it isn't my fault that other people can't do things the right way."
If the only reason Gordon was being nice to him is because he thought he was Autistic, he didn't want it. He wasn't broken. He didn't know why his chest hurt at the thought of that. 
He looked away.
"I can move in just a second."
Gordon raised an eyebrow at that- it wasn’t in any offense, it was…well, it looked sorta like he doubted him, kind of a sure buddy, whatever you say expression. 
“Take your time, man. I don’t mind waiting.”
Bite, chomp, kill. Mind let it go, for now, not having the energy to argue. 
After another minute or so, he started to move, grabbing the bottle. He went to check for his gun as well, before realising it wasn't holstered, and looked around frantically, panic rising.
He spotted it close by Gordon, and practically lunged at the thing to put it back where it belongs. 
"Okay, now I'm ready."
Gordon gave him a smile, and with a grunt, he stood up, stretching. 
“Houghman, Alright, let’s-“ 
He was interrupted by footsteps, and turned around, noticing Bubby turn the corner. 
“Dead-end.” He grumbled, Dr. Coomer and Tommy following behind. 
“Huh!?” Gordon gestured. “Wh- why?! Really!? How big is this place!?”
33 notes · View notes
yesvaldemarharder · 4 years
Being A Cock Warmer For The Males In Arcana
Yeah I ain’t stutter. Also the fact that y’all got 308 notes on the Nsfw Arcana bit I ain’t got 308+ followers hurts me. So cruel. 😤
Anyway let’s get started before I have a mental breakdown haha (<— old edit sorta)
Edit from today (7/25): WE ARE NOW AT 565 FOLLOWERS! (I do believe, I might have to check again) Thanks so much guys! I know I disappear a lot but with witch stuff and spirituality and shit like that I just need to take breaks. I don’t mind y’all asking me how I’m feeling though smh, it might bring me back sooner to know people care about me.
But y’all too scared to even comment on how much y’all like my posts so I know y’all won’t do it.. cowards. 😔🥺
Anyway here’s the cock holder post, I’m actually not sure if these are completely cock holder-ish because of how they turn out but here, have fun rubbing off kiddies uwu. (Please don’t be actual kids tho smh, I ain’t responsible for yo lil ass.. if you get caught rubbing one out)
EDIT 7/27: Finally I’m done, I just want to say thank you to all the followers that’s been waiting for this post! I’ve been in off and on moods these days so yeah..anyway I’ve been holding this post for months and well here ya go! Also if anyone else wants to Roleplay just hit me up! (However I need to see your style of Roleplay before we start anything..short rps and rps with plot or starters aren’t my thing. And I call dating Valdemar uwu, I’ll rp your fav character for you if you rp them for me.)
I feel like some of these are out of character but only a little, please deal with it considering how hard I worked to get this out..also if you read this whole top, you get this: a quick request from me! Request anything you want and I’ll upload it either today, tomorrow or the day after! You have to read all my top tho and I know some of you won’t so for people who do, in your request send me the call out note I put up here!
Honestly it shouldn’t be hard to find..but anyway enjoy!
(Also I might make edits later teehee..)
As yet another costumer walked asking multiple questions about crystals and spiritual awakenings you nearly whimpered to them as an answer to whatever they had just said. Your hand roughly clutching the edge of the greeting desk in front of you.
Asra’s cock nestled in deep inside you like a snug bug in a fucking rug. It pressed against your sweet spot, nudging against the g-spot and he’s carefully rolling his hips shooting pleasure all throughout your body. Your clit is rock hard at this point as his hand grips your naked thigh, your shirt pulled up and panties around your ankles.
Everything is hidden from the people coming in except your face which is trying to hard not to show how hot you’re feeling. You want to stick your tongue out so bad or let your eyes roll but you know that with the right person that’s a dead giveaway. When another comes in Asra greets them with a warm smile seeing you stumble on your words to do so instead. He thrust his hips a little and you hold back from crying out, ducking your head down into your arms to bite your lips. Just like the way he told you to.
‘What a good girl you are.~’ He thinks with a catlike grin. He’s enjoying this quite a bit and you can tell with the twitching that his cock is doing inside you. Asra has patience though, a lot of it..and while you want so desperately to bounce on his cock like a whore in heat he simply won’t let you until he sees fit. Maybe if you beg for it though he’ll simply not give a damn about the customers and will put you up for display, fuck you right on the counter in front of everyone that enters.
When the customer haults themselves mid sentence they take the time to ask if you’re ok. Of course you can’t answer, you can’t even trust your voice to sound somewhat under control. Asra is on it in a flash taking any words from you to speak instead. Maybe not with the words you expected him to say but really you can’t argue right now. Not when he lifts your legs a bit more and sinks deeper into your wet messy pussy. You shake against him letting out a strangled whimper.
“She’s just a bit sick right now, poor thing... I wished for her to sleep but she insisted on helping me today. Isn’t that sweet?”
Insisted on helping daddy work today.~ Oh such a naughty girl you were weren’t you? Don’t worry though, he’d made you squirt all over his cock like the loving daddy he was. What would he be if he didn’t?
After a couple of words between Asra and the customer the customer leaves with whatever they managed to purchase. The shop was quiet now only with the sound of wetness between your thighs and you breathless moans. It was quiet until he pushed you forward. You press firmly against the counter and he follows you pressing right up against your back, your hands find the counter and he chuckled into the skin of your back. “Such a good girl, you did a good job~” he mumbles as your cervix twitched against the slit of his cock and god, he has to cover your mouth as you cry out in pleasure because even though there aren’t anymore customers he still can’t be sure if anyone is still around outside.
You hips bucked against him now in a deep rut. He doesn’t even bother to tell you to stop because he know you won’t, he also knows you can’t help it at this point..your bouncing, tears running down your rosy cheeks. He just watches with a smug smile as his cock disappears each time you push back against him, his hands moving down to grab your hips as you moan and cry for more. Who knew a simple push would make you loose your mind? He did, that’s who knew.
You jerk with a high pitched cry and this time he doesn’t bother to cover your mouth, you’re just too far gone and he’d be a liar if he didn’t want to hear you babblering about how good his cock was. At one point you nearly collapsed but he holds you, lovingly as if you were simply cuddling in bed and not just breeding yourself on his cock.
“Shh, Shh. That’s a good girl, take daddy’s cock baby. It’s okay, I’ll let you cum.”
And oh god when his fingers came to play with your clit magick mixing in and you came so hard.. You were pretty sure you went to the astral plane for a second or some shit because it made you grip the desk for your life. Eyes rolling as he groaned, busting his load within you filling you with pups. You went limp against him, panting tiredly as he nuzzled you as if he didn’t just fuck the shit out of you.
“Such a good girl.”
You’re both flustered. His hands tightly gripping your twitching thighs as his large cock is deeply submerged in you. You’re in public, at the bar matter of fact surrounded by both men and women alike who are either drunk of their asses or are soon to be as such. Either way it’s risky to do this here but it couldn’t have been helped.
When you found your seat in Julian’s lap he turned a deep shade of red from the suddenly weight but simply chuckled lifting a brow, curious to know what you were up to now. “Darling? Careful now, I might ‘pop one’.” He chuckled and you purred, the noise making the glass you held to your lips vibrate a bit. He hugged you, like a baby clinging to a mother until you start to feel something prodding at your butt.
You make a small surprised noise and he freezes on the spot. You look back at him and he’s so flustered all he can do is look back up at you, sweating lightly, he even gives a shy little grin as if to say ‘told ya so’. After a short staring contest you bite your lip and purr once more. Why not take advantage of this, you and Julian we’re into many things so why not try out a little public play? You lift the glass back to your lips to down the rest of whatever you had been drinking in the first and then you shifted in his lap getting a feel of a twitch.
“Julian darling, you seem to have a bit of a surprise for me hm?~” He gives a nervous chuckle but nods. You take the momentary awkwardness as him being a bit shy and you know it’s understandable, even you’re feeling a little anxious with what you are about to do..however Julian was always one to try new things and you could tell he was interested the second his hand carefully cupped your hip.
You bit your lip in anticipation and without too much more hesitation you look around to see if anyone is watching glad to see that they’re not and you stand a little pulling down your pants and panties. He watches, he’s so nervous that you can practically see him gulp but the bulge in his pants is still growing so neither of you can help yourselves.
He fights his pants quickly pulling them down letting his cock bob out. Hard and already glossy with sweet precum already. If it wasn’t for a growing wetness developing between your legs and the group of people around you you’d get down on you knees and take that cock in your mouth. The tip is an angry red and you go to make a joke but shudder as he sneakily runs his thumb down the crack of your soft ass, playfully over your butthole and over your folds to your cute pink clit.
You nearly buck, humping the table but your careful. That’ll cause a scene for sure. Julian is impatient now, forgetting the awkwardness and embarrassment but he’s still cautious.. as much as he wants to beg you to hurry he doesn’t whine, not here, not yet..
You slowly lower yourself on the large, throbbing cock. It stretches you and you hear Julian gasp, his hands grabbing hold to your thighs the second you both connect. It’s hot in your belly, twitching against your fleshy pink walls, making your belly bulge ever so slightly. You’re shaking and he can’t quite literally feel you quivering around him. Biting into your lip you lightly roll your hips, slow to get a good feel of the twitching inside you.
You suddenly let out a muffled cry, your hand coming up just in time to cup your mouth when Julian bucks a bit on instinct. He’s quick to apologize though, sorry he couldn’t keep his body still but oh god...you’re soaking wet and so fucking hot that honestly he feels he might cum already.
You try to calm down, not to cause a scene when he presses his head into the crook of your shoulders, panting on your neck as he wraps his arms around you firmly keeping you in place. You practically whimper as he kissed your neck. “Q-Quickly darling, bounce on it. I’m going to cum soon~” Julian didn’t usually tell you what to do, and that might have been the reason you looked surprised at his words, might have also been the reason you grew wetter..
You felt...flustered, for the first time of being with him because usually you were the one in charge and yet here he was whispering in your ear telling YOU what to do. His lips on your neck, whispers in your ears encouraging you, cock deep inside and kissing your cervix, his taller build pressing so lovingly against your back. He moved his hand down to rub your clit curious to see your reaction as he lifts his head a little to look at your blushing face. He starts off slowly but soon he’s rolling his fingers in rough circles as you gasped and bucked, hips twitching and legs shaking.
“J-Jules, oh shit~ stop...stop I’m going to cum, I’m going to!-“
It was unexpected but he roughly slammed his hips up, cock hitting that sweet spot and he groaned as his cock throbbed before a thick release of cum flooded your insides. He held you tightly as you trembled. His hand tightly over your mouth to keep you quiet because you had been making cute little whines without even noticing. He suddenly was up and moved like a flash as he whisked you off to the bathroom where you squirted, your pussy twitching and spasming around him, eyes rolling because you had just came.
He held you against the wall as you struggled to stand on your own, no one was around now so he freely kissed you, a deep blush on his cheeks as he tried to calm you down. He’d take his time cleaning you up after you came down from your high.. “I’m sorry darling, please forgive me...I couldn’t help myself.” He chuckled lightly against you smiling as you huffed.
You’re completely naked, skin sweaty, head buried in the same pillow where Nadia rest her head. His gauntlet squeezes your ass in a tight grip, voices in the hallway having normal talks. Your cheeks are a blood red.
He’s teasingly slow with each thrust, slow but rough covering your mouth with his other hand each time you let out a squeal at his cock spreading your cervix, the words in your ear he whispers are dirty and vulgar, humiliating but you can’t help the way your pussy squeezes around his thick veiny cock.
Lucio doesn’t seem worried, doesn’t seem like he cares if someone comes in to see him breeding his favorite servant like your just some toy. Maybe every once in a while you’ll hear Nadia’s voice and he’ll growl at how tight you squeeze around him, horny but scared she’ll come in and catch you both.
It’s so hard not to rock back into him, not only because he’s barely leaving any space for you but also because he’s in charge here. There’s a delicious twitch from his pulsating cock and you shake your hips now biting into that pillow snapping your eyes shut. It’s good, he’s good...no, he’s fucking amazing and it feels like you’re melting.
At one point it so good that you beg quietly. Soft whimpers and moans falling from your lips as the hand he had on you mouth moves to your hair, yanking those locks he loved so much.
His cock twitches inside you again and holy fuck you’re crying, you want to cum so bad but he’s keeping you still, stopping you from fucking back against him and so now all you can do is try to keep quiet.
This is torture, you think to yourself but then there’s a snap of his hips, cock burying deep in your womb and you scream, face forced into the pillows to shush you. He chuckles lowly in your ear, mockingly as you tremble violently against him.
“What’s wrong princess? Is something the matter? Use your words kitten~”
He knows you’re weak and he loves using it against you. At this point you really are crying, you want to cum to bad and he’s edging your orgasm at a level he’s never done before and it’s fucking killing you.
Beg, beg to get fucked like a bitch. Beg for him to take mercy. Beg for his cock, he fucking loves that.
And you did. “P-please sir~ please please please...let me cum please..” you sound so desperate it’s pitiful but with a hum he grants your wishes. If you thought the teasing was one thing the strokes he gave your slutty ass was another.
He fucked you so hard into the bed that when you came you couldn’t stop whimpering his name or shaking. You hips trembling seven after he pulled out. Your face pressed so hard into the pillows as his hot cum dripped out of your cunt.
He’d clean you up later but for now he kissed your lower back before giving that bum a nice slap watching as the skin brightened.
“Good girl~”
Muriel’s is a bit shorter because other then Portia I don’t really see him in a ‘LETS FUCK’ kinda way. Just my opinion don’t get mad please smh.
It’s making your stomach bulge so much that you’re shaking, gripping his strong thighs as his large hands carefully settle on your hips.
There’s a twitch and you toss you head back to rest it on his chest, panting, whining like a dog and heat and even though it’s slightly embarrassing for you, looking up with lidded eyes and seeing that deep blush makes you purr. You bite your lip
His hand slides and now it’s on your stomach gently caressing the bulge he finds there. You shudder and then you let out a sweet high pitched moan as one of his thick fingers move to rub you clit.
His movements are slow but firm, he’s careful because he doesn’t want to hurt you but he also loves how your nails dig into his skin and how you buck and clench around him.
Keep doing that and might blow his loud sooner than he thought he would.
It’s just you and him, Inanna (did I spell that right? I don’t know I ain’t played his route like that..) is out, and he feels better that she is. Not hear to watch as the clear juices drip out of your needy cunt.
He hasn’t rolled his hips or thrusted up into you once yet and deep in your mind you feel a bit grateful but that doesn’t mean you can’t rub against him
There’s a shiver and then you wiggle those hips of yours, crying out in bliss as his finger presses against your clit and how you can feel his cock twitch again. The hand on your hips squeezes and then there’s a shaky groan behind you
He slumps a little, big strong chest against your back, lips against your throat in a gentle kiss and he’s shaking. He might just cum but it’s no doubt that you’re going to beat him to it.
When his hips stuttered you arched but now it was too late to stop. You cried his name out before you came hard around that fat cock of his. He gasped at the tightness but quickly wrapped his arms around your waist giving you a gently but firm hug.
His cumming and his cum is thick and stick. You convulse just having it in you and when you’re both done he falls back onto the bed panting with the same tempo as you.
Fuck, you loved this man and when you found your voice again you’d definitely tell him to his face. ❤️
Can I just say that Vlastomil needs more fluff and smut of him??? Like no cap he lowkey makes the pussy wet for me 🥴🥴🥴 his is a bit short but cut me some slack, it’s 1 am in the morning..
You didn’t suggest this, it just kinda sorta happened. When you came into his office to greet him with a kiss you didn’t expect to end up staying for this long but you guessed when lovers are too busy with work the second they had time alone anything will go down.
A simple kiss turned to Vlastomil grabbing your hand carefully to pull you closer. He’s missed you and you’ve missed him too, what could it hurt to spend time together? You smile a little and come closer until you’re in his lap, facing him and that cute dumb grin on his face. His hands moving around your waist to pull you both together and then you’re kissing again.
His tongues are curious to roam your mouth and as you do so you can’t help but moan a little remembering the times those same tongues had been submerged in your pussy making your jerk and cry out for mercy. You’ve missed him more than you thought you did..damn Nadia and those amazing adventures you two seemed to always go on..
He paused upon hearing the sound come from you and as he pulls back there’s a glimpse in his eyes that you both know all too well. Then there’s a slight twitch beneath his robes and you can’t help but shift closer, pressing a hand to his chest to make him lean back a little. His hands are still on you but this time they squeeze a little at your hips to encourage you. “Well, we have the time now correct?” He hums and you purr, nodding a bit as you lean down to kiss his exposed throat which makes him shiver under you.
With a catlike grin you pull back lifting your skirt to show your thighs that’s encased in stockings and lace underwear that has probably five seconds to be dealt with before he rips them off you. His eyes are focused and his cheeks are a bit red but now you too have gotten this far, no need to stop now. Not with the bulge between his legs growing bigger and needier for attention. It doesn’t take long to get him inside you, his fingers have prepared your now wet cunt and now your slit is teasing the head of his cock.
Usually Vlastomil doesn’t mind a bit of playfulness but he really wants you and with out much of a thought he pulls you down, kissing your lips as you go to arch and moan out at the sudden move. He’s throbbing in you, his long cock pulsing happily to finally be surrounded by your hot wet insides. You clutch his clothes, legs twitching a bit and even though you want to keep kissing you can’t help how your head tilts back even more you you to let out a broken moan of his name.
“Vl-Vlast~..” you gasp as he shifts a little to which he hums. “Hush now, don’t be too loud dear~.” Because while he’d love to make you scream the last thing he really wants to hear are rumors from servants who are far too curious about his love life. You shiver and for a while he just holds you allowing you to be the one rolling your hips shakily against him. A quiet groan leaving him each time his cock moves inside you like it might just slip out.
You’re so hot that he buries his head in your shoulder to try and stop himself from pinning you down on his desk. With his movement he presses deeper in you and you whine rolling you hips a bit faster. He’ll allow you to chance your orgasm, until he doesn’t..where he’ll grab your hips in an almost bruising grip to stop you. Then he’ll edge you on till you’re shaking and crying like a bitch, begging for him to stop and just let you come.
Only then would he allow if, for now however, he liked the feeling of those tight walls hugging his cock like a life support.
As you fell apart to your bucking he leaned his head back to whisper in your ear on how you’re doing so well or how good you feel around him. He’s not actively trying to make you cum but oh he’s definitely help tug on the knot inside of you. You hips stutter and with a shout you cum, shaking, twitching, and begging for him to stop with his mistreatments.
When your down, breathless and used he’ll continue to hold you there until he’s cumming so much in you that it starts to overflow. When you could speak again he’d wait for you to say how much you love him, for now however he simply chuckled and placed a lovely kiss on your forehead. Later he’d definitely pin you down and be the one in charge.
Whatever Lucio has been saying definitely didn’t translate to you, not when Valerius had his cock so far up your pussy that you struggled to even breathe evenly.
Not with his hand massaging the inside of your thigh underneath the cloth of the table, not with him pressing a light kiss to your cheek even once in a while and definitely not with his little dirty promises each time Lucio looked away.
Your breath came out shaky after Lucio asked you something about the food and you bit your lip feeling the cock in you twitch.
“It’s d-delicious.” It’s the only thing you can mumble after Lucio speaks on how’s the food, while trying to not bounce on the cock that’s getting squeezed by your cunt. You want to roll your hips so bad, make him fuck you on this table without a care, but at the same time you do care.
You care about what whatever the hell Lucio will say for whatever fucking reason and that leaves you shivering trying to fight off the heavy blush that’s trying to appear on your face.
Valerius leers close, his head finding your neck, his lips moving along your skin. Smooth lips kissing your shoulder, then the base of your neck and moving to your ear. He moves his hips and your hand instinctively comes down to squeeze his thigh. He lets out a low groan into your ear feeling the wetness that you’re pussy is letting off, your heat having him hard as a fucking boulder. It really is hard to not bend you over this table and fuck you like the slut that you are. He could see it now, your nails digging into the table cloth as his fingers yank and pull on your hair, his eyes on your cunt with swallows him oh-so nicely with each thrust.
“I’m going to fuck you darling..” he speaks into your ear and the shiver you let off made him chuckle. Lucio is back talking again now, something about another masquerade and how amazing he is.., it doesn’t matter. Valerius’s hand on your thigh begins to move and you’re so sensitive now that even the slightest touch makes you whimper under your breath. His hand moves to tickle your clit, fingers playfully rubbing against the hard bun and now you do bounce on him.
It’s sudden but it makes you both shudder, there’s a wet sound that’s made when you do it and now Valerius downs the rest of his wine somehow calmly managing to set the empty glass on the table. His eyes are closed and you bite your lip, Lucio perks. “Oh Valerius! Would you like some more wine? I’ll even go get it for you!” And you can’t stop him because he’s already running to the kitchen. There’s silence and then his hand wraps around your throat, it squeezes and you let out a choked moan.
“Do it again.” He hummed and fuck, you listen to daddy when told to. Your hips are quick to studder, you bounce, raising your hips just to slam them back down on him. A broken cry leaving your voice when he takes the lead. Your legs spread over his as he fucks you with vigor. His cock rutting so deep in you with each thrust that you can feel it in you tummy and you can feel yourself chasing your own orgasm.
It’s just you and him and your letting out whimpering and broken moans, babbling to your daddy on how good you’ll be if he lets you cum. He believes every word of course because right now the ball is in his field and he’s in charge of if you actually get to cum in his lap.
Your arching, eyes rolling and you can feel the tightness in your belly. It’s coming, you’re trying to warn him, your hands placed on his knees for some sort of structure. You’re so cute, he whispers lovingly in your ear how wet your cunt is or how much it’s squeezing him and then he comes to a sudden stop.
You almost cry, not a small whine but a pitiful yell. You were so close and yet he stopped..this is torture, you couldn’t help but repeat that in your head. Lucio is coming back and you can tell because who doesn’t know that snazzy silhouette by now. Valerius has his hands on you holding you tightly to stop you from taking from him without permission. You will only cum when he lets you, don’t forget that. 
They’re talking but you’re trying so hard not to really cry right now, your pussy trembling with juices dripping down his balls and down your thighs. He has a hand on your hip that’s squeezing, telling you to keep in your place and even though you’re desperate you know that the prize of waiting is much better than a punishment. Or was it? (Teehee 👅😈💦)
A wine bottle slides towards you and it takes you a second to realize what’s happening. You blink before wrapping your fingers around the barrel without a thought and then there’s another deep thrust. You jerk bitting your lip as your hand tightens around the bottle almost like you wish to crush it. Valerius leans against you with a hum “are you alright? Can you open it?” He spoke lowly and to be honest there’s been multiple times where you wanted to hit him but this one really took the cake.
You nod lightly and then his other hand is over your clit, you gasp as digits violently play with the bundle of nerves and you can’t see at the moment but there’s a wide smirk on Lucio’s face. You completely break and arch in his lap as he presses kisses against your throat. “C-coming!~ D-Daddy I’m coming!~~” you cry and while you try weakly to clutch his arm he bucks lifting your hips with his other hands.
The string breaks inside you and then you go to scream but his hand is quick to cover your mouth from such a blissful sound. You cream all over his cock and there’s a rough groan as he cums inside you, his cum hot and filling you to the brim. You slump against him shaking and shivering before peeking a little.
“WOW! What an amazing show Valerius!” The count chuckles and now your blush is hellishly red. Did Lucio know the whole time? Well it must be expected considering how close the two could be. Valerius had his head in your shoulder as he lightly pet your belly which only added to how tired you were now.. You were definitely going to hit him when you woke back up..
Now, for Valdemar and Vulgora. I KNOW they both go by they/them pronouns. I’m only saying this because someone once didn’t know the difference between a daddy kink and ddlg on my account and the last thing I want is some little fucker being like “bUt BuT bUt!..” Most of my post for Valdemar or Vulgora is them with a tentacle dick but I don’t mind writing them with vaginas either. (Tribbing post coming soon uwu) My point is they’re both capable of forming whatever genitalia they want and plus this is just for fun and horny folk, calm down.
A blood curdling scream cut through the air as blood fell to the dirt ground with a splat, the coliseum was bustling with hunger for violence and the screams of the weak. There were three reasons for coming here, for one, Vulgora loved the coliseum. How could they not, fighting and blood was basically what they were made for. Two, they loved to show you the things that they liked to get closer to you.
The third being that when screams filled the air, the screams of pleasure from your lips couldn’t be distinguished from the ones down below.
They grinned a bit before laying their chin on your shoulder, their strong arms wrapped tightly around your waist to keep the two of you attached. You twitched tossing your head back to rest on their shoulder as you let out hot pants and cooes. It squirmed inside of you, that seeping hot tentacle that stretched your cunt as if that was its job. Their tentacle was white in color other than the tip that grew a lovely pink/red, you bit your lip. Just thinking about it had you opening you legs a bit more.
Vulgora shifted moving their hips and you shake when they do because the way their tip wiggles inside your cervix definitely has you ready to start drooling and have their baby or some shit. Vulgora usually fucks you like your in heat but here, with the screams of death they want to hear you scream for more. It’s a bit sadistic of them in a way but why should they care, it’s only you and them on this row of chairs anyway, everyone else is much closer to the front.
Vulgora’s body is hot against yours and if it wasn’t for their arms wrapping around your midsection you’d probably arch away from the touch. Sometimes their so hot you can’t handle it, and more ways than one. Vulgora suddenly snaps their hips up and it’s so sudden that a scream rips right out of your throat before you can catch it. It mingles in the air mixing with a now dead man down below but now you hand moves to grab their arm.
“V-Vulgora..I can’t..~” you struggle to speak, your toes curling as the tentacle wiggles and squirms inside your belly, your eyes rolling as you bite down on your lip. Vulgora chuckles a mocking chuckle and somehow it makes you even wetter. Their tongue slides out to lick your throat, a gauntlet running up your shirt to expose your breast to the tangy air. “You can if I say you can~.” They mumble against your skin.
Holy fuck, you could cum right now but they’d definitely would turn your bliss into a punishment because did they say you could come yet? No, no they didn’t.
Your clit is so hard at this point and the adrenaline of someone simply turning around and catching you so exposed has you not only scared but squeezing them more. What if someone turned around? The whole stadium would see you taking the Pontifex’s cock like some whore. You started to shake at that thought laying your head back against them because you think you’re about to cum. They hum against your skin because out of all their time of dating you they know what goes on in the filthy little head of yours.
You like this. They grin a little before biting down on your shoulder before making a circle motion with their hips. Oh they way you begged, that’s what they want to hear. They want to hear how much you like it and how much it makes you feel good. Vulgora isn’t one to spend time fucking others so you have such privilege to be getting dicked down by them much less be their actual mate.
They don’t really edge you but you can expect more then one orgasm. When you’re practically crying and begging is when they’ll stop breeding you because now you’re full of cum and boneless against them. You pussy spasms around them and all the can do now is laugh a bit and rub your bloated belly. Even with how rough they can be you can tell they love you. They hands rubbing you carefully as the whisper how good you felt and how impressive you are in your ear.
If anything Vulgora is so in love with you you can proudly say your their addiction. You giggle a little when you finally have to strength to again and they hum lightly at the lovely sound.
Valdemar hasn’t been paying much attention to you but honestly what can you expect from them, you may have gotten them to acknowledge they feel a strong connection for you but when stating how you need their touch or how they should pay more attention to you can still be a bit of a struggle.
You huff seeing their back to you, those talented hands (which your cunt knows all to well at this point, fuck I’m needy now..) working so diligently on the lifeless corpse of some female you didn’t take the time to learn about. You’re in your night cloths having just came out of the shared room that you had been waiting for them in. You’re a bit annoyed to see them still working, it’s not like the body was going anywhere soon..
“Val..are you still working on that...” you sigh lightly and they don’t even bother to look back at you as they speak. “It won’t be for much longer.” They answer without missing a beat. You approached them, naked feet lightly padding against the floor and not much longer your against their back. They pause for a second before moving to look back at you. You give them a look, one of irritation and maybe a bit of an attitude and they don’t say anything as they narrow their gaze a little.
“Are you having more time with her than you are with me?” You mumble childishly against their back as your arms move to close around them and then you hand carefully runs down their chest. They roll their eyes moving to put their utensils down in the bloody tray next to the rotting corpse. “Don’t be absurd darling..” they speak and there’s a bit of a low warning tone behind their mask. Maybe it was the fact that they’d been working for hours when they wanted to join you or perhaps it was you coming out of nowhere with such silly things to say, either way, you could see that this was them telling you to watch yourself.
They noticed that attitude for a couple days now and to say the least they were pretty fed up with it. Fed up with the attitude and/or petty remarks.. You on the other hand scoffed to hide a smug smirk. “Do you like your fingers being in her more than in me?” This time they turned around making you stop and then take a small step back because to be honest you didn’t expect that. They grabbed your wrist holding it up as they got closer, your scent drawing them in.
“What did I just say? Stop the nonsense (y/n) or I’ll punish you.” Oh~ now you shivered a little. You hummed to resist from biting your lip, a punishment huh? Just what you needed. You pressed against their chest looking up at their slim tall figure with an almost challenging look as if you were calling a bluff. You tilted your head “did I strike a nerve? Want some more alone time with your new bitch?”
It happened so fast, them spinning you around and pushing your front down on a newly cleaned table. They pulled your hips up pressing firmly against your back as they leaned down to your ear with a low scoff. “Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear.” They spoke lowly before a hand was lifting your gown over the round of your ass to reveal those lace panties, their gloves hand traced your skin. You shivered under their surprisingly strong build, biting your bit as you wiggles back against them only for one of their hands to sit right in the small of your back keeping you still. “Drop the attitude.” The hissed lightly.
When you let out a small whimper that’s when they knew this was what you wanted. They paused before humming in a sing song-y way. Their other hand snaked up before wrapping around your throat tilting your head back until your eyes connected with theirs. “Oh now~ I think I see what’s happening here..” they spoke with that sharp gaze. You were already getting super wet at this point and you wanted so desperately to push back against them.
“What a naughty little whore you are (y/n)..” they trailed off a little as something slimy ran up your inner thigh to rub over your clothed cunt before pulling your panties aside revealing your needy cunt that trembled for attention. You could feel it behind you, their body shifting a bit to help in this situation..the tentacle sliding over your clit as another managed to free them from their slacks revealing their tentacock which started as the same color as their skin to black half way.
Soon enough they had pushed inside leaving you breathless as they kept that dominating gaze on you, the hand around your throat squeezing a bit as your pussy hugged them. The long and heavy appendage squirmed inside you and you couldn’t help but spread your legs a bit more and cooe at them. Your stomach bulged a bit and you had to keep your hands firmly down to not completely collapse upon them, hell if it wasn’t for them supporting your back you were nearly positive your legs would buckle.
Once they were completely settled they leaned down to give you a kiss, short and sweet before they started a torturously slow pace allowing you to feel all of them and shake with need. Oh no, not this..Valdemar had quite a bit of patience and you knew that when they say they’d punished you they mean it. The last thing you expected was such cruelty like this though. You let out a broken cry “V-Val!..please~..” you choked out letting out a slight gargle as their hand tightened a bit more around your neck, the other moving to clasp around your hip to keep you from fucking back onto them.
They ignored you, their thrust slow but intensely firm, their cock sinking so deep in you you couldn’t help but cry a little from the slight overstimulation.
The room still had the scent of blood that filled your senses as well as the scent of sex and the wet squelching noises coming from you two. Your moans growing louder and your begs growing more desperate each time they pressed against you, your clit so hard that each time one of the other tentacles would flick it you’d jump with a shout. Valdemar never once looked away from you while you on the other hand couldn’t keep your eyes open or stop letting them roll to the back of your head.
They loved this honestly, putting you in your place and watching you fall apart from just a couple actions and they had to admit, while sex isn’t necessarily important to them they liked to see you so red in the face and twitchy with pleasure. You felt like you been there for hours when you finally came shaky violently, closing your eyes tight and letting out a high pitch cry. Your back arched as much as they’d let you and you came so hard it felt like you had died. Valdemar held you through it, letting up on their grip around your throat.
They weren’t done with you of course, they’d still have yet to cum themselves. For now though they’d hold you until you were ready to take more of your punishment.
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idjitlili · 3 years
I can be the God of your Orgasm.
Loki x reader
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(Not my image)
Summary:Some how ending up in Sakaar ,Valkyrie ends up taking you under her wing,no not her horse Aragorn,for a year ,until some Gods show up.
Word count:1768
A/n: Couldn’t end it , last time I touched this was October. Uhm, there’s a picture of Bowie, probably TMI here, but he was the first man , I ever you know over.Double aswell. I’m sorry.
You just a young woman in y/c ,heading to college your average routine ,but you never made it. Instead you had tripped over into a puddle ,but yet again you were decieved ,it was a portal. You hadn't/only left your country ,let alone been on another planet. You didn't think that was even possible;magic nor to be able to breathe on an different planet,well that was what you were told by the government. No you weren't a flat earther,thats bloody stupid. However you felt like the government hid a lot.
Michael Jacksons death,Heath Ledgers death,River Phoenix's death, Princess Diana's death , David Bowie, Obi-wan,it just seemed a little suspicous, not saying it was definitely them covering up the murders but...
Anyways so you fell into the puddle into a some rubbish ,literal rubbish. You had no idea what happened ,when Valkyrie found you she didn't either. God damn Benedict cumpatch stay in america with your fake american accent. Just stay away ,don't really want to be assassainated for being best buds with Sherlock Holmes and Dildo Gaggins.
Valkyrie had felt bad for such a young mortal being in an strange planet,she couldn't bare to bring you to Grandmaster ,to be apart of his orgies. he was indeed a tough warrior much like Dwalin the dwarf from the hobbit,who funfact is the longest living dwarf living up to 300 years,yes irrelvent.
Thus, you lived with her ,you managed to get a part time job as a cook,just so you didn't feel so bad about living with Valkyrie rent free. When I say part time cook ,I mean you just cooked for you and her,you didn't trust this planet. It was lucky when you fell in that puddle the stuff in your backpack didn't get wet,so you had some books to read,and such.
To be far being away from home stuck on an alien planet really did get boring ,you'd hate to admit it but sometimes you had to go to visit Hulk,because he was sorta normal. No he was not but he was okay ,like a destructive toddler but it was better than being alone. Other than that you really missed home ,you missed tv,you missed ice cream.
Pretty much everyday was boring. Well after almost a year of being here ,Valkyrie had brought a guest to your shared apartment thing. The God you had seen on the television a couple years ago. You had been sitting on the sofa reading at the time ,you jumped so hard when the door slammed open,you had looked up to see valkyrie shoving down a dark haired man in chains.
"Uhhh, are you allowed to kidnap people here?" you had questioned ,causing Valkyrie and the guy turn to you ,you had recognised him after a moment of trying to pin point his face. "I don't think that will hold him...h-he's-"
"Just stay away from him ,don't talk to him,don't look at him,hell don't even think about him,I will be back with Thor ,and then we can get you home, Y/n. So pack your things ." Soon as she had mentioned going home you had already started gathering your things,as Valkyrie had left after the God of Thunder. No you didn't go to the big battle compitions and Valkyrie certainly did not tell you she had found Thor ,but it didn't matter you were going home.
It didn't take you long to pack soon,you had your shoes on and everything sitting on the sofa ,twiddling your thumbs,feeling Loki's gaze on you. What's up with in love stories men staring , oh shut up you are just jealous because you can't even get a boyfriend ,stupid scribe.
"she said not to think about you...can you read minds?" you had questioned ,just really because that gaze he had on you made you feel proper ugly ,in which you were not. He had scoffed at you.
"I'm not a witch."
"I never said you were,you are a God ,must be better than having a hammer, it's like a normal hammer with steriods."
"Ah..so you have heard of me," He had smirked to himself ,you had just looked back at you hands before reaching for your bag grabbing your journal and ink,before just scribbing doodles on a clean page.Loki didn't speak after that not until you did again ten minutes later ,probably less time goes slow when the mood is a drag.
"the thing with new York, that was because of Thanos? People have controlled me by making me feel guilty so many times..OH manipulation ,you probably don't want to hear what I have to say,but I can't help it ,i've been stuck here a year the only person I got to speak to is drunk Valkyrie and hulk in which I feel like I am talking to a child. You know what I really wish I was watching Lord of the rings right-"
"You are from earth,how did you end up here?" He had grinned at you,cutting you off,isn't he like a mass murderer? Well he was tricked into doing it ,so more like accidental murderer ,why is he so handsome. Don't be stupid he is a God of course he is handsome.
"Uh..I fell into a puddle then I was here." The God had turned his head away to the floor ,scrunching his eyebrows together in confusion.
"I don't see how that's possible."
"Well it happene-" Yet you were cut off again,as the door slammed open,you quickly turned away back to your notebook,Thor ,Bruce and Valkyrie stood at the door.
You missed what happened first ,Loki having things thrown at him ,and such,you only looked up when he said something about spaceships,seeing Bruce. Your eyes glittered with excitement , Thor saw this. "Oh my! I can't believe it's-2 Thor had shook his head for you not say it. "Radiation scientist,Bruce Banner, damn,now I must say this is much more exciting than a hammer,which you don't have what's up with that? Hey Bruce how you feeling?Green? Darn, imagine being strongest Avenger!"
Thor had scoffed at you,"Does she always talk this much?"Bruce had made his way over to you smiling at you as you stood up. "It is so cool to meet you mister Banner."
"Thank you miss..." "Y/n" He had smiled at you again before turning to Thor ,"see strongest Avenger,yep that's me."
"well then ,let' hope we can get home,just first we are to go to Asgard."
"Valkyrie ,I'm going to stay with Dwayne Johnson,I have no fighting skills so it's better if come I after," you had gestured to Korg.
"Alright then, I'll see you if I don't die" And with that she left you with the aliens,smiling up to them.
"The revolution has begun."
"Hey, what's this?"
"Thank you." You had stood next to Korg as he had powered down the taser device on Loki's body,you had stood rocking on your balls of your feet in excitement to get home.
"Hey,man. We're about to jump on that ginormous spaceship. You wanna come?" Loki had jumped up,his hair a messy ,from the intense pain he had just suffered,from betraying his brother yet again.
"well you do seem like you're in desperate need of leadership." The smirk was interweaved into his voice, smooth as his greasy hair.
"Why, thank you."
"Hurry up! It has been too long since I've seen the dance seen in the james franco spiderman three!" You rushed forwards grabbing a hold of the mischief makers arm dragging him towards the ship. "Talkative and touchy," Loki just allowed you to drag him,with him supposively being evil,grinning.
"uhhh, what's the chances of as all dying horribly? Do you think if i pretend to be dead she wouldn't notice?" Loki was driving the space ship,whilst you sat in the seat next to him,all the alien people sat or stood behind. You really be riding shotgun on a spaceship,it was you or korg.
Loki did not answer you , yet just slightly smiled glancing to you briefly, not a good sign, you'd think with two Gods you'd be fine ,but clearly not. "Hey do you think if Thor had to fight I don't know- AHH" You weren't sure who you meant to say as you face planted into the spaceship's floor,as Loki's flying had stopped so suddenly causing a jolt. You had laughed to your lesson quietly,patheticly in honesty ,covering up how embarrassing that was.
You felt as if you were Mantis ,when Drax had informed her to watch out after she got hit in the face.  All you could think was there's like a bunch of aliens on this ship and it's guaranteed at least 3 have just seen you face plant.  "Okay , that makes me wish that I was on Thors spaceship right now." Your hair in your face, forearms pressed against the cold metal floor.
"What does he have that I don't?" His voice seeped with sarcasm, okay maybe not he was probably just annoyed that a midgardian was aboard and could not shut up.
"He probably can fly this thing better, well it's probably Bruce but that's even better , do you even know how many PHDs he has?"
"Honestly I do not know and do not care."
"Wow that's not very nice . He has..wait I dont -" The smirk on Loki's face was stamped deep, as he pulled you out of your concentration by doing so. "Shut up I bet you say to all your lovers, ‘If you givee a chance I can be the god of your orgasm’” Honestly you don’t know what made you think of that , something tells you it’s to do with a dude that reads a lot of smut named Blake. Actually the author doesn’t know if he does but..
“Thank you darling, for the new material.”
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Too Loose And You’ll Lose It
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Ch3: Man, You Really Are As Dumb As You Look. Part 1 Co-written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Summary: Evan asks Stella on a date, Jake’s not impressed and the entire thing takes him on a little trip down memory lane…
Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT via flashback in Part 2 (NSFW 18+)
Pairing: Jake Jensen x OFC Stella Stevenson.
A/N:  So the smut in this chapter is way back when the pair of them were kids. Both 18 before anyone says anything, and is designed to be a truthful reflection of a fist time! We hope you enjoy it because it certainly made us giggle a lot.
TLAYLI Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 2
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It was a sunny fall morning, and for a Monday Jensen actually felt pretty good. He walked down the corridor, his heavy boots slapping lightly on the lino floor, whistling to himself. He stepped aside to let a pretty red head out of one of the rooms, turning to watch her walk away, grinning to himself as his eyes dropped to her combat trouser clad ass before he shook his head and continued his route to the office.
He walked in with a loud “S’up losers” and looked around “Where’s Stel?” he asked, nodding to her vacant desk.
“She got a call about 10 minutes ago and said she was heading for a coffee.” Pooch said, as Cougar gave a chuckle. “And no prizes for who was on the phone given the way she was grinning and telling us not to be nosey bastards as she left.” “Who?” Jake plopped down onto his chair, turning in it so he could see Cougar and Pooch, his legs extending in front of him.
“Man you really are as dumb as you look.” Pooch shook his head as Cougar continued to grin.
As he suddenly realised what Pooch was alluding to, Jensen’s eyes flew open wide “Don’t tell me it’s that guy from the bar the other night?”
“Yup” Cougar nodded “Clearly they traded numbers...”
Jake suddenly felt hot and there was an annoying buzzing in his ears. Swallowing he took a deep breath and shook his head “Nah, that’s not Stel.”
“What do you mean it’s not Stel?” Pooch frowned.
“She only met him like last Friday.” Jensen shrugged
“She’s not 10 anymore Jensen.” Pooch looked at Cougar “What, you expect her to wait for 7 years for this one as well?”
Jensen narrowed his eyes “That’s…that was different, we were kids.”
“Well she’s not a kid anymore.” Cougar smirked, picking up his phone “And she’s hot and free.”
“Yeah, what exactly did you think would happen?” Pooch asked.
“I-“ Jensen looked at him, then to Cougar, both of them watching him as he floundered for a response “-guess I don’t...”
“Nothing.” Cougar cut him off, looking at Pooch “The answer is nothing, because he acts like a dumbass and never thinks about what he’s doing.” “I was doing your momma last night.” Jake shot at him and Pooch snorted whilst Cougar shook his head with a groan which morphed into a grudging chuckle. Momma jokes were a well-worn jest between the group and it was an unwritten rule that when someone dropped one, no offense was meant or taken.
“Oh really?” Pooch turned to look at Jake, arching an eyebrow “Since when has Coug’s momma been called Stella, coz that’s all I heard you groaning from my apartment, and I live a floor down…” Cougar let out a howl of laughter as Jake glared at Pooch “You still get yourself off thinking about her. You’re screwed up, man!”
“No, that’s…I wasn’t jacking off last night!” Jake shook his head, “Pooch is talking shit.”
“Yeah but, made you blush!” Pooch winked and Jake took a deep breath, his cheeks flushed with heat. “Oh my God you actually do!” Cougar snorted.
“Fuck you both.” Jake groaned as he stood up and stormed from the office, bumping into Roque on his way.
“Hey Jensen where’s the fire?” Roque watched him go, before he turned and walked into the room “Where’s that ray of sunshine going?”
Pooch scoffed “He’s craving coffee all of a sudden.”
Roque frowned as Cougar let out another deep chuckle.
***** “So, not suit today?” Stella asked, taking in Evan’s casual appearance. He was dressed in a white Henley and black jeans which was a stark contrast to the crisp suit she’d first seen him wearing in this very place a week ago.
“No, I only wear that when I have some hot-shot boss to impress.” He smiled as he placed Stella’s coffee down on the table, gracefully sitting down in the seat opposite her.
“Suppose that’s the beauty of being in uniform.” Stella grinned, thanking him for the coffee. “Don’t have to worry about office wear!”
“Yeah, probably one thing I miss about being in active service.” Evan agreed. “Actually, come to think about it, it’s the only thing I miss about being in active service.”
Stella chuckled and picked up the large mug in her hands, inhaling deeply. “Man, I love Pumpkin Spiced Lattes” she grinned.
“I can tell.” Evan smiled “You’re practically purring over it.”
Stella shrugged “I wait all year for these things and besides, the last one I had ended up all over some guy’s shirt.”
“Poor guy.” Evan quipped, his eyes on hers as he took a sip of his own drink.
“Yeah, I basically scalded him.” Stella shrugged, “And he didn’t deserve it either, turns out he was a pretty nice guy.” “A nice guy that spent all day smelling of cinnamon and whatever else they put in a pumpkin spiced latte.” “Win-win as far as I’m concerned” Stella grinned, setting her cup down. “I like that smell.” “Maybe you should contact Starbucks’ head office.” Evan set his own cup down gently, his large hand still curled round it “Suggest they release a cologne.”
“Uh-uh, bad idea.” Stella swallowed another sip of her coffee. “I wouldn’t be able to resist. I’d be following every guy wearing it round like some kind of animal tracking pheromones.” Evan let out a loud laugh and Stella grinned watching him for a second before his laughter died into quieter chuckles and she cocked her head to the side a little “You know, I was surprised you called me.”
“Why’s that?” he frowned slightly
She shrugged “I dunno, I just thought you were fooling around at the bar and that you’d end up in some other girls’ bed that night.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth she inwardly groaned “Shit. I didn’t mean that how it sounded…”
“Well, if you must know I didn’t.” Evan said, his voice harbouring a trace of humour “I ended up cradling my friend’s head whilst he puked his drunk ass up all over his bathroom.”
“Sounds a lot more boring.” Stella laughed.
“To be honest, by the time we left the bar I was almost as drunk as he was so it was actually quite funny. We may or may not have trashed his apartment whilst we were on a collision course to the bathroom so…”
“Well as long as you weren’t drunk ass driving and on a collision course to his apartment.”
“No, I don’t drink and bike.” He grinned.
“You have a bike?” Stella looked at him, her interest even more piqued. The guy was hot, looked good in a suit, looked equally hot in casuals and now she was imagining him a leather jacket, boots…she glanced around a little as if she half expected someone with a hidden camera to pop out at her and tell her this was a set up.
“Yup, nice little Ducatti.” Evan spoke and she looked back at him. “I had to go back for it the next day. I wasn’t intending on drinking but, well, we’d had a busy week so it was nice to kick back.” “I know that feeling.” Stella smiled, taking another sip of her drink. As she did so she noticed Evan looking over her shoulder, a slight frown on his face “Is something wrong?”
“Yeah, sorry, just trying to figure out why that guy over there is looking at me like he wants to kill me.” Stella frowned and turned round, letting out a groan as she spotted Jake. He hastily turned to the barista, handing over his money, when he saw her looking and she shook her head, turning back to Evan.
“Will you excuse me for a moment?” she asked, before she stood up and made her way over.
“What are you playing at?” she demanded and Jake looked at her.
“Me? Nothing, I just wanted a coffee.” He shrugged.
“You can’t like to me JJ.” She arched an eyebrow. “Pooch and Coug tell you I was here?”
“Might have mentioned it.”
“Right, well you can take your coffee and go and stop giving my date dirty looks.”
“Date?” Jensen scoffed
Stella groaned, she hadn’t meant to use that…as this wasn’t a date, it was just coffee. “No, it’s not...”but as she looked at Jensen she stopped, frowning “Why did you say it like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like it was utterly ridiculous?”
“I didn’t…”
“Is it so hard to believe that someone might want to date me?”
“Well yeah, I mean no…I mean…”
“You know what? I’m actually not interested in your opinion so…”
“Stell, don’t…”  Jake sighed, “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry.”
“What for?” Stella narrowed her eyes “Because I’ve got a pretty long list of things you’ve been a jerk about.”
“I don’t doubt it.” Jake mumbled, taking the coffee from the barista “Look, I gotta go do some…stuff.”
Stella watched him leave with narrowed eyes before she made her way back to the table where Evan was watching with interest.
“Friend of yours?” he asked as she sat down.
“No, well yeah…sorta.” She rubbed at her temple “It’s a long story.”
“I got time.” He shrugged.
Stella took a deep breath “Ok, short version is we met when we were 11, started dating when we were 17, he ended it 4 years later, only he didn’t…”
“Wait, he finished with you?” Evan cut her off and Stella nodded. “There’s definitely something wrong with him.”
Stella blinked before she let out a little huff of laughter “And now we ended up in the same team under Clay. So yeah, it’s kinda messy but it’s definitely over this time. Thing is I still want to be friends, we’ve known each other for so long but…” she groaned and shook her head “Sorry, I’m rambling and I don’t wanna scare you off before we’ve even starts…” she swallowed and shook her head as Evan’s eyes widened a little “Shit, that was presumptuous of me, I mean if you wanna start something…”
She trailed off, shaking her head, cursing herself for rambling as Evan leaned forward, his eyes twinkling.
“Well I’m kinda hoping you’re gonna let me start by taking you to dinner.”
She blinked “What? I mean, yeah, of course…dinner. Great.”
Evan let out a soft laugh “What are you doing tonight?”
“Um, tonight?” Stella looked at him” Nothing, I guess.”
“So how about it?” he asked “I know a great place in DC. I can pick you up?”
“Sure.” Stella swallowed, feeling the heat in her cheeks “I’d like that.” “Ok, settled.” Evan nodded, picking up his coffee “You know, considering Monday’s normally suck, I think I lucked out on this one. I got a second date on the same day as the first.”
“Oh so this is the first?” Stella teased.
“It absolutely is. At least it was in my head when I asked you to join me.” Evan winked.
“Hmmm, not convinced it counts.” Stella quipped.
“We can agree to disagree.” Evan shrugged “I mean, I’d hate to argue on our first date.”
Stella looked at him, before she shook her head snorting before she glanced at her watch “Shit, I really do have to go. I’m due on the range in 20.”
“I should be getting back to.” Evan nodded “You wanna text me your address and I’ll pick you up say 7:30?”
“Sure, that is a date.” She winked standing up and he laughed.
“Glad we agree on that one.”
***** Stella tossed her kit bag down on the floor and made her way to the bedroom, flopping down on her bed with a loud groan. The day had been hectic and now she wanted nothing more than to have a hot back and crawl into bed, but that wasn’t gonna happen as she had a date.
A date which she wasn’t particularly looking forward to anymore. Jensen had behaved like a petulant brat all afternoon, undermining her every instruction with the team they’d been leading through an exercise and she knew he was doing it deliberately. He was always the same, when something happened that he couldn’t process he went one of two ways. Either completely over the top childish humour or sullen spiteful brattishness, and today he had chosen the latter. The problem was, that whilst Stella knew she shouldn’t be bothered that he was clearly upset she was dating someone else, she was bothered. She felt guilty. And she knew it was pathetic. But she just couldn’t help it.
With a groan she reached into her pocket, ready to ring her so called best friend to attempt to talk things over when it lit up in her hand and she let out another loud growl of frustration as she realised it was her sister facetiming her. She debated whether or not she should answer but decided she better had or Rey would simply keep calling her all night.
“Hi.” She answered, a little unenthusiastically and Rey raised her eyebrows.
“Nice to talk to you too.” Rey said sarcastically.
“Sorry, it’s just been a really long day.” Stell sighed, before she fixed a smile on her face “You ok?”
“Yeah, just thought I’d check in. We haven’t talked in a while.” Rey smiled, brushing her long hair out of her face “Are you coming home any time soon?”
“Not until Thanksgiving.” Stella shrugged “Got a lot on. But I’ll be back for a week.”
“Ok, well I was gonna book me, you, mom, Jane and Janet into a spa for a day, my treat…well, Richard’s, but whatever. You fancy it?”
“Sure.” Stella nodded “That sounds great, thanks.”
“You could be a little more enthusiastic.” Rey rolled her eyes “Are you sure you’re ok?”
Stella scratched at her head and took a deep breath “No. I’m not. I mean, I should be but…”
“Hey, Stel…” Rey’s expression softened as she saw the tears forming in Stel’s eyes “What’s wrong?” “I have a date tonight.” Stella said and Rey frowned.
“So? You and Jake go out all the time. What’s the-“
“It’s not with Jake.” Stella swallowed “Jake and I…look, that’s over. And I mean it this time, he called quits.”
“Wait, wait…let me get this straight.” Rey frowned “You’re going on a date with someone that isn’t Gi-Joe?”
“Yeah.” “And you’re…upset about this?”
“Not upset so much. I feel guilty Rey.” Stella shook her head “Guilty about Jake and I know that’s stupid and-“ “You’re damned right it’s stupid!” Rey exploded “Fuck Stella, I love Jake to bits, despite the fact we fight all the time, you know I do but…well he dumped you like 5 years ago and I saw how broken you were…and then you got into that whole fucked up arrangement, which, for the record the pair of you may as well have still been dating, but that’s by the by. You’re not together, you have nothing to feel guilty about. And if he’s making you feel like that then he’s being a fucking prick but more to the point if you’re letting him make you feel like that, then you’re being a fucking prick too.”
“Wow, tough love much?” Stella mumbled, wiping at her eye.
“Yeah well you need it.” Rey frowned. “Fuck Stelly, it’s about time you got out there. You’re not thinking of cancelling are you?”
“No.” Stella shook her head. “Evan’s a really nice guy, I couldn’t do that even if I wanted to.”
“Evan huh?” Rey raised her eyebrows “What’s he like? Ooh, send me a picture.”
“What? I don’t have a picture of him!” Stella scoffed “I’ve met the guy like 3 times now. The first time I tipped coffee all down him.”
“Ooh, how very Notting Hill!” Rey said and Stella laughed.
“I hate that film.”
“I know.” Rey grinned, “So, come on, tell me about him, and I want ALL the details!” Stella took a deep breath and began to explain to Rey about how she’d met Evan and then bumped into him in a bar, how they’d met for coffee that morning, what he looked like, what she knew about him so far and by the time she finished the smile was back on her face and she knew instantly what her sister had done. She’d made her focus on why she’d liked Evan in the first place. Classic distraction technique, and it had worked. For all their bitching and arguing, Stella wouldn’t change her big sister for the world, and this was one of the reasons why. She was a brilliant confident and made Rey see things that half the time she was blind to.
“Damned, he sounds great.” Rey’s face split into a grin “I’m almost jealous.”
“Well, don’t get ahead of yourself.” Stella shrugged “It might go to shit after this date.”
“That’s the spirit, positive thinking…” Rey rolled her eyes, “Fuck Stella, don’t go into it thinking like that.”
“I’m not, I mean I won’t…” Stella took a deep breath as she checked her watch “Ah fuck, it’s half 6…I need to get ready. I only have an hour.”
“Ok, where is he taking you?”
“No idea.” Stella shrugged “Some place in DC. All he said in his message was to be ready for 7:30 and the dress code was smart casual…”
“Right, so this I can help with.” Rey grinned. “Stand up…go to your closet…” Stella did as she was told, heaving herself off her bed. “Turn the phone around so I can examine your wardrobe…” Rey made a twirling motion with her finger and Stella obliged. “Hmmm” she heard her sister mumbled. “I forgot what your dress sense is like. How long did you say we have?”
“Fuck you.” Stella laughed as Rey chuckled.
Under Rey’s sharp eye they settled on a long sleeved, navy blue sweater dress that finished just below her knees, teamed with a pair of knee high, tan suede, slouch boots with a small heel. With a hum of approval, Rey told her she’d “knock him dead” before hanging up and allowing her to finish getting ready not after offering Stella one final piece of advice.
“Leave the jacket at home.” Rey grinned “Then, you can test his chivalry level when or if he offers you’re his jacket.”
Stella rolled her eyes and hung up before she headed for a quick shower, taking care not to wet her hair as it would never dry in time. Luckily, thanks to the fact it had been in a French braid all day, when she took it down it fell round her face in loose waves and actually looked like she’d meant it to look that way. She did her make-up, keeping it simple with a light brown smoky effect and grabbing her purse,  took a last look in the mirror and headed out of her room.
Evan arrived at 7:30 on the dot, just as promised and as she made her way outside she smiled as he was stood, leaning against a sleek black Mercedes. He was dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans, a cream button down and a tweed jacket with brown boots. Stella smiled as he stood up straight and opened the door to the car for her.
“You look lovely.” He complimented and she smiled.
“Thanks, you look pretty good yourself”.
“Glad you approve, hate to think I was showing you up.” He winked as she settled into the passenger seat.
Evan drove them the 20 minutes or so into DC. The restaurant he had picked was lovely. Not too fancy, but nice enough to be a little bit more special than a run-of-the-mill evening out the Losers often shared. Evan was an absolute gentleman, opening the car door for her, the restaurant door to allow her in first, taking her coat to hand to the Maître-D, pulling her chair out for her.  The food and drink was amazing, Stella ordering a gorgeous grilled steak and prawn salad, Evan opting for a burger which Stella commented looked big enough to feed her entire team. They split a bottle of rich and earthy red wine, Evan having driven didn’t want any more and neither of them wanted a hangover at work, not to mention Stella was conscious about getting drunk on their first date. The conversation was easy, that wasn’t a shock given how it had been between them in the bar the other night and over coffee, but this time they got to know each other a little better. Stella found out that Evan married at 22, divorced at 26 after his wife decided she couldn’t cope any more with him being away for long periods of time. He had no kids, parents both dead, and he’d been working for the CIA now for 2 years after deciding he’d had enough of life in the Navy.
None of it was forced, there was no awkwardness, and the 3 hours they spent together flew by and Stella wasn’t surprised therefore to find that when he pulled his black Mercedes C-class into the parking lot outside her condo building, she was really disappointed the evening had come to an end.
Evan cut the engine and Stella smiled to herself, her fingers running over the seatbelt. “So, the car is nice and all but I kinda wished I’d got to see your bike.”
“Well, I’m not sure that dress you’re wearing would have been very practical for riding pillion, Doll but-“ he turned to face her, his blue eyes locking onto hers as he smiled, and she didn’t miss the little nervous twitch of his lips “-maybe there’ll be another date so I can take you out on it?”
The fact it was a question didn’t pass Stella by and she felt the heat in her neck as she smiled gently “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Evan beamed “Great, that’s great.” He paused before he gestured over his shoulder “Let me walk you to the door.”
Stella didn’t bother to point out she was a lethal trained killing machine. Instead she nodded and tucked her hair behind her ear as Evan climbed out of his car and made his way round to the passenger side, opening her door. He held out his hand to help her out and once she was clear he shut the door and they walked side by side to the entrance, Stella still had his jacket draped over her shoulders from when they’d stepped out of the restaurant. He’d passed Rey’s test with flying colours after he’d dropped it over her shoulders without so much as a word when he saw her shiver slightly in the brisk, October air. Once they reached the door Stella stopped, removed it from her shoulders it off and he took it with a thanks as she reached into her bag for her key. She looked up at Evan who finished shrugging his jacket back on and she smiled.
“I had a really good time tonight, thank you.”
Evan took a deep breath, a cheeky expression lighting up his handsome face.
“Yeah, you know, considering you had so little faith in the fact I’d even call you, I think I did pretty well.” He quipped as she laughed “Two dates on the same day and a promise of a third…”
“Yeah, I’m still not sure that coffee this morning counts as a date.” Stella arched her eyebrow and Evan made a clicking noise with his tongue.
“Pity, because I had it on good authority that the second date was an acceptable moment to have a first kiss.” He looked at her and Stella swallowed, her eyes flicking to his lips before she hastily moved her gaze back to his, but the amusement in his eyes told her he’d seen.
“Ok, well, maybe I can be persuaded that coffee this morning counts.” She bit her lip.
Evan grinned, and reached out with one hand, curling it lightly against her hip as he dipped his head to hers, catching her mouth in a soft, sweet kiss. It wasn’t long, it wasn’t especially passionate but it was perfect for the moment. When they pulled away Evan smiled and stepped back, allowing her to open the door which he leaned over and pushed for her, his palm holding it in place so she could step inside.
“See you later” he smiled.
“Yeah, yeah you will.”
With a final glance over her shoulder, Stella headed for the elevator and selected her floor, sliding the key card into the slot. As the doors shut she leaned against the wall, a smile flickering on her face. She’d had a lovely evening, the kiss being the icing on the cake. She let out a little sigh as she realised that Evan was the first person she’d kissed since she’d started dating Jake (well, not counting Roque if you could even count that) and it had felt completely different. Her first kiss with Jake had sent tingles through her entire body, like someone had set off fireworks in her stomach, whereas that with Evan had been a softer flutter, like butterflies.
But, she supposed that was the difference between being a hormonal 17 year old kissing her first boyfriend and the now more mature and world-wise 26 year old she was.
At that point the doors to the elevator opened and she pushed herself off the wall and stepped through them.  
Jake opened the door to his apartment, pulling it shut behind him and glanced up as he heard the elevator doors open. Stella stepped onto the landing, looking in her bag before she glanced up and paused as she saw him. Jake took in her appearance. The long-sleeved woollen dress she was wearing finished just below the knees of boot clad legs and damned it, it hugged her curves in all the right way.  She looked fucking amazing.
“You look nice.” He offered and she smiled.
“Thanks. I would say the same about you but…” she gestured to his sweats, scruffy red hoody and dirty sneakers and he scoffed shrugging.
“Yeah, well last time I checked you didn’t need to get dressed up to go to McDonalds so…”
“Seriously?” she looked at him “Your eating habits are ridiculous. It’s 10:45!”
“Yeah well, I wasn’t hungry before but now I am.” He shrugged
“Fair enough.” she chuckled and turned to head to her apartment.”
“Where you getting in from?” he asked, not sure he wanted to hear the answer. He watched as she stopped and hesitated a little, before she drew her shoulders back and stood tall as she turned to face him.
“I’ve been on a date.” She said.
Yup, there it was.
“With that prick that bought you coffee this morning?” Jake blurted out and Stella narrowed her eyes dangerously.
“Don’t know who you’re referring to.” Stella looked at him “The only prick I know gets the munchies at almost 11 at night.”
Jake took a deep breath and rolled his eyes. “Piss off, Stel”  
“No need to be rude Jacob.” She glowered and he raised his eyebrows.
“You just called me a prick and I’m the one who’s being rude?”
“Whatever Jake” it was her turn to roll her eyes.
“Whatever Stel…” he mimicked in a stupid voice and she shook her head.
“Grow up” and with that final barb she turned, opened her door and shut it loudly behind her leaving him staring at the solid wooden door that sported a large, brass 4a in the middle.
Jake simply stood there for a moment, before his hands dropped to his hips and he let out a heavy sigh, looking at the floor. Funnily enough he’d lost his appetite. With a final glance at her door he turned and let himself back into his own apartment, pulling out his phone.
When he found the number he wanted he pressed dial, and waited for them to answer…
Chapter 3 Part 2
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pharihyde · 4 years
Right now, Yuri Lowell looks particularly kissable, he wonders. And immediately freezes, running that thought through his mind once again, the following thought akin to a wordless feeling of ‘what the fuck’ and he’s most certainly pushing that nonsense down. Too drunk, he figures, head shaking over his drink. Hardly had any booze, but, well, since taking a trip with the kids he’s been cutting back. Wasn’t quite so hard to stay sober, wasn’t quite to tempting to drown everything out. This thought though--made him start to rethink this new policy. Didn’t think he could handle that nonsense sober.
  “What’s the problem, old man?”   Dry and biting as always, pulling the old bird back from his cups. Hadn’t been so good at hiding that lil crisis of his, huh. Eh, he’d just play it off, shake it off like always. One little stray thought didn’t mean anything.
  “Nothin’, nothin’. Hey, pass over th’ salt--”   Just pass the night like normal.
The light’s behind the wolf now, and the bird has his chin propped up on his hand, slack jaw and expression as he looks, eyes trailing up and down the line of gold that framed the younger’s jawline, the slope his neck, the beginning of his chest--
And then his shoulders hitch as he starts to think again, and realizes what he’s doing. Damn fool. Out goes a frustrated huff of air as he turns away, restless irritation rising to run his hand through his hair now. He was too sober for this. Too damn sober to be admiring a man, admiring Yuri. The hell was he doing.
He plays it off again. He always plays it off. But there’s just the slightest edge to it this time, the making sure he doesn’t look too long, doesn’t get too affectionate, doesn’t lean over and playfully yank Yuri’s hair, doesn’t let his smiles linger. This seems to frustrate the wolf over time. Frustrates himself more. The night ends on a sour note.
He’s been thinking. Doesn’t like that. But he’s been thinking. And he’s decided what to do.
Yep, just ignore it. Forget it. Sooner or later those weird feelings will dissipate, or, worst case, become so normal he can just tune ‘em out. Ignoring all his problems has definitely, always worked in the past. Absolutely. What a weight off his chest this decision is! No more fretting over if he’s seriously attracted to a) a man and b) this man. Probably just mistaking the normal feeling of intimacy people feel towards their best friends (which, as sarcastically as the phrase always comes out when saying it aloud, was the truth) anyway.
It’s not like Yuri would want some old bird attempting to woo him anyway. Wouldn’t want the normal schmooze he gives the ladies, the usual over-heavy laying on the charm. Not seriously. As a gag, maybe, and even then it’s all eye rolls and ‘not funny’s. Wouldn’t want that hand on his back, those rough lips by his ear. He’s washed up, he’s got a messy past, got too much bagged that the kid knew too much about to ever have the same thoughts cross his mind.
So, hands in his pockets, a spring in his step, he whistles. It’s all right. He’ll get over it.
He’s not really getting over it. Not as fast as he’d hoped. He’d hoped that as soon as he made his decision, it’d stop. Wouldn’t find himself making up excuses to stand so close, at least. Wouldn’t have found an excuse to keep his hand behind the wolf (th’ place is crowded, yeah?) as he puts on a smile that’s part giddy and part forced. Good thing he didn’t really have a heart, so he didn’t have to listen to any damned pounding of a fool. He’s a fool that ought get pounded. Wouldn’t even mind a sorta pounding--
Nope. Nope, not continuing that thought, and it ruins his mood enough to visibly make a face of disgust with himself. Yikes. Really losing it there, bud. Way too old to act like this. He takes his hand back, takes a step away, has to rub his face to rub in how dumb he’s acting. Yuri looks back, looks as if he’s going to say something, but really, the bird has been so strange lately, this might as well be normal. There’s no point to asking what’s wrong. Wouldn’t get an answer anyway. It’d just annoy them both. So the bird settles in, this time with much more distance, and they pretend it’s a normal night, just like all the others.
Say, maybe he’s had a couple too many to drink. He was irritated, Yuri’s words were cutting more and more, and they were both on the verge of leaving, calling it a night and trying to play masquerade another day. Rough hands tighten ‘round bottle’s neck--this is a damn dumb way to act. A phrase he’s been repeating over and over to himself the whole night. This nonsense was going to run sour anything they did, wasn’t it. He couldn’t--let that happen, now could he. This was his best friend, after all.
Sure, his guild-mates were fine, he had his hands full with helping run a global power, his skills as spy and pet and assassin coming in handy, all the years he’d spent at the sides of those in charge, and apparently he’d picked up more than he thought. Yet, even with Harry there was distance. The kid didn’t need to know all the bird’s past deeds, all the mistakes and wrongs he did and all the parts that were still sharp and broken. Same went for Karol, and the rest of them.
‘Sides, Yuri was a good reminder what would await him if he fell off the track again. He thought about it still, sometimes. There were still days he felt he shouldn’t be around, days he wondered why the line ought be bothered to tread, what did it matter, days were he damn near just did anything at all he was told to do, just to not think. Ah, but that wasn’t the sort of stuff Raven did, and the young wolf kept him remembering that. Raven was a flirt and a sleaze, but he was also an upstanding member of Altosk. He wouldn’t know what to do without Yuri there. He’d probably be fine, maybe--but it sure wouldn’t be the same, wouldn’t feel quite so right or be quite so happy. Strange thing to say, ‘bout someone who’s business was murder.
There the wolf goes, getting up to leave, and the bird can’t blame him. A slow, unappealing end to the night, and he’s just inebriated enough to lurch to his feet as well, grab the man’s wrist. He doesn’t quite know what to do with it, but he’s got it, and he figures he’s got to say something about.
  “--Sorry. Sorry, ‘bout t’night. ‘Bout th’ last nights.”   Ah, he sounds pathetic, tripping over his words. He can’t even convince himself to look up, just staring at his hand as he holds onto the other, his grip loosening as he speaks. Yuri’s warm. But--he doesn’t think he likes this. Doesn’t like having so many feelings for someone, even if he is overreacting, mistaking any feelings for another. Even if it’s all platonic, doesn’t know if he likes being so tied to someone, so invested in their well-being, so interested in their company. Had he ever cared for someone so much--?
  “Look, this is--this is gonna be weird, a’right? But I just--bah, I’m jus’ overthinkin’ things an’ getting weird.”   He’s so frustrated with himself, so annoyed by not being to deal with this in the way he always has--shove it down and ignore it.This irritation helps push him into his next action, a quick half step forward, thrusting his head near Yuri’s, close ‘nough his own breath warms his lips as he closes in--
And he chickens out. Staying there, freezing. Ah, damn. The wolf pulls back, nose wrinkled from the stench of alcohol on his breath, and those lips part for some sort of beratement, surely--and he’s got his second wind, free hand up to cup the wolf’s cheek as he capitalizes on confusion and irritation to slip in that kiss he’s been thinking about for far too long. A bothersome thing, these ‘feelings’, a more bothersome reaction in his enjoyment of the feeling, wanting to do more than a quick surprise kiss, a there and gone, and really relish that warmth. But he won’t, far too much a coward for even as much as he’s done, and he’s cut off all contact with the wolf as if he was holding hot iron.
  “Yep, weird. Right, see ya next time yer in town, bud.”   Oh, he hasn’t attempted to book quite so awkward or quite so hasty a retreat in quite some time, and from the grimace on his face, the stiff movements, one really isn’t quite sure if he enjoyed that action, or if the man was in any control of himself at all. And, really, he wasn’t all too sure on either front himself.
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Tequila Truths - Damien x Gabi
Prompts: Drunkenly confessing feelings from @cora-nova and You caught me doing something dangerous flipped out from an anon. Thank you for the prompts! I hope you like this! 
This is set about a year before the events of Perfect Match. 
Word Count: ~1600
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Damien carefully adjusts the lens on his camera, trying to catch the money shot of Mrs. Cynthia Dyer cheating on Mr. David Dyer with Mr. Dyer’s half brother. It’s honestly not the most salacious job he’s ever taken, far from it, but it still leaves him with that pit in stomach, humanity sucks feeling that most of his cases give him. That’s the burden of being a PI though. Dyer’s half brother has just arrived at the seedy City Center Motel when Damien’s phone buzzes on the seat beside him. 
“Sorry, I can’t come to the phone right now,” he mutters. “I’m busy getting paid to be a peeping tom.”  
Damien starts snapping rapid-fire photos of Mrs. Dyer opening the door and enveloping the half brother in a passionate embrace and the phone stops buzzing briefly before starting up again. Damien snatches it up and answers without looking at the caller ID. 
“Are you Mr. Damien Nazario?”
“Maybe. Who’s asking?” 
“Mr. Nazario, this is Gwen at St. Vincent’s Hospital. You’re listed as an emergency contact for Gabriela Park.” 
“Gabi?” Damien’s breath catches sharply in his chest. “Is she okay? What happened? 
“She’s currently admitted to our ER with some hand lacerations and she’s receiving fluids since she came in quite inebriated. We tried to reach her first contact, but there was no answer. Will you be able to come and pick her up?” 
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” Damien says, adrenaline and worry making him fumble as he starts his car and heads to the hospital. Gabi, what did you do?
At St. Vincent’s Hospital, Damien is a little more gruff with the staff than they probably deserve, but he can’t relax until he sees Gabi, until he knows she’s okay. He barks her name at the registration staff who call back to have a nurse come get him. He paces the ER waiting room anxiously until a young guy in gray-green scrubs calls his name and leads him through a labyrinth of hallways to a small, curtained-off bed where Gabi lays on her side, watching an old episode of The Crown and The Flame on a TV mounted to the wall. 
She looks up and blinks a few times before smiling sleepily at him. 
“Heeeeyyy,” she slurs, “Damien! It’s you! I knew you’d come. I told them you’d come. Nadia sleeps like a log, but I knew you’d come for me.” 
“Yeah, of course, always,” Damien nods his thanks to the nurse and sits beside Gabi. He looks down at her, something more than friendly concern coursing through him. She looks so small curled up on this hospital bed. Her makeup is smudged and there are dark circles under her eyes. Both of her hands are wrapped in thick layers of gauze. He picks one of them up and holds it between his hands.
“What the hell happened to you?”
“I fell down.” 
“Yeah, I kind of assumed that. How? Why? Why are you drunk off your ass on a Tuesday at 2:00 in the morning?” he drops into interrogation mode far more easily than he’d care to admit. Old habits refuse to die and he carefully watches as she answers him, looking for the truth behind her words. 
“I...ugh...I....” Gabi frowns deeply, looking away from him as an embarrassed look colors her features. “I found out that stupid Andrew has been cheating on me.” 
Damien has to bite his tongue from saying I told you so. He’d hated Andrew the Asshole on sight. Nadia had teased him it was because he “liked” Gabi, which made him sound like a lovestruck middle schooler, and she was totally wrong. He’d hated Andrew because he was a dick, a dude-bro, and a Yankees fan. While Damien never wants Gabi to hurt, he’s relieved that her latest boyfriend is out of their lives. 
“I know there’s more to the story than that,” he urges Gabi to continue. “I mean you didn’t shatter a wine bottle with your bare hands, did you?” 
“No, no wine,” Gabi laughs a little and then cringes, “but there was tequila involved. A lot of tequila which gave me the idea to find him and let him have it. So I went to Segal’s. Down by the docks.” 
“What?” Damien shouts, jumping from the bed and glaring down at Gabi. “What were doing in a place like that? Jesus Christ, Gabi! Do you know what kind of shit goes down there? You could have been hurt! Why didn’t you call me and let me handle it? God, you could have...”
He turns away, unable to finish the sentence, and rakes a hand through his hair. God, the things that could have happened to her. Damien lets out a slow breath to keep from berating Gabi again. He doesn’t have a lot of people that he likes, trusts, or cares about in this world and Gabi has managed to become someone he really likes, absolutely trusts, and cares deeply about. If anything had happened to her...
He turns back around and Gabi is standing right behind him. Before he can overthink it, he wraps her in a tight hug, crushing her to his chest and laying his cheek on her head. Gabi’s arms slip around his waist and she nestles against his chest with a sigh. Her clubbed hands land on the small of his back, patting him gently. 
“So, what happened to your hands?” 
“I kinda, sorta threw a beer bottle at Andrew,” Gabi says. She shrugs without moving from his embrace and he can’t help but chuckle. 
“Of course, you did.” 
“I missed which is a good thing, I guess, but it kind of exploded on the wall. I tripped when I tried to leave and I landed in the glass.” 
Damien closes his eyes to keep from exploding with worried anger once again. He can picture her in the dimly-lit dive bar, stumbling and slurring and cursing out her ex. She’s such a spitfire, this one. But when he imagines her falling on the sticky wood floors, glass piercing the tender skin of her hands and no doubt causing tears fall from her big brown eyes, his heart just aches. He hates that he wasn’t there with her. 
“I’m so glad you’re here, Damien,” Gabi’s soft, tired comes through his thoughts and Damien leans back to look down at her. He tucks a stray curl behind her ear as she asks, “Can you take me home?” 
"Yeah, let’s get out of here.” 
Gabi sleeps all the way to her apartment and Damien practically has to carry her up to her third-floor walkup. He keeps his arm firmly wrapped around her waist as he guides her through her messy apartment to her even messier bedroom. He uses one hand to toss stray t-shirts, jeans, and dresses from her bed, clearing a space to sit her down. 
“Why does this keep happening, Damien?” Gabi asks in a weary voice. 
“Well,” Damien answers as he walks into the bathroom to grab her a glass of water and some Tylenol. “You keep picking guys who are just...the worst.” 
“That’s not helpful.” 
“I know, but...Gabi, what are you doing?” Damien’s voice comes out choked as he walks back into the bedroom to find Gabi sitting on the bed without her shirt on. He spins on his heel and forces his eyes to the ceiling, but it’s too late. The mental image of Gabi clad in a simple gray cotton bra is burned into his retinas and it’s far more arousing than he would ever have thought...not that he’s thought about it before...much. Not the time. Not the time. Not the time, he chants to himself. She’s brokenhearted, drunk, and it is NOT the time.
“You can turn around,” Gabi says a moment later. Peeking over his shoulder, Damien breaths a sigh of relief when he sees she’s dressed in a slouchy, over-sized t-shirt and sleep shorts. Still looks cute as hell. He hands her the water and the Tylenol and she dutifully swallows it down before climbing into her bed. Damien pulls the floral comforter up over her. 
“You know you don’t have to keep settling for these guys who aren’t worthy of you, right?” Damien tells her gently and Gabi gives him a wry, sad smile. 
“Yeah, well, I can’t wait for you forever.” 
Damien freezes, staring down at her. She didn’t say what he thinks she said, did she? He shouldn’t ask. She’s out of it and she won’t remember this in the morning. He should let it go. 
“What did you say?” he croaks out and cringes. Apparently his mouth has different ideas than his mind does. Damn it. 
“I’m saying...I want you and I think you want me too.” 
“I know you’re not there yet, but hurry up, okay?” Gabi yawns as her eyes drift close and Damien watches as she falls asleep, leaving him with a heart pounding from panic and excitement. 
It’s truth. He does want her. He wants to be with her. But he’s not there yet. He’s not ready for that as much as he wishes desperately that he was. 
“Just hang on, Gabi,” Damien whispers, brushing a kiss on her forehead and smiling at the way she wrinkles it in response. “I’ll get there. I’m working on it, I swear. I’m going to become the man you deserve. I promise.” 
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hunnywrites · 5 years
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Arcade Dreams: Chapter Eight
Summary: There’s a new girl working at the Palace Arcade and Hawkins’ Family Video. Billy can’t stand her, and the feeling is mutual. No matter what everyone else seems to think.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove/OFC
A/N: Sorry I didn’t get this up sooner! We’ve been getting ready for the hurricane!
“Alright, Teddi. You gotta tell me your address so I can take you home.” 
Teddi scoffed. “Why? So you can stalk me some more?” she snapped, crossing her arms firmly and dramatically across her chest.
Billy’s hand slightly clenched around the steering wheel. If Teddi was stubborn on a normal day, she was at least five times more stubborn when she was drunk. “Larsson, I’m not fucking around here…” he warned. 
Teddi sighed loudly and sunk in her seat. She leaned over and rested her head against the window, watching the trees pass by in a blur. “I don’t wanna go home.” 
Billy looked over at her. He grabbed the shoulder of her coat and pulled her upright before looking out the window made her blow chunks all over his car. “And why not?” he asked. He knew, or at least he had an idea, but he was still a little curious about whether his suspicions were correct. 
“If my dad knows I was out this late and sees how shit faced I am he’ll kill me. Like literally kill me. Fucking prick. You know I used to do this all the time back home? Yeah. I went to parties like...all the time. And I used to smoke because I thought it made me look cool, and I was actually popular until I moved to...this.” she waved her hands at the bland scenery that was passing them. 
Billy admittedly had sort of a hard time imagining that. Maybe New York was different. Teddi was more like that girl Samantha in his Biology class, Johnathan Byers and that chick Robin (who he was also pretty sure was a lesbian because he had tried putting the moves on her during lunch once and she had laughed so hard milk came out of her nose); weird and very not cool. But he smirked over at her anyways. “Is that right? What happened?”
“I moved to Hawkins and I died inside,” they both laughed. Teddi studied him for a moment. “Is all this part of you trying to be nice? Like with the beer?”
Billy shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t know...I guess.”
“Well, how come you wanna be nice all of the sudden?”
“I don’t know,” he huffed. He supposed he could give her the long version. Complete with Max almost chopping his dick off. But he figured Teddi was a little too drunk to take any of that in. “I guess...ever since we moved here I’ve sorta been…”
“The worst?” Teddi finished for him with raised eyebrows.
“Yeah. I’ve got a lot of shit going on and-”
“I’ve got a lot of shit too. But I learned to stop being such a jerk to everyone.”
“Yeah? Well, you’re sure as hell a pain in the ass.” he argued. He didn’t know why Teddi drove him up the wall the way that she did. Maybe it was because he knew she was right. He hated it when other people were right about him. 
Teddi crossed her arms and glared over at him. “...What’s your zodiac sign?” she asked suddenly.
Billy shot her that look again. That one that like she had sprouted another head. “My what?” 
“Your zodiac sign! You know, with the stars and all…” Billy only blinked. Teddi huffed. “When is your birthday?” 
“...November 28th.” 
Teddi groaned. “A Sagittarius.” she said curtly. 
Billy didn’t know why, but he felt offended by her tone. He looked over at her with an annoyed and expectant look.  “And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?” 
“Nothing. It just explains a lot. Do you know what time you were born? Or in what city?” she hadn’t even noticed that Billy was looking at her like she had gone absolutely insane. 
“How the fuck am I supposed to know any of that? And what does it explain, weird girl? What the hell is a Sagittarius?” Teddi didn’t answer him. She just sat there with her arms crossed and looking like she was going through some weird girl rolodex in her head. 
Suddenly she perked up. “Ooo! That means we’re sister signs! I’m a Gemini!” as if Billy was supposed to have any idea what that meant.
“Gemini? Sister signs? Larsson, what the hell are you talking about?” he asked incredulously. 
Teddi rolled her eyes. “It means that we’re like super compatible...huh. Wouldn’t have guessed that.”
“Compatible like...in bed compatible?” he asked, a smirk teasing at his lips. Teddi only scoffed at the question.
“Like compatible in general. Yin and Yang...I guess that makes sense. I’m like super chill and you’re basically the hulk,” she laughed. Billy was going to throw a smart ass response her way, but before he could Teddi reached over and snatched the cigarette that was between his lips. He let out a huff to show his distaste, but Teddi ignored it. She let out a loud groan as she took a drag of the cigarette. “Christ, I missed these things.”
Billy found himself chuckling. If someone had told him a week ago that he would be giving Teddi Larsson a ride home while she rambled on about zodiac signs and sharing a cigarette with him, he would have told them they were crazy. Yet there he was, taking his cigarette back from her after she handed it back to him with a happy, content look on her face. 
“What’s funny?” she asked, smiling over at him. 
Billy shook his head. “Nothing. This night has just taken a really weird turn.” that little part of him wished that this could be how things always were. Sure, he probably hadn’t had a friend that was a girl since the third grade, but he could see himself being friends with Teddi. If they could both get past that animosity that was always there. Well, more like if he could learn to control his temper a little more was more like it. 
He turned onto his street, slowing the Camaro down so that the engine wouldn’t wake anyone at home and let his dad know that he’d been out so late. He had missed his curfew by about two hours, but with Susan around now she and Neil held Billy to an honor system when it came to him going out. Teddi didn’t look as confused as he expected her to be as he pulled up to the curb. 
“You uh...said you didn’t want to go home so…” he didn’t know what else to say. He didn’t want Teddi to know that he had figured out her secret. He would play it off as her refusing to tell him her address. If he let on that he was onto Teddi, there was a chance she would start to ask questions and soon she would be onto his secret. 
Teddi looked over at Billy’s house with narrowed eyes before looking back at him. “This is your house?” she asked.
“Yeah...look, I’m not like putting the moves on you or anything. Trust me. You can crash in Max’s room. I just figured…” he wouldn’t meet her eyes. 
Teddi gave him a tired smile. “No, it’s...this is nice.” she nodded. 
Billy flinched a little. He hated that his first reaction to someone telling him he’d done something nice was wanting to make some sort of biting remark. He swallowed the nasty comment and only shrugged. He shut the Camaro off and climbed out, rushing over to the other side as Teddi nearly fell out onto the street. She was giggling loudly as she tried to get herself upright. 
“Christ, Larsson,” he muttered as he helped her stand. “You have to shut up, okay? If anyone hears you we’ll both be dead.” he snapped.
Teddi pretended to zip her lips before letting out a small giggle. Billy rolled his eyes and pulled her along. But he didn’t go to the front door. He led her around to the side of his house to what Teddi assumed must have been his bedroom window. She leaned up against the wall to try to keep her balance while he expertly slid the window open. Wordlessly he bent down, his fingers intertwined to give her a boost up. 
She wondered briefly just how many other girls he’d done this with before stepping into his hands and sliding clumsily into his room. It was a weird angle. If she wasn’t careful she’d land down on his stereo instead of the foot of his bed. Teddi wiggled through the window and aimed herself for Billy’s bed as best as her drunk mind would allow. 
She landed with a soft thud and groaned. Billy was in almost immediately after her. It was obvious that he had done this more than a few times. Teddi waved him away when he tried to help her stand. 
Billy’s room was...exactly what she had imagined. Not that she had spent a lot of time thinking about it. It was more or less as messy as she’d expect it to be. And it had that sort of “I don’t give a shit” attitude in the way he had decorated it that was very Billy. It smelled almost overwhelmingly like him. Cigarettes, his cologne and spearmint. His cologne had this really warm, woody smell to it. Sort of like a bonfire with a hint of something fresh and earthy. It gave Teddi this comfy sort of feeling whenever she smelled it and she briefly wondered if Billy had chosen the scent because it reminded him of back home. Teddi shook the idea away and looked further around his room. She rolled her eyes when she spotted the poster of Shauna Grant hanging on the wall. There were a lot of cassette tapes. Nearly anywhere Teddi looked there was a stack of tapes or vinyls along with a crushed beer can or two and an ashtray full of cigarette butts.
Of course there where all of his weights and workout gear, that definitely didn’t surprise her. What did surprise her were the two neon boxes on a shelf in front of her. “Excuse me,” she hissed, reaching up on her toes in order to reach them. “These are Atari games!” 
Billy shushed her, shooting a dirty look in her direction. “So what?” he asked. He snatched the two games out of her hands and reached over her to set them back on the shelf. 
Teddi swallowed nervously as Billy’s chest bumped into hers momentarily before she took a step back. She shook her head and fixed an angry look up at him. “You can’t call me a geek when you’re a geek.” 
Billy rolled his eyes. “Everyone plays video games, Larsson. Now stop going through my shit. Unless you wanna sleep in here tonight. That’s more than alright with me…” he smirked down at her.
Teddi rolled her eyes dramatically. “Don’t make me puke, Hargrove.” Billy only chuckled, taking Teddi by the arm and sneaking out of his room and down the hall. He nudged Max’s door open, quickly pulling Teddi in before shutting the door behind them and turning on the light. 
Two heads popped up from the bed. Max blinked wildly as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. El watched Teddi and Billy with such a blank expression that Teddi suspected that El was positive she was only dreaming. “Billy? What the hell?” Max asked with a yawn. 
“I need a favor.” he began.
Teddi cut off whatever he was going to say next with a loud gasp. “Oh my gosh, Max, the sleepover!” she squealed. “Look, I didn’t miss it after all!” 
Billy slapped a hand over Teddi’s mouth and shot a glare in her direction. “I told you, Teddi. Be quiet.” 
“Drunk.” El whispered to Max as she watched Billy attempt to keep Teddi under control.
Max raised her eyebrows and nodded. “She’s trashed. Jesus, Billy, what did you do to her?” 
“I didn’t do anything,” he snapped. “Heather Holloway and about a dozen jello shots did this. Look, she won’t tell me where she lives and I don’t know what else to do with her. Just let her crash in here and make sure she doesn’t choke on her own vomit.” he helped Teddi over to the edge of Max’s bed so she could sit. 
Max and El both shot each other a few confused looks as they watched the pair. Billy struggled to keep Teddi still as he pulled her puffy coat and boots off. Teddi kept complaining, each time Billy hissing out a “stay still” before Teddi would pout and listen before the whole thing started again. Max didn’t think she’d ever seen someone look so inconvenienced by being nice to someone before. And what was even more confusing to her was the fact that Billy had nearly gone out of his way to put himself in this position. 
“Did he do that?” El asked Max quietly, nodding towards Teddi’s bruised eye.
Max shook her head. “She said she slipped on ice or something. It’s been like that for a few days.” she explained as El watched Teddi carefully.
Billy tossed Teddi’s coat and shoes aside and stood, jabbing a finger in Max’s direction. “Make sure she doesn’t wake anyone up, alright? I’ll take her back to her car in the morning. And neither of you tell anyone about this, got it?” 
“Whatever, Billy. Just get out of my room already.” Max hopped out of bed and nearly shoved her older brother out of her room. He shot a slightly worried glance in Teddi’s direction before glaring down at Max. He jerked away from her and disappeared down the hall to his own room. Max shut her door again and let out a heavy sigh. Teddi was lying on her back, staring blankly up at the ceiling.
“...You guys wanna play truth or dare or something?” she asked, her voice slightly slurring. 
Max and El both stifled giggles. “Teddi, it’s a little late for that. I think you need to get some sleep...what are you doing with Billy anyways?” Max asked as she got back into bed. 
“My date totally ditched me. And Billy said he’s trying to be nice...did you know that he’s a Sagittarius?” 
El frowned. “What’s a Sagittarius?” she asked. 
Teddi sat up quickly and turned to face the two girls. “What’s a Sagittarius?” she repeated, her jaw dropped. “You guys don’t know about zodiac signs either?” the two girls shook their heads. “God, what is wrong with this town? Okay, forget about truth or dare. I have like...loads to teach you. It’ll totally blow your minds.” 
Teddi turned to face Max and El, crossing her legs. Max hopped out of bed once again before muttering “wait, wait, wait!” before disappearing for a few moments. She returned with a bowl of popcorn and three cans of coke. The three settled in and Teddi launched into her zodiac lesson. Maybe her night wouldn’t be such a bust after all. Getting drunk with Heather and teaching two twelve year olds about their zodiac traits at two in the morning way more fun than anything she would’ve done hanging out with some idiot on the soccer team. Hanging out with Billy hadn’t been so bad either. It was too bad she probably wouldn’t remember most of it in the morning. 
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jo-the-schmo · 5 years
Red, Dead, Reflections Ch.5
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2  Chapter 3 Chapter 4
A/N: DEAR JESUS FINALLY HOLY SHIT this too way too long. I’ve been super busy and getting sick a lot these past few weeks. This chapter is a little lackluster but something is really better than nothing. I hope this is good enough in any case! Have a good read! Love you!
Summary:  At the age of 23, you and your pseudo-family perform a heist gone wrong, leading you into a dangerous position. Discover your own history, the story of those around you, and gain new relationships along the way in this (sorta) choose your own adventure.
Warnings: Explicit language, violence, alcohol, possible genitalia mentions, alcohol, not much else I think?
Word count: 6000+
Tags!: @lennysvmmers @zoilalove213 @eccentricc-catt
Choose Your Words Wisely 
“When do you think we’ll head into town?” You readjusted the strap of your mask attached to your belt loops.
“Why you askin’ me? I ain’t your keeper.”
“I mean, you sorta are. I don’t have a horse and Dutch said he ‘doesn’t want me getting lost’. I don’t wanna annoy you, but we’ve been here for like, a week, and done absolutely nothing.” He sighed at your comment, somewhat in agreement.
“Uncle was sayin’ somethin’ about headin’ out, but I haven’t seen that bastard in hours.” Arthur complained through slightly gritted teeth as he hefted a bag of feed over his shoulder. “If ya find him and see if he’s ready, I wouldn’t mind goin’, We’re running out of coffee anyway…” You stopped following him.
“Got it, I’ll see where he’s hiding.” You pivoted to the side and walked towards the main camp area. Bill was prodding the fire in boredom. “Hey Bill, do you know where Uncle is at?”
“Prob’ly asleep or drunk, the old loon.” He croaked.
“Well, I figured that much.” That was usually what Uncle seemed to be doing. You weren’t one to judge, but he was a recluse one for sure. Now that I think about it, I haven’t seen the Reverend in a few days…where’s he at?
“I know Charles and Javier got tired of waiting for him, so they just went out a few hours ago.”
“Okay, thanks, Bill.” You don’t talk to Bill that much, he just didn’t seem to enjoy your company for some reason, or anyone’s company for that matter. You kept looking around, trying to figure out where he could be. If I was sleeping off a hangover, where would I be?
“James! My boy! Come here for a moment, would ya?” A deep, modulated voice called out from somewhere behind you. You turned and saw Dutch standing in front of his tent. You didn’t respond vocally, you’ve found you don’t need to. As long as you’re visually enacting the request, he took that as answer enough. Dutch was a watchful man. You took a few steps toward him and you noticed Molly wasn’t around. She was usually hanging out in here. Actually, I’ve never seen Molly NOT in here.
“What’s up, Dutch?”
“Come inside, young man. Have a seat.” He placed his palm on the space between your shoulder blades and guided you inside the fabricated enclosure. Dutch had the biggest space of the group, which always bothered you in a weird way. Everyone except him, Arthur, and you slept on the ground. He moved you towards a chair, which you took a seat in out of politeness. You were starting to get nervous. Dutch had never really wanted to speak one on one with you before, much less take this approach to starting a conversation.
“What’s this about?” You tried to keep your voice as neutral as possible. He stayed standing, even pacing slowly across the floor about two feet away from you. The cuffs of his white shirt had a few rust colored stains.
“Nothin’ but a few questions, my friend.” It was subtle, but you could tell he was trying to take on a slightly intimidating presence. It wasn’t malicious or anything like that, which only made you more curious. “I’d like to know what you’re still doin’ here.” That statement took you aback.
“I’m confused, what do you me-“
“Why are you still here?” He cut you off. You took a moment to consider his question, there was a reason he wasn’t letting you get an explanation. The severity and weight of your potential answer only reflected in the sunken depths of his pupils. He looked exhausted.
“Because you’ve allowed me to.”  
“Ah, I see…” He stopped all his movements and bent down slightly to get a closer look at you. His hand rested against the back of the chair you were sitting. “I wanna trust you, my boy. You saved my life up on that mountain, I won’t soon forget that. Do you know what my family is about, West?”
“That’s right. Now, what are you about, James?” For a moment, Dutch’s face wasn’t his anymore. His hair was longer, light brown, his face was slim with a messy stubble. It was Austin.
“Why are you here, Y/N?”
“You’re safe, you’re all patched up, why haven’t you left me yet?” His eyes looked much kinder back then. So did his smile.
“Because…I don’t want to? You saved me.”
“People save people all the time and don’t follow them across a state.” He took a step closer. “What’s your deal? What do you want?”
“I…” You couldn’t be entirely sure, but you felt it. “I want the world to be better… I want the world to let me survive. I want to live!”
“Good answer.” You could almost audibly pick up the voice shift from Austin to Dutch. It took you a moment to process the fact that you had answered his question. “Sorry I took on that rather rude tone. Had to test ya, ma boy!” He laughed heartily, his earlier façade melting away.
“What was that about?”
“I wanted to see if you were up for a bit of a request.”
“A request?” His smile warmed at your question.
“Well, Hosea and I have been talkin’. You’ve been a mighty fine help around here and, well, we ourselves are headin’ out west in search of land of our own. So, we wanted to ask if you’d stick around with us until you made it back home.” You weren’t sure why the gesture surprised you, in a way you had already been integrated into their lives, they treated you as one of their own. But it still left you stunned. “Hosea says you aren’t sure if you’ll ever see your friends again, but I promise we will do everything in our power to keep you safe until then. What d’ya say, son?”
“It’d be an honor…” Your response was what astonished you the most. You felt it in your gut, a sense of comradery. Dutch patted your left shoulder, signaling for you to stand.
“That’s a good man right there!” He walked you outside the tent. “Just remember one thing, my friend.” He turned you around to give you one last bit of aid. “Do good to us, and we’ll do good to you. You seem like a nice one, but it never hurts to remind.” You instinctively walked away but his words rang in your mind. Do good to us, and we’ll do to you, huh? Charles warning would come into question every once in a while. The only person to know your secrete was Hosea.
If anyone else found out, they might tell Dutch. And if Dutch finds out, then so will Micah. At this point the only reason you still kept your secret was to save your hide. If Micah was really as much of a bastard as you’d been led to believe, if he got his hands on some information of that magnitude, you’d be dead in the next hour. You sighed with your head rolled back toward the sky. How could things keep getting more complicated?
Shockingly, time skipping wasn’t as strange of a concept anymore. You may not have done much research on it, but Gina sure had. She was a big-time nerd. If you really had jumped backwards 120 years, there was nothing you could directly do to change it. But, one thing you did know was that the universe, if having the capability to do this, would eventually find a way to put you back. A trigger was what pulled to get you here, and at some point, the space of time would have to set you back with another trigger. That trigger was certainly your previous death, but there was no telling if this new trigger would be the same. And let’s just say, dying wasn’t exactly an easy risk to take here. All you can do is bide your time and hope it comes soon.
“Found him!” You heard Arthur holler from the side, followed by the grumble of the old man getting to his feet. You guided yourself to the two by the cart, Arthur standing around with his hands on his hips looking like a scolding mother.
“That’s a rather odd place to nap, Uncle.” You pointed out.
“Welp, you know what I say? A man who can sleep on any surface, has the peace of mind to be doin’ so.” He dusted off the back of his pants.
“Interesting…” You supposed he was right, in both senses that could be interpreted. “Are you ready to head to town?” You asked the both of them but only Uncle responded.
“Yep, I gotta head down to the general store to get some supplies. Was you wanting to tag along?” Before you could respond, a familiar feminine voice bubbled behind you.
“Can we come too?” It was Karen with Tilly and Mary-Beth in tow.
“We been cooped up here for far too long! We need some fun!” Mary-Beth said in her almost song-like tone.
“Well, can Miss Grimshaw spare you?” Upon Arthur asking that, they all groaned in disdain.
“Can Miss Grimshaw spare you? Come on, Arthur! Three young, healthy women want you to take ‘em out robbin’ and you’re worried about house chores!” Karen argued while Tilly crossed her arms and shot Arthur her signature annoyed eyebrow raise.
“When you’re right, you’re right, I guess. Everyone hop on.” Arthur and Uncle took the lead and got in the front seat, Arthur at the reins.
“Wait, did you see if Sadie wanted to go? She said she’s been itchin’ to get out for a bit.” You asked while Karen climbed into the back.
“I asked her, but Ol’Pearson was there saying she had too much work to do. We’ll get her next time.” Tilly assured you. A twinge of disappointment flared in your chest, but you reluctantly followed the ladies into the cart and sat next to Karen. Arthur didn’t waste time to get a move on. You saw John being passed by the cart, on guard duty. You hadn’t gotten many chances to talk to him, but it was good to see him on his feet. Apparently, he had gotten attacked by wolves while you were unconscious, which was crazy. The whole camp was out of sight no more than a minute later. They really picked a good spot, huh? The cart makes small clunk and crunch noises when rolling over the dry soil path.
“So…James?” Karen smirked dubiously.
“Yes?” You rested your elbows on your knees, leaning forward. Which you soon realized was a mistake, because now Tilly and Mary-Beth are leaning in close and Karen is hovering just above.
“What’s it like in California?” They all actually seemed interested in what you had to say, making you feel both nervous and comforted.
“Well…It’s hot, most of the time. Uh…we get a lot of fires, and they can’t be dealt with fast enough. Earthquakes, those happen. But there’s beaches! Those can be fun on the right kind of day.”
“What kind of day is that?” Mary-Beth followed.
“Let’s see…” You thought for a moment on how to describe it. “It really just depends, I guess. Some days the beach is good for having some good fun. Messin’ around and all that. But if you go in the evening, it’s a lot less hectic and more serene. People like it for different reasons.” You lost your train of thought for a moment. Miguel liked the beach, particularly in the wake of twilight. The sounds always brought comfort for him, the lull of the sea. You were pretty sure he had mentioned at some point that his dad used to work down by the beach before he died. The sound of something snapping and the curse of a man brought you out of your haze.
Arthur slowed the cart and you noticed another person’s carriage or whatever was sitting still, and a white horse was running off to the other side of the road. You were quick to slide down the long seat and hop out the back. Your boots hit the dirt with a quick thud. Arthur had the cart in a near stop, his eyes following you as you moved yourself around to where the man was. For the brief second that you caught it, there was a conflict behind his eyes.
“Are you gonna help him, Arthur?” Karen verbally jostled. He seemed to chose a side, opting to follow you.
“Do you need any help, sir?” You questioned the older man who was tightening the straps on the horse still attached. He looked frustrated but thankfully relieved that you offered.
“Would you please go get my horse? He ran off over there.” He pointed out toward the base of a hill with some trees where the white horse you noticed before was shifting around frantically. Arthur surveyed the situation.
“Alright, I’ll go to the front, try to get ‘em to calm down. You ease your way over from the side and get his reins, lead ‘em over.” He scratched at his beard, which saw was shorter since you started paying attention. “Got it?”
“Got it.” He moved first, you going diagonally behind him. His steps were slow, methodical. It was always strange to see him act so gentle. Maybe you were just being nosey or over-analyzing him, but Arthur always seemed like he put on a tough guy persona. His demeanor went through shifts that you recognized easily, they were the same for you. The way his posture softened, his voice soothed, his eyes rounding down at the bottom. You’d only caught it a few times, and you wondered if anyone else ever paid enough attention to notice that. You could just be projecting, or acting way too creepy. Either way, it was just something you caught on to.
“Easy…” His voice mulled, accent rolling gently. “Easy there…” The horse was still fidgeting but at least it wasn’t running around anymore. “That’s it…” You inched closer to the animal staring down at Arthur with big, black eyes. The grass squished under your soles but was near silent to everyone else. Until you heard a small snap. You’d stepped on a twig. The attention of both sets of eyes was on you now. The horse shifted to its back hooves, letting out a fearful wail. You threw your hands up and froze.
“Woah there!” You exclaimed, knowing if you did this wrong you could easily get trampled. “Hiya…” You kept your voice delicate, which you weren’t exactly worried about in the moment. The horse breathed heavily and twitched through its snout. You lowered your posture, seeming less offensive. “It’s okay. You don’t have to be scared…” You inched a little closer to test the waters. Though the creature seemed to still be on edge, it appeared to be unphased by your new closeness. You kept going, until you felt the sharp breaths against your cheek. “You’re alright, buddy.” Your fingertips met the smooth fur of the horse’s neck, petting it reassuringly. It accepted your touch, and let Arthur take hold of its reins.
“You uh…” Arthur turns away from you, beginning to walk as you continue to sooth the horse. You were unable to gauge his expression. “You did really good with- with all that.” He let out a fake cough in the middle of that sentence. “You have experience with horses? I’ve seen you ride, not very well but still.”
“Eh, a little. Not very much.”
“Well, you got mighty lucky then, boy.” He remarked.
“Woooooo! Nice job you two!” You heard Tilly call, followed by the assured chants of the other two women. Arthur surrendered the leather straps to the older man.
“Thank ya, good sirs. You’ve done a good deed today.” The old man smiled approvingly.
“I just did it to impress the women, no thanks needed.” Sure, you did, Arthur.
“It was no trouble. Have safe travels, mister.” You waved him off as you changed your direction back to the cart, joining the ladies once more. Everyone waited until you all were out of earshot of the man and back on track to Valentine.
“That was real kind of you boys.” Mary-Beth grinned with a dreamy tone.
“See, Arthur? You got a heart! Unlike this old lizard.” Karen pointed up at Uncle.
“Lizards have hearts!” He remarked with offense.
“Honestly, if you three prob’ly hadn’t been there, I’da prob’ly robbed him.” Arthur corrected. All three of the women rolled their eyes.
“And I didn’t know you were so gentle, James. Not with the stories I’ve heard.” Mary-Beth was clearly trying to lead you in, and in that she had succeeded.
“What stories?”
“Micah talkin’ out of his ass. Normal stuff.” Karen reassured you.
“He’s got a brother out in California, says he’s heard of your little posse.” Tilly explains. “Says you were traded off to the O’Driscolls. Probably with us to try and get your friends back.”
“Pardon my French, but that’s horseshit.” You cut to the chase. It didn’t seem that any of them believed Micah’s lies, but they clearly wanted to hear your input. “Micah doesn’t know a damn thing about me, or my family. It’s literally not possible.” You felt yourself instinctually grip the mask bound to your hip. You took a deep breath through the nose. “I don’t know what his problem is with me. I haven’t done anything to him.” Tilly noticed the tenseness in your hand and appeared to make a mental note of it.
“Micah’s a bit like an infection. Likes to get under your skin and make ya sick.” Mary-Beth spoke knowingly.
“He’s hard to look at too.” Karen chortled. Arthur did his usual half laugh, half grunt.
“I’m surprised none y’all invited Molly with this kind of talk. Only person that hates that bastard more than me is prob’ly her.”
“Oh no, Miss O’Shea is far too high and mighty for the likes of us. She’s a society lady now.” You recognized the tone Karen held as contempt with a hint of mockery. The stench of a barn suddenly hit your nostrils.
“That’s sheep alright!” You cough from the sudden shock.
“You a city boy, James?” Uncle questions.
“Can’t really be much of city boy if I don’t live anywhere, huh?”
“Fair enough.”
The cart rounded the corner, exposing semi-busy streets. Everything was a little dirty, but not in a rundown sort of way. Women were wearing long dresses and skirts, most with their hair covered. And near the same could be said for the men except with pants, not skirts. The cart pulled down the main street and turned into a small clearing between what looked like a big stables and a small building still under construction. You sighed, rubbing your temples. Why does this shit gotta happen to me? The Great Depression has arrived early, I fucking guess. You pushed the knowledge you’d had for a while into the back of your mind and got out of the cart to help the girls down.
“Alright, I’m gonna go to the general store and get some things. Arthur, James, you come with me.” Uncle instructed.
“We’re gonna see what trouble we can stir up. There’s bound to be some dumbasses around here. Just imagine we’re in Paris, girls.” Karen lead the women back down the street and you followed behind Arthur. You heard fragments of his conversation with Uncle. Something about Uncle being called the ‘one-shot kid’ back when he was younger and him being Arthur’s third favorite parasite. You were still reeling a bit, so you mostly zoned out. Focusing was always harder when you were having your tenth existential crisis this month. The trip was fairly quick. You only saw Arthur pick up some coffee grounds and a chocolate bar. I didn’t peg him for a sweet-tooth. Uncle got a bottle of something, that’s all you ended up noticing. You opted to just buy some food and had enough money to buy an extra pair of pants. You were tired of wearing the same pants every single day. Even if you were used to it, you happily took the chance to have a spare pair and finally be able to wash the other ones.
After that whole point of your trip was over, you sat beside Arthur on the bench outside, deciding not to drink anymore after tasting how strong the booze really were. At least one of you should be fully sober for this trip. Designated Driver for a real one. One Drink Y/N, they call me. You rested the side of your foot against your knee and leaned back against the wall, getting comfortable.
“Y’know what you outta get? A hat.” Arthur suggested.
“A hat? Why?”
“You look young when yer not wearin’ one. That’s why most people think yer a kid.”
“Really? That’s why? That’s really stupid.” Arthur shrugged his shoulders.
“Maybe so, but it’s true. We should pick you up one sometime soon.” I’m gonna look like an idiot. Arthur and Uncle shared another swig while you rhythmically tapped at the beak on your mask. The two men continued on with a conversation, mostly consisting of Arthur being annoyed, while you sat in silence. An eerie sensation crawled up the left side of your face. Glancing around, it didn’t take long to notice the cause. A black hat quickly retreating behind a wall. You turned your head to the right, pretending to search for something near the Hotel.
You felt it again.
You were being watched. They were either spying or trying to examine you. You tapped the side of Arthur’s knee with the back of your hand to get his attention.
“Hey Rabid Man, I’m gonna go take a look around. I’ll be right back.”
“Ya sound like you’re tryna ask for permission.” He raised a brow, eyes scrutinizing your face.
“Nah, just lettin’ you know. There’s a black hat I need to check out.” You over enunciated the phrase black hat. “Because it seems to be taking a heavy interest in me.” He seemed to at least partially catch your drift. You stood up with a walking step, longer strides than you’re used to. You saw a staircase on the side of the hotel when you first parked.
Passing by the butcher and cutting around his stand, you took a confident gallop up the stairs. You’re meant to be here, this is like second nature. The wood creaked softly beneath you before rounding the white and blue painted corner. Your sight grazed over the area you saw the hat duck away to. Prepare for trouble and make it double, I guess. You ducked down behind a crate and peeked out the side.
There were two men, one walking over to the other. What are you doing out here? Besides being creepy, I mean. The one who had been watching you was pointing back towards Arthur and Uncle, he seemed to be interested in the little group. He was blond under the hat, the other guy looked grey with a bald spot. You assumed they were discussing the men sitting at the bench by how hush-hush they acted. Not that you’d be able to hear them from this distance, you could just tell by their demeanor. You could smell the suspicion from a mile away.
For a moment you debated what you should do. If they were willing to spy, who’s to say they won’t try and follow your tracks? You and Arthur would get blamed for sure. If they’re O’Driscolls, then that’s only add acid to the rain. You didn’t need any more issues than you already had. They were definitely packing, they might try to start something if you provoke them. How do I go about this? You certainly weren’t gonna take the chance of them following, which meant you’d have to be careful. Intimidate, but be smart about it, make them paranoid, make them nervous to not let it escalate.
With that choice in your mind, you quietly trotted down the steps once more. Once on the ground again you locked eyes with Arthur. You gestured over to the direction of the men and held up the number 2 on your fingers. He nodded in recognition. You pointed to your eyes, then to where the men are, and finally pressing your pointer finger to your lips. Watch. Them. Quietly. You turned and walked away, going around the backside of the hotel.
The blond one was now leaning up against a tree with the almost bald one pacing around. You interlaced the hook of your thumb into the front beltloop of your pants, walking with a bold impression in your step. The nervous one noticed your approach first and kicked the shin of the nonchalant blond to get him to do the same. You decided to take a friendly disposition initially, letting a smile spread across your face. You stopped a few feet in front of them.
“Hiya there, fellas. I don’t suppose I could ask y’all a few questions?” You slipped into the accent you and Javier used in conversation.
“We ain’t got no answers for no Van der Linde meater!” The blond hacked and spit at the ground in your direction. What the hell is a meater? “Now scram like the pigeon-livered fool ya are.” You kept eye-contact with him the entire time, not budging.
“Now, I’m just tryna be civil here, boys. And let me tell ya, my civility is a privilege, not a right.” You took a step forward, now only a little more than a foot away from the agitated blond. “I ain’t gonna ask anymore, I’m tellin’.”
“Go to hell before I send ya there myself.” He drew a small revolver from his holster, the barrel pressed gingerly into your belly. You were unimpressed.
“Wow, you must really be an idiot-“
“What did you just say?” The other butted in.
“I said he’s an idiot. Not only is he dumb enough to try and watch me, but it also seems he’s so stupid that he’s try ‘nd point a weapon at me with the Sheriff’s office just around the corner.” You lowered your voice. “Your escape rides are a lil far to be actin’ like you own the place, aren’t they?” They gave each other a worried glance after hearing you say that. “I just wanna know what gives you the nerve to be spyin’ on someone like me.”
“This here is O’Driscoll territory, boy.” The Friar Tuck looking one verbally spit.
“Well, excuse me, I don’t see your permits of established territory. Now I’m not sure you noticed this or not, but I got eyes everywhere. You see, friend, I’ve got a certain way with words, and got enough skill to get people to do as I ask. Try anything funny and I won’t hesitate.” You push the offending arm that held the gun away, he gave no resistance. “I’ll give you a word of advice, keep you eyes to yourself.” You reached up, plucking the hat off his head by the brim. “And don’t wear hats. You ain’t big enough for ‘em.” You took a few steps back, masking the cautionary nature of them with cockiness. “I’ll see you two around.” You put the black hat on the crown of your head and waved them off.
You could already hear both men huff from frustration as you left. You decided to cut into the alley between the hotel and another building.
“That was quite possibly the best outcome you coulda got.” The sound of his accent surprised you. Arthur was leaning his shoulder against a blue beam but was about a foot taller due to him standing on the hotel’s platform. “I’m actually a little impressed. Never seen an O’Driscoll give up so easily.” He tipped his hat. “Especially not when you’ve so thoroughly disrespected ‘em.”
“Well, you did say I oughta get a hat, yeah?” Your throat was glad to be rid of the way too below your octave voice you’d taken on.
“I did indeed. It ain’t quite right, but it’ll do for now. Except for the fact yer wearin’ it all wrong.” Arthur dropped down to one knee, which was even more surprising than when he spoke up out of nowhere. It was unclear to you if it was just all the contemplating you’d done of him previously or what, but his eyes looked more unguarded than you were used to. Clear and questioning, they were honest. You could feel the ghost of his hand take the top of the hat and move it forward so that the sweatband met the top of your forehead.  “Much better.” He made what almost sounded like a sigh of relief.
“Oh, thanks…” Your voice came out softer than you meant for it to.
“Yer welcome. Now, let’s go check on Uncle. That old fool mighta drunk himself to death by now, here’s hopin’.” He stood to his feet and cracked his neck.
“Don’t be so hard on him, Arthur. He used to be the ‘one-shot kid’. Have a little more faith in him.” Your joke made him groan.
“Now you sound like Dutch.” You could practically hear his thoughts go ‘ew’. Together you walked back over to find a passed-out Uncle.
“Huh…Bill told me Javier and Charles are still here, you wanna go find them?”
“Eh, no, let’s just wait for the ladies. They’re usually pretty smart, but you can never be too careful.” You both took a seat on the shop’s wooden steps since Uncle was now sprawled on the bench.
“You’re very protective. You know that?” You asked.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. It’s not a bad thing either. Just something I’ve noticed. You care a lot.”
“It’s not-“
“You’re not gonna fool me, Arthur Morgan. I’ve gotten pretty good at reading people over the years. I personally think it’s a good thing.”
“Really?” You expected his inflection to allude annoyance, but it was rather sincere.
“Yeah. I’ve been around you guys for a while now and let me tell you, the macho gets old. That’s why I appreciate the calmer and more caring outlook you have. It means you’re reliable.” He went silent after your last comment. This made you think you may have overstepped and made him uncomfortable. You forced out a laugh to try and lighten the mood. “Sorry about that, I talk without thinking sometime-“
“I never thought about it like that before.” What? “You know you’re real strange, West.”
“That’s what I’ve been told.” This time the chuckle at the end was legitimate. “I’m used to it though.”
“Y’know, everyone’s real interested to hear more about you. Ya don’t say much about yourself, and when you do its all vague. You scared of somethin’?” You weren’t sure why his question shocked you initially, they said the same thing earlier.
“I don’t think scared is the right word.”
“Then what is?” There was a newfound dulcet way in his speaking. You pondered that question for a moment. You weren’t trying to get killed just because someone was nice to you.
“You all have been so kind to me, and I’m sure it’s frustrating to not know practically anything about me, but for safety’s sake, until proven otherwise, it’s best that I don’t say.”
“You got someone after you or somethin’? ‘Cause if you do, we really need to know what to look out for.”
“It’s complicated. The less you know the better. Besides, I’m too far gone and far too different for that to matter.”
“You really know how to be cryptic, don’t ya?” He scratched at his beard.
“I’ve been told that as well, yes.”
“In any case, you can trust us. I know they don’t seem like it, but most of them boys, and almost all the ladies, they’re real good listeners.”
“See what I mean? You care an awful lot. It’s actually really impres-“
“Arthur! James!” And elated voice called out. You looked to the right and saw Mary-Beth making small and quick steps toward you. Arthur picked a pebble off the ground and snapped it at Uncle, hitting him in the stomach with a light ‘pap’ sound and efficiently waking him from his alcoholic slumber. He let out a sudden yelp, and Arthur pretended he wasn’t the one who threw a small rock at him.
“By god, what are ya shoutin’ for, old man?”
“Something just hit me!” He squealed.
“Damn birds, amiright?” His words slurred through his accent. You didn’t respond to him.
“Hey Mary-Beth. What have you been up to?” You greeted her with a smile.
“That’s actually what I was comin’ over to tell y’all about! I found this big, fancy house and snuck in, pretendin’ to be a servant girl. It usually works.” She gestured with her hands. “Anyway, I heard some talk about the lady’s sister goin’ on a trip to some getaway vacation. A train full of rich bigwigs cruisin’ along the empty countryside at night to get to Saint Denis! To avoid the tides and all.”
“I don’t know about that, Mary-Beth. Seems a little risky.” Arthur was hesitant.
“Oh, come on, Arthur! There’s bound to be enough money on that train to keep us movin’, yeah?”
“I guess…Say, where’s Tilly and Karen at?”  
“Oh uh, Karen picked up some drunk fella to try and rob, took ‘em to the hotel.”
“Why?!” You joined in.
“Seemed easy…She has been gone for a while, though. Oh! There’s Tilly right there!” You followed her line of sight and saw Tilly get pulled into the alleyway you came out of earlier. You couldn’t hear much from where you were, but she was clearly getting yelled at by a man you didn’t recognize. “That don’t look good.”
Help Tilly or Help Karen?
Return here after choice is made
“Yeah, he only punched me. He got it worse, trust me.” She smirked.
“Uncle, can you take the girls back to camp. I think that’s been enough adventure for one day.
“I saw Bill ride in earlier, should we get him too?” Tilly asked.
“I’ll check on him here in a bit.” Everyone agreed to going back and things seemed pretty chill. Then some random guy on a horse slows down next to the group.
“I…I saw you in Blackwater!” What?
“No, no you didn’t. Let’s talk about this here-“
“I’m getting out of here!” What the fuck is going on? His horse made a quick turn in the opposite direction.
“Shit! Uncle, get the girls out of here!” Arthur hopped onto the back of a ginger horse and chased after the mystery man. Someone in the distance yelled,
“Hey! That’s my horse!” but didn’t go after them or anything. You stood in complete bewilderment for a moment.
“What are ya doin’, son? We have to go!” Uncle snapped you back into reality.
“No, you all get out of here. I’m gonna make sure Arthur doesn’t get into any trouble.” You waved them off and jogged off to figure out where they might’ve gone.
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morningfears · 6 years
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Rating: PG-13
Request: “Hi! Can you write an Ashton fic where the two are best friends (btw this is gonna be a real cheesy request I’m sorry) and the reader has been in love with him for years. I found the prompt “it’s okay. You don’t have to love me,” and this just came to my mind. If you have a better idea with the prompt feel free to use it! There needs to be more Ash fics in the world ❤️” for @cxddlyash
Word Count: 2.3k
The chime of the bell hanging above the door is lost among the sounds of the newest Marilyn Manson album filling the empty record shop. It’s half an hour until closing, the sign still reads ‘Unfortunately, We’re Open,’ and it causes a grin to quirk Ashton’s lips as he reads over it for what must be the millionth time. He loves the character of the little shop, tucked away from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles traffic, and he’s almost certain that he would’ve still found his way to Atomic Records even if you hadn’t gotten a job there. He loves it, almost as much as you do, but he knows that he doesn’t stick around for the burnout regulars or the shitty coffee place next door.
He could find a million record shops, just like Atomic, scattered around the country.
But he sticks around this one because you’re there. You’re there, usually standing behind the counter littered with copies of Rolling Stone, a bright grin on your face as you talk about the latest Soundgarden record, and he’s never far from you. He hasn’t been farther than a fifteen minute drive away from you in almost twenty years and he doesn’t plan on that changing now.
Ashton thinks about how permanent you’ve been in his life, how when everything else changed, you didn’t, and he can’t help himself as he creeps up behind you. You’re focused on organizing the vinyl, your fingers thumbing over record sleeves without a second thought, and he’s overwhelmed by the urge to launch himself at you when he notices that the flannel you’re wearing is his. So, without a second thought, he wraps his arms around your waist and squeezes you into a tight hug.
You tense at the feeling of someone touching you, your mind instantly running through the self-defense moves from the class that your mother insisted you take, until you hear a familiar voice hum your name. “Get off of me, Irwin,” you laugh, not even feigning annoyance, as Ashton squeezes your waist tighter and rocks you side-to-side far too quickly, “some of us have jobs to do!”
“That’s why I’m here, doll,” he informs you with a grin as he finally unwraps his arms from your waist and reaches his arm over your shoulder for the re-stock pile of vinyl on the table in front of you. “We’ve got a gig tonight, wanted you to be there. So, I’m gonna help you close up.”
“Cal still hell-bent on being the next big thing in grunge?” you question as you grab a Soundgarden record from his pile.
“‘Course he is,” Ashton nods, “he’s sure we’re gonna the next Nirvana. Luke keeps telling him that grunge is dead, that rap is what’s in, but he’s determined.”
“Guess it’s a good thing,” you shrug as you reach for a copy of All Eyez, on Me, “but Luke’s sorta right. Rap’s in, can’t keep Pac, Eazy-E, or Snoop on shelves. Had a guy come in looking for an N.W.A album a few weeks ago. But, like, a lot of different styles of rock are in, I guess. Manson’s doing alright. Weezer, too. Sublime has had a good year. But, who knows? Maybe the twenty-first century will be good for four wannabe-punks.”
Ashton rolls his eyes as he nudges you with his elbow. “We’re not wannabe-punks,” he scoffs before he puffs out his chest exaggeratedly and grins, “we are punk rock.”
“Right,” you nod, “let the punk kid that works down the street hear you say that. Feel like he can take all of you by himself.”
Ashton laughs at your comment as he mutters something about you being right and the sound makes your heart skip a beat and the butterflies swirl in your stomach. There’s always been something about his laugh, even when the two of you were children, that made you desperate to hear more. You want to be the reason that that stupid, cheesy grin quirks his lips. You want to be the reason that he giggles so hard his cheeks flush brilliant pink. You want to be the reason that he smiles on the worst of days.
You want to make him happy.
You want to be his.
You’re not sure when you developed a crush on Ashton (or when you became the rom-com cliche you swore you’d never be) but it happened somewhere between graduating middle school and packing up your shit following your high school graduation to move across the globe with him. Los Angeles was his dream, music was his passion, and you promised the day that he joined his first cover band that you’d be right there beside him as he made it all happen.
You’ve never regretted that promise, never even come close, but you’ve always wondered what the past few years would’ve been like had you told him sooner. Maybe he would’ve left you back home, crossed an ocean to avoid your feelings, or maybe you’d be sharing the same bed instead of the same apartment and listening happily as he wrote love songs about you instead of some hot blonde he met at The Whisky.
But you try not to let yourself dwell on it because it’s okay. You know that he loves you. Not in the way that you love him, of that much you’re certain, but he loves you and that’s enough.
However, since you figured out your feelings and how deep they run, it’s been harder and harder to keep them from Ashton. You’ve never kept a secret from him, especially not one this large, and it makes your stomach churn with guilt every time you imagine a romantic future with him. He loves you, that’s enough, but he deserves to know that you love him.
“Hey, Ash?” you breathe, your voice shaking slightly as you fumble with a GWAR album, “Can I-“
Before you can finish your sentence, the ringing of the shop’s telephone interrupts you and Ashton grins. “I’ve got it,” he assures you happily, “finish shelving. I’ll be right back.” Before you can stop him, he’s bolted across the room to the telephone and is answering with, “Damn the man, save Atomic. How can I help you?”
“Ashton Irwin,” you shout, your voice lightening with amusement as you dart across the shop and reach for the phone, “give it!”
“It’s just Calum,” he laughs, not bothering to cover the receiver. You hear a shout of indignation from Calum’s end of the line before Ashton rolls his eyes and sighs, “I’m on my way, Cal. Was just helping close up Atomic. Yes, I know I don’t work here. She says fuck off. I’ll be there soon. We’re not doing another fucking Nirvana cover. Bye.”
You roll your eyes in amusement as you hear Ashton’s side of the conversation before you slap his shoulder when he hangs up the phone. “How did you know that was Cal? What if it was a customer? You can’t answer the phone like that!”
“Whatever,” he laughs, “you don’t care that much.” When you don’t argue, Ashton grins and tosses an arm over your shoulders. “Come on, walk me to the door so you can lock up. We don’t start playing until ten so you have time to go home and eat or change or whatever. If you do go home, can you grab my notebook? I wanna show the guys some of the stuff I’ve written.”
“Sure,” you nod as you flip the sign to ‘Closed’, “gonna grab Michael’s boots, too. Left them last week when he got drunk after we watched Empire Records.”
“Please,” Ashton sighs as he steps out of the shop and onto the sidewalk, “be careful! I’ll see you in an hour? If you’re not there, I’m coming to find you!”
You roll your eyes at Ashton’s words but nod as you lean against the propped open door. “Sure,” you laugh, “if I’m not there in an hour, it was the aliens. You’ll find me, though, won’t you, Scully?”
“Why am I Scully in this situation?” he questions as he turns and begins to walk backwards down the sidewalk. “Is it ‘cause I’m the hot one?”
“Excuse you, David Duchovny’s plenty hot,” you laugh, “but it’s ‘cause I’m in love with you and you haven’t noticed yet.” Ashton nearly trips over his feet as your words sink in. He pauses in place on the sidewalk and stares at you as you mutter, “Fuck, shit. Fuck.” As Ashton blinks at you, seemingly in shock, you quickly add, “No, I didn’t mean it like that. Shit, no, I did. I love you, I’m in love with you, but, like. It’s okay! You don’t have to love me. I mean, I know you love me, but, in the way that you love your sister, I guess. And that’s fine! I didn’t mean to say that. It’s just been on my mind and I felt guilty not telling you because we don’t have secrets but-“
You feel Ashton’s hand gently cover your mouth as he finally moves to stand in front of you. “Breathe,” he instructs, his eyes still wide and his cheeks impossibly pink, “just, take a deep breath.” He removes his hand from your mouth and nods encouragingly as you take a deep breath. As you focus on stopping the heaving of your chest, he blinks at you. “You’re in love with me?” he asks, wanting to clarify.
“Yeah,” you sigh. “Again, totally okay if you don’t love me. You don’t have to! It’s fine. I’m fine. I’ll, uh, move on or something. ’S’not a big deal.”
“It is a big deal!” he nearly shouts, his hands moving to drag through his messy curls. “I’ve been in love with you since we were kids. You loving me back is a really big deal!”
“I know it’s a big deal and I’m sorry I didn’t-“ as his words register, you pause and blink at him. “Wait, what?”
“I’ve been in love with you for ages,” he laughs, “loved you since you were my date to that dance in middle school.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you cry as he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you tight against him. “We’ve wasted so much time!”
“I didn’t want to ruin what we had. We’ve been so good for so long, just being us. And you can’t keep a secret. I thought you’d have told me by now if you were into me,” he informs you with a grin as he nudges you back into the shop. “I wouldn’t have asked just anyone to move halfway across the world with me. It’s always been you. I’ve always wanted you.”
“I wouldn’t have moved halfway across the world for just anyone,” you laugh. “I think I’ve known since middle school, too. I’ve known for sure since the day you asked me to come to L.A. with you. Anyone else, I would’ve called them crazy immediately. With you? I didn’t even have to think about it.”
Ashton’s grin grows wider as he scans your face. When he sees the love and adoration in your eyes, he can’t help the giggle that bubbles in his throat. “Fuck, I love you,” he laughs, “I love you so much. I never would’ve thought that you loved me back but I’m so glad you do.”
“I never would’ve thought you’d love me back,” you laugh, “but you do. And I love you. And we love each other.”
Ashton nods at your words and moves to wrap his arms around your waist once more. “We love each other,” he repeats happily, almost in a daze, “holy shit, we love each other. This is amazing.”
“It’d be even more amazing if the two of you were on your way to the fucking venue but, you know, priorities, I guess,” you hear a voice grumble from the shop door.
You glance over Ashton’s shoulder and roll your eyes at the sight of Luke, Calum, and Michael but your exasperation quickly turns into laughter as Luke and Michael slap Calum on the back of the head. “Way to ruin the moment, shithead,” Michael huffs before he turns his attention back to you and Ashton. “Sorry about him, pissed ‘cause we’re not doing Heart-Shaped Box again. Seriously, though, we need to get going. Hate to break it up, though. Glad you’re finally being honest with each other about how you feel! We will spray you both with water bottles like they do cats if you start going at it while we’re around, though.”
“Go,” you laugh as you untangle yourself from Ashton’s embrace. “I need to finish up here. ‘M gonna run home and then I’ll be there, front and center, for the show. Can’t miss my favorite band.”
“Oh, so it took Ash proclaiming his love for you to make us your favorite band? Rude,” Luke huffs, barely concealing a laugh before he gestures to the door. “We’ll see you at the venue!”
The boys step out onto the sidewalk to give you and Ashton a minute. “I’d apologize for them but you know how they are,” he laughs as he runs a hand through his hair. “So, I know we confessed our love and everything but I feel like I still need to ask. Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Of course I will,” you nod, “wouldn’t want anything more. I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he grins before he leans down to press a chaste, quick kiss to your lips. “I’ll see you in a bit! I love you, bye!”
And he’s out the door before you can truly register what happened. As you watch him and the boys rush down the sidewalk, you press your fingers to your lips and feel your cheeks heat. He loves you, just like you love him, and that’s more than okay. 
It’s everything you ever could’ve wanted.
Author’s Note: So. My original idea was a greaser fic. Because Greaser!Ash makes me feel things. But then I started rewatching Empire Records and I decided, record store, vaguely 90s. Yes. So, please enjoy this vaguely 90s AU with the cutest boy. Also, I tried to drop a few 90s references but, like, I didn’t want it to be too much? Okay. Yeah. Bye!
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read-the-reid · 6 years
Jean Pockets
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Summary: Sam and Dean go out for a hunt while you stay behind since Jody, Donna, and the girls are coming to the bunker for Thanksgiving. You tell him to hurry back because there are some naughty things waiting for him when he returns. Pairing: Dean x Reader Warnings: SMUT, unprotected sex, language, lovey-dovey fluff Word Count: 5,350 A/N - so I ended up in New Orleans this past weekend and took my laptop with me to write while I was there and that was a huge fail. So...sorry about that. Anyways, this fluff mess is sorta kinda partially based off a dream I had the other night. Enjoy. I know I did. 
You hated when Dean left for a hunt without you. You hated staying in the bunker while he and Sam went out and risked their lives every second they were gone. Most hunts you would tag along and stay in the motel and answer a call if some local cop decides they need to talk to the boys’ supervisor. You tried to get Dean to let you come with him but he insisted you stay behind to welcome Jody, Donna, and the girls when they got here. As much as you hated it, he was right.
As you walk into the kitchen to start dinner for yourself you stop. You look around and can’t help but smile. It had been almost four years since you met the Winchester boys. 
“Hello, I’m Agent Green and this here is my partner Agent Darenn, FBI, we are here to look into the string of disappearances starting with Fiona Cox,” the shorter one who identified himself as Agent Green informed you.
“Well Agents sorry to waste your time and money, but we don’t need any help from the feds, we have it covered. So just have your-,” you were cut off before you could tell them to have their supervisor give our office if that was a problem.
“Oh, Y/N, it’s fine. I called them. They are friends of mine, just needed an outside opinion from some familiar faces. Oh boy is it good to see your faces? You two sure are a sight for sore eyes, man I’ve missed the both of ya,” Donna pulled the boys in for a hug and they seemed to gladly accept and reciprocate. “Sam, Dean, this is Y/N, the new girl I got on my team. The one I was telling you about.”
You blushed at the thought of Donna talking about you to two very attractive men and for what reason you had no clue. The one named Dean was quick to throw smirks and glances your way, making your heart melt and your palms sweaty. What in the hell had come over you? He was Donna’s friend and they made him off limits. Even so, every time Dean would look at you or ask you a question your heart rate would speed and you would get nervous for no reason. You knew he was trouble. Any man who was this good at making a girl feel like this with just looks and a couple of questions was bad news period. So when he told you he was in town for a few days and asked if you wanted to go out for coffee you said no. Or at least that is what your brain had wanted to say. Your mouth had other plans.
“Sure. That sounds great.”
“Great, um, meet me at Castle’s at seven?” he let the question linger, letting you seal the deal, giving you the chance to back out if you wanted to.
“Yeah, that uh, that’s perfect. I’ll see you there.”
  Four years. Four years of wild adventures and drunk nights and memories to last a lifetime, and you can only go forward from here. You pull out a pot to boil water for pasta. You were in the mood for homemade alfredo tonight. You were in the middle of preparing the ingredients when you heard footsteps behind you. You turn around to see Dean carrying a duffel bag on his shoulder and his car keys in his hands. He was in his everyday jeans and a red flannel. His boots tied haphazardly with absolutely no precision and his hair a messy tuft of brown.
“Hey babe,” you set down the box of pasta and make your way over to him. You wrap your arms around his waist and look up at him. “you guys headed out?”
He set his duffel bag down and put his keys in his pocket. His hands slowly make it up your sides and to your face. “Yes, and know you hate when we leave without you, but I need you here and I need you safe. Plus, the girls will be coming to town tomorrow and I don’t think Sammy and I will be back in time. So, you, my very lovely, very beautiful girlfriend will have to be here to greet them and welcome them to our humble underground abode.” He flashes you a smile that still makes you weak in the knees. 
He kisses your forehead and unwraps your arms around his waist. He makes his way to the fridge and rummages through it looking for something to snack on. He finds a leftover chicken finger and sticks it in his mouth. You laugh at him and turn around to continue cooking. He walks up behind you and wraps his arms around you and places a kiss on your cheek. Your movements still and you catch your breath. Moments like this are your favorite. Domestic moments. Small kisses in the kitchen as you cook, or doing laundry together, or even sitting down and getting cuddled up to watch a random re-run of Friends. No Lucifer, no demons, no apocalypse, nothing evil.
You turn around and look into his green eyes. “I love you so much. You know that right?” You know he knows, but you like to make sure he hears it.
“Yes, and I hope you realize I love you more than you could ever know.” He places his hands on your cheeks and presses his lips to yours. The kiss is gentle but it is full of meaning and full of love. You reach up and tangle your fingers in his already unruly hair. He pulls your body closer to his and you know if you don’t put a stop to this now, he will not be leaving this bunker any time soon. You disconnect yourself from his lips and softly run your fingers down his face. he closes his eyes and leans into your touch and lets out a breath. “Woman, I swear you will be the death of me.”
“Yeah well, I hope that is many many years down the road. I’m not yet finished with you just yet.” You slide your hands behind him and reach for his back pockets and laugh when Dean mumbles a ‘not again’. You slide your hands into his back pockets and give the slightest squeeze to his butt and plant a kiss on his lips.
“You know I have never understood your need to do this to my butt every time I leave.” His rolls his eyes as dramatically as he possibly can and plants a kiss on your nose. 
“Because I really love your butt.”
“Well, my butt really has to leave now. I love you. I will see you in a few days. Tell the girls I say hello when they get here.” He grabs his bag off the floor and makes his way out of the kitchen and shouts one last ‘I love you’ before making his way to the garage. 
You get an idea that may give Dean a little pep in his step to get back as soon as possible. You jog through the bunker and into the garage just in time. Dean stops the car, rolls his window down and raises an eyebrow at you. You lean into the car and give him one last kiss then lean in closer to his ear so you know that Sammy can’t hear, “I know you have this case and all, but hurry back because there is a lot of dirty sex waiting for you when you get back.” You move away from him before you can get a reaction and shout to Sam to keep him safe and alive as you walk back into the bunker. You smile to yourself as you make your way to the kitchen again. These next few days were going to be hell, but it will definitely be worth it.
The first night by yourself went by pretty easy. You cleaned a lot of the bunker to get ready for all the girls to show up.The second night was a little lonely but bearable. It was now nearing noon on Monday and you had just gotten a call from Jody to tell you that everybody was about ten minutes out. You thanked the evil angels above because you felt as if you were slowly going mad sitting in the bunker all alone with nothing to do and no one to talk to. You needed human contact. You finally hear the bunker door open and hear the laughter of all the girls bounce off of the war room walls. You grab a few beers from the fridge and make your way to the bottom of the stairs to greet them. 
“Hey! Come on in your guys. Feel free to throw your stuff anywhere for now. You had to carry it down those windy stairs, take a load off. Have a beer.” You step over bags to hug Donna trying not to drop any of the beers you are holding. It has been way too long since you have seen her.
“Don’t mind if I do,” Claire reaches for one of the beers. You move them out of her reach as you, Donna, and Jody all say a chorus of ‘nice try.’ Claire shrugs her shoulders and laughs. She leans in and wraps her arms around you for a hug. “Was worth a shot. How you been Y/N?”
“Been good. Really good actually,” you smile to yourself. “Been going a little stir crazy all alone in here since the boys left Friday evening. You guys arrived just in time to prevent a full-on manic episode.”
Alex laughs and takes one of the beers you had in your hands. You hand the others to Jody and Donna as you finish your round of hugs. 
“You must be Patience. It’s nice to finally meet you. My name is Y/N, I’m Dean’s girlfriend.” You offer a hug and she is slow to accept but after a few seconds, she wraps her arms around you. 
Everybody makes their way to the bunkers library as you grab a few more beers from the fridge. You sit down in a chair as Donna starts talking.
“So, tell us all the good Winchester gossip.”
You smile wide. Man have you missed this bunch of girls. You all sit in the library and swap stories ranging from all the different hunts we have all been on lately to the current standing of the angel predicament. You were in the middle of teasing Claire for having a crush on a hunter she had come by named Mitchell when the bunker door opens. Your smile widens and you get out of your chair to rush into Dean’s arms.
“Hey, there babe. Miss me?” He wraps you in his arms and kisses the top of your head before tilting your head up and planting a quick kiss on your lips. 
You hug him tighter and kiss the corner of his mouth. “More than you will ever know.” Sam clears his throat next to the two of you. “I missed you too, Sam. Just maybe a little less,” you shot a wink at Dean and the three of you laugh.
Sam pulls you in for a hug and kisses the side of your head. “As much as I hate to admit I missed having you on this hunt.”
You separate from Sam and press your self into Dean’s side as you all walk towards the library. Sam and Dean do their rounds of hugs and hellos and as if they were never missing, you all sat down, you now cuddled on Dean’s lap, asking how the hunt was. They informed you it was just a cut and dry vamp nest. Small. No more than ten. After about forty-five minutes Deans speaks up.
“Well girls, as much as I have loved catching up, I am exhausted. I am gonna turn in for the night. I will see you all in the morning. You all have your pick of rooms, there are plenty here.” Dean pats your hips signaling for you to get up. You stand with him and give him a kiss as he goes off to bed.
“Rooms are down these two halls here,” you point to the two hallways branching off of the library. “Bathrooms are spaced sporadically between all the rooms. So if you just look hard enough and you will find them, I am going to go lay with my boyfriend. Love you guys, I will see you in the morning.” Sam and the girls say their goodnights to you and continue talking among themselves. 
You walk the hallway and make your way to Dean’s room. You turn the corner and Dean’s movements catch your eye. You lean yourself up against his door frame and admire what you get to call yours. He reaches over his head and removes his shirt and throws it on the floor. You ogle his back muscles as they contract and ripple. You have always loved his back, there was just something about it that drove you crazy. The way his shoulder blades would move or the way it looked in a tight shirt. You silently get into the room and close the door. As he reaches down to undo his belt you walk up behind him and snake your arms around his hips. You get on your tiptoes and press your lips to his neck.
“Here, let me,” you grab the buckle and undo his belt for him. You slide it out of the loops and throw it on the floor to be found at a later time. You unbutton his pants and run your fingers along the hem of his boxers.
“I am fully capable of undressing myself, you know. I am a grown man,” he turns his head and kisses your lips forcefully. He turns his body to face you as you kiss down his neck.
“I’m well aware of how grown you are, Winchester, I just enjoy taking your clothes off,” you pause. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll let you take my clothes off.”
He smiles. “Works for me.”
Dean grabs your ass and lifts you off of the ground. You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He kisses his way down your neck, biting down softly every few inches or so. You let out a moan as you tangle your fingers in his hair. You feel your body hit the bed, Dean’s body pressing you into the mattress, his face still buried in your neck. His hands wander your body until they find their way to the hem of your shirt. He lifts your shirt over your head and tosses it onto the floor. He reaches behind you and unhooks your bra, you hold the cups to your chest and let the straps slide down your shoulders. You drop your bra onto the floor along with your guys’ clothes. Dean runs his hands up and down your body, sending chills up your spine.
“God, you are so beautiful.” He looks at you with admiration in his eyes that you have never seen before. His lips are parted and his breathing begins to pick up the longer he looks at you. His eyes flicker to meet yours and he flashes you a smile that makes the heat between your legs almost unbearable.
You push his jeans down and off of his legs along with his boxers. You hear his jeans hit the floor as you roll the two of you over so you are on top. You take in every detail of him, locking it into memory. The way his lips part as he breathes, the way his eyes hood and his head rolls back when you grind into him. Every line and every muscle in his chest. The way his hips thrust up unintentionally when you press your cloth covered center onto him. He doesn't make a move to take control just yet.
“Y/N, I love you, I really do, but if you don’t do something right now I am going to go insane. Please,” the words are strained and he hisses when you rake your fingernails along his stomach.
“But, baby, I like seeing you beg.”
“Y/N,” he warns, or at least the best he could. You knew he was trying to sound intimidating but it came out a grunt. Another jolt of his hips and you end the torture.
“Do your worst, Winchester.” You lean down and whisper. You press your lips to his, letting him take control. 
The second the words leave your mouth, you are flipped over and pinned to the bed. He reaches between the two of you and drags your panties down your legs, pushing them off the sheets. He runs his fingers up your thigh stopping at your wet folds. He spreads your legs and places himself between your knees, lowering himself on top of you.
“It’s a good thing you can’t hear anything through these walls,” and with that sentence, he thrusts into you. Your back arches and a loud moan leaves your mouth. Your arms wrap around his neck and you pull him close to you. His movements still and he wraps an arm around you back. He doesn’t make a move to continue and every attempt you make to move he holds you still.
“Dean, please, fucking move,” you move your hips trying to get any friction possible but he holds your hips still. Dean huffs a small laugh and rolls you around so that you are sitting on top of him. 
You lean forward and grab onto the headboard. His hands grip you hard enough to leave bruises; you moan knowing you will have marks of him in the morning. You grind your hips into him, causing him to grunt. “Stop moving.”
He lifts your body up by your hips and pushes into you at a speed that makes your head swirl. You find his pace and start bouncing back down onto him. You throw your head back letting out noises that are somewhere in between screams and moans. The feeling of him inside you sends pleasure to every single one of your nerve endings. You place a hand on his chest to steady yourself on top of him. His thrusts become irregular and the sounds that are coming from him send your stomach in a whirl. 
“Dean, I-I’m close. Don’t stop.” The words coming out in a whine.
Dean grunts, slamming into you. He pushes himself all the way into you and stills. His hips stutter as he cums inside of you. The feeling pushing you over the edge. You press your lips to his and your moans are muffled through the kiss. Your body shakes through your orgasm, your toes curl and your back arches. Your breathing slows and you roll onto the bed, covering yourself with the blanket.
“Y/N I have no idea why you’re covering up, we’re both a mess.”
“Just give me second to catch my breath and we’ll go take a shower.” No more than ten seconds later your naked body is hoisted into his arms. You yelp as he carries you toward the bathroom bridal style. You lock eyes with him and you smile. Your heart skips a beat; you have never been so in love.
“Guys, you honestly don’t need to help me with the food.” Jody and Donna had woken up shortly after you and insisted they help with the food. 
The turkey was already in the oven and pies were baked. You had made sure to make more than enough knowing Dean will probably eat one all by himself. You were currently setting the table while Jody and Donna peeled potatoes.
“We insisted. So we will help. Plus we won’t leave you to cook this much food alone. The boys eat massive amounts to begin with, and now you are adding five people. We are helping.” Jody laughs.
The three of you get into a rhythm and finish everything within a reasonable amount of time. Dean had woken up about two hours after you and made his way into the kitchen to say good morning. You then promptly shooed him out of the kitchen. Sam poked in to say hello and hug everybody and escorted himself out. The girls never can to say good morning but every once in a while you could hear them argue about something so you knew they were all awake. Once all the food was finished and ready to serve you made your way into the library where everybody was to tell them food is ready.
“Hey guys, the food’s ready.” Everybody gets up and rushes past you toward the kitchen muttering their thanks.
Dean gets up and walks towards you, “I love you. Thank you.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “For what?”
“Well for starters, the food. I would have been good with takeout.”
“It’s Thanksgiving. It’s a special day. I wanted to do this for you guys, and I wanted everybody here. I wanted our family here.”
Dean smiles at you. He presses a kiss to your lips and pulls you into his arms. “How did I get so lucky for you to fall in love with me?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” you rest your head on his chest and hug him closer. 
You look up and into Dean’s eyes and you felt as if you could cry. If someone had told you two years ago that you would be where you are right now you would have laughed in their face and probably stabbed them or something. You never thought yourself capable of loving someone with everything in you and truly never believed you deserved for someone to love you the way Dean does.
Your mind filled with memories of you and Dean Winchester from the past couple years. 
The first time you two had kissed. It was about three months after the two of you had met. He was in town for another case and you had run into him at a bar. You had a few too many drinks, thanks to him ever so generously buying more and more for you, that you had just kissed him. In the middle of his sentence. Then ran away. He told you a year later that that had been the moment he knew he would do anything to be with you.
The time he (awkwardly) asked you to be his girlfriend. It was about a year after you had learned the truth about what was really out there, and about six months after you had left the police department, much to Donna’s dismay, to commit to hunting full time. You loved it. You didn’t hunt now nearly as much because of a bad vamp nest about a year ago. But back then it was exhilarating. You had found a case in Kansas and told the boys you would be in town. You and the boys had stayed in contact after you learned the truth and teamed up on some cases if you were both there. The case had been easy. Werewolf. The job was down after a few days. You had all gone out for drinks and Dean stopped you as you were leaving and asked you if you wanted to “like date permanently or whatever” you laughed at him saying yes you would “date him permanently”.
So many memories are running through your head when Dean catches your attention. “What’s going on up there Y/N?” he smiles at you.
“I was just thinking about the time you asked me to date you permanently. I was terrified, but I’m glad I said yes.” you smile at him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
He chuckles. “You were terrified then, I’m terrified now, I guess that makes right now the perfect time, huh?” He backs up from you and backs up. He looks at you with a hint of fear in his eyes.
“What are you talking about?” He says nothing. “Dean?”
“The day I met you, you basically told me to fuck off of a case. It took everything in me to not start laughing at you. You were so cute,” he moves you and sits you down in a chair. “you had this fire in you that I loved. I knew I needed to see you again. I did everything to see you again. I-”
“Dean, what is going on? Why are you saying this?” You cut him off, confused.
“Fine, I’ll skip to the end. Y/N you have been apart of our lives for almost four years, and it has been the absolute best four years of my life. It has been full of love and light and home-cooked meals,” you both laugh. “You used to tell me that you didn’t deserve to be loved, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. You deserve all the love in the world plus a little more. You deserve a big house with a white fence with a businessman husband and three kids. You deserve a life that I cannot give you.”
Had it not been for the smile on Dean’s face, that last line would have made you begin to panic.
“You kept telling me that you don’t want that life, that you want a life here with me, with monsters, and fake badges, and takeout food, and it took me a really long time to believe that. Not because I thought you were lying, but because I thought you were too good to be true. I thought you would realize one day that you were way too good for me and leave me. I finally got my head out of my ass, thank god, and realized you weren’t going anywhere. I love you more and more everyday Y/N, and you give me a reason to come home every night and a reason to wake up every morning. I don’t ever want there to be a day in time where you aren’t mine. I want you to be my partner in life and in the fake FBI forever. I had plans for this later and in front of everybody but right now felt like a perfect time. So,”
Dean’s words had tears spilling out of your eyes and your cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. He grabs your hand and lowers himself down onto one knee. Your heart skips a beat. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a small wooden box. You feel the air leave your lungs and you grab Dean’s hand.
“Dean Winchester, what are you doing?” Your eyes widen as he takes the top of the box off and pulls out a ring. Tears are nonstop at this point, refusing to not leave your eyes. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, I love you, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in this world. Please, marry me?”
You are sobbing at this point. Ugly crying like no other. 
“YES! Yes, you big loser. Oh, my god! Yes, yes, yes, yes. Come here!” You pull his face to yours and kiss him. You are interrupted by a chorus of applause. The two of you break apart to see everyone standing in the doorway of the library.
You wipe the tears from your face and get up from the chair, Dean following from the floor. Dean slips the ring onto your left hand and kisses you one last time. You walk towards everybody with Dean by your side. Alex and Claire meet you halfway and crash into the two of you with a hug. 
“Oh my god! Let me see the ring!” You hold your hand out for the girls to look at. They are congratulating you and asking about wedding details you when everybody else approaches.
 Jody has tears in her eyes as she envelops the both of you. 
“Congratulations you two. I’m so very happy for you two,” Jody wipes the tears from her eyes. Donna doing the same.
You excuse yourself and make your way around the two women towards Sam. “It’s official, you’re going to have an annoying little sister.” You wave the ring in his face, laughing. He hugs you, laughing. 
“You know he bought that ring two years ago?” 
“Yeah, came home with it one day during that week you were up north with Donna. I was shocked. I didn’t know what to say to him. I asked him when he was going to ask you and he said and I quote ‘No time soon, but I am sure about her, I just need to be prepared in the moment presents itself’. He has carried that little box in his pocket for two years now. I was beginning to think he was never going to do it.”
“Well, I am very glad that he did.”
You feel Dean wrap his arm around you and press a kiss to the side of your forehead. You lean into him and wrap yourself into his arms. Sam walks around the two of you to join everybody behind you. You look at Dean with a look he knows in your eyes.
“Go ahead and tell them,” he laughs, getting everyone's attention. 
“Tell us what?” Claire asks.
“Well, we might as well at this point. Much longer and you’ll figure it out themselves. I’m pregnant.” You are greeted with another round of hugs and tears. 
“How far along are you?” the question coming from Alex.
“Four months. Due sometime in April,” Dean answers.
Sam’s eyebrows shoot up. “Four months? You kept this a secret for four months?” his smile betrays any hint of being upset. 
We had debated telling Sam, but wanted to tell everyone together and once you told him that, he understood. 
“When in April are you due? I want to take some time off and come visit when the baby arrives.” Donna asks.
“She will be arriving April 27th,” you answer, rubbing your hand over your stomach.
Sam, Donna, and Patience all shout “She?” together.
“Yes, she. Baby Scarlett.” Dean puts his hand over your still flat stomach. 
“That is a beautiful name.” Jody wipes a tear from her cheek.
“Scarlett Jody Winchester,” you look at Jody and her eyes well up with even more tears. “Scarlett after Y/N’s grandmother and Jody after the strongest, most supportive woman we know.”
Jody moves to hug you. You hug her as she cries into you, tears welling up in your own eyes at this point. “You guys, I swear you are trying to make me cry at this point.”
“I hope they are happy tears!” you chuckle.
“Oh, of course, they are!” she hugs you once again.
Once everything calms down and everybody has dried their happy tears you all make your way back towards the kitchen to eat the dinner that had been cooked. You sat down at the table surrounded by the people you love most. The people who would do anything for you, people you would do anything for. Your heart beat full of love and full of promise. A promise of a good and happy life. You were bringing a life into the world. A life that was half you and half Dean. This child was going to be a handful, but you were looking forward to every single moment of it. 
You look around you and see smiles and happiness, you hear laughter and excitement, you feel love and acceptance and friendship. When you had first found out you were pregnant, both you and Dean had been worried raising a child in a hunting life given how he grew up, but looking around you knew this child would never know loneliness, she would never know abandonment, she would feel support, and warmth, and endless amounts of love. 
She will have a home. She will have a family. She will know love.
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asflowersfade · 7 years
Scribble-Doodle: Alec Fray #8
Another story set in my Alec Fray AU. Clary asks questions, Alec teaches her things and Simon enters the stage.
“Okay, stop-stop-stop-stop-stop!” Clary blurts out, skipping forward quickly. She hoists up her grocery bag, and stepping in front of Alec, she stops him with a raised hand.
Alec blinks at her, shifting his own bag from one arm to the other. “Yes?”
“Alright, spill,” Clary orders. “Why did you do that?”
Frowning, Alec asks carefully, “Do what?”
Clary points back the way they came from. “That. First, you traded places with me. Then, you made me cross the street, even though we’ll have to cross back at the next lights! And now you traded places with me again!”
Alec shuffles his feet. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Clary glares up at him. Over the last few weeks, she found out that if she used The Glare properly, eventually Alec folded and answered her questions. Like now.
Sighing, Alec reaches for her bag. “Hop up,” he says, nodding at the concrete planter at the edge of the sidewalk adorned with two scraggly, stunted, sad-looking shrubs.
Clary narrows her eyes suspiciously. “Why?”
Alec huffs. “Because you’re a half-pint of a midget!” he snaps at her, annoyed.
For that, she stomps on his foot as she hands over the bag and climbs up, holding onto his shoulder for balance. People on the sidewalk stream around them like a river, paying them no attention at all. You have to love New York.
Grimacing a little, Alec turns back in the direction they came from, now holding both grocery bags, one in each arm. “Okay. On the other side of the street, two blocks back and headed in our direction, there’s a man, a homeless man, in a dirty duster and a large hat. Do you see him?”
Clary squints and searches the crowd. Then, “Yes!” The man’s stumbling and reeling along as if drunk, barely holding himself up. 
“Now, look at the store fronts he’s passing by - do you see how the neon signs in them flicker?”
She looks more closely. And yes, now she sees it. As the man staggers by, all the neon signs go crazy, some even go out completely. And once the man’s past, everything goes back to normal. “Yes.”
Alec nods. “So, whatever the man is, he’s definitely not your everyday mundane. Either he’s some kind of a Downworlder or he’s possessed by a demon strong enough to have its magic spill out and everything around go haywire. In any case, he’s bad news. If I were still a--”
He stutters and stops, freezing. He might’ve even stopped breathing. Clary looks down at him. She sees that he dropped his eyes and hunched over a little, biting his lip hard. She aches for him. She squeezes his shoulder in a silent support.
Alec takes a deep breath and straightens up again. “Before, I would’ve called it in and they would’ve sent people to check him out and take him out, if need be. Now, all I could do was get you as far away from him as possible.”
Oh. “Okay, thanks,” she mumbles. Then she asks, “And why did we cross the street?”
Hefting the bags in his arms, Alec points with his chin. “See the old bar? The one that’s all boarded up and dirty?”
Clary scans the opposite side of the street. And yes, there it is. It looks unused, forgotten. She nods.
“It used to be a vampire den,” Alec explains. “The Clave raided it several times already but the vamps always come back, it’s just a matter of time, and they’re not of the law abiding kind. I don’t know if they’re back now or not, but I didn’t want to take chances.”
She pats him on the shoulder in thanks. “And the last time you traded places with me? On this side of the street?”
Alec shrugs. “There was just some creep, the common mundane kind. I really didn’t like the way he was looking at you, it made me feel… itchy.”
“But why was he interested in me?” she asks, just hoping that her super secret angel blood won’t turn her into some creep magnet.
“Well, you kinda do stand out. Must be the hair,” he mutters, shooting her a sideways look.
Clary pinches him. “No jokes about my hair!” she warns.
Alec bends his head, grinning.
Then a voice shouts in the crowd, “Fray! Hey, Fray!”
Clary looks around. And there, in the sea of people, someone’s struggling to get through: messy hair, big ears and even bigger glasses. Simon. Oh. Oh, crap! She totally forgot.
“Sh--” She glances down at Alec. “--oot! That’s Simon!”
Alec frowns, straining to see. Yeah, no wonder. If Clary’s a midget, then Simon’s a midget times too. Only thanks to his messy hair is he even as tall as she!
“He’s a friend,” Clary explains, hopping down from the planter. “I promised to meet him after school and I completely forgot! It’s the third time lately. He’ll be so pissed!” She scrunches her face.
Alec’s frown deepens. “If he tries anything--”
Clary lifts a hand to stop him. “Relax. He’s just a boy. I can wrestle him to the ground and sit on him any time I want. I just…” She sighs, shuffling her feet. “It feels like I’ve been neglecting him lately, you know? It doesn’t seem fair. He’s a really good friend.”
Then she looks up at Alec, all big, innocent eyes. “Could you--”
Alec sighs. “Take the groceries home while you scamper off?”
“Pretty please?” she whines.
“Alright, but!” Alec adds when she grins. “Will your mother be alright with this?”
Clary twists her mouth, annoyed. She’s not a kid anymore! She’s ten! Why do people keep ignoring that? 
But before she can say it out loud, she looks at Alec, really looks at him, and sees his apprehension, his… fear of messing up. Ever since he started living with them, he’s been walking on eggshells, afraid of doing something wrong.
“She will, I promise you that, Alec,” she assures him in all honesty. “She knows Simon and she likes him. I swear I’ll be fine. Just tell her that I’m with him, with Simon Lewis, okay?”
Alec hesitates a moment longer but then he nods. “Fine, just… be careful? And watch out for that creep I told you about!” he warns her and waits until she nods. Only then does he leave.
“Fray!” Simon yells, running up to her a second later, almost tripping over his own feet, much to her amusement. “Where have you been? I was waiting for you!”
Clary grimaces. “Sorry about that. Mom sent me grocery shopping with Alec.”
Simon perks up and stands on tiptoes to look after Alec. “Who?”
Oh, right. “Erm, Alec. He’s my… cousin. Twice removed. From my dad’s side,” Clary stammers out. Shoot!
Pushing up his glasses, Simon narrows his eyes at her. “Fray, you’re such a bad liar!” he tsks.
Clary huffs and decides to, well, wing it. Somehow. “Fine. Look, Alec’s mom and my mom went to school together.” Sorta, kinda. “And when the people Alec lived with it before found out he was gay, they kicked him out. He had nowhere to go. So, we took him in.” Well, at least that part is true, she thinks, cringing inwardly.
“We’re telling everyone Alec’s my cousin for…” How did Luke put it? “Legal reasons. So shush about it, okay? Not a word to anyone, not even to your mom or your sister. Zip it!” She imitates zipping her mouth and punctuates her words with a glare.
Simon pulls himself up, all wounded dignity. “I do know how to keep a secret, Fray! You of all people should know that!”
Clary pats him on the shoulder. “Yeah, I know, I know, Simon. It’s not about you, it’s just…” She looks after Alec, too; he’s gone by now, vanished in the crowd. “Alec’s really bad off, okay? His people, they didn’t just kick him out, they hurt him real bad.”
“‘His people’? Like, what? A cult or something?” Simon’s eyes turn round behind his glasses.
“Or something,” Clary mutters thinking very unsavory thoughts about the Clave.
“Wow, really? Just because he’s gay? Who would even do such a thing?” Simon asks, truly shocked and disturbed.
Clary grins. That’s why she loves Simon so much. “Idiots. That’s who!” she states with conviction. Then she says, changing the subjects, “So, what did you want to show me? You mentioned something at school…”
Simon brightens up. “Oh, yes! I got this really cool keyboard from Bubbie Helen! Wanna see?”
“Sure! Lead on!”
Normal… mundane things. Fun stuff. Bits and pieces from before her life turned upside down and sideways for good measure. Clary’s happy that she still has... this, that she still has Simon.
She doesn’t allow him to cross the street until they’re past the vampire den and the possibly possessed guy in the duster, keeping her best friend safe from dangers unseen - her old and new life now forever entangled.
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just-jordie-things · 7 years
Oceans - Stuart Twombly
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inspired by the song Oceans by Seafret word count: 4614
The scene was picture perfect.  Bright smiles, twinkling eyes, the fairy lights hung around the outside of the cafe illuminating the dark night.  Every time I looked at the picture, I could feel my heart beating in my chest.  My friends, all sitting around this horrible metal table.  Arms loosely wrapped around each other, cheeks pressed together, peace signs, a typical picture of a bunch of goony young adults.
The rose gold frame sat on my desk, catching my eye every time I typed away on my laptop, or watched Netflix, or worked on a new project Google handed to me.  I’d look at it for a few moments, it was never just a glance.  It probably took a good chunk of my day actually.  I’d stare at it, eyes flickering to every little detail.  The whiteness of Neha’s teeth, Lyle’s glasses slipping slightly down the bridge of his nose, one of Billy’s eyes was half closed, my hair was messy, spilling over my shoulders from under Stuart’s beanie.  My gaze would linger there, and if I was feeling peculiarly nostalgic or depressed, I’d gently caress the glass protecting the photo with my fingers, then go back to my work like nothing had happened.  Oh the vicious cycle of depression.
Today was the day where I got up early, ready for whatever my job would bring me.  Some days were harder than others, but never usually too difficult.  Though every night I walked back into my apartment with heavy feet.  But that had nothing to do with the difficulty of work.  No that was just plain anxiety and stress.
See, it used to be incredible.  Working on the greatest team of delinquents, that had quickly become my closest friends.  Winning the intern competition last year was probably one of the greatest moments in my life, that I’d remember forever.  Us dorks felt like we were on top of the world.  We’d even gone out for celebratory pizza afterwards.  That’s when things started happening.  That’s when I grew closer to Stuart Twombly.
The irritating and sarcastic boy that couldn’t handle being away from his phone, had seemed to transform into a completely new person in a matter of forty five minutes.  I hadn’t spoken much with him, in fact we’d never even been alone together or held a solid conversation without the rest of the team being there.  So when he’d sat in the same booth with me, I was slightly confused.  Neha had quickly slid in across from me, which I silently thanked her for, seeing she was the closest person I had on the team.  Lyle was on the other side of Stuart, fitting three of us into one booth (which left absolutely no space between our legs) and Billy and Nick and Yo-Yo were squashed in with Neha.
The night was fun though, we’d ordered many pizzas, and stayed until closing.  We joked around, made fun of Gharam, and his relentless act towards asking me out. 
“I mean, how many times did he try?” Nick snickered.  I blushed and looked down at my lap. 
“Seriously, the creep should’ve left you alone after the sixtieth decline” Lyle said, an awkward laugh following.  “How about a date with a real man?” My eyes widened slightly as I tried to see of he was being serious or not.  I couldn’t really tell.
“Come on man, Gharam just started leaving her alone give her the space to breathe” Stuart spoke before I could say anything at all.  I looked up at him for a moment, just as everyone began laughing again.  But he somewhat ignored my glance, pretending to be interested in whatever Billy was saying.  When I realized he wasn’t going to look back at me, I turned away and picked at my meal.
We’d stayed for another few hours that night, until a waitress came over and told us that she couldn’t let us stay any longer.
Her eyes were bored, dull as she looked over our table.  I’d figured we’d annoyed her.  We weren’t exactly a quiet group.  But they landed on Stuart, to which she’d grinned mischievously, and her blue eyes lit up with what I could only describe as desire.  Though the look didn’t bother me, it did confuse me greatly.
“Alright, we’ll be on our way” Nick had said, and everyone began sliding out of the booths.  Stuart stood, and our waitress opened her mouth to speak, but he turned away from her, smiling softly towards me as I scooted out of the seat.  Stuart held his hand down to me, and it landed on the small of my back as I stood.  It stayed there as I walked with him to the front door of the restaurant.
Again, confusing me greatly.
But as soon as we were out of the view I looked wildly up to him, my eyes wide and brows furrowed with confusion and question.  But he shook his head, just barely, but enough for me to close my mouth before any questions could be asked.  The others had caught up to where we were waiting and we all left.
We walked up to the Golden Gate Bridge, as we’d done a few times before to go relax.  I’d been there countless times, (I lived in San Francisco) but every time I went it was still just as breathtaking.  The group of us laid down in the grass, enjoying the view of the night sky.
“Does anyone know any constellations?” Yo-Yo asked, a few feet away from me. 
“Yeah I do” I said, already searching the sky for familiar ones.  “There’s Orion” I said, pointing up to where I recognized his belt.  “That’s Delphinus, Taurus, Pavo” I looked for more, licking my lips as I tried to remember them all.  “I think.. Yeah thats Scorpius, and that’s-”
“How do you remember these all?” Stuart asked from right next to me.  I turned my head, meeting his whiskey brown eyes.  I blinked for a moment, then chewed on my lip.
“I uh… I minored in astrology for two years” I murmured.  I didn’t mean to be quiet, my voice just sorta failed me.  Stuart smiled at me, eyes flickering between mine and making my breathing shallow before he looked back up at the stars.  I continued to stare at him for a moment, how freckles scattered over his jaw, and long strands of chocolate brown hair poked out from under his beanie, slightly over his ear.  When I felt I’d stared for too long, I blushed and quickly looked away.
I think I was growing very fond of this Twombly boy.
When it became so late, the sun began to poke up, I was nudged.  Apparently that night I’d fallen asleep in the grass.  
My eyes fluttered open to see Stuart and Neha hovering over me.  I waved them off and closed my eyes again, turning on my side.
“Come on y/n” Stuart sighed, and a few seconds later I felt strong arms pull me up.  I yelped, jolting and opening my eyes quickly, only to hear his chuckle.  “You’re fine, just go to sleep” Again, I’d found myself confusedly staring at him.  But he didn’t see.  He was talking quietly with Billy and Nick.  This time I fell back asleep. 
When I woke up again, I was being shook gently.  I yawned, eyes landing on Stuart.
“Wha-where am I-”
“Calm own would you? Don’t you trust me?” I thought for a moment, opening and closing my lips.  That was when I registered I was sitting in a taxi cab, and my head had been laying on his shoulder, cushioned by his beanie.  Which still sat there.
“S-sorry did I fall asleep o-on you?” He chuckled and shrugged.
“Your fine.  This is your complex right?” He asked, pointing up at the building lot we just pulled into.  I nodded.  “Good, that’s what Neha told me” He said.  I straightened up, cracking my back as the driver parked.  Stuart opened the door, stepping out and holding his hand out to me.  My eyes locked on his for a long moment, before slipping my palm into his and letting him help me out of the car.
In fact, he’d walked me inside, and into the elevator to the third floor, down the hall to my room as I’d directed.  I stuffed my hand into my pocket, grabbing my key and unlocking the door.  When I stepped inside, I realized our hands were still conjoined.
“Would you like a drink?” I asked, not wanting to let go for an unknown reason.
“U-uhm sure” Stuart nodded, and I gestured my head for him to come inside.  I released his hand, kicking off my shoes and padding my bare feet into the kitchen, and searching in the fridge for a beer.  “I-I’ve never been here before” Stuart spoke, looking around.  It was a pretty open apartment, the kitchen and living room practically conjoined.  Only two doors, one leading to the bathroom, and one to my bedroom.
“No one has, really” I said, plopping two glasses onto the countertop, then searching for a bottle opener.
“Seriously?” Stuart walked over to me, standing on the other side of the counter.  I nodded, going through drawers until I finally found it.  I easily popped off the caps of the two glasses, and slid one over to him.  He took it happily and I picked up mine. 
“No, I don’t have company over for anything” I said with a shrug, heading to the living room.
“Not even Neha?” 
“Not a single person” I said, plopping onto the couch.  Stuart sat next to me, turning sideways to face me.  “To you Stuart Twombly” I said, raising my glass.  “For being my first guest” He rose his glass, to clink with mine.
We must’ve sat there for an hour, drinking until I was out of beer, and glasses of empty alcohol bottles were all over my coffee table.  Not necessarily to get drunk, but we were having too good of a time.  It was as though if we’d stopped, then the night would be over.  We were enjoying ourselves so much, talking and laughing about little things.  To think, the day before, that the only thing  could tell you about Stuart Twombly, was his name, and he had an obsession with beanies and his phone. 
“Okay okay okay…” I giggled and slurred drunkenly.  “I’ll pick… truth” I said with a big smile.  He was pensive for a moment, then grinned when he came up with an idea.
“Why’d you move here when you were so young?” 
“I wasn’t that young.  I was nineteen” I started, taking a swig of my beer.  “My hometown sucked.  I was bad at making friends so I didn’t have any, my parents… I didn’t have daddy and mommy issues by any means… but I needed a change” He nodded, content with my answer and took a drink.  “Now, truth or dare?” 
“Dare” He replied and I clapped my hands. 
“I dare you to do a handstand!” I squealed, and he eagerly jumped off of the couch, then awkwardly laid his upper back and neck on the floor, propping his legs up, then laying his hands flat on the ground.  He was able to hold himself up for a few seconds, but toppled over in a fit of laughter right afterwards. 
“I almost did it” He slurred, still chuckling as he sat back up on the sofa across from me.  We clinked glasses. 
“Oh so close” I said with a giggle before drinking.
“Alright y/n, truth or dare?” Stuart asked, and I thought while he took a long drink. 
“Okay… I’ll do a dare” I gave in, to his surprise.  I had been dodging that choice the past fifteen minutes we’ve been playing.  “Give me a good one though, not some lame ass prank call, you can do better than-” 
“I dare you to kiss me” He said, in the softest voice I’d heard all night.  My rambling was cut short, and I felt for a moment like I’d completely sobered up.  I was staring straight into his honey eyes.  I licked my lips hesitantly, then slid forward on the couch.  I set my beer on the table, as did he.  The entire environment of the room changed, and I realized my eyes had lingered on his lips for too long.  I sure had a problem with staring at this boy.  I looked up into his eyes for a moment, before closing mine and leaning in.
Our lips touched in a gentle kiss, my hands sliding up to frame around his face, pulling him ever so slightly closer.  Stuart’s arms wrapped around my waist, tugging me further against him on the couch, until our chests were pressed together.  I sucked in deep through my nose before we parted.  His eyes stared into mine, and neither of us moved.  Just our chests as we breathed deeply. 
“Th-that was my first kiss” I told him softly between quiet pants.  His brows knit together, confused. 
“What? H-how?” I blinked a few times, unsure of how to answer.  Maybe because I’d never had a boyfriend? But I wasn’t about to admit that now.  Stuart released my waist, a hand raising to tangle his fingers slightly into a strand of my hair. “Can you promise me something, y/n?” He asked in a murmur.  I nodded as he intricately placed the hair behind my ear.  “Promise me you won’t forget how beautiful you are” He said quietly.  I nodded my head after a moment.
“I promise” I answered, cheeks pink in a blush.  Stuart smiled a small but genuine smile, and pulled away from me.
We sat back on our respective sides of the couch, and continued our game. 
I thought for a moment as I remembered that night.  We were so carefree, and maybe it was the alcohol, but maybe it was just how we were in general.  Maybe we were just two young adults, enjoying our Friday night, getting to know each other.  Or maybe it was what I had thought.  Maybe we were falling in love.
Two weeks later, and Stuart and I were still complaining about our killer hangovers from our long night of drinking and talking.  I’d woken up the next morning on the couch, my head in his lap, cradling an arm that didn’t belong to me.  He was sat upright, his head hanging off the top of the couch and groaning about a headache.  I’d remembered the events from the night before, and somehow managed to get up to retrieve aspirin. 
Stuart and I became close friends.  Very close in fact.  The kind people constantly think are dating, not that I minded.  I wasn’t sure if he did.  I wasn’t even sure if he remembered what had all taken place that night, but I didn’t push the subject.  We became the kind of friends who walk around holding hands, or hug, share food and drink, kiss on the cheek here and there- hell even I would think we were dating.  (i wish).
We were sitting in my apartment, the night after our photo was taken at the cafe, his infamous beanie resting on my head.  In fact, I was wearing it as of this moment.  The both of us were sat on the sofa, watching tv.  He was scrolling through his phone while I laid across his lap, my head on the armrest of the couch. 
“Hey Stew” I said softly, not sure if I really wanted to ask the question I’d been hung up on for the past days.
“Mhm?” He dropped a hand to my arm to show he was paying attention, seeing that his eyes were glued to his phone. 
“Do you remember the night you came over?” 
“Mhm, worst hangover of my life” He snorted, glancing to me for a short moment.  “Why? Wanna get drunk?”
“No, no Stew it’s important” I said as seriously as I could, but my voice was still quiet.  His brows furrowed as he turned off his phone and looked at me. 
“Alright” He said, meeting my eyes.  “What’s going on in that messy head of yours?”
“Do you remember anything besides the hangover?” I asked, finding it difficult to hold his gaze.  “At all?” I asked when he didn’t answer. 
“Hold on I’m trying to think… I drank a lot that night” His eyes were squinted, and my heart managed to sink and beat faster at the same time.  “I… we played truth or dare…” He started slowly and I nodded eagerly. 
“Yeah yeah we did”
“And.. and I did a handstand?” I chuckled quietly and nodded again.  “And… and you told me ab-”
“You asked me to kiss you” Stuart’s brows raised.
“Well that would've been something to remember” Normally I would have laughed. 
“But-but you don’t?” Stuart shook his head.
“No… why was I bad?” He chuckled awkwardly to himself.  I pushed myself up, and crawled off of his lap.  “Why- are you alright?” I nodded, even though I wasn’t.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I’d made things awkward for you that night” I just shook my head repeatedly, staring down at my lap, where my hands were wringing together.  “Hey is there.. Is there something else going on?” Stuart asked, turning to face me but I shook my head again.  “y/n/n don’t lie” He put one of his hands on mine.  “y/n” He said more sternly.  I hesitantly turned my head meeting his eyes and I felt my foot tap quickly on the ground.
“Sorry, sorry no I don’t know what- I don’t know what got into me” He frowned, but eventually got up and stretched a little.
“I’m gonna get a drink” He said, walking over to the kitchen.  I watched as he opened the fridge, and surprised me by pulling out a pop can. 
“No beer?” He shook his head.
That was the last time Stuart and I talked to each other.  Three months passed, and he hasn’t bothered to talk to me whatsoever.  I can’t really tell why, I don’t remember having done anything that would’ve driven him away.  The rest of that night I hadn’t mentioned the kiss, and it’s not like I admitted to him that I was in love with him.  At first, it just really pissed me off, but now I just keep more to myself than before, and tried to ignore him at all costs. 
No, that does not mean I’m happy.  In fact, I’m beyond miserable.  I don’t remember the last time I’d spoken to any of them, I’d hardly spoken at work at all.  Just on the phone when a customer or my boss called.  I’m not sure when Neha and I’s friendship ceased, somewhere along the line we just stopped talking.  Sometimes she sits at my small table in the cafe for lunch, but we still don’t converse.  Just sit there silently.
I walked in this morning, not anywhere near as dressed up as I used to get for work.  I was in jeans, old and worn biker boots, and a tee shirt.  My hair was in a ratty and messy bun, I don’t think I brushed my hair at all this morning.  In fact, I don’t even remember walking to the building (I lived just two blocks away) but I can’t tell you remembering the scenery or people I passed.  I groaned, rubbing my eyes as I sat down at my desk.  My elbows propped up onto the desk as I dragged the skin around the edges of my eyes, hoping to rub the sleep out of them.  It wasn’t working.  A small groan left my lips as I turned on my computer and began to sign in. 
“Good morning y/n” I jumped slightly, dropping my computer mouse onto the floor by my foot.  “Oh I’m sorr-” 
“It’s okay Lyle” I mumbled.  “What did you want?” He seemed to swallow thickly, and readjusted the glasses on his nose.  It made me think of the way Stuart used to always crinkle his nose before pushing his glasses up higher on the bridge of his nose.
“Well uh, I’ve actually noticed your lack of interaction with the rest of the team, are you alr-” 
“I’m fine, is here something important?” I snapped a little, but didn’t raise my voice.  I didn’t want the others to notice my ‘coming out of the shell I’d been hiding in’ moment. 
“Actually yes… someone from Communications is here to speak to you about your performance” I nodded my head.
“Well where are they?”
“At the door actually” I turned, and just as I did, Gharam walks over and stands himself next to Lyle, in front of me.  I stared with wide eyes up at him, having heard many stories from Neha and Stuart about Gharam and his… foolish charms.  “You look surprised darling” He spoke in an English accent, but something was off about it.
“I am, I wasn’t informed of any meeting, until here you are now” I straightened up, seeing that he was trying to intimidate me by leaning over, eyes downcast towards me.  I pulled a slight smirk on, just small enough to be noticeable but not questionable.  He only reciprocated it.
“Well love, I have an important question for you” You nodded, prompting him to continue.  “Attention! Low life Google team!” Gharam held his hands out, earning the attention of Neha, Billy, Nick, Yo Yo, and Stuart, who watched me intently.  But I looked back to Gharam.
“What’s this all abou-”
“Your very own lovely y/n here,has been given the opportunity of a promotion!” Besides Graham's clapping, the room was silent.  I continued to stare at the englishman.  “What? No applause for this stunning creature?” I wanted to be flattered by his strange way of flirting, but instead I felt like regurgitating.  Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Stuart walking out of the room, shaking his head.  It would’ve broken my heart, if it wasn’t already shattered
“Why do I get a promotion?” I asked quietly, and Gharam grinned widely down towards me.
“Because you, my dear, would be a lovely head of the Communications department” My eyes widened like a cartoon, and my voice caught in my throat.  How? My work has been average.
“I-I think you’re at the wrong-”
“Oh don’t be so modest, we can discuss the paperwork over dinner” Gharam smirked and winked, and I took a step away from him, huffing angrily.
“But I like working here!” I stated loudly, and angrily.  My hands were in fists by my sides.  “I like my group, I like my job I like my payroll, I don’t want a promotion” The man laughed loudly, holding his hands over his stomach like it was the most comical thing he’d ever heard anyone say.
“Oh don’t be ridiculous darling” He said, reaching a finger to swipe his thumb over my cheek.  I smacked his hand away with a slap that seemed to silence the room even more.  I didn’t notice that this was when Stuart came back into the room, I was too focused on the man in front of me.
“I’m not taking a job just so you can go out with me” I snapped at him, and moved to walk back towards my work space, but he followed me quickly.
“Problem? Gharam?” I spun back on my heel in shock of the voice I hadn’t heard in what felt like years.  Stuart Twombly was standing in front of me, his back towards me and Gharam trying to tower over him.  In seconds I watched as Gharam backed away, shaking his head and standing silently frozen.  “Come on y/n” Before I could say anything, Stuart took my hand pulled me with him out the door of our large office flat.  I walked quietly beside him, my hand still stuck in his as he led me through the hallways.  I looked over at him, but he kept his focus on his walking.  Dead ahead.  He was on a mission it seemed.
“Stuart?” I spoke, my voice practically a mumble as we neared the exit of the building. 
“Where have you been?” He asked as he pushed open the doors, with me still following right next to him.  It was the first time his hand released mine.
“I haven’t been anywhere” I muttered, my eyes narrowing slightly at his apparent anger.  “What, you’re mad at me because I haven’t been around?” He ducked his head down, instantly realizing his mistake.  “Wow.  Wow Stuart” I laughed bitterly, a passive aggressive grin on my face as I looked up.  My palm pressed to my forehead as I calmed down my laughter.  “If you don’t mind, I have work to get to” I said, turning to go back inside. 
“N-no don’t leave” He quickly ran in front of me, hands out and a pleading expression on his face.  “Please don’t just go” 
“And why the hell not?”
“Because I miss you y/n!” He yelled exasperatedly, and my mouth hung open in shock.  “I really fucking miss you” His voice softened, and I blinked, licking my lips before closing my mouth. 
“I missed you too” I said weakly. 
“And I do remember that night, I remember it vividly, every goddamn second of it” I couldn’t bring myself to tear my eyes off of him. 
“Y-you did? Then why did you-”
“Cause I didn’t want to say the wrong thing… guess I did anyways” I frowned slightly, stepping a little closer to him. 
“What did you think that you were going to say that would make me upset?”
“Upset’s not really the word… more like.. More like distant.  I thought you’d be distant and I didn’t want to lose you or anyth-”
“What were you going to say?” I cut off his ramblings, stepping closer again, if I took one more step, then our noses would ‘bump together. 
“I was going to tell you that..” He trailed off for a moment, looking down at his feet.  “That um.. That I…” My eyebrows raised in anticipation.  “y/n I really like you, I don’t know how you did it but you got me to fall for you in a matter of one night and I swear it wasn’t cause we were both drunk off our ass it was because you’re the first person I’ve ever met that’s… that’s real you felt real to me and I- I wanted to tell you that and I almost did but I didn’t want to mess things up-”
“You would’ve messed everything up” I told him. 
“I know” He said quietly.
“Absolutely everything, you would’ve ruined everything” I heard him sniffle, and he still stared down at his feet.  I chuckled quietly, and curled my fingers under his jaw, bringing his face up to look at me, even though he was practically above me.  “But it would’ve been in the best way possible” I told him solemnly.  I watched his eyes light up, and I smiled softly.  Next thing I knew he leaned down, and gently pressed his lips against mine.
“I’m sorry” He mumbled between sweet kisses.  “I shouldn’t have lied around it I should’ve just told you” I opened my eyes as his arms wrapped around my back, tugging me against him in a tight hug.  I smiled, arms winding around his neck and holding myself there against him.
“Try not to ‘forget’ that kiss, okay?” Stuart chuckled against me.
“I’m not sure how I could”
guys i can’t tell you how happy i am to post again :) xoxo ~ joride
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letswreakhavoc · 7 years
I’m going to do naughty things...
#SanversWeek Day Three: “You’re drunk.”
More smut. Still not sorry.
@404artnotfound beta’s my bullshit for free. She is therefore better than all of us.
[Read on AO3]
It was Alex’s idea to switch out game night for a night at the bar together. Everyone had been in a good mood. Cadmus had been underground for a while, and all thoughts and worries about some further apocalypse were buried in the backs of their minds. Lucy was back in town, immediately taking Alex’s side about ‘c’mon guys, let’s go out and have some fun!’
So that’s where they find themselves, at one in the morning. Feeling free enough, with the assurance of their designated flyer, to get a little loose, and drink a little more than usual.
A lot more than usual.
And it’s the best feeling ever.
Because now they’re drunk. Both of them. And not in a depressed, self destructive way, like they usually are.
But in a playful, giggly way that is pretty much entirely new to both of them.
They are both wildly intoxicated enough that Kara has to fly them home separately for fear of dropping one or both of them. Mostly because they really won’t stop bundling each other into walls to kiss messily.
“You two have to stop making out so I can… you know…” Kara mimes picking them both up and grimaces at her sister. Alex barely stops kissing Maggie for a whole second to tell her ‘just five more minutes, Kara’.
Five minutes later, including four minutes of Kara grumbling, Alex is unceremoniously dumped onto her bed by a severely disgruntled Supergirl. She disappears and reappears in a flash, now holding a glass of water that she helps Alex drink messily.
“Keep drinking that, I’m going to go get your girlfriend.” Kara mutters before disappearing again, out of the window this time. She’s already gone by the time Alex reacts, smiling dopily and muttering.
“I love my girlfriend.”
Kara must still hear her, however, because barely three minutes later she is climbing back through the window gingerly with a windswept Maggie clutching her neck tightly.
“You’re adorable, even blind drunk.” Kara sighs as she places Maggie down on the bed, being only a little gentler with her than she was with Alex, because she’s not quite sure if she’s at the level of friendship with Maggie where she can roughhouse with her a little, like she does Alex.
Kara gets Maggie a glass of water as well, watching over the pair of them carefully until they both finish their glass and hand them back to Kara.
“I’m going to go back to the bar and make sure everyone else is alright.” Kara informs them, readying to leave. She’s almost made it out of the apartment unscathed until she hears Maggie call out, still slurring heavily.
“Lil’ Danversssssss…” Maggie hisses on the S loudly. “Make sure you turn your super hearing off!”
“Why?” Kara grimaces, glancing up at the bed, unsure if she even wants to know.
“I’m gon’ do naughty things to your sister.”
“Maggie!” Alex hisses, slapping Maggie’s arm before giggling loudly. “Don’ tell Kara that.”
Maggie shrugs clicking her tongue and shooting a finger gun at Kara, who has her head in her hands, mumbling under her breath.
“You were warned.” And with that, she pulls herself slowly on top of Alex to kiss her again, very loudly, drowned out only by Kara’s groan. With that, Kara has disappeared without bothering to say goodbye, and Maggie grins into the kiss.
“You ever had drunk sex, Al?” She asks quietly, shifting slightly so that she can lay gently on Alex’s chest and still reach her jaw and neck for kisses. Alex frowns, like it’s taking all of her concentration to remember the answer to Maggie’s question.
“Yessss. I’ve- I have had lotsa drunk sex.” Alex frowns again, and then nods decisively with a small smile. Maggie only stays silent, knowing that Alex will tell her if she is comfortable.
“Wasn’ good sex, though…” Alex does continue, the hand she doesn’t have wrapped around Maggie’s waist gesticulates wildly. Her eyes flutter shut as she recalls the memories of her college days. “Remember I told you about my party phase?”
Maggie nods, pouting slightly at the memory of Alex talking about her turmoiled past.
“All of that was-”
Maggie cuts her off with a kiss, leaning up unsteadily on her arms as Alex tries to deepen the kiss. She hates Alex’s pain, and her intoxication is only fueling her desire for Alex to feel better, to have better experiences. She wants to give Alex better memories. Her drunk brain, in response, gives her a terrible idea.
“Want to have better drunk sex?” Maggie asks against her lips, and Alex moans, nodding quickly and deepening their kiss. Clothes begin to shed, albeit slowly. Alex’s henley gets stuck for a few awkward moments, causing Maggie to burst out laughing as she tries to shakily untangle the fabric from Alex’s head. They get stuck again on Maggie’s jeans, the pair that are so sinfully tight that they even have trouble getting them off sober sometimes.
They’re naked, making out sloppily, insatiably, on top of the comforter, before Maggie’s brain catches up with her slightly and she pulls back, concerned about where this is going.
“What about you?” Alex asks, distracting Maggie from her sidetracked thoughts. “Have you had drunk sex?”
Maggie nods, pressing light kisses into Alex’s neck and collarbone, but moving no further down her body.
“Same sorta shit. Getting drunk and having mediocre sex to forget about…” Maggie waves a hand around awkwardly. “Stuff.”
“We should definitely make better memories.” Alex grins, pressing up to rejoin their lips. Maggie moans, but pulls away after a few moments to look down at Alex seriously, making her concern known.
“Al, I don’t want to take advantage of you.”
“You aren’t.” Alex shakes her head and frowns. “I’m consenting, s’all good.”
Alex’s slurred speech is enough to have Maggie backing further away, shaking her head.
“It’s not consent if you’re drunk.”
“You’re drunk, too.”
“Yeah, I know.” Maggie grimaces, fighting her arousal. “s’not a good idea.”
“But I really want to.” Alex whines, but doesn’t make a move to touch Maggie, who stares down at Alex with a mixed expression of arousal and confliction.
“I do too, Al.” Maggie admits, letting Alex lean up and kiss her gently. “But it’s really probably not a good idea.”
“What if…” Alex drawls, her speech slow and hazy, her smile wide and mischievous. “What if you tell me what to do and I touch myself.”
Maggie sucks a sharp breath in, pressing her forehead against Alex’s collarbone and shuddering at the implications.
“This way I’m only actually doing what I want to do. If you tell me something I don’t want, I have full control to stop it- right? Cuz I’m doing it to myself.”
It's some half brain drunk logic, but she also isn't wrong. Alex barely waits for a response, hearing Maggie’s conflicted groan and sweeping a hand down her body, and towards her centre.
“Al, are you sure?” Maggie asks, eyes trained on the way Alex dips her fingers slowly into her waiting heat, gathering her arousal and drawing wide, lazy circles around her clit.
“You can go to sleep if you want.” Alex says, and Maggie isn’t sure if it’s supposed to be teasing or serious. “But I won’t be able to until I deal with this.”
As if to press her point, Alex’s hips jerk slightly as her fingers swipe her clit a little harder, and she whines into Maggie’s skin, receiving a moan back in tandem.
“You know you could do the same.” Alex pants out, and Maggie is scrambling to reposition herself onto the bed beside Alex, slipping a hand between her body and the mattress. She hisses as her fingers swipe past her clit none too gently, and she knows this will probably be over quick. She’s never had the best stamina when she’s drunk, and when you combine that with her stamina when it comes to Alex Danvers- she’s in for the shortest build up of her life.
“Are you wet?” Alex asks her in that raspy tone of voice and fuck if she isn’t already trembling.
“Yeah.” Maggie breaths. “You?”
“Mmhmm.” Alex mumbles, her eyelids heavy but not quite shut as she studies Maggie’s face through hazy eyes. She whimpers and groans in tandem with Maggie as they both speed up.
“Goddamnit, Al. I want to fuck you so- can you-” Maggie stutters along with her hips as she starts to unravel. “Inside, Alex.”
Alex complies, grunting when she has something to contract around, keeping steady pressure on her slippery clit as she fucks herself towards a messy orgasm that she’s sure she’ll remember for a long time, drunk or not.
“Are you going to cum?”
“Are you?”
“Together.” Alex moans, closing the gap between them in a dishevelled kiss. Maggie cums barely a second after Alex hurtles over the edge, and their screams are muffled by each other's lips as they ride it out together.
“Holy fuck.” Alex mutters, breath hitting Maggie’s face.
“Good?” Maggie asks.
Alex only nods, too breathless to respond verbally and too sleepy to form a coherent sentence anyway.
“We’re gonna regret drinking this much in the morning.” Alex mumbles, and Maggie snorts.
“We can suffer through it together, Danvers.” She smiles, kissing Alex’s temple gently. “I’m sure we’ll be alright.”
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apartments4rent · 6 years
alright bitches its 1am time TO FEEL
lol idrk if its gonna be feelsy but ive been thinking aboutthoid since i was at work and i wantto write it down and throw it out this the woeld b4 i forget it?? but i sont hink i will NAYWAY READ MORE??? bc this is gonna be a n incoherent mess and its 1am so idc about seplling anythings thing right ok looooooool
udk what started this, like what lead me to this thought but at work today i was like “MARV IN LOVE!! OH WAIT i t hought of it bc i heard ‘nicotine’ by p!atd andi was like “hey i put this song on ambmarv playlist too,,, i wonder how theyre doing” thne i got to thinking bout marv in love!! and i didnt rmbr [much] of what i had alread ywritten on this blog but i just went off and started thinkin boute when marv relizes he loves amber and my heart SOARD lol then it sank again bc i was like “aw :^( amb if scared to return his feewings bc immortal :^((((” then i started thinking about when marv realizes he loves her , he resolves to tell her!! bc damn it she makes him happy and he wants to make her happy toO!!! he wants to show her how she makes him feel!!! he wants to share his LOVE!!! and at everyopportunity whar he tries to ttell her, she manages to avoid or ignore or change the somthg or realize she has to do smthg over there hahah
THEN I GOT TO THINKING  about this idea i had, like one of the first ones i had awhan we firse came op with the ay where amb was gonna go on a date with someone she thot was speciall but it turned out to be her old nemisis making fun of her and she gets rlly drunk and sad and calls marv ovr to her a partment [just for self conttect, i feel like this might take place b4 marv realizes he caught feelings?? but not to far off wither lol]  so yeh shes drunk and sad bc guess what!! shes actually a really lonely person!!! she, quote, “CURSED herself to live a lonely unfulfilling life bc she said she wasnt to see the world??” so yeh shes sad bc she cant make meaningful connections with people anymore bc it hurts to much when she outlives them so to avoid this, she doesnt stay in one place for too long anymore but sc of this she also keeps the people she cares most deeply about at arms lenthg bc shes just gonn lleave anagi anyway?? so why bother twih the emotional crapUNLUCKY FOR HER < shes also a very VERY empathetic person and it hurts her more to have to dothis !! so ok shes rambling anf crying on marv and she KISSSSSSSSSSSES HIM >:^0 its a very messy kiss and marvs too shocked to reciprocate bc asfter the kisss she continues to cry and bury her face in his chest, wherein he finds it only necessary to hold he class and stroker har till she falls asleep on him,, marv lays awake for a long time just,, thinking bout all the stuff shes just dumpedon him and how it sorta changes his perspective on her a little,, i mean at this point he cares for her deeply , just as he does sor the reat of his friends, but this sheds a whole new light on her,,, shes more than what she projects to the world,,, tho she aopeats to have all the answers, she i is infact very scared and vulnerable just like the reat of us,, so he probably naps for a few hrs b4 amb SHOOTS UP IN BED when she wakes up, still in his arms. marv being a light sleeper, immediatly notices and thinks somethings worng, “YEAH smthgs wrong, why r u  in my bed,, oh god is that my lipstick smudges on ur,, oh god WE DIDT??” “ABSOLUTELY NOT I WOULD NEVER” “GOOD omg,, i barely remember anything that happaened last night afte,r,, ugh ,,, after THEY showed udpd,, guh,,  i m sorry for, uh,, botherin g u marv” “ Ohno, it was no bother im glad i could, uh, hlp in a,, small way i guess,,” “yea h,,,,,,,, i didnt say antyhin,,, wierd,, to u last night,,, sis i?” inside marvs head: calculating meme “,,,,,,no, nothing too strange” ANYEAY i kinda went of f onthat tangent lol i didnt ome up with ALL that dialgue thinking at wokr lol bUT HU,, igues thats the start of thingd bceming more? ?for them ....?? alls i kno is htat when marv finally mangaes to cornere amber to have a talk anbotu shifellin s, they have another emotional feels jam and amb admits in i not drunt stupor, that shes scared to allow herself to experince that kind of love again bc “it always hurts, everytime, it hurts” and then they talk bkh balh blah THEY KISS!! CONGRATS UR A THING NO!!
nayway this also lled me  to thinkig OH i said b4 that marv had agf in college bUT hmmmm im like whAT IF,, hes neveer had a gf bf4  >:^0 crazy thot i kno but ill sleep on it [and other such thots] and mayhaps sidccus further on thes kiddos that i havent touching in MONTHDS!!!!
its 2am now
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