newttxt · 21 days
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/more/ toxic doomed retainer yaoi, from @rhaegar-targayryen’s fic, count your lashes (and you beg for more) (mind the tags and rating~)
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literalite · 4 months
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mistki's the land is inhospitable and so are we (2023)!! as edits featuring mine and some of my friends ocs 😁 had a lot of fun with this project... rough explainer of how/why each song corresponds to each character/s under the cut because i love symbolism and talking! sorry it is long
bug like an angel - sapphire
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without spoiling too much of her story and arc... sapphire's life is not easy. she's hurt by people she cares for and who care for her, although inadvertently, and in turn hurts people who she cares for and who cared for her, also not by her own volition. it's kind of a terrible truth that you will harm and be harmed by the people you love, even when you and they truly don't want to. it's up to you how much you're willing to take and deal. you can't keep every promise you make and you can't right every wrong. but you have to keep trying anyway. that's sapphire's strength, and the core of her goodness and why i personally consider her one of my favourite ocs. i chose to depict bug like an angel in mitski's more positive interpretation here and in that light i think it works best for saph
buffalo replaced - heiya
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well first and foremost the vibes of the song fits heiya perfectly fhgjk but also lyricism and tone... yep. quick breakdown of heiya's background since i doubt i'll ever be able to do it properly she's an interesting character for me because she like a lot of my other characters has lost. everything. she had a wife and a child and they were both killed and she had to leave her home again and again and unlike how some of my others would have taken this she has never flagged in her unwavering dedication to preserving hope. for herself for her people for the future etc etc. which is a very fucking difficult thing to do! the world changes faster than you can keep up with it sometimes but for heiya she will not let herself tire and be swept away in it all. people rely on her. she's a guiding star as much as she is a woman. she's a lover and a fighter and thats what buffalo replaced means to me! so
heaven - vinny and caleb
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i feel like of all my oc couples so far they have like. the sweetest most kind of simply mutually trusting dare i say straight forward love. they just love each other so much and thats all. the world could end around them when theyre together and it'd be okay truly. also yeah vinny is ostensibly in heaven now bye angel i feel like this one was pretty self explanatory. me and who WHEN
i don't like my mind - sunny
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he just like me fr (said in denji voice) anyways wow ha. unstoppable unending guilt due to past actions that haunt your every waking moment? throwing yourself into any and all distraction just to take your mind off it, filling your time with other shit so that past sin doesnt for once echo in your awful and hollow brain? this song is perfect for sunny honestly just that sentiment also the "please don't take this job from me".... sometimes the coping is worse. you can be proud of something because you can do it better than anyone else even if that thing is terrible
the deal - wolfgang munch by @gunthermunch
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Wolfgang Amadeus Munch. umm this will make more sense later on but it still kind of makes sense now i think. he doesn't want to be himself he keeps . leaving and moving and running away from his own memories his own self in reaction to others. if he could pawn it all off he would. if he could be better in an instant without having to feel every agonising second of change he would! but thats not how the world works. or is it. read munch by gunthermunch thats an order
when memories snow - lilian
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i feel the older you get the more your past kind of swells up and trails behind you... at least for lilian that is shes very linked to the different versions of the girl/young woman she used to be. for her its a double edged blade, a lot of her own strength is drawn from who she was and what happened to her throughout her life. they haunt her but she's haunting it back in her own way
my love mine all mine - saige, bellona, ari
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stares you down okay so usage of this song very much almost verges into spoiler territory but uhm. uhm. starts twitching basically the whole dynamic here is . sometimes when you love you will sacrifice. and while that is usually a good thing sometimes it is not but sometimes it still is. sometimes you pay your dues for love and sometimes someone else has to pay for your love as well. and whether that is worth it to them remains to be seen. but it's all about love still. whether that's a worthy cause is up to you i suppose
the frost - yoshiki and hikaru from hikaru ga shida natsu
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fun fact (or not so fun fact since i had it listed as such) this slot was originally meant to be taken up by a gojo/geto edit and while it still works for them frighteningly well i swerved to do another black and white haired doomed gay pairing gfhjkl; i really recommend yall to read hikaru ga shinda natsu/the summer that hikaru died because honestly it speaks for itself! it's SO good i love it so bad
star - ari and luca by @anjitrait
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wow these two did not deserve the horrors the narrative (me) slammed down onto their heads. they're kind of the most married of all time to me but like of course under pressure even the strongest most loving of bonds will warp. they've been together for roughly a decade and a half now. they know and love each other as totally as you could possibly imagine. despite it all i am yours, no matter. are we picking up what i'm putting down chat
i'm your man - nayef and sióar by @lucidicer
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after the album dropped like at least 3 people swung into my dms with a ?this you?? about this song which. i mean the fucking dogs that start barking halfway through the song. are you kidding me. but anyways sioyef and devotion. sioyef and putting yourself in your lover's hands and looking to them like they are a god. this is super self explanatory. you know
i love me after you - redacted and ophelia
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HM.... all i'll say here is that sometimes the homoerotic tension filled high school friendship where both parties have something very wrong with them but in totally different directions can be. scarring. bad. sometimes love just isn't enough when you don't know what you're meant to do with it and when you've lived in survival mode all your life. but that once the dust clears you can scrape yourself off the ground get up keep going and that isn't gonna be the end for you there. or for love, even. sometimes shit just ain't meant to be and thats ok
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susamaru-official · 2 years
Upper moons as bf/gf headcanons
So basically this is one of my first stories so dont expect it to be all that great but yeah
I included Daki, gyutaro, douma and akaza because I dont know THAT much about kokoushibo, gyokko and hantengu. Anyways, enjoy
GN, demon reader btw
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Literally LOVES hugs
Whenever she gets the opportunity to Hug you, she will
She thinks that you are the 2nd most beautiful demon on earth, besides her ofc
Always braids your hair when shes bored
She loves it when you tell her she is pretty, no matter what
When you are hunting, she always holds your hand
Even tho she is weak, she kills ANY human who even dares look at u in a weird way
The only other demons u are able to talk to without her getting jealous are gyutaro and muzan
Smells like expensive parfume and strawberries
If you talk to anyone else, she gets super jealous
Loves playing dress up with you
Big crybaby
Always brings the most beautiful women Home for you to eat
Loves to wrap you up in her belt thingy and then hug you
Gyutaro now has to take care of to people (probably both crybabys)
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Probably thinks you are joking when you ask him to be your bf
But after a while realises, it isnt a joke
Thinks you are being forced to love him, because he is "ugly"
You actually love him ALOT tho
Always gives you piggy back rides when on missions
Daki also adores you but only like a little sibling
Protects you with his whole life
Hates hugs and kisses
He likes it when you say "I love you" or "you're so pretty!"
Probably smells like blood and poison
You sometimes get scared when he randomly appears behind you
Doesnt get jealous, as long as you don't leave him, he is happy
He last showered 50 years ago but you don't care
Don't touch his hair, he hates it
He loves you, because you actually think he is pretty
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As soon as he becomes your bf, he won't let you go
Literally way to overprotective
When you go on missions together, he always has his arm around your waist
Trains with you ALL the time, because he doesnt want you to be weak
He wants you to become the strongest demon in the universe
Probably smells like sweat and grass
Always follows you, no matter where you go
Loves hugs and kisses
He gets jealous if somebody talks with you
Even when talking with muzan
Zero patience
Never leaves you alone, always takes you with him
Always wants to fight with you
The Training never ends
Still he loves you alot
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Adores you SO MUCH
He treats you like the God you are
He makes you join his cult too
Loves cuddling, hugging and all the other stuff where he can feel your body
Probably smells like flowers and blood
Gives you Goofy ahh nicknames and you have to pretend that you like it...
If you tell him to kill somebody, he will probably do it
He will spoil you with so many expensive clothes
The most normal nicknames you get are "y/n Chan" and "princess"
Always hugs you when he gets the Chance (like daki)
You have your own throne
Ok that is all for now
Im sorry that doumas and akazas were so short but this is my first story and I wrote this at 2am lmao
Whatever, I hope you enjoyed anyways
My requests are open! Please give me ideas 😀
Ty for reading tho, this took me like an hour
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wolfytae-exe · 8 months
Hii, i hope you're having a great day so far! Can you maybe write about reader being drunk and needy for txt or the other way around please :) (also i really love your works so much💖 and this is my first time sending an ask cuz i'm pretty "new" on this app)
Hi hun! I left you to simmer in my inbox im sorry😭 You probably aren’t as new anymore lol!
I might make this more soft because i’m not comfortable writing an intoxicated person having sex with anyone sober, just doesnt feel right❤️
The poor guy wouldn’t know what to do with you, begging for him to hold you and very blatantly pulling his hands to cup your ass when he does so. “Y/N you’re drunk.” He would deadpan, mostly reminding himself not to listen to you and give into your neediness because of your intoxicated state. “Want you soooo baddd~” You slur out, hands all over him while he changes you out of your spoiled clothes and puts you under the warm covers. “You need some rest.” He’d tell you, backing away despite your whines to go get you medicine and water. His sweet, shy girlfriend wouldn’t throw herself on him this way, so it’s easy for him to tell when not to act on urges.
He wouldn’t catch it at first, the way you felt up and down his arm and chest while he held you in his arms. It’s not til you’re literally humping at his thigh that he has to pull you off and take you home. “Soobin please~” You whine and beg but Soobin has already come to the conclusion that you were going to eat a lot and get a lot of fluids in you until you were sober enough to hold yourself together. “Let’s get you right, then maybe I’ll let you.” He would tell you, convincing you each time to take that swig of water or that bite of pizza he heated up for you. And once you were sober enough to stand properly he would run you a nice bath, make sure his baby is clean before helping you into bed and making sure you’re warm enough to sleep.
Oh man, poor Beomgyu has to hold you away from his body, you have gotten way too drunk and have made it your sworn duty to get into his pants tonight. “Lemme just hold your hand gyu” You’d pout as he avoided your advances. “Absolutely not. I love you but no.” He’d deadpan, a form a guilt that rises when you begin to tear up, so drunk you can't help but feel your heart crack at the rejection. “Oh god please don't cry” Beomgyu would try his hardest to stay away in the moment but when your small whimpers turn into sobs, he’s holding you, making sure you can't do anything you’ll regret but also attempting to stop you from sobbing. Beomgyu would have to figure it out himself this time when taking care of you, you were usually buzzed or tipsy, able to dress, shower, and take headache medicine on your own, but this time, Beomgyu had to do it all for you, giving you tiny kisses to make up for the lack of physical attention you begged for while he did so.
When I say Taehyun was not having it with your clinginess, that's an understatement. Your drunk and clingy behavior had him constantly rolling his eyes and pulling you off him, telling you multiple times that you were drunk and that whatever you wanted from him wouldn't happen, that only made you whine and cling more however, “God Y/N, I’m not fucking my drunk girlfriend.” He’d say multiple times, and multiple “I’m not even drunk!” comebacks would come back to him before he was dragging you home and forcing you to stay in bed before you went to sleep. Taehyun loved you, but he had no patience for your drunk personality which would only cause trouble for you and him in his eyes.
Kai is an angel, letting you cling onto him and whisper sweet nothings into his ear while he rubbed your back. He knew you were drunk, wanted a lot more than your back rubbed but Kai also knew better, he’d give you taught smiles and giggles before taking you home to take care of you, every time you’d whine for him to take care of you in other ways he’d shut you down with the happiest smile, telling you “maybe if you drink some water!” or even “Sober up a bit and we’ll see how you feel about it.” It was always enough to convince you yet the moment you sobered up a bit, all you wanted to do was go to sleep, your headache way too painful. And of course Hueningkai agreed, cuddling you throughout the night and taking care of you the next morning.
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harlequinoccult · 1 year
Hello! I hope this question doesn't bother you, I'm sorry even if this is the case, but which of the slsq ro's, if any, would you like to have children? Would they be good parents despite everything? (thanks for your attention, love your works! Also, sorry if my english is not the best, it's not my first language)
Your english is fine darlin' 🖤
As for parenting.....They all would be fucking terrible role models for their kids, however-
Elysium will......tolerate children he wont go out of his way to be an asshole or anything but he is not anyone's babysitter, and they're not interested in having a baby. THAT BEING SAID. If a child were to somehow fall into their hands through circumstance? That kid will be the most spoiled child in the fucking world.
Black Dahlia doesnt hate kids as much as she hates full grown adults but she is not trying to be a mother to anyone, however, If a child were to somehow fall into her hands through circumstance, she would try to hand them off to someone far more qualified and interested in raising a kid than herself, failing that, she would be a fair but distant parent.
Overdose LOVES kids, and kids love them! but jesus FUCK they are entirely irresponsible. They don't wanna have kids but If a child were to somehow fall into their hands through circumstance.....that kid is gonna learn a whole lot of shit a child should not be learning, but hey, the kid would be loved none the less.
Cold......finds children fascinating but is ultimately completely uninterested in raising one. If a child were to somehow fall into their hands through circumstance....they are gentle with them but i promise you that kid is going to have issues
Sweetheart also adores children and would actually like having a family but jesus christ it will be the most twisted shit? That whole picturesque "american dream" type of life, white pickett fence house in the 'burbs type shit but people in the neighborhood are rapidly going missing and something in the neighborhood reeks of stale blood. That kid is not going to be normal in the slightest.
The Host.....likes kids in theory. Their family would certainly loves for them to have kids, in fact, their family would almost entirely claim the child and they would more or less be...a doll? Through hired nannies and such The Host wouldnt be particularly raising the kid at all. Terrible parent but they're delusional and think they'd be a great one.
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reserved-system · 1 year
i havent even listened to magnus archives yet [its literally the next podcast im planning to listen to dw] but i am obsessed with this fic. its actually so cute despite the poor guy being in distress most of the time.
i will now theorise and talk about ur fic in ur ask box if thats ok sjdbhdhdhhedjbdjdb
🤔🤔 i wonder why jon was put for a day instead of respawning immidiately? maybe the server was struggling to connect him for the first time or somethin? or xisuma was tryin to block him or somethin? idk, itd be funny if it was The Universe forcing him to get some sleep for once. actually yea i hope thats it.
itll be very funny [or angsty depending on how yall spin it] to see jon realise that death is a consequence-less action in this world, either he watches someone die or dies himself. bros in shock like,,,, my brother in christ i just witness a death 😱😨😱☹️😟😱, but then the person rematerialises in a nearby bed like,,, a second later like,,,, oopsie daisies 😅😅 just got pranked and exploded along side my house 😝😝 mustve been that pesky bird 🤭🤭🤭 I'll be back, just have to collect my stuff 😮‍💨😮‍💨 and jons sitting there like (,,#゚Д゚)
BAHAHAHA if jon was shocked at the ears and tail on ren then i cannot wait to see his reaction to doc adfsfjakggkagkkgaakgagakg
*clapping!!* Cub!! my favourite basement dweller!!
Omg i didnt even Think of how people casually talking about mining for supplies would sound!! very thoughtful on yalls part :D
Woooo!!! map mechanics!!!!
also!!! cub saying that jon would make it to Tangos by sun set IF he doesnt get lost feels like,,,,, foreshadowing,,,, where jon gets lost and has to deal with zombies and skeletons and spiders™️ 👀👀👀 bro will not survive the night sjdbjdbdhdhd
lmao no pressure to answer this but just know that i very much enjoyed the reading !!
WAAAHHHH JBSDJGBJDG Hi! I'm sorry, we were not expecting to wake up to anything this morning. We are extremely flattered!! We're going to try to talk/answer any of your questions or theories without spoiling anything we have planned but firstly! You should definitely listen to The Magnus Archives it's such a good podcast. You don't have to worry about our fic containing spoilers for any of the events in the podcast (to my knowledge, at least. Anyone is free to correct me).
____ 1) Our main reason for having him wait a day before respawning was so THIS MAN COULD SLEEP. This man hasn't had a proper 8 hours of sleep in weeks at this point and needed the rest. The Universe spoke and said he needs to sleep.
2) We're actually going to start to explore people dying in the next chapter and we are VERY very exciting to start on that. What I think will be funny even going forward is seeing how terrified Jon is of seeing people die verse how laid back the hermits are about it. Cause realistically this is what, their ninth season so I'd say they're pretty desensitized to it.
3) I think about his reaction to Doc a lot cuz here comes this shirtless creeper goat cyborg with crocs. IT'S JUST TOO PERFECT. We haven't pin pointed when we're going to introduce the two but when we do it's going to be so much fun to write.
4) Cub <3 <3 <3 So far Cub has been our favorite hermit to write cuz he's just so chill. He could say the most out there sentence and you'll be looking at him and he's just got a blank expression. You'll look at him like did you not just hear what came out of your mouth and he'll look like he's said nothing wrong. Love his guy
5) It's just a few things we think about the difference between hermits and non hermits. For hermits mining for resources is an (at least) a once a week things. Non hermits haven't needed to mine for resources by hand since what, since heavy machinery was introduced on the scene. So it's not something they think about unless their job is to mine for those resources / work those heavy machines.
6) I wouldn't say it's foreshadowing but mainly a light jab at Jon cuz maybe he looks like the kind of guy who you'd give him simply directions and he still gets lost.
(We are those people. Driving downtown is confusing even with a gps)
But yes, maybe Jon does have an encounter with some mobs later on. Who's to say? Hehe.
Anyways, I'm super glad that you've been enjoying our fic so far! Super exciting to get back to writing it more often now that we have a lot more free time.
Hope you have a good rest of your day/evening <3
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elleloquently · 2 years
stranger things volume 2 spoilers. this is not going to be cohesive whatsoever, just some thoughts put together because i was really loving volume 2 but then it felt spoiled and im still mad so here we are
i hate what happened to max. like to my core i absolutely hate what happened to her and i just cannot imagine why she needed to end up in a fucking coma. we have the dear billy episode, which was so fucking beautiful and incredibly well done and max did it! she escaped from vecna! only to almost be killed 200 more times and ultimately end up in a coma??? it feels like they couldn't decide if they should kill her or keep her alive and putting in her in that horrid state and then frozen in a coma just feels so frustrating.
eddie. i knew from the beginning that eddie wasn't going to survive this season but i loved him anyway and totally sobbed when he died. he died a hero, and no one besides dustin even acknowledged. everything about it was devastating. so why on earth did no single person have any emotional reaction to his death except for dustin??? why did everyone seem fucking fine?? that seemed so out of character for me.
nancy and steve and nancy and jonathan. from the very beginning i shipped nancy and jonathan, i think they have such a good dynamic together and work so well together and im really rooting for them to work things out. what i dont love is how they keep alluding to steve and nancy getting together. i genuinely feel like that will ruin so much for me, it feels backwards even though they've grown as characters... i LOVE nance but her starting to have feelings for steve again while IN A RELATIONSHIP with jonathan is borderlining on ruining her character for me. nancy is amazing, i hate her whole story being around which guy she'll end up with. fix her relationship with jonathan or leave her single.
vickie. im so sorry but instantly i cannot stand her. im sososososo relieved that robin beat the death allegations !!!!!!!!!! and i have the softest spot for her but god.... i hope vickie doesnt stick around. i HATE when a character is introduced solely to be a love interest and that.... feels exactly what vickie is. she's boring and all they did was attempt to give her the same personality as robin, like come on. if you want our girl in a relationship, let the story build into one naturally, don't just force her into one with some random character. i really didn't want to see vickie on my screen making sandwiches, i would've preferred idk,,, someone acknowledging dustin's feelings???
steve harrington is like the love of my life and i was so scared for his life but he SURVIVED and i feel nothing but relief but also,, did he seem different to anyone else too?? i feel like over the seasons hes had the most amazing character development, he cares so much about the kids and he has such strong friendships with dustin and robin and its all very loveable and consistent until this volume?? i feel like he spent the majority of the time with nance, like he ignores everyone else when she's around but not in a good way and its one of the reasons why i wish they would retire that damn ship. it feels like they can only pick one between steve, the well rounded and developed character or steve with nancy..,,, like his personality and friendships don't exist when they're teasing a relationship with nancy and i hated it . a lot. the steve harrington we know and love would be absolutely devastated about what happened to max. the steve harrington we know and love would have acknowledged eddie, and been there for dustin and comforted him and hugged him??? yeah, it couldve happened offscreen, but thats... not good enough. it didn't feel true to his character. he had like no response to anything (except nancy!) and genuinely that spoiled so much for me.
there's probably so many errors and grammar issues but im typing this fast and i havent slept but yeah there's a lot of issues that kinda ruined it for me???? there were a lot of moments i loved too but these parts felt icky to me and kinda spoiled the ending like the last 30 minutes ruined any positive feelings i had??? kinda wish we could've seen a moment of the whole group just being together and comforting each other esp bc steve's distance from dustin just didn't make sense to me ): he loves those kids and he would've been upset about max being in a coma too. it just felt weird and maybe im being picky idkidk feel free to let me know ur thoughts as well if anyone actually read this???
also i thought it was pretty obvious byler wasnt going to be a thing but ive seen a lot of ppl really angry about it which i understand but people are hating on mike and el for .loving each other? i adore and love will and he deserves the world and hes so kind do you really think he wants el, his friend and sister to be unhappy??? that he just wanted mike to immediately dump el to be with him instead?? no it does not make sense and i thought all of their scenes were very sweet and touching and well done
also everyone was split up so much, I live for the moments they all reunite I really wish we could’ve had a bigger/longer moment of everyone together ):
there's so much more honestly but my brain feels so scrambled and i am tired but i just had to get some thoughts out okay bye
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iwillfeastonyourflesh · 3 months
i dont think im a good person. i think im one of the worst types. i see whats wrong, understand that its wrong, and still i let it happen. sometimes i actively participate in it. my oldest brother is kind, and doesnt let anything anyone says about him stop him from living truthfully. but the things people say are fucking awful, and i know that i wouldnt be able to handle it as well as he does. my other brother saw what was happening to him, and decided to not let it happen to him. he became one of those popular kids that has a huge ego, but he saw my brother and never bullied someone else. i saw both the paths i could choose, and walked in the middle. im friends with people who aren’t actually popular, but act like they are and gossip like it. they’re shit people and bully/talk shit about people behind their backs. this includes me. the girl i talk to the most in the group, as shes in most of my classes, spends all the time shes with me either complaining about her family or making fun of people. if shes willing to talk crap about the people she actually likes in the group, shes def talking crap about me. shes said things to my face before, but other than calling me a loser the thing she said that stuck with me most was telling me i was the uglier version of another friend (im going to call her S). ive always compared myself to S, as shes the one i look most like. having an example of what i should be right next to me all the time sucks, but i don’t blame her for it. i have a lot of other friends, but none that i could fit into the group with. im not sure what to do. i know that a lot of people who are “older and wiser” than me will say that what’s happening to me rn isnt a big deal, and im aware of that. i try not to let these things affect me, as there are people who have actual problems and arent just spoiled kids who make jokes too much and accidentally made people think shes unaffected. a few days ago the friend who i spend the most time with (im calling her C) made a joke about one of our friends to her face, but it was the kind of joke thats too far. in response to her doing this, since i was right next to her, i told a “joke” to her face that was too far. i said something about how she ruins all of our conversations with negative comments, and thats why nobody talks to her. i could tell by her face that it hurt. she was almost silent the rest of class. i feel like complete and utter shit for saying it, but i keep trying to remind myself that she needs to learn. she comes from a rich family, and thinks that the few minor inconveniences in her life matter to everyone. her mom has bipolar, and the meds she was taking for it made her severely depressed and she ended up going to the hospital for it. ever since she came back from the hospital, C’s been acting like her mom is batshit insane. she got on the bus one time upset that her dad yelled at her, and ended up telling me that her moms crazy because shes not doing anything to take care of herself. i know people who were abused by their parents, and got beaten half to death but still sent back to their house because of the fucked up system we have. C telling me that pissed me off bc she gets whatever she wants, whenever she asks for it, and has never had to worry about money or whether or not her family would survive a war. im not saying these things have happened to me, but i dont try and act like my “problems” are the most important ones. im really sorry about this if for some reason you decided to read the full thing, and i apologise for sounding like a whiny brat, but i needed to tell someone and this way ill never know who that someone is, or if there is a someone. i wish you the very best, and i hope everything you want to happen will. good night
“Sometimes you just jump and hope it’s not a cliff.” - Casey McQuinston, Red, White, and Royal Blue
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hoshi9zoe · 3 months
(if you dont wanna read all this thats fair in that case i just hope you have a good day)
i dont know you and i dont wanna bother you, but i saw your reblog of the post about being scared of trans women, and i just wanted to say that its not always gonna be like that. im younger than you and i dont wanna be lecturing a person with more experience than i have, but reading what you wrote made me concerned. at the same time it is exactly what goes through my head sometimes.
i know i cant fully understand your struggles, because im trans in the other direction, but im starting to think its unfortunately true for all the people who are seen as something theyre not - right now we really have to accept there are our kinds of people and we cant change the rest. you absolutely deserve a better world in which people dont see you as dangerous just because you exist but in the meantime you need to remember your whole life isnt defined only by the people who hate you or are scared of you. it still absolutely sucks that people are intimidated by you just existing, and it shouldnt be like this and i can only imagine how lonely it could make someone feel. none of it is fair, but you can and should try to be happy anyways.
i try to think about it like we got the short end of the stick, but that doesnt mean we should break it and throw it away. it really is shit but (as cheesy as it sounds) we only get one chance at living, and as much as itd be understandable to do so, we cant spend it thinking about how unfair it is.
remember that there will be people who will see you as a person and not as a danger. it might feel like theres few of them, or they dont exist, but they do, and hopefully you get to spend more time with them than you ever will have to spend with the people who are transphobic.
i personally still cant accept it but its the advice a friend of mine gave me (though it was in the context of me being autistic) and i do think its smart even if not groundbreaking. i have trouble applying it to myself, so i might be hypocritical and/or projecting, i apologise for that. still i wanted to share it because i dont think theres any better option for us. im really sorry you feel that way and i hope we both get better at focusing on the people who can see us as people
ps well this is bible length im sorry and also sorry if its rude? i really didnt want to come off as condescending or like i was assuming you dont know any of this so i hope i at least managed that (and i sincerely apologise for my punctuation. )
I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that because of my depressive ass comments on a post people are trying to comfort me and cheer me up. I've done nothing to deserve this kindness and while I think that this kindness and your time is wasted on me, i'm grateful non the less. don't worry about coming across as lecturing me. you're just sharing your thoughts and feelings on that matter and I don't mind. even tho i may be older than you, I absolutely do not have more experience than others. less even probably... and I did not want to make you or anyone else concerned about me. as i said that's absolutely wasted on me. it's just me trying to somehow vent my depression so that I don't do something more harmful. it is just irrevocably true that trans women that are not thin, white, effeminate, with clear skin and no body hair will be seen as dangerous and intimidating by afab people and especially cis women. But i'm grateful that you with for a better world where that isn't happening. It's admirable. And I don't want to spoil your positive message but it's gonna be hard to keep my depression about that in check and I wanna apologize in advance for probably still being very negative about that. You are correct that my life isn't defined by those that are scared of me, but they still can affect it in a profound way even if I try to ignore them. And yes it is incredibly lonely, but I've already been lonely before I came out so there's not much of a difference. Just maybe a new flavor.
I'm just gonna skip the next paragraph with the short end of the stick so that I don't let my depression speak my mind and just rip all of that to shreds. You've got a nice mentality there and I don't wanna take that from you especially since you went out of your way to try and cheer me up. I know there are people that aren't scared. I'd like to meet some one day. But all deprecating jokes aside, I will always get reminded of it when I see how the trans community and especially trans women have their own separate isolated corner from the wider LGBTQ+ community. I'm not faulting you for struggling to apply the advice your give yourself. I really know a thing or twenty about that... Realistically I know that it's not as bad as my insecurities, depression, anxieties ect make it out to be. But acting on that; confronting your fears is exponentially harder. Especially if you have to do it alone because you're shit at meeting new people and making friends and very good at driving existing ones away. And please don't worry about grammar or punctuation or all that jazz. School makes a way bigger deal out of it than I feel is should be on the internet in casual situations. It's your intent and your feelings that matter not punctuation ^^'
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formula-fun · 7 months
i was writing this ask and honestly don't remember if i sent it or not so sorry in advance 😭✋️ i disagree with the previous anon, the problem isnt people focusing on the miscarriage, i think, personally, that people just really like the universe and want to see more, and since things about this story could be spoilers, they ask the hypotheticals (the baby, the pregnancy). At least thats the way i see it. Im equally curious about charles courting max and about max slowly but surely seeing charles as a safe space to kind of get away from everything (🥰) as i am about the baby, but i imagine that would be spoilers and wouldnt ask because maybe you would find it annoying seeing as its going to be in the next chapter. I am really excited about this story, because, like you said, it is a very clear that it's about a growing relationship and your writing and analysis are so so so good. You get us on our toes and dont treat them one dimensionally, I think its very easy to write Max as headstrong and Charles as sweet but you show another side to it (like real people are lol often not one just one thing). Its good tho that you spoke up about anyways so that we know what to focus on. I am curious tho because i wouldnt want to intrude: what are the kind of things that we can send in abt this story without being too invasive? Like I saw some people talking about ivf and you said we should wait and see sooooo maybe not that? Lol 😝
Hope youre having a great day!
Hiiii!!! I'm having a study day, so thank you for giving me a reason to take a break dfjskdfksjdfkdsj I think you're absolutely right, I don't think people mean anything by it and I don't hold it against anyone! It would be nice to not ONLY get asks that are about that, but I'm not upset about it or anything!
Thank you, this is all really sweet <3 and please don't ever worry about annoying me! The only things that annoy me are people telling me what to write, asking nonstop when the update will be or critiquing my work when I didn't ask for it. Anything else is fair game! If you ask something and I don't answer because it'll be in the next chapter I'm never annoyed, I just know you'll have an answer really soon so I don't want to spoil it. It's also helpful sometimes to know what questions people have because it tells me what people are paying attention to and what I need to focus on. So never never annoying! I'm also ridiculously easy to tempt into giving spoilers, it's really sad. If i get a question and don't answer because it's a spoiler but then someone asks me the same thing a second time? I'm probably just spoiling it, because I'm horrible at keeping secrets. So dont worry about it dfjkdfjks don't worry about being invasive either. i literally can't think of a question someone could ask me about this fic that i would consider invasive
(2) Also, previous anon here, but a whole different topic, if its off limits, feel free not to answer. I really like how you capture two people loving each other and not always agreeing but always understanding if that makes any sense?? Like charles probably doesnt like jo but he keeps out of it because he knows max instead of trying to push them apart. I think most people writing a story would go "oh charles should protect max from jo and not let them see each other" but its much more complicated than that, its his father figure still and they dont only have bad moments. The same thing with charles x ferrari. I see a lot of fics where max pushes charles to go to red bull and sure, thats fun to read, but max understanding the deep attachment charles has to ferrari is much nicer. He knows its not only about a wdc, its about charles' father, jules, his relationship with the team etc. Tell me if im wrong but thats just what i observed
thanks!! you're absolutely right <3 that idea is really important to me, that you can't control the people who you love and they don't belong to you. charles knows max loves his dad on his own terms and it's not up to him to get between them, but he can offer Max somewhere soft to land if he ever decides to cut his dad off. and max really just wants to see charles succeed, so if charles' dream is to win with Ferrari then Max wants that too. (and also personally I want that gjfghjgfhjgf) they don't always understand each other's actions, but they can at least do their best to understand each other's feelings, and that's a good way to make a strong supportive relationship. We hope
thanks so much for the ask, you're really kind!! <33 hope you're doing well
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takasgf · 10 months
the more time i spend here the more angy i get. whatever, answered s/i questions under the cut
Original post
1) other than with your f/o(s), how are your insert’s relationships with other characters like? have they made any close friends or enemies+ how did that happen?
Being part of the Guardians' team, she's pretty good friends with all of them. She can get into arguments with Q.uill once in a while, but usually they all get along. Before joining the team, she used to be absolute besties with OG G.root. She's also very close to N.ebula, due to all the time spent during the blip with her and R.ocket. Her only "enemy" for that matter would be my oc, Aeneas, but once he drops the "overthrowing the monarchy by marrying the princess" act, they become friends again.
2) what about their reputation, are they well known outside of their circle? what do others initially think or assume about them?
"Morgen Krantz, fugitive princess of Zteamer. That's a mouthful. " Most people see her for her princess title, assigning her the stereotypical traits of a princess (spoiled, arrogant, pretentious etc.) and even mocking or belittling her, reminding of the failure that her species had become. Those in the art world are more familiar with her interests, but still reduce her pieces and artworks to her name rather than actual skill. She is not hated, but most dont think highly of her either. Those who are familiar with her father or have business relationships with her planet respect her and try not to get on her bad side, so that they wont have to suffer the consequences.
3) what were your f/o(s) first impression of them? vice versa, what was your insert’s first impression of your f/o(s)?
He was rather annoyed at her inability to shut up. He felt bad for her somehow and didnt want to bring her back to Zteamer, as he realised she doesnt deserve to be deprived of freedom. But hell he was annoyed with her for the first few days. He obviously grew very fond of her and wouldnt let anyone dangerous hurt her, but it took him some time to accept her with all her quirks. She was incredibly kind and warm to him from the very beginning. She admired him and saw him as her hero for saving her - but she wanted to impress him and prove herself as a valluable member of his team. Her insecurity faded over time after they joined the Guardians, but she still wanted him to think that she was "cool".
4) what’s one thing you and your self insert(s) have in common?
Appearence! We look the same except for the eyes and maybe hair because i just got a really ugly haircut. But id say we look fairly similar :3
5) what’s one thing you and your self insert(s) don’t have in common?
Morgen is a vegetarian. I could never. I love shrimp too much. Also charcuterie boards and bbq and salmon and pork paté. I cant give those up, sorry girl.
6) what is your insert’s moral alignment?
Im not going to take the quiz because im lazy but from description only i'd say chaotic good? Just like Froggy
7) give us a little bit of information about your insert! could be basic (name, age, height), stuff relevant to the source (abilities, class type, affiliations, etc.) or just fun facts you really want to talk about!
Errrr she is Morgen Krantz (actually thought about naming her Mörgen to differentiate it from the canon character named Morgan but i decided against it; i can only hope people understand its MY self insert.....), her age ranges from 17-32 (17 when she left her planet, she's 20 in vol 1 and vol 2, 24 in IW when she starts dating Rocky, 29 in EG, 32 in vol 3 etc), she's 150 cm or 4'11" and as for her abilities, she can deatach her arm and use it in battle, she wields weapons, she's reisistent to fire and lasers, and later when she gets stronger she can manipulate the starry mass she's made of in her favour (its hard to explain without visuals, leave me alone😭)
8) how would they spend their day to day in your f/os’ universe? do they have a job or any other daily commitment? a routine they follow?
She pretty much hangs out with the team exclusively. As a "job" she goes on missions with them; she also gets comissioned by other people for paintings or sculptures. I suppose she has her separate art hobbies, and she often attends events related to that or goes on cute little dates with her boyfriend, but you can find her most of the time on the spaceship or wandering around on N.owhere.
9) when does your insert come into the story and what part do they play in it? how do they fit into everything, and how does the story change with them involved?
Unlike Frogeru who actively changes the story (yeah the KG too - secret frogeru lore!) , Morgen is just an addition. Her story and specific events are just extras to the already existing one, because i really like it the way it is already (unlike..danganfart...). I just wanted to give Rocky another friend (and partner tehehe), who'd be there since the beginning.
skipping 10 because im still reworking her backstory
11) when & how do they get introduced to your f/os?
After she escapes her planet on a random ship that visited her planet, she's found by two bounty hunters, R.ocket and G.root. Instead of taking her back home, they let her join their team, giving up the immense reward for her being brought back to her father in favour of her freedom. This was a few years before vol 1 happened. Her romantic feelings for Rocky start after vol 2 and their relationship gets official in the time between IW and EG.
12) what about their fashion & aesthetic? what kind of clothes do they usually/like to wear for the everyday, or when they’re all dressed up for some special event?
She's pretty dressed up all the time - she is a princess afterall. She's got her casual clothes too, but prefers being extra. Her clothes are quite fancy (and expensive), she loves frills, accessories, gloves and ribbons. Here is a link to her outfits sheet.
13) ^ is it anything practical you would wear irl, or is it a little unrealistic and purely for the sake of having a cool design?
I want and need to own all of her clothes. All her accessories are practical and serve some sort of purpose. And they are so cute♡
14) if your insert were to become a canon character, how would they be treated by fandom? do you think they would get misinterpreted a lot?
Maybe..? She has a few traits that can be considered self-centered, but I doubt she'd be overly hated for that. Im not very familiar with the intricacies of the m.cu fandom, i dont know what characters are liked or not, even when i was part of it id just look at fanart and ignore everything else💀i should learn from past me!!! I do like to think there would be cute shipping artwork of Morket ^_^ ♡ even if their romantic relationship wouldnt be canonized, it could be implied in the movies after IW. like subtle little nods to them being closer. I also want a quick forehead kiss in vol 3 ;^; for when he comes back and morgen is relieved that he is alive. Oh yeah the fandom uhhh i dont know. Morgen is still pretty new in my life. I know there'd be some idiots that ship her with her friend-enemy (Aeneas) just for that stupid trope, but i doooont like it. Morgen belongs with R.ocket and i want to think about edits, amvs and anime styled fanart of them!
skipping 15 bc already answered for 4
16) what does their living environment look like? is it minimally decorated, messy or super high tech & futuristic? is it a place you could actually/want to live in?
I didnt think much about it besides the very basics. It would be very decorated, she has a bunch of interests, but it would be clean. Not necessarly organized, she would leave her art supplies scattered around everywhere, but you'd never find food leftovers, laundry or trash thrown around there. Relatively clean, full of personality, but a bit messy if she is feeling creative and is working on a piece of art.
17) does your insert have any family? (whether it be familial f/os, ocs, pets or people based off your actual family)
I need to answer this game with Frogeru too, her family is SO much more interesting than Morgen's😭 She's got her parents, Otis and Marie Krantz. No siblings or other known relatives. Otis loves his daughter a lot, but is A TERRIBLE person and leader. Marie is a lot more chill, but pretty absent in her life. She likes her daughter as a person, but she doesnt consider her as her child (even if she is). I will elaborate later. Morgen doesnt have an awful relationship with her mom, but its not the best. She's closer to her father, but thats not necessarly for the better. He wants her to be safe but goes to extremes for it (literally locking her up in the castle and not letting her have any contact with other people). When it comes to her relationship, her mom approves of it and supports it, while her dad is completely weirded out once he finds out ("MY DAUGHTER IS DATING A TALKING MONGOOSE?????") But its too late for him to do anything because he'd be in prison, close to dying at that point. I will elaborate later.
What a dark note to end on IM SORRY
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
hiya! can you do HCs for the slashers with a male s/o? i usually always see them geared towards women so itd be fun to switch it up! (it could be their first m/m relationship or not, doesnt matter!)
Of course hun! Usually I try to keep my writing pretty gender neutral and as inclusive as possible. Hope you enjoy! Also I’m trying to get better with adding warnings… it’s a work in progress
Slashers x Male S/O
Warning: slight nsfw content in all of these and it’s slashers so mentions of murder, kidnapping, etc
Michael Meyers
Michael isn’t good with feelings, usually his feelings towards others are anything but positive, he’s sure of that. But something about you was different, he wasn’t a fan of the feeling honestly. But Michael is a curious person, so he ends up stalking you for a decent amount of time. Eventually, he’s able to predict your every move, he knows your schedule, has figured out all your favorite things. He knows everything about you.
Michael eventually comes to terms with the fact he has a crush on you. After stalking you for some time, he was able to figure out the feeling. But at first he was honestly contemplating making you his next victim just so the feeling would go away. Now he recognizes it as a good feeling though, he needs to keep you and make you his.
His go to is knocking you out on your way home from work one evening. When you wake up you’re arms are tied to the bed, but he was kind enough to leave your feet unrestrained. At first, he just stares at you, unsure of what to do now that he has you. His favorite thing is watching you while you sleep, you just look so content and happy.
Eventually, Michael lets you wander around the house. He knows you can’t leave him, he’ll simply find you again. After all, he’s stalked you for so long he would be able to find you easily. Even if you do alert the cops it’s not like it’s his first time dealing with them. It’s best if you don’t run away, he isn’t against teaching you not to leave him again if you try.
If you make attempts to be kind to him he absolutely adores it! Massaging his shoulders, rubbing patterns across his skin, baking and cooking for him are all gestures that he loves. But, it also proves to him that you care which makes him more possessive over you.
Speaking of possessive, Michael also has the strong urge to always prove to you that he’s the dominant one. He both needs and craves control and feels the need to prove that he’s bigger and stronger than you are. Expect some rough treatment from time to time, he likes to remind you of your place.
He’s a virgin and the only knowledge he really has about sex comes from what he’s caught his victims doing. While he does do a lot of stalking, he really hasn’t learned much. Besides, most of what he’s seen has been between girls and guys, very rarely has it been anything else. But once you show him? He’s insatiable. While he’s never thought much about his sexual desires before, you’ve completely changed that. You can expect him to be pressing against your ass at any time of the day.
Loves joining you in the shower. One, it’s just an easy way for him to see you naked. Two, he usually gets you to wash his hair and all for him and he loves the feeling. You running your hands all over his body to bathe him leads to three, he usually forces you to your knees and gets you to wrap those pretty lips around him. Loves the sight of you looking up at him with water on you eyelashes and lust in your eyes. Some times you’re gonna need a second shower.
Bo Sinclair
Bo is the one most likely to deny to himself that he finds you attractive. He grew up in the Deep South with a religious family in a religious town. Anything that isn’t between a guy and a girl was always frowned upon so it takes him a minute to come to terms with his feelings.
Once he does expect him to be a big flirt. Turns out, Bo can smooth talk guys and girls all the same. It’s easy for him though considering that there’s so much about you he likes that he never seems to run out of compliments. Quickly decides that he loves the sight of you blushing and flustered by the things he says.
Once again, feels the need to prove that he’s the dominant one. Bo has never given up control to anyone, you’re not going to be any different. Often makes a show of his strength to prove he’s stronger than you. Bo also just loves to manhandle you in general, especially during sex. You just look so cute when you get all flustered about him moving you around like you weigh nothing.
Lots of ass grabbing and lewd comments once he gets comfortable with you. He’s a major pervert, so expect him to be handsy with you all of the time.
Eventually gets to the point where he likes to flaunt you. You spend a lot of time with him down at the station and he occasionally gives you small, easy chores to do, but mostly he keeps you there to chat with and keep him company. This also means that you see a lot more of the victims than you might like to and Bo isn’t afraid to let them know the two of you are together. If anyone says anything rude to you then he makes sure they get turned to wax a lot faster than he normally would. If he deems the comment to offensive then there wont be much left of them to make into wax, sorry Vincent.
Bo likes to make you believe that he would never let you top him. But if your able to hold out long enough, you can make him so needy for you that he’ll relent and allow it, but only just the once. Okay, maybe more than once but it’s still a rare occasion. He still won’t let anyone believe that he would ever bottom though. Like I said before, Bo needs to feel in control and that extends to being in control of you as well.
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent wasn’t as well versed in relationships as Bo or even Lester. While he would know that he’s attracted to guys, he wouldn’t have much experience at all. He would be very surprised if you showed any interest in him at all honestly, but when you do he knows he has to keep you.
He’s very shy and nervous at first. You’re most likely the first person he’s ever had a romantic relationship with so he’s very unsure of what to do at first. It’ll take a lot of reassurance from you to get him to open up to you and even longer for him to feel confident around you. Since he doesn’t talk and is pretty socially awkward, you can expect small gifts to be his go to way of wooing you. Like a penguin giving you pebbles, he is a large man bringing you wax figures.
Vincent would definitely play a big care taker role honestly. He’s both your protector and your provider. You depend upon him to survive in Ambrose and he enjoys feeling in control for once. Vincent does a good job of making sure you’re taken care of as well. Always makes sure that you eat until your full, gives you only the best of clothes from victims suitcases, and you get first pick of the items left behind by the victims.
Likes keeping you close by. Not down in his workshop of course, he doesn’t want you to see him as a monster and witness the cruel things he does. Besides, he sees you as to precious, to pure and innocent to be able to handle witnessing such things. Of course, you’re aware of the wax figures, but you’re not aware of how they’re made and he wants to keep it that way.
Vincent prefers to have you tied up beneath him with your cheeks flushed and skin covered in sweat. Also thinks your skin looks great when it’s covered in wax. Also loves the way you look so needy for him to give you some sort of relief with your pupils blown wide, lips parted, as your hips attempt buck against his.
However, Vincent does occasionally enjoy letting you take the ropes. This usually happens when he’s stressed out and has to much on his mind. Being able to let go and let you be in charge of his pleasure gives him the freedom and comfort that he needs.
Brahms Heelshire
His parents would be surprised at him requesting a male nanny but so many women had failed that he was curious to try something else. When you came along, he decided that you were perfect for him!
Unlike most of the other slashers, Brahms is more than okay with you topping him, He secretly enjoys being forced into submission and only occasionally likes to take up the dominant role in the bedroom. Goes absolutely feral for the way you discipline him and get him to submit and be good, especially since you never fail to tell him what a good boy he is and how much you enjoy him being well behaved just for you.
At the start though, he simply watches you through the walls. Especially enjoys watching you while you’re in your room or taking a shower. He’s a dirty little wall pervert what do you expect. Once he watches you jerk off for the first time, he quickly decides that he’s 100% attracted to you. Like I said, he’s a dirty wall man.
Enjoys that you still follow the schedule and do such a good job of filling the domestic roles he craves. You provide him with more structure and stability than anyone else previously had. You’re not scared to discipline him when he steps out of line and you do such a good job of taking care of him. Especially loves when you indulge him and spoil him, it drives him crazy.
He’s needy and clingy and loves to cuddle up to you. Brahms is practically glued to your hip 24/7, following you around the mansion like a lost puppy. He’s lucky you find him cute otherwise you would grow annoyed with him quite easily. He enjoys laying his head on your chest and listening to your heartbeat, it’s really soothing to him.
Please read to him while he cuddles up against you. It’s his favorite thing ever, especially if you give him attention while you do so like playing with his hair or simply running your free hand up and down his back soothingly.
Will purposefully find ways to get dirty so that you have to bathe him. Refuses to get into the tub or shower unless you join him. Really just wants to be pressed up against the shower wall and fucked. If he needs an excuse to see you naked, he’ll steal your clothes and hide them. Then he watches from the walls as you have to go up to your room to get more clothes. The clothes he stole will remain in his room within the walls to curl up with whenever he pleases.
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher
Honestly these two would compete over you. Might even have a bet over who can woo you first. They get jealous of the other very easily.
Billy is intimidating and plenty of people are scared of him, for good reason of course. So with him you don’t really have to worry about anyone being rude or saying anything offensive. If they do then you’ll see them on the news within the next few days. If you mention it to Billy he basically says “wow, that’s unfortunate, whatever will the world do without them.”
Stu is more likely to get physical with the person as soon as anything offensive leaves their mouth. Usually he’s less affected than Billy but he’s just so protective over you that he can’t manage to keep his cool. Sadly this means he can’t kill the person since he would be more likely to be a suspect after a physical altercation like that. They’ll still have a broken nose.
Billy is more likely to be a top, Stu is more likely to bottom but he is a switch so he likes to top occasionally to. Billy is also more rough with you in bed and enjoys running the blade of his knife across your skin while he has his other hand wrapped tightly around your throat. He degrades you while he fucks you, even the praise is degrading, telling you how good you look getting fucked like the slut you are. Stu is a lot sweeter and needier when it comes to sex. He likes to praise and compliment you, telling you how good you make him feel and how good you look just for him.
Both of them are very proud of you. They aren’t afraid to show you off or be seen with you. We all know that Stu is handsy but Billy isn’t afraid to sweet talk you in front of anyone and everyone. Claims he’s classier than Stu for not basically shoving his hand down your pants in public like he hasn’t grinded against you multiple times already. He’s just more discreet about being handsy in public.
Jesse Cromeans
You get to live lavishly with Jesse, that’s for sure. He makes sure to absolutely spoil you, anything you want is yours. The movies confirmed multiple times that he’s rich and it turns out when it comes to you, Jesse is very generous with his money.
Although, he does love choosing what you wear. Of course all of the clothes in your large closet are designer, he can’t have his boyfriend looking poor. Jesse prefers to dress you up in expensive dress shirts, slacks, and ties, something about it just gets him going. Some times he’ll allow you to wear sweatpants or whatever comfy clothes you want but it’s still going to be name brand stuff.
Also likes to shower with you. Picks out expensive and high end products so that you always smell good. Of course Jesse always smells good, his favorite colognes are never less than $100 for even a small bottle. Sometimes when he comes home late at night and crawls into bed next to you, you can still smell the slight metallic scent of blood on him. It’s usually hard to notice though since the sheets smell strongly of him that it can mask it.
He’s perverted and loves to show you off. Once you find out what he does, he won’t hesitate to take you with him on his “business trips” to different warehouses. Jesse keeps you safely tucked away in his office though, he can’t risk putting you in harms way and certainly doesn’t want you to witness the carnage. Prefers you to sit in his lap during meetings and he isn’t afraid to feel you up during them either.
If he ever gets you to blow him under his desk one day don’t expect him to let you stop just because Spann or Preston walks in. Jesse won’t hesitate to force your head back down if you try and pull away. In fact, having you choke on his cock while someone else in the room does nothing but make him feel even more aroused. Luckily for you, it’ll definitely deter Spann from trying to make any more moves on your boyfriend.
Asa Emory
Asa is a sadist and he absolutely loves to see you squirm. You can expect constant teasing and degrading from him at all times, very rarely does he compliment you. When he does compliment you though, just know he truly means them. Asa doesn’t really do feelings, his best way of showing he cares for you is by keeping you locked in his home rather than in his demented hotel.
Honestly, he probably does his best to keep you from knowing about the extent of his nightly activities. Of course you know about the hotel, you spent a few months there. You also know Asa is sadistic and enjoys hurting other people, even you that he cares so much about. But your stay at the hotel was luxurious compared to what happens to the other people in there. And while he inflicted some pain and left small cuts on you with his knife, it was nothing compared to the way he tortured the other people.
Again, Asa needs control and enjoys being in charge of everything you do. He picks out your clothes, plans out your day for you, he’s into the whole dumbification thing. You have a list of responsibilities like cooking for him and keeping the already neat house clean and tidy. Your not just his boyfriend, you’re his pet. Anything he instructs you to do, you do, otherwise you’ll be punished.
Makes sure you have your own guard dog. He hates having to leave you alone and so he leaves his best trained German Shepherd with you to keep you safe. But on the bright side at least you have well trained company that also happens to be very cuddly and friendly with you. Just don’t let Asa know you let the dog on the couch…
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crxxnt-m · 3 years
Request for a short male reader who has Yae Miko and Ei as their s/o(I hope you don’t mind two of them separately)-the reader happens to get flustered easily so-yeah prob just how they would react to the relationship dynamic between them and their s/o-sorry if this seems a bit confusing-don’t have to write it if you don’t really understand it o_O
How they are to a short S/o
Pairings: Yae Miko, Ei X M!reader
Warnings: none, just pure fluff
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Yae Miko
TEASING!! Lots of it
She wouldnt be the type to care about your height, though I know she loves to tease you about it a lot
Dont do teasing well? She would definetly stop if you feel uncomfortable with it
But whenever she does tease you it was always those pick up lines that gets you flustered even more
She loves to see you blush <33
But whenever you do feel insecure, your shyness doesnt work on THE Yae Miko, she knows whenever you feel like your being stared at cause shes taller than you
Is def the dom in a relationship, no one can change my mind
"Are you okay, Traveler?" Yae asks you, as a life of a traveler you were expected to have a lot of injuries at the end of almost everyday "im fine, thank you" you say as she gently looks towards you to see if there were any massive injuries.
"Good, no broken bones" she replies but as she looks back towards you you were already covering the half of your face to prevent her from seeing your blushing face, yae smirks (not me simping)
"Aww, is little traveler flustered again?" Yae says smiling towards you and you immedietly look away and your heart flutters immensely. She grabs your chin to make you look back at her and gives you a kiss on the hand you were covering your face with
"Love you, cutie"
I bet she is also flustered
She loves it when anyone gives her sweets but when you give it, its just a no eye contact blushing party mostly
Please visit her everyday in her plane of euthymia
May or may not spar with her there but most of the time its just you giving her gifts from your travels and spending time together
Doesnt really mind if you are the one who initiates the first moves ;)
"Im back" you say as you enter the Ei's plane of euthymia, seeing her in the same position in the middle of the arena like area. Snapping out of her meditation, she stand up properly heading towards you, you walk forward giving her a big hug and a kiss on her cheek, a daily routine the both of you like to do when seeing each other for the first time once a day, blushing after.
"I, uhh- bought dango milk for us.. I happen to pass by it while doing my commissions" you say trying your best not to stutter, you saw her eyes shine when you bring the certain milk lover her favourite jar. Drinking it and asking if you wanted some as well telling her its all hers
"Thank you, traveler.. For your service here in Inazuma, and for well- spoiling me with simple gifts such as this" Ei says as she hugs you after mostly to hide her blushing face (you are definetly being squished in between her boobs right now)
"Thank you, traveler.. I love you, more than dango milk"
End ~
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mammss · 3 years
headcanons– mc is a single parent who brings their kid with them, and, for whatever reason, Satan is the kid’s favorite. The kid doesnt even try to hide it. what do his bros think 👀
“why is satan the favorite?”
a/n: sorry this was a little late but here you go and i hope you like it!!! also mc’s kid in this headcannon is a little kid what ever age you wanna imagine<3
WARNINGS: implied spoilers for lesson 15/16 for belphies part
lucifer: “i can sense headaches in my future” he’s calm on the outside but ultimately jealous on the inside that your kid chose satan as their favorite. why satan out of all his brothers? lucifer is kinda like satan if you get to know him but no mc’s kid wants to go to cat cafe’s and cause trouble for the oldest, on the plus side at least mc’s kid will grow up to be wise and educated. satan might be annoying with all his pranks and what not but he is a good role model for them and he’s proud of satan for stepping up to the plate like he didn’t. you didn’t hear this from me but everytime he sees both of them hangout it reminds him that he should of been there for satan
mammon: jealous jealous super duper jealous. he knows that he’s not like satan all smart and sophisticated but he’s super fun and will spoil you and that’s why he should of been the favorite! now since mc’s kid picked a favorite brother mammon feels like he has no chance to win your heart. if the kid doesn’t like him then you won’t either. mc please tell mammon that’s not true in the slightest. but like lucifer he’s proud satan became a good role model for them. if the kids happy than he’s happy too! will still spoil the kid and try to become second favorite he doesn’t care.
levi: he’s the avatar of envy so just know his jealousy is higher than mammons… this little henry was supposed to look up to him not satan! what happened to all the anime marathons and video game nights did that mean nothing to you kid?? little henry was going to be levi’s right hand man in everything otaku culture he was gonna grow up refined dammit! after hearing the devastating news levi locked himself in his room for a couple days and watched sad animes that fit the current betrayal he was feeling but mc kid made it all better when they said they’ll still be his little henry and all was good again in levi land! you definitely didn’t see your kid for a couple days after they made up but at least someone was watching them
asmo: shocked and hurt on the outside but excited on the inside. asmo is supposed to be everyone’s favorite even mc’s! but when mc’s offspring doesn’t even bat an eye to him, he doesn’t know how deal with the such pain. he becomes dramatic as usual but it’s all in good fun anyways he’s glad mc’s kid has someone like satan that will watch over them and love them. he’s ultimately rooting for satan and will give all sort of suggestions and helpful advice to satan on how to take care of them. mc’s kid overtime will warm up to asmo and become their second favorite and when that happens he’ll make sure everyone knows unlike satan. the 3 of them always have play dates and sleepovers which mc is sometimes invited too. 4 5 supremacy anyone?
satan: knew he was the favorite from the start but didn’t wanna cause any drama by bragging. when mc’s kid kept following him everywhere and wanted satan to play and read to them then did he understand they were obsessed with him. satan was glad someone appreciated him and wanted to be just like him but at the same time being the avatar of wrath he was always trying to hide his wrath so they didn’t get hurt and scared. the last thing he wanted to do was hurt a child, a child who’s parent means a lot to him and his brothers. satan has a gained a new member to the anti-lucifer league and has a new friend to take to the bookstore and cat cafes with. they also have tons of sleepovers which mc is invited to as well.
beel: honestly doesn’t care as long as beel still gets to eat with them and hangout. he’s glad they picked satan he would have done the same thing. satan is trustworthy, responsible, smart and fun to be around if you share the same interests as him. everytime he sees them together he smiles and watches as they play and laugh and smile. he’s a family man what can i say? even when the both of them eat together beel always asks about satan and what they did today and mc’s kid doesn’t stop talking about it. he’s happy satan’s gentle with them if there happy he’s happy too.
belphie: understands completely why he wouldn’t be the favorite but come on you don’t have to rub it in his face! everywhere he looks he sees satan and mc’s kid hanging out. in the music room, in the living room, at the dining hall, in the kitchen. hell sometimes in the attic if their having an anti-lucifer league meeting! he’s jealous and hurt by it but doesn’t show it at all. all he can do is watch from the sidelines and be happy for satan. he wishes he had a chance…
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nyashykyunnie · 3 years
Might as well hope on the bandwagon. May I please request a Father Xiao scenarios? Maybe his child can be a half-adeptus like ganyu (Child auto-corrected to Childe when I was typing this xD)
A/N: took me awhile to think of a Xiao hc cuz I was tryna choose between some scenarios AHWHEGW Also SAME, MY PHONE AUTCORRECTS INTO CHILDE ALL THE TIME AHAHAGAGSG AND YES XIAO HAVING A HALF-BLOOD CHILD EEE NGL HE GONNA BE EXTRA PROTECTIVE AHADHJADGS I’m so excited for this ehehh. Also tyvm for the req!!! I hope you enjoy this anon!! Btw this was supposed to be for three charas but I got carried away with xiao so ahah,.... Woops =w=;;
𝙵𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛! 𝕏𝕚𝕒𝕠 x 𝙶𝙽! 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍! ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
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.      ﹢ ˖     ✦      ¸ . ﹢  °  ¸.    ° ˖ ・ ·̩   。 ☆   ゚ *   。 ☆ ✦˖
Having a child, with his own blood running through your veins, you being the spitting image of him- Was the last thing Xiao could ever imagine ever happening to him.
It’s understandable that he was really shocked to know you are his. Xiao is, after all, the Conqueror Of Demons. He is more than used to being in battle, always being on high alert and ready to slash any enemy down since it isone of his duties as the Vigilant Yaksha who protects Liyue.
Xiao was very cautious around you. With your small and fragile body, he feared that even touching you was enough to kill you. The Wangshu Inn keeper had to teach him ‘how’ to hold you because Xiao’s fear of holding you might just make him stay ten feet away from you at all costs.
He watches over you from afar, always ready to strike at whatever dares to bring you harm.
Though, most of the time, the yaksha is always leaving you to Verr Goldet’s care so he can fulfill his duties. It was fine at first- Until Verr had to talk to Xiao about it. He told him that he shouldn’t be too focused  on that job. 
She told him the possibilities of his constant negligence of you, she told him you might grow “Deprived From Fatherly Affection”. Xiao was shocked of course, he didn’t really know that. 
He felt guilty, he was so blinded by not wanting to inflict any form of harm on you, he didnt expect that it’ll inevitably lead you to growing some unwanted mindsets and habits.
Xiao isn’t really one for affection, there’s no need to explain that. Majority of his skills are more on the ‘slaughter’ and ‘exorcise’ expertise.
Regardless, he is not just a protector of Liyue now, he is a ‘father’ now. Specifically your father. This new responsibility isn’t something he will run away from.
Don’t expect much from him though. Xiao is still hesitant to some extent, he’s trying to figure out how he will interact with you.
 Unlike him, you’re fragile. More fragile than glass. He’s afraid of exerting accidental force that will lead him to hurting you. You’re just too small- so small can’t even reach pass his knees(Please this yaksha is just overthinking too much)
Baby steps, that’s what he’ll do. Slow and steady so he wont be too overwhelmed.
He starts off by simply talking to you, maybe even playing with you for a bit with enough begging. Xiao slowly got used to handling you as time went by. Verr was even suprised at one point when she saw Xiao handling you during your tantrums. 
Xiao made good progress with you. He didnt even know that he was unconciously getting attached to you, he didnt know that he adored your presence. He didn’t realize that he gets a little frustrated when he needs to leave you behind. Xiao developed his ‘father instincts’ to such a level to the point that he sometimes wished his Yaksha responsibilties were less demanding.
When you are trouled with nightmares- Xiao will put some stuff to wardoff evil. Though, he also heard that child mortals are more effectively comfoted if they are sung a lullaby, so he’ll do that. Just... Don’t tell anyone else or that will be your last (maybe)
The immortal sometimes even comes home with new clothes since he knew that children grow and he wouldn’t want to see you struggling with the small fit ofyour clothing. He also makes sure to put some spells on them too to ward off evil.
 Xiao unconciously spoils you, his mind always drifting; ‘Maybe they’ll like something like that. Mortal children I’ve seen are fond of those stuff’.  Naturally, he’ll make a way to afford that small gift for you. If he cant, then he’ll just learn how to make it himself.
He loves you, he just doesnt know how to convey that. Being an adepti, being raised as a machine for war- Love wasn’t something he is great at. But even if it’s that, he’ll still strive for you secretly. Xiao will no doubt make the most descreet efforts to adore you. He still doubts himself even after all the progress he’s made in becoming close to you.
“Silk Flowers!” You squeel in delight as you spotted a bouquet of it from afar. You dash off from Xiao’s side, making the adepti startled and call out your name.
But still you were a child, of course you just kept running and running until the ground beneath you rumbled at what seems like caused from footsteps. Your feet wobbled and almost knocked you off of your feeting. Then it stopped, a huge shadow looming over your small figure. You look up only to have the color of your face drained.
“D-Daddy!” You cried out in absolute horror, falling down to the ground. You were terrified, how could you not? Monsters were real, and one of those monsters was about to murder you in cold blood. “Daddy! Help!”
Just at the beast was about to swing it’s flaming axe towards you- The  wind shifted, as if slicing through the air and knocking back the mitachurl.
“How dare such filthy demon dare to even make their presence in front of my child, let alone even dare to strike!” Xiao growled, his eyes flaming gold from raw fury as he walked with the air dancing violently around him. “ I’ll make you pay”
Xiao’s voice was flooded with resentment, his primodial jade radiated as it felt it’s master’s sudden abundance in power. He spun it as his Yaksha mask formed in his face. At the roar of the enemy, Xiao leapt forward, striking the demon in overwhelming speed. He moved so fast it’s too the point the mitachurl wasn’t given any chance to react. But was it done? No, not even a little bit. That demon frightened you to the point your voice faltered in calling him. He has seen you in tears but never to this extent. Xiao was fuming as he plunged down, his anemo spears stabbing the enemy with no hint of sympathy. 
When he finally finished the kill, Xiao’s mask disintegrated and immediately walked to your crying state. He clicked his tounge, feeling a huge pang in his heart as he saw you this disheveled.
“Da-daddy!” You wailed, reaching your arms out for him desperately as your tears clouded your eyes. “Waah!”
He wanted to scold you, he really did. But the sight of you crying like this made the words stuck in his throat. Xiao instead lifted you in his arms, letting you bury your face on the crook of his neck and sob freely. You soaked his shoulder and Xiao didn’t complain, he just rubbed your back to let you know he is there.
“Does anywhere hurt?” His nonlachant voice rung in your ears softly, stealing your attention. “If there is, better tell me now or those wounds will cause  further damage in you.”
“[Y-y/n] is bad.” You hicupped. “[Y/N] is so bad daddy is now ou-ouchie. Daddy now hates [Y-Y/N]”
“Hate? You mortals have odd ways of thinking” Xiao sounded a little rough, making you flinch. “Don’t be ridiculous, I would never bear such hostility towards you. Moreover, I’m not hurt. I’ve lived for thousands of years, pain is something minimal for an adepti such as myself.”
He scoffed.
“On the other hand, your life is counted by only one hand. You have yet to experience what life will truly bring you.” Xiao’s voice started to soften bit by bit as he softly squeezes your small body towards him more “However, I am your father. If darkness decides to crawl at your feet and even when you are frigthened of what’s ahead- Call out my name. I’ll always be there.”
“Da-daddy promises?” You look up to stare at his amber orb. “Daddy will make monsters go bye-bye?”
“Yes” He simply answered. “Now stop your noisy crying, we’re going back to eat.”
He appears cold, his way of talking always straight to the point, but still he loves you. Adeptus Xiao, the guardian yaksha, his power will not simply be used in order to slaughter the darkness creeping around Liyue. With his Vision and might as Alatus, the Golden-Winged King,... He will protect you at all costs and raise you no matter how he is troubled regarding his difficulty in making much of emotions.
You are one his greatest gifts, a treasure he will sincerely hold in his heart forevermore. It doesn’t matter if his karmic binds attack him, he will venture out of it for you. 
A/N: AIGHHTT AAAA ITS MY FIRST TIME WRITTING FOR XIAO HNNN, Did I do good??? AAAA I DUNNO AHDKSGF. I hope you all liked it hngghhhh ;___; Also I’m sorry for being inactive a lot AAAAA, school is starting to get mre and more demanding. I have more hcs upcoming so dw! I wont end up completely turning into a dead ghost!
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thesolotomyhan · 3 years
ramon arellano felix as a dad would include
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a/n: heyy mis carinos youre favorite clown is back with something none of you guys asked yet here i am sharing this with you all i was soft but also because i havent written anything for my arellano boys in a minute and i got inspired wow anyways i hope you guys enjoy my desmadre
taglist: @fandomnerd16​ @visintaes​ @sheeshgivemeabreak​ @artemiseamoon​ @umvirgo​ @redhairedace 
let me know if you want to be tagged! 
ok right off i want to mention ME MUERO imagining ramon with the mini versions of himself
like he would be the fun dad thats always playing with his kids and always wanting to be around them constantly :(
but also my heart hurts imagining this ball of emotions being so happy about having kids with you
like i cant with the thought of him in the very moment you tell him youre pregnant-
like this soft ass moment where hes just in disbelief,, holding your face- “embarazada? de verdad princesa?”
i just- him being so excited,, wanting to hear you say it again and again before he picks you up from so much excitement :((
wow would not even hold back before hes already walking you both over to announce it to all his siblings :(
and like enedina would be the most excited because you know she would :( and i just have a feeling dina is going to go all the fucking way to be the consentida aunt :((
wow? um she definitely gives me the vibes of her always being around you to make sure your ok,, making sure you and her little niece/nephew have everything available to you within arms reach-
because she adores you with mon :(
but also ramon being constantly worried about you when hes not with you even tho he knows youre the safest person breathing in mexico
and because he knows dina is there with you all the time puts him a little at ease-
like omg if something,, even the slightest look,, happens to you or your kid, he would shoot up all of tijuana becasue no one touches his familia- his overprotectiveness goes through the roof- i
i am crying at the thought of him always kneeling down and talking to your stomach,, like that is a daily thing he does all the time-
like :(( imagine him doing it right after you told him your pregnant or something :( i-
no but also because the very fucking moment he knew about his kids existence in you,, he would give up his crack usage :/
todo porque he wants to be the best dad figure for his kids :((
like he vows to that shit even more once he had his kid in his arms- excuse me let me go cry,,
im sorry this is supposed to be a dad hc yall im starting to get carried away-
BUt WOw i cant even explain the way i go soft imagining this cabron as a dad with his kids :((
because you know what i thought of that first came to mind?
where he for sure would always give into them whenever they ask if they can get some ice cream for breakfast or something-
he would probably have his kids pinky promise to him to not tell you anything about skipping meals just to have an ice cream cone :((
and like having them happily eating their ice cream while he picks them up and sets them on his hip :((((
i am sorry,, but you cannot tell me park visits are not a thing right after having ice cream:(
like the thought of him pushing his kids on the swing set :(( or going on the slide with them is breaking my heart- :((
but ramon also being extra af with protectiveness with his kids :(
like him making sure everything and anything that could hurt his kids in anyway,, hes moving his kids away from them-
:(would make sure his mens guns and his own guns are away from his kids sights-
and moving a whole bunch of dangerous things away like in hard to reach places so his babies dont even get the glimpse of danger :((
all because he would never forgive himself if something he could have prevented hurts his ninos :(wow
:((((( AH he would love styling his kids hair all the TIME
omg i fucking cant at the thought of him having a daughter and loving to braid or putting his daughters hair in these little pigtails??? :(((
like him sitting her on his lap in the morning,, the both of them watching some kids show on the tv as hes just gently as fucking possible brushing her hair out :((( why do i do this to my s e lf
and he would like,, give her a little kiss to his ninas head like “mi princesa hermosa,, la mas guapa de la casa” :( WOW
or if he has a son,, the mini fucking version of him and dressing him up in those pinshis camisas :((
im just- holding in my tears imagining ramon being the dad that would love to bathe his kids :((
and like him having all these toys for them too,, playing with them all the time just to make his kids laugh-
fuckk- he would definitely do that cute shit where he would gather bath bubbles in his hands and place them on top of his kids hair :(( no one look at me
him def being the dad to like,, burrito wrap his kids in towels after their baths :(( carrying them around the house while they dry :(((
bro? picking out their clothes?? for them to wear?? because he has style??? :((((( im sorry
would always be seen walking around with his kids sitting on top of his shoulders when theyre old enough-
like my mon is a toll bby and his kids love getting upsies from him beacuse of that :(
wow would this one loving blowing all his fucking money if it means his kids have the best birthday party in all of mexico even if its like their first birthday loL
just christmas and birthdays especially being a mf highlight for him because he buys so much presents for them to have
decorating the house from top to bottom,, every year it’s somehow better than the last-
ok but also him buying everything and anything for his kids when he’s out with them
like before his kid even finishes their sentence that they want some car toy on the shelf
his ass is already shoving it into the cart because his little angels will get ANYTHING their little hearts desire ok?
i laugh because you probably scold him at times that he’s spoiling them too much
but he’s always on defense like “mi amor,, dime como les puedo decir que no a estas caritas preciosas????” :(( like low key tho he loves consintiendo his kids because he cant help it :(
oh my god??? you know what just attacked my mind that it made me start bawling??
the fact that mi ramon would love dancing nortenas with his kid/ daughter :((((((((
OR THE FACT THAT HE WOuld love taking you to bailes-
dancing with you all pegaditos to banda or nortenas,,, tu by los elegantes de jerez anyone??
im definitely not in the club crying my soul out at the thought of him kissing the top of his kids head and then you-
his stupid smile and heart eyes as he leans his forehead on yours and tells you “como te adoro princesa, por darme la mejor bendicion de mi vida” :(( someone pls come hug me
no :( i swear all i do is hurt myself because get this-
like do you guys remember when miguel angel killed off mi amor gueritos family?? holy shit could you imagine the way ramon would go fucking frantic to make sure that doesnt happen to his own family :(((
i kid you not he would go through anything to make sure you and his kids dont even get a single little piece of hair touched-
like im almost positive ,, family man ramon would fucking THREATEN to the max if miguel angel even looks or breathes in tijuanas direction-
wOW like when all the plazas got together and left in s2
and miguel angel saying some shit like “con cuidadito eh,, dicen que en tijuana anda bien peligroso,, no quiero que nada le pasa a esa hermosa familia que tienes, ramon”- ALL FUCKI NG SMUG WHILE MIGUEL THREATEN S HIM AND THE TJ BOYS FOR LEAVNI G-
good god- and ramon not hesitating for a second to try and pull his gun out,, all heated- im sorry for bringing that thought up
but overall just such a soft, overprotective family dad whos always going to be there making you and his kids as happy as possible :((
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