#SORRY FOR ALL THE POLLS the responses are just REALLY interesting to me. i love data
juice-enjoyer · 7 months
also feel free to share your favorite level and why! :)
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sinsandsuccubus · 2 months
Our Future
Hey everyone, long time no see.
I’ve been putting this off for a while now, however, I believe I owe you guys some sort of response/update.
I’m gonna be honest. I’ve lost interest in Jack Harlow. Yes, his music is great, yes he’s attractive, however, I’m just not into writing for him anymore. Or writing at all.
As some of you may know, I am well known for my smuts. I get a lot of asks for them, and a lot of comments on how good they are. However, my sexuality prohibits whether I write or not, and recently is has to the extreme. A while back I made a post explaining my sexuality and how it affects me daily, which I will link here. I’m not going to go into details, as you can read the post, but basically sometimes I feel romantic, sometimes I don’t. The same thing goes with for the concept of intimacy. And because of this, I can’t write unless I’m in the mood, which is becoming a few and far in between.
At this point, I honestly don’t know what to do. I’ve received a lot of suggestions, however, when I go to put forth the effort, it just isn’t there; which can been kind of seen with my one sentence requests.
I don’t want to say I’ll be back to writing, because 9 times out of 10, I won’t. However, I also don’t want to say I’m leaving, because I don’t think I am. I just have no motivation to write at the moment. Will that change in the future, maybe? I don’t know just yet.
With that being said, I’d like to apologize, to the asks I’ve received and never answered, to the stories I’ve promised and never completed, to those of you who are waiting for me - I am deeply sorry. I’m just not feeling it anymore.
I’ve also noticed that the Jack Harlow tumblr presence is now dead. No one is really active on here; and part of me wants to come back and change that, but the other part of me wants to just leave it.
I do want to give thanks to all of the people who I’ve made friendships with, you know who you are. I’d also like to thank all of you, who have showed interest in me in my page, I’m grateful for every single one of you.
To keep things short, and to give some reassurance - I will no longer be on tumblr as frequent as I was before. I haven’t decided if I wanted to stay, nor decided if I want to go, so it’s really up in the air. Please do not expect posts, as I don’t want to leave you hanging mid-air. However, please be assured that my page will be up. I will not take down this page unless stated so in the future, but as of right now, I’m not taking it down anytime soon.
I will be pinning this post, so underneath my signature theres a link to my navigation, as well as a few others.
I love you all, and thank you so much for sticking with me this long.
- Luna 🌙
Navigation & Destination | Plagerization Poll | Main Masterlist
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rocketyship · 8 months
That poll is so hard to vote for cause on one hand, it feels like Tiff would fit the best because of her incredibly unreliable narration matching Ted's while it would still be a subversion of the original because of the reason why she's unreliable(rose tinted glasses and extreme devotion to BE as opposed to the stuff Ted's got going on) and her pov on and relationship with BE would just be so fun to see explored and the horror of the situation being a subtle thing thats swept under the rug could be so cool.
But on the other, Evan would also kinda match with the original due to his open emotional distance and disconnect from the girls, AND it would bring a lot of fun, fresh stuff! Seems like Evan is the one who pays most attention to AM, and seeing what's happening there from his pov would be so interesting! He, just like Ellen if she would've narrated could bring up how things like being the only one of the opposite sex and gender in the group and (from what we know from the short story at least) only dark skinned person would like.. idk change perspectives on things?? I'd also love to find out more about him!
Oh, not to mention Naomi!! Having narration that is pretty damn reliable would make worldbuilding and exploration much easier and she's also got that disconnect due to her age and crystal clear memory, being able to see things as they are and were could be really refreshing in a ihnmaims universe and i really want to know what her whole deal is! Being born toward the end of the war must've made quite a difference to how a person would process everything, Ted's whole "I'm youngest so my experience is different because i barely had time to live as an adult before the nukes" wouldn't have shit on someone who wasn't even like... done w puberty.
Ooooh they'd all make for such fun narrators 😭 It's really too bad that writing takes so much time and effort or it would've been amazing to see all three's povs! I still don't know what to vote for or how the results are looking so far but im really looking forward to seeing what the results will lead to!
Maybe you have a character you have the most ideas for or would like to write most? Cause if so, that'd def help me choose what to vote.
Sorry for the wall of text(would you believe me if i said i wanted to write more? This is me trying to show restraint, didn't even write about the potential AM could have as a narrator), and i hope you have a good day!
Okay so first off, I love-love-love this response. You have such fun perspectives on these silly little au characters of mine and it makes me a little sad that you didn’t write anymore cause I definitely would have read it, especially what you were thinking about what an interesting narrator AM could be.
As to which character I have the most ideas for, is such a difficult thing to answer cause well I have so-so many. But I do want to put them out there for you so here they are:
Tiffany: narration wise, I imagine the stuff she says can and does come across as nonsensical and border line trigger happy, however sometimes she occasionally lets something slip that clues into her true feelings and that a part of her may indeed be aware of the gravity of the groups situation, however she shuts it down as she has severe attachment issues and cannot fathom how she could possibly survive without BE. Another thing I pictured is that she very often quotes the bible and other religious texts, as BE doesn’t present herself as machine and genuinely as a divine entity. I also have been toying with a scene similar to the one in the radio drama, where AM is talking to Ted about bumblebees and getting high r something. Where it is set up as the reverse. BE showing Tiff the horrors of what the radiation and world has come to (in a way that is seriously deceptive) and claiming that all she has to do is snap her fingers for it to return. It would definitely read as a story where there is total tonal whiplash from one scene to the next, so that is something to consider.
Evan: I have come up with so many pasts for all these survivors before they were “rescued” by BE, however one thing to note is that I don’t really think of these characters as just “genderbent versions of the originals”. Evan is one of the key examples of this, as in this au he is technically the original Ellen’s older brother, however he left home when she was around 12-13ish, as he didn’t like the life, college and job his family set out and tried to push him into. Unlike Ellen who was a successful engineer, who may have been a hopeless romantic based on the original text. Evan was and very much still is kind of a massive party animal. I picture him very punk but like the old kind of punk. Like he was the kind of guy to go motorcycling around the country (even into war-devastated bits, cause it was a thrill), he went to underground clubs and concerts, and sure as heck slept around and had no shame in it (both women and men if you are curious). He doesn’t want to get sentimental, he wants to live his life on the edge and BE doesn’t allow that. He constantly tries to upset her, get some kind of intense reaction from her. He tries to escape, he kicks and tries to tear open parts of her internal network. This man has tried to kill Gloria (Gloria kind of deserves it thou) and the only reactions he gets from BE is her finding him cute, amusing, or as if he just needs to be put in a corner to calm down for a bit. Truthfully he is someone who just wants to go back and experience life again, recognising that BE’s utopia isn’t living and refusing to buy into it.
Naomi: I won’t lie, Nimdok is so boring in the og story, and they definitely tried to do “something” with him in the game. I don’t like it, again different ramble. So like Evan, she is a different person. Like you said she has barely started puberty and because of BE neither her body or even her mind has really aged in anyway and she is horribly aware of this. Due to the war she has had her childhood taken from her, but now because of BE she shall never experience adulthood or growing up. Her memory hardly anything particularly helpful. She remembers exactly what BE did to the others when they first got brought to the compound, she has seen what goes down in the labs, she knows what pills are and aren’t sleeping pills, developing a habit where she will pretend to take one and spit it out if she is able to. As stated in the survivors master post, she knows BE’s blind spots and will often go there on her own. Not really to do anything, just kind of sit around. Further more, she and Evan have a way of communicating, number of blinks, which fingers moved when you spoke to them, that kind of stuff. Still she doesn’t want to escape, she knows she’ll die if she does, generally she acts more like a mediator in the group. As a narrator, I did have this idea for a few odd habits she has learned over the years. Example is that she constantly counting, time and routine is import to her, as she notices when something is wrong and that freaks her out. She also has this habit of just staring at the others for very long periods of time, especially Gloria. She clearly remembers seeing her on tv during her old life, and also remembers how she attacked her when Naomi attempted to mention it to Gloria.
Writing does take so much effort, especially for me, cause truthfully I’m always jumping back and forth on what I’m working on. On top of this au and the fic, I’m also in the process of finishing the final script and sketches for a different web comic I’ve been planning for a while, as well as a completely unrelated world building project that I’ve been at for two years now. Anyhow!! Tell me more please
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yanderederee · 2 months
Anon Askbox Responses:
losing motivation is the worst, but I just wanna say that it will come back eventually just try and not force it otherwise you'll feel like shit and that will make it worse. BUT IT WILL COME BACK and I'm excited to see your new works too since I love all your other ones :) but take your time and don't stress about others, focus on yourself and it's understandable to suddenly feel the need to get others to be proud of your work too but even if there's a small amount of people trust me those are the main people that LOVE your work. luv you <3
Hi! I saw your poll and, I think you should write what you want to write. There are readers for a lot of different genres and scenarios. Personally, I like reading works that authors enjoyed writing, even if it's not what I usually read or even apart of the fandom, because I know that a human thought this up and put genuine effort into it. That alone makes any work worth reading. I myself am also in the situation of making my characters/scenarios too "edgy," but I think people should write something that they'll look back at and be glad they got out their brain. And tbh, I'll eat up whatever you cook because I enjoy your writing and I am starving for TKR content.
i"d like to read everything ypu write, no matter confession or WIPs everything will be interesting, so you can post WIPs if you want (sorry tuat i wrote it here, i have some problems eith tumbler and i can etote under posts)
First and foremost, THANK YOU! I appreciate everyone’s encouragement and support … I worry about spamming, and this decided to dedicate a response in this manner!:) even if these may be the same anon, I’m all the more grateful for your dedication thus far…
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Honestly, as silly as it may sound… this little bit of interaction and support had really picked up my confidence some, and helped me in writing an entire Confession prompt…!
I will be posting it soon..! However, true to my previous Poll Post, I would like to revisit the older installments of my Baji x Tutor!Reader series, so that they may be more uniform!
Please look forward to it! I may reblog them, if the changes made and significant enough!
Again, thank you all very much once again! I hope to keep this motivation going for even one more work to see the light of day!:)
special thank you to the following blogs for their consistent support!:
@finleyfox , @imunknown894 , @keisukibaji , @goddessofwaifus , @w0lfeyc4t (I try remembering blogs I see regularly check on my page, but I am not always very observant…)
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hello everyone!! i'm the person who ran the TUA color polls for each of the seven siblings over the last few weeks. sorry it took so long but i'm here with results! i'm going to have charts first because they are flashy, easy to look at an understand, and also won't make the post too long above the keep reading :DD without further ado, the results of the poll: "Which color do you associate with [Hargreeves]?" !!
[keep in mind that the labels are above the charts, and viktor's may be hard to read because the chart maker i used only had a white background- same if you're on dark mode i apologize]
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analysis and words under here if you're interested lol :D it’s basically me just rambling for WAY TOO LONG about analysis lmao
okay so going into this, my hypothesis was that everyone’s colors were more or less determined by their s2 outfits. the fashion was iconic and stood out a lot, so it was very likely to stick in people’s brains.
my personal choices in order of siblings are: blue, orange, yellow, pink, green, red, and blue again. i chose green for five because of like.. chalkboards? i feel like he gives the green vibes y’a know? for the rest it was mostly determined by outfits and vibes etc.
but i’m sure nobody wants to hear me talk about my own opinions for too long [afterall, i didn’t even vote in the polls to keep them unbiased as possible] so here’s my analysis of YOUR choices
blue green and yellow were all the top choices for luther, which makes sense to me. blue ended up winning. they’re all generally cooler colors. when i think of luther i think of less stand-out colors, something solid and steady. blue is the most popular favorite color. it has a lot of range, just like luther. he wears it a lot throughout the seasons. blue is associated (not to bring color theory onto the color theory website or anything) with a feeling of sadness, and also responsibility. i really see him as a very tragic character tbh, à la s1 characterization.
diego was surprising to me, because even though my prediction of orange was correct there was a large amount of black in play. red was third after that. i don’t see it as that surprising considering his outfit from s1 lmao. let’s be honest they’re all emo anyways. red and orange are both associated with fire. diego probably would do arson if he thought he was doing the right thing. red is very agressive of a color, but orange is seen as a little less in your face. it can represent change too. but all in all, i think that it was chosen most often because of his orange and black polka dot shirt from s2. slay ig
allison was surprising to me at first, because i didn’t expect so much purple. i think that the pink might be because she’s a girl though. the red is what confused me the most. i would love to hear anyone else’s thoughts because i’m honestly not sure. @creepy-not-crawly (❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️) was talking with me about the polls, and said this about allison having yellow win:
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purple is associated with royalty and we all know she’s a queen. ofc, yellow won. we ALL remember that dress from s2. she’s also fairly optimistic for the first two seasons, and s3 largely revolves around her trying to force herself to be happy. yellow is associated with happy, and she was happy when she was with ray and trying to get it back s3. i have a post about the whole tone fuck up from s2/s3 here X so read that if you want!!
alright klaus. green came out (haha get it) in first and i think this one was essentially due to the association of ghosts and supernatural things in general with green. it’s SPOOOOOKY you know? it’s represents change and growth. the guy is trying. also the military is associated with green uniforms (at least in the US), so it can be easily linked back to the vietnam war incident from s1 and his connection to dave.
five had the most votes and it ended up with the closest results to one color taking half the pie. blue won, and red and black followed. i think for the red, it might be because of the metaphorical and literal blood on his hands. as far as i can tell, his powers- some of the most distinctly colored in the show- were a major factor: (credit to @dead-peppermint and @the-time-travelers-admirer in that order)
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and his iconic uniform is mentioned as well. (thank god the old man got a change of clothes in s3, manifesting for s4) blue represents responsibility and we all know he has so much on his shoulders (insert joke about how hunched over he was s3 because aiden gallagher has been aging over these past 5 crazy years but he’s supposed to be playing a 13 y o boy). blue is also associated with calm- the man needs some calm in his life, à la that one part of s3. and last of all, sadness. i think most of us remember “HE’S LOVED THEM FOR LONGER THAN THEY’VE BEEN ALIVE” (link post cus i can’t find it) and he spent so long mourning his family, and is probably still mourning them.
og ben is probably the most underrated character imo, so i was excited for this one. i predicted red because of that one scene (UGHHH SO TRAGIC) when he was a kid and covered in blood like “can i go home now” (🥺). my dear mutual @/deadpeppermint from before left these thoughts:
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blue and purple tied for first, with red and black in second. honestly the leather jacket? hoodie? thing? and generally emo vibe really lent itself to that lmao. i think purple and blue are also really good colors for him, because he is a king and also responsible as heck (or at least, he tries in comparison). i’m still crying over how he left in s2 ISTG BRING HIM BACKKKK (srsly tho line i want to make a post about his absence affected s3 ughfhfhfhfhfhh) but that brings us back to blue meaning sadness, and oh my lord does this boy represent grief!!! he’s soooooo <3
and finally omg we are at viktor! this graph is fucking hilarious to look at because it just looks empty. the white violin had an association with color, and you could NEVER GUESS which one (sarcasm). i actually forgot about this next was blue, and i think it’s cute that blue was on top three, even top two for 5 6 7. and the. @/deadpeppermint once again with thoughts:
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sorry for all of the errors i'm losing my mind.
anyways if anyone (unlikely lmao) has actually read this, or even scrolled down- hi! also goddamn! i hope someone enjoys this post because i have literally postponed so many projects for this weird little side thing. MMMMM DATA. i would make some kind of conclusion, but i'm damn tired and i think that my whole hypothesis kind of worked out! TYSM TO EVERYONE WHO VOTED!! and the people who left thing in the tags or talked to me about it? A MILLION LOVE FOREVER
i plan on doing more analysis in the future, but this is kind of dipping my toe in with a more fandom centered analysis. also! shameless self promotion! this whole thing started because i made a little animatic? thing? and started wondering about the colors because i ended up assigning them. CHECK IT OUT HERE X SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON MR BEAST TIKTOK FORTNITE. anyway. i literally have two other things that have been done for a while which i'll be posting in due time. if anyone is wondering why i haven't been posting art (idk, maybe?) it's because i was holding off on this crazy monster of a post! i'm really excited to make animatics because the music bro it's got me ITS GOT ME THIS DAMN SHOW. i am a self taught beginner artist tho, so i mean be ready for that. (that makes me sound so pretentious STOPP) anyways here! 🎩👑👒🧢 swaggy hats and a 🦉🦋🐞🐠🪿🦜🐁🦔 lil guy to go with it! 🥰🫵 see ya besties ily. i am so ill.
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inairbinad · 1 year
Make Me Write Poll Snippet
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The prevailing WIP from the poll was the Barb Lives AU season 4 rewrite! I'm pretty sure I counted right and this is at least 83 lines, but my eyes rolled out of my head a little towards the end there. It's ~1200 words, anyway.
Snippet under the cut! (Related parts here, if you're interested.)
“I think we should just go over these last few stanzas one more time,” Nancy tried, already shuffling through her flash cards again. Eddie looked at Barb with a pained expression on his face, hoping she could get her girlfriend to go easy on him.
Barb just smiled back serenely and wiggled her eyebrows at him, and Eddie felt betrayed.
“Wheeler, if you don’t lay off the Macbeth soon I’m gonna be wandering around this trailer with your blood on my hands. Is that how you want me to commit ‘out, damned spot’ to memory?” Eddie asked.
When even Steve was snorting at Shakespeare references, Eddie knew they’d been studying too long. Nancy opened her mouth to protest, but blessedly Barb actually threw Eddie a lifeline this time.
“It’s late, Nance,” she pointed out. She gently laid a hand over Nancy’s. “You know he’s hit his limit when he starts making empty threats, anyway.”
“You assume they’re empty,” Eddie grumbled from where he was curled up on the couch. Nancy just rolled her eyes at him and started gathering up her study materials. Eddie appreciated how thoroughly Nance and Barb were trying to help him graduate. Really. But he’d hit a wall about a half an hour ago. 
As much as he loved them, he just wanted to kick Barb and Nance out so he could feel up his boyfriend in peace.
“Fine,” Nancy said around a yawn. Eddie sent her his best know-it-all smirk in response. “You two just want to gossip about Robin and Chrissy some more, anyway.”
Admittedly, that was on Eddie’s list of things to do, too. But it wasn’t nearly as high a priority as the feeling up.
“You two are going to do the exact same thing the whole ride home,” Steve said. “Don’t act innocent.”
“I just think they’d be cute together!” Barb defended, and Eddie couldn't disagree there.
One of the most charming things Eddie had learned about Barb Holland was how she just wanted everyone to be as happy as she was with Nancy. Eddie made sure to give her an extra tight squeeze as he hugged her goodnight.
The minute the girls were out the door, Steve wrapped his hands around Eddie’s middle from behind, and Eddie tipped his head back against Steve’s shoulder. Steve took the opportunity to press his lips to the knot of tension in the curve of Eddie’s neck.
“Relax, babe,” Steve murmured, and Eddie deflated on command into his arms. “You still want me to stay over?”
“Absolutely,” Eddie said without hesitating. He felt Steve’s grin against his skin, which sent a cascading tingle from the crown of his head down to the tips of his fingers.
“Alright, I’m gonna change.” Steve planted another kiss against Eddie’s neck and then went off to find something to wear in the growing stash of clothes he kept in Eddie’s room.
Eddie tried to let some relaxation slip deeper into his bones as he flopped on the couch in a heap. He didn’t bother to hide a smile when Steve shuffled back in and sat down beside him, and Steve returned a grin bright enough to leave Eddie dizzy. 
“I can’t believe you toppled the entire romance section because you were so excited about Robin being flirted with,” Steve laughed and nudged his foot into Eddie’s thigh across the space between them. Eddie caught Steve’s ankle before he could pull back, then quickly pulled both of Steve’s feet into his lap.
“You’re the one that made me do it, mister,” Eddie reminded him as he tickled the bottom of Steve’s foot. He thought it was only fair, as far as revenge went, especially when Steve giggled and squirmed away.
“I’m sorry, okay?” Steve said, still laughing and tucking his feet up under himself this time. He looked so comfortable, here in the trailer with Eddie, curled up in his pajama bottoms and one of Eddie’s old t-shirts.
Four months of dating—of sleepovers, and kissing, and hands all over each other every chance they got a minute to themselves—and still Eddie was swooning over the most mundane, soft little things that Steve did around him now.
“Yeah, okay,” Eddie hummed as if there was anything to forgive at all. “Guess we both got pretty excited for Birdie there.”
“Definitely,” Steve said around a yawn. Instead of putting his feet back in Eddie’s lap this time, he twisted around and pillowed his head on Eddie’s thigh. On instinct, Eddie threaded his hand through Steve’s hair. “Be nice if it actually went somewhere for her. She’s such a goober over Chrissy, I swear.”
“Yeah well, it seems like Chrissy might be kind of a goober about Robin, too,” Eddie said. “Unless you think I’m imagining things?”
“No…” Steve trailed off, though, like he had reservations anyway. “I don’t think you are. But isn’t she still dating Jason?”
“Yeah,” Eddie confirmed. Or at least she was as far as he knew. He wasn’t exactly privy to the hottest gossip in Hawkins High unless he asked for it on the side of a drug deal. “But wasn’t Nancy dating you shortly before she and Barb started making out?”
“Fair enough,” Steve chuckled. “Chrissy and Jason have been together a while, though. Nance and me was a blip.” He snapped his fingers and smacked his lips to illustrate his point, and Eddie hated how fucking adorable Steve was, even when he was being a dork.
“True,” Eddie agreed without bothering to hide his dopey smile. “But come on. Robin’s obviously better than Carver.”
“Well, obviously,” Steve agreed with a scoff, and Eddie smiled at Steve’s unwavering loyalty to his best friend and partner in (many) crimes.
As much as Eddie loved them both, and the way they’d seamlessly folded him in to make their chaotic little trio, Eddie still kind of wished he could find the Robin to his Steve.
“Carver or no Carver, I think Birdie could use a little help, is all I’m saying.”
Steve grinned up at him, like Eddie was really speaking his love language now. “What were you thinking?”
“I don’t know, exactly.” Eddie shrugged. He’d been considering approaching things from Chrissy’s side, if he could manage it subtly enough. He’d felt that little buzz of a friend crush brewing when they’d caught each other’s eye in the video store earlier. And Robin wasn’t exactly open to suggestions on the topic at the moment, anyway. “I was thinking I’d try to make friends with Chrissy, to start.”
“And say what?” Steve asked, playful in his skepticism. “‘Hey my friend likes you, any chance you like her too?’”
“No,” Eddie grumbled, unappreciative of the implication that Eddie didn’t have any game, friendly or not. He had the prettiest boy in Hawkins sprawled across his lap, after all. “I’m not gonna like, come out of the gate with a book of poems from Sappho, or anything. I’m just gonna try to suss out the situation some more. Make a new friend. Be a good wingman.” 
Tagging anyone who's requested this for WIP Wednesday/Weekend or expressed interest so far: @stobinesque @bifuriouswaterbender @patchworkgargoyle @eriquin @steves-strapcollection @soulsofstarsliveinyourveins
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vodid · 1 year
ok i keep seeing awfully targeted vagueposts about me pertaining to my silly idw-exclusionary prowlsweep campaign — which i didn't expect to have gained so much traction and negative reactions — so, while yes, i understand lighthearted jokes may still hit home a little too closely, i'm not responsible for your feelings /neu. but i get it. we're protective of our blorbos and i have a hard time with the jokes too. especially about prowl and especially especially about idw prowl, believe it or not. i do get upset over them, which i suppose was why i ran my campaign like that. many of the polls (from what i could see, i probably missed a lot) were just "my blorbo is so sweet he deserves to win" but swervesweep was solidly "do not vote for prowl he is a shit man" you can't tell me there wasn't some sort of bias because of idw prowl. there's a difference between lifting up a contender and slandering another so horribly. voting because you hate, not because you love.
so yeah, just like some had gotten upset over my campaign (even if it was a joke), i got upset upon seeing all the negative tags (even if they were jokes). i admit to getting defensive and decided to run a funny campaign focused on g1 and tfa, because there was more love for them and i wanted to try to make something a little silly but positive out of it. like "hey, ignore idw for just a second because i promise there are husband-material prowls." i do admit i may have let my saltiness show through that campaign too much, so this is a bit hypocritical of me and i fully acknowledge that.
i got more to say tho shdfdsfs this got long and messy, sorry. i'll put it under a cut. i don't usually talk this in depth about my opinion of idw prowl (or just. any opinion.) ironically for this exact reason but,,
i so desperately want to like idw prowl. i really do. and in some way, i do like him (surprising, i know). but i can't look past the way the writers and the fandom treat him. that's what i truly hate. he gets insanely (and imo undeserved) bad rep and i was just sick and tired of seeing all the unreasonable hate for him from cherrypickers. so if idw prowl is going to severely /neg affect people's opinions of prowl as a whole, then i'd prefer he didn't exist. that's my harsh and albeit a bit childish truth but i'm not sorry for it.
i dislike his portrayal for a number of reasons in that it's just not him to me. i can certainly acknowledge a character doesn't have to be consistently the same every time, and that idw was meant to be an expansion of these characters and what they can be. but it doesn't mean i like the direction they took with him. what they did to him/had him do. it was like they took his core being, what made his character solidly his, threw it at the mirror to reverse it and wondered why it shattered.
if it weren't prowl, i wouldn't have as much of a problem with his character in idw. but unfortunately, he is. in concept, he is a very interesting character with a beautifully tragic story and maybe i would've liked his skrunkly ass /affectionate. but he's just not my rodrick.
also i can't get past the ableism of his portrayal 🫶 that's not a page in my book i'd like to add besties. and not a page i'm getting into in this post.
it goes so much deeper than "wahh big titty cop man is so mean" like cmoooon. i'm not a coward for asking people to look past his wrongdoings in idw they unequivocally hate him for when literally everybody else in idw has in some way done equally bad or worse things ...but are still unconditionally loved? nah. if they can stop their bias for one (1) second, maybe they could see more. thus, idw-exclusionary campaign. in an attempt to get people to stop seeing every prowl as bad. because like i said, idw taints the fuck out of non-idw prowls. how is that any fair? (and how are we prowl lovers supposed to feel seeing all that?)
these are entirely my opinions. i'm entitled to mine just as you are yours, and i am entitled to spin the campaign in any way i want. idw-exclusionary, pro-jazzprowl, boob-loving 💖, what have you. if you didn't like it, then you were more than welcome to start your own campaign alongside me! you didn't have to leave it to me. should i have maybe tried to convince people why idw prowl's wrongdoings don't make him deserving of such hatred? sure, that'd been nice. but i'm not well enough equipped for that. you can do that tho, i'd love to see it
i can't stop you from vagueposting and i won't tell you your opinions are invalid. but if you get to share your thoughts, i'd like to as well. we can both be critical of these topics in our own way and it'd be nice to come to an understanding instead of having to resort to blocking and vagueposting. (me? the coward? /j) you have every right to do that though, especially if its for your own comfort, and i really can't stop you. but it'd be real nice if we didn't outright attack the person and call them names. this problem is bigger than me. i just happened to speak on it.
all in all, it's not that serious of a situation — or rather, i wish it wasn't and i'm upset that i'm even writing this. i shouldn't have to write this, but you guys cannot for the life of yourselves understand the basic reason behind the campaign. or do you just refuse to? did you think to ask why?
we're both protective of prowl. idw or not. we were on the same team and it's not an awful thing to want to encourage people to consider other prowls before idw. i want them to see he can be good! i want them to see what i see in him. he's just a little blorbo man and it's funny in a bit of a sad way that i'm getting so heated over a fictional character and a silly poll.
sorry to poll ops. i didn't want it to spiral like that. i truly did have a lot of fun running my little campaign, even if it looked a bit (lightheartedly) aggressive. i just wanted my blorbo to win fandom favor for once 💔 jazz vs prowl would have been absolutely hilarious too. even as a non-j/p shipper, i hope you'll agree it'd have been funny to see us losing our minds over having to choose but that's besides the point!
in the end (it didn't even matter) we're all robot lovers. and it's sad we tend to have such a difficult time getting along. i'm here to make art and it's all supposed to be fun and games.
sorry to my many new followers too, this isn't the best first impression. i try to keep this stuff off my blog. i hope u like my art and thanks for sticking around — yes, even u swervesweepers (you absolute TRAITORS /lh /lh 💕)
take care of yourselves
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unrelaxing · 5 months
media list (15.01.2024 - 21.01.2024)
👂 Listened:
The Truth About Love by Pink (2012) [6.5/10, kind of suffers from being too long - I loved all the songs in the first half, but barely any from the second half.]
Sorry For Partyin' by Bowling For Soup (2009) [6/10, fun album - though I think I liked this artist a lot more when I was younger.]
SOS by Sza (2022) [7/10, this album really grew on me as I listened to it - big fan of F2F and Nobody Gets Me.]
RedHanded [Murder in Ulvila was my standout episode, just because of how the injustice felt so irreparable for those involved. And that's not even getting to the fact that it's unsolved.] Episodes: ⤷ EP 327: Murder in Ulvila ⤷ EP 326: Sarah Payne - Into Thin Air ⤷ EP 319: Lam Kor-wan - The Rainy Night Butcher
Morbid [Leonarda and The Bonebreaker case were the standouts to me this week - the former because of why she committed her crimes and how her upbringing and state of mind impacted her actions, and the latter because it related a lot to my question regarding minors being tried as adults.] Episodes: ⤷ EP 479: World's End Murders ⤷ EP 504: The Sauchie Poltergeist aka Wee Hughie ⤷ EP 505: Leonarda Cianculli - The Soap-Maker of Corregio ⤷ EP 476: Bobby Mackey's Music World ⤷ EP 465: The Devil Made Me Do It ⤷ EP 456: The Bonebreaker Case
National Park After Dark EP 196: The Slenderman Stabbing. Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. [This is the podcast episode that started me thinking about juvenile incarceration and had me doing this poll; it's also what inevitably got me doing more research into prison abolition. Really interesting episode.]
Ghost Story from Wondery [This one was intriguing, and I was super shocked to hear actual Hugh Dancy appear in it. It's absolutely what eventually led to me re-trying Hannibal, I just found him charming and smart and introspective and supportive - I would say the last episodes were a bit repetitive - especially with the psychic - but otherwise highly recommend.]
📖 Read:
What About The Rapists and Murders? by Angel Parker from Medium [Article trying to formulate a response to the question of what should be done about people who commit violent crime should prison abolition take place - I found this article was not what you should read if you're truly looking for answers to this question. While I appreciate what the author is trying to do, in terms of highlighting the injustice that happens to those who are incarcerated, and the corruption that occurs within the penal system, it was a frustrating read for someone who was trying to learn more about the more practical aspects of prison abolition as a movement.]
NYC to pay $125K to woman who accused two NYPD cops of rape in last-minute civil suit settlement by John Annesse from Daily News
Should police officers be able to get away with having sex with detainees? from Daily Times [Has some good statistics about police who commit rape. "In 2015, after a year-long investigation, the Associated Press revealed that in the six-year period from 2009 to 2014, about 550 police officers had lost their badges for rape, sodomy and other types of sexual assault; and a further 440 for possession of child pornography and other sex crimes; or sexual misconduct such as propositioning citizens, sexting juveniles, or having consensual but prohibited sex while on duty."]
The Mysterious and Lonely Death of Joyce Vincent from Historic Mysteries
Luck In The Shadows by Lynn Flewelling [in progress, pretty much no progress since last week due to me being totally distracted by trying to read a 40 page article on prison abolition - that I still haven't finished!]
📺 Watched:
NBC Hannibal EP 1 & 2 [I wrote a post about this. I'm enjoying it so far. Incredibly dark, but also a lot of subtlety in the characters' dynamics! Definitely something to watch slowly.]
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sunny6677 · 10 months
Spooky Month: The Dating Sim
Part 23
(I'm mainly just doing this because it's fun to watch, but this is basically a spooky month interactive thing/poll which is kinda like a dating sim. Of course, only the adult characters can be your love interests. So do take that in mind.)
(Sorry for the short chapter. I wanted it to be longer, but kdjdmrme)
Simultaneously, your brain made both the decision to try and start conversation, and to ask about her son.
And.. in turn, your verbal response to that decision was that of a jumbled mix of asking where her son was and how she was doing.
Lila looked at you for a moment, arching a brow. "..excuse me?" She seemed a little confused, rather than offended. You then quickly shook your head, apologizing, and then asked about her son again. Lila blinked, before a smile formed on her face yet again. "Oh! Right. Here. I'll take you to see him before I show you around, okay?" She swiftly turned around, the long tendrils of her hair flowing behind her back like a purple river.
"Just follow me!" She optimistically said with a grin. She began to walk over to what looked to be the living room area, where her son must have been. You began to follow behind her hesitantly, wondering into the area with her. The sounds of her sons muffled giggling became more clearer along with the sounds of what sounded to be the television. It was playing some sort or commercial, and.. if you remembered his name correctly, her son, Skid, was simply leaping around and grinning. Most likely, he was just having fun. You smiled at the kids childish glee, finding it a little adorable.
"Hey, son!" Lila spoke up. Her son then turned his gaze toward the both of you, and smiled, "Yes, mom?". He still appeared to be wearing that skeleton costume you last saw him in. He really must have liked Halloween..
"Do you remember the person we met at the movie theater?" Lila cocked her head to the side. "Well, they're going to be looking after you until I get back from work today!" She spoke in an excited tone that sounded slightly soft as she grinned at him. Skid's gaze then turned to you, and he blinked. He then nodded rapidly, simply saying, "Okay, mom!".
He then went back to doing.. whatever he was doing. He seemed to be having a good time just jumping around and giggling to himself. You couldn't remember the last time you were that happy yourself. Lila then turned to you, and sighed with a smile still plastered on her face. "Well, at least he's okay eith you beinf here.."
You only smiled softly in response.
She then said, "Come on. I'll show you around the house so you know where to go and what to do, okay?"
You nodded. And she began to walk out of the living room, and in turn, you followed.
Lila showed you around the house. She showed you the kitchen, and how everything worked in there. She showed you a few meant to be heated up foods just incase you didn't know how to cook yourself. And she showed you where the bacon and all of the eggs were if you could cook. The kitchen looked.. ordinary, and modern. But it was still cozy nonetheless. She even showed you where the dishes were just incase you'd ever for some reason have to do that while you were babysitting him.
She showed you where her room and Skid's room both were, which were not far from the others. The interior of Lila's room looked to be tinted a dark purple for some reason, though maybe that was just because of how dark it was. And in Skid's room, it was dark, but there were toys and a bunch of other stuff alike scattered about inside. She also showed you the bathroom just incase you'd need to go to it.
You couldn't help but notice as you had been exploring that some of the pictures were ripped. Well.. kind of. Anytime there was some sort of male figure in them, the part where his face should have been looked to be torn off. Like someone had purposefully done it. You tried not to question it, not wanting to intrude into anything private. You couldn't help but be a little worried though. Whenever you had looked in the direction, you always noticed that Lila seemed to redirect you or distract you. You didn't say you noticed, but you did.
As of now, you were standing by the door. Skid had been standing at your side, his tiny size very visible now that he had been beside you. Lila was at the door, her reassuring smile still ever present on her face. She really was a nice lady, even if you hadn't known her quite well yet. Lila then looked at you, her bag in her hand along with a few papers.
"Alright! I'll be going now. If you need anything, just call me, okay?" She seemed to be directing this toward you, so you nodded. Looking at Skid, she said, "I'll be back as soon as I can, son." Skid nodded eagerly in response, merely saying, "Okay, mom!"
Lila's smile softened. She then turned around, and opened the door. "I'll see you later, okay?" She turned back to you both with a smile. Skid only said, "Okay! Bye bye, mom!".
The door then finally shut. For a moment, you could have sworn the bear light of the sunshine illuminated her figure in its glow as she left, as if she were something sacred. Yet of course, you shook those thoughts away.
You then looked at Skid. You didn't want to dissapoint Lila, or be bad at taking care of Skid. So you began to think of what to do.
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soloorganaas · 9 months
hiii 7 & 11 for the travel asks, please <333 (also. i had thought about messaging you this when it was happening but then never did oops, but the responses you got on your states poll were soooo silly, i’m sorry you were getting annoying comments about it. not every poll needs to have an option for everyone 🙄)
urgh they WERE silly. I almost deleted it like 20 times but waited til the end of the week to see the results first THEN I deleted it anyway ty love 💕
7. Most foreign feeling place you have traveled? Why?
this is a really tough question because my framework for ‘foreign’ has adjusted so much in the last two decades. when I first started travelling technically everything was incredibly foreign (I was travelling round the middle east, south-eastern europe and southern america) but I was much less anxious then so I never really felt any discomfort, it was all so interesting and exhilarating.
the place I’ve been that’s most different to my home country is probably morocco, but the place that’s felt most foreign would actually be a city in the us south where I lived for a few years. I think partly because I was actually living there, not visiting, so I had to deal with a lot of practical things that were so so different and hard to manage. but also it wasn’t a city where people really expected tourists, and I was in an environment with lots of sheltered southerners fresh out of their sorority, so the othering was very intense. it was a foreign place to me, and I was foreign to them, and none of it was good. I’m very glad I don’t like there anymore
11. What place is the highest on your bucket list that you HAVE been to?
I already answered 11 below BUT another big place on my bucket list that I’ve been to is morocco as I just mentioned. I’d really wanted to go then I basically just said to my bestie who I frequently went on wild trips with hey let’s go to morroco! I’ll plan it! so I did and we went on a two week trip all round the country. I ate a lot of tagine and slept under the stars in the sahara. 100000/10 would recommend
travel game
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Tumblr media
|| Okieee, still thinking about adding that one BotW/TotK oc....so I'm going to drop some facts about her and let you guys vote on your opinion on whether or not I should add her!! Please answer with your honest opinion. I hate adding characters, thinking that people will write with them, but then no one does..!! So if you guys think it will be worth it (and that you will interact with her), please let me know!! Otherwise, you don't need to spare my feelings~
Polls are very important on this blog, so even if this fandom doesn't apply to you, PLEASE STILL VOTE!! There will be an option for that!! okay onto the actual info~ (the poll will be at the bottom so if this doesn't apply to you, just scroll to the bottom to vote XDD)
Yumi is a BotW (and i guess now TotK) oc who acts as Link's companion in his travels~ She is an excellent archer and has sheikah slate-like abilities (which are everything in the OTHER menu, so she can store things like an inventory, check on missions, and even save and reload~).
At the beginning of the game, Link finds Yumi in the Great Plateau. As far as she's aware, she has lived her whole life on the Great Plateau, but for some reason can't actually remember having a family. She just knows how to use a bow and arrow exceptionally well and has a medallion that she wears around her neck of unknown origins. She just assumed something happened to her family and her memory is blocking it out.
After meeting Link and doing the stuff on the Great Plateau, she realizes that her medallion (which has the Sheikah symbol on it) has abilities of its own. She can cryogenically freeze items and transport them into her medallion (as if it turns the items into code or something and stores it), she can create a holographic to-do list of sorts, and she has the option to "save" and "load", but she doesn't understand what that means until about halfway through the game.
Further in the game (possibly when they meet Impa or maybe once Link regains all of his memories) Yumi learns the truth about her origins. Apparently, she was Impa's youngest daughter (aunt to Paya) but died at 17-18 years old. Unlike Link who was resurrected from the brink of death, Yumi was dead for years. Purah and Robbie found a way to reconstruct her body, making her into an artificial human, and "resurrected" her. Unlike Link, she can't unlock her memories. It's like she never had them to begin with. When she was "reborn", it was like she became someone else who simply looked and acted like who she once was. It was a miracle that she was brought back at all, so now Impa has entrusted her with the responsibility of aiding Link on his quest.
I don't know much about what I want her to do in TotK, but I think she'd still be Link's partner and she'd still have her medallion.
My plan isn't to have her interact with BotW Links tbh, but I wouldn't mind plotting with some and having interactions. Instead, I'm more interested in her interacting with other characters that she meets on their shared journey. You guys know that changing canon (unless it's a straight-up AU) makes me feel weird, so I may shy away from Links with her just bc her presence does make the story canon divergent. Soooo....sorry about that XDD
may give her a genshin verse....if i do add her XDD
Okay, that's my spiel. So.....
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wickedlittleoz · 10 months
Hello! I'm the royal guard Anon and I just want to say I love love LOVE your interpretation of them!!! 😭🙏❤️‍🔥 The progression from fighting as a child but slowly realizing the beauty in one another is just sooo *chef kiss* 🥹 The part where they got separated almost scared my soul out tho, but I can always count on you to give them the happy ending they deserve🫶🫶 Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!!
Also I'm pretty late to the party, but I saw there was a poll about a shimadacest discord some time ago? I was wondering if there's any way I could join in case it's already created? If not then no problem! I'm just afraid I missed it. Thank you again! 🙏
ANON HELLO HI I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!!! 🤧🤧🤧 awwwwweee thank you for writing back too like i always love to hear feedback so yeah thank you and i'm honored you share your beautiful ideas with me!!! and you know me lmao the canon is too depressing already, the boys deserve a happy ending!!! 💚💙
about the discord, maybe i should've put out like an "official statement" (lol) before but i was kind of afraid to disappoint everyone, and. welp.
after a lot of overthinking especially on my end because i'm delulu, tldr is that we decided not to do it.
i'll be very honest: we got talking to friends who have done this kind of thing (specifically the mod part) before and heard that it can be kind of draining... like, a lot of people get together in a small environment, shit breaks out, you know? and we love this community so much we feared we'd have to watch it come apart and somehow feel responsible for it?
also like, we have work and other real life things to worry about, so to us, much like to you probably and so many other friends here, participating in fandom spaces is where we go to relax. you get what i'm trying to say, right?
sooooo, even though we were very happy with all the responses (personally did not expect such a large number tbh), we decided we aren't ready for that kind of responsibility and that we'll not be doing it ourselves. obviously if anyone else feels inclined to start the server themselves, they're free to do it, no one 'owns' the idea (lol) and we'd love to like, see it come to fruition, yk? a lot of friends showed interest, and with that i feel like i also have to apologize,
for hyping it up so much and then just not seeing it through. we really, really are sorry. we saw (like mostly everyone who participated in the poll) the potential of the idea, but realized that it was a bite much larger than we could chew, and decided against it for our own sakes. again, really sorry.
sorry it's a wot, the tldr like i said before is, we didn't create the server and won't do it, you didn't miss anything because i'm chicken and, frankly, getting too old for internet drama lol just avoiding it at all costs even before it finds me
ANYWAYS, thanks for all the kindness and sorry once again, ily pls don't hate me + have a wonderful week <3
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zakomoya · 1 year
i was checking back on the other enstars polls and saw you on the lightbrush one— actually wataei sweeped succesfully against pearlxbismuth but a ton of discourse happened in round two.
being someone who was campaigning that poll non stop, apparently they brought the drama over from twt which made both sides very heated but especially the other fandom.
personally speaking a lot of the propaganda at the start was how the other side kept saying "anime men sucks" so I refuted that when it happened, and I did acknowledge the other propaganda (although some were still using the same argument)
though yeah it was bad, i do think it was the other side's responsibility to help other people learn more about their fandom instead of saying that it was inconsiderate that we didn't know much about it alongside the propaganda for their ship.
Really sorry for the ramble here, i just have a lot of thoughts about incidents like this.
i agree with everything you just said, and i was planning to wax poetic about this, but 1) enstars grind 2) a sudden wave of drowsiness, so ill just ramble.
this poll is an outlet for fans of any of the works involved to talk endlessly about not just the ship, but the narrative, the work itself. after all, when a ship is "basically canon," its got its fucking claws deep into the themes of the story.
i think thats what we (and probably other fandoms too) have done pretty well! compiled screenshots of dialogue and imagery and all that as evidence! the passion shows, and you know the propaganda worked when one of my mutuals (who has never touched enstars btw) submitted an ask to me wondering how to get into the series' story!!! the propaganda fucking worked! my screams of agony in the reblogs fucking worked!!!
this made me appreciate the community here even more, because we were respectful, we were so fucking happy to talk about a work we enjoy so fucking much! and now im interested in the other works too! like wtf do the motherfuckers over at night the museum have going on? i dont watch any movies, but im interested in giving this series a try.
THIS is how you engage with other fandoms if you have to. it is simply just a killjoy to convert your passion into vitriol/hate for the other party. if anything, itd push people away from what you love because you left a bad impression on them! that is just not the right way to go about things!! be constructive, not destructive!
and i love how people say anime men suck, but theres literally the orv ship, soriku, narumitsu, and others that i dont remember off the top of my head. its their opinions at the end of the day, but if they draw the line at wataei, they should do the same to those other "anime men" ships too. and here i thought cringe was dead in this site.
overall, let us as a fandom be the better people here. practice some sportsmanship, spread the enstars love, and have fun!
(and we've already done that in the jedtavius and narumitsu rounds, even though we've lost! im so proud of you all. <3)
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luescris · 1 year
Just wanted to say some things!:
First of all; I wanted to ask, if you have seen/seen anything about the new Season 4 Special that just came out! I think it came out the same day as the new TMNT MM trailer too. Man, what a day. I slept most of that day, and woke up to the LMK and TMNT fandoms freaking out (and me freaking out w/ them too!) What a thing to wake up to. If you have seen and/or seen anything about the new LMK S4 special, then what did you think about it?
I loved what I have seen of it so far, and what I have seen being posted about it; so far! There has been a couple more mixed posts I have come across, but most people seem to be having loving it (and breaking apart over it; due to what happened in it), so that is cool!
I remember seeing a LMK poll about what Season, plus their Special was their favorite, and while I love all the seasons and Specials, I ended up going w/ S3 and it's Special (just that whole season, man. That, and LBD and Not-Mayor were such good build-up villains/villains man. And so many other reasons too), but Season 4 was a close 2nd for me (S3 and S4 were the closest in that poll), now that the S4 Special is out now, man, I don't know anymore. I think S3 and it's Special is still my top favorite, but idk, S4 and it's Special could top it for me, or being tying with it. It is either one of those two things, or a close 2nd for me.
What about you ? What is your LMK favorite season and special; if you have any? I know it can be hard to pick, because all the seasons and specials are good imo.
Also, ty for being a SWK apologist. He has defin. made his mistakes, but he is trying to make up for them; he does so much to make up for them and to protect the people he cares about. Can he be too secretive (and him being secretive is some part in due to more deeper parts of his past being hard to talk about and because he took a lot of responsbilty on himself. Thinking it is his responsibility to fix things and protect everyone imo), and has he made mistakes both in the past and present (though everyone has made mistakes)? Sure. But like I said, he tries to make up for them, and he really does try to more permantently deal with problems (which, people can debate if that is too final/much or not if they want), but he either gets stopped from doing so, or they somehow sometimes come back.
He and Mac and some of his friends have had mistakes with each other. But honestly; they all have. And SWK is making amends/starting to make amends for his own. And now; S4 Spoilers:
It looks like him and Mac are going to start to heal and make amends w/ each other, so that is very nice/cool! ^^
End of Spoilers. (I don't want to get too much more into S4 Special Spoilers, in case you haven't seen it/seen much about it yet).
Anyways, thanks for being a SWK apologist. I love him and his character too! He is one of my favs. in LMK. MK is another one of my favs., such a great and interesting character and mc/protagonist. I have more, but I don't want to ramble all day about LMK here, so I will just stop with these two.
I love ur Pfp and Tumblr Banner picture.
I got more to say, but I will save that for another Ask, since this getting long, and this is a more LMK-focused Ask, and the next one(s) will probably be more TMNT-based.
Ask 1/?.
Alright, here we go. *Rubs hands together*/lh
Firstly, I just wanted to say that I am so sorry this response is so late, but now that I've seen both LMK and the Spiderverse movie (I think that's mentioned BSBSBS), I think now would be an appropriate time to respond to your ask! :D I'm gonna put a read more thing after this paragraph just in case people don't wanna read all that I gotta say lmao 😂
Next I want to say thank you for sending me an ask!! :D I don't know if you have seen what I posted, but I am unfortunately not as into LMK as much as I once was, and the turtles are to blame for that 😔😅 Though I will still watch it!! How could I not, it's still the best thing I've ever seen in my life!! This season's special was. Whoo boy. I don't even know where to begin
Azure really did just want to help people. He really did want to make the world a better place, and the way he sacrificed himself while having tears in his eyes I just-- 😭😭😭😭
I don't know if I have any favorite seasons or episodes in particular, honestly! :0 Like I said it's all so good, though before I think I would've said any and all episodes that have Wukong angst in them LMAO 😂
Speaking of him though, I agree with you!!! I think he's got a long way to go with learning how to do. Well, a lot, but it certainly doesn't make him bad, nor did it ever
Do you think he was so against Azure because he knew what it was like to try to search for power, and already knew the concequences?? O: Or something like that I don't know if I'm explaining my thoughts right right now haha 😅
And YESSSSS I'm so excited to see how they're relationship grows in the future!! :D I myself think that they consider themselves brothers instead of lovers, so I'm really looking forward to what happens with them! ^3^
Please ask all the questions you'd like!! I can't promise you I'll get to them quick, but I will get to them eventually, lmao 😂😅
Thanks, see you again!!! :D
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zel-zo · 1 year
Follow your heart always..your art being appreciated is wonderful and its natural to desire that, but you should always prioritize your own tastes when possible.. lest we become too dependent on drawing FOR socialmedia
Hey there!!! Sorry for the late response, you sent this around the time I posted my Interest Poll and I'm just now getting around to answering!!!
Firstly, this is incredibly sweet, and REALLY good advice. If any artists who follow me or who see this struggle with drawing for themself vs. making the content you think people want to see, I really cant stress enough how true this is. Please draw for yourself, and make the content YOU want to see in the world!
I personally, I draw for myself all the time. I would say that I post maybe 5% of what I draw, if that (part of the contributor to my sparce posting schedule lol)! Part of it is because I draw for a LOT for fandoms I've never even mentioned on this blog, part is because my content can be dark/self indulgent/Silly-goofy-partially finished doodles.
I draw first and for-most for myself, which is why I like doing interest checks! While I DO draw for myself, I also really like sharing my art and helping to contribute in my own little ways to the fandoms I love. Since I fandom hop so frequently, I still have GREAT interest in all the fandoms I listed, and still love making art for them, so it's nice to check in and see what the people who've been kind enough to follow me along this journey want to see!
I like making art for all of you, and while I hold my own mental health in priority, this blog has not put my mental health in any risk. This is thanks in no small part to incredibly sweet people like you<3
Thank you again So so much for this Ask💛
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coquelicoq · 1 year
L (sorry if both asks went through, tumblr is garbage)
i only got one ask from you but i also got an anon asking for L, so it is meant to be!
Put a letter from A-Z in my ask and I’ll tell you 1 thing I love which starts with that letter.
i love leap years. i love that the calendar year is a social construct and sometimes we just all agree to throw in an extra day (or, in the case of lunisolar calendars, an extra month). i love that it's possible to have a birthday that some years just doesn't exist. i love that our tracking system for a natural phenomenon is imprecise enough that we're noticeably out of sync after only four years. (but also, four full years! not too shabby!)
i love lentils. there was a "let's make some soup poll" going around recently that ENRAGED me because lentils were not an option. yes many soups do not contain lentils and sometimes i even make and eat those soups...but to not offer them as a possible response was a slap in the face that lentils don't deserve. i once made lentil soup and some errant lentils found their way underneath a dish that i left in my sink for like two weeks and when i finally got the courage to wash that dish i found that the lentils had sprouted...not a good look for me as someone who should clean the sink more often, but the point is they're just little guys...straining for the sun with their little leafs....please don't forget about them 🥺
i love language. i love the creativity of it. i love that alongside its versatility and endless potential it is also by definition understandable…like no matter how far we take it, it only really remains language if it's communicating something from one person to another. and it's so human: fallible and incomplete and always changing, just like us. it exists because we are social creatures. the things it has allowed us to do! what a different existence this would be if the only things we could experience or learn about were the things available to our own immediate senses. plus all of my favorite types of humor are language-based. actually maybe i should branch out with my interests lol. think about things other than language for a change…
i love labelmakers. love me the fuck out of some labels. love making 'em, love sticking 'em to shit. in college i worked in a cafe where we had to wear nametags and i would just make myself a new name with the resident labelmaker (stored under the register) whenever i felt like it. i still have that nametag actually. it says my name is WANDA.
i love libraries. currently avoiding my local library because of the holds (there are so many) but i'm glad it exists. knowledge wants to be free!!! i love that i've had my library card since i was a wee bairn and it has my little kid handwriting on it. i love locating a nonfiction book in the sprawling morass of the dewey decimal system. it's probably not that hard but it feels like an accomplishment every time. i love libraries with big staircases and full-wall windows. i love seeing people sitting in chairs reading.
i love paintings of light on water but i'm not sure if that should go under P instead and i feel like i talk about it all the time so i'll spare you.
i love lyrics...especially stupid lyrics. especially abstruse lyrics. especially lyrics with sick rhyme schemes. especially lyrics that sound incredibly facile if you say them with normal cadence and pitch. that's why they're lyrics and not non-lyrics! they're meant to be sung!! i love stuff that's exactly what it's supposed to be and you maybe don't even notice until you try to make it something it's not. i love when it takes thirty years for me to realize i have no idea what the lyrics mean, or that i've been singing the wrong words all along. i love that lyrics are made by a person to a purpose. i especially love it when the lyrics come written down with the album. when nobody got me i know cd liner notes got me.
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