nilesmoon · 7 months
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akyr familyisms. you agree. reblog
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baxteravenue · 9 months
part i.
summary: when jack and yours management team come together to create a perfect pr relationship you and jack must do your best to keep it as professional as possible... but when you have to spend a year together the lines between real and fake can become a little blurry.
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STAGE TWO:  A Little Bit Of Water
It had been maybe three weeks since your trip to Louisville with Jack, where you got to spend some time with his family and friends. You were glad everyone in his circle loved him and that he trusted them because for the entirety of the time that you were with him there beside the random fan picture there was really nothing else that tied the two of you together. 
But now it was game time, because the two of you were back to the real world. 
“And you're wearing Tommy?” You asked wrapping your arms around Jack as the two of you walked into the hotel the both of you were staying at, noticing all the lingering people who were not subtle with their secret picture taking.
He nodded, looking down at you stealing a sip from your Starbucks. “Mm that’s too sweet Y/N.” 
You shrugged, “I like it sweet.”
“I know you do.” He winked at you, making you laugh.
“I’ll drink some Phocus next time.” 
“Okay actual question, do you actually like it?” Jack asks you as he presses up for the elevator.
You’re silent for a moment before you shake your head earning a dramatic look from him. “It’s not that it’s not good, it's just that I don't like energy drinks.”
“Oh but you’ll drink a twelve pack of coke in like a day?” 
You frowned, “Leave my caffeine addiction alone.”
The elevator opened up letting the two of you walk in and just as it was about to close for the two of you another person walked in pressing another floor. You politely smiled at the person. 
It was quiet before the lady turned to the both of you before smiling again, “Do you mind if I get a picture with you? I mean my daughter would kill me if I didn't. She loves your latest EP, what's it called, Honeymoon Avenue?”
You smile, nodding your head excitedly. “Of course baby, can you take the picture?” You ask Jack.
He nods, “I got y'all with a good picture.”
Jack gently takes the phone from the lady’s hand taking as many pictures of you two, smiling, hugging and laughing. You even record a video for her daughter who you learned is named Jasmine.
The two of you say goodbye as she gets off on her floor leaving you two alone for a minute longer before getting off on your floor. 
“You’re so kind and gentle with all of them, you put me to shame.” Jack smiles at you as you enter the two bedroom suite the two of you are sharing to get ready. 
“I try to be as kind as I can be, I know what it’s like to be awkward and stuff and just say things at the wrong time.” I laugh, “I was homeschooled so…”
“That makes sense.” Jack laughs along.
You push him gently, “Jerk.”
Jack pulls you into him on the small couch, shaking his head. “I’m just messing with you sunshine.”
You can’t help but notice all the freckles on Jack’s face as he speaks closely to you and you feel woozy at how blue his eyes are and you can see all the crinkles near his eyes. You stand up fast almost falling over, “Hair and makeup is here I have to take a shower.”
Jack gives you a confusing look before nodding. “Okay, I’ll let them in when they knock. Neelam and Iris should be here any minute anyways.”
You can’t even respond to him, all you can do is throw a thumbs up and shut the door behind you. 
“Oh fuck no, this can’t be happening.” You mumble. 
Jack actually has no idea what just happened and can’t even think too much about it because a whole glam team is entering the room as soon as you shut the door behind you. 
You and Jack ride separately to the VMA’s since he has to be there earlier since he’s performing and presenting. You’re excited to see him bring out Fergie.
You get out of the car and are immediately led to the carpet where fans are lined up behind barriers and cameras flashed every second. You waved at the loud crowd to your left, immediately backing up to take pictures.
“Y/N, I knew you were going to be here!” A girl screams and you laugh. 
“You look so good!” 
“I love you all so much!” You practically scream giving as many people as you can hugs, and taking selfies.
“Where’s the new music girl? And tour?” 
You bring your index fingers to your lips, “Patience is key!” 
You pose for several pictures before being led to a few people for short interviews. 
“Hello gorgeous, you look stunning.” A random interview compliments you as you walk up to them.
“Thank you, you look absolutely gorgeous as well.”
“Your outfit is seriously so simple but stunning, very classic.”
You nod, “I had to take some inspo from Mimi, the queen, her VMA look from 1997 has always been etched into my brain so I had to pull that inspiration from her.”
“Well you are pulling it off. What about music should we be looking out for that?”
You shrug, “Maybeeeee.”
You move on getting mostly the same questions. 
“And Jack Harlow?”
You know that they want you to slip up but you just give them a cheeky grin, “He’s performing today isn't he? I like his song First Class, so I’m excited to hear that.”
You’re getting escorted away before she can even respond to you.
“Good?” You ask Iris.
“Just enough.” She winks back leading you to your seat that’s right next to Jack who’s opening up the show.
Right before it’s about to begin though Neelma rushes through pulling you up, whispering something in Iris’ ear and before you know it you’re being dragged away backstage to fake airplane set. 
“First Class set, makes sense.” You giggle as you walk up to Jack who's getting mic’d up. 
You see everyone else, random models who are seat filling and several celebrities. 
Fuck it, let’s put on a show. 
You place a soft kiss on his lips, “Kill it baby.” 
Jack looks taken back for a second before pulling you back onto him and placing another kiss on your lips, “Two times for good luck.”
They lead you to your seat right across from Becky G and when you know he can’t see you touch your lips a bit. 
“You two are so cute.” You hear the familiar voice of Becky G, “You both compliment each other really well.”
You smile shyly, “Thank you.”
Just as you thought the performance is a hit and goes ever so smoothly except for when you can’t keep a straight face as Jack wraps his famous pineapple juice line to you.
And when he wins his award your heart soars with pride and you’re the loudest in the room.
“I have the most amazing support system, and the sunshine in my life right now is very bright… Thank you.”
You know the cameras are on you but the smile on your face is not for them.
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enragedpineapple · 1 year
New DMTFIL Chapter This Week! (And other updates... 👀)
Hi all! So after the longer chapter we had last week, I really want to start pushing forward to some of the major stuff I've been teasing.
For starters, I have one game-changer chapter already written! I listened to all of y'all's worries and thoughts on how you wanted the story to progress... I really do think you'll enjoy what I've come up with.
I have an idea of when I plan to post the chapter, but it probably won't be for a few more weeks. I don't want this story to feel rushed at all, so I plan to have a few more filler chapters with cute family shit and spicy stuff.
This next chapter is almost entirely smut, so get excited about that haha. Should be posted in the next few days, but school has been kicking my ass since I have to apply for internships and such for my major, so just be ready for this next wave of chapters before we get to the major shit.
This story is far from over, but I'm still excited to continue the journey with y'all! You can catch up on the story here!
Till Next Time!!
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macaronnya · 2 years
Fresh(?) Impressions (8)
Other parts: |Trickstar| |UNDEAD| |2wink| |Ra*bits| |Akatsuki| |fine| |Ryuseitai| |Knights| |Valkyrie| |Switch| |MaM/Double Face/Crazy:B| |Eden| |Alkaloid|
Hello Enstarries~☆ Another day another post. I'm trying to speed up the process. This time, I'm gonna rate our beloved and chivalrous unit Knights. It's one of my favourites for now so I'm excited to talk about them! Btw since it's been already quite a while, I just wanted to remind y'all again, that I only know random bits of infos out of context and their Ep.1 in the new game. Therefore, my opinions are probably very mmdnmmhnhmhmfkdlsisojdöshhfksa y'know?
DISCLAIMER!: Everything said here is for entertainment purposes only and not meant to attack anyone. This is not an accurate description of any characters but my subjective rambling for fun, so please don't take it too seriously. (Just to be safe, I'm kinda scared of elite idol fans) Also, you will hear me mention other games a bunch of times bc I'm that bad and uncreative at explaining and I'm still grieving A3!EN's shutdown. Eng is my 2nd (or 3rd?) language so there might be some weird grammar or spelling mistakes. And I write at 3 am usually.
Without further ado.....Let's Ensemble!☆
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I'm not a Knights-P.....BUT I'm very close to being one. I'm enamoured with most of their songs. Like, yeah some songs are rather meh but those that hit, hit H A R D.
Mystic Fragrance literally grabbed me by the ankle and dragged me into the hole that is Enstars. The MV? Literally perfect and heavenly. I'm no expert on choreography or film production but everyone and everything was just so damn beautiful, clean, sleek, elegant, I watched that video more than I'd like to admit. And the song itself??? Just 😭👌👌👌👌👌 Ok, this isn't a love letter to 1 song but the group, so I should continue. But just reeaal quick, I also love Little Romance and Knights the Phantom Thief to death.
Now, their costumes and theme. I really like it! It is once again the case of everyone having small differentiations here and there, like their gloves and shoes. Overall, I love the simple but refined design. Especially these "noble vests" tend to be overfilled with patterns, ornaments etc in anime and webtoons but that's not the case here. The medal is a nice touch. And the striped pants add a bit smth more loud to the else quiet design. Everything is just on point for the idea of loyal Knights, that serve us fans.
From what I've seen, their dancing is also refined and chic. And maybe it's just that one song but the flower formation and how the center is switched in the chorus in Mystic Fragrance was just so genius and beautiful! The characters on the other hand....well, I haven't seen too much of them as a group yet compared to other units. So it's harder to make up my mind about them.
8.5/10 - I realized after writing everything, that the music is doing A LOT of work
Tsukasa Suou
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We aren't related, so why does he address us as "big sister"? That's like the 2nd time we got adopted as a sibling, no? Well, from what I've seen, he is another heir to an influential family and...reminds me a bit of Riddle (Twisted Wonderland). Very diligent, wants to be mature, so that he won't be underestimated, workaholic. Lowkey seems like a teacher's pet. For some reason, I thought he was more pretentious and the like but he seems relatively normal. Is he half-english or why does he use english sometimes? And like, not the words that naturally wormed their way into the japanese language due to globalisation. Good on the localisation team on HIGHLIGHTING those words in bold btw. They could have just ignored it or changed it to french, the typical approach to such cases, where characters speak english in pieces as a gimmick. But they didn't. It's a bit funny and cringe to hear him say it. But I'm sure he'll get better someday. Practice makes perfect! That's how thing go.
5/10 - not a lot to say about him
Leo Tsukinaga
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Uchu~⭐ It's the nth member of the DRAMA club! Ngl, I understood his Ep.1 in the sense of getting what he means to say but having his words fly all over my head. I bet he's really good friends with Wataru. Good for him though! You'll never have to worry about having an awkward silence with him. Probably suffers from waking up and immediately writing his ideas down, that came from his dreams. I remember somewhere, that he really likes the 🌠 S P A C E 🌌 but I'm not too sure about that anymore. Either has some fucked up trauma in his backstory or is just like that. Highly doubt the latter though. People can be terrible and there's no way he wasn't bullied or didn't suffer from high expectations. His voice sounds like gummy bears. Very squishable and colorful and jumpy. Definitely very different to Itaru's (A3!) and Samatoki's (Hypnosis Mic). I also thinks he's very messy but always knows where all his pencils, notebooks etc. are.
6/10 - coffee would drink HIM to get energized
Izumi Sena
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On the very fine line of being a tsundere and a complete jerk except he has already fallen of the rope to the latter side but his one (1) foot is on the other side. Ik he's very mean to Arashi but man...I didn't expect him to be this hot n' cold. He's the stereotype of women saying the opposite of what they mean. Maybe I'll warm up to him after I learned his language but he's so needlessly bitchy 🤦‍♀️ Does he have friends? Tori on the other hand looks like an angel, not that he's been so terrible in the first place. Izumi's voice was smth to get used to bc it was so....nasal? It's not bad or anything, I just never heard a voice like that. I h a t e to admit it but he does sing very well and it's understandable, that he's a model 😫 *sigh* He would make the perfect male lead in a romance story. The famous idol, who is the biggest tsundere ever and lowkey highkey toxic and is pretentious but unfortunately has the skills to back it up, falls in love with little ol' normal producer and.... y'know the rest. Totally wears mildly strong expensive cologne, designer clothes and eats 5$ toasts.
2/10 - if I could, I'd throw tomatoes at him every day
Ritsu Sakuma
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Sssssllllleeeeepppppyyyyy~~~~~ What a mood™️ And a foodie as well! He must have a very good metabolism and/or work out a lot to maintain such a slim figure, though I guess the latter is to be expected from an idol. He would hate me for this but he does have a similar vibe to his big bro. It's probably the bedroom eyes. And his mysterious? air. Though he does look cuter! His hairstyle reminds me of 🍄 and 🌰. I think he's the most relatable person I've met yet here. You work to live and not the other way around. It's good to be enthusiastic about your job but at the expense of your health makes it toxic. Quite a number of people might need to hear this. He's chill, probably both in personality and body temperature, if he's an actual vampire, he's likely low-maintenance and just seems down to earth. Not that nobody is until now. But Ritsu is kinda just a chill teenage boy. No big dreams or revenge he wishes to enact. I heard he even has some falling out with a friend or smth. Very normal and real. Dude is just living. He has a very soft and pretty voice.
8/10 - i wonder if he has soft cheeks....
Arashi Narukami
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Q U E E N 👑 period. I don't wanna throw out empty words but I think she's perfect! She has such a beautiful and melodic voice, it's like a fresh spring breeze. Her "Mou~ 😣" sounds so cute as well! Idk what it is but smth about her violet eyes just go perfectly with her blond and brown hair. Idk man she's just very lovely. Very terrible, that she's not taken seriously by most people, even some of her own unit members bc of her gender orientation. At least, that's what I've heard. I haven't seen anything like that yet. She wishes to have a cuter image but I think she already has the perfect mix of cool & cute. Seems like a very considerate and relatively optimistic person. Her character song is literally 🥰😭💞❤💎👒☀️🍰⚘🎀💍 Has a rather minimalistic chic wardrobe but as I said, it makes her look very cool. Idk nor do I care how tall she is, I can and will give her a bear hug and kiss her forehead and pat her lovingly an-
10/10 - i'm excited and lowkey scared to get to know her more
I you haven't noticed, I ❤ everything about Knights except its members but that's just bc I don't know them very well yet. Except Izumi, he can go eat trash (I'm so sorry Izumi stans). Very very VERY looking forward to new songs to play and to get to know them better. I WILL spend a lot of gems on the Mystic Fragrance event and that's undebatable.
That's it for today, I hope you somehow enjoyed my ramblings. If you wanna share some thoughts, everything goes as long as it's harmless and remember it's just for fun! Until next part~☆
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castle-dominion · 10 months
castle 6x11 under fire
the firyspo episode liveblog
I knew immediately what episode this was. I was STOKED to watch this with all the gifs i'd seen
k not a fan of the 12 hours earlier thing bc sometimes it's misleading in a good way but this time it's misleading in a way I dislike.
But pretending I haven't seen the ep: She's just lying to jenny & tbh that's a good idea rn. oh no he's dead. or obv not bc there's more of the series after this but then again montgomery died & tory ellis got replaced with vikram. But oh no he's dead.
(yeah I've seen gifs of this ep I was so excited to watch it. I was freaking out b'y)
It's like the time my neighbour across the street was murdered & then there was an arson to cover the murder
WHAT Oh lol she's so adorable with the triple checking & kevjen is just so perfect.
Girl people are late sometimes. Especially because you don't know when the cells attached themselves to the wall.
Oh the first time I watched this I hadn't seen the baby lotto episode yet! But wait y'all decided not to know your baby's sex? RC: May I suggest … Cosmo. KR: No you may not. And rather than pick a name for my kid, you should pick a date for your wedding. RC: Pick a date for my wedding? (he gestures to BECKETT) I was planning on bringing her. XD XD (clipping)
Mark Kimball, buiilding safety. He asked the detectives if they really needed to be in here.
Oh no. Take pics, grab the body, do what you need to, & leave. Don't stay to examine the body, examine it on the slab. KR: Nope. Dude had a wallet, but it was burned to a crisp. Even if he was a dude. It’s hard to tell that. (so ryan was already here? they're always here before caskett. except that one episode in s1 where "he was here before me") RC: I see what you mean. LP: Actually, he is a dude, which is about all I could tell you right now.
KR: This is Lieutenant Delia Burton. She’s the fire investigator with the FDNY. Detective Beckett, Mr. Castle. where's esposito? I like her scarf
RC: So the killer set the fire to cover up the murder? THIS REALLY IS LIKE MY NEIGHBOUR!
"as soo n as I know smth so will you" sounds like SHE'S the killer
There’s a creaking sound and everyone looks at the ceiling. (they are not even wearing hard hats) RC: What was that? DB: The building. You guys should probably go. RC: Sounds good. (he turns and leaves the room quickly) See ya! KR gapes at him. KB: rolls her eye and sighs. KB: I’m … marrying … him. KR: Yeah. KB: Yeah. (could clip)
Art Torino: Maybe the guy was a bum or a squatter or something. Everyone else: AT: But hey, you know, human life, still a tragedy, right? (not clipping) "Who are you again?"
AT: I take offense to that. Just because I’m Italian I’m in the mob? KB: No, I think you are in the mob because you area known member of the Minari crime family and you also have convictions in racketeering, assault, fraud–
What's so special abt that x? Ooh music
Esposito's here!
RC: (sighs) Beats getting roasted alive. LP: I’m right there with you. Me: absolutely. teeth? those things are always good.
Delia Burton is amazing & I love her but oh no her poor partner. I'd watch an entire episode about them.
benzoyl peroxide, isn't that what u put on your mouth to numb it when u have a canker sore?
Serial arsonist? Ooh I like this episode! vacation days to work the case? just like beckett. just called, didn't pick up, just KNEW... Hey in my family watch we have a "the phantom" too!
RC: Sillier than the arsonist, which starts with ‘arse’? At least with The Phantom he’s got some mystique. (not clipping)
MOs about arson. interesting. I am NOT insane but I am a LITTLE bit pyrophillic.
Ferguson, do I know ppl with that name or is that a location in my area or is that smth I'm remembering from this episode?
Oh no place has been trashed rn just remembering the bloopers in the building alone? scary for me bc I know what happens. Ryan is usually written as like... skinny but he has broad shoulders babe! He just looks small compared to brick-shit-house/pos esposito missing car? I have no idea what that means.
He LOOKS like an arsonist. That's what cishet!human!Pyro looks like. But nonbinary!nonhuman!Pyro looks WAY not like that. Ah ha! But he can't be the killer that would be too easy & too soon. Unless he IS the killer & the rest of the episode is about smth else. The thing is, murder mysteries are very formula. You need to have the setup & they need to get close but then it can't be the real killer right away in the episode so obviously it is not them, you need to have a red herring, it really is formula huh. That's one of the reasons I liked the bird watching episode with the light bulb guy & the janitor dad. They got completely sidetracked & didn't have the typical "who was it who was it" thing.
Chat between friends? he put you in prison for five years or smth bro. Or u got out 5 years ago idrk. (weird grammar from castle) "fandom" not "phantom" lol
Fergs: Blake paid me for my time. Plus, uh … (he smiles) .. he let me see some of the photos of the fires. (he laughs) So we both got something out of the deal.
... It's episodes like this that make me concerned for my mental health.
Ferguson: Any idiot can slosh gas around and light a match. But this guy, he knew fire. Knew how it spread. (he leans forward) See, fires are just like people. There’s a weak spot. The soft underbelly. He would find it. Use it. Unleash an inferno with barely any accelerant. That … is an artist. (he's so right. he is genuinely right. I think I was leaning forward on my knees while watching this practically on the edge of my seat bc I loved it sm.) (not clipping tho)
Fergs: An artist like The Phantom? He wants to admire his work. It’s not enough that he sets the fire. He needs to feel the heat, to listen to the music. The roar of the flames, the moans of the buildings as they give in? That’s what he lives for. Which is why, with every fire he sets, he is there watching. (He describes it so... beautifully. Who wrote this episode again?) (still not clipping but UGH I am concerned for me mental health bc this is soooooo sexy)
RC: You know, one thing about his story that does ring true on a character level is about how the arsonist watches his own fires. Castle knows characters.
Was the... wait... the building burned up AFTER he had the files on it... Lol ryan on his phone for his wife I'm love (not clipping but funny)
(no no no no I know what is happening I am Feeling Emotions) Sure they are detectives but HOW do you tell that someone has been inside the building?
JE: Man. Look at this place. Fire would be an improvement. girl... {me: has seen the full ep. JE: is right.}
KR reaches for his phone. JE: Hey! KR: What? JE: Trust me, bro. Your ringer is all the way up. (what if they need to be quiet detectives?) KR: I just want to make sure. Jenny might call me at any minute. JE: Pulling your phone out isn’t going to make it happen any sooner. You just need to chill. KR: And you know this from your vast experience of having zero kids? (Esposito did have tommy & joey) JE: All right, you know what? You’re all emotional right now so I’m going to let that go. (reminds me of "your wife is hormonal bc she's pregnant, what's your excuse?")
If I were them I'd leave someone holding the door open. first names <3 wazoo XD (I whistled at the same tom lol)
Timer & alarm LET the ppl know that there IS a bomb or smth? but um. AAAAAAAAH SCREAMING SCREAMING SCREAMING THIS IS IT THIS IS THE EPISODE I AM DYING RN SDKFAJSLDFJKH (also just yell "run" don't spend the time saying it's not an alarm.) (but also if the explosion blasted stuff out like that I think they'd be dead)
I cannot say anything I am just so klfsdkfjsdlkj
Is castle allowed to use her computer?
How would you press the top of the spray paint if it is on a pole tho?
RC: That must have been the arsonist. Maybe somebody saw them do it. Can we canvass the area? And by ‘we’ I mean obviously somebody else. (unis or ryaposito, which will be how they figure out that they are there)
KB: What are you looking for? And don’t tell me, it’s something completely inappropriate for the workplace. RC: No, not this time. THIS TIME???
Obviously edited smoke lol (it could have been maybe he didn't KNOW what was going on & started filming just in case) How did they know to start filming then? ARSONIST FILMS HIS OWN FIRES Yeah like the metadata & all that stuff. it's like that tumblr post *deletes you* *you still exist as metadata* (but wait how did this vid get bounced around the internet so fast
Transcipt: She brings up a webpage. It’s full of hot girls and fire. Me: Oh yeah Rule 34 bro.
Is tori technically a cop? can she look up ppl & their records?
Got a warrant to enter his house babe? Lol the pyrolicious title on his door if it really is around the globe, I'd kind of expect him to be in like,,, slovenia or smth.
So you don't know who drops off the material but you can TELL it is from the same person? who sends you "choice material"? gosh his phone is starting to bug me. You need a warrant. Of course he has a fire alert lol OH NO *just run away leaving milo confused* AAAAAAAAGGHHGHDKFJSKLDF
becks let the fire ppl do their jobs, they know it better than you (I hate becks sometimes)
maybe the explosion blasted them out from the fire & they are just unconscious across the street from getting thrown against the wall... Becks this aint your fault OH NO. JENNY. (already 12 hours?) see? I just... I didn't like this the first time around but maybe I don't hate it as much now. Lie to her beckett. the woman is pregnant. Lie to her & say her husband got banged in the head or smth & is just walking it off but he'll probably be back tonight.
Look at all my background characters <3 Good on gates shutting off the tv & putting ppl back to work Yay speaking lines
VG, doing the recap for me: We don’t know. What we do know is that Detectives Ryan and Espozito were investigating that building for ties to a serial arsonist. And it’s possible that the explosion in that building was deliberately set by that same arsonist, a man suspected in ten other fires, as well as the murder of a member of the New York Fire Department. And if it is true, then this sick SOB has just added two of our own to his list. (I can't tell the difference between who is saying what)
How long have they been unconscious if the fire spread this much? also if u got knocked out u have a concussion.
EXT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE Fire crews still fight the fire. It’s not any more contained that it was earlier. INT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE (just stuff on ur head. & back. u'r in the debris. u'd be dead) KR and JE are on the ground. They’ve fallen into a lower floor and the fire rages above them. JE moves first, shocked by circumstances, but alive. (I'd describe this as: JE is on the floor with crap on him. there is a boom & he jolts awake, moving sluggishly at first.) also ooh yummy listen to those creaks. JE: Ryan! (love his voice crack) JE: [he scrambles up] (also my man has NO hair on his legs) Ryan! Ryan? KR coughs. JE: Kevin! Kevin, is that you? KR is alive, but he’s pinned under a beam. (he’s going to have broken legs) JE: You all right? [dusting him off] KR: Yeah, yeah. (he struggles) I can’t move. My legs are stuck. JE tries to lift the beam, but it’s too heavy. It doesn’t move. They struggle. JE: It’s too heavy. KR: (sighs) It’s an oven in here. You should get out, man. (yeah go get help) JE: Not without you, partner. (TIL THE WHEELS FALL OFF) KR looks up at the fire above them. KR: Last thing I remember is the floor giving away. How far do you think we fell? JE looks up & gets a pole. JE: At least two floors. (& u have no other broken bones?) KR: (sighs) He must have rigged this place. JE: Probably to destroy any evidence in case he was found. KR: Yeah, including us. (ha…) JE: Not if I can help it. You ready? KR: (coughs) Yeah. JE: All right. Here we go. JE wedges a metal pipe under the beam that is pinning KR down. He tries to leverage it, but it’s still too heavy. (He is putting the pole under the cement beam & levering against the floor but I feel like that would just cause the beam to slide. He is also pulling up with the lever rn I'd like u to note.)
(I totally thought he'd have the ki/chi to fix this)
I don't rly remember my time at the airport fire department but I got to shoot water. I rthink it was stronger than that.) Fire Chief Miller: Move back! Everybody back! KB: *rushes forward* girl?
Babe no wait, they are not giving up, they have plans. Oh no, it's Lanie...
INT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE JE tries to leverage the beam off KR’S leg. It’s still not moving. (the MUSIC, the drums the OH SO GOOD) KR: The ceiling’s going to give away at any minute. You need to get out of here, okay? JE: Shut up. I’m trying to save your life. (cliping) KR laughs, but it’s strained. JE looks for something else to help him. He notices an I-beam lying nearby. (LOVE the music) He struggles to drag it over to use to get the center of gravity of the wedge higher for better leverage. (different types of levers, right?) JE: Here we go. There. Ready? KR: Yeah. JE strains, but manages to get the beam off KR’S leg enough for him to move. THIS IS MY SQUEEZING OUT MOPS FOR WORK. You want to not just use your hands tho, you want to sit your bodyweight on it Sito. JE: Go, go, go, go, go! JE: drops the beam & runs to KR. KR: I’m okay, I’m okay. They take a second (& my man's legs aren't broken? seriously? Ok I need a fanfic where his legs are actually broken or at least a little bit cracked up) JE: Can you walk? KR: Give me a hand. ..I’m kind of okay. (lol kind of ok) JE helps him up and KR grunts/laughs in pain. JE: How’s it feel? KR: Oh, I can stand. (he slaps JE on the shoulder and looks up) Where are we? JE: Looks like some kind of sub-basement. (at least smoke rises...) KR: I don’t see any doors. JE: points to an airshaft. There are flames over the top. JE: Looks like that was our way out. KR: Yeah, I don’t think we wanted to go up, anyway. KR coughs. JE: We’re not going to get out without help. [He pulls out his phone. It’s shattered.] Ugh, my phone’s busted from the fall. (& they don't show him try it.) What about you? KR: digs in his pocket for his phone. It’s not broken, but it has no service. KR: Uh … yeah, I got nothing. (boring background on ryan's phone) JE: All right, well … as big as this thing is, the fire department’s gotta be other there. They’ve gotta be on scene. KR: Yeah. We should let them know that we’re down here. JE cups his hands around his mouth and starts to yell. JE: Yo! [High angle.] KR: Anybody hear us? Down here! JE: (voice breaking) Anybody up there? KR: (loosening his tie) Hey! JE: Down here! KR: Hey! There’s nothing. KR: The fire’s too loud. They can’t hear us. JE: I’ve got an idea. JE grabs the pipe he used to get the beam off KR’S leg and starts beating on a metal exhaust vent. It clanks loudly. (it is not that pipe.) (I thought he was going to try to open that twisty water thing actually & stop the firse down here) JE: Maybe the sound’ll carry up. Let them know we’re down here. (fun fact, low sounds carry farther than high ones) KR: grabs his down piece of debris and starts beating on metal. They’re trying to make as much noise as possible. JE: Hey! KR: Down here! JE: Hey! KR: Hey! Down here! EXT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE The noise KR and JE are making is faint, but the fire covers most of it up. (It is implied that the sound is coming from a pipe/shaft like those telephones in playgrounds.) It’s not really working. INT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE KR: Hey! Down here! JE: Hey! They’re making as much noise as they can. JE: Hey! KR stops. KR: Stop. JE: What? KR: (voice breaking) They can’t hear us. JE: We can’t just quit, man. KR sits & removes his tie. KR: We better save our strength. JE: For what? Nobody knows we’re down here. It’s only a matter of time before the fire sucks all of the oxygen out of the room. (right. I forgot about that.) KR: There’s gotta be some way out of here. Some other way of letting them know that we’re down here. JE: Yeah? Like what? KR: I don’t know. Something. (want to clip but I shouldn't) (helpful.) JE: Yeah? Well, unless you have an oxygen tank, a pair of wings, and a Nomex suit, we’re going to cook. (lol but also. hhhhhh were gonna cook. hatred hatred hatred. & yeah they would totally cook rather than burn.) KR laughs mirthlessly. He glances around the wreckage. It’s a bunch of broken and beaten debris, but something catches his eye. In a pile of old electronics is a corded phone. A landline. KR: Maybe not. Me: he's going to use the cords to climb out
rescue vs recovery hhhhhhsdjkfsd
Lanie is allowed thru the police barricades & also allowed to bring in a plus-one. of COURSE she's having a baby. Idk if I knew that before watching this for the first time or if I just knew it bc obviously it would turn out like this for the drama. (also castle dad moments) Girl there's nothing you can do here. Go have a baby safely. You're just making more stress here. You can lend your spiritual strength to the antifire team from anywhere. (also, your husband is schrodinger's cat rn, your baby is there.)
KB: I can’t believe that this is happening. This is like some kind of a dream. I just keep waiting to wake up but it’s like I can’t do anything. (she breaths out heavily) It’s like there’s nothing we can do. (you're right there IS nothing u can do HERE) RC: All we can do is be here for them. & being there for rysposito isn't even anything rn bc they don't KNOW you're there. unless u meant be there for the fire team. You know, what you SHOULD do is go back to the precinct & arrest your arsonist.
He’s trying to be reassuring, but she’s still terrified. He goes back to looking for answers and her phone rings. She answers without looking.
KB: (on phone) Beckett. There’s static on the other side. KB: Hello? KR tries to make the phone connect. He’s playing with the wires. (INDIVIDUAL TECH FELLOW) KR: Beckett? Beckett, can you hear me? The static starts to clear enough for her to make out words. KR: Beckett? Can you hear me, Beckett? The sound of KR’S voice makes RC look up. KB: Ryan? (she doesn’t quite believe it) Ryan, is that you? KR: Yeah, yeah, yeah! It’s me, Beckett! Listen, that building that we went into, it wasn’t the next arson target. It was his lair. He rigged it to blow. Now we’re trapped inside. The whole place is in flames. (reminds me of The Martian where mark watney didn’t know that nasa was watching him, he didn’t know how much they knew. KB: (her voice breaks) Yes, I know. Ryan, we’re right outside. We’ve got the whole fire department here. We thought – (she can’t) – you guys were dead. A beam breaks away and JE grabs the phone. JE: Well we will be soon if we don’t get some help. KB looks to RC. They need a plan. They need help. (I'd say "I lovr you i'm so glad you're ok." or not ok but not dead yet)
EXT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE fire chief miller: Exactly where in the building are you? JE: Some kind of sub-basement mechanical room. (& the mech room has a phone board?) JE: About 20 feet down from the main floor. There’s no windows, no doors. FCM consults a blueprint of the building. FCM: This doesn’t make any sense. KB: What? FCM: Well, according to these plans, this building has a slab foundation. There is no basement area. JE: Well I don’t know what to tell you, pal. We’re in some sort of basement. There’s something wrong with your fricking plans. Something clicks with RC.
I love how castle is the one to talk with gates I NOTICED that they focused on the airshaft in the first scene in the workshop! You don't need the plans tho, you just need to know where the workshop was & then go straight down. in theory.
My man would totally watch more than his own work. it's like fanfiction. Your fics are the ones perfectly tailored to you, but you can enjoy other fics too.
Firebug447, sexy name. I should make that my username.
Gates my beloved. She is so scary. I love her so much & also the music is great
Milo: No. I’d sometimes ask. He did once say why he did it. He said he couldn’t deal with the suffering. That sometimes sick and dying buildings need to burn to be put out of their misery. that's abt the building not the fire.
EXT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE They’re still battling the fire. KB: And you’re sure you don’t see another way out? KR is struggling. The heat and the carbon monoxide are getting to be too much. Both he and JE are moving slower. KR: If there is it’s covered by debris. Any idea where that way out might be? (lol he said way aight might be) KB: Castle’s on the phone with the building department. He’s trying to get ahold of the original blueprints. JE: We’re assuming there even is a way out. (KR looks at him) We’re giving this guy more credit than he deserves. JE sits heavily. KR: We’re both getting sleepy. (Panting) Carbon monoxide’s building up. KB: Ryan, you listen to me. You need to hang on, okay? They’re coming for you. KR: (tries to laugh) Appreciate the pep talk, but we both know the fire’s too hot and they don’t know where to look. KB: (adamantly) No. Ryan – KR: We’re going to lose the phone soon, (says who???) Beckett, so … there’s something I need you to do.
INT – AMBULANCE KB:looks at her phone. She looks from LP to a laboring JoM. KB: Jenny. LP is supporting JoM through labour. JoM takes in the look on KB’S face. JoM: Oh, what is it. KB holds out her phone. KB: It’s him. JoM: (brightly) It’s Kevin? (she takes the phone) Is it you? It’s really you? KR smiles at hearing his wife. (I'm dying dying dying) KR: Yeah. Yeah, it’s me, beautiful. He laughs in happiness. JoM: Oh thank God. Where are you? The baby’s coming. KR: (regretfully) I’m inside. JoM: Inside -? (she looks around like he means the ambulance) (this part KILLS ME but also is a little funny) LP looks at KB. KB gives her the slightest shake of her head, her expression sober. LP slumps. (lanie's look might have meant "where is javi?" & beckett's shake would have been interpreted as "he didn't make it" or smth. not good.) KR: I’m sorry. (on the verge of tears) I know I promised, but – (he coughs/clears throat) – I’m not going to be there. JoM understands what he’s saying. JoM: Don’t say that. Please don’t say that. RC has to turn away, doesn’t want to intrude. He moves to face KB towards him and they share a look. KR: I’m sorry. JoM gasps as a contraction hits. She breaths deeply. KR: I love you more than anything. Remember that. (he tries not to cry) Always remember that. (they have their own always) JoM: Kevin, please – (she starts to cry) – no, don’t leave me. KR: (laughs) Oh, I don’t want to. JoM gasps again, then finds some resolve somewhere. Some strength. JoM: We need a name. For the baby. We need to do that together. KR: (nods) All right. If it’s a boy: Javier. (I'd say Séamhír actually. Javier is pronounced havyed, but x can also be pronounced with an h sound. xavier is the same name as javier. mh & bh in gaelge is pronounced w or v depending on where u are. x can be pronounced like sh z or ctl too so Séamhír is pronounced shey veer, like ekseyveeur or egzeveeur but without the ek. It's all the same name.) JE: looks up weakly. JoM nods. RC and KB try to not intrude, but can’t imagine having to do something like JoM is doing right now. JoM: And if it’s a girl? KR: Sarah Grace, after your grandma. (JoM: name together. KR: names by himself.) JoM cries. JoM: I love you so much, Kevin. I love you. KR: (jumbled) – love – too. The phone cuts out and JoM is left with static. JoM: Kevin? (She sniffles & it is obvious the crying is causing her nose to get stuffy.) Kevin? Kevin! She can’t stop her tears. She holds the phone out weakly. KB sighs heavily before she takes it back.
INT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE KR hangs up the phone heavily. He tries not to cry at having said his goodbyes. He wipes his nose/mouth which is sweaty from the fire. JE is leaning against a block of cement. JE: (mumbled) Javier? You’re going to name a white Irish kid Javier? (you can name a white spanish kid javier... it is not just a spanish/portugese origin native american name) KR: What? (heavily) You’re going to bust on me now for being sentimental. (he is slurring.) JE: I figure it’s my last chance. KR laughs. They share a look & sit quietly. KR: Nah. Nah nah. We’re going to get out of here. There’s a way out and we’re going to find it. I’m not leaving Jenny. I’m not leaving my baby without a dad, alright? As he talks, JE remains slumped over. He’s passed out. KR turns to him and when he realizes JE is no longer conscious he scrambles over. KR: Hey. Hey! Javi! (he grabs JE and shakes him) No, no. Don’t you dare fall asleep on me. Don’ t you dare, Javi. Javi! (he shakes him once more) Javi! JE doesn’t stir. KR lets his head fall onto JE’S shoulder as he cries. (bc at least when he said goodbye to jenny he could still see a way out for him & javi.)
The music
& Lanie is just going to help deliver a baby? She has neither given birth nor assisted in delivery before as far as I know butok. LP: I know, Baby. Lil bro: You know baby?
DB: So I went back through the files, all of the building inspector reports, and he was right. Each of the target buildings had issues. Structural defects, wiring problems, rot. But that's for the sake of the building, not the fire...
It's going to be fire chief miller! or not they have two things in common. They were SICK & signed by kimball. Ah, makes sense. Or it could be his... idk... assistant ig. nvm. So becks didn't recognize kimball from his name & couldn't put a face to him. they met earlier this ep. I have an hour & a half before I need to RACE to work kill me. but anyway now that becks sees this guy's face on her laptop (which has nypd data on it?) she recognizes him as someone who she's seen around here before. He's here dun dun dun! well... of course he is. he records the fires. but this one was not a fire he planned on recording, this was a booby trap. (it'd be so sus to be recording here like this) his phone? srs? I feel like my man would have... a tripod or smth. but that would be sus. delia also has a gun??
Becks getting mad here babes & I LOVE it.
INT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE JE is slumped against a slab of concrete. Me: ryan isn't there, maybe he is finding a way out while his partner is unconscious! KR: *is passed out on the floor in front of him.* Me: oh Neither moves. The flames burn above them, but there’s hope. Part of the far wall starts to cave in as rescue crews try to bash it in. (practical effects my beloved) It crumbles enough for them to crawl through. They crouch down to assess the conditions of KR and JE. The camera only shows KR. It implies that either JE is dead because he is not being checked or he is physically offscreen & not present meaning he is also not present in life anymore; or it implies that KR is dead because he is the one lying on the ground not moving & it would be more tragic & dramatic to kill him & leave the baby. Why would they need to bash out the wall tho?? I thought there was supposed to be a way out. Maybe the arsonist never caved. Maybe he wasn't done setting up his escape route & there WAS no escape route yet. (the MUSIC)
also building dude changed plans of a building? makes sense
EXT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE FCM: Rescue seven, what’s your status? (they had no cell signal down there babe) There’s no response over the walkie talkie. RC fidgets with suspense. KB tries to stay hopeful. FCM: Rescue seven, do you have them? (nothing. KB keeps close watch on the building) Rescue seven, are they alive? (YEAH LIKE... RESPOND BRO) RC: (points) There. The rescue team leaves the building, emerging from the smoke. When they’re clear, everyone can see that they’ve got KR and JE with them. (WHY ARE THEY AWAKE & WALKING?) They’re banged up, but they’re alive. Everyone rushes forward to meet them. (imo it would have been better to have them over the shoulders of the buff firefighters & they start to cry bc "oh no they're limp over that guy's back, they must be dead" & then have them wave or cough. Or have them over the backs & they rush to see them like "yay!" but when they yell at them like "welcome back I'm glad you're alive" they don't respond & then it drops in your stomach & then you hear ryan say "jenny" or the firefighter says "girl get out the way these boys need the ambulance before they can wake up" or smth like that) KB: Espo! (she pushes through to pull him into a hug) Espo! (first name maybe? or the full espoSITO?) RC: You scared us. (he hugs KR) You scared us. (KR puts his dirty hands on RC's coat.) They switch so KR hugs KB and JE hugs RC. RC: You smell great. (like fire or like sweat bc they were in a fire?) KR pulls back and looks between RC and KB. (HOLD ON I DIDN'T REALIZE-- WHEN DID HE LEARN THAT JENNY WAS HERE? HE ASKED BECKS TO GIVE THE PHONE TO HER BUT WHO TOLD HIM HIS PREGNANT WIFE WAS AT THE FIRE? I mean she was preggy so ofc he'd ask abt her.) KR: Where’s Jenny? (clipping)
EXT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE (yay music) RC helps KR scramble toward the ambulance. (BECAUSE HE REALLY DID POSSIBLY BREAK HIS FRICKING LEGS) JE and KB follow behind them. KR turns to see LP helping JoM cuddle a baby. (lol that was a short af labour) JoM: Kevin! (she cries) You’re alive! KR stares at his wife and new baby for a long moment. LP: Javi! (she jumps down and into his arms) You’re alive! KR scrambles into the ambulance and lunges forward to kiss JoM. JoM: Oh. KB buries her head in RC’S neck as they watch the reunion. She pulls back and they smile. KR: You’re both beautiful. JoM: Kevin, I’d like you to meet … Sarah Grace. KR doesn’t know who he wants to look at. He tears his eyes from JoM to look at his new daughter and he strokes her head gently. LP and JE stand close together and smile, as do RC and KB. They’re family. And everyone is okay. They’re okay and it’s amazing.
ok wow
this ep was amazing. I did a stupid tho, I spent a bit over an hour & a half legit reading the transcript & quoting it the other day & then I spent over an hour & a half today & like... yeah I knew I would spend extra long on this ep but this is a bit too long. I have to go back to school soon & I'd like to finish my solo binge watch before school starts so that I can focus on school with only a little bit of fanfiction that I can read anywhen & anywhere.
& I have work in an hour. (by which I mean 2.5 ofc.) kms /hj.
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
SNEAK PEEK! Roxy's Record Store
Hey y'all, sorry I've been having a hard time writing joy because I'm not feeling so joyful personally. But I think this is a good indication of where I want this story to go....
Colors and lights and sparkles were seen behind her closed lids as she came undone again in his hands. She felt him kissing at her face softly, slowing his pace until he finally stopped and slowly removed his fingers from her.
“Thank you.” She whispered and he smiled.
“No, thank you.” He said and she giggled, her eyes meeting his before he kissed her once more. Even when she tried to help sort him out he shrugged it off, assuring her he’d be fine, that he owed her one and dressed her back up. And soon they were staring up at her ceiling, holding each other.
“H, your EP is a masterpiece.” She said and he just smiled.
“You really think so?” He asked softly.
“No. It’s the god honest truth.” She said and he turned to her and she turned to him as well.
“Y’not just saying tha’ because it’s about you?” He asked with a teasing grin and she giggled.
“Maybe a little bit.” She admitted, “But really, H. Your voice is so beautiful and your lyrics are so vulnerable and relatable. That’s what makes music great; people should be able to identify with it and make it meaningful for themselves and what you’ve created is absolutely that.” She said candidly as her hand stroked his cheek.
“Thank you.” He responded back and she nodded.
“Do you maybe want to… debut it on the podcast?” She asked and his eyebrows shot up at the suggestion.
“Are you serious?” He asked and she nodded.
“I mean, just need to get my manager and producer to listen to it and I’m sure they’ll say yes. They just need to see what we’re sitting on so that you can get paid for being on.” She explained.
“No, you don’t have to pay me for it-”
“Of course I do! You’re a proper artist now! You need to get paid for whatever time that beautiful brain of yours isn’t shut in a studio writing more songs.” She said and he chuckled. “Think about it… we do a little interview about it, be vague as shit so no one is all up in our stuff-”
“Love being mysterious…” he hummed and she smiled.
“Excellent! And we can talk about your musical influences and inspirations… we can play each song… I should be writing this down…” she spoke to herself in a sing-song tone before reaching over him and to her bedside table and pulling out a notepad and pen and starting to scribble down her ideas. She hadn’t even noticed that she was still straddling him after leaning over to grab the notepad. His big, warm hands landed on her thighs and ran up them and she finally looked back at him with a smile, “I’m really excited about this.” She said and he chuckled.
“I like seeing you like this. You’re always thinking about things aren’t you?” He asked and she smiled.
“Kind of, yeah…” she shrugged and he smiled.
“Me too.” He said and she smiled back at him.
“Oh, Christmas is in a few. Are you going home?”
“Not this year. Spent most of my saving on this EP” He said and she nodded.
“Well, my parents are visiting family out of the country, maybe we can do something together?” She asked and he nodded.
“We can just stay right here at home.” She nodded in agreement. She tried not to get too excited over the fact that he had called her place home.
“Yeah, I ummm, I leave for Vegas on the 27th.” She reminded and he nodded.
“That’s right, Niall told us. Congrats on that, by the way… it’s amazing!” He said and she nodded.
“It is, but I’m kinda bummed about leaving now for obvious reasons.” She said, running a hand through his curls and he grinned and pushed himself up to lean on his elbow while one of his hands reached around her neck and pulled her closer until they were kissing gently.
“Don’t be.” He hummed before kissing her again, “I’ll be right.” Kiss, “Where.” Kiss, “You left me.” Kiss. And she smiled as he pulled back a bit.
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zizeschmizes · 5 years
that familiar feeling. | solo
WHO: lauren zizes (& the zizes bro squad)
WHAT: a post-thanksgiving dinner hangout, with bonus chaotic sibling energy.
WHEN: 11/28; evening
WHERE: zizes home; new orleans, la.
The last guest was long gone, and the cleanup had been, as always, a family effort. Everyone doing their part to return the house back to some kind of order. Everyone had a job, and Lauren, stickler for organization that she was, had been tasked with putting away the leftovers in a reasonable and tidy manner. 
It was a wonder there was any food left; her mother, as per usual had gone overboard. But it was for good reason. As tradition, their dinner usually included some of her brothers' teammates, the guys unable to travel home for the holiday, for whatever reason. There were five of them this year, nice guys who complimented the cooking and talked football with her father and charmed her mother and younger brothers. At least they'd been expected, their places planned for at the dinner table.
If anything she was the anomaly. The interloper, the surprise guest showing up unexpectedly. After landing at the airport, she'd taken a Lyft home, laughing at the look of surprise on her father's face when he opened the front door. She hadn't discussed her plans with anyone; staying at Ginsburg had been the idea...until the drama, most of it not hers, but the small part that was, it was enough to convince her that a break was necessary. Feeling tired, overworked, and wanting to be in a setting that felt familiar seemed too good to pass up. 
The food was packed up, the kitchen was clean, the guests were gone, her parents had retired to bed, and Lauren could finally change into comfy clothes and settle in a favorite spot. In the den, on the massive sectional, sandwiched between two of her favorite people. Her younger brothers had been especially excited to see her, nearly tackling her in a combo hug, towering over her in a way that made her chest ache because she missed them so much. They stuck close to her, surprising considering the last thing most 15 year old boys wanted was to be babied by their big sister, but here they were. João, taller than she'd remembered, sprawled on the sofa, body taking up a good amount of room while his head rested on Lauren's lap. 
He kept dozing off, unfocused on the show they were supposed to be watching, his content state heightened by Lauren's fingers combing through his dark brown curls. Matheus, however, was the total opposite of his twin, squished beside Lauren and talking animatedly about the show, which had been his pick and Lauren had to admit she was more focused on his commentary than the actual plot. Matty had a way of making everything feel more elaborate, injecting a streak of dramatic flair typical in the Zizes household. Lauren missed it. The noise and nonsense she'd grown so familiar with, different from the college atmosphere that had been her reality for the past few months. 
Their chatter was interrupted by Gabe, yanking the remote from Matty's grasp and tumbling over the back of the couch, nearly landing on top of the younger boy who luckily had the good sense to roll out of the way, landing on the floor between the coffee table and the couch. 
"Seriously?" Lauren glanced over at Gabe, who managed to balance a large bowl in the middle of his chaotic entrance, never spilling a chip as he stuck his landing. 
"What? He moved. That Zizes instinct comin' through." Matty seemed no worse for wear, making a comfortable spot on the floor and accepting the bowl of Doritos when Gabe passed it down, his gaze never leaving the television screen. 
Lauren rolled her eyes. "Y'all are ridiculous. You could’ve broken his damn neck.” Her grumble was cut short when, out of nowhere, a hand came whizzing by. João, reaching overhead, past Lauren to grab a handful of chips, shoveling them in his mouth with a loud crunching noise. “Dammit, Jojo! You almost hit me.” 
His ‘sorry’ was muffled by chewing and Lauren scowled waiting a beat before bopping him on the forehead. 
“Next time just ask for the bowl, dummy. How are y’all still eatin’ after all that food?” 
Gabe shrugged and sank lower in his seat, enough to prop his sock covered feet on the coffee table. “I’m a growing boy. I ain’t wanna dig around in all those bowls. You got the fridge locked up. Chips was easier.” He offered her the bowl as a peace offering and despite her glare, it didn’t stop her from swiping a few. Dark eyes, much like her own glanced at the screen and he frowned. “What the hell are y’all watching?” 
“Matty picked. I think it’s some Star Wars thing?” 
There came a huff from the floor, and Matheus lifted his head from her knee. “It’s ‘The Mandalorian’, Lo. I said that twenty minutes ago.” 
“Okay, so I was right. It was a Star Wars thing.” 
Gabe snorted beside her. “Turn it off, I haven’t watched the first ep yet, I don’t wanna be spoiled.” 
Lauren reached for a few more chips, grabbing a handful and pointing with her pinky at Gabe’s lap. “You have the remote, genius. Just switch it to something everybody wants to watch. Don’t put on those NatGeo docs, bout to put everybody to sleep.” 
Matty laughed. “Jojo’s already asleep.” 
“No I’m not!” came the sleep-filled reply from her sweatpants-covered lap and Lauren looked down at her little brother, who was busy wiping crumbs from his face. “Lo, you’re getting Dorito dust on me.” 
“Yeah well that’s what you get for almost smackin’ me, we’re even.” She rubbed her fingers together, laughing at his grumbling because despite it, she knew he wasn’t moving. “Where’s Nono?” she asked Gabe, who was still busy browsing through Netflix and vetoing Matty’s suggestions. 
“Think he’s still talking to Zara on the phone. Makin’ plans to link up after practice.” Gabe tossed the remote to Matty, and turned his full attention on Lauren. “You stayin’ for the game on Saturday? Watch us bust some Aggie ass?”
Lauren nibbled at her bottom lip. She'd forgotten about the possibility of a football game. Already figuring it would be a reality for winter break, in her haste to get away from Ginsburg for the holiday, it had slipped her mind. 
"My flight back to school is Saturday," she replied, unsure if she was relieved or annoyed. At herself. More than likely at the situation. Dinner had been spent literally surrounded by football, her brother teammates piled into the large dining room they only ever used for holidays and big parties. And at first, Lauren had completely disappeared amongst the talk of plays and stats and names, occasionally cracking a smile at a stray joke, her grin growing when her eyes happened to catch her father's. Her parents seemed happy to see her. Her father clutched her tightly and kissed her forehead, the warmth behind it making her feel most at home. 
And she supposed her mother, with her busy to-do list that involved ordering the rest of them around with chopping and shopping and cleaning and organizing didn't have much time for her usual spiel. Again, the surprise drop in was good for something. She'd managed a quick kiss to her daughter's cheek and promptly sent her on an errand. Lauren figured come Christmastime, she wouldn't be so lucky. 
For his part, Gabe took the news of her departure easily. Then again, that was his way. Of all her brothers, the two were more alike, in looks and temperament. Where Antonio was the quiet, responsible type, Gabe was loud, the center of attention and quick with a joke. The two of them bumped heads, but never really outright clashed, trading snarky comments back and forth until a peace offering (usually food) was suggested. 
“There’s always games,” he replied easily. “You’ll catch another one.” They turned their attention back to the television, where Matty had found something else to watch (Black Panther) and managed to snatch the bowl of chips from his older brother, setting it beside him so he could share with his twin. 
“Thanks, for not giving me shit about it.” 
Gabe shook his head. “It’s just football, Lozinha. I realize sayin’ that’s a cardinal sin ‘round here. But you haven’t been into this shit since we were in high school. It’s cool. Although…” he turned to his sister, big grin on his handsome face and Lauren knew it was bound to be something that would no doubt annoy her. “If you did show up, I know of at least three dudes who’d be pretty hype about that.” 
She made a face. “Please don’t push me off on your football pals, it’s so weird. Not to mention unnecessary.” 
“You say ‘unnecessary’, I say Cameron was staring hard and it wasn’t the turkey he was eyeballin’.” 
Lauren rolled her eyes, her annoyance only rising at Gabe’s loud laughter, but smiled when the twins both shushed him. She had noticed Cameron, catching her eyes whenever she looked up and making sure they were seated beside each other at dinner. 
He was sweet enough, a junior linebacker studying sports medicine with dreams of being a physical therapist, and he listened attentively while she talked about Ginsburg and her major. Their conversation had been pleasant, but it was a typical dinner talk: polite and surface-level and though she enjoyed it, hadn’t thought much more about it, especially when she had other matters to attend to, mainly cleaning. A total gentleman, he bid her goodnight and leaned in for a hug, a one-armed gesture that ended with a gentle squeeze of her hip, which...okay that might’ve been forward...but she didn’t dwell on it, simply brushing it off as friendly.
“Yeah, that’s not happening. He’s nice but he lives here. I’m at Ginsburg. Plus I’m not really looking for that right now.” 
“Uh-huh…” Gabe trailed off, studying his sister’s profile. “Soooo, is that ‘cause you already have something? And when are you gonna let me talk to your crew? Do they know you’ve got a hot single brother? Like come on, what good is having a sister if I can’t hit on your fine ass friends?”
“That is a lot of stupid happening in one sentence,” she replied, laughing. “I’m not letting my friends anywhere near you. Besides, you already got a school-full of folks you can charm, get outta my friends list.” 
“Jeez, be selfish. But you could be keeping me from the love of my life. I hope you’re happy.” 
“My one mission’s to make your ass miserable so yep, I’m pretty content right now.” 
Gabe snorted. “It’s possible you came back a bigger pain in the ass.”
“It’s a required Gins elective. Bad Bitch 101.” Lauren flipped her hair, laughing when João grumbled about being jostled. She ruffled his hair, letting her fingers linger to card gently through his curls. 
“Are you two done?” Matheus grumbled from below. “We’re tryin’ to watch something here.” 
“Yeah whatever,” Gabe said, leaning forward to bop his younger brother on the shoulder. “You’ve seen this like a million times. Gimme the chips and put on something we all wanna watch.” 
“I don’t mind watching it,” came a voice from behind and Lauren looked up to see Antonio entering the den, tumbling over the back of the sectional much like Gabe did, settling beside his brother, and throwing an arm over the back of the couch. 
“Are y’all incapable of sitting on the couch like regular folk? I mean, damn.” Her question was met by a chorus of boos and Gabe, having recovered the chip bowl threw a Dorito at her, which she promptly caught in her mouth. 
“Nice. Learned that from one of those Ginsburg’s electives?” 
Lauren shook her head. “Nah, just that Zizes instinct comin’ through.” Grinning, she leaned her head on Gabe’s shoulder, finally focusing on the Wakandian action on-screen as her brothers passed the bowl between them, feeling completely at ease in the familiarity of it all. She really missed this.
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murfeelee · 7 years
Sims Question Meme (TS3)
I saw @lyrea's questions and I’m just sitting here killing time, so....
What’s your favorite sims death? Good ole Fire, cuz it’s a classic, and it’s always hysterical watching the way sims freak out.
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Big props to LGR for the Katy Perry House of Pain, lol! XD
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Whatever looks nice. I’ve seen the good the bad and the ugly on both sides, EA and 3rd party alike.
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? YES, it’s so annoying. That Stuffed moodlet really gets on my g-d nerves.
Do you use Moveobjects On? MOO!!!! <3
Favorite mod? NRAAS’ mods (MC and DE and Hybrid and--!), and a ton of essential mods from MTS and Naughty Sims Asylum
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? TS1: Makin Magic, TS2: Nightlife & Apartment Life, TS3: Ambitions. The only Stuff Packs I’ve ever wasted money on are TS3′s Fast Lane and Movie Stuff Pack, both times cuz I wanted the new vehicles -- the motorcycles, specifically. (EA gave away Town Life for free.)
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Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Sakura, my avatar sim.
Have you made a simself? Yes, the day I got TS3 I sat down with my whole family and we all made each other; it was a blast.
What sim traits do you give yourself? Artistic, Bookworm, Childish, Computer Whiz, Loner
Which is your favorite EA hair color? Black, White, or Pink
Favorite EA hair? I actually hate most EA hair, tbh. It’s always the same boring styles or cuts, with little variation, even less creativity in the men’s department, and the EPs/SPs have practically zero decent representation for ethnic hair. IMO a lot of EA’s best CAS CC came from the Store, especially the cultural sets like India and Africa. and fun fanciful themes like Midnight Hollow.
For the ladies I really like these X X. (We need way more braids & dreads, EA.)
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For men I like these X X. (Most of EA’s male hair is horrendous by default.) 
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Favorite life stage? Young Adult, of course. (I’ll always be bitter about kids and elders having such limited interactions.)
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I’m a Builder. I love making lots! (Just visit my TSR or Exchange pages and it’s just...yeah. :P) Nothing is more fun to me than creating the space; taking something that’s in my head -- or even better: from my favorite shows/games.etc -- and reproducing it in The Sims. I always wanted to be an interior decorator, and my friends knew this and introduced me to The Sims 1 when it came out. I’ve been hooked ever since -- curse them.
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Are you a CC creator? Yes, unfortunately. I only got into converting when I got desperate for particularly niche content (fanciful/cultural/period CC) that just wasn’t. being. made. I was sick of waiting, and sick of all the contemporary stuff. I don’t remember how I got into first learning though. It was a lot of trial and error, and my very first conversions were total garbage (some of them are still up at TSR if y'all want to point and laugh). But I just kept practicing. I’m still practicing. I wish more people would get into making TS3 CC though.  
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I’m open to talking with anybody. I love chatting with simmers and leaving/getting comments and messages. I get particularly excited when I find simmers who share similar interests & fandoms we can gab away over. I’m a total fangirl.
What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) The Sims 3, full stop. <3 I miss TS1 and TS2 sometimes, but then I think about CASt and Open Worlds and I get over it. XD TS2 had all the best CC & mods though (I’m still jelly). I haven’t played TS4, and as things stand I don’t think I ever will. Not one of TS4′s EPs thus far have interested me.
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Do you have any sims merch? Other than the games themselves, nope. They cost enough; I’m not tryna give EA any more of my effing money if I can help it.
Do you have a YouTube for sims? Ew, no. Starting a Simblr was pushing the social media limit for me. Anything else would be too much of a hassle.
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? My lots are more cluttered (I’m a CC addict, DON’T JUDGE ME!). With screenshots I learned more about the in-game camera (my fave mods for camera angles/zooming/fade), and EA’s invisible lights in BuyDebug. I was introduced to Topaz, which I’m still struggling with. My sims still look like pudding though.
Who’s your favorite CC creator? I have favorite sites and sets, but thinking of just one creator is impossible. 
How long have you had a simblr? Since 2013
How do you edit your pictures? In Photoshop I almost always adjust the brightness & contrast by 10 - 30, depending on how crap my in-game lighting was. Then I use the default settings for Topaz (Clean & Sharpen), since I have no idea what I’m doing.
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I hope TS4 makes a fanciful EP. Preferably something with magic, medieval, or steampunk gameplay, in a brand new world we've never had before. Or Japan, I’m always cool with Asian content. ;)
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? TS1: Makin Magic, TS2: Nightlife, TS3: Supernatural.
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As usual I tag whoever!
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hiddenremains-blog · 7 years
The DeerGod of ENDS Interview: @Deerxxgod
Welcome all, to the new HiddenRemains. Our first Interview this time around is one that’s been a long time coming. As some of you may or may not be aware, we here are pretty tight with the folks of ENDS, who I would want to call a group, but they’ve really shown themselves to be a lot more than that. Today we have DeerGod, a producer for ENDS with us today to share a bit about himself. Also, thank you all who still keep tabs with us and who check out the people we interview. It means more than you could imagine. As always, the interview is below, enjoy!
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A: Mind telling us a bit about who you are for those reading?
D: Bet, I go by DeerGod or DG. I’m 24 and a producer for ENDS.
A: How long have you been a producer for if I can ask?
D: I’ve been producing since 2012, so for five years now. Funnily enough, I started producing on Garageband on an iPad.
A: What made you get into producing as opposed to singing or rapping?
D: I tried rapping right around the same time I was getting into making beats but it just wasn’t my thing. I’ve always been more interested in the instrumental part of music.
A: Does producing come easily to you? Is there some difficulties to being a producer?
D: For me it comes in waves. Somedays, I can bang out 4 tracks and then a week later I won’t make anything. I think that’s the problem with any artist. We have to stay inspired constantly if we want to stay productive and consistent.
A: I feel ya man. What made you link with ENDS?
D: I started talking with Blu and Junior on Twitter sometime in the beginning of this year. Prior to me joining, I made a song with Blu titled Natural Selection if I remember correctly. I remember also seeing a flier of what I think was Juniors’ first show and it was only an hour from where I lived. It’s a small world kind of situation, as Junior, Ayame, Dxrkz, and myself all ended up being from Michigan.
A: Man, that’s fuckin’ nuts. Have you all linked up in person yet?
D: Yeah man, it’s pretty crazy, we all try and hangout in person as much as we can. They’re all from the same area and im about an hour from them. Junior and I went to a Nascar show month and it was fun/funny as fuck.
A: That’s fucking cool man. I wanted to ask, who or what has been your biggest inspirations when it comes to producing?
D: Harry Fraud is hands down the reason I started producing. He’s my favorite producer for sure. Fraud aside, a lot of different genres of music influence my work, from metal to jazz, to punk and hip-hop, I’ve just always loved music. Growing up I played in some bands, but I never really liked having to get people together.
A: I’m sure I’ve asked this before to the other members of ENDS, but I wanna ask: what does ENDS mean to you, and how’s it affected you?
D: ENDS reallly helped me find a place to belong, I never really knew where I fit into this scene prior to. It’s helped my numbers too, but that isnt all that important to me. We all love music, fuck numbers, and fuck clout. ENDS to me is a family. It goes deeper than just our music, we all talk with each other everyday, and it’s because of that I got it tattooed on me.
A: Man, that’s fucking legit. What can you tell us about the future of ENDS, as well as your work?
D: ENDS isn’t going anywhere but up. I can confidently say we’re one of the more consistent collectives when it comes to dropping music. That being said, expect a lot more music. Junior and I are working on ‘Hunted By A Deer EP PT. II’, no features this time around, just something we can call our own. I think everyone is working on a project all the time. Definitely more Michigan shows, we’ve done a few already and it’s been a lot of fun. 2018 expect T-shirts, patches, cassette tapes, and a lot more, we’re always talking about merch ideas. We’ll also be announcing some new members towards the end of the year which i’m very excited about. As for myself aside from ENDS, I’ll be producing for this group with my homie Cho Marie. It’s gonna be more Lofi, chilled out, boom bap type of rap. You’ll definitely hear a MFDOOM and atmosphere influence, but once it drops y'all can decide that when we drop the first tape, which has no set date, but I can say the first tracks’ insane.
A: Could you give a hint as to who’s joining ENDS? It does sound really exciting.
D: Man, as much as I would really like to I can’t really speak on it yet but just know it won’t be random people that we dont fuck with already.
A: Gotcha. Can you tell us a bit about your name? What’s the meaning behind DeerGod?
D: I got the name from this shitty metal band that was from my area growing up. The vocalist would yell “Dear God” before a song so I sampled that and made a tag out of it, but spelling it as DeerGod. I rarely tag my beats though.
A: Very nice man. What would you say keeps you inspired and moving through this music scene? I’m sure ENDS plays a big part in that.
D: ENDS definitely plays a big part man. Everyone feeds off each other’s music and it’s cool to see everyone develop and become better artists too.
A: That’ll do it man. Got any final words/shoutouts to give?
D: Hell yeah man, shoutout to all of ENDS, Cruel World, FURY, Cho Mari, Solar Stu, $LOTHMANE, Kurona, Lil Lurka, and everyone that fucks with my music. Of course shoutout to HiddenRemains as well, and thanks for taking the time to interview me and showing mad love to ENDS.
A: The pleasure’s been mine man, thank you for your time.
DeerGod’s Twitter
DeerGod’s SoundCloud
ENDS Twitter
ENDS SoundCloud
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12x22 recap
The good, the bad & the ugly. A lot of ranting & a lot of Dean feels & Ackles praise. No sugar to be found in my coating. 
Ahoy lazy writing! That spell stuff. Smh. Ok Dean ilu but “Let's Shawshank this bitch” really? Ya do remember how that took years to do. This idea was ridiculous. Why are the writers hell-bent on making the brothers look incompetent this season?
“Blaze of glory...sonuvabitch.” Now THAT is my Dean. A crazy as shit idea, but one that actually has a chance of working.
On the other hand; “big, beautiful & dumb” fuck you, writers.
“yippee ki yay mother...” BOOM. This is why Jensen was excited abt 12x22. Nothing will convince me otherwise.
“Aww, ya wanna play mother to my son? He's all yours.” Ik I've said this half the season now, but DIE MARY.
Sam's speech: Y'all weren't dumb enough to fall for the BMOL bullshit like me & my mom but now they're trying to kill us all so let's team up & take them down. WHO IS WITH ME!1!11
Dean: “I'm not going.” In an extremely long list of shitting on Dean S12 has done THIS FUCKING TOOK THE CAKE. Oh yeah, go ahead Sam, go to your possible death, I'm gonna sit back here & deal with mom..smth that could totally be dealt with AFTER THE MAJOR SHOWDOWN YOU'RE GOING TO, but for Reasons I am, for the 1st time in 12 seasons, going to just chill on the bench voluntarily. It's not like I've spent the entire series protecting you at all costs...nah, I'll send ya off on your own, you got this. Yeah, sound totally in character, the Dean we all know. Great job bo bo. At least now that nickname makes sense bc this writing is nothing short of a joke. Oh but by all means, throw in an old line to garner nostalgia & a bro hug to distract us from this horse shit. All better now.
Dean & Mary scenes. All.The.Feels. At first Dean is trying to get her attention, thinking she's trapped...but then everything shifts when he realizes she wants to be in there. “I hate you.” AHHHH I screamed at my TV, seriously. That was sooooo huge for Dean, so hard & so needed to be said. Then it just gets so much more painful from there…
Tbh I'm too bitter that Dean was benched to give any fucks abt any of this BMOL shootout so moving along…
Back to Dean...ok this dialogue was a lot of shit. But I'll focus on Jensen's phenomenal performance before I complain abt that…
Dean calling Mary on her shit *standing ovation* Tell that bitch, Dean! “I had to be a father and I had to be a mother. To keep him safe. And that wasn't fair.” I HAVE WAITED 12 SEASON FOR THIS!
But here's where things go to shit…
“I couldn’t do it.” Seriously? You’re gonna put the shit that happened on him. Okay, sounds fake, but ok. I guess it’s fitting with the shit hole speech ya had him say next.
Sam this...Sam that...Sam Sam SAM. DEAN IF I'M NOT MISTAKEN YOU WENT TO HELL & YOU WERE TORTURED THERE YOUR LIFE WASN'T FREAKING PUPPIES & RAINBOWS EITHER. Would it have been that fucking difficult to put WE went to Hell, WE were tortured??? SOME acknowledgment that Mary ruined his life too??? It's Dean, so yes the focus is always going to be on someone else's hardships more than his own but leaving every other word the same & just switching WE in those 2 parts would have made all the difference in the world. But no. Dean doesn't matter. He isn't of import to these writers.
Back to Jensen's performance…
“I hate you. I hate you...and I love you. Cause I can't..I can't help it cause you're my mom. And I understand bc I have made deals to save the ones I love. More than once. I forgive you. I forgive you..for all of it..everything.”
The way his voice breaks on the 2nd I hate you /gross sobbing!!! This was so utterly heartbreaking on a number of levels. Dean, the guy who has put his family before everything else, who's mom was the one pure relationship he had-his go to happy place...and he's admitting out loud that he hates her. That was huge...& monumentally difficult. And his follow up “I love you bc I can't help it, ur my mom” that's part of why it was so hard on him. It's beaten into us by society to love our parents but society never factors in that some parents DON'T deserve our love. Kids don't wanna tell their parents they hate them, no matter how much the parent earned it. We're bombarded from an early age to love our parents & if not, if a child dares to question that love then THEY are seen as the ones in the wrong. In general, society doesn't account for horrible parents & kids who have them end up feeling shame &/or guilt over not loving them but they don't have to. You don't have to love a shitty parent any more than you have to love any other person who mistreats you.
The forgiving part. I've seen a lot of Dean fans unhappy he forgave her when she clearly didn't earn it but I have to disagree. The forgiveness had nothing to do with Mary & everything to do with Dean. Look how relieved he is when he says it. Dean had been carrying that bottled up hatred towards Mary his whole life & it got so much worse after her return. That's not good for anyone. Him saying “I forgive you” wasn't letting her off the hook or making everything she'd done ok, it was taking the weight off HIS shoulders of hating a parent. Having hate for someone you also love. That shit fucks with your head. Openly forgiving her was beneficial to HIM. If it made Mary feel better idgaf, the point is that Dean needed to do it for his own sake & that's why I liked it. That's why I won't add it to the list of “Dean apologizing to everyone” bc in this case it was in his best interest & that's what matters. As for Jensen, what can I say that won't sound like a broken record lol. He continues to amaze. He brought you right into that scene & you felt everything right along with Dean.
The Dean & Ketch fight. I waited so damn long for Dean to be able to his this asshole! But of course Mary kills him bc S12 Dean is a pacifist. WTF was that shit, seriously? Ketch is supposed to be a match to Dean but a little bullet to the shoulder & he's on his knees whining?? This is the killing machine the season built up as the big scary bad?? Lemme go vomit, brb. And what was with the “I knew you were a killer, you both are.” crap? Did he get some satisfaction in the last few seconds of his life to say I told you so? Lame ass end to a lame as plot.
Back to w/e the hell Sam was doing…
The umbridge bitch wasn't happy. Sam why the hell haven't you shot her yet? You dumb shit. He just stands there listening to her bullshit. SERIOUSLY SAM WHY IS SHE STILL ALIVE? Oh take out the scary computer, that helped a lot. At least Jody was around this time or Sam probly would've joined her team again.
Mary: blah blah a lot of excuses & justifying blah blah blah...BUT STILL NO GOD DAMN APOLOGY. I know “I'm sorry” is just words & actions speak louder but it's a damn start.
Oh but by all means, throw in another hug to distract the fans. Group hug=all is well with them. Sure, Jan.
Overall this ep was mediocre...which is an improvement on most of the season, but other than Dean finally getting to use the grenade launcher & Jensen killing us with the Mary flashbacks, it was poorly written & rushed.
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thebandcampdiaries · 6 years
MJangles - Product of Environment (EP)
A stunning combination of amazing hip-hop influences, ranging from modern punch to old-school warmth, and everything in between
MJangles is a very talented rap artist originally from Ghana (West Africa), and raised in Bronx, New York…the cradle of contemporary hip-hop! Now a sophomore at Harvard University, he is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, performing in and all over the Greater Boston Area.
His intriguing personal background, as well as his painstaking dedication to creating beautiful songs, has paid back, and the artist has been able to channel his thoughts, ideas, talent, and love for music into a striking debut project. Recently, MJangles released his first EP, which was made available last week on August 29th, 2018. The project is titled Product of Environment, and it features 8 tracks.
Overall, the release is an instant snapshot of the artist’s introspective and earnest lyrical flow. Each song fits in like the piece of a jigsaw puzzle, and every single track is capable of bringing something new to the set list, while still retaining a sense of consistency. As a debut EP, this release feels very accomplished, showcasing the artist’s ability to soak up a multitude of influences and inspirational creative ideas, and interpreting them according to his own character and approach. This is really one of the things that add to the uniqueness of Product of Environment and it turns this entire release into a true musical journey. Hip-Hop is really a perfect vehicle for such a huge amount of creative freedom and intelligent artistic pursuit, really allowing MJangles to set the bar higher and explore a new direction with every song. When you are not confined by any specific set up or thought process, many amazing things can happen, and this release is a perfect example of the fantastic things to be achieved with the right attitude.
MJangles is truly able to make the most out of his ability to share relatable stories with the listeners, arching back to the true tradition of the best rap music. Each song on this EP focuses on a different idea, and it talks about the artist’s thoughts on multiple topics, giving listeners an extraordinary insight into his thinking, as well as into his life, personality, and upbringing.
After all, great hip-hop is all about telling a story through the lyrics. Icons such as Biggie Smalls or Eminem were so successful because they could really tell a story through their lyrics, and—in doing so - fire up a spark in the hearts and minds of their listeners.
MJangles is no different in that respect: his tracks are edgy and direct, and they have a truly powerful expressive twist. Keep reading to learn more about each song featured on Product of Environment.
Track By Track Review
The first song of the EP is a track titled “A Hood Tale,” which really serves as a suitable introduction to this release. This song gives listeners a first taste of the artist’s lyrical style and dynamic vocal delivery, as well as detailing what can be expected in terms of sound and production quality.
The second tune on this EP, “Concrete Kingdom” is also a striking example of exactly what I am talking about. This track combines world-class arrangement ideas with a really spontaneous vocal flow, making for a great balance between energetic execution and insightful lyrics. “Concrete Kingdom” allows the flow of the release to move on smoothly, staying true to the atmosphere of this release.
The next track on the EP is titled “H.U.I.D.” This song is actually an absolute banger and another great taste of the artist’s ability to come up with crazy arrangements and next-level beats. This tune is a particularly impressive one, especially due to its rhythm, adding a lot of groove to this record and really setting the bar higher in terms of vocal delivery.
The fourth song on this EP is a track titled “Sincerely,” (with Lincoln) and it is perhaps one of the most highly thought-provoking tunes on this entire release. The track deals with friendship, love & loss, as well as legacy, exploring these topics in a very touching way.
Soon after that, the EP’s flow keeps strong and steady with another track, “For The Fam.” The song has a really vibrant feel, and the production quality brings a lot of clarity to the flow and melody of this track. It eases the listener into the second half of the project with a smooth, intimate ballad centered on themes of family, coming-of-age, and personal origin. 
The sixth track on the EP, “BX Freestyle” is a fun and dynamic number, which really showcases the artist’s instinctive talent for coming up with outstanding lyrical content. This is the kind of song that really makes you move, and it is by far one of the highlights of this EP, in my humble opinion!
The next to last song, “Capone” is a heavy hitter and a great example of sophisticated production. The cool instrumentals are balanced and gritty, making for a tone that feels modern, yet refreshingly warm.
Last, but decidedly not least, the EP comes to a close with its final track, “Celebration.” This is a stunning example of top hip-hop songwriting, tipping the hat off to artists as diverse as Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar, or J. Cole, only to mention but a few.
Ultimately, MJangles will appeal to both fans of modern rap, and lovers of the old school of the genre, due to his ability to soak up different influences and ideas. In addition to that, the production of this EP is absolutely world-class. The bottom end is deep and lush, adding weight and presence to these tracks. The top end is clear and dynamic, really allowing the artist’s vocals to stand out and soar atop these mixes. With such a great attention to details and a keen ear for quality in music, you just cannot go wrong.
Find out more about MJangles, and do not miss out on Product of Environment as well as other exciting releases, events, and activities from this talented artist.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2EIHIx3dW2ObjIq1TSL7gj?si=DR3uosUGT4WlELCoPs3nvQ
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/product-of-environment/1434318759
Website: www.mjangles.com
Keep reading to check out our interview with the artist!
I love how you manage to render your tracks so personal and organic. Does the melody come first, or do you focus on the beat the most?
Answer: I wish I could focus on the beat most. Since I’m not a producer I don’t have much control over how my beats sound. To make up for that, I actively try to make the songwriting of each track as authentically MJangles as possible.
Do you perform live? If so, do you feel more comfortable on a stage or within the walls of the recording studio?
Answer: I gotta say I’m more comfortable on stage. Putting together this EP made me realize I’m a perfectionist at heart, so when I’m in the studio it’s natural for me to be overly self-critical and spend way too much time and energy on the smallest thing. For me, the way that live performances force you to make every decision absolute and without revision is as much reassuring as it is intimidating.
If you could only pick one song to make a “first impression” on a new listener, which song would you pick and why?
Answer: “Sincerely,” absolutely no question. That song captures everything about MJangles from the deep introspection and honest storytelling to the hard-hitting bars and high-energy turn-up.
What does it take to be “innovative” in music?
Answer: That’s a tough call because it depends on who you’re asking. A lot of the time people will consider certain music original but still insist that it sounds like “_______ artist.” For me personally, I think innovation happens when you take an idea in your head and just go for it regardless of whether you exactly know how it’s supposed to be done. That’s how you do shit differently.
Any upcoming release or tour your way?
Answer: Cooking up some collab projects as we speak, Y'all.
Anywhere online where curious fans can listen to your music and find out more about you?
Answer: Go to www.mjangles.com to join the movement. Tell your best friend, significant other, and your extended family to do the same.
0 notes
sueboohscorner · 7 years
#Empire S3 Ep 11 "Play On" #Cookiecrazy
Before I start, let me give my rating of this episode. This episode gets a (10) from me. Angelo gave me life.
Cookie is home replaying the drustruction she created on Empire and Lucious. It seems like she tried to scrub the love of Lucious off her and out her soul. Meanwhile a serious clean up is being done back at Empire office. Cookie confided in her sister Candace. She explains how Lucious was her first. Everything for Cookie changed when her father put her out. In this moment, we get a flashback of Cookie losing her virginity to Lucious.For the first time, we see Candace and Cookie having a positive sisterly conversation. She actually seem genuine when she said, "you will not let Lucious Lyon ruin your life again." She said, "you just had a Cookie crazy moment." Lmao!! Cookie went all the way insane but it was awesome to watch.
Anika arrives to work and greets Lucious with a kiss. Lucious covers for Cookie, he making it seem like someone else did this destruction. Thirsty hired a new bodyguard for Mama Leah. Mama Leah wasted no time noticing her bodyguard blooms like a woman but could be a man. "What are you a boy or man?", Mama Leah asked. LMAO!!! Mama Leah peeked her bodyguard eyeballing the females arriving for a dance audition. Mama Leah knows her bodyguard witness.  Marty will not be able to watch Mama Leah. Lucious is totally focus on Inferno which mean Jamaal's album is the last thing on his mind.
Hakeem, Tiana and Becky holds audition looking for dancers for Tiana's new video. Hakeem tries to rush through the audition so Tiana can meet Bella. Well, Tiana has an issue with meeting Bella. Will this be an issue for this couple? Mama Leah walks in on the audition. She gets a dancer to distract Marty as she escapes. I told y'all, Marty wasn't time enough for Mama Leah. Mama Leah isn't as crazy as folks think. It was nice seeing her bond with Hakeem as well. 
Jamaal and Tori is working on new music. Shine introduce Andre to all business partners including the street savages. Danger doesn't have open arms for Andre. Nessa doesn't seem too excited with Andre getting in so deep with Shine.  
Angelo notice bruises on Cookie's wrist. She doesn't tell him the truth, however, what was she going to tell him. Cookie was trying to tell Angelo something but he a cut her off. How is Angelo going to feel when he finds out about the intense kiss Cookie and Lucious shared? Cookie arrived at Lucious's office. Anika and Lucious walk out the bathroom fixing their clothes. Yes, Cookie took a shit at Boo Boo Kitty. She basically wanted to ensure that Lucious wouldn't say anything about her Cookie crazy moment. How long will Lucious keep Cookie's secret?
Anika spoke with Becky about A&R projects. It was right of Anika to give Becky a real shot at A&R. Becky deserves her chance. She has her first point of contact assignment. Do your thang, Becky!!! Cookie called Tori a crackhead as she walks in her Tori metaphor of comparing music to the heroine. Tori and Jamaal are looking for a new sound. Cookie assists with this new sound. Cookie is keeping Jamaal's new project away from Lucious. It looks like Cookie might be liking Tori after all.
Mama Leah has her own mission, and she pays Tariq a visit. For some reason, she can't stand Anika. She tells Tariq, " Boo Boo Kitty knows something." LMAO!! And Tariq was like Boo Boo Kitty? " That's what his first wife calls her. Cookie can't stand her either." Mama Leah stated. That old lady is off the chain. LLS! Is Mama Leah trying to take Lucious down or Anika? Hmmmmm!!
Jamaal is so hardheaded. Cookie told him to erase all his music when he was done. Jamaal leaves his music on the hard drive when he leaves. OMG! If course, Lucious hears Jamaal's new music. What will he do with it? Cookie is a going to be pissed at Jamaal. Tariq visits Anika with a subpoena. Poor Anika, things was just getting better for her. Looks like she is being forced to tell whatever information she knows and live in witness protection. 
Jamaal and Cookie walk into the studio to find Lucious. Jamaal booked the studio time for three months, but Lucious is throwing his curveball by taking the session time. Lucious so focus on the music, he doesn't hear Jamaal talking to him. Cookie tells Jamaal he doesn't hear you. I know that look. Another flashback moment occurs if Cookie is trying to tell Lucious she was pregnant but he was so into the music. Her voice or presence wasn't heard. Amazing how deep Cookie knows that man. 
Shine and Andre talk about a new project in Vegas. First, Shine makes it clear to Andre he knows about the pills he is taking. He tells Andre, Nessa tells him everything. I like how Andre laughs Shine off. Andre is truly becoming his own version of Lucious. Wow!!! Anika makes Hakeem take Bella. What is she up to? Is she turning herself into Tariq but leaving Bella behind? Porsha see some suspicious people looking for Cookie. She grabs Cookie and warns her some suspicious people looking for her. After a phone call to Angelo, Cookie is in an alley hiding behind a trash can waiting for Angelo to pick her up. He tells her he found out her parole is being violated for socializing with a known felon. Angelo gets her violation rescinded. He is done with Lucious at this point. He tells the driver to take him to Lucious's house. Cookie tried to speak but he cut her short. "You can get dropped off or go with me", Angelo puts his foot down. Cookie sat there quiet with a smirky smile on her face. Cookie approve of this clap back. 
Derrick thinks him and Jamaal about to have missing you sex. Jamaal ends his relationship with Derrick romantically and musically. In order to stay clean, Jamaal has to follow the steps of truth and honesty. Derrick is still in the closet about his sexuality so it is best to end the relationship. Tiana and Becky is waiting for Hakeem to arrive to direct her new video. Before she could finish her this is so important to me rant, Hakeem show up with Bella. Tiana immediately thinks Hakeem is trying to force her meeting Bella on her. Get over yourself Tiana. I was so glad to hear the maturity in Hakeem. He appears to be more responsible with his relationship and fatherhood.  
Angelo gets straight to the point when he see Lucious. Lucious facial expression was priceless. He had no idea why Angelo was coming for him. Angelo tells Lucious, " You lost her and I got her. Get over it! " Man oh man!!!!! Angelo informs Lucious that Cookie's parole was violated. Lucious makes it clear he had nothing to do with that. He also makes it clear he knows how to get a woman interested in but not like that. Angelo isn't too much of a punk as him and Lucious was about to face off. Cookie steps in and a ringing phone interrupted this toe to toe fight. Man, I wanted to see that. LMAO!!! Lucious tells Cookie that Tariq is behind her violation. Cookie refuse to go down again for Lucious but Lucious reminds her she started this mess. This time he is correct. Cookie testified in the grand jury, she had the right hand of Frank Gathers killed by her cousin Jemel, Jemel was killed and head delivered to Cookie then Cookie visit Lucious for help. Lucious handled it the problem by killing Frank Gathers. Lucious makes it clear, he clean up his family messes. In this case, he truly did that. Angelo end his phone call. Lucious takes a shot at Angelo but Angelo comeback was on point. "You had to scratch your way into power. I was born with mine." Oooooouuuuuuu!!!! Even Cookie said Oooooouuuuuuu. LMAO!!! Before Angelo left with his woman he tells Lucious, "If I do decide to come for you, you will feel a kind of pain you never experienced. Believe that!! Anika is on a bus crying. Where she going? Did she meet Tariq?
Lucious meets with Jamaal. He is babbling about his Inferno project. As the music begin to play, Jamaal hears a familiar cord. Tori comes out on stage playing her guitar. Jamaal couldn't believe it. Lucious is enjoying his sabotage moment. Jamaal walks out. He trusted Tori but now she has betrayed him. Jamaal might have a new love.
Angelo, Candace and Cookie is having dinner together. Candace makes a statement, "Her sister deserves a proper  wedding." Cookie has a flashback moment of the day she married Lucious. Cookie apologize to Angelo for Candace but Angelo wasn't faced by marriage. If he become Mayor, will he pop the question to Cookie?
Shine and Andre takes a business deal with Raphael. The meeting goes left when he introduced his wife Giovanni played by Nia Long. He smacks her and Andre wasn't feeling that. Giovanni shoots her husband and Shine shoots his right hand. Giovanni and Andre agrees to conduct business to take over Vegas. Nessa who? Will this be Andre's new love interest? The touch of that face was a little intimate between them two. 
Empire has raised the bar this season. Who will take down who first? Stay tune!!! If you missed this episode, you can catch it on Comcast On Demand or Fox Now App. 
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Editor: Lattice Johnson
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