support · 10 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. There are many support services that are here to help. For 24/7 peer support and other resources, message KokoBot on Tumblr.
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) The Trevor Project (LGBTQ youth, ages 13-24) National Eating Disorders Association (online chat, text) RAINN (National Sexual Assault Hotline)
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find resources for your country.
For more resources, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a list of services that may be able to help.
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stirlingmoss · 1 year
LXXXVIII  "And ye shall certainly know the truth of it (all) after a while."
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oyunabirazara · 1 year
Nisa suresi:
118: Allah o şeytana lânet etmişti. O da bunun üzerine şöyle demişti: “Yemin olsun ki senin kullarından bana uyup neticede bana ait olacak bir pay edineceğim.”
 119: “Onları mutlaka doğru yoldan saptıracağım. Onları boş ümitler ve yalan sevdâlarla oyalayacağım. Onlara emredeceğim, hayvanların kulaklarını yaracaklar. Yine onlara emredeceğim de Allah’ın yarattığı şekli değiştirecekler.” O halde kim Allah’ı bırakıp şeytanı dost edinirse, elbette o, açıktan açığa büyük bir zarara uğramış olur.
120: Şeytan onlara bir takım vaatlerde bulunur ve onları boş ümitlerle oyalar. Zâten şeytanın onlara olan va‘di, boş bir aldatmadan başka bir şey değildir.
121: İşte onların barınakları cehennemdir; oradan kaçıp kurtulacak bir yer de bulamayacaklardır.
Emrine isyân etmesi sebebiyle Allah Teâlâ şeytanı lânetlemiş, azametine yaraşır bir kahır ve gazap ile onu huzurundan kovmuş, rahmetinden uzaklaştırmıştır. Buna mukâbil şeytan, yemin ederek kıyamete kadar insanları Allah yolundan saptırmak üzere harekete geçmiştir. Onlardan belli bir pay almaya azmetmiş ve ihlâsa erenler hariç herkesi aldatacağını söylemiştir. (bk. Sād 38/83) Gerçekten de insanlık tarihi boyunca görülen manzara şeytanın bu iddiasını tahakkuk ettirdiğini göstermeye kâfidir. Nitekim şu âyet-i kerîme işin hazîn neticesini şöyle haber vermektedir:
“Gerçekten de İblîs’in insanlar hakkındaki zan ve temennîsi doğru çıktı.  Çünkü bir kısım mü’minler dışında herkes ona uyup gitti.” (Sebe’ 34/20)
Şeytanın elde etmek istediği payla alakalı olarak Allah Resûlü (s.a.s.) şöyle buyurur:
“Allah Teâlâ kıyamet günü:
«- Ey Âdem! Cehenneme gidecek kâfileyi gönder» buyuracak, Âdem:
«- Cehennem kâfilesi de nedir?» diyecek, bunun üzerine Cenâb-ı Hak:
«- Her bin kişiden dokuz yüz doksan dokuz kişi» buyuracaktır.” (Müslim, İman 379)
Şeytan akıl, irade ve imanı zayıf olan kimseleri doğru yoldan saptırmaya çalışır. Onları gerçekleşmesi mümkün olmayan dipsiz emeller, boş ümitler ve temennîlerle oyalar, uğraştırır durur. Her insanı yaşı, bilgisi, mevkisi, ihtiyaçları, arzu ve isteklerine göre ümitlere boğar. Özellikle günahta ısrar etmelerini sağlamak üzere ömürlerinin uzun olacağını, iyilik yapacak daha çok zaman bulabileceklerini, ileride tevbe edip Allah’a dönebileceklerini söyler ve bu düşünceyi onların zihinlerine yerleştirmeye çabalar. Onları daima Allah’ın razı olmayacağı yanlış işlere yönlendirir. Buna âyet-i kerîmede iki muşahhas misal verilmektedir:
Birincisi; putlara adanan veya belli vasıfları taşıyan hayvanların kulaklarını yarmak, gözlerini çıkarmak. Bu misal, din ve akıl dışı bütün yanlış anlayış ve hurafelerin şeytanın bir aldatmacası olduğuna işaret etmektedir.
İkincisi; Allah’ın yaratışını ve yarattıklarını değiştirmek. Bu misal de fıtrata ve selim tabiata uymayan sapmalara işaret etmektedir. Örnek olarak şu hususlara temas etmek mümkündür:
›    İnsanların faydalanması için yaratılan güneş, yıldız, ay, taş ve ateş gibi yaratıkları putlaştırmak.
›    Helâle haram, harama helâl, iyiye kötü, kötüye iyi demek; hayır yerine şer işlemek, imar edilmesi gerekeni yıkıp, yıkılması gerekeni imar etmek.
›    Yaratılış kanunu zıddına işler yapmak; kadını erkek, erkeği kadın yapmaya çalışmak; kadın yerine erkek, erkek yerine kadın çalıştırmak.
›    Erkekleri iğdiş edip hadım ağası yapmak; uzuvları yaratılış görevlerinin dışında kullanmak; nikâh yerine zina etmek, temizi bırakıp pisliklere koşmak.
›    Bıyıkları sakalları yolmak, yüzleri boyamak, kılıklarını değiştirmek; kulak, burun kesip göz çıkarmak.
›    Menfaati bırakıp zararı seçmek, ciddilikleri atıp eğlenceye heves etmek, doğruluğu budalalık, eğriliği hüner saymak.
›    Ruhların yaratılışındaki selamet ve saflıklarını bozmak; hidâyet yolunu ve Allah’a kulluğu terk etmek; yaratılanı yaratıcı yerine koymak, tevhitten uzaklaşıp bâtıl dinler ve fikirler arkasında koşmak ve şeytanın peşinden gitmek.
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ynx1 · 2 years
And remember Our slave Ayyūb (Job), when he invoked his Lord (saying): "Verily Shaitān (Satan) has touched me with distress (by ruining my health) and torment (by ruining my wealth)!
{Sūrah Sād 38:41}
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shaved-zebra · 4 months
🦋 DM to join 🦋
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khemicaltv · 1 year
The sād 😭moment Big Red got everyone cřyīng as loved ones pay their last...
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ibn-sunni · 4 years
*Does Criticizing The Innovator Divide The Muslim Ummah?*
Scholar: Shaykh Sālih bin Fawzān Al-Fawzān الشيخ صالح بن فوزان الفوزان
*Question*: “O noble Shaykh may Allāh give you success. Is it correct what some people say, that criticizing the people of innovation such as the sufīs and other than them is from the reasons that separates the people and divides the Muslim Ummah?”
*Shaykh Sālih Al-Fawzān*: “Yes! We want to separate from the innovator and the pagans and the grave worshippers. We do not want them to unite with us. No one will gather with us except for the people of Tawhīd; this is what we want. This is the intentional division.
Allāh made a separation between the believers and the disbelievers.
أَفَمَنْ كَانَ مُؤْمِنًا كَمَنْ كَانَ فَاسِقًا لَا يَسْتَوُونَ
“Is then he who believes like the one who is rebellious and wicked? Not equal are they.” (As-Sajdah 32:18)
أَمْ نَجْعَلُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ كَالْمُفْسِدِينَ فِي الْأَرْضِ أَمْ نَجْعَلُ الْمُتَّقِينَ كَالْفُجَّارِ
“Shall We treat those who believe (in Islāmic Monotheism) and work deeds of righteousness, the same as those who do mischief on earth? Shall We treat those who guard against evil, the same as the wicked?” (Sād 38:28)
We intend this. We intended that those who do not accept the truth separate from us and we disassociate from them a clear disassociation. Na’am”
Translated by: Rasheed ibn Estes Barbee
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eb7p · 4 years
Follow Me: @eb7p #new #sād #٨2 . . . #جدة #مكة #الرياض #الشرقية #حائل #الجوف #المدينة #ابها #تبوك #ينبع #بيشة #اكسبلورر #اكسبلور اكسبلوور #فولو #اكسبلور_فولو #اكسبلورلايك #لايك #ادت #ادتات #ايدت #افتار #فجر_يونا #ادت_انمي #فايكنق #اكسبلور_2020 #حب #حبيبي (at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5u4_gHhl9_/?igshid=1hl1ofq1zpkqk
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wordsinpersian · 6 years
Transliteration and phonology of the letters of the Persian alphabet
ء (hamze) is transliterated with an ’ (apostrophe) and represents a glottal stop (see ع).
ا (alef) is transliterated with an a, an e, or an o (depending on its vowel) when it is placed at the beginning of a word or of a separated suffix. They respectively represent the /a/ sound in “hat”, the /e/ sound in “let”, and the /o/ sound in “go”. When it is not placed at the beginning of a word or a separated suffix, it is transliterated with an ā and represents the /o/ sound in “hot”. The آ (alef-e madde) is a variant of alef and is only seen at the beginning of a word. It is also transliterated with an ā and represents the same /o/ sound in “hot” mentioned before.
ب (be) is transliterated with a b and represents the /b/ sound in “baby”.
پ (pe) is transliterated with a p and represents the /p/ sound in “person”.
ت (te) is transliterated with a t and represents the /t/ sound in “tea” (see ط).
ث (se) is transliterated with an s and represents the /s/ sound in “sleep” (see س and ص).
ج (jim) is transliterated with a j and represents the /j/ sound in “just”.
چ (če) is transliterated with a č and represents the /ch/ sound in “cheese”.
ح (he, or he-ye jimi) is transliterated with an h and represents the /h/ sound in “house” (see ه).
خ (xe) is transliterated with an x and represents a fricative sound generally associated with the Spanish /j/ in “ojo”, the Scottish /ch/ in “loch”, or the German /ch/ in “doch”.
د (dāl) is transliterated with a d and represents the /d/ sound in “dog”.
ذ (zāl) is transliterated with a z and represents the /z/ sound in “zoo” (see ض ,ز, and ظ).
ر (re) is transliterated with an r and represents the “rolled r” sound as found in many languages such as Spanish, Italian, or Arabic.
ز (ze) is transliterated with a z and represents the /z/ sound in “zoo” (see ض ,ذ, and ظ).
ژ (že) is transliterated with a ž and represents the /s/ sound in “leisure”.
س (sin) is transliterated with an s and represents the /s/ sound in “sleep” (see ث and ص).
ش (šin) is transliterated with a š and represents the /sh/ sound in “sheet”.
ص (sād) is transliterated with an s and represents the /s/ sound in “sleep” (see ث and س).
ض (zād) is transliterated with a z and represents the /z/ sound in “zoo” (see ز ,ذ, and ظ).
ط (tā) is transliterated with a t and represents the /t/ sound in “tea” (see ت).
ظ (zā) is transliterated with a z and represents the /z/ sound in “zoo” (see ز ,ذ, and ض).
ع (‘eyn) is transliterated with a ’ (apostrophe) and represents a glottal stop (see ء).
غ (qeyn) is transliterated with a q and represents a particular sound called voiced uvular stop, which is similar to the /r/ sound as found in French and German (see ق).
ف (fe) is transliterated with an f and represents the /f/ sound in “fiction”.
ق (qaf) is transliterated with a q and represents a particular sound called voiced uvular stop, which is similar to the /r/ sound as found in French and German (see غ).
ک (kāf) is transliterated with a k and represents the /k/ sound in “park”.
گ (gāf) is transliterated with a g and represents the hard /g/ sound in “golf”.
ل (lām) is transliterated with an l and represents the /l/ sound in “life”.
م (mim) is transliterated with an m and represents the /m/ sound in “mother”.
ن (nun) is transliterated with an n and represents the /n/ sound in “nice”.
و (vāv) is transliterated with a u or a v depending on whether it is paired with a vowel, and represents respectively the /oo/ sound in “moon” and the /v/ sound in “live”. It sometimes represents the /o/ sound in “go” and is transliterated with an o. In some cases, it represents the second part of a diphtong (as in the /w/ sound in “down”) and is transliterated with a w. In some other cases, it is silent.
ه (he, or he-ye do češm) is transliterated with an h and represents the /h/ sound in “house” (see ح). When this letter is placed at the end of a word, it is often to mark the presence of a final unmarked vowel such as /e/ (بله, bale, “yes”) or /a/ (نه, na, “no”) and is therefore silent.
ی (ye) is transliterated with an i and represents the /ee/ sound in “see”. Not unlike vāv, ye can be associated to diphtongs such as /ye/, /ya/, /yā/, /ey/, /āy/, in which cases it is transliterated with a y and represents the /y/ sound in “yes”.
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nabildu60 · 2 years
Regardez "Le Saint Coran arabe et français vocale sourate Sād 38" sur YouTube
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stirlingmoss · 3 months
17. ​Calmly endure what they say, and remember Our servant David, the strong; he was always turning to God: 18. ​We constrained the mountains to praise God with him in the evening and the morning, 19. ​and the birds, gathered together; every one turned to God. 20. ​And We fortified his rule, and We gave him wisdom and judgment.
0 notes
wisdomrays · 6 years
BASICS OF ISLAM : Reflections on the Qur’an
 Sūratu’l-Fātihah [The Opening] :  (1:5)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] :(2:2)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:10)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:17)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:18) ; (2:171)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:25)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:30)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:31)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:44)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:65)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:67)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:73)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:78)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:87)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:90)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:114)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:117)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:144)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:150)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:153)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:158)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:165)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:185)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:186)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:193)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:213)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:248).Part1
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:248).Part2
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:251)
Sūratu’l-Baqarah [The Cow] : (2:255)
Sūrah Al ‘Imrān [The Family of ‘Imrān] : (3:21)
Sūrah Al ‘Imrān [The Family of ‘Imrān] : (3:40)
Sūrah Al ‘Imrān [The Family of ‘Imrān] : (3:64)
Sūrah Al ‘Imrān [The Family of ‘Imrān] : (3:86)
Sūrah Al ‘Imrān [The Family of ‘Imrān] : (3:97)
Sūrah Al ‘Imrān [The Family of ‘Imrān] : (3:102)
Sūrah Al ‘Imrān [The Family of ‘Imrān] : (3:117)
Sūrah Al ‘Imrān [The Family of ‘Imrān] : (3:154)
Sūrah Al ‘Imrān [The Family of ‘Imrān] : (3:190)
Sūratu’n-Nisā’ [Women] : (4:18)
Sūratu’n-Nisā’ [Women] : (4:29)
Sūratu’n-Nisā’ [Women] : (4:31)
Sūratu’n-Nisā’ [Women] : (4:56)
Sūratu’n-Nisā’ [Women] : (4:118–119)
Sūratu’n-Nisā’ [Women] : (4:114)
Sūratu’l-Māedah [The Table] : (5:18)
Sūratu’l-Māedah [The Table] : (5:54).Part1
Sūratu’l-Māedah [The Table] : (5:54).Part2
Sūratu’l-Māedah [The Table] : (5:54).Part3
Sūratu’l-Māedah [The Table] : (5:97).Part1
Sūratu’l-Māedah [The Table] : (5:97).Part2
Sūratu’l-An‘ām [Cattle]: (6:124).Part1
Sūratu’l-An‘ām [Cattle]: (6:124).Part2
Sūratu’l-An‘ām [Cattle]: (6:124).Part3
Sūratu’l-An‘ām [Cattle]: (6:124).Part4
Sūratu’l-An‘ām [Cattle]: (6:124).Part5
Sūratu’l-An‘ām [Cattle]: (6:124).Part6
Sūratu’l-A‘rāf [The Heights]: (7:115–116)
Sūratu’l-A‘rāf [The Heights]: (7:189–190).Part1
Sūratu’l-A‘rāf [The Heights]: (7:189–190).Part2
Sūratu’l-Anfāl [Gains of War]: (8:42)
Sūratu’l-Anfāl [Gains of War]: (8:44)
Sūratu’l-Anfāl [Gains of War]: (8:45)
Sūratu’l-Anfāl [Gains of War]: (8:73)
Sūratu’t-Tawbah [Repentance]: (9:20)
Sūratu’t-Tawbah [Repentance]: (9:72)
Sūratu’t-Tawbah [Repentance]: (9:111)
Sūrah Yūnus [Jonah]: (10:11)
Sūrah Yūnus [Jonah]: (10:87)
Sūrah Yūnus [Jonah]: (10:88)
Sūrah Yūnus [Jonah]: (10:90)
Sūrah Yūnus [Jonah]: (10:98)
Sūrah Hūd: (11:70–71)
Sūrah Yūsuf [Joseph]: (12:20)
Sūrah Yūsuf [Joseph]: (12:24)
Sūrah Yūsuf [Joseph]: (12:32)
Sūrah Yūsuf [Joseph]: (12:35)
Sūrah Yūsuf [Joseph]: (12:67)
Sūratu’r-Ra‘d [Thunder]: (13:31)
Sūrah Ibrāhīm [Abraham]: (14:5)
Sūratu’l-Hijr : (15:24)
Sūratu’l-Hijr : (15:26)
Sūratu’n-Nahl [The Bee] : (16:90)
Sūratu’l-Isrā’ [The Night Journey] : (17:13)
Sūratu’l-Kahf [The Cave]:(18:13-14).Part1
Sūratu’l-Kahf [The Cave]:(18:13-14).Part2
Sūratu’l-Kahf [The Cave]:(18:18)
Sūratu’l-Kahf [The Cave]:(18:19)
Sūratu’l-Kahf [The Cave]:(18:24)
Sūratu’l-Kahf [The Cave]:(18:28)
Sūratu’l-Kahf [The Cave]:(18:50)
Sūratu’l-Kahf [The Cave]:(18:85)
Sūratu’l-Kahf [The Cave]:(18:89-90)
Sūratu’l-Kahf [The Cave]:(18:94)
Sūratu’l-Kahf [The Cave]:(18:110)
Sūrah Maryam [Mary]:(19:5)
Sūrah Maryam [Mary]:(19:17)
Sūrah Maryam [Mary]:(19:23)
Sūrah Maryam [Mary]:(19:96).Part1
Sūrah Maryam [Mary]:(19:96).Part2
Sūrah Tā-Hā:(20:13)
Sūrah Tā-Hā:(20:43-44)
Sūrah Tā-Hā:(20:58-59)
Sūratu’l-Anbiyā’ [The Prophets]:(21:10)
Sūratu’l-Anbiyā’ [The Prophets]:(21:87).Part1
Sūratu’l-Anbiyā’ [The Prophets]:(21:87).Part2
Sūratu’l-Anbiyā’ [The Prophets]:(21:88)
Sūratu’l-Hajj [The Pilgrimage]:(22:11)
Sūratu’n-Nūr [The Light]:(24:35).Part1
Sūratu’n-Nūr [The Light]:(24:35).Part2
Sūratu’sh-Shu‘arā’ [The Poets]:(26:61–62)
Sūratu’sh-Shu‘arā’ [The Poets]:(26:84–85)
Sūratu’sh-Shu‘arā’ [The Poets]:(26:142)
Sūratu’sh-Shu‘arā’ [The Poets]:(26:218-219)
Sūratu’sh-Shu‘arā’ [The Poets]:(26:224-227).Part1
Sūratu’sh-Shu‘arā’ [The Poets]:(26:224-227).Part2
Sūratu’n-Naml [The Ant]:(27:19).Part1
Sūratu’n-Naml [The Ant]:(27:19).Part2
Sūratu’n-Naml [The Ant]:(27:19).Part3
Sūratu’n-Naml [The Ant]:(27:41)
Sūratu’n-Naml [The Ant]:(27:45)
Sūratu’l-Qasas [The Narrative]:(28:76).Part1
Sūratu’l-Qasas [The Narrative]:(28:76).Part2
Sūratu’l-Qasas [The Narrative]:(28:76).Part3
Sūratu’l-Qasas [The Narrative]:(28:77).Part1
Sūratu’l-Qasas [The Narrative]:(28:77).Part2
Sūratu’l-Qasas [The Narrative]:(28:77).Part3
Sūratu’l-Qasas [The Narrative]:(28:85)
Sūratu’l-‘Ankabūt [The Spider]:(29:45)
Sūrah Luqmān:(31:17)
Sūratu’l-Ahzāb [The Confederates]:(33:4)
Sūratu’s-Saba’ [Sheba]:(34:12)
Sūratu’s-Saba’ [Sheba]:(34:14)
Sūrah Yā-Sīn :(36:20).Part1
Sūrah Yā-Sīn :(36:20).Part2
Sūrah Yā-Sīn :(36:20).Part3
Sūrah Sūrah Sād :(38:20)
Sūratu’l-Mu’min [The Believer]:(40:26).Part1
Sūratu’l-Mu’min [The Believer]:(40:26).Part2
Sūrah Fussilat [Distincly Spelled Out]:(41:30).Part1
Sūrah Fussilat [Distincly Spelled Out]:(41:30).Part2
Sūrah Fussilat [Distincly Spelled Out]:(41:53)
Sūratu’sh-Shūrā [Consultation]:(42:29)
Sūratu’sh-Shūrā [Consultation]:(42:30)
Sūratu’l-Fath [Victory]:(48:29).Part1
Sūratu’l-Fath [Victory]:(48:29).Part2
Sūratu’l-Fath [Victory]:(48:29).Part3
Sūratu’n-Najm [The Star]:(53:18)
Sūratu’r-Rahmān (The All-Merciful):(55:17)
Sūratu’l-Wāqi‘ah (The Event to Happen):(56:75–77).Part1
Sūratu’l-Wāqi‘ah (The Event to Happen):(56:75–77).Part2
Sūratu’l-Wāqi‘ah (The Event to Happen):(56:75–77).Part3
Sūratu’l-Wāqi‘ah (The Event to Happen):(56:75–77).Part4  
Sūratu’l-Wāqi‘ah (The Event to Happen):(56:75–77).Part5
Sūratu’l-Hashr (The Gathering):(59:10)
Sūratu’l-Hashr (The Gathering):(59:16)
Sūratu’l-Munāfiqūn (The Hypocrites):(63:4)
Sūratu’t-Talaq (Divorce):(65:2)
Sūratu’t-Tahrīm (Prohibition): (66:10)
Sūratu’l-Jinn (The Jinn):(72:1–2)
Sūratu’l-A’lā (The Most High):(87:9)
Sūratu’d-Duhā (The Forenoon):(93:4)
Sūratu’d-Duhā (The Forenoon):(93:5)
Sūratu’l-Inshirāh (The Expansion):(94:7)
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Pashto lesson 1 / پښتو لمړی لوست  - Alphabet
We’ll start off with Pashto lesson one discussing the Pashto / Pukhto alphabet (پښتو الفبې / pukh'hto / pukhhto alifbe). It is noteworthy that Pashto has an Eastern dialect - spoken in Afghanistan and a Western dialect - spoken majorly in Pakistan and the pronunciations vary as such.
Now, learning the Pashto alphabet is very important because the better you pronounce a letter in a word, the more understood you will be in speaking the Pashto language! I will start off with the general pronunciation and words in English that those sounds can be applied to and then I will discuss the variations according to regions.
آ ,ا  - alif English sound : aa/a as in a in apple.
ب - be English sound : b as in bat
پ - pe English sound : p as in palace or pool.
ت - te English sound : t as in time.
ټ - tte or  ṭe English sound : tt as in tower
ث - se English sound : s as in simple
ج - jīm English sound : jj/ǰ as in jug or pleasure
چ - che or če English sound : che as in cheer
ځ - ze English sound :dz or z as in ‘striped zebra’
څ - ce English sound : c or ts as in cats
ح - he English sound : hh or h as in house
خ - xe English sound : x as in lochness monster
د - dal or daal English sound : d as in daisy
ډ - ddal or ddaal English sound : dd as in middle
ﺫ - zal or zaal English sound : z as in thus
ﺭ - re or ray English sound : r as in room
ړ - ṛe or rrey English sound : rr as in arrow
ﺯ - ze English sound : z as in zealous
ژ -   že  English sound : ž as in leisure
ږ - ge English sound: *
س - sin or seen English sound :  s as in smile
ش - šin or ssheen  Englsih sound : shh or š as in shine
ښ  - xin English sound : ṣ̌ as in sheet
ص - sād or su’ad English sound : s as in sold
ض - zād or zu’ad English sound : z, or d like ‘th’ as in that
ط - twe English sound : twe as in tarrot ( approx.)
ظ - zwe English sound : zwe as in zip
ع - ayn English sound : *
غ - gāyn English sound : *
ف - fe English sound : f as in fine
ق - qāf or qa’af English sound : q as in quaint
ك - kāf or ka’af English sound : k as in kid
ګ - gāf or ga’af English sound : g as in gold
ل - lām or la’am English sound : l as in little
م - mim or meem English sound : m as in moon
ن -  nūn or noon English sound : n as in now
ڼ - nūn or noon English sound :  nn as in manning
و - vao or wāw English sound : w, u, oas in wind, moon
ه - he English sound : h, a, ə/ëas in have
ۀ -  he English sound : ə (or ‘ë’) as in meet
ى - ye English sound :  ai, y as in hi
ي - saxta ye English sound : y, i as in year
ې - narina ye English sound :  e as in elephant
ۍ - xezina ye English sound : əi (or 'ëi’) as in hay
ئ - failiya ye English sound : əi (or 'ëi’) as in hay * = even though, as with the other letters, I am estimately matching them with English - this alphabet has no possible equivalent in English I can think of. It is better that you watch a video on pronunciations. I will link a few below.
Pronunciation videos : 1, 2 
~ څ  is pronounced s in Ghazni and Peshawar dialects.​
~ ږ is pronounced ze in Kandahar, ʒ in Quetta, ʝ in Ghazni, and g in Peshawar dialects.
Now practice reading these words!
يو شمېر ,  له خوا ,  وي ,  پاتې برخه
I do hope this was helpful! Don’t hesitate to ask us with lessons you would like to see in Pashto. 
مښه د ګلونه ! See you next week!
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world-kurniawan · 4 years
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Berikut METODOLOGI dlm membaca al-qur'an: Day 1. Al-Fātihah and al-Baqarah; Day 2. Al-Fātihah and Ale ‘Imran; Day 3. Al-Fātihah and al-Nisā’; Day 4. Al-Fātihah and al-Māidah; Day 5. Al-Fātihah and al-An‘ām; Day 6. Al-Fātihah and al-‘Arāf; Day 7. Al-Fātihah, al-Anfāl, al-Taubah; Day 8. Al-Fātihah, Yūnus, Hūd; Day 9. Al-Fātihah, Yūsuf, al-R’ad; Day 10. Al-Fātihah, Ibrāhīm, al-Hijr, Day 11. Al-Fātihah, al-Nahl; Day 12. Al-Fātihah, al-Isra’, al-Kahf; Day 13. Al-Fātihah, Maryam, Tā Hā, Day 14. Al-Fātihah, al-Anbiyā’; al-Hajj, Day 15. Al-Fātihah, al-Mu’minūn, al-Nūr; (From the day 16th until the end of the month, you can choose which surah you want to read freely, because Syaikh only tell us until the day 15th) [Hasbullah Syafi'i] example: Day 16. Al-Fātihah, al-Furqān, al-Shu’ara’, Day 17. Al-Fātihah, al-Naml; al-Qasas; Day 18. Al-Fātihah, al-‘Ankabūt, al-Rūm; Day 19. Al-Fātihah, Luqmān, al-Sajda, al-Ahzāb; Day 20. Al-Fātihah, Sabā, al-Fātir, Yasīn, Day 21. Al-Fātihah, al-Sāfāt, Sād, al-Zumar; Day 22. Al-Fātihah, Ghāfir, al-Fussilāt; Day 23. Al-Fātihah, al-Shūra, al-Zukhruf, al-Dukhān Day 24. Al-Fātihah, al-Jāthiyah, al-Ahqāf, Muhammad, al-Fath Day 25. Al-Fātihah, al-Hujurāt, Qāf, al-Zāriyāt, al-Tūr, al-Najm, al-Qamar; Day 26. Al-Fātihah, al-Rahmān, al-Wāqiyah, al-Hadīd, al-Mujādilah, al-Hashr, al-Mumtahanah, al-Saf; Day 27. Al-Fātihah, al-Jumu’ah to Nūh; Day 28. Al-Fātihah, al-Jinn to al-Mursalāt; Day 29. Al-Fātihah, al-Naba' to al-Lail + al-Duhā to the end. If and when day 30 occurs, we can repeat from al-Duha to the end. https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ylVt1AkXWIq2VVFtotZ-4Um1Wmp1Y04a_eig0/?igshid=1oyp8vijsbbq
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islamkingdomar · 4 years
38-sad-sad-mekka-ajeta-saad-al-ghamdi-Sād. Tako Mi Kur'ana slavnog,
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Ayúdame a llegar a 200. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #tumblr #tumblrgirl #tumblrphoto #tum #tumblrboy #tumbler #tumblr👽 #likeforlikes #like4likes #likeforfollow #liketime #likelike #like4follow #likeme #followforfollowback #follow4followback #follo #followers #followme #follow_me #followyou #sad #sadboy #sadedit #horasad #sād #sadlovequotes #sadgirl (en Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/invisibleunmundo/p/Bvf3C6Ig40J/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4ef637y4vdsf
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