#Reyes siblings
nico-di-genova · 9 months
Strange Familiarity
Summary: He is different now - his body, his mind, every part of him rewired. Jaime Reyes feels like a stranger in his own skin. Milagro does not know how to live in a house that has changed so much from their home. Everything is wrong, and nothing is the same.
Based on the prompt: Could you maybe write something with how Khaji Da changes Jaimes body? Not exactly body horror, but little weird things that remind him that he’s fused with an alien.
“Your eyes are doing that thing again,” Milagro says when they are laying on the roof of their home one night.
Freshly rebuilt, the roof now lacks the patchwork of metal sheeting that Jaime had grown accustomed to digging into his back when he spread across it – with his hands on his stomach and his eyes on the stars. Instead, he and Milagro are laying on a blanket stolen from Uncle Rudy’s pile in the living room, spread out on the brand new shingles. It is the first time they have been up here since the house was finished, and it is familiar in that Milagro is lying beside him, but different because Jaime can feel the sandpaper texture of the shingles even through the blanket. It feels wrong.
He blinks, keeps his eyes closed for longer than needed, and when he opens them again he turns to Milagro to ask if the dull glow in his eyes has faded. It is one of the many new modifications Khaji Da has made to his body, against his command, and without his knowledge – until it is pointed out to him. His eyes glow golden in the dark now.
“Still doing it,” Milagro says.
Jaime groans, “Khaji, come on.”
Inside him, the bug wakes from whatever sleep state it’s entered and answers, “Yes, Jaime?”
“Eyes Khaj, we talked about this.”
Khaji is not a physical thing inside his brain, but he somehow still feels as if it’s cocking its head in confusion.
“No glowing,” he expands, talking to the open sky above him as his sister stares. When he talks to Khaji Da now, he has the habit of moving his hands for emphasis. This too earns him strange looks, especially when he is communing with the scarab in public, which is something he’s taken to actively avoiding unless necessary.
“Sorry Jaime,” Khaji concedes. He cannot see when the glowing stops, but he can tell when his vision dims slightly, the stars going fuzzier than they were before.
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wazzappp · 10 months
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Jaime: Khaji Da, I’m still technically human, right?
Khaji Da: lol. Lmao.
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wildissylupus · 1 month
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Realistically I know that this is probably not going to come back in the actual canon story of Overwatch, and this "friend" could easily just be another Overwatch agent (though if it is idk why he wouldn't mention them by name).....
But words cannot describe how much I want this "friend" to be Sombra, cause not only would in confirm several theories I have, it would also imply that Cassidy and Sombra talk so much shit together.
And I just think that's neat.
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togetherkru · 9 months
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strangerathecinema · 7 months
can we talk about sawyer and claire in "something nice back home"?
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i've been dying to talk about sawyer and claire in "something nice back home".
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garbinge · 19 days
Angel Reyes & Sister!OFC Manny Reyes 30 Day Fic Challenge
Word Count: 1.9k words A/N: Hi Friends!!!! Know I've been a bit MIA, but.....Instead of doing a prompt list, I took the opportunity to take the last few months to write through ideas for all different fandoms I've had in my head for years/months etc as well as update some of my multichaps. Enjoy the ride over the next 30 days friends!
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Cursing, heartbreak, drinking, smoking.
Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @narcolini @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie (have been a bit inactive on tumblr so this might not be up to date, if you'd like to be added to my Mayans taglist please shoot me a message!)
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The tears were falling from Manny’s face, she had tried to pull herself together but it was no luck. After seeing her ex, Ellie, out on a date in Santo Padre, things just kind of got…emotional. Their breakup was coming up on its month anniversary, and the biggest sting aside from seeing her on a date, was the where of it all. Ellie had made it very clear that she wanted to leave town, that Santo Padre was holding her back from her full potential. So seeing her here was the biggest heartbreak of all. 
She rang the doorbell repeatedly, not in the mood to wait patiently for an answer. She grabbed the sides of her sweatshirt and crossed them over her chest with her arms as she fidgeted at the front door. After she wiped her face from her tears for what felt like the millionth time, she rang the doorbell another 12 times before the door swung open. 
“What the fu–” Angel’s voice cut off after he saw his little sister standing in front of him sobbing. “Manny?” He lowered his head as he tried to get a look at her face. 
In an instant she was barging into his house and started to pace in the living room, her one arm still crossed as she nervously chewed on her nails on the other. Angel would have made a sarcastic comment, but he got the sense that right now might not have been the best time. 
“Manny, what happened?” He asked, now a little worried. 
The girl turned around and stared at him, her eyes were swollen from crying and she could feel herself losing any sense of rationality she had left. Angel’s face was filled with confusion but in between that there was concern. That’s what made Manny lose it. As the sobs flooded out she ran into Angel’s arms and just sobbed. Angel hesitated for a minute before he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. 
After a minute, Angel spoke up. “Manny, I’m gonna need to know what the fuck is going on.” 
“I’m sad.” She said, pulling out of the embrace and wiping her tears. 
Angel held back another sarcastic comment, but his face was saying it all. Manny let out a laugh, probably the first one in hours. “I saw Ellie.” She was now making her way to the couch to plop down. 
With those three words, Angel understood everything, he got why she was sad, why she was crying, but the one thing he was still wondering was why she came to him. Angel went to grab two beers before plopping down on the opposite side of the couch, extending his arm passing the beer to her. 
Manny nodded, and popped the cap off taking a chug. After she chugged half the beer, she sighed letting her body just relax in the heaviness of the day. 
“You know,” Manny said as she looked up at the ceiling. “She told me she wanted to get out of here, experience the world. I got it, I mean this town is…” she stopped for a minute to think about the right word. 
“Suffocating?” Angel finished her sentence. 
“Yea, suffocating.” Manny agreed. “But I can’t leave. My life is here, you know. The shop, Pops, EZ, you.” 
“I’ll let the fact that you mentioned me last slide since you’re sad.” Angel commented. 
Manny chuckled again before continuing, “I just mean, we were at a crossroads. It sucked, we dated for 4 years, but it made sense to break up.” 
“But seeing her back here so soon, got you all fucked up.” Angel nodded knowing he hit the nail on the head without her even mentioning it. 
“Yea, really fucked up. I’m like second guessing everything. Not even the things she said during the breakup but everything before that.” She shook her head. 
“You want my thoughts?” Angel stretched out, putting his feet on the coffee table. 
Manny didn’t say anything, just squinted and stared at her older brother. 
Angel glanced over at her, “Well?”
“I’m debating if this is in my best interest.” 
Angel laughed at that and continued to talk. “We’re stuck here. EZ and me. We chose this and now, it’s our life. But you Manny? You don’t gotta be here. You don’t have ties the way we do.” 
Manny frowned at that, a little confused. To her, her ties were just as deep as her brothers. 
“We got Pops, we got the shop, hell, we got each other, you should go out there, the world, live life.” Angel continued, still laying back on his couch. 
“I meant my shop, not Pops.” Manny laughed, still wiping away the trail of tears that was starting to dry and cool on her face. 
“You don’t really think you need that place, do you?” Angel was leaning over to grab his drink. “It’s a mechanic shop, the gears will keep spinning whether you’re there or not.” He took a swig of the beer, going back to his relaxing position. “And fun fact for you, in case you didn’t know, auto-body shops, they exist outside of Santo Padre.” His eyebrows raised knowing the comment was as sarcastic as they come. 
“Wow, you know, you ARE the older, wiser brother.” Manny rolled her eyes and fell back on her side of the couch, completely melting into it as her hands raised to slide down her face in frustration and overwhelmingness. 
Angel shrugged with a smile that could earn him a swift push if Manny wasn’t multiple feet away from him. 
“It’s more complicated than that. The shop is all I have, I make more money owning and running it than I would selling it. It’s in a shitty part of town, so selling for land is off the table, it’s not remodeled so selling it to another shop would just make me next to nothing.” Manny explained wishing she had a drink right now. 
Angel must’ve read her mind, or just ran out of his own beer because he was standing up and moving to the kitchen to grab two more cold beers for them both. “You’ve already thought this through?” He spoke through the open hatch that connected the space between the kitchen and living room. 
“Everyday since Ellie left.” Manny sighed and thought through all the possibilities again. 
Angel was now in front of her extending his hand out to give his middle sister the beer. Manny reached out and happily grabbed it and took a quick swig before crashing back down into the leather couch. 
“Can I be really honest with you?” Angel moved his seat to the recliner that was directly in front of where Manny was on the couch, the coffee table between them. 
Manny shrugged by lifting her hands with a wave. Her way of giving Angel the permission to speak freely. 
“Ellie had one foot out the door when she was just our next door neighbor. And I think you knew that.” 
Manny squinted, an emotion of some kind bubbling in her throat. “Are you insinuating that I did this to myself?” The disgust in the sentence was obvious from her tone of voice. 
“I’m insinuating,” Angel put extra pronunciation on a word he likely didn’t use often, “that we,” he pointed in a circle to reference both of them in the room, and then up in the air to refer to EZ and their father, “the Reyes’, have a tendency to self sabotage.” 
Manny nodded, there was no arguing in that, they did tend to self sabotage themselves, they were doing it by staying in Santo Padre. 
“I guess the breakup– it is on me.” Manny exhaled deeply as she wrapped her mind around that. 
“Now, hold up, I ain’t say all that. Ellie fucked you over, treated you like garbage in the end. I loved that girl, I loved you two together, but to me and my eyes, she did not handle the break up well. And that’s comin’ from me, you know?” Angel let out a laugh. “She just left you a note, dick move.” 
Manny nodded and let out a breathy laugh from her nose. 
“I’m just saying, it’s not all on one person.” Angel concluded that thought and moved to another, “And quite frankly, I don’t fuck with her because I had to see you miserable for months, you didn’t get out of bed for weeks.” Angel reminded her. 
“Days.” Manny quickly corrected Angel. 
“Okay, days.” He took her correction and spoke it with sarcasm. “Either way, it’s not enjoyable seeing your baby sister with her heartbroken.” 
That triggered a memory for Manny and she couldn’t help but smile and remember it in detail. She was barely 13, in high school, her first year, Angel was a senior. 
“Do you remember the first person I ever dated?” Manny asked Angel but wasn’t looking at him just yet. When his silence spoke as an answer for him, Manny’s eye’s met his and spoke the kid’s name. “Jared Blonsky.” 
Angel scoffed, clearly remembering the name. “Total douchebag.” 
Manny chuckled at his recollection of the man. “Yea, he was. You remember what you told me? When he dumped me?” 
Angel tried to think but ultimately he shook his head in defeat. “No, I honestly don’t.” 
“That sometimes you get your heartbroken and other times you’re the heartbreaker, and that no matter what scenario I was in, my big brother would be there to break whoever hurt me.” 
Angel smirked as he stared at the ground. “Sounds like me.” But then he looked up at Manny with a bit of worry in his eyes. “But to be fair that was before you were bi.” 
“Before you knew I was.” Manny corrected his politically incorrect statement. 
“Yea that’s what I meant, but like I’m not really down to beat Ellie up.” 
Manny shook her head at the complete obliviousness of her older brother and the irony in what she was about to say. 
“It’s why I’m here. Why I come to you. Because I know you’ll get it, that you’ll be here.” 
It got quiet between the two as Angel nodded his head up and down. He then moved to grab the TV remote and turn on something stupid to fill the silence, and just pass the time. He switched channels until finally landing on some cartoon before moving to the coffee table to grab a joint that had been pre-rolled and lit it up. After a few puffs, he leaned to pass it to Manny.
“I’ll always be here for you, you know. If you’re here, if you’re in another state, I got you hermanita.” Angel’s words were kind and caused Manny to look up at him as she grabbed the joint. 
“You’re really tryna get rid of me, ain’t you?” Manny couldn’t help but tease her brother. 
“Man, shut up and watch the damn show.” 
And with that, Manny laughed, leaned back, inhaled the smoke of the joint. She might not have been okay, but for the moment, this moment, she felt loved. So she’d take it.
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alannacouture · 1 year
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Our dropship survivors & the actors who played them to perfection 💖
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teadocs · 3 months
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emote practice
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sanjuwrites · 10 months
do anyone ever wonder where carlos’s sisters were when he came out, or when he married iris, or all these other things that happened as a domino effect to his coming out?
because i’m an older sister, and i feel like i would have stepped in at some point, helped eliminate all the miscommunication around carlos’s feelings. and carlos seems to love his sisters very much - from the brief glimpse we got of them lmao - but it seems odd that this didn't hinder their relationship at all. like i get that they were older and definitely weren't around as much, but i'm in uni and i certainly keep tabs on what's happening in my family, and i step in where i can.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Thinking about ghost rider Reyna again
my first introduction to ghost rider wasn't Johnny blaze, it was Robbie reyes - specifically in agents of shield.
Anyways, I think that Robbie would be more like Reyna anyways. He was a street racer and he got in a crash with his brother in the car with him. He prayed for someone to save them, and he sold his soul to the spirit of vengeance
Also instead of having a flaming bike he has his car so he's immediately cool
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spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
Erica: Without ugly, there would be no beauty in this world. Theo: Thank you for your sacrifice, Isaac.
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mlobsters · 4 months
swan lake by american ballet theatre (2005) - pas de trois erica cornejo, herman cornejo, xiomara reyes
what really jumped out at me watching this now, besides the fact that you have three powerhouse dancers (and erica and herman are also siblings) who went on to be principals, is the musicality. especially of xiomara reyes (who appears third in this clip). it's like you can see the music by watching the flow of her arms, legs and even her head in turns. just gorgeous. it's stretching out the moment between beats, playing with the timing so you're still on the beat but maybe a tiny bit faster or slower in between. not sure how to describe it. what i always aspired to
also swan lake is probably my favorite work by tchaikovsky too so i actually will watch it solely because of the music lol. the end of this pas is on the list of my favorites. so exuberant! agh. puts a big old smile on my face
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TK: You have more than your looks Nance
TK: *points to her chest* you have this
Nancy: my boobs?
TK: … you’re heart.
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awhitehead17 · 7 months
Day by Day - Chapter 29
Chapter preview:
As Tim and Kon make their way back inside, they walk into a different atmosphere than what they left. No one looks at them as they enter the hall, everyone having gone back to dancing in their groups or eating and sitting around chatting. Tim feels himself relax a little. He had no idea what they were going to be walking into upon returning to the dance but he’s pleased to find it’s nothing unusual. He has no idea how he would handle being the centre of attention again.
After scanning the crowd Tim spots his group by one of the tables and beelines for them, dragging Kon along beside him where their hands are still linked. It hasn’t yet sunk in that they can be doing this again. The thought makes him stupidly giddy with happiness.
When they approach the group everyone turns to look at them and Tim instantly sees wicked grins cross each of his friends faces, there were also a couple of others amongst them which he only vaguely recognises and why they’re smiling he has no idea. It isn’t until Kon greets them, rather cautiously if anything, that Tim realises they’re from the football team and are guys he hasn’t really spoken to before.
“Done boning already?” Cassie asks laughing at them.
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walker-290 · 2 years
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The Perez siblings!
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garbinge · 14 days
Bail Out
Angel Reyes & EZ Reyes & OFC Rosario Reyes
30 Day Fic Challenge
Word Count: 1.6k A/N: I have an obsession with Reyes sisters and the endless possibilities of what could have been.
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @narcolini @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie
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“I’m here for Angel and Ezekiel Reyes.” Ro was visibly annoyed but she kept her voice level. 
“They’re being processed, in the meantime, can I see some ID?” The cop spoke without looking at Rosario. 
She handed over her I.D, not making much of it until the cop let out a question. 
“You their mom?” 
Rosario snapped her head to frown at the cop with disgust. 
“Do I look like their mother?” 
“We called for a parent or guardian.” 
“Well my mom’s dead and my dad is depressed in bed mourning the death of my mother so you got me.” 
“And you are?” The attitude of the cop was growing. 
“Their older sister. Whose 22 and fully capable of taking them home and punishing them for whatever stupid shit they got into.” 
“Vandalism.” The cop looked away and kept writing things down. Not losing the attitude but seemingly accepting that this was the best case scenario. 
“That ain’t a citation? You gotta book ‘em for that?” Ro’s arms were crossed, despite her anger at this whole situation, they were her brother’s she was going to defend them. 
“No, it ain’t.” The cop mocked how she said it. “They’ll be out soon, you can take a seat.” The cop pointed to the waiting room behind her and then closed the window to ensure Ro wasn’t going to continue talking. 
Ro scoffed, and rolled her eyes before taking a step back into the waiting room. It was a mix of being petty and also being anxious but she didn’t take a seat, she kept pacing 5 steps one way and 5 steps the other until the buzzing sound forced her legs to stop. 
She looked up and Angel was the first one to walk into the room. His hand was tight on the plastic bag that held his rings, wallet, phone, and chain. He looked a little tired but overall his expression was mad. Ro knew the feeling well and knew how it presented on both of her brothers. Which is why when EZ came out with a similar bag of personal items, she could see his face wasn’t angry, but disappointed. 
“You I expect this from, but you.” She pointed at EZ. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Angel gave her a look of annoyance. 
“You don’t have any ground to be giving me the fuckin’ attitude like that.” Ro practically barked at him. 
She didn’t notice it but the cop behind the window smirked at her comment. 
“Can we just go home.” EZ interrupted her. 
“When you tell me what the fuck happened.” She kept the same tone with EZ as she did with Angel. 
“Not here.” Angel looked over his shoulder at the cop behind them. 
As much as Ro wanted to argue and prove Angel and EZ wrong in everything coming out of their mouths, she had to agree, she wasn’t going to incriminate them. 
“Let’s go.” 
As the three siblings made their way through the dark parking lot and into Ro’s car, none of them spoke. The only noise was the street lamp buzzing in and out and the sound of her car engine sputtering an extra time as it struggled to turn on. 
As they drove and got to a red light, Angel was lifting up an apron. “What the fuck is this?” The black waist apron was littered at his feet, clearly discarded by the driver of the car earlier. The embroidered words Rivershack Tavern were sewed in an orange thread on the apron. 
“It’s called a job.” Ro leaned over and snatched it from Angel’s hands and threw it in the backseat where EZ looked at it. 
“The Riverside Dive Bar?” EZ’s voice from the backseat seemed confused. 
“That place is nasty, Ro.” Angel added on to his little brother’s confusion. 
“Yea, you know that because you go with all your little biker gang crew.” Her knuckles got tight against the wheel as her feelings started to bubble in her gut. 
“It’s not a gang, and I’m not a part of their crew, my roommate’s cool with them, that’s it.” Angel got defensive. 
“Riverside is dangerous.” EZ wasn’t going to let this conversation die just yet. 
“Yea? Lotta vandalizers out there? Wouldn’t wanna get too close to them.” She was ready to go to bat for herself, always. 
“He’s right, it’s scummy there, fuck you workin’ in a bar for?” Angel’s face was twisted up as he pulled his rings out of the plastic bag and started putting them back on his hands. 
“I’m trying to get the fuck out of here, and to do that, one needs a little thing called money. And to get money, Angel, people usually get a job, I know the concept of holding down employment seems foreign to you but to some of us it’s a means to live.” Her words were harsh, but she had enough of him ragging on her when she was the one who came down to pick them up. 
“You can’t work anywhere else?” It was a question EZ usually would have asked, the way it was said also. More serene, more understanding. 
“Well I might have to because I had to leave halfway through my shift to pick you bozos up.” Her eyes moved to the rearview mirror to look at EZ who was just staring out the window now. “Wanna tell me what the fuck happened?” She asked as the light turned green and she began driving again. “And no bullshit the real deal.” 
Angel got quiet which was very out of character for him, she was expecting some rant about how the police in this town have nothing better to do than stop two brown kids from walking around but it was silent. 
“Any acknowledgement that I’m not talking to a wall would be appreciated.” Ro continued waving her hand. 
“E?” Angel spoke up now, leaning his head back against the seat rest. 
That shocked Rosario. She was expecting Angel to own up to whatever it was and leave it at that but for him to shift the conversation to their littest brother was not expected. 
Ez’s mouth got tight as the anger coursed through him and he punched the seat in front of him which happened to be where Angel was sitting. 
“The fuck?” Angel sat up and turned around just as quickly as the punch to the seat happened. 
“You had to break the fuckin’ window and make the alarm go off.” EZ was now yelling. 
“I was trying to get in the car like you fuckin’ wanted!” Angel argued back. 
“I’m sorry, you were breaking and entering into a vehicle? You’re lucky they only charged you for fuckin’ vandalism.”
“They charged us for vandalism because I went back and tagged the car with a sharpie I had. I knew it’d knock the charge down.” EZ said it so matter of factly. 
Ro looked at Angel as if she was looking for confirmation and he just waved her off which was his way of agreeing. 
“So you wanna tell me why you were breaking into a car?” Ro’s eyes were glued to EZ in the mirror when she asked until she placed them back on the road. 
“Why you lookin’ at him.” Angel smirked. 
“Because if it was on you, you woulda brought your dumb ass biker club hangin’ roommate.” Ro was starting to piece some of the puzzle together. 
Angel laughed at that. “Tell her, E, tell her what we were doing.” 
“It was the car that was at the Pop’s shop.” EZ spoke. “I wanted to find out what was inside, clues or something.” 
Ro was lucky they were approaching a stop sign because otherwise she would have pulled over. She turned her body and looked at him. 
“Don’t look at me like that.” EZ said like he was a child again. 
“Like what?” Ro nodded her head up. 
“Like I’m crazy.” EZ said it while looking directly at his sister’s eyes. 
“I’m not.” It was two words but spoken so firmly. 
All EZ did was raise his eyebrows. 
“I’m looking at you wondering why you didn’t come to me, too.” 
“Didn’t think you’d want in on the illegal activities.” He crossed his arms over his stanford sweatshirt. EZ had been wearing that sweatshirt since he was in middle school in anticipation of going away to college and that anticipation had never fallen to second place, until now it seems.
“Plus I knew we’d need a bailout.” Angel chimed in which earned him a look from both of his siblings. 
“She’s my mom too.” Ro spoke and moved back to looking straight ahead in her seat. “It was fucking stupid of you to do this.” The reprimanding was here and it was directly specifically at EZ, not Angel. 
“Didn’t find anything out either.” Angel added in not realizing his sister wasn’t exactly talking to him. 
“Dad know?” EZ asked, his head leaning against the window. 
“What do you think?” Rosario was back to pressing the gas. 
The three siblings sat in quiet for the rest of the ride home, not talking to one another. There wasn’t any tension in the air, though, just the heaviness of knowing there was really no solution in sight, just the sorrow and mourning of their mother, and the gnawing feeling of uneasiness and unanswered questions of what happened.
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