teddykaczynski · 10 months
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im exploring old web goddess worship sites and. based
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baalsblade · 3 months
So who is Baal?
Baal or Baʻal, was a title and honorific meaning 'owner', 'lord' in the Northwest Semitic languages spoken in the Levant during antiquity.
Baal is a God of fertility, weather, rain, wind, lightning, seasons, war, sailors and so on.
Baal worship is also called Baalism.
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Solid cast bronze of a votive figurine representing the god Baal discovered at Tel Megiddo, dating to the mid-2nd millennium BC.
His holy symbols are bull, ram and thunderbolt.
Baal was worshipped in ancient Syria, especially Halab, near, around and at Ugarit, Canaan, North Africa and Middle Kingdom of Egypt.
Baʿal is well-attested in surviving inscriptions and was popular in theophoric names throughout the Levant but he is usually mentioned along with other gods, "his own field of action being seldom defined". Nonetheless, Ugaritic records show him as a weather god, with particular power over lightning, wind, rain, and fertility. The dry summers of the area were explained as Baʿal's time in the underworld and his return in autumn was said to cause the storms which revived the land. Thus, the worship of Baʿal in Canaan—where he eventually supplanted El as the leader of the gods and patron of kingship—was connected to the regions' dependence on rainfall for its agriculture, unlike Egypt and Mesopotamia, which focused on irrigation from their major rivers. Anxiety about the availability of water for crops and trees increased the importance of his cult, which focused attention on his role as a rain god. He was also called upon during battle, showing that he was thought to intervene actively in the world of man, unlike the more aloof El. The Lebanese city of Baalbeck was named after Baal.
The Baʿal of Ugarit was the epithet of Hadad but as the time passed, the epithet became the god's name while Hadad became the epithet. Baʿal was usually said to be the son of Dagan, but appears as one of the sons of El in Ugaritic sources. Both Baʿal and El were associated with the bull in Ugaritic texts, as it symbolized both strength and fertility. He held special enmity against snakes, both on their own and as representatives of Yammu (lit. "Sea"), the Canaanite sea god and river god. He fought the Tannin (Tunnanu), the "Twisted Serpent" (Bṭn ʿqltn), "Lotan the Fugitive Serpent" (Ltn Bṭn Brḥ, the biblical Leviathan), and the "Mighty One with Seven Heads" (Šlyṭ D.šbʿt Rašm). Baʿal's conflict with Yammu is now generally regarded as the prototype of the vision recorded in the 7th chapter of the biblicalBook of Daniel. As vanquisher of the sea, Baʿal was regarded by the Canaanites and Phoenicians as the patron of sailors and sea-going merchants. As vanquisher of Mot, the Canaanite death god, he was known as Baʿal Rāpiʾuma (Bʿl Rpu) and regarded as the leader of the Rephaim (Rpum), the ancestral spirits, particularly those of ruling dynasties.
From Canaan, worship of Baʿal spread to Egypt by the Middle Kingdom and throughout the Mediterranean following the waves of Phoenician colonization in the early 1st millennium BCE. He was described with diverse epithets and, before Ugarit was rediscovered, it was supposed that these referred to distinct local gods. However, as explained by Day, the texts at Ugarit revealed that they were considered "local manifestations of this particular deity, analogous to the local manifestations of the Virgin Mary in the Roman Catholic Church". In those inscriptions, he is frequently described as "Victorious Baʿal" (Aliyn or ẢlỈyn Baʿal), "Mightiest one" (Aliy or ʿAly) or "Mightiest of the Heroes" (Aliy Qrdm), "The Powerful One" (Dmrn), and in his role as patron of the city "Baʿal of Ugarit" (Baʿal Ugarit). As Baʿal Zaphon (Baʿal Ṣapunu), he was particularly associated with his palace atop Jebel Aqra (the ancient Mount Ṣapānu and classical Mons Casius). He is also mentioned as "Winged Baʿal" (Bʿl Knp) and "Baʿal of the Arrows" (Bʿl Ḥẓ). Phoenician and Aramaic inscriptions describe "Baʿal of the Mace" (Bʿl Krntryš), "Baʿal of the Lebanon" (Bʿl Lbnn), "Baʿal of Sidon" (Bʿl Ṣdn), Bʿl Ṣmd, "Baʿal of the Heavens" (Baʿal Shamem or Shamayin), Baʿal ʾAddir (Bʿl ʾdr), Baʿal Hammon (Baʿal Ḥamon), Bʿl Mgnm.
The epithet Hammon is obscure. Most often, it is connected with the NW Semitic ḥammān ("brazier") and associated with a role as a sun god. Renan and Gibson linked it to Hammon (modern Umm el-‘Amed between Tyre in Lebanon and Acre in Israel) and Cross and Lipiński to Haman or Khamōn, the classical Mount Amanus and modern Nur Mountains, which separate northern Syria from southeastern Cilicia.
The major source of our direct knowledge of this Canaanite deity comes from the Ras Shamra tablets, discovered in northern Syria in 1958, which record fragments of a mythological story known to scholars as the Baal Cycle. Here, he earns his position as the champion and ruler of the gods. The fragmentary text seems to indicate a feud between him and his father El as background. El chooses the fearsome sea god Yam to reign as king of the gods. Yam rules harshly, and the other deities cry out to Ashera, called Lady of the Sea, to aid. Ashera offers herself as a sacrifice if Yam will ease his grip on her children. He agrees, but Baal opposes such a scheme and boldly declares he will defeat Yam even though El declares that he must subject himself to Yam.
With the aid of magical weapons given to him by the divine craftsman Kothar-wa-Khasis, Baal defeats Yam and is declared victorious. He then builds a house on Mount Saphon, today known as Jebel al-Aqra. (This mountain, 1780 meters high, stands only 15 km north of the site of Ugarit, clearly visible from the city itself.)
Lo, also it is the time of His rain. Baal sets the season, And gives forth His voice from the clouds. He flashes lightning to the earth. As a house of cedars let Him complete it, Or a house of bricks let Him erect it! Let it be told to Aliyan Baal: 'The mountains will bring Thee much silver. The hills, the choicest of gold; The mines will bring Thee precious stones, And build a house of silver and gold. A house of lapis gems!'
However, the god of the underworld, Mot, soon lures Baal to his death, spelling ruin for the land. His sister Anat retrieves his body and begs Mot to revive him. When her pleas are rebuffed, Anat assaults Mot, ripping him to pieces and scattering his remains like fertilizer over the fields.
El, in the meantime, has had a dream in which fertility returned to the land, suggesting that Baal was not indeed dead. Eventually he is restored. However, Mot too has revived and mounts a new attack against him.
They shake each other like Gemar-beasts, Mavet [Mot] is strong, Baal is strong. They gore each other like buffaloes, Mavet is strong, Baal is strong. They bite like serpents, Mavet is strong, Baal is strong. They kick like racing beasts, Mavet is down. Baal is down.
After this titanic battle, neither side has completely prevailed. Knowing that the other gods now support Baal and fearing El's wrath, Mot finally bows before him, leaving him in possession of the land and the undisputed regent of the gods.
Baal is thus the archetypal fertility deity. His death signals drought and his resurrection, and brings both rain and new life. He is also the vanquisher of death. His role as a maker of rain would be particularly important in the relatively arid area of Palestine, where no mighty river such as the Euphrates or the Nile existed.
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samantabrzozowska · 22 days
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"Miłość Boga jest wolnością wszystkich Jego dzieci."
~ Sam
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robbialy · 1 year
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From • @narodowa_apostazja Upadek mitu. #narodowaapostazja #jp2 #jpii #janpawel2 #janpawelii #papież #ateizm #ateista #ateistka #wolnawola #freewill #kościółkatolicki #jezus #jesus #religia #lekcjareligii #episkopat #ewangelia #apostazji #chrześcijaństwo #kościół #kościółwpolsce #apostazjanarodowa #apostazja #apostazjajestprosta #klerwon #pislam #gilead https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp40arEMi_Pw-CVSRmfkoB05XrBPHUN4nSAY2A0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pustazapalniczka · 1 year
Będąc na cmentarzu ksiądz wypowiedział słowa które w jakimś stopniu mnie ruszyły :
"A teraz, my wyjdziemy z cmentarza i będziemy żyć dalej, Bóg nam daje jeszcze tą szansę, zmarli już tej szansy nie dostaną, oni już zostaną tu na zawsze, a nam? Nie wiadomo ile jeszcze razy Bóg da tu przyjść"
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wzruszenia · 1 year
Uważam jednak, że właśnie to chciał powiedzieć Boruch, twierdząc, że zrobiliśmy coś dziwnego z Bogiem. Pan Bóg dał nam teleskop - nasz umysł- żebyśmy Go mogli dostrzec, ale nie spodobało nam się to, co zobaczyliśmy: piękno przyrody, miłość człowieka, jego kruchość, wolność myślenia. Nie czuliśmy się z tym wygodnie. Nie chcieliśmy zbliżyć się do życia, próbowaliśmy od niego odejść. A więc odwróciliśmy teleskop i wypchnęliśmy Boga w bezpieczne niebiosa, bo tam już nie musimy się nim przejmować
Aubrey Flegg "Skrzydła nad Delft"
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sfhoe · 1 month
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revelstein · 2 months
Pigułka na kolejnego Jędraszewskiego
Pan Aureli, tato Marka Jędraszewskiego, tak tego Marka, tego Jędraszewskiego, gdyby wiedział co z tego wyniknie, zapewne nie dobierałby się do panny Melanii czy jak jej tam było (nie jest to do końca jasne, ale na pierwszy rzut oka tak właśnie to wygląda). Niestety, albo czegoś nie dopilnował, znaczy przeszarżował, albo zbyt poważnie i bez należnego dystansu podszedł do problemu i tym sposobem…
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fargo2024 · 3 months
W Kościele katolickim odbywają się także modlitwy o uzdrowienie, nabożeństwa, a niektórzy wierni doświadczają uzdrowienia poprzez wiarę i modlitwę. Czy są możliwe?
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teddykaczynski · 6 months
i was reading one of starhawks books yesterday bc it was on the shelf on the land and she was saying like. about witches/worshippers who only acknowledge/honor the female aspects of god (dianic) that she thinks this isnt a sustainable path and that that kind of worship wont lead to womyns happiness and that she believes that it could lead to like a female in power system similar to the current one where its males. i cant remember exactly how she said it but i just, disagree. like, she actually was using the terms like "feminine" and "masculine" and. those arent real things... like theres no eternal natural universal balance based on the human made extremely arbitrary concepts of masculinity and femininity. theres no imbalance only worshipping a female god. and also in her mythology like, the original female god was admiring herself and from herself created a new version of herself that was originally female but then became her male horned god partner? thats literally what she was saying. and like... if shes the original and it all comes from her... then why should i feel anything for a male god she could have created. honestly its kind of lesbophobic. like why and how would this counterpart she made for herself, become a man when she wasnt originally. like it sounds like homophobic revisionism. obviously the mythology she was writing isnt based on like Fact but like. thats how you take the concept of a lesbian couple as joint goddesses and make it hetero
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kronika-ilustrowana · 5 months
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Собор автомобилистов и авиаторов в Варшаве
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neptunenocturne777 · 4 months
stabat mater dolorosa
Boże, cóż Ty uczyniłeś
tak mojego synka zbiłeś
usłyszałam że to koniec
więc ujęłam chłodne dłonie
jego. palec niby sopel zimny
a on przecież jest niewinny...
całą noc myślałam
całą noc płakałam:
Jak to, nie zlitował się ni Gabriel,
ani żaden inny aniel
jak to, Bóg sam miłościwy
nie ratował mej dzieciny…?
takich jak on nie ma w niebie,
gdzie też synuś się podzieje?
czy modlitwa ma pomoże?
gdzie Ty byłeś, panie Boże?
msza. w kościele mnóstwo ludzi
płacz ich synka nie obudzi
cóż tak synulka skrzywdziło?
cóż zrobiło mu niemiło?
co sprawiło że się poddał?
że się w Twoje ręce oddał?
trumna ze szkła, widać wszystko...
znowu synek jest tak blisko
wciąż na rękach ma te blizny...
nie pomodli się już nigdy
tak synusia skatowałeś
Boże, gdzie się podziewałeś?
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samantabrzozowska · 22 days
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"Jezus moimi skrzydłami"
~ Sam
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patryktarachon · 4 months
🎄 Niewiele czasu, a tak łatwo to zepsuć!
Wymienione w tekście zachowania, skutecznie odbierają radość świąt zebranym przy stole. ❌ Sprawdź czego nie robić! 😠
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walvitswordsandpoems · 7 months
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A short history of evolution of religions.
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