moltengoldveins · 3 days
Emerald Duo -
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qprconcepts · 3 days
qpps that are evil together >:]
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ineffable-ezra · 2 days
something something queerplatonic edwiniko something something
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qpr-culture-is · 2 days
Qpr culture is reading old messages between you and your qp , from the beginning of your friendship to today , and feeling ILL feeling SICK feeling LIGHTHEADED feeling THINGS feeling GAY
/pos /aff ofc 🫶
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So, I recently reblogged a post about the asexual experience and realized that my addition was twice as long as the two other comments combined. This feels a little weird, since of the three posters, I am the one who is not asexual.
However, I am fairly confident that I know why.
The asexual community is regularly shunted to the side in other sex-positivity and queer-positivity movements, which is horrible. One of the side-effects of this, though, is that allosexuals who experience these same types of love and lifestyles - for example, my own bisexual queerplatonic ass - are not only shunted to the side, but basically invisible to the community at large. This isn't just harmful to me. If you read the post, I talk about @why-are-the-allos-like-this and my's shared experience of feeling that our relationship is lesser than any romantic relationship I might be a part of. Which is bullshit. It's not.
Love is love is kind of the slogan of the entire Queer community, but I know I'm not the only one who has had this experience. So I'm telling it to everyone: love is love is a radical idea. Love is love applies to everyone. It applies to me as a bisexual woman who is in love with a man; my love for him does not negate my bisexuality. It applies to me as an allosexual person who is in a queerplatonic relationship; my asllosexuality doesn't destroy that relationship.
When you shunt one part of the community to the side - asexuals, bisexuals, whichever trans identity we're villainizing today (it's always somebody), people who have detransitioned but remain allies, literally anyone - you are erasing a lot more experiences than the ones you have decided are lesser or unimportant. You're also erasing the ones that you literally do not know exist, because you never made a space for them.
To be clear, it is correct and important to give special attention to people who are going through specific extreme challenges. It is also important not to pretend that all of our challenges are the same; I have never faced violence in the way the trans women I know have, for example. Amplifying voices that need amplifying does not need to come with a side dish of invalidating and shouting down the voices that you don't think need amplifying.
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aggressivedaikons · 3 days
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Me and my partner
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zillywalten · 19 hours
Yk life would be so cool if i had a platonic boyfriend
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vividlyaro · 20 hours
i was on a bus with the rest of my class the other day (we were coming back from our last school trip before graduation) and several things happened in a span of a few minutes.
a. my queerplatonic bf (i'll call him A.) asked if he could hang on my shoulder. (the answer was yes. the answer is literally always going to be yes, because i crave physical affection to an actually absurd degree and also i love him.)
about five seconds later his head is on my shoulder and his arm is around my other shoulder, and i'm feeling like i've ascended to the heaven of the touch-starved. just an absolute rush of serotonin to the brain.
b. i mentioned how it's kind of funny how physical affection basically gives me the same "daze of happiness" type effect that adjusting to anxiety meds did last year. then we talked about how we're both somewhat touch-starved.
c. i forgot how it came up, but the person sitting behind us ended up asking A something along the lines of if he was dating anyone, i don't really remember.
and he was like, "i've actually been in a relationship since october". and she asked with who, and A kind of gestures to me. and it took her half a second to figure out who he was talking about, so i turned around in my seat and grinned.
also we're in a really, really small class, so this girl loses her mind. she starts turning around to the people around her going, "they're dating?? did you know they're dating??" and then she turns to the guy next to her (who was dead asleep) and shakes him, going, "[name] wake up, they're dating!"
and he kind of stares at us, exhausted, and he looks at me and goes, "didn't you say you were. like. disgusted by the thought of someone loving you?" which. definitely were not my exact words. but yeah, i did mention being aro to this guy about two years ago. (kind of surprising that he remembered, honestly.) so then i start trying to explain, "well, it's not, like, romantic-" and he interrupts with, "okay, i do not want to think about you two fucking-"
me and A immediately interrupt with, "ew, no!" at the exact same time, and i start saying that i'm not into sex, but he was still like half asleep, so idk how much of that he actually got. and the girl next to him starts asking us questions, like if we kiss (we don't) and so, "...what do you do?"
and then i tried to explain the concept of a qpr, but my explanation was kind of confusing, even with A helping out a little. and so the girl said something along the lines of, "that makes no sense to me, but i'm glad you two are happy."
anyways, moral of the story is that A is great and i love qprs.
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midnightcrisisstuff · 4 months
actually no, we're not "dating". we're bound together for infinity. like the stars. so, fuck you, actually.
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romancerepulsed · 7 months
i keep seeing misinformation about this, so: queerplatonic relationships do not have a set definition. the name comes from the idea that it's "queering" the platonic relationship, tailoring it to the individual relationships' own desires. it isn't necessarily romance lite, but it also isn't necessarily whatever definition you want to impose on it. the point of queering the platonic relationship is to break away from strict allonormative views on friendship, romance, and sex, not to make a new categorical box to fit in.
the answer to "what is a qpr?" is "whatever you want it to be." sometimes that is romance lite. sometimes it's a deeply committed friendship. sometimes it's friends who have a sexual relationship. sometimes it's based on an entirely different mode of attraction. sometimes it's fluid and impossible to put into words. it's whatever you want it to be. it's queer.
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cryptar · 4 months
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don't make me tap the sign again.
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qprconcepts · 2 days
qpp who struggles to show affection (but wants to) and qpp who gently encourages them
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not-a-spiderplant · 2 months
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Me literally anytime I go on Ao3
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raineofthedragons · 1 year
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teleportzz · 7 months
hey guys do the allos know that they can have qprs too? like do they know that being alloromantic doesn't mean they can't choose to be in a qpr anyway? because qprs aren't "romance-lite" for aros, they're an entirely separate kind of relationship that anyone can have. you can do this with fictional characters too. you can put characters that aren't aroace or are even canonically dating in qprs with each other just because you think that would be a cool way to play with their dynamic. it's actually very cool and you totally should.
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spacebubblehomebase · 1 month
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"SEE-MORE!!!" Get it??? Cause- ACK! (Gets 🍅 to the face.) OW! Okay! OK! I'll stop!
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